#why do I do that bro. it's a sickness. a disease
sergle · 1 year
There’s no shame greater than that of adding a mutual on discord, and then blowing it at establishing regular convos in the early stages. and then it’s been too long. and their name simply sits there....
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evilminji · 6 months
Gold can be exchanged for goods and services (o.o )
Pariah's Keep probably has a shit ton of Precious Goods from various places.
Danny is become King?
If Danny becomes King... then the Zone will somewhat obey him. The Crown and Ring could EASILY tell him where the next natural portal is, where it opens up, and for how long. How many there are. Could probably make a few.
Probably WAS supposed to be making them. Consciously. But, well, Coma(tm).
Would probably count as Kingly Duty to filter and collect. Clean Ecto goes out for souls that remain, a Gateway home for those that wish to LEAVE, so forth and so on.
Effectively, being The Grim Reaper. You don't CAUSE Death. You just guide the way home. If folks so choose.
And that's neat! Horrifying, but neat! And Danny can TOTALLY see how it would eventually drive him completely breakfast cereal fruity nuggets! LUCKILY, he's got a vaguely bro's/Mentor thing going with the ghost who has ALL OF POSSIBLE TIME flowing through HIS head! So Danny should be Gucci!
The headaches suck though.
But WHAT... to do with all this Gold and valuable Space Goods? Most of these aren't even recognized currency on earth! Like the Shells. You could buy a mansion with one of those... on the right planet. On Earth? Pretty paperweight. Hmmmm >.>
<o> *points to top of head!* CROWN! It can? Predict and make PORTALS!
Portals lead any WHERE and any WHEN!
Gold... can be exchanged for goods and services. He remembers, holding a gold brick, about to eat so, SO much pizza.
But WAIT! I hear you wondering! Surely, you mean? Within his past? The history and region of space he knows, right? Ha ha :) Nope! Cowards.
Danny is on the alien otter's planet, trading those sweet, sweet Shells for some snacks no human could eat and a shawl for his sister! He's hiding, badly, behind a food stall in the Martian market place. Hoping future hero J'onn Johnes doesn't notice him.
Lying to the Space Cops, bout where his untraceable Space Money came from, on an alien trading satellite. The Green Lantern's not buying it. Oh noooo >.> sudden Fright Knight. Looming Menacingly by the loading doooocks. Everyone's upset! Definitely not related to him! Better go check on that! :) *gets the heck out of dodge* (my king. Please stop using me as a distraction.) (No promises)
But! It's all fun and games? Until your human friends get sick. Like... REALLY sick.
And then you suddenly remember time and space mean nothing to you. One 15 minute flight that way, two doors, a quick flight of stairs, and a literal child's play place slide? You could be in the 32nd century.
That disease is AT BEST, an unpleasant afternoon, there.
Here, your friend could die.
You trade a student two Spanish dubloons. They have no idea what they are. Just like the look of them and know they're real metal. They walk into the pharmacy for you. Don't question your "social experiment paper" lie.
You're back in less then an hour.
The screaming argument about ethics and mortality lasts hours.
She still takes the medicine. Gets better. Won't talk to you for months. Because why does HER life matter more? Why bend the rules for HER? And you can't bring yourself to say what pulses as Truth from both Crown and Ring.
You could because she didn't Matter. Time... would not notice, nor change. She was in no way pivotal to the flow of history, must one more ant beneath its unrelenting march. Mattering only because those who love her CARE. Because one or two little things might change for the better.
But it takes the shine off of it, a little.
Being able to go to the FUTURE. Watch movies and see aliens and humans alike in the crowd. Read books and dance to songs from people who won't be born for hundreds of years. Eat snacks from the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Or the early BCs!
And that's BEFORE other time travelers clock him as That Shopping Guy. The one who keeps popping up... buying things. For what? Unknown. Probably dinner. Half the time it's food. Trinkets. Once it was a really, REALLY nice goat. (His aunt was THRILLED.)
It probably drives Bart crazy. Because NO ONE knows anything about the guy? Everyone just universally goes "oooh yeah! HIM! Yeah, he sure does Exsist(tm). Very... present and exsistant." Like that's not CRAZY! He has so many question. So Many! What is he even BUYING!? Why? Is there an order? Or is he winging it?!
*pulls out list* he needs ANSWERS!
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight
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whyse7vn · 10 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: we are watching jungkook slowly become alpha
namjoon: can you be normal today
jk: do you really mean that bro…
tae: with all my heart..
oh my god i’m tearing up
this is what being a real man is about
jimin: begging for pussy??
hobi: you harassed that poor woman for a whole week
yoongi: all for a hand hold
y/n: crazy!
tae: okay??
but it was literally real as fuck so does it matter??
jimin: it was real fucking sad
jin: personally if i was her i would of called the police like sexual harassment hello???
yoongi: right
namjoon: it was a great song jungkook
jk: > //// <
i’m blushing
that was me blushing
and i giggled a little
smiling rn
namjoon: a thank you would of done it
jk: thank u >.<
jimin: she should of punched him
jin: was there need for an explicit version like??
we got the point the first time
i didn’t need to hear how horny you were for a second time
hobi: he just wanted to swear
tae: no he’s just real as fuck you wouldn’t get it
jk: real as fuck
yoongi: ig it was real as fuck for jungkook
he begs for pussy on a daily
jk: proof?
hobi: by bts
y/n: i’ll leak our dms
i’m sowyy 😣
jimin: i’m gonna punch him
hobi: fucking seven days a week doesn’t seem right
is that not how you get an std?
jk: no?
yoongi: is that not when you fuck multiple people?
y/n: you fuck multiple people jk?
jk: NO?????
jimin: why is ur no a question
hobi: suspicious
jin: jungkook has crabs
tae: that’s a real man disease
y/n: that’s gross
jk: i’m real
jimin: real itchy
namjoon: can we not talk about stds pls
y/n: i bet jay park has a couple of those
jk: ???
jimin: REALLLL
jin: that’s why him and jk are friends bonded over the burn
jk: i’m not his friend anymore
y/n: character development okay!!!
yoongi: was that bcs he stole from you?
jk: stop talking to me rn
jimin: OMG GUYS
yk i had the worst dream ever yesterday tae was in it
tae: and?
jimin: wdym and
tae: i hope you die
namjoon: pls don’t wish death upon people tae
jimin: yeah tae
tae: all of you can fucking die idc!!!
not jungkook tho he real as fuck
y/n: say real as fuck one more time and i’ll snap ur neck
jin: hot asf
yoongi: ew?
tae: nobody wants to see us winning jk it’s sad 😞
jk: i’m sobbing 💔💔😞😞💔💔
tae: they literally told us to kill ourselves
namjoon: literally no one said that
jimin: in fact YOU said you hope i die
jk: he could of meant by natural causes
tae: right i would never tell you to kill ur self that’s sick and evil
yoongi: kys
tae: ur not going to heaven
yoongi: aw man 🙁
hobi: what if we put tae in the electric chair
jin: what if we put tae and jungkook in the electric chair
jk: wtf ☹️
tae: i could easily survive the electric chair it would feel good to me actually
y/n: i’ve been telling you guys for years we need to lock them up
do you actually read the bullshit they say on a daily it’s actually insane they need help
like professional help
jk: i didn’t even say anything
jimin: you don’t need to
we just know
namjoon: i agree
we could send them to a camp
or something
tae: why are you talking about us like we’re not RIGHT here
jungkook get them omg
jk: i can’t go to camp
too much raw air exposure is bad for my skin
and i have a dentist appointment soon
yoongi: raw air?
jin: how soon is ur appointment?
jk: so soon that i can’t go to camp
namjoon: tae shut up
y/n: right
tae: i liked it better when you guys just ignored me in this gc
now all you do is be mean
jimin: maybe u deserve it
*you definitely deserve it
hobi: stop talking then idk
yoongi: i will gladly ignore you again
jk: i love you tae i’ll listen to you talk
jin: jungkook the biggest dick rider ever
tae: he’s my little dick rider 🥰😍❤️
hobi: yeah definitely stop talking
namjoon: okay!
y/n: oh my god
jimin: ???
yoongi: um
jin: this is what seven was really about
jk: bro..
tae: lol
jimin: you're really gorgeous i would deadass fight 3 mountain lions in a mcdonald's handicap bathroom stall with my hands tied behind my back and my only weapon is a shake weight glued to my forehead just to get a chance to get to know you and take u out tbh
jin: nurse he’s out again
jimin: wrong chat lol
tae: and you wanna put ME in the electric chair
ur all out of ur minds
namjoon: you were gonna send that to someone????
jimin: is it bad?
y/n: so unbelievably bad
jk: blushing
yoongi: wow
tae: yikes
hobi: bts never beating the rizzless allegations
y/n: who were you gonna send that too?
jk: was it me?
yoongi: that was flirting?
jin: probably the notes app
jimin: no one
jin: told you
notes app.
jk: it wasn’t me?
tae: i’ll be nice and give you some better lines jimin dw
jimin: the only lines you have are of coke
tae: nvm fuck you stay bitchless
namjoon: leave jimin alone
jimin: right leave me alone
namjoon: he’ll open up in his own time
jimin: i fucking won’t
you guys deserve to know NOTHING about me
yoongi: okay don’t care kys
jimin: i have a crush
jin: i’m hungry
hobi: is this the same crush you talked about like 4 weeks ago??
jk: on me?
sorry jimin i’m already in love with someone else
yoongi: didn’t ask
jk: i won’t tell you who it is it’s a secret
namjoon: a secret from who??
jk: what does that mean…
namjoon: don’t we all know…
jin: i SAID i’m hungry
jimin: all you do is eat like omg??
get a job or something??????
jin: i have a job
i serve face for a living i would suggest you look into it since you have so much free time to BULLY and HARASS others but with a face like urs idk if you’ll make the cut
y/n: wow
jimin: i’m not reading all that 💀
y/n: never use that emoji again ew
jimin: 💀💀💀💀💀
y/n: this is why whoever ur trying to rizz up probably thinks ur a loser
yoongi: is it taemin again?
tae: ew you run back to taemin every 4 months it’s kinda embarrassing
jimin: taehyung you actually need to shut ur mouth
breathing the same air as you is embarrassing
and at least i have someone to run back to you are actually genuinely bitchless
tae: u are taemin’s bitch
so technically ur as bitchless
yoongi: gay
jk: don’t be a homocrome
namjoon: stop talking
jimin: it’s not even taemin so shut the hell up
i’m not talking about this anymore
moving on
hobi: what is your mbti guys
jk: physical touch
namjoon: that wasn’t the question
y/n: just say ur horny and go omg
jin: don’t
seven was actually enough
i will hear NO more about jungkooks sex life
everything i have learnt has been without my consent
my lawyers will be in touch
jk: my lawyers are ur lawyers
jin: not anymore
jk: omg…
hobi: oh my oh my god
namjoon: jin stop facetiming me i’m not answering
jin: pls joon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
namjoon: i’m not sitting there for you to look at urself in the camera for an hour
i have things to do
jimin: that sounds like very jobless behaviour to me tbh
jin: you can’t be ugly and jealous pls pick a struggle
tae: and rizzless
hobi: i know ur not talking…
tae: ????
hobi: tae i need you to do some self reflection
tae: okay?
i’m hot as fuck
cool as fuck
and real as fuck
i feel well reflected ty for suggesting that hoseok
y/n: i told you i’m gonna snap ur neck if you said that again
start running
jin: coming to watch 🥰
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joyfuladorable · 3 months
Fuck it, here's all my favorite Mikey-centric fanfics!!
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There's A LOT + personal blurbs, so they're going under the cut (Mostly AO3, but there are some FFN links, too. Also, besides like the first two, there's no favoritism in the order)
Pretend That I Never Left by redstringraven(sirimiri) - Complete/Plans for an Epilogue & Sequel!!
Fic that changed my BRAIN?! If my fanart [1 | 2 | 3] for it is any indicator, lol. I'll say for the umpteenth time that if you're looking for an Excellent Mikey fic with Perfect Characterization, this is IT (and you don't need to know ANYTHING about HZD trust me TRUST ME this fic deserves WAY more love) His swift ride-or-die friendship with Aloy will melt your damn heart!
Dragon of the Sun by ForestWhisper3 - Ongoing
My Other TOP favorite Mikey fic!! Again, fanart [1 | 2 | 3] indicator! Slow Burn(ish) Canon Divergence of Mikey unlocking his Mystic Powers as his family looks on in dismay as they struggle to protect him. The Good Shit!!!
Of Darkness And Light by Bayluff - Complete
OOOOOOO THIS ONE! Very good (also drew fanart for it)! Evil creature literally trying to consume Mikey's lifeforce from within as his family scrambles to help
A Chat With The Titan by secreterces5 - Complete
Mikey has a fun one-on-one talk with the supposedly reformed Bishop in Fast Forward. Mikey vaguely threatening Bishop, HEEHEE
A Simple Act Of Kindness by UlisaBarbic - Complete
That feel when you put your worth in what you can DO and the wish to be Acknowledged and the ONE thing you thought you did right was taken away OOGH AGH OOOOGH
Difficulty Breathing by RealityBreakGirl - Complete
Mikey did not come out of Grudge Match unscathed *smile* Truly one of my favorite 03 Mikey prompts to read about (honestly just check the entirety of the Grudge Match tag on AO3 for a fun time)
"A delivery boy! Uh, or turtle." by LollyHolly99 - Complete
Fic that has the distinction of being the first one I ever did fanart for! Gender Feels for Mikey cuz they're just like me FR!!
What Darkness Most Fears by UlisaBarbic - Complete
OOOGH AGH I LOVE THIS ONE!! Mikey has to save his bros from the clutches of an evil spirit while surviving horrifying monsters and battling a wicked fever!
Michelangelo by ForestWhisper3 - Complete
Mikey through the eyes of his family and how much they respect him and know him UwU
Mikey's Jigsaw by SailorSaysAhoy - Complete
Another awesome gender Mikey fic HOOHAA
Train-Wreck of Thought by halogalopaghost - Complete
When you're so talented you learn how to astral project but you start using it for pranks instead of understanding the drawbacks of said power and that bites you majorly in the ass big time (very good my stomach turned while reading this /pos)
A Brother's Bond by SuperKat - Complete
Mikey gets Real Sick and the fam can't help but remember last time one of them got so ill. OH MAN heartstrings WILL be pulled in this one!!
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by moogsthewriter - Complete
Why can't Mikey ever catch a break during Christmas! A short fic that I enjoy Immensely for Mikey being stubbornly heroic and his family desperately trying to play catch up to help him
Questioning Choices by Mystic Medjai - Complete
Fun day at the beach goes catastrophically bad and the fam has to make difficult decisions to keep Mikey alive. THIS THIS THIS!! If I could pour this into my veins for the perfectly paced plot and characterization...
When It Counts by Kallasilya - Complete
Short fic of Mikey stubbornly and bitterly proving his brothers wrong (+ Don being a good brother)
Favourite Disease by devirnis - Complete
Mikey is forced to save his brothers as his body gradually falls apart from the inside. SO GOOD UGH Mikey being forced to deal with situations on his own always show how far he can Shine!
Nowhere Boy by taizi - Complete
OOOH I dunno how I can summarize this without giving the plot away but just know Mikey pulls through by thinking of his family
To Fit the Crime by T33la - Complete
AHHH AHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHH!! Mikey is accused of Murder and receives his sentence before his brothers can even jump to his defense! Oh the twists and turns of this murder mystery!!
you want to know why i sit and sigh (the night is so young it hurts) by love_killed_the_superstar - Complete
Angel and Mikey bonding over comics and unsupportive brothers So Cute)
imma be real with you (cause i started being real with me) by love_killed_the_superstar - Complete
Leo and Usagi being supportive of Mikey as he struggles to train for the upcoming Battle Nexus fight (and also maybe they flirt with each other a teensy bit)
just a hop, skip, and a jump away by baba_buoy - Complete
Mikey sick fic. Heart melting amounts of comfort UwU
Weak Link by yellowhollyhock - Complete
Sweet fic of Mikey feeling insecure about his place on the team, and Leo going through great lengths to prove him wrong like a good older brother :')
'Cause you are the sun, he is your moon/And though he can't speak, he will thank you soon by naivesilver - Complete
Post-Grudge Match Mikey waking up in the middle of the night bitter and sore and gods damn why's Raph awake, too?
Hunted by DysfunctionalRequest - Complete
Mikey wandering the woods alone in the middle of the night and having a VERY unfortunate encounter with hunters
Flipbook by T33la - Complete
Heartfelt moment between Mikey and Don concerning SAINW that makes me want to smash a cinder block against my head /pos
Dramaturgy by Completely_Unaware - Ongoing
Mind the tags! Mikey deals with a Battle Nexus loss in an unhealthy way (UmU)
The Red Means I Love You (Work) by AnonymousCritter - Ongoing
MIND THE TAGS! AU of Fast Forward. Mikey isn't saved from the traffickers in time and things spiral from there
The So-Called "Champion of the Battle Nexus" by 0ozero0 - Ongoing
Grudge Match canon divergence where Mikey gets hurt a little more seriously than in canon (but still wins)
Devil took your hand by moogsthewriter & taizi - Complete
Mikey mind controlled by the Shredder moment!! *laughs through my pain and tears and screaming*
walk with open hands by taizi - Complete
Mikey gets his hands on one of Renet's watches and things go topsy turvy from there (and it HURTS ME)
(un)reality by SpectrumWriting - Complete
Mind the Tags! Dimension X AU where Mikey is captured by the Kraang and is put through the wringer in more ways than one (OWIE)
evermore (Dimension X AU) series by coffeejellyenthusiast - Complete?
Mind the Tags! Mikey was in Dimension X for over a year and he's NOT OKAY
Gravitational Collapse series by Writing_In_Denial - Ongoing
MIND THE TAGS!! An Incredible it gets worse before it gets better series of Mikey being unintentionally abandoned by his brothers post-series and dealing with some Major Isolation and OOOGH IT HURTS ME SO MUCH BUT I WILL KEEP READING FOR THE EVENTUAL COMFORT
traveling so far to get there by taizi - Complete
Mikey and Raph getting stuck in an empty, post-apocalyptic world and struggling to survive (their BOND IN THIS IS SO SWEET WEH)
nice, nice by postergirlsprank - Complete
Short fic of Casey Sr and Mikey bonding after an unfortunate encounter while on a snack run (Hey if you want more context for how this author writes Casey, go read his fic Imperfect Animals too heehoo)
either way, we're not alone by sinaesthesis - Complete
Mikey throughout the years of the Kraang Apocalypse (Lots of Loss and Hurt and Badassery)
going under by redhairedmuses - Complete
Mikey almost drowns during a fight with a mutant
Hyperactive Hypothermia by VeryAngryGremlin - Complete
After Mikey's winter wear accidentally goes in flames and a villain-enduced avalanche, Donnie struggles to keep his baby brother warm
that’s where the blood’s supposed to be! by Dragon_Scales_and_Fairy_Tales - Complete
With Raph and Leo constantly bickering, Mikey ignores a very serious injury after a fight with Meat Sweats
Clever Little Dino! by VeryAngryGremlin - Complete
Mikey trying to keep a robot pet a secret and suffering the consequences
Vs The World by DysfunctionalRequest - Complete
The aftermath of the Kraang strains the family's bonds, and Mikey feels hopelessly alone (and definitely isn't dealing with his trauma properly)
Empathy Amplified by Filsamek - Complete
When you accidentally use your powers to connect with your brothers' emotions then purposefully use them to ease their pain
Sunshine in the Rain by Carnati0n_bl00m - Complete
Probably the first fic I read after watching the Rise movie cuz I wanted to find something Mikey-centric involving Bishop and BOY does it deliver with the additional bonus of Leatherhead!! (also hey look fanart)
A Mystic Connection by rytheoneandonly - Complete
Mikey's mystic powers manifesting and evolving in ways he could never predict (aka Long Fic of Mikey stumbling to figure out why he wakes up exhausted and hurt every night)
The whole world in your corner series by GibbousLunation - Complete
Two fics of Mikey being Mikey and his bros being protective
Better Check Twice by Marz_Zero - Ongoing
Bishop captures a turtle with a bear trap (OW) and is an absolute bastard about it
Come Home Soon by Sherlock_Brolmes - Ongoing
With his brothers unavailable, Mikey (with the help of a former enemy) uncovers a massive conspiracy involving New York and the Hidden City. I LOVE THIS I LOVE SOLO DUO TEAM-UPS!!!! *PUNCHES THE AIR 13 TIMES*
Mikey's Artistic Guide to Dealing with Trauma and Fame by Origami_Nami - Ongoing
Mikey using graffiti as an outlet and accidentally becoming famous
Rook by unorthodoxx - Ongoing
Another Bishop fic of him outwitting the turtles to abduct one of them (Mikey)
Mystic Malfunction by VanillaVengeance - Ongoing
Rise Mikey accidentally portals himself to the 2012 Universe and struggles to survive and avoid this other version of his family (with mixed success). The progression of familial bonds in this is just *Chef's Kiss*
The Gauntlet by T33la - Complete
A mix of IDW & 03, a wonderful showcase of how Donnie and Mikey support each other (also, a cool invention and a big rocket and a terrifying near-death experience are involved)
I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again) by Justalittleobsessed - Ongoing
MIND THE TAGS!!! Set in its own original iteration, Mikey has been immortal for as long as he can remember, and he's used to his occasional deaths (and revivals). But then his brothers find out... (AGH AGH THIS ALSO HURTS MEEEEE BUT OOGH the comfort and hope of the later chapters is so Worth It)
Whumptober 2023 series by Justalittleobsessed - Ongoing?
Collection of Mikey-centric one-shots from different iterations and feeling the HURT (Personal favorites are If Only the World Could Stop Spinning..., Just a Flesh Wound, and Not the Best of Days)
To Know Peace (You Gotta Let Go) by Deadpool1763492 - Ongoing (technically)
The Last Ronin Spoilers!! Mikey survives and whisks the new turtle tots away to live on a farm instead of being raised as soldiers. (AUUUUUU THE FEELS!! THE TOTS! MIKEYYYY!!!)
How to accidentally kidnap yourself several times over by Camildeni - Ongoing
Rise Mikey gets captured and accidentally summons other iterations (03, 12, and Bay) of himself trying to get out! They do NOT have a good time!! (but at least they have each other)
the dad diaries by angelmichelangelo - Ongoing
More TLR Mikey being a Dad (and dealing with his trauma sorta kinda)
The neighboring cell by SaltyYagi - Ongoing
2012 Mikey and Rise Leo trying to escape Dimension X together (and bonding)
Bonus Non-Mikey-centric:
Weathered Strings, Tethered Wings by Deadpool1763492 - Ongoing
(2003) SAINW AU!!! With the possibility of Don being alive dangled in front of them, the remaining turtles begrudgingly reunite to save him. Drew a cover for this with more art to come! LOVING the slow burn of reconciliation between these bitter old turtles UwU (Bitter Old Mikey my poor Bestie)
Mutant Nightmare by HamsterMasterSamster - Complete
(2003) The immediate aftermath of Worlds Collide
Hanging By A Turtle by CamsthiSky - Complete
(Rise) Literally the turtles struggling to get out of a deep pit they're hanging over
Shell Game by T33la - Complete
(2003) OKAY OKAY SO!!! OOGH Don encounters something Impossible while prepping a tracking device (for himself) and it snowballs into another Renet-involved time adventure (AND UMMM lots of existential contemplation and a surprise historical guest who's Very Cool)
Turtle Power by halogalopaghost - Complete
(2003) Immediate aftermath of the star ship reactor explosion in Exodus
Disposable by orphan_account (kudos to you wherever you are, author) - Complete
(2003) Bishop captures Don and Mikey and gives them a terrible choice
Dissection by AmevelloBlue - Complete
(2003) So much Comfort after the trauma of Worlds Collide (ie Don's interrogation and Mikey almost getting sliced open)
Find the Road by SillySocks - Complete
(2003) Perfect encapsulation of the family as they cope with Leo's absence while he trains with the Ancient One
Handle with Care by HamsterMasterSamster - Complete
(2003) April is seriously injured during a mission and has to deal with the turtles distancing themselves from her as she recovers
mind-body problem by hiraethseok - Complete
(2003) April and the Turtles Being Siblings the Fic
Healing in Tandem by Eggstasy - Complete
(2003) Canon divergence of Worlds Collide where Splinter is just a little too late to intervene before Bishop starts sawing into Mikey's shell
Let's Take Ibuprofen Together by GreenGoddessSmoothie - Ongoing
(2003) The turtles swap body and have learn to cope with each other's chronic pain
Not the Face I Know by GreenGoddessSmoothie - Ongoing
(2003) Mikey accidentally makes a wish that changes his family's lives forever (THEY'RE HUMAN THEY BECOME HUMAN AND THE PLOT IS COOL AND ALSO QUEER THEMES MY BELOVED)
The Great Skittle Heist of 2105 by AmevelloBlue - Ongoing
(2003) AU of Fast Forward where the Dark Turtles are babies instead and are very swiftly adopted by the Fam
The Labyrinth by HALFnHALF1 - Ongoing
(Mix of IDW/03) The Turtles wake up separated in a labyrinth with only a mysterious voice in their heads to guide them (and manipulate them)
“You didn’t tell me your extended family was in town!” by BoStaffsAreCool - Ongoing
Post-Turtles Forever. The 03 fam is Just beginning to wind down after the events of the movie and look who's knocking at April's door (the 87 turtles)
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ughgoaway · 5 months
the sick dad matty blurb omfg ACE i’m literally unwell at the thought of mopey messy hair matty falling asleep in ur lap and being so flustered at u seeing him like that- brb fucking crying
also speaking of which genuinely insane timing how you always post smth after i’ve had a very long shift i swear theyre really the one thing i look forward to the most after work 😭😭 uninterrupted horizontal time with ur blurbs it’s true it literally is my fav thing-
also perhaps an extension of sick dad! matty but i just can’t shake the idea of teacher reader being worried about him still and asking annie about it at school the next day and annie just randomly drops a bombshell in the way kids do and says smth like ‘oh daddys so much better today! he’s all smiley and said that you chased the bad coughing monster away for him- can you come do that every time? daddy’s never had anyone do that before’ and it just b r e a ks teacher reader completely pls anyways crying throwing up
(- bff anon also has the can’t shut up disease i fear 😭)
OMG, IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BFF!!! I just need to look after this man.
like imagine he eventually wakes up and its like 9pm at that point so you're like "okay let's get you to bed" and he's all sad and pouty and says "only if you stay over with me" but he's still half asleep and doesn't quite process what he said for a good few seconds...
wide-eyed, he tries to backtrack, "wait- I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that! obviously, we haven't slept together yet, but- NO, NOT LIKE 'SLEPT TOGETHER' SLEPT TOGETHER!!! I MEANT LIKE JUST SLEEPING!!! ohmygod-"
you're like "no that sounds nice, let's go upstairs," and matty is silently freaking out bc you're gonna be in his bed. with him. sleeping. he's thought about this scenario 1000 times, and none of them included him being dealthy ill and not having nice sheets on the bed first.
(more rambles below the cut as always)
you get matty to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, even rubbing some moisturiser on him (he just sits there with a dopey grin as you apply)
he always thought you'd be on his chest or he'd be spooning you, but he ends up with his face buried between your boobs and he's out within 10 mins.
oh and the morning after... so much potential...
I must have spidey senses for when you're at work bff!!! the fact that my blurbs make you so happy you look forward to them??? brb vomiting???? that is so kind. horizontal time on tumblr is my fav too, its unmatched.
I can see her spending the night at hanns bc matty doesn't want her to get ill and doesn't trust George or Ross to keep her overnight.
"Do you even know what 5 year olds eat??"
"bro, why dont you trust us???"
"Yeah... like mushed carrots and shit right. "
you put the kids to work colouring something but secretly call Annie over yo your desk, "hi Annie! I just wanted to ask how your daddy is today, I know he's been a bit poorly"
"...please take her Adam"
she immediately lights up and starts chattering away, "Oh, daddy said he's feeling much better today. he even made me my toast this morning, and he was all smiley the whole time!!! he said you made him all better and played nurse!! can you do that every time he's poorly? he's much happier when you are his nurse than when he goes to the doctors"
obviously, internally you're like "ohmygod he really likes me, and I made him feel better. oh, he couldn't stop smiling, and annie noticed because he was so happy and -"
but externally, you play it cool like, "Oh, that's great, sweetheart! I'm sure next time he's poorly, you can help him feel better too"
Annie is like, "Oh!! I hope he's poorly again soon, I wanna play doctors with you!!!"
you try not to laugh at her wishing her dad ill and just send her back to her desk, but the grin doesn't leave your face all day. thinking about the fact you made matty giddy makes you just as giddy as him.
the next day a bouquet of flowers show up at your door with a note,
"dear nurse y/n,
thank you for coming to look after me even after I cancelled our date. whilst I am slightly mortified you saw me looking like that, I'm more grateful for your help. you made being sick worth it. Spending any time with you is always worth it.
love, matty x
ps, I hope the next time you stay in my bed, I'm substantially less sick, and we're both wearing substantially less clothes ;)"
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So started thinking about all the Sickfic I’m seeing and while I do think they are all adorable, and I love. I think you guys are missing the logical fact that the moment a member of the chain were to get sick. They would have to isolate Wind and Sky away from that member, for their own safety. 
Why because neither of them have natural immunity to probably any of the common place illness of the other’s Hyrule’s. Like honestly I would not be shocked if every time they switched Hyrule’s Wind or Sky became violently sick. What do they have? A common cold. 
Remember Wind grew up on a isolated island, that probably had the same established trade routes, so no new disease would be spread. Also due to the fact Hyrule was flooded, it probably killed off anyone who were sick at the time because they were all ready in such a weak state, they would be unable to escape the flood waters. Most likely in Winds world the most basic level illness are like the plague to them. 
Same situation with Sky, boy lives in the literal SKY! My guess is he probably does have a bit more immunity to illness then wind, only because I’m sure there were sick people on the island as it was being raised up. Also during his time on the surface he probably built up more to. 
However, both boys have limited to no exposure whatsoever. Then you look over there at little survival boy Hyrule, who I’m pretty sure is patient zero for some diseases. So yeah, all it would take is any of the other boys to get a cold or stomach bug, and if Wind and Sky are espoused, it just wreck them. No doubt scaring the rest half to death because that’s not normal. At the very least if they both get sick sky and wind can comfort each other. 
However being isolated from the others probably is very frustrating for Wind, because he’s a big bro and needs to take care of his sick brothers. To bad if he does it could kill him. 
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kamii-2 · 6 months
how i think the outsider boys would react to you coming out as lesbian
so like this is my first time writing headcannons so i’m very sorry if they suck 😭 please enjoy this post and have a good day :))
i’m sorry that some of them are short then others 😞 idk what to put for them
warnings: mentions of homophobia, cussing, and slurs
ponyboy curtis
he would most definitely support you
he would probably ask what it meant
after you told him he would say something along the lines of ���OHHH, we’ll just know i support you” and give you a big hug
he would (attempt to) stick up for you if someone was homophobic to you
he would try to put you on with EVERY girl you say is pretty
he would help you tell the rest of the gang about you being lesbian
during pride month he would definitely give you some kind of rainbow or lesbian flag colored gift 😭
he would probably cry when you tell him bc you trust him enough to tell him first
he will definitely almost out you a couple times
like i can imagine him trying to make some random man leave you alone and he says something like “she doesn’t even like bo- ..you.”
johnny cade
johnny wouldn’t know what to say at first 😭
like he would just stare at you then say “..what?”
you’d probably have to explain to him what it means
he would thinks it’s a disease or something
he start to freak out a little 😭 “what does that mean? is it a sickness? is it contagious?”
he would most definitely support you
yk bc he’s gay and all (just like ponyboy)
he would ask you who ur crush is then ask pony to help out you guys on
he would probably accidentally out you to the whole group
like i can imagine him saying something along the line of “so how’s everything going with you and your girlfriend?” then everyone stares at you 😭
tbh i can’t really picture hum doing/saying anything else to you besides checking up on you and your crush/girlfriend
he seems like he wouldn’t care if you were lesbian or straight or anything else
dally winston
he would laugh at you at first bc he tougher you were joking
once he sees you not smiling he said “oh- you’re for real?”
he would be slightly homophobic 😭
he’s the type of guy to accidentally out you to the whole town
he would beat up anybody who made fun of you
he would says slurs but not in a mean way (ifykwim)
bro would jokingly bully you for being gay
like he would say stuff like “that’s why you’re gay” and you would say “don’t you like girls too?”
dally would see something rainbow and immediately say something to/about you
*sees rainbow cup at store* “look its your twin” and he would start laughing extremely loud after 😭
just like pony, he would try and put you on with EVERY SINGLE GIRL you call fine or look at
sodapop curtis
he would give you a big fat hug when you come out to him
he would start to cry a little 😭
he would protect you from homophobes
i could see him yelling at someone or beating them up bc they were homophobic to you
he would be so nice to you and help you with any type of relationship problems
he would be ur therapist
“soda i don’t even know what to do anymore man, i just want her so bad but-“ “shhhh it’s okay, why don’t you find a new crush?”
soda would somehow get you with your crush after only talking to her about you one time
“sooo…how do you feel about my friend y/n?” and then he would go on for like 30 minutes on why she should be with you and stuff like that
he would also get you gifts for pride month 😭
steve randle
he would be kinda frozen for a second
“steve…i like girls..” “……….me too”
he would be super duper chill about it
he would help you with any type of relationship advice or anything to do with relationships
he would teach you how to flirt
he would help you get ready for dates
he would definitely ask you to work at the DX with him and soda just to see hot girls all day (and to actually work, but mostly to look at girls all day long)
he would give you pep talks before dates/asking girls out
two-bit matthews
biggest hype man ever
would yell in happiness at you telling him
you both go to the nightly double and rate random girls
“what about that broad over there” “7/10”
you both have completely different taste in women
“that lady that just walked by was fine as hell” “two-bit matthews, that lady was ugly”
he would be so interested in all of your love life drama (all of the guys are)
he would give the worst advice ever
like don’t trust any advice he gives you bc you might get beat up 😭
he would say slurs aswell but once you tell him what they mean, he would stop
“stop it fag” “two… that’s a slur” “IM SO SORRY, I DIDNT KNOW” then he would give you a big hug 😭
he would attempt to be ur relationship therapist but would fail horribly
darry curtis
he would not care at all
“darry.. i’m gay” “…okay?”
he would protect you from homophobes (they all would)
he would let you rant to him about your love life
idk what to put for him 😭
i’m so very sorry this one is so short
i hope you guys enjoyed this post :)) i hope you all have a good day!! bye love you all 💋💋
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roachemoji · 9 months
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Stranger Things - Season 3 thread 03 01
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LETS GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay okay okay starting off strong 1984 i see you i see you all these bald men are so sweaty and shiny and exhausted looking.
So El isnt the one who opened the gate OG?? Really sick that they needed that much power to do it only forit to backfire and some little girl could do it with ease - OUFH SORRY TO THE BITCHES WHO JUST GOT EXPLODED
i understand why the bald men are sweaty and exhausted looking
is this like ....... wanting to win the coldwar type shit??? because we're past the space race and into the 80s.... (<- guy who doesnt know much about this specific subject of history tbh)
EL LOOKS SO GOOD - fucking hate seeing them kiss im so sorry it makes me so uncomfortable - FEELING REAL HOPPER THOUGH LIKE ITS ICKY but also damn KING GIVE UR KID SPACE
i fucking LOVE THE shift in colours in this season !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE ITS SO BRIGHT I LOVE IT!!!! AND STEVEEEE!!!!!! AND I FINALLY GET TO MEET ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh this movie is foreshadowing some shit i can feel it. labesq SHIT!!!!!!! AND THEN THE POWER GOING OUT!!!!!!!!!!! this means things my brain is too small to make proper connections
YEAH SEE Lost smoke monster !!!!! somethings thers i just know it
"im not gonna fall in love" "ok"
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thought it waas gonna be gay forgot Billy existed
HOPPER IS ACTUALLY A FUCKING INCEL IM CRYING ITS BEEN LIKE 20 MINUTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KING OH MY GOD SHUT UP rooted for you but nah youve really always been like this
A Heart to Heart? What is that? <- man whose never been shown compassion???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THAT IS shut up
ngl tho me n hopper shaking hands how to you approach people about things without people helping you write shit out word for word
Nancy is. trying so HARD and girl i am so sorry
Steve. i got nothing to add he just. wow
Its romantic <- jealousy
Its gross <- somehow not jealousy tho sorry
Its bullshit <- jealousy
LUCAS AND MAX mAKE me so happy and MAx is still transmasc coded in my heaRTTTTT
oh now we have shit with MAGNETS and the spaceship space race cold war babbeyyyy
HOPPER ASHING ON HIS FACE KING????? OW?????????????????????
This is so uncomfortable bro my dad did this to me once and it was horrifically misguided on his part and he was making some wild ass assumptions about my relationship with certain people and oUGADHADKAJSHAKSJH this isthe season of second hand embarassment and its PAINFUL
BRO THIS fucking entire season is gonna be so fucking painfULLLL STOP STOP STOP like the. BROOOOO stop stop stop whose got a link to a breakdown of the family dynamics between everyone and how fucked up everyone is i cant even put thi sinto words im just losing my mind hopethis makes sense
i literally cant handle this weird Billy fucking Milfs arc and i cant even begin to stress how much i fucking hate it and him. I have literally no room in my heart for that piece of shit
im SORRY to KaREN WHEELER THOUGH LIKE DAMN GIRL your mariage is in shambles and you really want to be fucked by THIS GUY ?
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOT FUCKING GET ATTACKED BY FERAL DISEASED RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALLING ALL RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Saw your adorable Barbie background for your blog, and I had to share some cursed brain rot I had related to Barbie!
Rothbart from Barbie: Swan Lake, is a legitimate good father. Sure he had his moment where he left Odile as a pig, but the fact that he was about to try and end Odette and Daniel, but came to Odile when he heard her scream when she was being sprayed by skunks is still such a win for him!
So since your requests are open…yan hcs for Rothbart? When he younger of course…cause I was always so bummed his wife was never in the picture. I know this is so cursed…
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i’ve actually never watched barbie swan lake so i made the stupid decision of skipping to the parts the bird man was in. idk why i did that. i was so confused. bro really saw barbie in a forest, arched his back, threw some magical beam at her through a ring, turned her into a swan, didn't elaborate and flew away.
we're not going to talk about how i thought his daughter was his wife at first. i was about to come for you if you were simping over a married man in low qual 00s barbie 😭 him as a human in that ball scene tho- i listen to whatever doja says
anyway, here it is. love anything cursed i eat it up.
✮ft: yan!rothbart / yan!prince
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yan!prince rothbart who almost immediately took a dislike to you, his personal maid, personal servant, his own little retainer, and any other words that can fit that category. he hated the way you looked at him, so naive, as if you truly believed that he could rule over this forest, as if you truly believed he would be picked over his cousin. it was truly pathetic.
yan!prince rothbart who would study day in and out until the sun rose and fell into those trees, all the while you were there for every minute of it. need a new book or for you to return one that’s all the way in the back of the library just so your annoying presence is gone? of course, you’ll do it! it’s what the future king wants, isn't it?
yan!prince rothbart who hears the kitchen staff talking rather rudely about him after you take too long to fetch him some bread to eat. they weren't wrong speaking about how he just wants to rule the forest, but they would do the same. he wanted to wait until it died down until you finally spoke up to cut them off.
“prince rothbart isn't anything like that! he’s kind and studies more than any of you would! he would be a better ruler than any of you!”
yan!prince rothbart who maybe slowly starts to relish in your presence. you were one of, if not the first, to be on his side and want him to become king. after everything he’s put you through, you still want him as king. it was so dimwitted and simple. you were so dimwitted and simple. then why did you always make him seem so much lighter?
yan!prince rothbart who is still agitated how you followed him around like a lost duck everywhere he went. how you didn't understand anything about the land or policies, laws, politics, but it almost became therapeutic to him; his own little escape.
yan!prince rothbart who found himself slipping from his studies to escape with you. running away to the forest for a small picnic by the river, your laugh so elegant as animals would run to you and away from you. your teasing words as he pretended not to care if a hedgehog almost chopped off his finger echoed in his ears like a symphony.
yan!prince rothbart who wanted to spend more and more time with you. that is your job, after all. you should be more than willing to devote more time to him, whether it be sneaking off to help him find some berries or leaves or just a way to escape classes or studies.
yan!prince rothbart who decides that he should give something back to you after all these years of being by his side. specially brewed tea mixed with the finest wild honey and a scrumptious grayanotoxin. you would never need to be knowledgeable about the mad honey disease, as the common people called it. you’re just sick is all! the doctors can check, even if they find nothing.
yan!prince rothbart who has moved some of his studies to your cramped room. you don't want him in here? you don't want him to catch your little fever? he should be studying? oh, but he is studying. you're just here to keep him in high spirits! after all, it is so funny when you ask him what something means. just how could you not know what hunting laws indicate as a servant?
yandere!prince rothbart who is always the only one to serve you your favorite honey tea. it’s just so yummy, making you feel better! it’s not as if he’s the one holding you hostage in this bed with it! no, never!
yan!prince rothbart who once he is of age finally hears of who will be king or queen, finally snapping at you. everything imaginable is thrown at your cowering body. a teacup holding scalding tea goes first, shattering behind you, tea imprinting on the wall as a loud crash is heard.
“this is all your fault! if i had studied more and not spent so much time with you! you pathetic dumb little pauper! i should be king!”
yan!prince rothbart who hurried over to your twin-size bed, sitting down next to you, dipping the bed, cradling your weak frame in his arms. Whispers of sweet nothings resonated in your ear as he stroked your arm up and down. You’re always there; why should he not repay you by ruling over him? If you want to or not, of course, isn't up to you. If it ever was, it would never even be a question but a fact; that answer being no.
“my dear [y/n], this land no longer needs us. for now, be with me. stay by my side until i- no, we shall rule this forest.”
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goremet-chef · 5 months
if yr fighting this much with yr wife maybe she isnt supposed to be yr wife dude. fucking leave already god im so tired of this shit. loud all the time they dont even like each other and if shit goes wrong. THEYRE FULL OF DISEASE i cant go in there to stop them
he really thinks that we'll just forgive him even after all the fucked up shit he says about her and about us
hes MAD right now because i went to go close the garage after my sibling left for work but he opened his door as soon as i opened mine (their room is directly next to mine) so i obviously closed my door immediately because last time i checked both of them have fucking covid and im trying to protect myself and i guess that crossed some line
he says he doesnt have covid but? pretty sure it doesnt clear up that fast, i think hes a liar. and he got my brother sick which is upsetting cuz hes immunocompromised so yeah i have a right to be upset. you knowingly and willingly walking up and down the stairs with no mask and no gloves he wore that shit for like a DAY
annoying god i hate him so much. in what world? in what world does acting like that and calling my mom an ugly fat bitch like. why do you think you deserve my respect? he REALLY believes he deserves it like genuinely he thinks oh im older than you so you will respect me
id literally spit on yr grave bro, you are fucking nothing to me
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captainsparklefingers · 8 months
I'm thinking of reasons for why Seward would contact Van Helsing in the 'lucy goes with Mina and gets a temporary reprieve from Drac' au that's looking more and more likely to be a thing I'll try to end up writing.
Obviously, in the main story, it's love for Lucy and a friendship with Arthur that acts as the main motivation. Remove Lucy from the picture, what would concern or intrigue Seward enough to reach out to his old colleague?
I'm thinking of a twofold approach. The first one is Renfield, and his behavior in the wake of Dracula's arrival becoming more erratic (continued attempts at nighttime escapes being the big one), and the second one is still connected to Lucy: her mother.
Now, I'm not thinking that Dracula would target Mrs. Westenra, she's not his type (or maybe the blood of a woman dying slowly from heart failure isn't appetizing, idk). But Lucy, writing to Arthur after a last minute decision to join Mina, would likely tell him to look after her mother and keep her company. We know the Westenra household has maids, it comes up later when SPOILERS. Some of them may be in the same age group as Lucy.
With his target of choice gone, Dracula would be forced to explore other options. Perhaps he starts close to where he originally wanted to hunt, and several of the Westenra maids start to fall ill with strange symptoms that could be caused by who knows what. Dracula could and probably would likely spread out from there, perhaps not targeting any one person in an attempt to turn them but treating the town like an open buffet.
Arthur, doing as Lucy asked, visiting her mother, could hear of the maids falling in. Perhaps he'd see one looking pale and almost bloodless and tired in a way that doesn't look like overworking. Perhaps he'd write to his friend Seward and express concern that this could spread to Lucy's mother, and if he has time would he consider coming out for a check up with some of these ladies? Just so that he doesn't have to tell Lucy her mother was surrounded by sick people, so that he's doing as she asked and making sure her mother is doing well (and maybe in the face of what's happening to her father, this actually feels like something he can do something about).
And if Jack does, out of friendship for Arthur and a love for Lucy that would drive him to do something small or odd like this to ensure her continued happiness, he would have results similar to what he got examining Lucy. Nothing that would indicate any sort of physical illness but something clearly isn't right. And then maybe he'd hear other women were having similar symptoms. Maybe there's a pattern to which women are falling sick. Hell, maybe there's other weirdness in town that could be considered a coincidence but who knows! And now, there's medical curiosity as a motive to write his colleague who specializes in unusual diseases. Who would say yes both for love of his friend and because of professional interests.
It's obviously not as personal a motive but I think it could still work? It may need some tweaking though. Until I figure out the best way to make the ripple effects of Lucy leaving work for the rest of the story, it's all outlining and figuring out bits for now.
(and yes, Quincy still remembers what happened to his horse and brings that up, because it's relevant and he wanted to spend time with his bros.)
(....even without having the full long term plot I still want to write Lucy's letter to her mother and her first travel journal entry anyway.)
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thebisexualteen · 2 months
In short: Things about new OCs
Be prepared it's super long
Edit before post: Was so done with texting lore and decided to text the rest here
TW: Blood/Gore, Death, Killing, Vomiting, Disease/Sickness, Psychopathic Tendencies, and Treatments(Nah bro there's so many TWs in this💀😭). Hope yall don't get nightmares😭😭😭
Backstory: So what basically happened is one day, they were in their classrooms when suddenly some mysterious person appears and immediately kills people in the classrooms(Some of them left before they could get them, they hid somewhere and I already introduce who the mysterious person is before)Most of the kids that escaped hid in the bathroom but were caught by them. Tho a few of them hid somewhere else. The ones that escaped stopped hiding and went to look to see DEAD people. Most of the school was covered in blood. It was unknown who the mysterious character was or even looked like cause their face was covered. The foul smell was DISGUSTING. It made 1 of them throw up. Tho all of them passed out and woke up in a room. They are currently trying to find a way to get out. No luck. It got so bad some of them got sick. And they had to fight monsters or other creatures. So most of them have scars and sh-t
Ok now Althea. 11 yr old girl who is slowly dying from an Disease(The Hanahaki Disease but the meaning is different for the story here and I used vomiting when it gets worse[So no, she didn't get it from 1-sided love]). Doesn't speak much cause if she does, she throws up flowers(Hurts severely). Doesn't really do much other then finding clues inorder to escape. Can't see in 1 eye cause it got affected by flowers. Hates it when her friends fight cause them fighting made her get the Hanahaki Disease and the only way to stop it is when they stop fighting for good. Has Brown hair with green eyes. She doesn't have the passion to fight creatures so she mostly runs and Hides somewhere. Before this happened, she was an very shy girl and didn't really have much friends. She feels when her friends are doing something, someone or something is behind them but when she checks, no one's there(Could be Jaxon). Wonders what happened to Jaxon cause during the day when people in classrooms and bathrooms were killed, he was absent and wasn't there when her and the others woke up in a random place
Now Jaxon. An 10 yr old boy who was found dead in his house due to 'unknown causes'(The parents were not there cause they have also died due to actual unknown causes). Absolutely HATES the mysterious person cause they were the reason why he was found dead(They controlled his parents and made them kill Jaxon.). Too hyper and psychopathic as a spirit who roams anywhere. Knows Althea and her friends are in a place located next to a Kingdom in Space. Watches them do stuff and hides when anyone looks behind cause they feel like someone is watching/following them. Sometimes he wonders what it'll feel like if he was with Maryellen and the others. Cries in someone's house cause he misses his family and wishes he could [Unknown wishes]. Once, he decided to visit his school as a spirit and when he got there, he was extremely horrified when he saw blood and dead people everywhere. He has Brown hair and blue eyes
Next are the 3 siblings(Adelaide, Ace and Anneliese). With Adelaide being the oldest kid(12 yrs old), Anneliese being the middle kid(10 yrs old), and Ace being the youngest kid(7 yrs old). Adelaide takes care of her younger siblings cause recently they have been fighting an sickness no one knew, she knew when she saw that they started to severely sick due to not getting treatments and stuff. Adelaide tries her best to treat her siblings inorder for them to get better. Ace(This is when he found out he got sick), was looking for a clue but then he started to vomit, SEVERELY. It was so bad, it even had an foul smell and he had to clean the evidence cause he didn't want anyone to find out he was sick, but Anneliese caught him cleaning up the evidence and kept it a secret. Anneliese, who got sick a few days after Ace did, found out she was sick due to severe headaches, throat hurting, etc. It was so bad. She couldn't even smell things without having the urge of throwing up so she decided to grab a mask she found and wore it to keep her from smelling things(Ace didn't know Anneliese was sick btw). And 1 day later, she found out she can't even hear or look at vomiting cause it makes her severely get headaches and throw up with the most putrid smell ever, when she feels like someone is gonna throw up, she immediately covers her ears and closes her eyes. All of the siblings have brown hair and eyes
Next is Maryellen(Gonna post the others in another post). She's an 11 yr old girl who is not afraid to fight anyone. Probably curses. Tries her best to still fight despite being sick(Which can affect her). She has purple hair(She dyed it) and amber eyes. Probably the reason why there's fights all the time, but didn't mean to get Althea sick. Also wonders what happened to Jaxon and assures everybody that Jaxon is still alive and thankfully not dealing with the sh-t they all have rn(But in reality bro is dead). Can handle putrid smells for a few minutes but when it goes over the limit, she starts to feel like she's gonna vomit, but can't, so she'll start covering her nose and continue on what she was doing. Can't handle it when Althea vomits flowers, and leaves the room immediately due to the trauma she had when she was a child
F-king done *Looks at the others and sweats*Oh sh-t. Oh wait I can do yall tomorrow yayyy
Pls spare me
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Imp And Skizz Play Football
“You ever ask yourself, like, ‘what’s it all for’?” Impulse rasped, his voice deep and rumbling.
“Dude!” Skizz called in the voice of the legion burning in radiance, “You wanna throw the ball already?”
“Fine, fine,” Impulse grumbled.
The plague demon braced his clawed feet on the soft grass, grass that was withering and dying all around him. He leaned back, thrashing his tail (covered as it was in hypodermic spikes full of disease) and tossed the football as hard as he could.
On the other side of the plain, Skizz floated over to receive. The football flew right into the centre of his body, hovering in the glowing nucleus. He was comprised of a dozen-odd wheels, rotating and spinning and covered in flames and glowing eyes. He shone with radiant light, and his wheels spun faster as he fired the football right back.
“No, but seriously,” Impulse said, growling as the ball flew over his horns and crashed ten feet up into a tree, “Like, what’s the point? Of me, mostly, but also of you? Why are we here?”
“Well, you know. You make people sick, I make them better. It’s the circle of life, you know?” Skizz replied, patiently twirling his wheels. He glanced over- and groaned.
“Impulse, my body fell off the hanger again.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it, don’t worry.” Impulse said easily. He dropped the ball and ambled over to a nearby tree, shaking his head.
“We gotta get better hangers, dude. This is not gonna cut it.” Impulse clucked his tongue.
“Hey, don’t look at me! You said it was rated for all six-foot-ten of solidified Skizz!”
Impulse shook his head again. Yep, there it was. The nail, driven deep into the trunk of a glorious oak tree, bursting into life- the picture of arboreal health and fitness. And there, on the grass, Skizz’s empty shell.
The coat hanger that they’d slipped into the back of said shell’s shirt had slipped off, and now the body was there in a crumpled heap.
“Man, you gotta learn how to shapeshift. It’s easier.”
“It’s easier when you already have arms! Do I look like I have arms?!” Skizz protested, “Last time I tried growing a body I got my arms and head mixed up and then that nice family who needed help with their pneumonia ran away screaming!”
“Theeeen… have you considered a corpse?” Impulse suggested, realigning the coat hanger and lifting Skizz’ robotic shell back up. He carefully hung the empty magitek shell back on its peg, and walked back towards the ball.
“Corpse? CORPSE? Dude! No! That’s like, rule number one! You don’t- it’s not- it’s not classy.” Skizz protested.
“Works pretty good for Cleo, I’d say.” Impulse said, scooping up the ball and getting ready to throw it again.
“Yeah, and Zed gripes himself blue about her every time we meet. Look, dude, it ain’t happening. It ain’t…not a good look. You get to be with the gross stuff, I get to do the nice stuff. It’s, like, the way of things.”
“Healing can be pretty gross,” Impulse chirped, tossing the ball gently, “I mean, you ever seen a guy get his stomach pumped?”
“Yeah, but that’s…that’s different.” Skizz said, “Though I guess…I mean. Thanks for teaching me about the maggots, by the way. I’d never have thought to even try it.”
Skizz caught the ball in his middle again, spinning around a few times for luck before firing it back.
Impulse chuckled.
“I mean, there’s…people don’t talk about the overlap enough. Sickness and health are a lot closer than you’d think.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, mister “I racked up my infection count because my cool angel bro told me all about these hip new things called ‘bacteriophages’.” Skizz said smugly.
“And who exactly needed to go into that hospital and handle that raging C. Diff outbreak with said hip new bacteriophages after his good angel buddy terrified all the doctors with legs instead of arms? Yeah, that’s right, it’s me.” Impulse chortled right back.”
“You had fun doing that and you know it!” Skizz countered.
“Yeah, you’re right. Phages, man. They’re great when you know what you’re doing.” Impulse chortled.
He’d caught the ball already, and tossed it straight back with an overhand toss from one of his lower pairs of arms. Impulse shuffled his seven wings and rolled his shoulders, flexing his jaw a few times. All the needle-sharp teeth in there jutting at odd angles could get a little sore from time to time.
“…You hurt?” Skizz asked automatically, “Want some help?”
“Uh, Skizz?” Impulse said, gesturing with one of his lower hands at his very-much-easily-damaged-by-holy-radiance-body, “Remember?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah. Uh, take a painkiller and I hope you feel better.” Skizz said awkwardly, “Anyway…after this, you wanna play something else?”
“Yeah! Wanna play Typhoid Mary?”
“…No, Impulse, no I don’t.”
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equallyshaw · 1 year
the medicated series: jame drysdale.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: swearing, diagnosis of health condition.
Word Count: 3.0k +
The Medicated Series: features OC's with medical issues such as depression, anxiety, physical disabilities such as MS or Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as any other autoimmune disease such as Crohn's, endometriosis, infertility, etc. (not an autoimmune but you get it).
brief character description: brunette almost black hair, brown eyed, 21 year old college student and younger sister of erik johnson.
Medical Condition: Multiple Sclerrosis. (Link to Mayo Clinic for info)
Also in the Medicated Series Universe:
Cale Makar.
S/out: @cellythefloshie for helping me pick who I should write with! Appreciate ya :)
Also s/out: @fallinallincurls for the love and constant support with this universe 🥹
← epilogue - part two →
It had been a long road trip for Sofia Johnson, the younger sister of erik johnson. She had spent the week alone in Jamie's house that he shared with Trevor just because she didn't want to go back to the dorms. Simply putting, she couldn't. Sofia had barely been able to get in and out of bed to use the washroom which was ten feet from her side of the bed. She felt sick, she felt like nothing she did was helping. Her body felt weak, her legs were in pain 24/7, her mobility had been shot. She was confused and terrified at the same time. No body had really been able to get ahold of her the past week, just because it came on so sudden. She thought she was just sick, but no. Sofia did not realize that it was much more than that, her body was breaking down in front of her very eyes. Her body was turning against her, and she had no idea. She felt the familiar buzz of her phone, signagling that Erik was again- trying to get ahold of his little sister. She groaned, pulling the comforter over her face even more, trying to keep the brightness her phone was showcasing. She sighed, sliding the answer button across the phone. "Hmmmmm." She groaned, barely being able to speak. "Christ, you are one hard lady to get ahold of. You had all of us terrified. Bout to come out there myself." Erik said pinching his nose. She began to rub her legs up and down, trying to get the tremors in her legs to stop. She stayed quiet for a few seconds before crying out. She was exhausted and clearly frutrated, not understanding why the pain and tremors would not stop. "Is everything ok Sofia?" Her older brother,beginning to worry. She mouthed the words no, hoping the words word come out. "No." She breathed, sobbing some more. "Is Jamie there? Did he do something? Are you hurt?" He questioned, beginning to ramble. The tired girl shook her head, sending a bolt of pain throughout her body. "Sofia, please talk to me." He said beginning to text Jamie. "I- I can't Er- Erik.” she let out as she paused the rubbing of her hands on her legs. "Please- please help-" She said before passing out.
Erik screamed for his sister to respond before signaling his fiance to call 911 to the house she was at. He cursed himself as he hung up on Sofia and called Jamie who should of landed - according to his ability to text. "Hey bro-" Erik cut him off, "Get to the house fast- no get to the OC hospital. Jackie called 911, something is wrong with Sofia." Erik explained and Jamie freaked. He took off in a fast jog to get to his and Trevors' car, who was confused. "Let's go, something is wrong with Sofia!" He yelled and that was enough for Trevor to book it. "What do you mean something is wrong?" Jamie asked as the bluetooth connected to the car. Erik sighed, heartbeat racing as he tried to calm himself. "I don't know, J. She passed out while I was on the phone with her. Finally, getting ahold of her. Fuck." He muttered as Jackie tried to comfort him. "We are close, ill call you once I find out something." Jamie said before hanging up on him. "Our neighbors are texting me, saying that the ambulance left 5 minutes ago." Trevor stated, peering over at Jamie. Jamie nodded, getting onto I-5. Jamie's heart broke over not knowing why Sofia was on her way to the hospital. It broke his heart and stressed beyond belief that nobody could get ahold of her the past week. At first he thought she was just really stressed and busy with school work, but that proved to be wrong.
Sofia woke up in the hospital bed, unsure why she was there but then felt the familiar ache she had felt for the past month. This week had just been the tipping point. She sighed, struggling to turn her head towards Jamie who was busily texting on his phone. His eyes flicked towards her, bolting to grab her hand. She was awake, and that sent a sense of relief to Jamie who had been there for 4 hours. "Im sorry." She said barely audible, and he shook his head, getting closer to comfort the crying girl. "I-Im in so much pain, J. What's happening to me?" She sobbed, "I- I haven't been able to do any-anything. Im so tired, I can-can't stop the pain in my legs or the tre-tremors from stopping. Im so fucking achey, I have chills and then im sweating and. It won't stop." She continued to sob, and Jamie held her in his arms, biting his cheek to stop crying with her. The doctor walked in, a soft smile on her face. "Hi, Sofia." She said softly, sitting down next to the bed. Sofia looked over towards the doctor, adjusting herself and pulling away from Jamie. Jamie swallowed hard, waiting for the doctor to speak. "We ran blood tests, an mri and a lumbar tap. As soon as you got here, you weren't unconcious but you were in and out of it according to the EMT's. Do you remember anything at all?" She questioned, clasping her hands together. She knew what the young girl had, but wanted to hear what the girl had to say. "I don't remember the ride at all. It's- I can't remember anything. The last thing I do remember was being on the phone with Erik my brother and then waking up here." She stated and the doctor nodded. "What were you experiencing beforehand, anything unusual?" She pried and the girl took in a huge breath of air, her eyes filling with tears. Jamie noticed and began to rub her arm. "I was trying to get my legs to stop tremoring and hurting. For the past week- well month I have had on and off tremors, numbness, I've been falling more and more. I've been getting chills and waves of hot flashes. And today, was the first time I've passed out though." The fragile girl explained, and the doctor nodded. She looked between her and Jamie, "After running those tests Miss Johnson, we have found that you have Multiple Schlerosis. Which is a, disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. It can cause trembling, numbness and weakness like you have experienced. Also trouble with mobility and extreme fatigue. We have caught it early though, so treatment is may have a better chance at limiting the progression of the disease." She paused taking in the girls reaction. Sofia sobbed into Jamie's arms as she began to shake. The sight broke Jamie's heart, he couldn't understnad why it was happening to her. He didn't want to because he knew it would change not only her life, but his.
"We will be starting treatment today and then when you go home tomorrow, I will set you up an appointment with a neruologist and rheumatologist so they can go more in depth with everything. We have already notified your parents and brother, since they are on your file. I am going to send in a social worker now, if that is alright with you?" She questioned, and the young girl nodded. "Jamie- please please go." She said not looking up at the boy. He nodded, giving her a quick peck to her temple. "Ill be right outside." He promised and the girl continued to look down at the bedsheet. Jamie left the room in tears, calling Trevor instantly. Trevor had gone back to the house to have a repair guy fix the door that the EMT's had to break in order to get in. Trevor picked up on the third ring. "Hey man, how is she?" He asked his best friend, "She uh, she has Multiple Schlerosis, MS. She has a health condition, dude." He said sliding down the wall next to the door. The hospital was unusually quiet for this hour, giving him a little more privacy. "Wait what? I thought she was just sick?" Trevor said confused, "Well, yeah. She technically is." Jamie responded, feeling another call coming in. "Ill call you back, Erics' calling." He said hanging up without a word.
Back in the room, Sofia cried. Her whole life had changed within a two minute conversation. "Why me?" She continued to asked the social worker who tried her best to comfort the sad girl. Sofia laid down on the bed, and brought her hands to her face. "I've done everything right. I'm a good person. Im healthy, I take care of myself." She said to no one in particular. She was stating her reasons as to why she didn't understand why she was sick. She turned to look at the social worker, "He's gonna leave me." She said, panicking as she thought about Jamie. "Why do you say that?" The social worker questioned. "Because, im sick. I will never be healthy again. Because i'll be disabled at some point." She sobbed, wrapping her arms around herself. "He's gonna leave me, 2 years down the drain." She sobbed again. "You don't know that Sofia." The social worker said trying to comfort the girl. She only shook her head in response, "How about you come talk to me in 2 days ok?" The social worker asked and the girl nodded. "I hear your parents and brother will be here by that point. So if they have any questions, they are more than welcome to come too. Okay?" She said trying to comfort the girl. Sofia nodded, and the social worker stood up. "I will see you in two days, Sofia. I will leave my card on this table. Ok? Call me day or night, i'll be available." The sweet social worker commented, and Sofia nodded. She looked up at the ceiling, preparing herself for the nurses that would be bombarding- and speak of the devil. She looked at the male nurse who gave her a soft smile. He began to go over what they were giving her, and what it was supposed to do etc.
A few minutes later she saw the familiar smile of her older brother. Who as soon as he heard from Jamie after he got to the hospital, he jetted off. Her parents were still on there way, Sofia was grateful for her older brother now more than ever. He sat down next to her and took ahold of her hand as the doctors proceeded to give her some more liquid i.v's. "Tomorrow, im so getting in n out." She mused, causing Erik to grin.
It was around 10 am the next morning that the girl was released from the hospital, with medications and appointments booked in her future. Erik wheeled her towards Jamie's car, who had pulled up as soon as they exited the hospital. Sofia had barely been able to look at Jamie, doing so made her sad and nauseas. She tossed and turned all night, thinking about the different ways Jamie would leave her. How could she not? Erik and Jamie both assisted her into the front seat, her giving a small smile of thanks. Erik hopped into the backseat and they were off. Every second she saw something familiar on the ride home on the Pacific Coast highway, she couldn't help bite back tears. The beach where she surfed with the boys this past summer, the restaurant where she got hella drunk on her 21st, the list could go on and on. The three reached the house, and Sofia couldn't help but feel upset about going inside. The house where she had lived with Jamie for the past three months was a representation of her old self. She no longer was the Sofia Rose Johnson that everybody knew. She had begun to change when she moved in with Jamie but tried to push those changes away early on. She began to walk towards the front door, smiling as she saw a grinning Trevor who stood at the front door. "What, no souvenir? How rude." He joked pulling her in for a hug. Sofia rolled her eyes, before parting and walking towards the living room, where she instantly sat down in. She put her hands in her face, growing uneasy. "Hey, im gonna go pick up mom and dad from the hotel ok? Were gonna bring back some in n out, ok?" Erik said getting down to her level, she nodded looking up at him and she wrapped her arms around him. Feeling as if she saw him next, she'd be different. They pulled apart and he roughed up her hair a bit before walking out. She leaned back into the couch, and looked at the photos on the wall the couple had only recently hanged up with Trevors help. "Hey, do you want anything?" Jamie asked softly, trying to not startle her. Ever since he left the room the previous evening, Sofia wanted nothing to do with him. He believed it was the shock of everything and wanted to give her space. Sofia nodded, briefly looking at him. "Water is fine." She stated, pushing off the couch to head up stairs. Jamie looked over at Trevor who dashed out of the room to catch up to Sofia.
"Dude, I promise im not gonna break." She mumbled to Trevor who chuckled, and if right on cue- she lost her balance a bit falling back into Trevor. "Im sorry." She said sheepishly but Trevor paid no attention to it as he guided her to the room she shared with Jamie. She sat down at the bed, shaking. Next thing her heard was her trying to softly cry. Trevor sat down next to his friend and wrapped an arm around her. She continued to cry as Jamie walked in with water, kettle chips and her comfort chocolate chip cookies. Trevor looked behind him, unwrapping his arm from the girl. "Let me know if you need anything." He stated and she nodded, giving him a small smile. Jamie set down the tray on the bed, allowing her to get comfortable and settled in. Trevor had changed the sheets while they were gone, and the girl was forever thankful. "I brought your favorites." He smiled laying down next to her and laid down facing her. She smiled, turning towards him and finally looked at him. She bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears. "Hey." He said softly said, pulling her into his chest. "Its ok." He kept repeating, trying to comfort her.
A few hours later, she walked into the guest room where her and her family could speak privatley. "I wanna leave." She stated after they talked about treatment and what everything meant. "Leave?" Erik asked, peering over at his little sister. She nodded, "I don't want to stay here. Everything is a reminder of what was." She stated closing her eyes for a few seconds. "What about Jamie?" Her dad asked, trying to understand her. She shrugged, "He's gonna break up with me anyways." She stated and the three all looked at one another before looking back at Sofia. "You don't know that." Erik stated, and she nodded. "Im not and never will be the girl he first met. I will never be the same, I will continue to get worse. He doesn't deserve somebody like me." She responded. "Okay, we will pause your senior year and you'll come home with us." Her mom declared and Sofia shook her head. "No. I don't wanna go home." She stated, confusing the parents. She looked at them, before looking over at Erik. Erik's eyes showed realiziation in why she looked over. "Honey- that's not possible. He'll be too busy to take care of you. It's not poss-"" There mom was cut off by Erik himself, "No. She can come. Jackie can help her adjust and we can do treatment in Denver. We have some of the best hospitals in the country." Erik said and there mom unsurely nodded. "Well, ok. We will pause your studies and you can pick up when you can. No rush." Her dad stated and she nodded. "I'd like to leave tonight, can we?" She said looking at Erik and he nodded. "I'll get a private jet." He stated before walking out. "Good, I am gonna go get your things packed and dad will take you to the hotel ok?" Her mom said coming over and hugging the girl.
"Let's go sweetie." Her dad said as she stood up, and they walked out and down the stairs. She grabbed her purse from the door, and that's when she heard yelling. "NO! You can't just let her leave without saying anyhting." Jamie yelled at Sofia's mom. "That's not fair!" He said, his voice getting closer. "Let's go." Her dad said opening the front door and she walked out towards the rental car. She opened the door, hopped in and saw Jamie coming out of the house. His face had heartbreak written over it. She swallowed back tears as they pulled away. Jamie watched in disbelief at what was happening. It seemed as if he had no control. Everything was slipping through his grasp. He didn't understand, he couldn't even begin to grasp what was happening. "Im sorry J." Erik said as Jamie walked back inside. Jamie looked at the figure who had turned into a brother the past two years, and shook his head. "If she allows it, when you guys come out to Denver- you could possibly see her." Erik said trying to ease the blow. Jamie looked up at the taller hockey player in confusion, "Yeah, she's coming to live with me." Erik confirmed. "She's not going home to Minnesota, she's coming home with me." Erik repeated.
It felt like a dagger to Jamie's heart. Newport Beach was no longer her home and this move solitified that. Sofia had slipped through his fingers without a second thought. None of this made sense. None of it made sense to Sofia. None of it.
I hope you guys enjoyed :) please reblog and like!
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3rdsday · 1 year
Not as Thick as Blood (2012 TMNT Fic)
Chapter 1/2, 5k words
“What if he found something bad in his DNA test?” “Bad? Like what?” Leo asked, and Mikey shrugged, but Raph’s face grew dark. “Like a disease? Or maybe he found out that our expected lifespan is only, like, 20 years or something,” Raph mumbled, not taking his eyes off the screen. --- Donnie gets curious about his and his brothers' genetic makeup. He ends up finding something he didn't expect, and Mikey feels like his entire world has been thrown off balance.
Read on AO3 here or click keep reading
Mikey wasn’t the type to question things. Even when he didn’t understand the point of something, he trusted his brothers, so most of the time it was easier to just go along with what they told him.
With that said, he didn’t understand why Donnie wanted to stick a cotton swab in his mouth.
“You don’t understand, Mikey! With the new DNA analyzing kit I managed to snag from Stockman’s lab the last time we fought, I could learn so much about our unique biological makeup!” Donnie exclaimed, practically vibrating out of excitement.
Mikey just pouted. “What does that have to do with putting a stick in my mouth?”
“That’s how I get the DNA,” Donnie explained, buzzing with anticipation and perhaps a bit of annoyance now as well. “I already did the same to myself, and I’ll be asking Leo, Raph, and Sensei for a sample as well!”
Hearing that this wasn’t a test he alone was forced to undergo, Mikey shrugged and opened his mouth, bracing himself for the unpleasant feeling of a foreign object being stuck down his throat like the one time he’d been sick. Instead, it was rubbed against the inside of his right cheek for a few seconds before removed and placed in a test tube.
“Thanks, Mikey!” Donnie shouted, already speeding off to locate the rest of the lair’s occupants. Mikey blinked for a few seconds, surprised at how simple that had been, before deciding it didn’t matter much and flopping down on his bed, picking up the comic book he’d been reading before Donnie barged in excitedly.
If it made Donnie happy, Mikey didn’t have any complaints.
By the next morning, Mikey had essentially forgotten about Donnie’s actions the afternoon prior. While he was certain his scientifically minded brother would find something to be excited about over some icky mouth germs, it wasn’t exactly high on Mikey’s list of interests. What he was interested in, though, was making breakfast.
“And… voila!” he exclaimed as he masterfully flipped a pancake straight from the pan to Leo’s plate, repeating the action for Raph and Donnie before serving himself. “Gentlemen, I give you my not yet world famous banana mozzarella sausage pancakes!”
Expressions of varying degrees of wariness and disgust stared back at him, which he ignored, opting instead to sit down in front of his own plate and drizzle his breakfast in syrup before taking a large bite.
He sighed happily as the meal met his tastebuds. Yep, he nailed it again. Hesitantly but politely, Leo cut a slice from his own pancakes and brought it to his mouth, his expression morphing into one of confusion and then intrigue, before settling on something positive. Upon seeing Leo’s approval, Raph and Don took bites themselves, and Mikey was beaming when they both seemed to at least tolerate his latest creation.
“I have no idea how you made this work, Mikey, but it’s not half bad,” Leo admitted as they each continued munching away at the atypical breakfast.
Mikey grinned through a mouthful. “Hey, I have my secrets, bro!”
“Clearly those secrets don’t include swallowing before you talk,” Raph grumbled, but even he seemed to be in a good mood that morning. It was shaping up to be a good day, and when everyone had finished eating, they made their way to the dojo together.
Training went well. Mikey actually won a match against Donnie, which, while not unheard of, was definitely less common than Donnie winning against him. Mikey couldn’t hold back an enthusiastic cry of victory, pumping his fist in the air before helping Donnie to his feet. “Did’ya see that? I out-ninja’d you, bro!”
Donnie rolled his eyes. “Don’t get too confident, Mikey. You only won because I was distracted.”
“By what?” Leo asked as he accepted a high-three from Mikey, who was still feeling the adrenaline from his victory.
A long, high-pitched beep sounded from across the lair, in the direction of Donnie’s lab. His brown eyes went wide, and he turned around to face Master Splinter. “By that! Uh, sensei, may I be excused from the rest of training? My samples are ready to be analyzed!”
Splinter stroked his beard thoughtfully. “It is clear that your mind is not fully devoted to training today. You may be excused, but I expect your performance to be back to its normal standards by tomorrow.”
Donnie bowed, gave a quick “Hai, sensei!” and dashed out of the dojo.
“What was that all about?” Mikey asked, confused. It was rare for any of them to be excused from training, and the fact that Mikey had beat him was being attributed only to Donnie being distracted? He’d been training hard lately, ever since the farmhouse, and he’d put his all into the spar against Donnie. Was it so hard to believe that maybe he was getting better?
There was a hand on his shoulder, and Mikey was surprised to see it was Raph. “Don’t worry, little bro,” he was saying, “Donnie’s too focused on his science, but we saw how you won that fight.”
Mikey smiled gratefully.
“Michelangelo, Raphael, you will face each other next,” Master Splinter decided, and they took their stances across from each other, Mikey feeling confident.
He didn’t win, but he got close.
“Is Donnie still in his lab?” Mikey questioned as the rest of them headed into the pit to wind down from training around an hour later, noticing a lack of a purple bandana wearing turtle.
Leo shrugged. “I guess not. He was pretty excited about the DNA thing.”
Raph scoffed as he turned on Crognard, the brothers settling on the couch. “He’s always excited about some nerdy shit, why am I not surprised?”
Mikey let out an exaggerated gasp, placing a hand on his plastron and making the best offended look he could manage. “Raph, language! What if Ice Cream Kitty heard you!”
“I couldn’t give a fuck if she heard.”
“Raph! Her poor, innocent ears!”
“Maybe it’s good for her, she can’t stay sheltered forever, right?” Raph smirked, and Mikey playfully shoved at his arm, starting a play fight.
Leo just looked on with a shake of his head, probably letting them get it out of their system. Mikey knew his big brother would intervene if they took things too far or roughhoused too much and risked breaking something. They could get a little bit carried away, he admitted to himself as he and Raph wrestled on the ground, but that’s just how being brothers worked. At the end of the day, everyone would make up and they’d go back to being as close as ever.
Leo must have gotten sick of their fight at some point, though, because he stood up and announced he was making popcorn. “If either of you want some, you better be sitting nicely on the couch when I come back.”
That got the fight to stop pretty quickly, the two of them settling on the couch as the sound of kernels popping from the kitchen met their ears.
“Leo really thinks he’s in charge of us all the time, huh?” Raph said with a small huff, although he didn’t seem particularly upset. “We weren’t even hurting anything just now.”
Mikey shrugged, opening his mouth to respond, but whatever he’d been planning on saying evaporated from his mind immediately when Donnie walked in the room. “Hey, Dee, come watch Crognard with us!  Leo’s making popcorn too, so… uh, is something wrong?”
Donnie had entered the room with his head hanging down, which should have been enough of a sign that something was up with him. When he met Mikey’s eyes, though, there was something… off. It was like a shadow had been cast over them. Mikey didn’t get long to tell what it was, because Donnie’s gaze quickly flitted away from Mikey’s after they met for only the briefest of moments, Donnie looking almost as if he’d flinched away.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Donnie insisted, but his tone was off. Too sharp, too guarded. “You said you’re watching Crognard?”
Mikey nodded and patted the cushion next to him. “Come join us!”
Donnie looked between the screen and the couch, his eyes refusing to fall on Mikey again. “Um, that’s okay. I’m going to go find sensei.”
And with that, Donnie left the room in the direction of sensei’s room.
Raph looked at Mikey, his brow creased in confusion. “That was weird, right?”
“What was weird?” Leo asked, holding a bowl of popcorn as he walked back over to his brothers.
Raph and Mikey exchanged a glance before explaining Donnie’s weird behavior, and how something seemed to be bothering him. Leo frowned, and the telltale signs of Leo Worry were visible in the way he crossed his arms and fidgeted with his hands.
“I’ll talk to him when he comes back if he still seems upset. Maybe talking to sensei is all he needs,” Leo told them, but Mikey doubted Donnie was getting away from this without at least having a brief talk with Leo. “Let’s just watch Crognard, okay?”
They each grabbed a handful of popcorn and turned their attention to the show. None of them seemed particularly invested anymore, but no one suggested finding something else to do.
Then a new thought crossed Mikey’s mind, and he broke the silence.
“What if he found something bad in his DNA test?”
“Bad? Like what?” Leo asked, and Mikey shrugged, but Raph’s face grew dark.
“Like a disease? Or maybe he found out that our expected lifespan is only, like, 20 years or something,” Raph mumbled, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Maybe there’s something wrong with Master Splinter, which is why he went to talk to him?” Mikey suggested, trying not to let his voice shake at the thought. What were they going to do if there was something wrong with sensei?
“Stop,” Leo ordered in his leader voice, and Raph’s mouth snapped shut immediately. “Look, we don’t know what’s wrong with Donnie. Maybe he’s just upset because his experiment didn’t work, have we considered that?”
Mikey thought about it and nodded. That did make sense. He knew how much Donnie’s experiments meant to him, and how excited he’d been for this one. It would definitely upset him if it was messed up in some way.
But why had he been looking at Mikey like that? Or rather… not looking?
Maybe he thought Mikey had messed things up somehow? But that didn’t make sense either. If he thought that, he would have gotten mad at Mikey, not avoided him. Something about the situation wasn’t adding up, and it was because of Mikey, he was sure of it. Afterall, Donnie hadn’t avoided looking at Raph like that.
April and Casey arrived shortly after, although Mikey wasn’t entirely sure how long it had been since Donnie had left to speak with sensei. He’d been watching Crognard, but he hadn’t been truly processing the show, too concerned about the Donnie situation.
“We brought pizza!” Casey shouted, leaning the boxed on the back of the couch as the three present brothers stood up to greet their friends.
“Hi, guys,” April waved. “Where’s Donnie?”
“Talking with Master Splinter,” Leo said, but before he could get further, Donnie and their sensei walked into the room.
Donnie smiled. “Hey, April! And Casey. I heard you brought pizza?” He walked over and took a slice out of the top box, biting into it immediately.
It was fake.
Mikey couldn’t explain how he could tell, but Donnie’s smile was fake. His words were fake. His whole attitude was fake, and whatever was bothering him before was clearly still an issue. He was just trying to hide it now.
Everyone gathered in the kitchen, sitting and passing around slices as April and Casey shared about their days. It seemed like any other afternoon in the Hamato home, but Donnie still wouldn’t even look in Mikey’s direction.
When April mentioned something about biology, Leo’s eyes widened slightly and he looked over at Donnie. “That reminds me, Don, how did the DNA project go?”
Donnie immediately stiffened, but seemed to force himself to relax, shifting in his seat in a way that he tried to pretend was simply finding a more comfortable position, but was clearly an attempt to hide his discomfort.
“Ah, well, you see…”
“Did something go wrong?” Mikey asked, trying to make his words sound as sympathetic as possible. Clearly Donnie wasn’t having a good time, no matter what was going on, and maybe if Mikey made it clear that he’d be supported if something had gone wrong was what he needed in order to share what happened.
But Donnie shook his head. “Uh, no, actually th-the testing went perfectly! It was very informative, although I don’t know i-if any of you w-would think it’s interesting—”
“Cut the bullshit, Donnie,” Raph said sharply. “Which one of us is dying?”
Donnie’s eyes went wide. “What? No, no, nobody’s dying! Why did—what, why would you…?”
“Then what’s so messed up about those DNA samples, huh?” Raph demanded, volume rising. “Y’know, maybe we aren’t geniuses like you are, but we aren’t idiots! We know there’s something wrong that you’re not telling us!”
“N-nothing’s wrong!” Donnie insisted, voice rising to match Raph’s. “All of the samples suggested peak health, despite the fact that we’ve spent our whole lives in the sewers, which is actually quite remarkable when you think about—”
“Then what is wrong, Donnie?! If it’s not the DNA, what is it?!”
“I’m telling you, Raph, there’s nothing—”
“Oh, don’t give me that—”
“Why won’t you listen! Everything’s—”
“It’s me,” Mikey said softly, but the arguing continued over him, Leo, April and Casey not seeming to notice he’d said anything, let alone Raph or Donnie.
“You always do this shit! You act like you’re better—”
“Maybe there’s some things you don’t need to know! Have you ever considered—”
All eyes were suddenly on Mikey, his outburst startling the whole group. He didn’t want the attention now, the eyes on him seeming to burn into his skin.
Especially Donnie’s.
“It’s me, isn’t it?” he asked in a small voice, looking directly at Donnie. “There’s something wrong, or-or different, about me. Right?”
Donnie looked like he’d been slapped. He took a deep breath and looked around the table, frowning slightly when he saw April and Casey. “Um. April, Casey… thank you for the pizza, but I think this is a personal conversation between us…” He trailed off awkwardly, rubbing his left arm with his right hand.
April nodded and stood up, gently tugging Casey to his feet as well. “We’ll come back tomorrow, okay?”
“Sorry,” Donnie said, looking the most awkward Mikey had ever seen him, which was saying something, since most of his interactions with April were almost painful to watch. Everyone shifted awkwardly as the two humans left, and as soon as they were likely to be out of earshot, Donnie slumped forward.
There was ringing in Mikey’s ears. He didn’t know where it was coming from. All he knew was that he’d been right: something was wrong with him, something serious enough that Donnie didn’t think April and Casey needed to know. His heart felt like it was trying to push its way out of his plastron and his lungs felt like they were being squeezed. They were like water balloons filled too far, and the slightest bit of pressure could cause them to burst. He was still in the kitchen, seated at the table with his brothers, but everything felt a little bit fuzzy. Had he fallen asleep? Was he simply dreaming that he was here, waiting a million seconds for Donnie to speak again?
An arm was suddenly around his shell, the comforting weight bringing him back to his senses a little bit. Leo had slid his chair closer to him, although Mikey couldn’t remember when he’d done so.
He was glad that his big brother was there to comfort him.
“Alright, Donnie,” Leo said, his voice low, almost as if they were discussing something forbidden, something that shouldn’t be said aloud. “Now will you tell us what’s wrong?”
Donnie bit his lip and hesitated, but let out a sigh and began speaking slowly. “There’s nothing wrong, per se. No one’s sick or… or dying, everyone’s perfectly healthy, and I expect us all to stay that way.”
“You already said—” Raph tried to say, but Leo held up a hand, cutting him off.
“Go on, Donnie,” Leo encouraged.
Donnie took a deep breath before he continued. “I was mostly hoping to find any potential health risks in our DNA by studying in it, although I must admit that a part of me was simply excited for the fun of it… Uh, the thing is, there was something I found out that…” He paused, seeming to collect his thoughts. “Honestly, it shouldn’t mean anything. It isn’t something that impacts any of our lives, it’s just…” He looked between Raph and Leo, then let his gaze fall to Mikey, before returning to the elder two. “Before we were mutated, not all of us were related. Bio-biologically, I mean. Leo and Raph, the two of you must have come from the same pair of turtles. Mikey and I… we both had different turtle parents.
“That’s not all,” he continued when Raph opened his mouth again, seemingly prepared to cut Donnie off again. “When we were—I mean, well… when anyone or anything is mutated, the mutagen locks onto the DNA of the last living being that the mutated organism came into contact with. For example, April’s dad had been swatting at bats before he was mutated, erm, the first time.” He paused again, taking another deep breath. “I had assumed… reasonably, I would say, that the four of us all obtained our human DNA from Master Splinter. A-and that’s—that’s almost true, but—”
“But I’m different?” Mikey asked, whispered, really. It felt like the water balloons that had replaced his lungs had finally burst, icy water flooding his insides.
Donnie just gave a small nod.
“How, though? Where would it have come from?” Leo was saying, but Mikey wasn’t really listening. It was hard to hear over the rushing water in his ears.
“I’m not certain, but if I had to theorize, it was likely a pet store employee, or perhaps another customer…”
“Why only Mikey, though?”
“I’m not sure, Raph, although it’s possible…”
The words faded away as his brothers—no, wait, they weren’t brothers, were they? —continued speaking around him. He needed… he needed… he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that the cold water inside him felt bad, felt wrong, he needed to do something.
He was standing before he realized he had even moved at all, breathing heavily and leaning against the table, palms flat on the slightly messy surface, lightly coated in crumbs and pizza grease.
“Mikey?” Leo asked gently, and he turned to face his older—no, not brother—the… elder turtle. “Are you okay?”
He blinked a couple of times. Why was he being asked that…? “Uh, yeah, I’m fine! Ha ha, I just got a little bit dizzy!” He pleaded for them to accept it, not to interrogate him. He couldn’t handle that right now…
“Mikey,” Donnie spoke up, “You know this doesn’t change anything, right? The DNA results don’t mean that you’re not still our brother.”
Then why couldn’t Donnie meet his eye earlier? Instead of voicing that thought out loud, he plastered a smile on his face. “Don’t worry, Dee, I know! Jeez, and you had us all worried that you were gonna announce that we were all gonna die tomorrow or something. Psh.”
His brothers exchanged a look that he didn’t know how to decipher, and then Leo’s hand was on his shoulder. “Look, Mikey…”
He casually shrugged the hand off. “No need to worry, bro! I think I’m gonna go read some comics, though.” He picked up his plate, which still had two slices of pizza. Technically, food wasn’t allowed in their rooms, but that rule had never been enforced as much as it probably should have, and none of his broth—the others made any move to prevent him from doing so.
As soon as he was out of sight, he let the smile drop, his shoulders sagging. He honestly had no idea how he felt. It was as if the freezing water that had been inside of him had warmed up to a neutral temperature, but was still sloshing around, making him feel unbalanced.
Before he was out of earshot, he caught a comment from Leo that clearly hadn’t been meant for his ears. “Give him some time,” the leader’s tone carried out from the kitchen. “He probably needs time to process things, and then he’ll be himself again.”
He didn’t wait to hear what Donnie or Raph might have to say to that. He didn’t want to know. He couldn’t face it, not now. So he rushed to his room and closed the door quickly, abandoning his plate on a shelf before collapsing on his bed.
He didn’t feel like reading comics. He probably wouldn’t be able to, anyway, with the tears blurring his vision.
The next few days passed normally, for the most part. Mikey pretended like he wasn’t more aware of every mistake he made during training, how he couldn’t keep up with the other three, and it seemed his supposed improvements lately had just been a fluke. He pretended that he didn’t notice the looks his brothers the other turtles would send his way when they thought he wasn’t paying attention, how their eyes were full of concern even when their mouths were pulled into unwavering smiles. He pretended it didn’t sting a little more than usual when they were scouting out a new Kraang facility and Mikey was told no less than four times to not touch anything.
Everything was normal. Everything was fine.
And Mikey wasn’t going to do anything to give his—the family any reason to decide he wasn’t worth the effort anymore.
So, he smiled during the day, doing his best to not act any different from before. And if he’d toned down the pranks immensely, or not fought for the last slice of pizza, or gave up TV privileges to the others more easily, what did it matter? He needed to be less annoying anyway.
And if he went to bed earlier than normal, no one had to know that it was because he couldn’t handle being around the rest of them any longer, couldn’t keep up his act. His nights were spent restlessly, his mind plagued with worries about what he would do when everyone got sick of him and he could no longer call the lair his home.
The Mutanimals would likely let him stay for a few nights, but he couldn’t ask them to house him permanently. April would also let him stay temporarily, but staying in a human apartment for a longer amount of time would be too dangerous. Casey wasn’t an option; Mikey knew his home life wasn’t good to begin with, and doubted his dad would be accepting of a giant talking turtle asking to crash there for a while.
He could always hide away at the farmhouse, but he had no way of getting there on his own. Plus, if any of the others decided to visit, they’d find him. That wasn’t an option.
He decided that the best course of action would be to find a suitable part of the sewers on the opposite side of the city to hide in. That way he’d be out of his the brother’s shells, but would be close enough that he didn’t have to worry about moving his stuff too far.
If they let him take it with him.
He rolled over and pulled his blankets tighter around himself, begging his body to finally give in and pull him into unconsciousness. It was almost 9 am; they were expected to be up at noon due to their mostly nocturnal lifestyle. He needed the three hours of sleep he could still potentially get, but it didn’t seem like it was going to happen.
Groaning, he pushed himself out of bed and let the blankets fall in a messy pile on the mattress. Maybe getting some water would help his mind calm down enough to sleep.
Of course, it wasn’t that simple.
Donnie was in the kitchen, facing the wall where the coffee maker was positioned on the countertop. He turned around, mug in hand, and proceeded to spill it all over himself when he jumped at the sight of Mikey, clearly not expecting anyone else this late at night.
“Mikey!” he shouted, and then hissed, dropping the mug and shaking his burned hand. They both winced when the mug shattered as it hit the ground, and Donnie jumped back, trying to avoid the broken shards of ceramic that now littered the ground.
No, no, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen. This was bad. This was so bad!
He knew he should be checking on Donnie to make sure he wasn’t badly hurt, but Mikey felt like he couldn’t breathe. He ran from the room, trying to remember how to make his plastron rise and fall as he took in air, suffocating on nothing. He stumbled back to his bedroom and collapsed on the mattress, fumbling with the messy blankets he’d only just abandoned until they were wrapped tight around himself and pulled over his head.
His whole body was shaking as he sobbed, tears wetting the blankets and his pillows as he pulled his limbs into his shell, wanting to disappear. He’d gotten Donnie hurt and caused him to break a mug. If they hadn’t already decided to get rid of him, this was sure to seal his fate.
It couldn’t happen so soon, though! It had only been four days since they’d all learned the truth, he hadn’t had enough time to prepare! He wasn’t ready to lose the only family he’d ever known, to say goodbye to the people who he’d loved with all his heart, and had loved him in return.
The tears fell harder, his eyes stinging, the sobs growing uncontrollable, and he wailed.
“Mikey? Mikey?” He barely registered a voice as he pulled his head into his shell as well, not wanting to face whoever it was, not ready to lose everything. If he hid, maybe he could keep his life a little bit longer, maybe he could pretend it wasn’t all falling apart.
There was a pressure on his carapace, and he shuddered, unable to flinch away from the contact. It began rubbing small circles into his back, and the same voice spoke again. “Mikey, I’m okay. I wasn’t badly burned, and I didn’t get hurt by the mug,” came Donnie’s voice, but surely that wasn’t right. Where was the anger?
Donnie wouldn’t get mad at you for spooking him, a voice said, and he was tempted to believe it, but that was before Donnie knew the truth.
And Donnie was a scientist. If any of them were going to reject Mikey first, it made sense that it would be him.
So why was he here, rubbing Mikey’s shell in that comforting yet awkward way, with just a little bit of hesitancy that Mikey wasn’t sure Donnie noticed in his own motions? Donnie wasn’t good at comfort—although he was better than Raph—but when he tried to offer it, this was how it always went. Those uncertain motions, the calm statement of facts.
He managed to slow his sobbing to a controllable degree and poked his head back out of his shell, still wary that he’d been deceived somehow… but Donnie wouldn’t do that, would he? Donnie was a lot of things, but cruel was not one of them.
And he wanted to make sure Donnie really was okay.
His big brother the older turtle’s eyes lit up almost imperceptibly when Mikey looked up at him, and the first genuine smile Mikey had seen from any of them since they found out the truth appeared on Donnie’s face, even if it was small.
“I’m okay, see?” Donnie repeated, then held out his arm for Mikey to examine. He pulled one of his own arms out of his shell to carefully observe Donnie’s hand, which seemed slightly swelled and irritated, but far from the worst injury any of them had ever received. “It’s first-degree. I’ve gotten burned worse working on Metalhead,” Donnie assured him, and gently patted Mikey on his head as his tears were finally slowing and his lungs learned how to function once more.
“Sorry,” Mikey said in a small voice, wincing as he braced for Donnie’s next words.
“Mikey, you didn’t do anything wrong. I was just startled because no one else is usually awake around this time.” Donnie frowned as he seemed to remember something. “Speaking of that, is there a reason why you got up?”
Mikey didn’t want to admit the truth, didn’t want anyone knowing about his fears and his plans.
Why not? A voice in his head asked, and he didn’t have an answer for it.
“Had a bad dream,” he mumbled instead, looking away from Donnie as he eased the rest of his limbs back out of his shell.
Donnie gave him a look of sympathy. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Mikey shook his head.
“Was… was it about the DNA thing? Because if so—”
“I’m tired,” Mikey cut him off, not wanting him to continue whatever he was going to say. “I wanna try to get a little bit of sleep before training tomorrow.”
Donnie looked dissatisfied, but Mikey couldn’t bring himself to care when Donnie dropped the subject and stood up from where he had sat on the edge of Mikey’s bed. “Alright… but you can talk to me, okay?”
Mikey answered with a half-nod, half-shrug before shifting his blankets so they were more comfortable and placed his head on his pillow. He really was exhausted, and he felt his eyes closing heavily, feeling sticky from the now drying tears on his face.
He heard Donnie move towards his door, but the elder turtle paused before leaving. After a few seconds, Mikey was about to open his eyes and ask if Donnie needed anything, but the other turtle spoke up before he had a chance, his voice soft. “Love you, Mikey.”
Then he was alone in his room again, and he let himself be pulled into the darkness of sleep.
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devildom on lockdown #1
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this may sound familiar. it was something i never acted on cause i was lazy asf. so i'll try to do this again with various CRACK scenarios. dont do the shit their doing pls *mwah
♯ 1 : "Mammon's Adventure to San Francisco Pt. 1"
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Mammon : Immm baaaaccckkkkkk! Ya miss me human?
MC : Not really (。_。)
Mammon :
Mammon : Fuck you too.
Leviathan: Mammon! There you are!
Mammon : Wow your coming to welcome your big bro back! I love ya Levi!
Mammon :
MC :
God :
The Wind :
Mammon : I hate ya too, brother.
Lucifer : Mammon! There you are, your late.
Mammon : How am I late I never specified when I'd be back!
Lucifer : *Bitch the fuck you mean stare*
Mammon : I mean I did! Sorry for tha' wait!
Lucifer : We need help moving all these boxes that are in MC's room.
Mammon : Why're there boxes in MC's room?
Lucifer : They-
Satan : Failed magic trick. That's all.
MC : How was your trip, Mams? Did you get mugged by a hobo?
Mammon : Haha.
MC : Well? Did you?
Mammon : Hahahaha
Leviathan : It's obvious he did! He's sweating and laughing nervously!
Lucifer : Nevermind that. Go wash up, who knows what you caught in the human world.
Satan : Yes, do that. Haven't you seen the news?
Lucifer : You expect me, a denizen of the Devildom, to know what goes on in the human realm?
Satan : Yes.
Lucifer : No, what's going on, Satan.
MC : People have corvette virus.
Lucifer : Corvette—the car...?
Satan: No. COVID...Coronavirus...
MC : Royaltyvirus, blah blah.
Lucifer : Lord Diavolo can contract this?
Satan : Lucifer, don't listen to MC. I took their IQ test.
MC : I'm smart as fuck.
Leviathan : Your not even as smart as a flamingo.
MC : Their pretty and that's all that matters.
Mammon : Shuddup, I'll go wash up aight!
[Some days later]
Mammon : *COUGH* I'm dy...dying... *cough*
Mammon : MC... Tell my brothers--I love them. Thro...throw away the shoe box under my bed and don't let Beel find it...p..please...
MC : The shoe box that has the millenium year old yogurt Beel had saved and has his name on?
Beelzebub : WHAT?!
Mammon : Shut the fuck up MC!—...it hurts...s...soo...muuuch...
Solomon : Oh be quiet, Mammon, it's just a fever. *cough* That I...also have. 😔
Leviathan : If it was just a fever why do I have it also!! *cough* Ugh...
Solomon : Diseases can spread???
Leviathan : True.
MC : Haha, Mammon, Solomon, and Leviathan have corvettevirus.
Simeon : Disease is not a joke, MC!
MC : Haha, Mammon and Leviathan.
Lord Diavolo : How did this happen Mammon?
Leviathan : Didn't you hear MC? We have corvettevirus!
Satan : *Coronavirus
Mammon : Well, it happened in San Francisco...
Everyone : Obviously.
Mammon : I was gone with Solomon.
Lord Diavolo : How about we hear Solomon's story first.
Barbatos : I agree.
Lucifer: I second that
Asmodeus : I third that!
MC : I four that.
[Solomon's version]
Solomon : (So, it really started the second we stepped out of the portal. Instead of being in front of the Grand Hotel, we were in downtown infront of the government building.)
Mammon : Aye! This tha Grand Hotel?!
Solomon : No, don't you see the sign there? It says San Francisco Government Office.
Mammon : Which the Grand Hotel is called...?
Solomon : *Faceplant* Let's just ask for directions.
[The two see a hobo, and then a business man]
Mammon : That guy looks friendly! *Points at the hobo who is obviously sick and has some flu*
Solomon : Ahem. No. We're going up to the gentleman, Mammon.
Mammon : Okayyyy.
Business Man : Oh hello there.
Solomon : Yes hello, do you know where the Grand Hotel is?
Business Man : Of course...
Luke : Uhm how did you guys get covid from that guy?
Solomon : It wasn't him, Luke.
MC : It was the hobo!
Solomon : Not him either...surprisingly I think.
Solomon : (Mammon had disappeared off somewhere after I got done speaking with the gentleman, and I had to search everywhere til I found him inside of a pawn shop...)
Solomon : MAMMON! What are you doing straying away like that!
Mammon : W-
Asmodeus : It's obvious what he was doing!
MC : He smelled... *Money money money...*
Belphegor : High five honestly.
Solomon : Stop interrupting the story Simeon's gonna break just look at him
Simeon : *On the verge of dying from constant story interruptions* (If yall remember that episode he got pissed off from Levi I have all respect)
Mammon : Well. I saw this shiny thing on the floor.
Solomon : So your pea sized brain just had to get it?
Mammon :
Mammon : Wow can you mind read?
Solomon : I'm not mind reading you.
Pawn Shop Owner : Hey hey, no arguing in my shop! Anyways sir... that coin is priceless! Are you sure you wanna give it up?
Mammon : How much does it cost?
Pawn Shop Owner : Hmm maybe close to a million.
Mammon : *Money panic* HELL YEAH!
Solomon : You idiot, you don't know what that coin is-
Solomon : Mammon...! Why'd you do that!
Mammon : You speak like that coin was cursed or something.
Solomon : Yeah no it wasn't.
Mammon : Good!
to be continued. >> 🫡
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