#white privelage
liberalsarecool · 4 months
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Not only is it the whitest of white privilege, conservatives will tell you white privilege does not exist and that white men are the victim.
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soberscientistlife · 3 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
A Muslim woman was recently targeted by a Jewish woman in a library setting, and some of ya'll still don't have the comprehension skills to understand the following:
We know not all Jewish people are white -the librarian who wrote about their experiences with this Islamophobic white Jewish woman was precisely just that -situational -how white passing people have weaponized their whiteness/perceived whiteness to be believed and supported when THEY feel wronged. And like many white women do and have done for centuries -use their tears to harm and sometimes end up getting Black and Brown people killed.
We know that hate crimes happen to MANY communities and groups of people around the world -including racialized Jewish people. To say these are mutually exclusive (that only Muslim people are experiencing hate crimes by white people) is NOT what this librarian was talking about. Again, this was something they were addressing as a systemic issue -that when white people target and attack Black, Brown, and Indigenous people (and yes that absolutely includes white-passing folks) it's beyond dangerous and immoral.
I'm STILL reading these long re-blogs and comments on this post I made a week ago and it honestly reminds me of the time when I told a PhD candidate during my Master's degree several years ago, that I don't support Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman because she's a violent zionist -and my previous colleagues response (when she wore a WW shirt the next day) was to say that I was being antisemitic... I genuinely believe some of these people need to be much more reflexive or spend less time on the internet because the cognitive dissonance is just wild to me.
Also to the recent xenophobic, racist, and zionist trash that keep sending me anons (some from this post specifically), a personal FU to you today especially.
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genx3791 · 7 months
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adamofingolstadt · 24 days
Thinking about when I attended a Powwow and (though I had to step out because I got overstimulated) I remember it being so damn cool. The dancers were incredible and all the clothing was beautiful, and the stands selling art and jewelry were so cool.
I still get excited when I see someone wearing a ribbon skirt.
I recommend all white people (esp north americans) make an effort to learn about indigenous cultures and ask to help/participate where you're allowed. Listen to indigenous storytellers, attend truth and reconciliation marches, go to indigenous-lead workshops, listen to indigenous music. GO TO INDIGENOUS RESTAURANTS. I'm so serious, indigenous art is so cool and important.
and never forget that being a non-indigenous (esp white) person comes with privilege, make sure you use that privilege to stand up for our indigenous neighbors.
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dabblingreturns · 8 months
We all have blind spots, things we just don't think about till someone points them out.
Here is one of mine:
After reading harrow the ninth a few times I developed a theory that house prosperity was tied to lyctors. And that the houses that were doing the best where the ones with the lyctors that lived the longest.
That the kyctors were patron "saints" in the most catholic sence of the word, and that a house might reach out to thier saint in times of turmoil and that that saint might perform a necromantic or administrative miracle themselves or lobby god on thier houses behalf.
It would explain the power if the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 8th houses.
The 3rd house I excused from having a lyctor because thier literal job was supposed to be the bank.
And I still think I'm atleast particularly correct.
It was only later, when I saw a post pointing out that the houses doing well are primarily white, that I relize I had missed something
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skeletal-sam · 5 months
a person of colors weakness, is a white persons tears. We confronted somebody who is white about how she is guilt tripping us and how she shouldn't feel insecure cause of her privilege, now she is crying to her parents and her parents is now going to talk to the school about this. White privilege is real, and now we are possibly gonna get in trouble for basic truth.
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I've seen a lot of depictions of prophet Jesus PUBH like this and I just.......
Like aside from the fact that Allah gave all the prophets outstanding physical beauty that no other human has, and that the very attempt of depicting them in any fashion, let alone making someone else act as them or making jokes and memes about them, is a major sin in an of itself and is an insult to Allah creation and the prophet in question being depicted.
The fact that people actually think Jesus was a white dude, and completely ignored his origins.
and don't get me started on the people who actually think Eve tricked Adam into disobeying Allah.
Western governments use Religion to spread white privilege and to disperage women for being women.
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almostmyfest · 4 months
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lolaze · 9 months
White feminism is one of the main form of harm for women! And one of the main form of hypocrisy and dis-humanity to ever exist!
Feminism is about wanting, and fighting for all minorities rights and equity.
When I say all minorities, I mean all that minorities that are being put in second place when we fight for our rights as women!completely disregarding them! I’m talking about black women, asian women, latin women, native American women, Hawaiian women, Balkan women…all of this women that not only have to fight agains sexism, but also racism and discrimination because of their races and ethnicities.
We put them in a different box, because yes, they’re women, but they’re women of colour firstly, so it’s not really a concern of ours’!
When white women speake up about their struggles, they need to let go of white supremacy, reject it! Not thrive in it! We shouldn’t protest only when we are the ones facing the violences, but also when the others minorities are!
For example, since it’s modern pop culture and everyone and their mothers know of it, we can mention how Taylor swift being in a relationship with that bigoted man is a BIG EXAPLE! If you want to play the role of the victim only when it’s you at the end of the knife, then don’t call yourself a feminist! Or a decent person at all! We, as white Women, should acknowledge both the disadvantages that we face as women, but also the privilege that comes with being white; and instead of closing our eyes, we should use the voice that WOC don’t have, and scream with them! For them! Not against them with our silence!
Bom! Now we have the definition of white feminism! I speak up when I’m being harassed as a woman, but stay in complete silence when my sisters are being killed, abused, trafficked, degraded and so on and on because it’s not my problem!
It’s a big factor in history! Like in the women right’s movement, where white women refused to include women of colour signatures in their declarations, even though they played a main role, and refused to acknowledge, and act on all the discriminations that WOC were facing ! And stil are!
It’s not by silencing other women that we will end the patriarchy, because white supremacy and patriarch are tied together!
Feminism isn’t an aesthetic! A trend or a secret weapon ! Feminism is by all for all! Stop with that bullshit! Playing the victim in front of others just to paint women of colour as the villains!
Think for just a second !
I am a feminist? Or am I contributing on strengthening the fundaments of this society? Am I thriving in my whiteness? Or am I using it right? Am I a piece of shit?
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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thepeopleinpower · 2 months
Stone me to death if I’m wrong I guess but I really feel like any privilege comes with the responsibility to distribute that privilege downward any way you can and not hoard it exclusively for your own benefit. but idk who am I to say
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
I posted a librarian's experience with a Jewish woman accusing a Muslim family of being antisemitic, and a few people in the comment section and in their re-blogs made some statements I wish to address here.
Firstly, the Jewish woman claimed the Muslim woman, who was with her family, had written something antisemitic on lego blocks -only to discover after later investigation (via security cameras) that the Muslim woman did NOT go near the Jewish woman and her family during their visit, and left before the Jewish woman went to the lego section.
One person insinuated that due to lack of funding there would be zero security cameras and therefore this story is suspect -which is odd and baffling to me because even with cuts, CCTV's are installed for public safety reasons -while folks research, study, and browse, they are recording. The decision for a library to record in real time or if it's retained by the library itself is based on their discretion and policies. To say they don't exist is just ridiculous.
Next, one person said this was bordering antisemitism itself (the way the librarian posted the story) because calling the Jewish woman 'white' when not all Jewish people are white is problematic. This is something I wish to unpack here. The librarian did NOT say all Jewish people in the world are white. She was referring to this specific situation and the power dynamics in motion here.
I, as a white passing Persian/Scottish/Irish person (who is very rarely seen as ethnically half-Middle Eastern), understands that if someone reads me as solely white -that my whiteness in any situation like this affords me a privilege in terms of 'being believed because societies care more about white women's tears,' rather than the actual injustices present here and that was this Muslim woman being falsely accused, and the Jewish person's whiteness affording her more credibility and protection -that's what the librarian was addressing. It's not antisemitic to call out white Jewish people for doing heinous things like this, just as it is not problematic to call out all the evangelical white Christians in the United States who weaponize their bigotry daily.
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genx3791 · 1 month
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lemonbombsfjl · 8 months
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unquiet-anarch-sis · 11 months
I personally think it's ok to have money, to have been born rich, and not growing up poor. I think that lately it has become a competition for newcomers in the left to try and justify themselves for having money or education. And it's really ok! I personally find more annoying when people try and lie and pretend they actually went through financial/gender related/race related/ whatever issue. It only makes you look weird, to say the least.
Wherever you come from, it is great that you took the step and joined out of pure interest, or even necessity. Because, a lot of people that may have been in a privileged position might have failed in noticing someone else struggling, or failed to care about it.
You are here, and are welcome, really. You are family as long as you are here.
Its still important to recognize when it's not the time or place for you to speak. Learn to amplify voices that are often silenced, and use your privilege for good.
Idk that's just a thought
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