#which means my muse is off the charts
zweetpea · 6 months
Chapter 1: Prologue the stardust family
This is somewhat a mix of Sagau and genshin Cult AU with some isekai elements thrown in for fun. Key - { } translations and pick is time skip/scene transition.
The broke college student started up their third genshin account. “Hmm, who should I choose this time? Ugh, I wish there was a way to choose both! Hmm, maybe I could hack the code in the game and try to glitch it.” They pulled up the source code and started to mess around “Kate Kaslana? I’ve never heard of her.” Trying to click on the code just brought them back to the game it started to glitch and their screen started to warm outward and inward. 
They reached toward the screen to see what happened and their hand warped straight through. As they tried to pull out their hand got stuck something, or maybe someone, was trying to pull them inside. “No no no no no! Shit!” They fell through and struck the sustainer of heavenly principles. “I’ll deal with you two later!”  She seals the twins and throws them out.
“Now who do you think you are?” 
“Please don’t hurt me! I’m sorry! I was just messing around, I didn’t mean to come here!” 
“You insolent little vermin! I should- I should… I can’t even touch you. Fine, I’ll leave you with this then if you want so badly to experience the world then you’ll have to see it through to the end. I can’t have you dying through, there would be no resets for you. So i bestow my immortality upon you. Rest now, for when you wake you’ll have the glory and debauchery which you desire. You’re also getting a makeover, I’ll match you with the stardust twin.” 
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Meanwhile in Tevat the twins woke up 500 years after the fall of Khaenri’ah. 
“Lu? Surge. Age! Surge!”  {Lu? Wake up. Come on! Wake up!} 
(This is Latin, Author-Senpai has made the executive decision that the twins originally spoke Latin [we’ve also decided to be a weeaboo cause this story’s already crack enough why TF not!]<3 as the queen Casey Aonso once said “this is for the Netflix charts, not the art.”) 
{What in the dark realms are you doing} 🤍 
{Thank goodness you’re okay!} 🖤 
{Yeah now get off me stupid!} 🤍 
{Okay, wow screw you too. We should find something to eat.} 🖤 
{No shit, I’ll look for berries and meat. You try to catch some food.} 🤍 
{Alright, I’ll see if I can set up a campfire as well.} 🖤 
{Sounds good.} 🤍 
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Our hero (you) watches in an almost lucid dream state as the twins meet paimon and they learn the language of the world. Happy tears fall from their eyes as they see the twins laughing and teasing each other and Paimon. “These two are going to be alright. No matter what happens I did it, they can travel together. I just… wish I could go home, back to my friends and family.” They thought. 
Over time our hero woke up and looked upon themself in the reflection of the ocean. The sustainer of heavenly principles had given them baggy black pants, a white dress shirt with a black tie, a white zipper hoodie that resembles a dragon with gold sparkles around the top and wrists, black combat boots and fingerless gloves bedazzled with stars. They muse to themself, “This is pretty cute.” 
And with that they run after the travelers.
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elminx · 3 months
Numerology, Part 2: Musings on Numerology in Spellwork
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Note: I began my discussion about Numerology, how it relates to astrology, and why I use it here. This post is about the practical application of numerology. Please refer to the first post for how to calculate the numerology for specific years, months, and lunar events.
When thinking about Numerology, it is important to remember that it works sympathetically. Geometric shapes and numbers have intrinsic cultural meanings which we can apply magically. We will spend some time discussing the shapes made by varying numbers - the shape of the number itself and the shape made by combining that number of objects. You probably already understand how Numerology works in spellwork and might even use Numerology in your magic practice without knowing it! Numbers commonly used magically are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9. I will focus on those numbers in this post. Numerology will change somewhat based on cultural practices and superstitions. If you are not American, your mileage may vary.
It is wise to keep in mind that numerology reads like an ascending story that begins at 1 and ends at 9 - once you understand this story, you can identify where your intended spellwork falls and apply numerology more accurately.
Number 1 1 is the number of beginnings. Everything starts with 1. When we are born and take our first breath, we individualize and enter selfhood. This is why the number one is connected, through the 1st house and the Ascendant (dictated by the exact minute of our first breath), with Aries and the planet Mars. One can look at all ideas as intellectualized pregnancy; we need energy and oomph to bring that idea out of our minds and into reality. That energy (Mars) comes from the number 1. In this way, any start to a project or beginning of any kind can be augmented by the use of 1 numerologically. We do this instinctively with based candle magic (burning a single candle), by writing one focused petition, or by making a spell bag or a spell jar. Other than the Number 9, the Number 1 is the most complete number. Many types of spellwork can be achieved with a single candle burn or other action. To begin a longer project or to perform a one-off spell, apply the Number 1.
We have all heard the phrase "One is the loneliest number". Though this is true for many, there is one big caveat to it: if you are not a number 1. Those who carry Aries (or the first house) strongly in their charts know this intimately. Many tasks are better performed alone. When that doesn't work, we move on to the later numbers.
Practical Applications: 1 Magic is fairly simplistic. You can burn one candle, write a petition for 1 thing, create 1 spell pouch, or enchant 1 item. This is really the basis of magic. The energy of 1 can be combined well with the energy of any of the other numbers as I will outline below.
Number 2
Number 2 is a connection number; it can be used to combine or to separate. It is often used in relationship spells of all kinds - one might burn two candles in a movement spell to bring two people together or in a cord-cutting to create distance. There are also candles made with two wicks that might be used for marriage work for good or ill. That said, relationships are not the only thing we want to draw into our lives. If your magic involves you and anything else, you can use the powers of two to draw together or push apart.
An easy way to think about the sympathetic magic of the Number 2 is to consider a line between two points. You can strengthen that connection by decreasing the distance between these two points or weaken it by moving them farther away from each other. Or, alternatively, you can interpose something between the two objects, breaking the line altogether. Practical Applications: Because of the nature of 2 energy, it also almost always includes the energy of the Number 1 as well. In this way, when doing relationship work, one will use one candle to represent the first partner and the second candle to represent the other. Alternatively, we can use one candle and a spell jar to bring in or remove, depending on our needs. Sometimes, especially in separation work, we may combine a third candle or object (therefore invoking the number 3) that we move one candle towards. Sort of a "fuck off and go find something else" energy. Number 3 If you look at it from a procreative perspective, three is a creation number. It takes the combined DNA of two individuals to make a baby and in this way, three naturally comes out of the combining of two number 1s. This shows the natural association with fertility and fecundity magic of all kinds, but don't let that pigeonhole your thinking about the number.
Undoubtedly, 3 is the most commonly used number in modern witchcraft and other esoteric practices. Whether it's within the Christian idea of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Wiccanized Maiden, Mother, and Crone, the Threefold Law, and many other practices, three is almost always considered a very magical number. And it is!
An easy way to visualize how to use the number 3 is to think about the triangle. A triangle has a base with two connected points and a third point offset from them. Depending on how you draw your triangle, it can be used to increase or decrease energy. An upright triangle is believed to increase energy whereas a downward-facing triangle is believed to decrease energy. (you see this in the folk magic of Abracadabra, as an example) Practical Applications: Incorporating a triangle shape into your magic is an easy way to bring the number 3 into play. Additionally, you could burn 3 candles or use 3 items in your spellwork. A great "basic" creation ritual is formed when you use 1 candle + 1 oil + 1 herb in a spell. Here you are adding the Number 1 of new beginnings with the Number 3 of creation.
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Number 4
The number 4 is a stabilizing number. It is highly represented in our world (we acknowledge four seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, the directions North, South, East, and Wes)t, and in magic with the four common elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. We marvel at the longevity of objects like the Egyptian pyramids which have four sides.
The Number 4 can be represented as open (an equal-armed cross) or closed (a square). As one might imagine, for ultimate stability, a square is advised. A square 4 is complete, it needs no outside influence - this can be highly advantageous for certain types of magic where you want to control something or hold something in place. Alternatively, four energy can remain open and than it carries the energy of all. Open 4 energy carries with it the liminality of the crossroads: it contains everything and can travel everywhere. This echoes the prevailing idea that through the four primal elements of earth, air, fire, and water, control of all things is possible. Pathfinding, compass magic, road opening, and many other types of magic often invoke 4 energy. In this way, you are turning the inner creation of 3 into reality and forcing it out and into the world.
Practical Applications: When you put something into a box to control it, you are invoking the energy of the number 4 (and some of the number 6). Calling the elements to complete a magic circle of protection is also invoking the 4 energy of control. 4 naturally combines with 1 energy quite well. It is common in candle magic to separate the burning surface into four quadrants: sometimes the past/present/mental/physical, or other times, the elemental energies. This can be used for divination purposes (reading whether the candle wax flows amongst these quadrants). Alternatively, it is common to burn 1 primary candle and 4 support candles when trying to accomplish a complicated task. This combination is especially well applied for things like building long-term wealth or growing a business, topics that are well supported by the structure of 4 energy. One can also burn one candle with lines leading away in the four cardinal directions, this directs the energy of your 1 intention out into all the corners of the world. Number 5
The number 5 can be seen as a tense number that breaks the perfect symmetry of the 4-sided square. You may notice that five is considered a tense number in the minor arcana of the tarot that often indicates conflicts and strife. Alternatively, the 5 Major Arcana card in the tarot is the Hierophant which shows the other way that five energy can be used magically: to focus.
This has been used traditionally in magic through the shape of the pentacle or pentagram. Here, in modern magic, the four elements of magic are joined by a fifth: spirit. For some, spirit is considered to reside within us all but others view it as a Higher Power, much like the Hierophant or "Pope" of the major arcana. I want to note a connection here to the 5th House, the Sun, and Leo - all rulers of the number 5, and the mythology of how Jesus was born under the sign of the King of Kings which would almost certainly make him a Leo. In this way, 5 is our power number. You can use the number 5 to increase or decrease the power of yourself or another - especially through the use of the upright (power up) or down turned (power down) five-pointed star. Practical Applications: I often see the use of 5 in magic through the shape of the pentacle. Point the star upwards for an increase in power or downwards for a decrease in power. A pentacle can be drawn onto a surface, made with an arrangement of five candles, or drawn in the air with your finger or tool of choice.
Number 8
Though I find reference to the number 8 less often in magical lore, I think that it is important to mention here. If you turn an eight on its side you can immediately see that it is an auroboros or infinity sign. This gives an important hint as to the meaning and uses of this number.
As an infinity sign, the energy of 8 is neverending. This energy can be harnessed for beneficial and baneful magic alike. Want to trip somebody's life up? Put them in an endless cycle of not having enough or of being forced to repeat the same lessons that they inevitably can't seem to master. Alternatively, do you want all the money that goes out of your house to return to you? 8 can do that, too. What about the love that you send out into the world? With the number 8, the possibilities are endless. I will caution that the number 8 is more fiddly and you have to be willing to accept the nadirs that come with the apexes of this energy. As an example, if you are trying to save money, that eight money trick wouldn't work so well because it is predicated on the idea that money is going out to come back in. I would instead look to the number 4 combined with 3 (see also that pyramid energy) for money matters of that kind. Practical Applications: What comes around, goes around. Draw an infinity symbol, and go from there. You can put a candle representing yourself or your target on one "end" and the thing that you want to return to them at the other. Focus on the cycling of energy here, it is easy to manipulate energy around this shape. You can use your pen, your finger, or some other object to direct it if you wish. For returning magic, consider writing your intention in the pattern of an infinity sign. Because breathwork is cyclical, it holds a natural affinity with the number 8. Try breathing in and out prosperity while imagining it as an ever-returning infinity sign between you and the world as a way to get yourself in the right headspace to perform some money magic.
Number 9
As the last of our base numerological numbers, 9 is the number of endings and completion. This can be used to stop something in its tracks or to bring a long-standing project to fruition.
Practical Applications: Many traditional spells call for burning a candle or performing a ritual for nine days; this invokes the energy of completion. Also, all 3x3 magic uses the energy of the number 9; the idea here is that the creation of 3 performed 3 times will reinforce your final result (9). I will write more about 3x3 spells in particular as they are a topic worth their own post. -----------------------------------------
My goal in writing this series is to take numerology out of the hands of the New Age woo-machine and place it where it rightfully belongs, in our magic. No matter how mathy you are, numbers still exist. They make up a fundamental way in which we all collectively choose to view the world. We can use that. Moreover, numbers are ALREADY in our magic. If nothing else, I hope this series helps you to understand why a particular writer might call for you to use 3 cloves or burn a candle for 9 days.
Do you need to use numerology in your magic? Absolutely not. (Why do I need to keep saying that?!?) Can it help your magic?
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Kofi by tipping me, purchasing art or an astrological report, or becoming a monthly supporter of my writing.
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 3 months
Zecharias Theory
Before I start rambling, I do want to say that surprisingly a song lyric was what inspired me to write this theory because it made me think of Zecharias and therefore my brain started going off the charts with theorizing. I’ve also wanted to do something with Zecharias for a while now so if this also ends up being a analysis and also a theory at the same time then yall gonna have to deal with it.
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“But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth, eating you. The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. You’re a shower of light I’d devour any day of the week.” -LIGHT SHOWER by Melanie Martinez.
Now you might be thinking how this made me go into full theory mode. So let me explain.
It’s been mentioned a few times/implied that Zecharias has had muses before MC and in the NSFW alphabet it has even mentioned somebody but I’ve only seen who ever this person is mentioned in this one part and hasn't even been asked about smh.
“He hasn't been able to meet a lot of other people, much less get the chance to do the deed with them. At most, he likely could have done it with one person, but they're as inexperienced as he is.
Who is this person? Well, you’ll find out in the game. :>”
But here’s my thing, if what we know about Zecharias not being human then he’s probably immortal especially that I’ve noticed a few implications that he might be a god or demi-god (Hell, bring Percy Jackson into this and say possibly half-blood.) with one part of Be My Muse and there was a few lines about MC being into greek mythology and he brought up the god Mnenmosyne. (HELP I JUST REALIZED THAT'S HIS LAST NAME WHY AM I ONLY PUTTING THIS TOGETHER WHILE I'M WRITING THIS) Well now that I just figured that out it just puts more evidence to back up my theory and of course with all of those powers he has and everything. Now I know that in the SFW alphabet did somewhat imply that he would die for MC if it was to protect them but I think that just might have been figurative language. .
Zecharias eats people too, but it’s also been said he just does this as a way to survive so I’m not about to bash him about that.
“He’s only interested in adults to be his muse or his meals.”
ANYWAYS, Finally to my main theory that made me write this. Zecharias is likely immortal or lives for a very long time. But (from what we know) all of his muses have been human including MC. It makes me wonder what happened to the old muses, I mean of course it’s very likely they died inside of the backrooms, maybe from old age or something else. BUT that also brings the question of what happened to their bodies so going back to the lyrics that made me think up of this theory. I think it’s very possible that Zecharias could have probably eaten the old muses? Since its for his survival to eat humans and him being obsessed with them could prove this. Or he might just have those fuckers stored somewhere in the backrooms lmao.
I don’t know what else to go on about without going into a full analysis of Zecharias which would include me going more into what we know about his backstory so far and me explaining his motives and all that good stuff but I guess I’ll see how this theory does before starting to write all of that jfnlaajan.
Also keep in mind that this is all a theory, A YANDERE VN THEORY- *gets hit with fridge*
Word count: 647.
Zecharias belongs to @letmeremindyouvn
Taggy tags:
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mr-ritza @mysticnebula
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guardian-of-fandoms · 3 months
"This is him?"
Everyone crowded around the bed, staring at the stranger in a mix of confusion, astonishment, and dread.
Doc stared at the cybernetic in fascination, then studied the charts.
"Incredible... While damaged, this technology is astonishing! Powered by the body's natural bio-electricity, INGENIOUS!!!"
Dani nodded, glancing back at the charts.
"Doctor Mcswain said his body produces an unnatural amount of it, though. From what he did to the traffic light, we know he can absorb power, would that explain it?"
"Excellent deduction!"
Doc nodded, carefully scanning the metal and wires.
"If my guesses here are correct, our visitor has some truly unique abilities! It appears that the Cybernetic's ability to absorb power converts it to bio-electricity, which our visitor requires high amounts of. Not only does he require high amounts of power to power the cybernetic, but it appears that his body has simply.... altered itself to accept this electricity as a natural function. This process would've taken years.... astounding..."
"And i noticed something else.... Shields, shooting electricity, Isn't that familiar? It's just like Cody- Our Cody's- Repulsor Badge... before it blew up, anyway..."
Doc nodded again, musing at Dani's observation.
"Interesting... By the laws of the Multiverse, anything is possible! Perhaps in this other reality, the technology was perfected, and never encountered the shortcomings it did here."
Kade scoffed, leaning against the door.
"Yeah, yeah, he's a cool science experiment. Look, Can we find out who he is or not?"
"Ah, right!"
Doc held out his tablet, and a small scanner.
"I'll simply preform a Biometric scan! If he really is a version of Cody, then in theory, he should match identically on a genetic scale."
Kade rolled his eyes, watching as Dani examined the stranger's gear.
"Let's just get this over with... Once Doc does his science thing, we'll prove once and for all that this guy isn't Cody!"
Dani examined the back panel of his armor plate, frowning as she stared at the engraving.
Like she'd spotted earlier, it was the insignia for the rescue bots, but something was off.
Going diagonally across the mark was a large crack, but not a real crack. It was clearly part of the design, but she couldn't understand why....
".... Whoever this guy is... it seems like he went through a lot..."
Charlie stared at the scars, at the damaged cybernetic, the signs of struggle and pain.
"... What happened to you..."
A small chime came from Doc's scanner, and he stared at the tablet.
".... I'll be..."
Wordlessly, he handed it to Charlie, who let out a long, slow hiss.
".... My god..."
It was a match.
Dani and Graham instantly leaned in for a peek, a similar shock washing over them.
"So... That's it, then? He really is a version of Cody?"
"It... It's a genetic match.... If the Biometric is accepting him, then... that means-"
"Absolutely nothing."
Kade threw his hands out, groaning as he pinched his brow.
"No offense, Doc, but your Tech's bugged out how many times now?! No, no, it's...... it's a fluke or something!! I've said it before, THIS. ISN'T. CODY."
Dani groaned, pushing past Graham to jab a finger at Kade's chest.
"Even if he's not Cody, he's clearly in trouble and needs our help!!! Why are you being so hard on him?!"
"Needs our help?! Are you all forgetting that he attacked us?! No matter why he's here, we can't just trust him!"
"We should at least hear him out."
Charlie tried to calm things down, coming between both his kids.
"Listen. Doc, why don't you scan him a few more times, just to be sure? In the mean time, we can at least make sure he recovers from his injuries. Once he wakes up, we'll let him tell his side of the story, and decide where to go from there."
Dani and Kade couldn't meet the other's eyes, but seemed satisfied for now.
Doc leaned over with the scanner, musing to himself as he eyed the cybernetic.
"Incredible... such advanced designs... as well as ironing out the flaws in the repulsor badge...."
He leaned in for a closer look, and gently ran a hand over the shoulder, trying to take in the connective wires and delicate parts.
"Perhaps once he wakes up, I can asess the damage, and attempt base repairs..."
Doc gently grasped the damaged plating, as Kade shook his head.
"Sure, give the random guy his electricity powers back...."
Dani shot him a dirty look, and Charlie could only sigh.
"Look. We don't know what's going on here, but we're going to find out. we just need to-"
Doc suddenly yelped, and everyone glanced over, the stranger's left arm tightly gripping Doc's wrist.
Everyone tensed, as the stranger quickly sat upright, his eyes wide as he gasped for breath, whipping his head around the room.
Charlie ran up to the Bed, throwing his arm in front of Doc.
"Hey, hey, you're okay, you're okay. We're not going to hurt you, we took you to the hospital. You're safe here."
He gasped, but his breath slowly evened out, and he let go of Doc, the man wincing as he rubbed his wrist.
"Quite the grip..."
"Sorry... You scared me, Doc."
"You... know me?"
The stranger stretched out, examining the damage to his arm.
"Well, yeah, You look just like the Doc Greene from my world. You even have the same tie."
Charlie couldn't help but chuckle over how quickly Doc bounced back from the scare, but leaned closer to the bed.
"Look... We need to ask you a few questions..."
The stranger sighed, rubbing his neck.
"I figured... But first, what happened to Morocco?"
"He escaped, but-"
He shot up, sliding his legs over the side of the bed.
He could be anywhere by now!! Do you have any idea what he's capable of?!"
He attempted to stand, but instantly felt weak, his knees nearly buckling as Charlie rushed to steady him.
"We'll find him, I promise. But you're in bad shape, you need our help."
Charlie wasn't prepared for the darkness in his eyes.
"None of you are supposed to be involved in this. I came here for ONE JOB, and i FAILED. I have to find that... Monster... before it's too late..."
"Well, we're involved now, deal with it."
Kade glared, slowly coming closer to the bed, his face set in a deep scowl.
"Don't think for one minute that i trust you. I know sketchy when I see it, and I'm not letting you out of my sight. I want answers, so start talking."
The stranger was quiet, then slowly let out a dark, sarcastic chuckle, pulling away from charlie as he leaned on the bed's railing.
"Ever stubborn, Kade... You're just like mine used to be..."
"Used to be?"
Kade felt uneasy at that, as the stranger sighed, before looking around at everyone in the room.
"My name is Cody Burns. I came here from another Dimension, a reality parallel to this one. If i'm right, i'm guessing I ran into my dimensional counterpart already."
Kade's glare didn't drop, his eyes sharp.
"You told him and Frankie your name was Cole."
"It's best if they don't get involved. I feel bad for lying to them, but it's for their own safety."
"That why you kicked our butts earlier? For our own safety?"
"I was trying to keep you all out of this, I was just trying to keep you out of the way."
"If you know so much about us, then why don't you know that it's our job to get involved with this crap?"
The visitor met his eyes, a pointed, cold, sense of emptiness in them.
"Don't do that... Don't pretend you know me...."
Cautiously, Charlie gripped his shoulder, feeling a pang in his heart.
"... How old are you?"
The visitor looked surprised, hesitating, but sighed.
"... Nineteen..."
Charlie studied him carefully.
Was this was Cody- his cody- would look like?
He was slim, but near Kade's height.
But despite the scarring, the damaged cybernetic, what haunted him most, was the emptiness in his eyes.
His Son's eyes, so full of life, so vibrant, so kind, were now dull, pained, haunted by a darkness Charlie couldn't understand.
... What happened to him? What happened in his world to cause such pain?
"... Son-"
His face changed instantly, and he quickly pulled out of Charlie's grasp, his jaw clenching as he hissed out a slow breath, his eyes meeting the floor.
"Don't... I'm....I'm not yours, I'm not your son."
Charlie pulled away, another pang shooting through his heart as his eyes widened.
"I... I'm sorry..."
The air in the room grew tense, a heavy weight hanging overhead.
All except Kade, who only narrowed his eyes.
"... Look, Uh... Kade has a point."
Graham nervously trailed his eyes to the floor, feeling everyone turn to look at him.
"I'm sorry, but, you can't take on your Morocco alone. You're hurt, and most of your equipment needs repaired, if not completely rebuilt. As the Rescue Team, it's our job to take care of emergencies, and i'm pretty sure this counts."
Dani nodded, adding,
"Yeah, Alternate Dimension or no, you're still a Cody, right? That means you're family, and family takes care of each other. You're going to need us."
"... You have no idea how dangerous the Morocco of my world is!"
Dani practically snorted.
"He's Doctor Morocco, we have a guess. And, maybe you should tell us, then!"
"Is he... Human?"
Graham reflected on what he's been in the woods, the monster of twisted metal.
The visitor only sighed.
"... I don't even know anymore. Doctor Morocco.... He had this obsession with... Immortality."
Dani only groaned.
"Is there a version of him that doesn't?"
"He was obsessed with living forever, keeping his mind perfect for eternity. Once he discovered Cybertronians... He got... Ideas."
He leaned away from the bed, now able to support himself, but unsteadily.
"After he learned about them, he was convinced his human body was holding him back. So... he decided to upgrade. He fused his immortality technology into a robotic body, and implanted his brain inside."
Jaws dropped, and even Kade looked surprised.
"... Woah..."
"All he is now is a ghost of what was. But it doesn't matter what form he takes. He's dangerous. And he needs to PAY for what he's done..."
The pain in his eyes sent a flurry of dark possibilities through the minds of the team.
He slowly rubbed his right shoulder, His eyes closing as he grasped the metal.
".... I promised i'd hunt him down to the ends of the earth. Instead, i followed him across the fabric of reality. I won't stop now. I won't stop until I tear him to pieces with my bare hands."
Silence rang out across the room, heavy and swallowing.
Everyone exchanged glances with one another, shock and horror filling them.
Despite himself, a dark, ominous feeling sank deep into Kade's gut.
The visitor took an unsteady step forward, his face dark.
"Got any smart comments about that, hothead?"
Kade was quiet for a moment, then shook his head.
"Just wondering what happened to you."
The visitor stared at him, then slowly, barked out a slow, bitter laugh.
"Sometimes, I wonder that too..."
Charlie awkwardly cleared his throat, trying to redirect attention.
"Anyways... What do you say? Will you accept our help?"
Charlie gazed at him softly, trying to sound convincing.
"I Promise. We'll do anything we can to help you catch him."
The visitor stared at him, then sighed.
"... Do i have a choice?"
He moved to the side, spotting his equipment.
"Seeing as I don't have a choice, fine. But let me make one thing clear. Morocco. Is. Mine."
Charlie nodded sollemley, and the visitor sighed.
".... So, what now?"
"First, we need to talk to Doctor Mcswain about discharging you."
Dani suddenly remembered something, explaining,
"Doctor McSwain has him on file as a John Doe, she's going to need a name."
The visitor sighed, pulling his jacket on over his bandages, surpised that somebody had apparently washed the blood out.
"Look, to avoid any confusion with my counterpart, why don't you all just call me... Cole?"
Charlie nodded, handing over his chest plate.
"If that's comfortable for you, we can call you Cole."
"Thank you..."
He buckled his chest plate in place, but struggled, his cybernetic sparking as it made erratic movements.
Charlie held him get it in place, frowning at the massive dent in the front.
"Hmm... After we get your discharge in order, Doc, can you fix him up at the lab?"
"No, No, I don't have time!"
Cole sighed as he pulled away from Charlie, clutching his Cybernetic as he took a step back.
"I need to find Morocco as soon as possible!"
"And we'll find him. Alright... How bout this? Doc, Graham, you and Boulder take Co- Cole... to the lab, and get him fixed up, and find a way to take out this Alternate Morocco. Dani, Kade, we'll do patrols of the island, and see if we can find any trace of him."
Cole reluctantly nodded.
"Alright... I'll go along with this, for now. But the second you find anything, i'm handling it from there."
Kade scoffed.
"Oh, I bet you will, "Cole"."
"And here we go, classic Kade!"
"Oh, I bet you know all about me, huh?"
Cole took a heavy step forward, jabbing a finger at kade.
"Yeah, I do! I know you're an arrogant hothead, and you HATE accepting that MAYBE, SOMEBODY KNOWS MORE THAN YOU!"
"You know what I know right now?"
Despite the near match in height, Kade was just barely taller, and kept his tone even as he stared into "Cole's" eyes.
"I know a thing or two about putting on a phony Tough Guy act. And I know that if you storm out there like this, you're gonna get yourself killed."
"You don't get to lecture me.... You have NO RIGHT to lecture me."
"And why not?"
"Because I've survived this long without you!"
He cut himself off, his eyes going wide, a thin gasp escaping him.
Kade's eyes went wide, before he sighed.
".... We done here?"
The visitor clutched his arm, pain etched across his face as he turned his back.
".... We're done..."
The implications of his statement rang cold, and charlie rubbed his neck.
"... Kade... Take a walk."
Kade shrugged, then motioned to Dani and Graham.
"A word?"
They followed him out, and as the door closed behind them, dug a hand through his pocket.
"... So... I think that's telling."
"You were too hard on him."
Dani gave Kade a pointed glare, and he only sighed.
"We needed answers, didn't we?"
"I wouldn't exactly call those answers a victory."
Kade stopped, and held out his find from the forest.
"... He dropped this, earlier."
"Is that... a comn?"
Kade clicked it open, revealing the photo inside.
"He hollowed it out, like a locket or something."
Dani gingerly took it from Kade's hands, recognizing the photo instantly.
"Isn't that-"
Graham leaned over Dani's shoulder, frowning as he studied the device.
"I don't get it... why a Comn?"
"Think about it."
Kade leaned against a wall, his eyes trained on the comn.
"We use the comns to comunicate, to talk to each other. If this one wasn't getting it's intended use-"
Dani traced the photo, a dark realization clicking inside her.
".... Then there's nobody to talk to..."
Kade nodded solemly, and Graham clicked the comn closed.
"... I guess that's it, then."
"Wasn't that hard to figure out."
Kade took the comn back, his eyes softening as he glanced back at the door.
"I'm not saying i'm totally on board here, but... IF that really is Cody... Then there's no way any version of us would just send him on a crazy mission like this alone. At least...."
Dani finished the thought, slumping against the wall.
"... Not willingly..."
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inawearyworld · 3 months
musings re: wren and the wash crew
(not entirely sure how much time passed within that ynhclt montage, but if it’s enough time for wonka’s chocolate to get super popular, it’s enough time for one disillusioned trophy wife to become a solid part of a found family dynamic)
• the second the events of chapter iii were over, willy went straight to noodle to make sure she was safe and tell her all about their new ally on the way back to scrubbit’s
• in response he received a flat-out “so, you like her,” followed by a few moments in which the only sound came from the cart he was sitting in as it rolled over the cobblestone streets.
• “…huh?”
• “she’s like the birds we saw tonight, like you said, willy. they want to be free, they just need to see that it’s possible.”
• “that’s what i think too.”
• “and you definitely like her.”
• “…huh.”
• anyway wren absolutely adores her
• the three have this oddly delicate thing going on at first-like the way a younger sibling would react when their older one has their first relationship-but it becomes easier over time bc each of them are sort of all the others have
• she sneaks books from felix’s library, which was mostly used for show before she moved in with him, and brings them to noodle
• and then they talk about what they thought, it’s like a little mini book club
• wren would do just about anything for this girl
• immediate besties
• Girls With Big Sad Eyes™️ solidarity
• they get lunch together all the time following the events of the plot
• and they go on walks and picnics and stuff and are generally adorable
• each of these little dates breaks the previous one’s record for The GabFest Of The Century
• lottie let wren borrow one of her very few outfits while they were hiding her from scrubbit and she repays the favor by giving her half the clothes in her overfilled wardrobe (the result of two straight years of really, felix, i’m sure i don’t need anoth-yes, i know it’s my responsibility to look-this money could really be-i mean, don’t you think we should use what we have to help the p-sorry, my love, i just meant to say-)
• lottie hums folk songs to herself every so often, and every so often wren joins in on a higher harmony; it’s quiet and simple and beautiful
• as luck would have it, wren’s family back home owned a laundry, so the second she takes her first steps into scrubbit’s washroom (willy had told her of their plight by now) she takes on as much work as she can
• in walks the crew, watching stunned as this woman throws off her hat and gloves and blazer and scrub scrubs with the best of em
• completely focused, she doesn’t even notice people coming in until she hears from behind a bemused “oh, the power of privileged guilt”
• she turns and smiles and pushes her hair out of her face. “hi, i’m wren.”
• the woman she’s facing studies her for a moment, then smiles a little, accepts her very soapy handshake, and the rest is history
• before meeting wren, she thought regarding willy’s stories that this actress was just a planted spy he was naive enough to fall for
• but piper benz is very good at reading people, and she sees that this out-of-breath, smudged-makeup, poised-yet-awkward woman is nothing but genuine. as for wren, she thinks piper is the coolest person she’s ever met.
• their minds are on exactly the same level. when i say the banter is OFF THE CHARTS.
• these women would do anything to protect each other and i’m so sure that piper was a big part of wren coming into her own
• i wanna meet natasha so bad you guys
• similarly to piper, he didn’t trust her immediately, due to her association with the chocolate cartel
• he is, however, a fan of opera (and they eventually bounce references and snippets of melody off each other all the time)
• once she’s been working with them a while, once a foundation has been built, he confesses that he was disheartened to hear of her marriage-that he knew what they’d want with her, that she deserved better, that he “wished the cartel’s schemings hadn’t claimed such a talent”
• this is touching to her, and she apologizes for not doing more to stop them earlier, then tries to explain
• “i think…i think i used to, at least partially, let myself get swept up. both in naïveté and necessity.”
• he’s quiet for a moment.
• “yes. anything for family, of course.”
• she nods, and he continues:
• “i’m the same way.”
• #GiveTheWashCrewMoreTenderMoments2k24
• the weird fellow-ginger-and-theatre-kid cousin she never had
• she and willy are the new kids, the ones who haven’t heard all of his material, and he for one is delighted with these new ears to practice on
• she helps him get his career back off the ground once they’re all free
• every once in a while you’ll turn the corner to find those two deep in conversation about some facet of the arts or other
• then he’ll turn around and twirl his bowtie and you’ll wonder if it was even the same man
• they trade vocal warmup ideas
• not knowing what else to do, he makes a few terrible jokes at fickelgruber’s expense to cheer her up after the events of chapter iv
• and, despite herself, she laughs
• they often stay up for hours and hours, one carding their fingers through the other’s hair, talking in the dark about their dreams and ideas and random facts and memories and whatever pops into their heads
• she writes him songs and he thinks it’s the best thing in the world
• he simply refuses to involve her in a single bit of his advertising, to exploit her in the same way felix did. but he hangs up posters for her shows all over his shop. they’re so proud of each other
• they dance together. a lot. so much.
• mostly waltzes.
• after months of inner guilt over her dreams of his chocolate-dot freckles, wren can barely believe that she now gets to kiss them and kiss them until she has the whole constellation of his face committed to memory
• they’re so ridiculously in love
FOUND FAMILY. *drops mic*
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
General Info + F.A.Q
General Info
This is is a blog for all things about Krow.
This is an 18+ blog so minors DO NOT INTERACT Any blogs that do not have their age listed in their bio or haven’t DMed me their age proving they're 18+ WILL be blocked! I'm serious, please PLEASE have your age in your bio OR DM me it.
I’ll be posting art, musings and the like. Share fan creations from others, answer asks and questions. May or may not do some sort of project with this nasty gremlin, in which case I’ll use this space to document the journey.
Be sure to check down below and read the FAQ too! Your question could be answered there already!
If you enjoy my work here on the blog, and wanna support me, you can donate at my Ko-Fi! Please DON’T feel pressured to do so. It’s completely optional!
TO NOTE: Update (as of 1/26/2023) So I’ve had Krow for a few months now. Not nearly as long as my other OC’s but decent length of time for me to have figured out some things. However, even so, this blog is mainly for fun, just a means of me writing and drawing for this goofy boy, so some answers may just be silly. Don’t take EVERYTHING I say as the end all be all canon of Krow. I may change my mind on things (and I have before, a number of times).
Below is my old To Note but I’ll keep it up anyway ndfgbl.szf
Krow is a very new character for me, which is to say; until/unless I say otherwise, do NOT take everything said here for absolute canon, lore and fact. You’re basically seeing and experiencing the messy process that is... creating a character, and in many ways, helping me develop him further. Things can and will change with him. Design, lore, bits of personality and so on. Just so you’re aware. (: 
(Anon asks are OFF because I am simply not comfortable with having them on. Apologies.)
Krow’s Ref(s): Main Ref Krow’s Eyes and Teeth Krow’s Back Tattoo Krow Ship Chart (Blank) Mer!Krow Untraumatized Krow
Gabby Ref(s): Doodle
Eliyah Ref(s): Doodle
Luke Ref(s): Doodle
Mary Ref(s): Doodle
Naila Ref(s): Doodle
Tag List (will probably update as more tags become relevant):
#about krow #krow art #krow asked and answered #krow in character #the krow’s nest #naughty krow #krow fluff #krow angst #krow stories #dove aviary #winndy talks #krow fanart #krow’s murder flock #silly krow #bird call #about gabby #gabby asked and answered #LT asked and answered #LT in character #the krow’s nest verse #about eliyah #eliyah asked and answered #eliyah in character #eliyah art #luke asked and answered #about luke #luke in character #luke art #about mary #mary art #mary asked and answered #mary in character #about naila #naila asked and answered #naila in character #naila art
(Probably put more here later)
Does Krow have a VN? When is he getting one? I’ve gotten a number of asks and questions about this from numerous people since I first started this blog and the answer is still the same: I don’t know.  I created Krow mainly as just a way to entertain myself and because games like 14DWY and RH inspired me to. Krow happened to strike a chord with the community, I was asked by a few friends to make a blog so they could send in goofy asks. Now Krow has a decent following (which I am grateful for!) and so I’ve been getting asked this more and more. If I were to seriously consider a VN though, I would have to do a LOT of work. When I made Krow, I created him “in a vacuum” as I like to put it, by which I mean... he doesn’t HAVE a story. There aren’t other defined characters, a setting or such besides him and Dove. So if I were to make a VN, I would need to think of other characters, the setting and so on. While I am not settled on the idea of a VN yet, I HAVE been muddling on expanding the “Krow Verse” as it were. I hope to introduce some other characters to you all soon!
How old is Krow? So *I* personally headcanon Krow at 25, HOWEVER, generally speaking, he can be whatever you headcanon him at as long as he’s 18+. My other headcanon is that he is always a year older than you/Dove. How tall is Krow? Similar to his age, you can headcanon him at various heights. However, his MAX height (and what I headcanon him as) is 5′1″, but he is always at least one inch shorter than you.  Krow is absolutely fine with Dove being much taller than him. 
What ethnicity is Krow? Krow is Indian + Bengali, though he was born in America! And this will ALWAYS be canon.
What’s Krow’s job? He works as a crime scene/forensics cleaner! He works for a very small (as in about five people including him) licensed company to go around and clean up the scenes of murders, not so wellness checks and the like.  He also does some black market organ selling as a side hustle, which come from his own murders. He is also sometimes commissioned to do art! (In particular his other yandere friends go to him for art pieces.)
So Krow’s an artist, what kind of art does he do? The answer is... a bit of everything lmao. Mostly draws and paints, since that’s the easiest and most portable. But he also sculpts (as in using clay but he also buys blocks of marble or such to literally carve into when he can afford it), wood carving and widdling, has done metal working, sometimes writes poetry, customizes and even builds dolls. Pretty much any (traditional) visual art medium there is, Krow has done/does. 
Does Krow have a speech impediment? He does! He’s had his stutter for many years, but has never gotten any kind of correctional therapy for... spoilery reasons.
How did Dove meet Krow? There isn’t really a “canon” way (as of now) that Dove meets Krow, just that it was purely coincidental. So you can headcanon pretty much almost anything of how Dove and Krow meet. Examples I’ve listed before have been at the park, out just walking in public, the grocery store, maybe even your work. To Dove, it may have just been some run of the mill encounter. For Krow however, it was life changing.
FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY WHERE IS THE NSFW ABC’S??!!! I finally got you bae’s. It is right here
Okay what about his SFW ABC's? They are right here!
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Sweet Sixteen (2/11)
Second chapter, lets go!
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: not any that I can think of.
Sirius Black Masterlist
Main Masterlist
First Chapter
Next Chapter
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The library was even quieter on Saturdays. 
  Y/n suspected it was because no one ever felt like doing school work on the weekends, even though it was statistically the most efficient time to get stuff done. That was why she was getting stuff done. The past week had been... busy, to say the least. She had five essays due on Monday, two of which had to be a maximum of ten inches. Along with that she also had to draw up two charts for Astronomy and learn how to do Expelliarmus non-verbally by Tuesday. It was a lot, but she was used to it. In fact, she welcomed it. Academics had always been her strong point, and she intended to keep it that way.
  "How would you describe Golpalotte's Third Law?" she mused to Remus, her usual study partner when he wasn't off galavanting with his friends.
  He looked up from his own Potions paper, brown hair unusually messy from running his hands through it, "Well, Golpalotte said that the antidote to a blended poison isn't simply the antidotes to all the separate poisons in the blend mixed together. Instead you must find that one ingredient that will transform the poisons in to a combined whole, which will counteract the entire blended potion. As the textbook states, the true antidote to a blended poison is more than the sum of its parts."
  Y/n smiled at him bemused, "I was trying to find a way to put it quote-unquote 'in my own words', but you've just recited the textbook."
  Remus's cheeks went a little pink as he glared playfully at her, "Doesn't knowing that what I said is how it's written in the textbook also a sign that you know that paragraph as well as I do?"
  Y/n narrowed her eyes at him, "Well done Sherlock. 10/10 detective work, I must say." 
  He chuckled softly and the two of you went back to work. 
  Sirius yawned contently as he trudged up the stairs to the boys dormitory with James still chatting on excitedly behind him. 
  "... didn't even glare at me today, Pads! Not once! Maybe she's starting to fall for my Potter charm?" That last sentence he said with a cocky smirk on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows. Of course, Sirius wasn't looking at the time, but he knew his friend well enough to be able to guess. 
  He snorted, "Yeah right, Prongs. That's as likely as Dumbledore getting a girlfriend."
  James punched him in the shoulder playfully, "Oi! Don't knock my hopes down! Especially when you might be in the same position as me very soon."
  Sirius paused in front of the door into their dorm, "What's that supposed to mean?"
  James strode past him, patting him on the shoulder, "I mean, your soulmate is the one girl in this school who doesn't swoon at your mere presence. She is also the one girl who you've never dared to try to charm because she makes you nervous."
  Sirius glared at him, "Thanks for the reminder."
  "Hey, I'm only stating it as I see it. You gotta admit it's a little ironic, mate. I mean, she's Y/n L/n, top of our year and the most Ravenclaw Ravenclaw I've ever seen. And you... well, do you get my point?"
  Sirius sighed and flopped onto his bed, throwing an arm over his face, "Yes, I get your bloody point Prongs. Did it not occur to you that I've probably been thinking the same thing ever since I got her bloody name on my bloody wrist?" 
  James chuckled, "Alright, relax. I get it. You don't want to be reminded of the irony of your situation. I'll just sit here looking pretty then."
  Sirius rolled his eyes even though James couldn't see them. His friend really was the most dramatic person he knew. 
  Then, as if to break Sirius out of his spiralling thoughts, an owl tapped on the window.
  Sirius took his arm off of his eyes and sat up as James walked over to the window to let the bird in. 
  "That's odd," he said as he twisted the latch on the window, "We've never received post in our dorm before."
  The owl flew straight to Sirius and perched on his bedside table, sticking out it's leg. Sirius quickly untied the letter from the bird's leg and gave it a little scratch behind the head as a thanks before it flew off again. 
  "Who's it from?" James asked.
  "How am I supposed to know? I haven't opened it yet!"
  "Then open it!"
  "What do you think I'm doing?" 
  Sirius shook his head in exasperation as he broke the seal and pulled the piece of parchment out. The writing was small and neat, looking as if one of those muggle pinter things had made it. 
  Dear Mr Black
  I would like to inform you that due to our conversation being cut short, I have taken your silence as agreement to go ahead with the tutoring sessions. Miss L/n has also been contacted and will be expecting you in the Library every Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to dinner and every Sunday morning from 10 o'clock to 1pm. If you have any problem with the times of your sessions, please send me a letter explaining when you are free. 
  Sincerely, Professor Sikander
  Sirius swallowed, his gut clenching. Not only was Y/n L/n his soulmate, but she was also supposed to be his tutor?
  It was going to be a long year...
  "Why do I have to tutor him, Sienna? The last time I spoke to him was in first year when I apologised for bumping into him on the train and he tried to flirt with me." Y/n complained as she got ready for bed that evening. 
  She had left the library at closing time after having spent the whole day there finishing all five essays and two charts, so she was knackered and in no mood for the letter she received upon arrival back in Ravenclaw Tower. 
  Sienna shrugged, "I don't know. But what I do know is he's cute and every single girl in this school would kill to trade places with you."
  She wiggled her eyebrows at Y/n who grumbled, "They don’t need to kill anyone, I'd trade places with them in a heart beat if I could."
  Her friend rolled her eyes, "Come on, Y/n. It can't be that bad? It's not like you have to socialise with him. You only have to teach him."
  Y/n climbed into bed and gave her friend a small smile, "You're right, as usual. I'll survive. Goodnight."
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So I tried to do this poll with my original Top Ten Performances of Music of the Night post, but I think I set it for a day instead of a week, so let's try this again!
10. Paul Stanley
I mean of course I'm fascinated by Paul Stanley's whole Phantom saga, so of course he's in here. He's far from the most technically proficient, he struggles with the high notes, but he really does a good job otherwise, and I have to admire his moxy.
09. Brent Barrett
Emphatic and sexy with compelling body language. So underrated.
08. Howard McGillin
Spectral, resonant and controlled; a legend.
07. Hugh Panaro
Hugh is one of those that I feel like is a pre-requisite in a top ten list. My favorite thing is how he plays heavily on the phantom's fascination with Christine, and not solely on making her fascinated by him
06. Michael Crawford
Another prerequisite. He's ghostly, coaxing; the OG OG. The man who said, "No I want them to be able to see how lustfully he's touching her in the back row. I need to show more skin: make my sleeves shorter." This man understood the assignment and he set the tone and God bless him for it.
05. Anthony Warlow
The original Sydney Phantom, another beautifully strong, clear vocal quality. He has a very old-fashioned style of singing, I think which has a particular charm. If I had to name a fault it would be that he is quite theatrical, which I don't mind, though I tend to prefer an understated phantom. He never undersells a single line. I think his phantom is one of the most "hopeless romantic" interpretations. A particular standout for me is how he conveys that Christine's reluctance tries his patience, but he holds it together and his "touch me, trust me" is beautifully reassuring, while many phantoms choose to portray lust or longing in this moment, his is an appeal for understanding which is very attractive in its own way.
04. Ben Lewis
The power! The gravitas! Ben Lewis is truly one of the greatest blessings in PotO history and his high note? Off the charts. Also, since this is the whole first lair, I just want to say that this is one of my favorite versions of "Stranger than You Dreamt It" I've ever heard.
03. Ted Keegan
Refreshingly sharp and clean. I just love how powerful he is without being overpowering. He's strong, sensual and smooth. *sigh* ~,~ If only he caught her...
02. Earl Carpenter
So pleading, so gentle--holy hell I love Earl so much. Watch him show Erik's inner struggle with his desire for contact and his fear of his deformity throughout this entire scene! Watch him think to himself "Yes, let her touch you! Why shouldn't you?" And then lose his nerve at the last moment! I could go on for hours. Find me a sweeter Phantom. Go ahead.
01. John Owen-Jones
Without a doubt in my mind THE strongest vocal performer in this role. I just love to hear him booming out in his great, Welsh way. He strikes an exquisite balance between his acting and his singing. His vibe in general is amazing, like he really leans into the idea that he's been Christine's teacher as much as her muse. He has guided her through music and he wishes to be her guide into romance as well, and that manifests in every aspect of his performance. Such as the fact that he doesn't walk away from Christine for the second verse, so he's leaning close when he sings "Let your spirit start to soar" and almost always gestures with his hand over her diaphragm. If I'm completely honest, he's the only Phantom (except perhaps Michael Crawford or Gerard Butler) that I can actually imagine giving Christine singing lessons. So few actually inhabit this music obsessed weirdo like JOJ does.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Hi I hope you’re doing well :))!
I was looking at my solar return chart and I can tell I will be going through a major transformation next year, assumably through myself because of that 8h stellium but also possibly through my career.
I make music and act, do you see any indications of that taking off or anything related to widespread attention in the entertainment field next year? I have sun conjunct saturn in my 8h Sr chart can you explain what that means? Do you see any indications of me traveling or moving next year?
Thank you so much for your time !!!
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hello, I am doing okay - hope you are doing well too :)
i agree you will be going through some changes with the inclusion that your 8h is ruled by uranus! and uranus is in the 10h - so you changes with be seen by all those around you!
question one: I appreciate your inclusion of these objects/asteroid in your chart particularly vertex, fama (which i don't use as just fame but as the god equivalent “pheme” personification of fame, the renown, rumors, and the goddess of many eyes, ears, and tongues - which may be perfect for acting!), and euterpe (muse of music). what i would recommend to look at is orpheus (the singer), apollo (god of music), and melpomene (muse of acting) in your chart. it would be a good indicator to have these in the 1h (being seen as some who is a singer or actor), 5h (actively preforming), 6h (smaller parts and jobs doing singing or acting), 10h (being noticeable remarked in your profession, having big parts, or the change in how you are seen in society). these objects and asteroids are great to see at fame degrees (1°, 2°, 11°, 17°, 29°) or when aspecting the ruling planet of the houses pervious mention if they aren't already sitting in those houses (for you (just-some-indie-chick): sun (1h ruler), mars or pluto (5h rulers), jupiter (6h ruler), and mars (10h ruler)).
that being said with the ones i have in front of me... euterpe is your bestie here being at 1° and aspecting pluto with a rather tight orb. so long as you are actively putting yourself out there performing and releasing your work, you may find yourself being approached for your singing talents! with vertex aspecting jupiter you may get a smaller gig that sends you into the social atmosphere of where you wish to go in your career long term. 
question two: sun (8h) - saturn (8h): positive aspects: you could find yourself going back to your roots and exploring the life of your father. this could be a psychology exploration as well, in which you are healing and exploring you past relationship with him and the emotional intimacy there. you may do best to remember “slow and steady” wins the race when your ambitions are involved - do not quit because it’s taking too long or it’s not easy. “anything easy is not worth having.” negative aspects: this could indicate the death of a father or perhaps the loss of a connection with a fatherly figure. you could experience some sort of delay in the realm of intimacy or transformation in which you have a set expectation. you may appear depressed or as though you are having a crisis during this year.
question three, part one: if we want to evaluate being a traveller i recommend looking at mercury, jupiter, hermes (because mans was even capable of going to hell and coming back with souvenirs), midas (who became a wander/nomad), and odysseus/ulysess (a true adventurer, in my opinion). after that we want to evaluate them being in virgo or gemini for familiar travel or sagittarius for foreign travel, being in the 3h or 9h house, being at (3°, 9°, 15°, 21°, 27°), then whether they aspect mercury, jupiter, or the ruler of your 3h or 9h (for you (just-some-indie-chick): mercury (3h ruler) and/or jupiter or neptune (9h rulers). 
with what i have in front of me... virgo ruling over your 3h could be great for local travel and staycations within your area (especially at a cancer degree could be exploration of your hometown or in a culinary district) - perhaps you will be staying in a place near by but that you haven't really explored much of. you may run into some troubles though given mercury in the 8h. you may find one morning you have a flat tire, your car battery died, that the manager at the front desk wants to charge you more for something that is “wrong in your room” or because “the mini bar was open.” my advice here get your car inspected and take picture of rooms you stay in upon check in and before you leave the room at any point - could always be the staff and not you. 8h mercury could also be great for just recharging and renewing your energy at any point. pisces 9h with both neptune and jupiter present makes me feel like - if you aren’t expecting some type of graduation or religious commencement - you will definitely travel abroad. some warnings given the jupiter conjunct chiron: currency (i usually see this in people who go abroad and have no clue what the “new” currency means - do some research so you aren’t handing out too much (some people will just take it) or too little (you could insult someone), fashion more so how little or much you are wearing (some countries have fashion customs - try to look into where you are traveling so you don’t offend those living there or their culture), etiquette (i feel like general research should be done with pisces ruling this house (pisces tends to be a bit in the clouds on a good day) but with this conjunction your knowledge of the culture will either hinder or harm how others treat you while abroad - maybe it’s in how they eat, how they greet one another, door holding - just look up “things to know when travelling in ___” or “proper etiquette in ___”). lastly, imma play mom for a moment - it’s wonderful to see venus here conjunct jupiter. you could met a handsome masculine BUT beware of a tinder swindler moment - we want none of that. try to keep aware that you have only known them for a short amount of time - don’t ask them to hold your purse, don’t invite them back to your place without taking a picture with them and maybe seeing their ID (take a pic of that too) - i would hate to see you get swindled by someone you thought was a good person.
question three, part two: if we’re evaluating whether you are moving or not we want to look at the moon, 4h, hestia, and vesta. hestia and vesta are both homemakers in their respective myth cultures. good signs that you are moving that year are 4h moon, 4h cancer, cancer moon, 4h hestia and/or vesta, 4h/moon/hestia/vesta at a cancer degrees or in cancer (4°, 16°, 28°), and/or the fourth house ruler (for you (just-some-indie-chick): venus)/hestia/vesta aspecting the moon.
with what i have in front of me… the outlook is unlikely - with a the moon in gemini and trining mercury, you will likely find yourself constantly on the move - too much so to be buying or renting a new place!
hope this helps!
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A/n: I took this off of Tumblr a while ago and I don’t even know why :((. It made me sad to not see this here
Where Lucifer gets soft
Type: fluff, a tiny bit angsty
Word count: 799
pairing: fem! mc x Lucifer
     “People say that I am heartless.”
         If it were true he wouldn’t know, and though things always seemed more absolute when spoken to air, some part of him couldn’t help but think that something about that notion didn’t seem quite right. At least not when his gaze fell over the soft outlines of her face and the comfortable silence of the room found rest somewhere far behind their world reserved for two. Seldom had Lucifer found comfort in the quiet of places like these, where the thumping of rain against the windows of that small, lonely room could easily be mistaken for aggression and the rise and fall of breaths held wafts of time so fleeting, but as his fingers traced the veins of her wrist, he found that he wouldn’t mind staying in that room for however long she stays. Forever in that place seemed not at all long and right there with her warmth tucked beside the pulse in his chest, for the first time in a long time the present felt so precious he thought he might start to cry. There in the fading light he could only think to wish, wish that she’d graze a finger upon the streams charting the sides of his cheek so that she may bear witness to the last shards of paradise on his body.
         Tears were to humanity a connection to childhood, in Lucifer they were indicators of innocence and the pieces of heaven he held before his fall, and all of the world seemed to have gathered around this Lucifer who wept so freely, whose cries spoke of love as though he were beneath the sun once more. Though he failed the first time —
         “People say that I am heartless,” — he tried once more, the slight smell of her and futures too precious to know more of drifting into this tiny, wandering dream. With the smallest tremble his fingers followed the flow of skin behind her ear as if Lucifer saw in them fallen petals in a river, drifting upon the endless body of where love and the universe meet in their kiss. He hoped for her expanse to bring him too, even if being stationed by her side would mean revealing pieces of himself to wind and rain.
         I wouldn’t even mind touch, not if it’s yours, not if it’s by your eyes which touch and find in me love so sweetly.
         “and maybe I don’t know what makes a heart, at least not anymore. Some nights I wish I did, but I guess the loss of those things are normal when you’ve fallen so far,” he mused.
         The moment’s chill left his voice undressed, pride and pretense discarded somewhere forgotten, made useless. There was only Lucifer now, and with every piece of existence in this world, he was the roses of Elagabalus laid bare for her eyes. Stray hair slumped upon the side of his face, and some part of eternity let out a sigh in her slumber for she too was bewitched by him, much like the dark which fell on his shoulder in her exhaustion. If shadows had casted upon the above by now it meant very little, and Lucifer cared not for the sun’s rest nor for the star’s glimmer for moonlight was enough to make out the necessity for sleep beneath her eyes, was enough to assure him that it was him that she touched, him that she shown her warmth upon.
         “but when time is passed like this,”
         With the heavens witness to us as if sinners and believers are distinct no more, like things like this, things like what exists between you and me, mean much more, much different than the hurt from a crime or tears from a deed.
         “and when the scent of you is deemed the sole reason for my breathing, like whoever came up with the idea of me had the thought of you within the same breath,”
         When the image of you like this, at peace under moonlight and the company of stars gleaming down on you as if they’ve already accepted you amongst their ranks, is all that I can envision behind every blink,
         “I think you are the sweetest thing.”
         And they embraced where believers could not find them, among the shades of silence, and though sadness could not reach the embrace of those whose souls touched where bodies cannot, Lucifer still wept between kisses.
         “Somehow, questions of hearts and sinners become meaningless when I can hold you so dearly, when short-lived riches abandon me as I lay here waiting, in hopes that you would kiss me, at least just this once once more.”
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aimlessarchery · 9 months
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: anybody/everybody!
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Name: Maddie
Pronouns: they/she
Birthday (no year): January 12
Where are you from? What is your time zone? US East Coast, EST
Roleplay experience: probably about ~10 years on-and-off between forums, chat rp, and tumblr
Got any pets? two dogs! Seamus is an Australian Shepherd, and Keegan is a rescue mutt. I love them both very dearly
Favorite time of year: Fall
Some interests and things you like: drawing/painting, RPGS, video game music (listening to, finding notation of + transcribing for piano)
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i'm left-handed and an eldest sibling, which means i accidentally taught my younger sister how to play guitar hero backwards
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? oh man. childhood favorites that stick with me are Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy. I've dipped into Tales of, though the only one I've completed is Vesperia (beloved game). Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 are both amazing. Splatoon is my favorite shooter. I've gotten lost in Pillars of Eternity for hundreds of hours. I think my fav Elder Scrolls game has become Oblivion for some reason. Sometimes I dive into sim games like Planet Zoo or Two Point Hospital for a bit. I like video games!!
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: hard to pick a type, but some of my favs are Ampharos, Ivysaur, and Furret!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? downloaded the Awakening demo and played it like 10 times in a row. decided that buying myself the game was going to be my first "treat yourself" purchase when i moved out for college
What Fire Emblem games have you played? completed: Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses (VW, CF, most of AM) actively in progress: Blazing Blade, Three Hopes, Silver Snow route of 3H started, but only barely: Gaiden, Genealogy, Shadow Dragon (DS), New Mystery of the Emblem
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Tellius Duology (hard to separate them for me haha), with SOV as a strong contender as well
Any Fire Emblem crushes? ...and if I was also a little aquiver with python from lukas's performance in the SOV DLC what of it
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Stahl - Fates: Azama - Three Houses: Shamir
Favorite Fire Emblem class: hmm...archers and mages, maybe. it's always satisfying when the chip damage is enough to save a front liner from retaliation, and even more satisfying when a crit or adept procs and the ranged unit is like "nah dw i got this"
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? my gut says wind mage. idk why tho besides the lack of athleticism needed for a physical class lol
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? I have not played engage but i want a ghost ike to be my bestie...
How did you find TOA? Lucius was over at my house and pitched it to me one night while we were reminiscing about FERP on tumblr. pulled up the rank chart on my computer to explain it to me and everything lmao
Current TOA muses: Python and Caspar
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Python was my first! He's definitely the one I'm most confident in, and I see him as kind of my "bedrock muse" for now.
Have you had any other TOA muses? I had Reyson for a short-ish time!
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I think I'm still feeling out the difference between "types of characters i gravitate toward liking" and "types of characters I gravitate toward writing". I do think I feel most comfortable writing supporting characters with enough backstory for me to tease out and build up from there!
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love character connection. Whether it's spoken aloud or not, I like little moments where I can have my muse compare a character to someone else they know, or see each other in a different way. I also love when characters have conflicting views and motivations and have to deal with that in one way or another!
Favorite TOA-related memory: KKE Team Guard coming together for that crazy rapid-fire chat that Ree sprung on us for the finale is definitely a strong one! It was so fun seeing different characters shine throughout the conversations, and on my own end I loved having an opportunity to let Python lose his cool for once >:3
How do you pronounce TOA? each letter pronounced individually: tee-oh-ay
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? I've only got fleeting thoughts that I would have to let simmer longer, especially when I would have to let someone go to fill the slot (I have accepted that 2 is my personal limit). That said, I've got a few guys hidden behind my back on the off-chance that I feel like it's time for a change ;0
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cellythefloshie · 4 months
How often do you post?
As a writer myself I feel inadequate when I see people post a ton. I’m trying to get the second chapter out on my first series but it’s taking forever the first chapter was posted a month ago. I feel bad for my readers. -🦩
I don't really have a set posting schedule anymore. If I have the content, I would try to post 2 times a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) but in the reality of it all, I rarely have that much content to push out these days.
In 2023, my muse and writing time was very inconsistent, and it can be seen in the chart below that displays my posts per month for 2023 - this includes fics and imagines (but does not include NSFW Alphabets).
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As you can see, there are months where I posted less than 5 times (January, June, August, October, November and December) others more than 16 (March). Those low post months can be very discouraging, especially when you see people posting a lot of fics in a short period of time - ex this holiday season I saw a lot of people writing anthology collections for the holidays. They were posting almost daily! And here I was struggling to get 3 fics out! And that's a completely natural feeling to have. Sometimes it just takes longer to make content and that's okay!
There are so many factors that come into play when you get to write and post. Work, family, friends, wellness, motivation. They will all cut into your writing time. And please remember, that all of those thing should be a priority before a blog on Tumblr. This is a hobby, for fun, this is not a job. With that said, let me show you how those things influenced my writing in 2023 by comparing 2 months: April and December. The following are my stats for April:
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I wrote 5 imagines for my 300 Follower Celebration and posted 5 fics for Road Wife and one Stand Alone Fic: Daddy Dunn. The shortest post was 528 words, the longest being 7735. The Average Word Count was: 2334 Words.
During this time, I was working 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. My job was not demanding, with a lot of downtime that allowed me to write multiple short fics during my work day.
April is also a month that is not busy for me, I have no family obligation (birthdays, anniversaries etc). which gave me more free time after working hours to write. Burn out was non existent.
The following are my stats for December:
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I wrote 3 fics in December. I had no events active on my blog this month - yes, I've been avoiding finishing my 500 follower celebration posts but I swear I will get those done in 2024. ANYWAY. The Shortest fic was 826 words, the longest being 12,164. The Average Word Count was: 4753.
During this time, I was training at a new job, working 8:30am - 4:00pm. I spent many of my evenings studying. I no longer had time to write during work with the exception of the occasional work break. I also began the transition to working shift work. Burnout has been high (since October/November which also saw me writing 2 and 3 fics respectively) Which means I have also been focusing more on my self care and other hobbies that are a little less taxing.
December is also a busy month in regards to family with needing to shop for Christmas, celebrating Christmas, as well as the new year.
Now, this has been a very long and very detailed way to sum up one single statement - how often you post will be dependent on the writer and often things out of their control. But I did want to show how variable those things can be instead of just spouting off random factors without proof as to how things have influenced my ability to write and post.
Feel free to reach out again if you have any further questions!
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thecoolerliauditore · 8 months
HEY ANON! Idk what it is but im feeling super duper extra forgiving and kind today so I've decided to actually type up a response to that ask but im answering it like this cus i don't wanna subject my followers to having to scroll thru what u wrote 👍
stuff below the cut (heed the warnings in the tags)
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this is the context, for those curious
FIRST OFF this is so so so SO not okay to send to anyone but ESPECIALLY not a stranger on the internet. Anon you are so lucky I am as comfortable as I am reading and talking about depression/suicide and (I hope) you didn't send this to someone who it could potentially trigger and that I am as normal as I am and not someone who would respond to this callously.
This is such a jump from "i don't draw good", nobody on this website is your therapist or your parent and nobody owes you the time of day to hear you vent. You really don't deserve a response at all but I am doing this because 1. I am nice and very very bored and 2. I believe I used to kind of be like you so I'm somewhat sympathetic.
That being said re: the 'draw more' comic
Anon not everything is about you or directly addressed to you. The message of that comic isn't to just draw more (if anything, mindlessly grinding art isn't the most productive studying you can do once you reach a certain skill level imo), it's to illustrate your mindset and why it's flawed.
The artist in that comic is frustrated with their own progress and skill only because they cannot see the 100x amount of work their more experienced counterpart put in. That doesn't mean their own effort doesn't matter, it just means they have no sense of scale and don't understand why, when they've done so much, they aren't as skilled as those around them.
It's this mindset that inevitably leads to the assumption that other people are just born more talented or didn't have to work as hard for their skills when they certainly did (this might not have been what you intended to say but using words like "life is unfair" paints a very specific impression). Which is. Frustrating, you could imagine, for those of us who have pushed through that period of growth only to be met with "oh woe is me, not blessed by the art muse like your holiness".
I put that there because your message reminded me of it. The last thing it's meant to be is a direct message towards You to Draw More.
re: learning art
My guy nobody is happy with their art straight away. I wasn't happy with my art for like. 6 years.
Learning art is as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. The improvement over time chart is something I've tried to keep in mind for years when it comes to those "dip" periods in which it suddenly feels like you suck.
I've seen quite a few people touch on it in recent years but the first time I saw it was in this Sycra video.
Just like a bad mental health day due to seasonal depression I found it much easier to bear once I could sense a 'dip' period incoming and braced myself for it. I even.. kind of learned to enjoy it and accept it as part of my growth process because it was a sign I was going to improve enormously in the coming month or so. but that might just be me lol.
Eitherway, hope this helps 👍speaking of that though
re: depression/suicide/mental health
Let's be honest with ourselves here there is something much deeper going on with you in your life if Drawing Pictures gets you feeling suicidal.
Art isn't this all or nothing thing, you're allowed to take breaks for years and then come back fresh, you're allowed to start drawing at age 98. There's no expiry date on it. It's not professional gymnastics.
What I'm trying to illustrate here is that art is clearly a symptom of a bigger problem in your life that has you taking this attitude with yourself and the way you talk is doing anything but helping your case. You know what's especially unhelpful tho is venting to faceless block man artists on tumblr about this who don't know your personal circumstances or like.. who you are at all. seriously.
This is a problem you're going to have to fix yourself. "seek therapy" is the stock standard answer that we would all love to accept but that isn't realistic for alot of obvious reasons. I can't say what would work for you but personally I'd advise looking to online free mental health resources (forums like reddit are a last resort but if you can find the right space for that then what works works).
If you want an artsy spin on it I'd recommend literally any number of artists' youtube videos on their artistic journeys and their own struggles with impostor syndrome, insecurities, depression, etc. Off the top of my head I recall Jazza has made a few over the years and i adore these marco bucci videos in particular.
The bottom line is that you're going to have to help yourself, Anon. You can't expect others to make themselves smaller to make you more comfortable, you have to create that space for yourself.
We can all uplift each other but no one's going to respond kindly if you come out of the gate downplaying everyone else's efforts.
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catb-fics · 4 months
Mind you that *if* Catfish are being paid a million, that money likely goes towards paying the label back for their investment in the new record, the album promo campaign + tour costs on top of fees from their team, hospitality and travel. Van/Catfish are not actually making much. I’d fully expect Catfish to really only pocket less than half anything they’re making from R&L.
Kinda relative question: do Catfish usually headline the same stages as massive bands do? Like Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Foo Fighters, Lana Del Rey level? Can’t wrap my head around Catfish being that big, even in the UK.
I’ll have a friend that does accounting & legal work for bands look at the statement asap. From my knowledge it looks like he’s short term broke from a band standpoint. He may personally be doing fine though on his own. To my understanding, band statements don’t account for personal financial stats.
The crowd would be there if they make their return US based first. There’s definitely a diehard following out here. They’ve been charting since The Ride which is excellent placement. They just can’t sell out larger shows on a regular basis if that makes sense. I mean look at all the American fans flying in for R&L. Can’t write the US off just yet. They very well could make a return out here which would actually drive more fans to shows out here on an emotional factor. Plenty do it - 🌴
I can’t imagine them being paid that kind of fee even as a highly anticipated comeback but yeah I’m sure costs are high. And you wouldn’t be expecting a band who’s been absent for 4 years to be in a good financial position I guess (even though @vanmccannsfridge has been personally keeping them afloat with merch purchases 😂)
Catb are not in the same league as those other artists you mentioned in the UK, even though they’re festival headliners they’re not household names yet. I just think from a festival bookers perspective they are a sure thing as they’re a phenomenal live band, no one can get a crowd bouncing for a whole set quite like they can. They wouldn’t headline Glasto yet though like those others could I’d say, that’s a different league.
I hear what you’re saying about US comeback shows but it would definitely surprise me in terms of making as big an impact as possible.
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desirism · 5 months
home. i lay my head down, shoes left where they fall. pillow over my head. it muffles the world above me. home is now at my parents, sj costa rica. a nicely done two-second house project. close to nowhere. i dont quite like this place. it doesnt resonate with me. it’s energetically expensive. bedroom is okay. floors are hardwood. white walls nothing on them. save for a small balcony table turned desk and a stupid gamer chair. i dont even play videgames anymore. dont even remember if i have or sold my ps3. theres also a handpasted mural of photos one day. mostly artists and albums i like. also their nirvana homes. it somehow keeps me going. what can i say. product of a demotivated day. theres also a prized Amsterdam car plate. prolly my favorite artifact. got it as a souvenir from a 2017 europe escape. only time i been to europe. been off the smoke couple months now. since sugar has turned into my only temptation. got one closet and more articles of clothing than i need or wear. options are meh. ive never been notably organized or tidy. good part of my clothing tends to end up around the room. but i try to keep my table desk somewhat orderly. im trying to stick to homemade meals. a nice lady named ivania comes once a week to clean the house. those days are honestly the best. ive tried to create a project studio in my room. but the mess of wires and notebooks is becoming bothersome. ive barely used it for practice or recording. though ive made a couple of beats. shared them only with jules. im also reading three books right now. sort of. you know what i mean. the one im most into is about a metaphorical take on the art of love from 1956 by eric fromm. its unbelievable how little life has changed since then. i find some peace when i put it down each night. i used to be hooked on twitter and staring at charts. now my twitter is mostly off. or i use it for gathering info for the market. which i still lose money on. its the thrill of it that keeps me tryin i guess. except when im planning to go to the beach with my brother. then i really need those weekly benjamins. or maybe im just a gambling addict at this point. damn. im impulsive as fuck. i also watch a lot of youtube these days, especially artist stories and documentaries. theyre my favorite. i dont subscribe much. but my youtube history must be a goldmine for channels. im thinking of switching to offline stuff maybe. like magazines. i should check out a newsstand. been exploring old muse too. digging those good ol times & artists that id never heard before. those have been my wisest listens this summer fs. definitely smarter than my trading habits. and those old love deluxe and classic movies AhH. they might just help me find that one perfect sample someday. a house to go with it would be nice. no kidding. ill go and do my meditation tapes now. maybe i won’t wake up till night. or maybe sooner. either way. ill pray and dream. yk. escape reality for a while.
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
Jack & Sammy Headcanons
Okay so like if Jack said not to Joeys offer I 100% believe Sammy would’ve thrown Joey to catch up with Jack walking out the door.
Met when they were in their late and mid teens
Sammy is the younger one by 4 years but everyone thinks Jack’s younger cause he’s more laid back
Jack offered Sammy a place to live after finding out this really talented kids was couch hopping (he was too young to be rented to but lacked the social skills to ask any band members to be a roommate)
If asked Sammy insists that he moved in cause Jack needed some order in his life but was actually just super grateful to sleep on a bed between gigs
Jack is more protective of Sammy due to Sammy being a bit more “eccentric” and it’s easier to play into those and take advantage of him
Sammy is the more creative one while Jack is more technical actually, though this only applies to their craft
Jack is like Sammy’s social guidebook as Sammy doesn’t get how to talk to people outside of work or music stuff
Sammy returns the favor by being Jack’s fire (Jack gets upset but he’s an avoider, Sammy will bite)
Adhd and autism solidarity
They shared an office before Jack relocated to the sewers. Sammy was very hurt by this but let Jack have his space
Taught Jack the the violin after Jack mused about being able to still accompany Sammy when he was resting his voice
Sammy doesn’t like pickles, Jack eats the pickles off his whopper (Jack also hates pickles)
Most of there fights are about how each overstep unintentionally
Sammy doesn’t like that Jack is always straightforward with him or brings him into social settings he knows Sammy won’t be 100% comfy/knowledgeable in (bad at parties and galas, not a showboat like Jack)
Jack gets frustrated when Sammy gets closed off and nippy with either him or people that are just trying to help. Wants Sammy to understand to get better with people he has to be uncomfy sometimes.
Sammy doesn’t like to be 100% alone rather be left alone with people around, Jack luckily understands this
Sammy never learned to cook so that’s Jacks job (sam can make like pasta and eggs)
Sammy cheats on the chore chart cause he hates doing the dishes, Jack let’s him
Bi and Gay solidarity
Are so close they have like tells when each other are getting tired, upset or nervous about something
Jack starts readjusting his hat a lot and puts a hand on Sammy’s shoulder Sammy literally just shuffles closer and closer into Jack until he’s practically on top of him (literally pushes my partner until we are out the door)
Sammy doesn’t sing a lot as it calls too much attention on him, of all the studio Jack’s the only one with the bragging rights of hearing his voice (team Sammy would’ve been a killer Alice Angel /j)
Jack didn’t talk to Sammy for a week after Sammy said he was being a distraction cause that’s like the biggest Sammy insult there is
When Jack disappeared Sammy spent a lot of his after hours looking through the studio and scouring the tunnels despite the dangers
Felt guilty cause he was involved with Joey, knew what was going on and didn’t tell Jack which could’ve prevented him from going missing
Became way more irritated and mean after Jack was gone, people pretended not to notice a change (unspoken rule was to not mention Jack and Joey knew better than to suggest hiring another lyricist)
The ink along with other things promised Sammy it’d bring Jack back if he listened
After the ink sometimes Sammy tries to carry Jack back up to their office so he can chill in the pool outside the door, sadly he’s too heavy/slippery
They remember each other and Sammy gives Jack a pass on being a heretic
Sings a lot more in the ink for Jack as Jack can no longer do so
Sammy hangs out on level 2 despite the village cause he still like to be by himself but not alone, Jack still understands
They deserved better. Shout out to these two ill functioning music men
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