#what mary kate and ashley's gotta do with it
olsenmyolsen · 1 year
That Funny Feeling
Part 17 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~8.4K
It's like Y/N saw a ghost or, in this case, heard a ghost.
"Who's that?" I ask, trying to read her face. She eyes me. "You'll see." What the hell does that mean? She holds her hand to me—a signal to let me know it'll be okay. I hope.
Y/N opens the door in almost a robot fashion before her mouth opens and speaks out, "Hello, mother."
A surprise mom visit.
"There she is! My beautiful daughter!" I watch the older woman walk in with a suitcase and bombard Y/N into a hug. I move my eyes to Y/N, who slowly reciprocates the gesture.
From the side, Y/N and her mother look scary alike at first. Both freckled covered faces. Ridged noses. The same eye color. Good cheekbones.
Okay, that was a weird one to point out.
However, Y/N must get her legs from her dad because she towers over her mom. Like she can put her head on her mom's head. I never thought of it, but Y/N's gotta be 5'9"? 5'10"?
The hug ends, and I'm not sure what to do. Do I get up and introduce myself? Y/N looks a little stressed, so maybe I should leave? I watch Y/N's mother look over Y/N before lightly tugging at the end of Y/N's shirt. "So this is the place, huh?" Her mom begins looking around the studio apartment. Oh no, she's slowly turning her body to me. "I only ever see it when we FaceCh-" I've been spotted.
"Who are you?"
Okay, rude mom. The proper thing to say would have been, "oh my goodness, I didn't realize you had a guest over because I was too busy not telling you that I was paying you a surprise visit to make you feel bad about yourself!" I think to myself as my eyes roll. I grab my mom's suitcase. I pick it up to move it out of the way, but this bitch is heavy.
I watch MK, and I can see her mind is struggling. I step up and answer for the poor Olsen. "Mom, this is my friend MK." MK thankfully knows how to be formal and polite as she stands up to give my mom a handshake.
"I thought your name was Max?" Okay, it's that kind of day. My mom is going to try to bicker about every little thing.
"I have another friend named Max. This is MK." I state again, so Mary-Kate doesn't have to speak up. They shake hands, and I see MK doesn't know whether to sit back down or not. With my mom's back still to me, I motion for MK to sit. She catches me and puts her butt on the cushion.
"Well, nice to meet you, MK. You're a gorgeous girl. I assume that MK is short for something?" Mom. "Mary-Kate." She speaks up. I mouth the word sorry to her. I watch her eyes dart to me as she gives me a small smile.
"Ahh. I see." My mom now takes a seat on the opposite end of the couch, her eyes still darting around the room as she still talks to MK. "Mary-Kate, like those Olsen girls." Oh, God. "Remember those girls?" My mom looks toward me. "You use to have their VHS movies and copies of Full House. You loved them!" My mom turns to face MK now. "She would go on and on watching them. There was one summer she had to fall asleep watching those movies that those little girls made. I know this because it got so bad and to a point where once the movie ended, her body knew. So she'd wake up and restart the movie."
Praying I get bit by a radioactive spider or something, so I can shoot lasers at my mom. She's so embarrassing and oblivious it hurts. MK's eyes flicker to mine, and she starts to laugh quietly at the death glare my mother is receiving.
"Yes, it happened. For one summer. Please, mom, stop."
"What was the name of the other one? Nash?" I huff. "Mom, you know it's Ashley. Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen. Please stop bringing up my embarrassing childhood moments."
"Ashley. That's right! I wonder what they're up to now." Is she for real? "I'm sure they're doing fine," MK says with a teasing smile that only I see. I go to open my mouth, but my friend stops. "Who was Y/N's favorite, Mary-Kate or Ashley?" I can feel my body tense. I turn my eyes, already meeting MK's. Dead. I mouth to my least favorite, Olsen.
"I think it was that Ashley girl. But Y/N sometimes had a hard time telling those twins apart." Kill me. "Okay, mom! Please stop! Thank you." I shoot daggers at MK. She gets the hint and closes her mouth too.
"My friend doesn't need to hear these kinds of stories right now." I plead.
My mom looks at the tv with Godzilla still on pause. "Is this what you girls have been doing all day?" I have to physically stop myself from rolling my eyes. "No, mom, believe it or not, I worked today. I got up extra early too. I went on a run, went to work, talked to my- some significant people, came home, and THEN I started watching this movie. MK came over 'bout 20 minutes before you did! We also ordered dinner too. I would've had MK order you a plate if I knew you were coming! But did I know that? No!" I take a breath. "It-It's like you thrive off the stress you put onto me!" I exhale. My mom looks at me, shocked. I never go off on my mom, but she's been so frustrating lately, and for her to do this really sent me to the edge.
I want to say sorry. But I stand my ground. I stay standing as she looks at me. I see MK looking out my living room window out of the corner of my eye. She probably wants to jump out of it.
"I thought my own daughter would be happy to see me." Now she's doing this. "Mom-" "No, it's alright. I'll go to my hotel and take the first flight in the morning back to Nashville. Your home." She throws in. I wish she would stop saying that. It's not my home. Where I live is my home. The place where I don't feel people watching me. The place where I actually have friends that I love. The place where I met my girlfriend. New York. This is my home.
My mom goes to get up. I know she's hurt, but I know she's trying to get me to apologize and cave. I may cave, but I'm not apologizing.
"Mom." "It's quite alright, Y/N." My mom states firmly before grabbing her suitcase and leaving out my door, slamming it shut. I take a huge breath in and turn to my friend. Mary-Kate Olsen. She looks like a lost puppy. "It's complicated." She nods at me. I walk over to her and wrap her into a surprise hug. "So big fans, huh, and here I thought you knew nothing about us." I scoff. "It was one summer." "Sure, Y/N." "I knew about you two. I promise you I had no idea there was a third." We stop talking, and I try to relax my body.
"MK?" "Yeah?" I move out of the hug. "Can you go wait in my room?" "Uhh yeah, sure." She quickly gets up without a second thought and heads into my room. I feel a shouting match about to start with my mom, and even if it's outside my apartment, I don't want MK to be able to hear it.
I firmly wipe the palms of my hands off and step out my door, chasing my mom down the hall.
"Mom, stop." She ignores me as she presses the elevator button. I've lived here long enough to know that I got at least 20 seconds before it gets here. "Mom." I finally plant myself next to her. "Can you just come back inside? Please." "I thought you didn't want me here." She spits out. I'm so tired of this. I'm finally in the best place I've been in.. in.. forever? Maybe? I don't know. But I'm finally feeling great about myself, about my life, and today she decides to pull this stunt.
"Mom." I make sure my tone is softer than it was 2 minutes ago. "What did you think was going to happen?" I've observed my mother for too long. I watch as she shuffles her feet continuing to not answer me. She does that when she knows she's in the wrong. Will she ever admit it? No.
"You show up to my place for the first time out of the blue? What's, going on? What is this really about?" I stare at her blank face as the elevator dings. "Fine. It's not like we're on the best terms right now anyways." I huff out before I turn away.
I make it about two steps away before I feel my mom grip my wrist. I sigh and put my head down. I wanted her to tell me what was going on, but at the same time, I wanted her gone.
"Don't speak that way to me." She pulls me, causing me to turn to her. "I am your mother!" I rip my wrist out of her grasp. "Mom-" "I just wanted to see my baby! I wanted to see you! Lord knows you're not coming back home. And fine. That's fine! But I wanted my daughter to look me in the eyes and talk to me. Actually, talk to me-" I can't tell if this is real or bullshit, so I choose to interject.
"So what just 'cause I'm not returning "home," you think you can just barge into my small slice of life I have here?" "A life I gave to you" "Don't! Don't do that." I take a breath and run my hand through my hair. I can feel my hand bounce off my scalp as my nerves work through my body. My mom watches as my eyes begin to water. She reaches a hand out, but I take a step away.
"Yes, mother. Thank you for reminding me for the four hundredth and sixty-second time that you gave me a life. A life that was tailor-made to be better than the one you got. But guess what, mom? Maybe I didn't want that? Did you ever think about that?" I stop and sniff my nose. "Why do you think I went to Syracuse, literally one of the farthest schools I got accepted to, instead of Vanderbilt? I wanted to figure myself out without you!" I take a breath in as I let the tears fall. I shuffle my feet and shift my weight from one leg to the other.
"I turn 25 this year, for fucks sake! I thought I knew for the longest time, but then everything changed." "And I supported you." I hold my hand up to her. "Yes, you both did."
You both did. I repeat to me and only me.
"But, you know that's not what I'm talking about." I sob out as I cover my eyes. "Why are you really here, mom? Don't bullshit me. Because if you're about to say it's because I don't come home or I'm rude on the phone... I can't do this right now. You know the reasons I never want to come back. And so if that's the reason you think I'm short with you on the phone, then guess what, mom, that's not the reason."
My moms eyes are filled with hurt and regret. I know it, and she knows it, but I can't stop my mouth now.
"Sometimes it's because I'm fucking tired and the last thing I want to do is answer your stupid question about why I'm not going back to school, or the do I really want to work at a coffee shop for the rest of my life question? You already know the answers!" I swallow. "Other times, it's because all I get is a look from you that screams every word but joy. And maybe you don't mean to make that face because I know you're worried for me. I do. But guess what? You don't have to keep worrying. I'm in a good place. So maybe sometimes I don't want to talk because I don't want to talk! But then still there you are, and most of the time... i-it's because- it's like you call me up just to put me down. I s-swear it's like you only want me to be happy when it's convenient for you! Like today! I was having a great day! A great fucking day, and look at where we are now."
I can't see my mom anymore through the tears. I'm feeling every emotion in this one second, and I can't stop crying. I've never done this to another person before. I've never felt my chest become so light. I've never felt that funny feeling. I don't know what to do.
"Mom?" I croak out of my sore throat as I feel a person wrap their arms around mine. They shush me and start rubbing my back, letting me know it's okay. This action causes me to break down even more. I'm like full-on hyperventilating now as I bring my head down onto my mom's shoulder. I for sure know it's her because I can smell the coconut shampoo she's used all my life.
"Pumpkin?" My mom pulls out of the hug and gently puts her hands on my face. "I'm sorry, dear." Wow, that's maybe the third time in my life I've ever heard those words escape her mouth. She leans my head down and kisses my forehead. In response, I put my arms around her again and continued sobbing. My neighbors probably heard everything, but luckily no one came out. I can hear my mom saying things to me, but I can't concentrate enough to make out the words. So instead, I give her the tightest hug I've given her since we lost Davey.
My Dad.
That's when it hit me.
"Mom?" I whisper into her shoulder. "Yes, pumpkin?" "Todays, the day, isn't it?" My mom doesn't respond. Instead, she pulls back from the hug and puts her arms on mine. It's like we're standing there supporting each other. She slowly lifts her right hand and brushes my hair out of my face.
I blink, feeling a few tears slip out. "Two years to the day, Pumpkin." How could I forget? No really. How could I fucking forget? I look down at my mom, and I see her face clearer now.
She looks heartbroken. Maybe because her only child just yelled at her and complained that she ruined her life. Perhaps it's because that same child forgot the death date of the only father figure she's ever known. Or maybe she missed her kiddo. She missed having her family. She was tired, and she needed me.
"Do you hate me?" I genuinely ask.
My mom doesn't immediately respond, which makes my brain go crazy. She takes my hands into her own and pulls me to the nearest wall. She makes us sit down and let out bodies lean against the wall.
"Y/N?" I turn my face to the sound of my mother's smooth and soft voice. It reminds me of days when I was sick as a kid, and she took care of me. "I could never hate you." Tears begin to slip out her eyes. "I'm so sorry for ever making you think I did, sweetie. I care for you so much." She places a hand on my face to push back my tears. "I want what is best for you, and I try and push you because I know what the world is like. I was just trying to be the best mom you could ask for. I was trying to be better than my own mother. I never meant to push you away or make you think I never wanted you as a daughter. I love you with every bit of my old heart." I let out a breath of air through my nose and smile at that last part. "You're not even 50, mom."
"But I will be soon, Y/N. I want my daughter in my life for that day and all the years that follow." She thought she had lost me. "I'm so sorry for how I've acted. I didn't want to lose you, Y/N. I just love you so much. I'm so sorry, Pumpkin." "I'm sorry too, mom." I reach over and hug her. I hug her like I haven't seen her in years. I hug her like she'd never see me again. "I love you, mom." "I love you too, sweetie."
I'm sitting at Y/N's desk, and it's a lot cleaner than the last time I was over like she's actually using it.
I'm trying to get my mind to focus on anything in this room. I've heard some yelling from out in the hall, but I chose not to listen to the words being screamed. I've distracted myself with my phone, but emails can only be so much fun.
As I skim over the desk, I notice she has a couple of books and journals on her desk. I take note at how similar they look to the ones in the living room. Except some of these are years old. I pick up a journal with the year marked 2019 on it. As I flip through some of the first few pages, it becomes clear what she uses these books for.
It's laced with short stories, poems, and songs. All original, as far as I know.
She never mentioned she was a writer or a musician, maybe? I take a glance around the room, and I don't see any guitars or keyboards. Maybe in her closet? I look towards it, but it's shut, so I won't bother.
I take a chance and try to find today's date in the 2019 journal. After a quick search, I find it and begin reading.
May 3rd, 2019
Death is Watching (Look Who's Inside Again)
Trying to be funny and stuck in a room There isn't much more to say about it Can one be funny when stuck in a room?
Well, well Look who's inside again Went out to look for a reason to hide again Well, well Buddy, you found it Now, come out with your hands up We've got you surrounded
To the man that made me laugh. I love you, Dad. But why did you give up? Why did you let Death take you?
My eyes look over those last three lines again, again, and again. Each time they become more glossy. It's like my heart is in my throat. Maybe that's why I'm struggling to breathe right now. I force my hand to gently grab the bottom of the page and turn it over.
There's no entry. I flip the next page. Nothing. I grab the book, close it, and let all the pages brush past my thumb as I watch each page after the one I read come up empty.
I hear the front door open and close. Oh shit. I put the journals back to where I think they were and stand up, waiting for her. No, I show look relaxed? I quickly wipe my eyes and pull out my phone before jumping onto Y/N's bed. No, wait, is that weird? Should I sit up? All this time, I've been internally debating, and I haven't heard Y/N.
"Y/N?" I call out to no answer. I decide to get up and come out into the main area. She's not there. "Y/N?" I take a quick look. Yeah, she isn't here. I go to pull my phone out; shit, I left it on the bed. That's when I notice the Chinese food sitting on the coffee table.
She was just dropping the food off. Is she coming back? Are her and her mom okay? Should I start plating the food? Does she even want a plate, or does she just eat it straight out of the container?
I enter my apartment, and it's a little shocking to see MK standing there.. menacingly... staring at the Chinese food. "MK?" I ask, closing the door behind me. "Hey! You're back!" She runs over to me and hugs me. "I thought you left." She mumbles out. I decided not to question her and just let this moment happen.
We detach, and she notices how exhausted my body has become within the last 15 minutes. She thankfully doesn't say anything, but I see the look in her eyes. She sees my face and red eyes. She probably overheard. Crap.
"Where's your mom?" "She went to the hotel." "Oh." I don't want to talk about it now. MK looks away and to the food. "Do you want a plate?" "No, I usually eat out of the container." How much will I eat? I don't know. "Why am I not surprised." MK laughs, putting a smile on my tired face. "But if you need a plate, go grab one." MK walks to the kitchen and begins rummaging through, looking for everything she needs. I start to unpack our food and place it on the coffee table. I look to the tv, and it did the thing where it goes to an idle screen while waiting, so I turn it back onto the movie. I'm not really in the mood anymore, I'm so tired emotionally and physically, but I want to put on a front for MK. Or at least until dinners over.
MK returns with two glasses of water, a plate, and some silverware. I didn't know whose food was whose, so thankfully, I chose right because MK puts her fork into the meal in front of her. So I guess I'm eating Sesame Chicken. Good choice. "Ready?" I ask her picking up the remote and pointing it to the screen.
"Yeah." MK answers looking over at me; she gives me a pity smile before focusing her attention away.
Man, I really wanted that Sesame Chicken. But Y/N needs to eat, and I don't want to disrupt her right now. I have no idea what happened in that hallway, but I want the person next to me to be okay.
I'm happy with the amount she ate. Half. But hey, that's better than nothing.
Do you know resting bitch face? What's it called when the person looks worried? Worried bitch face? I don't know, but that's what Y/N's got when she watches movies. I could tell her mind was elsewhere at the beginning, but as the film continued, she got more into it and started to relax. The movies almost over now, and I've been watching Y/N more than the monsters on screen.
She smiled every time Lizzie came on screen. It was so cute until it became annoying. Just kidding, but now she has the dumbest grin I've seen. Are her eyes glossy? What's she looking at?
I turn my head, and it's the scene where Lizzie reunites with her kid and husband. Right now, the kid just ran into Lizzie's arms, and she's holding him, crying.
For the first time tonight, Y/N catches me watching her. "Shut up." That is all she says as she laughs and lets a tear slip out. I throw my hands up in defeat and let the last 5 minutes play out.
The credits hit, and I turn to MK. "Wow." She laughs and turns the tv off for me. She starts packing up the leftovers. "Wait till you see Avengers!" "Trust me. I can't wait. I gotta tell Liz that I saw this." I pull my phone out and start typing away. From the kitchen, I hear the fridge door close, and "she told you not to watch Oldboy, right?" "Yeah." "Good." Okay, what the heck? It can't be that bad, right?
I finish up my text to my girlfriend as MK entered the room again. "Is it cool if I use your bathroom? I had to go since, like the HALO drop scene, I didn't want you to stop the movie." "Who said I would've paused it?" MK's jaw drops before she pouts and lets out a "rude" before walking away into the bathroom.
It's now after 8, and I was tired before the movie, but I'm exhausted now. I want to just go to bed, but my mind still doesn't want to turn off. I'm thinking about my mom and my dad a lot. I feel a mix of remorse, loss, happiness, and regret. I genuinely don't know what to do. I should've stayed with my mom. I could've done more over the last two years. I'm so stupid. I can feel something happening, but I don't know what's happening. Am I crying? When did this happen?
"Hey, look at me. Y/N, can you look at me?" I hear MK's voice calling out to me. Where is she? I pull my eyes from the floor and up to her face. She's sitting on her knees in front of me. I see her bottom lip trembling. Her eyes look scared. Worried? Her hands start reaching up to me. "Good. You're doing very well. Y/N, is this okay?" She cups her hands onto the sides of my face. I open my mouth to respond, but nothing happens, so I just nod. Her thumbs begin to wipe at the tears streaming down my face. "It's okay. I'm here." I lean my forehead into her own. I can't stop. "Y/N, can you focus on some things around the room? Look at three things and tell me what they are." I lift my head from MK's. She leans more into my knees to keep wiping away the tears. "Umm... the tv..." "That's good, Y/N. Keep breathing in and out and name another thing." I blink a couple of times before looking around. "Your bag.." "One more thing Y/N. You're doing very well." MK gets up from the floor and sits right next to me. She drapes an arm around my waist, takes her other hand, and grabs onto mine. She leans her body onto mine. She's covering me in comfort. She has to have done this with Liz before. "Max." "Can you tell me where?" I nudge my head in the direction of a photo in the kitchen. "Max and I. Couple months ago." "Thank you, Y/N." I hear MK swallow next to me and take in a breath. "You're okay. I got you."
She's finally resting.
It's been almost an hour since I asked her to name the things around the room. It's a trick I haven't done in a while. The last person I did that with was Liz before she started to shoot WandaVision.
Over the course of the last hour, I just held her in my arms. She would sob and stop. She'd apologize before drifting off into her mind again. The whole time I just kept her safe. I would brush her hair and tell her that it was okay and that I'm here for her. I still am. I always will be.
I've never seen this side of Y/N before. It didn't scare me one bit. It just made me concerned for her. It also made me so incredibly mad at her mom. Her mom sent her over the edge. Her mom did this.
I hear my phone start to ring from the bedroom, breaking up to silence in here. Shit. Y/N seems like she's out of it, so maybe I can slip away. I unwrap my arm from around her body, and I swear my phone is getting louder. I start scooting from Y/N so that I can get up, but she stops me. "MK?" "Hey, one second, I'll go turn it off," I say, getting up and leaving her. Y/N mumbles something, but I don't catch it.
I pick up my phone, wanting to tear the head off of whoever called me.
Damn it. It's Ash.
MK: "What?"
I move myself into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
Ash: "Woah, calm down. You okay? Also hiiiii!"
M: "Sorry. Hi. What's up?"
A: "Damn okay. Anyways. I sent you some emails about an upcoming shoot. Models and outfits. Can you go over them and send me your feedback. I need it by 9 tomorrow. Cool?"
"Yes. I can do that."
"Thanks. You're the best! Byee!"
The call ends, and thank goodness I got work mode Ash on a call instead of Sister Ash. Sister Ash would've known something was up and not let me go until she figured out whatever was going on. I quickly look in the mirror and fix my eyes and hair. I put my phone on silent and put it in my pocket before walking back out to Y/N. I walk past the exhausted couch girl and slip my phone into my bag.
"MK?" Her sore throat squeaks, scaring me before I quickly compose myself. "Hey. It's me. I'm here." In a calm tone. I put myself back into my old position. "I should go to bed." "Okay. Y/N, let's get you to bed." I remove my arm from her side and get up quickly. She doesn't move. I move up to her knees like before. "Need some help?" She nods at me. I stand up and hold my arms out to her. She grabs on, and together we lift her up to her feet. I put my arm around her to help support her since I know her body wants to drop.
Once getting her onto her bed, I begin to look through her drawers and closet for any comfy clothes. Oh, hey, there's the guitar!
"Bottom drawer." I turn around and see her pointing to the bottom of her dresser. I open it up and find a black t-shirt and grey sweats. This shirt looks a lot like one I use to have. I bring the clothes to Y/N and excuse myself so she can change. I grab her a water bottle and some Advil for her head during that time. Crying always causes a headache. Remember that. "You can come back." I enter her room and smile at her. "Take this. It'll help." She doesn't put up a fight or say anything. I think she just wants to sleep and put an end to this day. "Thank you." "Of course." Y/N sets her water down and starts getting comfortable on her bed. I look over her room again, and my eyes return to her desk.
She knows.
Sitting on top of a large T-shirt and a pair of black shorts is the 2019 journal. I look back at her eyes, which are already watching me. "MK?" Oh no. "Could you stay the night?" She points to the clothes. Oh! "You sure?" She nods. I carefully grab the journal and set it off to the side. I watch Y/N smile out of the corner of my eye. I grab the clothes and excuse myself to the bathroom to change.
She didn't ask me what my journal was for or what it meant. She read it earlier. I knew it was in a different position.
But for some reason, I'm not mad. I'm actually glad if she ended up reading what I think she read.
"Penny, for your thoughts?" I look over to see MK changed. "I'll tell you." I gesture for her to crawl into bed. My bed isn't a twin, so thankfully, we're not right on top of each other. It's a Queen. Cuddles can happen, or people can give each other space. MK gets into bed and faces me. "I turned off all your lights and locked your door." "Thank you." "Do you want your lamp off?" "Not yet."
We start to let the silence fall onto us. I'm not as tired as I was before, so I'm just lying here thinking and staring at the Olsen across from me.
"Y/N?" "Hmm." "What are you thinking about?" "That I don't want to be alone right now. That I'm glad, you're here." "Me too." I scoot myself closer to MK. I can tell by how she slightly moved her arm back that she doesn't want to mess up. I rest my hand onto her side. "Is this okay?" She nods to me. My eyes start to look over her body as I continue to think about today. "What did you think?" MK looks at me, a bit confused. "About my journal entry?" I physically watch MK get embarrassed and stressed all at once. She begins to pull away and back up, but I grab onto her hip and pull her closer to me. "MK." I get out in a calm tone. She stops moving. "I'm serious. I'm not mad. It's okay." I reassure her and brush away her hair from her face that softens up so I can see my friend again. "I thought it was" She takes a second. "Beautiful." She smiles at me to let me know she means it.
"I'm sorry for your loss," MK said, the one thing I didn't want to hear. I nod at her. She inches closer to me as this moment between us becomes more fragile each time we open our mouths. "I wrote that the day he died." "What was his name?" "Davey. Well, that's what I called him. He gave me a choice between Dad or Davey. As long as I never called him David, he was cool with it." MK and I bring each closer into a hug, as we both feel the tears coming.
We both let the hug happen until I pull away. If I look pass her and into my room, I'm going to get lost in thought. "He wasn't my real dad." I clarify for MK. "But he treated me like he was." I smile, thinking about the day I met him. "He always had shoulder-length hair, which, as a kid, I thought was funny, but as I grew up, I got jealous of it." I chuckle as some tears land between MK and I.
MK looks like she wants to speak but is afraid. "Spill it," I whisper out. "How?" "Cancer." MK sucks her lips into her mouth and starts to bite. "Hey. No. Don't do that.." I softly lift my hand and pull her lip out. I move my hand from her lips to her cheek. "It's okay, MK. He's gone." She wants to cry for me. She can, but I don't want her to, honestly. She blinks a few times to make the tears go away. Once she's done, she leaves me and switches off the bedroom lamp before coming back to me. She cuddles in hard. She rests her head on my chest as I place my head on top of hers. Both of our arms snaked around each other. "I'm-" "There's nothing to apologize for."
"Is your mom coming back?" The tone she asked that in wasn't sweet. "She might. But you don't have to worry. Her and I are okay." I can feel her go to lift her head, so I let her. She looks directly into my eyes. "We are. I promise. Now please, you were comfortable before." She playfully rolls her eyes and rests her head on my chest again. "There you go." I kiss the top of her head, and I can feel the tiredness wash over me.
"Y/N?" "Yeah?" I answer back with my eyes shut. "I'm really sorry about reading your journal. I didn't know." "I know. It's okay, MK. I'm glad you did." "Really?" "Really." I can feel MK start to make shapes with her fingers on my lower back. It's soothing and something I need right now.
As MK and mines bodies start to slow in breathing and drift off to sleep, the Olsen below me mumbles, "I love you, Y/N. As a friend. Always." I smile because I don't know if she meant for me to hear, but I let her know. "I love you too, MK. As a friend. Always."
Today is the day! The pilot said that we have landed in JFK, so I'm just ready to get the fuck off this plane. The flight wasn't as bad this time. Since I mostly slept and planned out things I wanted to surprise Y/N with.
"If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you. On behalf of American Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip, and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!"
I pull out my phone and let Max know that the plane just landed. She texted me back a couple of seconds later, letting me know that she was just circling the terminals. I think Max is more excited to see me than to drop me off if I'm being honest. Even though I'm dating her best friend, she still asked me for an autograph and picture when I have time.
I look through my texts with Y/N, and she still hasn't texted me a good morning text or anything usually, by now, I would've heard something. Max did tell me that she texted Y/N earlier, letting her know that she'd be off today, so maybe she's just sleeping in. So if that's the case, I can't blame her.
After collecting my bags, and avoiding onlookers, and wannabe paparazzi, I am finally seated in my girlfriend's best friend's green Subaru.
I haven't told anyone where I am or what I'm doing. The only person that knows is Max. After a couple of minutes into the drive, I decide to give Y/N a wake-up call.
Y/N: "Hello?"
She sounds groggy.
Liz: "Good morning, my Coffee Girl! Did you just wake up?"
I see Max glance over at me before her eyes return to the road.
Y: "Hey, babe! Yeah, I actually did. What time is it?"
Y/N, let's outs a yawn.
L: "Ummm, it's.. almost noon"
"Oh Lizard, you okay? You already done for the day?"
"Yes, I'm fine, love, but, Y/N, it's noon for you."
There's a moment of silence before I hear the phone and her crashing down onto what I assume is the floor. Y/N is on speaker, so Max just heard her eat shit as well and is trying to muffle her laugh. I can't help it, but I feel my lips form into an evil smile too.
"Y/N, are you okay?!" I ask, holding back some laughter.
She doesn't respond, but I do hear another voice ask my same question. I see Max look over, confused, as the smile leaves my face.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Fuck, that's gonna hurt. Thank you."
Y/N responds to the other person. Before I hear the phone shuffle and her voice return to me.
"Hey, sorry I jus-"
"Who are you with?" I try to put in a brave voice, but my mind is going a million miles per hour. Y/N would never cheat. She wouldn't.
I hear some more shuffling. That's not the right response.
"I heard someone else, Y/N."
"Can we FaceTime?"
I look to Max. She shakes her head and points to the interior of her car. Y/N would instantly know.
"Not at the moment."
"MK's here. That's who you heard"
So what the fuck? My own sister can barely talk to me but has time to be with my girlfriend.
"Liz, this would be a lot easier if we could FaceTime."
"Just tell me what's going on because this isn't sounding good for you." I hear my voice, and it isn't becoming nicer.
"MK and I hung out yesterday. It was an impromptu thing, and I asked her to stay over last night."
I can my heart start to crack. But she wouldn't. She wouldn't!
"Y/N I swe-"
"Babe. Do you trust me?"
I do. I really do.
"I didn't want to be alone. I knew Max was busy, but MK was here."
I turn to Max, confused, and she's returning the same confused look.
"Why didn't you want to be alone? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay.. Umm... My mom showed up yesterday."
Max lets out a very loud gasp. I know Y/N never talks about her family, so knowing this and hearing Max's reaction, this is big.
"And you are safe? Are you at home?"
Y/N doesn't respond right away, which is worrisome. But then I hear her faintly crying.
"Yes, I'm home. I miss you."
My heart breaks because I know she means it, and she's going through all these emotions, and I'm so close but so far.
"When can I see you?"
I look at Max's phone. It still says 30 minutes.
"How about I FaceTime you in like 45? Is that okay?"
"Yes. I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N. How about you get up, get some ice on your leg and eat some breakfast? Pancakes and eggs, none of the frozen stuff."
"You heard me fall?"
"I tried so hard not to laugh."
"Oh my God. That's embarrassing."
She sounds better now.
"It's your body building character."
There's a moment between us where we just listen to each other breath and a couple of sniffles from her. It's an almost reassuring moment.
"4 days, babe."
"It'll be sooner than you think."
The call is coming to a natural close.
"See you, Liz."
"Later, Y/N!"
"I love you!" We both say at the same time, causing each other to laugh before we end the call.
"That was so cute but gross," Max tells me once my phone hits my lap. It was. I keep thinking over the call. I start to play with my rings to prolong the feeling I have coming.
"Can you get that?" Max asks me, holding her phone up to me. "Tell me what it says." It's a text from Y/N apologizing for not making it to today's shift before she realizes that Max told her not to come in. I relay that information as a new text pops up.
Mom showed up.
"Umm.." Max is thinking of what to respond back while I'm waiting to text for her. "Just send a pumpkin emoji first." I do that. "Then, are you okay? At work. Talk later? Type it all just like that." I do just that. "Send?" I ask the redhead. "Yeah, send it." I hit the send button and watch as Y/N with a thumbs up.
"Why the emojis?" "It's basically to let the other person know that we're busy with work or girlfriends. But if you're asking why the pumpkin one, that's what Y/N's mom calls her. Pumpkin. So sending that, let her know that I know how serious this is."
Max is a true best friend. "Pumpkin. Is that why her favorite color is orange?" I watch Max's face try to hide the real reason. "Yeahhh-" "I know it's because of Velma." Max lets out a breath. "Okay, I couldn't lie to you." I snicker at how starstruck Max can be.
"Good," I respond back in my Sokovian accent, almost causing Max to crash the car.
I get startled awake but the sound of Y/N crashing onto the floor. I see her phone next to her as she is on the ground holding her knee.
"Y/N, are you okay?!" She doesn't respond, but I do hear Lizzie's voice ask my same question. "Yeah, I'm fine. Fuck, that's gonna hurt. Thank you." Y/N picks up her phone before shuffling around, grabbing some clothes, and heading to the bathroom.
"Hey, sorry I jus-" "What?" I hear Y/N muffled through the door answer my sister.
Okay, stop listening, MK. I decide to wake myself up a bit more and distract my brain with emails. I already sent Ash all the information she needed from last night. I woke up early this morning to get it done since I knew it wasn't happening last night before returning back to Y/N.
After going through my emails and sending some texts, Y/N returns from the bathroom. She's wearing cuffed jeans and a black bra, she throws whatever shirt she picked up and goes searching for a new one.
Okay, this isn't helping past feelings. Look away, MK. Look away. Just look at your phone.
"Why didn't you want to be alone? Are you okay?" My concerned sister asks. I glance up and watch as Y/N stops her movement, putting a hand on her forehead.
"I'm okay.. Umm... My mom showed up yesterday."
Liz lets out a very loud gasp. I know Y/N never talks about her family so knowing this and hearing Liz's reaction, she knows this is big.
"And you are safe? Are you at home?"
Y/N doesn't respond right away, which is worrisome. But then I hear her faintly crying. I get up and stand next to her to let her know I'm here. Y/N looks to me but talks to Liz. "Yes, I'm home. I miss you."
Ouch. My heart breaks because I know she means it, and she's going through all these emotions, and I'm so close but so far. But I shove my feelings down. This is for Y/N. I push my forehead into Y/N's and wrap an arm around her.
"When can I see you?"
"How about I FaceTime you in like 45? Is that okay?"
"Yes. I love you." Y/N lets go of me and starts searching her room for a new shirt. She finds one and starts putting it on. I take this opportunity to grab my clothes from last night and run into her bathroom.
"See you, Liz."
"Later, Y/N!"
I pop out of the bathroom just in time.
"I love you!" They both say at the same time causing each other to laugh before they end the call.
I head out of her room and to my bag. Making sure I have everything with me.
When I come back, Y/N is sitting on her bed texting. "You okay?" She looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah. Umm..." Y/N puts her phone away. "Do you wanna sit?" She points to the spot next to her, so I join her. She moves one leg underneath her and moves, so her body is towards me.
"Thank you for everything yesterday. It really meant a lot to me that you stayed and cared for me. How you always care for me.. You're a wonderful friend, MK." She places her hands into mine and starts rubbing her thumb along the tops of mine. She stutters and is struggling to say more. I watch as she gives up and starts biting her bottom lip. I slip my one hand out and bringing to her lip, pulling it out. I let my hand slide down to her chin, but she reaches up and brings my hand back to her lips. I freeze, not knowing what to do. Y/N plants two soft kisses on the pad of my thumb. "Thank you, Mary-Kate." Her eyes are glued to my own.
"Always." Whispers out from the back of my throat.
We both know what could happen next. Y/N reached up and runs her hand through my hair. She pulls my head closer to her before we pull each other into a hug. With her mouth next to my ear, she drops this: "My mom got it wrong. You're my favorite twin." We both laugh into each other's shoulder before she pulls away and stands up. She clears her throat and wipes her eyes.
"How do you like my shirt?" My mouth drops at the sight of it. "Oh my God!" It's a black t-shirt with like seven different pictures of Lizzie, and at the chest, it says Elizabeth Olsen in pink. "You're obsessed!" "You're just jealous!" Y/N smirks out before she leaves me to head to the kitchen. "I can get you one for Christmas?" Y/N yells from the kitchen. "Fuck off!"
I had to leave Y/N about ten minutes into her cooking breakfast. Summer is around the corner, so I need to head to the offices to start going over sales meetings, designs, pitches, etc. Plus I still need to change and shower, so heading home first is a must. Y/N understood and promised that we'll hang out again. Plus, I think she mentioned her mom was coming over later? I'm not quite sure Y/N mumbled a bit. But! This is the best outcome I wished for before yesterday. Y/N and I are friends.
Once I settled in my car, I had a couple of missing texts from form Liz. Some ranging from nice to not so nice. The not-so-nice ones were first. She doesn't mean the things she said it's just insecurities bubbling up. I understand. I do. The nice ones followed once she said, "Max explained everything." I didn't know her and Max were that close. I texted my sister back, telling her about last night and the things that I think she should know.
I left out the stuff about Y/N's dad, and how close Y/N and I were because she doesn't need to know that unless Y/N tells her.
I put my phone away and start to pull out of the spot in front of the building. Just in time for this cute green car to take it.
Part 18
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Home Run
Happy Saturday! I’m back with a THIRD new fic in a row. I just couldn’t wait to post this one either. Requested by @andiebeaword​, this fic was obviously inspired by the baseball scenes from 8x06. This was just so much fun to write and I liked being able to switch it up some and have it be like a huge BAU annual baseball game with past and current agents. It was interesting to be able to write about all these characters together, some of them never even being around at the same time on the show. Also, I had to use this gif cause Spencer’s huge smile in this scene will never fail to make me happy. Sit back, relax and enjoy a nice BAU ballgame fluff piece. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: G (fluff)
Word Count: 2,634
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It was the arrival of the annual baseball game that started it all.
Every year, the BAU held what was the most well known event outside the office; the baseball game was held on the first weekend in June, infamous for the most competitive game between all different members of the BAU, past and present.
Past members of the team came back every year to play. It was a nice, fun way to see everyone again.
This year was going to be a little...different.
“Guys, come on! You know why I never take part in this!” Spencer Reid whined, “I had to be exempt from any physical test just to get in the FBI!”
You chuckled at your friend and coworker’s expense. Standing next to you was Derek Morgan, another of your coworkers. Beside the two of you was a baseball cannon, loaded with balls for Spencer’s practice.
“Reid, you know Kevin Lynch can’t make the game this year due to a family commitment. We’re short one player,” Derek hollered back.
“I don’t even know how to play baseball!”
“Which is precisely why we’re here,” you retorted, “All you do is swing, hit the ball and run. It’s easy!”
“Easy for you,” he grumbled, lifting his bat again, “Okay, let’s try it again.”
“Don’t think, just feel it,” Morgan called.
“Feel it, feel it,” Spencer nodded.
The ball went shooting from the apparatus and you saw Spencer trying to follow it with his eyes. You crossed your fingers, hoping he’d hit it.
He swung.
And he missed. Again.
“Reid, that’s not feeling it!” 
“I’m feeling like an idiot!” Spencer shouted back, exasperated.
“Come on pretty thang, go show your pretty boy how it’s done,” Morgan nodded to the home plate.
You cut him a warning glance, your cheeks reddening. You’d had a tiny crush on Spencer since the first day you met him. 
Derek’s nickname for Spencer was pretty boy. When you’d joined the team, you became pretty thang. It was often his joke that Spencer was your pretty boy, which embarrassed you to no end. He definitely rooted for you two as a couple.
Despite all the relentless teasing, Spencer remained mercifully oblivious. You’d rather not deal with that embarrassment of your crush being exposed. Although if it was up to Derek Morgan, he’d shouted it from the rooftops for you ages ago.
“Kid, come here. Watch how she bats, okay?”
Derek put his arm around Spencer’s shoulders as you took your place behind the home plate, bat raised and ready. Morgan loaded another ball and it flew towards you.
A crack of the bat sounded as you hit it high in the air, watching it soar to the further end of the field.
“All you gotta do is swing your hips and hit it!” you called.
“If I had hips like that, I would,” Spencer retorted.
You knew Spencer didn’t mean anything by the remark, but you still felt a tad embarrassed at his focus on your body.
“Grab a mitt big boy, we’re practicing your catching,” Morgan called, running to grab one for you. 
“Can’t wait,” Spencer mumbled sarcastically.
You chuckled, taking the mitt from Morgan and handing him the baseball bat.
“Don’t think I didn’t hear that remark of his about those sexy curves,” he teased you as he took your place batting.
“What’s that? You’re gonna take it easy on us?” you chuckled, purposely ignoring his remark.
Derek was a beast at batting and if he was going to bring his A game, Spencer was surely going to be in for it during his first outfield lesson.
“Oh never,” Morgan laughed.
“Guys you know all my unpleasant childhood sports memories happened like this,” Spencer protested.
“Okay, okay,” Morgan relented, “I’ll take it easy on you.”
“Thank you,” he huffed.
“Spence, since Kevin was right field, you’re going to be in the right field,” you said.
“Which is where exactly?” he asked, wincing.
You chuckled.
“Well, you know which way is right, correct?”
He nodded, pointing to the right.
“Then that’s where you’re heading,” you grinned, pushing him gently in that direction.
“Isn’t the right fielder where a team can hide their worst player without destroying their defense?” Spencer called, walking backwards to his position.
“You know that yet you can’t play baseball?” you asked, mystified.
“I know information about a lot of things I don’t do,” he replied.
“Good point,” you mumbled.
“Watch out pretty boy,” Morgan called, “Y/N’s a beast at playing center field.”
“As long as I have to play as little as possible, I’m fine!”
The ball shooter let loose another ball and Morgan hit it high in the air. Your eyes never left the ball as you sprinted to catch it, the ball falling perfectly in your glove. If it had been a real game, Morgan would’ve been out.
He whistled across the field.
“Now that’s impressive.”
You peered over at Spencer, who was looking at you, mouth agape.
“What?” you flushed.
“I just didn’t expect you to be able to do that.”
“I played a lot of baseball when I was younger,” you explained.
“How do you expect me to play like that?” Spencer asked, still stunned.
“We’re not expecting you to be a professional, Reid,” Morgan said, approaching him, “Just do your best and have fun. It’s a game for fun anyway.”
“Fun for you guys,” he grumbled.
“Okay, I’m gonna try to go easier on you, to give a little practice on fetching the ball,” Derek said, heading back to home plate.
“I’m not a Golden Retriever!” Spencer said.
You chuckled.
Derek purposely held back, sending the ball in the middle of your area and Spencer’s. He ran for it at the same time you did as you noticed it was close to falling towards the field’s fence.
You weren’t paying attention to your surroundings, only the ball. That was how you ended up running right into Spencer’s chest, falling backwards into the ground. You lost track of the ball, but noticed it fall to the ground a few feet away from you.
“Oh my god, are you okay?!”
He rushed to help you up, but you waved him away, apologizing.
“So sorry about that,” you chuckled, “I should’ve been paying more attention to where I was going.”
Like a gentleman, he offered a hand to help you up, which you ended up taking, trying to ignore the tingling on your skin that holding his hand produced.
“No, I’m sorry,” he apologized, “I’m not that good at this sort of thing. In fact, I suck.”
“Hey, no need to be so hard on yourself,” you smiled, “You’re doing just fine.”
“Unless you two are over there discussing how amazing I am, I’d love for you two to get back to your positions!” Morgan shouted.
“Nah, we were just discussing how we think you’d look in a toupee,” Spencer remarked, making you snort.
Your phone beeped and you reached in the back pocket of your shorts and pulled it out, seeing a text message from team member and technical analyst Penelope Garcia.
“Guys, we’ve got a case,” you announced to the two men.
Spencer practically sprinted off the baseball field making you and Derek laugh heartily.
“Just you wait, pretty boy!” Derek called out to him, “I’m sure you’ll surprise everyone this weekend!”
Saturday was a beautiful day. 
The skies were such a clear blue, it almost looked artificial. The sun shone brightly without a cloud in the sky and the temperature was pleasant, without being too hot. Basically, it was the perfect day for a baseball game. 
The game day also fell on a great day. 
The team had just wrapped up the case that you and them had been called in on earlier in the week. It would be nice to have a relaxing Saturday afternoon with some baseball, good friends and plain ‘ol fun.
You waved him over, when you saw him.
“Hey,” he grinned, catching the mitt you threw him.
“We’re first in the field,” you explained, “You ready to play some ball?”
“Stoked,” he deadpanned.
“Oh come on, it won’t be that bad,” you chuckled, reaching up to place his baseball hat on his head.
“You’ll do great,” you assured him, patting his chest as you headed off towards your spot in center field.
Your team was made up of your fellow BAU team members including: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alvez, Penelope, Derek, Spencer and of course, yourself.
On the opposing team were friends and fellow coworkers: Matt Simmons, Tara Lewis, Alex Blake, Ashley Seaver, Stephen Walker, Kate Callahan, Jordan Todd, Mateo Cruz and Grant Anderson. 
Last year, they had won. This year, you and your team were ready to take back the reigning title.
The crowd was filled with friends and family, here to support their loved ones.
There was Beth, Hotch’s girlfriend and Jack, Hotch’s teenaged son. Rossi’s wife Krystall, his step daughter Portia, daughter Joy—and her husband and son Kai—were also in attendance. Savannah and Hank were there too, Morgan’s wife and three year old son, cheering their favorite player on. 
JJ’s husband Will and their two boys, Henry and Michael were in the stands as usual; they never missed this yearly game. All of Matt Simmons’ small tribe were also present and accounted for; wife Kristy and their two sons Jake and David, twin girls Chloe and Lily and their newly one year old final child, Rose Mary. Even Emily’s boyfriend Andrew Mendoza had shown up to cheer on his favorite girl.
Alex Blake’s husband James had come, taking a weekend off of his teaching duties so he could travel to D.C. for the game. Stephen Walker’s wife Monica sat with their two teenagers, a son and a daughter, already whooping and cheering for his team. Kate Callahan’s little family was there too; it was nice to see them since you hadn’t seen them in a while. Her husband Chris was seated with their biological niece turned adopted daughter Meg—who was now 18 and so much older than the last time you’d seen her—and their youngest daughter, now five.
Rounding out the group of loved ones was Anderson’s wife, her belly swollen with pregnancy. 
If that sounded like a huge turnout, that didn’t even count the other members of the BAU and other departments of the FBI. The bleachers were absolutely packed. The game really was that big of a deal.
The game started out rather slow, which was pretty unusual for a game between both teams. With two incredibly talented teams, usually someone had scored by now, but in hindsight it also meant the defense of each team was incredibly good as well.
By the third inning, both Morgan and Hotch had hit two homeruns. You’d had a decent hit, but ended up striking out before you could reach third base.
In another inning, the opposite team had tied up. 
Poor Spencer up to this point had struck out every time he was at the bat. You could tell he was incredibly embarrassed, but you kept encouraging him.
“Don’t let it get you down, Spence,” you smiled, after he’d struck out again, “You’re gonna hit it when they least expect it and knock them off their feet.”
He offered an appreciative half smile and you found yourself silently cheering him on throughout the entire game.
Surprisingly, his right fielding skills were pretty great. He had caught on quickly and was able to fetch the balls and throw them to any nearby basemen. He had actually struck out Kate, preventing her from almost scoring another point to take the lead.
“Woo! Way to go, Spence!” you hooted, clapping as best as you could with your mitt.
You saw his face flush and you knew it wasn’t all from the heat.
By mid game, the sun had started beating down on all of the attendees causing lots of red faces, sweaty shirts and bottles of water to be consumed. You were hot and sweaty like no other, but you were having the best time.
The fifth inning brought your team a three point lead which you’d contributed one of those points to and you were rather proud. You high fived all your teammates as you ran across home plate and came to the end of the line where Spencer was. He picked you up and spun you around in his excitement.
“Is it my imagination or is someone actually having fun?” you grinned.
“I’m definitely having fun.”
The last inning was the most tense. 
It was tied 5 to 5 and Spencer was up to bat next. If he struck out, the opposing team had one last chance to come out ahead and win the game.
Spencer was a wreck, to put it lightly. He’d already struck out once and Morgan ended up calling a time out. 
Spencer had been pacing and gesticulating wildly as Morgan talked to him, finally putting his hands on Spencer’s shoulders to calm him.
Whatever Morgan said to him, seemed to work. 
You watched from the sidelines as he calmly walked back to the home plate. 
Stephen was the one pitching this inning and he had a pretty good throw. But you believed in Spencer.
“Come on Spencer! You can do it!” you hollered.
You watched his posture change from nervousness to more confident. There had definitely been some sort of change in him.
The ball left Stephen’s hand and went flying Spencer’s way. You found yourself holding your breath and you actually flinched at the sudden crack of the bat hitting the ball.
Spencer seemed stunned for a moment as the ball soared towards the outfield, high above everyone’s heads.
“Run, run!” you and the rest of the team yelled to him, snapping him out of his daze.
Garcia was on second base and Rossi was on third. They went running as the other team scrambled to catch the ball in time. 
Rossi crossed the home plate, causing loud hoots and cheers from the audience that continued on as Penelope made it home right behind him.
Spencer hit first base and second by the time Matt had retrieved the ball. You noticed Spencer pick up speed and whiz past third base, trying to make it in time before the ball reached the pitcher again.
The cheers grew louder as loved ones shouted their encouragement to Spencer in hopes he made it home.
He slid home moments before the ball met Stephen’s glove bringing the game to an end in a 5-8 win.
The bleachers erupted in screams, as did you and the rest of your team. 
Morgan practically tackled Spencer in a hug, Spencer’s grin so big it rivaled the brightness of the afternoon sun. 
You were right behind Morgan to greet Spencer. Morgan had just let him go as you ran up to him.
“Spence, that was awesome!” you cried. 
In your excitement you grabbed Spencer’s face and kissed him hard, not even thinking of what you were doing until after you’d already pulled away.
He stood frozen and stunned, a smile on his face and you grinned, realizing you didn’t regret it one bit.
Everyone else had been too busy to see it, you assumed, so before the rest of the team swarmed him you called to him.
“You deserved that!”
Just then, the other six members reached him, swallowing him up in their excitement. His smile never left his face and his eyes flicked to you numerous times, an almost shyness to him.
You had assumed no one had seen the kiss until you overheard Morgan’s comment to Spencer.
“Way to go pretty boy! You didn’t just get one home run today, you got two!”
TAG LIST: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @tinyminy88​ @sundippedprincess​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​ @teamkiall​ @redbullchick​ @ifeelloved​ @one-sweet-gubler​ @nanocoool​ @delightfullyspeedyearthquake​ @unsteadyimagines​ @ughitsbaby​ @inkwiet​ @pennythetechgoddess​ @capt-engr-ssa​ @sixx-sic-sixx​ @spencersdolore​ @reidsstudies​ @disney-dreams-world​ @chocolatecalzoneherringbonk @mggwhore​ @andiebeaword​ @cupcake525​ @be-the-bravest​ @gretaamyk​ @likelovers @hopebaker​ @prisonreid​ @httpnxtt​ @daviddoughboy​ @pastathighs​ @marvels-gurl​ @blushingspencer​ @pretty-boy-gubler​ @victorzsaszmydaddy​ @inlovewithamess​ @im-inlovewith-mycar​
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stonerbughead · 4 years
maria watches friday night lights (#3)
I’ve been warned that S2 is the worst and already I’m:
Julie, are you good?? Why you straying from our young Matt Saracen??
-Something about born-again Lyla flirting with Riggins via aggressive banter in the parking lot works for me.
-oh really, Buddy? is Lyla’s mom’s new bf gonna make the Garrity children into “communists?” Because I’m on that guy’s team if so 😂
-“I’m not wearing shoes, dad” - Julie leaving the house for the night?? Yeah you can’t do that where I grew up lmao
-oh come on Julie you’re going to a MUSIC VENUE without shoes on?? What?! Also for this guy who has Early 2000s Fuckboy written all over him? Smh girl
-“well...does she want you to touch her?” -Matt Saracen teaching Landry about CONSENT this is my BOY. Julie what are you DOING
-omg and Early 2000s Fuckboy has a girlfriend too...Julie, girl, WHAT IS YOU DOING
-okay wow this Tyra’s attacker plotline really just escalated quickly!
“Justin Timberlake, Antoine. Hope it was worth it.”
“Buddy Garrity Motors is wholesome.” Uh, sure, you keep telling yourself that, Buddy.
-omg Grandma Saracen’s in-home nurse is Anna from season 2 of one tree hill. (Early bisexual rep!) And oh god I do not appreciate the very obvious implication that this is a new love interest for Matt Saracen and I am sooo over adult love interests for teenage boys! it’s predatory and fucked up. and as we know from Archie/Grundy in S1, showrunners are still doin it.
-this scene where Jason tells Tami he had a dream where she told him he could walk again and then he made a fist the next morning? I get that Tami was going through a lot as a new mom without Eric so it landed for her but from the Jason POV...bruh what?
“You think all human beings are capable of evil?” - Landry to his rally girl I am dead and still horrified by the entire concept of rally girls on the second season
-Julie wtf you kissing another guy before you even break up with Matt? Messy!
-Wowww this abusive new coach is everything that’s wrong with football culture huh??
-Wow Evil Coach is also ableist! He just referred to Jason Street as a “team mascot.”
-YIKES @ Jason thinking this Mexican experimental surgery is gonna make him walk again. Riggins ya gotta stop your friend.
“It’s some kind of experiment where they inject him with shark blood, Lyla” LMAO riggins
-Matt Saracen is SO CUTE OMG the fact that he just asked TAMI, of all people, her opinion on whether Matt hanging out with Julie after she dumped him makes him a “chump.” 😭😂
“Looky here, it’s Brett Weston starting as quarterback!” LMAO Bret is haunting me here too
-what is this weird Lyla/Tim/Jason in Mexico scene where she dances with and kisses each of them while they’re all drinking together. Then she goes, “I have to pray.” WHAT???
-like wow the parallels between both Riverdale and FNL season 2 going off the rails after a much-tighter season 1 is WILD. I mean Jason fell off a boat this episode in Mexico and I almost forgot about it!
-this Santiago plotline is nonsensical and convoluted to me. Do the Garritys have a white savior complex or what
-Awww Tyra being there for Julie! Going to eat ice cream and watch thelma and Louise. It’s totally julie’s fault that she lost Matt, don’t get me wrong, but still rough having to see your ex making out with someone else!
-Idk if I’ll regret saying this bc it’s only her first scene but I love this angry ass volleyball coach fighting for her girls against a bloated football program! But lol oops Eric Taylor guess being an athletic director won’t be so fun after all
-alright y’all 2x07 and yesss Julian from one tree hill is on the scene as a teacher?! I was such a Brulian fan alsooo this actor was a Mary Kate and Ashley love interest in holiday in the sun. Amazing. Sometimes I truly miss the early 2000s.
-And then five seconds later Alex from one tree hill shows up as Smash’s love interest? Ooh boy!
“But where does the money go? How does it get distributed? Do all the sports get equal levels of funding?” -Julie, investigative journalist? Her dad is not gonna be happy but I love it and so does Julian/Hot Teacher.
-god saracen’s new girlfriend is annoying af and I’m not just saying that. She has to be irritating on purpose right? And all the unnecessary PDA, like chill.
-I like a Lyla and Tyra team up...even if it’s conceived by Tami lol.
“Three angry paragraphs about rally girls” I’m sorry did I write julie’s newspaper article?
-Smash’s mom being like, ‘I am worried my son will be hurt by football.’ I mean, yeah. CTE is real.
-ugh please don’t let Julian Hot Teacher be a predator but after all it’s an early 2000s teen drama, it’s like a 50-50 chance
“This is the first real bed I’ve ever had” -Santiago to Buddy Garrity. Ok this white savior plotline is getting a little OD, lord.
Alrighty, I made it through the first seven episodes! It’s no season 1 but I’m plowing through bc I feel like everyone is like “LOVE that show. But Season 2 sucks.” So I will persevere!
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aggressivelyarospec · 5 years
‘Aro Tunes Thursday’: Master List ⇝ July / August 2019
[Completed 8/30/19] | [Spotify]
Someone New — Hozier [Link]
Wish You Were Queer — Jai Mohan [Link]
Feelin’ Good — Christina Grimmie [Link]
Andy's Song  — George Salazar and Joe Iconis [Link]
Here — Alessia Cara [Link]
Tiny Vessels — Death Cab For Cutie [Link]
Soulmate — Lizzo [Link]
Accidentally Like a Martyr — Warren Zevon [Link]
Emotional Machine — Marina [Link]
I wanna be like me — Sara Bareilles [Link]
King of Bohemia — Linda Ronstadt and Ann Savoy [Link]
Walk Away Renee — Linda Ronstadt and Ann Savoy [Link]
Answer: Love Myself — BTS [Link]
Epiphany — BTS [Link]
Spring day — BTS [Link]
Fire — BTS [Link]
Dope — BTS [Link]
Selfish — moonbyul [Link]
All My Friends — AJ Mitchell [Link]
Night Riders Lament — Nanci Griffith [Link]
Dancing in the Moonlight — King Harvest [Link]
Time Is All Around — Regina Spektor [Link]
Little Boxes — Pete Seeger [Link]
Monster — dodie [Link]
Cute Without You — Emma Blackery [Link]*
Agenda — Emma Blackery [Link]*
The Archer — Taylor Swift [Link]
Unstoppable — The Score [Link]
Come A Long Way — Gem Andrews [Link]
All Izz Well — Lilly Singh [Link]*
Count On Me — Bruno Mars [Link]
Somebody To Anybody — Margaret Glaspy [Link]
I Love It — Icona Pop [Link]
Shotgun — George Ezra [Link]
Wild Things — Alessia Cara [Link]
See Emily Play — Martha Wainwright [Link]
Brothers and Sisters — Twin Atlantic [Link]
Cheshire Kitten — SJ Tucker [Link]
Wanderer — Ethan Slater [Link]
Blastoffff — Joywave [Link]
From Time To Time — Ashley Monroe [Link]
Brass Google — Steam Powered Giraffe [Link]
Kill The Director — The Wombats [Link]
Love What You're Doing Child — Great Speckled Bird [Link]
Lost Boys — Paper Birds [Link]
Some Kind of Home — Thriving Ivory [Link]
What's Wrong With Me — Julia Stone [Link]
Neptune — Sleeping at Last [Link]
My Light — Sully Erna [Link]
I Don't Believe You — Magnetic Fields [Link]
Don't Fall in Love — Danko Jones [Link]
Goldmine — Kimbra [Link]
All That Jazz — Chicago [Link]
Miss Independent — Kelly Clarkson [Link]
Aromantic — Mike Fonzarelli [Link]
The Three of Us — Streetlight Manifesto [Link]
Turn the Lights Off — Tally Hall [Link]
Tired of Wasting Time — Sloan Wainwright [Link]
Between the Lines — Sloan Wainwright [Link]
We Were — Keith Urban [Link]
If I Ever Leave This World Alive — Flogging Molly [Link]
Tire Swing — Kimya Dawson [Link]
All We Ever Knew — The Head and The Heart [Link]
Gone — JRJR [Link]
Ok Ok? — half•alive [Link]
It’s Nice to Have a Friend — Taylor Swift [Link]
Living Dead — Marina and the Diamonds [Link]
Ingen kommer undan politiken — Marie Bergman [Link]
Dead Skunk — Loudon Wainwright III [Link]
I'm Only Me When I'm With You — Taylor Swift [Link]
What Have I Done? — Zoe Boekbinder [Link]
Renegades — X Ambassadors [Link]
We Are Pilots — Shiny Toy Guns [Link]
Le Disko — Shiny Toy Guns [Link]
Ghost Town — Shiny Toy Guns [Link]
Starts With One — Shiny Toy Guns [Link]
Petite Annonce Amoureuse — Kate & Anna McGarrigle [Link]
Gotta Figure This Out — Erin McCarley [Link]
{ ALL ↺ } { ⬅ Previous | First ⬆ | Next ➡ } 
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imi-ike · 4 years
mg tour review?
Where do I even begin???
With Janis obviously. I trust Mary Kate Morrissey with my life. She just GETS Janis. She sounds phenomenal, I spent the entire show just clutching my pearls and grabbing onto @cathy-parr for dear life. Pretty sure @damianhubbards had to hold my hand at one point bc I needed Support okay! Not only does she sound amazing, her performance is spot on and I could not be more relieved that she’s the whole package. (No lackluster Janises allowed in this household!!! Y’all know what I’m talking about.) Extra important note: the only Janis besides Barrett that knows how to deliver “and it worked cause that shit always works” aka the best line in the show. Not to mention the look on her face after “it’s not my fault you’re like in love with me or something” Broke Me. Fuck me up MK, even if you are wearing THAT during spring fling (see my costume breakdown.) Also, check your Elphaba hands ma’am.
MK and Eric worked very well together, I really enjoy their chemistry. (Revive their spring fling scene you HEATHENS! UGH!) I especially loved their little bit during “you’ve been in there a very long time you’re either doing drugs or very constipated from using drugs.” Not a favorite Damian but I liked him enough.
Danielle Wade is singing for her life y’all. I’m pretty sure there were several moments where I said “NICE” Out Loud after a particularly exceptional run of hers. I’ve enjoyed her Cady from the very first time I saw it and it’s only gotten 500000x better.
Megan Masako Haley CLIMBED the Gretchen list almost instantaneously. Amazing energy. The finest Gretchen since Ashley Park. She actually revived a few of the moments that haven’t hit me since Ashley was in the role and I love her for it.
Gaelen Gilliland was??? So fucking funny???? I don’t know why but I did not expect to love her this much. I am thrilled they revived Mrs. George’s Barbie shoes shoes. #ad
I did not care for Mariah’s Regina. Vocally she was wonderful! Her riffs aren’t super fluid but she has this great tone and depth to her voice. Acting wise she wasn’t selling it for me. The swagger was nonexistent. Tragiqué.
Jonalyn....... A comedy queen at the stage door and nowhere else.
As far as the changes go, there are SO MANY and 95% of them are completely arbitrary and unnecessary. I hate almost everything they did. It will be easier to list what new things I actually like:
- The bit about Damian being rejected from the dance team
- Regina foreshadowing More Is Better during Apex Predator
- While I hate all the changes to I See Stars I gotta say those harmonies SLAP. MK Did That.
- The spring fling stage is actually so much better on tour than Broadway with that janky metal staircase Kate and Krystina are using to break the world record of Loudest A Person Has Ever Walked Down A Set of Stairs in the History of the Whole Universe.
Costume notes:
- Tour sexy Abraham Lincoln is NOT VALID. 10/10 was made at the dollar store.
- I would like to thank God and also Jesus that they got rid of (hopefully burned) Jonalyn’s “Karen Texting” dress! The new one is so pretty! (Can this same thing happen at the August Wilson next? 10/10 the ugliest piece of clothing I’ve ever laid eyes on.)
- Waiting for the zippers on MK’s spring fling skirt to rip a hole in those ugly fishnets so they hopefully both get replaced with the normal Broadway costume pieces. She’s already looking a whole casual mess in those Docs where are the Fancy Boots?????
- With very few exceptions, majority of the ensemble costumes are very boring (see: basic) and look like zero effort was made. Each Broadway ensemble member has a costume language that (to me at least) informs us on their character and that language is consistent in every piece they wear. (And has been generally consistent with each ensemble casting change.) None of that is happening on the tour. Damn Africa, what happened?
- What is this shirt Danielle is wearing during I’d Rather Be Me/Math Quiz Scene/Do This Thing? Did they steal it off of a French mime???
- MK Jacket Commentary Part 1: her Apex Predator jacket has extra embellishment on the back??? ENOUGH.gif
- MK Jacket Commentary Part 2 (feat. Barrett Wilbert Weed): even MK is wearing the leather angel wings jacket during Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) WHY WON’T THEY BRING BARRETT’S OUT OF STORAGE I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!!!! (It’s been MIA since Barrett got back from medical leave. She now wears the same jacket she wears during Fearless over her SHG (Reprise) dress. Illegal.)
I’m sure I’m forgetting a million things so check back with me next Sunday after I have a second chance to take it all in.
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karinahhh · 5 years
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go-to karaoke song? Ok, well, this depends completely on my mood. But like, I guess the standards for me will always be Respect by Queen Aretha Franklin, Killing Me Softly by the Fugees, Britney’s Toxic and the newest addition: Truth Hurts by the Goddess Lizzo. Sometimes if no one stops me, I’ll sign up for like six songs in a row and turn karaoke night into my own mini concert. 
favorite frozen custard flavor from custard’s last stand? Strawberry Shortcake, hands down. The yummy vanilla custard mixed with the delicious strawberries and that perfect shortcake? I’d be ok drowning in it. 
favorite wing flavor at bootleggers? Oh, girl, I am not a decisive person, usually. But I can say that the jalapeno honey wings are my favorite.  
bama or auburn? Alright, don’t tell anyone ‘cause I don’t want a mob to come after me with pitchforks and all of that but I don’t care? Like, at all. But I’ll root for whoever is on the jersey my customer is wearin’. 
middle name? Annalise. Don’t ask if there is a reason my mama gave me that name. It ain’t no one I know’s name. 
drink you order at the bars around town? Depends. If my granny’s friends are around, water. Gotta be healthy, hydrated and not disappointing god. But when they go home around 7, ‘cause that’s what old people think is late, I be orderin’ this drink I call The Karina. Which, yes, is named after me because like me, it’s simply amazing. And yes, all of the bartenders have asked me to stop calling it that and to refer to it by it’s real name but it’s real name is Fruit Tingle but that’s a dumb name so I’ve renamed it. 
movie do you wish the galaxy would play? Magic Mike, XXL 
what position do you sleep in? I’m a side sleeper. And I curl up into a little bit of a ball. 
favorite mary kate & ashley movie? Oh my god, the one where they’re in Paris and meet the hot Paris guys? Like, that’s my dream. Or Holiday in the Sun where they go to the Bahamas and get to hang with cute boys. Oh, no…When in Rome, where they go to Rome and…meet cute boys? Wait, are all their movies the same thing but different vacation destinations?
celebrity crush? Changes all the time. But also Nick Jonas has been bae since I was like…9. 
harry potter patronus? I’m not a really big Patrón fan so…pass? 
biggest bargain you’ve ever bought? I’m sorry, have we met? I only buy bargains. Most impressive bargain though, I got this real cute dress for $2. It’s real cute. 
high school superlative? Well, I like to think that it would be Best Hair or Cutest Girl in the World but I did drop out so technically nothing.
prospective name for your first (or next) child? Jake Gyllenhaal Jr.? 
pop, soda, or coke? Coke, 100% Coke. Ugh, who says pop? Gross. And, lord…you know what’s worse? When someone says, “Soda Pop.” Like, what? I’m this close to calling the police. I’m so triggered right now. 
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ofkelsi · 5 years
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frostford task one -- character quirks
go-to karaoke song?
“manic monday by the bangles.”
favorite frozen custard flavor from custard’s last stand?
“oh my god, dreamsicle all the way!”
favorite wing flavor at bootleggers?
“spicy ranch.”
bama or auburn?
“roll tide, baby.”
middle name?
“kelsi anne phillips is my full name.”
drink you order at the bars around town?
“i don’t drink much, but if i do it’s gotta be somethin’ real sweet so i can’t taste the alcohol.”
movie do you wish the galaxy would play?
“could you imagine if cliff would play sweet home alabama?  but if we’re talkin’ bout my favorite movie i’d say i’d absolutely die for a cinderella story.”
what position do you sleep in?
“i sleep curled up in a ball on my right side.”
favorite mary kate & ashley movie?
“uh have you seen holiday in the sun?”
celebrity crush?
“i think maybe dacre montgomery?  but oh, oh, the guy who played aladdin in the live action remake, he’s up there too.”  
harry potter patronus?
“a swan.”
biggest bargain you’ve ever bought?
“oh, i got a whole bunch of supplies for my classroom this year all for under ten dollars!”
high school superlative?
“i believe it was most likely to put others first.”
prospective name for your first (or next) child?
“i really like the names hadley and rowan.”
pop, soda, or coke?
“it’s a coke, obviously.”
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julietoharas · 5 years
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go-to karaoke song?
”I guess it depends on my mood, but usually it’s my give a damn’s busted but if m’in a particular mood it’s hell on heels.”
favorite frozen custard flavor from custard’s last stand?
“M’supposed to pick just one? Bavarian cheesecake’s my go to, but m’not opposed to a scoop of brownie batter or even cotton candy, too.”
favorite wing flavor at bootleggers?
“Honey barbecue. But they gotta be boneless, which people seem to think ain’t real wings, even the waitresses make that disappointed sound when I order ‘em.
bama or auburn?
”I dated an Auburn player a couple of years ago, and he stopped seein’ me so he could back to his ex-girlfriend, so m’gonna for Bama on that principle alone.”
middle name?
”May, after my gram. S”not terrible I guess– but hearin’ someone call me Sadie May makes me feel like someone beckonin’ their dog.”
drink you order at the bars around town?
“Cranberry and vodka with a twist of lime. It’s delicious and it gets me drunk just after two of ‘em.”
movie do you wish the galaxy would play?
“Steel Magnolias. Fried Green Tomatoes. Coal Miner’s Daughter, Hope Floats. Oh and Sweet Home Alabama– I don’t know why Cliff won’t play that one, it’s a favorite of mine, actually come to think of it that may be why, he won’t ever forgive me for that time I set his lawn gnome on fire thinkin’ it was Wesley Compton’s.”
what position do you sleep in?
”On my side, with three pillows.”
favorite mary kate & ashley movie?
”How the West Was Fun. They were so cute back then.”
celebrity crush?
”Oh goodness, I reckon Brad Paisley’s still pretty cute to me. Oh and that tall guy from that True Blood show. Alex somethin’ I dunno but he’s certainly a tree I’d climb.”
harry potter patronus?
“Now I know this’ll make me more unpopular than I already am but I have no idea. Only time I seen a Harry Potter movie was when my brother dragged me to it and I fell asleep halfway through.”
biggest bargain you’ve ever bought?
”I got a real nice bag at a Goodwill shop for fourteen dollars once. When I looked it up I found out it was worth about four hundred so I’d call that a damn steal.”
high school superlative?
”I didn’t ever win a superlative but they tried to have one made up for me when I was a senior. Most likely to go to jail. Whatever, I’d already been to jail twice by the time they’d done that anyway.”
prospective name for your first (or next) child?
”Oh god-- I ain’t havin’ kids.” 
pop, soda, or coke?
“Coke. Every time.”
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msdianahamilton · 5 years
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go-to karaoke song?
“Love is A Battlefield by Pat Benatar! Or You Outta Know by Alanis Morissette.”
favorite frozen custard flavor from custard’s last stand?
“I can’t think of one I don’t love, but I guess if I gotta pick one favorite, I’d go with brownie batter. That or caramel fudge.”
favorite wing flavor at bootleggers?
“Mango habanero even though it makes me sick every single time. I love the house sauce as well, but I love the heat mango habanero packs even though I gotta drink a gallon of water afterwards.”
bama or auburn?
“....I guess I gotta say ‘Bama since I did attend school there but Lord, I am so tired of hearin’ about football.”
middle name?
“Lynette. Is it any wonder I hate my mother?”
drink you order at the bars around town?
“Everyone knows my drink is Long Island Iced Tea. If I don’t get that, I don’t mind a beer or a shot of tequila.”
movie do you wish the galaxy would play?
“The Exorcist just because it’d be a hell of a laugh watchin’ people at the Church goin’ all crazy over it.”
what position do you sleep in?
“Depends if I’ve got company over or not. If I do, I like bein’ the li’l spoon. If I’m alone, I usually sleep on my stomach. I try sleepin’ on my back, but I move around a lot and always wake up on my stomach.”
favorite mary kate & ashley movie?
“New York Minute. I always wanted to go to New York because of that movie when I was a teenager.”
celebrity crush?
“Those Hemsworth brothers are nice to look at. And the guy that plays Lucifer. I also love Gal Gadot. And Jason Momoa. Oh and Shay Mitchell. And Lizzo.”
harry potter patronus?
“I’m a fake Harry Potter fan for not knowin’ this. Ask me my House, and I know it, but I don’t know my patronus off hand. Anyway, took a quiz, and I’m a horse. ‘You’re loyal, smart, and willing to take risks for the sake of your friends and family. Your Patronus takes the form of a Horse, the same as Ginny Weasley. You’re an underrated badass and enemies should be cautious of your hexing skills.’ I’ll take it, I guess?”
biggest bargain you’ve ever bought?
“Once upon a time, I found a $200 dress $20 dollars and I’ve never felt more blessed than I did that day. It’s still my favorite dress, too.”
high school superlative?
“Most Fashionable and to this day it’s my greatest accomplishment in life. I want it on my grave.”
prospective name for your first (or next) child?
“Lord. I don’t know. I always thought the name Andrea was cute. Or Isabella. Or Catherine, after Catherine Earnshaw.”
pop, soda, or coke?
“Oh I am so tired of this argument. It’s all the same anyway. I prefer Dr. Pepper over anythin’, though.”
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xcvierbell · 5 years
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go-to karaoke song?
”Ride Wit Me. It’s a crowd pleaser. Gold digger used to be in the rotation, but I don’t fuck with Kanye anymore. Let Me Love You if I’m with a girl I’m looking to casually impress. I’ll wait until she insists I sing, then bust it out.”
favorite frozen custard flavor from custard’s last stand?
”Bavarian cheesecake has no business being that good.”
favorite wing flavor at bootleggers?
”Jalapeno honey or mango habanero. Gotta appreciate the flavor profile.”
bama or auburn?
middle name?
”Graham. I know, don’t say it.”
drink you order at the bars around town?
“Depends on my mood. Usually a mojito”
movie do you wish the galaxy would play?
“Beverly Hills Cop would be a fun one. It’d be nice if they showed a documentary every now and then too. And not Super Size Me, every time I suggest it they always want to go with Super Size Me.”
what position do you sleep in?
“I fall asleep on my side, but wake up on my stomach half of the time. Someone else probably has a better idea of this than I do.”
favorite mary kate & ashley movie?
”New York Minute. Only cause I heard they hand picked their love interests, and I respect a power move.”
celebrity crush?
“JLo and Winona Ryder.”
harry potter patronus?
“An otter.”
biggest bargain you’ve ever bought?
”I got an amazing deal on a trip to Belize a few years back. Love me some cyber Monday.”
high school superlative?
”Most likely to succeed.”
prospective name for your first (or next) child?
“Either something honoring one of my grandparents or a name from a novel, probably a combination of the two.”
pop, soda, or coke?
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camillaward · 5 years
go-to karaoke song? 
“If I'm singin’ and choosin’, it’d be Tainted Love by Soft Cell, but if I’ve had enough to drink, the second round would be Sweet Dreams by Eurhythmics.” 
favorite frozen custard flavor from custard’s last stand? 
“Sea salt caramel, but when I was little it was always fluffer nutter.”
favorite wing flavor at bootleggers?
"Honey garlic, I’ve never been one for anythin’ too spicy.”
bama or auburn? 
“That’s easy, roll tide.”
middle name? 
“Everleigh, after my nana’s maiden name.”
drink you order at the bars around town? 
“I’m not there too often these days, but Colt does a mean whiskey sour.”
movie do you wish the galaxy would play? 
"Gone with the Wind. I think Kenna could be convinced, but it’s a long one and old. Rhett changed my life, I think with his frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
what position do you sleep in? 
"Ever since I got Alo, I sleep on my side. It was sweet when he was small, but now it’s like spoonin’ a bear but he takes up too much space to let me lie on my back.”
favorite mary kate & ashley movie? 
"Well the only one I can think up right now is It Takes Two, so, that one?”
celebrity crush? 
“I’ve always liked cowboys on film, but if I had to pick just one, I’d have to say Brandon Flowers. He’s the kinda handsome that makes you forget all your words.”
harry potter patronus? 
“Somethin’ with wings, maybe an eagle or a hawk-- but definitely not a seagull.”
biggest bargain you’ve ever bought? 
“On boxing day one year, I got a bedframe for half cost-- still have it to this day and it’s worth every penny.”
high school superlative?
"I got “Most Likely to End Up With Fifteen Children” and the editor’s note was ‘with fifteen different men’. Don’t think she liked me very much, but last I heard of Suzanne Philipps is that she’s livin’ down in that shack by the river with five kids of her own and no daddy for any of ‘em, so serves her right for bein’ cruel to me in school.”
prospective name for your first (or next) child? 
“Now I don’t know anything about that, it might be gettin’ too late for me to think about startin’ a family-- but if it ever did happen, I just know that if I had a little girl, her middle name would be Lydia.”
pop, soda, or coke? 
“Always gotta be coke.”
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lilacsolanum · 7 years
Animorphs October: Angst
Some of the best nights of my young life where when mom let me watch The Tonight Show. Staying up that late was an absolute marathon when I was five, but I would work so, so hard to hide my exhaustion from mom. Carson would finally get on the stage, and then I’d just about immediately crash.
Mom hated Jay Leno, so after he took over, we switched to Letterman. I got way, way better at staying up late, and have a lot more concrete memories of Dave. Still, The Tonight Show is the goddamn  Tonight Show. Maybe Carson was gone, but it’s still this institution. It’s got a sheen to it. I’d never turn my nose up at The Tonight Show.
Imagine my surprise the first time I did it and found out that, you know, the whole thing kind of sucks.
They film the studio so that it looks big and huge and wonderful, but it’s basically this tiny little black box with an audience of, like, six people. The green room is garish, and the couches in there are all super uncomfortable. There’s some booze, but they watch you drink it with this nervous obsessiveness, like they’re all just waiting for you to have a little too much and make a mess of things.
Worst of all were the writers. Look, I’ll admit it -- figuring out the interviews on talk shows weren’t off the cuff brilliance is my personal version of finding out Santa Claus isn’t real. It was heartbreaking, just really heartbreaking. And you know what? The actual reality of the scripted interviews was somehow so, so much worse than that earth shattering moment. A bunch of ugly white dudes surround you, ask what you want to talk about, then decide which of these tangents is worthwhile and start throwing bad jokes around. It’s depressing.
This was my, what, forth? Fifth? Time doing The Tonight Show. By now, the writers had more or less backed off. I knew what I was doing, and they trusted me. At least there was that.
I wasn’t really promoting anything, but Yeerk sympathists had been doing a number on visiting Andalite’s lately, and the media was slowly starting to turn against the Andalites and root for the terrorists. I can’t say it didn’t make any sense -- the Andalites have been dangling space travel above our heads for three years and kept asking us to dance for it. It wasn’t exactly ideal, though. So I called Jay and let him know I wanted in. I think they bumped Tom Cruise for me, which was incredibly satisfying.  
Now, I was chatting with Jay, drawing on a story I’d never really told in detail. This would distract the media for at least a few days, giving me some time to think of a better way to calm down the well-the-Andalites-deserve-it narrative.
“So there’s my mom,” I said, my body turned just slightly toward Jay, “Standing in front of me, totally in the flesh and, like, fresh flesh. This is not a Day Of The Dead situation. Believe me, the thought crossed my mind.” The audience laughed. I laughed with them, a small sort of laugh that made it look like I hadn’t been planning that joke all day.
“Look, I’m not going to tell you seeing my mom alive and standing before me was easy. You know what I did, Jay? You know how when people give bad news they always say ‘You better sit down for this?’ Well, I sat. I just sat down, right there, with a bunch of Dracon beams pointed right at me. Oh, and I was a giant gorilla. Just imagine King Kong kind of just…” I made my fingers walk across Jay’s desk, then squealed, “Mommy!” in the highest voice I could manage and I slammed my hand down. The audience loved it.
“Now, me and Jake go way back. Way, way back. Modelling diapers in the backyard together kind of way back. Our moms constantly bought us matching clothes, and we have all these old photos where we look like Mary Kate and Ashley if Mary Kate was Latino and Ashley was twice his size,” I said. Laughter. “So, Jake starts whispering to me like ‘Calm down man, be cool man, we’re gonna knock that Yeerk from her head ASAP, but we gotta wait for the right moment.’ He recognizes her, too. The rest of them have no idea, they never met my mom. It’s not like when I was nine I was like, “Hey, my best friend’s cousin’s best friend, wanna come over and kick it with my mom? She makes a damn good Oreos-laid-out-on-a-plate.”
“Does she?” interjected Jay, pretty much just to remind the audience that he was still there.
“Best in town,” I said. “Anyway, so Visser Three’s all like ‘You meddling kids!’,” I said, shaking my fist. Laughter. “And my mom’s Yeerk is being a mega-jerk about the whole thing. See, Visser One was the first Yeerk on Earth, the founding of The Sharing --”
A jeer washed over the audience like a tidal wave. I held out my hands, as if physically pushing the sound down. “Hey, hey!” I said, shouting over the crowd. “Don’t worry guys. Cut to three years later, and my mother crushes that bitch to death with her own two hands.”
The audience erupted with loud, whooping cheers. I grinned, and nodded a few times, as if were appraising and approving the crowd’s noise level. “Yeah,” I said as a I nodded, looking as proud as my mother as I’ve ever been. “Yeah.”
I leaned over and nudged Jay. “Sorry about the language,” I said.
“It’s okay,” said Jay, chuckling. “I think you’ve earned it.”
“Anyway,” I said. “Visser One is all high and mighty over her superior knowledge of Earth, Visser Three is over that bragging about his host body and being in charge, and the whole thing is very Betty versus Veronica. Visser Three leads us to some waiting chamber, where it’s pretty clear that we’re all gonna. You know. Die,” I said, but the immediately held my pointer finger out to the audience. “But we didn’t. Wanna know why?”
“Tell us why,” said Jay, gesturing toward me.
I slapped my hand on Jay’s desk. “Visser One wanted to make Visser Three look bad. One of her cronies came in and let us go. Just a few weeks into the Animorphs career, the Vissers had us, and we made it out due to petty politics. Next time a bunch of aliens think they can come and scoop up this planet, they better be a little more organized than the Yeerks.”
Cheers. Loud, crazy cheers. Some of the audience members stood up, even. It would have been more rewarding, only I hadn’t really told the story at all.
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Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Shirt
When it comes to Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Shirt . their label The Row designers Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are masters of all things quietly elegant. So it’s no surprise, then, that when it came time for the duo to find their own red carpet outfits for the CFDA Awards in New York tonight, they chose an equally stealthy-chic aesthetic. Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Classic Ladies
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Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Hoodie
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Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny LongSleeve
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Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Sweatshirt
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Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Shirt Unisex Nominated for Accessories Designer of the Year, the two siblings and business partners hit the awards ceremony in all-black ensembles that were subtle variations on each other Gotta See The Candy First Then Get In The Van Funny Shirt . Ashley wore a simple black top and floor-length skirt, accentuating the streamlined silhouette with a sleek black clutch and pointy, transparent mesh heels. As for Mary Kate, she wore a structured topcoat with a black top and trousers—her croc clutch, in a sprightly teal colorway, providing a sole pop of color.So, while the two Olsens rarely go for that dazzling aesthetic many stars do on the step and repeat—please refer to Jennifer Lopez's custom Ralph Lauren this evening—their commitment to understated minimalism is just as thrilling to watch.Tonight at the CFDA Awards in New York, there were a handful of stylish celebrity couples in attendance, the most high-profile being J-Rod (Jennifer Lopez, who received the Fashion Icon award, and Alex Rodriguez). But before J-Rod closed out the red carpet in style, another fashion-forward duo undeniably stole the spotlight this evening: that’s Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert, both dressed in Thom Browne. Taylor, a singer, and Shumpert, a professional basketball player, chose complementary looks that were not at all your expected his-and-hers getups. They did two takes on suiting. Taylor wore a pinstriped tuxedo jacket with long tails, printed all over with sketches of florals. She wore it with black trousers, a teeny-tiny handbag, and pointed lace-up oxford heels. As for Shumpert? He left the traditional suit at home in favor of one of Browne’s signatures: the shorts suit, his top half a cape-style jacket instead of a blazer. He styled it with a white button-up, leather combat boots, and tube socks. So, while the evening’s best dressed couple may not be an official CFDA award, it’s at least official who left as the night’s winning duo. Unclear what’s stronger: their love for each other or their shared fashion game. You Can See More Product: https://shirttrending.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Quotes From Full House That Are Still Hilarious Today
Watching Full House was a rite of passage for '90s kids. The corny sitcom aired for 8 seasons from 1987 until 1995 and followed single father Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) trying his best to take care of his three adorable kids after his wife passed away. Thankfully, his pal Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) and brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis (John Stamos) moved in so they could help out.
RELATED: Fuller House: 5 Best Friendships (& 5 Worst)
Many people have great memories of this show, and although some episodes seem flat and a little on the silly side since so much time has passed since they originally aired, it's still a pretty funny series. Here are 10 quotes from Full House that are still hilarious today.
10 "Watch the hair!"
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A discussion of Full House quotes wouldn't be complete without mentioning Uncle Jesse's obsession with his hair. John Stamos played this character perfectly and made fans understand that he cares about his hair as much as his wife, children, and other family members.
RELATED: Fuller House: All Of The Family's Significant Others, Ranked
No matter how many times we watched Full House while growing up, we never got tired of Jesse saying "Watch the hair!" It's one of those classic quotes that is always funny... probably because he really is that serious about his appearance.
9 'Sorry.' 'Sorry.' 'Sorry' doesn't change the fact that my chicken tetrazzini is ruined!"
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Ruined! It's all dried out. But do you have the common courtesy to call me and tell me you're going to be 25 minutes late?! NO! Well, I am not an animal. Oh, my God. What's happening to me? I'm turning into June Cleaver.
We all remember Uncle Jesse constantly referencing his perfect, beautiful hair, but he had some other great quotes as well, and this one deserves a spot on this list for sure.
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Uncle Jesse says this hilarious quote in the season one episode "Joey's Place." Jesse gets more than a little bit overwhelmed with domestic responsibilities. When Danny comes into the house later than he was supposed to, Jesse gets all flustered and says this great quote. It's still funny today since everyone can relate to being tired of the endless cycle of cooking and cleaning.
8 "Am I the raddest, baddest dad a kid ever had?"
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When Danny asks DJ (Candace Cameron) this question in the season five episode "Crushed," she says, "You were until you said that." This is still hilarious today since everyone secretly adores dad jokes, and Danny Tanner is truly The King Of Dad Jokes. He's the furthest thing from cool, loves cleaning the house more than anything, and can't help the sometimes lame things that he says.
Even though Danny has a tendency to crack cheesy jokes, he's truly a great dad, and his heartwarming character kept fans watching season after season.
7 "Hey, girls, I thought we were going out for ice cream."
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In the season one episode "Danny's Very First Date," Danny says this since his kids are eating the dessert, and D.J. responds, "We wanted to make sure we still liked it."
This is another Full House quote that is still hilarious today. No matter what, kids are always going to want to eat as much ice cream (and other sweets) as possible. It's always charming when kids come up with an explanation for why they're doing something. Instead of simply saying that they wanted ice cream since it's delicious, D.J. tried to be more creative than that. You have to give her credit.
6 "I had a traumatic experience with squash once. I ate one."
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Kimmy Gibbler (Andrea Barber) is a funny figure in the Tanner house. Since she's best pals with DJ, everyone basically has to deal with her coming over at random hours of the day... but it's safe to say that everyone else finds her to be pretty frustrating.
Even though Kimmy is an annoying character, she's also funny since she has no filter and says quirky things. This quote about squash is particularly great. Who hasn't thought that about a vegetable (maybe kale)?
5 "Well, pin a rose on your nose."
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This is one of Stephanie's quotes, and even today, we can't help but think that it's truly funny. What does this statement mean? While it sounds pretty silly and ridiculous, according to Urban Dictionary it means "nobody cares." Of course, that wouldn't really have the same ring.
You don't really hear anyone say this anymore, which makes it even more special that Stephanie does. And she says it with such self-confidence, too.
4 "Don't shake your head. Your story's read. It's time for bed. To bed, I said."
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In the fourth season episode "Crimes and Michelle's Demeanor," Danny says this hilarious quote. Jesse responds, "Gotta lay off that Seuss, man." The pair are upset that Michelle's (Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen) still wide awake.
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This quote is still funny today because parents know how children's rhyming stories, TV shows, and music can stick in your head. Sometimes you might even find yourself humming a tune after they've gone to sleep, and you can't get it out of your head.
3 "Aw, nuts!"
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The characters on Full House have many things that they say in many episodes, and these catchphrases are beloved by fans. There is really nothing more nostalgia-inducing than hearing Michelle say "Aw, nuts!"
Michelle has a great, confident personality and while D.J. and Stephanie (Jodie Sweetin) are often upset about the challenges of growing up and dealing with everything from mean girls to dating to insecurities, Michelle is often the comic relief of the scene. She has a real knack for saying a funny line of dialogue at the perfect time.
2 "Have mercy!"
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This classic and famous quote by Uncle Jesse is definitely still hilarious today. It's pretty silly that someone would actually say it out loud, but that's the cheesy charm of this character (and of Full House in general).
RELATED: The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Fuller House Characters
There are tons of gifs of Jesse saying "Have mercy!" out there, and we love them all.
1 "How rude!"
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The final quote from Full House that is still just as funny today is when Stephanie often exclaims "How rude!" She feels this so strongly and says this phrase without a hint of insecurity or doubt, and that's awesome.
Stephanie's the classic middle child who always thinks that she's being wronged or not getting what she wants, but while sometimes she can be whiney and a bit annoying, she's always cute and hilarious. This is definitely her best quote from the popular sitcom.
NEXT: Full House: 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Episodes
source https://screenrant.com/quotes-full-house-tv-show-hilarious-today/
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pink-valkyrie · 7 years
31 days Of Halloween Drabbles
                                             Octobers    31    Drabbles
Roughly ideas of come up with for this month, characters are based off of my friends. Couldn't fit them all on there or go into  many details. Hope you enjoy reading this. Based off on things I’ve done or going to do, and somethings that may or may not have happened.
1)Introduction of characters and Fall Activities:  Elaine (Main character), Linda ( elaine's best friend), Christain (Elaines boyfriend), Jake,(like linda childhood friend) Mandy (Jakes friend and also new to group), Robin (elaines bestfriend  from work), Mary (Jareds girlfriend new to the group), Ashley (Jordon girlfriend),Jordon (friend from highschool and Ashley's boyfriend), Dan ( elaines childhood friend a bit of an asshole), Logan ( elaines childhood friend), Jared (friend from highschool),  are all young adult friends enjoying the season of Fall. Elaine the groups fun, fall loving mother hen plans to enjoy all 31 days of October the best she can and she plans to involve everyone the best she can the end result being a Halloween party.  We join our group in  31 fall activities or misadventures we shall see.
2) "Guys!" Elaine said," lets go on a haunted hayride it'll be fun, they even have a paintballs guns to 'shoot' the monsters with."  AN with those words nearly everyone in the group was on their way to the local Hayride to Hell attraction. The only ones who couldn't make it was Mandy, Robin, Ashley, Jordan due to work. Logan had some how gotten out of his shift saying there was no way he was going to miss shooting monsters. As the group paid for it and enter with their paint balls guns some even buying more ammo than necessary to take down the monster, *cough Elaine cough*. Everyone gave her a weird look. "What?" Linda being the first to speak loved to tease her best friend. "Just admiring your arsenal, plan to take them all by yourself?" With that everyone began laughing. Christian rarely got to come to anything always working, paused his laughing long enough to gasp out "More like she needs extra for when she misses nearly every shot in a panicked state. "  Seeing the glare he was getting from his girlfriend, he said "Sorry honey I love you but you really are a chicken and I'm afraid that affects your aim."  As they took their seat and the ride began it became silent as the driver went over the story, Elaine was shaking not from fear but from the cold, she should've dressed warmer than her jeans, tennis shoes t-shirt with half sleeves. Everyone sighed preparing for the long lecture she was sure to recieve from Linda later (the other mom of the group). Christian handed her his jacket in hopes it'd warm her just alittle more. As it was nearing the end after being shown a few terrifying scenes from the story it was time to defend the wagon. It went relatively well their group and the other they went with were doing fine. Until Dan's assholery kicked in and he moved his gun and nailed Elaine in the shoulder on purpose "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Elaine you alright.?" Everyone was too involved in what happening to think Dan's misfire was more than an accident. Christian glanced over to see her eyes watering and her biting her lip, she'd taken off the jacket to shoot not that he was worried about it right now, that was definitely gonna leave a big brusie fired at such a close range. He was slightly mad, he grumbled  an angry be more careful an watch what your doing. Mary, Linda, and Jared had paused in their shooting to look over and check on Elaine.  Logan took out a few more also giving her a once over. At that moment Dan was hauled off the wagon by a much bigger and taller monster (aka a marine who liked scaring people in this month). "I saw what you did you little prick." Dan had already rounded on the guy about to unleash is anger, when he was promptly shut up.  "That sure didn't look like an accident you shooting your friend in the shoulder. We have protective gear to wear. She doesn't an I highly doubt she deserved that. We have rules you have to follow when operating equipment and being in a setting like this. While its fun and all, its not safe to horseplay. An I'm going to have to ask you leave, an this guy signaling another bulky looking guy is going to escort you instead of myself."  Turning his attention back to the stunned and slightly angry group he walked up to Elaine. "You and the rest of your friends can follow me, I'll show you some behind the scenes things as we get that shoulder cleaned up and treated." It had been a fun night for everyone despite the mishap towards the end. Jared, Logan, and Christian were fuming about what Dan did. The girls while also mad were more concerned about Elaines feelings. He had been doing alot of awful and mean things lately it brought in to question was it really okay to have him at the party. Alot of the group members didn't think so.  Something Elaine was gonna have to talk to him about later. 3) The Haunted Corn Maze, Dan, linda, Christian, and robin couldn't come to this one. Complete it within 2 hours and its free, but there were ghost and ghouls hiding in there to scary the maze goers. Everyone looked at Elaine like she'd lost her mind but they went along with it. That went relatively smooth they were going to complete the maze a group together and get their money back until The guy with the chainsaw jumped out they all began to run but Elaine panicked so much and ended up running wild through the maze. Everyone had made it, everyone except Elaine. They went and got their money back and waited near the exit. A few minutes Later she came wobbling/hobbling through the maze. SHe was sweaty, tired, dusty, and she was favoring her ankle, she had definitely tripped, she got her money back and was on her way to the car. Maze mission kinda of a success. 4)Movie Night  Everyone except Dan was there. Mandy and Elaine were picking out movies to watch as they tried to meet the needs of everyone there. The group plus a few more had shown up. Here were the things to omit when it came to choosing movies. No Chucky/dolls, No possession or exorcisms, No clowns, No movies with lots of gore, No zombies,  No final destination or saw like movies with the shock factor/cringe. One didn't even want scary movies. Sighing Elaine finally said  its tradition so there will be one, there will be one at the halloween party. We can do classics like Halloween (I'm a fan of Michael Myers and etc),  Or We can a few family like movies like casper meets wendy, hocus pocus, anything tim burton related, or scary god mothers spooktaular halloween and jimmys revenge. Another option would be a series like most terrifying places in america, halloween wars, haunted attractions, fear factor, hellevator, ghost adventures, etc. It was a painful task but they picked out the movie for the party a classics. An a few for the moment. It was painful few minutes finding a few movies but everything after was considered a success. The only ones left in the house now was Christian and Elaine who insisted on him staying the night to which he responded. "Chicken." But got comfy anyway. --------At this point Dan is taken out of the story by his choice, since his relations with the group are strained ------ 5) Elaine had a small fear of the dark or to be specific what could be in the dark. She couldn't see very well, and at night she panicked at every little sound because she also hated being by herself. So while inside she kept the rooms well lit, a weapon near by, cellphone, a escape root and etc. But while outside she kept a small light and always ran to her destination. 6) Fears everyone had them and now it was time to discuss them, Fear of spiders shared by Elaine, Mary, and Linda. Fear Of Clowns by Jordan. Fear of Heights by Christian also shared by Elaine. Fear of needles by Linda, Elaine, and April. So many discuss, Fear of being alone, screwing up, never accomplishing anything, fear of snakes,fear of wrecks, fear of dying, fear of disease, fear of surgery, claustrophobia, and the list goes on and on etc etc  But it if we had a check list everyone looked to Elaine how do you even get out of the house anymore scaredy cat.  To which she responded gotta live some how even though I'm afraid of alot of things I can't and refuse to let most of it hold me back from what I want and need to do. 7)Alright ghost stories, that was a mission failed, they ended up googling it, some turned it into a comedy, some were bad, 8) That was kinda fun, The age old debate which is better or who would win. Vampire vs Werewolf. Which is better? That was a mixed debated that lasted over 10 minutes, and explained reasoning.  Kate from underworld vs Blade aka wesly snipes from Blade. again that lasted awhile. Which is better the original or remake. Movie vs book, This character vs this one, on and on it was fun as long as there was no real fighting. 9)Trivia was a disaster though while the easy question like what colors were on freddys sweater in the nightmare on elm st where answered quickly others were not. While some knew answers others on the other hand were clueless about every 2 out of five questions and the there were mixed questions throughout the bag. After about a 30 minutes they gave up. 10) They discussed what treats to make for the party after food was discussed. Whats a party with out deserts. Someone said scary smores decorated cake pops, fruit/veggie tray, witches broomsticks (resse cup with a pretzel in it), and many other treats were brought up but finger foods/quick grab in goes with no mess was what everybody wanted. 11)Elaine exited her house one day to find stuff drew on her car, sighing she cleaned the mess darn friends and there markers. Christian wanted to trick her as well. She was very easy to scare. She was always weary round this month and April 1st anyway. So on a night Christian stopped by after work which was around 11:30pm. She went to the door as soon as she seen his truck pull up. When she turned the light on and stepped outside the truck was there but he wasn't. the window was down but the door was shut. Oh great she thought she knew where this was going it didn't look like he hid under the truck. She crept over quietly just then her motion censor light went out. Crap she thought she tried calling out and talking to him. She stood in front of the head lights, about to make a break from it when he grabbed her.  Luckily she didn't scream, he was laughing by the end of it. She nearly had a heart attack not funny. Oh boy did he have some making up for that. It was worth he said though. 12)Next costumes were important and festive. While some had already had there's planned out others were up in the air, some didn't even know. A few told her what they were going to do. Elaine was low on cash while her Jake, Mary and Jared were out shopping one day, Jared and Mary did a couple thing (a robin hood/green arrow looking costume for Jared and Mary chose a medieval looking princess dress)  Both Looked good. Elaine pitched ideas left in right Elaine with alittle help from Mary decided to be a black cat. Mandy Was going to do something with make-up, Linda was debating on a witch or something else. Logan had no idea. Robin hadn't discussed it.  There was no telling with Christian she thought, one year he was a cowboy while she was a vampire other times he had to work and came to the party in his uniform while she was a cop or something else. Jordon always beat everyone though the only man enough brave/crazy enough to compete with us. Going as far as become a pregnant woman, that was the year he did three different changes, vampire dress, lady bug dress, and his original pregnant lady. Ashley was herself dress up every now and then. The rest of the group didn't say anything. 13)Elaine was decorating her house like no tomorrow. The dining room being the one with the most attention, everything else had something small here are there. She still needed to clean and find some more decorations soon. After all she was trying to do everything on a budget. 14)She had yet to get a pumpkin but Elaine knew she and a few of her friends would have to get together and paint or carve pumpkins, As soon as the Jackolanterns were set up it finally began to feel like halloween. 15)Another thing was those damn leaves that she had to rake up constantly. Yep defiantly fall with all those colorful leaves falling of the trees and turning brown, the ones already brown crunching into smaller pieces creating more of a mess. Finally they were in a pile, then the wind blew and they were scattered again, another time nearly done, the her friend Jordan against the advice of the others jumped and ran through the leaves, sighing she handed it to him to rake while she and the others got a some in a stack, then it started raining so they became soggy and impossible to push into a bag. They were nearly done she growled throwing the rake down she moved the bags as the others were inside, the last one called for her to hurry before she was soaked, as she turned an began walking back she stepped on the rake and walked into it tom and jerry style. Holding her nose she pick it up, carrying it with her set it in its spot and entered the house grumbling the. Damn falling leaves and hurtful rakes. 16)A dance was being held an while a few of the friends wanted or did go Elaine was at home that day after work going to bed early after fighting her seasonally allergies. 17)Ghost hunting is something some of the group had talked about doing for a while. An a few attempted over the years Elaine chickened out every time this time however she was gonna do it not alone of course as they were about to leave the sky turned dark and it began to rain heavy with howling winds, everyone was disappointed and went home. Yep she sighed good old weather saved me this time. I take this as sign not to every do this again. 18)Hide an seek. What are we five Elaine? But none the less they were out there in the dark with flashlight playing it.  It quickly became cold, a chore, a near injuries when they began to run from the seeker. Elaine was close to the last one found during each game. The only person harder to find was Christian. But after about an hour or so they called it quits and went inside. 19)Ah Murder mystery Elaine couldn't afford the board game but she put a game and story and roles together for everyone to play at the party she couldn't wait, it was drawing near. 20)Pick your poison was another game she was planning on doing, like truth or dare but instead of truth you take a shot of a nasty drink or a nasty jelly bean. Yep Elaine thought only have one choice do the dares I've come up with or go to my fave poison and drink. 21)While there weren't going to be any this year or any year people had to go home and weren't responsible there was always alcohol games like take a shot every time tis person says this, dare or drink, and a few others. 22)Another fall activity she thought about doing was Bobbing for apples since it was traditional and fun. But it was also messy, and cold so that was a possibility. 23)Oh Urban Legends was fun to discuss especially with this group they new so many and with what they didn't know they were open to watch a scary clip on it, or googling, sadly Elaine didn't get that much sleep that night and Christian had to stay with her all night again. 24)Candy was a halloween must. They were so many candies out there. Elaine Loved sour candy, gummies, chocolate like herseys, m&m, reeses cups and etc. she was pretty basic like the regular stuff and not much else. Her friends were the ones with weird flavors. Sadly Elaine would have to wait to buy candy for the party because it would get eaten before then by herself, house guest. 25)Fire! a bonfire would've been a great thing to do when the burn ban was lifted. But it makes since they could have roasted hotdogs, marshmallows like they did a few months ago. Plus it'd be alight warmer and festive. She was sure the firebugs of the group would love that. But she wasn't going to bring it up until after the burn ban and on a day the weather wasn't so windy and everything was dry. 26)Investigative discovery is something Elaine Just loved it seemed like every time someone came over she was watching it. It was that cartoons, movies, series she liked, sometimes comedies, and anime. Oh man did they all make jokes about it. One time they found her making a list of fall activities and found murder at the bottom after laughing they ripped that part, laughed, playfully hit her and said if a cop found that you'd be in jail you lunatic watching all those murder shows finally has you batty. She always argued she didn't watch it all the time, just majority of the time, what could she say she loved crime shows like that. 27)Quotes she liked a few from scary movies, books, and something well know people had quoted she through those in with the trivia questions her favorite were the macbeth inspired questions. 28)Elaine watched, read, googled, Diy's for decorations, recipes, costumes, and more this year, trying to gather more information on what she could do. What she was missing and could pull off. An just more ideas in general, the costumes were just for herself for next year and the people who had yet to find a costume on a budget. 29)For the party she decided to put her painting skills into affect by painting monster like portraits and scenery her favorite being the one she made of Frankenstein for last years party. 30) The last thing she did was create a halloween playlist for the party with songs she liked an could get a scary vibe off of.  A few of the songs marie laveau, somebodys watching me, thriller, haunted, monster, theme songs, this is halloween, superfreak, calling all the monsters, love potion number 9, i put a spell on you, E.t, Disturbia, radioactive, my songs know what you did in the dark, mad hatter, dragula, let the bodies hit the floor, helter skelter, beetle juice jump the line, come little children, the night by volitare and the land of the dead.  
31)The Party was the last thing and it would definitely be a success, For the official ending check back after Halloween.
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