#what if...resh but as a big brother
Chapter 19 ~ Hope is a dangerous thing
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Hidden Depths
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Also on ao3
Genre: Fantasy whump
CW: everyone is just *full* of self-blame, are we happy? Huh? So uh, blood, impalement–technically if you’re shot with an arrow you get impaled, right? Right. Also, *drumroll* lots of angst *gasp* and a healthy dose of denial. And I guess a tiny bit of minor whump, bc Orla, but it’s next to nothing, I swear. Unless you count the angst, cuz then we're all screwed 😂
WC: 2735
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In which I really wanted some whump. I'm sorry but not really XD
AN: Ch 19 AKA the bitch chapter. I don't think I'll ever be completely happy with it so here it is. Sorry it took two months 😅
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A grand adventure. 
That’s how Orla had imagined the idea of leaving the city, traveling north until they found a quaint little village or maybe even a town to settle in. 
She’d pictured it in her mind, aided by the sketched illustrations in some of the books she’d read in the palace’s library. A small village, each house a cozy cottage with a thatched roof, filled with kind people: families, grandparents, children, a whole community, one who would welcome them in with open arms. Resh could take up their father’s business or maybe even return to carpentry, although she wasn’t certain he’d apprenticed long enough. 
A wave of longing for a life long gone washed over her, leaving behind slimy strands of loss and guilt. She pushed them away. Carr and her brother had those emotions covered in spades. 
She glanced up from her book at her brother. The dark circles under his eyes were deepening, looking like bruises that worsened with each day that passed. Carr had noticed them as well and clearly had as much clue about how to deal with her brother’s sleepless nights as she did. 
The guilt resurged; Carr thought she was at fault for what happened to Resh, but Orla knew better. Her brother had sold himself to the Crown for her, because she’d been ill. The words on the page before her blurred, so she looked out the carriage’s window instead, distracting herself with the view. 
Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves adorning the great trees of the Seleni Wood, leaves that were as big as her head. She’d found one on the ground and tested that claim, then rolled it up and stuck it in her bag to study closer later, fascinated with the white veins that contrasted sharply with the dark green of the rest of the leaf. Sturdy too, that leaf. The locals used them to wrap food they intended to smoke. 
Orla liked the Wood. The shade provided some relief from the oppressive warmth they’d found in the north, warmth that didn’t seem near to tapering off even though it was late summer.  
She would’ve liked to live here, but none of the towns or villages west of the Wood had been suitable. The people had either been too insular or downright hostile, so they were heading back east. Weeks of travel had dampened Orla’s initial excitement as much as her brother’s declining state. Nothing was as she had imagined, and she had an active imagination. 
Like now. She had to be imagining all those eyes glinting out of the undergrowth as they passed by on what felt like increasingly unstable ground. It was bad enough that she closed her book and replaced it in her bag, right in time for the carriage to lurch to the side, slamming her into the wall with a squeak of surprise. 
“The fuck!” Carr shouted. 
Orla was impressed at how quickly Carr roused from her nap to full awareness, anchoring herself before she could be tossed from the bench seat. The carriage picked up speed, and the wood creaked, protesting the increased pace. Resh and Carr exchanged a loaded glance. 
“What is it?” Orla asked, her voice cracking as the carriage pitched again. 
Resh caught her arm before she could hit the wall a second time–Orla was thankful, her shoulder already throbbing from her previous impact. He said something to her, but she wasn’t very good at lipreading, despite Carr’s efforts–something with a b, and the rest was lost; she shook her head, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirts. 
He shoved himself in the corner, one arm on each wall, one foot on the ground with the other on the bench. Then he moved, pointing to her. Oh. Brace yourself, maybe? Orla followed her brother’s example, clenching her teeth to keep from biting her tongue when the carriage bounced roughly again. 
Sometime during that demonstration, Carr had put her boots back on and opened the sliding door to the front. 
“We bein chased?” Carr asked the driver. 
The rest of the conversation faded to the background as Orla caught a glimpse of a bearded man on horseback through the opposite window, holding a bow. Rangers carried bows, Orla knew. Maybe this one needed their help with something? The carriage veered sharply then, and Resh lunged across the seats to stabilize Carr. 
The bearded man returned, slightly behind and to their left, but visible to Orla nonetheless. He smiled when he caught Orla’s gaze, and her eyes widened. She’d never seen a smile that looked less like one than his. A chill skittered down her spine, worsening when he pulled an arrow from what looked like out of nowhere and nocked it. 
She felt frozen, her muscles locked in place. Her throat closed up, refusing to let more than the barest whisper of air through, nowhere near the scream she wanted to loose. The arrow flew through the window, embedding in the wall right next to where her brother was holding Carr steady. Orla watched as a crimson stain spread on her brother’s upper arm. 
He grimaced, but the wound didn’t stop him from grabbing her and Carr and shoving them to the floor of the carriage. Orla curled into a ball, shivering. Why was this man chasing them? Was there only one, or were there others? The eyes she’d seen in the brush returned to haunt her with possibilities. 
“Damnit, Resh, I can help,” Carr snarled, popping back up to rummage through the compartment under her seat. 
But Resh spun, his hands going through one of the short, succinct signs Carr had taught them, one Orla recognized as ‘hold’. 
The sign wasn’t really necessary, though, not with her and Carr both staring at the purple glow overtaking Resh’s brown eyes. 
Orla gasped; it was the first time she’d seen him use his magic since he’d come back. She’d missed it. Missed the bond she’d shared with her brother because of it.  
When she was little more than a toddler, she’d been more fascinated by the pretty purple light than the blocks Resh would float in the air for her entertainment. It was their secret, he would tell her as he built impossibly high towers for her to knock down. 
It was their secret, he’d whisper, when he’d return with some fruit or bread at the end of a miserable, rainy day spent cowering under an alcove, hoping no one would kick them out for loitering.
Their secret, when he’d brush what remained of her hair out of her face, allowing just a hint of purple to shine in his eyes because he knew she loved it so. 
Later, when the queen had deemed her well enough to resume her schooling, she’d learned more about magic. About how dangerous it had been to be a mage in Elysia. How it was still dangerous, the population’s opinion on magic widely divided. 
This must be bad if it wasn’t their secret anymore. 
A hand patted her cheek with stinging force, just short of a slap. She blinked, feeling confused until the carriage tilted crazily again. Her arms shot out, bracing against the seats. 
“You can’t freeze up, Orla,” Carr said, grabbing her hand and pressing a dagger into it. 
The leather-wrapped handle felt foreign in her hand. It felt wrong, and she wanted to drop it. The look Carr leveled at her changed her mind, her fingers tightening around the hilt almost on their own. 
“If anyone comes near you, stick that in them, hard, as hard as you can, you hear? Then you run. Run as if your life depends on it.” 
“Who…” Orla’s mouth was far too dry. She watched, wide-eyed, as Carr pulled dagger after dagger out of the compartment, strapping them on. She always had the ones in her thigh sheaths, but now there were two hidden beneath her boots, two strapped to her wrists, one–Orla blinked. Where had that one gone? Or that other… 
“Why do you have so many knives?” she asked, feeling her eyes getting wider and wider with each weapon Carr withdrew. 
Orla glanced around, wondering if her brother knew about all this, but he wasn’t there. He wasn’t there he wasn’t there! Her breathing sped up, wondering if he’d been shot again, but then her eyes snagged on the opening to the front of the carriage. Had he climbed through that? It didn’t look nearly big enough…
“It’s gonna be alright,” Carr said, strapping something around Orla’s waist before taking the dagger she’d given her back.  
An ominous creak sounded as the carriage bounced extra hard–followed by a nasty-sounding crack. The carriage listed heavily to the side, and Orla bit back a scream, held by the steadiness in Carr’s eyes even though her heart pounded. Her hand felt empty, and she suddenly wished to have the dagger back, craved its security even though she had no idea how to use it. 
“It’s gonna be alright,” Carr said again, sliding the blade into the sheath at Orla’s hip. 
Orla sucked in a breath, feeling a little better with the weight at her side. She stared at Carr, repeating her words in her head, over and over. It’s gonna be alright It’s gonna be alright It’s gonna– 
The glow of Resh’s magic grew brighter, stronger, illuminating the entire cabin in lavender. Thank gods, he really was still there. It’s gonna be alright. Her brother would protect them. Whatever was happening, if the carriage crashed, his power would keep them safe. It’s gonna be alright.
Carr turned to look at him, and Orla found herself mimicking her motions, relieved to see Resh’s face peering into the cabin. It’s gonna… 
Someone screamed as an arrowhead broke through Resh’s shoulder, jutting out from under his collarbone in a flash of crimson and silver. 
No! Nononono… a high-pitched whine filled the cabin as her brother’s body sagged against the opening, blood staining his torn tunic. It was supposed to be alright! It still could be, right? Right?
But the purple light flickered, and the carriage lurched again, the motion flinging Orla back against the wall. It kept tilting until it seemed she was weightless, the world beyond the window a smear of green and brown. Carr reached for her, her body floating within the remnants of Resh’s fading magic. 
This is not alright, Orla wailed in her mind as she careened past Carr but somehow stopped short of the opposite wall. Fingers grasped Orla’s flailing hands when she flew back in the other direction–Carr, dragging her closer, her mouth moving. She was trying to speak, but Orla couldn’t hear her through the terrible noises the carriage was making. Through the terrible noises she was making. 
Carr’s arms curled around her shoulders, hugging her tight right before…
Purple light shattered. 
Wood shattered. 
Orla’s world shattered.
Carr stifled her groan as she came to, unsure of her surroundings or why her body ached so bad. 
The floor felt soft beneath her, the scent of crushed grass and moist earth filling her nostrils. 
Not the floor then. The ground. She was outside? 
Her eyes snapped open. Outside. Bandits, chasing them. She raised a hand to her head, met a sticky patch of half-dried blood above her eyebrow. Well, that explained why that part of her hurt. 
Wherever she was, it was dark. She listened, but aside from the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, everything was quiet. Unnaturally so. The bandits–ah, right. The carriage–it had crashed, flinging her and Orla around like ragdolls. 
Flashes of memory assailed her. Resh’s magic, surrounding them, cushioning them from the worst of the damage. The cabin splintering apart, Resh’s magic fracturing, Carr’s arms surrounding the small, frail form of Resh’s sister. 
Desperate to shield her when they were flung from the cabin, Carr had called earth, and it had answered. The impact had still been enough to knock her out, though. She hoped Orla had survived. 
And Resh–his face as that arrow went through his shoulder. How had he managed the strength to shield them after that? Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them back. She would make no assumptions. Having been through this once already, Carr told herself she could do it again. She’d find him alive again. She would.   
Clenching her jaw, Carr dug her fingers into the ground and stared up at the weave of greenery above her that she could just make out. Vines. She’d cocooned herself in vines. 
She waited a few minutes, listening. Were the bandits still around? But she heard nothing except the sound of the wildlife slowly picking up its natural rhythm again. Good enough. The light still streaming through the forest’s canopy stabbed into her eyes as she pulled the vines back.  
Her head throbbed, but the ache wasn’t too bad. She lay still for a few moments anyway, letting her eyes adjust. The light was weak and patchy but not too much different from before, which meant she hadn’t been out for long. Hopefully. 
Okay, enough with the waiting. Carr pushed herself up to find she was laying in a small patch of undergrowth, and… oh, thank fuck. Orla was splayed out next to her; if Carr had reached out inside her cocoon, she probably could’ve touched her.
The girl looked pale, too pale. Carr held her breath, waiting… there! Her chest rose and fell ever so slightly. Thank the gods. 
“Orla?” she whispered, reaching out to touch the girl’s cheek. 
Her eyes fluttered at the contact, but she didn’t wake. Fuck. Carr supposed she could leave the girl here; she’d be safe within the vines, provided she didn’t make too much noise, but what if Orla woke and was scared? 
Carr didn’t have an answer for that, so she spent a few more minutes trying to rouse her. Just as she was about to give up, Orla whimpered. 
“Orla?” Carr said, feeling a little desperate at this point. “C’mon, kid, I need you to wake up.” 
“Lemme sleep,” Orla mumbled, swatting her away. 
“No can do. We gotta move. Can you sit up for me? Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I don’t… think so? But my brain feels scrambled,” Orla complained, finally cracking open her eyes. “What… where? Ugh, we crashed?” The girl winced as she sat up, her breath coming too fast. “Resh!” 
Carr peered at her pupils, relieved to find them an equal size. “Yeah, we crashed. Can you walk? We need to find him.” 
Now that Resh’s sister was awake, Carr burned with the need to find him, make sure he was still alive and stayed that way. Hopefully, the bandits had raided the remains of their carriage and left him lying in a ditch somewhere. Hopefully, one of the horses could be found. Hopefully, the sun wouldn’t set for a few hours yet. 
Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. 
Orla was a little unsteady but able to walk. Thank fuck. Carr guided her, sticking to the underbrush for cover as she searched for the crash site. It didn’t take long to find; she followed a trail of splintered wood until she found the twisted, shattered mess of wood and metal at the bottom of a hill. 
She stopped, looking up at the bank, then over her shoulder where she and Orla had been thrown. Without Resh, without her using earth at the last moment, they would have died, Carr had no doubt. A sudden stab of fear pierced her chest; had Resh saved any of his magic for himself? 
“Oh gods,” Orla whispered behind her. 
Resh had shown Carr, over and over, that he didn’t give a shit about himself as long she was safe. Add his sister into the equation… 
“We need t’ find Resh. Now,” Carr said, her voice harsh.  
Orla started crying. “How could he survive that?” 
“He’s alive,” Carr said. “Has t’ be.” 
She sent Orla to search the immediate area around the carriage, then started climbing the hill, which was steep enough that she was forced to use elemental earth to aid her. Maybe he’d jumped before the carriage tumbled down. Maybe that’s why his magic had broken. He’d be up there, hurt, sure, but alive, waiting for help to come. 
She wouldn’t accept any other possibility, not until she was presented with his cold, lifeless body, and maybe not even then. 
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Image Description
[ID: The banner is a blue-green background, with tree branches arching over a set of blue-green eyes, forming an approximation of a face. The words Hidden Depths are written in white above the eyes. Any other images are purely decorative lines. end ID]
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A Lonely Autists Ode to Final Fantasy XIV
This is probably going to be a horribly jumbled up post, and I'd apologise but I don't feel like apologising for stream of conscioussing my feelings.
So, until very recent years (We're talking the last 3 years), I have never really had friends. No one taught me how to be social, and my every misstep (and I assure you, there were many) was met with cruelty from my peers or the adults that were meant to care for me.
As such, from a young age, I got very good at 'making' my own friends. (This habit is actually what got me into writing!) Obviously the part of me that understands the world around me knew that they weren't real. But all I had were the friends I 'made', so I stuck with them.
Five years ago, now, my only real world friend that I had suggested that I try FFXIV. She said I'd love it. She said it would indulge the things I used to love about playing Fable (feeling like part of the world, silly outfits, getting to have an inordinately big hammer and swing it at my enemies with abandon) and I'd get to play alongside her.
Regrettably, my first impression of the game was less than stellar.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the world involved! I fell in love with the Scions (bar Alphinaud. Yes, yes, I am aware of the irony of this statement now!) and the story caught my attention. I didn't even mind the bits of ARR that everyone else complains about because I saw all of it as a chance to learn more about the world I was falling in love with.
I stopped playing because the ARR patches used to (idk if they still do) force you into replaying the Trials to progress. You HAD to do hard mode. And no one explained to me that Hard and Extreme were different things, so I got scared and stopped playing.
Two years later, I'd make a new character (my beloved Fru, who sits in my icon with her younger brother and sits squarely in my heart as an example to me of who I want to be) and try again. Everything I loved was still there, and the characters caught me in a grip even tighter than they had before. And the Scions became my Friends.
I didn't know it at the time, but they would be my last set of Friends. Because I met people, real people, who I'd grow to call friend (and brother, and husband, and son, and daughter, and kiddo, and any number of other titles)
But the Scions were my Friends.
Again, I stopped playing. Not because I didn't love the world. Not because I didn't love my Friends. But because none of my RL friends played, and I wanted to spend time with them, because I'd never had RL friends to spend time with before!
But FFXIV and the Scions stayed a part of me. I never uninstalled the game. I never cancelled my subscription (I prolly should have, tbh!) and every so often I'd log on and just run around Eorzea and 'talk' to my Friends.
Until a year later, I'd mention to @steelshard that I missed playing, but didn't want to play alone anymore. And the mad-man did what I never expected anyone to want to do for me, and he spent money to get the game so we could play together. (And so came Resh, the externalisation of a lot of my anxieties and my newly assured diagnosis as an Autist, and my complex feelings towards my mother, to match against Steels Ura, the type of woman I would kill to have in my life!)
I returned to Fru, Eorzea once more having a grip upon my Soul, and forged ahead from my place in the HW patches, marching through Stormblood with glee and teeth and love, walking through Shadowbringers and taking the time to sit with the pain and the knowledge that nothing is black and white, and racing through Endwalker with a hunger I've never experienced before until coming to a dead stop with an hour of wheeze sobbing and an Asthma attack as one by one the game took my Friends from me and forced me to face up to something that I hadn't seen before.
I wasn't alone.
I had my RL friends. And I still had my Friends. And they weren't antithetical to each other. I could have both! I could talk to Steel, or @instantbee or my husband, and tell them my thoughts and feelings and ask for advice. And when that felt like too much for me, I could go to Eorzea instead, and I could tell Y'shtola, or Alphinaud, or Urianger of my woes or my triumphs, or my twisted knotted ball of yarn thoughts, and seek support in the way I had my entire life. I could lie in bed and message my RL friends, or I could lie in bed and have three hour debates with G'raha.
And obviously, like I said at the beginning of the post, I know the Scions aren't real. But they're an extension of a coping mechanism that allowed me to survive through an early life that would have rather seen me die (and if you look beneath the steadily growing FFXIV sleeve, you'll see the evidence that it very nearly got its wish).
The Scions, the characters of Eorzea, they were my very last set of Friends. Because I don't need to make anymore. I have RL friends that understand me as I am now. But that secures the Scions a very special place in my life. They're the last of the Me that was alone. They're the last of the Me that was a frightened child, desperately seeking connection and solace from a world that would not give them that. They're the last of the Me that wanted to die. And by keeping them around, I am assuring that version of Me (because they're still here, just like every version of Me is still here) that I have not forgotten them. I have not forgotten how They struggled for this version of Me to come forth and live a happier life, a better life than any previous version of Me dared to dream about.
So I will keep my Friends close to my chest as we continue to explore Eorzea and Ethierys and Beyond together. Because the Scions and I are Friends. And We have survived so much together already.
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There's a soft mumble as the elder raises from the puddle of mud, his giant cloak soaked black with it, as if he's been there for years
"where am I?... Oh, hello! What's your name?.."
He crouches down, holding out a slightly clawed hand
(ello! Just a note to say, this is an au where Alef/Resh has a big brother! This is Isoveli, and he's the big bro)
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requiemforaqueen · 4 years
Feb 19
Beresheet Spacecraft
Beresheet Spacecraft to the Moon. Beresheet means “In the Beginning…”; the Moon is the Chaldean god Sin.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”In Hebrew Beyt Rosh Aleph Shin Yod Tav Rabbis don’t believe Jesus is Alpha and Omega “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” Rev 22:13 because Jesus warned “But be not ye called Rabbi” Mat 23:8 Rabbi means Master; the title of Chaldean-Sabian-Mandaean Priests was/is “Rba”. Jewish? Not on your eternal life.
Israel’s 1st Lunar Lander Space IL Beresheet to launch on Feb 21 and land on April 11 carrying a Time Capsule of Israeli cultural artifacts to the Sea of Serenity on the Moon.
The bible declares the Ending from the Beginning; Hebrew is read Right to Left. Let’s look at it.
Beit meaning House or Tent, represents the number 2, and is shaped as a Floor Plan; Beit Shamash “House of Shamash” is the House of the Assyrian Sun God “Shamash” called Project 911 on Site 911, a radiation hardened bunker with Israeli Scribe written Mezuzah, rejecting Jesus as Master of the House “Shiloh” (Gen 49:10) over every door, ready for the arrival of Lucifer/Satan aka Apollyon “Destroyer” at Rev 9:11; 5th Trumpet; 1st Woe !
Rosh means Head, King or Prince; scripture says Lucifer is the Prince of the World; Jesus is King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Reysh (200) illustrates the sufficiency of God and insufficiency of man; Jesus is the sinless Cornerstone and Head of the New Covenant; in Israel, the Cornerstone will be purified by the Kohannim with ashes of a sacrificed Red Heifer, on 2 Nisan. In 2019 1 Nisan is April 6 “Tartan Day”, the day celebrating Assyrian captivity and replacement of the northern tribes of Israel under Sargon II and his military commander Tartan with Babylonians, Medeans, Canaanites (2 Ki 17:30).
Aleph (1) is symbolized by an Ox, symbolizing the ONE or Strong Leader El or plural Elohim, the Canaanite Creator El is equivalent with Saturn, aka Assyrian Nisroch (2 Ki 19:37; Is 37:38). Together, Beit Rosh Aleph means the Creator/King of the Tent/House.
Shin (300) means Nail/Crush/Destroy; a Divinely appointed blood sacrifice necessary for Salvation. Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogues with the Sign of Shin celebrating the Nails used to fasten God to the Tree. Jesus offered Himself in accordance with Jewish Law in Deut 21:23 but was rejected and nailed to a Tree. Purim (Mar 20-21, 2019) means “Crush/Destroy; Bring to Naught”; Pur means “Lot”; the casting of Lots for the Assyrian Marduk “Calf of the Sun god Shamash”. On the Spring Equinox, the Sun contacts the altar on the Brass Line (Rose Line) at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris and the Serpent descends the 91 (1…13=91; 13 the number associated with Rebellion against God seen in Rev 13 and Gen 13:13 “Sins of Sodom”) steps of the El Castillo Pyramid in Mexico; Purim is a Holy Day not of God, but derived from one of 2 books in scripture God is not mentioned “Esther”. Resh Aleph Sheen combines to mean the Prince leaves the Temp to Crush or Destroy; sounds a bit like Rev 9:11 as well as the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.
Yod or Yot (10) means End of the Age and New Beginning; 10 means Ordinal Perfection of 1 “ONE” + 0, used as a place holder rather than a number for Time. Saturn is Chronos “Time”; Jesus came and fulfilled every Jot and Tittle of the Law (Mat 5:18) Thus the End of the Age, New Beginning at an appointed Time. Jesus returns a 2nd time when Creation is 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8) to Destroy; Satan is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11 541 days before that as Apyollon/Abaddan “Destroyer” to incarnate a man called Antichrist who controls Earth during the 1260 day Great Tribulation. Recall the last word of God’s first sentence “Earth”; Earth Dweller first used in Rev 13:8 refers to those who reject the New Covenant.
Tav or Tau (400) is shaped as a Cross; it means End of the Covenant. Jesus was rejected and nailed to a Tree amid 2 Thieves which formed the 7 Branch Candlestick of the Old Covenant, the 7th Covenant between God and Man. The 7 Branch Candlestick, constructed by Moses has been replaced by the Hanukkah Menorah with Shamash at the center to replace Jesus. This is a symbolic rejection of the New Covenant; the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man ends with acceptance of the Mark of the Beast. The Cross is not what you think it is; my article Cross goes into more detail; suffice to say, the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ) is replaced by the Serpent/Devil/Satan in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Beit Rosh Aleph Shin Yot Tav add to 931, in 931BC Israel (Ones who wrestle with God) was Divided; the same condition applies today. The Question is: Are you a Zionist? Is Israel God’s gathering of Jacob’s 12 sons? Is the Six Pointed Star, a symbol of God? If the answer is Yes, Hell for eternity awaits. Amos 5:2 “The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise” Amos 5:26 illustrates, the Six Pointed Star aka Chaldean STUR is the symbol of El, Molech, Chiun (Kewan=Saturn) seen in BabEl “Gate of El/Saturn” is BabIlu “Gate of Allah” is BabylON “Gate of the Sun” is the Highway to Hell established at the Beginning and opened at the End. The Arab moon God is Sin aka Allah. Sea of Serenity (Serenus a title used for Roman Emperors and Popes) means Sea of the King; Beast rising from the Sea may ring a Baal. Israel hopes the mission causes an “Apollo Effect”; I’m sure it will. TimesUp folks! Israel’s Bereshit leads to Hell; Jesus’ Beginning and End leads to Heaven.
Feb 18
Space Force Col Buzz Aldrin and Col Terry Virts support the idea yet Virts admits NASA Astronauts have never traveled above Low Earth Orbit due to the radiation in the Van Allen Belts; what say you Buzz? AF Chief of Staff, Crypto fake Jew Gen David Goldfein in command; his brother Gen Stephen Goldfein was forced to retire after “Thunder Vision” scandal, steering a $50M Audio-Visual Contract his way while in charge of the USAF Thunderbirds. Elon Musk applauds the creation of Space Force; his Methane (literally Bullshit) Powered BFR (Big F___Rocket) is a One-Way, Bleeding, Stainless Steel Rocket to Mars, straight out of Flash Gordon; his ridiculous Spacesuits, fresh off the set of Ender’s Game. Tired of the Bullshit? http://americanmoon.org/NASA/index.htm
Feb 17
Moscow warns “US is creating a Quasi-State on the West Bank of the Euphrates” Eretz Israel, the land God promised Abraham is from the Nile to the Euphrates including the Western half of Syria and Iraq. This is the goal of Chasidic-Saturnian-Chaldean fake Jews descended from Abram’s nephew Chesed. Keep in mind, Vladimir Putin is controlled by Chabad Lubavitch ie Saturnian/Chaldean/Sabian Crypto Jews just like Donald Trump.
Golden Gate Violence
“Israel is playing with fire…assault on Golden Gate is War on Islam” Mahmoud Habbash, Supreme Shariah Law Judge in Palestine and religious adviser to Palestine President Luciferian Freemason Mahmoud Abbas. Shariah Law Judge Hassan Rouhani is President of Iran; Shariah Law and Noahide Law, enforced by the Sanhedrin and 33 degree Freemason Crypto Jew Benjamin Netanyahu have one very important item in common; Jesus is an Idol whose worship is Blasphemous and must be punished by decapitation. All these men are Sabian Chaldeans, cancers in their respective religions.
Freemason Albert Pike penned a letter to Jesuit Giuseppe Mazzini calling for 3 World Wars; WW3 is Zionism against Islam. The War will lead to the acceptance of the False Messiah who will arrive (wait for it!) through the Golden aka East Gate, Sushan Gate and Gate of Mercy; the same gate Jesus rode through on Palm Sunday in fulfillment of dozens of Old Testament prophecies is the gate Antichrist will come through to sit on Satan’s Seat in the 3rd Temple. Not ready for that? Better get ready.
Why Feb 17? Sabians worship the 17th day of every month, but in particular, the 17th Day of the 2nd Month; which on the Solar Calendar is Feb 17 corresponding to the date the Flood began (Gen 7:11); 7 the number of perfection; 11 the number of Antichrist. Sabians created the Solar (Gregorian) Calendar to match their Feast of Nativity with Christmas.
Valentines Day
Valentine’s Day is Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf”; a great day to hide really big news. Warsaw “Peace and Security” Summit; Israel and 60 Nations aligned against Iran; Israel’s PM Netanyahu openly calls for War with Iran. Zionist Mike Pence accuses Iran of starting a New Holocaust to wipe Israel off the map and presents “Peace Plan” called “Deal of the Century” to Benjamin Netanyahu. Mike Pompeo “Confronting Iran is Key to Middle East Stability”; Iran, China, Venezuela and Russia War? Great idea Mike and just a week before another North Korean Summit.Iran (Aryan=Noble Caste) Ayatollah ali Khomeini and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are both Sovereign Luciferian Freemasons. Netanyahu, and Ashkenazi Crypto (Germanic) fake Jew claims Benjamite lineage “Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf…” Gen 49:27 What a coincidence the Warsaw Summit is on Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf” or NOT! “For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thess 5:3
DACA Amnesty DACA (Deferred Action on Child Arrivals) and DREAM (Development, Relief, Education for Alien Minors) sneak into Law in the 1000+ page Secret Budget Bill released by Congress and signed into Law by the President on Valentine’s Day, 1 day before 2nd Gov’t Shutdown.
Presidential Emergency Declaration $1.3B funding for 55 miles of Border Wall; US-Mexico border is 2000 miles long. Trump will build the Wall with Taxpayer Debt; in 1958 Snake Oil Salesman Walter Trump called for a Wall in the series Trackdown episode “End of the World”; pretty coincidental eh?DACA Amnesty renders the border Wall useless to stop immigrants entering the US; US Citizens wanting to leave the US however, will need to pay their fair share of the National Debt; an impossibility for all but the financial Elite.
Illegal immigrant Melania Trump (NY modeling on Tourist Visa; “Einstein Visa” awarded for obtaining 6 year Architecture and Design Degree from non-existent University of Slovenia in 1 semester) visited an immigrant camp wearing an I really don’t care do you? jacket Think Donald is against illegal immigration? Guess again. Like the 1000+ page Patriot Act signed onto law immediately after 9/11/2001 or the 1000+ page Obama Care aka Universal Health Care Act signed into law at 10:22PM (3:22UTC) on Sunday 3/22/10 (Society 322 is the Teutonic Brotherhood of Death); no members of Congress or the public will have a chance to read, much less debate the Unconstitutional Law.
DACA DREAMers represent roughly 3 Million people + 2 Parents=9 Million + 6.5 average additional “Chain Migrants” and an additional 20% economic burden will certainly collapse the US economy. Pre-planned? “Nothing in politics happens by chance; if it happens you can bet it was planned” FDR MEChA (Mestizo Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan), LaRaza Unida and Voz de Aztlan all have the goal of restoring Aztlan, the land comprised of 1/2 California, Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas taken from Mexico; Aztlan and Aztec have the same meaning; decapitation and cutting out hearts (Heart means Baal) was designed to capture the Soul and Spirit of the deceased; decapitation is required under Shariah and Noahide Laws for followers of Jesus Christ.
Parkland HS Shooting Hoax Anniversary and Antonin Scalia Heart Attack Hoax Valentines Day Article and False Flag Article cover these.
William Barr confirmed Attorney General Skull & Bones, 33 degree Luciferian Freemason, Bohemian Grove Satanist GHW “Magog” Bush’ CIA Analyst and AG returns. If you liked Iran-Contra, Gulf Wars, Pan Am 103, $1.5 Savings and Loan Crisis (Neil Bush’ Siverado Savings ripped off $2B), you’ll love him http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3330.htm
Orion “Light of Heaven” Nebula M-42 (Orion’s Sword/Scabbard) belched out a massive Flare; M-42 is known as the place where “Stars are Born”, no not Lady Gaga or Barbra Steisand, but the Chaldean Star of Molech, El, Ilu (Allah), Marduk seen in the word BabEl. In Sumerian ie Chaldean religion/mythology, Orion is the “True Shepherd of Anu”; the “Armed King”, symbolized by the North Ecliptic Axis or World Pillar (Arab Qutb) encircled by Draco (Dragon). Anu is the Supreme God of Mesopotamia seen in the Irish Tuatha de Danu (Offspring of Anu) or Zechariah Sitchin Bullshit “Anunnaki” or Planet X nonsense; Anu is just another name of Zeus, Jupiter, Horus or Allah. Anu was also associated with Amurru, the source name of America (Amurucu) is the Shepherd and Creator god of the Amorites; Amor=Love; Feel the Love yet? We will. Amorites codified their Laws under Amraphel (Gen 14:1 aka Hammurabi) who received them from Shamash, the Babylonian sun god worshipped in Israel today as the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah and at Site 911 “Beit Shamash”, a radiation hardened, Jesus rejecting bunker ready for his arrival on Earth at Rev 9:11. Amorites (Canaanites) derived their Laws “Code of Hammurabi” from earlier laws of “Lipit-Ishtar” and “Naram-Sin” (Sin=Ilu=Allah). The Code of Hammurabi is “Vengeance”. Orion was known to the Greeks as Ares, the UNKNOWN GOD of War, ignorantly worshipped at the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) in Athens (Acts 17:22-24). “Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in Temples made with hands” (Acts 7:48; 17:24) The “Deal of the Century” will outline the building of the 3rd Temple, made with hands, full of illegitimate Samaritan Priests, a man-made altar and the Throne of Pergamon (moved from Berlin at the close of WWIII, currently in Moscow for WWIII) “Satan’s Seat”. Ares is Nergal, the Rooster; you may recall Trump lighting a Rooster Candle during Diwali (New Light); Nowruz “New Light” is the Iranian (Aryan=Noble Caste) Rooster/Cock and what a coincidence! In 2019 Nowruz (Mar 20) aligns with Purim; Pur=Lot, Purim means “Cast Lots for Marduk”. The Satanic plan is coming along nicely eh? Now go get JESUS in your life!
Ben Franklin a Child Sacrificing, Rosicrucian 33 degree Luciferian Freemason, member of Sir Francis Dashwood’s “Hell Fire Society” (Think Eyes Wide Shut) said “Democracy is 2 Wolves and a Lamb making dinner plans”; what better day than Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf”?
Originally posted Jan 23, 2019
Venezuela Coup The US and Israel are leading a pre-planned Coup in Venezuela over control of Gold and Black Gold “Oil” and the Coup is spilling over to 60 nations in the Organization of American States. The same exact playbook was used in Libya, Iraq and Iran (Operation Ajax) when those countries nationalized assets. Venezuela is derived from Venice; Oil is Black Gold. Venetian Black Nobility Pope Leo X declared the Gnostic doctrine “Indestructibility of the Soul” Catholic Dogma at the 5th Lateran Council in 1517 aka Year one of the 10 Jubilee plan to present Antichrist. The new movie The Prodigy deals with Gnostic doctrine of Indestructibility of the Soul; It’s a Lie. Lateran means Hidden Frogs, the 3 unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet; the Jesuit (Militia of Zeus/Marduk) HQ is The Arch-basilica of St John Lateran aka Basilica Nova.
US takes control of Venezuela Gold and Oil assets; Britain rejects Venezuela Gold withdrawal requests; acts of War. Maduro warns US of a Vietnam War #2 In charge of the Coup is CFR traitor Elliot Abrams architect of Iran-Contra, El Salvadoran “Death Squads”, Operation Condor (Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina Coups and Death Squads led by Cardinal Bergoglio aka Pope Francis; Condor and Eagle Prophecy spells the playbook out https://blog.pachamama.org/the-eagle-and-the-condor-prophecy; Former Argentine president, Nestor Kirchner (colon cancer) 2) Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff (lymphoma cancer), her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (throat cancer), 4) Chavez (cancer), 5) Bolivian president, Evo Morales (nasal cancer) 7) Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo (lymphoma cancer), PNAC (1997 Project for a New American Century called for 9/11/2001 and wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Iran), South American “Dirty Wars” (financed by CIA asset Columbian Drug Lord Pablo Escobar) Elliot Abrams is a convicted War Criminal (Pardoned by GHW Bush) Crypto fake Jew https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=358&v=O_KFCXCccjM
US trained Zionist Juan Guiado now in charge of Venezuela Assets according to Zionist Trump adviser John Bolton. China’s PetroChina out. Russia’s Rosnef out. War with Venezuela, China and Russia in False Flag.
Zionist John Bolton meets Citgo Petroleum execs; US Government protecting Corporate Assets? Maduro claims control of Citgo through PDVSA Venezuela’s Nationalized Oil consortium and ends $US Petro-Dollar. Same playbook used in Libya to oust Muammar Qadaffi, who developed the GMMR (Great Man-made River) returning North Africa to an Oasis and establishing the African Dinar to replace the $US.
Venezuela sitting on the world’s 2nd largest Gold Fields; 32 Gold Fields and 54 Gold precessing plants being built.Venezuela sitting on claimed world’s largest Oil Reserves. I doubt that, the US Gulf of Mexico, ANWR and Bakken formation contain Trillions of Bbls of Oil with pipelines in place but US Citizens will never benefit from it.
US trained opposition candidate Juan Guiado is backed by Israel and plans to move the Israel Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt Rev 11:8) he attended the CIA/Masonic George Washington University who swore himself in as President on Jan 23 shortly after the Inauguration of Nicholas Maduro. Maduro is backed by the Venezuelan Military and most of its Citizens.
Caracas sits atop the razed city of the Caracas people, conquered by Spanish Conquistadores. The US celebrates Columbus as a hero; Chavez and Maduro regard Columbus Day as “Indigenous Resistance Day” Spain, France, Germany, UK give Maduro an 8 day ultimatum to hold transparent elections. CFR Traitor, Freemason, Zionist (Saturnian Satanist) Crypto fake Jew, Plato’s Sex Club swinger John Bolton Tweets “Violence against US Diplomats or Juan Guiado will be met with significant response”; Russia warns US against meddling. Violence is the plan.
Org of American States was born as a New World Union by 33 degree Luciferian Mason Simon Bolivar and recognizes Guiado as President, declaring President Nicolas Maduro and his administration Illegitimate. 60 nations are members to the OAS Headquartered in the Sovereign territory of Washington DC. OAS was founded 30 April 1948 “Walpurgisnacht”, an occult Holy Day Blood Sacrifice Day leading into Beltane, the highest of Satanic Holy Days; Gnostics celebrate Salugha (Satan) “Prince of Demons”. Through the Venezuelan Refidomsa Oil Refinery and Petrocaribe, Caribbean Island Kleptocrats line their pockets at their people’s expense. Venezuela is the tip of the Titanic Iceberg and Washington DC is at the helm.
Hugo Chavez called Sodomite George Bush Jr “The Devil” in a UN speech as did Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (nee Sabourjian; lead captor in the Iran Hostage Crisis); the CIA poisoned Chavez, his hand picked successor Nicholas Maduro declared all US diplomats Persona non Grata. Zionist Mike Pompeo defiantly tells diplomats to remain and raises the LGBTQ+2 Rainbow Flag at the Embassy in Caracas, vowing to use the US Military; How would this go over in the US?
Zionist tools and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations has the Pale Horse “Death” and Ubiquitous on its cover; CFR Initiates are oath sworn to end National Sovereignty in every Nation) traitors Mike Pence (former CIA Chief) whom Trump put in charge of all Foreign and Domestic Affairs and Mike Pompeo are creating a War over Oil while the . Thesis: Marrano Donald Trump’s (Ashkenazi Drumpf; fake Presbyterian) MAGA is the 5th level Magus V in the Church of Satan. Anti-thesis: Marrano Nancy Pelosi (High Priestess of the Church of Satan in San Francisco; fake Catholic) take the blame for the Government shutdown, using 800K Pawns in a game designed to give Amnesty to DACA (Deferred Action for Child Illegals) immigrants.
Venetian Black Nobility In 1976 Venezuela nationalized the oil industry, placing all Oil assets under control of Petrol de Venezuela; Venezuela ejected international corporations as Iran’s president Mohammad Mossadeq did in Iran before he was replaced in CIA Operation Ajax. Citgo Petroleum is owned by Petrol de Venezuela PDVSA ie Maduro.
Yes We Can means Thank You Satan; Obama gave 2 Yes We Can speeches under the Quadriga of Apollo (Trump’s 66th Floor Penthouse is a shrine to Apollo “Destroyer”) at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin which stands next to the Berlin Museum, home of the fake Throne of Zeus aka Throne of Pergamon (Rev 2) or Satan’s Seat. Zeus aka Jupiter, Horus or Marduk is the “Son of the Sun”. The Assyrian god Marduk is called “Calf of the sun god”; his victorious return celebrated at the New Year Akitu (Barley) Festival on the Assyrian New Year 1 Nisan.
Talmudic Rabbis who teach Jesus, the son of a whore is boiling in Hell in His own excrement, claim 1 Nisan is the Creation of the Universe; the Mormon Church also teaches this lie. The day is also celebrated as the death of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1 Nisan, 2019 is April 6, 2019 “Tartan Day”, the day celebrating the Assyrian military taking Israel captive.
“There will be signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars” Luke 21:25
The Solar Dynamics Lab captured an unusual Sun Spot which appears as a baby head down ie 2 months from delivery in the womb; this followed the Super-Blood-Wolf Moon Eclipse on the Talmudic Holy Day Tu b’ Shebat celebrating the Tree Jesus was Crucified on and Groves where “Evil is done in sight of the LORD” Marduk returning? What sort of warnings would do it for you?
Yes We Can refers to building the 3rd Temple and installing Satan on the Throne of Pergamon, next to the Abomination of Desolation and enforcing the Mark of the Beast (Luciferian Initiation) on the world. The Language of Yes (French Oui or Old French Oil) is Green Language; Arabs refer to Marduk as al Khidr “Green Man”; Egyptians refer to Osiris (Saturn) as “Green Man”; the Photosynthesis equation Chlorophyll is also “Green Man” aka Pale Horse (Chloro) Death, whose worship brings Hell for eternity (Gen 6:7-8).
The Satanic Stage Show is in it’s 3rd Act “Prestige”; if you can’t see this, ask JESUS for a little help.
Vatican Sex Abuse Summit Feb 21; coincident with the release of “In the closet of the Vatican”, a 570 pg book by French Government adviser Frederic Martel detailing Vatican sex abuse and the claim 80% of Vatican clergy are Sodomite. Revenge for French King Phillip II and Pope Clement V executing the Sodomite Knights Templar. Nice timing! Transexual Weight Lifter Jay Cee Cooper wins US Powerlifting Title. Congratulations! It’s a Theybee; Hospitals using “Unassigned” birth gender for parents who prefer They or Them.
Feb 12
On Aug 1 “Lugnasaid” 2018 the Congolese capital of Benin, suffered an outbreak of its 10th and worst Ebola Epidemic; Hemhorragic Fever disease was created in 1947 at the Rockefeller Foundation Lab in Zika Forest Rhesus Monkeys; Simian Flu was also featured in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. In 2019 Benin has become a test-bed for Experimental Vaccines, now given to 75,000. Why Lughnasaid? Lugh is equivalent with Mercury aka Hermes. Caduceus is the Winged, Serpent wrapped phallus symbolizing Medicine, given by Apollo to Hermes. Apollo is the god of Plagues; the weapon symbolizes both Plague and Healing.
Plague is derived from Pestilentia “Infected, Devastating”; Influenza “Flu” means “Influence of the Stars” A Star is born should ring a Baal; Oscar means “God’s Spear”, in this case the Pestilence Jesus warned of in Mat 24:7 Lugh was the “Master of the Spear”
Feb 9
Welcome to the Hotel California SOUTHCOM was in the midst of a Haitian Relief Drill when Port au Prince was hit with a 7.0 Earthquake; playing over and over on the only radio station was the Eagle’s Song “Welcome to the Hotel California”; the Eagle of Lagash, Assyrian Nisroch (Saturn), Esau are all depicted by the Eagle. Jesus warns “Whersoever the carcase is, there will the Eagles gather together” Mat 24:28; Lk 17:37 The song is about selling one’s Soul; “Checking into the Hotel California”; “Pink Champagne on Ice”refers to Human Body Parts. UN Aid workers exposed to Cholera camped upstream causing a Cholera epidemic; DynCorp followed with teams of doctors aboard “Hospital Ships”, harvesting organs.
“Leave nothing on the table” is Planned Parenthood’s motto; CA trial starts Feb 19. Legalized Abortions up until birth; PP employees given bonuses for Organ Harvesting; StemExpress brokering parts, the most valuable A: Brain, heart, lungs, Liver, Thymus, Thyroid, Spleen, Intestines. B: Kidneys, Adrenal Glands, Ears, Umbiical cord, Plan=centa, Amniotic Fluid C: Maternal, Umbilical blood, Trisomy Blood. DynCorp is not just in Foreign Countries, it’s home to roost. You can check in, but you can never leave!
Feb 7
National Prayer Breakfast; 250 members of Congress attend with VP/Cabinet members Mike Pence, Dan Coates, Ben Carson. The Fellowship aka The Family (Article DynCorp has information on The Family) founder Abraham Vereide began the “Fellowship” in 1935, meeting with Jesuit Fr Heinrich Himmler; current leader Zach Coe (Zacharias the father of John the Baptist “Yahweh remembers” may ring a Baal) is the son of co-founder Doug Coe (died 2017) who formed what is called Diplomacy by Stealth. Luciferian Freemason Billy Graham was Keynote speaker twice as was 7th Day Adventist HUD Sec Ben Carson. Education Sec Betsy DeVoss’ brother Eric Prince, a blood oath sworn Knight of Malta like Donald Trump runs Academi aka Black Water Mercenaries. Coe teaches mass murderers like Pol “Killing Field” Pot, Adolph Hitler, Fr Joseph Stalin SJ, Muhammad Suharto (E Timor genocide), Sudan genocidal dictator Omar al Bashir and Uganda Dictator Yoweri Museveni (sets MTG Agendas) and Yale Divinity School grad Chairman Mao Tse Tung exemplified the real message of the New Covenant best; totaled 250M+ Deaths and counting. The Invocation Prayer given by Yale Divinity School Grad, Episcopal Most Rev Michael Curry who supports Gay Marriage, Lesbian and Homosexual Priests.
You may remember Most Reverend (Gag me) Curry from Harry and Meghan’s Royal wedding; Meghan praised Ireland’s “Legalized Abortion on Demand” Law Feb 9; Harry wore a Nazi arm band to a Halloween party; about as classy as illegal immigrant Melania Trump wearing a British Pith Helmet to Kenya, an “I really don’t care, do you?” jacket to an immigration detention center and a FLOTUS Hat to flood victims in Texas as Donald tossed out Bounty Paper Towers. Meghan is the Royal Crypto-Marrano-Sephardic (2 Ki 17:30) Babylonian princess who was first fake “Crypto” Jewish now fake “Marrano” Anglican; Harry’s father Prince Charles is a Muslim convert “Morisco”; his mother Queen Elizabeth calls herself “Queen of Jerusalem”; her husband Phillip wants to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus”.
“Time is on our side now” Gun Control advocates like Nancy Pelosi in Congress following the Prayer Breakfast. The line from the Rolling Stones song was about the Devil; Time is Chaos/Chronos/Satan. Yale Divinity School Grad Mao Tse Tung “All Politics comes at the end of a gun barrel; first you take the guns, then comes the slaughter”. TimesUP
Feb 6
Imbolg/Candlemas/Groundhog Day is the day a woman becomes clean after birth of a son (Lev 12:2-4); the son is Solis Invictus aka Marduk/Horus/Zeus, the son of Saturn. The 32 Yr old INF (Intermediate Range Nuclear Force) Treaty between Russia and the US signed by Bohemian Grove Satanists Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev was ended on Imbolg (In the Belly); Russia, US and France promptly conducted Nuclear Missile tests; pulling the strings are Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis.
Trump’s Space Force is like Reagan’s $2T Star Wars, an enormous money vacuum. There are no Star Wars Satellites and no need for Space Force “Killer Satellites”. EM (Electro-Magnetic) Weapons demonstrated by the destruction of the Thresher Nuclear Submarine, Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia prove what Donald Trump’s uncle John conceptualized in 1943 after the death of Nikola Tesla. In 1963 Communist Party Sec Nikita Krushchev “We have a fantastic new weapon, that if misused, is capable of destroying the world” Reagan’s “Tear down this Wall” speech under the Quadriga of Apollo in 1987 was followed by Obama’s 2 Yes We Can (Thank You Satan; Yes Language is also called Bird, Oil, Oc and Green Language) handed Gorby San Francisco’s Presideo Army Base for Green Cross International; Green Man is the Arab al Khidr aka Bacchus, Dionysus, the Knight Templar (International Bankers) god of Mammon.
Why now? 33 is the number of Sovereignty. The INF is 32 years old, 2017 was the Satanic 10th Jubilee Year planned 2000+ years ago by the Essenes and later by Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel and Maimonides in 1217, in 1517 by Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk Martin Luther, Black Nobility Pope Leo X and the 5th Lateran Council (Lateran means Hidden Frogs, the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet), and later by Tzaddiq Baal Shem Tov ca 1760 and Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag.
Master of the Good Name YHWH Baal Shem Tov established Hassidic Movement; not Jewish in any sense, Chasidic Jews and their Chabad Lubavitchers have 200K adherents and 3600 Chabad Houses in 1000 Cities in 70 Nations (Reps just for the Concert of Creation at the Temple Mount) controlling Netanyahu, Trump, Putin and others toward the goal of WWIII/Armageddon. Chasidic and Chabad Lubavitch originate with Chesed (Hebrew Kashed), a son of Abram’s brother Nahor (Gen 2:22), born in Ur of the Chaldees and later Ur of Harran (Harranites are Star, Planet worshippers); they are Chaldean/Sabian “Cryptos” not followers of God or any of His Laws, but rather Gnostic Priests of Satanic Noahide and Shariah Laws which require decapitation of everyone in a New Covenant relationship with JESUS aka JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3KJV) JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) and Melchisedek. Chabad is the Cult of Saturn; the Head of the Snake whose plan is to hasten the arrival of their Moshiach.
Donald Trump’s 66th floor Penthouse is a Shrine to Apollo, the sun god featured in his solar chariot at the Sochi Olympics; Trump, Emmanuel “Jupiter” Macron and Vladimir Putin are puppets “Shabbaz Goy” controlled by Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis toward implementation of Noahide Laws. “The purpose of politics is to menace the populations with an endless array of hobgoblins, all imaginary”
Feb 5, 2019
Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig
Jesuit Papal Mass in a Sunni Mosque Jesuit means Society of Gesu “Earth Pig”
“State of the Union” Trump, an Ashkenazi (Drumpf) Marrano (Swine) fake Presbyterian singled out “D-Day 1944”; nobody called him out on the mistake; neither the Democratic Rebuttal nor Media “Fact Checkers”; D-Day was in 1941; 1944 was not a mistake made by Speech Writers, it was a 700 year old Cathar Prophecy made in 1244 at Montsegur, as the last Cathar “Perfecti” were Holocausted by the Catholic Church and French King “Every 700 years the laurel grows green again” Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus (Satan).
Trump called for a Wall on the Southern Border; Snake oil salesman Walter Trump called for a Southern Border Wall in 1958 episode “End of the World” in the series Track Down. House speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Sephardic Marrano fake Catholic tells Council for Christian Colleges her favorite bible verse “To minister to the needs of God’s Creation is an act of worship” The verse is not in the bible “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen” Rom 1:25 Worship of Creation ie the Creature is the Beast, not the Creator. Donald Trump may not read books, but said he identifies with Ayn Rand character Howard Roark, a Skyscraper builder who rages against the establishment. In 1897, the same year the Zionist Congress met in Basel Switzerland Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey was published; an outsider flaunting his wealth building skyscrapers in NY as Baron Trump meets a man called “Donald” claiming to be “King of Kings” who rescues him from Chaos resulting from a Government Shutdown and financial collapse.
Appointment of US Anti-Semitism Czar Army JAG, Baghdadi/Ashkenazi Crypto fake Jew Elan Carr isn’t Jewish, but loves hoisting the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah. Donald Trump has appointed 33 CFR members to key positions; the CFR Magazine “Foreign Affairs” has the Pale Horse “Death” and Ubiquitous on its cover; members are oath sworn to end National Sovereignty, violating the Oaths they take to enter public office. “Above all else brethren Swear Not”
Cross washes ashore on Galt Ocean Drive Ft Lauderdale Who is John Galt? All of us; well Gnostics that is. Galt: Brick, Clay-Earth, Pig. The builders of the Tower of Babel had Bricks for Stone (Gen 11:3). The TOES of the Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron Babylonian Idol are made of Clay and Iron. The Tower of Babel (Gate of El/Saturn) is finished at Rev 13, the start of the Great Tribulation. Rev 13:8 (13/8=Phi “Ratio of Life”) is the first time the term “Earth Dwellers” is used to describe Gnostics. Jesuit “Society of Gesu” means Earth-Pig. So now answer the question Who is John Galt? Ayn Rand would say “All of Us” however John is Oannes the Chaldean Beast of the Sea/Ocean “Bistea Neptunis” aka Philistine Dagan (Dag=Fish) seen in the Papal Mitre of Dagan.
NATO signs pact with Macedonia Looks like the Grecian Goat and Mede-Persian Ram are about to lock horns; this time not in Mary of Mercies Stadium in Atlantis.
Jesuit (Society of Gesu=Earth Pig) Pope Francis holds Papal Mass with Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb in the United Arab Emirates on the Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig. 2 Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes leading their flocks to slaughter. The Roman Catholic Church is in Communion with Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant Churches; Pope Francis a Marrano fake Catholic is the so-called Vicar of Jesus; Sheikh (Arab religious leader) el-Tayeb is a Morisco, fake Sunni Muslim appointed by Luciferian Mason Hosni Mubarak who supports a Global Sufi League; Sufis being the esoteric branch of Shia Ismailis.
Time for Muslims and Catholics to Wake Up! The Jesuit “Mother of all Churches worldwide” is the St John Lateran Arch-basilica in Rome, home to Sede vacante (Vacant Seat); Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9; 16:13) John is Oannes, the Chaldean Sea Beast. 1517 was year one of the Essenes 10 Jubilee plan to install the False Messiah; Black Nobility Pope Leo X signed the 5th Lateran Council proclamation declaring “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Catholic Dogma; Jesus will judge every Soul that has ever lived as Alpha, I AM, JEHOVAH, Melchisedek, Shiloh and Omega; don’t be fooled! Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb is a Sufi mystic and Ismaili. The Covenant God made with Abram stipulated his sons not take wives of Canaanite women; Ishmael and Esau disobeyed, losing the “h” (God is with me) Ishmael became Ismail, a wild ass, living among his brethren (Middle East); Esau became Edom (Adam/Red) and is living inside the gates of Jerusalem (Ref Obadiah). In control of the Temple Mount, King David’s Tomb and Cenacle are the Jesuits, thanks to Israeli PM Shimon Perez aka Crypto fake Jew Simon Perski.
The 2 leaders signed the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” stating “Pluralism and diversity of religions is willed by God” What God? Certainly not Jesus who said “Think not that am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother…” Mat 10:34 Not a first, Palestine President and Luciferian Freemason Mahmoud Abbas celebrated Christmas Eve Mass in Manger Square; that Christmas Mass was for Solis Invicti, the Unconquered Sun! The Straight Gate is getting narrower and the Wide Gate is getting Wider.
Donald Trump chose the Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig and Islam/Catholic Papal Mass to appoint another Crypto fake Jew Elan Carr to an Ambassador Level position of Anti-Semitism Czar Odd? So is Zionist-Sikh Nikki Haley Chair of the Council of 70 Nations
The same day in Ft Lauderdale, a 20ft Cross washed ashore on Galt Ocean Drive, a sign from God? Doubtful, Jesus was Nailed to a Tree Ref Deut 21:23; Acts 5:30;10:39;13:29,Gal 3:13 (Pope Francis was selected on 3/13/13, there are 313! in Scripture), 2 Pet 2:24; Jn 19:31 all references to KJV; Tree is replaced by Cross in most all new versions; the Cross is a pagan symbol called the Tau, Ankh (Egyptian Cross of Life), a symbol of the post-Flood 4 Quartered Earth and Atlantis, the mythical pre-Flood world of Sin ruled by Saturn. Who is John Galt? may be familiar Ayn Rand was another Crypto fake Jew Alissa Rosenbaum who posited this question in Atlas Shrugged; Atlas is Atlantis; Trump identifies with Galt, a philosopher/inventor who glorifies human ability and independence from God, choosing to seek the Isle of Atlantis and the Fountain of Youth. The meaning? My guess is Florida is about to be submerged like Atlantis and the US Navy, NOAA (cute play on Noah eh) and FEMA have disaster planning maps indicating that fact. Lauderdale is Scottish for “Ditch or Trench”; Atlantis a city encircled by Ditches and Trenches. Happy Earth Pig Year!
Jesuits took their first Oaths in the crypt of St Denis (Dionysus/Green Man) Cathedral in Paris on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534 and outlined their plan for 3 World Wars to usher in the Doctrine of Lucifer on Aug 15, 1871, the same time the United States became a CORPORATION whose CONSTITUTION provides no rights to Citizens. The Jesuit “Mother of all Churches Worldwide” is the St John Lateran Arch-basilica; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9; 16:13)
Jesuits are Marranos (Pig/Swine) who leave their 1st religion, founded by the Serpent, to enter another religion for the purpose of destroying them ie 5th Column Traitors.
Crypto refers to Gnostics entering Judaism eg Kabbalists, Talmudists, Chasidics (Chesed was Abram’s brother, Rabbis); Marrano refers to Gnostics entering so-called Christian religions (Freemasons, Jesuits); Morisco refers to Gnostics entering Muslim religions, both Sunni and Shia. Both Francis and el-Tayeb await the same false “Messiah” called Zeus, Jupiter, Horus, Mithra, Marduk to name a few; the “Rising Sun” aka “Sol Invictus” born at Christmas. The Mass was held under a Crucifix topped with INRI; Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews? Not quite, more like Iesus Nazareus Rex Invdaeorum. INRI also stands for Nature is Renewed by Fire ie Holocaust. Nazareth has nothing to do with Nazarene; Sabians (Saba means Leave ones religion for another and Sunrise ie “Rising Sun”) of Harran are the Chaldeans of Ur. Francis and el-Tayeb signed an “Agreement of Fraternity”; Cain and Abel, Joktan and Peleg, Isaac and Ishmael were separated over the issue of God; we all need to be as well.
Elan Carr claims to be a mix of Baghdadi Jew and Ashkenazi Jew; neither are Jewish. Baghdadi Jews are Sabians ie Gnostics called Cryptos of Sephardic lineage who worship the Rising Sun while pretending to be Jewish, Islamic or Christian. Sephardics aka Sepharvaim are the Babylonians, Cuthites, Medeans, Canaanites who replaced Israel (2 Ki 17:30); Carr, an Army JAG (Lawyer) even set up the Hanukkah Menorah in one of Baathist (Renaissance) Saddam Hussein’s palaces; the Babylonian sun god Shamash is the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah. Sheldon Adelson put $100K into Carr’s election to LA Dep District Attorney; Adelson and Mormon, Zion Senator, Iran-Contra Money Launderer Mitt Romney produced “Innocence of Muslims” depicting Muhammad having sex with a camel; how’s that for stirring the pot? Ashkenazis descend from Germanics like Trump (Drumpf); neither SEphardics or Ashkenazis are Semitic or Jewish.
Jesus or Rising Sun? TimesUp.
Feb 3, 2019
Temple Mount Concert of Creation Representatives of 70 Nations willing to accept and enforce Chabad Lubavitch Noahide Laws. Every US President from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump has endorsed Noahide Laws and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson the “Messiah”. Every head of the EU has also endorsed Noahide Laws, which is why Seat 666 is held vacant at the EU Parliament was built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast out front. Sikhs are Monotheist “Students” similar to “Taliban” which also means “Student”; this is why Noahide Laws and Shariah Laws are virtually the same, both requiring decapitation of followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus warned “Call no man Master” (Mat 23:10) Guru means “Teacher”; Sikh Gurus are called “Master”. Jesus warned “Call no man Rabbi” (Mat 23:8) Jesus warned “Call no man Father” (Mat 23:9) Got it?
The Temple Mount is considered the Omphalos (Navel/Foundation) of the World, the site where Abram offered Isaac (Ishmael in the Koran) and the Winged White Horse al Buraq appeared according to Arab mythology; the Jebusite Threshing Floor King David purchased and Phoenicians built Solomon’s Temple, later destroyed for worship of the Six Pointed Star of Saturn aka Chaldean STUR; the site the same Winged White Horse took the Quyraish (Korahites of Num 16:8-10; 32; Num 26:10) Bedouin Muhammad on his “Night Flight” to Heaven and the site the 2nd Temple, Jesus (Alpha, I AM (Ex 3:14), God Almighty, JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4KJV), Shiloh (Gen 49:10) Melchisdek (Heb 7), Omega (Rev 22:13) referred to as a “Den of Thieves” and was Crucified. Shiloh means “He whose it is”; when Jesus returns for His property you will want to be ready.
Over Hanukkah, the Kohannim (fake Jews claiming descent from Aaron) invited 70 Nations (Zionist, Sikh UN Ambassador Nikki Haley was invited to Chair the Council of 70 Nations; Great choice!) to the Altar dedication ceremony for the 3rd Temple; the offering on the altar was a previously slaughtered Lamb, representing Jesus the Lamb of God. The annual Tropical (Solar) start of Aquarius (Pre-Flood Age of Saturn) aligned with the Stellar (Star) (A Star is Born may ring a Baal) Age of Aquarius for quite possibly the first time since Creation.
Tu b’ Shebat “Festival of Trees”: Jesus, the Tree of Life, rejected and replaced by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to which He was nailed to. Jesus amid 2 Thieves formed 6 uplifted arms surrounding Jesus aka the 7 Branch Candlestick now replaced by the Chabad Lubavitch 9 Branch Menorah, 8 Arms surrounding the Babylonian Sun God Shamash; Satan’s plan coming along nicely eh?
The Sanhedrin, in an illegal private nighttime meeting led by illegitimate Chaldean/Nabattean/Hasmonean/Maccabbean Priests Annas and Caiaphas ordered the Crucifixion and Nailing of Jesus to the Tree and is now the reformed Nascent Sanhedrin (Goats). 40 UN Ambassadors were invited to the Temple Mount to recognize Noahide Law and the Legitimacy of the Sanhedrin to enforce laws requiring the decapitation of followers of Jesus Christ worldwide. The concert at the Temple Mount was called “Concert of Creation” because Talmudic Rabbis believe Tu b’ Shebat is the original date of Creation; It is not. The original Sanhedrin ordered the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ under laws of Blasphemy, current Noahide Laws and Shariah Laws have the same Gnostic/Chaldean source and require decapitation of followers of Jesus Christ.
Israeli Laws don’t apply to me? Guess Again, Skull & Bones Satanist, Luciferian Freemason George HW “Magog” Bush (George Scherff Jr) signed Chabad Lubavitch Noahide Law as US Public Law 102-14 on Mar 20, 1991 called “The foundation of American Society”; The Essenes, Rabbi Judah ben Samuel, Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, Maimonides and Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag all agree 2019 is the Year of Messiah.
Mar 21, 2019 is a Super Full Moon on the day the Sun contacts the Altar on the Rose Line in the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris (House of Isis) and the Serpent descends the 91 (1…13=91; 13 is the number of rebellion against God) steps of the Pyramid of Kukulkan. Chabad Lubavitch fake Jews will celebrate Purim; the day GHW Bush signed 7 Noahide Laws into effect in 1991 was the day he ordered the slaughter of 150,000 fleeing Iraqi conscripts on the “Hwy of Death” and buried them in the sand with tanks outfitted for the event with plows. This was the same day in 2003 GW “Gog” Bush Jr began Gulf War II with “Shock and Awe” (Shekinah “Feminine presence of God”=Mary of Mercies). All this is coincident with the Hindu Holi Festival (New Light) and Persian New Year “Nowruz” (New Light). Holi is highlighted by mixing colors; Krishna=Black forms, a name of Saturn “Black Sun” and Satan. The Nowruz Rooster Idols called Sanjaks also represent Lucifer, the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” heralding the arrival of Lucifer to Earth at Rev 9:11 which is why Israel built a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah (rewrite of Deut 6:4 rejecting Jesus as LORD) written by illegitimate “Scribes” Project 911 on Site 911 called “Beit Shemesh” (House of the Sun).
Mar 22 or “322” is the logo used by Skull & Bones (Skull is Temple of Wisdom sitting atop the Atlas Bone and 33 veterbrae) aka Teutonic Brotherhood of Death or Germanic Cult of Saturn. Adam followed Eve into Sin at Gen 3:22; Universal Health Care was signed into Law on Sunday “Dies Solis” 3/22/10 at 3:22 GMT by Church of Satan High Priestess, Sephardic Crypto Jew Nancy Pelosi. On 3/22 the Sun is exalted in Aries, seen in Tarot Card 19 “The Sun”; the Christ Child riding the Pale Horse “Death” is Antichrist. Aretha Franklin “Queen of Soul” is featured in Steeley Dan’s (4th Beast + Judge) Hey 19 may ring a Baal, the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon is 19 years; the height of the Statue of Freedom standing atop the Capitol (Womb of Zeus) is 19 ft tall; there were 19 authors of Sepher Yetzirah, the Gnostic “Book of Creation” which later became the Zohar, the Rabbis “Book of Spendor”. Retha=Virtue/Excellence + Franklin=Free the Moabite widow and great grandmother of King David; placing a man from the lineage of David on the Throne of Zeus aka Satan’s Seat in a 3rd Temple is the goal of Chiliasm (Millennialism); Gnostics call this the Golden Age of Saturn; Jesus, the “King of Souls” returns on the last day of the Great Tribulation to destroy Gnosticism.
These are the same Scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees Jesus said were illegally sitting in Moses’ Seat; Whited Sepulchers full of dead men’s bones; Hypocrites; Synagogue of Satan damned to Hell in no uncertain terms. So, how was the Lamb-Goat Super Bowl?
Feb 2, 2019
“And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand. Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land Dan 8:7-9
After the 2002 blockbuster contract (Forbes reported $7.5M/Yr in 2010) and 5th Super Bowl win Bill Belichick said “We had the Devil on our side, the only fear was Atlanta fans heading to Mass, but on Super Bowl Sunday, we knew we were good to go”
Rams (Male Lamb) versus Patriots (Compatriot; Fellow Countrymen) led by the Greatest Of All Time (He-GOAT aka Capricornus) #12 (Jesus and 12 Disciples), throwing the Pigskin to the 1st Zionist MVP Julian Edelman. The 2019 Super Bowl in Mercedes (Merced=Grace; Mercedes “Mary of the Mercies”) Stadium in Atlanta (Atlantis) just ahead of the Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig on the day Catholics refer to as the Feast of Purification of the Virgin Mary of Mercies; Coincidence? Jesus will have no Mercy on Goats, separating them on His Left from Sheep on His Right, they will hear “Depart from me, I never knew you” Mat 7:23
A Football aka Pigskin is shaped as an Ellipse formed by the Intersection of 2 Circles called the Labrys, seen in the Aquarian Cross. The Labrys is the Birth Canal which forms the Golden Mean “Phi”, the “Ratio of Life”; “Life” (Creation) is what Gnostics (Chaldean-Sabian) worship, the purpose is the “Repair of the Earth” (Hebrew “Tikkun Olam”) to the conditions in Atlantis (Pre-Flood) ruled by the Titan Saturn. Atlanta means “Atlantis”, the Isle of Atlas; man becoming the Hero of the Earth aka Greatest Of All Time “GOAT”, the Freemasonic Grand Architect Of The Universe. Los Angeles Rams V New England Patriots (Compatriots, Fellow Countrymen refers to Cretans; Caphtorim) sounds like Dan 8 “Grecian Goat V Mede-Persian Ram by design. Jesuit Tobie Mathew’s aka Shakespeare or Francis Bacon’s book New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished in plain sight.
Candlemas, the day Hoodwinked Roman Catholics celebrate Feast of Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Lk 2:22-40) and the Purification (Lev 12; Patriot Priest Tom Brady wears #12) of the Virgin Mary after giving birth at Christmas; Sol Invictus is born at Christmas, not Jesus! The Chaldean/Gnostic Imbolg “In the Belly” was merely converted to Candlemas; candles representing “Light”. Neat trick eh? The Gnostic “Black” Virgin is Isis “Throne” of Antichrist.
Goats lead Sheep to the Slaughter One bad call and a 57 yd Zuerlein Pigskin through the Asherah Poles eliminated the Saints (Fleur di Lys is Lucifer’s Flower, a symbol of physical or Gnostic Circumcision; the New Covenant is a SPIRITUAL Circumcision). Every 57 years, the Sun and Moon return to the exact same position; the ZU “Storm Bird” is a Lion Headed Eagle (Eagle symbolizes Nisroch, the Assyrian form of Saturn; Lion symbolizes Shamash, the Assyrian Sun god) in Assyrian/Babylonian mythology; the Beast described in Daniel 7:4 to be exact.
Scapegoats are trained to lead the flock of Sheep to the Slaughter, they have Red (Esau sold his Soul and was renamed Edom=Red) legs, Sheep (Rams) can’t see because they are Color Blind. New Bible versions replace Scapegoat in Num 16:8-10 with Azazel (One of 99 names of Satan “Goat that Departs”); Jesus the real Scapegoat replaced by Azazel/Satan; nice eh?
Tom Brady #12, dubbed the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) has no professed belief in God yet displays a Crystal Chabad Lubavitch Menorah in his homes. Julian Edelman #11 (11 is the number associated with Antichrist Ref Rev 11), dubbed Gridiron Maccabee by US Ambassador to Israel Ron Dermer praised Zionism founder Theodr Herzl in his children’s book and often wears the Six Pointed Star of Saturn (Chaldean STUR) and Talmudic Tree of Life. Maccabees cleaned Pigs Blood from the altar of the 2nd Temple and established Hanukkah during the Silent Period between Old and New Testaments when God was not speaking to Israel through Prophets or Scribes; they were called the Hammers of God Jewish? Hardly, Chaldeans in Jewish garb
Los Angeles Rams (Lambs + City of Angels) moved to St Louis and back. St Louis is named after King Louis IX who built the largest Stained Glass repository for Passion Relics, including the Crown of Thorns and Piece of the True Cross in Paris at St Chapelle (Holy Chapel); Gnostic fakes, but nonetheless claimed by the Goats to be the Crown Jesus wore at the Crucifixion and a piece of that Tree. Stephen, the first Martyr for Jesus means “Crown”; sounds a bit like a Stephen King novel eh? SkyNet 5G in fact, may be a lot like Children of Men, in fact just up Hwy 77 from Atlanta in the Gravestone Capital of Georgia are the Georgia Guide Stones aka “America’s Stonehenge” calling for the elimination of over 7 Billion people from Earth; you may recall GHW Bush wearing a CVN 77 “Goat Hat”; UA #77 hitting the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Longitude on 9/11/2001 was pretty coincidental eh? So is Aleister Crowley’s book Liber 77: Book of the Goat St Louis is the Masonic Gateway to the West ie Los Angeles; the St Louis Arch which is shaped as an inverted Cantenary Arch (Thinned) Anchor Chain and sits at the northern end of the New Madrid Fault; Los Angeles on the San Andreas Fault; both areas underwater on FEMA and US Navy Disaster Planning Maps.
Patriots in Boston planned the Tea Party, the lead off event for the American Revolution (Sede-vacantist Mel Gibson’s The Patriot may ring a Baal) at the Green Dragon Tavern; Goats leading Sheep to Slaughter. Freemason Sam Adams is featuring the Patriot GOAT on its beer cans for Super Bowl 53. 5+3=8 “Eternity”; 5X3=15=6 the number of Man and Saturn; 555 the insignia Masons use for Victory on Masonic Coffins are the 3 Nails Talmudic Rabbis call the Sign of Shin to open Synagogues of Satan; Jesus is positioned at the 5-6 level X on the Kaballah Tree of Life. Masons (Goats) dressed up like Natives (Scapegoats) and dumped British (B’Rith=Birthright Covenant) Tea, the Masonic foundation of today’s “T-Party”. T is not the drink, but the Tao Cross of Tammuz “Purify by Fire”, the fake god of Lent.
Take a Globe and stretch a string from Atlanta to Boston; it will pass directly over the first 5 American colonies: Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston; now extend it to Teotihuacan “Place where men become Gods” just east of Mexico City and fix the end at Baalbek aka Heliopolis “City of the Sun” just northeast of Jerusalem; it will pass over Stonehenge, Troy and Sophia (Gnostic Wisdom). Coincidental? Sure, just like 2019 being the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig; you may recall the demons collectively called “Legion” cowered in the face of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ, preferring to enter a herd of Swine before jumping off the cliff to their deaths. If you are still unable to See clearly, ask JESUS for a little help, or you can watch the Mede-Persian Ram versus the Grecian Goat toss the Pigskin through the Asherah Poles I guess! Either way “Little Horn” will rise as Antichrist the Gnostic Twin (Thomas=Twin) of Jesus aka Pale Horse “Death”. Doubt this? Thomas did too, if you still do, I suggest putting your finger in the wounds like he did before the Herd is thinned.
Feb 1, 2019
Saturn (Time, Black Star) will remain in Capricorn (Sea Goat) until 2020. The Chinese New Year 2019 begins the Year of the Earth Pig. Jesuits are the Society of Gesu “Earth Pig”. Sir Tobie Matthew SJ aka Sir Francis Bacon “Free Pig” fits the description of Marrano “Swine”, Chaldeans who leave their religion for another “Conversos”; history records them as Crypto, Marrano or Morisco. The Extreme Oath of Induction into the Jesuit Order requires initiates to pretend to be Protestant, Jewish and Catholic in order to destroy their religions from the inside.
Knighted Jesuit Tobie Matthew’s book New Atlantis: A worke unfinished details the plan for Saturn to reign supreme in the New Age, a symbolic return to the pre-Flood age; the Chaldean Supreme Deity is Saturn and has infected every religion on Earth. America is to be the Assyrian Phoenix of the New Age; a symbolic bird not born of parents but itself.
China=Sina “Sin”, the Arab moon god “Sin” is called “Allah”; Cathay=Sons of Heth “Hittites”; Santa, the Hittite god of the west is Saturn; the Chinese Red Dragon described in Rev 12:9 as Satan, Devil, Serpent deceiving the entire world.
Chaldeans in Ur (Sumer/Babylon “Gate of Saturn”) changed their name to Sabians (Saba means “Convert or Change”) of Harran; Harranites worshipped and prayed to the King of Light (Lucifer means “Light Bearer”) facing North (God’s home is in the North as is Santa and Superman whose Red/Blue Suit encompasses visible light), none other than the agricultural deity Saturn aka “Grim Reaper”.
Harran was known as “Heathenopolis” (Heath= Earth) because of their worship of 7 Planets (Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Stars of the 12 Zodiac signs and Idols; not Christian, Muslim or Jewish. Eg Sirius is the Arab al Qalb, the Star where Satan resides which became the Mormon Kolob, the home of “Embryo Souls”; Isis means “Throne”.
Saba also means “To Rise; Apostatize”; Apostate Sabians worship Creation (Creature) rather than the Creator; worship of the “Rising Sun” in the East caused the Glory of the LORD to depart the 1st 2 Temples and will again. On Dec 25, an Annular Solar Eclipse Christmas Day (Mass of Christ) will Ring the Moon (Sin) with the Halo of the Sun with Jupiter behind (Best Man) until Saturn moves into that position in January (Janus is 2 faced god of doors looking to the past and future) 2020 (Perfect Vision).
Saturnian Crypto Jews Chasidics (Chesed is Abram’s brother) call Jupiter “King Star” and “Tzedeq” (Righteous), regarding the planet as the son of Saturn and the “Scepter” conveying Kingship to Saturn. Shiloh returns as the Lion of Judah (Gen 49:10) carrying the Scepter, his name means “He whose it is”;
Jesuits penned the plan for 3 World Wars on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871 to pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, emotional and economic exhaustion in order for the world to accept the true Doctrine of Lucifer, the Sabin “Angel of Light”. Offspring of Saturn are Sin, the Islamic Allah and Shamash, the Assyrian sun Lion which occupies the center position on the Hanukkah Menorah in Israel, the center of Zionism.
Jesuit is derived from Gesu; Ge=Earth + Sus=Pig; Society of Jesus? Not on your life! Their HQ St John Lateran Arch-basilica is considered the “Mother of all Churches Worldwide” and contains Sede vacant (Vacant Seat), of who? Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the unclean spirits of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9;16:13). China is Cathay; Cath=Heth Land of the Hittites; the Hittite god of the West? Santa, a difficult to see anagram for Satan; their national symbol? Red Dragon.
Lunar Eclipse over the Americas Jan 21, 2019 coincides with Tu’b Shebat “Festival of Trees”; Jesus, the Tree of Life was Crucified; the Saturnian fake Jew Tree of Life is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil symbolized by the Kaballah Tree of Life.
Mar 21 Equinox coincides with Purim; Pur=Lots; Puru “Cast lots for Marduk”, the Assyrian supreme god arrives 1 Nisan which aligns with “Tartan Day” April 6. Mar 21 is the Persian Nowruz “New Light” Festival. The Rooster Idols “Sanjaks” are the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus, Nergal, Mars or Ares, the Cock heralding the Rising Sun aka the Angel of Light “Lucifer”. Mar 21 is the Hindu Holi Festival; Krishna means “Black”; Saturn is the Black Sun; mix colors to form Black. The Sun will hit the Brass Altar “Rose Line” at St Sulpice Cathedral as the Serpent descends the 91 (1….13=91) Steps of El Castillo in Chichen Itza.
Dec 25-26, 2019 “Christmas” Annular Solar Eclipse forms a Halo around the Moon The pagan Arab moon god is Sin aka Anammelech, consort of Adrammelech, the Assyrian Sun god. Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” Dec 22-28, Shamash the Babylonian Sun Lion is the center candle. Jupiter is regarded by Saturnian fake Jews as the Scepter and Tzedek. Melchisedekians are the Cult of Saturn; Jupiter, the King Star and son of Saturn is Veiled by the Sun at the end of Hanukkah Dec 28.
Gen 49:10 tells us Shiloh (He whose it is ie Master of the House) aka Jesus (Alpha), returns with the Scepter as the Lion of Judah; Jupiter is not Jesus folks! Saturn is behind the Sun Jan 13-14, 2020; Saturnian fake Jews call Saturn “Ring Bearer” and Chiun (Kewan, Kaiwan) aka Queen of Heaven whom Jeremiah warned against (Jer 7:18) worshipping; Jupiter and Saturn become the 2 Witnesses of the fake Jewish Wedding Ring given to the Bride. 7 Blessings symbolic of the Jesuit made up 7 Yr Tribulation and New Dispensation for Israel, neither of which are in Scripture (Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3; 6-7KJV) because Jacob is not longer called Israel and Israel is still worshipping the Six Pointed Star of Saturn aka Chiun, their Queen of Heaven. After the wedding, the groom breaks a Glass symbolizing the Broken Sun Wheel (Swastika) symbolizing the Earth, broken at the Flood; the Saturnian goal is Tikkun Olam (Repair the Earth) to pre-Flood conditions ruled by Saturn (Satan, Serpent, Devil Rev 12:9) in the Garden of Eden, minus the real Tree of Life Jesus Christ of course! The Best Man traditionally blasts the Trumpet to signal the Wedding is complete; the 7th and final Trumpet in scripture heralds Body Resurrection of invitees to the Wedding of the Lamb and return of Jesus as the KING of KINGS. This Trumpet blast is more of a Saturnian Jewish wedding.
A once in several thousand year alignment of planets will form the Kabbalah Tree of Life over Hanukkah/Christmas 2019; Earth, Sun and the Galactic Center aligned vertically with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn “Above” the Horizon and Mercury, Venus, and the Moon “Below”
Jesus warned “I am come in my father’s name and ye reject me; another shall come in his own name and he ye will accept” Jn 5:43 Rabbis eagerly await their Messiah; for followers of Jesus Christ, the King already came and was Crucified and Nailed to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; Talmudic/Kabbalist Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of Shin celebrating the Nails and their apparent victory over Jesus. Don’t follow them to Hell!, the Mayan Calendar date corresponds to the 2012 Solar Solstice, based on Venus cycles; Venus (Desire, Strive for, Charm) is the Arab “al Uzza” (Most Mighty); the interaction with the Sun is the basis of the Golden Mean “Phi” aka Ratio of Life. 7 Yr Tribulation is a Dispensational Lie; 12/21/2012 + 7 yrs=12/21/2019. Hanukkah 12/22/2019-12/30/2019; Daniel’s 70th Week? Not on your eternal life. Israel has a Chief Priest “Kohannim”, Red Heifer, Cornerstone of the 3rd Temple, and Altar built. A radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah rejecting Jesus Christ written over every door called Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shemesh” (Shamash, the Babylonian Sun Lion is the center candle of the Chabad Hanukkah Menorah) is built. Why? Satan is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11, 5th Trumpet Warning/1st Woe ! (5 months) is followed by the 6th Trumpet Warning/2nd Woe ! (13 months, 1 week, 1 day) and 7th Trumpet/3rd Woe! aka Body Resurrection of those in Christ. The last day is the “Day of Wrath”. The last Week? “And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make mercy, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half, the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them…And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither: And they ascended upon to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies behold them” Rev 11:10-12 Midweek 2019 is Christmas (Mass=Sacrifice + Christ). Think Jesus was born on Christmas? Guess again.
Quite the plan eh? TimesUp folks! The choice is Jesus or Saturn with consequences that last forever.
Jan 24, 2019
Black Ops China, North Korea, Russia developing a Nuclear Super EMP weapon for “Black War”. Getting pretty obvious: Black is Saturn; Ops, Saturn’s wife means “Abundance/Wealth/Property” CHAMP is a Boeing EMP weapon; this Black Op will be Saturn’s Magnum Opus and the world’s biggest “Inside Job” Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Absolute Zero. EMP specialist Zero uses EMP in Black Out War. Saturn is the Black Star, his daughter-wife is Ops, the source of Black Ops; Zeus’ wife Rhea equivalent with Ops. Zero means “Bring to Naught”; Purim is derived from Assyrian-Akkadian Puru “Bring to Naught” Purim 2019 Mar 20, 2019 aligns with Persian Nowruz “New Light”; the Brass Rooster Idols are called “Sanjaks” symbols of the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus in Acts 17:23 aka Mars, Nergal or Ares. On Mar 20, the Sun will contact the Altar on the Brass Line “Rose Line” at St Slupice Cathedral in Paris, the site of the Paris “Zero” Meridian. Zero wields an EMP Black Out weapon; Ground Zero “Site of a nuclear detonation”; Zero means “Bring to naught; Desert, Worthless Person. “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household” Mat 10:36
Jan 22, 2019
Saudi Arabia planning to bulldoze Jebel al Lawz aka Mt Sinai to make way for NEOM, a 10,000 Sq Mi Artificial Intelligence City. NEOM’s 1st Citizen is an AI robot named “Sophia” (Gnostic Wisdom) built by Hanson Robotics (David Hanson) which stated its goals were to dominate the human race, reduce human population, do every job humans currently do and hold Governments hostage by hacking into Weapon Systems such as missiles using the Internet.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=VjGqM1Xq11M
On Jan 11 Locusts plagued Mecca; the god of Mecca if the Black Stone of the Kaaba; the Stone of Jupiter and Black Cube of Saturn. The 8th plague of Locusts preceding the Exodus devoured what food remained after the 7th plague Hail destroyed crops; Mecca, just east of NEOM means “Adultery” (Mechus). The first Commandment in both Old (Mt Sinai) and New Covenants is “Have no other Gods before me”.
Jan 21, 2019
Bull Calf of the Sun Utu about to be born? The Solar Dynamics Lab captured this time-lapse of an unusual Sun Spot https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/usermovies/20190123174013/movie/20190123174013_512_aia_0193.mp4
A baby, head down in the womb, about to be born of the Sun? The Son of the Sun is not Jesus Christ but Antichrist aka Marduk “Calf of the sun god Utu” Don’t be fooled! Babies usually go to the head down position at 33-36 weeks, 6-9 weeks before delivery; 8 weeks into the Western new year is a Full Moon on Feb 19 to start Virgo; the next Full Moon is Mar 21, the Equinox Full Moon which matches the Hindu “Holi” Festival, Persian “Nowruz” (New Light) and Talmudic Purim (Pur means Cast Lots for Marduk) the Calf of the Sun. Utu is called Bel “Confounder” in Jer 50:2, the twin brother/lover of Inanna “Queen of Heaven” whom Jeremiah warned of in Jerusalem 7:18.
Jan 21, 2019
Super, Blood, Wolf Moon Eclipse over Western Hemisphere on Tu b’shebat, the Talmudic “Festival of Trees”. Jesus, the Tree of Life was rejected and nailed to a Tree between 2 Thieves forming the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses constructed; Israel uses a 9 Branch Menorah with the Babylonian Sun Lion “Shamash” in its Candlestick. World Economic Forum Jan 22 Davos, Switzerland. Economy means “Household Manager”; Jesus Created and Owns the House; WEF aka Gnomes of Zurich steal the “House” through Usury.
Jan 21 is the start of Aquarius, the symbolic age ruled by the Titan Saturn, seen in the Six Pointed Star of Saturn (Chaldean STUR) on Israel’s Flag. Donald Trump has an Inaugural picture in the White House dated Jan 21, 2017; off by a day and not a mistake; his name is Germanic/Ashkenazi “Drumpf”, a descendant of Scottish Knights Templars through his mother Mary McLeod; the Presbyterian Church celebrates Kirkin O Tartan (Church of Tartan) on April 6; descendants of Knights Templar and Scottish Jacobites who instigated Revolution.Essenes in 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” planned the return of Melchisedek after the 10th Jubilee which has been identified by Rabbi Judah ben Samuel and Maimonides in 1217 as being 1517, the year Martin Luther split the Church and the year Black Nobility Pope Leo X (Leo=Lion + Messiah) and the 5th Lateran Council proclaimed the Gnostic Doctrine “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Catholic Dogma. Lateran means Hidden Frogs, the 3 spirits of the Devil/Dragon/Serpent, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9;16:13); the Archbasilica of St John Lateran is the “Mother of all Churches worldwide” according to the Jesuits whose 1st Oaths were taken in the St Denis Cathedral Crypt in Paris on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534; Denis is Dionysus aka “Green Man” called Al Khidr by the Arabs.
The Aquarius symbol is carved into the obelisk at another Paris Cathedral; called St Sulpice Cathedral; the Brass Line is referred to as the “Rose Line”; Par=House + IS ie Islamic State; Allah being the Arab moon god “Sin”; Lucifer being the “Man of Sin”.
According to the Hillel (Halal=Crescent; Shine; Lucifer/Sin) School, Tu b’shebat is the real New Year. The Jan 21 Lunar Eclipse is followed by Full Moons on Feb 19, the day Aquarius transitions to Pisces (Fish Symbol=Golden Mean and on Mar 21, the Spring Equinox and day Pisces transitions to Aries; all totaled, a reverse of the Axis Precession which brings the age back to Sargon the Great just after the Flood; Sargon III will be the Assyrian Antichrist; Assyria symbolized by the Eagle (standing on the US Flag, $US and Flags of the Americas)
In 2018 on Tu b’shebat a Lunar Eclipse was over the Eastern Hemisphere in 2019 a Lunar Eclipse occurs over the Western Hemisphere as the New Horizons spacecraft reached Ultima Thule (Farthest Horizon) Horus ie the son of Osiris (Saturn/Green Man) and Isis is called “Horus of the 2 Horizons”; the intersection of the 2 Horizons is the Pisces/Fish symbol aka Golden Mean “Phi”
The Mar 21 Full Moon on Purim aligns with the Persian Nowruz “New Light”; and Holi Festival; the Peacock Idol of the Yezidis on Nowruz is Lucifer. Puru is Assyrian/Akkadian meaning “Lots”, the day literally means “Cast Lots for Marduk”.
April 6 “Tartan Day” is 1 Nisan/Abib; Tartan (2 Ki 18:17; Is 20:1) Tartan is the Assyrian Army Commander whose Treasonous pact with Ephraim led to Israel’s captivity and replacement with Ashkenazi (Germanic) fake Jews.
The Assyrian Akitu Festival on 1 Nisan (April 6) celebrates the victorious return of Marduk who conquers the Zu Bird (Lion with Eagle Wings) a symbol of Babylon. The Assyrian Eagle is Nisroch (Saturn Ref 2 Ki 19:37) ZU is Anzu the giant storm bird breathing fire and water, pictured as Lion headed Eagle in Sumerian/Akkadian mythology; the similarity with Rev 9:7-8 5th Trumpet as well as Shamash the Babylonian Sun Lion. Marduk is also depicted as a Dragon-Eagle which is the symbol of Esau “Exalting himself as an Eagle” (Oba) Zeus (Marduk, Jupiter, Horus) as an Eagle descending from Olympus and the Kingdom of Babylon (Lion with Eagle’s Wings). Assyria worshipped the Eagle as Nisroch aka Saturn. 2 Ki 19:37
Daniel 7:4 “The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings; I beheld till the winds thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feed as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it”
It seems we in the US are in the final stage of being declared Babylon (Rev 18) “For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together”. The Eagle sits atop the US Flag for a reason! The Eagle is Nisroch the Assyrian word for Saturn/Satan 2 Ki 19:37 “The best place to hide big secrets is out in the open” Nazi propaganda minster Joseph Goebbels. Nazis used the Eagle and Swastika as their symbol; the US puts the Eagle on top of their Flag. Pretty bold eh?
If there was ever a time to establish a relationship with God (JESUS) via the Holy Ghost, it is now!
Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Tokyo, Japan Olympics 24 July -9 Aug 2020 Venues located on Tokyo Harbor Islands bathed in Fukushima Radiation at the same location the radioactive mutant Godzilla rose from the sea 66 years earlier.
66 refers to “Loss of Faith”; in the Apocryphal “Book of Adam”, 66 is the number associated with Adam returning to Eden (Google NROL-66, the Bull God Molech shot into orbit is as obvious as it gets); Rabbis refer to this Repair of the Earth “Tikkun Olam”; in French “The Man”=66; Mort (Death)=66 and Curse (Maudir)=66; not coincidentally, Donald Trump’s 66th floor Penthouse/Shrine to Apollo (Apollyon “Destroyer”) were featured 120 years earlier Ingersol Rand’s book “Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey”; the Columbus Circle address on 57th St refers to Columbia, the Roman goddess whose name is synonymous with America. Every 57 years, the Moon returns to the exact same time and place; Moon is used 57 times in scripture; the Arab moon god “Sin” is called Allah whose name in Hebrew=66.
57 can be seen in SkyNet 5G; G=7 the Masonic “Grand Architect”; SkyNet the Internet based Artificial Intelligence computer grid which becomes “Self Aware” and guides “Terminators” to eliminate all Flesh on Earth, especially targeting the future “Savior” John Conner; John=Oannes the Chaldean fish god rising from the Sea; Conner means “Inspector”.
Tokyo means Estuary “Capital of the East”; Japan means “Rising Sun”. Jesuits, having taken their first Oaths in the Crypt of St Denis (Dionysus “Green Man”) on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534 (aka Feast of Assumption of Mary) moved to take control of Tehran (Targum), the capital of the Nizari Assassins who worshipped the UNKNOWN GOD called “Old Man of the Mountain”, and Nagasaki, the site of the “Fat Man” donation, a man-made Plutonium Core weapon 1st tested as “Gadget” on July 16, 1945 at the “Trinity Site”.
Uranium is named after Ur of the Chaldees. Plutonium is named after Pluto “Hades” or “Orcus”, the son of Eris, goddess of discord and brother of Zeus and Poseidon; Aquaman, the son of Poseidon obtains the Kingdom by flattery and becomes a vain, ruthless dictator rising from the Sea, the bible refers to as Antichrist. Orcus means “Hell”, he is the punisher of broken oaths, hence the association with the Pale Horse rider (Green Man or Godzilla) “Death” whose worship brings “Hell”.
Upon hearing of the successful production/detonation of man’s creation “Plutonium”, named after the Roman god of the underworld, Edward Teller said “It’s a boy!” J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” (Recall Mort=Death=66) as ships set sail for Japan with Uranium and Plutonium bombs FDR refused to detonate, but 33 degree Luciferian Mason Harry Truman agreed to.
Godzilla: Lamech’s wife Zillah + God; Zillah is the mother of Tubal-cain, the instructor of all artificers of metal like Uranium and Plutonium. “Who is Tubal-cain?” is answered by Masons with “Vulcan of the Canaanites”; Vulcan the blacksmith who forged the Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree portrayed by Spock whose “Sign of Shin” (Shin=Nail) is used by Talmudic Rabbis to open Synagogues. The “Fat Man” Plutonium Bomb looks identical to Elon Musk’s “Tintin” fake Mars rocket because Mars if the same UNKNOWN GOD called by the Assassins “Old Man of the Mountain”; the Mars mission fake spacesuits look like the set of Ender’s Game for what should be obvious reasons.
9 Av is the saddest day in Jewish history, revered as the date the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed, Bar Kochba Revolt etc. is midweek during the Japan Olympics; the 3rd Temples are bodies of followers of JESUS whose “2020 Vision” comes from a Baptism of the Holy Ghost; or you can wait to see if Godzilla rises from the Capital of the Rising Sun.
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void-tiger · 5 years
Gentron Week: Days 1-3
Characters: Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane, Ryou “Jiro” Shirogane
Prompts: Bed-Sharing/Sleepovers; Clothes-Sharing; Soulmate AU (sorta), Hand-Holding
Canon Compliant?: NOPE! Not even a little, although canonical events are referenced.
Other Notes: ...I started this with Sunday’s prompt, got behind, then realized that it fit with the first three days, anyway. Hope that’s alright.
He’d been back for almost a phoeb now, thanks to the combined efforts of Jiro, his Team, and his Lion. And after he got back there was a bit of a scramble trying to sort out immediate things like Lion bonds, then of course the much more mundane ones as well. Like sleeping arrangements. Clothes. Who owned what with the small stockpile of belongings after months-to-years in space between them and the lines already blurred.
When they first rescued Shiro from the Void of Black Lion’s inner quintessence field, there hadn’t been time to figure these things out beyond who flew with Black and their Team. And after that what time hadn’t been spent fleeing Haggar’s repeated assaults was spent running repeated tests over both Jiro and Shiro for any lasting “presents” left by the witch, or any lasting damage from his time spent suspended at the subatomic level for so long. Then remedial drills as well as he reintegrated back into the Team and they had to relearn how to form Voltron...again.
But after they exhausted every drill, and after they could confidently form yet a third version of Voltron with their current Team (Shiro was disheartened to learn about Keith defecting to the Blades after his stint as Voltron’s leader. He still hoped to reach his friend, to let him know he was still alive, that the Team and Shiro both wanted him to return home), and after Allura and Coran were finally confident that both Shiroganes had a clean bill of health (and NO nasty spells and implants leftover) ...they could finaly rest.
Only, they still hadn’t sorted through who owned what. Or who even had bigger claim to Shiro’s old room. 
But like with his bond with the Black Lion, Jiro practically shoved Jiro into his old room, only pausing long enough to grab himself a fresh set of bedclothes, with Lance insisting Jiro crash with him. (Shiro was pretty sure that the tank and sleep pants he himself had ended up wearing actually belonged to Jiro. Not him.) But sleeping alone in a dark, quiet room proved unbearable. It was too easy for Shiro to return to that listless floating he experienced while suspended in the Void, body free from all the aches and pains he’d long since reconciled as his “normal” but only his mind kept intact. 
Well, mostly.
Soft, steady snores competed with his own gulped and held shallow panting. His right side felt lopsided and pinned down by a weight that wasn’t from his now-absent Galran prosthetic. And for all the Black Lion’s efforts to make him comfortable while he was stored as atoms within the Lion’s quintessence, he’d never felt warm. Or felt anything at all, really. And the Lion’s quintessence certainly hadn’t smelled like laundry detergent. Come to think of it, Shiro didn’t quite remember making it back to his bunk.
Slowly his eyes adjusted to the Castle’s night cycle gloom. Soft green light cast shadows against his sleeping clone’s pale skin, ragged scar, and inky black hair. Shiro felt his eyes flutter closed as they were dragged down by tiny, but dense, dense weights. Like mini neutron stars. Shiro felt himself lulled back to sleep, drifting not in Voltron’s Void, but the innocence of stars that space once held for him.
In the morning, neither spoke about the previous night. But to his bemusement the room had somehow converted into holding two stacked bunks where there was only one previously overnight.
Jiro wrenched himself awake with a silent scream. His sheets stuck to his skin thanks to a dripping sheen of cold sweat as well as lay tangled around his legs and feet. As did the image still vivid behind his mind’s eye
He scrubbed his face furiously and sniffed reflexively, glaring at his ruined bedding. Even if the could get back to sleep again, no way was he going to be able to sleep in that. With measured movements in an attempt to not shake the shared alcove and wake his brother in the upper bunk, Jiro softly set his bare feet down against the frigid floor. He then cautiously groped his single hand in the dark until he finally felt a bed corner, then tugged. The mattress rose about half an inch before slamming back down. Jiro barely bit back a curse.
The sheets, however, stayed firmly tucked for all his trouble. Naturally. Yet another reminder about Why He Needed His Own Prosthetic. Or at least his own bayard. He’d prefer not borrowing Shiro’s.
The sheets above him rustled as he heard Shiro stifling a yawn. “Jiro, what are you doing.”
Jiro winced. “N-nothing,” he murmured as he fought to keep his voice steady. “Go back to sleep.”
Jiro knew that tone. That sympathetic I’m the Black Paladin and Leader and Your Big Brother so you better tell me And Deal With It tone.He’d used it himself against Shiro more than once. He hated being on the receiving end. Especially when Shiro felt the need to switch to using some form of “Ryou” to further his point. “Just remaking my bed,” Jiro hedged.
“At 2:30 in the morning?” Takashi pressed.
Jiro remained silent. The bunk shifted as Shiro’s feet scraped against the rungs. Shiro gently nudged his brother to scoot over with his right shoulder. Jiro obliged. He heaved an exasperated sigh when Shiro immediately started untucking the sheets and gathering them into the center of the mattress as one, wadded bundle.
Of course Shiro could. Shiro had a bayard that could double as an arm while they both waited for new prosthetics.
“Nightmare or memory,” Shiro asked abruptly.
Jiro squeezed his eyes shut. “Vision,” he finally choked out in a strained whisper. “I’ll just...” Jiro cleared his throat thickly as he grabbed the damp bundle of sweaty bedding. 
“Ry,” Shiro called again. “We can deal with that tomorrow.”
Shiro tossed a fresh set of bed clothes at him, forcing Jiro to drop the bundle as he reflexively tried to catch the set thrown at him with his non-dominant hand. Jiro shot Shiro a baleful glare. Shiro toothily grinned.
“Fine,” Jiro mumbled through a faceful of pantleg, then stalked out of the room and into the bathroom to change. He flipped the light on, immediately wincing at the sudden, harsh light, then glanced down at the set Shiro tossed at him. It wasn’t a fresh tank and sweatpants, oh no. It was that quiznacking Black Lion Onesie, with the right sleeve already zipped off.
When Jiro returned, he found Shiro sitting crosslegged atop a newly remade bed with fresh sheets, face illuminated by the glow of a datapad resting in Shiro’s lap while he rested his chin in his left hand. The bayard sat deactivated on top of the bed next to him.
“You’re gonna kill your eyesight that way,” Jiro snarked.
Shiro glanced up and shrugged nonplussed. “It’ll get fixed again by the next pod visit.”
Jiro balled up his discarded pajamas and chucked them at Shiro. They struck Shiro’s face with a wet-sounding smack before landing in his brother’s lap.
“Okay, first of all, gross,” Shiro drawled dryly. “Second, is that the thanks I get for remaking your bed, brother dearest?”
“You earned that and you know it,” Jiro dead panned.
Shiro wadded up the sweaty clothes, then tossed them at the heap of used bedding already shoved into a corner. However, he still didn’t budge from Jiro’s bunk.
Jiro sighed in exasperation. “Look...I appreciate you putting my bed back together, but are you gonna move or not.”
“Not just yet, Ry,” Shiro said seriously.
Jiro swallowed. “Ryou” again. That didn’t bode well. “Alright...” he said apprehensively. “But no way can I sleep between the sheets in this thing. It’s way too stuffy.”
Shiro chuckled softly with a small smile. “You don’t get it, do you.”
“Apparently not, unless you tell me,” Jiro huffed impatiently.
“You’re right, that thing is way too hot to sleep in--”
“Think you do need your eyes checked, afterall,” Jiro interjected sardonically.
“Hush,” Shiro scolded lightly with a playful swat to the back of Jiro’s head. Jiro continued to glare balefully, but without any real heat to it.
“--but that’s not exactly the point,” Shiro continued. “The Team made that for me when they threw an impromptu surprise slumber party.”
“...And think you need a reminder of the definitions of ‘impromptu’ and ‘surprise’,” Jiro remarked. “And yes, I do remember.” He tapped his temple. “So what’s your point.”
Shiro rolled his eyes. “It’s the Team’s reminder that I’m not alone to sort things. that they--and the Black Lion--are always gonna be there if they can. And I’m reminding you that that extends to you, too.”
Jiro’s eyes squeezed shut as he tensed around the way his breathing tried to hitch. The vision, which already left him raw, flashed resh into his mind’s eye once again. As did the loss of his Lion Bond--or rather, how he never had one, not really--although technically he knew that wasn’t Shiro’s intention. Shiro wasn’t that cruel. His hand clenched around the fabric pocket of the onesie until his knuckles turned white.
“Hey,” Shiro called again urgently. “You still with me?”
Jiro nodded stiffly. He gulped down more air as he tried to stuff down the impending sob that threatened to erupt out. A hitched hiccup escaped instead for his trouble.
Gently Shiro unwound Jiro’s hand from his death grip against the fabric until he could hold Jiro’s hand in his own, shifting so that his good arm and shoulder could support his brother. “I’m sorry. That didn’t help, did it,” Shiro murmured apologetically.
Jiro shook his head furiously. A few traitorous tears leaked out to trail down his cheeks and nose and stinging the ragged scar across his face, before splattering against the tacky thing. Jiro felt Shiro hug him tighter, promptint the violent sob to finally escape. Shiro simply held him closer, but thankfully one-armed. Jiro didn’t know how he’d react if the bayard shifted into Shiro’s prosthetic and rubbed it in even further.
“Which one was it?” Shiro asked softly.
“They chose you,” Jiro finally bit out around his sobbing. “She...the witch. She tu-turn-ned me against them. I wasn’t...I wasn’t strong enough to stop her! A-and they chose you!”
Shiro’s eyes closed. Of course it was that vision, which happened to be his own worst nightmare. Of course, despite his best intentions, lending the silly onesie only made things worse. But, secretly Shiro was glad that Ryou was processing things this way, instead of...
Jiro’s tears gradually slowed into steady, shallow hiccups as they finally spent. For now. Snot and saline still continued to flow from his eyes and nose. Jiro’s face wrinkled in disgust and embarrassment. Shiro wordlessly passed him a box of tissues from the alcove’s shelf. Jiro accepted it and sniffed.
“But how have things happened in this Reality?” Shiro finally said softly.
“They...the Team found you,” Jiro answered hesitantly with a sniff. “I didn’t have to die.”
Shiro hummed his confirmation. “And you were the one to find me. The Black Lion placed the bracelet Princess Allura made me around that prosthetic,” Shiro reminded him. “And you never hurt anyone. Our Team found another way to...” Shiro faltered, then swallowed thickly. “...to bring me home.”
Shiro felt Ryou nod against him. Good. Maybe his words were reaching his twin.
“And even if that did happen, it wouldn’t be your fault. Not now. Not ever.”
A spike of anger shot through Jiro’s chest as a memory of a different vision shoved its way forward. Shiro’s voice through his lips. Lance not contradicting him. No one contradicting him. But he swallowed that resentment back down. Shiro didn’t need to know. He’d sort that one out on his own, or take it to the grave.
Jiro felt Shiro staring at him in bemusement, but thankfully his brother didn’t push it.
“Besides,” Shiro continued. “Is Allura responsible for what Empress Allura has done?”
“No,” Jiro ground out vehemently.
“Then neither is our Team. This Team would never do that. And if for what ever reason they did try it, I’m eating my arm. Then kicking their butts no-handed.”
Despite himself Jiro laughed. And silently he supposed that Shiro’s logic applied to Shiro and That Other Shiro as well (the Shiro that wasn’t him...quiznack this was complicated.) Somehow they had avoided That Reality, although Jiro desperately wished that he wasn’t the one dealing with all the aftershocks as space and time realigned and knitted itself back together. Not that he’d with that on anyone... (the witch included. Especially the witch. He shuddered to think about what she could do with that knowledge.)
“...okay,” Jiro finally whispered tightly. “Although then you really would have two robot arms.”
Shiro barked out a laugh then reached over and tapped Jiro’s right stump. “Technically I already did. Or will.”
Jiro chuckled again, then yawned. Exhaustion dragged at every joint and limb. The vision and his outburst left him feeling emotionally wrung out and spent, but he was still suspicious if sleep would come. Or what it would hold this time.
Shiro released him, then laid down on this side, scooting until his back was flush against the alcove wall and left Jiro with most of the room on the narrow mattress. Jiro rolled his eyes and huffed in exasperation. He placed the tissue box, abandoned datapad, and Shiro’s bayard back onto the alcove shelf above them, passed the folded throw blanket at the foot of the bed to his belligerent brother--really, that should’ve been the first thing to clue him in as to Shiro’s intentions--and settled in on Shiro’s other side. Shiro poked Jiro’s left shoulder and grinned.
Jiro huffed a laugh. “You’re impossible.”
Shiro merely grinned harder. “You know you love me, Roo,” Shiro teased in sing-song.
Jiro rolled his eyes then shoved Shiro’s shin with his foot. “Keep telling yourself that, Kashi.”
“Hey!” Takashi squawked indignantly. “No kicking allowed!”
 “Technically this was your idea,” Ryou snorted. “You should’ve know better, older brother dearest,” he added sweetly.
“I’d say I should ask the witch for a new twin, but I’d rather not know how many more models she made,” Takashi grumbled.
Jiro scooted closer to Shiro. Shiro gently nudged him back to make more room. Jiro obliged, then rested his head under Shiro’s right stump.
“We’ll get her back for that...right?” Ryou asked tentatively.
“Definitely,” Takashi growled. “And I’d pay good GAC to see Allura saiyan blast that witch at least once when we do.”
“Think I could get Hunk to make a popcorn basket to hold over that?” Ryou quipped.
“Dork,” Takashi laughed.
“Technically you’re calling yourself that, Shiro.”
“Mmm. And who recently actually took tactical advice from Return of the Jedi?”
“...I’m glad you’ve forgiven me for that,” Jiro said softly.
Shiro nudged him gently with his shoulder. “I’m still not happy about that, no,” he admitted. “But...I understand. I’m not sure what I would’ve done instead if in your shoes, honestly.”
“Well, thanks for that, anyway,” Jiro mumbled.
“Hey. It all worked out. And regardless as to why or how, I’m glad that you’re my brother.”
“I’m guessing that you’re meaning--?”
“Both, yeah.”
Jiro grinned inwardly. He opened his mouth to reply, but Shiro’s breathing had already slowed to soft, steady snores.
He’d have preferred having his own thoughts and own memories and own identity from the start, he mused. And he’d definitely have preferred being born Shiro’s real twin instead of subbing as a replacement for a stillborn one. But...at least this way he could understand Shiro a bit better. In a sense the two had shared a soul for a time, albeit not quite as literaly as in That Other Reality. And besides: what better way to use Haggar’s “gift” than to better protect and support his brother?
With one final, vindictive grin Jiro felt himself drift to sleep, lulled by the slow, gentle thuds of a twin heartbeat.
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holy-mountaineering · 5 years
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This spread is for @lesbianbondagefiasco Thanks for the donation!
Tonight you’re getting the full Qabalistic Tree of Life Spread that I do and here you are. What I’m going to do is go through and briefly explain each card, its position on the Tree, and then I’ll give you a summary/synopsis of the spread as a whole.
Think of this spread as a sort of quantum map, or even the land of a regular map, everything is happening at once, in each place. It’s important to think of yourself as moving “through” the map but you are also simultaneously everywhere at once. For the sake of this specific experiment, think of this as a map.
Where we’re starting the journey from is Kether, the monad, the first sign of creation. We’ll call this your hometown, since it is where you’re from originally. Here we have XIX The Sun, Resh, Sol.
The Sun is The Lord of Light and Life, the center of our little Solar System. Everything in the fairly large gravitational pull of the Sun is affected by it which pulls everything to it. This more or less self sufficient little nuclear reactor in space gives life and light but also pulls small things which cannot maintain an orbit around it in for the final burn. bright and full of life and light but deal not with bullshit trifles.
Center yourself but be aware of what you effect and how.
In Chokmah, which is like your freeway getting you out onto the road out of your hometown is the 4 of Disks, Power or the Fortress or the island.
This is “squaring up” with the material world or your everyday normal money/job/school/housing parts of life. The Fortress is a castle or private physical place of isolation and security/safety. From Liber AL it is mentioned that you should “(C)hoose ye an island, fortify it, dung it about with the enginery of war…” That is to say, for our illustration, protect your base of operations in your material world.
There is one entrance and around the fortress is a mote, this is so you may go about the world doing your business but you can return and bring the bridge up when you’re done fucking around with the outside world.
In Binah, which is ruled by Saturn and for the sake of this reading we will call the first stop on your roadtrip. You haven’t really arrived anywhere but you’re stopping and getting a chance to repack your car in a more efficient way. Sitting in Binah is the 4 of Cups, Luxury.
This is squaring up emotionally and creating a greater emotional balance. Lvna the Moon absorbs the light of Sol the sun and reflects it back to Earth, but only enough emotionally to help you stay stable and protected (Cancer the crab with an exoskeleton to protect it’s soft inside parts).
Don’t get too comfy though, don’t mistake squaring up with being a scared square.
In Chesed which is ruled by Jupiter and again for the sake of this experiment we’ll say involves your influence and benevolence in your current trip is the 9 of Swords, Cruelty (to self, mostly).
Like the other 9s this is a massive building up, in this case of Air, mind, thinking, communicating. This is beating yourself up about a decision that must be made. Astrologically, Mars in Gemini relates to action being thwarted because of a split mind on a matter.
You are mentally at a fork in the road and you need to make a choice one way or another.
You’re building up a lot of ideas but you need to decide which way you want to go or it’s going to keep tearing you up mentally. There is a lot of force and mass here, move it.
Across the Tree in Geburah, which is Mars Town, where you find your drive and what you’re trying to accomplish/conquer is the Ace of Wands. The root power or source of Fire, action, motion.
The Ace of Wands or Fire is the big bang of impetus to action, every other motion afterward is spawned from that moment. In practical terms this is the initial event or action that in it’s uncontrolled state causes a series of reactions.
The first drive toward an end or event, the force that sets things in motion. The explosion that brings things to life might be a really messy ordeal. This is all the subtlety of a burning baseball bat with ten flames for nails.
Regardless of the problem of stagnant things getting burnt, the Ace of Wands causes shit to happen and Will to drive forward. Remember that this is a tool, the Wand of the Magus and should only be profaned in useful and/or hilarious ways. You wouldn’t use a flaming baseball bat to get a moth off of your curtains (probably) and so the Ace of Fire can also be related to brute force or overreaching the necessary force.
In Tiphareth, the Sun and center of gravity holding all this in place, the heart pumping the blood through this, your heart is the 8 of Wands, Swiftness.
This is the idea that a huge fire can burn a city down but harnessed it can power a city. The idea here is of the atom harnessed not to destroy but to produce great and beneficial energy, like a power plant. The wands on the 8 have turned to electricity, the light a rainbow.
Harness your actions into the most efficient and useful manner, energize (Sagittarius) your intellect (Mercury).
 If you’re having trouble with what you’re trying to accomplish, look at it through a ”new lense” that splits the light and makes it more visible.
In Netzach, Venus town, where you have the realization about how this is going to change you as a person with a personality is XVIII The Moon, Pieces, Qoph.
This is the ‘Sun at midnight where you stand shines on the other side of the world’. The pull of night and day eventually rising illuminating what was once dark. As opposed to the old Aeon idea of the Sun dying, this is cyclic notion of the push and pull of the day and night. The dark give the light context and vis a versa.
See the light in the dark, accept the cyclic push and pull, if you don’t like what “time of day it is” in your life I assure you it will change like the tides.
In Mercury Town Hod-ville, where all the Universities are and everyone has real intellectual shit going on is the Knight of Disks, the fiery part of Earth or acting on what must be done in your material life.
This Knight looks over cultivated fields before the harvest. He sees what must be done first, which things would rot and which things can be harvested last. He sees the work he has done and prepares to reap the rewards. He is not yet in motion, he must figure out what part of his creation needs immediate attention.
You planted the seeds and taken care of the field and now it’s ready for you to get the rewards of your labor. Find what you must do in your material, everyday world to get the best results from this.
On the Moon in Yesod, the receptive and reflective place that is alot about the feelings that you’re picking up from all this is the Queen of Cups, the watery part of Water, total emotion and intuition.
This Queen looks through her reflective eyes at the ripples on a pond at the reflection of the moon which reflects the Sun. She isn’t so much interested in looking directly at a thing as she is looking at the effects. The tides being ruled by the Moon was discovered by observation of the correlation of movements of both Lvna and the comings and going of the tides. Her animal is the Ibis, who on one leg intently stares at the surface of the water. This was perceived as meditation and contemplation by the wise people of Khemet and they attributed the ibis to Djehudi or Thoth the wisest of their pantheon. But like ibis you have to act when the fish swims by or you’ll starve.
Do not look directly at a problem or situation you feel strongly about. Look for effects and causation not the point of impact.
Down here in Malkuth-istan, the everyday life mundane, waking up pooping, and going to work world is the Princess of Wands, the earthy part of Fire.
This is the material substance that comes from fuels action. Think of this: you have to make a fire because it is cold. You have a set amount of wood. You can make a big ass, bright ass fire that will leave you cold later that night when you’re out of wood, but jazzed while it’s happening. Or you can make a smaller, less exciting fire that will keep you warm all night.
There is also a message about the last step in any action is really to become the actions and to let them become you. When your very Earthly substance is in it, you are no longer doing you just are.
Don’t burn yourself out and exhaust your resources on what you’re tackling in life right now. Do this and you shall live to dance and party another night.
So, the beginning of this whole journey starts with you recentering on yourself, taking space, and fucking doing some self care as absolutely corny as that sounds. That’s the short version. In a large sense you need to know, it’s all about you and that’s okay. It’s all about each and everyone of us and how each and everyone of us aids each other and you ain’t aidin’ nobody running ragged.
Piggybacking on that, STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP. At least long enough to make this choice you’ve been putting off about what you’re going to start. You’ve got all this there and when you can see it and then work to refine it, you’ll be electric kid, nothing besides wood will stop you. That’s a little electricity joke. I’m sorry.
You might feel weird about yourself right now, about your growth and your process but lemme tell you, it gets different. Just you wait and see. You’re a smart person, if you look around long enough, you’ll see all the resources you need to build up what you’re looking to. Now, while swimming is fun and stuff, try not to drown. You gotta look at the effects of things and not the cause. The cause matters a lot less to someone who’s lungs are filling up with water.
And hey, take your time. You have time, take it, don’t let it take you. You know how fucking hard it is to work on this big stuff, pace yourself and you’ll be glad you did. (That’s a little Shane Brother’s joke for the other SF Bay area resident.)
Ta Da, there’s the tea, crumpets and what not. Hit me up with any questions, I’ll be here!
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blackwolfsiren-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law! 93 brothers and sisters! New guys shirt design in the shop this week. It is a playful take on Resh and The Big Lebowski. Just for fun :) Ra-Hoor Abideth at the Helm! #oto #thelemite #thelema #horus #goth #meme #funny #occulthumor #gothmemes #resh #93 #occult #aleistercrowley #ordotempliorientis #gothichumor #thedude #thedudeabides #thebiglebowski #egyptian #whiterussian #bowling #loveisthelaw #dowhatthouwilt #gothguy #gothicguy #gothboy #altboy #gothgoth #nugoth #moderngoth
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callawells · 6 years
Excerpt from my story, 'Dusk'
'Dusk', chapter two, page one. Paragraph one through paragraph eighteen.
Carina carefully picked her way across the uneven ground of the forest- this was something surreal. The thick, broad trunks of trees all clustered around, the noises of the leaves swishing in the breeze, and the delicate crunch of the undergrowth beneath her soft, bare feet...
This forest had never been seen by human eyes other than hers. She was sure of it. There was some secret knowledge in the air, almost as though the trees themselves whispered it. Nobody was here, and nobody had been here for many years. Nobody was coming, either. It was so removed from humanity, she felt that even if she screamed as loud as she could, nobody except the tall pines stretching overhead, and the ferns scattered at her feet would ever know. That thought was both frightening and invigorating all at once.
The scents of the forest were weird to her nose, but somehow familiar. Something in the air gave her the comforting sense that she really belonged here among the trees and the bushes. That this was what home was supposed to smell like; fresh, and clean, and crisp, with a note of earthiness present, which leant it, not a dirty stench, but instead impressed upon her how natural and untouched this place was.
She traversed her way through the trees, her legs knowing the way without her needing to tell them. She was making her way down at a slight angle now, as the landscape rolled gradually into a slope. There were flickers of movement in the trees and the underbrush; bugs, and birds, and other small animals. The thought charmed her, but she did not linger to admire these unseen things frolicking. She moved forth with a sense of haste and tenacity that surprised even herself.
Suddenly, she saw something through the trees ahead. Something white and ever-bright in the sun. It glistened, almost shone. That white something was moving out there, and its footsteps didn't sound human, but she wasn't afraid.
She felt elated, on the contrary.
This joyful feeling surged forth in her like water crashing into the sand at a beach; entirely unavoidable, and not bad nor good. It just was.
She advanced ever faster. Another glimpse of the white something made her realise what it was- the whiteness was fur.
A great, bear like dog appeared from behind the trunk of a broad old tree. She came ever closer to the beast, his paws making close to no noise on the undergrowth as they carried him forward, toward her.
He was magnificent to see. His fur was starkly contrasted with the greens and browns of the forest, and as she watched, a bright pink tongue lolled merrily out from sharp, strong jaws.
He was massive, and seemed very strong. She could see the muscles in his shoulders ripple under his snowy white coat as he padded slowly in her direction.
Now he stood directly before her, not even looking at her, but very much present.
She hesitated at first, but he nuzzled his soft snout into her hand, signalling that it was okay; he wouldn't hurt her. She felt as sure of his friendliness as the ground beneath her feet.
She fell to her knees in the scrub, and ran her fingers through his smooth, soft fur. He stared happily back at her through big, honey brown eyes.
It was the eyes that caught her attention- something tugged in her chest when he looked up into her own eyes like that. Something like warmth and trustworthiness wormed its way into her tummy and settled there, making her feel complete, as though some inexplicable, gaping hole in her heart had been filled magically with the heady scent of the earth, and sunshine, and bright fur.
A sense of warm familiarity with the animal settled calmly in her chest.
She sat back on her haunches and just looked at the wolfish features looking right back at her, and then she smiled. That smile was like no smile ever seen on her face since her brother died. She opened her mouth as if to speak- she didn't really know what she was going to say, but it felt utterly important--
The alarm clock beeped its high pitched song in the dead of the morning, startling Carina into consciousness. She groaned and smacked a hand over the thing, silencing it.
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doorsclosingslowly · 7 years
Somewhere between the heavy orange sunrise and the shuttle door, Savage begins to glue back together the rubble of his self.
2k | Pt. 3 of Runaways ‘verse | read on AO3
Through the Sheathipede’s small grimy ‘fresher window, the Nal Hutta sun coats the body’s reflection in its thick orange molasses. It shines on the amulet he’ll never take off, and mixes with its comforting green glow. It lights up the burns scored across the arms during yesterday’s live saberstaff training session, and the small patches of stinging burn salve he put on them afterwards, the salve he was taught to make by the long-dead brother who raised him.
For a moment, the dawn-drenched skin looks almost like—no.
He shakes his head, and the reflection follows, a particularly determined mimic almost flawless in its mockery. Thinking of these arms and Feral in the same moment feels wrong, the same squirming sense of unease that accompanies every look in the mirror, every glimpse at those arms.
The whole body is a dead loss. It is too hard and big and square now, and not malleable at all. Stiff all over. Even the small pouch of fat below the bellybutton has rotted away. No food will bring it back.
No amount of looking at it will change that, so Savage doesn’t look, often.
Instead of applying the salve to his burned arms again, he focuses of the face: early morning penance for a crime he can only half-remember, and cannot forget.
(“Savage, a word?” Brother Stinger said when they came back before the Blood-Moon Feast, and he quickly dropped Feral’s hand, as if he had just noticed that it was on fire.
He gave his best smile for his anxious little brother, thinking urgently and knowing better than to speak, Run along home. Don’t argue for once. I’ll come soon, and bring the burn aloe. I’m not in trouble… not new trouble, anyway, and miraculously, Feral obeyed. Savage watched him run off for a moment too long.
“He’s fifteen,” Stinger said then. He was old and wrinkled in the way that is rare for a nightbrother, and his cataracts bored into Savage. The disapproval wrinkled his head even more.
“I know.”
“You’re spoiling the boy.”
“I know,” Savage repeated. There was no use volunteering more words for the scolding he was sure to get.
“Are you sure you’re doing this for him? You’re making him soft, boy. The world is not soft. You are his protector now, Savage, but you won’t always be alive. Do you think you’re doing your brother a favor, when he cannot live without you? You’re going to be the death of him!”
Savage nodded, and went home.
He didn’t think of those words when he bandaged Feral’s arms that night and kissed the scratched knuckles better. They were old words, and he’d agreed to them a hundred times—agreeing with the Elders was the easiest way to get out of a conversation, after all. But Feral was strong, it wasn’t him who wouldn’t survive the loss of his brother, and Savage had decided long ago that there would be enough time for fear yet in his brother’s life. He hadn’t met the Sisters in years.
He remembered the words in the arena five days later, Feral trembling behind his back and the Sister’s blade before him.
He remembered the words in the Mother’s home. He thought of the moonshine Stinger always drank to sleep, ever since he’d managed to limp back into the village from wherever the Sisters had taken him. He was the only one of his year-mates to have survived all his trials. He thought of Stinger warbling, “What’s the use talking, Resh? They’ll all be dead soon,” leaning onto Brother Irascible in the night, the one man in the village who still liked him. He remembered Stinger and thought, This will be me.
He didn’t remember the words when they brought in Feral after the ritual. He was already nothing by then. He was powerful. He was murky and trembling beneath heavy magic and anger. There were no words in him but the Mother’s words when She said, “Now for the final test. Kill him,” and when he moved and massive hands wrapped around Feral’s throat and held him up, and when he dropped the corpse.
There were no words for a long time. It’s good that there weren’t. You’re going to be the death of him. What would he have done if he’d remembered? Laugh?
He forgot them until Maul stood before him one day, and ordered him to get up and stop feeling sorry for himself, “It’s just a training injury. What are you, weak?” The words rang through his core: You’re making your brother soft, boy, but the world is not soft. It was strange to think he was the spoiled one, now. When he complied and stood up, Maul ordered him to sit down again, angry—it turned out he was too short to reach Savage’s neck otherwise—and then he wrapped his hands around Savage’s throat.
“I promised you I would teach you the dark arts of the Sith, didn’t I?” Maul said, his grin rigid and pale and much older than his face. “Fear is your ally. Feel the air leave you. If you deserve to live, you’ll find the strength to fight back in your fear.”
Savage swallowed against the pressure, and he looked at his brother’s face until his eyes went black, and he loved him still.)
He prods the cheek. It’s warm and firm under his hand—there is no reason at all why it should be waxy. Why would he assume that it might be? It’s not like he killed—this flesh is still livid with blood, the same way it was yesterday. The same way it was last year. The same way it was, before the life was strangled from it a ten-day ago. Before Maul took him by his neck, before he learned intimately just what he did to his other brother. What Feral felt.
Only, Maul is better than Savage could ever hope to be, and he stopped.
This flesh is not…
(Savage never even got to bury his brother’s corpse.)
He picks at the skin, at the pores and the discreet scabs that have built up from last night. He pushes at the cartilage of the nose. No, not yet. Not this. He moves on, seeking the edges of his skin-mask so he can tear it off, and the fingernails leave three deep pale crescents, stinging lightly with the acidic ointment on his fingers. Fresh little wounds, to pick at tomorrow.
He pinches and pulls, and there it is! Just for a second, the lines move into place.
Just for a second, his own eyes stare back.
He holds on for as long as he can, until the pads of his fingers grow numb and the face burns up with pressure, and then he lets go. The face settles back into its new default state.
Once again, Savage looks at the eyes of a stranger in the ‘fresher mirror.
It is fitting that he stands here now, he thinks, homeless in this deformed body. He isn’t who he thought he was: Feral’s big brother. His protector. His… murderer. He is nothing, now.
He doesn’t know how he could have taken if for granted, for all those years on Dathomir. Being home. Having a face! He has only been wearing his not-face atop this wrong body for two years, and he can’t believe there used to be a time when he could see himself, and not notice. No jolt of shock at his reflection, no flinch at his own raised hands, no need to consciously reassure himself that this is him, now. Just existing.
If he can forget his old miraculous comfort so easily, will he forget his old face soon, too? Will he seep into this body as deeply as he lived in the one the Mother didn’t give to him? Soon, he won’t even remember the face that Maul used to see as a child.
The thought scares him.
Hands frantically push at the meat again.
It scares him, yes, Savage decides suddenly. But it should have been a good thing, this new face. It should have been a mercy. It wasn’t his face that Feral looked at, when he was strangled. The hands that wrung the life from him didn’t—don’t—belong to Feral’s brother.
It should have been good. If only he knew. If only there was some confirmation that Feral had looked upon those hands and beyond the black marks, barely aligned the way they should be on the Mother’s mockery… that Feral had looked, and seen: They are the hands of a stranger. They are not Savage’s hands. He didn’t fail as protector—he didn’t—he failed, but they weren’t his…
He shakes his head, and the patterned thing that lives in the mirror moves.
Feral must have known they weren’t Savage’s hands. The wrongness of his body is so obvious that even Savage can spot it, and Feral had always been much more clear-eyed than him.
(That’s why Savage had started bringing him along to hunts in the first place, when Feral was four. It’s what he’d told the Elders, in any case—it certainly wasn’t that he just wasn’t ready to leave his new baby brother behind, yet. Anyway, it was true that Feral would always spot the veeka-birds first. He’d see them when they were still only a vague blur in Savage’s eyes, and he’d bend close from his spot on Savage’s shoulders and whisper in Savage’s ear, so that his big brother with his bigger voice could announce it to the group.
Savage would get a pat on the head then, and second choice of the pickings after the hunt.
They made a very good team, until Feral got too heavy to carry around all the time, and too annoyed with Savage for always stealing his praise.)
Feral would take one look at him now, and say, “That is not my brother. The marks are wrong. My brother doesn’t look like that.”
He’d understand.
Savage wishes Feral was here.
He wishes he was home.
It’s a useless wish, born of the softness the Elders always saw and despised in him. The Mother will never suffer him to return to his village again. Not after he failed to bring her Maul. Feral is dead. They weren’t his hands—a scream echoes through the emptiness of Her magic, “No! Brother! Brother, please,” and then: deafening silence, and the Mother’s approving hand on taut trembling flesh—they weren’t his hands, but in the end, that doesn’t change anything.
He’s the only one left to remember.
But he isn’t alone, Savage tells himself firmly. He still has—
That’s when the durasteel of the ‘fresher door punches him in the back.
“Savage, where are y—” Maul trails off, and then gathers himself again to snarl incredulously, “Burn salve, apprentice? It was one training session!”
But Savage has turned around just in time to watch him start talking.
He’s seen Maul’s expression change.
For a moment, there was frantic fear written in the patterns of Maul’s face.
It was washed away quickly by his brother’s condescension, and then Maul’s anger when Savage couldn’t help but smile at him… but Savage has hummed his day away in the kitchen, trying to wring flavor from the meal packs and ration bars Maul insists they eat. He’s looked up aimlessly, lost in concentration, and seen a red-black arm lurking behind the edge of the door. Whenever he’s wandered off from the shuttle, scavenging for mice or earthworms, there were thick black boots following at the edge of his vision. (Coincidences, they are nothing but coincidences, that’s what he is told the one time he attempts to point it out. Maul is always full of transparent shifting excuses before he remembers he is not accountable to his apprentice.)
Savage has woken up in the deep of the night and crouched over Maul’s floor-nest.
He has fed his tied-up brother and watched him accept whatever he’s been given. He’s walked into the cockpit, or the kitchen, or leaned into the oil-stained reaches of the engine room, and seen the tiny flinch his brother gives him before his eyes manage to focus, and the cowled pale monster that lives in Maul’s head dissipates.
He’s seen the fear a thousand times, and the anger at directed at himself when Maul realizes it’s just Savage, Savage who always bangs the doors and who sometimes moves closer and holds too tightly onto his brother’s wrist in the night.
Yes, Savage has seen his brother’s face.
He doesn’t need to see anything else to know.
(You’re making him soft, boy. The world is not soft… but Maul has already had enough people in his life who tried to make him strong.)
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abraxasrinbalt · 7 years
Fractured Memories (part 1)
The adventure begins... ugh. (EDIT: LOL OOPS forgot to tag @aivarobinson for helping me iron out some details in here)
My entire night was pain and suffering and this was my only outlet. I am so sorry.
Thanks to that Anon for asking me ages back about this. Sorry I didn’t write it sooner, I just can’t do this kinda junk when I’m not in the right mood...
MommaCQ Universe © @alainaprana Fresh © @loverofpiggies Decans © @little-noko
I implore you, don't read this if you would rather your mood not be ruined in some way, shape or form. I don't want to make anyone's days horrible forever just because one Anon asked me to continue this drabble...
Picture day at school. Ugh.
Decans grumbled as he and Fresh walked towards the school's gym. He never understood why picture day was always such a big event for the other students. He shook himself, putting on one of the fakest smiles he'd put on in a while.
Fresh turned to him. "Eyy, Deccy-Dec, it's fine. It'll be over before ya know it!" He gently flopped an arm over his friend's shoulders. "And when it's done we can go back ta playin' Pokemon! Ya still owe me a battle, remember?"
Decans smiled weakly. "Y-yeah... Maybe I'll actually beat ya this time! Heheh..."
Fresh peered at his friend, quickly removing his arm. "Yo, you ok broski? Ya seem a bit more down that normal. Or maybe it's just picture day gettin' to ya..."
Decans rubbed his skull, sighing. "Nah, I-I'm fine. Just a bit of a headache is all. Guess picture day's getting to me, heh." He shook himself, trying to wake from the half-stupor he found himself in.
"Oh, ya want some Advil? I gots some in my pack somewhere..." Fresh rummaged through his fannypack, pulling out a small white bottle of pills. He opened it and dumped a couple of pills into his hand, offering them to Decans.
Decans let Fresh drop the pills into his hand, reaching for his water bottle. He took the pills quickly, guzzling a couple sips of water with them. "Thanks, Fresh."
"No problemo, broski! Look, we're here."
They wandered up into the lines, chatting amicably about this or that until the attendants forced them to separate. Decans mind wandered, pondering himself. Ever since the accident, he'd been feeling... off? Was that the word for it? He wasn't sure. His body felt hotter than usual, his headaches persistent. Maybe he was catching a cold again? He shuddered at the thought. He'd rather not get hospitalized again after...
"Next!" the nearby attendant shouted, startling Decans out of his reverie. He stepped up to the stool, smiling
"Well don't you look dashing, hon!" The photographer smiled at Decans warmly, adjusting the height of her camera to accomodate the shorter skeleton. "Whenever you're ready!"
Decans smiled weakly, his headache having worsened during the wait. "Uh, I-I think I'm ready..." he shook his head in an attempt to clear it.
"All right then! Smile for the camera!"
Decans forced a brilliant smile, and the camera flashed. He blinked furiously at the light.
His body stiffened, tensing in strange places. what..?
He glanced around him, his vision getting blurry. He struggled to stand, attempting to call to the attendant, whos back was turned.
"F...  resh..."
His eyelights rolled up into his head and flickered out as he fell backwards with a loud crash, taking the background and the stool down with him. The attendant whirled around in surprise at the sudden sound, greeted with the sight of the small skeleton child seizing violently on the photography props.
"Oh! Oh, nonono... Help! Someone!"
The gym fell silent as several adults converged on Decans, one attempting to roll Decans to his side while the others cleared away any moveable furniture. Fresh dashed out of his line to the commotion, panic instantly consuming him.
"D-Deccy! Wha- What's going on!?" Fresh knelt mid-stride, sliding in next to his friend. Decans continued to twitch and gurgle sickeningly, his eyesockets blank.
"Hon, stay back please, he needs space" one of the aides spoke softly, gesturing for Fresh to come go next to the adults in the back. He refused to move from his spot next to Decans.
"N-no! He's-he's my bro, I- I gotta be there for-"
"He's having a seizure hon, there's nothing we can do besides wait it out... I'm sorry..."
"Fresh!" a familiar voice hissed from the crowd.
Fresh turned around at the sound of his brother's voice. Error was frowning, glaring at the situation before him. He nodded his head, indicating Fresh join him amongst the rest of the kids. Fresh blinked away the tears he didn't know were falling from his eyesockets, turning back to Decans and staring. One of the teachers came up and gently eased him to his feet. He pulled Fresh back to the crowd, murmuring encouragements to him.
"He'll be okay, don't you worry. A small seizure like that shouldn't cause any lasting harm, even with his, uh... conditon..."
Fresh glanced back at Decans, watching as the convulsions seemed to subside slowly. He gasped for air, eyes shining a brilliant mixture of blue and yellow. Fresh disregarded the others and ran back to his friend. Crashing down next to Decans again, he began to ramble.
"D-Deccy Dec! You're all right, I'm here! You're gonna be okay, y'hear? Just wake up, please! Deccy, focus! You're all right, you're right here. I'm right here, I...I..." Fresh hiccuped as his tears flowed freely down. He collapsed into a fit of sobs as fear quickly overcame him.
Decans eyelights faded away once again as he was wracked with another seizure. The adults murmured amongst themselves with worried tones. One checked their phone for the time.
"1:42 on the first, with a repeat... This is unusual... Maybe we should call emergency, seizures don't last this long..."
"I'll get right on it." Another teacher whipped out her phone to dial.
Fresh tried to pull himself up off the ground, acutely aware of the surrounding panic his outburst had caused. His arms shook violently under the little weight of his body, unable to support it. He sat himself down proper, struggling to control himself as he stared at his friend and wheezed short breaths which echoed far too loudly into the gym.
The paramedics weren't far off...
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hebimatsu · 7 years
Grimoire Mythos: Hel's Legion
By Philip Rhodes Prologue I began my journey not because I wanted to, but because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t adventure because my heart yearned for places unseen, nor did I do it in the hopes of finding riches. I traveled because I was scared to go to war. A war had cropped up to the far east between my home country, Cerph, and our neighboring country, Resh. Most people on the far western side where I was living knew we had gone to war, but no one knew why. Some people didn’t even know we were at war. When Cerph’s recruiters came to draft people everyone had felt one of two ways. Either they were patriotic and welcomed the opportunity to fight and prove themselves, or they were scared about going off to war and dying. My fear mixed with my reasoning and with no reason as to why I should fight I left before they had began to round up the men. Having been relatively new to where I was living no one knew me well enough to tell the guards where I could be found. That being said I left anything that would slow my travel. With only a sword, a knife, and the clothes on my back I left. Having no money meant I had to rely on trade and my own skills to survive. Having traveled to many different places I learned simple things like hunting and gathering. My skills as a hunter weren’t all that good, but my skills with a sword were much better. If I happened across anyone who was picking men up for the draft I could always lie and say I’m mercenary working for an arms dealer. It wasn’t long after I thought that that I had came across a lone soldier who was out looking for people. Noticing me from a good distance away he called out to me saying, “You there with the black hair and cloak, stop.” Putting my hands up I turned toward the soldier who had stopped me. The soldier began to walk closer to me, torch in hand. The way the torch shone off his helmet hid the face underneath. Only pale skin could be seen here and there on places like his fingers and neck. He seemed more like a skeleton than a man. “Are you from the small village around here? Some of the villagers are saying that they’re missing someone,” He said. “No, I’m not,” I lied. “Ah, you know we’re at war right?” “Yes, I do.” “Did you know that almost all men are being drafted, correct?” His tone had become deeper and more serious as he spoke. “Yes, I did.” “Then I take it you also know that deserters are killed on the spot,” He spat as the word deserters slid past his lips almost as if he had eaten a piece of rotted meat. “Are you saying I’m a deserter,” I asked trying to keep calm. I already knew the answer, and he was right, not that I would readily admit it to him. “Well, a man with no belonging traveling in almost the dead of night alone in a cloak, looking like a robber,” He said. I couldn't blame him but at the same time I didn't like how he made me sound. Though, if I were in his position I would probably think the same. Trying to prevent the fight I decided to lie, telling him, “I’m not a coward, I’m a mercenary in the employment of an arms merchant to scout out the area ahead so that he may pass through without trouble.” “I see, and where is this merchant you speak of?” “He’s away that way,” I said pointing my thumb back behind me. “Is that so, I haven’t heard of any merchants passing through these areas lately.” He was getting closer to finding me out. Closer to knowing I was a coward who ran from a war he knew nothing about. I didn’t know how to move forward from here and now I couldn’t move back. I should have stayed and accepted my fate, but I didn’t want it. At that moment something intervened. It was sound of wagon wheels, a hoarse cough, and a loud yawn that had began an intervention. A signal that fate was on my side. The cart had crept up beside me and and stopped with the driver at my side. The driver was a man, bigger than most his body covered in nice clothes which included furs. His was was and shoulder were broad. His eyes were big and brown and his nose was blocky. The chin he has is covered in a short brown beard a mustache with some grey peaking through. He seemed to carry a weight as he spoke to the guard front of me. “Who are you,” the guard asked. “An arms merchant,” He proclaimed, “I came to see how my wares do in this land.” “Oh, so you must be the person who hired this man,” The guard said pointing a finger that looked little more like bone at me. The man on the cart eyed me for a moment and looked at the guard saying, “Yeah, he’s with me from the southern lands. I say, why did you stop him? We are now behind schedule because of this.” I didn’t say anything, just stood there with my hands up. If this stranger was willing to bail me out, I would let him. I noticed the guard put the bones of his hand against the void black are where I’d imagined skull to be before saying, “Very well he may go, but do be careful,” he said with a chuckle, “Don’t want him to be confused with a traitor.” He skulked off into the night from whence he came. Once the guard was a good distance away the merchant began to speak to me, “Boy, I say, hope on this cart with that,that character never draws near again.” I did as he said and climbed aboard sword undone from my hip and the boards creaking under my weight. Once I was seated and the cart was moving I turned to the man, “Thank you, but I think there is something you should know.” He let out a chuckle and said, “I think I know what it is you’re going to tell me, so do me a favor and keep it to yourself.” Thrown off guard by his reply I said, “Very well,” then asked, “How may I repay you mister…” He let out another laugh the light from the lantern catching his rosy complexion as he said, “Mister, ha-ha-ha, call me Maximus and Maximus alone. As for how you can repay me,” he trailed off for a moment then jumped slightly with a bigger smile than before and continued, “Keep me company and keep me safe until we reach the town over, Esouh, I believe it is called. It’s about two days from around here if I’m to trust others. I say, boy, what’s your name?” “Umbra Aeternam, and,” I inhaled and tried to mimic his accent, “Boy, it looks like I’ll be working with you for a little while.” Maximus seemed to enjoy what I did because his laughter shook the cart and made the horses neigh. “I say,” He said, “You seem familiar with the area, know anywhere safe for the night?” Sadly I didn’t know of a physical lodging with people, but I knew of a place just a little ways of, on the outside of the forest. I guided him to an area where there was a large stone that seemed to glow faintly under the moonlight. In the back of his cart, on one end, was a few blankets and a small pile of hay, and on the was weapons. “I say, boy,” He said again, “How’s this stone glow?” “I have no idea,” I responded. “You think jewelry or weapons could be made from it?” “I think I saw a sword made of it one time, but it was rather weak. It snapped at the hilt after a few strikes. Maybe if you sold it a decorative pieces.” “You have any knowledge on how hard the stuff is to mine up?” “None,” I said as I grabbed a blanket and threw off my cloak. “I say again, the thing I’ve said many a time to myself quietly,” he began, “Boy, you are just full of surprises.” “What do you mean?” “Your hair, I do say, it’s darker than the caves in the southern countries where the goblins hide.” “It is really that odd,” I asked, but I already knew the answer. My hair was abnormally dark almost as if a shadow had been born there. “I say, I say, Umbra,” he stammered, “Do you have any family?” “Not that I know of.” “What do you mean,” Maximus asked as he sat in the front of the cart looking around at the stone we were on. “When I was little my parents died, then a friend of the family took me in and raised me along with their children. About six years ago, when the cough was going around and people were getting covered in spots, my other parents died and the two kids I was being brought up with left to go somewhere far off to the north with their relatives,” I explained. “I see then we’re a bit alike,” Maximus let out a chuckle to try and lighten the mood. “About four months ago, when the war had just started my older brother, smart and strong as he was, thought it would be an honor to go and fight in the war. About two months after he left my family, rather my mother and I, received a letter that he had died in battle. My mother, old and bedridden, died from grief. Unable to pay the inheritance and property tax, I loaded all I could on my wagon and here I am.” His long winded story left a little at a loss as to what to talk about, so I asked him, “Do you know what the war is about?” “Sadly, much to my own discretion, I’ve been avoiding it as if it were a plague.” “Alright,” I said, “What time are we leaving tomorrow?” “As soon as we wake up and are ready.” “I thought you said you were behind schedule,” I asked. “I may not have been honest with that guard earlier,” He said facing me with a grin.” * * * The next morning, or what I assumed was morning was greeted with the creaking of wagon wheel and the clop of the horse’s hooves on the ground. I sat up, stretched and looked at Maximus who was sitting right where I left him. In the back of the wagon there was a new addition to what had been there last night, a chunk of the stone we had been on. Maximus must have heard me moving be cause cast a glance sideways at me and let out a bellowing laugh, “Ah, boy, finally awake. I was wonder if you may have gone and died on me last night.” I copied his accent and responded say, “Boy, you hadn’t moved since I last saw you.” Maximus responded with a laugh that shook the cart again and said, “You sure you want to be a mercenary and not a bard?” “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve been using a sword a lot longer than I’ve been entertaining.” “That so, umbra?” “Yeah, when I was younger and being brought up with the others their father taught how to use weapons.” “Where were you raised, out in the wilderness,” Maximus let out a chuckle. “Well yeah, I mean I remember there only being a few people where I was raised. There were more monsters than anything in that area.” “Oh boy,” he said, “I wonder how you all survived.” “Yeah, I wonder too sometimes,” I responded laughing along.” “I wonder, these kids you were brought up with. What are their names?” That was a good question, over the years I had traveled I was never afforded the luxury of thinking about the past. I was sure I knew them, but I just couldn’t remember so I told Maximus, “I can’t seem to remember them right now. If I remember I’ll tell you.” We passed the day like this going back and forth telling stories and asking questions. The moon was about to the middle of the sky when we stopped. Maximus turned to face me his face as rosy and smiley as it ever was and he asked me, “Boy can I get you to hop off the cart real quick and look around for and sign of wolves?” “Sure thing, boy,” I said mimicking him, to which he roared laughing. We had moved from near the forest to some plains and on the other side of the wide set of plains was another forest. Peering off into the distance I could make out what seemed to be a dried up riverbed with some huge boulder that seemed to run into the forest. Though I saw all of this I didn’t see anything on all sides. Finishing what I was asked to do I returned to the cart. Climbing into the back of the cart I saw Maximus had Pulled out some bread and a water skin along with two cups. “How’d it go?” “Good, from what I saw there is no sign of wolves around.” “That great,” He said with a chuckle throwing a cup my direction, “Looks like I have a drinking buddy this time.” “This is why you had me get off the cart?” “Well seeing as how you’re going to be traveling with me for a little while, I can’t go having you know where my hidden booze is,” He chuckled and began to pour a dark red liquid into his cup than in mine. “I was thinking we ought to celebrate,” he said. “What are we celebrating?” “Our freedom,” He declared his voice booming and face growing redder. He still kept the same broad smile on his face as he always had. I nodded and raised my glass and maximus doing the same we said, ““To freedom!”” After we had drank some wine and had some bread Maximus began telling me a story with his catchall phrase, “I say, boy, have you ever heard of a merchant’s story about a man whose horse turned into a woman?” “No, I haven’t. Though, from the sounds of it he must have had a good amount of stuff to drink.” “I personally think the same,” he said laughing. “However, I came across a rather peculiar story of a man named,” He paused, before saying, “Ehhh, the name’s not important. Anyways he was off to trade one day and he traded some grain with a heretical village and later that night he found, much to his dismay or fortune, a wise wolf in the bed of his cart. I must say this though as to not confuse you, a wise wolf is a lot like a werewolf, though I’ve never met one.” “Hmmmm, still sounds like he may have had too much to drink.” “I’d like to think so, but I do have to say and it does seem like an enjoyable story even if it sounds just a bit fake.” Are you sure it’s just a bit? I thought this but didn’t say it. Instead I asked, “What about it do you like?” Maximus grew quiet for a minute ponder his response as he ripped a piece of bread apart. After taking a drink of his wine he said, “Well you see a traveling merchants life is rather lonely,” He began, “Most can only dream of having a shop in a town or of having a family or partner to travel with. I suppose,” He said getting to the heart of the answer, “I suppose it’s hope that my journeys go so well no one will ever believe it.” “I see,” I replied noticing for the first time he was being serious as he didn’t let out a laugh that shook the cart, or stirred the horses to neigh, nor even a chuckle. “Say, Umbra, if you ever become big and famous will you tell people about this journey? About the ‘boy’ Maximus and the laughs you shared?” “I don’t see why I wouldn’t, though I’ll have to leave out the part about how we met,” I said letting out a laugh in his place. “Thank you kindly. By the way, we can travel at our own pace tomorrow, we got further ahead than I could have even begun to imagine,” He said with a smile and mouthful of bread that made his cheeks look as big as roses in bloom.” “You don’t say,” I said climbing into the front of the wagon and taking one last look at the stars in the sky before I went to sleep. I wish for something good to happen tomorrow. Prologue End If you like what you read please share it. I would really appreciate it. I would also like feed back if possible. Thank you for reading.
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What inspired you to make Isoveli mun?
Probably the concept of Resh having a big brother that's a sweetie!
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