fzehra-unl · 19 days
Böyle bir açıklamaya sahip bir kitabı okur muydunuz?
Kraliyet ailesi ve kraliyet yok olmak üzere. bu kehanet gerçekleşmek üzere demek. Seçilmiş kişi kraliyet ailesinden değil. Bu nedenle seçilmişi kişileri bulmak için bir yarışma düzenleniyor fakat kraliyetten hiç kimse bu niteliğe sahip değil. Seçilmiş kişiler yasak bölgede Seçilmiş kişilerin her ne kadar kraliyet ailesinden olmadıkları düşünülse de aslında onlar kraliyet ailesine bağlı, kralın soyundan gelen asil, savaşçı ve dik başlı kişilerdir. O günkü kanlı dolunay, komşu kraliyet ile yapılacak olan ve yaklaşan büyük savaşın habercisi oldu. Eğer ki Ana Kraliyet bu savaşı kaybederse hem kraliyet hem de kralın ailesi için yok oluş gerçekleşecektir. Kral her ne kadar İhanet Bekçileri'ni savaşa katılmaya davet etse de onlar savaşa katılmayıp kraliyete isyan ettiler ve gözden kayboldular. Kaybolmakla yetinmeyip, kendi kraliyetlerine düşman oldular ve düşmanlarıyla ortaklık edip kendi kraliyetlerini yıkmak, kralı öldürmek istediler. O yüzden onlara "İhanet Bekçileri" denir. Ama öncesi de bu yarışmaya katıldılar. Dört Element Krallığı yıkıldı. Ve yeni bir tane daha kurulacak. Bu her şeyi değiştirecek... 'Bu bir başlangıç değildi. Asıl başlangıcı İhanet Bekçileri yapacaktı...' *"...Kanlı Ay beklenenden erken doğacaktı. Ametistin gücü sınırlarını aşacaktı..."*
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number-0-iz · 11 months
I wanna punt wattpad corporate into the fucking sun
Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them?
Last year I submitted my grishaverse fanfic A Woman Scorned. The shortlist comes around and there is so few fanfics and a lot of already well known authors and sequels from books that won last year or books that were on the shortlist the year before.
People were rightfully pissed of course because we commented and sent tons of messages to show our anger. And you know what they did now? The platform build on fanfiction? They decided to alienate fanfics all together as an entry genre. They also added the possibility for on going stories to be submitted.
Here you see the explanation they cou past every single time and something i posted on their wall so that they are shoved with their face into the fact.
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If wattpad somehow gets to see this, to you I say this. You fucking suck.
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unagocciadipioggia · 6 months
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È da un po' che non uso Tumblr, ma volevo farvi sapere che la mia storia è rientrata nella shortlist dei Wattys (cioè fra i finalisti). Il primo dicembre verranno annunciati i vincitori. Tengo le dita incrociate!
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ri-night · 11 months
thanks to the wattys who promote LGBT+ and culture prize categories for the english writers but are racist, homophobic and ableist towards anyone who dares to write in other language besides english
I'm talking about the WattysES for spanish-speaking writers
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yalnizligimdabogul · 1 year
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taycheshire · 2 years
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Very confused, but Hey! I might as well try!
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
the annual wattpad awards are happening again and for the third year in a row i’m trying to convince myself that i can finish my original book and post it in time for them
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maneausten · 3 months
I am trying to locate the title of a Wattpad book I read as an impressionable youth. It might have been a Watty winner but I don’t remember at this point. It was highly recommended on the app and was on the same level of marketing as work like The Last She.
Basically, the OC falls in love with Hades. I don’t remember how she gets to the Underworld but I think it was for her safety. I remember that she was a dancer, maybe ballet. This is relevant because the only other major plot point I can remember is that she goes in to some room that changes to whatever your heart desires, and she changed it in to a dance studio and danced until her feet bleed.
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evelyn-biassi · 6 months
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Hola gente, vengo a anunciar la retirada de mi novela "Heros" de la plataforma de wattpad, y ustedes me dirán... ¿por qué? Simplemente la plataforma no ha sabido apreciar mis esfuerzos durante todo este tiempo, por lo que he decidido retirarla para no darle el gusto de dejar algo que me ha tocado hacer por un buen tiempo. Por otro lado, yo seguiré escribiendo en la plataforma de una forma un poco más paulatina debido a mi condición de vida y porque la misma, como ya dije, desestima a los escritores latinos, y como sabrán, mi meta no es permanecer en el anonimato para siempre, porque muchos saben que deseo vivir de esto, por lo que tengo que poner medidas al respecto y proteger mis obras, en especial porque ya me piratearon 2 y un tramite de semejante calibre no es barato de hacer, y más en un país tan destrozado como lo es la Argentina. Es lamentable, pero es una realidad a la que estamos sujetos muchos y que nadie queda exento, pero como dije, voy a seguir escribiendo, y les traeré historias mientras tras vestidores diseño otras para concursos. Por otro lado, volviendo con Heros, será retirado mañana a las 5 de la tarde, horario argentino, así que disfruten mientras puedan.
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jasminedade · 9 months
Hi! It would mean a lot if you guys checked out my story.
Title: Aftershock
Link: https://neobook.org/book/5MuiQajs6sFP4swx/
Word count: 45k
Description: In the midst of chaos and devastation, fate intervenes in the most unexpected way. While anxiously awaiting a flight to her dad's funeral, Autumn Blake finds herself trapped in an airport bathroom after an earthquake. However, she soon finds out that she is not alone and well known celebrity, Lexi Harlow, has been imprisoned alongside her. Little do they know they are both dealing with their own grief. Memories of Autumn's strained relationship with her dad weigh heavily on her as she battles the decision of whether she should actually attend his funeral. Lexi's past constantly haunts her as she tries to move forward and grow from the pain. Confined within the walls, secluded from the outside world, will they spiral into madness? Amidst the chaos will they find solace within each other or will they remain stuck both literally and figuratively?
Rating: M
Tags: love, romance, lgbt, forced proximity, grief, loss, drugs, death, suicide, trapped, earthquake
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nunchi-wattpad · 1 year
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unagocciadipioggia · 10 months
E' doloroso avere solo Tumblr come compagnia oggi, spero perlomeno di riuscire a raggiungere le 30 000 parole per il concorso.
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yalnizligimdabogul · 1 year
Biliyor musunuz , gerçekten denedim onlara alışıp ortama girmeye çalışmayı,daha iyi bir ortam bulmak için çalışmayı,çok çabaladım ancak onların ne kadar etraflarına zorba kaba davrandıklarını ne kadar iğrenç insanlar olduklarını öğrendiğimdeyse ,kısa bir anlığına iğrendim kendimden .
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tomitomitomi · 1 year
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Parcialmente Nublado - Tamine Rasse Cartes
La vida le sonríe a Sunny, un chico risueño que ha vivido toda su vida en un pequeño pueblo costero que recientemente ha ganado popularidad entre los turistas. Él y Violeta son los mejores amigos desde que tienen memoria, y aunque sus vidas no siempre son fáciles, ambos están decididos a mirar las cosas con la mayor esperanza posible.
Blas es un chico avergonzado de su pasado, quien está decidido a aprovechar el traslado de su padre como una oportunidad para reinventarse en un lugar donde nadie lo conoce. Que su familia sea la encargada de abrir el primer centro comercial del lugar ciertamente ayuda, especialmente cuando la hija del gobernador lo reclama como suyo.
El problema es que el pasado de Blas no está dispuesto a dejarlo ir, y Sunny deberá aprender que a veces sonreirle a la adversidad no es suficiente para hacer que el corazón deje de doler.
Lee en:
Candy Crush
art: https://twitter.com/Lychan_
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nunchigoya · 2 years
Newest chapter of I don’t Bite is Up!!!!!
Violet and Ryan are headed into junior year ready for things to be the same as always, just Violet and Ryan… until Zack shows up and Ryan changes. One day into the new year and Ryan has already skipped the first week of school and with no one else around to keep her company Violet finds herself drawn to Zack. Why is he so easy to talk to? 
As Ryan pulls away Violet finds herself a new friend in Zack and Zack filters into her life in every spacRyan once occupied. 
but why does Ryan hate Zack so much, is it jsut because of his interest in violet or is something else. 
Ryan and Violet have been friends forever but junior year may prove to be more of a challenge than they expected especially when her best friend turns out to be your favorite mythical creature and his mortal enemy is her new friend.
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lucieleud · 2 years
''Cuando Hoy es 22 de Diciembre, Cumples 16 años y La Alarma suena a las 5:30 AM''
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Cada 22 de Diciembre, es mi cumpleaños y ahora estoy cumpliendo 16 años...
Keyssi Stanley.
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