#vowles and a few consonant exceptions can be extended for effect
thatone-highlighter ยท 3 years
I have a pet peeve to do with writing sometimes
So when you write something where you or a character is drawing out the length of the word
Do so in a way you can actually pronounce, it not only makes it better to read aloud and more consistent, it's generally more aesthetically pleasing as well
As a general rule if you don't wanna have to check every time, you can draw out vowel sounds, and not consanat sounds. Tho of course there are a few exceptions and they all have to do with the shape of your mouth and how it makes the sound
Letters like a, e, I, o, u and h, are open sounds, you pronounce them with an almost or completely open mouth (the sounds they make not the letters themselves), these are letters you can draw out as long as you can breath out
Most consonant letters rely on changing the shape of your mouth to make the sound (think B, C, K, D, J, P, etc) these make up a good amount of letters and are letters you can't draw out at all
Some consonants have some interesting qualities, M, N, F and S while are not open sounds are letters you can hold because you don't move your mouth when you say them (you can read mmmm or sssnake and know exactly how those sound even tho the consonants are extended) its much less common for N and F but you can hold those sounds
Thank you, let me know if I've made any mistakes
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