#volim se
ramonaofmanyfandoms · 7 months
😂😂..daa? Pozdrav iz susjedstva :> 🇭🇷🌸 !
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ashmp3 · 5 months
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happy birthday ajla @egos my dearest friend… i love you so much and i wish you all the happiness in the universe 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼💖🌟🫶🏻
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mishkakagehishka · 3 months
Ja san mokri san svakog studenta psihologije/sociologije/itd jer ja tako obožavan ispunjavat anketice
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da-riya · 1 year
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kontra-svijeta · 2 years
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effervescentdragon · 7 days
joško jebem li ti sunce da ti jebem
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kradljivac-kostiju · 8 months
današnji vajb 🥰
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intomesea · 8 months
Stvarno nekad mrzim kako su većina muškarca odgojena da ne trebaju ništa radit po kući osim kad ih se pita da nešto naprave, počivši od mog starog koji ništa ne radi po cijeli dan, a mama koja je neizlječivo bolesna i pere i kuha i usisava kad se osjeća da ima snage.
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babaroqa · 1 year
nisam imala ni najblažeg pojma da je nina badrić ikad bila na euroviziji lol tko je nju poslao
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ragnarsdaughter · 1 year
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god bless
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da-riya · 1 year
Me: I mostly listen to foreign music idk
Me 3 seconds after hearing a song sung in my language:
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toskadosta · 8 months
da znas
ja sam sada bolja da znas
ne pijem vise
ne tugujem vise
da znas i da nemam nijedan ispit za septembar!
ja sam sada sretnija da znas
ja sada imam pet prijatelja
i ne izlazim vise kao prije
sada vise volim prirodu da znas
i planinarim
i idem na piknike
i cijenim sve oko sebe puno vise
ja sebe sada puno vise volim da znas.
nikad vise se ne bih tebi vratila
i nikad vise ne bih iste stvari trpila
i nikad za nikad neces vise da vidis staru ja
da znas.
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illusionsdelusions101 · 4 months
Language ~Jude Bellingham 
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        (Had an idea that the reader speaks a different language, but I don’t speak anything other than Croatian, and I don’t want to google translate stuff, so enjoy!)        “Babe?” Jude entered your bedroom, looking for you. You were on the bed and signalled to him to stay quite with your finger over your lips. “Da, čut ćemo se uskoro, bok!" You take the phone off your ear and hang up on the phone. Jude looks at you with a puzzled look. “Was that Croatian?” He goes and sits on the edge of the bed. “Yeah.” You smile, Jude only spoke English and a bit of German, you on the other hand spoke English, Croatian, (+ Any other language you actually speak).  
“Can you teach me some?” He asked. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, Jude always complained that whenever you spoke another language, he wouldn’t understand, and he got a bit mad at times.  You would often switch languages when you argued with him, he would be upset after, he thought you cursed him out or said something bad about him. You would always reassure him after though, telling him that you were only saying stuff about the topic you were arguing on. 
“Is there something in general you would like to learn?” You move next to him, sitting cross legged but instead, he pulled you into his lap. “We’ll get to that later, baby. How about, whenever I get something write, I get a kiss....?” He smirks. Your cheeks turn a dark red. “Sure..” You say shyly. “I want to learn how to say, “I love you.”” he says. “That’s ‘volim te.’” You say slowly so he can figure out each syllable. “Volim te.” He repeats. You nod approvingly and he goes and gives your lips a lingering kiss.  
You throw your head back laughing. “No! The lj is like a lyuh sound!” You say giggling. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SOUND?” Jude asks with wide eyes. You laugh harder and he starts too as well. He slides his hands to your ass and gives them a little squeeze. “Babe... Can you teach me to say something?” He whispers in your ear. “Of course, what do you want to know?” You grin. “I want to fuck.” He grazes your ear lobe. Your face turns a dark shade of red. “Želim jebati..” You whisper. He moves his hands up to your waist and then he flips you onto the bed, you underneath him. “Želim jebati.” He repeats. 
Let’s say, you both had a lot of fun learning languages that night. 
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