fictionkinfessions · 3 years
(please post on 25th may)
Truth, Justice, Freedom and a hard boiled egg.
Cecil Clapman, Horace Nancyball, Billy Wiglet, Dai Dickins, Ned Coates, John Keel and (temporarily) Reg Shoe.
How could I doubt for even one moment that I wouldn't remember them in this life. I remember them as clear as day, I remember everything as if it happened yesterday.
Lucky me there's a lilac bush infront of my window..
How do they rise up?
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im in a vimes shift and i suddenly want to be a policeman?? i just wrote up a whole school plan that would best assist me in getting a job before i snapped out of it. i just wanna be a copper again ya know?? clean up the street with all the shit that's going on in the world ~🔬
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