#vastu shastra in hindi
jeevanjali · 1 month
Shakun Shastra: कौवे का घर में आना किस बात का है संकेत जानिएShakun Shastra:अक्सर आपने कौवों को अपने घरों में या खिड़की-दरवाजों में आकर बैठे हुए देखा होगा। हालाँकि, ऊपरी तौर पर यह एक सामान्य बात है। लेकिन ज्योतिष शास्त्र में घर में कौए के आने का विशेष महत्व है।
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bestastrologyblog · 5 months
vastu for house plan and exact future predictions free
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Vastu Shastra, an old Indian science, holds the way to orchestrating the energies in and around our living spaces. The expression "Vastu" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Vas" meaning abiding and "Tu" meaning you. Basically, Vastu Shastra is the study of engineering that oversees the standards of plan, design, estimations, ground readiness, space course of action, and spatial maths. Its underlying foundations can be followed back to the Vedic period, where it is accepted to have started around 6000 BCE. The information on Vastu was at first passed down orally from one age to another, and it was ultimately archived in old texts like the "Manasara" and "Matamata vastu consultant bhubaneswar.
The centre way of thinking of Vastu Shastra spins around establishing a living climate that is together as one with the regular components and grandiose energies. As indicated by Vastu, the universe is made out of five essential components - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. These components are additionally present in our bodies, and adjusting them in our living spaces is fundamental for by and large prosperity. The old sages and researchers who figured out Vastu Shastra accepted that the legitimate arrangement of these components in a construction could improve the positive energies and relieve the negative ones of the vastu consultant near me.
One of the essential standards of Vastu Shastra is the direction of a structure, which includes situating it in a manner that considers greatest openness to daylight and legitimate ventilation. The entry of a house, for example, assumes an urgent part in directing positive energy. As per Vastu, the entry ought to preferably confront the east, as it is connected with the rising sun and represents fresh starts and positive energy. The essential arrangement of rooms, furniture, and different components inside the construction is likewise directed by Vastu standards. For example, the main room is frequently prescribed to be in the southwest corner of the house, while the kitchen, related with the component of fire, is best positioned in the southeast as per vastu sleeping position.
Vastu Shastra expands its impact past private spaces to business and modern structures too. Organisations and enterprises that stick to Vastu standards are accepted to encounter upgraded efficiency, monetary solidness, and by and large achievement. The position of workplaces, work areas, and even hardware is painstakingly considered to guarantee an agreeable progression of energy. Vastu specialists are frequently sought to give direction on the plan and format of corporate workplaces, guaranteeing a helpful and positive workplace accurate life prediction by date of birth free .
Notwithstanding the actual parts of engineering and plan, Vastu Shastra likewise digs into the mystical and otherworldly elements of the room. The science underlines the significance of positive vibrations and energy stream, upholding the utilisation of explicit materials and varieties to improve these viewpoints. Precious stones, mirrors, and consecrated calculation are frequently utilised in Vastu to enhance positive energies and divert negative ones from marriage prediction by date of birth .
The effect of Vastu Shastra isn't restricted to the Indian subcontinent; its standards have earned respect and acknowledgment worldwide. Numerous planners and fashioners all over the planet integrate Vastu rules into their ventures to make spaces that are stylishly satisfying as well as helpful for the prosperity of the tenants. The developing interest in Vastu can be ascribed to the rising consciousness of the association between our living surroundings and our physical and psychological wellness of detailed life predictions free.
As of late, the field of Vastu has seen a resurgence with the ascent of all encompassing living and the accentuation of prosperity. Numerous people are going to Vastu experts to investigate their homes or workplaces and make proposals for establishing a more adjusted and positive climate. The incorporation of Vastu standards with present day engineering and configuration has prompted the improvement of a contemporary methodology known as "Neo-Vastu," which adjusts conventional Vastu ideas to suit the requests of current ways of life free online janam kundli in hindi reading.
Regardless of its boundless acknowledgment, Vastu Shastra has a portion of doubters questioning its logical premise. Pundits contend that the standards of Vastu need exact proof and depend on notion. In any case, defenders of Vastu argue that its viability lies in the comprehensive methodology it takes towards making an amicable living space, taking into account both the physical and magical perspectives.
All in all, Vastu Shastra remains as a demonstration of the old insight that perceived the complex association between our living spaces and our general prosperity. Whether one decides to completely embrace its standards or view them with suspicion, the persevering through ubiquity of Vastu mirrors an immortal interest with establishing conditions that advance equilibrium, inspiration, and thriving. As we explore the intricacies of present day life, the antiquated study of Vastu keeps on offering bits of knowledge into how we can make spaces that cover us as well as sustain our physical, mental, and profound selves free astrology consultation.
Past the physical and otherworldly aspects, Vastu Shastra likewise investigates the mental effect of our environmental elements. The course of action of spaces and the utilisation of explicit varieties, surfaces, and components are accepted to impact our considerations, feelings, and conduct. For instance, a sufficiently bright and messy front room with calming tones is remembered to advance unwinding and congruence, while a work area with energetic varieties and coordinated designs might upgrade inventiveness and concentration.
Vastu Shastra is definitely not an unbending arrangement of rules yet rather an adaptable system that can be adjusted to individual inclinations and requirements. It perceives that every individual is interesting, and consequently, the utilisation of its standards might change in light of elements like individual crystal gazing and way of life. Vastu specialists frequently consider these singular distinctions while giving suggestions, offering customised arrangements that line up with the particular energies of the tenants life predictions by date of birth.
The impact of Vastu stretches out to arranging and the plan of open air spaces also. Gardens and open regions around a home or office are viewed as necessary to the generally Vastu balance. Trees, plants, and water highlights are decisively positioned to upgrade the progression of positive energy. Conventional Vastu standards likewise consolidate the idea of the "Brahmasthan," the focal region of a structure, which is accepted to be a strong and consecrated space. Keeping this region open and liberated from weighty designs is remembered to permit positive energies to transmit all through the whole construction.
Lately, the coordination of innovation with Vastu has led to advanced Vastu arrangements. There are presently portable applications and online instruments that can give Vastu direction to homes and workplaces. These advanced stages frequently permit clients to enter the design of their spaces and get proposals in light of Vastu standards. While certain idealists might scrutinise the legitimacy of such applications, they demonstrate the flexibility of Vastu Shastra to contemporary ways of life and the advancing scene of innovative marriage life prediction by date of birth.
It is vital to take note of the fact that the act of Vastu Shastra isn't restricted to private and business spaces alone. It is likewise applied to the development of sanctuaries, mosques, and other strict designs, underlining the association between profound energy and compositional plan. The perplexing carvings, designs, and directions of these consecrated structures frequently follow Vastu standards to make spaces that work with profound development and contemplation.
All in all, Vastu Shastra stays an entrancing mix of old insight and present day pertinence. That's what it's persevering through prominence recommends, regardless of social and geological contrasts, there is a general human craving to make living spaces that resound with positive energy. Whether one completely embraces the conventional standards of Vastu or integrates them into a more contemporary methodology, the pith of this old science lies in its acknowledgment of the significant effect our environmental factors have on our comprehensive prosperity. As we keep on investigating new boondocks in engineering, plan, and comprehensive living, the standards of Vastu Shastra offer an immortal manual for making spaces that cover our bodies as well as feed our brains and spirits. Visit the best astrology site myastron.com.
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ramawtarjat · 1 year
वास्तुशास्त्री को ज्ञान की प्राप्ति 
FAQ.....फेंगशुई क्या हैं ?
एक व्यक्ति जिसका नाम मलय था उसने अपने जीवन में बहुत अधिक उन्नति की और जयपुर में ज़मीन ख़रीद कर उसपर आलीशान घर बनाकर सपरिवार रहने लगा,उस भूमि पर पहले से ही एक खूबसूरत स्विमिंग पूल बना हुआ था और पीछे की ओर एक 100 साल पुराना आम का पेड़ भी लगा हुआ था। Read More......
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
Vastu Shastra Tips In Hindi For Home, Office
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वास्तु शास्त्र वास्तुकला पर सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्राचीन भारतीय ग्रंथों में से एक है। यह किसी भी स्थान पर स्वस्थ और शुभ वातावरण बनाने के लिए दिशा-निर्देश प्रदान करता है, चाहे वह किसी व्यक्ति का घर हो या सार्वजनिक स्थान। इस लेख में, हम आपको अधिक सामंजस्यपूर्ण वातावरण बनाने में मदद करने के लिए कुछ Vastu Shastra Tips Hindi में साझा करेंगे।
वास्तु शास्त्र वास्तुकला और डिजाइन की एक प्रणाली है जिसकी उत्पत्ति भारत में हुई थी। वास्तु शास्त्र के पीछे दर्शन यह है कि एक घर को प्राकृतिक नियम या कंपन के सिद्धांतों के अनुसार डिजाइन किया जाना चाहिए।
इसमें यह सुनिश्चित करना शामिल है कि दरवाजे और खिड़कियां सही जगहों पर हैं, फर्नीचर को उन्मुख करना ताकि यह ऊर्जा प्रवाह में बाधा न डाले, और सजावटी सुविधाओं को स्थापित करना जो आसपास के वातावरण के अनुरूप हों।
आप अपने घर के आकार और दिशा का निर्धारण कैसे करते हैं?
स्वास्थ्य और समृद्धि को बेहतर बनाने के लिए वास्तु शास्त्र की सही समझ होना जरूरी है। वास्तुकला का प्राचीन हिंदू विज्ञान हमारे घरों को उनके प्राकृतिक प्रवाह और ऊर्जा के अनुसार डिजाइन करने में हमारा मार्गदर्शन करता है।
वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार, प्रत्येक घर का अपने परिवेश में संतुलन बनाने के लिए एक विशिष्ट आकार और दिशा होनी चाहिए।
वास्तु तीन तत्वों से बना है: राजा (राजा), तुला (तारा) और नक्षत्र (स्थान)। ये तत्व मिलकर एक ज्यामिति बनाते हैं जो एक इमारत को आकार देती है। अपने घर के आकार और आकार की गणना करने के कई तरीके हैं, लेकिन ऐसा करने का सबसे सटीक तरीका वास्तु शास्त्र के विशेषज्ञ से सलाह लेना है।
वास्तु क्या है? आपके घर में वास्तु सिद्धांतों का पालन करने के क्या लाभ हैं?
इसमें आपके घर की ऊर्जा में सुधार के लिए कुछ सुझाव दिए गए हैं। घर की ऊर्जा का निर्धारण करने में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कारकों में से एक वस्तुओं और फर्नीचर का स्थान है। शुरुवात करने में आपकी सहायता के लिए यहां 25 Vastu Shastra Tips Hindi में दी गई हैं:
अगर आपको वास्तु शास्त्र के बारे में और जानकारी चाहिए तो किसी Expert Astrologer की सहायता ले.
1) मोर का पंख घर के पूर्वी और उत्तर-पश्चिम दीवार पर लगाने से राहू का दोष दूर होता है, कालसर्प दोष दूर करने के लिये भी मोरपंख को तकिये के अन्दर रखा जाता है. यदि रात में डरावने सपने आते हों तो मोर पंख को अपने तकिये के नीचे रख लें और सोते समय जले रक्षतु वाराहः स्थले रक्षतु वामनः अटव्यां नारसिंहश्च सर्वतः पातु केशवः इस मन्त्र का जाप करें, ऐसा करने से डरावने सपने नहीं आते हैं.
2) वास्तु विज्ञान के अनुसार लाल रंग के फूल जीवन में उत्साह और उमंग लाते हैं. इस रंग के फूल बगीचे या घर के दक्षिण में लगाना चाहिये। ईस दिशा में लाल फूल लगाने से यश और कीर्ति मिलती है. इसके अलावा बगीचे की दक्षिण दिशा में लाल गुलाब और गुड़हल का पौधा लगाना शुभ माना जाता है, इससे पति-पत्नी के जीवन में भी प्रेम बढ़ता है.
3) मनी प्लांट की जड़ो को कभी भी जमीन पर न फैलाएं इसे दीवारों के सहारे ऊपर की ओर जाने देना चाहिए, इससे धन की वृद्धि होती है. 
4) वास्तु के अनुसार बच्चों के कमरे में नीले, गुलाबी या हरे रंग के पर्दे लगाने चाहिए, यह रंग शांति और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य का संकेत माना जाता है और इससे बच्चों का मन भी पढ़ाई में लगा रहता है.
5) रसोई में कभी भी दवाई नहीं रखनी चाहिए, ऐसा करने से स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याएं उत्पन्न होती हैं और जीवन में सुख की कमी भी होती है। दवाई हमेशा घर की ईशान कोण में रखनी चाहिए। दवाओं को उत्तर-पूर्व दिशा में रखने से भी इन दवाओं का सकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ता है और स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी बना रहता है।
6) यदि कोई व्यक्ति तनावग्रस्त या मानसिक रूप से परेशान है तो प्रतिदिन मिट्टी के बने गमले से पौधों को पानी दें। आप किसी भी पेड़ या पौधे में मिट्टी के बर्तन से पानी डाल सकते हैं। रोजाना ऐसा करने से मानसिक शांति मिलती है और नकारात्मकता और तनाव से मुक्ति मिलती है। घर में मिट्टी के छोटे-छोटे सजावटी बर्तन रखने से भी रिश्तों में मधुरता बनी रहती है।
7) किसी भी कार्य की सफलता के लिए घर से निकलने से पहले जाते समय रोटी हाथ में लें। रास्ते में जहां कहीं भी कौवे दिखें, उस रोटी को टुकड़ों में काटकर आगे बढ़ा दें, इससे सफलता मिलती है।
8) घर में कलश में शुद्ध जल भरकर अशोक या आम के पत्तों को लाल धागे से बांधना चाहिए। इस तरह से कलश रखने से स्वास्थ्य, समृद्धि और कल्याण में वृद्धि होती है। इसे घर के मंदिर में स्थापित करना शुभ होता है, इसे भी समय-समय पर बदलते रहना चाहिए।
9) क्रसुला का पौधा धन को चुंबक की तरह आकर्षित करता है। घर में क्रसुला का पौधा लगाने से सकारात्मक ऊर्जा आती है। वास्तु शास्त्र में ऐसा माना जाता है कि इस पौधे को रखने से घर में धन की वृद्धि होती है।
10) सोमवार के उपाय व्यवसाय में उन्नति के लिए सोमवार के दिन शिव-मंदिर में जाकर दूध मिश्रित जल शिवलिंग पर चढ़ाएं। महीने की किसी भी पूर्णिमा को जल में दूध मिला कर चन्द्रमा को अर्घ्य देकर व्यवसाय में उन्नति की प्रार्थना करें, तुरन्त ही असर दिखाई देगा।
11) अगर आप अक्सर माइग्रेन या सिर दर्द से परेशान रहते हैं तो घर को चमेली, मेंहदी और शीशम की खुशबू से भर दें। वास्तु के अनुसार इन फूलों की सुगंध से मानसिक शांति मिलती है और घर में सुख-समृद्धि भी बनी रहती है।
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nisthadhawani · 2 years
महिलाओं के इस दिन बाल धोने से आ सकता है संकट
महिलाओं के इस दिन बाल धोने से आ सकता है संकट
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anuranjinee · 2 years
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Vastu Shastra: घर की इस दिशा में भूलकर भी ना लगाएं आइना, हो सकता है बड़ा नुकसान
Vastu Shastra: घर की इस दिशा में भूलकर भी ना लगाएं आइना, हो सकता है बड़ा नुकसान
Image Source : INDIA TV वास्तु शास्त्र Highlights जानिए किस दिशा में नहीं लगाना चाहिए आइना गलत जगह में लगा आइना कर सकता है नुकसान जानिए क्या होती है समस्या Vastu Shastra For Mirror: वास्तु शास्त्र में आज आचार्य इंदु प्रकाश से जानिए कि घर और ऑफिस में दर्पण या आइना लगाने की सही दिशा कौन सी है। क्योंकि गलत दिशा में लगा आइना आपको मुश्किल में डाल सकता है।  इन दिशाओं में ना लगाएं आइना  वास्तु…
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ridhibahl · 26 days
Demystifying Decisions for Success: Business Astrology with Ridhi Bahl Across the Globe
In today's dynamic business landscape, from the high-flying tech startups of Bengaluru to the established corporations of London and New York, navigating the complexities of the market requires a multifaceted approach. While traditional business strategies are crucial, there's a growing trend among entrepreneurs worldwide to tap into the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology – a practice known as Business Astrology.
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Vedic Astrology: Unveiling the Cosmic Blueprint for Your Business
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish Shastra in Hindi, is a time-tested system that analyzes the planetary positions at the time a business is established. This intricate "cosmic blueprint" holds valuable insights into the inherent strengths, potential challenges, and optimal timing for crucial decisions.
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With an in-depth understanding of Vedic principles and extensive experience, Ridhi Bahl acts as your trusted advisor, deciphering the cosmic blueprint of your business. Her consultations delve into:
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Business Astrology goes beyond external factors. Ridhi Bahl understands the importance of internal dynamics. By analyzing the birth charts of key team members, she can provide insights into:
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Distance is no barrier to unlocking the power of Business Astrology. Ridhi Bahl offers virtual consultations, making her guidance accessible to clients across the globe – from the heart of Wall Street to the vibrant streets of Melbourne.
Empowering Businesses to Make Strategic Decisions
Business Astrology is not about predetermined destinies. It's a tool for self-awareness and strategic planning. By collaborating with Ridhi Bahl, you can:
Identify Your Business's Cosmic Advantages: Leverage the inherent astrological strengths of your business to gain a competitive edge.
Navigate Challenges Proactively: Address potential roadblocks based on planetary influences to ensure a smoother path to success.
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In today's competitive marketplace, every advantage counts. By incorporating Business Astrology into your strategy, you gain a unique perspective, allowing you to navigate market forces, optimize your team dynamics, and unlock the full potential of your venture.
Take the First Step Towards Prosperity
Visit ridhibahl.com to schedule your consultation with Ridhi Bahl, your trusted Business Astrology and Astro-Vastu Consultant. Together, you can embark on a transformative journey towards success, unlocking the hidden potential within your business, no matter your location – be it the dynamic streets of Mumbai, the thriving tech hubs of Sydney, or the established markets of London.
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constructionswala · 5 months
वास्तु शास्त्र के द्वारा बनाए गए घरों के लाभ और महत्व | Top construction blog in Hindi
घरों में सफलता और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा के लिए घर का निर्माण वास्तु शास्त्र(Vastu Shastra) के द्वारा किया जाना चाहिए। आज के समय में लगभग हर घर काअपने ��र का निर्माण कराने से पहले वास्तु शास्त्र के बिंदुओं को जरूर देखते हैं। जब कोई भी घर स्वामी अपने घर का निर्माण करता हैं, तो वह वास्तु शास्त्र के द्वारा बताई गई मुख्य दिशाओं का विशेष ध्यान देता हैं। ताकि उसके घरों में कोई बाधा न आने पाए और सुख व्याप्त रहे। तो आइए जानते हैं कि किस प्रकार से वास्तु को घर निर्माण करने के दौरान बहुत ही उपयोगी बताया गया हैं |
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How Vastu can change your life and accurate astrology predictions free
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Vastu Shastra, frequently alluded to as Vastu, is an old Indian structural and plan framework that spotlights the amicable arrangement of a structure or space with regular and enormous powers. It is established in the conviction that the format, direction, and plan of a design can significantly influence the prosperity, flourishing, and joy of individuals living or working inside it. Vastu depends on an intricate arrangement of rules that consider different variables, including the direction of the structure, the situation of rooms and components, and the utilization of explicit materials.
While there is no logical proof to support the cases made by Vastu, it remains a generally rehearsed custom in India and different regions of the planet. In this article, we will investigate how Vastu is accepted to function and the key rules that guide its application of accurate life prediction by date of birth free.
1. Inestimable Energies and Headings:
Vastu puts a critical accentuation on the progression of enormous energies, particularly the energy of the sun. It is believed that the world’s pivot and the cardinal bearings (North, South, East, and West) impact the progression of energy inside a construction. Every heading is related to explicit traits, and Vastu standards recommend that specific capabilities are the most appropriate to explicit bearings. For instance, the North is related to abundance and flourishing, while the East is related to wellbeing and prosperity marriage prediction by date of birth.
The standard of direction is one of the major parts of Vastu. As per Vastu, a structure ought to preferably confront the East or the North to permit the positive energy of the rising sun to enter the design. The South and West are viewed as less great headings because of their relationship with negative energies and exact future predictions free.
2. Five Components (Panchabhutas):
Vastu additionally considers the five components of nature, which are Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Space (Akasha). These components are accepted to impact the equilibrium and congruity inside a structure. The legitimate joining of these components is remembered to decidedly affect the tenants’ lives and marriage prediction
For instance, Earth is related to soundness and is many times connected with the underpinning of a structure. Water is related to the progression of energy and is frequently connected to the situation of water bodies and water stockpiling in a property. Fire addresses energy and is connected with the area of the kitchen and the utilization of chimneys. Air is associated with ventilation and is critical for keeping a new and sound climate. Space addresses the ether, which permits different components to exist and work as one.
3. Vaastu Purusha Mandala:
Vastu integrates the idea of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala, a mysterious figure that addresses the energy and cognizance of a site or building. This Mandala is a network that partitions space into different areas, each related to explicit gods and characteristics. The legitimate arrangement of rooms, spaces, and works inside the Mandala is accepted to establish an agreeable climate, true marriage predictions free.
The focal point of the Mandala is viewed as the most hallowed space, and it is related to the center energy of the site or building. The different bearings and zones inside the Mandala are related to explicit divinities and standards, and it is critical to adjust spaces and works likewise to guarantee equilibrium and prosperity accurate life prediction by date of birth free in hindi.
4. Room Situations and Capabilities:
Vastu recommends explicit rules for the situation of rooms and works inside a structure. For instance:
The main room ought to in a perfect world be in the South-West corner of the house as this is related to solidness and security.
The kitchen is best situated in the South-East corner, related to the fire component.
The parlor or drawing room is in many cases prescribed in the North or East to permit positive energy to stream into the house.
These proposals are created in light of the conviction that adjusting rooms to their related bearings and components can establish a more agreeable and prosperous climate for the tenants, exact future predictions free by date of birth.
5. Choice of Materials:
Vastu additionally gives rules on the determination of building materials. It is accepted that the selection of materials can impact the energy inside a structure. For example, utilizing particular kinds of wood or stone is remembered to improve positive energy, while utilizing materials that are considered unfavorable can have adverse consequences.
6. Cures and Rectifications:
In situations where it is absurd to expect to stick rigorously to Vastu standards because of compositional limitations or different variables, some cures and amendments can be applied. These can incorporate the utilization of explicit varieties, images, or protests to alleviate negative energy and improve positive energy. The utilization of Vastu cures is a typical practice to check any adverse consequences of rebelliousness with Vastu rules marriage prediction by date of birth.
How Vastu is Accepted to Function:
Vastu depends on the conviction that all that in the universe is interconnected, and the energy courses through everything. While a structure or space is planned and adjusted by Vastu standards, it is remembered to make an amicable progression of energy that emphatically influences the inhabitants. The particular systems by which Vastu is accepted to work can be summed up as follows free marriage prediction:
Improving Grandiose Energies: By adjusting a structure to the cardinal headings and other regular components, Vastu is remembered to permit the positive enormous energies to enter and course inside the space, helping the tenants. This is likened to tackling the helpful impacts of the sun, wind, and other regular components.
Adjusting the Five Components: Vastu means to keep an agreeable equilibrium of the five components inside a space. At the point when these components are in harmony, it is accepted to decidedly affect the prosperity and success of the occupants’s free marriage prediction by date of birth.
Improving Room Situations: Legitimate situation of rooms and works inside a structure is remembered to upgrade the personal satisfaction of the inhabitants. For instance, setting the main room in the Southwest corner is accepted to bring strength and security, while finding the kitchen in the Southeast corner is remembered to upgrade imperativeness and flourishing.
Vastu Purusha Mandala: The Vaastu Purusha Mandala is viewed as an enormous plan, and adjusting spaces and works to this matrix is accepted to take advantage of the fundamental energy of the site or building, encouraging a positive and agreeable climate marriage prediction calculator.
Utilization of Holy Calculation and Images: Vastu frequently integrates hallowed calculation and images, for example, yantras and mandalas, which are remembered to impact the energy of a space. These images are accepted to emanate positive vibrations and safeguard against negative energies.
Cures and Redresses: At the point when it is beyond the realm of possibilities to expect to follow Vastu standards impeccably, cures and adjustments are utilized to moderate adverse impacts and upgrade positive energy. This incorporates the utilization of varieties, images, and protests to adjust the energy inside a space.
Investigates and Impediments of Vastu:
While Vastu has a rich history and remains well known in many pieces of India, it is critical to take note that its standards are not experimentally demonstrated, and there are a few evaluates and impediments related to it:
Absence of Logical Proof: Vastu needs observational logical proof to help its cases. There is no substantial logical reason for the possibility that adjusting a structure to explicit bearings, components, and room situations can straightforwardly influence the prosperity or success of its tenants, complete marriage prediction.
Social and Local Varieties: Vastu standards can change by district and culture, making it trying to lay out a general arrangement of rules. What is viewed as favorable in one district might be thought of as unpropitious in another.
Building Requirements: Following severe Vastu, standards may not generally be possible because of engineering limitations, like the shape and size of a plot or the current design of a structure. This can cause difficulties in carrying out Vastu rules.
Subjectivity: The understanding of Vastu standards can be abstract, and various specialists might offer shifting counsel on a similar space. This subjectivity can prompt disarray and irregularity in its application marriage prediction free.
Overemphasis on Notion: At times, the unbending adherence to Vastu standards can prompt notion and dread, as individuals might keep away from specific bearings or activities dependent exclusively upon Vastu suggestions.
Vastu is an old building and plan framework with profound roots in Indian culture and reasoning. It depends on the conviction that the arrangement of a structure or space with grandiose energies and regular components can significantly influence the prosperity and thriving of its tenants. While Vastu has serious areas of strength and verifiable importance and stays well known in many pieces of India, moving toward it with a basic perspective is significant. Visit now Myastron.com for more vastu-related suggestions.
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jeevanjali · 2 months
Morning Mantra: रोज सुबह उठते ही करें इन मंत्रों का जाप, दिन रहेगा अच्छा और बनेंगे सारे काम Chant These Mantras in The Morning: सुबह के समय ऐसा कहा जाता है कि अगर दिन की शुरुआत अच्छी हो तो पूरा दिन सुखमय गुजरता है। यही वजह है कि हर कोई चाहता है कि उसके दिन की शुरुआत अच्छी हो।
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asrtron · 6 months
Get online solution of your marriage problem by our verified astrologer
Marriage problems can vary widely in nature and complexity, and they often require open communication, understanding, and effort from both partners to address and resolve. Common issues that couples may face in their marriage include. Communication problems: Many 2021 predictions by date of birth marital issues stem from a lack of effective communication. It's essential to express your thoughts and feelings honestly and listen actively to your partner.
Financial stress: Money-related conflicts can put a strain on a marriage. It's important to create a budget, set financial goals, and have open discussions about spending and saving. Intimacy issues: A lack of physical and emotional intimacy can cause problems in a marriage. Addressing 2021 horoscope by date of birth these issues may require open and honest conversations about your needs and desires.
Trust issues: Trust is the foundation of a healthy marriage. Rebuilding trust after it has been broken can be challenging but is often necessary for the relationship to heal. Infidelity: Infidelity can be a devastating issue in a marriage. It requires a great deal of work, therapy, and commitment from both partners to rebuild the relationship.
Differences in values and goals: Couples may face difficulties when their values, long-term goals, or priorities do not align. It's important to have discussions and find janam kundli in hindi free with predictions compromises that work for both partners. Parenting conflicts: Raising children can lead to disagreements about discipline, roles, and other parenting issues. Being on the same page and supporting each other as parents is crucial.
In-law problems: Conflicts with in-laws can impact a marriage. It's important to set boundaries and communicate openly with extended family members. Work-life balance: Balancing career and family life can be challenging. It's crucial to find a balance that allows both partners to pursue their goals while maintaining a strong relationship.
Emotional or physical abuse: Any form of abuse is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Seek help and support if you or your partner is experiencing abuse. To address marriage problems, consider the following steps. Open and honest communication: Discuss your concerns and feelings with your spouse in a respectful and non-confrontational manner.
Seek professional help: Marriage counseling or therapy can provide a safe and neutral space to address issues and work toward solutions. Invest in self-improvement: Sometimes, working on personal growth and self-awareness can positively impact your marriage. Practice free vedic astrology predictions life empathy and understanding: Try to see things from your partner's perspective and empathize with their feelings and needs.
Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with extended family, friends, and work to protect your marriage. Prioritize quality time together: Make an effort to spend quality time with your partner and nurture your emotional connection. Be patient and persistent: Resolving marriage problems may take time, and it often involves setbacks. Stay dedicated to the process.
It's important to remember that not all marriage problems can be resolved, and in some cases, separation or divorce may be the best solution for both partners. If you're facing marriage prediction date birth serious issues in your marriage, seeking the guidance of a professional therapist or counselor is highly recommended to help you navigate the challenges and make informed decisions about your future.
Vastu Puja, also known as Vastu Shanti or Vastu Shastra Puja, is a Hindu ritual performed to appease and seek the blessings of Vastu Purush, the deity or guardian of directions and the physical environment of a space. Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural technological information that focuses on harmonizing the format and format of buildings with natural forces and energies to create a positive and harmonious living or working environment.
Here are some key points about Vastu Puja. The primary purpose of Vastu Puja is to ensure that a newly constructed home or building adheres to the principles of Vastu life prediction by date of birth Shastra, which are believed to bring prosperity, well-being, and happiness to the occupants. It is performed to mitigate any negative influences and create a balanced, positive atmosphere in the space.
Timing: Vastu Puja is typically conducted before the commencement of construction, during the foundation-laying ceremony, or when moving into a new property. It can also be performed as a remedial measure for an existing property facing Vastu-related marriage life prediction by date of birth issues. Rituals: The specific rituals and customs associated with Vastu Puja may vary depending on regional and family traditions. However, it generally involves the worship of deities, such as Lord Ganesha, Lord Vishwakarma (the divine architect), and Vastu Purush, as well as the recitation of Vedic mantras. The ceremony often includes offerings of flowers, fruits, and other auspicious items.
Expert Guidance: Many people consult Vastu experts or priests life predictions by date of birth who have knowledge of Vastu Shastra to perform the puja. These experts can assess the property and provide recommendations to correct any Vastu defects. Benefits: It is believed that performing Vastu Puja can help in ensuring a harmonious and positive living or working environment, promote good health, and enhance overall well-being. It is also thought to enhance the energy flow within the space, making it conducive for success and prosperity.
Geographical Considerations: Vastu principles 2021 astrology predictions by date of birth can vary based on geographical location and regional beliefs, so the rituals and recommendations may differ in different parts of India. It's important to note that while Vastu Puja holds cultural and religious significance for many, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims of Vastu Shastra. Individuals choose to follow these principles based on tradition and personal beliefs. If you are considering Vastu Puja, it's a good idea to consult with a qualified Vastu expert or priest who can guide you through the process and provide recommendations tailored to your specific circumstances. To know more information about it you can visit the site www.myastron.com
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reikisthan · 11 months
Sakranti badal degi aapka jeevan !!! Dr. Y Rakhi Astrologer !!!
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Join this channel to get access to perks: I am practicing astrology since 20 years. I tell you the solutions which are very easy to follow and if you follow the solutions with faith , you will see the change in your life and get happiness and success. You can ask me any problems related to health, wealth, negative energies, job, marriage, children, business, and many more. Numerology, Feng-Shui, Vaastu Shastra , Reiki, Aura Cleaning, Card consultation, Crystal Healing, Signature, Tarot Course , Tarot Card, Love & Marriage Life, Match Making, Business Growth, Career Growth, Child Future, Child Health, Personal Consultancy, Marriage Horoscope, Business Partnership, Travel/Relocation, Astrology Analysis, Vedic Astrology Readings, Chinese Astrology, Stock Market Astrology, Celebrity Horoscope, , Love Horoscope, Corporate Growth, Gemstone, Pregnancy , Numerology Reading, Health Guidance , Tarot Card. WORK EXPERIENCE: Expertise - Tarot Card Reader/Fengsui/Vastu /Reiki Healer/Numerology/Colour Therapy /Astrology since 2005. Participated as Tarot Card Reader in Overseas Seminars (UK, Dubai, France, Singapore, Bangkok, Switzerland) and exhibitions. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Completed Reiki (First Degree) from DivyaChetna. Completed Feng Shui /Vastu/Numerology & Colour Therapy course from Holistic Foundation of India. Completed Tarot Card Reading course under guidance of Famous Tarot Reader “Shewta Sharma”. Completed Graduation (B.A. Hindi Hons) From Allahabad University in 2003. Completed Air Hostess Training from Flytech Aviation Academy – Hyderabad in 1999. Completed schooling from Vanasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan in 1998. Awarded Doctorate Philosophy(PhD) in Tarot Card Reading from Jyotish Vidyapeeth in Feb 2016 CURRENTLY ASSOCIATED WITH AAJ TAK INDIA TV ABP NEWS REPUBLIC BHARAT TV9 BHARATVARSH NEWS 18 ZEE NETWORK since 3 years LIVE INDIA INDIA NEWS JIA NEWS SAHARA NEWS P-7 NEWS TOTAL NEWS REAL 4HD NEWS SHREE NEWS FOCUS TV SHAGUN TV SANSKAR TV VARDAAN TV DHARAM TV HAMAR TV ADHAYTAM TV KALASH TV AWARDS March 2012 - Received award from “MAHAVIR INTERNATIONAL” BEAVER, RAJASTHAN for rendering free ASTROLOGY and VAASTU service. March 2013 - Received award from “MAHAVIR INTERNATIONAL” BEAVER, RAJASTHAN for rendering free ASTROLOGY and VAASTU service. March 2014 - Felicitated by “DEFENDER and MARVELLOUS” for exemplary work in the field of astrology in March 2014. July 2014 - Felicitated by “JEN MEDIA and MARVELLOUS” for valuable contribution in the field of astrology. March 2015 to 2020 - Received many prestigious awards for exemplary work and valuable contribution in the field of astrology. Among these some of the awards received from Hon’ble Chief Ministers of Goa, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh Instagram- @dryrakhi_official Facebook- Dr. Y Rakhi astrologer Twitter- Dr. Y Rakhi astrologer Tik Tok- @dryrakhi_official 5 Min StorizZ- BELIEVE IN KARMA- Dr. Y Rakhi Astrologer- #DRYRAKHI #DRYRAKHIYOUTUBECHANNEL #ASTROLOGER #ASTROCHARTS #KUNDALIMATCHING source Read the full article
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Why do people believe in vastu shastra
Vastu is well known as vastu shastra is an ancient hindu way for architecturing that uses mystical energies for luck and charm. People also believed vastu used houses are most of the lucky houses that bring prosperity, wealth, happiness in family, health, etc. vastu has been used over a 1000 of years and people still believe in this technique since this one actually works. There are still many people that find an astrologer and take a vastu service from him and the astrologer guides the direction of the house and the main door of the house.
Vastu shastra uses a compass for architecture. This compass has 8 sides. 4 main directions and 4 corner directions between 2 directions. Face or the doors and house should be according to the astrologer or you may face various problems in the family.  Arguments are like common problems if you don’t build a house according to the astrologer. Even if you are gonna stay you must live in a house suggested by the astrologer because the astrologer reads your fate and if your fate and lucky direction matches then you will get a massive success. You can get whatever you want because your luck is with you.
There are many kinds of vastu service you can get because there are many types of vastu service for different kinds of buildings. Suppose if you are gonna build an office you need to get a vastu for office service not a vastu for home cause family and workers have different kinds of energies and require different kinds of direction and the direction of the door. There is a different kind of service for temple building too. Using vastu for office can increase the number of big orders and may make your business super successful. 
Not knowing what vastu does, no one will get a vastu service. Let me explain this vastu thing for you. Vastu is a ancient mystical method that uses mystical energies to make a architecture of a house to build that brings prosperities, wealth, good health, peace in family etc. this vastu method uses vastu compass that has 8 directions, north direction, south direction, east direction, west direction, north-east direction, north-west direction, south-east direction and south-west direction. It is a good service if you wanna build a new house. This will help you live happily and with peace in life.
In horse painting vastu people hang a picture of 7 horses outside of the house in the south facing house. They hang it on south facing houses cause the south is considered the house of success and fame. Different people with different energy may have different luck and success directions. You can also hang this 7 horse pic on the east wall or north wall. But try hanging it in the south for more luck. Since the horses represent many good energies, that's why people hang them in their houses. It references progress, peace, achievement and strength. 
East facing house vastu plans are considered as one of the best directions because the sunlight directly hits the face of the house and sunlight is considered as good energy. East facing houses are considered as houses of prosperity and wealth. Majority of the peoples houses are east facing because they believe that vastu is not a myth, it’s a mystical science that is used for architecture. 
If you are about to build a house and if you believe in fate and luck then you must get a vastu service that can change your bad luck into good luck. You can get vastu services like south facing house vastu in hindi, east facing house vastu,...all directions of vastu house services. We don’t only provide vastu services, we also provide various kinds of services like kundli matching, astrology, numerology, tarot card reading, palmistry etc. visit our site to get one of those services or to get more information about the services and myths. Myastron.com
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
कहीं आपके घर में तो नहीं लगे हैं मेहंदी सहित ये पेड़-पौधे, तुरंत हटाएं वरना हो सकती है पैसों की तंगी और...
कहीं आपके घर में तो नहीं लगे हैं मेहंदी सहित ये पेड़-पौधे, तुरंत हटाएं वरना हो सकती है पैसों की तंगी और…
Image Source : INDIA TV Vastu Tips Vastu Tips: आमतौर पर लोग घर की सुंदरता और हरियाली के लिए पेड़-पौधे लगाते हैं। लेकिन वास्तु के अनुसार, घर-आंगन में इन्हें लगाना काफी शुभ माना जाता है। वास्तु में कई शुभ और अशुभ पेड़-पौधों के बारे में बताया गया है जिसका पालन करके आप अपने घर-परिवार में खुशहाली ला सकते हैं। आज हम आपको बताएंगे कौन से पौधे को घर में लगाने से आपको परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।…
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ridhibahl · 26 days
Charting Your Course to Success: Business Astrology with Ridhi Bahl Across the Globe
In the bustling metropolises of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Hyderabad, or the ambitious hubs of London, New York, and Sydney, the pursuit of business success is a constant hum. But in today's dynamic landscape, strategic planning and market analysis are just part of the equation. Discerning entrepreneurs and business leaders across India, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom are increasingly turning to the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology, a practice known as Business Astrology, to unlock their path to prosperity.
Business Astrology in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, India, United States (USA), Australia, London (United Kingdom)
Ridhi Bahl, a renowned Astro-Vastu Consultant based in India, offers a unique blend of Vedic astrology services and Vastu Shastra expertise, empowering businesses of all sizes, from the established giants of NCR (National Capital Region) to the burgeoning startups of Pune and Ahmedabad, to navigate the cosmic currents towards sustainable growth.
Vedic Astrology: Unveiling the Cosmic Blueprint
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish Shastra in Hindi, is a holistic system that analyzes the positions of planets and celestial bodies at the time of a business venture's inception. This intricate cosmic map reveals valuable insights into the inherent strengths, potential challenges, and optimal timing for crucial decisions.
Ridhi Bahl, Your Trusted Business Astrology Guide
With a deep understanding of Vedic principles and extensive experience, Ridhi Bahl acts as your trusted advisor, deciphering the cosmic blueprint of your business. Her consultations delve into:
Compatibility Analysis: Identifying the most synergistic partnerships and team compositions for optimal collaboration within your company.
Market Timing: Unveiling the most auspicious periods for product launches, marketing campaigns, and crucial financial decisions.
Risk Management: Forecasting potential hurdles and suggesting mitigating strategies based on planetary influences.
Brand Positioning: Aligning your brand identity and marketing efforts with favorable planetary alignments to attract the right clientele.
Beyond Business Astrology: The Power of Vastu Shastra
Ridhi Bahl's expertise extends beyond the celestial realm. As a seasoned Vastu Consultant, she integrates the principles of this ancient architectural science to optimize the flow of positive energy within your workspace, be it a corporate headquarters in Gurgaon or a bustling startup office in Chandigarh. Vastu-compliant design planning fosters:
Enhanced Productivity: A well-designed office space, aligned with Vastu principles, promotes focus, collaboration, and a more productive work environment.
Employee Well-being: By creating a harmonious spatial flow, Vastu fosters positive energy, leading to improved employee morale and reduced stress.
Increased Customer Traffic: Strategic layout and design elements, based on Vastu, can attract positive energy and create a welcoming environment for customers, boosting footfall and sales.
A Global Reach, Personalized Approach
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur in Mumbai or a budding business owner in London, distance is no barrier. Ridhi Bahl offers virtual consultations, making her guidance accessible to clients across the globe – from the heart of New York City to the vibrant streets of Sydney.
By combining the wisdom of Vedic astrology with the practical application of Vastu Shastra, Ridhi Bahl empowers businesses to make informed decisions, build harmonious workspaces, and navigate the cosmic currents towards sustainable success.
Unlocking the Potential Within
Business Astrology and Vastu Shastra are not about predetermined destinies, but rather tools for self-awareness and strategic planning. Ridhi Bahl's guidance empowers you to:
Identify Your Strengths: Leverage the inherent astrological advantages of your business.
Mitigate Challenges: Proactively address potential roadblocks based on planetary influences.
Embrace Optimal Timing: Make crucial decisions and launch initiatives during auspicious astrological periods.
Create a Harmonious Space: Design your workspace for success using the principles of Vastu Shastra.
Charting Your Course to Business Prosperity
In the ever-evolving world of business, a competitive edge is key. By incorporating the insights of Business Astrology and Vastu Shastra, you gain a unique perspective, allowing you to navigate the cosmic currents and unlock the full potential of your venture.
Contact Ridhi Bahl Today
Take the first step towards a prosperous future. Visit ridhibahl.com to schedule your consultation and embark on a transformative journey with Ridhi Bahl, your trusted Astro-Vastu Consultant. Together, you can unlock the hidden potential within your business and chart a course towards sustainable success, no matter your location – be it the dynamic streets of Mumbai or the global marketplace
See more
Business Astrology in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, India, United States (USA), Australia, London (United Kingdom)
Vastu Consultant in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, India, United States (USA), Australia, London (United Kingdom)
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