#vapor pressure example
er-cryptid · 10 months
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atlaculture · 2 months
I apologize if you’ve already done a post on this. Please link me to it if you have. I’m very interested in how the names from each of the 4 nations (except maybe the earth kingdom) use very similar sounds. In the water tribe you see a lot of K’s. The fire nation has Z’s and R’s. The air nomads seem to have a lot of A’s. Obviously the names themselves have meanings but I’m curious if there’s any purpose behind the names having similar phonetics and letters.
In the case of the Water Tribe, it's a reference to how prominent voiceless velar plosives, otherwise known as "kuh" sounds, are in Inuit languages. I have a post listing Inuit dictionaries here. A quick peak into any of these dictionaries will reveal quite a few "k"s:
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Similarly, most Air Nomad names are Tibetan in origin and Tibetan names have a lot of rounded "a" sounds.
@mostly-mundane-atla also has a funny post about how the Z came to be a staple sound of Fire Nation names.
On a more serious note, climate and geography affect what sounds are more common to a language. For example, "Kuh" sounds are very common in languages that developed in high altitudes, Inuit included. According to babbel.com, the theory goes:
...these sounds are easier to produce up high because at an altitude where there’s already less air pressure, it makes sense to communicate with compressed sounds that are easier to produce with the thinner air. Additionally, ejective phonemes [k sounds] require us to emit less water vapor when they’re uttered compared to other kinds of sounds. Losing too much water vapor at high altitudes can lead to dehydration and altitude sickness, so this linguistic feature may also be a biological adaptation that helps people survive in these climates.
I doubt the ATLA writers were thinking that deeply about which sounds would be more common in each nation's names--- they were simply drawing from their real life inspiration--- but it's a fun factor to consider when worldbuilding a fantasy culture.
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Sublimation is the process whereby a solid material transitions directly into a gaseous material. While all solids are technically capable of sublimation, bulk sublimation is relatively rare. Sublimation occurs if the vapor pressure of a solid is higher than the partial pressure of the same substance. Examples of materials that sublime more easily than others include carbon dioxide, arsenic, water, and iodine.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image - Wikipedia) (University of Calgary) (University of Toronto) (LibreTexts)
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
The difference between Victorian prudery and 50's prudery is that Victorian prudery was a genuinely reasonable response to the situation women lived in, while 50's TV prudery actually was stupid.
I've let this percolate for a bit because I wanted to collect my thoughts on it. And they vary depending on what Anon meant.
What I think this is trying to say is that, given the emphasis placed on women's reputations back then re: sexuality, it made sense for them to behave in an extremely straitlaced manner. Because (for most women) their lives would quite literally be destroyed if their virtue were seriously called into question. They would struggle to find employment or a husband, might be cut off by parents or other supporting entities, and could find themselves alone in the world with no means of support. And with that general idea, I agree. Pretty logical to refuse to even kiss a man before marriage if your entire livelihood is on the line.
(Not to mention, a working-class white woman, a middle-class white woman, a white heiress, and a woman of color regardless of social status all had different standards for what they could get away with. While they all lived under similar unfair standards and systemic misogyny...intersecting axes of oppression and privilege definitely played a role here)
A. That was not the extent of extreme Victorian prudishness. While stories about table legs being covered for modesty are pure invention, you DO hear about some people in the 19th century going pretty far in the Prim and Proper department. I recall one 1870s issue of a fashion magazine by the renowned Madame Demorest where she cautioned her female readers about arraying their legs "like ballet dancers" in the wildly popular striped stockings. To do so, she implied, was to invite the stares of men when a lady lifted her skirt to go up steps.
And I honestly don't see any way that could be construed as reputation-ruining behavior, given that...well, like I said, the stockings in question were everywhere. I have two separate fashion dolls of the era who both wear their original striped hosiery. Clearly women weren't risking their means of support by wearing them, and yet at least one conservative writer considered them Improper. That, then, hardly seems justifiable prudishness to me- and that's just one example.
It leads well into my second point, namely:
B. Even the Victorians though some Victorians were too prudish. Etiquette manuals can tell us a lot about the ideals of an era, but they aren't a good record of real human behavior. Take, for example, the use of the word "limb" to substitute for "leg." Out of context, this seems like proof that our 19th-century ancestors were stuffy prudes who had the vapors at the slightest hint of anything remotely racy.
But if you actually look at sources from the era, most of them seem to be mocking rather than endorsing the practice (source)
That holds true for many other illogically prudish behaviors of the time- in my experience, many people seem to have rolled their eyes almost as hard as we do today at a lot of the "nice girls don't" edicts. The big one remained largely unquestioned: don't have sex outside of heterosexual wedlock and don't give anyone reason to think you have. And that latter part covered a lot of behaviors we- rightly -see as absurd and misogynistic today. But rules that got as minute as the appropriate number of times to dance with a specific man at a ball were often waived in reality- or at least, endorsed for reasons of potential rudeness rather than scandal.
Which is to say, not all Victorian prudishness can be justifiable if even they themselves thought some was ridiculous.
C. A lot of the pressures on women to remain chaste and morally unassailable remained- or had returned -in the 1950s.
I'm surprised I even have to say this, because I figured it was pretty common knowledge. But every reason a woman might shut down relatively tame amorous advances in 1850 was pretty much present in 1950: a woman known to be "ruined" could have a very hard time functioning in mainstream society. Things had loosened up a bit- although, to be honest, being caught in a kiss wouldn't even necessarily destroy a woman's reputation in the 19th century -but the central theme of Don't Let Anyone Suspect You've Had Extramarital Sex Or Your Reputation Is Toast persisted.
And as for things that were patently absurd in the 1950s- you mentioned "TV prudery," which I assume means things like married sitcom couples sleeping in twin beds -well. That sort of nonsense was present in the Victorian era, too. And as in the Victorian era, I expect plenty of people snickered at it in the 1950s.
TL;DR- To me, the idea of one period having Logical Prudishness and the other having Performative BS kind of falls apart because both eras had examples of both types. I can see a point of agreement here in the idea that some uptight behavior in women who wanted to do otherwise was a logical response to insanely rigorous moral standards, but the rest of your argument doesn't really hold water for me.
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lulu-balu · 6 months
Suddenly was thinking about Steamworld again - like, was thinking about a different project involving aliens and then with zero transitional thoughts SURPRISE STEAMWORLD - and had the thought that Dorothy probably comes off really, really odd to Heist-era bots.
She's a blend of Steambot and Dieselbot with a design ethos at least four centuries old. She's got various ancient magitech upgrades and that's assuming she didn't pick up any voltbot tech from Rusty and Fen's influence. She's probably built for different design stresses, too - higher gravity, dusty environments, the ability to handle submerging if necessary, different air pressures and compositions.
Even without the magitech turned on her body language, turns of phrase, and so on probably feel Weird. She's probably got hints of a post-apocalypse "use everything possible for anything possible" mentality.
She's probably more humanoid in some subtle ways than Heist-era bots are used to - she's got humanoid eyes, for example, but with the possible mining-bot eyeshine which is probably a WEIRD AS HELL combination. Some hints of the ancestral designed-by-humans steambot origins that were gradually discarded - facial expressions and movement patterns and design choices . Plus there's the similarity to the Red Queen.
and then there's the magitech stuff, like things floating towards her, or the exhalations from her bellows being weirdly dry and her steampipe exhaust being weirdly scant (moisture vaporator), or bouncing back projectiles every so often.
just a general sense of "uhhh. i am NOT talking to a regular modern-day bot of a kind i'm familiar with", not to the extent of talking to - say - Fen, but significantly more unexpected
This has been in my inbox for more than a month bc I'm busy with college, I'm terrible at checking tumblr and I've been trying to figure out what to say in response (sorry about that lol) but honestly I don't think I necessarily need to add onto this. Very cool analysis here. Basically she is a creachure by the time Heist rolls around and probably some sort of local legend lol
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autisticsupervillain · 6 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters....
Sollux Captor vs Omni-Man!
Feats for Omni-Man are taken from both the comic and the show. "Dubiously canon" materials for Homestuck, such as the Epilogues and ^2 are ignored.
The Viltrum Empire launches an invasion on Earth C. Sollux stands in their way.
Analysis: Sollux Captor
Doom. The Aspect of dispair. Those bound by Doom are fates chosen sufferers, predestined for a life of pain and misery. And there is no better example of that in all of Paradox Space than Sollux Captor.
Born on the alien hell world of Alternia, Sollux was born as a Gold Blood. The third lowest caste in Troll society. Thanks to his status, he was not only relentlessly persecuted, but he was predestined to serve as a living battery for the Empire's warships, guaranteeing a short life of pain and misery once he left the planet. Even on the planet, his life wasn't much better. Largely because a nearby highblood and local 8itch mind controlled him into killing his own girlfriend.
So yeah, as you can see, if you're bound to the Aspect of Doom, then life is just going shit over you right from minute one. While all your friends are bound to primordial concepts that grant them cool superpowers, you're bound to a concept that forces you to hear the voices of those who are soon to die. Well, okay, I say that, but it's not all bad for poor Sollux. For one thing, being a SBURB Player does give him a few handy perks, like a video game style hammerspace inventory called a Specibus, or a leveling up system called an Echeladder, which goes up continuously as you do random things, ensuring that you're always getting stronger.
Not like Sollux needs much help with that. He's easily the most powerful psionic on the planet, arguably the strongest in history. As a direct descendant (or clone. Kinda. It's complicated.) of the Psiioniic, Sollux has inherited all his absurd abilities and psionic powers. This includes telekinesis powerful enough to lift buildings and eye lasers big enough to vaporize skyscrapers.
Sollux's telekinesis is so powerful, it can overpower and redirect meteors summoned by the Reckoning, including those the size of Australia. That's a feat that requires at least 3 exatons of tnt. And that's on top of it's utterly ridiculous range, allowing Sollux to grab and throw meteors from the other side of the universe or blow up a laptop that was in a different timeline entirely.
He did that during his team's battle with their version of the Black King. Seeing how the Black King was Prototyped twelve times with components of far more powerful entities, he should be more powerful than the Jack Noir of the human session was prior to being Prototyped with Bec, who himself could complete decimate the planet of Prospit. Given Prospit's size, causing that much damage to it would require 63.1 exatons of TNT.
But, as with all things Doom bound or SBURB related, it came at a price. Since Sollux was a SBURB Player, he was inevitably going to witness the end of his race, as it's the job of him and the rest of his friends to create the next universe while their old one dies. Furthermore, he didn't even get to live in our universe, because someone from the universe he and his friends just created traveled back in time to kill all of his friends. The pressure of having to hide from this god-like entity shattered his already fragile friend group, causing Sollux's rival, Eridan, to go on a killing spree. This resulted in Eridan vaporizing Sollux's eyes and killing his new girlfriend... right before Sollux gets dropped down a flight of stairs for unrelated reasons. And not long after that, Sollux dies from the exertion of pushing his spaceship across the Outer Ring at faster than light speeds, moving at 1,041,320.39 the speed of light.
Man, Sollux is just the Spider-Man of the Homestuck universe. He certainly has about as many dead girlfriends. That isn't even counting the time he got forcibly fused with the person who killed his girlfriend (not Vriska, the other one). Yeah, needless to say, when your life sucks as much as Sollux's does, you become something of a grumpy dick. He's relentlessly cynical and pessimistic asshole, which is certainly not helped by his bipolar mood swings and short temper.
Despite this though, Sollux's luck did eventually begin to turn around. He's far and away the most competent hacker in Paradox Space, capable of hacking into a video game that alters the fabric of reality. Eventually, his first girlfriend came back to life as an immortal time goddess and they hooked up again, a little while after Sollux discovered he is now immortal and unkillable, due to being half-dead and half-ghost. This means, not only does he not age anymore, but he's only half blind now, as his ghost half's body is bound by his own mental self image, while only his living half being bound to his pre-existing injuries. So, not only is Sollux Spider-Man, he's also Danny Phantom.
So, no matter how badly life kicks him, Sollux is always going to rain down hell on whoever and whatever crosses his path.
Analysis: Omni-Man (Spoilers Ahead!)
In a universe filled to the brim with great and mighty heroes, none were more powerful than Nolan Greyson, the seemingly invincible Omni-Man. A Viltrumite from the planet Viltrum, was sent to Earth to protect humanity so that it may one day grow into a mighty civilization, but like most retellings of Superman's story, his true intentions were much darker than they seemed. In truth, he had been sent to Earth in order to scout it out and prep it for conquest beneath the boot of the mighty Viltrumite Empire and once his half human son began to exhibit powers like his, Nolan knew it was time begin his conquest.
While Nolan succeeding in slaughtering the Guardians of the Globe, he couldn't bring himself to kill his son, no matter how hard he brutalized him. Realizing that he had grown to love hunanity during his short time on Earth, Nolan left the planet in tears, leaving his ultimate fate uncertain.
When Mark woke up, he learned it took Omni-Man, at most, two weeks to leave the solar system, meaning he was flying at speeds over 41 times light speed.
Nolan Greyson, upon witnessing his son struggle to catch an asteroid, casually remarked "that was a small one" before remarking that he once caught an asteroid the size of Texas. Indeed, this vast strength gap was made clear when Nolan, though conflicted in his emotions, effortlessly battered Mark around for the entirety of their fight, more than capable of beating him to death if he truly wanted to.
But, that's the thing. He didn't want to. No matter how much Nolan focused on his mission, he could not put aside the love he had for his son or the family he built here. Nolan might have tried to turn his son into a Viltrumite, in the end, Mark made his father... human.
It was this love for his family that resulted in Omni-Man turning around, eventually fighting alongside his son to save the planet he'd been raised. To the point of even destroying Viltrum outright by plowing right through it alongside his son. Even when dividing the required energy up between the three of them, that'd still require up to 662 Exatons of TNT!
Omni-Man has much more than overwhelming strength in his side however. As a Viltrumite, Omni-Man is naturally capable of flight, even in the vacuum of space, and can breath outside of Earth's atmosphere. Indeed, Viltrumite's are nigh impervious to any sort of traditional weaponry that Earth has to offer, including all Earth based forms of disease and radiation. His superhuman healing factor allows him to survive getting beaten into a coma, punched through the stomach, and getting his eyes gouged out! Similarly, Viltrumites have also shown to get stronger through intense training. As someone's whose been conquering planets for thousands of years, Omni-Man is easily one of the strongest Viltrumites around.
However, beyond all his brute strength and powers, Omni-Man is brutal and cunning warrior with hundreds of years of experience under his belt. Having grown up in the Darwinist society of the Viltrumite Empire, Nolan has trained all his life to be a ruthless warrior. He is capable of wiping out entire planets singlehandedly and was capable of beating all the Guardians of the Globe by himself.
But, he is not invincible. ....Because that's his son. Come on man, pay attention.
But in all seriousness, Nolan does have some weaknesses behind that awesome mustache. His super hearing makes him vulnerable to loud noises and sonic vibrations, to the point that loud blasts can stop him flying outright. Extended exposure to the extreme heat of stars can overwhelm his healing factor, as can severe damage to the brain or heart.
Nolan Greyson has protected humanity from gods, aliens, and even entire armies. And now, he stands out as the biggest threat the human race has ever seen. It was only through his love for his family that he was able to become the hero he always pretended to be.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
This fight is interesting due to the dynamic created by the stat gap.
Omni-Man is roughly 10x stronger. For reference, Mike Tyson is 16x stronger than the average person. That's a very huge stat gap that would allow Nolan to rip Sollux apart if he gets his hands on him. But Sollux's speed advantage is even greater, being over 25,000x faster.
So, what stops Sollux from speed blitzing? I mean, he's fast enough that he could probably eat an entire roast chicken before Nolan crosses the room.
Exertion. Sollux can move that fast, yes, but that feat killed him. He cannot consistently maintain that level of speed. So while he can considerably outrun Omni-Man, it'd take a lot of effort to do so. Omni-Man could just run out the clock of Sollux's stamina by pressing him into maintaining his highest limits of speed.
So, the question becomes if Sollux can overwhelm Nolan before he wears himself out.
Yes, Nolan has a massive experience advantage. He's basically if Kryptonians were Saiyans, he's been conquering planets for thousands of years. Sol's lifespan is a blink in all the time he's been slaughtering, so he's definitely smart enough to see Sollux is taxing himself to stay out of range and think to exploit it. But, Sollux has fought people with similarly long rap sheets. The forces of Derse have been locked in an eternal deadlock with Prospit for as long as the Medium's existed, after all, and Sollux and his team can handle those guys.
Omni-Man's insane healing factor and resistance to pain would allow him to tank a lot of punishment, but Sollux can throw literally everything at him. He can call down meteors from the corners of the universe. If Omni-Man tries to take advantage of Sollux's inability to breathe in space, then that just opens Sol up to throw the moon at him.
What I think definitively make this Sollux's game is precision. Crushing the heart will ultimately beat Nolan's regeneration and, frankly, I think Sollux can do that. If he's percise enough to target the components of a computer to make it explode, then I think he could do the same to Nolan's brain or heart. While he normally wouldn't, I think the specific dynamic of this fight forces him to.
In a situation in which he has to exert himself this heavily to keep ahead of Omni-Man, in which if he pushes himself any faster he risks bleeding from the eyes, then yes, I think he will resort to dirty tactics to win like that. His life is on the line in this situation after all. And he would survive long enough to make that decision, because the gap between their speed is much smaller than the gap between their strength.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Sollux Captor!
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findsupply · 10 days
2024 to learn to use the new refrigeration technology technology to ensure the continuous freshness of vegetable food
With the development of modern society, refrigeration technology plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives. From home air conditioning to commercial refrigeration, from the medical cold chain to food processing, refrigeration technology is used everywhere. In this field, professional refrigeration technology has become the key to promote the development of the industry and bring comfort and convenience to our lives.
The importance of specialized refrigeration technology cannot be overstated. First of all, it provides a comfortable temperature for our living and working environment. In the hot summer, air-conditioning systems can bring us coolness and comfort, and the support and innovation of professional refrigeration technology is indispensable behind these refrigeration equipments.
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Secondly, specialized refrigeration technology also plays an important role in food preservation and healthcare. In food processing and refrigerated transportation, refrigeration technology can extend the shelf life of food and ensure its freshness and safety. In the medical field, cold chain transportation and refrigeration equipment ensure the quality of medicines and vaccines, and play a vital role in disease control and prevention.
The development of specialized refrigeration technology is dependent on technological innovation and continuous progress within the industry. For example, advanced compressor technologies such as Semi-Hermetic compressors, Scroll compressors and Screw compressors, as well as various types of condensing unit products, are all important components of specialized refrigeration technology. The continuous innovation and enhancement of these technologies has brought about a huge improvement in the performance, efficiency and reliability of refrigeration equipment, as well as a better user experience. Next, let's discover the various types of refrigeration compressor models:
Semi-Hermetic compressor, this compressor is compact, suitable for small and medium-sized refrigeration systems, with high reliability, easy maintenance and so on. The company's Semi-Hermetic compressor is widely used in commercial refrigeration and freezing equipment, industrial refrigeration equipment and other fields, well received by consumers.
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Scroll compressor, another product that has attracted a lot of attention is it. This compressor adopts advanced scroll compression technology, featuring smooth operation, low noise and high efficiency. It is widely used in air conditioning, heat pumps, commercial refrigeration equipment and other fields, and can provide reliable refrigeration solutions.
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Screw Compressor, this kind of compressor is suitable for large refrigeration system, with high efficiency and good stability, etc. Screw Compressor is widely used in industrial refrigeration, cold storage, cold chain logistics and other fields, which can provide very powerful refrigeration capacity.
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Reciprocating Compressor is also a common refrigeration equipment, which is used to inhale low-temperature and low-pressure vapors, increase their temperature and pressure through compression, and then discharge the high-temperature and high-pressure vapors. This type of compressor is commonly used in refrigeration systems, including domestic refrigerators, commercial cold storage equipment, air conditioning systems, industrial refrigeration equipment, and more. This type of compressor is usually characterized by simple structure, high reliability, large refrigeration capacity, etc., and is suitable for refrigeration systems of various sizes.
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Condensing Unit, this is in addition to compressor products, various other types of condensing unit products. These units are compact, stable performance, can be widely used in commercial refrigeration and freezing equipment, catering cold storage and other occasions, can provide comprehensive refrigeration solutions.
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In addition to the above, there are more 2024 new refrigeration technology products waiting for you to discover, now immediately click to learn more: https://youtu.be/SlXrf5VmqsE?si=u7y4viIEIax98Oi2
original resource:https://youtu.be/SlXrf5VmqsE?si=u7y4viIEIax98Oi2
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babehog · 3 months
A crucible is a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures. Although crucibles have historically tended to be made out of clay,[1] they can be made from any material that withstands temperatures high enough to melt or otherwise alter its contents.
The form of the crucible has varied through time, with designs reflecting the process for which they are used, as well as regional variation. The earliest crucible forms derive from the sixth/fifth millennium B.C. in Eastern Europe and Iran.[2]
Crucibles used for copper smelting were generally wide shallow vessels made from clay that lacks refractory properties which is similar to the types of clay used in other ceramics of the time.[3] During the Chalcolithic period, crucibles were heated from the top by using blowpipes.[4] Ceramic crucibles from this time had slight modifications to their designs such as handles, knobs or pouring spouts[5] allowing them to be more easily handled and poured. Early examples of this practice can be seen in Feinan, Jordan.[4] These crucibles have added handles to allow for better manipulation, however, due to the poor preservation of the crucibles there is no evidence of a pouring spout. The main purpose of the crucible during this period was to keep the ore in the area where the heat was concentrated to separate it from impurities before shaping.[6]
A crucible furnace dating to 2300–1900 BC for bronze casting has been found at a religious precinct of Kerma.[7]
The use of crucibles in the Iron Age remains very similar to that of the Bronze Age with copper and tin smelting being used to produce bronze. The Iron Age crucible designs remain the same as the Bronze Age.[citation needed]
The Roman period shows technical innovations, with crucibles for new methods used to produce new alloys. The smelting and melting process also changed with both the heating technique and the crucible design. The crucible changed into rounded or pointed bottom vessels with a more conical shape; these were heated from below, unlike prehistoric types which were irregular in shape and were heated from above. These designs gave greater stability within the charcoal.[8] These crucibles in some cases have thinner walls and have more refractory properties.[9]
During the Roman period a new process of metalworking started, cementation, used in the production of brass. This process involves the combination of a metal and a gas to produce an alloy.[10] Brass is made by mixing solid copper metal with zinc oxide or carbonate which comes in the form of calamine or smithsonite.[11] This is heated to about 900 °C, the zinc oxide vaporizes into a gas, and the zinc gas bonds with the molten copper.[12] This reaction has to take place in a part-closed or closed container otherwise the zinc vapor would escape before it can react with the copper. Cementation crucibles, therefore, have a lid or cap which limits the amount of gas loss from the crucible. The crucible design is similar to the smelting and melting crucibles of the period utilizing the same material as the smelting and melting crucibles. The conical shape and smallmouth allowed the lid to be added. These small crucibles are seen in Colonia Ulpia Trajana (modern-day Xanten), Germany, where the crucibles are around 4 cm in size, however, these are small examples.[13] There are examples of larger vessels such as cooking pots and amphorae being used for cementation to process larger amounts of brass; since the reaction takes place at low temperatures lower fired ceramics could be used.[6] The ceramic vessels which are used are important as the vessel must be able to lose gas through the walls otherwise the pressure would break the vessel. Cementation vessels are mass-produced due to crucibles having to be broken open to remove the brass once the reaction has finished as in most cases the lid would have baked hard to the vessel or the brass might have adhered to the vessel walls.
Yeaaaaahhh now we're Crucible posting
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adhdo5 · 1 year
Okay ykw I’m making a post. Very sorry about this because a) the adhdo5 blog is where I sit on the porch and shoot the shit and you shouldn’t come to me for news and b) I am very tired right now and can’t think very well so you’ll have to bear with me. I am NOT editing this shit so if it has typos or I sound incoherent very sorry again maybe you can like decipher it with your comrades or w/e
Long post; tl;dr at bottom
So I’ve seen posts going around about the Ohio train derailment. This is good and fine in itself. This is a serious issue that should be discussed and absolutely an environmental disaster, BUT there r some serious framing issues going on and while there’s other posts that discuss this better than I can or am interested in doing, I’d like to address one specific thing as kind of a microcosm/example
So there’s a version of the post going around where a commenter links some articles and pulls relevant quotes from them. Most seriously they pull this quote
While vinyl chloride itself is a carcinogen, the burning of the chemical, which releases hydrogen chloride and phosgene, can be immediately lethal. Phosgene, a highly toxic, colorless gas with a strong odor, was notoriously used as a weapon during World War I. 
Now, that’s a scary fucking quote. That shit is frightening and it is a true assessment of the risk of vinyl chloride leaks. Put it in context of the earlier post, which is going on about a supposed media blackout and claims of mass death of pets etc., and claims that police blew up the tanks, and it evokes a truly terrifying image of these tanks being detonated carelessly and possibly leading to deaths.
But try on for size the literal first sentence of this article: (emphasis added)
The toxins that burned in the wreckage of the train derailment in Ohio had the potential to be deadly if officials did not order evacuations in the region, experts told ABC News.
And from an article from CNN: (emphasis added)
The wreckage burned for days, threatening a widespread, deadly explosion before crews Monday managed controlled detonations [...]
Workers used small charges to blow a tiny hole in five rail cars carrying vinyl chloride. The hazardous substance spilled into a trench, where it was burned away. [...]
Analysts have been conducting air monitoring and sampling over the last 24 hours in the East Palestine area, James Justice, a representative of the United States Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday. "All of the readings we've been recording in the community have been at normal concentrations, normal backgrounds, which you find in almost any community," he said, and that's "what led to the fire chief lifting the evacuations today."
And a few paragraphs down in the very article the first quote is from:
A release from a vinyl chloride tank car creates a dangerous situation. The chemical, which is a gas at ambient temperature, is shipped in pressurized tank cars. “If you have a release, it vaporizes and it’s extremely flammable,” Kreuz says.
This is a completely different picture. Don’t get me wrong -- shit is still awful. It’s a dangerous situation that DID kill some beasts this IS a bad thing this IS a policy failure that it happened
But the tanks were detonated by professionals so that the fumes would be concentrated in one area that they could give evac orders for, and those evac orders have since been lifted because said controlled burn went off as planned. If they’d let it escape or explode by itself, the phosphene etc would likely still have been released, but in a way that would be way harder to Give Evac Orders For
Officials etc can still suck and be bad. It’s not like this is over or a solved issue. But this was not the cops. This was the EPA. This was people whose job is to deal with environmental catastrophes (which AGAIN this WAS). There are people who are trying to get third party tests done! Fair enough! But this is NOT something that people are left completely alone with 
So what IS an issue here specifically? Where do we point scrutiny?
This is my biggest issue with that first quote pull; the text block immediately after it is possibly the most widely relevant thing in the article. Here’s a slightly longer quote: (emphasis added)
While vinyl chloride itself is a carcinogen, the burning of the chemical, which releases hydrogen chloride and phosgene, can be immediately lethal. Phosgene, a highly toxic, colorless gas with a strong odor, was notoriously used as a weapon during World War I.
The accident raises questions about safe rail transportation of vinyl chloride, a chemical that is predominantly converted to polyvinyl chloride on the site where it is produced. It also shines a light on general rail safety—the accident was the third freight train derailment in Ohio since last October.
I mean, in hindsight it’s clear -- this was a rail accident. But losing oneself in panic about the chemical spill itself being not dealt with or dealt with worse can cause one to lose focus. I know I certainly did until I looked .2mm further into the situation and found that paragraph, and then the focus Did become clear: remember the rail strikes? Hey, how are those going?
It’s extremely easy to get lost in panic and conspiracy-adjacent thought, especially because officials are extremely frequently bad at their jobs, because cops DO do stupid shit like this, because these are extant problems. But it’s also easy to get paralyzed by a nebulous fear of bad actors in the government and lose sight of the immediate issue that these chemical spills happen in general, that they happen because of something wrong with our rail system, etc.
This probably isn’t the One Secret Key to this, either, and there’s probably uglier nuances to the response, but it’s important to keep an eye out for this propensity in ourselves for panic, for catastrophizing, and to think about what and whom that benefits, to get a clearer view to see how one can genuinely help and if this is a thing to which you can afford to lend your concern, what you can do about it yourself. Be careful. Be conscientious about what you allow to take space in your brain and how much good it does you and the world really. Watch out for these kinds of nasty rhetorical traps, these kinds of framing subtleties that can vastly color how you see a situation
Now I am NOT trying to say that OP or commenter did that on purpose or out of malice. I think it’s very likely that they themselves panicked to some degree, quoted and reported on what caught their eye, etc.. I’m ALSO absolutely not saying that they or people who saw these quotes are stupid or gullible. I am Thirdly not trying to say at all I’m an authority on this part of the situation. My intent with this and what I hope anyone who read this far takes away from this is that this was, intentionally or more likely not, there’s been a rhetorical issue in how people are discussing this situation, and it’s one that can vastly increase distress and decrease efficacy of diagnosing the problem for people who ARE involved
TL;DR (because god do I talk so much it’s the ADHD)
train carrying some very toxic shit derailed in Ohio
posts going around rn where OP talks about the tanks being exploded in a way that misleads people about the operation
some additions feature a commenter pulling a very frightening quote about those fumes
the truth is that it was a controlled burn done by professionals so the toxic shit wouldn’t catch fire and release horrible fumes in random residential areas 
it was under evac order
it was successful and the evac order was since lifted 
this is really bad but catastrophizing helps no one
support rail workers and if you have some dollars to spare maybe go see if anyone affected by the evacuations has a Ko-fi
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man049 · 5 months
Gonna watch The Power Of The Doctor in a bit so I have to say what surprised me the most about the Chibnall era is how genuinely great the Daleks were handled.
I don't think they have felt this threatening since the RTD era, and I think you could argue they are even more threatening than in some episodes of that era.
Resolution is an obvious example, clearly taking inspiration from 'Dalek'. One singular of them needing a whole army to be stopped, it later reforms itself using low quality material and it's still an absolute bitch that they spend the whole episode trying to kill.
Eve Of The Daleks it's also an underrated example imo. The Daleks genuinely manage to kill The Doctor and her companions many times, constantly cornering and outsmarting them.
One big factor is that 13's flaw of constantly keeping information secret comes very handy into play. She would probably not want to talk in front of Yaz of all the times she has committed, or planned, or enabled genocide in The Daleks. Meaning she can't use their shared history for manipulation so the Daleks remain fearless and intimidating.
The Doctor genuinely hasn't felt so vulnerable to the Daleks since The Parting Of The Ways.
The only time they weren't all that intimidating was in Flux. But admittedly the Daleks being eradicated by a previously set up plan involving a previously set up universe ending event puts a much better image on them than the meta crisis Doctor flipping a switch that instantly makes them explode or Rose suddenly turning into Doctor Manhattan because of the vague foreshadowing from the heart of the Tardis and instantly vaporizing all of them.
Like, in general Daleks needs a lot to be put down in this era. Dropping one into a supernova, crushing them in a Tardis and expelling them into the void, demolishing an entire building, and of course the flux.
Beyond being intimidating, there are also a lot of really cool ideas for Dalek episodes.
The Daleks using their weird octopus for possession is surprisingly creepy and makes a lot more sense than that thing from the Moffat era where they put an eyestalk into a person's forehead.
The Dalek death squad is surprisingly brilliant. Of course the Daleks believe in race purity, this even aligns with previous episodes where mutations stops them from being Dalek like in 'Dalek' or Evolution Of The Daleks.
Which not only gives us a fun action scene between two Dalek squads, but also a surprisingly amazing scene of the Daleks killing one of their fellow members just because of slight modifications despite being able to easily purify him. The Daleks don't believe in change, or in redemption, or in rehabilitation, if someone is different from them then they will have to be exterminated no matter what.
In Eve Of The Daleks we get our long awaited time loop episode (No, Heaven Sent doesn't count) where it traps The Doctor in a building with the Daleks. This building has little to no meaningful items she can use to her advantage. The time loop having a limit pressures The Doctor into coming with a plan quick. And having only 3 Daleks instead of a fleet is enough to make them a huge threat while also making it believable and satisfactory when The Doctor manages to kill them.
And there's probably more I could mention. It makes me want to see what it would have been like if Chibnall had wrote a Dalek episode in one of the previous eras because he is genuinely really good at writing them.
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phantoms-lair · 2 years
Ooo this is one I've actually written for, but never posted on tumblr!
Shinichi stode up the mountain purposefully. It seemed he was the only one. But that was how it was supposed to be, wasn't it? Being put in E class was meant to be soul crushing.
A supposedly remedial course, in which student would have a chance to return to the main campus if they improved. But that improvement would be sabotaged every step of the way so you could be held up as an example.
But that was fine, this was better for his purposes. Since first year he'd been building a case against Kunugigoaka. He planned for his graduation project to be getting this prestigious school shut down and several teachers relieved of their licenses.
Perhaps it was ironic that the E class teacher, Yukimura-sensei, would not be one of them. Like the rest of the students he only got to meet her briefly, but he could tell she wanted to help them. In a way, she was like them, kept emotionally battered and in her place. She deserved better. All his new classmates did. Many were only there because of the constant pressure to excel, moreso even than other cram schools. Isogai's father had died and he was punished for trying to be the sole provider for his ill mother and younger siblings. Okuda was a science genius, but socially awkward enough to land her a spot. Justice was punished for being bullied about his name.
That's not to say there weren't a couple of student here he considered to be legitimately in need of intervention. Terasaka had all the making of a punk who solved problems with his fists first and Akebane... Akebane was cruel, even if he only aimed it at those he felt deserved it. Shinichi couldn't help but think one day they'd meet on opposite sides of a murder case. But if and when Akebane crossed that line was in the future. Now he just had to content with all the lines Kunugigoaka was crossing.
The door slid open, but the one to greet the class was most emphatically not Yukimura-Sensei. It stood three meters tall, with bright yellow skin. Four tentacles flowed from the sleeve of it's archaic academic gown, with several more propelling it from the bottom. It's face was two beady eyes and a wide grin. It was flanked by three armed people in expensive suits. They obviously weren't meant to be protecting the thing, as their weapons were trained on it.
"Hello, how are you?" it said in a friendly, conversational tone. "So, I'm the one who blew up the moon."
Shinichi sat up ramrod straight, as the most of the rest of 3-E. About a week ago there had been a sudden explosion on the moon, vaporizing about 70% of it mass and leaving it a permanent crescent.
"And in a year's time I'm going to do the same to Planet Earth." it said in the cheerful tone. "But never mind that now, I'm going to be your new teacher. Isn't that exciting?"
This had to be a joke. It had to be. One of the suited men stepped forward. "I'm Karasuma with the Ministry of Defense. What I'm about to tell you is what we in the business call classified." He sighed. "I'll just come out with it. I'm going to need you to kill this thing for the sake of mankind."
"Excuse me, is this a joke?" one of Shinichi's classmates, Mimura, asked. "Because if that's the alien who blew up the moon-"
"Abahbahbahabh," the thing interrupted. "I am an Earthling born and bred, thank you very much!"
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the details at this juncture." Karasuma said, every inch the government man "But he's telling the truth. The threat he poses is all too real. As of this coming March, he will obliterate the Earth." "
The only people who know this aside from you are world leaders. If word of this leaked out to the public we'd have widespread panic on our hands. He needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice."
Karasuma reached out into jacket. "We're going to need you to become assassins." At the last word he pulled out a knife and slammed it into the things chest. Or rather where the thing was.
"As you can see, he's very fast." Karasuma said in understatement as he used several quick and efficient strikes that failed to hit his target, small flashes of yellow around his face. "He's powerful enough to blow up the moon in seconds, and so fast he's been clocked at mach 20. And for some reason he likes grooming eyebrows." The last part was said in frustration. Shinichi's eyes went to Karasuma's face and realized the yellow flashes where the thing's tentacles nrushing and trimming.
"He makes it sound so grim, doesn't he." The thing said cheerfully. "But cheer up, I've graciously made your government an offer. 'Stop making fools of yourselves trying to kill me, and let me teach E Class at this illustrious institution."
"We didn't have much of a choice." Karasuma said in a low growl, putting the knife away." We have no idea what his motives are, but we agreed on the condition that none of you students are to be harmed in any way. We get the twofold advantage of knowing where he is several hours every school day and he'll be in close range to several people people with the means and motivation to kill him."
Shinichi felt his stomach twist. If this was true, and there was no way he was taking it as face value, then he and his classmate had been conscripted as child soldiers. This was twisted, this was wrong. And if Karasuma was telling the truth, went all the way up to the top.
Okay, calm down. Same mission, different scope. Collect evidence on the inside and when the time was right, expose them. This was a case. The thought calmed him down. He didn't know how to deal with moon-destroying octopus people, but government corruption? That he could handle.
He just hoped he did so before anyone got hurt.
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Asteroid impact in slow motion Researchers at the University of Jena and the German Electron Synchrotron DESY solve a 60-year-old mystery with a high-pressure study Asteroid impacts are catastrophic events that create huge craters and sometimes melt parts of Earth's bedrock.“ Nevertheless, craters are often difficult to detect on Earth, because erosion, weathering and plate tectonics cause them to disappear over millions of years,” Langenhorst explains. Therefore, minerals that undergo characteristic changes due to the force of the impact often serve as evidence of an impact. For example, quartz sand (which chemically is silicon dioxide, SiO2) is gradually transformed into glass by such an impact, with the quartz grains then being crisscrossed by microscopic lamellae. This structure can only be explored in detail under an electron microscope. It can be seen in material from the relatively recent and prominent Barringer crater in Arizona, USA, for example. “For more than 60 years, these lamellar structures have served as an indicator of an asteroid impact, but no one knew until now how this structure was formed in the first place,” Liermann says. “We have now solved this decades-old mystery.” To do so, the researchers had spent years modifying and advancing techniques that allow materials to be studied under high pressure in the lab. In these experiments, samples are usually compressed between two small diamond anvils in a so-called diamond anvil cell (DAC). It allows extreme pressures – as prevalent in Earth's interior or in an asteroid impact – to be generated in a controlled manner. Characteristic lamellae For its experiments, the team used a dynamic diamond anvil cell (dDAC) in which the pressure can be changed very quickly during the measurement. With this device, the scientists compressed small quartz single crystals stronger and stronger, while shining PETRA III's intense X-ray light through them to investigate changes to their crystal structure. “The trick is to let the simulated asteroid impact proceed slowly enough to be able to follow it with the X-ray light, but not too slowly, so that the effects typical of an asteroid impact can still occur,” Liermann says. Experiments on the scale of seconds proved to be the right duration. “We observed that at a pressure of about 180,000 atmospheres, the quartz structure suddenly transformed into a more tightly packed transition structure, which we call rosiaite-like,” reports first author Christoph Otzen, who is writing his doctoral thesis on these studies. “In this crystal structure, the quartz shrinks by a third of its volume. The characteristic lamellae form exactly where the quartz changes into this so-called metastable phase, which no one has been able to identify in quartz before us.” Rosiaite is an oxidic mineral and the namesake for the crystal structure that is known from various materials. It does not consist of silica, but is a lead antimonate (a compound of lead, antimony and oxygen). Collapse into disorder “The higher the pressure rises, the larger the ratio of silica with a rosiaite-like structure in the sample,” Otzen explains. “But when the pressure drops again, the rosiaite-like lamellae do not transform back into the original quartz structure, but collapse into glass lamellae with a disordered structure. We also see these lamellae in quartz grains from deposits of asteroid impacts.” Quantity and orientation of the lamellae allow conclusions to be drawn about the impact. For instance, they indicate how high the impact pressure has been. “For decades, such lamellae have been used to detect and analyze asteroid impacts,” Langenhorst points out. “But only now can we accurately explain and understand their formation. For the study, the researchers did not use the highest pressures technically feasible. “In the range of the highest pressures, so much heat is generated that the material melts or vaporizes,” explains Langenhorst. “Molten material that solidifies back into rock doesn't give us much useful information for now. What is important, however, is precisely the pressure range in which minerals undergo characteristic changes in the solid state, and that's what we studied in this case.” Model for glass formation? The results could have significance beyond the study of asteroid impacts. “What we observed could be a model study for the formation of glass in completely different materials such as ice,” Langenhorst points out. “It might be the generic path that a crystal structure transforms into a metastable phase in an intermediate step during rapid compression, which then transforms into the disordered glass structure. We plan to investigate this further, because it could be of great importance for materials research.” With the planned transformation of PETRA III at DESY into the world's best X-ray microscope, PETRA IV, such studies will be even more realistically possible in the future. “A 200 times higher X-ray intensity will allow us to run these experiments 200 times faster, so we can simulate an asteroid impact even more realistically,” says Liermann. TOP IMAGE....Large asteroid impacts can melt significant amounts of material from Earth's crust (artist's impression). CREDIT Illustration: NASA, Don Davis LOWER IMAGE....The simulated asteroid impact creates tiny glass lamellae in the quartz crystals studied, only tens of nanometers wide, which are only visible under the electron microscope. CREDIT Falko Langenhorst, Christoph Otzen (Universität Jena)
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magicmarketsworld · 9 months
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Coffee: is a very popular beverage worldwide. Coffee is made by roasting a type of bean known as "coffee bean" and mixing it into a powder. This seed is the seed of a fruit called coffee cherry. This fruit tree grows in about 70 countries. Green coffee is one of the most traded agricultural products in the world. Coffee contains a type of stimulant called caffeine. 8 ounces of coffee contains about 135 mg of caffeine. Coffee has a stimulating effect on humans and acts as a stimulant because of caffeine. Now, coffee is the most popular beverage in the world after tea.
Green coffee is made from unroasted coffee beans
Coffee is the world's second-largest traded commodity (after fuel oil) and one of the world's most consumed beverages. Between 1998-2000, 6.7 million tons of coffee were produced. Coffee production is expected to increase to 7 million tons by 2010.
It is widely recognized as a widely used stimulant drink all over the world. According to 1999 estimates, American citizens consume an average of 3.5 cups of coffee per day.
More than half of the population in the United States is a regular coffee drinker, and they drink an average of 3 cups of coffee per day.
Humans have been drinking coffee for over 500 years. The first evidence of coffee drinking in the world can be found in Ethiopia in the fifteenth century.
Various studies have shown that coffee improves liver health and prevents cancer. High levels of caffeine in coffee are beneficial for problems such as low blood pressure. However, consuming more than necessary can cause constipation in people with high blood pressure. It can increase the risk of heart disease.
Coffee Day
National Coffee Day is celebrated annually in the United States on September 29.
I like coffee very much. I thought I would write down what I know about it. First, write about all the coffees that are available in the coffee shop. Like Americano, Cappuccino, Latte, Espresso, Macchiato, Hazelnut, Mocha, etc. Their main ingredient is espresso. Different names on the measure of mixing milk or something else with espresso.
Espresso is usually made with an espresso machine in a coffee shop. After the coffee beans are ground, they are placed in the portafilter of the espresso machine. After that the water vapor that comes out after passing through the coffee powder is Espresso. It is called brewing.
Brew ratio
The test depends a lot on the brew ratio. A 1:1 brew ratio means that the number of coffee grounds you put into the portafilter will produce the same amount of espresso output. For example, 20 grams of coffee powder will give 20 grams of espresso output. 1:2 means 20 grams of ground coffee will yield 40 grams of espresso output, etc.
Brew time
Time is very important. The test also depends on how long it takes to brew. Also, brew time is related to coffee powder. The size of the powder, i.e. more or less powder (grain size), also depends on the coffee test. More powder may take longer brew time. Again the coffee test will be the same. It will be a bit tough. If the powder is less, i.e. a little grainy, the brew time will be shorter. The coffee will also be light.
Brew temperature
The taste of coffee also depends on the temperature. Usually brewed at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The test may be different but less than this.
Espresso machine
Those who like very strong coffee, drink this espresso straight. Different flavors of coffee are made by mixing different ingredients with this espresso.
Americano means black coffee. Espresso is mixed with water and sugar of your choice. Usually, coffee shops mix 1:2 amount of water. 20 grams of espresso is 40 grams of water. It depends on the coffee shop though.
A macchiato uses a little milk foam with the espresso. Italian Macchiato means Mark. The name suggests what it is. Mark a little bit of foam! nothing else Although many use foam to milk in a 2:1 ratio. That means 20 grams of espresso and 10 grams of milk.
Cappuccino usually has a milk-to-espresso ratio of 1:2. That means 20 grams of espresso is 40 grams of milk. May contain some foam.
Latte contains more milk. Usually 1:3+ ratio. 20 grams of espresso is 60 grams or more of milk.
Mocha is a mixture of chocolate with cappuccino or latte. Cafe mocha is made by mixing espresso, milk, and chocolate in a 1:1:1 ratio or a ratio of your choice. Every coffee shop uses a single ratio. And so the taste of each coffee shop is different.
Iced Cappuccino, Iced Latte, Iced Mocha, etc. are mixed with cold milk instead of hot milk with these flavors. Coffee shops usually do not mix sugar with coffee. Mix the sugar according to your choice. Many people do not like to eat a little too much or too little sugar. Best if eaten without sugar.
Apart from these, there are thousands of other coffee flavors. Ice cream, hazelnuts, caramel, vanilla, strawberries, brandy, whiskey, and many other things are mixed and served with espresso. Depending on this mix, each name is different.
So far I have written mainly about espresso. Now let's write about the coffee bean or coffee plant. There are two types of coffee available. One is Arabica and the other is Robusta.
Arabica coffee
Arabica coffees taste good. Compared to Robusta, they have lower caffeine content. Arabica coffee is also more expensive. Because they cost more to produce. Insects easily attack these Arabica plants.
Robusta coffees are slightly bitter and contain more caffeine. The cost of Robusta coffee is relatively low.
Coffee roast
Coffee beans are usually roasted before being ground. If you roast too much, the coffee beans become dark. Some prefer low-roasted or light coffee beans, some prefer medium, and some prefer dark. The flavor of the coffee depends on this roasting. The caffeine content remains the same though.
Making coffee or espresso without an espresso machine
Coffee can be made at home by bringing powdered coffee beans. Very easily through a filter or French press. The filter is made of paper. If there is no filter, cloth can be used as a filter. And the French press is available to buy in the market. A small machine. The price is not too high.
If you use a filter, you need to grind a little more. After putting the coffee powder on the filter and pouring hot water slowly, the coffee will fall. After that, you can mix milk and sugar as you like and eat it.
French press is simply a coffee machine. Pour coffee powder and water and keep it for a while. Then a press separates the liquid coffee from the coffee powder. Simple. A little searching will turn up the French press. If you don't have it, you can go to any branch in North End and bring both French press and coffee. They will grind coffee beans in front of you. For grinding, you have to say how you use the coffee. One type of powder is required for the filter and one for the French press. And most espresso machines usually come with a coffee grinder. If you have an espresso machine, you only need to buy coffee beans.
The barista
Coffee experts are called baristas. A good barista is a good artist. You don't need to know how to make a coffee. Coffee tests well if temperature, measurement, and time are all correct.
Instant coffee
Many brands of instant coffee are available including Nescafe and MacCoffee, These are usually brewed the same way espresso is brewed. After brewing, the water is dried and powdered and packaged. They are however not as tasty compared to the taste of fresh brewed coffee. After consuming freshly brewed coffee, the desire to consume instant coffee will decrease.
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dimalink · 1 year
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 Venus – it is one of the solar system planets. About distance, it is close to planet Earth. Also near, but in another direction, it will be planet Mars. There is also Moon, and it is even more close to us. Moon – it is satellite to Earth.
Planet Venus has a dense atmosphere. Very dense. And, it was, times, when Venus was considered as rather similar to planet Earth. Today, scientists, get knowledge, that it is wrong. Absolutely wrong. Venus is a second planet from Sun. Planet Earth – it is third, by counting. There is near Moon. And next is going fourth planet – Mars.
Year at Venus lasts about 224,7 days. So, indeed, it is easy to say, that about how long it is, it is similar to planet Earth. It is similar, with the idea, that there are many planets in space with very different conditions. And, such result, is pretty like Earth. Venus year is about 62 percent from Earth.
But, situation at the planet itself is very another. So, yes, we start with similar things, and now, we have the idea, that there is nothing for us at the planet itself. Planet Venus is rotating in untypical direction. So, most of planets are rotating in another direction. There is a theory, that something happens with Venus in ancient times. For example, some big mass body crash on Venus. And Venus takes it. Same theory is goes to Uranus. And it is rotating also in untypical direction. Venus has no satellites. Not even one. There is a theory that it is connected with the point, that planet has a low rotating speed. And, that’s why, in theory, satellites will be placed at a very big distance from planet. At a very big distance.
An everything that is rotating around the planet – it will, soon or later, it will crash on planet. So, satellites, that are near Venus, can survive only certain time. All space bodies, that are lower that stationary orbit, soon or later, will fall on the planet. So, again, theory is about crash. For example, such satellites could be in a very ancient time. They were rotating around Venus, and crush on it, according some time. And this can affect it rotation.
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Venus has very dense atmosphere. And it is difficult to see its surface. Even – it is impossible, so, it is a very dense atmosphere! Atmosphere is about 96,5 percent with carbon dioxide. And with 3,5 with nitrogen. All other gases, like water vapor, krypton, oxygen – are about less than 0,1 percent. Atmosphere of Venus is more stronger than atmosphere of planet Earth. Dense of atmosphere is about 14 times less than dense of water. It can be said, that before 49 km at high at planet exists haze of fog. And before 70 km it is goes clouds. Clouds reflects 76 percent of light.
It is not a friendly condition for humans at Venus. And the same goes to tech, that humans made. It is even about to impossible. Long presence – it is very hard. It is because a big pressure. Environment around has a big pressure. Just like at the deep of the ocean. Very big pressure. And it is also a big temperature, that can melt everything around. In the middle – 462 Celsius degrees. It is most hot planet of solar system. It is very interesting, that planet Venus is most close to Earth. Mars – a little more far. And moon – it is a satellite to Earth.
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Spacecraft Mariner-2 was sent in 1962 at Venus. Spacecraft Venus 7 has landed Venus at 1970 only. Atmosphere is very dense, and it is hard to explore planet with casual methods.  But the surface of the planet is well permeable to decimeter radio waves. This way, it was scanned a relief of planet. There is sulfur on the planet. It is reference to volcanic activity. Few craters. Because of atmosphere - the study of the planet is carried out by radar methods. Spacecraft Magelan-7 makes a photo of most part of the planet.
Venus – it is a big planet with its own nature events. So, automatically station Venus 2 was run into interference in radio transmission. This fact, can show a presence of lightings and thunderstorms. So, this way, scientists speak about it.  With such interreference has deal also another spacecrafts – Venus 9, Vega 1, Vega 2. Lightings are generating in the clouds. With role of sulfuric acid. There is idea, that in higher part of troposphere there are even rains with sulfuric acid. But is so hot at the surface, that no rain can reach the surface.
Venus - it can be a most close to Earth planet, but about conditions these planets are very different. And, even to say, that it is very extreme conditions. With volcanos, and sulfuric acid, lighting and incredible hot and big pressure.
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Something more
Short tales
This tale is written in terms of short tales about computer game STARS INTRUDER. There are more tales on the website in section "Short tales". Full pack of stories.
Short tales about STARS INTRUDER are here: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/starsintruder/shortTales_eng.html
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Stars Intruder
This is retro space shooter, clone of Space Invaders. You are playing as astronaut and defending satellites from alien bugs. Game is free. Download you can from different platforms (Itchio, GameJolt, Google Drive, Yandex Disk).
Game`s website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/starsintruder/index_eng.html
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My attempt to develop this concept for a world in my own sci fi setting in a bit more detail; everything here is very much a first draft, names are probably placeholders, and so on:
The astronomical setting:
Gawela is a habitable moon orbiting the large superterrestrial planet Supa, a world with about 4-6 times the mass of Earth. Supa orbits Zeta Tucanae (a star a little brighter than Sol) at around 1.15 AU, an orbit at which it receives around the same intensity of illumination as Earth. Supa has pressure and temperature suitable for liquid water, but otherwise is not very Earthlike. It is almost entirely covered by a deep global ocean, with only a few small rocky islands sticking up above the waves. It has life, but only single-cell forms. The most common form of photosynthesis on Supa does not produce oxygen, and anyway biomass is relatively small as the ocean is not very fertile due to the lack of land to erode away and replenish it with dissolved minerals and nutrients, thus Supa's atmosphere has essentially no free oxygen. Supa has a thick reducing atmosphere; a witch's brew of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and so on. Temperatures are quite warm due to the strong greenhouse effect, with a global average temperature above 320 K (47 C, 116 F); the combination of this with a global ocean climate creates a steamy, stormy, cloudy atmosphere. From space, Supa is a turbulent white sphere speckled and streaked with blue, its global ocean mostly hidden beneath white clouds. Supa's surface is a gloomy, stormy sauna, the sun usually hidden behind dark clouds, lightening and rain and fog frequent, the ocean soup-hot and turbulent.
Gawela orbits around 70,000 kilometers above Supa, an orbit that gives it a revolution period a little longer than an Earth day. Supa and Gawela are tidally locked to each other, so Gawela's revolution period is also their rotation period.
Supa has two other moons, Kindalun and Sekalun. They orbit much farther out, more than 700,000 kilometers from Supa, and are each comparable in mass to a small terrestrial planet such as Mars. Kindalun and Sekalun also orbit each other, with a separation of 20-30,000 kilometers; they are tidally locked to each other, and have a revolution period around each other and a rotation period of about 36 hours. There is evidence of past running water on at least Kindalun, but they are now both barren desert worlds - albeit still with thin but significant atmospheres.
Gawela, Kindalun, and Sekalun move in equatorial orbit of Supa, and Supa has a low axis obliquity but a significantly elliptical orbit. Thus, the seasons of all four worlds are driven primarily by Supa's changing distance from Zeta Tucanae, and are essentially worldwide.
Kindalun, the larger outer moon, is similar to Mars, though warmer. It has a thin, dusty atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide. From space, its surface is mostly a mix of red, brown, yellow, and dirty white, the patterns shifting over time as winds blow around the finer dust and sand, alternately burying and exposing rock and heavier, more coarsely grained dirt and sand of different composition. White caps of water ice crown its polar regions. It is known, indeed, for being a particularly colorful and visually beautiful example of an Arean class world. There are extensive sandstones and mudstones, testifying to a wetter past, but today it is mostly too cold for running water, and even when temperatures rise above 0 C its air pressure is now so low that rather than melting any water ice present sublimates, changing directly from solid to vapor without passing through a liquid stage. Its surface is mostly a mix of rock barrens and vast dune fields like seas of sand. At certain times of year its surface sometimes becomes hidden beneath massive global dust storms like those of Mars. Evidence indicates primitive but extensive surface life on Kindalun during its wet period, but with the deterioration of conditions this life has basically disappeared from the surface. However, some microbial life does survive on Kindalun, deep beneath the surface, where pressure and geothermal heat is sufficient for liquid water to exist in cracks in the rock and in pockets of, essentially, wet dirt.
Sekalun, the smaller world, is more like a super-sized version of Luna, though it is somewhat more colorful when seen from space due to factors of local geology, and it has a thin dusty atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide. At present it is cold, barren, dry, cratered, stony, and relatively geologically inert, but scars of ancient volcanism testify to a more active past.
Some notes on Gawela:
A relatively large amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere and a relatively large amount of dark light-absorbing ocean makes Gawela a warm world, with an average temperature around 20 C, comparable to Earth during the Cretaceous greenhouse era. It has no polar ice, and indeed little ice or snow of any kind. Its seasons are essentially worldwide, driven by Supa's varying distance from the sun rather than its minimal axis obliquity.
Most of Gawela's land is concentrated in a single large continent, roughly centered on the equator, with its long axis aligned roughly southwest to northeast, and extending to approximately 50 N and 50 S. In the central region of this continent there is an extensive complex of mountains and highlands created by the tectonic plate collisions that formed this supercontinent. The presence of this highland region and the planetwide seasons creates a powerful monsoon system that dominates weather and climate on the continent; in perigee summer rising air over the highlands sucks moist air in from the oceans and creates torrential rains over much of the continent, while in apogee winter the effect reverses and there is a pronounced dry season. Thus there are strong seasonal contrasts despite the essentially perennial warmth. Before the agricultural era the coastal regions of the continent were largely covered by extensive forests, especially in the east, while much of the interior is more arid.
The large outer moons generate stronger tides than Luna generates on Earth. Thus, in regions where the coastal slope is gentle there are extensive coastal barrens of sand, mud, and scoured rock, and in some regions extensive coastal salt-tolerant swamp forests (the best Earth analogy is probably mangrove swamps and the seasonally flooded forests of Amazonia). Much of the coastal slope is steep, due to the energetic coastal erosion (which is convenient for sailors, as it means an abundance of deep water ports, useful on a world with high tides), and seaside cliffs are plentiful. There are many intertidal animals with adaptations that help them survive the pronounced (up to 10 meters in some regions) daily rising and falling of the oceans.
In addition to tides from the outer moons, Gawela experiences eccentricity tides caused by the variance in Supa's gravity as Gawela moved toward and away from Supa. Today, Gawela's orbit around Supa is nearly a perfect circle, and these eccentricity tides are small. However, millions of years ago Supa's satellite system drifted into a resonance that pumped up the eccentricity of Gawela's orbit. During this era Gawela's oceans rose and fell hundreds of meters each day, while the powerful tides generated substantial tidal heating in Gawela's interior, causing intense volcanism (and intense heat as the volcanoes pumped large amounts of carbon dioxide into Gawela's atmosphere). This resonance has since broken, and tidal dissipation has long ago re-circularized Gawela's orbit, so Gawela has comparatively pleasant conditions today. However, a visible legacy of this era is large amounts of hard, black volcanic rock. In arid regions there are still extensive barrens of ancient cooled lava and the black sand produced as this rock weathers, while in wetter regions this ancient black rock often pokes through overlying soil and vegetation.
Some notes on civilization on Gawela:
Some time between 1-2 million years ago, small populations of Homo erectus were transplanted to multiple worlds in Sol's nearby stellar neighborhood, including Gawela. The Homo erectus of this era were not yet anywhere near modern human level intelligence (though they were already substantially smarter than chimpanzees; they were smart enough to make fire and to make relatively sophisticated tools such as simple spears). Clearly, such beings did not reach other solar systems on their own. Maybe some aliens established a colony on Earth for a while, domesticated some of the local Homo erectus and used them for simple tasks, and found them useful enough to spread some to other worlds, and then eventually these aliens died out or Went Beyond the Rim or something and these domesticated Homo erectus populations remained in place and survived by going feral, reverting to something similar to the lifestyle of their pre-domestication ancestors. Alternately, maybe aliens a bit like the Preservers in Star Trek or the Monolith-builders in 2001 saw potential in the Homo erectus of this era and decided to spread them around a bit to give them a second (and third, and fourth, etc.) chance in case the species went extinct or stagnated on Earth and to stimulate their evolution by introducing them to novel environments (this has the interesting implication that what I've just described may be just a tiny part of their activities around the galaxy).
As happened on the Earthlike worlds of Tau Ceti, Epsilon Indi, 82 Eridani, and so on, the process that drove the evolution of human intelligence seems to have continued in parallel on Gawela until it encountered the same fundamental limitations it did on Earth (e.g. the large infant head problem). However, the somewhat different conditions on Gawela pushed the species to evolve in a somewhat different direction than on Earth; as on some other worlds, the result was a species (arguably, technically a subspecies as hybridization with Homo sapiens sapiens is still possible) about as smart as Homo sapiens sapiens and closely related to us but rather different from us (an equivalent but different in details process on a different world created these people).
The indigenous development of Gawelan societies was punctuated by the arrival of a colonial expedition from the Eridani civilization between 3-5,000 years ago. By this period there were agricultural societies with urban centers in some regions of Gawela. The colony on Gawela followed a similar trajectory as most Eridani colonies; put together in haste in an effort to give their society a second chance in the face of problems on their own world, it ultimately proved to have too small a personnel and industrial base to create a self-sustaining high-tech society. On most Eridani-settled worlds, which had been uninhabited before settlement, the result was the establishment of an agricultural society with roughly Iron Age technology, which gradually spread over the world and developed from there. On Gawela, the result was that the settlers were basically assimilated into pre-existing Gawelan society culturally and genetically (the Eridani sharing the same ultimate origin as the Gawelans and still being inter-fertile with them). The presence of the Eridani does not seem to have effected Gawelan society all that much, though encounters and dealings with them appear in records from the native literate societies of the time, and it does seem to have introduced some new technologies and ideas and stimulated an acceleration in population growth and the establishment of urban centers. The colony's relative lack of impact may have to do with the colonists' choice to settle on a large island near the coast of the great continent; at the time this island was inhabited but something of a backwater of Gawelan society, with limited contact with the mainland, and this choice put the colony in some geographic isolation from the main indigenous urban centers.
For most of the history of humanity on Gawela settlement was limited to the great continent and a few of its nearby outlying islands. The great continent is on the far side of Gawela from Supa, so Supa is never visible from it. What is visible from that side of Gawela is the outer moons Kindalun and Sekalun, and, of course, the sun and stars. Viewed from Gawela, Kindalun and Sekalun each have a similar apparent diameter to Luna seen from Earth, though their apparent sizes grow and shrink somewhat through the day as Gawela moves in its orbit around Supa. At their maximum apparent separation, Kindalun and Sekalun have an apparent separation of 4-5 times their diameter; they are always close in the sky. They visibly orbit each other in a roughly 36 hour cycle. Kindalun eclipses Sekalun once per 36 hour cycle, and likewise Sekalun eclipses Kindalun once per 36 hour cycle. Sekalun also causes a daily solar eclipse on Kindalun and vice versa. From the surface of Gawela the eclipse shadow can be observed moving across the sunlit face of Kindalun as Sekalun lines up between Kindalun and the sun, and likewise the eclipse shadow can be observed on the sunlit face of Sekalun when Kindalun stands between it and the sun. Apparent diameter of Luna is big enough for surface features to be observed with the naked eye, and Sekalun and Kindalun are both rotating relative to Gawela. Kindalun at least occasionally experiences giant dust storms which are visible from the surface of Gawela.
Developing on a world where most of the land is concentrated in a single mass and faced with tides substantially bigger than Earth's and more turbulent oceans, Gawelan societies were initially sea-avoidant compared to Earth's. However, settlement of the numerous islands in the global ocean did eventually begin. Increasingly daring sea voyagers, venturing farther and farther from the great continent, eventually crossed onto the near side, from which Supa is visible. The near side is mostly ocean, but it has many islands, some of them large. From the near side, Supa hangs perpetually overhead, and appears gigantic, about twenty times the apparent diameter of Luna seen from Earth. Being mostly covered by white clouds, it is very bright. Weather can be observed moving across its surface, and occasionally one of its few significant islands can be glimpsed through a gap in the clouds. The near side of Gawela experiences a daily solar eclipse, as Gawela passes behind the night side of Supa; these eclipses are in fact the darkest part of the near side day/night cycle, as they occur when Supa is in its "new moon" phase. Symmetrically, Supa experiences a solar eclipse daily as Gawela passes between it and the sun, and from Gawela's near side Gawela's eclipse shadow can be seen moving across Supa's sunlit face at these times.
Because of all this, compared to Earthers, it was much easier for Gawelans to develop from observation and inference the idea that their world wasn't the center of the universe and some of the objects in their sky were worlds. In fact, some early Gawelan astronomers predicted the existence of Supa from observations of Kindalun and Sekalun, the sun, the stars, and the tides before anyone ever actually saw it. When sailors first crossed to the near side and observed Supa in the sky, it came as confirmation of a theory, rather than a total surprise.
Some peripheral notes:
Supa might end up being a small giant planet rather than a superterrestrial; it depends on what star I finally settle on for this world's solar system (Zeta Tucanae is only a tentative choice). If Supa is a giant planet, it will of course have no real surface at all, simply a global sea of air and clouds with no precise bottom, pressure and temperature simply increasing as one descends (there would be a rocky core under all that gas and exotic high-pressure liquid, but it wouldn't have a surface you could stand on). For now, I went with a model that 1) raised fewer issues about whether we'd have found such a planet already if it existed, 2) seemed more interesting.
If Supa has a large amount of methane in its atmosphere, it may have a high altitude hydrocarbon haze like Titan. In which case it may appear from space as a rather boring featureless yellow sphere, instead of a blue and white planet. Or, if such a haze is present but not thick enough to completely obscure underlying features, it may be tinted yellow. For now, I went with a model that made it visually dramatic - though the idea of making it yellow-tinted does grow on me, gives it a nice alien touch.
Supa is the closest object to Gawela spatially and gravitationally, but I think any exploration and settlement of Gawela's neighbors would probably focus more on Kindalun and Sekalun. It'd be easy to send one-way robot probes from Gawela to Supa, but getting anything back would be a different story. A quick check with an online escape velocity calculator suggests Supa would have an escape velocity around 25 km/s and a first cosmic velocity around 17.7 km/s (compared to 11.2 km/s and 7.9 km/s for Earth). Crewed expeditions would probably have to use nuclear rockets if they wanted to be able to go back home. Kindalun and Sekalun, with much smaller masses and proportionately weaker gravity, would be much easier to explore despite the greater distance. Also, with 4-6 Earth masses I think Supa would have a surface gravity around 1.5 G, which sounds like it'd be kind of challenging to work in; Kindalun and Sekalun, by contrast, would be light gravity worlds. There's also the factor that heating a habitat surrounded by a cold thin atmosphere (what you'd have to do on Kindalun or Sekalun) would be easier than cooling a habitat surrounded by a hot thick atmosphere or hot water (what you'd have to do on Supa), and the environment of Supa would probably be very hard on machinery (very hot and humid, reducing atmosphere, splashing water, salt water, hard rains and lightening, possibility of machinery and structures becoming fouled by native microbial slimes).
If Supa is a giant planet instead, it would be even less attractive. A Uranus-sized Supa would have even more gravity, and it wouldn't even have a surface you could land on!
I imagine that, in ancient Gawelan mythology, Kindalun and Sekalun often appear as siblings or lovers.
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stg-fire-safety · 22 hours
Firefighting Fogging Systems in Germany | Urban and Rural Use
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In Germany, a cutting-edge approach to firefighting has gained traction through the use of high-pressure fogging systems. This technique deploys a fine mist that can saturate the air and absorb heat rapidly. The systems work by atomizing water into tiny droplets, which are then propelled at high velocity to create a cooling and smothering effect on the flames.
Mechanism and Advantages
The key mechanism behind fogging systems is their ability to reduce the temperature and oxygen availability in the fire zone, which are critical components for combustion. By rapidly cooling the fire and displacing oxygen with water vapor, these systems can extinguish flames quickly and with significantly less water than conventional firefighting methods. This not only conserves water but also reduces water damage to property, which is a common drawback in traditional firefighting.
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Practical Example: Structural Fire in an Urban Setting
Imagine a scenario in a densely populated urban area, where a fire breaks out in a residential building. Traditional firefighting methods might involve large volumes of water, risking structural damage and water wastage. In contrast, deploying a fogging system can contain and extinguish the fire more discreetly and efficiently. The system’s precision allows firefighters to target specific areas, minimizing collateral damage and ensuring a quicker recovery time for the residents.
Adaptation for Bushfire Control
The potential adaptation of fogging systems for bushfire control presents a compelling case. In bushfire-prone areas, the challenges include vast fire fronts and limited water resources. Here, fogging systems could be mounted on fire trucks or even integrated into aerial firefighting equipment. As the fogging system dispenses water in a fine mist, it can create a humidity barrier around the perimeter of the fire, slowing its spread and cooling hot spots effectively. Real-World Application in Bushfire Scenarios Consider a bushfire advancing towards a rural community. Traditional aerial water drops might evaporate before reaching the ground due to intense heat. However, an aircraft equipped with a fogging system could spray a fine mist over the area, achieving better penetration and cooling effects, thereby protecting the community and giving ground crews more time to manage evacuation and direct firefighting efforts. Environmental and Economic Benefits Aside from the direct firefighting benefits, fogging systems also offer environmental advantages. By using water more efficiently, these systems reduce runoff and the associated erosion that can follow conventional firefighting efforts, especially in sensitive ecosystems affected by bushfires. Economically, the reduced water usage and minimized damage to properties can lead to significant savings, providing communities better resilience and recovery capabilities post-fire. Conclusion Fogging systems, with their efficiency and versatility, represent a paradigm shift in firefighting technology. Adapted for use in both urban settings and bushfire scenarios, they offer a promising solution that addresses both the effectiveness of firefighting and the sustainability of resources. As we look to the future, the integration of such innovative methods will be crucial in our ongoing battle against fires of all types. Read the full article
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