#v: blood of the jotun but child of asgard
storiesofwildfire · 4 years
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Loki is one of the most powerful magic users of their generation. While magic is rather commonplace on Asgard ( though magic is not actually a natural occurrence in pure Aesir blood, magic is deeply ingrained into their culture. Not to mention, the Aesir did, at one point, commonly breed with non-Aesir, so magic lingers in many bloodlines for that reason ), Loki’s abilities and what they can accomplish with their unique brand of Seidr not only stretches across a wide and vast range of techniques, but also holds a powerful potency that most sorcerers cannot hope for.
The only other magic user that stands as Loki’s true equal is the Vanir God, Heimdall. Aside from the Watcher, there are no known individuals on Asgard who can match Loki’s strength and abilities. The same is believed to be true throughout most of the known worlds. While there will always be someone more powerful than Loki out there, very few rivals actually exist in this particular field.
Often seen as the God(dess) of Magic, Loki is often worshipped for their abilities, and some ( like Loki’s first love, Vera ) actually call upon Loki to channel their own sorcery.
There are many brands of magic throughout the universe. To list them all would be extremely complex and time-consuming, but magic tends to boil down to those who possess the power themselves and those who draw their power from something ( or someone ) else. 
In Loki’s case, Loki’s sorcery comes from within them. It was something that they were born with. They create their magic on their own and it is as much alive as Loki is. Thus far, Loki has not reached a cap on their abilities, meaning their magic continues to grow each and every day. Their power is constantly flowing through and around them and those who can sense or even see magic may very well be able to watch the emerald hue of Loki’s Seidr move around them in a continuous flow. Loki doesn’t rely too heavily on their abilities, but not using them would be absolutely catastrophic. When magic sits idly, ignored, it tends to lash out and occupy itself. The energy wants to be used and if it isn’t, it makes life very unpleasant for the one restraining it. For this reason, even when Loki does not need magical assistance, they may still very well use it, even for mundane things like keeping their hair in order or tidying up a cluttered desk. 
While Loki’s magic doesn’t entirely have a mind of its own, it certainly does react that way to many sources of stimuli. The reason Loki’s power can heal them even if they are not conscious to will it is because much of Loki’s power can act on its own, most of the time to protect its user or ensure the comfort of its user. The presence of other magic users will also perk up Loki’s energy and draw it out. For those it feels somewhat compatible with, it may even attempt to spark the other’s power to come out and play. The only time Loki’s magic is not active and present is if Loki has expended themselves too far, in which case, they will need to rest and allow their power to recuperate over time. 
Yes, Loki is an extremely powerful sorcerer, but they do have limitations. As stated above, Loki can stretch their power supply too far, making it nearly impossible to cast even the simplest of spells until the energy has time to rebuild. Loki would be exhausted and extremely vulnerable in these times. There are also certain sects of magic that Loki has not mastered or struggles to even perform. They are not automatically an expert in everything, and some abilities come far more naturally than others. Some magics they are not horribly familiar with or gifted in would include things like shadowmancy and necromancy ( though Loki does have certain abilities that do linger in death—they are the mother of Hel, after all, Loki doesn’t roam too far into these abilities. Mostly out of respect for their daughter and understanding that death is Hel’s domain, they should not interfere much ). 
Because of how potent Loki’s magic actually is, for those who can easily sense magic, Loki is like a shining beacon. In order to hide their presence from those gifted with such abilities, they have to go to rather great lengths to disguise their Seidr or camouflage it in some way. Those who feed off of magical energy are especially attracted to Loki’s presence for that reason. Those who wish to steal power from those more powerful ( very much like Odin, who has stolen all of his magical abilities from other people and sources ) would view Loki as some sort of glittering treasure waiting to be uncovered and taken. 
Loki’s magic also relies heavily on Loki’s emotional state and how well they are able to keep their power under control. As a child and well into their adolescent years, extreme emotional distress or even vigorous moments of happiness would trigger something that Loki did not mean to trigger. For that reason, Loki has learned to be very in control of their emotions so as not to lash out magically by mistake. As they’ve grown more powerful and learned more restrain, their magic escapes from them less and less, but it is still prone to happen. Especially in moments where Loki completely loses control of themselves for any variety of reasons...
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Below is a list of different abilities that Loki has picked up and/or mastered over the years. Please keep in mind that this list will grow over time as Loki becomes more and more familiar with new forms of magic and even if something is not listed here, that does not necessarily mean that Loki cannot do said magic or is completely unfamiliar with it.
In no particular order and not limited to, here are Loki’s abilities:
i. Elemental Manipulation 
Simply put, Loki can manipulate the elements that exist around them. Fire, earth, water, and air can be controlled to do Loki’s bidding so long as Loki is close enough to whatever source they wish to draw from. Think of this as bending from Avatar. It’s extremely similar to the concept of using the elements that exist around you.
ii. Elemental Creation
Unlike the previous listing, this is the literal creation of elements. Loki does not need to draw on an existing source. They can create the source themselves, though it does take a significant amount more to do so.
iii. Fire Manipulation & Creation
While this does technically fall under the previously mentioned entries, fire deserves its own entry because Loki is literally credited as being the Norse God of Fire. Fire manipulation and creation tends to be a bit easier for Loki than the other elements.
iv. Ice Manipulation & Creation
Again, this does fall under the same category as those already mentioned, but it’s worth noting that Loki’s water—and more specifically, ice ( yes, I know it sounds very Elsa-like, but honestly, I’m okay with that )—abilities are also rather advanced in comparison to things like earth and air. While it does act as a contradiction to the God of Fire title, Loki’s Jotun heritage makes these abilities feel almost like second nature. 
v. Illusion Casting
We’ve seen it, we know it, we love it. Loki has an uncanny ability to project images so real, you’re convinced that what you’re looking at absolutely is. The illusions can range from simple images to complete glamours that cover extensive areas and even create sounds and smells to make them even more realistic and vivid. The size of the illusion and the more detailed it is, the more energy it takes to create and keep up. It does make it difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not when Loki is around, though.
vi. Mind Magic
This can get a little dicey. We’ve seen evidence of Loki being able to bring memories and ideas to the forefront of people’s minds ( like what they did to Valkyrie in Ragnarök, for example ), but just how far do these abilities stretch?
For me, Loki’s mind magic is severely underdeveloped because it’s a relatively new concept for them and it’s something they don’t entirely feel all right using. While Loki did have the ability before their experiences with the Mind Gem, the Gem being inside Loki’s mind definitely brought the ability to the forefront and forced them to acknowledge and utilize it more. 
Loki’s shown abilities in forcing thoughts and ideas to the forefront of someone’s mind, while also pulling thoughts and memories from them. In some ways, this means that Loki can both force their will onto others as well as force their way into the minds of those around them.
Because this very thing has been done to Loki so thoroughly that it traumatized them, however, Loki doesn’t much like tapping into the abilities. They are severely underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of their magical scope and every time they utilize the power, they get a sick feeling in the pit of their stomach. It’s not a pleasant thing, it’s not something they actually enjoy doing, and if it were up to them, they’d never use it.
Unfortunately, the Mind Gem amplified those abilities. It is the one piece of the Mind Gem Loki feels they can never truly scrub from their mind.
vii. Teleportation 
As simple as it sounds, Loki can fast-travel pretty much anywhere they want to go within reason. It usually has to be a place on the same world or realm they’re already on, but it’s become such a quick and easy way for them to travel, it’s so simple to them now. If Loki is holding onto something or someone else, that something will be brought with them.
viii. Portal Conjuring
For off realm travel that Loki doesn’t want to use or doesn’t have access to the Bifrost for, Loki does have the ability to create small portals that connect one place to another temporarily. While this is a relatively easy thing for Loki to accomplish after years of practice, this does actually take up a lot of energy. It’s way more difficult than teleporting and it extends over much longer distances. Loki usually needs a rest after this, and they don’t tend to leave the portal open longer than it takes for them and whoever may be accompanying them to step through. It’s far too draining to keep a tear in space open for any sort of extended period of time. Even a moment or two is sometimes too overbearing, especially if the distance between those two spots is also extreme.
ix. Item Conjuring & Transfiguration
As we have seen countless times with Loki’s daggers randomly appearing in their hands, Loki can call items that are not currently on their person to them at any given point in time. Most of the time, Loki is calling on an item that already exists elsewhere, however, they can create an object from nothing ( or from something else! Like turning an apple into an orange ) if they wish to. Creating something with magic does take a lot more energy than calling something that already exists, however.
x. Creationism
In this sense, I’m not referring to the belief that the universe was created by some sort of divine intervention. I’m referring to the idea that, on some scale, Loki and their magic can be that divine intervention. Loki’s magic has created life numerous times over the course of their lifetime. All four of Loki’s biological children were the product of magic. 
Although Loki is unaware of this, Loki’s magic is also the reason that Jotunheim and their biological mother now thrive ( you can read more about this in Laufey’s biography on my “other muses” tab ). 
In short, Loki literally has the ability to create life and while such magic is draining and often takes a long period of time, it is one of the most powerful forms of magic Loki possesses.
xi. Shapeshifting
We all know that Loki is a shapeshifter. They can take the form of anything and everything they want within reason. The larger the form, the harder it is for them to maintain over the course of a long period of time, however. Loki can stay in any form they choose for any given period of time, though some forms are simply more difficult to actually maintain for significant stretches than others.
When it comes to shapeshifting into animals, it’s a bit more complicated though. While Loki doesn’t lose sense of themselves or the understanding of who they are, the longer they’re in an animal form, the more that specific animal’s instincts fight for dominance over rational thought. While in an animal form, Loki often has to surrender a certain amount of sentience to the animal’s natural habits, otherwise, they wouldn’t be a very convincing version of said animal. The longer they’re in said form, the more like that animal they become.
This is one of the easiest things for Loki to do, though, as all Jotun are, to some degree, able to shapeshift. Not all of them can do an entire body transformation like Loki can, but they are all able to change certain aspects of their body. It’s as much heritage as it is magic for Loki.
xii. Language
While most, if not all, Aesir use the All-tongue to speak ( a language that allows them to understand and be understood by anyone within Yggdrasil ), Loki has a natural born gift to understand and decipher languages and stories over time. Words are often credited as being one of Loki’s most powerful weapons and it’s partly because of this ability. We see a lot of it in God of War 2018, where Loki ( called Atreus by their birth father ) can easily pick up on runes and various symbols from many different realms and figure out what they mean without the use of the All-tongue. 
Loki is the God of Stories and is often credited with the reason the ability to tell stories and even keep historical records exists. It makes sense that Loki would possess such an ability.
xiii. Energy Channeling
This is kind of a broad category in that it covers things like redirecting attacks from opponents and using raw energy as defense or offense. What I mean by this is that Loki can use their own magic as a raw energy projectile, or they can use it to create a barrier/shield around themselves or something else. They can also use the power of others to accomplish the same thing, though that takes way more caution and concentration. To stop someone’s oncoming attack and either redirect it or use it for something else is a useful skill, but a dangerous one because there is so much room for error.
xiv. Absorption of Foreign Magic
Loki can literally absorb magic from other sources or people. This is technically the method that resulted in Loki's pregnancy with Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel. Loki absorbed Angrboda’s magic, but her magic was so potent that instead of simply fusing with Loki’s once Loki took it, it literally created new life with the help of Loki’s magic ( rooting back to the creationism thing I mentioned earlier ). 
Loki can technically use this technique to make their own magic stronger, though that can be a dangerous game to play. If another source of magic doesn’t agree with their own, it’ll be like a patient rejecting a blood transfusion because the blood type is wrong. 
Loki can also use this as a way to alleviate someone else’s burden if their magic is running rampant and they can’t get control of it. It can be temporary, and Loki can return the magic to them. In a few threads, Loki’s actually done this for Heimdall, when his power became too much and he couldn’t stop it.
xv. Prone to Visions ( aka Foresight )
Some Jotun ( not all ) are rather gifted in the ways of seeing into the future. Laufey, Loki’s mother, was one such Jotun. 
Loki’s abilities in this haven’t cropped up much as of yet. In fact, Loki would even go as far as to say they don’t have any abilities with foresight. This, however, is not entirely true. As they grow older and more powerful with their magic, visions will begin making themselves know, rarely at first, and often in the form of a dream. 
Loki doesn’t have much experience with this yet and what they have experienced was easily chalked up to random chance or coincidence, but it will not always remain as such.
xvi. Cloning
Loki can literally create doubles of themselves. The clones are lifelike and realistic, often able to fool anyone into believing they are the real thing. Loki’s clones can act independently and make their own choices without Loki pulling the strings, giving them the illusion of free will, but they are connected to Loki. Loki can feel anything that one of their clones experiences and Loki can sort of look through their eyes, so to speak, so whatever their clone sees and hears, Loki can choose to as well. 
xvii. Healing
Healing is a relatively easy thing for Loki depending on the severity of the injury. The worse an injury is ( aka, the closer to death someone is ), the more difficult it may be for Loki to mend the wound or do so in a way that would actually prove to be effective in helping save the person’s life. Small and even medium-sized wounds are no problem, though, making Loki someone you definitely want to have in your corner during adventures or wars. 
While Loki can also help ease or soothe some of the side effects of certain ailments, curing said ailment is much more difficult than healing a wound. Loki isn’t exactly proficient at curing sickness, but can often help when it comes to fevers, aches and pains, or general pain and/or discomfort caused by ailments. 
Loki can also heal themselves. Much of the time, their magic does this without them consciously needing to activate it. This is why Loki can heal even when unconscious. Loki’s magic kicks in the second injury happens and goes to work repairing their body. This also attributes to why it’s much harder for Loki’s skin to scar than the average person. They simply heal too quickly more often than not.
xviii. Empathy
While this isn’t something Loki consciously activates and often doesn’t even realize they possess, Loki is able to read and even feel the emotions of people around them. For most of their life, they’ve passed this off as being particularly acute to reading expressions, body language, and tone of those around them. That does not explain why Loki can often identify so intensely with someone else’s emotions that they can understand and even feel them, though. Loki usually chalks this up to the idea that they feel too much and allow others to project on them.
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Frostbitten (Chapter One)
Loki x Reader
Y/N L/N is a child of a Jotun and an Asgardian. She spends her life hidden in the dungeons of Asgard, with no one to talk to other than one of the princes- a man who seems completely incapable of leaving her alone and entirely unable to give up on helping her. Y/N and Loki Odinson have always been inseparable, it seems- even when there is a cell wall, or a village, or an entire kingdom between them. 
Even when he disappears, even when you run away, and even when his world falls apart; you are inseparable. 
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Oh lordy the first part of this fic got waaayy more attention than I was expecting If you want to be added for tags in this series, leave a comment or send me an ask, and I’ll add you for the coming parts. Thanks so much for reading!!
P.S.: This part is not action-filled or anything. The interesting stuff starts the next part.
P.P.S: Normally I don’t update this quickly- I just wasn’t doing anything else today.
Twelve Years Later
Loki Odinson has not been down in the dungeons for two months. That's two months of being alone. Two months of not speaking. Two months of you wondering what's wrong on the surface. Three times so far you've gotten too close to the barrier. Those three times are hardened burns on your blue arms. Small welts on your soft palms. Scratches on your bare knees. The lady who brings you food in the morning noticed the wounds but said nothing- simply laying a tub of ice on the table next to a soft washcloth.
The fact that they actually gave you an unassembled ice pack for your injuries makes you want to laugh. It sounds like something you’d tell Loki about. You add it silently to the list of things you’ll tell him when he comes back.
If he comes back.
Loki has left before- usually with a warning, though. Usually only for a week. It has been eight.
One day he’s sitting outside your cell, applauding you on how far you’ve advanced in magic and droning on about how he wishes he could see you without the yellow film between you- maybe even touch you. Shake your hand. Touch your shoulder. Things that people can do when they’re not imprisoned under a giant castle or unable to control whose arm they freeze off. One day, you two are dreaming of what could be, completely absorbed in each other's thoughts and words, and the next, the inseparable become separated.
And even though it’s possible that he left you by choice, you’re more worried for him than you are about yourself. 
"Hey, Njord," you speak aloud, targeting one of the head guards on patrol. He doesn't stop to look at you, not even shifting from his position outside your cell. "Hey, Njord," you say, louder. "What's the buzz? How's the royal family?"
Njord heaves an annoyed sigh but doesn't respond. You scoot closer to the barrier so that you and the guard are only really about a foot apart.
"Hey, Njord,"
He makes a huffing noise.
"I'd like a book. Or a cup of tea. Is that arrangeable?" You tilt your head, fiddling with a couple spare strands of hair. "Your beard looks rather nice today. Very clean."
Njord gives a slight swell of pride and raises a hand to caress his beard, but then he realizes he doesn't have a beard. His face falls. He looks sad. You almost feel bad, but you don’t. So you laugh.
"Don't tease him, he lost the beard in a bet," says Lady Sif, descending into the prison in a bit of haste and sparing you a quick glance. "Haven't you anything else to do, prisoner?"
You shrug, rolling onto your back and staring at the ceiling. "I'm a twenty-two-y-year-old Jotun-Asgardian hybrid in prison, whose only companion has been inexplicably absent for two months. Njord won't get me books. I haven't seen the light of day in fourteen years. I have literally nothing to think about and nothing to do, so no."
"Njord, get her a book or two so she'll quit talking," Sif grumbles, and footsteps let you know that he is leaving.
You roll onto your stomach, staring out at her. She's dismounting a shield and removing a sword from one of the upper shelves of the guard's stock. She's a bit flimsy with the weapons from what you can see, but Loki had insisted that she showed promise in the combat field. More than meets the eye, you suppose.
You watch her fasten the shield to her arm and prop yourself up on your elbows. "Will you be joining the staff down here?"
She sends you a pointed glare. "No. I'll be joining the staff up there." Sif nods toward the stairs leading out of the dungeons and grabs a sword sheath from another shelf, attempting to fasten that on as well. 
"Joining the army? How patriotic."
She ignores you, sheaths the sword, and heads back up.
"Hm." You exhale. "Rude."
Moments later, Njord arrives back in your cell, stepping through the energy barrier like it’s not even there. He drops a single hardcover down in front of you, then strides back out and resumes his post. The book is long- which is probably what Njord was going for when he found it. It’ll take you especially long since you really have only known how to read for three years- courtesy of Loki, of course. The gift of literacy is one of the many you’ve received from him. Hopefully, it can save you from dying of boredom or worry while you wonder where the hel he is.
The first thing you notice when you look at the book is that it’s completely tattered- sometimes with entire pages missing out of it. The pages that remain are yellowed and reek of a musty, almost moldy smell. You wrinkle your nose, looking back to Njord.
“Where did you get this?” you ask, shaking your head.
Njord finally gives in and responds with a grain of salt: “The book cart outside the dungeon. Last one.”
There’s no book cart outside the dungeon. They keep the area empty to ensure there aren’t any messages being passed between the outside world and the world down here.
Could Loki be trying to... no. Well, maybe. Maybe he’s banned from the dungeons. Maybe this is his only way to contact. Maybe he hasn’t abandoned you, and he’s been trying to contact all this time. The thought of it gives you the tiniest shard of hope.
You look back down at the book, then very carefully open it. The title is Where You Will and it appears to be romantic fiction. A picture of a girl and a boy are drawn next to each other, the boy wrapping the girl in a shawl. There’s a smeared fingerprint beside the title, and a small note is written in the margin in sloppy, rushed lettering.
I’m cold.
You frown, moving your thumb over the words.
That turned out to be exactly what you needed to do.
In the places where your finger met the page, you see pieces of discoloration. Your heart starts to beat a bit faster, twisting in your chest. You press your entire palm to the page for a moment and then lift it.
It’s a drawing of a snake and beside it a lightly sketched snowflake.
Ok, this is definitely Loki. And unless he’s communicating with another Jotun prisoner who happens to be able to read and happens to have the audacity to ask a guard for books, the message in this book is for you.
You turn the page and grip the side of the book, spilling frost over the surface of the parchment. There are no notes- instead, there are very slight, nearly hidden underlines under some letters. You read over them, putting them together in your head.
y o u n e e d T o l e a V e
And then you flip the page, giving it the same treatment. 
c o l d Is t h e a B s e n c e o f e n E r g y
Then the next page.
t r Y t o d I S s a p e a r
I w I l l f i n d y o u w H e r e v e r y o u a r e - L
You flip to the next page, and then the next, and the next, until you’re absolutely positive that you’ve seen every message. 
If this is Loki, which it has to be, how long have the books been there? Weeks? A month? How old is this message? And why should you hide?
Cold is the absence of energy.
You at least know what that means. The barrier is pure energy. Loki seems to be implying that you can freeze it, or suck all the juice out of it, or something similar. He clearly thinks you’re more powerful than you are. Not a surprise. That’s kind of his signature move: overestimating you.
It’s charming in a disappointing way. 
Your lips curve into a smile, but it fades into a frown at the thought that whatever Loki is trying to get you away from you cannot escape. You might never see him again. That’s a bit of a dark thought. To never see his sculpted face or charming smile, his dark hair or bright eyes- it leaves a sort of hole in your chest. 
You can’t ever see him again. But can you talk to him? There’s no invisible ink for you to use, but...
You squeeze your eyes shut, wincing, and then bite roughly down on the inside of your cheek until you taste blood. You slip a finger inside your mouth and, using the same communication strategy Loki did, wipe a faint smear of blue over letters on the page, spelling out what you want him to see.
You set down the book and stand up, moving toward the small bed in the back of the cell. Your fear moves through your body and crystalizes on the floor, leaving a trail of ice in your wake. 
You repeat your list of things to remember, your list of things you’ve been told, as you lie down, coaxing yourself into sleep.
You are going to be okay, and nothing can stop that from being so. Not the princes. Not the armies. Not the guards or the walls or the bars that hold you in. Not the ice in your blood or the dark in your eyes. You are safe. You will always be safe. You are not a monster. You are not alone. You can control yourself. I will watch over you.
Loki Odinson has not been down to the dungeons in two months. That’s two months of wondering what could be going wrong. That’s two months of hoping you know he hasn’t abandoned you. That’s three attempts at contact, this last one being the most obvious. Writing in a book with ink that can only be seen in the cold. He just has to hope you ask for books, and hope the guards comply.
He does not enjoy being apart from you, and even though he was fully aware that it was going to be hard- suddenly not having you in his life, that is- he could not have anticipated just how hard it was. He actually spoke to his brother, for Odin’s sake. That wasn’t even the hardest task of them all.
You are an echo inside his mind. A song that plays over and over and over, no matter how infuriating it can be. Every time he thinks he can think about something else, you creep back into his mind and he becomes restless again. He buries his head in his hands and tries not to rip out every strand of hair, failing not to picture the worst that could happen if you aren’t prepared. If he can’t get you out of the castle before something.. before it happens. And it’s happening. 
When he sees that the book is gone from the cart, his heart nearly stops. He takes a deep breath, puts on a scowl, and confronts an annoyed Njord as he exits the dungeons.
“Hey, Njord,” he speaks, trying his best to sound uninterested. “Where’s my book?”
Njord stiffens at the sound of Loki’s cold voice and turns deftly toward him. “Your book, your highness?”
“I left it on the cart outside.” He signals to the empty cart, and Njord goes a shade whiter. “You were on guard, yes?”
“The book was yours, sir?”
“Did you give it to someone else?”
“One of the prisoners, sir. Forgive me, I thought it to be meant for-” he breaks off, noticing Loki’s disinterest in the conversation. “I’ll retrieve it at once.”
Moments later, he returns, grasping the book in his hands. He holds it out to Loki, and the prince swiftly takes it from him, huffing to keep from bursting into tears. Njord looks like he might go into cardiac arrest, on the other hand, so Loki adds: “If the prisoners are in need of some form of entertainment, I’ll gather a collection of books personally.”
Njord nods, swallowing. “Yes, sir.”
“Don’t do it again.”
“Of course not, sir.”
“Good,” Loki turns on his heel, away from the guard. “Oh, and your beard is looking swell today, Njord.”
He strides, perhaps a bit too quickly, over to the library, and drops the book on the table, flipping to the opening page. It’s empty. But turn another, and smears of blue appear, clouding over certain letters. Loki’s pulse quickens. He finds his grip tightening on the table as he strings the words together.
I m n O t t h a t s t r o n g
an awful lie, followed by
w h a t  a m I h I d i n g f r o M
Loki exhales and rips the pages from the book, shoving them into his pocket and throwing the damaged copy aside. He’s moving to another shelf, reaching for a book to reply with when his eye catches that of his mother as she passes by. Her shoulder brushes gently against his as she moves to stand next to him, staring over the sea of books along the shelves.
“You’re stressed,” she comments, looking over him. “Is something bothering you?”
“No, no, nothing,” he mutters in return. Frigga looks at him skeptically. “I promise, mother. It’s just that I’m a bit-”
“Don’t lie to me, dear,” she interrupts, reaching into her pocket. Loki’s eyes follow her hand, and she sets a small key on the shelf in front of him, smiling slightly. “It’s perfectly alright to worry about someone. Especially when that person may be in danger.”
She knows.
Loki just stares, first at the key, then at his mother. He opens his mouth and then closes it, and then says: “How long have you...”
“How could I not?” She finishes for him. “Your eyes light up when you speak of someone you care about.”
There’s a heavy silence.
“Thank you,” he says.
“Don’t thank me until after you find what you’re looking for,” she replies.
Then she turns, and she’s gone.
Loki picks up the key, leaves the books, and rushes to his room to prepare for the worst.
Frostbitten Tags:
@natalia-rushman @what-inspirational-name @jessiejunebug @fandomdestroyer @a-new-schematic @iris-suoh
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VERSES (03.04.2020 update)
v; this isn’t mischief; this is mayhem ;; ( main )
Loki has many past times, from scheming and plotting to playing simple tricks and frustrating those around him. Sometimes he's found on Asgard, other times on Midgard, sometimes he's off exploring other Realms all-together. No one can really be sure what the trickster gets up to but one thing is certain — wherever he goes, chaos and mayhem tends to follow.
This verse is super flexible. It spans the entirety of the MCU and beyond, making it more accessible for crossovers. Anything set in a more specific time-period in the MCU will be tagged with the appropriate movie.
 v; the bliss of being young and innocent ;; ( youth )
Loki was a quiet child, at least when around others. He wasn’t particularly liked, but he wasn’t really disliked. While Thor was off being boisterous, play-fighting and making friends, Loki was engrossed in his books and lore. He was drawn to magic at an early age, and had a natural talent for it. His mother saw this and decided to tutor him in the arcane arts, teaching him how to control his magical abilities, and how he could use them to fight. Loki learnt most of his skills from her, and she was proud of what he could accomplish. However, no matter how hard he tried, his father seemed unimpressed by his magical skills, and seemed to pay more attention to Thor and his training.
v; not a place but a people ;; ( new asgard )
After bringing about Ragnarok, those who survived were ferried away on the rescue ship. With their home destroyed, the people look to Thor to lead them – hoping now, more than ever, for a miracle. Loki takes his place alongside his brother, offering advice and assistance when necessary, as they attempt to rebuild Asgard on Earth.
v; valhalla awaits ;; ( afterlife )
Loki never expected that his path would lead him to Valhalla, after all, as Jotun, his race is unable to enter the Realm, and his actions could not always be deemed honourable. Yet, he is a son of Odin, regardless of blood, and in sacrificing his life to save the rest of the Aesir and his brother from Thanos, Loki earned his place in the golden hall. Finally, he is reunited with his mother.
v; the sun will shine on us again ;; ( infinity war divergent )
Loki survives his encounter with Thanos, joining up with the Avengers and the rest of the Heroes on Midgard to try and stop the Titan.
v; cast out in exile ;; ( banished au )
After hear-tell of the destruction that Loki had caused on Midgard, when the trickster returned to Asgard in chains the Allfather had two options – lock the Prince away in the dungeons where he could do no more harm or give him one final chance. Odin chose the latter.
Binding Loki’s powers and stripping him of his title, he banished the God back to Earth, telling him to make amends for all he had done. Perhaps, when the trickster learns to be kinder, humble and good, he will earn his powers back.
v; the frozen prince ;; ( jotunn au )
Never having been stolen away as a child, Loki was raised as a Jötunn Prince, alongside his two older brothers Helblindi and Býleistr. He was the runt of the family, smaller than the other Jötnar, but still no less formidable. He had to work twice as hard, yes, but in time he grew to become a strong warrior – a skilled fighter with both blades and wild, feral magick. 
Some general info:
Although Odin still found Loki as a baby, he did not succeed in taking him. Loki’s mother was present and fought back, giving her life to save her child.  Loki still disrupted Thor’s coronation ( in fact, he lead the attack ), though out of fear for Jötunheimr. He knew the thunderer was thirsty for spilling Jötunn blood, and if he became king nothing would stop him. Loki was the only Jötunn to escape Asgard after the attack.  His brothers were both killed when Thor and the Warriors Three attacked Jötunheimr, leaving Loki an only child, and the sole successor to the throne of Jötunheimr. Loki is still a skilled sorcerer but his magick is far more feral, almost untamed, since he didn't have the proper guidance from a more experienced sorcerer.
v; what is a lie? A lie is a story told ;; ( agent of asgard )
This is the story of Loki. A story between drafts. In the process of being rewritten. Loki wanders the world, performing the All-Mother’s missions, earning his rewards – old crimes forgotten. Parts of the story erased. The story is in flux. Gaps form in the narrative, through which a new story may be written.
A young Loki living in a small apartment in New York, works to redeem himself for the crimes he has committed.
 v; an unlikely ally ;; ( avenger loki au )
After the battle of New York, Loki’s life took an… unexpected turn. It was revealed that he had been under the influence of the Sceptre, of the Mind Stone, just as much as Selvig or Barton. That the army, the invasion, was the product of someone else’s mind, someone else’s wishes entirely, the trickster had simply been but a pawn.
As he was not in his right mind, it seemed unfair to condemn Loki for his actions, yet… the events could not be ignored. So, he was assigned to the Avengers, both to serve as atonement for his crimes, and… as a way try and keep him out of trouble.
At first, Loki was… definitely not too keen on the idea. He helped them, of course, when they needed him. But, he preferred not to socialise with them, instead keeping to himself, either in his room or sitting in the corner of the common areas with his nose in a book. The truth was, Loki felt out of place and unwanted on Midgard, especially after the destruction he had caused.
But… after a while… and a lot of coaxing, the trickster found himself enjoying spending time with the Avengers, growing accustomed to their family-like dynamic. They were an eclectic mix, but they seemed to work well together and… perhaps Loki would fit in better than he first anticipated.
v; I hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity ;; ( child of thanos )
After failing to take over the Earth with the army of Chitauri, Thanos gave Loki another chance. Pledging himself to the Titan, Loki now works for him, attempting to help find and obtain the infinity stones. He’s now a Child of Thanos.
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