#users dua lipa
gurizpacks · 11 months
users dua lipa
• dualipahits
• onekissdual
• coldheartlipa
• loveagainduax
• newrulesduaax
like ou (c) jogodoamor
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21-roses-a-day · 4 months
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DUA LIPA for the Los Angeles Times (December, 2023). 📸 Alex Harper
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userstuf · 1 month
• hourdni
• rdopitim
• frnexit
• illqsion
• wtdoing
fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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comendsees · 20 days
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐠ood in bed — simón hempe
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐰ord count — 1,044
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐭w — falta de amor próprio
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏𝐰ritten by @cmendsee on twitter.
Você empurrou Simón escada acima aos tapas e empurrões, ao que o argentino respondeu resmungando e praticamente implorando para você parar de fazer escândalo na frente de todo mundo.
Já era a terceira vez que vocês tentavam reatar o relacionamento e a terceira vez que você acabava por pegar o rapaz beijando alguma amiga sua. Era um ciclo vicioso que ambos conheciam muito bem: Ele te traia, vocês brigavam e você terminava com ele, ele te ligava dias depois dizendo que não sabia viver sem você e prometendo que ia mudar e que te amava mais que tudo.
Dessa vez, vocês estavam em uma festa na casa de um amigo em comum quando Simón disse que ia buscar uma bebida e não voltou mais. Você não demorou muito para achá-lo com uma garota que você nunca havia visto na vida.
O arrastou até o primeiro quarto que fui, empurrando o argentino contra a porta semiaberta e entrando logo atrás dele a passos pesados.
“Seu merdinha! Eu te dou a porra de uma chance e você me faz passar vergonha na frente dos meus amigos! Filho da puta!” As palavras saiam entredentes enquanto você estapeava Simón, que se limitou a usar os braços para impedir que você o acertasse no rosto enquanto tentava se afastar.
“Você é maluca!” Gritou, estendendo o braço na tentativa de agarrar seu pulso. “Não encosta em mim, caralho! Vou te mostrar quem é maluca, seu canalha!” Você recuou, impedindo que ele te segurasse, porém lhe dando a oportunidade de sair correndo na direção do banheiro que se encontrava dentro do quarto.
“Vai, corre mesmo! Corre se não eu te mato!” Arrancou um dos saltos que usava no momento e jogou na direção dele, o acertando bem no meio das costas, antes de sair correndo atrás dele.
Simón, por sua vez, xingou algo em espanhol e se trancou dentro do banheiro.
“Eu nunca mais quero ter que ver a sua cara, me ouviu?! Acabou! De vez, caralho! Eu nunca mais quero falar com você!” Esmurrou a porta do banheiro com tanta força que sentiu ela tremer.
“Já acabou com o seu showzinho ou vai continuar gritando, carajo?! Não vou sair daqui enquanto você continuar surtando!” Estava pronta para sair do quarto, mas o jeito que ele falava fez seu sangue ferver.
Ele que tinha te traído um monte de vezes e você que estava errada? Ah, isso não vai ficar assim. Deu meia volta e chutou a porta para chamar a atenção alheia.
“Não fala comigo como se eu estivesse errada, porra! Você me faz de corna e eu tenho que ficar quieta? Vai tomar no cu, Simón Hempe! Eu juro por Deus que se você sair dessa porra desse banheiro eu vou perder meu réu primário contigo!” Ao fim da frase, sua voz vacilou um pouco, ficando chorosa. Se afastou da porta e se sentou no chão com as costas apoiadas na parede atrás de si.
Toda aquela situação era extremamente cansativa, ter que restaurar sua confiança em alguém diversas vezes só para tê-la quebrada de novo e de novo. Todo mundo que você conhecia havia lhe dito que não era uma boa ideia insistir numa coisa que não tinha nenhum futuro e só ia te machucar, e se você tivesse escutado todos esses conselhos, não estaria chorando por causa de homem no quarto de uma pessoa desconhecida na casa de um amigo enquanto acontece uma festa no andar de baixo, mas agora não tinha mais jeito.
Seus pensamentos foram brevemente interrompidos com o som da porta a sua frente sendo destrancada.
O barulho que lhe arrancou de dentro de sua própria cabeça foi seguido de um silêncio suspeito. A porta havia sido destrancada e deixada entreaberta, mas você não escutou nem passos nem movimentação alguma. Isso lhe deixou no mínimo curiosa, e a curiosidade te levou a levantar e se aproximar da porta do banheiro, empurrando a porta cuidadosamente, olhando os arredores do pequeno cômodo, e quando não viu nada, resolveu entrar apenas para ter certeza.
Ao entrar, pronta para fechar a porta atrás de si, não previu o momento em que foi pressionada contra a pia do banheiro e foi segurada pelos pulsos.
Você gritou, horrorizada, o que levou Simón a tapar sua boca com a mão livre.
“Você vai se comportar?” Perguntou em voz baixa, ao que você respondeu tentando morder a mão dele. “Aí! Vou perguntar de novo. Se eu te soltar, você vai se comportar e ficar quietinha? Hm?” Você prontamente acenou com a cabeça, visto que não adiantaria nada discutir e você não teria a menor condição de entrar numa briga com ele naquele espaço apertado.
“Porque você fez isso?! Você é um psicopata!” Levantou o braço prontamente, apontando o dedo na cara dele e pronta para voltar a gritar como se não estivesse à beira das lágrimas por causa do homem à sua frente a minutos atrás. “Se você acha mesmo que eu vou conversar com você agora, você que surtou de vez…”
Foi obrigada a interromper a fala quando Simón lhe puxou para perto e lhe beijou.
Ali você esqueceu porque estava brava com ele.
Embora tenha ficado no mínimo desnorteada, não ficou para trás, entrelaçando os braços ao redor do pescoço alheio.
Numa fração de segundo, quando o argentino lhe agarrou pela cintura e te sentou na pia do banheiro, você se lembrou exatamente do porquê voltava para ele todas as malditas vezes que vocês terminaram.
Separou o beijo quando a falta de ar se aproximou mais do que era confortável, mordendo o lábio inferior alheio antes de deixá-lo ir completamente.
“Você fica muito mais bonita quietinha.” Murmurou, repousando as mãos nas suas coxas com as pontas dos dedos perigosamente resvalando a barra da saia. “Sua voz me estressa e eu ainda estou brava com você.” Respondeu ríspida, ao que Simón reagiu fazendo bico, parecendo magoado enquanto desenhava padrões circulares nas suas coxas com o polegar.
“Não quer me dar algo para me fazer calar a boca, nena?” O cinismo na voz dele, o jeito que Simón te olhava, ele sabia perfeitamente que poderia te desmontar e remontar do jeito que bem quisesse e entendesse.
“Só dessa vez e nunca mais.” Você resmungou.
“Nem você acredita nisso, cariño.”
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐰riter’s note: a sexta feira é santa pero yo no soy
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chappelroans · 6 months
sometimes i see gifsets my mutuals would LOVE but we are simply not there yet so i cannot send it to them
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hsusers · 1 year
harry styles users with "hs":
☆ hsfIorals (with a capital "i") ☆ hsbuni ☆ hsgentle ☆ hsphysical (dua lipa) ☆ hsdunphy (modern family) ☆ hsmirrorbaII (taylor swift - with two capital "i") ☆ hsghostin (ariana grande) ☆ hscentrist ☆ hskissie
hope you like :) if you use any user LIKE or REBLOG and please let me know what your choice was. [don't repost]
🇧🇷: espero que gostem :) se usar algum usuário CURTA ou REBLOGUE e por favor me diga qual foi sua escolha. [não reposte]
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dualisume · 4 months
send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! // always accepting!!
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sadfsagsadf you aloee spoils me always asdfsag, && i love your writing too , did you know that when i was making this rp ACC , you're the first one i saw in the rpc and i just : HEART EYES: At cause me wanna write with you soo bad but I'm worried i won't meet up with your expectations asasgasdf so when i saw you follow me i got really excited asdfasdg! Thank you for this! I'm sorry for lateness on some starters && threads >< adulting sucks but i can't wait to write more with you !!
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lwtgrp · 2 years
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¡ dua lipa + louis tomlinson !
like or reblog if you save.
request are open.
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usersmaker · 1 year
users with the word "nostalgia":
♡ LIKE or REBLOG if you save any user. 🇧🇷: ♡ CURTA ou REBLOGUE se salvar algum user.
[ don't repost ]
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clvhq · 2 years
dua lipa queda reservada a nombre de delfi con un cupo en la familia wright.
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thericons · 2 months
oii vc poderia fazer users do Andrew garfield + duas lipa pvf
users andrew garfield + dua lipa
•like or reblog if you save
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millennialshqs · 1 year
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¿alguien conoce a james wright? los rumores llenan todos los rincones y los hechos seguramente darán de qué hablar.
sheik, ¡bienvenide a millennialshqs! estamos felices de recibirte en el grupo y no podemos esperar a ver cómo tu personaje se desarrolla en esta historia. recordá enviar la cuenta de tu personaje pronto y, en caso de necesitar cualquier cosa, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotras.
nombre: sheik
pronombres: ella/elle/él
edad: 25
zona horaria: gmt-5
Triggers: accidentes automovilísticos, non-con, incesto, trabajo sexual, pedofilia, hípersexualización m/m. 
¿algo que agregar?: perdón al resto del rp porque esta era la gema del infinito que faltaba para que bowie y carmela le rompan las pelotas a los demás pjs
nombre: james wright
pronombres: ella/suya
faceclaim: dua lipa
edad: 25 años
esqueleto: j7
fecha de cumpleaños: 6 de noviembre.
descripción psicológica: james llegó a contrastar en el hogar de los wright, siendo todos tan pulcros y estoicos, y ella tan volátil e impredecible. dicen que se parece a su madre, coqueta y risueña, aunque ninguna lo acepte. es inteligente, y aunque le gusta jugar el papel de chica dura, tiene un corazón enorme, y ese lo ha sacado de su padre. protectora, lucha por lo que es justo y peca de lengua suelta, pues no sabe quedarse callada cuando le tocan los puntos. sardónica, es evidente que disfruta de burlarse del resto— tomarles el pelo sanamente, según ella. es muy creativa, en su tiempo libre, aunque mayormente es a la música. muchos la llamaban doble cara, porque dentro de su casa, compartiendo mesa con papá y mamá, era una hija medianamente ejemplar. pero tras espalda, puede ser imprudente (ella dice aventurera) y desenfrenada. se calma bastante con la llegada de su hijo saint, pero caracter no deja de ser fuerte. simplemente, busca ser mucho más responsable que antes, pues cree que con el padre que le dio al niño, no tiene otra opción que ser el pilar.
descripción física: estatura de 1.73, de cabello largo hasta mitad de la espalda y oscuro. las chaquetas amplias ( especialmente las de baseball ), colores neón y medias de red son constantes en sus atuendos, maquillaje bastante natural a excepción de delineado afilado. estos varían cuando está sobre el escenario, eso sí. tatuajes tiene varios distribuidos: una frase irónica en el costado de la muñeca y uno en cada pulgar aunque están algo desgastados, una flama en su dedo índice, unos más en los brazos, pequeños y con significado. el más grande es este.
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable? sí / no. 
¿dejarías que todo lo que rolees pueda tener impacto directo sobre la trama del grupal? es decir, que a partir de tus convos la administración pueda usar cierta información para futuras actividades. sí / sí, pero hablándolo primero / no.
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userstuf · 8 months
• tsdlipa
• taylipafv
• midfture
fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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saintslewis · 1 month
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem oc; Nadia Hamilton
summary: social media posts from the most recent chapter! <3
warnings: twitter environment, cussing
saint’s team radio 🎀: 2 for the price of 1 😝. did not mean to take so long so here’s a little gift 🫶🏽
pic credit: pinterest and ig!
fc: @/unclewaffles_ on ig
plastic off the sofa: chapter 7
renaissance: the masterlist
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liked by taylorrussell, normani and 3,484,913 others
nadiahamilton versace x dua lipa.
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nadiahamilton guys my back tat looks so delicious
nadiahamilton hello 🤭
user and what if this causes my hospitalisation?
dualipa i was so lucky to see this in person
nadiahamilton thank you for such an amazing show!
versace 💗
lilymhe i fainted a couple of times
nadiahamilton i don’t, i swear 😭
kehlani can your man fight
haileybieber you look like a dream 🥹
user whatever your affirmations were, hand them over!
sza that ass is SITTING
francisca.cgomes i am begging for one chance
alexandrasaintmleux me too omg
user i don’t think you understand what you’ve done now
nataliatheedon you’re actually unreal WHAT
latto777 it’s actually so unfair that he gets you to himself
iamcardib like it’s actually pissing me off rn
amaraonmars this is insanity. do it again
jackharlow oh you was serious
user white boy, what are you talking abt? 🤨
user probably something at the party
user and dare i ask who took the photos….
user there could only be one selfish man who did this
user not you calling him selfish 😭😭😭
lewishamilton had to take a breather
charlottieee we’ll give you your pump, grandpa
fencer THIS IS SO CRAZY???
lewishamilton hi mrs hamilton
nadiahamilton hi 🤭
user they had to remind y’all REAL QUICK
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liked by bellahadid, zendaya and 845,246 others
nadiahamilton hello monaco! (can we pls focus on how good he looked)
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user publicly thirsting over him, aren’t you embarrassed?
user girl that’s her husband…..
carmenmmundt we need to get together like that soon, it was so much fun!
lilymhe i felt like i was in a chick flick
francisca.cgomes not when you tripped and your ice cream fell ‼️
alexandrasaintmleux kika let’s be nice but YES tinkerbell, i need another girl’s day or else i will combust
user YOUR SHIRT??????
nadiahamilton super cute right?
user it’s so iconic!!!!
user nadia liked and favourited an edit of mine, just wanted to flex 🙏
user now why would you expose that girl’s secret like that (share the edit)
nataliatheedon monaco isn’t a real place, hope that helps!
nadiahamilton if i were you, i’d keep quiet 🫵🏽
nataliatheedon 😧
user i have the slightest feeling that you can cook, can you?
nadiahamilton yes?
user since no one is talking about it, yes he looked so good that day Nadia
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liked by fanpage, fanpage and many others
f1femmepost bumping into nadiahamilton was the highlight of our Monaco Grand Prix weekend! Tell us what your favourite interview moments were!
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user “is this one of those tiny mics?? I LOVE TINY MICS”
user “i promise you, go up to one of these white people and they will give you a paddock pass. i’ve seen it.”
user “sorry i gotta fix my nose ring hold up”
user “there are days where he sounds incredibly british and it’s just so interesting to hear.” “but he is-” “and that’s what makes it better!”
user “these are my ladies, those drivers couldn’t stand a CHANCE!”
user a dog and its owner walk by: “omg look at it, i wanna squeeze that dog.”
user “i won’t hold you, i’m craving a big ass bowl of pasta rn.”
user *sings in the most angelic voice you’ve ever heard*
user “i’ll never stop being a teacher, it’s so much fun.”
user “if you’ve got extremely blue eyes, do not stare at people, it’s so scary. i’m talking about you, pierre gasly.”
user “omg you’re craving cupcakes? let’s go get them!”
user “you like that bag from gucci? let’s go get it.”
user “i love laying on the floor so much.”
f1femmepost because of all these posts, we love Nadia Hamilton so much! 🫶🏽
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saint’s notes 🎀: this took so long yoh, hope you enjoyed!
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sukisheadlights · 1 month
landonorris x famous!oc
summary: where she sends the Internet into a slow spiral after releasing a song out of the blue (except it’s not out of the blue, it’s papaya)
part 2: make me stay, series masterlist
faceclaim: dua lipa 🫶
rory’s voice mail 🎧: PART 2! sorry it took a while I was just waiting for ms.lipa to post more photos of herself and her red hair. anyways, enjoy! love you (say it back)
ALSO!!! i was supposed to finish these parts before the new season started but that didn't happen so I'm quickly going to catch up to the next few races and move to this year's season :) mwah
@THEHOLLYWOODFIX • 2 hours ago
"Red-Hot Romance? Lando Norris Seen Leaving Vegas Party With Same Mystery Woman as Before — Are They Hooking Up or Dating?"
In a city where parties never cease, it seems that Formula 1 driver Lando Norris just can't get enough of nightlife. Just a week after being spotted leaving a Vegas party with a mysterious red head, the 24-year-old was seen doing the exact same thing once again! It's unclear whether Norris and the red head are just having a little fun or if a deeper relationship is brewing, but we're sure his fans are keeping a close eye to see what happens next.
Who is this mystery woman and does she have the beloved driver wrapped around her finger?
"Waking up in the bed of a Formula 1 driver..again..I guess I can scratch that off the bucketlist." liz thinks to herself as she slips out of the bed she spent the night in, quietly making her way to the kitchen.
She stops infront of a mirror to fix her hair and tug the giant white shirt she's wearing further down even though that wasn't going to fix anything. She looks for her own clothes around the house before she ends up pulling it out from under his sofa. How did that even get there? I don't think I want to find out.
She makes her way to the kitchen, the cool marble flooring against her feet waking her up almost instantaneously.
The morning starts with her on call with her manager, arranging her private jet to leave as soon as possible while she raids lando's fridge in hopes of food. I guess a kinder egg still counts?
Chomping into the chocolate she quietly (but quickly) gathers her things and leaves his appartment, praying she doesn't get spotted by any paparazzi. If there's one thing she learnt the hard way it's that boys are no good.
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liked by paiselysterling, sabrinacarpenter, and 162,988,970 others
lizcolton thank you for all the love on my newest single! number 1 on charts and 1 million streams the first week of it's release!? you guys are all INSANE but I love you for that.
@ lizzerator mother says we're insane but proceeds to write the lyric "Kisses to my exes, I know that I did you dirty Little messed up, little selfish, we ain't married, I ain't thirty Yeah, we hooked up, then we broke up, then I said you really hurt me But I still got your number and your necklace, kisses to my exes"
*liked by lizcolton*
@ lizcolton @ lizcoltonlover a slay I hope
@ paiselysterling YOUR HONOR SHE ATEEEE
@ paiselysterling I'm so proud of you my love <3
@ lizcolton love you, pails <3
@ lizcoltonhq mother is mothering 😍
@ lizislife HELP WHO'S THE ADMIN HERE @ lizcolton @ lizislife beats me 🤷‍♀️ but you're getting a promotion that's for sure @ lizcoltonhq @ lizcolton thanks mother!
@ lewishamilton loved it! wished you didn't ditch us at the party yesterday night tho.
@ lizzerator @ lewishamilton what. explain!? right now!? @ formula1fanatic LIZ COLTON!!!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF @ lizcolton @ lewishamilton damn it's so weird howw you STOPPED SPEAKING after "love it!" @ lewishamilton @ lizcolton my bad.
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liked by lizcoltonhq and 24,678 others
@lizzerator clips from the "kisses to my exes" music video.
@ user she ate and she KNOWS
@ user that running clip was definetly a reference to euphoria omg
@ user she looks stunning
@ user liz I lovee you
@ user whoa, take a chill pill babe.
@ user GUYS GUYS GUYS she has black hair in the video meaning she filmed this LONG BACK OMG
@ user girl has been KEEPING the tea from us
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liked by lizcoltonhq and 56,984 others
@lizzerator stills from the "kisses to my exes" music video.
@ user gorgeous.
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@THEHOLLYWOODFIX • 3 minutes ago
Pop Sensation Liz Colton Spotted in London as She Prepares for Her Comeback — Are We in Store for a Fresh Batch of Heartbreak Music?
In a city known for its celebrity sightings, pop singer Liz Colton has been spotted leaving her recording studio in London, fueling speculation that the singer is gearing up for her long awaited return to the music scene. Colton made headlines when she released her single "Kisses to my Exes" which took direct aim at her former partner, actor Jacob Elordi. The track hit number one on the charts and garnered over a million streams in its first week alone.
With such an explosive release under her belt, fans are anxiously awaiting what's next from the talented songwriter. Could the songstress be gearing up for a full-blown comeback? After such a long break from the music scene, it's sure to be exciting to see what direction she takes this time around. Stay tuned for more on Liz Colton and her highly anticipated comeback music.
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here's some pictures provided by the paparazzi team here at the hollywood fix.
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seen by 8,37,870,299 people
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hsusers · 2 years
harry styles + dua lipa users:
☆ youarehomesick (youarehome + homesick) ☆ lostincanyon (lost in your light + canyon moon) ☆ breakmyhouse (break my heart + harry's house) ☆ latenightcool (late night talking + cool) ☆ hallucinaterry ☆ keeplevitating (keep driving + levitating ☆ loveofnostalgia (love of my life + future nostalgia) ☆ lipashouse or duashouse ☆ loveofmydua
hope you like :) if you use any user LIKE or REBLOG and please let me know what your choice was. [don't repost]
🇧🇷: espero que gostem :) se usar algum usuário CURTA ou REBLOGUE e por favor me diga qual foi sua escolha. [não reposte]
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