midorikawawas · 2 years
Kaito: Why does my brother call you "baby girl"?
Uozumi: How about we stop talking for a little while.
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amyure · 5 years
Interview with Takai Maika [Harumi Kajika, Complete Music File]
Translated by @eshtarwind, edited by @inkuii
Harumi Kajika voice actor: Takai Maika (Mausu Production. From Tokushima prefecture. Born in august 18th)
Third live is the performance that made me think that I really was standing on the Start Line.
- What do you like about your character? What I like about Kajika is how she can always positively believe in everyone and work hard. She has doubts, but because she believes in everyone around her, you can feel her kindness in her positive mentality. In the scene, you can see how just by those words she can ease the tension off the shoulders of everyone around her and reassures them... I think? Also, the fact that she gives energy and courage.
- What do you hold strongly in particular while recording? The thing that I hold on to during performance and recording is to believe in the people who came to watch and support us. On top of it, while treasuring my own feelings and emotions I felt onstage, I consciously think about how Kajika-chan would express those emotions. There are times where I felt, be it way of singing or interpretation, Kajika-chan is expressing my feelings.
- With all releases and lives, are there points of growth? I can now dance...?! I think (LOL). Also, when I watched the live footage, other than my performance, I am able to rethink the condition of everyone I saw onstage, to see Shihainins' faces calmly, and I may have the composure to look at my surroundings, I guess...?
- Is there anything that left a deep impression on you while working? The first event I had with Nanasis is Kadokawa-san's Game's Dengeki Thank You Matsuri 2015 held in Akihabara, by Nanasis corner's try out gathering. There I wore a fisher apron and gave my greetings as Kajika-chan. A lot of Shihainin came by and each one of them said, "Please take care of Nanasis!" It was so exciting, I had fun!
- Is there anything in the recording up until now that left a deep impression on you? During the test recording, Motegi-san always told me "Please sing freely". But after a while, "Please let Kajika-chan descend" the "evocation" began (LOL). In my case, until the recording, my head was often so full of the scores and lyrics, that things like character's view points or details are often decided during the recording.
- Please tell us of some interesting events as a unit! Our characteristics is to go on our pace no matter when! since I can feel assured whenever the three of us are together, to be unfazed by others' antics is Sanbon Ribbon's strength. Also, I think we have a lot of eye contact!The other two's kind gazes tell me, "It'll be alright", which is why I can do everything with fun!
- What kind of live was 3rd live? For third live, from the moment it was announced, to training, and even during the live, everyone said things like "It's a milestone~" and stuff. Personally, I managed to get over many things during 2nd live, there was indeed that feeling of "Well from now on is Third!" but, I have this lonely feeling coming from the heat gap out of the big word of "Accomplishment". Everyone was having so much fun and so did I, I managed to feel that sense of unity for being able to experience the live together on my skin. For me, it's a live that made me feel , "so this is what it means to stand on the Start Line".
- What in 3rd live that you remember? During "Harukaze ~you were here~". the falling Sakura landed perfectly and got stuck in my hair! We were talking like, "What if you get Sakura stuck on you backstage? No way it would happen!" and yet we had perfectly raised the flag and triggered it (LOL) [1]. It's a good memory we can laugh at!
- What kind of songs are in 777 Sisters' single [Start Line/Stay Gold]? when I got the sample, I first thought, it has the same atmosphere as the BGM that plays along with the announcement on Third Live's encore. That said, the one composing was the same composer (as the announcement), Naoki-san. Then I saw the title and the lyrics. There are so many parts that linked to the emotions I felt during 3rd live, my willpower just burst out (LOL)! I already loved piano rock, so the recording was also so fun. It maybe hard to find in the perfected song with everyone's voice combined together, but please find Kajika-chan who sang with so much passion at end of the lyrics (LOL)
-What would you like to do next? Any dreams while in Nanasis? Let's make the dream big, abroad it is! I want to go! I request France or Europe!  I want to go to France's "Japan Expo"!
-Please give a message to shihainin! I think there weren't that many chances to push on someone's back with songs, until I was allowed to sing as Kajika-chan's voice in Nanasis's songs. I received many messages and gratitude from a lot shihainin, thus I managed to know that I, even with a small presence, can also make someone smile and put so much into music. Thank you very much! I will try hard from on, so please, I will be happy if you would look after us as we grow in Nanasis.
*Favorite Song 1. Harujika (Chiisana) - Haneru I listen to it a lot and it's a song that I practiced dancing really hard on! I'm excited to know what will Shihainin-san feel when they see Kajika-chan, who flew beyond her unit of 3 sisters, at the live!
2. 777 sisters - Stay Gold To run after your dream is a bit suffocating , I love this song, which even if painful, looks ahead positive with all its might. And I'm sure we'll be able to communicate with the audience during the live!
--Character Profile Harumi Kajika The 14 year old middle child of the well establised fish shop, Uoharu. According to herself, she is a girl who is energetic, polite, and caring, but somehow a bit careless at the same time. She loves sweet things, but even though she is the daughter of the owner of a fish shop, she dislikes raw fish and can't stand sashimi.
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[1] Takai Maika (whichever is her surname) is referring to event flags in video games, where certain actions will lead to an event flag and eventually trigger it.
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jamelchf · 5 years
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魚治周末的Brunch Menu款式不算多,但勝在包含了大部份店中的招牌菜,好像白汁海膽焗三文魚籽、鯷魚醬伴鮮野菜及楓糖忌廉芝士伴薄脆等等,她們的爐端燒也是主打,鹽燒雞翼及燒魷魚筒都燒得香噴噴,非常美味。特別介紹三文魚籽半熟蛋,質感滑溜又惹味,友人再飽也添吃了。 (at Uoharu魚治) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1u1xkKgjlv/?igshid=txvdzamvrrsi
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style-yesnews · 5 years
【戀戀日式風情】中環 Uoharu 魚治 ❀ 東京來的海鮮居酒店
完成沖繩之旅後,對日本菜多了一份莫名的喜愛,這星期也連續吃了三頓。首先分享週二在中環威靈頓廣場七樓的 魚治 聚餐,除了價廉物美的日式美食,這裡還有令人神往的日式裝潢及美好氣氛,一不小心,真的以為自己又去了日本旅行呢!
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美好的晚餐,以【鯷魚醬拌鮮野菜】$68 開始。這批蔬菜全是由日本空運過來,如:宮崎來的青瓜、靜岡來的大根、鹿兒島來的紫薯等等,每款均非常新鮮、清甜而美味,配上濃郁美妙的鯷魚醬,十分引人入勝,簡直是停不了口!而多款蔬菜中最愛粉嫩的紫薯,不能錯過啊。
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接著以法國鮮忌廉、北海道3.6牛乳、日本及澳洲芝士等製成【楓糖忌廉芝士拌薄脆】$68 也非常出色,口感輕香甜滑中富有微微酥香,塗在清脆的薄多士上,太好吃啦!以致我都數不到前後吃了多少件,罪過罪過~
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茶碗蒸相信大家都吃過不少,如此巨大又足料的【海鮮茶碗蒸】$78 又試過沒有?份量之多,令我們笑言應稱作湯碗蒸,然而添加了海膽、蟹肉、鮮蝦及三文魚籽的蒸蛋實在鮮甜又滑溜,好吃令人一再添吃,此時大家都不會嫌份量大,否則還真意猶未盡呢!
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接著是另一款個人極愛的【白汁烤焗海膽三文魚籽】$148,在原有 Mac & Cheese(芝士通心粉)的基礎上,鋪上海膽與三文魚子一起焗熟,香濃中又多了一分鮮味,美味不得了!最愛鐵板邊位微焦微脆的芝士,滋味令人銷魂啊~
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總的來說,是印象很不錯的一間居酒屋,留意到它 午餐 也不過$108起,款式甚吸引,或許不久的將來又會再來吃了!   魚治 Uoharu 地址:中環威靈頓街2-8號威靈頓廣場M88 7樓 ** 想得知最新飲食情報,可追蹤 甜魔媽媽;欲得知甜魔一家消息,就追蹤 Matthew and Chloe 吧~
飲食資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 戀戀日式風情 ❀ 中環 Uoharu 魚治 ❀ 東京來的海鮮居酒店 更多相關內容
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【銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk】男神現身一芳 + 親愛吃 Eat Darling Eat
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Yan Lo 甜魔媽媽的新天地,在這裡與大家分享美食、育兒,以及旅遊資訊~~~24小時為你介紹不同的餐廳,各國美食精選等!
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midorikawawas · 2 years
Don't ever mention the Sun and Moon dynamics of a duo because I WILL talk about Haruto and Uozumi then proceed to think nonstop about them for AT LEAST 2 weeks
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midorikawawas · 2 years
So many Adele songs fit UoHaru and I want to bow down to the ppl creating them bc WOW
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midorikawawas · 3 years
The showbiz and everyone involved in that world knows about Uozumi and Haruto being ex classmates and so, they are the ones who push the whole "1st prince vs 2nd prince" but I know Uozumi would be in an interview or a variety show WITH HARUTO SITTING NEXT TO HIM and act like he doesn't know him. And haruto just laughs
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midorikawawas · 3 years
Haruto: Oh? you're approaching me?
Uozumi: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer
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midorikawawas · 3 years
Haruto: lemme give u some advice. Never tell someone "Why are you so pretty?" as a compliment because I did that once to someone I like and they answered "Was I supposed to be ugly?" I didn't know what to say and until this day I haven't recovered.
Kaito:.... Was it Uozumi-san the one you said that?
Haruto:... Yes it was him
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midorikawawas · 3 years
Haruto: *Stumbles and all the Uozumi photocards and merch fall of his pockets*
Haruto:... No one was supposed to see that.
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midorikawawas · 3 years
Fr the way Uozumi be saying Haruto's name is just
Haru (Derogatory)
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midorikawawas · 4 years
It never leaves my mind how Haruto has stated that Uozumi is his sun, and that he can feel so at peace when he's around him.
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midorikawawas · 4 years
Can we please talk about Haruto having a Dom drop???? And not only once ok? Maybe not all the time but it's a thing Uozumi is used at some point.
I totally see both him and Uozumi having that type of bdsm s*xual Dynamics where he's obviously the Dom lmao look at how sometimes Uozumi can be passive around Haru but just mix that with him overthinking stuff right after the release. Haruto thinking about how lonely he feels in new york, how he's just visiting and this moment will come to an end, so he just just feels down and Uozumi notices this, because he always notices Haruto's mood and pulls him closer so he rest his head on his chest to comfort him (thinking about how Haruto feels at peace with him 😔💚).
Or even if he feels he might crossed a line bc??? Like he calls Uozumi "second prince" or other stuff he knows he hates outside of bed but what if he feels he might've fucked up and crossed a line? He acts like everything's cool but even since their fall out Haruto is fidgety around Uozumi bc of those anger outbursts.
But you know ... Uozumi is there to tell him it's alright. That they're together and it'll be fine.
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midorikawawas · 4 years
Me @ me: hoe don't do it
Me: Both Uozumi and Haruto are singing about each other in different tones since they represent sun/morning (as in how Asaki is written with the kanjis 朝 "morning" and 喜"rejoice") and Night/ Moon (The 月 in Haruto's last name)
Also take in count the difference of Uozumi saying "speak" and Haruto "Sings" when singing is a more emotional and artistic demonstration of feelings and Haruto canonly doesn't feel comfortable singing outside of a stage and portraying a role.
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midorikawawas · 4 years
Uozumi: *Breathes*
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kaitoshu · 4 years
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☆I wish we saw more of these two!☆
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