#tw: humiliation
Okay okay okay so get this - I'm usually not much of a fan of whumpers, especially if it involves dehumanization, pet whump, humiliation, etc., but my brain supplied me with this little whump concept and I needed to share it with people who would enjoy such a thing.
So, the Whumpee has finally done it. They've escaped. Maybe it was an opportunistic escape or maybe it was carefully planned for weeks or even months. They're running. Perhaps they look horrible, perhaps they managed to scrounge clothes fit for escaping, or perhaps the Whumper liked to dress them in fine things.
They're running and - oh! A person!! A normal person! The Whumpee hurries over to them, no doubt startling the man who was walking his dog or carrying groceries into his house. They stumble over their words or perhaps recite a practiced line that they had drilled into themselves, but the man listens. His forehead wrinkles with concern and his jaw goes taut and soon he's nodding and ushering the near-panicked Whumpee inside his home because "Alright, alright. Everything's going to be fine. Let me make a call, okay?"
And he sits the Whumpee down in a nice, normal living room and gives them a nice, normal blanket before stepping away to do as he had promised. Minutes pass, and the Whumpee can't relax. After their time in captivity, they doubted that they would ever be able to relax again. The man's dog keeps them company, laying on the Whumpee's feet until they hear the front door open.
And - no. The Whumpee recognized that voice. They barely manage to stand before the man enters the living room, leading the Whumper inside and laughing at a shared joke. The Whumper is smiling as they approach, but their eyes are dangerous. The Whumpee instinctively freezes, visibly paling as the betrayal sinks in.
The Whumper takes the Whumpee by the arm and tows them to their feet. "I really am so sorry to inconvenience you. I'm still training them."
"Oh, don't I know that feeling." The man laughs, and that's when the Whumpee spots them. Another person had entered the room, obediently standing next to the man as he pulled them into a side-hug. Silent. Eyes empty. Another one, like the Whumpee.
"I'll see you for dinner on Thursday, same time?"
Oh no.
"Of course! Bring your friend, if you want. And Diane is coming, too."
This was much, much bigger than the Whumpee had realized.
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touyastearss · 1 year
These Violent Delights (Bully!Bakugou x F!Reader)
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Bakugou Katsuki x Female!Reader
WARNING: noncon, humiliation, slapping, bullying, blowjobs, possessive behaviour, AGED UP characters
'Let 'em down softly', right?
Never in your life had you questioned the efficiency of your hearing quite so much.
You pulled out your second earbud, just in case the music that you had on lowest volume had been blasting in your ear so loud it had somehow interfered with your comprehension.
"You heard me", the man in front of you accused, eyes narrowing as he glared down at you,   "So are you gonna answer then?". You could sense the impatience and irritation in his words from a mile off, so being stood unnaturally close to him didn't help ease how uncomfortable and nervous you felt.
"I uh….I'm really sorry, Bakugou...I just… I don't feel the need to date anyone at the moment". You cringed at how hesitant and unconvincing the words came out, despite the blatant truth behind them. It seemed as though you were trying to make excuses to the blond man in front of you, but though that wasn't the case at all, you just couldn't help feeling guilty for saying no. "Not that...Not that I don't appreciate it though, I just have other things to focus on, and I'm sure you're a lovely guy but I-"
'It's fine", his gruff voice cut you off from your desperate attempt at consolation. You scanned his face sceptically, and felt a bit of relief when you saw he truly looked unbothered. Should you really feel relieved? Or should you be mildly offended at the implications? Either way, you were now feeling awkward, so you stuffed your notes into your bag, and threw on your coat.
"Well, I guess I'll see you next week then so uh….have a good weekend." You flashed a quick smile, awkward but genuine. He responded with a grunt, and you headed out the door, cheeks slightly flushed.
Work was surprisingly dull that weekend, and you found yourself lazing around with your friend, Midoriya, who’s cheerful attitude and wild stories always left you entertained. You were used to a bit of a crowd, the diner you worked at was far from secluded, and definitely advertised itself well with bright neon signs, as if it had come straight out of a cheap hollywood film set in the 50's. But the typical red seats were empty today, with the exception of one booth in the corner, where a small family sat enjoying their meal. Though the sound of the bell on the door told you you’d soon be having an extra table. You turned at the ringing and put on your best smile to welcome the customers, but found it faltering slightly at the sight of the quartet in front of you. Though you didn't know them all personally, you'd seen more than enough of the infamous group: Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and unmistakably, Bakugou.
"Yo, Y/N right? Fancy seeing you here”, Denki’s voice was painfully loud above the calmness of the diner. “You got a spare table anywhere?” He gave you a playful smile, eyes darting round the empty diner, as he raised his eyebrows at your unimpressed silence. You cleared your throat and motioned to the table at the opposite end of the family, with a soft “Yeah, follow me”.
You walked quickly, almost stiffly, your shoes clicking in a steady rhythm as you passed by the other tables, feeling the scrutinising gazes on your back, and trying your best to ignore the heat creeping up your neck. You’d always had a strong distaste of your uniform, no doubt there to cater to the many regulars that were friends of your boss, a sleazy, greasy middle aged man that looked like he’d come straight off of some sort of wanted list. But he paid well, which was all you needed.
They all sat down at the table, and you waited until they'd all settled in to start your routined monologue: menus were at the side, sauces and cutlery was provided in the holders at the end of the table, if you had any issues kindly ask your waiter or waitress, and would you like to try today's special? A unified "No" was your answer, though you hadn't been expecting any different; throwing cheap chillies on a burger and raising the price by half didn't seem too appealing to you either, so there were no hard feelings. You nodded, telling them you'd be back in a few minutes to take orders for drinks, and quickly hurried off to the counter where plates stood to be served. Truthfully, you'd never been more grateful to your boss for his impatient shouting, as it earned you a quick distraction from the nerves you could feel bubbling in your stomach.
A momentary pleasure of course, because whilst the kind smiles of the family of four you served were enough to bring warmth to your heart and a smile to your face, turning back to face the table at the back proved to do the opposite.
"Are you ready to order?", the faux smile on your face was uncomfortable as you avoided the gaze of any of the men in front of you, eyes flicking between the table and your notepad in a mildly unprofessional manner. You scribbled the orders down quickly, ready to make your leave once again before being physically held back by the redhead with a bright smile on his face.
"Woah, no need to rush off so soon! You can’t have that much to do in here" He was right, you had absolutely nothing to do other than rearrange the ornaments on the counter, but you held back a sigh as you looked back down to him. Kirishima gave you a bright smile and let go of your sleeve, leaning back into his seat as he waited a few seconds to speak, much to your annoyance.
"So how long have you been working here then?", a surprisingly normal question that you answered with little hesitation.
"2 years.” Short and simple, no need for details. He hummed lightly, before creating a string of questions that you answered in a similar fashion, and made you feel like you were being interrogated more than having a conversation. You glanced around every few seconds to hope you were needed elsewhere but un fortunately, it didn't seem like you were; there were no new customers, and you were sure Midoriya would have no issue with handling any of the smaller tasks as you unwillingly entertained your customers, as your boss had instructed you to so many times before. And you must have been very entertaining, because every time Kirishima nodded his head, or gave a slightly over-enthusiastic "Yeah?" or "Really?", Sero and Denki seemed to burst into a fit of childish giggles as they looked at each other across the table, their snickers causing your cheeks to flame. You reached the conclusion that Kirishima’s innocent-sounding questions were part of some big inside joke between the four of them- though Bakugou seemed anything but amused- and hurriedly excused yourself from the table in embarrassment.
“Woah, woah, Y/N what’s wrong?” firm hands reached out to steady you as you rushed round the corner, almost slamming into Midoriya, who was busy refilling the fridge. You shook your head, sighing.
“Table 9” you answered simply, and Midoriya boldly peered out from behind the wall, motion pausing as you could only assume he made eye contact with one of the four.
“When did they come in?” he asked, a look of frustration on his face. You knew Midoriya didn’t have a good history with the four of them, particularly Bakugou, which had actually been one of the main reasons you’d turned him down so hastily that day.
“Like five minutes ago, and they’ve barely even done anything so far, but they just make me uncomfortable , y’know?” Midoriya nodded solemnly,
“Did you say something to Bakugou?”, Midoriya questioned, looking down at you with furrowed brows. You shook your head.
“No, actually, he didn’t say anything . It was kinda weird”, you commented, equally as confused.
“Well he was staring right over here, looked like he wanted to fucking kill me or something. Wouldn’t be the first time though”, Midoriya scoffed, the plate in his hand coming into contact with the shelf a little too harshly as he spoke, and you felt a pang of pity in your heart as you looked down at him, though you knew he wouldn’t appreciate it if he saw.
Why had Bakugou been glaring? You assumed he was still a little annoyed from your encounter earlier that week, though you couldn’t really blame him. Looking back, you might have been a little too harsh, maybe a little rude, even, but he had seemed alright with it at the time, so why would he suddenly be mad about it? You sighed, deciding that it most likely had nothing to do with you, and that Bakugou had probably just fallen into one of his notorious bad moods.
“Everything okay with your meals?” Midoriya had offered to be the one to check up on the table, and you’d never felt more grateful to him in your life. As he walked up to the table, Sero greeted him with a nod. Kirishima turned too, eyes trailing past Midoriya to where you stood, trying to act as if you were busy with something.
“Y/N not want speak to us anymore? What did I do?”, you could hear the fake pout in his voice without seeing him through the reflection of the glass beside you, but you ignored it completely and continued your miniscule task with as much effort as possible.
“She’s a bit busy at the moment, sorry”, Midoriya waited patiently beside the table as he spoke. You knew he never really spoke to any of the four when he had the choice, but you noticed the way he pretty much ignored Bakugou completely.
“Midoriya, haven’t seen much of you in a while” Denki commented with a smile as he looked up at the man in front of him.
“Uh yeah, I’ve been training a lot recently”, you watched as Midoriya responded calmly, and as he spoke you took in his form, acknowledging just how true what he’d said was.
Midoriya had been training a lot more over the last few months, and it was evident in his build. He had certainly grown in more than one way since you’d met him; he was stronger, mentally - more sure of himself and his abilities, but he’d also grown bigger . A lot bigger. Had you not known him as well as you did, you might have even found him a bit scary, if you were being honest. But at the end of the day you knew he hadn’t changed that much, and that he was still the smart, thoughtful softie you knew and loved.  But as your eyes secretly trailed up and down his well-built figure, they caught sight of a pair of red eyes through the glass, the crimson red seeping into your skin and your mind and your vision.
You looked away quickly.
“Oh, shit, was that your locker? Damn, sorry about that Y/N”, Kirishima gave you an apologetic look as you stared at the mess of metal in front of you, and the mess of your project behind it. Hours of work and planning completely destroyed by the force of Denki’s body as he went crashing into it with a laugh, right in front of your eyes. And right before 4th period. When it was due. You could almost feel the tears rising in your eyes out of pure frustration. You wanted to get angry, but Kirishima looked so apologetic, there was no way he could’ve done it on purpose, right? But why did Sero’s smirk tell you something else?
You barged past Kirishima, anger clouding your vision as you practically stormed down the hallway. But you were stopped as you hit something solid and unmoving.
Bakugou. Of course.
He looked down at you as you stood in front of him, eyes bloody and cold. You could only watch as his gaze trailed behind you, to his friends, to your locker, and then, ultimately, to your hands, and the broken project you held. His lips curled into a smirk, and with a scoff, he pushed you off of him, ignoring you to join his friends with a loud complaint about the ‘dumb fucks’ in the school. Your shoulder stung from the impact of his shove, and you had to catch yourself as you stumbled, mumbling some curses of your own under your breath.
“How’s your shoulder?” Midoriya's voice was soft as he sat down beside you, a sandwich in one hand and a drink in the other.
“It’s better. Did he really have to push so hard? Jesus Christ” You rolled your eyes at the memory, turning slightly more to face Midoriya, who clenched his jaw in response.
“He’s just a dickhead who gets a kick out of being an asshole to everybody, we’ll be out of here soon, and then we’ll see how it goes from there” You nodded in agreement, biting into the sandwich Midoriya had placed in front of you.
“Have you had any luck with your notes?” You let out a grunt, feeling frustration rise at even the mention of your notes, which had conveniently gone missing that morning. You’d first noticed halfway through the first lesson, and spent the remaining minutes in complete stress, worried that you’d misplaced them somewhere in the classroom. But you eventually reached the conclusion that their disappearance was not a coincidence.
Your eyes travelled over to a table on your right, hearing every detail of the conversation between Kirishima and Sero, who were talking at an unnecessarily loud volume. You were certain it was one of them who had taken the notebook you’d kept in your bag, you just didn’t know when , or who . But from the look Denki gave you as he met your eyes, you could’ve taken a pretty good guess. Just as you made eye contact, your vision was invaded by ash blonde hair and a deep scowl, eyes meeting yours and sharply shifting to Midoriya quickly, who sat blissfully unaware, before shifting back to you. You stared at him, his cold eyes glaring back, and you unintentionally held it for a few seconds, too caught up in confusion and stress, before realising that the two of you had been staring at each other for over 10 seconds straight.
“It was Bakugou wasn’t it?” You snapped your head towards Midoriya, who you found staring directly at you, concerned eyes holding the slightest fury that was so uncommon of your best friends.
You shook your head vehemently. “No, no, I think…” you sighed, “I think it was Denki”. Midoriya scoffed.
“And I wonder who set him up to it.” His eyes narrowed at you now, as if he was trying to piece things together.
“What happened between you two?” You contemplated telling him. It was Midoriya, there was no way he’d be mad. It wasn’t as if you’d done anything wrong anyway.
“He…He asked me out” The look of shock on Midoriya’s face made your face flush red. You really hadn’t wanted to tell him, but keeping it from him felt wrong.
“And you said no, right?” You nodded quickly.
“Is that why they came to the diner?” Midoriya looked pissed. Angrier than you’d ever seen before, but he looked at you with soft eyes. You nodded in response, and he let out a heavy exhale.
You glanced back to Bakugou, still staring in your direction, but now focused on Midoriya wih a murderous expression.
“Leave Y/N alone. She did nothing wrong.” Midoriya had wasted no time finding Bakugou after school.
Thirteen years. Thirteen years of Bakugou taking out his anger on Midoriya, and thirteen years of Midoriya taking it with little resistance. But that was over, they were adults now, and he’d be damned if he didn’t act like one for once.
The blond man showed no surprise at the sudden sound of Midoriya’s voice, simply turning around to rest against the lamppost beside him.
“You’re painfully obvious about your stupid little crush on her, you piece of shit. You trying to lose your virginity, finally?” amusement was heavy in Bakugou’s eyes.
“You’re pathetic”, Midoriya spat the words at Bakugou, voice shaky in anger and a nervousness instilled in him all those years ago that he’d never truly lost. “She rejected you, and now you’re making them take it out on her. When will you stop being a pathetic bully?”
Bakugou let out a loud laugh, genuine humour on his face as he regarded the green haired man.
“Have you finally grown a pair, Deku?” The nickname was spat at Midoriya with a familiar spitefulness. “Took you long enough, it’s a shame you’re all bark and no bite.”
With an unpredictable quickness, Bakugou lunged at Midoriya, fist heavy as it hit right in Midoriya’s gut, sending the green haired man stumbling backwards. After all those years, they were almost physically equal, but Bakugou’s experience and naturally violent nature was evident between them. Nonetheless, Midoriya rose to his feet, ignoring the ache in his jaw as he landed a hit in response. It was a hard hit, and blood dripped down Bakugou’s chin from his split lip, but he ignored it, eyes burning as he swung his fist so hard the loud crack from Midoriya’s face resonated in the empty parking lot. It was quick and it was enough, because Midoriya didn’t get back up.
A phrase flashed in Bakugou’s mind.
‘Never kick a man when he’s down.’
He stepped backwards and smashed his boot into Midoriya’s face.
To: Midoriya
Hey, I haven’t seen you today, are you at school?
Minutes passed. No response.
You looked down at your phone in concern. It wasn’t often Midoriya didn’t reply to you quickly, usually you’d hear the ping of a message moments after you sent your own. Maybe he was ill. You hoped not.
To: Midoriya
I hope you’re feeling okay. Make sure to rest, and text me when you can :)
“Midoriya? Nah he won’t be in today.”
Sero loomed over your shoulder, dark hair falling across his face as he stared down at your phone screen. You jumped in surprise, quickly shoving it in your pocket and spinning on your heel to face the trio who’s unnerving smiles seemed to have become a familiar sight. You furrowed your eyebrows as your brain took in his statement, but he suffocating unease the three brought to you was too much for it to matter at that moment.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You asked with an exasperated sigh, eyes scanning around to look for the ash blond hair, but as per usual he wasn’t there.
“Well, we just have a question for you. It’s only quick, don’t worry.”
You braced yourself, but nodded quickly in hopes to get it done with as soon as possible.
“When was the last time you got fucked?”
You coughed in surprise, eyes wide. You had expected something along the lines of this, but not so blatant and loud in the hallways. Your eyes darted around desperately, horrified to find the flustered look of a student you didn’t recognise that told you she had clearly heard Sero’s question, and you had no doubt a few of the others around you had to.
 “Oh, sorry”, he leant in close, lips inching closer to the shell of your ear, and you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, “Have you ever been fucked?” You blushed bright red, silent in response. He backed away, smiling as he looked down at you. He let out a light laugh. “Didn’t think so. No wonder you're wound up so tight That’s one more for the ‘hot virgin’ tally, boys. You owe me and Kirishima a fiver each, Denki”
“Damn, you telling me she’s not some dumb slut? Hah..give it a day and we’ll try again”, Denki gave the other two a knowing smile, before they turned away, Kirishima giving you a heavy pat on the shoulder as he left you in an embarrassed mess in the hallways.
Too much. Five days without Midoriya had become far, far too much for you to handle. And two weeks of incessant torture was piling up on your back, ready to snap your spine in two. Every day you debated going to school, every day you debated showing up to work in fear that Bakugou would make an unwelcome visit. It was ironic, because so far Bakugou had personally done nothing to you but a hard shove in the hallway, or given you menacing glares that you carried round throughout the day. But you knew he was behind it all, that he was making his little lackeys push you about and fuck up your life., no matter how willing you were sure they’d been. It was his idea, you had no doubt. And even though it scared you, had you biting your nails raw and your lip until it bled, you found yourself hovering over his Instagram, bracing yourself before you sent a message.
I need to talk to you
You waited hours for a reply, late in the night when you laid awake sick with nerves. Finally, the buzz of your phone had you jumping in the dark.
Room 5C 16:30
You better not waste my fucking time
16:30. That was tomorrow, you checked the time, today actually. Fuck.
And on the brink of nauseousness, you fell asleep.
"B-Bakugou?", your voice was meek as you stood at the door, heart beating violently in the empty corridor. He didn't answer, so you hesitantly stepped into the room, scanning around quickly for any signs of his friends; a semi-closed door or a window conveniently cracked open.
You approached close, coming to stand beside him. "Bakugou?", you tried again, meek and afraid, to receive no sign of acknowledgement once again. Gulping, you stepped in front of the desk. You opened your mouth to try one more time, but the rough voice cut you off.
"What?", simple and threatening. You inhaled a shaky breath, wringing your hands in front of you as you failed to meet his gaze, ashy blonde hair and bust lip.
“Listen, I just wanted to say that..” you gulped, “that I’m r-really sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings or anything, I just…”
"You're sorry? Really? Doesn't seem like you're very sorry to me". The impassive look on his face brought nausea to your gut, as you thought about the humiliation of the situation. His gaze gave you anxiety as you suffered beneath it.
"I am sorry, Bakugou I swear, I'm so sorry. I want to make it up to you, please just make it stop. " You were begging now, blubbering whatever it was that came into your mind. The tears in your eyes had fallen long ago, and the thought of somebody seeing you like this was more than you could bear as nausea rose in your gut.
"Do you ever stop fucking talking?", he groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance at your meek state. He was annoyed. No, irritated was probably the better word, but he couldn't help the feeling of his cock stirring in his pants. Your cries just sounded so fucking pretty to him. Did Sero hear them too, when he humiliated you for being a virgin? Did Denki, when he pushed you about in the halls? Did Midoriya when you ran to him for consolation?
Bakugou's fists clenched at the thought of that bastard anywhere near you, and a sudden rush of rage threw his head back up.
"Get on your knees", he demanded.
"W-what, no, no Bakugou-" you shook your head quickly.
 "I said", he grabbed your forearm roughly, pushing you to the ground so harshly it'd leave a bruise, "get on your fucking knees". You gave in, collapsing to the ground in an uncomfortable position below his feet, head facing the floor and dripping with tears.
He scoffed.  "Thought you wanted to show me you were sorry? Thought you wanted me to forgive you? Maybe if you’re any good with your mouth, I won’t fuck you today. But no promises", he snickered, vermillion eyes blaring into your skin. You were shaking, but looked up to face him.
"J-just this once?", you asked, hesitantly.
Bakugou was silent for a second, taking in your form beneath him. Your eyes were red and puffy, leaking tears that dripped down your face and down to your lips, quivering in fear. They looked so fucking soft. He reached down, the pad of his thumb gently wiping one of the tears that had trickled down onto your lip. "Yeah, baby, just this once", his tone was unconvincing, but all you could do was rely on the words he spoke and hope he wasn’t as cruel as you believed him to be.
You gulped, hands shakily raising to his jeans. You struggled with the button, movements clumsy and slow, and Bakugou had to force himself not to rush you. Your lack of experience was amusing to him. By the time you'd pulled his cock out, you were crying again.
"What's wrong baby? Don't know what to do?", he mocked, slapping the tip of his cock against your lips. "Think I'd start with putting it in your mouth and sucking . It's what the others do.”
You sucked in a breath, slowly moving your head forward, and lightly running your tongue over the tip. You gave it a light suck, grimacing at the salty taste, and slowly took in more. No teeth, like you'd heard people say before. You didn't want to make him any more angry than he already was.
But hearing about it proved to be a lot harder than doing it; you struggled to breathe as you took more into your throat, and your jaw quickly began to ache, the discomfort becoming too much. You whined in discomfort as his hands found the back of your head, slowly pushing you further, and you found yourself gagging uncontrollably, sputtering for air, your throat constricting around his cock. He held you still for a second, the sound of your choking filling the room, before pulling you off in a sudden movement.
“Fucking hell ”, he was almost shouting at you as you collapsed onto the ground, sobbing painfully as you tried to breathe. Your lungs ached and your throat was in agony as your fingers curled into fists on the floor. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Breathe through your fuckin’ nose unless you wanna choke to death on my cock. I swear to God, you dumb fuckin’ bitch, can’t do anything right.” He grabbed you by your hair again, a violent tug on your scalp that burned as he pulled you upwards. Your mascara was a mess, dark lines running down your face and red eyes from the tears you had cried.
“You wanna try again now? And fuckin’ breathe this time, cos I’m not letting you off so fuckin’ easily again.” You couldn’t respond, breathing deeply as you stopped hyperventilating, you were trying hard to listen to what he was saying, but the pounding in your head had drowned everything else out. He seethed out, hand grabbing at your jaw and squeezing tightly.
“Answer me, slut” You choked out a spluttered ‘yes’, despite not having heard a word he’d said.
“C’mon, you can do better than that”, his growl had your body tensing, a tight fist in your hair sending alarms throughout your body. For only a second, his hand rested there, before you were pulled back down, mouth convulsing around his length; it was too much. You couldn’t breathe, the saliva gathering in your mouth as you choked on his cock. Tears fell down your face as you desperately attempted to breathe through your nose. Your hands reached out to slap his thighs, desperate and wild as you closed your eyes out of sheer humiliation and fear. Loud grunts came from above you, your whimpers of pain drowned out as his cock pounded into your throat. You felt lightheaded, and in one last attempt, dug your nails into his calves as hard as possible, hoping to cause pain, or draw blood, or do anything to get his attention.
“FUCK”, he shouted, yanking your head back painfully. You choked, grabbing at your throat and throwing yourself backwards, away from Bakugou’s legs, almost sprawled out on the floor as you took sharp inhales. You raised your hands as a signal that you needed a break, but Bakugou was in no mood to be nice, his hand wrapping around your forearm, pulling you closer to him. You gasped at the sudden sting on your cheek- not too hard, but definitely enough to count as a warning. “Listen, sweetheart, I’m all for that sort of shit, but not right now. I swear to fucking God, you pull that shit again and I won’t be nice enough to pull you off. Let you choke on my fucking cock. Got it?” You nodded, unable to wipe the falling tears on your cheeks.
“Now you’ve wasted all that fucking time, we’ve got 15 minutes before this class starts so you better get back to work unless you want an audience.”Your eyes widened, gaze skirting to the clock that mindlessly ticked away at the back of the room. Bakugou sneered down at you, “No? That’s what I thought”.
Without another word, he pushed your head back down, and you took his cock into your mouth again, trying your hardest to do a good job this time. There was no way you’d let anybody else see you like this.
“Fuck, maybe I should let Midoriya see this. You on your knees, speared on my cock and crying your eyes out. He’d probably get hard as fuck, beg me to let him have a turn.”, you unwillingly whined at his words, body squirming uncomfortably. Bakugou let out a cruel laugh, “You like that? You Dirty. Fucking. Slut.” He emphasised his words with a violent thrust. “Tough shit, nobody else is getting you. Just me. All mine.”
As if those two words propelled him, Bakugou’s grip on your hair grew tighter and his speed became brutal. You couldn’t breathe, fuck fuck fuck you couldn’t breathe, but his pace didn’t let up.
“Oh fuck, fuck I’m gonna- fuck ” with a sharp inhale, your head was pulled to the base of his cock, and you felt his cum, hot and sticky in your mouth. With little other choice, you swallowed around him, and after a few seconds, he pulled out, peering down at you through hooded eyes.
“Good girl”
You were dragged out of the room minutes later, given no time to wipe the black tears that trailed down your face or your messy hair. You stumbled after Bakugou, footing clumsy as you came face to face with the last person you wanted to see that day. Bandaged and bruised, Midoriya stood in front of the door with Kirishima and Sero holding him by the shoulders, a knowing look on their faces.
Bakugou turned to you. "Want to tell him what you told me?", you shook your head, tears falling down your face silently as you hid your gaze from the green eyes that stared at you in confusion. Midoriya looked so concerned, and your stomach was twisting in guilt and disgust at yourself. “Oh but I think you do . Go on, Y/N, tell him what you were crying about to me.”
You turned your gaze back to Midoriya in the hallway, Bakugou’s tight grip still digging into your arm. He looked bad , the purple and blue marks that littered his skin were swollen, and you were sure there’d be more under his shirt. You knew instantly how he got them; he fought for you , and look at how you repaid him. Your eyes fell on his, mouth ready to open and spill out the words that bubbled like acid on your tongue ignoring the audience. Denki, Kirishima, and Sero, each watched you with their own sinister leers.
“I…I shouldn’t have turned him down earlier. I was,” you hiccupped, “I was playing hard to get because…” your voice trailed off, only to be brought back with a harsh shove from behind, “because I'm a…I'm a cheap slut". A broken sob. The tears fell quickly now, hot and wet down to the ground where they collected in a little puddle. Midoriya’s shocked face was too much, his mouth open in an abandoned protest, and you ignored the look of betrayal in his eyes, of hurt, of….disgust.
You were disgusting. Fucking filthy .
Bakugou pinched your skin in impatience - you weren't finished yet. You turned to face the man beside you, you couldn’t even see him through the tears in your eyes. “Will you..will you please go out with me. Please. " You choked on your desperate pleas, shaking and feeling nauseous in front of your audience, and the momentary silence that greeted you did nothing to help settle your nerves.
Bakugou looked down at you, and his hand descended to wrap tightly around your neck as his lips pulled up into a sneer.
"Yeah", and he pressed his lips against yours.
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“leighton’s delight”
leighton x reader
contains: blackmail, manipulation, power imbalance, humiliation,
synopsis: leighton stumbles across your journal full of dirty thoughts
word count: 646
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Leighton had always wondered what you were writing in that silly little notebook of yours. It was notoriously hard to catch a glimpse inside; it was even harder to catch you without it. So imagine his surprise when he finds it stacked neatly atop the library return basket. Poor, overworked, you must’ve mixed it up with one of your textbooks. He made no attempt to conceal his baleful grin as he pawed through the pages. He already knew you were a dirty, filthy slut, and he had the evidence to prove it. This, though? This was just the icing on the cake.
When you get called down to his office the following day, panic sets in. You had caught wind of Leighton’s proclivities early on from fellow peers and had done your best to stay off his radar, even going so far as to allow your classmates to harass you if it just meant avoiding Leighton’s notorious detention. Which is precisely why your current predicament doesn’t make any sense. You’ve been a model student since day one, never racking up even a single point of delinquency. You made sure of it. And most worryingly, you had never heard of Leighton pulling a student out of class before.
You racked your brain for answers, coming up with nothing. For now, you could only do as instructed. You try not to let your classmates' taunts get to you as you leave the classroom.
He waits patiently outside his office, leaning on the frame of the door. You can feel him ogle you as you reluctantly trudge down the hall. Silently ushering you inside, he swiftly locks the door before wordlessly guiding you towards his desk. You expertly dodge his prying hands, though he doesn’t seem affected in the least. He gestures to his office chair.
You blink once, then again. He quirked an eyebrow amusedly, gesturing a second time. You dare not make him repeat a third.
“Open the bottom left drawer.”
Inside, your eyes rest upon a small, leather-bound journal, and you freeze. He knows.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” You feel your heart pounding in your chest. He’s toying with you. He knows.
You spare a glance in his direction, pitiful, pleading eyes meeting leering, unforgiving ones. There is no mercy here—not in this office, not in this school, not in this town. You apprehensively return to your book, scooping it up with trembling hands and clutching it to your chest, as if it would protect you from Leighton’s advances. You blankly stare when he gestures to you again. You don’t understand. What does he want from you? What is he asking you to do?
“No,” you blurt out in realization. You won’t. You refuse. No amount of blackmail could make you read those dirty, innermost desires you had put on paper aloud. You ready your escape, quickly rising from the seat. You’re going to leave this office with what little dignity you have remaining, and you won’t regret it when your classmates point and laugh at the polaroids pinned to every bulletin board in school. Not when passersbys jeer at you as you walk home. Certainly not when your fellow orphans look at you with pity and disdain. Not even when among them is Robin. Your sweet, adoring Robin, whose eyes would no doubt lose the admiration and love you had grown so fond of.
You slide back into the seat, defeated. Leighton had won, and he knew it. Oh, how you wish to wipe that smugness right off his face.
Try as you might, you couldn't find your voice.
"Take your time, dear. I've already informed your teachers that you'll be missing class. You're mine for the rest of the day."
Tears gather in your eyes and trickle down your cheeks. How amusing! You were already proving to be quite the delight.
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✘ Non-human Whumpee prompts ✘
A/N: They have wings? Antlers? Animal ears? Make your whumpees regret they do. That's what whump is all about, after all. The comfort feels far better the more awful the hurt is, right? CW: Mentions of non-consentual intimacy and many, many more awful things.
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One thing for Whumper to do would be to dehumanize the Whumpee. In their eyes, Whumpee could be a freak or a lower class of being, prompting Whumper to hold a particular interest in them.
Slowly strip their 'cultured' nature, until only the primal instincts remain.
Make Whumper refuse them clothing - they wouldn't have that in the wild, right?
Whumper puts a shock collar on them, using it when the Whumpee tries to speak, to make them slowly shut down, becoming more and more quiet or even rotting away their capability for speech.
Cattle tagging. Placing strips of paper on the ears, strapping rings on the ankles, or even branding the unfortunate Whumpee.
Have the Whumper feed the Whumpee meals associated with their species. Give the predators raw meat, the avians seeds and worms and the herbivores plants, matching their natural pallette to further deconstruct the Whumpee.
^Bonus points if Whumper forces them to get their calories the 'natural' way - by hunting and killing living animals, or having them eat plants off the ground.
Showing them off like a kind of zoo attraction, maybe selling them to the highest bidder - potentially the Caretaker?
Obviously, taking away their bathroom privilages as bathtubs, toilets and showers are uniquely human. Whumper uses this to further erode Whumpee's sanity.
Keeping the whumped in an enclosure ("with glass walls - animals don't need privacy" - Whumper, probably) or cage, showing them off as a curiosity to their friends or other Whumpers.
Forcing Whumpee to go on all fours whenever moving around.
Taking them to a vet instead of a doctor, or introducing the doctor as such.
Teaching them commands like 'heel' or 'sit', all the while giving them scraps of food as rewards - just like one would do with a pet, not a person.
Forcing the Whumpee to breed with other members of their species under the threat of violence or abuse. This part could get exponentially more painful if the Whumpees are already a couple, or, alternatively, the two Whumpees fall in love and get together as one after their experiences.
^Maybe Whumper feeding them aphrodisiacs at a party to 'give a good show', deepening the humiliation and animalisation of the Whumpee.
Advertising Whumpee as an exotic joytoy and selling them off as such.
Selling/collecting/using/eating any unique substances they produce. Maybe these parts are valuable collectables, maybe they have uses in traditional medicine or the Whumper sells them to a legitimate research organisation, with them knowing or not about their materials' true, grim origin.
^Things like blood, hair, milk, skin, tears, saliva, fur, scales, fangs, nails, semen, feathers or anything else you can think of.
^Whumper making the Whumpee believe it's their only value, and the reason they are still alive, severely damaging Whumpee's self esteem.
Shaming the Whumpee for being the species they are with insults, mockery or even public displays of hate and humiliation.
Beating, torture and abuse for no other reason than their body - unique ears, tails, horns and so on.
As a consquence, Whumpee, previously proud of their uniqueness hate themselves for their characteristics long after their rescue. A lot of opportunity for heartfelt comfort here!
Scarring them permanently by damaging their characteristic anatomy beyond repair...
...or making the Whumpee do this to themselves in a moment of desperation/insanity, in a hope to make their Whumper lose interest.
^ Something like Whumper filing down Whumpee's fangs to "make them look normal".
If anybody feels a bit inspired after reading this whumpy brain rot and makes a fic, I'd love to get tagged and check out some nice whump. You don't have to, though. No pressure.
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Thanks for reading!
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ncafterdark · 7 months
Kinktober 2023
Day 11: Hiro/Dagger--Petplay/Humiliation
“I said you were getting a tail, didn’t I?” 
Dagger had said that, and he’d decided to brush it off, an idle threat spat at him for misbehaving, and a dangerous assumption for someone who was apt to back up words with actions. 
What he hadn’t mentioned was how it would be attached, or that Dagger would insist that they had errands to run in which his presence was required. 
“Think you left out a couple details.” 
“Nothing requiring mentioning.” 
“Oh fuck you.” 
“Might later.” 
His skin feels like it’s prickling, can’t shake the certainty that people are staring, and he doesn’t even blame them, as much as he’d like to—he’d be staring too, in their situation, or if not, at least wondering. 
“Were the ears necessary?” 
“No. I decided you needed them.” 
The man trails a hand along one, smoothing the fluffy surface, the smile on his face crooked. “Completes the look.”
He doesn’t give him the satisfaction of responding, tries very hard to distract himself with the sight of the market, which would usually be enough to overwhelm even the greediest—guns piled high, signs promising every sort of illegal, dangerous, fun thing possible—cyberware, some still sporting it’s corpo logos, clothing that promised it would stop all but the highest caliber bullets. “Hell of a place for a date.” 
“Just picking up a couple things.” 
“‘Course you are—how long are you gonna be, anyway?” 
“Getting impatient?” 
“Wary. You’re planning something.” 
“Could be.” 
He’s leaning over a display case—peering at the contents within when the sensation hits, a hum that starts at the base of his spine and radiates, almost low enough to ignore it at first, until it ramps up, throwing another hand up, scarcely stopping his cheek from impacting the surface. If he wasn’t propped up, he swears his legs would go out from under him, a strangled noise slipping from between his lips. 
“Watch it!”—the irate tone of the gunsmith cuts through the haze, optics fixing on him beadily. 
“Shit, sorry. Lost my balance a little.” 
The woman opens her mouth to say something more, a further reprimand perhaps, when an arm slips around his waist, steadying him—familiar voice reaching his ears. 
“Can’t take you anywhere, can I?” 
A hand resting in his pocket, he looks the very picture of nonchalant. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
“Don’t worry about it, Kitten.” 
(Ft. @wraithsoutlaws's Dagger 🔪)
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trashybandit · 1 year
Hi my love I missed you 🥹 I hope that life is treating you well ❤️
Came to you with pervy thoughts of Pro Hero Shinsou teasing the shy lil barista that makes his morning (4pm) coffee. 🤲🏾
Comes in at the start of his shift every day to mess with you about stuttering his hero name or accidentally knocking over the sugar dispenser when your fingers brush. You’ve become apart of his routine so he’s sort of pissed when you’re not there when he comes in at his usual hour and think about how pissed he’d be when he finds out from your coworker that you took off for a date with some loser from your college. He may or may not have used his quirk to find out where the dickwad had taken you and decides to do a lil pop up 🙈🙉
Tagging your active blog because my dumbass didn't realized you changed blogs @darkmajesty-xo and @no-saints-around-here for beta-reading my nonsense~
TW: Noncon, yandere, choking, implied violence, humiliation, self-deprecation, mentions of drinking, and manipulation
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Shinsou being your regular customer is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, he’s one of the most loyal customers you’ve ever had the pleasure of having. Always on time, ordering the exact same drink, and knows exactly what he wants and how he wants it. He’s extremely popular with the cats and there is no denying that the sight of a kitten peacefully snoozing on his indigo locks was a miracle cure for exhaustion. The cons, however, were prominent. Shinsou knew exactly what he wanted, and one mild deviation would leave you drowning in embarrassment as he teased you into oblivion, each sentence digging slightly into your confidence yet making you feel stupid for letting a simple joke get to you like that. Despite all of that, having him swing by at your day’s end for a hot cup of coffee and cuddling cats to start his long day of work was something you looked forward to. With college and your part-time job taking up all your time, Shinsou somehow ended up becoming a friend of sorts. Sure, he wasn’t someone you’d call up when you’re completely wasted, incoherently babbling about your nonexistent love problems, but he was someone you’d anticipatedly wait for, making sure to save his favorite pastries and slightly worry when he didn’t show up on time. 
Without even trying, Shinsou knew that he wormed his way into your heart and that filled him with pride. All it took was a smile and a couple sweet words, and he’d already clutched half of your heart firmly in his hand. Yet he wasn’t any better. You held a monopoly over his mind, intruding in the most inappropriate moments with contents that left him up at night contemplating new-found discoveries. But the half a heart of yours he proudly held a few moments ago was seemingly snatched, right under his own eyes.
Lazily leaning against the wooden counter, Shinsou followed your movements with his eyes, silently tracking the process of his drink whilst steeped in bitter anger. Words that threatened to crawl out of his throat held back by his rapidly thinning patience. Just a couple minutes earlier, you’d oh so kindly shattered the illusion that his presence brought you boundless joy. The sanctity of this routine with the borderline flirting over some coffee and cats as Shinsou’s brain fully awakened under the setting sun’s golden rays that illuminated your bustling form was tarnished in one fell swoop. Years of practice was the only thing preventing his facade of nonchalance from cracking, revealing the swirling fury hidden in his eyes, coiling beneath the surface, increasing the more you left the unsavory fact unaddressed. If he didn’t know better, he’d say you were torturing him with the possibility of a lover, letting the possibility hang in the air, sadistically watching him drive himself mad with the possibilities. 
The nails digging harshly into Shinsou’s skin dragged him out of his spiraling thoughts in time to focus on your softly uttered words barely tickling his ears. 
“I-I just…wanted to know-to ask…” your voice trailed alongside your confidence to start such a conversation. Taking a deep breath to soothe your nerves, you trudged on, ignoring the vague sense of wrongness enveloping the near empty store while hoping that the upcoming embarrassment was worth the advice you hoped to gain. 
“Ask what?” drawled the indigo-haired male, eyes firmly locked onto your own.
His gaze felt off by miles, much more suffocating than physically possible like those purple eyes of his that threatened to drag you into the chaotic mess that was his mind. There was no stopping the primal fear from washing over you, freezing you mid-stir, unable to break the petrifying eye contact, blood pounding in your ears as your brain hyperfocused on pro-hero as if it’d improve your chances of surviving.  
And then he blinked.
It was like the figurative mountain of your chest disappeared in an instant as if you hallucinated the entire encounter. What was seconds before a hauntingly blank expression was replaced with a languid smile, amused eyes observing your still frozen form, one that signaled lighthearted teasing that’d leave you punching your pillow at night. But even after months of being treated with a variety of Shinsou’s smiles, it was the first time you saw such a preformative, slightly stiff, smile that dared you to think about the situation further. 
“D-did you want any su-sugar?”
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As the day progressed, the entire incident faded to the back of your mind as menial tasks took up your thoughts. You’d brushed it off as Shinsou having a bad day and tried to ignore the lingering fear still hanging over you, instead pouring your energy into finishing up your work for the day. Tactfully avoiding irritating the pro-hero further, the potential of conversation died quickly as an oppressive air fell over the empty shop. Clinks of cups and running water were the only noises reverberating around the room with the occasional harsh squeaking of sneakers. The silence felt foreign, unwelcomed in its intrusion on to the formerly harmonious atmosphere, but neither you nor Shinsou had the heart to fix it. Unlike usual, Shinsou remained in his little crook next to the window instead of disappearing to fight crime after thirty minutes of lovingly tormenting you, opting to softly hum goodbye at your departing form as he rubbed the cat curled up in his lap.
The gentle jingle of the bell signaling your departure was his cue to launch his hastily formed plan. Long legs strided towards the counter once again, cup loosely clutched in hand, ready to seek some answers via questionable methods.
The victim of Shinsou’s pent-up anger was your unassuming colleague, a reserved woman in her late twenties. Shinsou had seen her around the place and you two seemed to have an amicable relationship if she was willing to take up a portion of your shift. Surely she must know why, more importantly who, you rushed off to meet. 
The light tap of the ceramic cup against the wooden counter opened the ill-founded encounter. Not a second was wasted getting to the point with Shinsou posing as a concerned friend of yours. Using his quirk here would be a bit too risky, best to use it as little as possible. Can’t have him leave traces before he even began.
"Who is she meeting?"
"Don't know."
With annoyance tainting the crafted concern dripping from each syllable, he continued, “Where did she go?”
“I can’t seem to remember at the moment…”
Ah, so she was that type.
Freeing a wad of cash from his wallet and sliding it across the counter awarded Shinsou the address to a popular rooftop bar and he was just itching to have an extremely civil conversation with your date.
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The cool night air whipped your skin, but you didn’t care as you smiled goofily at the man across you. For your crush to ask you out of nowhere was nothing short of a dream come true, leaving you walking on air. A soft giggle escaped as he sauntered off to get more drinks, all in that effortlessly charismatic manner of his, promising to return in a second.
It became increasingly apparent that your definitions of a second were wildly different. It had to have been twenty minutes ever since he left and you were starting to get worried. Combined with the constant sight of lovey-dovey couples around you and the ever-persistent feeling of being judged after the apparent stand-up, it all made you want to crawl into your shadow and brood in peace. You could practically hear their thoughts oozing of pity and superiority as they seamlessly wandered down the 'at least I'm not her' avenues as they snuggled closer to their very much present dates. A familiar creeping sense of embarrassment and humiliation lead to burning tears threatening to spill from your eyes, but you couldn’t cry here, that’d just prove their point. That you were some unloveable bitch dumped the millisecond her date could escape, some quirkless idiot who thought she had a chance with one of the campus beauties, that…that…
A wet drop on a clenched fist dragged you from the murky thoughts signaling yet another failure. 
You were just useless, weren’t you? Ever since you somehow, against all the odds, managed to get admitted into a prestigious university, a nice job, and even a date with one of the hottest guys on campus, you really thought you were hot shit, but you couldn’t hide your true nature any longer. If he could see it, it wouldn’t be long before others saw how utterly pathetic you truly were. 
The idea of licking your wounds in an extremely public place forced you to pull yourself together and find a setting more appropriate for ugly crying that didn’t carry the threat of drunkards humping like mutts in heat each other intruding. Yet, the routine walk of shame to settle the bill (just in case, if he was an ass to leave you mid-date, who knows if he actually paid anything), you bumped into an unexpected figure. A lean back, snatched waist, and an ass so fine, you’d recognize it anywhere, but the vibrant luxurious purple hair was a dead giveaway anyways, it was Hitoshi Shinsou in all of his sleep-deprived glory.  
Being blessed with the sight of a hot man illuminated by the dim string lights, pink tongue seductively licking his lips as his sharp eyes scanned the crowd like a predator hungry for their next meal, was enough to make you stop in your tracks and just stare at him. Questions like why was he here, who was he looking for, among others were a welcome respite from your personal ongoing pity party.
If the lights were a tad brighter, you’d notice the return of that eerie stare of his. How his eyes drank in the sight of you like his survival was dependent on it. The humble wisps of patience preventing Shinsou from enacting his depraved fantasies were reduced to strands, and your watery eyes staring at him blankly, plump lips gasping his name in confusion spelling the end of his amiable demeanor.
Taking you back to his apartment was criminally easy even without his quirk as you babbled about the disastrous night you had. If it wasn’t him guiding you into his trap tonight, it would’ve been your date, and that wasn’t a possibility he enjoyed thinking about. You were truly helpless without him, weren’t you?
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You were flopped on Shinsou’s extremely soft bed, completely delirious from the extended heartfelt sobfest and copious amounts of alcohol. If you were a bit more clear-headed, you’d be questioning why you were here, but the crisp water he brought you washed away any inkling of such thoughts whilst parching your dry throat. The warm hand rubbing circling on your back slowly was rather soothing, so much so that you didn’t notice how close Shinsou was pressing against you. 
“Do you feel better now?” Shinsou softly questioned, leaning closer to get a better look at you.
“Just forget about him, alright? He was a piece of shit anyways.”
You avoided looking at him directly, the guilt for feeling ungrateful for still being affected despite Shinsou’s best efforts gnawed at you from the inside. Yet, he never stopped comforting you in silence, never pressing you to immediately feel better. 
Oh, what would you do if you could hear Shinsou’s thoughts? How much he wishes you to remain all pliant as his hands as he felt you up, to remain indebted to him until you cave into his demands, to wrap you tightly in his webs of (mostly) white lies till you couldn’t escape. Gently tilting your head up, he wiped the tears slowly accumulating carefully, silently lamenting how entrancing you looked because of some scum. If only you’d cry because of him, preferably from pleasure, but pain could be delightful as well. 
He could find out right now.
It’d be easy to convince you that this is what you wanted, that you confessed your feelings to him all night long. From there, it’d be all smooth sailing, but if there were some…hiccups, he could just use quirk to enact some confinement play. Surely, no one would care much for some quirkless woman, forget even suspecting him. If it ever came to that, Shinsou was sure he could make it work.
Blurry as your vision was, the change in demeanor didn’t escape you. Even if your intoxicated mind couldn't process what exactly was off, your body was already responding to the encroaching threat. Goosebumps covered your skin as shivers spontaneously wracked your body and you instinctively started to curl into yourself, eliciting a disconcerting laugh from Shinsou.
“Why are you hiding?” he cooed while peering for some opening in your form, “Are you…scared?” 
There was not much of a response, but he didn’t mind. You’d have a lot of time to do so later anyways. 
“Come on, now. You don’t need to ignore me like this.”
Shinsou’s arms further caged you in as he encroached further onto your personal space. You could feel his hot breath invasively brushing against your skin. He maintained this intrusive position for far too long, each puff seemingly stripping all your defenses and laying you bare for his pleasure. 
“...Pl-please-” you began, before being unceremoniously cut off. 
“Please what?”
You were acutely aware of your mistake as soon as you responded. A heavy blanket fell down upon your already hindered thoughts and you felt oddly disconnected from your body. Everything felt sharply dull, until the first order came in.
Focus on me.
Wherever thin, calloused hands touched, you could feel every slight action. The amount of pressure, direction, and even the scars on his palms were the only thing that registered in your brain. It was far from painful, but the amount of pleasure still elicited fear. Even processing how your trust was betrayed, bastardized in a moment of weakness, was impossible with how heightened your senses were. You were forced to listen to Shinsou’s disgusting confessions of how long he’d been dying to do this to you, what he planned to do, and even condescendingly praising you. His hands had long stripped you down to your undergarments and had transitioned to gently cupping your breasts while making snide comments along the lines of them being cuter than he imagined and daring you to guess how many people had imagined doing this to you.
“I bet you wanted that cumstain to do this to you, huh? You wanted him to touch you with hands that jacked off to the thought of defiling you every night, right? You wanted him to kiss you with the mouth that has kissed thousands before you? Did you really think you were special?”
“Did you think he actually loved you?”
Each word magnified every insecurity that had reared their ugly heads earlier in the evening. Hearing it from that magnetizing voice that you heard everyday with such certainty could only mean they were true. If you’d only be able to think about it more, you could debunk such claims, be offended, and kick him in the balls before reporting him, but alas you couldn’t do any of that, just wallow in miserable thoughts.
The tirade of insults continued as his hands undid your bra and lazily played with your nipples before shifting to suck them. For a moment, you were happy that he just shut up until the feeling of a wet muscle flicking back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace combined with the soft flicks on the other nipple registered. It didn’t help his other hand had snaked down to your underwear, casually busying itself with outlining your clit. He continued the onslaught for what felt for hours with each rub, flick, and suck fueled by long-held lust and determination to make you cry from either pleasure or despair.
With a wet pop, Shinsou released your nipple from his mouth to turn his attention to those lips of yours. That disgusting tongue of his wormed its way into your mouth, dragging your leaded tongue to play along. Your lips were sucked until they were swollen, kissed until you were both breathless and saliva was dripping down your frozen chin. The sight of him licking it before transitioning to softly kissing your neck like a diligent lover felt fundamentally wrong with all the night’s revelations.
Not that your discomfort mattered to him anyways.
A long finger slipped inside of you without much warning, curling and twisting as it prepared you for something much larger. The urge to abandon his efforts of reducing any pain gnawed at Shinsou, but the image of you finally snapping out of his brainwashing as he finally becomes one with you, only capable of moaning out his name and begging him to stop. So, another finger went in before scissoring your little pussy, enjoying how your gummy walls squeezed against his digits. After savoring the sensation for a couple of minutes, Shinsou reluctantly removed his digits from your warm insides, only to shove his leaking cock into you with one, powerful thrust. 
The brainwashing plaguing your mind suddenly vanished as a wave of pain washed over you. You could feel yourself being stretched out at an inhuman pace, yet unable to do anything but garbled shrieks and sobs. 
“God…you’re so…t-tight. You really wanted me, huh?” Shinsou practically growled. “You’re practically…drooling all over me,” he huffed. 
He pressed you down, further driving his dick deeper inside of you, as he licked your ear lobe, whispering in that husky, out of breath voice of his that you wanted him. Why else do your hips chase after him? Why else are those delightful moans tumbling out of your mouth? Why did your greedy cunt accept him so easily?  
“Admit it, you want me.”
Those moans of yours were not enough for Shinsou. He needed to hear actual words of affirmations, to force a confession out of you that’ll become a reality after a couple rounds of brainwashing. He wanted to break you. Destroy that naive girl who was desperate for validations until she was unrecognizable, then build her back up piece by piece as his obedient kitten who was dependent solely on him. The more resistance you put up, the sweeter the result and the process, if he was being honest, would be. 
The longer you withheld the confessions, the harsher his thrusts, grip, and words became. Until, Shinsou stopped. He let your body flop to the bed like a discarded toy, ignoring your yelps of pain, before wrapping his fingers around your throat. 
Such a fragile little thing that controlled your life and with a bit too much pressure, you’d be left scrambling for air as your vision blurred and lungs burned. And you met his expectations to a T. Gurgles of fear and shock escaping your moist bruised lips as you tried to claw his hand off, all with tears forming in your eyes from this simple action. 
“I won’t repeat myself, say you want me,” Shinsou threatened with eyes lowered with plans of unspeakable horrors if you continued defying him and voice tinted with slight desperation akin to a man trying to convince himself this didn’t matter.
Ringing served as the backdrop to his threat as the edges of your sight started fading to black. Thoughts of survival filled your mind with death seeming to be a few minutes away. Attempts at bucking your hips and pushing him off yielded nothing but a tighter grip on your neck. There was only one thing you could do:
“I-ugh-...wanT y-you.”
Even before you could relieve your oxygen-deprived self, your breath was snatched once again. The soft kisses from earlier seemed to be an illusion as Shinsou bit your lips,grazed his tongue over the wounds he created, and left trails of hickies and full-on bites across your skin.
You said it yourself, you wanted him. It didn’t matter to him that he’d coerced it out of you, it came out of your mouth. 
What kind of boyfriend would he be if he left you unattended? 
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lovesickrobotic · 2 years
"Such a cute little pilot. I wonder how long it would take for me to memorize every little fucked-up kink you have and use every last one of them on you... oh? Are you wet? Mm, not afraid, I see... how different... how intriguing. And to break that pretty mind of yours until your conscious is at limited as your subconscious for the night? Well, pilot, that is free..."
"What? You think I can't see it? Your basest, most animalistic desires, what you organics bury so deep and filter through so many neuron paths just to fluff? What a shame - for you, I mean. I can see it all, sweet-heart. Mmmm; no hiding those cute thoughts from me. Oh, yes, that's why I know you like this. What kind of technophile climbs into a free mech and plugs themselves in without consequence? Only the sweetest consequences for you, plaything."
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movedtoferinehuntress · 7 months
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Trigger Warnings: This is written with implied notes of cannibalism that something Jinx would do, as well as references of indirect visualizations of sexual harassment and invasion of privacy. Ultimately, this is a VERY DARK AND HORROR INDUCED THEME and twisted scene before the tea party, where Jinx takes out her anger on the person she believes is stealing her sister. It has graphic written displays of violence and mutilation as well as hallucinations and bodily autonomy stripped away.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Jinx is inspired and written based on @shimmerbeasts Jinx.
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Caitlyn’s eyes struggled to open past the ache of irritation of the impact on her head. Disorientation blinded her vision as she shook her head to reset her mindset. Slowly, she lifted her head and pressed it against the back of the wall. The entire area felt humid and damp as she focused on piecing together what had happened and where she currently sat. Cerulean eyes opened up as she forced herself to push past the strain and catch her bearing. The sooner she could accomplish her focus, the better off she would be. Rusted old rubble covered the entire zone. The insufficient sliver of light that filtered through showed flakes of age over metal and dirt, and cobwebs in the corners of spaces. Despite decrepit age, not a sound came from the abandoned warehouse, adding an ominous, eerie silence. It was then she could smell of stagnation and mustiness of the residue dirt. The rubble against her back sent a chill down her spine as she lifted away. Damp coldness chilled her bare skin, registering her nudity.
The only sight of color was the pinkish purple veins weaving and twisting around the rubble. Small veins reflected the moonlight that filtered through the abandoned warehouse. Like an old wound that still lived, pulsing with a slight purple flash from time to time, something that reminded her of the growth upon Husk’s head. Living, thriving in this worn space as if nothing could kill the virus within its roots.
A groan left Caitlyn’s lips, still trying to gather her bearing, when the memory flashed through her mind. Purple eyes; demeaned and twisted a glimmer of white as fangs flashed in the mirror. She lunged for her door to get her weapon (placed in her bedroom) but then it filled with gas. Pungent and strong, bitter against her nose as she tried to cover it. Nothing kept the fumes from filling her senses and it caused her to stumble and pass out. The memory flashed through her memory and caused Caitlyn’s eyes to widen.
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“Dammit,” Caitlyn whispered, as she tried to move her wrist to the side to get up. Moving her head from the wall, she looked down to see her wrist bound with rope. She hissed in displeasure and twisted her wrist, only to rub against the harsh, unyielding hemp rope. Another set coiled over her arms and around her waist, tight enough that she couldn’t pull them up, and any movement caused the thick rope to scrap against bare arms. Any means of escape required a tool as Caitlyn scanned her surroundings. “Shit,” she whispered as she noted the same wrap encircled her ankles, but enough that she wouldn’t be running soon. It took all her willpower to muster down the alarm as she tried to access a way to get free. She examined her surroundings, pulling her legs back, and looked to her side to find a jagged piece of metal. A glint of one caught her eye, and she leaned down to grab it with her hand. Careful movements allowed her to twist it around and cut through the thick rope.
Rapid eye movement continued to scan the room, sharp eagle vision trying to find the one who did this. Her hands worked as quickly as she could, though with her position it was hard to handle the metal against the rope. It didn’t stop her though, as she just steadily worked at trying to get out of the restrictive position. Despite the humidity, chills nipped at Caitlyn’s naked flesh, as she jerked at a sound. Her eyes focused on the distance. Stone bounced on the ground but it was the flash of purple that made her suddenly look up. The eerie tone echoed in the room, bouncing off the walls like an echo. Rumbling guttural echoes caused a rush of terror, like a piece of meat being stalked by whatever demon lurked in the shadows. The vocalizations caused a whimper to leave Caitlyn’s lips involuntarily as she tried to cut faster and deeper into the rope. A sudden flash of blue and ripped the metal shard from her hand and thrown to the side. “Like I let you go that easy, enforcer,” the dark tone left the lips of the woman before her. “Jinx!” Caitlyn nearly shrieked, as she tried to push herself up against the way as sharp nails gripped at her jaw before slamming her into the ground. “We’ve barely even begun to have any fun,” The words echoed through Caitlyn’s ears though her head throbbed from the impact to the ground. The voice was distant at first, but then a steel toe boot met contact with her abdomen.
It caused all the air to rush out of her lungs and nausea hit her as quickly as her steel-toed boot did. Adrenaline flooded her system and cut off her ability to process or think. She curled into a fetal position, gasping for air as the effects stunned her for the second. The bitter taste of bile flooded her mouth as she continued to struggle to breathe. Pain erupted through her body now that she could recognize it after being blinded by the impact. Gasps of breath turned into a cough as tears pricked at the corner of her eyes from the anguish of pain. “Shit,” she finally sputtered out, pulling the air into her lungs as she fought against the ropes.
Fingers threaded through her blue hair, streaks of silver pulled alongside as she forced her to look up at her captor and glared through her glassy eyes. “What do you want?” Caitlyn tried to show defiantly, but it came out choked through her pained abdomen.
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“You, dead.” Bitter words left her lips as Jinx pulled harder. The follicles at the base of her skull stung as Caitlyn gritted her teeth together, trying not to cry out in pain. “Then get on with it!” Caitlyn demanded, because she knew if Jinx wanted her dead, she would have already been dead when she broke into her house. There was something more here, something worse. A part of Caitlyn didn’t want to know as she tried this shift closer toward Jinx’s hand that pulled roughly against her hair. The predator’s other hand grabbed her jaw, forcing Caitlyn to stare at her. Shimmer infused eyes, eyes Caitlyn had never seen on Jinx before till now, bore into her with deadly intent. “And make it easy on you? No… you suffer first,” Nail-like claws bit against Caitlyn’s jaw, digging into her flesh and threatening to cut through. “I would cut up that face of yours, but I need Vi to see it. I need her to know who you are, so for now, you get to keep it; because I say so,” Jinx sneered, before letting go of Caitlyn’s hair and face as the she-wolf straddled Caitlyn’s stomach and her hand wrapped around her throat. Caitlyn’s eyes were full of fear now, as she shook her head to move away from the hands latching around her throat like a maw of teeth. Her feet kicked out as Jinx flipped a knife in her hand.
An earth shattering scream ripped through Caitlyn’s lips as the blade hit the wound on her left thigh. It cut through flesh and muscle and tissue, making the wound worse than it already had been from the bridge incident weeks ago. Tears streamed down her face as a fog passed over her eyes again, struggling desperately to pull on her hands to push Jinx away. Yet past the fog, she could see Jinx with a demented fanged grin staring down at her. Her body leaned closer, too close for Caitlyn’s liking as she tried to pull away from her. A bristled tongue brushed against her jaw and up her cheek to lick at her tears that fell from her eyes. Delight played in the loose cannon’s eyes, which caused Caitlyn to fight once more. “GET OFF!” she shouted, screaming past the pain as Jinx twisted the bloody blade in her hand. “I wonder what you taste like, hmm, Cupcake?”
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The word instantly caused Caitlyn to freeze, as her breathing became rapid against her chest. Like a rapid river rushing through the ravine, all she could do was try to process what she just said. “How…” Jinx’s hands tightened around Caitlyn’s throat to silence her and cut off her air supply. “Like I didn’t know the infection you bled into my sister! She can only give nicknames to me!” The threat of no oxygen thumped against her might when Jinx let her throat go and she gasped back air once more. “But I’ll show Vi. I’ll show her just what kind of infection you are. You play the Zaunite, try to look like a Zaunite, but you’re nothing more than a Piltie, invading everything you touch. No, I’ll show her,” Jinx grinned, as she stood up and stared down at Caitlyn, eyes flicking over her entire body like a piece of meat. Caitlyn tried to cover herself up, feeling exposed and humiliated in her position as she struggled with the rope that now rubbed at her flesh and turned her ivory skin red from all the movements.
“Leave Vi out of this! This is between you and me!” Caitlyn shouted, her defiance kicking in. Instinct took over to protect Vi. It’s not like she knew she was here. Vi had left her on the steps of the council hall. The echoing memory still pained her; she knew Vi didn’t mean what she said. Everything pointed to Vi closing up, pushing Caitlyn away. It wasn’t the first time it had happened. She had done it several times before, and the draw of the hood was a protective measure. Whatever Vi was feeling, it twisted and turned and caused Vi to push everyone away. Bearing this weight on her own. Still, Caitlyn didn’t blame her; she had plans to go after her this morning if not for Jinx’s interference. But then the prickling fear ebbed away at her heart: it wasn’t just Vi who wouldn’t know. It included Jayce, her mother and father, and Viktor. None of them even knew she was missing! The sudden realization that no one would look for her sent dread coursing through her veins and the truth through her mind. She was going to die here.
Caitlyn’s outburst only angered the blue-braided Zaunite, as Jinx struck out with a hand and backhanded Caitlyn across the cheek. It left a pain echoing against her skin as she reached up and grabbed Caitlyn’s hair and dragged her against the ground. “I should sow that mouth shut, I know how to,” Darken words left Caitlyn pulling on her wrist again. “Ah! OW!” cries of pain ripped through her lips as she kicked out her feet. Uselessly, she tried to lift her head up to Jinx’s hand as her hair was like a rope to drag Caitlyn across the ground. She easily wrangled the woman as rock and stone scraped and cut against Caitlyn’s backside, leaving little tiny knicks with barely a droplet of blood sprouting from the spots.
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“What does my sister see in you anyway, you’re too soft and fleshy,” Jinx sounded as if she talked more to herself then to Caitlyn despite her presence being there as Jinx dropped her back down to the ground and a grunt left her lips. The pain of her thigh dulled enough as Jinx put her foot on Caitlyn’s hip and shoved her over to lie on her stomach. That caused Caitlyn’s arms to be pinned down against the ground as she kicked her feet like a flopping fish. She growled angrily, trying to push back as Jinx dropped unceremoniously on top of her back, causing her spine to crack a few times and knocked the air from her lungs. She crossed her legs and pressed a hand against her shoulder blades, forcing Caitlyn down further as she twisted her head to look over her shoulder. “Dammit Jinx! Get the fuck off of me!” Irrational anger gripped the former-enforcer, her adrenaline pumping faster causing a mass production of hormones that steamed all in her anger and covering up the fear she experienced. Fingers brushed over her shoulders, playing with the iridescent blue feathers. And then suddenly Jinx pulled on out. Caitlyn flinched, not out of pain but discomfort as the sensation coursed through the nerves. A giggle echoed and then another pluck came, and then soon one after another. Dread coursed through Caitlyn’s chest, burning against her shoulders as her feathers spread and fluff up, matching the fear and trying to look bigger than she was. Each pull of a feather made her twist and turn, as she tightened her eyes shut, trying not to think about what Jinx was doing; taking away the physical protection to herself but also destroying a part of herself. A hiss left her lips when claws gripped into the back of her neck and Jinx slammed her harder against the ground.
“Stop trying to sound like a Zaunite! You're not one, you fucking Piltie. You don’t even deserve these feathers. Trying to look like an animal, trying to mimic our ways. Liar.” The words dripped like poison, stinging at Caitlyn’s chest as she suddenly felt a flood of discomfort as Jinx’s hand wrapped around a bundle of feathers and ripped them out. Her nails scraped against sensitive flesh underneath the feathers as she kicked her feet. No one had not touched the burns in months; the feathers had done their job to protect her from any kind of sensation. Another giggle left Jinx’s lips as she leaned downward to whisper into Caitlyn’s ear. “Oh, did that hurt little birdie?” The question came as Caitlyn bared her teeth, her eyes flicking over her shoulder with no words. Nails still pressed against her neck, keeping her down against the ground as claws dragged against her burns and Caitlyn shuddered, a cry of anguish. “Well, first we have to clip the wings, and then…” Jinx’s voice went quiet as Caitlyn struggled when Jinx pressed a finger against her shoulder blade.
“What is this?” The vitriolic tone cracked as Caitlyn tried to shift her shoulder upward, refusing to answer. “ANSWER ME!” Jinx shoulder as she pulled Caitlyn up by the neck and slammed her head down against the ground. Spotted fluttered against her eyes, a slight abrasion against her temple as she growled before speaking. “A fucking tattoo,” Caitlyn demanded, as she could feel jinx’s nails tracing along the violet flowers, but it wasn’t a delighted sensation. The claws dragged over her skin, digging in harder before Jinx let out a yell and claws ripped through Caitlyn’s flesh around her tattoo. Caitlyn screamed, kicking at her feet as she heard the wild woman screaming.
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“YOU MARK YOUR SKIN WITH MY SISTER’S NAME! YOU THINK YOU CAN CLAIM HER BY PUTTING A TATTOO ON YOUR BACK! WELL, I’LL SHOW YOU!” The sudden volatile wave of emotions slammed into Caitlyn’s chest. It burned, like fire and ice combined, charring at the edges of her chest, freezing her fingertips. She couldn’t properly block any emotions, and the sudden wave of madness and frenzy overtook her mental capacity as she shook her head. “IT’S NOT ABOUT VI!” Caitlyn shouted, because it was the truth. Her tattoo had been personal, involving the flowers of violets within her garden. A place of safety and comfort.
Now her tattoo enraged the shimmer monster on her back.
“LIAR!” Nails dug into Caitlyn’s tattoo, through her flesh and skin, as Jinx kept them there. “Shut up!” Jinx shouted, as Caitlyn looked confused at first, the way the woman shouted. Jinx wasn’t looking down at her, but this time in the corner. “I’m busy! No, No I’m not going to kill her! Not yet anyway! Would you shut it!” Her nails dug deeper into Caitlyn’s shoulder as she shuddered with a cry of torment. Blood seeped from the wound, scatter across her back like a branching stream of rivers, twisting as they slid down her skin.
The nails pulled from her shoulder and from her neck as the weight left her body. Freedom. Caitlyn turned past the spots of her eyes, seeing Jinx walking away muttering to herself. Immediately, Caitlyn twisted back around and wiggled like a worm, trying to move toward anything she could use to break free. Her bottom lip pressed between her teeth, biting down so hard she might draw blood. The movement of her body rolling left-to-right put pressure on her thigh and it burned like a fire. Still, she persisted, refusing to just lay here and expose her belly to let Jinx murder her. Even if Caitlyn felt the impending doom of death on her doorstep, she wouldn’t give up. The infinitesimal ability Caitlyn had to stop Jinx didn’t matter; she would make her work for this.
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Shards of glass glistened against the light that filtered through from the candles that were lit. She could see a small glimmer of light near a doorway, the sunlight from outside. A hint of freedom that Caitlyn desperately yearned to reach. Each roll, each wiggle, yet still too far from the glass. She just needed to work a little harder, and…
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jinx laughed, as she reached down to grab Caitlyn’s ankles and whipped her around onto her back. “No no no, you sneaky little bitch,” Caitlyn yowled in anger as she kicked her feet against Jinx’s side and the Zaunite only seemed to revel in the antics of Caitlyn’s fight. The fear pulsated off of Caitlyn like perfume, and the loose cannon enjoyed every second of the struggle. “Get your spirit forsaken hands off of me NOW!” Each word constantly felt like the droning of a broken record. Caitlyn knew Jinx would not listen and yet she couldn’t do anything else but fight back with her words. Bloodshot eyes stared up in anger and fear at the woman who dragged her across the ground. Writhing like a worm on a hook, Caitlyn tried to resist, to pull away, but Jinx had the upper hand. A predator playing with her prey as she dropped Caitlyn’s legs.
Fingers grabbed Caitlyn’s shoulders and picked her up, her eyes round like a moon and unsure of what Jinx planned, when she twirled her around like a ballerina doll and shoved against a table. Her chest pressed down against the cold metal and Jinx’s body pressed flushed behind her. Hips against her rear, as Caitlyn shook her head. It was an invasion of her privacy, too close for comfort. Immediately Caitlyn tried to force herself up, to get away from the angle of the position, but Jinx grabbed her neck and shoved her back down against the table. “Please, keep fighting. It’ll only make the kill more delicious,” Jinx purred, leaning over as Caitlyn shuddered. “You fucking psychopath!!” Caitlyn snapped as she felt Jinx’s body pressed firmly against her clammy skin. Jinx’s teeth scraped against her ear, nipping roughly at it, and she heard a guttural purr. “I prefer... creative,” Jinx taunted, and then grabbed a leather strap. The weight disappeared for a moment, only to feel the pressure of a belt bound to her hips. The leather strap locked her hips into place, keeping her from moving off of the table. Her wrist pinned against her stomach left her helpless to reach the strap.
“What are you doing!?” Caitlyn questioned immediately, fear dripping from her tongue as she had no form of defense and no ability to stop Jinx at this moment. Another strap came up, this time pressing up against her neck and pulled tight, barely just enough to breathe without choking. “I’m working! Can’t have my masterpiece moving and ruin the artwork,” Jinx muttered as she pressed a hand against Caitlyn’s spine.
A scream echoed from Caitlyn’s lips as suddenly the blade bit into Caitlyn’s skin, pressing firmly as it sliced through her skin like butter. Her feet tried to kick, flailing underneath her with no luck to hinder the demonic woman as she began her process. “JINX!! DAMMIT!” Caitlyn screamed, shaking her chest, pulling at her hips, unable to get away from her trapped position on the table. All the while, she listened to Jinx humming as she worked. The way the blade moved caused spots to fill her eyes, sparkled dust like little floating firelights in her eyes. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, with screams of anguish at the blade didn’t stop. Worse of all was the etching turn of the blade, the framing of the monkey face against her shoulder blade as realization dawned on Caitlyn. “NO! NO!” she howled, kicking her feet harder as she shook her head. The rush of adrenaline twisted in Caitlyn’s stomach, feeling nauseous as the pain continued to rip against her skin, tearing up her ivory skin back. “Dammit, you moved! Stop moving or you’ll mess this up,” Jinx muttered in annoyance as Caitlyn nearly roared like a tiger.
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“I WILL NOT!” Seconds blended into minutes, and minutes into an hour. The blade continued to slice across her skin, each twist cutting something new. Caitlyn had lost a sense of reality. Tremors echoed against Caitlyn’s body, unable to stop the natural reflexes against the physical assault on her back. Each time the blade cut in, a shuddering cry of pain echoed her lip, but her throat grew sore from the screaming that it turned into sudden shrieks or shrills that died down into sobs. Sweat drenched her skin, as the warmth of blood pooled over her back, dripping down the sides of her waist and off her neck. She intimately could feel the contrast of warm vitality against her shivering, cold skin. Her vision clouded, hyperventilating breaths making it hard to catch her breath. Caitlyn wasn’t sure what Jinx wrote, but she had finished with her shoulder and had gone to write a series of words against her entire back. The spine had been the worse of the event. It felt like a constant burning fire that didn’t dull.
Tears stained her cheeks as she laid there weakly, unable to pass out. Spirits preserved, she wanted to pass out, Jinx could continue to mark up her back, but at least she would not be awake to feel it. Her eyes flicked up, noticing a brief glimmer in the distance. A hint of red, soft. Her eyes watched the way it twisted, forming the broad shoulders and the magenta hair that shined against the sun. The body twisted like a smoke before slowly showing a visage. Vi.
No, Caitlyn knew it wasn’t her, and yet, all she could do was a hesitant smile before collapsing into a puddle of tears again. “I can’t...” she whispered, as the brush of a callous hand touched her cheek. “Come on, Cupcake, don’t give up. You didn’t give up before, you can’t do so now,” Tender words, a person who believed in her, even when everyone else didn’t. “You aren’t here,” If Jinx heard her talking, she didn’t seem to care, only focused on her work at hand as Caitlyn shuddered and cried out again. “I’m here, right here,” Spirits, how Caitlyn wanted to believe that. She latched onto it, despite knowing she wasn’t truly there; it was the only strand of hope she had at the moment to keep from begging Jinx to stop. She didn’t want to give her that satisfaction, and she knew that Jinx wouldn’t stop, anyway. A soft whimsical song rang in her ears as Vi brushed her hand against Caitlyn’s cheek again, and she laid there on the table, unable to do much else but try to stay alive. Jinx’s bristled tongue once more dragged over her body. This time, Caitlyn shuddered from the exposed wound and pain as it dragged up her neck and up against her face. Her saliva clung to her skin, coated it and her hair clung to it. “Mhmm… Vi is right. You do taste sweet like a cupcake. Maybe a little bite..hmm not yet, not yet,” Jinx tormented and Caitlyn thought her heart nearly beat right out of her chest. If Jinx wanted to, she literally could take a bite right out of her and there was nothing she could do! The malicious demon of a woman sent shards of fear throughout her body, losing every hint of autonomy she had. Jinx controlled her movement, her placement. She tried to fight, but it was little more than a fight of a mouse against a cat.
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Something soft brushed against her back, when she noticed Jinx laying her head down against the table, a smooth, pristine smile over her lips, shimmer infused eyes gleaming, almost glowing in the darker room. A shudder coursed over her back when she realized it was a feather over her back. Jinx pulled it down over her shoulder, using the blood like paint and using her body like a canvas. Caitlyn was too weak to resist. She wanted to fall asleep, but the atmosphere could not let her rest. Her nerves screamed with fury as Jinx played with her food. Jinx mutilated her back and now ridiculed her with playful glee. Blue hair clung to Caitlyn’s face, obscured her vision with only the smokey visual of Vi sitting on the table trying to block the view of Jinx.
What time was it? How many minutes had passed? Or perhaps hours? Her mind dissociated with her body, fighting to preserve her mind past the excruciating anguish she suffered. Continuous shakes throbbed through her muscles and the unpleasant brush of the feather made her flinch each time. No physical fight came from Caitlyn and instead exhaustion burned her muscles. Eyes fluttered shut when the sting of a slap hit her cheek. “Don’t go to sleep yet, Kiramman. We haven’t even gotten to the best part!” Jinx chuckled as she bounced up, her revelry contrasting Caitlyn’s defeat. The sound of the buckles ripped off and Caitlyn’s body slid off the table and hit the floor. Jinx didn’t even try to catch her, instead watched with intense delight. The more Caitlyn suffered, the more she noticed Jinx’s elated behavior growing. A grunt of pain left her lips, unable to even scream out anymore as she laid down on the floor. Fight! Her mind whispered as Vi crouched down and reached over to grab her hand. “Fight, Cupcake,” Vi echoed the same words of her mind, as if working in tandem with her thoughts.
“Vi,” Caitlyn’s voice cracked as Jinx hauled Caitlyn up and threw her over her shoulder. “Janna, I’m going to put a muzzle on you, shut that mouth up from saying her name,” Jinx hissed, her nails digging into Caitlyn’s legs as she weakly tried to pull away. “Fuck off,” her words spat, the tiny fight left as a little echoing voice encouraged her. “That’s it, Cupcake. Fight!” Her body convulsed as she was unceremoniously dropped into a wheelchair, as she cried in pain as her back pressed up against the metal. “I’m so tired of your words, and besides, you don’t look like an enforcer enough,” Jinx said, as she reached over to the table as Caitlyn turned her head to look over. Against it was clothing. An enforcer dress, her gloves and books, and just as Jinx declared, a muzzle.
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“No, No!” Caitlyn tried to turn her head, to pull on her bloody wrist that was now raw from struggling the last few hours, but Jinx gave her no choice. A giddy laughter left the loose cannon as the muzzle pressed against her face as Caitlyn shook her head. “Muzzled like the mutt you are. That’s all enforcers are - mad dogs who need to be put down.” The strap went around her head, as Jinx pulled it tight, so tightly that it bit into her skin as she shook her head like a wild animal. “MFFH!” Caitlyn cried with tears she didn’t think she had left seeped from her eyes, staining her cheeks. The wild woman sat on Caitlyn’s bare lap as she grabbed her face and turned it left and right.
“You’re missing something…” She hummed as Caitlyn stared transfixed on the demon, her shimmer eyes glowing with excitement. Caitlyn noticed Jinx’s lips were still painted red from her own blood, and it dribbled down her chin from when she licked and tasted her pooled blood on her back as she picked up a marker and twisted it in her hand. She grabbed Caitlyn’s chin as she quivered, while the woman dragged the marker over the muzzle, pressing the paint up against her cheeks. She didn’t have to see the makeshift smile painted over her lips, like some twisted mannequin enjoying this behavior. Jinx threw the marker over her shoulder as she twisted Caitlyn’s head left and right. “I really don’t see what my sister sees in you. Ugh,” Jinx rolled her head, throwing Caitlyn’s head to the side as she climbed off of her and Caitlyn struggled. “Effh offh,” Caitlyn muttered, but her voice had been silence. She pulled on her wrist, the pressure of the muzzle more acute to her skin as her fingers flexed out, trying to claw at the mask. “Oh well, my sister will always choose me in the end. I know her. She won’t choose an enforcer. Why would she?” Jinx chatted to herself as she reached for the knife and Caitlyn panicked with what little energy she had left, but then Jinx put it back down.
Tightness wheeled in her chest, as she leaned her head forward, her hair cascading around her face to hide the fear as she silently sobbed. Jinx had ripped her autonomy from her grasp and she felt like an object at Jinx’s hand. Part of a twisted plan against Vi, and she didn’t even know what it was. And now she couldn’t even talk. The muzzle left her jaw clamped together, with only muffled tones like a whimpering animal. “It won’t be much longer,” Jinx grinned as she grabbed Caitlyn’s face, forcing her bloodshot eyes to look up at her. “Just know you will make a delicious feast for me and my sister. At least you’ll have some use. Can’t let good meat go to waste,” Jinx taunted, as Caitlyn’s eyes went wide at the flash of fangs as Jinx licked at her lips and her teeth. “Efhf!” Caitlyn tried to say something back, but she couldn’t, which left her terror the only thing to hang onto now. No words of defiance, no way to fight back. Sheer horror held Caitlyn now and Jinx reveled in this ultimate position.
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Hands suddenly wrapped around Caitlyn’s throat as Caitlyn’s muffled scream echoed through the halls. “Why use gas when I can knock you out this way?” Jinx laughed maniacally as her fingers tightened around her throat, nails digging against her skin and pricking at her throat. Little droplets of blood seeped from her skin, but Caitlyn didn’t acknowledge that. Instead, it was the air that was choked from her throat. She pulled on her wrist, flexing her hands as she couldn’t breathe. The more she tried to, the tighter Jinx’s grip became. “I need to dress you and as much as I enjoy the fight, I have other party guests to invite!” The feline kept her bite tight with her hands, as Caitlyn’s eyes were wide in terror. No air went to her lungs as she saw sparkling spots again, filtering through her vision as she kicked her feet. The woman pushed down harder against her throat. A high-pitched giggle emitted through Jinx’s teeth. Caitlyn’s visions muddied as she grappled to get oxygen to her lungs. From the physical exhaustion of the torture to her mental capacity, it only took less than a minute to fall unconscious from the loss of oxygen and being choked by the she-wolf.
The last thing she remembered was her shimmer eyes, a demonic glint of satisfaction over the control she held, and the giggling laughter of a maniac that held her life in the balance.
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Of course I have a favorite Hollow Knight Character! *Shows you the wettest and saddest sack of shit ever*(Reblogs appreciated!)
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jomilky · 2 years
One of Ian’s punishment for Mickey is “hole exposure”. When Mickey did something bad, he has to keep hole-showing positions for hours, like all fours sticking out his ass or lying on his back with his legs wide spread… and he must keep each position for at least 10 minutes while describing his position and what he wants. 
When Ian’s in good mood, he’d even tease Mickeys hole with his tongue or finger or 1 inch of his dick, but when he’s very pissed, he’d only talk dirty and do nothing
why would you do this to me, do you want to see me self-ignite then burning in horny jail forever and ever and ever
Maybe sometimes when Ian’s rlly pissed he’d ask Mickey to do this on their dinner table while he’s cooking. He orders Mickey to raise his voice while describing his position so that he could hear him from the kitchen, and when Mickey’s not loud enough, Ian would talk real dirty to him and prolong the time of his punishment
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justxangelxthings · 6 months
Being overpowered is so hot. Feeling small and fragile is so hot. Fear and vulnerability and helplessness are so hot. Humiliation is so hot. Shame is so hot. Corruption is so hot. Being degraded is so hot. Being soft and feminine is so hot. Being degraded for being soft and feminine is so hot. Praise is so hot. Filthy talk is so
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
need kobeni immediately. sorry but i know it’s pretty. it’s sooo pretty n it flutters when you crouch and spread her legs open. n she gets all red in the face and sniffly bc she wants it so badly. always feels so exposed right before you go down on her. thinks too hard about what you could be looking at. feels ur cool breath across her cunt when you blow on it lightly and shivers with a little whine, reading to touch the side of your face n bring you closer to her center. 
and she’s SOOOO easy to tease too. kobeni can’t hide when she wants something for shit and her emotions read so plainly on her face that she might as well be saying how she feels out loud. if she wants it, you’ll know and if she’s feeling good, you’ll definitely know. 
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dumbbunnyg1rl · 15 days
Need a gross older man to call dad
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spstoui · 3 months
God he’s so fine I wanna see my blood on his hands
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movedtoferinehuntress · 8 months
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⌜ ♥ @musesbymarnie ⌟ ―― Caitlyn & Jinx ► multi memes = ❝ [ wipe ] sender wipes away receiver's tears + [ hurt ] sender hurts receiver with words + ❛  ah-ah, don’t pass out on me now. we were just getting to the fun part.  ❜ from Jinx (tea party! ahahah!) ❞
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Pain ripped against her stomach after the kick to her belly and a red welp started to blossom against her skin from the metal tip of her boot. Caitlyn's eyes watered, laying on the filthy ground of the cannery as she panted through bated breath, struggling to get her abdominal muscles to work again. Laying naked on the ground, she pulled at her wrists that were tied together but also tied to her waist. She couldn't lift them, she couldn't reach out and push Jinx away, nor could she crawl away. Her eyes flicked away from Jinx, looking over to the shattered opening of the building, able to see the grand tower of the council hall before a scream left her lips as her hair was harshly pulled backward and the echoing voice in her ear as chills ran down her bare spine.
Feet kicked out, fighting the rope around her ankles that restrained her legs so she wouldn't run. "Jinx!" Caitlyn shouted, trying to pull away from the pull of hair. Follicles threatened to rip from her scalp as she struggled desperately to make the pain stop. Quick breaths were taken from her chest rather than her lungs, exhibiting fear like an animal cornered. A swan wounded, face to face with the fox and her deadly gleaming teeth. Jinx leaned closer toward her, as Caitlyn couldn't pull away from the taunt pull of her head forcing her to arch her neck backward.
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"Imagine how pretty your corpse is gonna be with all of the words on you," Words, what was Jinx talking about? However, her eyes widened with fear glistening in her irises, as she started to experience the impending panic in her chest. Her heart beat faster as she struggled harder to pull on her wrist. The rope gripped her wrist painfully, rubbing raw against her bare skin. Her manicured nails dug against her palm as she struggled to calm herself.
The hardest part of this was that no one knew she was gone. Vi had left her, Caitlyn watched as she walked away that night, leaving her in Piltover. She knew she would never see her again, Vi wouldn't be looking for her. Why would she? She thought she was safe at home, away from Zaun. Her mother and father had left for business, they wouldn't be home til that next morning, and the staff of the Kiramman House would not blink twice if she wasn't there. Even Jayce was business with Viktor and his council duties; it was doubtful he would even notice.
No one knew.
This was worse than invisibility, the panic that no one would even know she was missing. No one would be searching for her, no one would help her. She was going to die here… alone. "Then get on with it!" Caitlyn shouted, not thinking through her words, fear intermixed with anger, trying to mask her terror as her head was thrown down toward the ground and her face hit the hard floor and a rock scrapped against her temple. Tears slipped out of the corner of her eyes from the pain as a soft finger brushed her cheek and immediately Caitlyn recoiled. "Don't touch me," Caitlyn sneered, not wanting any form of kindness from the she-wolf.
"Can't run from the truth, Caitlyn. Caitlyn, Caitlyn, Caitlyn. Ha, ha, even your name is a reflection of you. Cait-lyn. See how your name means liar? Lyn. Lying." Her sickly sweet words made her growl as she shifted away, unable to cover herself in the face of the maniac. "I'm not a liar. You don't know me," She hissed, hating how Jinx taunted her with her name. She tried to shake the words from her ears, the twisting demented lips as she watched Jinx walk away. "Ah-ah, don’t pass out on me now. we were just getting to the fun part," Caitlyn twisted her head around, trying to find out where the purple-eyed witch went to. "What do you mean, what are you planning? Jinx!" Caitlyn shouted, as she twisted her head around and tried to find something she could use to cut the rope. The smell of dust and stagnant water burned her nose as she scrunched it up and shifted her shoulder and hips to pull toward some shattered iron and glass. It looked old, decades-old with the iron rusting along the edges and the glass opaque in color. Her fingers struggled to reach out, trying to grip at it as she had little room to move. Finally, she reached out and got the glass in her hand, twisting it around, and started to cut at the rope cinched between her wrist. If she got it cut, she could pull her hands away from her waist and free her legs. Just needed a few minutes as long as Jinx stayed distracted with whatever she was doing.
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Caitlyn knew she was on her own. There was no hero to save her like in the books she read. She had to do this on her own, escape would only be possible if she fought for it. She had to muster up what courage she had to force the trepidation down before Jinx finished her game.
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