#tw dead people
benjimatorarts · 11 months
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Would you take their hand?
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prettyboybillyhargrove · 11 months
Sometimes i get bad moods and think to myself. If Billy was alive do you think he could get out without people's help? (Not that they're helping but) like do you think he can leave that piece of shit behind and start a new life? get therapy, start healing, maybe go to university, find a job etc etc idk. Or do you think N*il would beat him to death in a fight? Or maybe worse Billy fuckin riot one day and he kill N*il?
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mayrine · 10 months
I find it fucking crazy that some people say that “all people deserve life” as a response to the submarine disaster
Let me tell you a little secret
Rapist, child molestors, groomers and billionaires DONT deserve a life
I can’t believe that some people will argue that they do
First of all if you think that rapists deserve a life please make me a favor and block me because you are a disgusting human being
Secondly, billionaires should not exist. Simple as that
NO HUMAN should have that much money for themself
If they were truly good people they would use the huge amount of resources to HELP those around them, not to go on a trip to see the titanic. When we say eat the rich this is what we mean
The only person that is innocent is all off this is the 19 year old. He is the only one I feel bad for
But the fact that he was there makes me hate the other “adults” even more because who in their right mind would let a kid (who has said that he didn’t want to be there) on a trip like that????
You can’t be anti-capitalism or in the eat the rich crowd if you feel bad for them
Fuck billionaires and fuck people that like/feel bad for them
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phinix53 · 9 months
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Memento Mori
West Valley Hospital
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just-a-silly-boy · 10 months
Uh sorry for what is going on here...
But can we just have more of your art? I want to see more of your Simon, please? Your version of them is so interesting
Oh dont be sorry, Nonny. Shits happens everywhere... well...
🎵Lets skip to the good part!🎵
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The beast from air mets the beast from forest...
Maybe that wasnt what you expected for Simon but I had this in my head since I saw this art and wanted to draw something inspired in it because it is SO FUCKING GOOD. Thank you!
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rainbowolfe · 1 year
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Ripped from his home, a prize to behold Mind unraveled and made something new
A purpose gained, to lose it again? Well, that simply would not do
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plus bonus interaction :3
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d1sp4ru3 · 8 months
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beebooca · 1 year
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“Rune takes after his father more than his mother, but we never expected him to take on the insanity as well.” - some dude in my AU
Dagur the Deranged certainly had some crazy genes
I wasn’t sure about posting this because of the blood and slight gore, but I really want to establish that Rune really takes after Dagur
also I can’t set this to mature audiences only for some reason
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sc0rpi0const · 1 year
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this was clingyduo prompt week on twt! not full, cus uh. we got way too ambitious lol but quite some of them are our favourite works hehe. (first third and last yesyes) anyway enjoy :]
reblogs are very much appreciated btw thank you <33
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-15 Years Ago (3)-
Kaidan: *knocking on the door of Merlyn's home* Merlyn! Me and the twins are gonna train together! Do you wanna come with us?
Saviren: *answering the door* Huh? And who the hell are you?
Kaidan: Er, Kaidan, sir. Who are you?
Saviren: I'm that little brat's father. How do you know of her?
Kaidan: I broke her lute on accident a couple of weeks ago. We play together outside sometimes now.
Saviren: I see. And when exactly does she come outside to play?
Kaidan: Um.. Around midday?
Saviren: ... I'm afraid she won't be able to play with you anymore.
Kaidan: Huh? But-
Saviren: *slamming the door in Kaidan's face* MERLYN! Get your sorry ass out of that room right this instant!
Merlyn: F-Father? What-
Saviren: Don't you say a fucking word! Why are the village kids saying you've been playing with them?! I told you that you are forbidden from leaving this house! Ever!
Merlyn: *trembling* I-I'm sorry father! I didn't m-mean-
Saviren: Quit the fucking stuttering! On top of that, the little shit said you had a lute! After I've told you thousands of times that I won't hear that obnoxious noise anymore!
*the sound of a slap can be heard from outside*
Kaidan: Merlyn! *he runs back down the road towards Jorrvaskr* Brynjar! Kodlak! Merlyn's in trouble!
Kodlak: Slow down, lad. What's happened?
Kaidan: I just wanted to ask her to play with me and the others, but her father answered the door. He- He started asking all these questions about her coming outside and then he shut the door and I could hear him yelling at her. It sounded like he was hurting her!
Vilkas: You WHAT?! Kodlak, you have to help her, please!
Kodlak: Alright, everybody stay calm. I'll gather some of the men and get them down there with us. Everything will be alright.
Kaidan: *watching the Companions gather their weapons and leave the mead hall* ... Is it my fault she's hurt?
Brynjar: *patting his head* No, lad, it's not. We'll figure this out, just stay here.
Farkas: ... We should go, too.
Vilkas: They told us to stay put.
Kaidan: But Merlyn's not gonna be able to talk to any of the Companions! She only talks to us!
Vilkas: ...
Farkas: Kaidan, you didn't know about her father, did you?
Kaidan: No! If I had known, then I wouldn't have gone to her house! Or I would have, if only to take her away from there!
Vilkas: He's always been like that. Some sort of noble, so the guards won't touch him. Don't think anyone's seen him in years, though. It was only ever his wife, Glenna.
Farkas: .. I'm going after them.
Vilkas: Farkas!
Farkas: You can sit here and follow the rules all you want, Vilkas, but I'm going to protect my friend!
Kaidan: I'm going too!
Vilkas: Oh for the love of- Wait up!
Kodlak: Break the door down if you must.
Brynjar: *swinging his axe at the door handle* ... I think I got it.
Kodlak: Steady yourselves. I can smell blood.
Brynjar: The girl's?
Kodlak: Yes. And another's, it's.. *a woman lies dead on the floor near the door* Glenna!
Brynjar: Gods, what happened?
Kaidan: Brynjar!
Brynjar: Kaidan? Stay back, boy!
Farkas: Merlyn! *running inside*
Vilkas: Didn't you just hear him say stay back?!
Kaidan: Where is she? Merlyn! *he runs through the house, checking every room* Merlyn? Where did you go?
Farkas: Kaidan.. *kneels next to a lute he found under Merlyn's bed* She never leaves without her lute..
Kaidan: She has to be here!
Kodlak: Boys, get out of there!
Brynjar: Kodlak, what if..
Kodlak: Ask the guards if they saw Saviren leave the city, and if there was anything strange about him.
Skjor: They said he left with a big sack on his back.
Kodlak: Send out search parties. He can't have gone far.
Skjor: Kodlak, if he killed his wife, he'll kill the girl. If he hasn't already.
Kodlak: I'd suggest you be quiet before-
Kaidan: She's not dead! There's no way! She was fine until I came!
Brynjar: Don't say it like that, Kaidan.
Kaidan: But it's true! If I hadn't tried to see her she would have been fine! She has to be okay!
Brynjar: *grabbing his shoulders* You are not to blame for this, y'hear? Her father is a horrible man and will get the pain he deserves. Go back to Jorrvaskr with the twins and try to calm down. We'll find her.
Farkas: *holding Merlyn's lute* Kodlak?
Kodlak: Listen to him, you three. Run on home, we'll be back soon.
Vilkas: Come on. *leading Kaidan and Farkas back to the mead hall*
Brynjar: ... I'm of a mind with Skjor. A search may be useless at this point.
Kodlak: We still have to try.
Brynjar: I never said we shouldn't.
Kaidan: *trying to hum the same tune Merlyn did*
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Dream blunt rotation
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benjimatorarts · 1 year
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Lalo's afterlife is filled with the constant annoyance of coughing out blood 24/7. It's really hard to speak clearly for him without having to choke on his own blood again.
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thelunaticartist · 1 year
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This was inspired by our word by 36 questions. Maybe I interpreted a bit to much, but I like how the art came out.
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aeon2407 · 11 months
Grief is such a funny thing.
Grandpa passed away almost two months ago now. Funeral and estate were handled the following weeks, all his affairs are in order. Everyone's pretty much back to normal.
Today was the first time I cried for him.
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zia-in-lowercase · 1 year
Ese no es mi padre. La Figura que, como una mariposa restringida por alfileres, yace boca arriba e inmóvil, no es mi padre. Sus ojos apenas se distinguen en su cara hinchada, pero sé, yo sé que miran hacia arriba, a las estrellas, y lo odio. Miran a las estrellas (o tal vez tubos fluorescentes), pero no las ven y no hay nada tras ellos, su cerebro está silencioso, mudo, y sé que no se moverá más. Sus huesos están expuestos en muchas partes, me asquea; son blancos-amarillentos, manchados de sangre y tierra. No, eso no es mi padre.
A pesar de su tatuaje, tan similar al que papá se hizo unas vacaciones en Indonesia (mi madre estaba enojada, pues relacionaba los tatuajes con la delincuencia aunque mi hermano decía Ay madre, no seai así. Los tiempos cambian), ese Monstruo no es mi padre. El tatuaje de papá es como una hiedra que abraza gentilmente su espalda, pecho, deltoide izquierdo, es de un negro brillante sobre su piel morena; es lustroso, elegante, complementa su cuerpo, realza su anatomía. El tatuaje de papá no es un amasijo de líneas groseras, tinta derramada sin consideración ni cariño sobre su piel, no, no se deforma alrededor de rasguños, moretones, y cráteres. ¿Cómo podría alguien confundirlos? (Mi hermano tiene ese mismo tatuaje se lo hizo en el muslo derecho a los dieciséis se lo hizo en el muslo para que mamá no lo viera mamá estaba furiosa luego calmada realmente eres su hijo sonrió)
La boca de la Cosa hace una mueca, algo a medio camino entre un grito, una sonrisa y un llanto. A pesar de que la boca esté abierta, no dice nada. Ya nunca dirá nada. Tick tock, pienso, hable ahora o calle para siempre. Todos quedamos mudos al final, pero yo quedo mudo al ver la parodia de su boca frente a mí. Mi padre sonríe cada vez que puede, es un hombre de risa fuerte y humor grosero pero bienintencionado (a pesar de que siempre le decía eso de pequeño mi padre nunca cambió siempre estuvo orgulloso de eso tal vez es eso lo que más admiro de él Dios sabe que pienso demasiado poco de mí mismo tal vez eso admiro o tal vez que se rió esa noche cuando nos enteramos que Sí, sí, lo siento. No pudimos hacer nada. Lamentamos su perdida, señor. Lamentamos su perdida. Sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas y me miró y sonrió y me abrazó y lloró lloramos todos sí pero primero me miró y sonrió) No, él no quedaría mudo. ¿Cómo podría hacerlo? Toda su vida intentaron amordazarlo, pero el gritaba, gritaba a todo pulmón Aquí estoy, aquí estoy (y retumbaba contra los Andes Aquí estoy eso admiro de él que no dejaría que lo enmudecieran).
Muevo mi pulgar y revelo los jirones de brazos de la Criatura, veo sus huesos y músculos, como un libro de anatomía (si tu vida es normal nadie verá tus huesos de hecho mucha gente tiene huesos de colores extraños: azules, verdes, rosados, teñidos por medicamentos que tomas. Nadie se dará cuenta de eso hasta que mueras y de abran, ziiiiip. Aprendí eso cuando era pequeño y no lo puedo sacar de mi cabeza. Nadie ve tus huesos hasta que te abren). Y pienso, Oh, mi señor, no puedes decirnos tus secretos, pero ya no los puedes ocultar, están todos ahí a simple vista. Mis Ojos pueden ver: sangre, piel, músculo, hueso, tendón, sangre. Pueden ver: mugre, tierra, trozos de pavimento. Pero no te oyen. Eh, amigo, ¿por qué ocultas tu mirada? Tiemblo. Cuando se acaba todo y solo quedas tú en una sala oscura, con manos enguantadas explorando tus rincones, y todo tu Ser llenará quizás unas planas de formas clínicas, tal vez una noticia si tu partida fue divertidamente grotesca, tal vez una primera plana si tu rostro es conocidamente bello; cuando quiten todo lo que queda de ti, ¿quién escuchará lo que tenías que decir, quién te devolverá la mirada? Digo bien, tú, Bestia, decidme lo que ocultáis. Y entonces su alma se me revela (fue un milagro, o tal vez fue una mota de polvo que tapaba el Detalle Más Importante para luego volar y dejarme ver sus Ojos o tal vez me cuesta ver de cerca y debo ir al oftalmólogo o tal vez finalmente lo acepté).
Mi padre tenía unos ojos pardos, cristalinos. Siempre parecía que iba a llorar o justo había terminado de hacerlo (siempre pensé que tantas penas se acumularon en sus ojos a lo largo de la vida), eran bellos. Eran Él. Siempre miraba a los ojos al hablar, y siempre se arrugaban, tan solo un poco, cuando estaba a punto de contar el remate de un chiste, y parpadeaban rápido, como si no quisiera perderse ni un instante del mundo. Recuerdo que una vez me llevó a ver las estrellas, en el Sur cerca de donde nació. Era muy pequeño pero aún lo recuerdo: sus ojos húmedos reflejaban la luz de los astros y pensé que si me concentraba lo suficiente podría ver a Orión o a las Pléyades en ellos.
Aprieto la fotografía en mi mano, y acaricio la imagen de mi padre, desnudo, tendido en una plancha de acero. Sí, es él, le digo a la detective. Lamento su perdida señor, lamento su perdida, dice ella, gracias (o algo a ese efecto) le respondo. Le tiendo la foto, pero me cuesta soltar los dedos; ella tira y el grueso papel se desliza por las yemas de mis dedos. No lo volveré a ver, pienso. ¿Así lo recordaré? Lo dudo. En mi memoria el ríe y canta y habla y su tatuaje brilla con el sudor y el sol en una tarde de verano. Sus ojos están llenos de estrellas y me abraza. Pero está abierto, y aunque nunca me ocultó nada finalmente lo conocí. Vi sus huesos.
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thedman0310 · 1 year
You know, it’s not every day that you have to move a corpse for your job
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