I'm sure someone's written about this before, but the parallels in lww between Edmund running into the house to get his father's picture and the destoyed picture of Tumnus' father is painful
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furiouscrusadeavenue · 10 months
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bbdoll · 11 months
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Mr. Tumnus wants YOU to pet him.
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
A Human Girl
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Mr. Tumnus X f!Reader
Summary: A man named Tumnus finds you almost dying and wants to make sure you're okay.
Warnings: Yandere, dark, kidnapping, manipulation, dub-con touches, drugging, praise kink
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When you woke up, you felt the painful cold surrounded your whole body. Snowflakes that landed on your face bothered you and you couldn't open your eyes. It took you a while to realize that the shaky branches running around your body were actually some fingers, and the cozy fur you were lying on was actually a living being.
He took your freezing body in his arms and slowly stood up before you could react. You turned your head in panic, but you didn't look like you were in a panic to him. You could hardly move from the cold and you were so dull. When you opened your eyes, you saw that you were in a dark and snowy forest, under something like a street lamp that was the only source of light. You wondered why that mysterious stranger holding you was naked in this cold. He already had fur pants that felt warm. You felt softness in his arms and over his body as well, but something was off. You couldn't gather your thoughts. You couldn't remember anything.
"No, no, no. Don't waste your breath, you need it. It's very difficult for a human to survive in this cold." He brought you closer to his warm body and turned your head to his chest. He walked fast, making sure you were breathing as warmly as you could. "Especially for a human like you."
"No." You weakly pushed your arms away and tried to get away from him, but it was no use. The cold was down to your bones and it hurt.
"Shh, don't. My name is Tumnus. I-I saved you. You'd be dead if I didn't find you." His voice was shaky. Shaky, excited and soft. He rubbed your arms and bent his head over yours to prevent the snowflakes.
You entered a house when you noticed the existence of extra clothing around your neck. It was a long, red scarf. Did he put this on you to protect you from the cold? Just like he tried to protect you from the snow along the way? He put you on the armchair by the fireplace and ran across. His legs were... goat legs. His ears and nose were different. His body was hairy. What was he?
"Here." Laughing nervously, he brought you a blanket and wrapped it around your body. He patted your body gently to make sure you were covered well, and he looked at you hesitantly. You could see he was afraid that you would be uncomfortable by his touch, but you didn't say anything. You were so cold and wanted to warm up as soon as possible.
"Tell me, Daughter of Eve..." He leaned closer to your face and checked your forehead. "What are you doing in Narnia?"
He touched your hair and caressed it gently. His eyes didn't leave you. There was curiosity in his eyes as he looked at every part of your face. It wasn't weird that he was a half-man and half-goat, but it was weird that you were a human. Like watchful caregivers approaching a different species, he kept caressing your head. He was happy with the feel of your hair, and it was evident in his smile. Sometimes he squeezed some of your hair.
You were distracted as you looked at his smiling face. He liked the way you studied his face, and he patted your head for trying to understand him. Your confused eyes and parted mouth gave him an impression of you being a naive human. "Forget about my question, I probably said something weird that I shouldn't have said a human. But know that I'm so glad you're here."
He wanted to hold your hand, trying not to startle you, but you jumped and pulled your hand away from him. “I-It's okay. Don't worry. I just…” He reached out to take your hand again, but this time he waited for your permission first. You looked suspiciously at his face but nodded. He gently took your hand and brought it to his ear. Then he touched your ear with his own hand and laughed lightly. "Look how different we are."
He lowered his hand to your cheek and made you touch his own. He tilted his head as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. Then he grabbed your chin and brought your hand to his beard. "You're so soft, so beautiful. Actually, too beautiful to be a human. And your voice is just so" he took a deep breath, "hypnotic."
"I don't understand. I want to go." You pulled your hand and turned your face away from him, causing his smile fade. When you tried to get up, he held your shoulders and stopped you.
"No. It's so cold outside, you almost died. You're not going anywhere." He said the last sentence almost harshly and gave you a dark look, but your scared expression softened him. He moved away from you and go towards to the kitchen, at least you guessed it was the kitchen. "You must be so hungry. I have toast and cakes! And-and, tea! Humans love them, right?"
He rushed to bring you the tray he had filled in seconds and placed it on the table. He put his hand on his head as his eyes and mouth opened as if he realised something. "Of course! You must be thirsty."
He brought you a big glass of water. Yes, you were very thirsty. You were so thirsty that you didn't notice or care about the color of the water. He was smiling as he grabbed the back of your head and made you drink the water. He praised you with every sip. "There you go. Good girl."
He wanted to give you a few bites of food after drinking the water, but you didn't want to. Soon you started to feel very tired and you slowly fell asleep. He threw the blanket off you and started to take off your wet clothes, before carrying you to his bedroom. "I would have done this in the first place if you weren't afraid, but you're too timid, aren't you? You're going to get sick."
His breathing grew heavy as he revealed your delicate skin. His eyes scanned your entire body and he bit his lip. "Don't worry, you're safe with me."
He gasped as he took your naked body in his arms. He placed his hand slightly above your belly and touched part of your breast. You were so soft and smooth. "You've made me feel warmer than I've felt in a hundred years. I will nevet let you go."
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 2 months
Happy 3rd birthday to Tumnus!
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hannah-catkin-artses · 6 months
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Beware of those who say they're human and aren't.
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trashburgersblair · 8 months
I need Hera, I.M.O.G.E.N, and Tumnus to get together and cause all the AC chaos they can
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nothinggold13 · 2 years
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Someone to Stay // Vancouver Sleep Clinic
“No matter what happens, Lucy Pevensie, I am glad to have met you. You've made me feel warmer than I've felt in a hundred years.”
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loosegoosechase · 2 years
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Mr. Tumnus is a beautiful faun man. He's so sweet look at him you should give him a hug I'd hug him. all hail our lord and savior mr. tumnus (i love james mcavoy). i bet mr. tumnus would listen to mitski he would he'd blast it in his little tumnus house and he'd be a good little tumnus boy i LOVE
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who's to say the beavers didn't know about tumnus being in her pay?
i smell a fic in my future
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goldenvulpine · 5 months
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fishfingersandscarves · 4 months
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scene from the lion the witch and the wardrobe inspired by the west end cast
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bbdoll · 11 months
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jadonsias-psc · 2 years
MPPSC Mains ( Career Seminar)
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मध्य प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग मुख्य परीक्षा ( MPPSC-Mains) 2021 के विषय में JADON'S IAS संस्थान में आयोजित  निःशुल्क  एक दिवसीय वर्कशॉप दिनांक 22/06/2022 को सफलतापूर्ण संपन्न हुआ इस वर्कशॉप का आयोजन मुख्यवक्ता एवं प्रदेश के वरिष्ठ शिक्षक आनन्द जादौन सर की अध्यक्षता में किया गया। इस अवसर पर मुख्यवक्ता श्री जादौन सर ने मुख्य परीक्षा के नवीन सिलेबस को यूनिट वाईज उपस्थित छात्रों के साथ डिस्क्स किया उन्होने कहा कि मुख्य परीक्षा हेतु अभी पर्याप्त समय है यदि कोई छात्र नियमित तैयारी करता है तो मुख्य परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त करना आसान होगा।उन्होने कहा कि सुनिश्चित सफलता हेतु आज से ही तैयारी प्रारम्भ करें और एक सटीक रणनीति पर आधारित योजना बनाना आवश्यक होगा। अनुभवी मार्गदर्शक के मार्गदर्शन में तैयारी करने से सफलता आसानी से प्राप्त हो जाती है और ‘‘क्या पढ़े या क्या न पढें‘‘ इस बात में संदेह नही रहता और तैयारी करते समय कान्फीडेन्स बना रहता है। उन्होने कहा कि बहुत आसान या फैक्ट पढ़ने से अब काम नहीं चलेगा। परीक्षा का स्तर प्रति वर्ष बढ़ता जा रहा है जिसके अनुरूप सिलेबस की प्रकृति को समझ कर ही पढ़ना होगा। सम्पूर्ण सिलेबस कवर करते समय उचित जानकारी तथा क्वालिटी नोट्स का ध्यान रखना होगा। कुछ भी पढ़ लेने से चयन नहीं होता। परीक्षा की डिमाण्ड के अनुसार तैयारी जिसमें कम से कम समय में सम्पूर्ण तैयारी हो इस बात पर जोर देना होगा तभी सफलता संभव है। प्रत्येक विषय को पहले दिन से ही पढ़ना आवश्यक है और उस विषय के अन्तर्गत उस टाॅपिक के प्रश्नों का लेखन अभ्यास भी आवश्यक है। उन्होंने हिंदी एवं निबंध लेखन के प्रश्न पत्रों को इस्कोरिगं पेपर बताते हुए इन्हें बेहतर ढंग से तईयार करने एवं उत्तर लेखन पर ध्यान देने पर विषेश जोर दिया। उन्होने लेखन शैली के विभिन्न युक्तियों को छात्रों के साथ साझा किया उन्होंने कहा कि टेस्ट सिरिज के माध्यम से छात्र अपनी सफलता सुनिश्चित कर सकते है। तथा एक्सपर्ट के मार्ग दर्शन से टाॅपर भी बन सकते है। अतः इसी रणनीति पर आाधारित टारगेट बैच जिसमें अलग-अलग विशय विषेशज्ञों द्वारा पढ़ाया जायेगा तथा प्रत्येक विषय के प्रश्नों का अभ्यास करवाया जायेगा। इस टारगेट बैच का प्रारम्भ 23 जून. 2022 से किया जायेगा जिसमें प्रदेश के सर्वाधिक अनुभवी मार्गदर्शक आनंद जादौन सर द्वारा स्वयं पढ़ाया जायेगा जिससे पिछले वर्षो की भातिं इस वर्ष  भी सर्वाधिक चयन का लक्ष्य हासिल हो सके। इस अवसर पर दिल्ली तथा इन्दौर के विषय विषेशज्ञों में डाॅ. निशांत श्रीवास्तव, डाॅ. प्रवीन कुमार, श्री अकिंत नीखरा जी, सहित विषय विषेशज्ञों ने भी छात्रों को सम्बोधित किया। और अपने-अपने विषय के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा की तथा मुख्य बिन्दुओं को छात्रों से साझा किया।
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 6 months
Behind the scenes of that photo shoot
Featuring: naughty little doggy
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kesara · 2 years
Kesara NR - Tumnus
Testing out Wampler Tumnus pedal
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