nattikay · 1 year
I had a thought: since most of the principle characters in Avatar are going to get epics and ballads written about them (and because I'm a sucker for greek poetry) I think they deserve some really banging epithets. The one I have in my mind right now is for Neteyam "Who Plays a Song with his Bow" which I think is "Ma Neteyamil Tupet Pamtseo fa Tskoyä" (i am very new to the language so if I completely butchred that I'm sorry)
I don't know if it's necessarily true that the characters are guaranteed have "epics and ballads written about them"? unless you're thinking of songcords, which are more of a personal history.
As for your title: Neteyam a pamtseo si fa tsko sneyä Neteyam who plays music with his [own] bow
...which admittedly feels kinda odd to me because "bow" is not an instrument (tsko refers to the weapon, not like a violin bow, which afaik there's no word for) but idk I guess it could be poetic so w/e
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trash-monkey · 4 months
Tasheylu (remake)
(v) a bond, a neutral connection
Chapter 2
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The first ray of the day shins through the leaves and onto my peaceful sleeping key (face) which blink open a few moments later and stretch out a little before getting out of my nivi (sleeping hammock) and down the utral (tree) that I now call kelku (home), years ago I have found this large utral (tree) with it's roots standing high which leaves a big enough space under it for storage and if I need to stay under it no matter my size which I call it my mo’ara (gathering place). I give a sigh with a smile as my feet reconnect to the dirt floor and take in the na'rìung (forest) before stepping in my mo’ara (gathering place) to get my Olo'eyktan tsko (clan leader, bow) along with a mauti (fruit) or two.
"Good morning, O'ziteh." I smiled as I greeted my Prolemuris friend when he jumped onto my back when I step out, I give him a few pats and give him a mauti (fruit). While looking for a new kelku (home, house) I had found him injured as he was just a 'eveng (child) like me so I helped him zoslu (heal, become well, get fixed) and we've been friends ever since.
"Za’u (come) on, we have to gather more mauti (fruit) today." After making sure that O'ziteh won't zup (fall) off easily I take off running in a random direction, leaves brush my skin as I speed through the na'rìung (forest) barely leaving footprint behind with how fast I can go. Soon a cliff appears in the distance of my sight and without slowing down I jump off it's edge with a excited shout, my front lands on a giant leaf which I slide off of onto another one untill my feet reconnect with the ground which I close my menari (eyes) as I take in air for a few moments before walking.
"Shit" A curse falls from the lips of a twenty-five year old male with short shaggy dark brown hair, pale skin, and lime green eyes as the ship he's piloting jerks as it's hit from a blast by the others ships that are chasing it for a while now, his hand reaches out to the console and press one of the many buttons.
"General this is Valerian, the mission was a set up...." But before he could give his location there's a sudden boom causing the call to end and make the ship jerk again but this time much harder, Valerian yelps as he's thrown forward but luckily the seat belt holds him to the seat.
"Sir one of the boosters are gone while the other is failing, I can't take anymore hits." A female rings out from the ships AI named Alex making Valerian to look over his shoulder to see wires hanging from the ceiling where panels had fallen off, with quick thinking he decided something that might kill or save him but he knows that if he doesn't do it he's still a dead man.
"Alex lock on the nearest planet and warp there." Valerian let his hand slip off of the control stick as he leans back into his seat with closed eyes, accepting any fate that waits him.
"But sir!" Although Alex is just the ships AI she still sound worried for her pilot.
"Alex, I know but still do it." Memories of a woman with long dirty blond hair although her eyebrows are a brown color, pale, hazel eye color appears behind his eye lids.
"Of course." Alex's voice fades as deafness fills he ears as he ignores the sounds of the blasting.
"Valerian?" He hears from the co-pilot seat which he slowly opens his eyes to look over to see the same woman sitting there but she's transparent as she smiles.
"What are you doing?" She asked as she frown with worry covering her words.
"Laureline, I'm sorry for everything." He whispered with sadness as he closes his eyes again knowing she isn't there, the ship jerks and began vibrating as the ship warps but only to fall out of it mid way. He looks out the windshield to see that a moon of a large planet is pull the ship into it's orbit which causes the ship to jerk allover the place, he shuts his eyes tightly as he grips the seat belt with everything he has.
My re’o (head) snaps up from my task of collecting utumauti (banana fruit) at the sound of a kxangangang (boom) as the ground below me shakes from it before it does with the hurrying feet of animals running from the source of it which I heard before seeing them flee pass me and farther into the na'rìung (forest), O'ziteh is screeching while bouncing around the trees in fright.
"Take these kelku (home, house) quickly." I urge O'ziteh to take what I have collected so far in my basket back to my Kelutral (Hometree), making sure he does before picking up my Olo'eyktan tako (clan leader bow) from the na'rìung (forest), floor and swiftly jog to the source of the kxangangang (boom). Soon I'm peering around the utral (tree) I'm hiding behind to see a odd circular object sticking out of the ground which I can see that it had fallen form the taw (sky) by the destruction it had left behind through the na'rìung (forest) has it had fallen, I watch closely with an swizaw (arrow) notched in caution as it's side pops open and comes out a small creature stumbling out.
"Tawtute (sky person)" I hissed to myself in anger and pulled the swizaw (arrow) back tightly when finally seeing the creature's features all intent in killing the small ioang (animal, beast) but before I could release the swizaw (arrow) a atokirina (woodsprite) floated down from the air and sits on the tip of the swizaw (arrow) settling my boiling anger at seeing the sign from Eywa, I reluctantly lower my tako (bow) when the atokirina (woodsprite) float away right as a palulutkan stock out of the utral (tree) line with the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) unaware of it as it inspect at the metal thing it come out of. The taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) jumps back a little and pulled out a strang object from its pouch when the palulutkan stroll around the circular thing, it hissed at the sky person ready to pounce. With a hiss, scowl, and a eye roll I leap from my hiding spot to zung (crouch) in front the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) to protect it from the palulutkan with my knife out and my kxetse (tail) swaying behind me.
"Go find something else to eat." I hissed loudly at the palulutkan causing it to roared back at me before strolling off into the utral (tree) line, at seeing I won't back down and it's too lazy today to fight. My guard lowers at seeing the ioang (animal, beast) disappeared through the utral (tree) line which I slip my knife back into its sheath on my woven tewng (loincloth) before turning to the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) with narrow eyes and a scowl.
"Hurt?" I asked relectantly as Eway had stopped me from killing the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) earlier which I guess she has plans for him, the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) is shocked that I can speck his language although broken since I only know a few words that I was taught by my parents.
"Fine, I'm fine and thanks for the save, what's your name?" I can see some type of clear thing over his face to help him breathe air and I almost missed it if it wasn't for the certain streak of light didn't reflect off of it.
"You don't deserve my name, taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast)!" I hissed at him before jogging off which he quickly ran after me.
"Hey! Wait!"
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pepper-epper · 1 year
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freightzeit · 3 years
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csny · 2 years
creoby looked tsko. Sorry. Crosby looked so good at montereypop. There
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toticiklist · 4 years
32. dan, ponedeljek, 10. 8. 2020: Évora - São Bartolomeu de Messines, 201 km.
Današnja etapa bi se lahko na toliko točkah prelomila in se obrnila v povsem drugo smer. Vendar se ni. Zaradi majavega poda se je včeraj moje kolo prevrnilo in z vso srečo, ki jo imam, so se zlomila kitajska očala - tisti trenutek odložena v čeladi, ki je visela s krmila. Zjutraj sem torej moral na lov za novimi očali, saj je sonce v teh krajih premočno, da bi vozil brez. Uradno sem torej odrinil komaj ob pol enajstih, misleč, da me čaka "samo" 185 km. Odločil sem se, da si ne bom vzel daljšega premora za kosilo, saj po njem telo enostavno ni več pripravljeno na takšne napore in se poleni. Pogosto so bili popoldanski kilometri zato prava muka. Tsko sem imel krajše postanke za vodo, sok, kavo, banane, čokoladico in rogljič. Po treh četrtinah poti sem pred seboj zagledal tablo mesta, ki ga danes res nisem želel videti, saj je to pomenilo, da sem nevede naredil dolg obvoz, ki je vodil čez dodatne hribe, vožnjo pa je začinil še veter s strani in v prsa. Navigacija očitno ni osvežila poti, ki sem jo večer prej še spreminjal. Vse, kar sem si lahko v tistem trenutku rekel, je bilo: "Klinc gleda, bomo pač naredili teh 10 km več. Saj sem že vajen nositi križ zaradi lastnih napak ..." Tako sem bil osredotočen na cesto, da mi ni ostalo energije za pošiljanje vsega k vragu, lahko sem se le sprijaznil in šel naprej. Cel dan se nisem ustavljal, da bi fotkal, saj sem dobesedno gledal samo predse in vozil kronometer po valoviti pokrajini, ki mi ni lajšala dela. Treba je priznati, da tudi ni bilo nekih posebnih panoram, saj je cesta vodila skozi rumeno stepo in pašnike, kjer tudi po 15 kilometrov ni bilo videti mesta ... ali avta. Če me tukaj doleti okvara, mi niti bog ne more pomagati. Morda kakšna krava ali ovca, ki je že kdaj držala ključ v ... kopitu, pa še to ne bi pomagalo, saj, odkar je Pablo popravil vitalne dele, vse stavim na eno karto - brez rezervne zračnice, v prepričanju, da bo vse ok. Če se karkoli zgodi, mi tako ali tako ne uspe prevoziti zastavljene poti, zato je itak vseeno, ali imam rezervo, ali ne, si mislim.
Navkljub vsem dejavnikom, ki so bili proti meni, vključno z mizernim asfaltom na določenih odsekih Estrade National 2 in končno dolžino, je bila etapa najhitrejša doslej, s čimer sem tudi sam sebi dokazal, da sem zadnji mesec ogromno pridobil na moči in moje noge tudi po 200 kilometrih niso na smrt utrujene. Vsekakor je poseben občutek, doseči tak dnevni mejnik, po vsem, kar se je že dogajalo. Za nameček pa sem zvečer doživel najlepšo (in najprijaznejšo) možno postrežbo z izvrstno hrano za zelo zmerno ceno. Turizem, kot iz učbenika.
Jutri ponovno snidenje z morjem in oceanom, prihod na tako željen in tolikokrat odsanjan rep kontinenta ter vrnitev h koreninam - spanje pod milim nebom (z možnostjo ploh).
Današnja etapa:
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puregraphics · 6 years
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alliciabellweb · 5 years
Belgium: CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system to help generation of specific plant mutations
A team from the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, led by Drs. Thomas Jacobs, Moritz Nowack, and Tom Beeckman has devised a CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system, CRISPR-TSKO. This system enables the generation of specific mutations in particular plant cell types, tissues, and organs. The… Belgium: CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system to help generation of specific plant mutations syndicated from https://yeuhoavn.wordpress.com/
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geralldhopp · 5 years
Belgium: CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system to help generation of specific plant mutations
A team from the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, led by Drs. Thomas Jacobs, Moritz Nowack, and Tom Beeckman has devised a CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system, CRISPR-TSKO. This system enables the generation of specific mutations in particular plant cell types, tissues, and organs. The… Belgium: CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system to help generation of specific plant mutations published first on https://yeuhoavn.tumblr.com/
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laurajdawson26 · 6 years
Liked on YouTube: NBA 2k18 - 1v1 Who Do You Like? TSKO or The Goat Of The Game https://youtu.be/P7nH2BrsOGU
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derhengo · 9 years
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tesko // 🔥📷
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trash-monkey · 2 years
(v) a bond, a neutral connection
Chapter 3
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When the sun rises a few inches from the horizon I open my eyes with a small smile finding it's way to my lips as I stretched before getting out the hammock completely ready for the new day. I make my way down the brach like steps of the utral (tree) that I have made my kelku (home) for the pass few years and grab the last two fruits I have harvest a few days ago to eat before headed out with Olo'eyktan (clan leader) tsko (bow), animals whines and barks as I pass by. I laughed when a familiar Prolemuris suddenly landed on my shoulders.
"Hello O'ziteh." I smiled at him as I give him a few pats on the head causing him to purr, when I was still looking for a place to make my new home I have found him injured when he was just a child so I helped him heal and we've been friends ever since.
"Come on, we have to gather more fruit today." After making sure that O'ziteh won't fall off easily I take off running in a random direction and when a cliffs edge appears in my view I didn't stop, I jump off with a excited shout before landing on a giant leaf. Carefully I slide off and landed on a another one until I'm on the ground again. A few minutes later I'm busy collecting Banana fruits with O'ziteh when a loud whistling sound rings through the air causing me to stop in confusion before a much louder kxangangang (boom) echos making everything shake a few seconds before fading, silence fills the air before animals started running in the opposite direction in a painc.
"It's ok O'ziteh." I speak softly to calm him down when O'ziteh runs over to me in fear but he won't, he started to whine even louder when he noticed I was moving towards the place that made the loud boom instead the opposite way.
"Sshh O'ziteh it's okay I'm just going to take a look." I rub his back when his arms tight around me and that seems to quiet him down as I make my way through the forest. When I got close enough to see metal through leaves I climbed a utral (tree) to hide in, a large circular object sticks out of the ground and I can tell it has fallen from the taw (sky) by the destruction it left behind when it hit the ground. Suddenly it's side pops opens causing me to hide behind the tree's trunk before peaking around it again to see a small creature has walked out of the circular object.
"Tawtute (sky person)" I whispered to myself with shock before it turned to anger as I pulled the string of the Olo'eyktan (clan leader) tako (bow) back with an swizaw (arrow) notched but before I let it go a Atokirina (woodsprite) landed on the tip of the swizaw (arrow).
"Eywa" I once again whispered as I watch the Atokirina (woodsprite) float away and once it's completely gone I put my tako (bow) away before O'ziteh started screeching from his spot I have put him in when a palulutkan (thanator) jumped in front of the Tawtute (sky person). With speed I jumped from the utral (tree) and crouch before the Tawtute (sky person) hissing at the palulutkan (thanator) as I grabbed my blade with my kxetes (tail) swaying behind me
"Go find something else to eat." I hissed at it when it roared at me as it circled around us for a few seconds before running off but I waited a minute before putting my knife back and turn to the Tawtute (sky person).
"Hurt?" I asked which shocks him that I can speck his language although broken since I only know a few words that I was taught by my parents, O'ziteh comes out of his spot in the utral (tree) and onto my back.
"I'm fine and you are?" He asked as he look between me and O'ziteh.
"(Na'vi name)" I lay a hand on my chest as I speak my name before pointing to the Prolemuris.
"O'ziteh" He nods and point to himself.
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freightzeit · 3 years
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yliaster · 11 years
tsko replied to your post: so why have i seen hagakure with the bowtie but...
I don’t think he has one, based from Leon’s tag~
ah... pity...
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