#trying to play it low key that i legit think these two characters are in love in love bc i know she;s gonna lean more towards like
sylvaineglen · 11 months
After giving it some thought and a second watch here are my assorted thoughts about Peter Pan & Wendy:
-It feels wrong calling this a remake of the animated Peter Pan because, honestly it feels less like a remake and more like a new film that was adapted from the same source material. There are scenes that are similar, but those are scenes that also come from the original book.
-I like that Wendy spends time playing with her brothers and getting into trouble, it makes her feel more like an actual young girl where many adaptations keep her separate from the boys' pirate games. Also, her anxieties about growing up being centered around her being sent away to boarding school is a nice touch. It feels more like a real tangible change to her life than just being taken out of the nursery.
-When I first heard about the casting I remember being skeptical about Jude Law as Captain Hook. I honestly don't really remember why I felt that way, I just sort of did. Having seen his performance I can now say that my skepticism was not warranted at all, he was a great Captain Hook. I would honestly sit him next to Jason Issacs and Tim Curry among my favorite Captain Hooks. He manages to play Hook as both a ruthless, bloodthirsty pirate and as a vulnerable, broken man and these two characterizations never feel incongruous with each other and he is able to switch from the one to the other within not just the same scene, but within the same conversation.
-Also, Jim Gaffigan as Smee is wonderful. He manages to retain the comic nature of the character without coming across as goofy or over the top. He's befuddled and well meaning and clearly doing his best. I also like that they recast Smee as sort of a surrogate father figure to Hook, it's stated outright that Smee is the one who found James when he was lost at sea as a child and it's sort of implied that Smee basically raised him after he was taken in by the pirates.
-The Lost Boys are gender neutral and the film doesn't really say anything about that other than it's just a thing. The Lost Boys introduce themselves, Wendy points out that they aren't all boys, they say 'yeah, so what', Wendy says, 'well, I guess it doesn't matter', and they move on. And I think this was a good way to handle it. There are Lost Boys of various different races and genders and the film doesn't feel like that should be noteworthy.
-I am half tempted to buy the soundtrack for this film just for the sea shanties, because the pirates get some pretty great shanties in this film.
-It low key kind of feels like Tiger Lilly might have a bit of a thing for Wendy. I kind of ship it. Also, I like the reworking of Tiger Lilly's character into more of a legit ally of Peter and the Lost Boys rather than a one scene damsel in distress like she is in most versions of this story. She actually plays a role in the story and serves a pivotal function in Wendy's character arc.
-I'm not a huge fan of the 'Hook used to be a Lost Boy' idea, it always felt like something that belonged in the world of dark AU headcanons rather than an actual adaptation of Peter Pan to me. That being said, I really like how this film handled that idea, it honestly kind of sold me on the concept. It doesn't try to play it as some sort of big third act surprise twist. The reveal happens about midway though the film and hints of it are seeded through out the early parts of the film. You can feel the tension and history between Hook and Peter every time the two of them are on screen together.
-I like that Wendy's disillusion with Neverland happens relatively early in the film. She realizes almost as soon as she gets there that it isn't just the place of fun, happy adventures that she heard in bedtime stories. Neverland is real and dangerous, much more so than Peter's childlike attitude lead her to believe. It isn't the escape from her anxieties about adulthood that she hoped that it would be.
-The scene where Hook is talking to Wendy after he captured the Lost Boys is honestly, just heartbreaking. This man is weighted down by so much grief and bitterness which he typically hides beneath the surface of his cruel, bloodthirsty persona and just seeing all of that break through over the course of their conversation is just devastating.
-I love that Wendy's idea of 'happy thoughts' evolves over the course of the film from just remembering happy times when she was small, but to also envisioning what her life might be like when she gets older.
-If the scene where Wendy and Hook were talking in the brig was heartbreaking, then the final confrontation between Peter and Hook is devastating. They both have a lot of very strong feelings about everything that's happened between them and it all spills out over the course of one long sword fight between them. Peter actually apologizes to Hook for not being a better friend to him and Hook is too shocked to even believe it. I'm honestly at a loss for what's more emotionally devastating; Peter actually calling him James when he apologizes, Hook's shocked disbelief that Peter would ever apologize to him, or Peter still clutching on to his hook after Hook fell out of the crow's nest while Peter was trying to help him.
-If the scene between Wendy and Hook was heartbreaking, and the scene between Peter and Hook was emotionally devastating, then the final scene between Peter and Wendy was a level of hurt that I'm not sure I have a word for. It perfectly encapsulates the tragedy of Peter Pan as a character. He is an eternal child, and because of that he can only ever pass briefly through the lives of others. He locked himself into this state long ago and because he fears growing up he will never allow himself to be anything else.
-I like that they didn't kill off Captain Hook, or imply his off screen death like many adaptations do, it ended in such a way that implies that his and Peter's story will continue.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
I came to re-watching the Stain arc and I realized something.
I recall honestly being so much more invested in Todoroki.
Within a single arc, I was put off by some mopey hard ass that didn’t care about anyone, to finding a lot of admirable qualities about him. He didn’t reach favorite, but I honestly was intrigued and liked his character, and wanted to see how he grew.
The Stain arc I feel was when he peaked, but even after that, his stoic and somewhat impersonal personality still was played off of others really well, especially Midoriya. Such as giving Midoriya advice on how to approach Kota’s personal situation, which gave Midoriya an idea on how to reach him. And him lowering his walls to others was gradual, but pleasant to watch happen. Despite not being very expressive a lot of the time, I still felt he had character.
Nowadays, Todoroki just…exists. When people say he has a cardboard personality, I agree with them. I legit don’t find myself to care about him as much as other characters and it actually makes me a little sad.
I don’t know if it’s because of Horkoshi cramming down our throats the Todoroki family drama, which honestly, I am unsure how I would’ve handled it. Or if during the remedial course and then from then on Horikoshi seemed to struggle with Todoroki’s personality traits. (He all of a sudden is super socially inept one scene, completely aloof to what is going with Midoriya and a certain someone in another, and just bland in other scenes. I think Horikoshi wanted to try to make him funny but they are too flat). Or (you know what’s coming) the fact he has been consistently forced to play the straight man to Bakugou’s chaotic asshole personality and still call him a friend. All the while still thinking that Endeavor is worst than scum. Hell maybe it’s all three.
I legit think the last time I gave a damn about Todoroki was the OVA where he and Tokoyami and the rest of the gang were trapped under a building. Those moments highlighted a lot of Todoroki’s best qualities and personal growths I’ve seen in the past, and those two came across as having a low key but honest friendship.
Now? He’s just a pretty boy that is part of a trio that is only made because they are OP instead of actual chemistry and history.
There’s two reasons I feel this is the case: first, Hori struggles with dropping characters after their arc is over. Tenya’s been relegated to background character status instead of being in the OG trio. The Big Three have barely done anything after their initial appearance except for showing how tough the villains are. Shoto’s unfortunately fallen for this too. His arc arguably peaked during the Stain fight where he began using his fire and working with others. The whole thing with Inasa was dumb and his fight with Dabi is more-so a conclusion rather than a peak (and it also ties into Endeavor’s arc).
Second is cause of Katsuki’s immense screen time. Again, we don’t see Tenya much, Ochako shows up not that often, and Shoto’s also been relegated to side duty. Coincidentally this also happens when Katsuki begins to get more screen time. Hori’s definitely shelving everyone else for his fave.
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if u want to talk any more about ur fic PLEASE go ahead <3 i mean this lightly bc i dont want to hurt anyone but kind of THE only valid beatles rpf imo!!! (this includes all biopics)
Anon this made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and is also insanely kind and I love how it says Fuck Nowhere Boy rights to top it off. So thank you, you just made my evening with that <3<3
Anyways OKAY FINE. I'LL TALK ABOUT SOME BITS IN MY OWN FIC WHICH I LOVE. But I'll put it in a read more both for spoilers and because it's ridiculously self-indulgent (and I'll label bits in order by chapter so if someone's interested but not up to date they can stop reading dgdhjklhgj)
Chapter 1
I think the moment I was sure my story was worth telling, was after I wrote this bit:
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This bit legitimately encapsulates SO MUCH of the entire essence of I'm Looking Through You to me. The plot sounds like a goofy, cartoonish gimmick, but at its core, I write it as a character and dynamic study and a huge part of the story is a reflection on the situation John, Paul and George found themselves in by 1966 and how drugs specifically played a role in it. I think it's generally a super under-talked about period of theirs, because there weren't any full-on fights yet, as there would be two years later, but a lot of the tension that eventually led to their fall-out is already sown by this point. Also, with Yoko and Linda not yet in the picture, more focus can be put on the way they interconnect, instead of it being sidelined for competitive Bringing-Girlfriend-To-The-Studio, if that makes sense (not that that wasn't a major factor IRL)
Chapter 2
Okay, so a thing I've discovered that I ADORE writing is John/Cyn scenes. And I don't even ship them, like I'm not writing it cause I find it especially cute, I just think there's so much THERE and we don't talk about it! I love this part so much:
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The DEFENSIVENESS y'know? Mouthing off from shock but accidentally implying something low-key terrible. I feel like adding any words to it will do it less justice than it deserves because it makes me feel a type of way that John feels the need to insist that he loves Cyn but I can say no more…
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Also when he nearly faints upon finding out about Julian and is entranced by the pic but ALSO Paul being a Little Too Into John's child. GOD!!!!!!!! (I've said this before but: the way Paul passively participated in the Kenwood family dynamic is insane and we should talk about it ALL THE TIME actually!!!!!)
Chapter 3
There's something tender about the moments when the rest of band get to see John wide-eyed with wonder at things they've long taken for granted. Not all of it has to be sad.
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Also Paul, always focusing on the music, not only for the sake of itself and because his priorities aren't quite straight though, but also as his main tether to John as a person. I legit find it so strange when people talk about their musical connection (and their musical disagreements as well to some extent!) as if it was just a sexual proxy of some sort, when it was in fact their entire world since they were sixteen. "We could always sing."
I also actually love the entire Cyn-narrated bit in this chapter because I think it really balances her feelings for John well. (I love when she is first angry at him for having been neglectful for years, but then suddenly misses the old him, when John asks to see Julian though Julian's obviously in bed by now and even neglectful old John would know that, because he wasn't totally inconsiderate and oblivious!) One of my favourite bits from her perspective though is this one, when she bargains with herself about how John feels and felt about her. IDK it's so real and also interesting to think about the parallel she draws between her and John & Paul and Dot (one I've thought about a lot while thinking about John's feelings for Cyn tbh).
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Chapter 4
(also the moment I remembered Tumblr sets an image limit lmaooooo so I'll try to tone it down with the screenshots)
The entire beginning of this chapter, with Julian and later also Paul is so *gestures vaguely*. There's just so much going on, and even though it divolves into John feeling like an inadequate parent, forced to rely on his best friend who doesn't even have kids of his own, I think the most touching part is when John realizes Julian genuinely doesn't care that he's forgotten things and how that radical acceptance is the moment he falls irrevocably in love with his son. I just 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Also this is the first chapter that incorporated a really elaborate interpolation of song lyrics with the plot and I was so NERVOUS to get it right and soooooo happy to see people responding positively to it, because I've always known it was a more fringe thing to be writing about. Also, I love John just... Appreciating that he gets to play on nice instruments now. Playing on nice instruments is Everything in fact.
Chapter 5
I really like the crowd scene in the beginning of this chapter, and capturing a true mob mentality; how John giving them one second of positive attention tips everything out of control, how the fans burst into tears the moment they do reach him.
Also, I truly adore Paul at the beginning, feeling helpless in the face of John's grief driving him to madness, but snapping back out of it the moment he believes John to be in danger, while not being able to shake his sense of responsibility as a Beatle for the sake of his friend. Helping isn't always easy. Doing the right thing can feel like an impossible option.
And then, there's this John/Cyn moment:
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I really didn't write this to be cute. There's so much going on under the surface here; Cyn is in complete control – and very desperate to keep it that way – and John is only vaguely aware of it and has no idea of the extent to which she's in control. But he doesn't care because he's just that torn up about everything, so he's more than willing to let it all happen.
Also, in a way the heart of the chapter is John's debate-turned-fight with Paul over the reverse guitar solo. I talked about John's perspective already here, but Paul's view on it is so dripping with… dare I say it? Grief, where he's not only deeply in love with the idea of Lennon-McCartney – Genius Duo but also desperately trying to carry out the wishes of a "recently departed". (Paul is an ass in this scene towards the end, but CONSIDER he is also a meow meow.)
Chapter 6
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Paul is so often just… At a loss of words and I love pushing him into the uncomfortable position of having to find them. But it's tragic, too; that John used to be so in sync with him that it had never been necessary before. And also Paul, always teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown and hating himself every time he shows it.
I love how he realizes that smoking weed with John is in a way a betrayal of Ringo and George, because at their root, friendships are all about the experiences you have together. And it makes perfect sense for him to rationalize it away, thinking about how being "locked out" of the first LSD trip damaged his relationship with John.
Also the little tiny nudge at the less sunny side of Paul's childhood (and how John was very much to some extent at least aware of it, as we know from interviews he gave in the 70s) and how he somehow had to reconcile that with how John treated Julian. I just … :(
Chapter 7
The little hints that maybe John Was Not Fine before he hit his head either.
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Yeah. Also, also, also John throwing himself into something he thinks is the one-size fits-all solution ag– I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF!!!!!
Also, John's Paris lament was conjured out of me OUT OF NOWHERE and I was sooooooo genuinely upset after writing it. I think it really encapsulates why the story is relatable to me despite having a ridiculous plot; it really drives home how confusing life can get during young adulthood, when everyone else seems to be dealing far better than you.
And the other relatable side of this, to me, is Paul at the end of this chapter, because I have felt real anguish like his, when people close to me failed to share in a passion I was so sure they would love. It seems silly but it's genuinely one of the most upsetting and alienating experiences imaginable to me.
I think I'll stop now because GODDAMN what the fuck lmao, and also I believe I've run out of screenshots but TLDR: this story means the woooooooooooorld to me!!!!!!!!
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thefangirltreehouse · 6 months
spider-man two, thoughts (spoilers below).
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this is literally just spit-balling
harry as venom isn't a plot i hate. the way insomniac likes to craft their stories primarily around the emotional baggage of established relationships that peter (and miles) has. fighting for and against your terminally ill best friend with pretty bleak execution results is far more interesting to me than fighting a character who's no more than a missable footnote in the original game. harry as venom isn't something i'm gunning for in the comics but it works for insomniac.
i'm so glad that insomniac really leaned into peter and mj's dynamic and it was nice to see her as more than just the doting girlfriend.
i mean, darin de paul is just a national treasure. in what world does the man that plays ardyn izunia play triple-j.
speaking of final fantasy xv, king regis you bitch! how dare you stab peter. i cannot believe we have two caelum's in one spider-man game.
i'm so happy they integrated hailey into the main supporting cast (also playable?!) but when did she find out about miles?
mj i get, but i feel peter moved on far too quickly from the fact he nearly killed his girlfriend. and on that note, literally just stands and watches the scream transformation. i know they're trying to keep it together considering peter's experience with the symbiote but like, i would've been pissed at harry.
rio and miles dancing at the gala was the most adorable thing. (especially as someone who grew up with a single-mum).
they literally don't explain how venom gets his name
"show them your manhood!" / "yes sir - wait, what?!"
young peter's look just confirms disney / marvel wanted the face change to represent the mcu because that is literally tom holland's face.
i actually didn't think yuri's performance could get any better, it did especially once peter has the symbiote off.
the music during the venom fight with peter at midtown is incredible.
i obviously knew he wasn't going to die but i legit cried when pete got stabbed.
i understand insomniac really want you to use the symbiote suit but peter's lower-level unlocked suits are low-key hot garbage. even as someone who doesn't mind the militarized, tech suits the choices were so mid. i didn't get the suit i really wanted until after i bet the story. i ended up using the raimi suit which i never used in the original game as i don't like that suit but it was the only normal looking suit that wasn't native to insomniac as i don't like their peter suits.
miles' were better but a lot of them seemed to blend together. his endgame suit is actually my favourite (but with the red, purple and blue ombre lining - which i'm annoyed i couldn't even use the swatch in the finale).
had quite a handful of restarts and crashes in 23hrs play-time.
kinda wish we could've seen young!mj with peter and harry.
miles telling harry that he doesn't care if he's peter's best friend, he's still going to kick his ass was great.
i feel like the plot beats for this game overall were kinda predictable in that kraven was the early game bad guy, pete gets the symbiote suit from harry, harry takes it back and becomes venom all with the end result of norman being pissed at spider-man(s) for harry's probably bad outcome. that said, i genuinely have no guesses for structure of the next one and i doubt they're going to make harry a 'villain' again.
i don't think they'll use carnage in dlc, especially when yuri said it might take "years" to track him down, but i also don't know if he'll be enough for the finale as it might - at least gameplay and conceptually - feel like a venom rehash.
this just me on a tangent so feel free to skip. based on what i said, as someone not super familiar with carnage outside of specific media, the problem i have with him in relation to venom is the same problem i have with 'the batman who laughs' it makes the former feel less threating in direct comparison (which will happen when you cut to carnage after immediately having venom as a main antagonist one game prior), especially when venom is brock rather than peter as the host, because there's internal conflict with peter (which can be argued with tbwl's to some extent). carnage, in basic terms is bat-shit venom with zero redeeming qualities and i worry that for a medium like this he will feel derivative. the joker and the venom shouldn't feel less dangerous, especially now that it feels like venom has taken on anti-hero and carnage has become what venom was. like what happened in cruella. disney tried to make cruella likable, so emma stone basically played 'disney: harley quinn' and emma thompson played cruella.
this is oddly specific but i feel laura bailey is like the only woman in gaming that goes for the scream. and i always watch these games (cyberpunk in particular) and i'm like "girl scream, let out that guttural scream because i know that's exactly what's i'd be doing in that situation because this shit is terrifying." the only other time i've properly seen it done was also by laura bailey when she played fetch.
i actually don't know if we'll get another in-between game because i feel like the "play as miles'" itch has been scratched. meaning there's no need to fill that void as until his spin-off we couldn't play as him, now we can.
but if we do, could potentially see a silk, miles team-up to take down carnage.
mj's stealth missions are terrifying. her section under the tunnel with peter should’ve been longer
gutted there's no ng+ yet.
my bisexual queen is thriving.
getting the spider-bots was really the only fun thing to collect.
we’ll probably see gwen in the next game.
the sheer amount of detail on felicia's face
i can’t not hear wally in any of jason spisak’s roles.
“i don’t know what it is, but i just love this spider-bot.” - peter (about the spider-girl spider-bot)
vulture, electro and shocker really didn’t need to be killed completely off-screen. but i feel like they might’ve lost their rating if they weren’t. it’s just a bit strange that nobody noticed, especially pete that multiple high-profile raft inmates went missing?
people are being weird as fuck about cindy and peter. the girl is clearly a minor.
i booted up the first game to replay it, yeah. i still don’t like peter’s new face.
felt like there was half an act missing. could’ve done with one more agent venom mission, perhaps they can’t save vulture or electro. kinda felt like they needed a ‘he really is taking them out one by one.’
could’ve done with venom’s arc being a little longer.
miles’ arc was incredible and i loved watching him team-up with mj.
the black suit with the blue and red highlights from the nineties cartoon?!
speaking of, mj’s outfit during the zoo mission is also a call back
reed richards is defo getting a cameo in the next game and maybe tony on a phone call. i’d also love a nudge-nudge side-quest for deadpool.
i know it’s an emotional scene but i spat out my drink when i saw they changed the pic of harry from the old game to his new design in peter’s garage.
“i think we should get them” the line delivery on that is immaculate, like thank you captain obvious.
i’ve had a bit to linger on this but, there’s a bit of a disconnect between harry wanting the suit and getting it back. i think there had to be just a bit more push with peter specifically. i get he’s a nice guy but we needed to see a bit more passive aggressive harry brewing in the desperation for the symbiote.
watching a playthrough i realised venom got his name from oscorp / dr. connors as there’s a container with the name “vnm” when peter turns connors human again.
i don't want a venom spin-off and it feels like the only people who do want it is to take venom for an hour's joy-ride (until the gimmick wears off) or eddie brock stans that feel jilted by insomniac. i'd much rather get straight to the finale because i don't want to have to buy a playstation six just because some randomers want an eddie simulator first.
chameleon is absolutely going to be dlc.
how did mj get her motorbike back from the tunnel?
predictions for the next game:
electro isn't dead, primarily due to the fact that max may have became pure energy to escape kraven.
cindy, miles and black cat team-up mission.
may is hinted at towards the end of the game.
madame webb is getting something.
if carnage is in the third game and not two's dlc, he'll be the opening act villain (pseudo-kraven).
they'll tease hobgoblin - harry or not. (i could genuinely see harry becoming hobgoblin to help take down otto and green goblin, if it's norman).
peter might die, but i doubt it.
if harry dies, it'll be half-way through the game. i will actually kill myself tho.
i low-key want spot to be in the game or dlc but i don't think they'll do that purely because of spider-verse but you can tell a lot of insomniac grew-up on the nineties show, so it might be a possibility. (most of my knowledge for spider lore exists in that show and the various film franchises because the only spider comics i own is one 'noir' trade and a handful of 'the superior foes of spider-man'.)
i mean, they also could have miles go after spot, which could be fun.
the delivery of “i think we should get him” is immaculate
someone mentioned this on tvtropes, but stark industries bankrolling f.e.a.s.t is not a bad idea.
fisk will probably be back in side mission capacity or dlc.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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darlingbudsofrae · 3 years
Neil Josten Appreciation Post
Foxes Appreciation Series : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 ||
Alright, let’s just start this by addressing the big elephant in the room: everyone loves Neil Josten. EVERYONE.
If you don’t, you’re lying. 
Okay, first up- I’m glad this is getting addressed more on AFTG tumblr but Neil is literally so much smarter than the fandom gives him credit for.
Like yes, he’s a little dumdum on the social aspect of things (you could argue he kind of has a low EQ but also not really, I would argue that later)
but that doesn’t dismiss that he is smart af and that he can kill you and make it look natural if he wants.
For example, he literally outrun and hid from the mafia for years. Like, that in itself is an obvious point but we often forget that he did this at a very young age.
Like, he was presumably what? 16?? (when Mary kicked the bucket?) And kid was already playing hide and seek pretty well with a freaking mafia.
He does not get enough credit for this.
The survival skills it takes- the mental strength to survive as a runaway and technically he’s also homeless- at freaking 16, that’s just insane.
Also, let’s not mention the fact that it takes skills to forge official papers and all that.
We also do not talk enough about Neil and how he freaking have to relearn an entirely new position just to play exy.
I don’t think most remember that he’s actually a backliner, but have to play as a striker because it was the only available position in that local high school he attended in Millport, and that was how Kevin saw him so he was recruited as a striker.
We also additionally do not talk enough about how Kevin “literal and figurative Son of Exy” Day found potential for court in Neil “I’m a backliner but I’m playing striker because it’s the only thing available and I’m an exy junkie” Josten who only played it for like a year or less. 
Like yeah, Kevin said he needs more training but it’s not even Neil’s official position. 
The talent on this man- I cannot, he is such an icon. 
Aside from his great survival skills and being literally great at picking things up- he’s also like freaking academically smart.
Like that also doesn’t get enough credit- I mean, he does math for fun.
Frankly, I think if you did Kumon or if you had an awesome teacher you could also do math for fun (I know I did) but this should be noted with the fact that he didn’t have proper schooling.
He went on a run at a really young age so there is no way he received formal education.
Which means he is naturally like really smart.
He’s also a polyglot. And the languages he has under his belt are all freaking difficult to learn- like, no kidding: French, German, and he can assumingly speak intermediate Spanish, and we don’t even have an idea if this is all the languages he can speak.
Also, he and Andrew learns how to speak Russian, right? Like, that’s crazy.
The brain on this man and the power that he has- my son, I am so proud.
I mean, for all we know- there’s more than that and the fact that he’s like 18 at TFC screams supremacy.
This is where I argue about his EQ but Neil is crazy perceptive.
It took him like freaking 3 seconds to figure out the team dynamics the foxes have, and how to work against it.
He later figured out how to make it all mesh together.
Like the way he do things isn’t conventional but reading him analyze his team despite his lack of empathy really makes me shudder.
Like, this kid is so freaking smart. I remember reading his thought process for the very first time and being like, okay- I definitely did not think about that.
The main problem with his EQ though is that he doesn’t know how to process positive stuff when he’s involved, but when he’s the outsider- his perspective is so amazing.
Like again, he kind of lacks empathy but the way he understands things and is just so sharp is just noteworthy.
I’d argue he doesn’t understand social cues and “modern teen things” but he isn’t so completely clueless on the social aspect in general as to not manipulate an entire team of misfits with issues to work together.
He’s literally the key to unity in AFTG. Even Dan says so.
Also, the way he puts things into play- like he’s a master manipulator, and I love that for him.
We do not talk enough about manipulative Neil, like I just really love manipulative characters in general so much- especially if they’re just owning it. 
I mean, he freaking manipulated Andrew and Aaron into therapy. Kind of evil but also wow. (just a sidenote, please don’t force people into therapy lol)
Going completely dark for a second, Neil also has a freaking high pain tolerance.
The amount of horrible things he went through in the books were just so sad and the fact that he just kind of moves on from it? That’s just completely oh my gods.
My poor summer child, even if you can kill me at any given time, let me just hug you for a second with consent.
Everyone also gives shit about Neil’s fashion choices and granted it is said he kind of bags the homeless looks but the fact that he values utility above all else-
Yes, we stan a resourceful king. 
Lowkey though, am I the only one who appreciate Neil’s average style?
Speaking of style- I love the way Neil narrates. Like, the way he doesn’t give much attention to how the character looks- it’s just so realistic?
Because if I’m talking to a person in real life, there is no way I am noting how his blue polo makes him kind of casual but clean-cut and how his brown eyes is as warm as my morning coffee. Like, who even does that?
The thing with Neil’s narration is that it’s just so authentic- like it easily engages the readers and the way he gives importance to every thing the same way, it really makes it easier for the reader to discern things objectively, y’know what I mean?
He just has that quality in a main character and narrator- he’s laidback and sarcastic but not trying too hard, and he’s just really easy to love.
Like, I normally don’t like narrators/main characters in books because I favor a side character more or just because they’re annoying, but Neil Josten is legit lovable. 
At the same time, he’s also a really well-written character. Like, for all the technicalities I point out in AFTG, Neil is an asshole. He’s not perfect and I don’t 100% love everything that he does and I love that.
He’s a flawed character but he gives you something to root for- and I just really want to appreciate his characterization for a second. Most books make their characters’ flaws not even their fault to put a check to the flawed character but at the same time still have that perfect character. Eeww, no- give me real flaws to work with.
He’s one of the realest protagonists I ever read.
Like people give him shit for wanting to hide but also choosing to play a nationwide-discerned sport on an infamous collegiate team but for me it’s kind of realistic.
Because I think we, as human beings, also do things we love too much regardless of logic. I don’t know, like it’s kind of funny the way Neil is written but I honestly didn’t see him joining Palmetto as a loophole.
Like, just think of all those successful people who hid their identities via pseudonym or other necessary means to do things they weren’t expected to do or weren’t allowed to do.
For me, his character was really just looking for excuses to play his favorite sport a second longer and if anything, that’s just kind of sad.
But also, his dedication and love to exy is really admirable- like I never understood it but the way he literally does everything to stay on the court for a second longer just makes me want to root for him.
On a random note, Neil may not have an eidetic memory like Andrew’s but the way he memorize most phone numbers by heart? 
Bruh, I don’t even have my phone number memorized and I freaking have it for two years now. 
He also memorizes every twists and turns at every trip, every exits at a room he enters, and most people’s tics upon the first meeting, and other things and that’s just crazy perceptive but also really crazy on another level.
Also, we don’t get much ace/demi representation and out of the few I’ve consumed, demi Neil Josten validates me. He’s legit my favorite character that belongs in the ace spec in books.
I just really love Neil’s character so much- he’s just so amazing.
One thing I always appreciate about Neil Josten is that while he’s not a total angel (sadly), the way he loves the foxes- like he legit tried to mend the team and make sure everyone is going to be okay before walking straight to his death- like I’m with Andrew on this one, what a fucking martyr. Why are you like this and why am I crying?
Neil Josten is by all means not soft, that much is established, but the way he’s just still as precious and must be protected at all costs-
"You know, I get it," Neil said. "Being raised as a superstar must be really, really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, not a single person in your family thinking you're worth a damn off the court—yeah, sounds rough. Kevin and I talk about your intricate and endless daddy issues all the time."
I love him, your honor- where can I file this adoption papers and do I have anything else to sign?
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sepublic · 3 years
The Golden Guard is more altruistic than Alador
           The more I think about it… The more I’m convinced that the Golden Guard is honestly more honorable than Alador? Arguably more altruistic, a better person even…!
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           Like, yeah- He threatened to kill Luz, Eda, and King, but he never went through with it. If anything, he worked to make sure he didn’t HAVE to do that, with literally nobody asking GG to do so, he worked out a deal in everyone’s favor, sans the Selkidomus, but that’s because its death was a direct and indisputable order from Belos himself.
           Meanwhile, Alador has no issue with Odalia going back on HER deal with Luz- He only makes an exception with Amity… So at best, he thinks that the ‘A Blight always upholds their end of the deal’ rule only applies to fellow Blights; Luz apparently doesn’t deserve that kind of honor and fairness, despite willingly risking her life to undo what Alador and Odalia started in the first place.
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           But even that interpretation is likely charitable, because in all probability, Alador didn’t actually care about any sense of honor nor upholding Odalia’s end of the deal- It was just an excuse to get her to reconsider her stance on killing Luz. Keep in mind that Alador has no issue with Odalia murdering Luz- He’s not for it, but he’s not exactly against it either.
          Al literally just finds out that Odalia is going back on her word and killing a child, when up until then Alador believed otherwise, and he doesn’t even bat an eye. He definitely thinks it’s unnecessary and potentially a waste to kill Luz then and there, but Alador also thinks it’s even more of a hassle to just… Disagree with his wife, because there really is nothing Luz can reliably offer him at the moment. It’s only when Luz definitely proves how good she is for Amity, more importantly Amity’s strength, that Alador changes his mind and values Luz’s life- The way one would value a hostage or an asset.
           But the Golden Guard? Again, he already has King hostage. He knows that Eda would risk her life just for King’s crown, and Agony of a Witch made it clear to everyone in the Emperor’s Coven what she’d do for Luz. Just the threat of killing King alone should guarantee for the Golden Guard that Luz and Eda do exactly as he says, from killing the Selkidomus, to peacefully turning themselves in…
           And yet; The Golden Guard goes out of his way to extend mercy and civility. He comes up with the idea to let King go, without any prompting whatsoever- Eda and Luz don’t even get the chance to try to negotiate with him, if they would’ve, before the Golden Guard decides that he doesn’t want to arrest the duo. Maybe he thinks it’s easier and less of a hassle for his tired self to drag them all the way back to the castle or Conformatorium….
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           But again, this is someone whose indoctrination would’ve taught him otherwise; Would’ve encouraged him to do whatever it takes to control or even kill wild witches. Arresting the trio would remove a potential liability AND make the Golden Guard look better in Belos’ eyes, he has so many reasons to do so… But instead, he insists on pardoning the trio without anyone’s prompting. The Golden Guard goes directly against what he was taught, purely of his own accord.
           In hindsight this makes sense; The Golden Guard might work for the murderous Belos, but in the end, he’s literally sixteen years old, he’s a minor, he’s as old as Emira and Edric. This is a child who has no doubt been indoctrinated by Belos himself, and he can’t exactly say no to any orders, when that’s something even Lilith, fully-grown and with at least some semblance of an identity outside the Emperor’s Coven –not that she quite recognized that- couldn’t do.
           Alador on the other hand, he’s a full-grown adult. Until the Golden Guard arrives, nobody’s making him do anything- Definitely not Odalia, she trusts and is willing to listen to him. Alador has control, he has plenty of agency and a comfortable position to assert his own decisions from, and yet he’s perfectly content with letting Odalia who knows what; If he’s not passively letting her do things, he’s outright supporting and encouraging them, and honestly I think he does.
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           Alador only holds himself and Odalia to a deal when Luz and Amity unknowingly offer something to make it worth his while (Amity’s strength in Abomination Magic and Luz as an inciting motivator). The Golden Guard initiates and offers deals when circumstance would encourage him to do otherwise; And even though he has no reason, he upholds himself to a deal that he didn’t even need to make.
          Literally, the only thing that the Golden Guard got out of making a deal with Luz and Eda, instead of just threatening them with King’s death, was… The trio’s overall survival and pardoning? Maybe the Golden Guard wanted to convince Luz and the others that he’s not actually a threat, that he’s secretly a friend, so who knows… 
          But again, he doesn’t need to when he can use King as a hostage. So even if it’s possible that the Golden Guard does have some hidden motives behind his surprising integrity and low-key altruistic honor, as it currently stands?
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           This kid is actually kind of proving himself to be… A better person than Alador? This is a kid who is the right-hand man to Emperor Belos, the Golden Guard’s presence alone makes Alador hastily kneel, with neither him nor Odalia able to argue against orders… So it’s kind of interesting to see how these two characters operate morally, with the Golden Guard honestly being more of a compassionate person low-key, even if he outranks Alador and is more of a threat to him and the cast as a whole.
           Now I’m not saying you should stan the Golden Guard or anything, I’m just pointing out that while some people have charitable perceptions of Alador, in reality- It’s the Golden Guard who has moral high ground? Which isn’t really saying much from a general standpoint, but when compared on a relative scale, yeah, I’d argue the Golden Guard is less terrible of a person, or at least less accountable and responsible for his horrid actions, than Alador Blight.
          The Golden Guard went out of his way to create a helpful deal with his enemies, when it’d be just as easy and more beneficial to force them… He has all of the bargaining power and yet he insists on transferring some of it to others, fairly levelling the playing field, and I think that says a lot. 
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          Maybe the Golden Guard is just extremely arrogant, and is conceding control to his enemies as a flex and display of power, to lowkey humiliate them (because he let them go and whatnot, he legit doesn’t take them seriously enough as a threat to actually arrest them), but we’ll just have to wait for further characterization to specify and elaborate.
          For all we know, he IS trying to pass it off as daring confidence… But he might have a hidden heart of gold; There is that moment where the Golden Guard acknowledges to his genuine surprise that he finds King endearing, and when Luz arrives to take back King as part of the promise/offer that the Golden Guard initiated, he tries to play it off as him being grossed out by King’s smell anyway, so he’s mostly doing this for his own benefit, it’s not like he OWES Luz or anything!
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          Masks tend to indicate hidden intentions and motives; Perhaps a warm and true personality with a softer, organic, and feeling heart and face- All buried beneath a cold, implacable, metallic exterior that is unfeeling… And the intro has the Golden Guard situated between Lilith, a protagonist, and Kikimora, an unambiguous antagonist. Maybe a neutral stance from him is more from cold pragmatism, but maybe there’s also a real heart to this kid after all?
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brownsugarcoffy · 3 years
It Never Rains In Southern California - Part Two
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Disclaimer: This imagine will contain profanity, hard language, sexual content.
Summary: You and Angel have broken up and while it was your choice, you miss him desperately. Although your pride was never going to let you go to him first, he decided to show up at your doorstep late night. An things began to get heavy.....
Characters: Black Reader × Angel Reyes 
Part One
You looked away from Angel due to the close contact between you two. You were trying so hard to fight the urges to try not to give into your vulnerability and letting him see you break down right here. However, you realize you broke up with him and was soon on your way out of this hick town.
You yank away from Angel causing him to get more irritated with you. Rubbing your arm to smooth out the roughness." We have no business to handle Angel. You're drunk and I need to make sure you get home safe."
"I'm not drunk dammit! Tipsy yes, but drunk? No."
"I don't care! You need to leave!" You shouted with urgency. You try to move away from him to go get your phone from the bedroom, but pulled back towards him.
"Why do you keep pushing me away? Does it mean nothing to you that I came all the way here in the rain to check up on you? Do you really hate me that much?" You watch as Angel eyes begin to swell up with water. You were starting to hate yourself more and more. Why do you keep doing this to him? 
He is trying his best to hold back his tears because he wasn't about to start showing his vulnerability to a woman who is basically acting as if they never shared a bed.
"Angel why are you really here?" You ignored all questions he just asked, hoping he would get so angry that he would want to leave. That he will finally give up on this conversation. Finally give up on you, but see Angel wasn't ready to give up just yet. He knew you hiding something deep down.
"Because….I missed you y/n.  You don't visit pop’s shops anymore. EZ hasn't heard from you in a long time. You could be mad at me, but don't take it out on my family who loves you." Angel confession tugged your heart, causing you to slowly bring your guard down.
"Listen..you know I love Felipe and Ez. I wouldn't hurt them on purpose. I've just been busy with my grandmother & work." It was not the whole truth, but you have been picking up extra shifts at the hospital. Trying to earn enough money for your move, but the key point was keep yourself busy from thinking about Angel.
"Bullshit!" He barked.
"Excuse me?"
"Come on. I know your grandmother has been out for a couple of weeks and your cousin has been helping you take care of her. I also know you've been picking up shifts at work on purpose.”  He objected to my answer.
“Who told you-”
“It doesn't matter who told me. It's the fact you just keep lying to me. Why? Why are you always running away?"
" I'm not running-"
"Shut up! There you go lying again. You think I don't know about you moving your ass up outta here." Silence filled the room as now the thunder was the only thing speaking.  He knew about you moving and if it wasn't for him seeing your cousin at his father shop. You would have moved out of this town with a single word. It's what you did last time. 
Always running scared with your tail between legs. Scared of actually dealing with your problems. Angel nodded to himself as he saw you struggle to come up with a good rebuttal. His eyes suddenly got widened; tears were streaming down your face as the wall you build came crashing down. It was the first time Angel saw you cry in a longtime. 
" Baby…" Angel tried to touch your arm to console you, but you just put your hand up to stop him. If he touched you right now you'll be a hot mess. Your emotions will be out of your control and you wouldn't be able to stop it. He wanted to hold you at this moment. To let you know he's here and wants to protect you. He loves you so much, but you keep denying is breaking his heart every minute. Angel just needed to feel you. Not only for you, but for him.
So Angel walked up close to you, which made you step back. Now having two hands in front of you to keep Angel at bay. That didn't stop Angel. While he just kept his paced walking closer to you, you just kept moving back until your back hit the wall.
"Angel...please…." You begged him not to come closer; pushing his torso away from you, but your arms were weak. Angel took them and placed them at your side. You head low because you didn't want to look him in the eyes at your current state. Your tears just wouldn't stop no matter how much you tried. 
“ Y/n look at me.” Angel commanded as his body is now towering over you.
“No.” Your defiance sounded strong, but there was something there that wobble; conforming some doubt.
“ Look at me!” Angel slammed his hand on the wall on the side of you. Which the sound off the wall syncs with the thunder that roars loudly. This caused you to bring your head up; you were now forcibly eye to eye with Angel. Angel was very pleased to finally see that pretty face he loved to wake up too.
“Now that I got your attention. Do you know why I put up with your shit y/n? Do you?” Your eyes averted away from him, but this only caused Angel to lightly take his hand onto your jaw and pull your face back to him. “Stop looking away from me... I put up with it because I love you. I know you're scared about this Mayans thing, but you got to trust me when I say I got this.”
“This isn’t easy for me okay! I want to believe you Angel, but what if you end up like my father. In a ditch somewhere-” The cry in your voice solidified with the amount of motivation it took you to succumb.
“Y/n….I’m not your father. I would never bring death at your doorstep. I’ll make sure you're protected at cost. Haven’t I always?” He stopped you before you could go any further. He never put his family in danger for his own personal gain. He wasn’t that type of man. 
“Yes you always have.” You stated above a whisper while the tears kept falling down from your dark lashes. 
‘Y/n…” Angel grasps your chin in his hand, taking his thumb to swipe away the wetness that ran down her cheek.” You're such a stubborn woman. I think you got me beat.” Angel slightly let a chuckle pass his lips. Giving a lighthearted aura as he pokes at you for fun.
“I can’t go through that pain again Angel.” 
‘I won’t let you, but just talk things out with me. Don’t just go running away when things get rough and just disappear because that causes pain too. He drew his face closer to yours, nudging the tips of both of your noses. “ Don’t shut me out ever again because these two months without you really fucked me up.” He pleaded, while bringing his head to the crook of your neck. Taken in your natural scent, Angel was finally at home again.
“I won’t. I’m sorry.” Your breathlessly promised him your word. It felt so good to be in Angel arms again and how aches so many nights for this. Although your face was slowly drying up, your T- shirt began to soak up water coming off Angel clothes as your body was now pressed against his. The water touches your bare skin which gives you chills as cold air comes into play causing your nipples to be harder than what they were. You were about to call out to Angel, but that all fell through when Angel brought his lips to devoured yours.
 A delicious moan escaped from your mouth as you allowed him to explore every corner of your mouth. His hands manage to slide up your thigh, it wasn’t long until you felt his nimble digits grip the hem of your shirt. His fingers lightly grazed your hip bone, which told you didn’t have on no panties. Angel propped his leg between you caused you to feel the friction on your core making you let out whimper in the kiss. In seconds the wetness between your legs began to leave a damp on Angel black denim jeans. Feeling your arousal ruin his jean, sparked his own. Causing his jeans to grow together by every second. This was it. He needs you in every way he can get you. 
He interrupted the kiss, Angel grasped the back of your thighs and pushed them up. He bent down now having your legs swung over his shoulders. A grasp release from your mouth at the new position you were now put in. You quickly grip Angel's shoulders to steady your balance between you and the wall. With his thumb, Angel brushed the most sensitive part of you thinking of how he was going to have his meal. 
“Please...baby.” You desperately moaned out causing you to throw your head back.
“Oh I’m baby now? I thought you were gonna call EZ to come and get me. What happened to that?” He taunted, forming a smirk on his lips.. Angel let his thumb rub against your clit once more just to tease you some more.
“Shit Angel stop it! I’m begging you!” You almost screamed as he was playing with all your emotions, but you guess it payback as you played with him first. Angel just responded with a chuckle while his lips began to get closer and closer to your core. His cool breath grazes her sensitive skin every second, giving her the sensation she is aching to have. Before he could feast he let out a warning to you.
‘Don’t fall or I’m gonna make you cry again. And this time your never gonna stop.”
Not Edited
TAGLIST: @mauvecherie @marvelmaree @blackmissfrizzle @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @starrynite7114 @montanaraed @sparklemichele @thelovelyleo23. @auroraariza. @tranqs-main-mami @trulysuccubus @rantfandombloggg @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo. @yeah-seems-legit. @night-of-the-living-shred
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youranimelover · 3 years
Shameless request time though I am procrastinating something (let's just say writers block) Remember the singing hc I requested a while ago on my other blog? yES WE FINNA GET MORE CHARACTER PLS?! I was thinking... Denki, aizawa and hawks? (ofc if you're not comfortable with older characters you can switch them with whoever you want :3) I just need to know how they'd react to my 'stupid alto' voice T-T
I know how it’s like to procrastinate so much due to writer’s block x) and yes I remember! 
No problem with multiple characters and the pro heroes ^^ I’ll try my best! 
Also I know what’s it like to have a low voice x) I’m a mezzo with a alto register well developed ^^
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⚡ Kaminari Denki ⚡
-you and denden are bff and do some random stuff together
-you guys also tend to get crazy ideas and involve everyone in it
-but today, you had no idea what he was planning
-the boy literally went on alone making you wonder tf he was up to
-at night, you and the rest of the class find out
-oh no
-oh no
-oh no no no no no
(plz tell me I’m not the only one getting this reference thanks)
-you were getting nervous
-you knew Kyouka was an amazing singer, and the other girls were good too, but they all had a soprano voice
-you were here, being the only one with an alto voice
-you were terrified of what they might think of your low voice
-everyone played along with Denki’s idea and were either singing either encouraging the ones singing
-you knew your bestie so well you were sure he was going to ask you to sing
-you were wondering if it would be best for you to act as if you’re sick
-no time to think about it, bc now it’s your turn
-you really were not sure about what to do but you eventually gave in
-You chose You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette (btw a great song to sing for alto and mezzo!)
-you could tell everyone was shooketh by your voice, but the way Denki’s eyes started to sparkle when you sang just made you want to sing ever more
-when the chorus came
-oh boy
-the power you hold, no one had imagined that
-if you thought your bestie’s eyes were already sparkling a lot, you hadn’t seen them now
-you finished your song
-you got so much praises you almost cried smh (I would have tbh)
-after that night, everyone is convinced denki crushes on you (most likely does tho)
-he will probably upload some of your “covers” (mostly him filming without you noticing -hm-) on tiktok or something bc he wants the world to know how good of a singer you are
-he became your officially number 1 fan so don’t forget to show him some love
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 💤 Aizawa Shouta - Eraser Head 💤
-Let’s say you two are dating
-we all know this man loves his sleep
-so let’s say you were hanging out in the living room
-a little chill date between you two ♥
-and he started falling asleep
-you took this little opportunity to sing him a lullaby to help him fall asleep
-you thought it would help but oh no
-the moment you started singing he suddenly became wide awake
-he just didn’t open his eyes bc he wanted to hear you singing
-he legit faked being asleep to hear you
-the only time you wished he was truly asleep and he does that, you’ll get trust issues from it smh
-at some point you noticed his small smile but just thought he was having a good dream
-so you started to let your voice fade away
-you clearly wanted him to sleep peacefully
-when you stopped singing you almost had an heart attack
-“why are you stopping?” he said in his sleepy voice jgvuiihyh
-yeah basically after this, you sang lullabies to help him sleep, and you’re now truly having trust issues over his sleeping form bc he might be playing a trick again
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🦅 Takami Keigo - Hawks 🦅
-Let’s assume you and bby Kei are besties (I like the bff to lovers trope so what?)
-but our dear Kei has a crush on you
-and he has all the rights to since you’re funny and nice :)
-you two often sang together for fun (so basically out of tune, like let’s be honest, one might be a good singer, but one still owns a special off key voice to use when singing for fun)
-then one day, you do some chores at your house cuz it’s time to do it and you put some music on your phone that you put down nearby you so you could hear it
-right at the moment your bestie enters your house with the spare key he owns, the song changes to one you usually sing crazily with Keigo (let’s  say Into the Unknown, that song is epic bc it’s from Disney and bc of the vocals like jhjjhgjh)
-Technically, you’re singing alone this time, so you decided to take it a bit more seriously this time cuz you need to practice too
-the beginning is fine, your singing in a low and shaky tone, but it’s still fine
-your singing is barely hearable for Kei, so he decided to come a bit closer, to try to join you on the chorus for all the fun you’ll have like usually
-except, as you realize your voice didn’t got worse due to all this weird singing you did with your bestie, you decided to get louder and be prouder of your actual singing ability
-approaching the chorus, your voice gets louder and richer, already choking the blond
-then, the chorus came and your voice hit each and every note perfectly
-he was astonished, his bff can actually sing!!!
-then he started to wonder if you were faking a bad voice all this time just for him (bby got worried here ☹ )
-once you turn around bc the chorus is finished and you’re trying to continue your chores, you see him, with a huge grin on his face
-“So you can sing huh”
-basically he will proceed to tell everyone he knows how good you are (although they doubt it at first, but the boy managed to get a video of you on another alone singing time and now they have no choice but to believe him)
-he will probably ask you to sing with your actual voice more often
-he will probably ask you to record some lullaby songs so he can listen to them and try to fall asleep with your voice bc he definitely crushes on you and you know it by now lol (he’s trying to make it romantic but it’s a bit creepy bby but we love you ♥)
sorry for the wait!
I hope you lied it either way :)
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moody-mae · 3 years
A Mostly Legit Book Review
For They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera
Two young men, both in their teens, are hit with the most jarring news a person can receive: Sometime in the next twenty four hours, they’re going to die. Each boy is reeling, trying to decide how he should spend his last day, and in whose company. Coincidence, betrayal, and rare bravery bring these strangers together. They will end their lives as friends. They will end their lives knowing that they were better off for having met each other on this most fateful of all days. 
They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera is touchingly human, inspiring, tragic, a show of destiny, fear, and becoming. It expresses the value of actually living in favor of simply coasting through existence. It gives form and color to unique human connection. It sympathizes and challenges at the same time. It invites risk-taking and sincerity, to put every card on the table and play them confidently, to love and to shine.
This is a 5 star book for me. I was a tad hesitant going into it, worried that it may be too literary for my taste, but Silvera definitely delivered on an emotional storm of a story. There is treasure in this story. These characters are loud and bright and deep. This world is alternately callous, and unfair, and surprising. The range of this author’s voice is not only impressive, it immerses you, it puts the characters in the same room as you. Sometimes you share a heart and mind. 
Now, please continue on if you want to hear some of my spoiler-infested thoughts...
I laughed. I cried. This was a brimming platter for the feels. 
At the start, I was prepared for a wandering plot, sort of philosophical and airy interactions between two characters that wouldn’t become personal enough for me to actually weep on their behalf.
Yeah, that’s not what happened. 
Mateo’s breakdown very early in the story, when he trashes his room, was so sudden that i was backtracking before I realized what was actually going on. He had it together, but then he was tearing the map off the wall and throwing shit around. I was like, dang, Mateo, you’re alright, buddy. You know, for now.
I couldn’t get over that guy Peck. Who the fuck is so self-centered that they’d bring the police to interrupt someone’s final moments with family and friends? A douchebag. Which, yeah, that was his whole character. But even after Aimee (can’t remember how to spell her name, yikes) told him off to try to teach his stunted brain, he still couldn’t let it go. He’s still after this guy like it isn’t Rufus’s last day on Earth. Seriously, Peck, cool your pms for like two seconds. When you turn around, he’ll probably be long gone and out of your hair. Relentless bastard. 
It was really weird when Mateo and Rufus climbed into that half dug grave together for bro talk. I could not believe either one of them was comfortable doing that, especially Mateo. Almost seemed out of character to me. Like Silvera was pointing and winking and going, eh?, eh? It’s like, no, dude, this shit’s morbid enough as it is. Low-key did kind of appreciate the moment, though. 
It would be so freaking awesome if that travel arena place existed in real life. I bet there are places similar that do exist. But do they replicate everything that well? I mean, the way it’s described in the book is so vivid that I was starting to get goosebumps. Just makes me even more desperate to travel. I really didn’t expect Mateo to leap off that waterfall, though. That was nuts. This dude’s character did a total 180. I was so proud. 
This is backtracking, but that part where they give the homeless man all the cash they have on them, after which he hugs Mateo, was so heartwarming to me. That touched my feels like very few other scenes in the story. 
And, alright, I know they couldn’t have escaped their fates. They were bound to die somehow. But the way Mateo went out was so wretched, so violent. It was like a fluke. I really didn’t think that would be it for him. I thought he’d at least be revived for a second in the ambulance, get some final words in to Rufus, a last goodbye, before passing on for good. But no. All Rufus got were his fingers sinking into Mateo’s melted-cheese skin. That was so hard to read.
The ending was very abrupt. The way you’re made to infer Rufus’s death (and Dahlila’s, for that matter) is painfully poetic. There’s nothing missing, but for the first second after impact, I was like, no way, that’s it? 
And there’s no real reason for me to end this review that way, but I don’t really have any more to say at this time, and so here I’ll leave off. 
Agonizing reading, to you all. ;) 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
I'm a dum dum , didn't even realize your requests are open 😂. Ok~ I hope I'm following your rules– cuz I couldn't find any :")) but would you mind doing a hc for Ikesen characters(you can choose the characters! I don't really mind) reacting to a teenager MC(from ages 14-17)? I've seen lots of child MCs but not a teenager one.
Headcanon: Teenage MC feat: Nobunaga, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi and Masamune
Hehehe that's cause I'm a lazy potato so, for now, there are no rules lol 😂 😂 😂 ! Lol so for this I made it more fun and less romantic cause like don't want my sweet bios to look like pedos u know lol 🥀 ! Thanx for the request dear I hope you like it! And I hope you have the best day!  (✿◠‿◠)
The first time he sees you he is super intrigued
Like how did someone so young and smol manage to pull him out of a freaken burning building
He went into full BIG BRO MODE
The two of you would get up to all sorts of mischief together
Stealing candy together is a given 
You would harry potter style hide under a not so invisible cloak, running to the kitchen together like hunched old ladies
The second you enter the kitchen the hunt for the candy begins
You find the jar in 0.2 seconds “Trust me this ain’t my first rodeo.”
“Aaaah so my fireball sister is an experienced thief then.”
The two of you happily munch on the candy in the kitchen when all of a sudden the two of you heard someone at the door
The two of you turned in sync to see Mother Dearest Amber eyes shining with anger in the dark
“How many times have I told you stealing is bad, and that candy before bed is extremely unhealthy.”
He turned to look at Nobunaga, who looked like a guilty schoolboy “My lord, you are supposed to set the example, how do you expect to be a good big brother if you are influencing her to steal and eat candy before bed.”
Everything was going perfectly according to plan- while Hideyoshi was distracted you snuck a few handfuls of candy in the hidden pockets of you kimono
Once you were done with your mission you chimed in “Yeah big bro how do u expect me to be a good girl when you always dragging me along to steal the candy.”
“Oooooh don’t think I forgot about you, young lady.”
He lectured the two of you for three hours
Hideyoshi sent both of you back to your rooms. 
Luckily Nobunaga’s’sNobunaga’s’s room was right on top of yours and you were experienced in the art of sneaking out to meet up with friends
So you easily climbed up onto his balcony and snuck into his room
The two of you snicked and laughed while munching on candy together
“Have you eaten yet today, brushed your teeth, done all your chores.”
Catches you stealing candy at night with Nobunaga again
“How many times have I told you not to eat candy before bed young lady.”
Hideyoshi has full-blown turned into your castle mom
You had been secretly dating some random boy, you met in the market
You twisted your ankle sneaking out your room to go and see him, luckily Mamayoshi was doing his final rounds of the castle and found you hissing on the ground.
He picked you up and patched you up real good
Cue lecture about sneaking out in the middle of the night
The next day the boy broke up with you- cause he a piece o shit
You spent the whole day crying in your room
Cue Mamayoshi barging into your room, cause the maids had informed him that you skipped breakfast!
“Who dare break my favourite sister’s heart” (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
“Just show me who he is and I’ll teach that freaken punk a lesson he will never forget” (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
You spent hours crying on his shoulder, Hideyoshi made you some tea and took you to the market to do some retail therapy
You would go to Mamayoshi for advice all the freaken time, you really did see him as a mom
Have boy trouble Hideyoshi is there helping ya out and giving you advice, struggling to do the homework Mitsuhide gave you, Mama will sit for hours helping you, someone Is bullying you? Hideyoshi will mom style cut them
Will take you out to tea all the time, and the two of you will low key spill the tea on all the latest gossip
Treats you like a fragile princess
Will be an extremely doting brother
Will 100% teach you how to defend yourself
Feeling sad, Kenshin will legit find the source of your sadness and freaken kill them
Feeling anxious or insecure, Kenshin will be there wrapping you in a big bear hug while drawing soothing circles on your back. He will soothingly comfort you as your cry on his shoulder
Will summon his army of fluff balls to cuddle with you until that smile is back on your face
You like a boy in the market… forget about it. Kenshin is there glaring at the boy… “He is not good enough for my dearest sister.”
You give Kenshin puppy dog eyes “No way bunny, you are still a baby, definitely not old enough to date. Come on, let go get some tea and pickled plumbs to cheer you up.”
You cant say no to Kenshin especially when he gives you his puppy dog eyes in return 
Will always insist on holing your hand when walking in the market together
Will legit kill anyone or anything that threatens you
Will give you platonic forehead and cheek kisses
Loves it when you sass and roll your eyes at Shingen trying to pick up all the woman at banquets 
Will let you sneak a few sips of his sake, and you are the only one he will share his pickled plumbs with
Will send you off to bed when it gets too late, the bunnies have taken quite a liking to you so they will accompany you back to your room and cuddle with you
“come on lass lets’s go on an adventure.”
“No way the last time we went on an adventure I was almost killed and both of us got an hour-long lecture about the dangers of waterfalls.”
“Where is your sense of adventure kitten.”
“The same place your sense of safety is, non-existent.’
Drags you with him to go hiking, when you were on the top of the mountain you slipped on some loose gravel. Masamune caught you, and both of you went tumbling into a lake
You couldn’t help but laugh
The two of you splashed around in the water until late into the afternoon
“Quick lass let’s sneak in before mother dearest scolds us for.”
Too late he was already waiting for the two of you
Masa will cook you anything and everything your heart desires, when you tell him you’re on a diet cause some boy called you fat Masamune’s eyes widens.
He will bring your favourite dish an place it just under your nose, you can’t help but crumble damn that smell too good to waste, “Fine but my diet starts tomorrow”, (っ˘ڡ˘ς) you say with a mouth full of food
Lol tomorrow never came and that asshole of a boy was never seen again
Sometimes it was hard to tell who the teenager was you or Masamune, the two of you would always joke around pulling pranks on all the castle residents
You were actually pretty thankful Masamune didn’t drink, cause it made you feel like you weren’t missing out on anything during banquets
At the end of the banquets it would always be you, Masa and Mitsuhide left awake and playing card games till dawn
Will leave Shogetsu with you during times of war. The big cat literally destroys everything
“No way masa, ask Mitsunari to watch him, last time when I woke up he shredded everything in my room”, he just grinned at you “That’s what adds to his cuteness”. (=^・^=)
You narrowed your eyes at him “What’s in it for me”. (¬_¬)
“I’ll bring you back a months supply worth of candy and I Masamune Date will owe you a favour”.
You beamed up at him, that would definitely come in handy one day “Fine I’ll do it”. (。◕‿◕。)
“Thanks, kitten that’s why you’re my favourite sister”,
You rolled your eyes “I’m your only sister”.
He pats you on the head while chuckling “Exactly” (^u^)
Would have witty battles with the resident porcupine all of the time
Masamune would literally, howl in laughter when the two of you are at it.
You would juts roll your eyes “Not my fault Ieyasu is always so salty.”
The amount of time the two of you have had an eye-rolling contest is ridiculous
Even though the two of you fight like cats and dog you still enjoy Ieyasu’s’sIeyasu’s’s company
Ieyasu actually shows you his soft side
One day a boy broke your heart
You walked into Ieyasu’s room and looked at him ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Ieyasu rushed to you and wrapped you up in his arms and let you cry it out
“You know what will be fun” Ieyasu asked with a hint of mischief in this emerald eyes
“What” (“・ω・`) you asked sniffing and wiping the last of your tears away
“If we make that punk regret ever breaking your heart.”
You couldn’t help but give him the biggest brightest smile, the two of you snuck out that night and egged his house
You are the only person privileged enough to know Ieyasu’s soft side
The two of you will have a chilli eating contest
Basically ends with you drinking a gallon of milk and losing all sense of taste “Silly girl this isn’t even the hottest peppers yet.”
You will play matchmaker to get Ieyasu a date/lover
He will legit just roll his eyes at the suggestion, he is way too busy with work
“I found the perfect person for you Yasu, they are sweet, kind you know basically an angel and don’t worry they definitely won’t get put off by your contrary personality.”
Yasu raises a brow “Who” (ーー;)
You snicker a little and burst out laughing “MITSUNAR, he is perfect for you.”
Yasu legit spits out the tea he was sipping on, he was turning as red as a tomato
Yasu.exe has stopped working
“I freaken knew it, I’m gonna go tell him right now” (°o°)
“Don’t you dare” (ー_ー)!!
(((( ;゚Д゚))) Yasu legit leaps over his desk and tackles you to the ground tickling you until you surrender
“Fine but if the two of you ever get married, I better be your maid of honour.”
Yasu legit just ruffled your hair and rolled his eyes “Yeah yeah whatever just don’t tell him.”
 Hope you liked it, dear! <3
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cdyssey · 3 years
“The Idea of North” Reactions:
Episode 1
Omg, they went all out on Mrs. Coulter’s apartment.
Cries at Mrs. Coulter looking at Lyra with such a conflicted expression as she plays on her bed. Wtf, Ruth Wilson. 😭
AUgh, Roger hugging Billy. These are two of the cutest little boys ever, omg.
“I slept out there every other Sunday.” / “No, you didn’t.” / “I did!” And then Mrs. C fondly laughs. 😭😭😭
“I’ve never been sure about them. Heights. I could never get away from the occasional urge to jump.” JESUS CHRIST.
(Because fundamentally, so many of Marisa’s actions are about self-destruction.)
“Lyra, look around this room. How many women do you see? In every room, there are those that would belittle you. With my help, they won’t lay a scratch on you.” || I’m glad that the show is tackling the extreme misogyny in Lyra’s world.
“Lyra, I won’t let you down.” Lmao, sure, Jan.
OH, the LYRA AND MRS. COULTER BATH SCENE. The specific detail of the monkey looking away. The way she strokes Lyra’s face so tenderly. And how Pan, and of course, Lyra by extension, starts to notice some of the danger behind Mrs. C’s words...
“She’s nice. She treats me nice. Don’t we deserve to have nice things? For once?” And we’re shown shots of Mrs. C staring sadly at the empty bathtub. God.
“No one’s ever said I could be extraordinary before.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Wow, the glare she gives the monkey when she sees him staring at her.
GSHSJSS, the show does anything it can to make sure it doesn’t have to show minor and extra character’s dæmons.
But man, how I adore how it’s fleshing out unseen moments from the book: a lot of Lyra and Mrs. Coulter’s time together, Farder Coram and John Faa trying to find Billy, Roger and Billy in captivity. A good adaptation of a show doesn’t change big parts of its mythos; it adds to that mythos to expand it in new and exciting ways.
While they’ve been in London, Lyra and Mrs. C have matched in shades of blue. 👀
YO, the monkey growling under the table when Lyra mentions Dust, and Pan noticing. I love seeing the complexities of the dæmons.
Lyra lying so effortlessly to Mrs. Coulter is A+, but the bad part already established is that Mrs. C, liar extraordinaire, can tell when her kid is lying.
God, Ma Costa’s grief.
Oh, fuck off, show, don’t make me cry this early. 😭
John Faa comforting her. Man, the way he grabs her hand. The both of them are so good.
This long, dark hallway shot of Mrs. Coulter slowly approaching in a white dress is exquisitely creepy.
“We need to crossss.” Boreal’s actor adding a hissing quality to his words is such a nice touch.
Oooh, we’re already getting Will’s world???
HAHSJS, I love the parking tickets he has.
Marisa’s legit turning on all her charms for Father MacPhail.
Goddamn, that bug dæmon landing on the priest dude’s head is terrifying.
Marisa Coulter is enraged by what the Magisterium is threatening to do to her, and she’s about to take it all out on Lyra.
“I wasn’t angry.” / “And you still are.” Like her mother, Lyra knows a liar when she sees one.
Wow, she was about to walk away and leave it be, but then she stayed. (Because she can never get away from the occasional urge to jump.)
“He... he’s my father. Isn’t he?” I’m going to fucking cry.
“My mother... who is she?” / “Could have been anyone.” Oh, my go d. Why are you lik e this
“Couldn’t protect a painting if it was drawn on the walls.” SJSJSJSHS.
“Our origins don’t define us,” Mrs. Coulter says, tears standing in her eyes. “It’s what we do with what we have.” // She says, but fundamentally, she doesn’t apply it to herself.
“Please leave me alone.” / And then nodding, Mrs. Coulter actually does it. Wow.
And they both sink to the floor away from each other. I’m losing my mind. This acting is so good.
I love that Boreal and this Thomas dude are just talking about dæmons in the non-magical world in, like, a coffee shop.
Mrs. Coulter is trying to lie about Roger still being in Oxford, and Lyra is not having it. Go, girl.
“You’re lying.” God, I love her.
The parallel shots of Lyra desperately trying to open a grate while Mrs. Coulter angrily slams a sliding door shut. 😭 This show really knows how to put moments side by side.
GOD, that smile Mrs. C gives the stolen children. JESUS.
Mrs. Coulter meeting Roger and realizing it.
AUGH, the burning letters. This scene made me gasp aloud in the book.
Ma’am, you suck!
HHH, she makes it.
Oh, my God. The monkey softly petting Pan.
I hate this show. It’s making me feel things.
Damn, that turquoise suit on Boreal.
Oh, the journalist!!!!!
This poor, traumatized child. Not only has she learned that her parents aren’t really dead and her uncle is actually her father, but now she learns that Mrs. C is not only an asshole, but a child-stealing asshole.
Mrs. Coulter’s expression when she realizes that Lyra’s gone. HHH, give Ruth Wilson all the awards.
Lyra sitting in the dark, terrified. God.
“I liked her, Pan.” 😭😭😭
Okay, but I low key think it’s John Faa setting a trap bc of the hat the dude’s wearing, haha.
What an amazing episode.
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delemenko · 3 years
Random Sweet Things to Consider
Mercy being low-key protective of Rembrandt in the bathroom scene. That's his fucking mom now and she adopted most of the Warriors, thank you. (Plus, the production photos of Marcelino Sanchez and Deborah Van Valkenburgh hanging out together are legit the cutest thing.)
Swan probably wanted Cowboy to join the Warriors so that he could watch over him. He could've been hesitant to join the gang because he was looking out for Cowboy.
Ajax stopping to fight after Cowboy tells him that "He can't make it." Now, yes, of course Ajax was just hype that got to finally fight, but he probably also realised that stopping to fight should be a last resort, which was why he asked if Cowboy was sure that he couldn't run anymore, considering that they ran for a long ass time apparently. Ajax may be a dumbass, but like, not entirely. He probably realised that it was potentially a better idea to try and pick off a couple of the Furies (even if it was in vain or he had to do it by himself) than to keep running, when Cowboy couldn't. (If the O.G. script is anything to go by, leaving Cowboy behind would probably be subjecting him to death.) So, he decided to stay behind, partially because he wanted to throw hands and partially because he was looking out for Cowboy.
The scene when Swan and Mercy are getting off the train, and Mercy says that she likes traveling also. I really like this moment because it's so small (two lines from each character) but it speaks volumes about Mercy. "I never been anywhere, I just know I'd like it." Is such a profound line and it's delivery is so simple and casual, but it reinforces the idea that Mercy understands what she wants and is optimistic about new possibilities. She knows herself well enough to have that intuition. I probably like that moment more than the scene with the prom couple scene to be honest.
Cochise, Cowboy, and Vermin playing in the water at the end. "Hey, we've had a shitty night, but... It's over..." And it makes me think about how Swan said that them seeing the ocean meant that they were safe. They're safe as can be, for now. And then you see Rembrandt and Snow trailing behind and Swan and Mercy watching the rest of them while holding hands give off a "parents watching their kids after a long day" vibe.
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dad-victoriam · 4 years
I have one official character each for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but In Fallout 4, I have like, three. Two Minutemen Generals and a Railroad Agent. Can you tell which play-through I started while bored and stuck in quarantine?
Lupe Campbell
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nicknames: General, Madam President, Ma, Lulu
Preferred Weapon: Custom Laser Rifle
Faction: Commonwealth Minutemen
Best Friend: Nick Valentine
Love Interest: Preston Garvey
Has never done anything wrong in her life ever.
Preston knows this, and he loves her.
They have Team Mom and Team Dad Energy.
Sturges says they’re gross about it, but one time they got in a fight and he nearly cried because he though they were going to break up.
Is freakishly strong and constantly concerns and astounds people watching her carry and lift things.
Once physically lifted Hancock up over her head and carried him to the time-out corner when he was antagonizing Danse.
He lives in constant fear of being manhandled again.
Her karma is so pristine it’s practically blinding.
Loves helping Nick on cases, always looks for an excuse to wear the trench coat and fedora.
Has unique sense of fashion, thinks the Minutemen General Cosplay is high couture, only wears high-waist Mom Jeans.
Had joined up with the Brotherhood for a little bit, but after Danse got kicked out she left.
Actually, what happened was she stormed into Maxon’s office, lectured him in a way only a mom could, told him she wasn’t mad, just disappointed and then left the Prydwen and hasn’t returned since.
Maxon locked himself in his quarters afterwards to brood, not to cry, he definitely didn’t cry.
(He cried a little bit)
Danse joined the Minutemen after that. It was like the Brotherhood, but they were as loyal to him as he was to them. It really helped him cope and renewed his sense of purpose.
Lupe and Preston are proud of him.
Everyone jokes that he’s like their son behind their backs. Hancock got caught once (see above mentioned physical lifitng).
Her Mom Energy is so potent that legit most of the companions and even some of the Minutemen and Sanctuary settelers gave her the nickname ‘Ma’
Does not drink, does not smoke, what does she do?
She delivers Justice.
Fox Hawthorne
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/ Her
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nicknames: Whisper (Deacon) Renarde (Curie)
Preferred Weapon: Silenced Sniper Rifle
Faction: The Railroad
Best Friend: MacCready
Love Interest: Curie
Closeted Pre-War, had a family to please her mother, actually pretty sad, doesn’t like talking about it except where Shaun is concerned.
“Fox” is not her real name but she refuses to tell anyone what it really is and there’s no way for them to ever find out for sure.
Deacon once snuck down to the vault to see if it was on record somewhere only to find out she was one step ahead of him.
She hacked the records and wherever her true name had been was replaced with a string of emojis.
Codsworth is programmed to call her “Miss Fox” and does not understand the fact that she has another name so he’s no help either.
She can NOT stand staying in Sanctuary (too many memories) and renovated the Red Rocket station nearby to keep her stuff in.
A settlement formed around it and they’re pretty friendly with their Minutemen neighbors even though Preston is constantly trying to get Fox to join the cause.
She will not, she thinks the outfits are tacky, but secretly still goes out of her way to help settlements.
Curie loves it when she does that.
Her relationship with MacCready is summed up by ‘Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass / Lesbian’.
Do Not Separate Them.
They platonically raise Shaun and Duncan together.
“This is our dad, and this is our mom, and this is our mom’s girlfriend, Curie.”
Two Snipers Out In The Commonwealth Doing Sniper Things.
He literally pouts every time Fox leaves him at Red Rocket to do Railroad Missions with Deacon.
Curie keeps him company, they get along stupendously.
Other than Railroad Missions, or Settlement Rescue Mission Dates with Curie, Fox and MacCready are joined at the hip and are off doing dumb shit.
Always return to Red Rocket with broken noses, dislocated shoulders, cuts, bumps, and bruises and Curie has to patch them up.
Fox claims her kisses have healing properties.
She’s flirting, but Curie thinks she’s serious and has offered to kiss MacCready’s wounds as well.
He had to politely decline multiple times for fear of facing certain death via sandman kill.
The weirdest trio in the Commonwealth.
No one understands their dynamic.
It works because all three of them are the awkward third wheel of the friendship.
Gender: ???
Pronouns: They/Them
Hair Color: ???
Eye Color: ???
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nicknames: Commonwealth Cryptid
Preferred Weapon: Molotov Cocktail
Faction: Commonwealth Minutemen
Best Friend: Dogmeat
Love Interest: Hancock
Has good intentions, but bad methods.
Takes their title as General of the Minutemen very seriously.
Makes sure every settlement has enough food, water, and defense.
Spends hours decorating and making them look nice.
Could have a promising future (or past?) in architecture and interior design.
Intelligence stat is either 1 or 10, no one knows.
All their strategies are chaotic and crackpot but like; they work???
Chooses the Sarcastic response 100% of the time.
Low-Key devout member of the Children of Atom.
Wears assault gas mask and only ever takes off the mask when they’re furious and deadly serious, or you know, when they’re going to sleep.
Legitimately no one, not even the companions, knows what they look like, or even if they’re human or not.
Hancock knows, because he’s seen them naked, but refuses to tell anyone because he lives for the chaos and will constantly make up fake shit just to fuck with the rest of the group.
Hancock is the only living individual who knows what their face looks like.
Piper tried to see if Shaun knew anything and was like, “are you not even a little curious?”
The kid just shrugged, and like, messed around with a Laser Sniper Rifle he was making and was like “they’re my parent. That’s just how they are. I like them the way they are”.
MacCready swears up and down that he saw them turn their head 180 degrees like an owl one time.
Hancock backed him up, but he was huffing jet and laughing his ass off the whole time so no one knows if he was serious.
Gives “let’s get this freak show on the road” a whole new connotation.
Can only shop at Diamond City Surplus at night because Crazy Myrna refuses to sell to them.
She thinks they’re a synth and will not take “No, I’m Jangles the Moon Monkey” as an answer.
Definitely did blow up the Prydwen.
Stole Maxon’s jacket.
Has the Cannibalism perk.
It’s just practical, there are lots of dead bodies everywhere and food is scarce. If they eat a raider, then somehow, somewhere, there’s a Fancy Lad Snack Cake left for a starving orphan to eat.
No one else seems to see it this way.
Loves Brahmin.
I mean, really loves them.
 Will stop whatever they’re doing to pet one if they see one.
If they’re working as part of a caravan, they’ll call them Ma’am and apologize for disrupting their work, but will still pet them.
Caravan Guards who see this behavior: ?????
Maxed Stealth and Pickpocket perks
Is a Little Sneak Thief
All their armor has Chameleon Legendary effects.
This stresses everyone out because that means they can be anywhere at any time and oh my God, where are they? I know they’re in here with me, where are they???
Once snuck up on MacCready (accidentally) and pulled an actual full swear word out of the guy. It was loud.
And it was the Fuck word.
It’s Bo’s proudest achievement.
Was totally on board with being the Overboss of Nukaworld until Gage suggested raiding Commonwealth Settlements.
They take their title as General of the Minutemen very very seriously.
They took off the mask, and all of Nukaworld saw their face that day. T’was brutal.
I’m talking “Rip and tear until it is done”.
I’m talking heavy metal theme music and everything.
It’s a nice and peaceful little trader settlement now. Bo planted flowers everywhere.
So, did you guess which one I started cuz I was bored in quarantine, yet? Did you guess all three? You would be correct.
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So I wanted to do a Homestuck HP au because I love writing about Homestuck. But like right now I don't have a lot of ideas so I'm gonna write whatever goes in my head.
John is a muggleborn. Everyone thinks he's a halfblood because when he talks about his dad people thinks he's a wizard (nope just a weird but cool muggle who took the magic thing very well). John doesn't correct them because honestly, pranking half of his classmates without even trying, that's something (he just want to see their faces when they realize). Also I think he would be a gryffindor. Oooor maybe a slytherin, but idk I don't see the "ambitious" side. No, gryffindor. Because pranks. He think he'd be very good at potions and charms ? Because pranks. Like you know you're better with subjects that are interesting to you. He really likes potion and charms because the amount of pranks he can do is like, unlimited. He's also good with a broomstick, even if he's not on the quidditch team : he likes to fly for flying, not for playing. He never really understood the problem with houses - or rather, the competition. He pranks everyone equally, that's all that matters (OK maybe he pranks more Dave and Karkat, but come on. Their reactions are priceless).
Jade is, I think, a half-blood ? Honestly, nobody knows, not even her : she doesn't remember if her grandpa was a wizard or not, and she remembers even less her parents. She grew up on a island (like in canon tbh) with Bec, who is a ex-wizard : he had a accident and he got trapped in his animagus form but due to the incident he sorta kept some of his powers (that's why he can still apparate) and, kinda, got the mind of a dog (still more intelligent than any dog, but not enough to notice that he was a wizard - he doesn't even remember bieng one). She's a slytherin ! Because she's really clever and kinda ambitious ? Like she really want to mix science and magic. She wants the magic world to know science ("guys, they don't even know what an atom is !!!"). Due to that, she's really fucking good with potions. The best of her years (of any year, really). While being a arithmancy and herbology genius, She's also pretty good in every other class tbh. Not really the best at flying, but she tries. Also she somehow learn to apparate when she's like 12 and everybody is stunned like HOW (and she's "oh my dog taught me !" "... WHAT"). She's very happy to be a witch but her scientific side SCREAMED when she learned the existence of magic. She can often be found staring at the moving stairs mumbling something about the physics laws.
Rose iiiiis... A pureblood. Come on. Like she grew up with magic traditions and such. She also loves the muggle's representation of wizards (it's very funny). She's SO a ravenclaw. That was obvious. Her mother is a famous witch (both famous for her acts of heroism during the last War (??) and also famous for being drunk anytime) and she doesn't really likes to be famous by association, but eh. She's obviously a Seer (like, a true one). She took divination and she fucking destroyed the teacher. Like she just looked at them with her superior smile (you know the insufferable one) and proceeded to walk out of class and never return (the destroying the teacher part took place at the exams when she got the highest score despite having skipped every divination period). She's really good in DADA and Alchemy and potions. Maybe sometimes she's a bit too close to the dark side of magic (*snort*) but eh she didn't killed anyone (yet). The only classes she's not good with is care of magical creatures : the creatures are all afraid of her (tbh it's because she tried to summon a eldricht horror once. She failed but the eldricht aura kinda stayed on her). She's very interested in vampires, but her interest may be personal rather than scholar ;)
Dave is, I think. A pureblood ? Tbh I really don't know where Bro stands. Since he's Rose's twin, he's obviously a pureblood, but he didn't grew up in the same place. Bro was the kind of wizard who was absolutely obsessed with muggle's technology so one day he just... Moved to the muggle side ? Idk. So here I'm really torn up between "Dave's shitty childhood and shitty role model is a important part of his character" and "I want Dave to be happy and have a happy childhood". Fuck it he' ll have a extremely weird but happy childhood (like. Remember before we knew that Bro was abusive and we tought that he was just a cool and really really really weird guardian ?). So he grew up in a mix of magic and technology : ofc Bro didn't hide he was a wizard, he used magic pretty often. Dave knows some things about technology but he kinda lacks... Basic knowledge. You know. Bro still taught him fencing (kinda was a family thing) but like. Low-key ? Like not before he was ten and Dave wasn't beat up, it was actual teaching (I just want Dave to be happy without PTSD, dammit). Also Dave is a hufflepuf (fight me). The beta kids are all the four houses (they think that's funny and they're kinda proud to be a multi-house group. XD amateurs just wait to see the trolls). When Dave got his letter, he was "... Bro. There is a magic community ??" "yes ? You didn't knew ?" "you never told me I tought we were mutants". Bro then realizes he never told Dave that he was actually a wizard, uh. Then "oh yeah your twin sister must be at hogwarts too" "I have a twin sister". Like. Bro legit forgot to tell him. Also Dave is absolutely fascinated by magic pictures. He's kinda good with classes because he's pretty smart but he's better with charms and DADA. He can fly (I mean with a broomstick of course) but he's not in the quidditch team. He took divination because he knows it's bullshit : it's for irony. He carries a camera everywhere because honestly magic pictures are so cool. He takes pictures every time because come on, Hogwarts is wonderful (he sends some of his pics to Bro who replies by "I know how Hogwarts looks, dumbass"). He also likes to take pics of his friends and also of this strange, huge group of friends who are not in the same house and who are indeed very strange and very differents but they stay together no matter what (yeah I'm talking about the trolls). Not gonna lie, he takes more pics of one of them... (yes I'm talking about Karkat. Because I ship DaveKat). He didn't realized he got a crush, the poor boy (also a lot less internalized homophobia because Bro is so gay. Dave's just takes a while to understand that he's Bi).
The trolls are a big multi-house group. Some of them knew each other before Hogwarts but mostly they were strangers who inexplicably and despite all their differences became friends the first day of school and stayed together for their whole life (it's Karkat. What keeps them together is Karkat).
And you know what I'm gonna do the ancestors before the beta trolls.
The Handmaid, Damara Megido (yeah they're keeping their post-Scratch selfs names), is Aradia's mother. She works at the ministry's time department (idk if it exists in HP so if not it's a department to regulate time travel and time traveling objects) and she's pretty great since she's the head of her department. She likes her work and she's pretty famous : both for her work, her magic skills (she's super fucking powerful) and her one-night stands (come on it's still Damara I had to). Actually Aradia comes from one of these one-night stands. She never hid it to her daughter. Aradia honestly doesn't mind. She's the type you would never expect to have a kid, but she's actually a good mother. She smokes a bit too much and maybe sometimes she forgets to cook but she tries.
The Summoner, Rufioh Nitram, is Tavros' father. He's part fairy and has absolutely no fucking clue about who was a fairy in his family but he doesn't really cares. His wings are cool, he likes to fly, talking to animals is even cooler. He's really chill about it. He never really felt ashamed of his wings, even when people tought they were girly. He's an auror affected to the department for control and regulation of magical creatures. He deals with dangerous creatures such as dragons. He loves his job. It's perfect for him : when he was a teen he was torn between auror (the action !) and the department [...] of magical creatures (the creatures !) but he got a mix of the two. He's proud of his son : he fully knows that being different can be hard and knows that his son is doing his best.
The Psiioniic, the Signless and the Disciple are in a happy poly relationship. Their kids Sollux, Karkat and Nepeta are actually triplets. The funny thing is that since they named them differently (Sollux is Captor-Vantas-Leijon, Karkat is Vantas-Leijon-Captor and Nepeta is Leijon-Captor-Vantas. Honestly their parents did that just to mess with everyone) and that most of the teacher's call list was only long enough to include the first of their last names, everybody at Hogwarts took like a year to understand that they were related and one more year to discover that they were triplets. That's exactly the kind of mess that was in their parent's mind when they named them.
The Psiioniic, Mituna Captor, is one of Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's dads. He's a sarcastic little shit who got a job with computers on the muggle side of the world (people are usually stunned when they discover that he's a pureblood). He's a parseltongue and has a yellow-blue-red snake named Gemini. Honestly the only reason why everyone doesn't know he's a parseltongue isn't because he hides it (he doesn't care about people's opinion) but because, as a very not talkative person, he talks to his snake (or any snakes) like he talks to people : rarely. He's trying to introduce technology in the wizard world. It goes slowly. He' s actually a good dad who may forget to eat and/or to cook sometimes and has bipolarity (wizards usually think it's a curse. He gave up trying to explain every time) but he loves his childrens and is so in love with Signless and Disciple that sometimes he embarrasses himself.
The Signless, Kankri Vantas, is Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's other dad. He's a half-blood and a Seer. Unlike Rose, he can't see the future, but the past lives. His past life or anyone's. He needs to touch people to See their past life and it's not really useful but he likes it. He's a teacher in Muggle studies : he was so appalled by the muggle studies in hogwarts that he decided to correct wizard's opinion on muggles. That's how he met Psii : he was trying to make a computer who could resist in Hogwarts (spoiler it exploded) and Signless was extremely interested (spoiler he lost his eyebrows in the explosion because he was too close). He kinda travels in various magic communities to teach them about muggle things that are very useful (he's not 'muggle are better than wizards'. Just 'we could learn so much from them and also the muggle are not a different species, we're all humans'). When his kids talked to him about their friends he laughed really hard and said "of course. You twelve are bound to each other after all". He's such a great dad. He loves his childrens so much and when he looks like he could explode you know he's thinking about how much he loves Psii and Disciple.
The Disciple, Meulin Leijon, is Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's mother. She's a author and journalist. She does documentary-like articles. Like about animals or nature. She's a muggle born who was raised by a nundu ! You know the leopard-like creature with spikes in Fantastic Beasts (It moved silently, despite its "gigantic" size and was considered by some to be the most dangerous creature alive. The breath of the Nundu was toxic and filled with disease so potent that it can wipe out entire villages of people. Source wikipedia). Her muggle village was wiped by said toxic breath. Her magic protected her and somehow the nundu adopted her *shrugs*. She lived with her until she was seven and a witch found her and took her to the wizard world. It took her time to learn to talk, write, read, behave like a human. But oh she loved writing. She loved the books and she loved the stories and she loved to read. She kept some things from her years with her mother (she won't call the nundu who adopted her anything else), like the ability to move very silently and the, well, wilderness and fight skills. Honestly everyone believes she's a werewolf. She's tiny and pretty but actually more dangerous than half of the ancestor combined (admittedly in this HP au they are physically weaker or just not used to fight). So she writes reports about magical creatures and animals, she write books (her best book is an autobiography : everyone believes it's a fiction because of the adoption by a nundu thing). Sometimes Signless helps her to find a good story because you wouldn't believe the crazy things they did in their past life : he tells her, and she writes a book with that basis. Sometimes she works with the department [...] of magical creatures because she knows a lot about magical creatures and she understand their mind you know. Sometimes she works with the Summoner. They make a good pair and are very good friends.
The Dolorosa, Porrim Maryam, is Signless' adoptive mother, Karkat's, Sollux's and Nepeta's grandma and Kanaya's guardian and relative. She doesn't look that old because she's a vampire. She's Kanaya's ancestor, but literally. She must be like +600. She's really wise and really cool and also she can kick your ass easily. She lived in both worlds (muggle and magic) and lived in every country. She knows almost everything. Really she is just super badass. She adopted Signless when he was like 3 months. She greatly influenced him and his ideas. She's a very supportive mom and guardian. Also she uses a chainsaw. She's a bit of a legend everywhere honestly some people don't believe she exists.
Neophyte Redglare, Latula Pyrope, is Terezi's older sister and guardian. She's a auror (duh) and one of the best ! She's also a part-time lawyer and she's feared. With reason. She is Terezi's role model ! Redglare is very proud of her little sister and think that she will surpass her one day. Her and Psii are good friends even if they have nothing in common except their tendencies to sarcasm (Signless says they get along well because they dated in another life. They both gagged at that).
Spinneret Mindfang, Aranea Serket, is a fucking criminal. That's all. Like. She's a rich pureblood who leads a sort of magic-muggle mafia ? Like she does things on the muggle side and on the magic side and her group has wizards and squibs and muggles (who of course know about magic. When you're breaking laws everyday, what's one more ?). Her group works with magic methods as well as non magic methods - that's kinda why she never got arrested. Muggle police can never find them because magic, and aurors usually don't know where to search on the muggle side. She's feared everywhere and she's Redglare's principal target but she's not worried about being caught. She's not a really good mother to Vriska - she loves her daughter but she's a bit neglecting ? Like sometimes she's not home for a week or something. Also she has a pet acromentula.
Darkleer, Horuss Zahhak, is a black-Smith who lives in the same magic town as The Nitram, Maryam and Captor-Vantas-Leijon. He's a pureblood from a high family but he somehow get kicked out and ended up being a blacksmith. He actually, truly loves his job and while being Greatly ashamed (sweating) to have been kicked out of his house, he actually thinks that, hadn't he been kicked out, he would never have found his true vocation. He's very very awkward but his son doesn't mind since he's also very awkward. He's a good dad who teach blacksmithing to his son (while trying to erase the "better than anyone" way to think that his House teached to his son). He's friends with Disciple, she thinks his awkwardness is cute and he's kinda fascinated by her wilderness - they come from totally opposed sides after all.
The Grand Highblood, Kurloz Makara is a pure mystery. Is he wizard ? A muggle ? Is he at least alive ? Nobody knows.
Orphaner Dualscar, Cronus Ampora, is a pureblood who was a little shit when he was young (see post-scratch Cronus) but somehow (spoiler he pissed off the wrong person) he got his wand broken on his teens and he was dropped in the muggle world. Since he didn't knew what to do he ended up being in the marines by accident. It was hell for him. He fought a war, a muggle war, and saw what muggles can do. Years after his PTSD is still here. That's where he got his scars. After the war he succeeded to come back to the wizard world. He got a new wand and still had his family's name behind him but he still had the war in his bones. He never talked shit about muggles again and while being very scared of them he's also kinda fascinated - he had a sort of rifle harpoon (harpoon rifle ?) in the marines and it felt more right than his wand. He had Eridan like a year after being back. He panicked at first of course but he did his best to be a good father (he didn't had the best parents either) and kinda dropped everything to take care of his son. He's a very good dad even if he had to hire a cook because he can't cook to save his life. He later adopted Feferi and he has no clue why he did that but he loved her as if she was his biological daughter. Now that Eridan and Feferi are at Hogwarts he's searching for a job (spoilers he'll end up being Disciple's secretary because she's absolutely hopeless with planing and such and also he helps her with her books because he knows some things she doesn't about the muggle world or the army. He'll end up writing his own book - an autobiography)
The Condesce is the queen of the Selkies. Just. The queen. She's not a very good mother since she drooped Feferi in a magic orphanage after having her with a human.
now the beta trolls !
Aradia is a half-blood. She lives with her mother and their house is in the middle of a magic graveyard. Aradia grew surrounded by graves and ghosts, and she loved it. Some ghosts were around often, to visit their own grave or their family's grave. She talked to every one of them ! And they all had stories to tell ! And (and one day when she was little she met a woman with gray skin and eyes glowing of diferents colors and she had ram horns and she wore a green dress and she asked Aradia "tell me about yourself" Aradia told her about her mom and how she loved talking to ghosts and how her mom is the best with time problems and how they both are happy and the grey lady cried rust red tears and said she was relieved to know that at least in this universe they could know happiness and she vanished and Aradia never forgot her). She's a little spooky and also every ghost loves her, even Peeves ! That's, like, her own power. She can do necromancy and she thinks it's super cool. She doesn't talk about it outside of their group because she knows that even if her friends have no problems with that, the magic society isn't that accepting. She's gryffindor, even if the hat seriously considered Ravenclaw. She really like the dark red of gryffindor (that reminds her of the red eyelashes and red lips and red tears of the grey lady with ram horns who never came back but is somehow still with her). She' s really good with charms and DADA. she's not very good with herbology, every plant she touches seems to age a bit too fast. She's very good with flying ! Maybe a bit too risky. She's beater in the quidditch team ! She's animagus. A ram ! She loves it (and she swears she heard a laugh in the back of her head and she knows that was the lady with ram horns and rust red lips even if she never heard her laughter)
Tavros is a pureblood who grew in a magic town. He was kinda bullied because his family somehow got fairy blood - that's why his father got wings (Summoner is proud of his wings and doesn't see how having fairy blood makes you feminine). He had a disease who got him paralyzed. The Zahhaks built him a sort of magic-mechanic thing who helped him to walk but he still has to use his wheelchair sometimes. He can control animals and talk to them (he can't control people who are part animal and creatures who are sentient but he can talk to them). His father says it comes from the fairy blood. Despise being kinda bullied because being part fairy is "girly" he's still proud of his fairy blood like his father taught him ! (also it's hard to think that being part fairy is girly when your father is the Summoner). I'm so torn between hufflepuf and gryffindor for him... Nah gryffindor (like Neville you know). Gryffindor helps him to be more brave you know ? He's also the absolute best in care of magical creatures (of fucking course).
Sollux is a slytherin. His blood status (as well as his sibling's) is kinda undetermined since he got three parents. He's not a muggle born for sure. Honestly he doesn't care if he's a half-blood or a pureblood. He's kinda pissed to not have inherited of his dad's parlestongue because he likes snakes but eh. He's a absolute genius with computers and he HATES how computers doesn't work at hogwarts. He's trying to make a magic-proof one (spoiler it'll explode and more spoiler Karkat Nepeta and him will be too close and will get their eyebrows burned). He's pretty good with potions but he's better with transfiguration. Arithmancy is like his favorite class (it's easy for him and he's kinda in competition with Jade). Surprisingly he flies pretty well but he hates broomsticks. Like. Blurgh. He's animagus and guess what he's a bee. Karkat and Nepeta made fun of him endlessly but it's actually quite useful. He likes it. He's not bipolar like his dad but he got some pretty bad mood swings. Honestly he wanted to go to hufflepuf because they're yellow. He likes yellow. The fact that everyone took like two years to figure out that him, Nepeta and Karkat were triplets was absolutely hilarious to him. Like. They have the same birthday and the same parents how did they not understood once they figured out that they were related ? (he knows they don't look alike but seriously) he's one of the only persons to know about Karkat's secret obviously. This tsundere won't admit he loves his siblings but Nepeta and Karkat are on top of his "things I love the most" list.
Nepeta is a gryffindor. She got a limited form of metamorphmagi (?) mixed with her animagus form (she's a cat of course) she can manifest only a part of her animagus form, like the tail and ears or the claws. But she can't do what a normal metamorphmagus can do. She can fully turn into a cat of course. She keeps the ears and tail more or less always. A lot of people think someone cursed her to be part cat. She's really fucking strong : she learned martial art (more specifically taekwondo and aïkido) and parkour. She knows that most of the wizards are physically weak and that without their wand they're usually kinda useless. She's not really powerful magically speaking. More average but she doesn't mind. She's good in care of magical creatures and transfiguration. She absolutely hates flying. Like she's not afraid of heights but if she was made to fly her animagus form would be a bird not a cat ! She's Equius' best friend and nobody understands how they became friends (then again, nobody understands how the whole group became friends). She likes to ship people and they usually come to her (or Karkat) for romantic advice. She wants to be like her mother because she's so cool. She loves listening to his dad's stories about their past lives and she tries to understand her other dad's thing with computers but honestly the only thing she can do with a computer is an explosion. She likes to go to the forbidden forest to fight some dangerous creatures. She LOVES her brothers so much you wouldn't believe it. One of her favorite thing is the faces people do when they discover that they are triplets. It's priceless.
Karkat is a hufflepuf. To everyone's surprise. Like... He does works hard but friendly ? Him ? (when you tell that to his friends they laugh because Karkat, not friendly ? lmao dude he's the mom friend™) he inherited of his dad's ability to talk to snakes. He think it's completely useless and also he doesn't talk about it because ~discrimination~ he doesn't want to be seen as a dark wizard (he sucks at Dark magic anyways). He also has a weird thing with his blood : his blood is kinda like a soothing soporific ? Like, he can calm people by contact and when someone touch his blood they sleep. Nobody knows why is blood is like this (although Signless muttered something about candy red and a mutation). He keeps it secret (obviously his family knows) because honestly he doesn't want to be a test subject for the Department of mysteries. It's actually super useful when Sollux or his Dads are in lack of sleep - one drop of blood and bam they're asleep. Ironically, he's insomniac - he's obviously immune to the soporific effects of his blood. So he's a hufflepuf like Dave and some others and maybe he has a little crush on Dave. Ok it's not a crush he's in love but still a bit in denial. He likes potions and charms and alchemy and he's quite good. He also likes DADA but despite it he's not really good. He thinks Divination and Muggle studies are bullshit (but he regrets to not have been here to see Rose destroying the teacher). At first he took muggle studies to see if it was as awful as his dad told him - nope. It's worse. He absolutely, fully, from the bottom of his soul, HATES flying. He's actually one of the best students (not as good as Jade or Sollux but eh). First years are always afraid of him at first because he's always grumpy and angry and loud but the older are "lol no give it some time you'll see he's a giant teddy bear". He ends up being a sort of big brother figure for the youngers badgers. Nobody except him is surprised when he's named prefect. He's known at hogwarts to be somehow angry to everyone but also soft to everyone, all houses and years included. Everyone kinda loves him, despite *vague hand gestures to Karkat *. Some people don't like him, of course but he's not in danger : he got some powerful and protective friends. He's like one of the only persons who did not get lost in the castle. Like not even one time.
Kanaya is also a hufflepuf. She's a kind of cousin to the Captor-Vantas-Leijon since Dolorosa, her ancestor, adopted Signless. She's not a vampire like her ancestor (yet. She'll be at like 25. Don't want her to be 13 firvever after all). She's absolutely feared by everyone but nobody knows why. Like she's not really threatening ? She's really nice and pretty and always helping people. But she's still feared. Pure mystery. She likes to do handmade clothes and she's obviously very good. She took study of ancient runes and she's really good. She likes to sew protective runes onto her friend's clothes (they really need it). Strangely she's absolutely terrible at charms. She's pretty good with everything, but charms ? Nope. She's the mom friend as well as Karkat. But less aggressive of course. Her blood status is just as unknown as Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's (them because they have three parents and her because the only family she has is Dolorosa who is too distantly related - and Dolorosa might have forgot her own blood status. She's old after all). Of course she knew that Nepeta, Sollux and Karkat are triplets, she basically grew up with them. She has always been more close to Karkat than to Sollux and Nepeta but she likes to have tea with Nepeta and reminding Sollux to eat had become a daily habit. She's the other prefect of hufflepuf, no surprise. When she and Rose began to date, everyone was both happy for them and midly terrified. Because they both pretty scary to begin with, so together ?? Brrr.
Terezi's a muggleborn like her sister Latula. She's been raised in the magic world. When she learned about dragons she went absolutely apeshit. She wants one, it's like one of her big goals >:] also she's a Slytherin. She's still blind but it was from birth. She has extreme synesthesia, an actual blind cane and some magic detection abilities. She's fine and is actually one of the few people who can find their way through the castle. She wants to be the head of the Justice department ! She's already D34L1NG W1TH TH3 1NJUST1C3S at hogwarts. Usually the culprits ends on the infirmary. She's maybe a bit too violent, but she's fair. She is surprisingly good at flying (better than Nepeta, Karkat and Feferi, even if that's not difficult) : she says that's because she was a dragon in her past life (Signless quietly disagreed but said that she had a strong bond with a dragon in her previous life). She's pretty good with the other classes but absolutely terrible in potions. Nobody knows if she's really that bad or if she messes it up on purpose (her failed potions always explodes). She and Vriska are absolutely the castle's terrors.
Vriska is a pureblood. The hat hesitated between gryffindor and slytherin but she ended up in slytherin. She's absolutely fascinated by acromantulas. She's also extremely disappointed that she cannot be a pirate (she fully intends to take over her mom's criminal network). She's good with potions, particularly the mind-controlling ones (*badum tsss*). She's also good with DADA and transfiguration, in her own way : everything she does in transfiguration class ends looking like a spider.
Equius is a ravenclaw. He grew up in a pureblood family (see Darkleer's part for more details) and kept some pureblood manners. He likes to build magic objects and is absolutely fascinated by muggle technology (and also ashamed bc muggle technology). He's the most discreet person in the whole castle. This boy is tall and buff and always carries metal things, but somehow he's like hidden in the shadows. He's not very good in magic but that's because he always breaks his wand :( he'd trying to learn wandless magic (that's how it's called righ ?) so he can avoid to buy a wand every week. This also happens with broomsticks - he's been definitely banned from flying class after breaking five broomsticks. He loves his house, they're all pretty calm (with a few exceptions) and they don't seem to mind his awkwardness. When he discovered that Sollux and Karkat were Nepeta's triplets, his brain exploded (they're so differents - both mentally and physically. He tought that Nepeta had a crush on Karkat because she was always hugging him. Nope she's just a very affectionate sister and Karkat loves hugs even if he won't admit it).
Eridan is a hufflepuf and he's very disappointed. He wanted to be in slytherin because he kinda got the mentality "pureblood = slytherin, hufflepuf = lame". But well hufflepuf he is. He'll find out later that his house is actually great and full of nice people who support him :) he's pretty good in DADA (his expelliarmus is mortal *badum tsss*) and good with water spells (*badum tsss x2*). He can fly but only because he had hours of training (if he hadn't he would be just as bad as Karkat, Nepeta and Feferi). His dad adopted Feferi when Eridan was like two. He had a crush on her for five years then realized that being her best friend was better (listen I want them to be happy and without major relationship drama). He's animagus but nobody knows except Feferi and Karkat (and that's becayse Karkat saw him on his animagus form by accident) he hides it because he's a seahorse (*badum tsss x3*) and he thinks it's lame and people will make fun of him but he enjoys being able to breathe underwater so... He's that kind of wizard who claims that muggle are disgusting but actually hides muggle books under his bed.
Feferi is technically a pureblood since Eridan's dad adopted her but her mother is actually the Selkies queen (yes I'm talking about the Condesce) and her father is a unknown wizard. Since she's not fully selkie she doesn't have the turn-into-a-seal thing but she can still breathe under water and swim really fast. She's a Slytherin (Eridan was jealous at first). She's just as bad with flying as Karkat and Nepeta - she's afraid of heights. She's a pretty good student but she's especially good in herbology. Like Eridan she's good with water spells (*badum tsss x4*). She's pretty ambitious (that's why she's in slytherin) : she wants to be the Minister. To change the magic world ! But like in a good sense. She wants to introduce muggle technology into the wizard world ! That far she gained the support of the Captor-Vantas-Leijon family (especially Psiioniic, who works in the muggle side with computers and Signless who knows a lot about muggle things) and Jade (come on she's a scientist). She's very determined >:)
So much for having no ideas... I wanted to do the Beta kids but this post is already long enough. Lets' just say that Jane is in slytherin, Jake in Gryffindor and Dirk and Roxy in ravenclaw. Thanks to @cornusblr ;) you kinda helped me I think you'll recognize some things.
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Some Sugar
Part 1: just keep breathin’
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pairing: sugar daddy!steve rogers x reader characters: reader, steve rogers, cassandra jones (oc), selena (oc), bucky barnes, sam wilson word count: 3k+ warnings: angst, family issues, money problems summary: you need to just remember to breathe a/n: give me validation please and let me know what you think 
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There’s a steady stream of customers all night, nothing like a few nights ago, but it’s definitely better than it’s been for a while. While you want to be happy for Cassandra, your mind keeps going back to your Aunt Magdalena’s threats, most recently a note slipped under your door, that you thankfully found before Esmeralda could. 
It’s no wonder why your mom (and dad) kept communications with her to a minimum—which only adds to the mystery of why she went to her of all people for money.
“Excuse me,” a deep voice calls for your attention, it’s strong yet somehow nervous. When you look up to smile at him, you’re greeted by stormy, blue eyes illuminated by the lights behind you on the shelves and mirror. He’s handsome, alarmingly so with brown hair cascading down to the top of his broad shoulders—cheekbones sharp and chin dented right at the end and covered by mild scruff.
Holy fuck … what you wouldn’t give to spend a night with him. It’s been so long since...
Hey! You’re at work, and work means focusing!
You push your warring thoughts aside and manage your best customer service smile. “What can I get for you?”
“Three beers,” he says, eyes falling to the taps behind you, and with a quiet and unsure voice, he orders three Mirages. 
You smile reassuringly. “Good choice.” When he eyes you curiously, you explain, “Local brew.” You turn your back to him and grab the glasses for beer as Cassandra squeezes by you to reach the register at the end of the bar to charge a group.
You fill one of the glasses and set it aside while you absentmindedly fill up another, the sound of the soothing trumpets playing through the speakers washing over the bar. 
Eleven thousand dollars. How are you going to pay that much money in two months?
“You okay?” Cassandra asks, watching you carefully, eyes drifting to the glass in your hand.
You’re quick to switch to the final glass when you realize you’re about to overfill the second. With a tired smile you say, “I’m fine.”
She frowns, shaking her chocolate curls, but before she can say anything, someone saunters up to the bar and orders a drink. She gives you a look that says—I’m not done with you—and starts making the drink for the customer.
With the final glass filled, you spin on your heels to face the male that ordered the beers and are surprised to find he’s no longer alone—two men are flanking him.
They’re just as tall and wide as the brunette—a contrast of skin between them, the one on his left a beautiful shade of umber—dark and rich. Black hair short and buzzed, and a thin beard making his face seem slimmer than he appears to be, apple of his cheeks high and round when he smiles at something his companions say. Handsome in a simple white tee and black leather jacket.
The other man on his right is white, almost pink and peach with the low lighting of the bar, nothing like the tanned brunette between them. If his friends are handsome, he’s beautiful. Golden hair slicked back with a semi fade on the sides; muscles tightly wrapped and bounded by a blue Henley that you’re certain is a size too small; lashes, long and thick brush against his cheek bones; face clear of scruff and dark shadows; lips pink and pretty—something almost boyish in his smile that makes you crack a smile of your own.
Shit. You’d take any one of them home!
Three pairs of eyes land on you as you set down their beer, and you freeze, locking with blue eyes—bright and alarming, specks of hazel and greens around his iris making his eyes pop in the dark bar. Something flashes within them, and there’s something familiar about them that you can’t quite place.
What is it?
Cassandra makes a noise from beside you, like a hum and a snicker and you realize you might’ve been staring at him for far too long. Shit.
Clearing your throat, you drag your gaze to the brunette between them and smile politely. “Here are the first two, let me just get the last one.” A sleek, black card comes into view after placing down the final glass, and you take it, a little embarrassed. “Open tab or closed?”
“Keep it open,” the blonde says, a familiarity directed at you that has you raising your eyebrows, but you ignore it. “Just in case.”
“Of course.” You don’t really look at him or his friends after accepting the card, scurrying away to swipe his card to make sure it’s good, and input his first order under the last name on his card—Rogers. Storing the card for the meantime, you go back to cleaning the bar.
“You sure you’re okay?” Cassandra tries again. 
“Cass,” you warn with a sigh, eyes trailing over to the men that have decided to settle on the bar-stools instead of an empty table—the three too busy engaged in their own conversation to listen in on yours.
“As your boss and friend, I have every right to worry about you,” she says, resting an elbow on the bar and leaning forward. “Your head has been up in the clouds lately. And more than usual. Did something happen to your mom? Is she okay? Is her arm not healing properly?”
“She’s as okay as a chemotherapy patient can be,” you snap harshly, rubbing at the bar fiercely. She blinks at you surprised and doesn’t retort—shame immediately creeps up on you. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t—I didn’t mean—“
“Hey. Hey. I know,” she affirms gently. “It hasn’t been easy for you, but you know I’m here if you ever want to talk.” She makes a gesture to herself and your eyebrows knit.
The glasses clink as you put them away. “Thanks. She’s getting better,  but I’m not ready. Not yet.” 
She nods solemnly. “I understand, but I’m here whenever you are. You hear?” she says, pointing a finger at you before taking the empty tray to the back.
You watch her leave with a sigh. You really shouldn’t be taking out your frustrations on others, you mentally scold yourself. 
As you continue wiping down glasses, your phone vibrates in your back pocket, slipping it out discreetly, a notification of a new message appears on the lock screen.
Selena⛱☀️: Went over the docs. You free to talk?
Just those simple words are enough to steal your breath away; dread filling your bones. She didn’t add an emoji, you realize; no emoji usually meant trouble.
Your grip tightens around your phone.
Skyscraper: gimme min
Stuffing it back into your pocket, you look around the semi empty bar—the group in the back, the three men at the bar, a couple by the entrance. Biting your lip, you look back at the door Cassandra slipped through, cautiously. Your phone vibrates again, and it’s enough to push you towards it.
Twisting the knob slowly, you poke your head in and find Cassandra near the merch taking inventory, and your coworker, Matt cleaning up the small kitchen by Cassandra’s office.
Rapping on the wood, the two drag their attention to you. “Cass, do you mind if I make a quick call?”
She blinks, a worried frown stretching itself across her ebony skin and her shoulders tense. You shake your head when she raises an eyebrow. 
“Personal,” you tell her. “Kind of.”
Her shoulders drop and a small smile replaces her frown. “Yeah, go ahead. I’ll man the front while you’re away.”
“Thank you.”
You slip into the small hallway connecting the bar to the two gender-neutral bathrooms for customers. You lean against the locked door leading into Cassandra’s office, never used since you started working here, and stare at the door leading out into the dirty alleyway. 
The phone rings against your ear, the faint music from the bar encasing the small hallway too, it’s soothing in a strange way, with its slow beat and sensual saxophone solo.
“Hello?” Selena answers, a loose mix of a Californian and Australian accent seeping into her words. She’s only been living in California for a little over a year and she’s already picked up the accent faster than she did yours—traitor.
“How’s the Californian sun?”
“Golden,” she answers readily, a grin apparent in her voice. “Better than New York’s, that’s for certain. Though, not quite like home.” Keys clicking in the background float to your ear. “I looked over the documents—“
You straighten, lifting your thumb to bite your skin. “And?” 
She hesitates, clothes rustle and she takes in a deep breath that you try not to read into. “It’s all legit.” Fuck. “Usually, we can exploit mistakes or loopholes, but your aunt was completely thorough with her agreement.” Your head hits the wooden door. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not what you want to hear.”
“It’s fine.”
“Look, I have a thousand dollars saved up right now—“ You’re quick to stop her by calling her name, but she won’t allow you to interrupt her. “And I could probably get another $500 soon—“
You clench your eyes closed. “You don’t have to do that, Sel. I could always get another loan from the bank and--“
“Will you shut up and let me finish? I know your pride won’t let you accept my money for free.” You slide down the door, head hanging as you listen to her. “You can always pay me back, at your terms. Ten, twenty a month, a year, fuck, I don’t care. Whatever makes you feel better. But I’m not going to let you take out another loan! You’re still paying off your mom’s hospital bill and that dumb loan you got for Esmeralda’s school fees!”
“Selena, you really don’t have to—“
 “I know I don’t have to,” she snaps harshly, voice full of tough love. “I want to. You and your family helped me through a tough time and I want to help you guys too. I’m in a place where I can help, and if you won’t accept my help, then fuck you, I’ll tell your sister and I’ll send her the money.”
You choke back a sob.
“Listen,” she starts, her voice soft as you hold back sniffles, “1500 isn’t a lot, or even half of the money your aunt is demanding, but it’s a start. And I have a plan, okay? I asked Camille and Jason to whip up a new contract, using the 1500 as a down payment of sorts. I can’t guarantee it’ll work, but we’re going to negotiate with her, fight for it. It’s not over yet.”
“God, what would I do without you?”
Her voice cracks as she scoffs a laugh. “Good thing you don’t have to find out, huh?”
The music fades into the background, loud laughter cuts through the noise. Cassandra’s voice rings out loudly, announcing last call. “I feel so hopeless, Sel,” you admit to her, words laden with grief and exhaustion, and in some ways guilt. Guilt that you can’t do more for your family. Guilt that you didn’t do more to stop JC from leaving. Guilt that you’re such a horrible daughter and sister.
“Oh, darl’...”
“The hospital bills, Esme’s school, even the bare necessities—it was hard to scrape by, and now this? I just—why can’t we catch a break? Esme doesn’t deserve this. Fuck, Mom doesn’t deserve this!” Maybe if you had fought harder—tried harder, none of this would be happening.
“You don’t either.”
She might be right, but it does nothing to ease the guilt that’s slowly starting to grow in your chest. “I’m sorry, Selena. I should let you go. I’ve asked enough of you already.“
“Hey! None of that, okay? I should be the one apologizing  for not being there to hand you tissues and force feed you those ice lollies you like so much.” You let out a wet snort that she mimics. “I want you to know, no, I need you to know, that even if I'm miles away, I’m always here for you if you ever need me. No matter what.”
You rub the heel of your hand against your eye. “I know. Thank you, Sel.”
“You’re welcome.”
With whispered goodbyes and cheesy “I love you’s” you hang up. Curling up, you cover your face with your hands, shuddering breath escaping your lungs as you will yourself not to cry.
“Ma’am?” It’s soft, careful and almost stern like, kind of like Captain America from the hospital. “Are you—are you all right?” No, not kind of. It is Captain America from the hospital!
Your eyes snap up, heat licking your skin at the embarrassment of having been caught crying twice by—eyebrows knead together as they take in the blonde costumer with the black card that can certainly not be your Captain America… right? 
Rogers. Rogers… Roge—fucking shit. Wait a minute! He’s the real Captain America? You’ve been caught crying by Captain fucking America? Not once, but twice? That’s fucking worse! “It’s you… you’re really… Captain America?”
He smiles, it’s kind and sweet—warmth. “You remember me.”
Of course you remember him! You just can’t believe he’s the real Captain America, history book figure, war hero Steve Rogers. You feel like an absolute idiot for not having noticed!
“Kind of hard to forget when you caught me ugly sobbing in a hospital courtyard,” you find yourself quipping back as you make to stand, quickly rubbing away your tears. “Thank you for the handkerchief, by the way. I didn’t bring it with me—“ Not that you were expecting to see him again, anyway, but you had been carrying it around just in case.
“Don’t worry about it. I told you I have more at home.” Heat crawls up your neck—because of course he does. He’s Steven Rogers, Captain America. An Avenger. A loaded Avenger in every sense of the word. He chuckles, ducking his head, but then he sobers up, smile replaced by a small frown. “Are you okay—I heard—I heard,” he pauses to swallow and you realize that he’s heard more than your crying. Fuck. “Crying. I heard you crying. Again,” he adds the last bit like a second thought.
He’s a shit liar, but you still appreciate his effort. “Fine. I’m fine, thank you for worrying about me,” you tell him softly, trying to push a smile forward. Probably looks more like a grimace. “You probably have a lot more important things to worry about than me.”
Just as you have more important things to worry about.
Peggy Lee’s voice fills the hallway with her soft, haunting crooning—“I was always a fool for my Johnny,” she sings and it jerks you. For just a moment you forget where you are; you’re suddenly eight years old again, watching your mom teach your brother how to play the guitar as your dad records them with the handheld camera. 
Your mom looks at you and asks you to sing along with them, but you refuse, embarrassed that she’d even suggest you should sing! You can’t sing! But she and your teasing dad somehow coax you to screech the lyrics along with your brother’s playing, and by the end of it, you’re completely overheated and embarrassed that your dad got it all on tape, even your impromptu performance of dancing around the living room like a maniac.
But as soon as the memory comes, it’s gone. Fading to the deepest pit of your mind as you once more find yourself in the small hallway of your workplace, Steve Rogers’ frown growing deeper, lines making themselves at home on his forehead as he watches you contemplatively. “Do you—Would you like to exchange numbers?”
His request comes completely out of left field, it’s practically enough to shock whatever tears were still threatening to fall to dry up. It’s a welcome distraction. “Why?” falls from your parted lips.
He scratches the back of his head, ears turning pink as he turns away. “I just thought—uh��too forward?”
A little, you want to say, but your inner Cassandra and Selena are calling you an idiot, urging you to give him your number. Should you? You’re not going to lose anything by giving it to him. You’re probably not going to gain anything from it either. But how many times will you ever be able to say that an Avenger asked for your number? That Steve Rogers asked for your number? “Okay.”
His head snaps up and something within his eyes stir, you don’t know what it is or even come close to understanding it, but it sends a weird hum through your body that you try to ignore. Noticing your staring, his melts and gives way to his earlier softer look—kind and warm. “Here.”  He gives you his phone after unlocking it and you take it, inputting your number and name before handing it back to him. He says your name aloud—and you physically resist the urge to react to him saying your name—and his lips tilt upward. “Nice to officially meet you.”
“Hey, Steve, we should—“ Steve moves his head to look over his shoulder as you lean to the side to find who you’ve come to the realization must be another Avenger—Falcon. His earthy eyes move between you and Steve, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “Am I interrupting something?”
Your lips roll into your mouth to hide the grimace you’re mostly likely sporting. “Ah, no, we—I was just—thank you again, um, Cap? Steve?”
“Steve,” he tells you, smiling reassuringly in your direction before turning to Sam with a semi serious expression. “I’ll be there in a moment, Sam.“
“It’s fine,” you interject, moving your gaze from him and his friend to stare over their shoulders’ and out into the warm lit bar. “I need to get back to work, anyway.”
“Right, of course,” Steve says, stepping aside to let you through. You smile at him briefly but before you can pass by him, he stops you with a shy smile. “You wouldn’t mind if I call you?”
You falter slightly, taking you a moment to recover, but once your muscles relax, you flash him an unguarded smile. “No, I wouldn’t.”
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