#true history
awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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America’s Buried History of White Slavery
The best way to forget history is to rewrite it. And in the rewriting, to carefully delete references to any historical events or circumstances we find uncomfortable.
Thus, American history books are totally silent on the matter of these white slaves, mostly of European stock with a great number of Irish, but also English and Scottish, who were kidnapped or otherwise forcibly deported to the US as slave labor.
In fact, an examination of available documentation indicates that white slavery in the Americas was a much more extensive operation than was black slavery, and the numbers may be severely under-estimated
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propaganda-inc · 10 months
Hello mutuals, it's time for your (daily? weekly?) dose of Propaganda from Propaganda, Inc.
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Since it's Juneteenth, I thought I'd bless you guys with some dope ass black history facts from Reconstruction- and in particular, I want to shit-talk about one state in particular- South Carolina. I feel it's... avoided when talking about Black History.
I think we should fix that.
I want to introduce you guys to the most badass picture I'd ever seen in a history class, seen above.
Many of you have NEVER seen this picture, and for good reason.
I'd like to introduce you peeps to some of the members of the 1868 SC Constitutional Convention - the first majority black legislature in United States history.
One thing Lost Causers forget to mention about the Civil War: When they failed, the Confederates failed HARD. Literally the next election after the Civil War, Black Americans were voting in such droves that SOUTH CAROLINA, the state that was the first to secede from the Union less than 5 years earlier, was majority Black.
The University of South Carolina, the same goddamn school that was sending Confederate troops to battle during the Civil War, WAS A MAJORITY BLACK COLLEGE DURING RECONSTRUCTION. The first Black to graduate from Harvard, incidentally, would become a librarian in the school during that time- alongside the same representatives and senators that would study at the school and then go to legislate for their state.
Oh and the modern South Carolina Constitution? The first constitution in the United States to codify public education as a basic right for all students in the state? Yeah, that was that same black majority in South Carolina too.
It wouldn't be until massive white supremacist blowback (and cultural icons like Birth of A Nation and Gone with the Wind) would shift the conversation (and idiocy of hardcore racism) against these activist and legislators.
The history of Reconstruction is revisionism incarnate. I intend on letting y'all know just how much. Let me know if you want more posts like this guys- I've got a LOT of crazy shit like this.
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madame-helen · 5 months
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100% of the time
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wakamotogarou · 11 months
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St. Christopher, The Christbearer
Dog-man, Cynocephali Saint, christened by baby Jesus after helping him cross a river.
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The Dogheaded people
They were seen by conquerors, explorers, evangelists and described in detail. Alexander the Great, Marco Polo, St. Augustine, Christopher Columbus all described these creatures. You also have Anubis the Egyptian god and St.Christopher who was converted to Catholicism and achieved Saint-hood by helping believers cross a river.
There were letters corresponding with the Vatican on whether or not these dog headed men could be saved or not. The Catholic church was not surprised and simply asked if their eyes were on the front of their heads or on the sides. Apparently dog headed men were nothing new to cultures around the world.
'Ratramnus’s Epistola de Cynocephalis, is a letter written concerning if dog headed men could be saved. The response was yes based on the evidence that they showed the ability to have free will; they wore clothes, kept animals, had relationships, and obeyed laws etc. So they could choose salvation and therefore could be worth ministering to.
( Canaanites = canines, described as cannibals and great fighters who did detestable things.)
In Tibet there was recorded history of over 200,000 living in a village. They lived in Parts of India along the Mountain Range, there are traces of them in the Celtic lands they lived in Ireland.
St. Christopher is the patron saint for travelers. Dog-headed people often have acted as guides, ferries and Shepards. I will cover this in a future post, which will feature Xolotl and Aztec Gods, including Anubis!
Canines are interwoven into human history.
On these mountains there live men with the head of a dog, whose clothing is the skin of wild beasts. They speak no language, but bark like dogs, and in this manner make themselves understood by each other. Their teeth are larger than those of dogs, their nails like those of these animals, but longer and rounder. They inhabit the mountains as far as the river Indus. Their complexion is swarthy. They are extremely just, like the rest of the Indians with whom they associate.  They understand the Indian language but are unable to converse, only barking or making signs with their hands and fingers by way of reply, like the deaf and dumb. They are called by the Indians Calystrii, in Greek Cynocephali (“dog-headed “). [They live on raw meat.] They number about 120,000.  Near the sources of this river1 grows a purple flower, from which is obtained a purple dye, as good in quality as the Greek and of an even more brilliant hue. In the same district there is an animal about the size of a beetle, red as cinnabar, with very long feet, and a body as soft as that of a worm. It breeds on the trees which produce amber, eats their fruit and kills them, as the woodlouse destroys the vines in Greece. The Indians crush these insects and use them for dyeing their robes and tunics and anything else they wish. The Cynocephali living on the mountains do not practice any trade but live by hunting. When they have killed an animal they roast it in the sun. They also rear numbers of sheep, goats, and asses, drinking the milk of the sheep and whey made from it. They eat the fruit of the Siptakhora, whence amber is procured, since it is sweet. They also dry it and keep it in baskets, as the Greeks keep their dried grapes. They make rafts which they load with this fruit together with well-cleaned purple flowers and 260 talents of amber, with the same quantity of the purple dye, and 1000 additional talents of amber, which they send annually to the king of India. They exchange the rest for bread, flour, and cotton stuffs with the Indians, from whom they also buy swords for hunting wild beasts, bows, and arrows, being very skillful in drawing the bow and hurling the spear. They cannot be defeated in war, since they inhabit lofty and inaccessible mountains. Every five years the king sends them a present of 300,000 bows, as many spears, 120,000 shields, and 50,000 swords. They do not live in houses, but in caves. They set out for the chase with bows and spears, and as they are very swift of foot, they pursue and soon overtake their quarry. The women have a bath once a month; the men do not have a bath at all, but only wash their hands. They anoint themselves three times a month with oil made from milk and wipe themselves with skins. The clothes of men and women alike are not skins with the hair on, but skins tanned and very fine. The richest wear linen clothes, but they are few in number. They have no beds, but sleep on leaves or grass. He who possesses the greatest number of sheep is considered the richest, and so in regard to their other possessions. All, both men and women, have tails above their hips, like dogs, but longer and more hairy. They are just, and live longer than any other men, 170, sometimes 200 years (Ctesias, “Indica”, from Photius I).
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jukeboxofjellycat · 5 months
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Happy Monday, happy start to the week! 👻☕
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writerbeemedina · 5 months
Writing Prompt #57
A psychic who can only predict the past . . . which is useful for finding out the truth about what’s been erased to history. And unsolved cold cases.
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castinglotspod · 1 year
This week, we're talking corpse medicine, recipe recommendations and penny dreadfuls with historian Richard Sugg, plus two other podcast duos from Curiosity of a Child podcast and Grave History podcast!
Full transcript available here.
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no one will make you feel like him, so don't betray him or you could fall into an eternal lie...
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autismaaids · 2 years
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ansiedadoscura · 11 months
Mira las niñas se mueven demasiado por el dinero , es un hecho . Los hombres son demasiado visuales a veces y las mujeres demasiado oportunistas .
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romegreeceart · 2 years
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sublimeyeterno · 2 years
Hace unas semanas atras , recibi una noticia difícil de asimilar .... Lo complejo era que segun yo , tenía todo previamente calculado. ( Habia entrado a trabajar con una marca muy reconocida a nivel mundial deportiva NIKE) era como mi trabajo soñado ,por que todo era perfecto segun para mi .ganaba bien ,tenia un buen jefe y aun que era lejos jamas . Nunca hubo de mi la mínima queja por la distancia. Tal vez no era feliz . Por qué siempre sentia esa incomodidad de que no era mi lugar y venian pensamientos de irme y de sabia que algo pasara .lo peor de todo fue que me aleje de Dios y falle por deje de buscarlo y me desanime de unas semanas a otras. Y dije es normal, esto va a pasar solo debo acoplarme . Pero todo empeoró. Llegue a sentirme tan incomoda que pretendia salir corriendo por momentos. Y Dios hablando de salir de hay y yo como? Si era lo que habia querido ( un cambio de mi anterior trabajo) como podría haber fallado en tomar una mala Decisión ( jamas podria cometer ese error ) y al final . Sali del lugar nunca entendí por que, solo paso ( me indepnizaron con un mes mas de sueldo) pero Yo no queria eso . siempre que hablaba con mi jefe. Segun para el todo estaba bien . Pero no fue asi , el dia que me informaron de mi salida senti como Dios me dijo :-. No eran tus planes ,ni tu proyeccion y me quede como el vidrio literal a punto de derumbarme .
No habia nada mas que llorar y pensar que paso por que a mí.si todo lo habia dicho bien
Saben a veces los deseos de uno jamas se acoplaran al plan de Dios , ni un trabajo , ni una relación y ni nada. Que no este bajo su voluntad. Si pasa es por que , quiere mostrarte que lo que tu crees que esta bien para el . No lo es
Nunca piensen que el silencio de Dios es aprobación. Por lo contrario deberíamos decir , señor si tu estás en esto . Que se haga tu voluntad mas que mis deseos yo fallo .pero tu jamas lo haras !!!
Y si aqui estoy sin planes de la especialización que tenía en mente para comenzar
Sin trabajo y con algo claro .que el estara esperando a encontrarme en medio de todo . Lo que tenia organizado ,en medio de mis ruinas para abrazarme y decir lo mejor esta por venir . Solo confía en mi. No te desesperes
Con la seguridad de que jamas me alejare , de el a pesar de las tribulaciones que falta por venir.
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madame-helen · 7 months
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Owner/artist on Instagram: memes.of.the.killers
¡Recuérdame! ¡Mark Stoermer, siempre te recuerdo maldita sea! 😝
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jukeboxofjellycat · 7 months
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