#trials of apollo fanfic
toasecretsanta · 1 year
Family Time
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Apollo, Nico, Will, Austin, Kayla, Jerry, Yan
After a stressful day of family arguments disguised as a council, Apollo really wanted some less stressful family time. A gift for @crystalcatgamer from @tsarinatorment using the prompts “Apollo visiting his kids” and “Apollo and Nico bonding”.  Couldn’t fit the third prompt in, unfortunately!  This is set in winter so it’s year-rounder campers only, and I headcanon Gracie as a summer-only, which is why she’s missing.
Campers were just beginning to peel away from their breakfast tables when Apollo strolled into camp. The winter solstice the previous day had been full of its usual family tensions and thinly veiled posturings – things Apollo only really enjoyed when he wasn’t directly involved, and in the darkest depths of the year, when he was cold and tired and maybe Artemis wasn’t completely wrong when she said he got lazy in the winter, it lost most of its entertainment factor even then.  No wonder, then, that he wanted to spend the next day with his children, away from the tense politicking of Olympus.
His intention had been to spend it relaxing, but immediately he noticed something a little odd at his table.
Nico was there (not odd at all, the son of Hades frequently joined his children and was incredibly welcome to do so), but Will was not.
When Apollo thought about it, Will’s absence wasn’t completely surprising – even whilst dealing with the biannual family argument disguised as a council, Apollo had felt and responded to his son’s healing prayers as they reached him, so he was well aware that something had happened late into the previous night, although the lack of unease throughout the camp implied that nothing was concerning the demigods now.
The only question was whether Will was doing the sensible thing, or the worried healer thing, but even that was quickly deduced by Nico’s unhurried presence at his table.  If Nico thought Will was doing anything remotely daft, he would be telling him so at the very least, and almost certainly attempting to stop him, so Apollo approached his table with the reassurance that Will was fine.
“Good morning,” he trilled, sliding onto the stone bench between Austin and Yan and putting an arm around each of their shoulders, reaching out to grip Kayla and Jerry’s shoulders in greeting and sending Nico an enthusiastic grin which had his future son-in-law rolling his eyes – but also the hint of a returning smile playing at the corner of his mouth, which Apollo’s keen eyes definitely spotted.
“Hi, Dad,” his kids chorused.  Yan leant against his side subtly and he gave their shoulder a brief squeeze as he began with the usual questions – what had they been up to since he last saw them, anything fun or exciting?  He’d been keeping as much of an eye on them as he could get away with, of course, but it was always so much better hearing about Austin’s latest youtube fame straight from his son’s mouth, or the fact that Kayla’s experimenting with bow styles outside of her mastery in recurve had her currently focusing on a specific type of horse bow (Apollo had wondered if she would ever pick one of those up, and if she did, if it would be because or in spite of the memory of a certain older brother).  Jerry’s continued determination but tragic failure to convert the primarily American born-and-raised kids to the wonders of cricket always made for a riveting story, and Yan’s own strides in increasing their distance at the archery range filled Apollo with pride.
Nico, Apollo noticed as he listened to his kids’ stories, was quietly piling a plate full of food which looked suspiciously geared towards Will’s preferences.  The fact that he wasn’t running off with it as soon as he was done, but rather set it to one side with a glare towards table eleven that just dared someone to try and touch it (not even Hermes’ children were that foolish), added weight to the likelihood that Will was still asleep.
Eventually, after their tales were fully regaled, his kids helpfully confirmed it for him.
“There was a new arrival late last night,” Austin told him.  “Will didn’t get back to the cabin until…” he trailed off, clearly trying to remember although Apollo was pretty certain none of his children had any real sense of time when the sun was down, if they’d even stirred when Will had no doubt stumbled back into the cabin, exhausted and bleary-eyed.
“Three in the morning,” Nico finished for him.  “I was the one that dragged him out once he was done,” he informed Apollo, who gave him an approving look.
“You’re good for him,” he said, not for the first time and certainly not the last, either.  The Italian boy’s pale cheeks flushed slightly pink, although Nico didn’t look away or otherwise acknowledge his words.
“He’ll probably wake up soon,” his son’s boyfriend continued instead.  “Seeing as for some reason he always seems to wake up at dawn, or near after it.”  The accusation was pointed.
Apollo shrugged.  “What can I say, it’s the best time of the day,” he said, fully supported by his four awake children who were, of course, all natural morning people.
Nico scoffed.  “Just keep telling yourself that,” he retorted, and Apollo pressed a hand to his chest, swooning back in dramatic offence.
“The betrayal,” he whined, to the beautiful sound of four children laughing and a fifth snorting almost imperceptibly.  “Nico di Angelo, I thought we were friends!”
“Am I supposed to be friends with my boyfriend’s dad?” Nico asked, eyebrow raised, and Apollo spluttered, remembering at the last moment that Nico might not like the reminder that he was also Apollo’s cousin in the context of the current conversation and redirecting his response into safer waters.
“Are you telling me we weren’t friends before you met my son?” he demanded instead, hand still splayed across his heart.  “I don’t give just anyone a ride in my chariot, you know!”
“You would if you could.” Nico’s call-out wasn’t wrong but he didn’t need to say it.  Apollo chose not to respond to the accusation, partially because that was the sort of thing he didn’t really need as more than a passing remark where certain gods might be listening.
“So, what are you all planning to do without Will to keep an eye on you?” he instead asked his children.
“Yan promised to help me get enough people for a game of cricket,” Jerry said instantly, and Apollo glanced down at the child in question, who scoffed.
“Are there enough people in camp to make a full game?” they asked, not disputing their British brother’s claim but ruthless with their logic regardless.
Jerry was undeterred. “We can adapt it,” he insisted.  “Smaller teams, with less wickets…”  He continued along the vein for several minutes, having clearly thought about the topic in great depth, while his siblings rolled their eyes good-naturedly.  “…and Harley already agreed to make us bats, wickets, and balls!”
That got the alarmed attention of Austin, who had at some point during his youngest brother’s impassioned speech withdrawn an oboe reed (Apollo suspected it was one of Alice’s spares, left behind when she’d gone back to her mother for the school term) from one of his pockets and started absent-mindedly blowing into it.  The loud squawk that erupted from it at Jerry’s proclamation earned him a punch from Kayla, who had the misfortune of having her ear a little too close.
“No,” Austin declared immediately.  “Will would kill you.”
“Will’s asleep,” Jerry pointed out, with all the flawless logic of a preteen.
“And staying that way,” Nico interjected, a little forcefully.  “Not being dragged out of bed to patch up everyone who gets in the vicinity of Harley’s latest death traps.”
“Cricket is a safe sport!” Jerry argued back, and Apollo sensed the potential for some injured pride and genuine sibling arguments – things he had left Olympus to escape.
“It is,” he agreed, reaching for Jerry’s shoulder once more and giving it a soft squeeze.  “What your siblings and Nico are trying to say is that Harley, while a very impressive young man and inventor, has a tendency to make things that are supposed to be safe… not so safe.”  He remembered the three-legged death race all too clearly.
“But camp doesn’t have all the gear,” Jerry whined, shoulders slumping dejectedly.  “I’ve got Mum’s ball, but…”  There was the hint of a quiver to his lower lip and Apollo was not letting that happen.
A snap of his fingers and one flash of bright light later had a pile of cricket equipment on the ground next to table seven, complete with all the safety gear Jerry had forgotten to mention.  Instantly, bright brown eyes lit up in delight, and the threat of tears disappeared. “You’re the best, Dad!”
He all but launched himself from the table, rummaging through the gear until he found the brand-new ball nestled inside one of the wicket keeper’s gloves and held it aloft proudly.
“Dad,” Kayla complained, just as Jerry excitedly insisted that Yan join him and the other demigod slipped off of the bench with far less enthusiasm to get drawn into a game of catch.  Jerry jammed a helmet on their head, and Apollo had to fight not to laugh at the unimpressed look on their face.
But Yan and Jerry had managed to develop a strong bond at some point while Apollo had been mortal and forcibly unaware of his children’s lives – he had later heard that the two of them had met on the way to camp, escorted by satyr guides who didn’t all make it, and that sort of shared experience usually prompted a powerful connection – so they didn’t take it off despite clearly disapproving of their younger brother’s antics.
They did, however, throw the ball a little hard and high, and smirked when Jerry let out a wail and tore down the pavilion after it.  “Yaaaaaaaaan!”
Yan chuckled and reclaimed their seat next to Apollo, tugging the helmet off but keeping it in their lap.
“Cricket’s not so bad,” they shrugged at the disbelieving noise Kayla made.  “Just a lot of throwing, catching, and running.”
“Archery’s better,” she grumbled, and Yan – also a fantastic archer and general marksperson – shrugged in agreement.
“It keeps him happy,” they said, which was a point she had to concede on, if rather ungracefully.
Nico muttered something under his breath which wasn’t as grumpy as the son of Hades tried to make it sound, and stood up.  “I’ll go leave this where Will can grab it when he wakes up,” he said, picking up the heavily laden plate.
“I’ll come with you,” Apollo said instantly, giving the still-sitting kids another shoulder squeeze and making his own way to his feet.
It was somewhat of a surprise that Nico not only acquiesced, but also waited for him rather than walking to cabin seven by himself, and Apollo certainly didn’t waste time scrambling to join him, throwing a “be good!” over his shoulder at his awake children – Jerry had finally caught up with the ball and was hurtling back to them with it held triumphantly above his head, and Kayla’s bright hair splayed across the stone table as her forehead connected with it – despite being well aware that four demigods between the ages of twelve and fourteen left unsupervised was a recipe for chaos.
The thick curtains of cabin seven were all drawn tightly shut, a sure sign that there was an occupant either sleeping or recording a video inside.  Given that the only one of his children currently in camp that wasn’t outside and causing a ruckus was not one with particularly musical proclivities, it was a clear indicator of the former – or at least, that Will was supposed to be asleep.
Neither Apollo nor Nico made a sound as they edged the door open and slipped through, but something had apparently alerted Will’s trouble’s brewing big brother senses regardless, because Apollo’s eldest in-camp child was blinking blearily as he pushed himself into a sitting position.
The blankets pooled around his waist as Will yawned, running a hand through an impressive bed-head of tangled waves.  He still looked exhausted, skin a little too pale and an indication of bags threatening to form beneath his eyes, and in a wordless agreement Apollo and Nico were immediately at his bedside, the plate of food set on top of his semi-cluttered dresser and promptly ignored.
“Go back to sleep,” Nico said bluntly, gripping his boyfriend’s shoulder and pushing him back down with arms that were far stronger than their thin appearance implied.
“What time is it?” Will asked, his voice thick, as though Nico hadn’t spoken, and Apollo added his own hand to the fray as, between them, he and Nico got Will once again laying back down.
“For you, it’s sleep time,” he informed his son, and got wide blue eyes as Will registered his presence.
Apollo smiled at him, pulling the covers up and tucking them under his chin as Nico hovered, ready to stop any attempts to sit up again.
“You did well last night,” he promised, fussing with the edge of the blanket until it sat just right.  “But that’s no excuse to go without sleep.  Camp is fine, your siblings are fine” – it was a testament to how much Nico wanted Will to continue resting that the son of Hades didn’t have any quips to make on the subject – “you are tired, and need some sleep.”
“But-” Will protested, and Apollo shushed him.
“But nothing,” he said, brushing a light hand over his son’s forehead.  Messy stands of hair tried to cling to him as he did so.  “Everything will be fine; I want you to stay in here for a few more hours.”
“’m not tired,” his son tried, but the fact that he hadn’t even managed to vocalise I’m at the start of the protest defeated his argument before it even started.
“You’re being an idiot,” Nico grumbled at him.  The son of Hades had perched himself on Will’s bed, near his legs, and was regarding his boyfriend with dark, slightly worried, eyes.  “You need some more sleep.”
“So do you,” Will pointed out, which was clearly true on a technicality because Nico, too, had been awake at three in the morning, but also the son of Hades’ sleep schedule appeared to have finally settled into something that was far more akin to frequent naps rather than a single long sleep.
As adorable as their bantering could be, right then it was starting too feel too much like the bickering that Apollo had had more than enough of at the solstice yesterday, so he cleared his throat and drew both of their attention back to him.
“A few more hours, Will,” he said gently, adding a slight pleading tone beneath the words to make it clear that, at the end of the day, it was his son’s decision – although Apollo had strong opinions on the decision he should be making.
“I’m already awake,” his son pointed out, still not sounding like the most awake demigod the world had ever seen, but with a clear point regardless – Will, like the majority of Apollo’s children and unlike his boyfriend, was not one for naps. Having woken up already, getting back to sleep would be a greater challenge than before.
“I can help with that,” Apollo offered.  Will looked torn, and Nico stepped in.
“If you sleep now, you avoid the insanity of Jerry dragging the rest of the camp into his stupid game,” he said.  “Apollo gave him what he needs to torment the rest of us with it.”  There was a dark look sent his way, but Apollo just shrugged it off.
“They’re bickering,” he said instead of responding to the accusation.  Instantly, a look of tired resignation crossed Will’s face; head counsellors did not enjoy separating bickering younger campers, especially when said campers were also their siblings.  “Escape while you can.”
Responsibility and tiredness waged war across the battleground of Will’s eyes, a battle Apollo could well appreciate.
“I won’t let it escalate,” he promised, and those words seemed to be enough to have the tension draining from Will’s muscles.
“Just a couple of hours,” his son demanded.  Apollo was relieved to get any agreement at all – Will had a deep well of stubbornness which he frequently drew upon, which was probably not entirely from Naomi’s side, but apparently the idea of facing his younger siblings bickering over cricket was enough to make him want to roll over and go back to sleep for a few more hours.
Apollo could certainly relate to that.
“Just a couple of hours,” he confirmed, brushing his son’s forehead one more time and this time humming the beginning chords of a lullaby.  Nothing too loud or powerful – Will would benefit best from a natural sleep, which meant being simply coaxed back down rather than being forced under – but just right for a couple more hours of truly restful sleep.
“You’d better still be here,” Will mumbled suddenly as his eyes began to droop, and something in Apollo’s chest did a happy little twist.
“I plan on being here all day,” he assured him – it wasn’t a promise, he couldn’t promise something like that when Zeus might start making ominous gestures and insist he depart, but it was the closest he could truthfully get.
It was enough to bring a small smile to Will’s lips as he slipped back under again, and Apollo pressed his lips lightly to his forehead, unable to resist.
“Sleep well,” he murmured. “You deserve it.”
Part of him wanted to sit in the peace and quiet of the cabin, rather than face whatever mischief his other progeny had managed to whip up in the handful of minutes they had been left unsupervised, but not even the constant bickering of siblings was enough to put Apollo off the idea of spending as much of the day as possible with happy demigods whose biggest issue was whether or not they wanted to play a ball game.
In the shadows of the bunk, Nico’s pale face stood out starkly as he surveyed Will’s sleeping form for several long moments.
“He’s just sleeping?” he asked after a moment, voice barely above a whisper.  Apollo lowered his voice to match.
“Just sleeping,” he promised – that was an easy promise to make.  “He’ll wake up again in a few hours, as agreed.”  He half expected Nico to make himself comfortable and settle down for the hours’-long wait, but once again the son of Hades surprised him as he slid off of the end of Will’s bed, leaving barely a wrinkle in his wake.
“He’ll get mad at me for ‘wasting’ the day looking over him,” Nico explained, apparently sensing Apollo’s faint confusion.  “And I want to see how long it takes Kayla to turn that cricket ball into a pincushion.”
It was certainly a possible scenario, although Apollo hoped she wouldn’t show off her prowess quite like that – Jerry would not react well and then he would have actual fighting children on his hands.  Parenting One-oh-One books tended to advise not to let that happen, especially the godly ones which were fully aware that the children involved could be rather… powerful. And destructive.
Definitely destructive.
“Please do not give her that idea,” he replied as they cautiously slipped back out of the cabin, Nico squinting at the sudden change in light levels.  “She has plenty of feasible targets to try and hit in the archery range.”
“She’ll call that ball feasible,” Nico deadpanned.  “You know she will.”
Nico wasn’t exactly wrong, but Apollo made a mental note to get Kayla her own supply of balls fit to be converted into pincushions so she had no excuse except pettiness to target Jerry’s new collection.
“Even more reason not to give her the idea,” he said lightly.
In the time he and Nico had been in the cabin, it appeared that the rest of his children had devolved even further into bickering – although Apollo was hopeful it remained playful bickering rather than a serious argument – over whether or not Jerry should try and get the entire camp into a game of cricket.
Kayla and Austin were firmly refusing to participate, while Yan stood steadfastly at their younger brother’s side and plucked at the grill of one of the helmets’ mouth guards. Apollo was fairly certain they didn’t actually mind the idea of playing, even though it was clearly more Jerry’s interest than their own.
Then again, Yan had already proven that their aim was as sharp with a ball as it was various other projectiles and knew they’d be a force to be reckoned with as a bowler or a batsperson.
“Is he still asleep?” Austin asked Apollo as he and Nico approached.  The oboe reed had disappeared from his mouth at some point, and Apollo got the feeling that Austin was subconsciously slipping into Will’s role of eldest sibling while his own big sibling wasn’t around.
“He’s asleep,” Nico confirmed before Apollo could compose an answer.  That didn’t, however, stop his mouth from running with other ideas.
“Will’s worked very hard recently,” he said, not sure if he meant just the past couple of weeks, where winter and ice provoked falls from even the most graceful demigods, or recently in the terms of a god’s reckoning, which encompassed Will’s entire life, near enough.
Not that it really mattered, though.  Will deserved a break regardless, and Apollo was determined that, at least for this one morning, he would get one.
The murmur of agreeing noises was the first time since his arrival that all four awake children had been in harmony with each other.  It was far more soothing than the various small bickers and snipes he’d been hearing since.
“Should we do something for him?” Austin wondered, fingers fiddling with one of the buttons on his long, soft jacket.
“He got breakfast in bed,” Kayla pointed out, although Apollo didn’t think she was actually disagreeing.  “When’s the last time we got breakfast in bed?”
“But that was Nico and Dad,” Yan said.  “Not us.”
“He hasn’t actually eaten it yet,” Nico muttered, but if there was one person (besides himself) that Apollo was certain was fully on board with Austin’s suggestion, it was the son of Hades.  Apollo regarded the demigod in question out of the corner of his eye as his children started debating what they could do for their brother – “no, Jerry, we’re not making Will play cricket!” – and was relieved at what he saw.
Nico had been through a lot in his life.  Far too much even for a grown adult nearing the end of a long and fulfilled life, and both physically and mentally he wasn’t even sixteen yet, despite what mortal records might suggest.  Apollo remembered the young, sullen and betrayed child he had seen in the snow, just over four years earlier, remembered doing what he could do distract him at least for a short while from the abandonment of his sister whilst fully aware that the camp he was taking him to would not, at the time, be Nico’s salvation despite his wishes.
Not for a son of Hades, not against the stigma that had been in place for millennium.  In all four thousand or so years of the camp’s existence, it had never been a safe place for children of Hades, although Apollo had tried.
To see him here, now, still standing with a group of demigods despite his main link to them being absent, interjecting in their debate and being listened to – respected, as much as a group of twelve to fourteen year olds knew how to respect someone – and all parties completely comfortable with his presence.
If Apollo was still mortal, he would have burst into tears then and there.
It was still a close-run thing, even with a sliver of godly self-control to hold them back, as he reached out for the son of Hades and gave him a brief, tight, squeeze.
Nico jumped, and fixed him with a confused glare.
“What was that for?” he demanded, interrupting Kayla’s suggestion of archery lessons.
Apollo couldn’t say what he was thinking, not without several suddenly self-conscious demigods in his midst, so he just gave Nico the biggest, brightest smile he could manage without blinding him.  “I’m so happy for you,” he said, which did absolutely nothing to clear up the confusion on the Italian boy’s face.
Nico blinked at him once, twice, then shrugged and turned away.  “Whatever.  Kayla, are you trying to stress him out more?  You know he doesn’t think he’s any good at archery.”
“A concert?” Austin suggested as his sister pouted.  “I could whip up a few things for us to play… Nico, I can’t believe I’ve never asked this before, but can you play anything or would you rather sing?”
The look of stunned outrage on Nico’s face had Austin’s siblings all laughing, and even Apollo couldn’t help but smile, amused.
“Neither,” the son of Hades said firmly, and Austin’s face fell.
“Not even for Will?” he wheedled, and got a glare in return.
“Not in front of you,” Nico countered, and all of Apollo’s children pouted.  There was a gleam in Austin’s eyes, however, that had Apollo wondering what idea his son had suddenly got into his head and if he should be worried about it.
Whatever it was, however, it went unspoken as Yan spoke.  “We could make him something,” they suggested.
“Like what?” Kayla asked. “Best Bro Mug?  He’s not Nico’s brother, though.”
“A cake!” Jerry piped up, and all of the demigods looked at each other, and then, to Apollo’s mild concern, him.
“We’re not allowed in the kitchen without supervision,” Austin said slowly.
Oh.  Apollo could take a hint.
“I think a cake sounds wonderful,” he agreed, before gesturing in the direction of the Big House. “Shall we?”
The thinly-veiled concern on Chiron’s face as Apollo shepherded five demigods into the kitchen was entirely uncalled for.  Dionysus simply scoffed as they passed and informed Apollo that any disasters were on his head, and Apollo beamed back at his brother, reminding him which god it was that tended to leave culinary disasters in his wake.
(So maybe Apollo had left a few.  But Dionysus’ parties were legendary for a reason.)
It was only once he’d nudged all five children into washing their hands – none of them had hair long enough to need tying back, although he snapped his own from its half-up half-down manbun into a low ponytail – that he realised there was an important question that needed asking.
“Who knows how to bake a cake?”
Immediately, they all looked at each other, eyes widening a little as none of them put their hands up and said I do!
“Mum makes them all the time,” Jerry said after a moment.  “It can’t be that hard.”
Genevieve Allen might have baked a lot (and Apollo remembered how delicious the outcomes had always been), but it took less than a minute into the start of the process for Apollo to realise she had never imparted any lessons on her son – or that Jerry had never paid any attention if she had.
Flour was spilt – not that anyone believed for a moment that was accidental when the victim was Nico, whose all-black aesthetic was suddenly inverted in a single incident – eggs were smashed, and Kayla seemed more interested in eating the chocolate than melting it.
Still, Apollo let the chaos continue, plucking out shards of eggshell before they could join the mixture and subtly replenishing the flour and chocolate supplies, because while it was readily apparent that none of them really knew anything about baking, they were having fun with it – despite his makeover, Nico still had a small grin on his face as he attacked the mixture with a spoon – and Apollo knew that that would be far more important to Will than the cake itself being a culinary masterpiece.
It definitely took some godly intervention (mostly in the form of Apollo prodding the five of them into doing things in approximately the correct order, rescuing more shards of eggshell, and in one particularly close call, catching the bowl when Jerry got too enthusiastic in his stirring and it almost fell to the floor), but the thing that went into the oven to make at the end of it all would at least not poison their poor brother.
Actually, Apollo had full faith that it would still be delicious.  What was the use of being the god of knowledge if he didn’t know things, and he definitely knew how to bake a cake, even if for some reason no-one believed him?  The steps might have been rather haphazard and chaotic, but they were still the right steps, overall in the right order.
Then he remembered that he was supposed to be supervising more than just the cake-making process, and that the kitchen looked like a warzone.
His suggestion that the children clean it while they waited for the cake to bake was met with a glorious chorus of whining, and Yan’s suggestion that Apollo do it for them – which was then met with a chorus of agreement.
Apollo shouldn’t.  He knew he should make them do it themselves, but really, who was he to deny five pleading faces (even Nico’s was expectant enough that Apollo mentally grouped him with the other four).
With a sigh, he snapped his fingers and the kitchen was once again sparkling clean.
“Now what?” Kayla asked, leaning against a cupboard with a slightly-open door.  Apollo could see her fingers sneaking inside to grab some more chocolate but decided to turn a blind eye.  If his daughter wanted chocolate, she could have chocolate – at least until it reached the point of making her sick, but he was confident he would notice before it got to that point and stop her.
“Icing!” Jerry chirped. “Mum always makes icing!”
“Cakes need icing,” Apollo agreed.
“How do we make that?” Austin wondered, as Kayla gave up on the pretence that she wasn’t raiding a cupboard and threw it open.
“There’s sugar in here,” she proclaimed, “hey-!”
Nico had swooped in next to her and swiped the half-eaten bar of chocolate, taking a bite with a satisfying crack.
“That was my chocolate!” Kayla protested.  Nico shrugged.
“Mine now.”
“I’ll shoot you,” she threatened, but Nico just smirked at her.
“Try it,” he dared.
Apollo decided to intervene before it got out of hand.
“For starters,” he answered Austin, “we need this.”  A snap of his fingers had the chocolate bar disappearing from Nico’s grip and materialising on the counter.
It was Nico’s turn to exclaim “hey!” in protest.  Kayla laughed at him.
“Dad, do you know how to do this?” Jerry finally asked, and five pairs of eyes settled on him. He smiled back at them.
“Of course I do!” he insisted.
“And you let us guess our way through making the cake?” Nico demanded.  Apollo shrugged.
“You were having fun,” he defended himself.  “It’ll be a fantastic cake.  Now, as for the icing…”
With the five children now looking to him for direction, he split up the tasks between them and with far more concentration and less chaos, by the time the cake was out and cooled, they had more icing than they really needed, in a variety of colours, and Jerry had demanded Apollo produce a pen and paper so he could design how they were going to decorate the cake.
Mess returned with the application of the icing, and more of it ended up consumed than used, but that was why Apollo had arranged for so much to be made – even by the time they were done, there was plenty left over, which he reminded them was Will’s share when Kayla’s sticky fingers made fresh advances.
His daughter surrendered, and this time Apollo persuaded them to clean up the kitchen themselves – although he did at least snap them all clean so they didn’t all need urgent appointments with a shower – rather than doing it for them, which neatly ran them up to ‘a couple of hours’ since he’d helped Will roll over and go back to sleep for a bit.
No-one needed any encouragement to scramble back to the cabin, although Nico threatened all of them with shadowy horrors if their chaos woke Will if he wasn’t already awake. Apollo took care of transporting the cake, well aware that a quintet of hyped-up-on-sugar demigods was a recipe for disaster (maybe Will wouldn’t thank him for that, although there was more than enough icing left over for him to join their number very quickly), and before long they were all impatiently tapping their feet on the cabin floor.
Will, it transpired, must have already woken up because his bed was empty – although not yet made – and the plate of food Nico had left had been partially eaten.  The sound of running water from the bathroom left no doubts at all as to his location, leaving the six of them with nothing to do but wait.
Nico commandeered Will’s bed, even going as far as to roughly pull the covers up before sitting on it.  The other five scattered to their own bunks, while Apollo snapped a low table with plates into existence to place the cake on before perching on Will’s bed, next to Nico.
With enough noise to wake the dead, there was no way Will didn’t know they were all in there, so when the bathroom door edged open to reveal a fresh, healthy looking demigod with still-dripping hair, all they got was a fond eyeroll.
“What are you all doing in here?” he asked, apparently not noticing the new table.  He was eying the clear hyperactivity with an air of I don’t want to know, and Apollo found himself the target of an exasperated look that clearly said I thought you were going to keep an eye on them.
“Waiting for you!” Kayla exclaimed, jumping down from her bunk and landing nimbly on all fours, rather like a cat.
From the look on Will’s face, that didn’t reassure him at all – or maybe he just didn’t like Kayla jumping down from her bunk rather than using the ladder.
“You can’t tell me you’ve had nothing better to do than wait for me to wake up,” he said, putting his hands on his hips – every inch the big brother he was.
Apollo decided to put him out of his misery.
“They made something for you,” he prompted as Austin joined Kayla on the floor with far more suave and much less chaos in his approach.  Yan and Jerry scrambled to join them, and Apollo watched Will’s eyes widen in a surprise that quickly shifted to delight as Nico slunk to the back of the pack but unmistakably part of it.
“You helped, Dad,” Austin told him.
“I just supervised,” Apollo deflected.  “You all did the work.”
That was the moment Will finally spotted the table.  His siblings and boyfriend crowded him as he approached it, while Apollo settled himself by it and waited.
It would not be winning any fancy cake-decorating tournaments, but in his humble and not at all biased opinion, it was one of the best cakes he had ever seen.
THANK YOU was picked out in golden calligraphic icing – Jerry had a much steadier hand than most people equated with twelve year old children, although there were still some wobbles where he’d lost control of the piping.  Around the words, each of the five had drawn something with various levels of skill.
Austin’s musical notes notated the opening bars of his latest composition in a perfect copy, while the saxophone he’d attempted to draw looked more like a smudged banana, especially when he’d started trying to scrape it off before Yan told him not to. Yan themselves had drawn the rising sun, with its rays just starting to poke over the horizon, while Jerry’s artistic talent had been used up on the calligraphy and he’d opted for a simple red cross, and a dark red blob that everyone knew was supposed to be a cricket ball, even if it rather resembled a splotch of blood.
Kayla, predictably, had attempted a bow at full draw.  Bows weren’t difficult to draw, if kept simple, but she’d tried to add on all the accessories on her recurve so it had ended up a rather indistinct mass of various shades of greens and greys.  Nico appeared determined to pretend he didn’t have any artistic talent at all, and had simply drawn a bright ring of gold around a black circle – Apollo was pretty certain it was supposed to represent Will’s ability to glow, although it also looked rather like a simplistic solar eclipse.
“I-” Will started.  “Wha-  Guys, what is this for?”
“It says right there!” Jerry protested, pointing at his calligraphy.  Will put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I can read it,” he assured him, “but… what for?”  His confusion rang through the cabin clearly.  The six of them looked at each other; Apollo wondering how to say ­­everything in a colloquial way that would get through to his son as the demigods seemingly faced the same dilemma.
It was Nico who answered him, in the end, summing it up with a blunt succinctness.
“For being you.”
Will blinked, but then Kayla grabbed him in a hug, and that was the cue for the rest of them to dog-pile their big brother.  The blond boy went down in a flail of too many limbs, and Nico and Apollo both laughed at the sight before catching each other’s eyes.
It was only a split second, but they came to an instant, silent, decision.
Will shrieked in protest as two more bodies joined the pile on top of him, but then there was laughter, and maybe a few tears, and far too many demigods hyped up on sugar and emotions – and maybe a god, too.
It was a long time before they got around to eating the cake – which was absolutely delicious in the way all things made with love were – and catching Will up to the rest of them in terms of consumed sugar and subsequent hyperactivity that Apollo could already sense Chiron’s despairing disapproval for, but he loved every moment of it.
This was how family gatherings were supposed to be.  Olympus: take note.
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 3 months
Remember when I said I’d write a Trials of Apollo fanfic about Pothos, son of Iris and Zephyrus? Well, big surprise, I’m actually working on it?!?!?! (I’m
surprised myself.)
Here, you can have a little taste:
You remember the times when you weren't burdened by any of the gods’ doings. You were just a child, a toddler running around in the gardens at Mount Olympus barefoot, laughing, frolicking around with the nymphs. At the end of the day, your mother would come pick you up and carry you up to the mountain, where your house was. Your father would come soon, too, picking you up and dancing around the room with you in his arms. That period would not last long, though.
As soon as you learned to fly, you got your first job. Aphrodite noticed you and demanded you serve her. That wasn't bad, because now you spent most of your time with young gods your own age and made many friends among them - Hymenaios, for one. Then there was Eros, already looking like a human teenager, who liked to teach you younglings to dance, when he was in a good mood. And Aphrodite was quite sweet to you. She kept gushing over your baby cheeks and tiny dual-colored wings and brown eyes that flashed all the colors of the rainbow when you were particularly happy, feeding you bits of apple pieces drizzled in honey as she did so. Those times were also good. But they, of course, didn't last.
The best memory you have of your father also occurred in these times. He taught you how to suck in as much air as you could, and release it, creating a whirlwind. You remember his dark wavy hair that you inherited floating around his face in whatever direction he commanded. You remember his dark eyes shining with pride and mirth as you managed to make a tiny tornado. You remember him tickling your belly as you tried it again. You remember, and you mourn.
You didn't notice at first, but soon after, your father started coming home later and later with each evening, and when he did, he went straight to bed. Your mother became more and more irritated with every day, from her husband´s indifference and her hard task of serving as a handmaiden to the Queen of the gods both. One day she snapped. She yelled. Your father yelled back. That was the start. Soon, all their days were filled with screaming, fighting, dark whirlwind destroying your house. You curled up in the corner, hands over your ears, tears in your eyes, as the whirlwind tore at your clothes, at your hair and your red and golden feathers. You tried not to listen, but still, some words got caught in your mind. “Cheater” was one of them. “Controlling bitch” was another. “Fuck off to Sparta then,” another.
Soon after, your parents separated and left you in the middle. You saw your father for the last time when he stormed out of your house, which had been more of a wreck by then. He didn't look back. You stayed with your mother for some time as she relocated and left her job of a godly messenger to some new god, Zeus’ son called Hermes. You also remained by Aphrodite’s side, but now your friends looked at you in pity when you weren't looking. Eros looked at you more pitifully than the others, but why, you had no idea.
Eventually, as you grew (though your body remained no older than a human at, say, four years old), your mother started looking at you with disdain. Sometimes when she looked at you, she´d shudder and look away. At first, you didn't know why that was, but you'd understand soon enough. For when you looked into a mirror, you saw you resembled your father more and more. The same face, hair, skin color and even your wings seemed more red than golden these days. So you decided to ease her load.
You ran away. She didn’t look for you.
And that was that.
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TSMGOR Chapter 26 is out!
tag gang: @xxqueenofdragonsxx @apollosgiftofprophecy @ukelele-boy
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kit-kat-bard · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Trials of Apollo, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms All Media Types
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Relationships: Apollo & Meg McCaffery
Characters: Apollo (Lester Papadopoulos), Meg McCaffery, Python
Additional Tags: sunflower siblings september 2022, sss 2022, Finally
Summary: The ichor of the gods doesn't need oxygen and immortals can sing without air. But now I desperately craved it as the sky tore it from my mouth and tears from my eyes as I fell and fell and fell and I Couldn't Breathe.
Apollo is mortal now. He takes it one breath at a time.
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Nico: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Percy: Several traffic violations. Jason: Three counts of resisting arrest. Leo: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Frank: Also, that’s not our car.
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yonemurishiroku · 4 months
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Yeah Jason, when?
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This is exactly what I’ve been talking about like Percy had a crush on Luke and Nico caught up to it since he was the same once 😭😭 I’m so happy to find this fic akhdakhdjshdsj
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me waiting for the jason in valhalla spin offs to be confirmed like ARE YOU THERE GODDDD ITS ME FIONAAAA
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literallyjusttoa · 4 months
What’s better Christmas present than a bit of angst huh?
When Apollo was young, not yet a year old, he was banished from Olympus due to his crime of murder. Gaea called for his head, but Zeus shielded him.
“I will not rule as my father did,” he said “The boy can learn, he can be better.”
Apollo was sentenced to exile. Nine years, though he was not told this. No, Apollo was certain that he had lost his chance to join his family in the heavens. His father had spared his life, and as penance he now had to stay on the mortal realm for all eternity, alone.
The young god made due with what he had. He wandered through the fields of Greece, tending to the animals he found along the way. He would sing, as light and clear as the birds, and mortals would flock to the sound. Apollo was never allowed to linger long, but he fell in love with that feeling of warm comfort mortals seemed to carry with them, that joy that he could never quite reach. When he could, he worked, often for little reward. He wanted another taste, another glimpse of a less lonely existence. So he became a shepherd, a soothsayer, a musician, always a few steps away, watching but never being.
One day, in the middle of the coldest months, Apollo was hired by a farmer in the Vale of Tempe. He had a large herd of cattle and was in desperate need of a someone to care for them. Apollo traveled through the backroads and forests, making his way to the valley. When he arrived, however, he found no farmer, and no cattle. Instead, a lone man sat at the base of the river that flowed through the vale. The water was near frozen over, but the man did not shake. Instead, he turned, and smiled wide.
“Apollon,” Zeus said, “Olympus has missed you.”
Apollo was shocked. Had his father truly come for him? He dropped into a low bow, too nervous for words.
Zeus chuckled, low and warm, “Rise, son. There is no more need for humility. It has been decided you have done enough.”
“Truly?” Apollo asked, “May I truly join you on Olympus?”
“You may join me at home, Apollo.” Zeus responded, “Your home. Come, we shall perform a rite of purification in these waters, and then you will ascend to your throne.”
And so the rite was performed, and Apollo was cleansed. As far as the rest of the world knows, the two immediately ascended to Olympus, to the glorious applause of the other members of the divine court. Apollo took his throne, next to his dear sister, and began his immortal duties.
But there was a moment, one moment, which was kept away in that sheltered vale. Once Apollo had been cleansed, he stood at the bank, waiting for the next step. Any demand his father asked of him, he would have agreed too. But Zeus held nothing over his head. Instead, he summoned a cloak of sheep’s wool, and placed it over Apollo’s shoulders.
“A gift,” he murmured, “The golden treasures you were born with will bring you glory, but this my son… I hope this will keep you warm.”
And Apollo believed, with all his heart, that he would never be lonely again.
Time is a cruel master. As years bled into centuries that bled into millennia upon millennia, Apollo realized that loneliness would be his most constant companion. He realized that the source of this loneliness, this suffering, would often be the very man that promised to keep him warm. The fire of his father’s hearth burned everything it touched, leaving Apollo with blistered hands and a scorched heart.
But he still wore the sheepskin. When the loneliness crept into his bones. When the lightning crackled across his limbs with a burning pain, as warm as his father promised with an agony he’d never mentioned. When all seemed lost to the ground and the dust. Apollo found that wool cloak and cast it over his shoulders. Even broken promises can bring some sort of comfort. Even old sheep’s wool can bring an illusion of warmth.
I was his child once. He used to love me.
If only the bite of a king’s cruelty could be chased away as easily as the chill of a winter’s day. The wool does nothing, and the loneliness remains. Apollo shivers, and goes to rest.
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secretfandomrambles · 11 months
Not sure if this would be amusing or horrifying. But I’m imagining a Trials of Apollo AU where Apollo is sent down to Earth in the same physical form that he was in when he fought Python the first time. Which in my mind, for whatever the reason, makes him appear about 7-8 years old.
Most things end up happening the same but no one takes Apollo seriously because he looks like a second-grader. (However, Apollo doesn’t get beat up by Cade and Mikey, and Diana spends a few minutes cuddling Apollo because that’s HER baby brother and she misses him.) Plus, Cabin Seven has more than one moment where they are holding back hysterics and the urge to wrap their Father up in bubble wrap because Apollo is a tiny fragile mortal who supremely overestimates what he’s capable of doing in child-form (and don’t get him started on talking about their mortal parents, this situation is already too weird). Chiron is also despairing because he already dealt with young Apollo being weirdly paternal once before, and now he has to deal with it again (Dionysus is outwardly laughing but inwardly panicking because he’s seen far too many children die and he knows what Zeus is like when it comes to letting other gods try to help someone he’s decided to punish)
Meg is suffering from cognitive disonnance because she was half-joking when she claimed Apollo’s service and is now stuck with a child-like ex-god who has a bunch of children of his own.
Bonus: Zeus is questioning his life-choices because child!Apollo keeps getting himself almost adopted by random strangers for some reason (and a part of him is furious and intending to strike them all down because Apollo is HIS son, not THEIRS) and this was not the punishment the king of the gods intended for him (and all the other gods are quietly side-eyeing him nervously). Leto is furious because that’s her baby and she wants him safe and not to go fighting that evil snake again (at least he isn’t a four-day old baby this time) but Zeus refuses to listen to her.
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milomilesmib · 6 months
Does anyone else get rlly annoyed with PJO fanfics when they refer to characters as "the [size they are] [race they are]" like when they refer to Leo as "the tiny Latino" or Nico as "the scrawny Italian" or Frank as "the big Asian" like we know their size and race why the fuck does that matter to tell the story. It's an instant turnoff for me when they describe characters this way because I just. Do not care. If you're going to describe their size or their race, because as a writer I recognise that is often necessary for immersing your readers in the story, do so respectfully or don't do so at all because quite frankly I am sick of reading a fic only to be jump scared by "the tiny Latino elf"
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amiti-art · 10 months
I'm not sure what month @tsarinatorment 's "Eclipse" take place but I think it would be funny if Persephone came back home at some point and stepped right into all of this chaos
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Anyway go read "Eclipse" if you haven't yet, 10/10, peak fanfiction
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toasecretsanta · 1 year
The Winter Solstice
A/N: For @sierice [written by @sofia-not-sophie] and the prompt “Apollo’s relationship with the olympians.” I’m not sure how well this fills the prompt, but I’ve been sick and I haven’t written for a while so I’m glad to be back at it. I do think it’s an interesting slice of life type snippet with the Olympians though. Word count: 1057 Summary: A lot has changed since the last Winter Solstice council meeting Apollo attended. Most of that change being him.
“But he looks so cute like that.” Aphrodite whispered across the room, as if she had forgotten that Apollo could hear her.
“Well it’s unprofessional.” Dionysus huffed, “His punishment’s over. He should go back to looking normal, it’s only respectful to those of us still being punished.”
“Don’t you choose to look like that?” She asked.
Apollo rolled his eyes and went back to tuning his lyre. He was mortal sized and looked like Lester, which let him have the space to tuck his legs up and lounge on his throne. Lester’s skin had become more comfortable for him, at least when he was at either camp or was alone since become in a god again.
He was only wearing it in the throne room that day becasue whatever seasonal affective disorder sun gods get was at its worst. Luckily the part of him driving the sun could go curl up in bed after his shortest shift of the year listening to the new music his kids got him hooked onto the week before.
The rest of him was stuck at the meeting.
Dionysus was just putting on his usual stink, not that his little brother’s comments didn’t sting a little. Aphrodite’s cute comment was the best he would get in this form. She was pissed at him anyways because he hadn’t dated anyone in almost six months.
“Ignore him, you know D has been sober too long.” Artemis appeared, also human sized, across from him on the arm of his throne.
“You know I love you Artemis, but please get off my throne, you’re gonna stink it up with all your moon cooties.” He could feel her energy seeping into it and brushing up against his own in an uncomfortable way. He probably could have been nicer about it, but he was already feeling off from the solstice.
She hopped off the arm and went to her fifteen foot size. “Cooties aren’t real, brother.”
“I’m the god of medicine I could make them real.”
“That’d be fun, I’d definitely get more hunters that way.” She walked across the aisle to her throne and sat down.
Apollo strummed a chord on his lyre, the highest string was the tinniest bit sharp, the kind of thing Apollo was sure only he could hear, but it still bugged him. In the past he would usually tune with a wave of his hand, but ever since he had to painstakingly tune his ukulele every day as a mortal, he found comfort in the practice.
Hades stalked past followed by Demeter, they were arguing, as usual, “And you even cheated on her! She doesn’t deserved to be stuck down there with the likes of you and that son of yours.”
“Don’t talk about my son that way! And besides Persephone has grown quite fond of him, she’s planning a surprise birthday dinner for him next month.”
Demeter scowled.
“Nico’s actually a pretty nice kid Demeter.” Apollo said. Hades looked shocked, and a bit relieved.
“See even the sun and healing god, who am I most antithetical to likes my son.” Hades smirked and headed to his temporary seat.
“Oh. Apollo I didn’t see you there. Why are you mortal sized?” Demeter looked at him.
“More room in the chair.” Apollo shrugged, “And you shouldn’t pass judgement on demigod’s you’ve hardly even seen, let alone met. Although, I guess that would apply to your kids too. Meg’s still waiting on thirteen years of birthday presents.”
“Her birthday is not until next week. I planned on paying her a visit then, since it is not my busy season.” She frowned, as though she was considering going to harass Hades more, and then turned back to her throne.
Demeter had become much more wary of him since he returned, for good reason. He knew Meg probably wouldn’t talk to her even if she made an effort, but Meg also wanted to meet her. Apollo made a mental note to be with Meg on the whole day of her birthday, just in case he needed to tell Demeter to go home.
Apollo made an adjustment on his lyre and the chord rang out perfectly as he strummed it. He looked around the room to get a sense of when the meeting would start. Athena was calmly knitting, Artemis counting her arrows for what was probably the thousandth time, and Aphrodite was now sulking in her throne.
Apparently it was one of those years where both Hephaestus and Ares weren’t speaking to her since they looked like they were getting on better than normal. Ares was standing by Hephaestus’ throne and they were talking about something. Probably the world’s next new weapon of mass destruction, as if the mortals or demigods needed more of those.
Dionysus and Hermes were playing catch down at their end of the throne room. Only two years ago Apollo would have been a part of that game. The ball was almost the size of his current torso.
He could join the game, it wasn’t one of his bad routines as a god. The game helped him out of his darkest-day-of-the-year-induced slump. It had actually been a good way of bonding with his brothers. It was the twenty minutes of the year that at least a small part of Hermes wasn’t focused on messages in some way. The twenty minutes of the year Dionysus didn’t seem irritated with his punishment.
Sometimes they even got Artemis to join and she enjoyed showing off her trick shots.
A wave of air that smelled like rotting fish wafted over. If Poseidon had arrived, that meant Zeus’ fashionably late arrival, with Hera on his heels was soon.
Apollo should probably look more meeting presentable than a mortal sized teenager on a god sized throne.  He sighed and willed himself to be fifteen feet tall and to look like what the others expected Apollo to look like.
Dionysus had been right, his mortal look was unprofessional for a god.
Zeus appeared in a crack of thunder with Hera at his side and Apollo did his best not to flinch. He might not mind having human instincts still, but the Olympians surely would notice, and he’d rather if most of them didn’t.
“Alright settle down!” Zeus’ voice boomed, “Let us start this meeting.”
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thetimetraveler24 · 10 months
Okay guys I’m hoping this reaches the right people. I stumbled across a fanfic on Ao3 about an hour ago. It was… well, it was plagiarism of other works on the site. They’re basically using the feature where you post your own fanfiction (you know, the one you spent time on and came up with on your own?) as a collection. And no, they didn’t ask permission, they admitted as much in their comments.
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That was back in March and surprise surprise, it’s still up. And like, I totally get wanting to have a bunch of great solangelo fics in one spot. I actually found this because I was actually looking for some solangelo fics. But y’all even if you’re crediting authors, you cannot go around copy and pasting their fanfics into your account. That’s wrong. Especially if it’s been pointed out to you and you continue to do it anyway.
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That comment was from march and on the first chapter. It’s now June and there’s another 19 chapters of stolen work.
I tried to go around contacting the authors of the works that have been stolen but I’m literally supposed to be sleeping. I’m doing this on my phone in the dark and I’m not logged into my account. I don’t know. I’m hoping we can do more to help those authors if there’s more people aware of the situation. Maybe some of you know them and can get in contact easier than in Ao3 comment sections.
These are the stories and authors who have been stolen in this fic:
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choconoru · 1 year
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Will tries to comfort his boyloser mortal pops </3 The roles got reversed
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kit-kat-bard · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Trials of Apollo, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms All Media Types
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Relationships: Apollo & Meg McCaffery, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
Characters: Apollo (Lester Papadopoulos), Meg McCaffery, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Sally Jackson, Estelle Blofis, Paul Blofis, Python, Jason Grace
Additional tags: Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Sally is a good mom, Estelle being the bundle of joy she is, apollo needs a hug, Jason’s death is announced, oof
Summary: Apollo and Meg are back in NYC after their traumatic trip to California. This time though, Percy and Annabeth are there as well and they still don't know about Jason...
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Hades: Persephone and I are having a baby. Nico: That's gre- Hades, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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