you think Genesis names his clones with initials like Heathers? Like "That's Genesis D, he has literally no personality"
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Honestly, that sounds on totally on brand lol.
(edit: img less blurry if you click on it lol.)
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rotten-dan · 2 years
Dan, I've been playing a lot of Kirby and I've figured it out. If you're feeling bad rn, you'll get better in no time if all your mutuals smooch you repeatedly!
i dont think that anyone of my mutuals except for my wifey would be up for that !!!
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amarcia · 3 years
for a sec when you said you were simping the Void I thought you meant from Kirby and just nodded in appreciation
All void is a fine void
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chongoblog · 4 years
Listen, I love you and the smashup album but I have to beg you. As a dmc fan, I'm coming to terms with never getting a character or even a spirit in smash. But you have put characters that aren't in smash into the album. Please give me this one tiny victory to put my soul at peace and make a dmc mashup, any kind.
hope you’re patient
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magicantare · 4 years
Do you ever read any of the Kirby mangas? I think you'd like the characterization. Like Magalor's tendency to win bets to stay in other people's houses.
i’ve read a few of them! that and the kirby novels do contribute to my characterization of some characters but a decent chunk of it is just extrapolating on canon + Many headcanons
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dangerousbride · 5 years
Chris is infertile because Piers' last act was to suck him dry
I was avoiding to go there out of respect for Piers’ memory
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lychgate · 6 years
do you have a stance on asexuality? Just curious after that comic.
yeah my stance is people need to chill tf out 
its not like LGBT is some literal physical fortress you need permission to get in, nor does it have any union or benefits (otherwise sign my gay ass up)
i dont know why people are gonna sit around and spend their time shitting on what can and can’t be ‘in’ LGBT, and at the same time i can’t believe people sit around and waste breath talking overtop gay/lesbian/bi/trans/minority oppression like their issue is bigger just because it’s their issue.
ESSENTIALLY EVERYONE JUST STOP ARGUING?? they’re a part of LGBT end of story lets all go do something better with our time like fight more important fights
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iguanamouth · 3 years
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transdimensionalelevator submitted: SO I noticed the new avatar and I just uh
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your-fave-is-pupy · 3 years
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Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho is pupy!
for @transdimensionalelevator
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tesladyneindustries · 7 years
it was me you want some neoshit
if you want to spare anything sure, but i don’t think i’m going to get back into it very much beyond checking in a few times a day
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Vergil and Sephiroth wouldn't get a chance to fight. They be too confused about how they look related but both too proud to ask the other so they'd stand there and banter awkwardly.
Bold of you to assume they’d even banter without at least one cunt in red leather there to egg them on.
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rotten-dan · 2 years
Dan, I baked you this plate of delicious totally fine cookies! Have one!
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did u bake the plate?
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leonleonhart · 3 years
listen, you're the only one I can dump this headcanon on. Vergil plays a Shiranui deck, Dante has Abyss Actors, Nero has Burning Abyss, Trish has Watts, Nico has Mecha Phantom Beasts, and Lady has Magical Muskets. Vergil is the only one who plays fully competitively.
these are the only headcanons that matter
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magicantare · 5 years
I don't know if you watch the drawfee channel on youtube but the recent episode is doing Kirby ginjikas
nah i don’t really use youtube for anything other than music :0
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dangerousbride · 5 years
I thought you would be more in to DMC. Dante is literally just Leon with 0 impulse control.
please, I was a DMC fan before a RE one, it’s just that I’m avoiding rat tier men at all costs for the sake of my mental health
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bogleech · 6 years
Bruh if you ever want to see I inherited my mom's Freakies toys and I got a plastic Goody-Goody and Snorkledorf in a car that you make go with a little squeezy nozzle
Heck yeah show us the little cars!!
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