chronica11ysa1ty-117 · 3 months
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copykattfreak · 6 months
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What if Alone doesn't make it through the mirror? Will the mirror break before she makes it through?
Or maybe...
...a monster grabs her from behind?
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dwarfman403-blog · 5 months
Really glad we have a modern gay tragedy we can all bond over ^^ 💜💔❤️
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justadumbasskid · 6 months
Have any of you ever played “SOMA”?
Its plot isn’t too important to the point I’m trying to make here, but one particular tragedy associated with it can also be projected onto the hit new indie show “Digital Circus”
Of course, spoilers abound for both media.
In the beginning SOMA. The protagonist is diagnosed with a terminal illness in his brain. He signs up for an experimental treatment in which a scan of his brain is taken via a complicated machine through a headset of sorts. About a hundred(I think?) years later, he wakes up in a new body in an underwater facility after an apocalyptic event.
During the tail-end of SOMA. The protagonist has teamed up with the facility’s residents to launch a digital program into space holding copies of their consciousnesses to live for eternity in a digital paradise away from the hellscape that Earth has become. Only...he wouldn’t get to come with. The digital paradise holds a COPY of his consciousness. Not the one he is currently using. A copy that was pasted into the digital space via the brain scan. Not transferred.
I believe that The Amazing Digital Circus is much the same. The characters found in TADC are unable to escape the program...because there’s nothing to escape TO. They are copies of a living human’s conciousness pasted into the digital realm through a brain scan perhaps. Their real human selves got up, took off the headset, and kept living their lives. Unintentionally trapping living, thinking copies of themselves inside the program.
Caine mentions that he lied about the exit, because he’s not done with it, and doesn't want the characters to see it yet. He doesn’t know what to put on the other side of the exit door out into the void, but he is BUILDING a place past the exit to satiate the desire for freedom of these trapped human personas. But as an AI inhabiting TADC, he doesn’t know what to actually put on the other side of the exit aside from the dull, anti-human, liminal office space of the C&A corporation that he has likely only seen through CCTV footage, or something.
Anyway, I wanted to introduce the fandom to this more...unique take on the "body transfer" horror genre that SOMA introduced. In such a scenario, Pomni's human self isn't sitting catatonic with a headset on, Jax didn't physically get sucked into the computer through supernatural means, and none of the characters are dead in real life. Just imagine it; a human persona with none of the memories, abandoned in a place they do not understand. With an AI as their guide that barely understands them.
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the-last-genderbender · 18 hours
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I would like to share my condolences to the poor fanfic writer whose hopes and dreams were immortalised before they could be crushed today, 7 years later, when ice ado has been officially cancelled.
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bluestonebliss · 23 days
I cannot believe I failed to get the last Boop Badge.
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“‘Were you in love with him?’ ‘Yes,’ I say, simply. James and I put each other through the kind of reckless passions Gwendolyn once talked about, joy and anger and desire and despair. After all that, was it really so strange? I am no longer baffled or amazed or embarrassed by it. 'Yes, I was.' It's not the whole truth. The whole truth is, I'm in love with him still.”
M.L. Rio If We Were Villains
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need a man who will hold my pitiful trembling form in his clutches and decide to savor my flesh instead of swallowing me whole
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gnomeapproval2683 · 10 months
Bro today at the strip mall I was with my grandma and saw a snoopy soap dispenser. I was kinda tired and said “hey look, it’s snoop dog” so now she thinks that’s his name and im just waiting for this to catch up to me
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chaoticacademic69 · 1 year
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give-soup-please · 2 years
The real marker that qualifies the stanley parable as a tragedy...
Is that there’s no “I love you” button for the narrator. Where is it. He needs to know his audience loves him.
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stepghost · 1 year
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rjhpandapaws · 2 years
One liner prompts: 5 for botw? 💙
//Breathe of the wild yay // 5: "It's not your fault. Sometimes you can do everything right, and things will still go wrong... This just happened to be one of those times." //TW: Graphic description of injury, angst, and grief, character death, suicide.
Sidon doesn't know how long Link's been unconscious for anymore. He stopped counting after the first Blood Moon and there had been several since then, but he hadn't been counting. If he spent too much time counting the days he might miss when Link's eyes finally fluttered open again. If he counted the hours he might miss his chance to apologize for being so foolish. He might miss his chance to plead for forgiveness. The Zora were the best healers in Hyrule, and yet despite how long it had been, those cerulean eyes hadn't opened again, and his breathing hadn't deepened beyond that of a restless sleep. Sidon was beginning to fear they never would. He should have known better. Hylian's may have been more resistant to shock arrows than Zora, but they were still frail and broke easily. Even their Hero. Vah Ruta was a Divine Beast meant to contain and be piloted by a Zora, the Blight inside of it that had taken Mipha from them had to have been powerful. His beloved sister had been gentle, not weak. If it had bested her, what hope had Link really had? Especially without his memories. Sidon shouldn't have pushed him. He should have given him more time to learn who he had been.
Instead Sidon had pressured him into saving them and possibly caused the death of his dearest friend. He sighed quietly, this line of thought wasn't doing him any good. Link was strong, he would recover, he always did. Sidon just needed to wait a little longer, and when he did wake up, because he would, Sidon wouldn't let anything go unsaid. Never again. The door to the infirmary opened, and Sidon didn't need to look up to know it was Bazz who had joined him. He came in every night, to check on Link and to beg Sidon to get some rest. It was how Sidon marked the time. Bazz had visited them well over three hundred times, and Sidon's answer never changed. He would leave Link's side only once he was well again. "Sidon." There was a weight to Bazz's voice that hadn't been present in any of his other visits, and it compelled him to look up, "It is time for you to get some rest. There is nothing more we can do for him, in the morning we will be laying him to rest. Sleep so that you will be ready to say goodbye when it is time."
The weight to Bazz's voice was grief, he knew because it crashed over him like a wave of cold water. Link was dead, for real this time, and it had been Sidon's arrogance that killed him. This should have been the obvious outcome. Link's body had been so battered and broken when he'd been released from Vah Ruta. It had been the smell of his blood in the water that had alerted Sidon to something being wrong. When he'd gotten him to the dock he knew something was wrong. Some of his his limbs had been bent wrong, and his head rested at an angle that didn't seem natural for a Hylian. He hadn't been breathing; and at the time Sidon had assumed it was because he was unconscious. He knew better now.
"It's not your fault." Bazz's voice cut across an awful, ragged gasping sound, that Sidon realized was his sobbing before he collected himself. Crying in the presence of a guard was rather undignified. Bazz paid it no mind as he continued, "Sometimes you can do everything right, and things will still go wrong... This just happened to be one of those times." Bazz was being do dismissive of this, and for a moment Sidon was enraged. Until he realized Bazz was barely holding it together as it was, this was hurting him too, but he was keeping his pride in tact unlike Sidon. "I would rather stay here, if you don't mind." His voice was dull and hollow, "Please." Bazz looked like he wanted to argue for a moment, beg even, but he must have seen something in his eyes that made him decide otherwise, "As you wish." He said instead and retreated from the room.
Sidon looked down at Link again and let himself break. "I'm sorry." He sobbed, "I'm sorry i did this to you. I'm sorry I pressured you into saving us. I'm sorry.... I love you, please don't leave.... please Link." There was no response, and there never would be. Prince Sidon of the Zora had caused the death of the Hero of Hyrule. In the empty infirmary under a blood red moon, he turned his sword on himself. A world without Link wasn't one he wanted to be a part of.
(Prompt from this list)
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noahsteensonfilms · 7 months
My fav trope is "disaster twink x twunk Cinnamon roll"
Yes this is about my own book , "This is Achillean again"
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Achilles, your pride was his death and I grieve beside you
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sporksaber · 18 days
I don't like tragedies, it's not something I read or write, but I love like, soft burn tragic romance. Not life or death stakes or sudden twists and turns as everything that could possibly go wrong does, but the slow unraveling of a once strong relationship that was just never going to last.
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