fullcravings · 3 months
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Sacher Torte from Scratch
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antikristrecipes · 1 year
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Brown Butter and Thyme Potato Torte
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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Vegan Dark Chocolate Sacher Torte
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amamiofacciouncasinoo · 4 months
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L’obiettivo ➡️
Si inizia. Poi vi posterò il risultato, aiuto.
Preferite frutta o cioccolato?
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niniprytula · 3 months
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Rosehip & Almond Torte
This is the cake I make every year for Christmas Eve. It is a ridiculous beast that is frankly, absurdly expensive to make due to the ingredients but it is so, so worth it, and it's the perfect light, not-too-sweet finale for the monument to excess that is the traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve dinner as made by my family.
The base of the sponge recipe is from Savella Stechishin's Traditional Ukrainian Cookery, but I've made so many changes over the years that it is no longer recognizable as such. A Torte of Theseus, if you will. The frosting is completely my own invention, with thanks to Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen for the idea to stabilize the whipped cream with sour cream.
16 eggs, separated 2 cups powdered sugar 3 cups almond flour 1/2 cup all purpose or gluten-free 1-for-1 flour (whichever you like, does not affect texture or taste at all) 2tsp grated lemon rind 2tsp grated lemon rind 2tbsp lemon juice Pinch salt
Line 3 8-9" circular cake pans with parchment paper (one circle on bottom, and then a strip around the sides, leaving enough to overlap. Use a plain metal paperclip to hold the ends together if necessary). Preheat oven to 350F degrees.
With a stand- or hand-mixer, beat egg yolks until very light. Add sugar gradually and beat constantly until light and fluffy. Stir in the nuts, flour, lemon rind, lemon juice, and salt. Set aside.
With a meticulously clean and dry bowl and whisk attachments, beat egg whites into stiff peaks. 
Transfer nut mixture to a large bowl. With a rubber spatula, gently fold in egg whites one large dollop at a time, being careful not to knock the air out. It will take a while as the nut and egg yolk mixture has the texture of wet concrete. Good arm work out!
Once all egg white is incorporated, evenly divide batter between the three pans. They will be quite thin layers. Bake for approximately 30 min or until golden on top and springy to the touch. They will be domed on the top when they are baked. The sponges will shrink back to flat once removed from the oven. This is normal and will not affect the texture of the sponge. Let stand a few minutes in the cake pans before removing to cool on a cake rack. Let cool completely before assembling.
16oz heavy cream 1/8 cup sour cream 1/2 cup powdered sugar 2tsps rosewater 1/4c rosehip fruit spread (D'arbo brand) 
NB: you could probably do this with any flavor profile and sub out the rosewater and the preserves but keep the measurements the same; just use seedless jam or fruit spread
Make whipped cream with the heavy cream and the powdered sugar. I use my stand-mixer for this but you could do it by hand. When it is fluffy, add the sour cream, the rosewater, and the rosehip spread. Do not overbeat or you will have very delicious butter.
When assembling the torte I usually add a layer of the rosehip spread to each layer of the torte before adding the frosting, just for some extra zing and moisture.
Ideally you'd refrigerate the cake if you have leftovers and then let come back up to room temp when you serve it, but to be perfectly honest I've left this cake covered in a cool room for a few days and neither I nor the cake suffered for it.
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kawaii-foodie · 1 year
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letslovefood · 2 years
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Brown Butter and Thyme Potato Torte
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vegehana-food · 10 months
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✿ オプストトルテ | Obsttorte ・OBSTとはドイツ語でフルーツ、TORTEは切り分けていただく円形の焼き菓子のことで、フルーツを使った丸いお菓子という意味になります。
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thinking about them tonight (jochen und torte) 💕
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bravelys · 1 year
who are some of your fave bravely characters im curious :-3
AAA sorry for taking so long to answer I just saw this!!
Truth is I havejt been able to play bravely II yet cause Ive been budy with Uni, but I plan on finally playing it this summer! (After replaying the original and second so I can get the #full expirience).
So these are my opinions before replaying the games so Im curious to see if they'll change afterwards!
FF4 heroes of light (counting it as a bravely game since its the predecesor): Torte! This man had like 6 lines in the whole game and I love him SO much he's just. Hes just. (Spins him around in my mind like a microwave). But if I had to pick a fave from the main cast I think it'd be Jusqua, the whole bit where he tries to rescue "Aire" is so charming and funny it really endeared him to me :)
Bravely Default: Tiz! Hes just sooooo sweet and caring and honest I love him so much. Hes loyal to a fault and loves taking care of people and keeping them safe like the shepherd he is. The way he cared for Egil right after meeting him because he reminded him of his brother was so ;_; I just have a huge soft spot for genuine and caring characters man
Bravely Second: Yew! I dont really have much to say about him except that hes neat :) He's just a really nice dude who wants to do right by people!!! I also gotta say Janne and Nikolais betrayal just hit different after replaying the demo over and over again, I really sympathized with Yew there
And thats all! Ill probably update this after replaying all the games and default II, based on my track record I think Seth will probably be my fave though lmao
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beaminbean · 5 months
Dessert is always trending… Dessert everything all the time 🍭
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fullcravings · 3 months
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Sacher Torte from Scratch
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lookashiny · 7 months
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(via Decadent chocolate truffle torte recipe | BBC Good Food)
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Wir lassen Omas gedeckten Apfelkuchen in neuem Glanz erstrahlen: Das bewährte alte Familien-Rezept mit Mürbeteig, aromatischen Äpfeln, gemahlenen Nüssen und doppelter Glasur bleibt bestehen und das Äußere wird ein wenig umgestylt.
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zimtastisch · 1 year
Gedanken zur neuen Hühner-Serie
Aber mal ganz ehrlich. Die einzige logische Konsequenz von Fred und Frieda als Paar ist doch das Sprotte mit Titus zusammenkommt. Bei ihm muss sie wenigstens keine Angst haben, dass Frieda sich wieder in den gleichen Jungen verliebt... Ich hab das Gefühl Cornelia könnte in diese Richtung gehen.
Denke es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass Sprotte mit einem der anderen Pygmäen zusammenkommt. (Falls doch, wäre ich für Torte xD) Und einen komplett neuen Charakter hinzuzufügen, den die Fans nicht kennen, wäre auch komisch. Weil dann hätte sie auch für Frieda einen neuen Charakter erfinden können, der weniger problematisch ist, als die erste Liebe ihrer besten Freundin.
Natürlich gäbe es auch noch Maik... aber das halte ich für noch weniger wahrscheinlich, als alle anderen Optionen. (Obwohl es irgendwie lustig wäre. Ironie des Schicksals und so...)
Oder... andere Möglichkeit: Sprotte entpuppt sich als bi und brennt mit einem der Hühner durch?!
Bin echt gespannt, wie es dann am Ende kommt. Das spannende an Titus ist ja eigentlich, dass man relativ wenig über ihn weiß. Da wäre definitiv viel Raum für eine interessante Charakterentwicklung.
Bring it on, Cornelia!
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cecy83 · 8 months
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