#tol braga
dukeoftheblackstar · 7 months
@t3mpest98 For your Kel Dor everyday needs ♥
Yes, blue is very flattering for Kel Dors:
Gnost Dural from the Old Republic Game (blue)
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Custom figure of Gnost Dural being hella fucking bad ass tho.. in blue:
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I can't find the artists for this but it is in a public domain for art concept. We have actually used this as HC for Papa Koon, my bestie and I's OC for Plo Koon's hot dad LOL
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OC Khan the Kel Dor by Felipe Borbs:
Kel Dor kids + Blue
Feat. Baby Sha Koon ♥
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veny-many · 9 months
So I was exploring the Wookieepedia again. And found someone interested me.
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That cool looking Kel-Dor Tol Braga!
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He was respected Jedi Council member who had skill and wisdom and open minded and kind hearted. He always tried to peace talk to even sith at first meeting, and one sith lord actually redeemed by fighting him for three days. And Tor actually accepted him as his Padawan.
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But when he tried to take down the supreme Sith, he was brainwashed by him and fallen to dark side.
He eventually able to broke out, but he was so broke down by the fact his pride had blinded the truth and led them to failure.
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And he willingly surrendered to dark side.
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When hero tried to save him, he said that dark side and Empire will rise again and again, and galaxy's suffering will never end and what they fought for are not mattered.
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Still, by hero's choice, he was convinced by the fact that he still had good inside, he gained his confidence and hope once again and agreed to be redeemed.
It was interesting to me that the fact even Kel-Dorian could be fall and redeemed despite their strong judgment of good and bad.
And as always, it makes me... have more idea... of Plo Koon. Muhahaahahahhahah
Thinking about what can broke him to fall?
The true cruelty of galaxy and society?
The suffering of innocent they tried to save and still failed?
The meaning of clones that made to die for Jedis? And the war they forced to fight?
Many Padawans and Jedis that fought in war and died and suffered?
The Jedi Orders that changed while long history under serving corrupted Republic and fighting in war?
Or the guilt for Little 'soka that Jedi Order abandoned when she needed them most?
Or the guilt for original 104th battalion who died by his command that was from his judgment from pride of their successes?
Yes, what a sad life to be kind hearted Jedi in wartime...
I don't think even if he survived from Order 66 he could be the same person before the order after all that traumas and cruel reality.
But in the other side, I believe he would never let him self fall or give up when he have at least one young someone with goodness who needs his help and care.
Because... just he has too strong buir energy. That's all. Even Tol took care of young man who was sith lord. And I believe Plo would have so much power and will for taking care of younglings. What am i saying
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jjjwhovian · 1 year
Oh! Tol Braga!
Ah. Sadly this one doesn’t exactly have a happy ending.
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Master Tol Braga, the Jedi who never knew failure…until he met the Emperor who corrupted his mind.
He says he broke free from Vitates control, that his eyes were simply opened. The Galaxy wasn’t worthy saving, it never was.
Whether those were truly his own thought or just Vitiate controlling him, I’m afraid no one will know for certain.
Once Arono defeated him he saw the Dark Sides hold over Master Braga was too strong and decided to put him out of his misery.
You see, Arono Maxir is a good man. He’s someone wanting to do the right and willing to give people a chance to redeem themselves, like with a Bengel Morr, Watcher One and Lord Praven.
But after escaping Vitates thrall, something that left him heavily scarred both mentally and physically, and given pretty much no time to rest before being sent back to the front lines he was…different.
He still tries to do the right thing but after why he’s been through he’s…going to make some lapses in judgment.
Killing Master Braga was unfortunately one of them.
(This may seem like a flimsy excuse but this was just to keep with the canon of Braga being dead mentioned in the Agent storyline, which as I’ve said before I have a reason for doing this)
So yeah, not much else to say.
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 73. New Orders
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As Vajra busied himself with the teapot, he felt the Master’s eyes on him. He didn’t need to see her to feel her concern. “I’m fine, Master. I really am. I’m ready for this mission.”
“I know. You’re a strong young man, Vajra. We’re lucky to have you. But that doesn’t stop me from worrying. I had hoped you could have more time to recover.”
“So do I, Master.” He added the tea leaves and covered the top before turning off the heat.
“Tell me about what you did yesterday,” she asked, and Vajra gave her a modified account of his evening. He left out all mentions of Cipher Nine, but told her about the restaurant he’d visited, and the sunset he’d watched.
“Strange that you’d head out all the way there. It’s, what… fifteen kilometres off?”
“I needed the exercise,” Vajra said, pouring out two steaming cups of tea and placing one in front of her, with a single squeeze of lime and a spoonful of honey. He knew her well enough by now, to know how she liked her tea. “And Alderaan is a nice place for a run, when there’s no war going on.”
“That’s true.” She coughed and took a sip. “Mmmh. Thank you. Just what I needed.”
“So what about your day?”
“I spent it in here,” she said with a dour face. “Hoping the cold wouldn’t get this bad.”
“Well, maybe it’s a good thing that it did. Now you get a day off from work.”
She tilted her head and chuckled. “Looking at the bright side? I’ll take it. Maybe if it’d happened a week ago, I could’ve taken you, Kira, and Jasme for a brief vacation.”
“What about Theron?”
She looked bemused at mention of her son’s name. “You want to hear something funny? I heard from my former comrade last night. It turns out, Theron was responsible for the death of Darth Mekhis, several months ago. He faced a Dark Council member, and I didn’t hear about it until now.”
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theshijlegacy · 1 year
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"Yeah, don't worry about that big scary Sith. What you really need to focus on is getting to this frozen wasteland."
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
An interaction I really like
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Yeah, this is a generic good guy dialogue...but I think it really fits for Yulizzia here.
Initally, I started off Yuli as a bit childish and arrogant, very quick to leap into the fray and such, while being disrespectful towards her opponents. But to me, these lines of dialogue showed that Yuli has turned into a more mature, honorable, and wiser figure, helping develop her character even further. Just a thought I had.
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chissgendered · 2 years
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Talking with Master Tol Braga part.1
Transcript under the cut because I found this conversation interesting in terms of what would cause even a determined jedi to fall.
Master Tol Braga: Do you really think you've won? You only prolong the galaxy's suffering.
Master Tol Braga: In the end, no one is saved. This battle will be fought forever. Nothing I do matters.
Emrik Cal: You'd never faced failure--until you met the emperor. That's what broke you.
Master Tol Braga: I was certain the light would triumph over the dark, but he's more than dark. He's a void.
Master Tol Braga: You've stopped his plans for now, but the emperor is patient. He will try again and again, until he wins.
Kira Carsen: He could wait until we're dead before he tries again. What if no one's around to stop him?
Master Tol Braga: The emperor is on Dromund Kaas. Go to him. You will see how pointless our struggles have been.
Emrik Cal: Everything I do leads me back to the emperor. There's no retreat from that.
Master Tol Braga: Beware of destinies. They're rarely what you expect.
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
I honesty do not know what really becomes of Darth Zhorrid within this verse, but all I know that she’s presumingly “alive” for now.
After the Eradication Day, Zhorrid was informed that a certain Cipher Nine had “fired” the Eradicators, not realising she was under Jadus’ mind control infliuence. Zhorrid knew she was powerless to stop Jadus, she gave up her position and went into hiding.
Lachris and Acina went to search for Zhorrid anywhere, but she was nowhere to be found at all, so they figured that she went on the run from the Sith Empire and became a traitor. Jadus was too busy in their affairs to care about Zhorrid namely trying to woo Aris into marriage and reclaiming their Seat on the Dark Council. Lachris took on the task with her Sith Inflitrators to hunt Zhorrid down.
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Lol it’s kinda funny how the Jedi Knight can just collect Imperials / Imperial aligned npcs like pokemon
Edit: and as @swtorpadawan pointed out, this doesn’t even take into account temporary enemies like Bengel Morr (not Imp aligned but an enemy), Galen, Warren Sedoru, Leeha Narezz and Tol Braga.
JK out there with all the people that ever tried to kill them lol “Sure they tried to kill me but that was like a whole planet ago. Times and people change, you know?”
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ospreyeamon · 7 months
jaric kaedan: designated jerk
Jaric Kaedan is the designated jerk of the cold war era Jedi Council. When there is a mean or aggressive thing the writers want a member of the Council to say, Master Kaedan is nearly always the one to say it. However, I would argue that a lot of the mean things Kaedan says are mean things which needed to be said by someone.
For example, his questioning of Kira Carsen’s loyalty after it is revealed she is a Child of the Emperor is pertinent given the context. That someone who was accepted into the Order as an adult after attempting to steal the hyperdrive of a ship which just happened to belong to a member of the Jedi Council, whose position as that Council Member’s Padawan granted her close access to the Council, has been concealing her origins as a Sith acolyte is suspicious. During Act One the Jedi uncover a Sith sleeper agent, Tarnis, embedded deeply in Republic military research. In Consular Act Three, the potential infiltration of the Jedi Order by the Children of the Emperor is proven to be something Kaedan was absolutely correct to be concerned about. The Council would be remiss in its duty of protection towards the other members of the Order if they didn’t investigate the possibility of Kira being a plant. Arguably, they’d also be failing Kira by not consolidating the evidence proving her innocence because Kira might need that evidence if her status as a Child of the Emperor leaks again in the future.
Kaedan’s cynicism about the prospects of Tol Braga’s plan bring peace with the Empire is entirely reasonable. The risks of undertaking the mission go beyond the risk to the members of the strike team. If the Jedi abduct or assassinate the Sith Emperor it will trigger a second great galactic war – a war the republic military has been preparing for but may not be ready to begin. Even if Tol Braga succeeds in turning the Emperor to the Light, the wider Empire would be unlikely accept the commands of a Jedi Emperor, either dismissing the “redemption” as lies or mind control, or denouncing the ruler they are already becoming disillusioned with as a traitor.
His concerns about Jomar Chul’s vision are also valid. Even if the Hero of Tython is unwaveringly loyal to the Order and would never willingly draw on the Dark-Side of the Force, the Jedi Council should be aware that Jedi can be forced into falling under torture. The vision is an ill omen at the outset of an already poorly considered mission.
This gives me the impression that Jaric Kaedan’s role as the designated jerk is something which exists in-universe – that he has fallen into a dynamic with the rest of the Jedi Council where he feels he must voice the cynical and callous opinions because most of the time nobody else is willing to. If the points aren’t raised the quality of the Council’s discussions will suffer, the quality of the Council’s decisions will suffer. None of them particularly want to tell Bela Kiwiiks she might have welcomed a mole into the Order or tell Tol Braga his pet emperor redemption project is stupid. So long as Jaric Kaedan is always willing to be the bad cop then then the other members of the Council are free to play the good cop, or the mediator, or the supplier of wise proverbs.
Which is, moving further into headcanon, part of the reason why Kaedan is such a grumpy jerk. He knows he’s slipped into this trap and resents it. He shouldn’t have to always be the one bringing these things up. He shouldn’t have to worry that nobody else will if he’s not there. And the habit of imagining and voicing cynical takes, once established, is difficult to break.
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magicallulu7 · 2 years
Jedi Knight meme
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Tol Braga’s great “plan”.
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serenofroses · 11 months
some canon divergent thoughts (I'm considering on adding):
- During A New Epoch of Fear. Marr came to Ania's aid a little after she 'fired' the Eradicators under Jadus' influence. Jadus and Marr would get into a fight.
- The Servants didn't go to Kritanta and Eleni's aid when Thanaton and Baras teamed up in an attempt to get rid of them. Kritanta was injured leaving Vowrawn panicking, but they were somehow were taken to Odessan safety and recover, thanks to Grandmaster Oteg.
- Tau grows suspicious of the Jedi Masters in JK's chapter 2. They weren't apart of the alliance hiding on Odesssn for couple of years. Jazz was obvious to the Jedi Masters' darkness as Tol Braga told them of the plans to 'capture the Sith Emperor and turn him to the light'. Only for that mission to be later revealed as a trap laid out for the two Jedi. Chapter 3 is pretty much a JK and JC merge focusing on Children of Emperor arc.
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veny-many · 9 months
Me: Sha Koon left war after losing all her troopers and Padawan.
Me: Tol Braga fell to dark side with his will because he thought it was punishment for his wrong choices and arrogance.
Me: I wonder if Plo had lost the whole battalion including his three original Wolfpack in Malevolence, he would left the war or remained.
Other me: But his Order and Ahsoka still fighting in war he would never leave them.
Me: And what if Ahsoka killed by being framed for bomb terrorism and Order left her alone to death.
Me: It would possibly lead him to dark side right?
Other me: You monster
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jjjwhovian · 1 year
I know she shows up in the game again, but tell us about Leeha Narezz !
Yay thank you @swtorpadawan for the ask! Now bear in mind I try to keep things as close to canon as possible, and I didn’t even think she would reappear after all this time, so some things are subject to change. But as it stands now…
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As you could tell from her latest appearance on Dantooine the things she went through under Vitiates thrall still had an affect on her. Unfortunately there was more to it.
After Arono Maxir, my Knight, defeated her and she was sent back to Tython to be healed and brought back to the Light. It was a difficult process for her, luckily she had her secret lover, Jomar Chul, to help her though it. She tried to do the same for fellow corrupted master, Warren Sedoru, when he was brought back as well, though the both mourned their lost friend Tol Braga.
Some years later however the Eternal Empire attacked and killed several members of the Order. Leeha, rattled by a previous attack on Tython from the Sith, managed to survive and flee along with a handful of other Jedi.
Unfortunately neither Master Warren or Jomar were among them, they were killed defending Tython.
Leeha and the survivors she escaped with spent the next lot of years hiding underground, simply trying to survive and stay hidden from the Eternal Empire.
When the renewed war between Jedi and Sith started Task Force Nova had managed to find her group and recruit them.
Everything Leeha had suffered through the past decade or so and now being brought back to fight the Empire again has affected her, how this will culminate…only time will tell.
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Book of Storms: Legend of Vajra
Chapter 8: Trials
The Jedi Temple, Several weeks later
Satele Shan, Grand Master of the Jedi Order, studied the Padawan as he entered the Meeting Chamber.
“Vajra! Please, come on in. We were most relieved to hear when you started to recover. We feared we were going to lose you.”
“That was a daring act you pulled off,” Kaedan sighed. “The Council commends your valor.”
“Thank you, Masters.”
“We would also like to apologize for saddling you with such a monumental task alone,” Bela said. “You were all but alone for a time.”
“The growing darkness has you worried, I understand.”
Satele snorted. “Strange, is it not, how a threat almost literally on our doorstep is not the massive threat we’ve been Sensing? It’s like the heart of our power is irrelevant.”
“Well, Tython is out of the way,” Vajra replied. “Remote. Things that happen here only affect the Galaxy if it can wipe us out. Which it can’t. Even a few Knights are sufficient to keep the Khrayii at bay. But you always knew that, didn’t you, Masters? The Force flows so… calmly here despite all the turmoil. To it, this conflict is… irrelevant.” His eyes widened and he clammed up, as if realizing he had said too much.
“Indeed,” Satele said. “I’m glad you see things so clearly.”
“I apologize, Masters.”
“You really shouldn’t,” Master Syo Bakarn said kindly. “Your insight proves a point we’ve all discussed several times in this Council. You are ready to start taking your trials.” Behind Bela, the holo of her Padawan stirred but said nothing.
“What?” Vajra was taken aback. “But Masters, I have so much to learn, still! I can’t even Control my breath yet; you saw what a few cannisters of poison did to me!”
“Indeed, there are still a few things you need to learn. Fortunately, your trials will take time to complete. You still have some time to learn.”
“I see. I am honored by the Council’s confidence in me.”
“You have earned it,” Kaedan said gruffly. “Your dedication and tenacity have been noticed, as has your adherence to the Code. Know that we do not make this decision lightly.”
“Yes, Masters.”
“You have already passed a more grueling Trial of the Flesh than anything we could have set up,” Tol said. “The same Trial proved your valour. We also believe you have passed any Trials of Skill, but…”
“I disagree, Master Braga. While I agree my combat skills are good, the poisoning incident proved to me that I have a lot left to learn. I am also not very confident in using the Force in subtle or peaceful ways. I have a lot to learn, and I would like the time to learn them properly.”
“Agreed,” Master Orgus said. “As I mentioned earlier, there is much I would like to teach him before letting him make his own way out there.”
“Noted. Your trials will happen slowly, young one. And, I agree that your soft skills are just as important as your blade work. We will think up a suitable Trial of Skill as well.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“You may leave, Vajra.”
The young Apprentice bowed and left.
“He sounds… different,” Satele remarked.
“His lessons in Basic have been progressing well,” Orgus replied. “He’s also gotten better and more confident in debating.”
“Clearly. What have you been teaching him?”
“Whatever I can. But in this case, it’s Jasme we have to thank. And his own interest, of course.”
“It’s poise and thoughtfulness worthy of a Jedi,” Tol remarked. “I’m amazed how far he’s come in the few months since his arrival.”
“But is it right to add to his burdens?” Bela spoke up. “He’s still just a child! And we’ve put too much on his plate already! I’ll never forget the torment on his face when he lamented having killed two thousand Flesh Raiders.”
“And his state when I returned to find him in the infirmary,” Orgus added.
“That was then,” Braga argued. “As we saw, he’s growing. Fast. And we need all the Knights we can field.”
“Then we should look elsewhere,” Bela said stubbornly. “We’ll start raiding cribs next!”
“I agree,” Orgus said pleadingly. “Let me have a few years with him. I want to do a proper job with him.”
“I’m afraid we don’t have that luxury. Any lessons you can squeeze into the next month or two is all he’ll be afforded. The darkness continues to grow, and we still don’t know what it is. Or where.”
“I’m certain it’s here on Coruscant,” Bela said.
“A world with over trillion people. A world that has enough surface area to match a thousand ordinary worlds, thanks to the many levels of construction. That’s a lot of ground to cover.”
“I’ll find it,” Bela insisted.
“Kira,” Satele interjected. “I’m sure you were listening?”
“Indeed I was, Master Satele. If it’s my opinion you’re asking for, Vajra is already a splendid Jedi. But he’s also young. I’d rather preserve that a little longer if I could. Heck, if this Council was willing to trust me, I’d shoulder the burden myself so he wouldn’t have to.”
“Noble,” Kaedan growled. “Is this a sign you want to be made Knight before him?”
“No, though I understand why it appears that way. I don’t care about my seniority. He’s my friend, and I want to protect him.”
“Well said,” Bela nodded. “He has the potential. But I fear we will squander it if we rush the process.”
“The trials will start, that much has already been decided,” Satele sighed. “But I agree that we can pace it so as to give him more time.”
“Time is something he needs,” Kira insisted. “Please, Masters.”
“Your opinion has been noted, Padawan,” Syo said in his usual, kindly manner.
“It feels like we’re going around in circles on an already decided subject,” Kaedan said. “I think we should move on to the next topic.”
“Agreed. Master Kiwiiks, tell us about your progress on Coruscant please.”
Satele listened with half an ear to her colleague’s report, but the back of her mind continued to work on the subject of Vajra’s Knighthood. All objections she kept hearing were, in her opinion, very valid. But there was little she could do. These past months, Vajra had done the work of a small force of full Knights. While in hindsight, it had been a terrible mistake giving him so much responsibility, the result was unmistakable. And most of her fellow Councillors—even the ones who were rarely able to attend anymore—wanted to give him his spurs.
Satele sat in her chambers later that day, brushing her daughter’s hair as she animatedly chatted away as usual. She was talking about the Kalikori this time.
“They’re having a festival tonight,” she was saying. “I’ve been looking into their customs after the poisoning incident—that ‘grand matriarch’ woman gave me really bad vibes—and I was thinking just how drab their culture was. Even the Khrayii have a more solid culture, and that’s saying something. The Kalikori… their festivals feel kinda thrown together. ‘Hey, it’s common to have a harvest festival, so let’s make one ourselves! And let’s make drinks from the first batch of crops because it seems so smart! What’s that, add our own flavor? Our own instruments, stories, beliefs? Why ever would we do that? This is good, this is smart!’”
Satele snorted. “Kolovish really got under your skin, didn’t she?”
“It’s more than that,” Jasme insisted. “She’s up to something.”
“Well, at least we know her ‘something’ doesn’t involve speaking to people off-world. We’ve detected no transmissions that weren’t our own.”
“She’s going to end up with her arms clapped in irons someday… mark my words,” Jasme said darkly.
“Of course, dear. I’ll trust your judgement. You’ve proven a good judge of character after all.”
“Awww, thanks Mom!”
“I’m glad to see you more yourself again.”
“Yeah, seeing Vajra so badly injured, thinking he might die… it really scared me.”
“You really like him, don’t you?”
Jasme turned her head slightly to beam. “Yes.”
“He’s impressed the Council too. Almost everyone wants him Knighted as soon as possible.”
“So, he told me,” Jasme beamed. “Right after you let him go, in fact. I’m glad they see his worth. He’s already seen as something of a guardian among the Kalikori. Hey, I just realized; there’s at least two places in the galaxy where people see him as some divine champion! The Raudra revere anyone whose third eye has gone white!”
Satele chuckled. “The legend of Vajra is off to a good start already then.”
“So now you’re foisting a Knighthood on him. I’m so proud of the little guy! But also, a little worried…”
“Because of his age?”
“And his maturity. His inner balance has improved loads lately, but I still worry about him.”
“But his judgement is above reproach. All reports agree that his approach has saved the most lives.”
“That is true. I still wish he’d tried to evacuate the Kalikori rather than save their food.”
“Remember, Jasme. We can’t share too much with them. We’re still bound by Republic law after all.”
Jasme waved dismissively. “Doesn’t mean organizations like the Peace Brigade won’t help them.”
“We can’t let them know where Tython is.”
“So many complications,” Jasme sighed.
“Speaking of complications,” Satele said. “Tomas…”
“I’ve not heard from him, but his doctor says he’s still alive.” Jasme sounded upset again. “I hope he chooses life, Mom. He’s a good man.”
“Yes, my dear.”
“I… I want to see him again. But he’s forbidden it. I’m… I’m trying to move on. It feels like a betrayal. But it’s what he wants.”
“What is it you want?”
“To say goodbye properly, at least. And, maybe, another sibling. A Sister this time. What do you say?”
Satele chuckled. “I’m sorry, Jasme. I can’t.”
“I know. I was just joking. Anyway, I want to be an archivist. And an historian. I want to study ancient cultures and cities.”
“Jasme… whatever happens, please don’t give up on love and family. You’re not a Jedi. You’re not destined—or perhaps I should say ‘doomed’—to follow our path. If there is one thing I’ve regretted bitterly, it’s not raising you and Theron like a real Mother would.”
“I already have a new crush,” Jasme said, but Satele knew she was just saying that. Tom’s fate would worry her for some years to come. She hoped someone—Vajra perhaps—could be a shoulder for Jasme to lean on until events were resolved.
“Oh really? Who is it this time?”
“General Jace Malcom!” she said, and Satele had to fight to not sputter.
“Why him? He’s even older than I am!”
“He just looks so gorgeous in his armor! I think I like muscular men in armor. Tom sported an armored set of robes too, remember?”
“Yes, he did,” Satele’s chuckle was awkward. Was her daughter teasing her? Had she guessed? She certainly hoped so! It was better than thinking her daughter had inadvertently developed a crush on her kriffing Father!
“So, what have you decided about Vajra?”
“The decision has already been made. In fact, his recent ordeal was already approved as trials of Valor and Flesh.”
“Oh, right! He mentioned that too! So, he’s already a quarter of the way there, isn’t he? Damn! This is happening too fast. It’s no wonder he looked so overwhelmed when we spoke.”
“Mom? Can you at least promise me you won’t toss him into the deep end?”
“I wish I could, Jasme. But my hands are tied right now. You’ve no idea how starved for Knights we are. But I’ll do what I can.”
“Please don’t waste his life,” Jasme said.
“I try not to waste anyone’s lives.”
“Well, be extra, extra careful with his. Please. You’ll thank me someday. And I’ll thank you every single day.”
“Of course.”
“Also… try not to overburden yourself either. I love you, Mom. I want to see you grow into a happy old woman. Not someone filled with regret.”
“That is even less of a certainty. But I’ll do what I can.”
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theshijlegacy · 1 year
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"I've lost contact with my padawan - who is no longer a Sith, even though he was on the Dark Council. You're hanging around an ex-Sith, you can help! Did I mention he's totally not a Sith any more?"
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