#tokyo breakfast sushi market
wilsweb-asientour · 9 months
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Tag 20. 23.07.2023
Sensō-ji, Taito City. Wir quartierten uns zum Frühstück in ein Café ein, um (A) Kalorien einzunehmen und (B) ein paar administrative Sachen zu klären wie z.B. Unterkünfte in Kyoto und Osaka, Planung für Wilsons Semester in Stockholm und Abbau des Emailhaufens. Wir holten danach im Supermarkt Mittagessen (wieder gebratener Reis, dieses Mal lecker) und setzten unsere Laptops im Hotelzimmer ab.
Es ging dann zum Sensō-ji Tempel, der älteste buddhistische Tempel Tokyos. Wieland, warst du auch damals da? Uns gefielen die vielen kleinen Läden im Vordergrund und irgendwie, obwohl wir von Menschenmassen umzingelt waren, herrschte Übersicht und eine gewisse Ruhe. Insgesamt ist Tokyo äußerst ruhig, obwohl inzwischen >30 Mil. Einwohner Tokyo ihr zu Hause nennen. Im Nachgang ging’s über den Sumida Fluss zum Ushijima-Schrein, mitten in einem idyllischen Park ausgestattet mit Teich, Riesenkrähen und Karate-Rentern.
Wir fuhren dann drei Stationen Richtung Westen, um an den Ueno-Park zu gelangen, wo der Sonntagsmarkt wortwörtlich bebte - eine tolle Atmosphäre. Wir hörten uns Live-Musik an, beäugten die Essens-Stände und bestaunten den Shinobazu no Ike Teich (ca. 1km Durchmesser!) mit 2m hohen Seerosen. Langsam bummelten wir dann durch den Uenopark, wo Baseball gespielt wurde, Richtung Nationalmuseum Tokyos. Da alle Attraktionen schon 17:00 Uhr zumachen liefen wir aus dem Park raus und mäanderten über die Kappabashi Dougu Straße, wo wir in verschiedenen Geschäften Halt machten, auf die Hoppy Street, eine Touristenmeile mit traditionell japanischen Restaurants. Hier zogen wir ein Ticket fürs Kura Sushi Erlebnis im 4. Stock eines. Kaufhauses für 21:00 Uhr.
Wir warteten eifrig in einem McDonald’s mit Cola und Milkshake, liefen dann wieder zum Sushirestaurant hoch. Am Tisch angekommen staunten wir über den Selfservice, das Sushi kam nämlich am Band zum Tisch (wie das Gepäck am Flughafen). Auf dem unteren Band gabs vorbereitetes Sushi und auf dem oberen kam das eigenbestellte vom iPad. Wir aßen insgesamt 20 kleine Teller auf, welche aus folgenden Sushis bestanden: Thunfisch, Jakobsmuschel, Lachs, Lachsrogen, Shrimp Tempura. Pro Person gaben wir 13,00€ aus, für deutsche Verhältnisse also ein Schnäppchen. Letztlich ging’s mit vollen Bäuchen nach Hause zur Formel 1 GP in Ungarn per Streaming. Einen guten Start in die Woche euch allen! Wunderschön zu sehen, dass Mama, Papa und T&T sich mit Dima in London getroffen haben! Viele liebe Grüße, Wilson & Webster.
Day 20. July 23, 2023
Sensō-ji, Taito City. We settled into a café for breakfast to (A) ingest some calories and (B) sort out a few administrative matters, such as accommodations in Kyoto and Osaka, planning for Wilson's semester in Stockholm, and tackling the email pile. Afterward, we picked up lunch at the supermarket (fried rice again, but this time it was delicious) and returned to our hotel room to drop off our laptops.
We then went to the Sensō-ji temple, the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo. Wieland, were you also there back then? We liked the many small shops in the foreground, and somehow, despite being surrounded by crowds, there was a sense of order and tranquility. Overall, Tokyo is incredibly calm, even though it's now home to over 30 million residents. Afterward, we crossed the Sumida River to the Ushijima Shrine, situated in an idyllic park with a pond, large crows, and karate-practicing retirees.
We then traveled three stations westwards to reach Ueno Park, where the Sunday market was bustling with a fantastic atmosphere. We listened to live music, checked out the food stalls, and admired the Shinobazu no Ike pond (around 1 km in diameter!) with 2-metre-tall water lilies. We strolled leisurely through Ueno Park, where the youth was practising baseball, heading towards the Tokyo National Museum. Since all attractions close by 5:00 p.m., we left the park and wandered through Kappabashi Dougu Street, making stops at various shops before reaching Hoppy Street, a tourist spot with traditional Japanese restaurants. Here, we got tickets for the Kura Sushi experience on the 4th floor of a department store, scheduled for 9:00 p.m.
We eagerly waited at a McDonald’s with cola and milkshake, then walked back to the sushi restaurant. Once at the table, we were amazed by its self-service, as the sushi came to the table on a conveyor belt (similar to luggage at the airport). On the lower belt, there were pre-made sushi plates, while the upper belt delivered our custom iPad orders. We enjoyed a total of 20 small plates, including tuna, scallop, salmon, salmon roe, and shrimp tempura sushi. We spent €13.00 per person, which is a bargain compared to German prices. With full bellies, we finally returned home to stream the Formula 1 GP in Hungary. Wishing you all a great start to the week! Great also to see Mum, Dad and T&T meeting up with Dima in London! Warm regards, Wilson & Webster.
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charlesandmiranda · 2 months
Kyoto part 1: Sushi, coffee, International Manga Museum, Imperial Palace Grounds
Once we arrived in Kyoto, Charles and I checked into our Airbnb for the duration of our trip there. Since we had decided to stay an extra day in Osaka, we had a limited amount of time in Kyoto, but we had a pretty good idea of the things we most wanted to see/do so that helped keep us on task.
The Airbnb we stayed in was an apartment in a guest house, and it was so gorgeous, even better than it looked in photos! And it was pretty inexpensive as well. We were technically in Kamigyo ward, which is a little to the west of Kyoto Imperial Palace, and northwest of Nishiki Market and the International Manga Museum, which were our main goals for our stay.
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We were both pretty hungry by this point, so we checked Google maps and realized we were close to a sushi restaurant that was pretty highly rated and also still open, so we walked there. Sure enough, it was super delicious! The place was called Daigen, and it was super fantastic! I think this was actually the only sushi we had the entire trip, but it was extremely extremely good. Even though they didn't really speak any English the staff was super friendly, and the Itamae (head sushi chef) was very very funny. We briefly spoke with some other guests there, including a Japanese-Canadian family that was super into running marathons (we later noticed flyers around for a Kyoto marathon and wondered if that was what brought them into town haha). Everyone was very kind and the chef gave everyone beer when we told him it was our honeymoon and extra shochu when I showed interest.
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The Itamae also took a photo with us at Daigen, super super sweet people.
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The next day was our only full day in Kyoto. We slept in a little bit just to catch up on our rest, and set out to Cafe Perch for breakfast. We actually ate here on our first visit to Japan, and it left a deep impresson on us -- it was the first time we ever had like, Japanese bread? And I don't mean pan, like, small rolls of bread or buns, but like, how they do sliced bread? It's quite different from how we have it, super fluffy and THICK sliced! The coffee at this place was super amazing. They had signs EVERYWHERE that said not to take photos so we didn't, but here's a Japanese blog post we found from an Instagrammer who clearly did it anyway. Maybe it can help give a general idea of the vibe; it had a similar Showa era old school feel to Royal Cafe in Asakusa, Tokyo, that we visited earlier, but with a more informal vibe. Jazz music was playing, there were lots of live plants, and tons of art and vintage stuff to look at lining the walls.
After leaving Perch, we set out to rent bicycles to get around for the day. Japan in general supports a lot of pedestrian and bike traffic (one of the first things that really stood out to us on our first visit!) and Kyoto in particular is super easy to navigate by cycle, especially since it's super flat. Two bikes for 24 hours were 700 yen each, around $10 total. Bikes function very differently than in the US; each bike has a lock on the back tire, so the owner gave us the keys for our rentals. Kyoto is pretty flat, so most bikes are cruiser style. It is an efficient way to get around and enjoy the scenery.
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Next in our day was the International Manga Museum. I kind of don't even know where to start on this one, it's exactly what it sounds like!
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The entrance features shelves and shelves of manga from many countries all over the world; and further in are walls and walls of manga -- the museum also functions as a sort of library, so there are tons of desks around where you can sit and read to your heart's content while you're there. You can read anything you find, sit anywhere you find a seat, all they ask is you return it where you found the book. The main hall explains what manga is, how it is made, etc. and has huge walls of manga broken down by year it was made. There were lots of other small exhibits too. Another cool thing about this museum is that it's also a preserved local elementary school. Interspersed with the manga exhibits are displays and rooms explaining the history of the school, how it relates to the area, what a school day there may have been like, etc. Here's a main link to the International Manga Museum, and I'll probably do a seperate photo dump post for most of the photos we took there!
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After the manga museum, we planned to go to the Kyoto Imperial Palace, but Charles was feeling a bit weird, so we decided to go back to our Airbnb to rest for a bit instead. After about an hour of napping, we decided to get back out there, but unfortunately, by the time we got there, the actual Imperial Palace area itself was closed, we could only walk around the grounds, which are now preserved basically as a park, including the Munakata Shrine.
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These two photos were the main walk up to the Imperial Palace (the walled off area with the big gate) but it closed at 4 PM apparently. Womp womp. Still, the photos don't do it justice to how insanely huge the space is, especially the mountains off in the distance behind the palace.
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These are Japanese apricot trees (we think? they also come up as Prunus Mume, which are plum blossom trees, so I'm not 1000% sure the most accurate name!)
It was a little disappointing to not get to go inside, but it was getting quite cold as the sun was going down, so we walked around the left side of the grounds before going to Nishiki Market, where we planned to get a bite to eat.
Next up, Nishiki Market! XOX0
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fuckyeahtravelphotos · 4 months
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Sushi at breakfast, old Tsukijifish market, Tokyo, dawn
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yaycheese · 6 months
KYOTO Shijo West - Kohchosai (bamboo items)🪑 - Weekenders Coffee☕️ - Daishodo woodblock prints🪑*** - Isoya (veggie focused izakaya) 🍗** - Bungalow (yummy izakaya) 🍗** - Bar rocking chair 🍺 - Calvador 🍺 - Ki no bi🍺 - Nishiki market / Aritsugu 🔪 - Nishiki market / Kitchen shop Kawataki🪑*** - Mumokuteki (Large homewares shop) 🪑 - Muku / teramachidori (ArchDigest reco) 🍵 - Wakabaya (ceramics) 🍵 Gion - Shinmonzen-dori (antique shopping) 👺*** - Maiko antiques 👺 - Kishin kitchen (Japanese breakfast) 🍗 - Bar Talisker 🍺 - Birdland (piano) 🍺 - Kyoto Handicraft center 🪑*** - Black cat lemonade 🍋*** - Jazz spot yamatoya (12-10p)🎵*** Philosophers path - Kanaamitsuji (metal strainers) - Kodaiji temple🪑 - Kiso artech (wood items) 🪑 - Brown eyes coffee☕️ - Suirokaku water bridge🏛️*** - Ofuda👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺 Kyoto station - Kurasu (Coffee) ☕️** Sannenzaka - Otowa Waterfall (longevity spring water) 👺*** - Kiyomizu dera (large wooden structure) 🏯 - Arabica ☕️ - Nittodo☕️🪑*** - Unir coffee (has flan, cakes) ☕️ - Koma Gallery Coffee☕️ - 高台寺中谷本店 (chinaware)*** - Minatoya Yurei Kosodateame Honpo (spooky candy) 🍬 - Ichinenzaka street - Kongoji temple # TOKYO Daikanyamacho / Nakameguro - Tempura Motoyoshi Imo (micheline star takeaway tempura sweet potato)🍵 *** - Drip☕️ ** - Jasmine Yi Jiang Nan (Chinese)🍗** - Monkey Cafe & Boutique ☕️* - Café Façon Roaster Atelier (small roaster) ☕️ * - Debris (event venue, check calendar) 🎵 - Maison Kitsune (nice interior) 👚 - Minä Perhonen (nice interior)👚 - Udatsu Sushi🍗* - Kinto (tableware)🪑 - Tableaux (jazz lounge) 🎵 - 3110NZ (modern gallery) - Tam (used clothes)👚 - Lanterne (modern izakaya)🍗 Harajuku and Omotesando - Binowa cafe (canneles)☕️ *** - Funktique - vintage👚*** - Ragtag - vintage👚*** - Kinji - vintage👚** - Rakeru - omurice🍞*** - Cafe Mameya ☕️*** - No.501 - natural wine shop 🍺*** - Roastery ☕️ - Local coffee stand ☕️* - Cafe Reissue ☕️** (3D latte art) - Double Tall - near hotel ☕️ - Pain Au Soirire - near hotel 🍞 - Chatei Hatou ☕️ - Chachanoma 🍵 - Cibone + HAY🪑*** - Spiral Market🪑*** - Found MUJI🪑*** - Nihonbashi Kiya (Tokyo plaza Shibuya)🔪*** - Kihara🪑*** - Grapevine by K3 👚 - Boutique Takenoko 👚* Aoyama / Roppongi - Aoyama Farmers Market (Sat+Sun 10-4)🥕*** - Jazz House Alfie 🎵 ** - Sakurai (Tak) 🍵* - Spiral (Tak) * - Down the Stairs (Arts & Science)🍗* - Cusavilla (italian, lunch available) 🍗* - Butagumi 🍗 - Kyu Yasui cocktails🍺 - Bunon (japanese vibe) 🍺 Ginza - Chuo Dori (no cars Sat+Sun 12-5p)*** - Okuno Building (many galleries)🛒*** - Yurakucho food stalls (below station built into brick arches) 🍗** - Chukasoba Ginza Hachigou (French-trained ramen) 🍗** - The Stand (Yurakucho) 🍗** - Heart's Light Coffee ☕️* - Dover Street Market 👚* - Daimaru Department Store 👚 - Itoya 🛒 - Chanoha - in a mall 🍵 - Tachigui Sushi Akira🍗* - Shibire Noodles Rousoku-ya (Chinese-Japanese ramen) 🍗 - Higashiya (sweets and tea) 🍵 Akihabara - Chuo Dori (no cars Sunday 1-5p) - Tonkstsu Marugo (pork cutlet)🍗 Misc - Gotokuji temple (lucky cat temple) ⛩️** - Manhattan (Asagaya) tiny jazz bar with Thursday 19h jam sessions 🎵** - Gout de Jaune 🍺 - Vineria Il Passaggio (bread with faces) - very small 🍺 - Tanakaya Liquor Store🍺 Shibuya - Shin-pachi Syokudo (breakfast)🍗 *** - Heart's Light Coffee ☕️*** - Nojima (yellowtail bowl) [Kei]🍗** - Body & Soul Club 🎵** - Ahiru Store 🍗🍺* - SG club🍺*** - Libertin (natural wine) 🍗🍺 - Fuglen ☕️** - Tamotsu (ramen) [Kei] 🍗 - Watarium museum (contemporary) [Tak] - Nezu museum (traditional) [Tak] Shinjuku - Edomae SS (4000 JPY counter sushi) 🍗*** - Bar Benfiddich 🍺*** - Akomeya 🛒** - Jazz Bar Samurai 🎵** - Bar Hermit 🍺* - Zoetrope 🍺 - Don-Don Yakiniku 🇯🇵 * - Jazz SPOT Intro🎵 * - Shinjuku Pit Inn 🎵*
0 notes
randomnation · 1 year
-City Guides & Itineraries-
Helpful apps while traveling in Japan
Google Maps
Google Translate
XE Currency
Japan Navitime (Helps with navigating Tokyo subway)
GuruNavi (Yelp for Japan)
Highly recommend getting a pocket WiFi or MiFi. Japan Wireless is the only one I’ve found to offer the fastest internet speeds with unlimited data.
1,000 Yen Discount Promo Code: JWWMWINTER
If you are traveling to multiple cities, I suggest getting a Japan Rail Pass. It allows you to have unlimited access to the Japan Railways. Use the JR Pass Calculator to calculate if it’s worth buying one for your trip.
  -”things to do” Recommendations-
MariCAR Akihabara #1
Senso-ji Shrine
Meiji Shrine
Walk down Harajuku
Memory Lane - Shinjuku
Nishiki Market
Kiyomizu-dera Temple
Sannen-zaka & Ninnen-zaka district
Todai-ji Temple
Nara-koen Park
 -Food Guide-
Isetan Shinjuku (Luxury Food Court)*
Shinjuku Kappo Nakajima (Michelin Star/Affordable)*
Tsunahachi (Tempura)
Tenkuni (Tempura)
Shin Udon
Tokyo Mentsudan Udon
Menya Musashi (Ramen)*
Menya Kaijin (Ramen)
Fu-unji (Ramen)
Ichiran Ramen*
Tatsuya (Gyu Don)*
DEN (Modern)
Echigoya (Yakitori)*
Sarabeth (American Breakfast)
Shousuke (Yakitori)*
Sushi Tokyo Ten
Mister Donuts
Sushi-Zanmai Higashi*
Seirinkan (Pizza)
Maisen Aoyama Honten (Tonkatsu)*
Gion Tokuya (dessert)
Tonkatsu Marugo*
Maruka (Ramen)
Birdland (Yakitori)*
Aoki (Sushi)
Naniwaya (Teriyaki)
Savoy (Pizza)
Edogin (Sushi)
Sushisei (Sushi)
Sushi Iwa (sushi)
Sushi Dai
Masakichi (Yakitori)
Tonkatsu Tonki
Tsuta Japanese Soba Noodles (Ramen)*
Duck ramen
Yamamoto (Udon)
Iroha Kitamise (Sukiyaki)
Ramen Sen No Kaze (Ramen)
Gion Tokuya (dessert)
Sushisei (Sushi)
Den Shichi (Sushi) 
Ganko Sushi
Ippudo (Ramen)*
Ramen Muraji
Inoichi (Ramen)
No Name Ramen*
Warai (Okonomiyaki)
Torito (Yakitori)
Owariya (Soba)
Omen Ginkaku-ji (Udon)
Inoda Coffee
Arashiyama Yoshimura*
Chibo (Okonomiyaki)
Ajinoya (Okonomiyaki)*
Takoyaki Wanaka Sennichimae (Takoyaki)
Yakiniku M Hozenjiyokocho (Steak)*
Ryukishinraizu (Ramen)
Tsukemen Nidaime Misawa (Ramen)
Gekiryuu (Ramen)
Teuchisobaakari (Soba)
Nishiya (Soba)
Kamatakeudon (Udon)
Tsuki no Odori (Yakitori)
Shinsaibashi Madras 5 (Curry)*
Tennoji Area
Yamachan (Takoyaki)
Kiji (Okonomiyaki)
Bon (Kushikatsu)
Gunjou (Ramen)
Mellow Cafe (Italian/Pizza)
Wakasa (Curry)
Yoshinohonkuzu Tengyokudo Narahonten
*Highly Recommend
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ninjafoodtours · 2 years
What Should I do in Tsukiji Fish Market?
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The Tsukiji fish market is one of Tokyo's oldest and best fish markets. Its beautiful history started with Edo (Tokyo's oldest Name). In 1603, this market was established when the Governor Tokugawa Shogun invited the Osakain fishermen to sell their fish in Edo's market. But in 1923, due to a big earthquake, this market was temporarily shifted to Tsukiji. To this day, this market has changed day by day and is still working. However, even though this market has a rich history. Still, why do people love to spend time here? The following blog is the answer to this question:
Enjoy A Delicious, Fresh Breakfast At Tsukiji
It is believed that breakfast is the primary meal to help you prepare for your day. Is it not great to eat breakfast before exploring the market? It is best to start early and be at the market before tourists overrun it to maximize your time in Tsukiji! The shops are open from 6:00 morning or even earlier. Provide a decent, delicious Japanese breakfast. Here are our suggestions for a fantastic breakfast.
If you're looking to sample fresh sushi or sushi bowls as breakfast options, head to Sushizanmai, which is open all day! It is a great place to enjoy a delicious sushi breakfast at a moderate cost.
The restaurant was established in 1947. a small restaurant with a standing table is trendy and always has an enticing line of people waiting. The most well-known food item is Horumon-ni, meat intestines cooked in miso. Try this restaurant if you awake hungrily and are ready for a large breakfast!
Yonemoto Coffee
You will find a decent number of coffee shops in Tsukiji. However, residents have loved Yonemoto Coffee for over 60 years. It is where John Lennon visited numerous times when he visited Tokyo. Go to this spot if you want a cup of coffee and small meals like sandwiches to help fuel your body before the start of the day.
If you want to enjoy spending time in the best fish market in Tokyo or other historical areas of Japan, get in touch with us Ninja Food Tours so that you can have fun with proper guidance.
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Top 5 Best Family Tour Destination Asia 2020
Given its size, there's an interminable inventory of things to see and do over the landmass. Be that as it may, we've attempted to help facilitate your choice by selecting a couple of our preferred bits from our Asia family breaks. There are numerous countries that you can make your next trip plan like in India Kasauli, Sri Lanka & more places. Why not investigate and see what takes your family's extravagant?
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Get Visited The Annapurna Circuit Of Nepal
Tucked up high in the Himalayas, the modest nation of Nepal is a world away from your run of the mill family occasion goal. Regardless of whether you're walking around eccentric Kathmandu or tasting chai in a comfortable teahouse – there's bounty to continue ahead with.
Furthermore, for a particularly paramount family minute, envision the colossal sentiment of accomplishment as you arrive at the finish of a difficult trek through the stunning Annapurna lower regions together. The half-day climb will bring you into remote neighborhood towns, across lavish green slopes and all encircled by the taking off white pinnacles of the Annapurna go.
Fascinating Ranthambore National Park Of India
Far-reaching and various, India is a small mainland of differences. From the hurrying around of huge urban communities like Delhi and Mumbai to the peacefulness of the southern Malabar Backwaters – there's something for everybody here.
What's more, on the off chance that your children are genuine creature lovers, at that point Ranthambore National Park can't be missed. Wear your safari caps and set off on a game drive, as you look for the lofty Bengal tiger wandering among destroyed posts and sanctuaries. Furthermore, you'll additionally get the opportunity to watch other local untamed life, for example, sloth bears, crocodiles, jackals, panthers, hyenas and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Visit Yangshuo Of China
There's no getting away from the mind-boggling hugeness of China. Be that as it may, with its innumerable dynamic urban areas, notable destinations, clearing vistas, brilliant markets, and mouth-watering nearby delights – it's an incredible spot for the entire family.
Disregard the Great Wall for a minute and direct your concentration toward Yangshuo, a quieting desert spring endlessly from the anarchy. The town set in the midst of karst zeniths and along the banks of the Li River gives the ideal setting to a field bicycle ride. Plunk down to lunch at a rancher's eatery, visit a conventional market and practice your cooking abilities with privately developed fixings.
Make Your Trip Of Bandarawela Of Sri Lanka
Interesting society, benevolent local people and exceptional characteristic excellence all add to the appeal of Sri Lanka. Presenting a marginally more loosened up Asian experience than state India or China, it offers a family-accommodating prologue to this stunning mainland.
In the wake of finding famous tourist spots like Sigiriya and riding the rails from Kandy to Ella, you'll land in Bandarawela. The simple slope town exists to supply the requirements of the tea manor laborers and their families. A visit here gives a genuine understanding of nearby living right now Sri Lanka. It likewise gives the open door for everybody to take a stab at tea picking.
Don't Miss Tokyo In Japan
Wrapped in interest, Japan is where old history meets ultra-innovation. Regardless of whether you're strolling through the entryways to Kyoto's Fushimi Inari sanctuary or going on the rocket-fuelled projectile train – there are amazements and enjoyments around each corner.
Furthermore, if your family cherishes a city break, it's an ideal opportunity to fly on your strolling shoes and investigate dynamic Tokyo. Commencement with a sushi breakfast at Tsujiki Market, at that point, visit the Seso Ji Buddhist sanctuary. Before evaluating a customary calligraphy class and meandering around a Depachika, nourishment just retail establishment showing an astounding exhibit of treats. A night vessel ride around Tokyo Bay is another genuine feature!
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saucylittlesmile · 5 years
Carried over from the original creator and curator, @balletfever89.  Links to her original Post-Sochi timeline and her Post-Comeback timeline, as well as the original version of this timeline, Post-PyeongChang.  Some of the dates may be slightly off, as I'm looking backwards at blogs instead of keeping up as things happen.
=== Feb 9 - 25 WINTER OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG, South Korea ===
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London
+Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London)
+ Scott spotted in Ilderton
+ Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario
+ out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink
+ Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge
(+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
************Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for sit down with Steve Milton for their book (+ possibly attend Patrick's retirement party)
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 –  Scott travels to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton 
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family 
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
+ Scott attends a birthday party for Greg Kolz (photographer) (unknown if others are in attendance)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON  (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with theintelsc + Tessa and Scott take pics with a cake for Tessa from the bakery 
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement 
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner 
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe 
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Tessa Scott Kat and Jeff dinner out in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar +  dinner with Kat and Jeff at Benkei Umi in the district of Ginza in Tokyo
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove) 
July 3 – Tessa Scott Miki and Alojna go watch a baseball game at Tokyo Dome
July 4 – Tessa posts about playing golf in Susono-Shi Shizuoka 
July 5 - Filming for Japanese TV + Practice for Dreams on Ice in Yokohama + Thank You Ilderton Party Announcement
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Yokohama, Japan
July 9 – Tessa and Scott back to Canada
July 10 - Tessa and Scott Thank You Canada Tour media day (Toronto)
July 11 – Tessa and Scott Acura West gala to introduce new model and support the Trauma Unit + Etalk appearance
July 12 - Tessa spotted Eddingtons of Exeter restaurant + Scott coaching in Ilderton
July 13-15 - Tessa at the DAMM family reunion (probably with Kate and Jordan)
+ Scott spotted at The Singing Chef of London
+ Scott gets a dramatic haircut
July 14 - Scott at farmers' market to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 15 - Scott attends charity golf game (London)
July 16- 17 - Tessa at the cottage
July 17 - Scott spotted at restaurant (Toronto)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott film an episode of Mr. D (Halifax)
July 19 – Scott stops by skating rink to chat with skaters +  attends dinner and meet and greet Team Jacobs Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
+ Tessa goes to Playa Del Carmen with Kat Bitove, Allie Grand, and Jessica Mulroney in a wedding related photoshoot (through July 22/23) (Mexico)
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
July 21 -- Scott spotted at Moir's Skate Shop
July 23 -- Tessa and Scott announced as inductees to Canada''s Walk of Fame (to be awarded December 1)
July 24 -- Scott spotted at Ilderton Arena to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 25 -- Tessa photoshoot (Toronto)
July 26  -- Tessa photoshoot for Adidas (Toronto)
July 27 -- Scott on radio via phone - The Taz show to promote Thank You Ilderton
July 29 -- Tessa at the cottage - her niece asked her to write, among other things, Tessa, Scott, nail polish and cupcake in the sand
July 31 -- Scott on radio via phone -  The Dave and Rachel show to promote Thank You Ilderton + Tessa spotted in bookstore
August 1 -- Tessa posts a picture at a takeout restaurant and a bookstore
August 2 -- Scott roams Ilderton with his niece to award the winner of decorating for Thank You Ilderton and is photographed at the arena with a black eye (which he got playing softball)
August 3 -- Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
August 4 – Scott and Tessa // Thank You Ilderton Party & Parade
August 6 -- Tessa at the cottage + Hello Fresh fulfillment post
August 9 -- Scott at Quebec Summer Skate (through August 12) (Montreal)
August 11 -- Tessa vacations in France with Kate and Jordan (through August 26)
August 12 -- Scott is announced to be helping Polish ice dance team Plutowska/Flemin 
August 13 -- Scott at Gadbois, helping coach numerous teams (through August 17)
August 17 -- Scott spotted out in Montreal
August 21 -- Anastasia Buscis' Player's Own Voice with Scott's interview is released (recorded weekend of July 20)
August 27 -- Tessa home in London, grocery shopping
August 28 -- Tessa and Scott go to Utah for Visa sponsorship commitment (through Aug 30)
September 2 – Scott’s BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 5 -- picture posted of Scott in Florida (exact trip dates: unknown) + Tessa spotted for lunch with friends at The Bag Lady (London)
September 6 -- Scott Hamilton and Friends charity skate announced for November
September 8 -- Scott attends a wedding in Ilderton
September 11 -- Scott spotted in London
September 12 -- Tessa and Scott deliver a speech at Ivey Business School in London
September 13 - Tessa and Scott do a joint Hello Fresh promotion + do promotion for their new book
+ picture of Scott posted from Fitness Depot, presumably from when he was purchasing gym equipment for TTYCT (London)
September 14 -- Scott participates in the 'toba Cup, a charity golf tournament (near London)
September 17 -- Tessa and Scott in Montreal for TTYCT preparation
September 18 -- Tessa and Scott attend Soiree des Olympians (Montreal)
September 19 - Tessa appears on Marina Orsini promoting Nivea + Tessa, Scott and Sam outdoor filming for TTYCT
September 20 -- Tessa and Scott win Canadian Sports Awards for Performance of the Year and Partners of the Year (recorded speech)
September 21 -- Tessa and Scott announced as guest athletes on two future Great Kitchen Party auction trips to Mallorca and Newfoundland  + Tessa attends dinner with BonLook
September 22 -- group rehearsals start for TTYCT
September 27 - media day for TTYCT + Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas + Scott out to dinner with Andrew, Sam, and Marie-France
OCT 2 – BOOK RELEASE (official; copies were available mid-September)
+ Tessa out for very early yoga class with Kaetlyn and Meagan
*****************Thank You Canada Tour (co-produced by T&S)
+ Tessa has a commercial for The Brick air
Oct 8 - Tessa spotted at West Edmonton Mall with a friend going to the movies + Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping
October 11 -- Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping and observing Weaver/Poje practice
+ Tessa attends spinning class
October 12 -- Scott spotted at lunch at Joey Bell Tower (Edmonton)
October 15 -- Tessa and Scott interviewed on Mandy and Tyler radio show
October 16 -- Tessa and Scott appear on CTV morning show via video to promote TTYCT in Regina + Tessa and Scott appear in Calgary to talk about the Olympics 2026 bid + Tessa does some 'incognito' promotion for their book at Chapters in Chinook
October 17 -- Tessa and Scott do a meet and greet for Canadian Tire (Calgary) + Scott spotted at restaurant
+ Tessa and Scott do early day press rounds to promote TTYCT
+ Scott spotted outside arena with Andrew learning moves from Elvis
October 23 -- cast stop in Minneapolis; Tessa posts photo of herself at a crosswalk
+ Scott and Elvis spotted at Sault Ste. Marie shopping mall
+ Tessa and Andrew posed for a pic outside the arena
OCT 28 MISSISSAGUA, ON (2 shows)
October 29 -- Tessa and Scott attend GKP dinner in Toronto
+ Tessa and Scott do an early meet and greet for Canadian Tire
November 5 -- Tessa and Scott do a CTV takeover, co-hosting and guesting on CTV Your Morning, The Social, Etalk!, and Marilyn Dennis (Toronto)
November 6 - Tessa attends a Habitat for Humanity event + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game as part of Air Canada promotion  (Toronto)
November 7 -- Tessa and Scott attend an Air Canada partnership event at Casa Loma (including Tessa's eyebrow raising photo impersonating Victoria Beckham) (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attend a meal with family members of The Tragically Hip
+ cast of TTYCT films interview for CBC about the tour, and their future plans (aired November 12)
+ Tessa and Scott win People's Choice Award for Most Hypeworthy Canadians (via pre-taped video)
+ Scott spotted at Britt's Pub and Eatery (Saint John)
NOV 15 SUMMERSIDE, PEI - tour stop cancelled due to weather
November 16 - Tessa does an Adidas promotional event (Toronto)
November 17 - Tessa and Scott arrive in Nashville for Scott Hamilton and Friends rehearsals
****November 18 -- Scott Hamilton and Friends Ice Show, and After Show Celebration, benefitting cancer research
November 19 -- Tessa and Scott teach at Scott Hamilton's Champs Camp
November 22 -- spotted at the airport on their way to Newfoundland (Toronto)
November 23 -- TTYCT cast out for dinner and drinks (Saint John's)
NOV 24 SAINT JOHN’S, NL (2 shows)
November 25 - Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto (conflicting reports if it was at the airport or otherwise)
November 26 - Scott at the Ilderton Arena with young skaters
November 29 - premiere of Mr. D episode in which Tessa and Scott guest-starred (CBC)
November 29 - book signing (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott announce plans for another of their own tours in the fall of 2019 (no other Canadian tours for them that year)
+ Tessa and Scott attended Special Olympics Canada Awards 2018 (Toronto) (with Jackie, Scott's original ice dance partner also there)
November 30 - Tessa and Scott attend the Special Olympics Canada Limitless Gala + attend Canada's Walk of Fame event
December 1 -- Tessa and Scott inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame (Toronto) 
December 2 -- television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (CTV)  postponed
+ Scott with Steve Mignardi (CSOI and TTYCT driver) celebrating's Steve's granddaughter's birthday + spotted at Bulldog Pub (Oshawa)
December 4 -- Tessa and Scott keynote speakers for Hope in the City luncheon (Victoria)
December 5 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers Hope in the City breakfast (Vancouver)
December 6 -- book signing/conversation (Vancouver, 2 locations) + taped an interview with CBC q
December 7 -- Tessa and Scott attend a Visa holiday party (Toronto)
+ Tessa's commercial with Becel and Habitat for Humanity airs
December 9 -- Canada's Walk of Fame airs (CTV)
December 10 -- Tessa has a 'top secret' shoot + returns to Montreal for Nivea production
December 11-13 -- Tessa Nivea commercial shoot
December 13 -- CBC q interview airs
December 14 -- CSOI 2018 airs on Radio-Canada
+ Scott in Dominican Republic with Jackie (and through at least December 15)
December 15 - Tessa attends a Nivea event at Elora Apothecary Pharmasave (Elora, Ontario)
December 16 -- Tessa posts a picture from Elora Mill
December 18 -- social media photo of Tessa posted at her mom's house
December 19 -- podcast with Scott on Inside Sports with Reid Wilkins and guest host Kaetlyn Osmond (at time of recording he was in Tampa, Florida)
+ Tessa's photoshoot for Wedding Vacation Magazine comes out
December 20 -- CSOI 2018 airs on CBC
+ Tessa and Scott named as CBC Athletes of the Year
December 21 -- Tessa spotted at Chapters bookstore
December 22 --  Tessa posts a brand thank you from her London home and an outdoor photo of herself
December 24 -- Scott attends annual Christmas Eve workout at Revolution Conditioning (London) (Tessa 'likes' the group photo posted) + Scott spotted at Masonville mall + Tessa posts about her partnership with Habitat for Humanity/Becel
December 25 -- Tessa posts one of her Christmas trees and a childhood photo
December 26 -- Tessa posts about relaxing at home (London)
December 28 -- Tessa and Scott named Canadian Press Team of the Year
December 30 -- Scott spotted on London to Toronto flight (assumption he flew out of Toronto to Florida for New Year's Eve)
January 3 -- Tessa posts from home (London)
January 4 -- Tessa posts from the cottage (Bayfield) (through at least January 5)
+ Tessa has dinner with a friend from her Saffron Rd. photoshoot
January 7 -- Tessa spotted travelling by plane
+ Scott spotted in Florida (known via very controversial pictures) (PSA: don't be a stalker)
January 8-13 -- Tessa in New York with Kelly playing tourist and doing a photoshoot
January 11 -- Tessa spotted at a spin class (New York)
+ Scott spotted at a restaurant (London)
January 14 -- Tessa and Scott do a photoshoot (Toronto)
January 16 -- Tessa posts about Moir's Skate Shop helping her get new skates
+ Tessa attends a CanSkate class to watch her niece (Komolka)
January 18 -- Tessa does a photoshoot (London) + posts about watching Canadian Nationals (also on January 19)
+ Scott with Patrick, Liam Firus, and Manuel Osborne-Paradis (Whistler, BC)
January 19 -- Scott appears in IG stories snowboarding with Jackie and friends (Whistler)
January 22 -- Tessa posts a photo of herself at a barre class (Detroit)
January 24 -- Tessa does appearances with Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for Fillactive/Fitspirit as the 2019 ambassador (Toronto)
January 26 -- Tessa posts about a project being filmed with a childhood friend, Katie
January 28 -- Tessa's podcast for Her Mark airs (taped November 9, 2018) + Tessa posts photos from home for Nivea
January 31 -- Tessa does a radio interview (TSN) and a TV appearance (CP24) for Adidas She Breaks Barriers  (Toronto)
February 1 -- Tessa attends Motionball Gala (for Special Olympics) (Toronto)
February 2 -- Tessa posts herself on a train (presumably going back to London)
February 5 -- Tessa attends a SpinCo class + Tessa at Westside studio + Tessa attends Toronto Fashion Week David Dixon show in support of osteoporosis (Toronto)
February 6 --- Tessa at Easter Seals Rogers Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction and gives a speech (Toronto)
February 7 & 8 -- Tessa films for her partnership with The Brick (Toronto)
February 10 -- television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (new date) + photo released from January photoshoot promoting TTYCT2
February 11 -- Tessa announces partnership with Air Miles Canada and does numerous interviews (television and radio) highlighting Valentine's Day + pre-tapes interview for the 1 year anniversary of their PyeongChang gold medal (Toronto)
February 13 -- Tessa donated two costumes for charity auction benefitting London Abused Women's Centre + eTalk airs new segments on Tessa's July Mexico trip with Jessica Mulroney
February 17 -- Tessa at fellow ice dancer Lewis Gibson's 9am spin class (Montreal)
February 18 -- Tessa in studio (voiceovers?) for Nivea (Montreal)
February 19 -- Tessa posts a boomerang with Scott recreating their Sympathy for the Devil opening choreography + Scott does an interview with Leafs Nation Network (coming soon) + Tessa and Scott attend a lunch with supporters of Air Canada Foundation (Toronto)
February 20 -- one year anniversary of PyeongChang Olympic gold medal celebrations from Tessa, fans, and media + profile piece on Tessa regarding post-Olympic struggles released by The Walrus + Scott breaks social media hiatus to post an Olympics anniversary thank you to their team + Scott spotted at Moir's Skate Shop (London)
To Be Continued in the Post-One-Year Anniversary timeline
349 notes · View notes
virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-PyeongChang Timeline #03
Carried over from the original creator and curator, @balletfever89.  Links to her original Post-Sochi timeline and her Post-Comeback timeline, as well as the original version of this timeline, Post-PyeongChang.  Some of the dates may be slightly off, as I’m looking backwards at blogs instead of keeping up as things happen.
=== Feb 9 - 25 WINTER OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG, South Korea ===
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London
+Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London)
+ Scott spotted in Ilderton
+ Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario
+ out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink
+ Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge
(+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
************Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for sit down with Steve Milton for their book (+ possibly attend Patrick’s retirement party)
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 –  Scott travels to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
+ Scott attends a birthday party for Greg Kolz (photographer) (unknown if others are in attendance)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with theintelsc + Tessa and Scott take pics with a cake for Tessa from the bakery
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Tessa Scott Kat and Jeff dinner out in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar +  dinner with Kat and Jeff at Benkei Umi in the district of Ginza in Tokyo
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove)
July 3 – Tessa Scott Miki and Alojna go watch a baseball game at Tokyo Dome
July 4 – Tessa posts about playing golf in Susono-Shi Shizuoka
July 5 - Filming for Japanese TV + Practice for Dreams on Ice in Yokohama + Thank You Ilderton Party Announcement
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Yokohama, Japan
July 9 – Tessa and Scott back to Canada
July 10 - Tessa and Scott Thank You Canada Tour media day (Toronto)
July 11 – Tessa and Scott Acura West gala to introduce new model and support the Trauma Unit + Etalk appearance
July 12 - Tessa spotted Eddingtons of Exeter restaurant + Scott coaching in Ilderton
July 13-15 - Tessa at the DAMM family reunion (probably with Kate and Jordan)
+ Scott spotted at The Singing Chef of London
+ Scott gets a dramatic haircut
July 14 - Scott at farmers’ market to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 15 - Scott attends charity golf game (London)
July 16- 17 - Tessa at the cottage
July 17 - Scott spotted at restaurant (Toronto)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott film an episode of Mr. D (Halifax)
July 19 – Scott stops by skating rink to chat with skaters +  attends dinner and meet and greet Team Jacobs Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
+ Tessa goes to Playa Del Carmen with Kat Bitove, Allie Grand, and Jessica Mulroney in a wedding related photoshoot (through July 22/23) (Mexico)
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
July 21 – Scott spotted at Moir’s Skate Shop
July 23 – Tessa and Scott announced as inductees to Canada’’s Walk of Fame (to be awarded December 1)
July 24 – Scott spotted at Ilderton Arena to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 25 – Tessa photoshoot (Toronto)
July 26  – Tessa photoshoot for Adidas (Toronto)
July 27 – Scott on radio via phone - The Taz show to promote Thank You Ilderton
July 29 – Tessa at the cottage - her niece asked her to write, among other things, Tessa, Scott, nail polish and cupcake in the sand
July 31 – Scott on radio via phone -  The Dave and Rachel show to promote Thank You Ilderton + Tessa spotted in bookstore
August 1 – Tessa posts a picture at a takeout restaurant and a bookstore
August 2 – Scott roams Ilderton with his niece to award the winner of decorating for Thank You Ilderton and is photographed at the arena with a black eye (which he got playing softball)
August 3 – Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
August 4 – Scott and Tessa // Thank You Ilderton Party & Parade
August 6 – Tessa at the cottage + Hello Fresh fulfillment post
August 9 – Scott at Quebec Summer Skate (through August 12) (Montreal)
August 11 – Tessa vacations in France with Kate and Jordan (through August 26)
August 12 – Scott is announced to be helping Polish ice dance team Plutowska/Flemin
August 13 – Scott at Gadbois, helping coach numerous teams (through August 17)
August 17 – Scott spotted out in Montreal
August 21 – Anastasia Buscis’ Player’s Own Voice with Scott’s interview is released (recorded weekend of July 20)
August 25  – Scott on a triple date with Jackie M, Cara, and friends at a beer festival (London)
August 27 – Tessa home in London, grocery shopping
August 28 – Tessa and Scott go to Utah for Visa sponsorship commitment (through Aug 30)
September 2 – Scott’s BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 5 – picture posted of Scott at a hospital in Florida with one of Jackie M’s coworker (exact trip dates: unknown) + Tessa spotted for lunch with friends at The Bag Lady (London)
September 6 – Scott Hamilton and Friends charity skate announced for November
September 8 – Scott attends a wedding in Ilderton
September 11 – Scott spotted in London
September 12 – Tessa and Scott deliver a speech at Ivey Business School in London
September 13 - Tessa and Scott do a joint Hello Fresh promotion + do promotion for their new book
+ picture of Scott posted from Fitness Depot, presumably from when he was purchasing gym equipment for TTYCT (London)
September 14 – Scott participates in the ‘toba Cup, a charity golf tournament (near London)
September 17 – Tessa and Scott in Montreal for TTYCT preparation
September 18 – Tessa and Scott attend Soiree des Olympians (Montreal)
September 19 - Tessa appears on Marina Orsini promoting Nivea + Tessa, Scott and Sam outdoor filming for TTYCT
September 20 – Tessa and Scott win Canadian Sports Awards for Performance of the Year and Partners of the Year (recorded speech)
September 21 – Tessa and Scott announced as guest athletes on two future Great Kitchen Party auction trips to Mallorca and Newfoundland  + Tessa attends dinner with BonLook
September 22 – group rehearsals start for TTYCT
September 27 - media day for TTYCT + Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas + Scott out to dinner with Andrew, Sam, and Marie-France
OCT 2 – BOOK RELEASE (official; copies were available mid-September)
+ Tessa out for very early yoga class with Kaetlyn and Meagan
*****************Thank You Canada Tour (co-produced by T&S)
+ Tessa has a commercial for The Brick air
Oct 8 - Tessa spotted at West Edmonton Mall with a friend going to the movies + Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping
October 11 – Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping and observing Weaver/Poje practice
+ Tessa attends spinning class
October 12 – Scott spotted at lunch at Joey Bell Tower (Edmonton)
October 15 – Tessa and Scott interviewed on Mandy and Tyler radio show
October 16 – Tessa and Scott appear on CTV morning show via video to promote TTYCT in Regina + Tessa and Scott appear in Calgary to talk about the Olympics 2026 bid + Tessa does some 'incognito’ promotion for their book at Chapters in Chinook
October 17 – Tessa and Scott do a meet and greet for Canadian Tire (Calgary) + Scott spotted at restaurant
+ Tessa and Scott do early day press rounds to promote TTYCT
+ Scott spotted outside arena with Andrew learning moves from Elvis
October 23 – cast stop in Minneapolis; Tessa posts photo of herself at a crosswalk
+ Scott and Elvis spotted at Sault Ste. Marie shopping mall
+ Tessa and Andrew posed for a pic outside the arena
OCT 28 MISSISSAGUA, ON (2 shows)
October 29 – Tessa and Scott attend GKP dinner in Toronto
+ Tessa and Scott do an early meet and greet for Canadian Tire
November 5 – Tessa and Scott do a CTV takeover, co-hosting and guesting on CTV Your Morning, The Social, Etalk!, and Marilyn Dennis (Toronto)
November 6 - Tessa attends a Habitat for Humanity event + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game as part of Air Canada promotion  (Toronto)
November 7 – Tessa and Scott attend an Air Canada partnership event at Casa Loma (including Tessa’s eyebrow raising photo impersonating Victoria Beckham) (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attend a meal with family members of The Tragically Hip
+ cast of TTYCT films interview for CBC about the tour, and their future plans (aired November 12)
+ Tessa and Scott win People’s Choice Award for Most Hypeworthy Canadians (via pre-taped video)
+ Scott spotted at Britt’s Pub and Eatery (Saint John)
NOV 15 SUMMERSIDE, PEI - tour stop cancelled due to weather
November 16 - Tessa does an Adidas promotional event (Toronto)
November 17 - Tessa and Scott arrive in Nashville for Scott Hamilton and Friends rehearsals
****November 18 – Scott Hamilton and Friends Ice Show, and After Show Celebration, benefitting cancer research
November 19 – Tessa and Scott teach at Scott Hamilton’s Champs Camp
November 22 – spotted at the airport on their way to Newfoundland (Toronto)
November 23 – TTYCT cast out for dinner and drinks (Saint John’s)
NOV 24 SAINT JOHN’S, NL (2 shows)
November 25 - Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto (conflicting reports if it was at the airport or otherwise)
November 26 - Scott at the Ilderton Arena with young skaters
November 29 - premiere of Mr. D episode in which Tessa and Scott guest-starred (CBC)
November 29 - book signing (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott announce plans for another of their own tours in the fall of 2019 (no other Canadian tours for them that year)
+ Tessa and Scott attended Special Olympics Canada Awards 2018 (Toronto) (with Jackie, Scott’s original ice dance partner also there)
November 30 - Tessa and Scott attend the Special Olympics Canada Limitless Gala + attend Canada’s Walk of Fame event
December 1 – Tessa and Scott inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame (Toronto)
December 2 – television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (CTV) postponed
+ Scott with Steve Mignardi (CSOI and TTYCT driver) celebrating’s Steve’s granddaughter’s birthday + spotted at Bulldog Pub (Oshawa)
December 4 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers for Hope in the City luncheon (Victoria)
December 5 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers Hope in the City breakfast (Vancouver)
December 6 – book signing/conversation (Vancouver, 2 locations) + taped an interview with CBC q
December 7 – Tessa and Scott attend a Visa holiday party (Toronto)
+ Tessa’s commercial with Becel and Habitat for Humanity airs
December 9 – Canada’s Walk of Fame airs (CTV)
December 10 – Tessa has a 'top secret’ shoot + returns to Montreal for Nivea production
December 11-13 – Tessa Nivea commercial shoot
December 13 – CBC q interview airs
December 14 – CSOI 2018 airs on Radio-Canada
+ Scott in Dominican Republic with Jackie (and through at least December 15)
December 15 - Tessa attends a Nivea event at Elora Apothecary Pharmasave (Elora, Ontario)
December 16 – Tessa posts a picture from Elora Mill
December 18 – social media photo of Tessa posted at her mom’s house
December 19 – podcast with Scott on Inside Sports with Reid Wilkins and guest host Kaetlyn Osmond (at time of recording he was in Tampa, Florida)
+ Tessa's photoshoot for Wedding Vacation Magazine comes out
December 20 – CSOI 2018 airs on CBC
+ Tessa and Scott named as CBC Athletes of the Year
December 21 – Tessa spotted at Chapters bookstore
December 22 –  Tessa posts a brand thank you from her London home and an outdoor photo of herself
December 24 – Scott attends annual Christmas Eve workout at Revolution Conditioning (London) (Tessa 'likes’ the group photo posted) + Scott spotted at Masonville mall + Tessa posts about her partnership with Habitat for Humanity/Becel
December 25 – Tessa posts one of her Christmas trees and a childhood photo
December 26 – Tessa posts about relaxing at home (London) + Scott spotted at Costco with his family by a fan (Ilderton)
December 28 – Tessa and Scott named Canadian Press Team of the Year
December 30 – Scott spotted on London to Toronto flight (assumption he flew out of Toronto to Florida for New Year’s Eve)
January 3 – Tessa posts from home (London)
January 4 – Tessa posts from the cottage (Bayfield) (through at least January 5)
+ Tessa has dinner with a friend from her Saffron Rd. photoshoot
January 7 – Tessa spotted travelling by plane
+ Scott spotted in Florida (known via very controversial pictures) (PSA: don’t be a stalker)
January 8-13 – Tessa in New York with Kelly playing tourist and doing a photoshoot
January 11 – Tessa spotted at a spin class (New York)
+ Scott spotted at a restaurant (London)
January 14 – Tessa and Scott do a photoshoot (Toronto)
January 16 – Tessa posts about Moir’s Skate Shop helping her get new skates
+ Tessa attends a CanSkate class to watch her niece (Komolka)
January 18 – Tessa does a photoshoot (London) + posts about watching Canadian Nationals (also on January 19)
+ Scott with Patrick, Liam Firus, and Manuel Osborne-Paradis (Whistler, BC)
January 19 – Scott appears in IG stories snowboarding with Jackie and friends (Whistler)
January 22 – Tessa posts a photo of herself at a barre class (Detroit)
January 24 – Tessa does appearances with Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for Fillactive/Fitspirit as the 2019 ambassador (Toronto)
January 26 – Tessa posts about a project being filmed with a childhood friend, Katie
January 28 – Tessa’s podcast for Her Mark airs (taped November 9, 2018) + Tessa posts photos from home for Nivea
January 31 – Tessa does a radio interview (TSN) and a TV appearance (CP24) for Adidas She Breaks Barriers  (Toronto)
February 1 – Tessa attends Motionball Gala (for Special Olympics) (Toronto)
February 2 – Tessa posts herself on a train (presumably going back to London)
February 5 – Tessa attends a SpinCo class + Tessa at Westside studio + Tessa attends Toronto Fashion Week David Dixon show in support of osteoporosis (Toronto)
February 6 — Tessa at Easter Seals Rogers Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction and gives a speech (Toronto)
February 7 & 8 – Tessa films for her partnership with The Brick (Toronto)
February 10 – television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (new date) + photo released from January photoshoot promoting TTYCT2
February 11 – Tessa announces partnership with Air Miles Canada and does numerous interviews (television and radio) highlighting Valentine’s Day + pre-tapes interview for the 1 year anniversary of their PyeongChang gold medal (Toronto)
February 13 – Tessa donated two costumes for charity auction benefitting London Abused Women’s Centre + eTalk airs new segments on Tessa's July Mexico trip with Jessica Mulroney
February 17 – Tessa at fellow ice dancer Lewis Gibson’s 9am spin class (Montreal)
February 18 – Tessa in studio (voiceovers?) for Nivea (Montreal)
February 19 – Tessa posts a boomerang with Scott recreating their Sympathy for the Devil opening choreography + Scott does an interview with Leafs Nation Network (coming soon) + Tessa and Scott attend a lunch with supporters of Air Canada Foundation (Toronto)
February 20 – one year anniversary of PyeongChang Olympic gold medal celebrations from Tessa, fans, and media + profile piece on Tessa regarding post-Olympic struggles released by The Walrus + Scott breaks social media hiatus to post an Olympics anniversary thank you to their team + Scott spotted at Moir’s Skate Shop (London)
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lmblair1973 · 4 years
It’s Wednesday morning here. Yesterday was our big day in Tokyo for sightseeing. I’m not ashamed to say that I woke up with an intense need for a good old fashioned American breakfast. Where does one find that in Japan where there ISN’T soy sauce on your plate in one form or another? You guessed it... the good old golden arches, McDonalds. Thankully it’s was easy enough to fulfilled this wish at the airport where we were already catching our train into Tokyo. As a side note, we pretty much can’t afford ANY of the food here at the Hilton where we are staying. Breakfast is $30pp and the prices only go up for other meals. That leaves us pretty much eating at the nearby aforementioned 7-Eleven or the airport for breakfast.
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Our “Big Breakfast” hit our American spot! It was pretty much the same as at home with the exception of an english muffin instead of a biscuit and no option for bacon instead of sausage. Fluffy buttermilk pancake happiness! Now you know one of my guilty pleasures...
We arrived in Tokyo around noon, the next planned stop being...
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Tsujiki Fish Market is a world renowned market where fresh seafood is auctioned off early mornings. Fresh tuna often selling for hundreds of dollars per fish. The auction had long since ended but we walked around for several hours sampling cuisine from the many vendors... a completely different experience from the comfort and familiarity our American breakfast! Tell me, what would you have chosen??
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We also had fresh sushi, miso crab soup, dried squid, egg custard, roasted black soy beans, fresh fruit cups, grilled fish scewers and Brian enjoyed a seared sea scollop fresh out of its shell...
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I must get moving for now as it’s almost time to pick up our rental car. Next stop will be the Tokyo Skytree. Enjoy a few more pictures of the market until then...
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Timeline - Post Pyeongchang So Far
********************* 2018 *********************
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London + Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London) + Scott spotted in Ilderton + Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario + out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink + Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge (+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for Chiddy’s retirement party
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 – Tessa and Scott travel to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with the intelsc + Tessa w/Scott at BlueBirdBakery getting her bday cake
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa 
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Scott spotted by fan at bar in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove)
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Kose, Japan
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
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Japan Day 32
Woke up this morning and had a wonderful breakfast at Megan once again with my Korean hostel buddy. Short light conversation compared to last night and then we parted ways.
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I’m addicted to the croque madame at Megan. The pancakes were quite good too! Fluffy but definitely a very “healthy” feeling whole grain type texture.
From there it was off to Yokosuka to visit my friend Wesley at his navy base. We explored the More City mall right by Yokosuka Chuo Station. There was a cute little flea market on the rooftop and plenty of food options in the food court. We settled for a quick meal at rotating sushi bar on the 7th floor (partially cause of that sweet sweet 10% military discount).
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Nothing too fancy here. Simple but nice mall and typical conveyer belt sushi. Can’t complain about a discount either.
After lunch we did a small tour of the town and visited random shops before heading off to the Yokosuka naval base. I wasn’t sure what to expect since I have no experience with the navy at all but it was all quite simple.
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Quick paperwork checkin at their main office. Really easy with a passport and an escort.
From there my friend just took me around this little mini America town in the middle of Japan. Everything felt so familiar but also strangely surreal. American flags, American grocery stores, American fast food. Everything felt like I was on a mid-size American college campus.
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I never realized how much an American grocery store SMELLS like an American grocery store. I was also almost impressed how bad the sushi looked. I thought since this was Japan it’d at least be better than the stuff from the states but it absolutely looks just as awful.
A little part of me was craving a taste of home so when I saw a diet coke I absolutely ran toward it. We also got some Taco Bell (well he got some, I took a bite), because homesickness be real. It was all just a nice break from Japan. It felt like I could turn my travel brain off for a second. After food we visited my friend’s work place on the USS Shiloh.
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Partially I needed this picture just to confuse and annoy my foodie friends.
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Got to visit 2 destroyers w/ a slightly more thorough walkthrough of the USS Shiloh. I also got a look at the USS Reagan from a distance. I love seeing where my friends work since all I’ve ever known is healthcare so seeing something different is fascinating. It also contextualizes some of the weapon sizes that they deal with and wow I just can’t imagine it.
It was about time for me to head back to Tokyo. We walked around Yokosuka a bit more. My friend pointed out the largest building in town and informed me that is where the mayor of the town lives and that the top two floors are apparently almost entirely rented out by Chinese and Russians to keep an eye on the navy. I definitely had a good laugh imagining this.
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I said my goodbyes to my friend and got on a train toward Tokyo. I wasn’t too hungry at first but by the time I arrived in Ebisu I was starving. I decided to go for some tsukemen at the nearby Afuri Ebisu. I must’ve been really hungry cause I polished the whole bowl and still had room for dessert at a taiyaki booth called Narutotaiyaki Honpo Ebisu. Besides some food that was more or less the end of my night. Did some laundry, got some work done, and that’s about it. An interesting day that I didn’t quite expect to have in Japan but glad I got to see something different (or familiar?)
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I’ve never had a taiyaki filled with sweet potato. I thought it’d be too starchy but it was fluffy and had just the right amount of sweetness.
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yulepangantihan · 5 years
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Breakfast いただきます! #日本 #東京 #築地 #すし #Japan #Tsukiji #sushi (at Tsujki Tokyo Fish Market) https://www.instagram.com/quikz31/p/Bv8Zufnn9lz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rbrcbhoddxrl
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animebw · 5 years
Today was an experience of Japan both fake and honest, exploring both its tacky commercial side and more traditional, authentic side in equal measure. After a mediocre soba breakfast, we visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum and say some fantastic painting, sculpture and scroll art. Following that, we walked through the Ameyoko market street, nothing but wall-to-wall street vendors and shops selling all sorts of interesting wares. Lunch was takoyaki and omurice, two very anime foods I’ve been wanting to try for a while, and they did not disappoint. The omurice, in particular, was delicious; the barely-cooked eggs were so succulent and umami. Dessert, then, was a gaudy crepe stuffed full of ice cream, whipped cream and strawberries, and it was indulging to the extreme; just be thankful I didn’t go for the one with a slab of cheesecake in the center. Next up, the Shibuya aquarium to say hi to the penguins and fur seals, and then over to the Sky Tower, a popular tourist spot that took us 350 stories up into the air and beyond. You would not believe how colossal Tokyo looks from all the way up there; you feel like the city might just stretch forever across the horizon.
After than, we finished the day off with a stroll through the Asakusa district, with yet more street vendors and some truly beautiful temples. And dinner was easily the best part of the entire day: Kaiten Zushi, or conveyor belt sushi, in which the chef sends plates down a conveyor belt and you can take whatever interesting things pass you by. It’s the gimmickiest of gimmicks, but it’s also an authentic expression of the communal cuisine that defines Japan. And I swear to you today, I have never had better sushi in my life. Every plate was delicious, every piece made my mouth water, I stuffed myself to the gills, and the otoro. My god, the otoro. This is the first time I’ve had the fattiest part of the tuna, and it was like an orgasm in my mouth. If you’re ever lucky enough to find yourself in a sushi place that sells otoro, order it. Don’t worry about the cost. it is worth it. This trip has been absolutely incredible thus far, man.
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Day 6 - Tsukiji Market & Tokyo DisneySea
Tsukiji market first thing in the morning for breakfast
Sushizamnai belt sushi
Street corner fatty tuna 
Grabbed egg sandwich take out
Walked and wandered around Tsukiji Market
Take train to Tokyo DisneySea
Spend all day exploring Tokyo DisneySea. We went on 2 rides unfortunately the lineups are way too long! :(
Journey to the center of the Earth (140 min wait!! Grrr)
20,000 leagues under the sea (15min)
Mermaid show (all in Japanese)
Popular Curry Lunch at the Flying Carpet (Aladdin theme)
Aladdin show (also in Japanese)
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For breakfast we tried a sushi chain but it is located in Tsukiji Market, Sushizanmai. I absolutely loved it all. The fish was so fresh and all of them were made fresh to order or you can take some plates off the belt as you wish. That torched one was my favorite. 
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Around the street, there was a stall that sold fatty tuna to go. We bought this high end grade for around $36 CAD. The first few pieces were so soft, but the other pieces were a bit chewy?? Overall, it was super tasty and mostly super soft. 
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These egg omelet sandwiches were tasty. The eggs are fluffy and tastes a bit sweeter. The egg omelet is accompanied by a fluffy white bread that also has a sweet taste to it. Who doesn’t love eggs???
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Tokyo DisneySea! Interesting fact: This project was initially set for Long Beach California , but due to lack of funds, this was a project that Tokyo has taken over and is now in Tokyo. The 20,000 leagues under the sea ride is one of a kind. Disneyland and DisneySea are two separate theme parks and you need to take a monorail to get around. Overall, the theme of it is nautical/water and you will find areas like the ‘mediterranean harbor, mermaid lagoon, mysterious island, arabian coast, lost river delta, port discovery, american waterfront.’ It is truly unique and one of a kind to explore.
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Mermaid lagoon is full of awesome stuff to see! But it is too kiddy for us. It is great for kiddos though.
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Arabian themed restaurant for Aladdin! So fun!
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Agrabah from Aladdin. This is so detailed and enjoyed every corner of this area.
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Had some popular tasty curry at the ‘Flying Carpet Curry’. We did have better curry, but since we are in Arabia at DisneySea, we still had to try it out! It was nice sitting down for lunch and fueling up anyways.
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Nautical theme happening here. I think they’re water bumper boats.
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There are different Mickey Mouse statues all over the theme park for you to find. I found a few during the day. 
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These bags were seen worn by girls around the theme park. They are so kawaii! These products are a line called ‘Duffy’s Heartwarming Days’ in which these characters play a role as Minnie’s friends.
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Mysterious island is so neat! So much detail has been put into this theme park.
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Beautiful near sunset :)
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This ride literally will take a 120 min wait. Checked on their website. Nope will not wait again in line that long. I really admire the matching outfits the locals wear when they go to Disneyland/Sea. The locals love to dress up in matching outfits when they go here for fun. We headed back to our hotel at nightfall and slept well! It was super tiring wandering DisneySea all day. Just another end to a perfect day in Tokyo.
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turretball18 · 2 years
Where To Eat In Philadelphia's Chinatown
Here you will discover Boneka Restaurant which is taken from the Indonesian work for ‘puppet’. At Boneka Restaurant you presumably can pattern their delectable breakfast buffet which options bites corresponding to contemporary oysters, smoked salmon and buttery sushi and sashimi. Cendol is a cross between a drink and a dessert and is made up of a sweet, sugary drink to which other ingredients are added. The base of cendol can range but it's often made from syrup blended with soda water and condensed milk. Ingredients are then added to the base combine similar to grass jelly or candy corn. Whole grilled abalones are a typical delicacy served in many night markets. They are straightforward to identify as a end result of there is normally a grill totally covered with them. A Japanese road snack consisting of fried balls of dough with a bit of octopus, topped with sweet soy sauce, sweet mayonnaise, fish flakes, and a selection of seasonings. A cardboard lunch field containing pork, braised egg, cabbage, fish, sausage, dougan and more served on a mattress of rice. From luxurious sushi to low cost and cheerful donburi, we're sure we now have something to catch your eye on this list. See full listings of Japanese Cuisine eating places present in and around Tokyo. 6 Tips for Catering for Large Groups of People Confirm your guest numbers. As with any large-scale project, planning forward is a must. However, some dishes usually are not as nutritious as others. Coffee may not be within the name, however it’s a big a part of the business at Ray’s. An elaborate slow-drip setup on the counter serves customers in home and to-go. The strong, clean mix is the perfect cap to any meal here, and is often served with a diner-style cookie. In Thailand, individuals eat with a spoon in the proper hand and fork in the left. The spoon is the first utensil; the fork is only used to control food. 11 Forms Of Special Events That Can Be Professionally Catered While she was out on tours and I was at my normal 9-5, I was calling, texting and emailing all of her distributors to keep them up to date on what was happening. We ended up finding her a gorgeous venue and I was capable of coordinate an entire change of location and timeline in 24 hours. It ended up being certainly one of my absolute favorite weddings of last yr and even got picked up by Arkansas Bride. To create a various menu that appeals to a wide range of shoppers, consider adhering to our record of catering menu concepts. When you are looking to deliver people together, have fun a special day, or have a enjoyable get-together, it could be annoying to plan the perfect event. You often need the occasion to incorporate everyone, be distinctive, and not break the bank. Consider things like beans, kernels, or smooth stones as a backdrop in your food. These inventive “pineapples” created from kumquats, form an ideal drink topper when positioned on a brandy snifter. Fill it with a tasty beverage or some other deal with. Add some color and texture to your desk with this fruit and flower topiary. Colors could be customized to the season, theme, or branding of the occasion. Restaurant Gear And Bar Supply We carry a varied choice of catering supplies that help you create unique and engaging meals shows. From cake and cupcake stands to tiered appetizer towers and superbly crafted serving bowls and trays, your visitors shall be really impressed by your buffet line or desk. The gadgets listed are just a minute fraction of what we promote. We have thousands of different choices, letting you choose an inventory that's perfect for your small business. We're always pleased to assist if you need any specialist restaurant supplies. We carry fashionable, classic, antique, and more restaurant furniture styles. View the extensive choice of restaurant bar stools, booster seats, high chairs, and more. The proper restaurant chairs and restaurant tables can remodel your restaurant from bland to lovely. Furniture shouldn't just fill a space, but remodel it. There is a litany of outside furnishings obtainable for every conceivable function. Avoid wobbly tables, tilting tables, banged up knees and ankles with these sturdy, well-constructed bases that connect firmly to your desk tops. Restaurant furnishings is a crucial a part of the overall design of a restaurant. Chose the restaurant furnishings that gives you the feel you want. For example, should you anticipate young youngsters moving freely all through the house, you could need to place obstacles, similar to a counter or cash register close to the door. This not only helps to forestall kids from darting unaccompanied through the exit, but it additionally acts as a safety measure against abduction. Tables and chairs that function rounded corners may also be safer decisions for restaurants that cater to younger households. Find restaurant dining room furniture that's each fashionable and comfy. Turning Side Dishes Into Primary Dishes Wedding guests are served a minimum of two courses and if served tableside, a dessert. Pricing for plated sit-down dinners ranges widely depending on what you may be serving, but the service prices are usually a bit larger. Food is undoubtedly one of the essential components of your marriage ceremony reception. This event could possibly be thought of probably the most memorable dinner party you’ll ever throw! As a bunch, the greatest and most time-intensive task inevitably revolves round supplying the food. Whether you go for a full unfold or decide on snacks, holiday platters and appetizers, having to plan a party through the holidays can appear to be an unimaginable task for many. Caviar and Banana Catering in Houston provides a handy answer to this problem by making ready and delivering your vacation meals to any location inside the larger Houston space. You can easily transfer across the reception and chat along with your guests in a means that another styles don't permit. Depending on what sorts of stations you in the end decide on, they might require plenty of area, so keep your room size and physical station sizes in mind as you propose. From a guest standpoint, buffets are great as a result of they cannot only decide what they need but how much food they need. Parragué suggests one or two totally different dishes for the first course and as few as one protein and two sides for the main course or as many as two proteins and 4 sides max. The limited selection can be challenging for guests with dietary restrictions. Catering Resume Pattern Job Description & Skills They must be skilled at administrative duties, similar to accounting and personnel administration, and be capable of manage a restaurant effectively and profitably. Recruits and hires qualified workers, creates in-house job-training packages, and assists staff with their profession needs. Ensures merchandise produced in the pastry shop meet quality requirements established by the pastry chef and government chef. In smaller establishments, the baker also could be responsible for pasta items. Some personal chefs prepare sufficient food for a whole week, so their shoppers can merely warmth the meals when they're able to eat it. Personal chefs are often self-employed or work for corporations that provide personal chefs. May contact prospective prospects to promote sale of ready foods. Grocery and specialty meals shops hire cooks, chefs, and food preparation aides to arrange recipes and cook dinner meals for patrons to carry out. Usually, meals is prepared in large portions and saved until served. Counter assistants portion and place food in packages for patrons to choose up. Once all tables, place settings, serving areas, and meals objects are ready and visitors are able to dine, catering staffs may be required to serve the food. At most formal events, table service is offered and a catering waitstaff will deliver the meal on to the tables course-by-course whereas clearing discarded dishes in between programs. At extra casual occasions with buffet-style meals, the waitstaff could additionally be requested to serve certain gadgets to guests who line up at the food-service station. Pay is usually highest in upscale eating places and hotels, the place many government chefs work, as nicely as in major metropolitan and resort areas. All of the cooking and meals preparation areas in these services must be saved clean and sanitary. Catering An option for the one course is any soup that's filling. As long because the climate isn't too scorching, a considerable soup corresponding to clam chowder or tomato bisque is the proper different to costly and multiple-course meals. Providing Champagne to all of your visitors can become expensive relying on how large your visitor list is. Pricing for corporate events shall be just like weddings if you’re attempting to have a proper occasion. The caterer you hire depends on the type of event you’re placing on, and the way you need your visitors to eat and feel. For instance, weddings and company occasions don’t need formal sit down catering if your friends are exterior otherwise you want them to mingle. If you intend to celebration within the early hours of the morning, don’t serve a night buffet – you are essentially paying for two full meals that many people won’t even contact. Why not serve bacon sandwiches or posh kebabs a la Lily Allen? This will give the illusion of a night meal and your visitors will be grateful for the traditionally British gasoline injection earlier than the trip residence. If you are lacking table width at your venue and need to sneak extra food in a really cool idea is that this deal with tree. This possibility has desserts on every stage however you could incorporate brain meals instead by having savory and sweet snacks on completely different tiers. A few well-placed trees unfold around the venue would negate the necessity for as many wait staff to maintain the budget down and attendees can choose up their appetizers as they mingle. This would even be an fascinating idea for samples at an exhibition or commerce show. Hors Doeuvres, Appetizers, Stations, Platters, Buffalo Catering Company What higher method to strive this than with a menu that speaks to the season? If you’re planning an autumnal wedding ceremony, a fall menu can help create the kind of warm, cozy feeling you’re most likely aiming for. But where do you start in choosing the perfect fall menu? And how do you make sure it additionally caters to dietary restrictions and COVID-19 guidelines? Here are an important issues you should consider when planning the right fall menu with Caviar & Banana Catering and Events. If you can’t resolve on what to serve at your subsequent celebration, relax, I’ve obtained you. These 25 munchies are all tried and tested, so that they won’t disappoint. Meat Lovers Tortilla Rounds - carnivores delight! Tri-coloured tortillas with roast beef, ham and pastrami, flavoured with mustard unfold. You can control what everyone eats and the quantity of meals obtainable. From carved turkey for Thanksgiving, Christmas ham with your whole favorite sides, or a chef carved prime rib for New Years we have a menu for each vacation event. Our employees takes great care in packing the hot foods so they are fresh and able to eat every time you are. Whether it’s a small or massive group, we’ll work with you to make sure the food arrives on the right time and temperature. CUSTOMIZE YOUR MENU With the choice to customize your menu, there’s plenty of room for creativity to make your occasion even more magical. 35 Yummy Tournament Concession Stand Meals Ideas And Costs In the meantime, start building your retailer with a free 14-day trial of Shopify. Marketing strategies can differ primarily based in your branding, viewers, product, area of interest, and a number of other elements particular to your corporation. Haus isn’t shy about emphasizing the freshness of its merchandise, using only natural components, like domestically sourced fruits, herbs, and botanicals. On high of this, farmer’s markets are a fantastic place to meet potential clients in particular person. While the quantity of customers might be smaller than on-line, face-to-face gross sales opportunities have a tendency to provide extra value by way of buyer loyalty and word-of-mouth gross sales. The concession stand should have adequate supply of meals for the athletes to recharge. Look for whole-grain crackers and pair them with a dollop of peanut butter, hummus, or cheese spread. As a stand-alone snack, they supply carbohydrates wanted for lengthy tournaments or multi-day competitions. Further, they are easy to serve and in a wide selection of methods. From paper wrapped crackers to easily putting them in a dish, it is not completely essential to use single-use disposable bags, making them a bit more eco-friendly, too. 外燴 as a burger stand, a taco stand, an Asian food stand, a sandwich or hoagie stand--any fast food kind will work. Although your meals needs to be fast, don't restrict your self to prepackaged, quick meals. You could experiment and mix different cuisines in fusion foods or use contemporary components to make no fuss, tasty meals. Try to sell something other meals eating places aren't promoting or promote old requirements in new methods. Whatever you sell, it has to be delicious to keep people coming. The hitch is that you’ll need to consider a variety of toppings, and store them appropriately . This childhood favourite of celery with peanut butter and raisins provides a triple punch in the snack division. Storage and serving can be as simple as multiple logs rolled up in wax paper and tied with a rubber band or string.
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