#today on weird fucking facts with Ryuu
musicprincess655 · 4 years
Ryuu wakes up a week after his twenty-fifth birthday with a fully formed frontal lobe, the remnants of dream that didn’t even have the decency to be wet, and an unfortunate realization.
She’s already up, of course, sipping at a coffee, but then, she’s always been the more functional one. Ryuu would argue that it’s because she’s younger and therefore spent less time in the slums before their lives found some stability in the Port Mafia. Gin would argue that it’s because Chuuya raised her instead of Dazai.
“I believe I may have…feelings…for Jinko.”
She doesn’t look suitably impressed by the earth-shattering news.
“Do you want a regular cake or a cupcake tower at the wedding?”
Ryuu is so shocked by her lack of shock that he actually answers.
“Cupcake tower.” He shakes his head. “Did you hear me? I have feelings for Jinko.”
“It’s kind of too late to go back to calling him Jinko when you’ve been calling him by his real name for over a year.”
“I have feelings for-!”
“I heard you the first two times!”
“Then tell me what I’m supposed to do!”
“I don’t know!” she snaps, although she sounds more exasperated than mad. “Woo him? Marry him? Bear his weird tiger babies?”
“That’s physically impossible. Also, no?”
“I don’t know what you want here,” she says. “General dating advice wouldn’t work on you two.”
“Fucking hell.” She sounds so frustrated that Ryuu is sure she’s about to throw a knife at him just to get him to shut up. “Try talking to him.”
“Then eat shit and die!”
Ryuu isn’t quite sure who else to ask for help. He almost goes to Chuuya, but considering Chuuya’s – arrangement? Relationship? – with Dazai, Ryuu thinks that might actually make everything worse. Whatever those two are doing, he doesn’t think it’ll work for anyone else.
So he takes the second option presented to him: he shoves those feelings right back where they belong and forgets they ever existed. Or tries to.
See, Ryuu is good at anger. He recognizes it in himself, knows now how to ramp it down or let it take him as necessary, knows how to use it, TED talk to follow. What is he supposed to do with something so much softer?
It should be easy to ignore. But like an amorphous block, the soft edges of the feelings squeeze out no matter where he tries to shove them down.
Ryuu doesn’t think Atsushi has noticed anything is off. He’s sure Atsushi would have said something by now otherwise. As an adult, Atsushi has all the observation skills of a detective and none of the reticence for sharing his observations that he used to. The new confidence is annoying, and has led to annoying things like Ryuu being forced to buy Atsushi food all the time, and in general, Atsushi is somehow more annoying than when he went running scared from Ryuu’s every glare.
And Ryuu has feelings for him anyway. His taste leaves much to be desired, and he needs to come up with some synonyms for annoying.
This systematic denial works for all of two weeks, and Ryuu is ready to celebrate the success of creating a new normal so seamlessly that Atsushi hasn’t even noticed they have a new normal, when it all goes to shit.
They don’t have quite as many people to beat into the ground to protect Yokohama as they did when they started their partnership, but every so often, a new group thinks it’s a good idea to disturb the peace. Ryuu and Atsushi, for their efficiency alone, are the best choice for dealing with it.
Some syndicate from Europe seems to think they have the right to expand into the Asian market, and they’ve set their eyes on the port of Yokohama for their first step in. They don’t have nearly the same aversion to city-wide destruction that the Port Mafia do, which makes this the Armed Detective Agency’s problem too, and, consequently, Ryuu and Atsushi’s problem. They’re in charge of stopping and containing a Gifted vanguard while the combined strategic might of Dazai and Mori deal with the rest of the syndicate.
It’s a tough fight, but Ryuu gets to let loose and use his Ability to the fullest. His deal with Atsushi to not kill is long since over, but he developed habits during those six months that he hasn’t bothered to shake, and the fight isn’t the bloodbath it could be. Still, when the last person raises their hands in surrender, Ryuu is almost gasping for breath. He may have learned to work smarter instead of harder, but working smarter is hard on him in its own way.
“Good work today,” Atsushi says, wiping blood from an already-healed cut off his mouth. Even after all this time, the praise still sends a thrill down Ryuu’s spine.
Then Atsushi lifts his head, and his eye are so wide, and he looks so happy, smiling without reservation at Ryuu, and Ryuu doesn’t know what his face does, but it must be pretty spectacular because Atsushi’s smile fades.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “You’re not hurt, are you?”
“I’m fine,” Ryuu says, turning on his heel to get away from Atsushi and the emotions he wears so openly. He needs to find a bar, one Atsushi won’t follow him to, and he doesn’t stop to consider the implications of skipping their post-mission dinner arrangement for the first time in years.
When Chuuya finds him, he’s getting systematically drunk.
Which, granted, doesn’t take much, He’s always been a bit of a lightweight, probably due to how severely underweight he’s been for most of his life. That’s not quite the problem it used to be, and one shot isn’t enough to take him out at the knees anymore, but he doesn’t even have to use his fancy mafia paycheck to get well and truly plastered.
“So I know I’m about to sound like a hypocrite, but it’s barely five,” Chuuya says, and while his words are chiding, his tone isn’t. Ryuu is still working on reading people’s intentions, but Chuuya has never been hard. He’s worried. “Wanna talk?”
“Stupid fucking Jinko and his stupid fucking doe eyes,” Ryuu mutters before he can stop himself. He’s had six shots. He wishes he had a better excuse.
“Oh, so it’s that kind of drinking,” Chuuya sighs. He raises his hand to catch the bartender’s attention, elegant and confident in one motion. “Whiskey for me. Water for him.”
“I’m fine.”
Chuuya rests his hand on Ryuu’s head, and Ryuu is almost ashamed of the way he leans into the touch immediately. Despite all the jokes even he himself makes, he’s not a dog. Still, to have someone touch him without even the intention of hurting him…it’s nice. It’s uncommon. It’s, perhaps, something that shouldn’t be so uncommon from a superior.
He’s so drunk.
“Do you want my advice?” Chuuya asks after the bartender sets both of their drinks down and Ryuu throws back half the tall glass of water.
Ryuu is silent for just a beat too long.
“Kid,” Chuuya sighs again, not angry or even exasperated, as is more common with him and Ryuu recently. He sounds faintly amused. “I know we’ve talked about this. You’re allowed to say no to me.”
“It’s not…” Ryuu tries. “I just…” He has to parse it into words, the fact that after Gin, Chuuya was the first he thought to turn to, and why he didn’t in the end. “I don’t know if I, necessarily, want the answer I think you’ll give me.”
“What answer do you think I’ll give you?” Chuuya asks. His hand is still on Ryuu’s head, pulling until Ryuu is very nearly tucked into his shoulder.
“Two options,” Ryuu says. “Something I can’t use, or something I won’t want to.”
“Ah.” Chuuya takes a sip of his whiskey. “You know I’ve had relationships with people other than Dazai, right?”
“That’s where the something I can’t use comes from.”
“So my relationship with Dazai is too fucked up, but all my other relationships are too normal?” Chuuya asks, summing it up entirely too well.
“I don’t think I can do normal,” Ryuu says. “I’m pretty sure he can’t either.”
“I can’t tell you how to fix that,” Chuuya admits. “If I knew, I wouldn’t be where I am. Which isn’t a complaint, by the way. I’m happy. But I’ll admit parts of my life are less than functional, and that’s down to choices I’ve made. That being said…” he gives Ryuu’s hair a little tug until Ryuu is truly resting on his shoulder, head momentarily stopped from spinning, “…I doubt Nakajima would kick you out of his life for anything at this point.”
“You think I should talk to him too,” Ryuu says.
“Gin’s smarter than you give her credit for.”
“She told you about this?”
“I just know she’s the only other person you’d tell about this,” Chuuya says. “You’re not actually that complicated.”
“I talk to Higuchi about stuff,” Ryuu pouts. He won’t admit he’s pouting.
“You’re not cruel to her anymore,” Chuuya says. “So no, I don’t think you would’ve told her about this.”
“I want another shot.”
“You should probably be done for the night,” Chuuya advises. “Listen. I don’t know how this is gonna shake out. I don’t know Nakajima well enough to guess what he’ll do. But I do know you, and I can tell you that you’re gonna be okay.”
“You think?”
“I think it would take another city-destroying disaster for you to not be okay,” Chuuya says. “And that wasn’t an invitation. I’m enjoying the peace. It’s good for business.” His phone chimes. “Your ride is here, and you’re cut off.”
“You called a car?”
“Like I said,” Chuuya says, getting to his feet, “I know you.”
Having a superior care so openly about him is still a bit of a new experience, and rather than try to examine anything Chuuya said, Ryuu just collapses into bed when the driver drops him off, hoping he’ll just forget everything by the morning. He doesn’t, of course, because that would be too easy.
Things were fine between him and Atsushi before, but suddenly, there’s a new tension. Ryuu panics, convinced Atsushi knows, but after a day of careful observation, he’s almost positive that Atsushi actually doesn’t. Atsushi isn’t shying away from the parts of their alliance that Ryuu, a few years ago, had reluctantly labelled as friendship. He doesn’t have a problem with their casual conversation, and their shared food arrangements have picked up again without so much as a mention of one missed.
In fact, the only thing that has changed is actually something Ryuu’s seen before, just not in years.
They’re friends now. Beyond just tolerating his presence, Ryuu does like having Atsushi around. He even has these new mushy feelings that make him a little sick to his stomach if he thinks about them too hard. But none of that changes the fact that sometimes, Atsushi annoys the ever-loving fuck out of him.
Snapping at Atsushi usually only gets Ryuu an eye roll now, or sometimes a shut up if he says something particularly spiteful, but ever since Ryuu bailed on dinner, every time he snaps at Atsushi, instead of the customary dismissal, Ryuu gets a flinch like he used to when they first started working together.
And seriously, what the fuck? He knows Atsushi isn’t scared of him anymore. For one thing, they’ve proven a few times that Atsushi can beat him into the ground if he wants. For another, Ryuu has calmed down a bit and Atsushi has stuck around enough to figure out how to exist in the same space without killing each other. They haven’t had a serious fight in years.
Ryuu can’t figure out what Atsushi’s sudden problem is, and doubly can’t figure out why it would’ve started after he skipped buying Atsushi food once. It’s almost enough to push the mush feelings that started this whole mess to a backburner, only surfacing when Ryuu’s eyes linger too long on the clean, lithe lines of Atsushi’s body, and he knows he’s not the only one who stares, anyway.
And then a new group surfaces. A remnant faction of the Guild that has apparently spent the better part of five years biding their time and preparing to take revenge on both the Port Mafia and the ADA. Since Ryuu and Atsushi were the ones to take down Fitzgerald, the faction prepared the most for them. From the beginning of an attack they only had the slightest warning for, Ryuu and Atsushi are methodically separated from everyone else.
They’re losing. Badly. Ryuu doesn’t know where any allies are except for Atsushi, and then only because Rashomon still has a tendril on him. Blood pours down his leg from a shot above his knee, and Ryuu resists the urge to favor the leg in case he has to run again. He ducks into an alley and slides down the wall, trying to catch his breath, get his bearings. He hasn’t had to legitimately fight for survival in a long time, and though his life has made him no stranger to pain, he’s not as young as he used to be, and his body protests when Ryuu tries to demand movement from it.
It seems Atsushi has found him. Ryuu doesn’t even bother to snap at him for the nickname. Atsushi picked up the habit a few years back, saying Ryuu’s name was too long for him to yell, and Ryuu has begrudgingly gotten used to it, only putting up token protests now. He hurts too much for those, though.
“We have to get clear,” Ryuu tells him.
He heard some distant explosions he’d bet his coat are Chuuya, and where they find Chuuya, they’ll find the Black Lizard – they’ll find Gin – and they’ll find Dazai, or at least Dazai’s mind, talking through an earpiece and entirely out of the fight, safe where he’s most effective. Those allies would be enough to turn the tide, if only Ryuu had any damn clue how they could get clear.
“I have an idea,” Atsushi says.
“That is not your area,” Ryuu counters. He can’t help himself. Everything hurts.
“I know you’re mad at me, but trust me on this,” Atsushi pleads.
“I’m not…” Ryuu is so taken aback he needs a second to organize a response. “Why would I be mad at you?”
Generally speaking, he’s almost never mad at Atsushi anymore. If he is’ it’s a fleeting anger, gone as soon as he recognizes it. He has no clue why Atsushi might think he’s angry enough to revert their relationship back five years.
“Because you skipped dinner, and you made this face…” Atsushi trails off, and Ryuu…
His taste leaves so much to be desired. Atsushi is an idiot, all personal growth aside, and Ryuu realizes, with a degree of horror, that he feels something very close to fond.
“That’s not why,” he says, voice gruff, and he’s once again lost control of his face. Atsushi searches his eyes, and Ryuu sees the moment the truth dawns on him.
“Are you…?”
“You said you had an idea?” Ryuu interrupts. He keeps his eyes off Atsushi’s face.
“I do,” Atsushi says. “I need all of Rashomon.”
Ryuu instinctively holds his Ability closer. He’d given all of her to Atsushi earlier, a standard play when they’re in an all-out fight, but it only works when Atsushi takes all the hits. After he got shot in the leg, he pulled part of her back.
“Do you think you can hold onto me?” Atsushi asks.
“I won’t be able to hold onto you.”
“You’re going to get us both killed,” Ryuu accuses without heat. He can already feel himself relenting.
“Trust me,” Atsushi begs.
Ryuu does.
“I guess another trip with the world’s worst Uber driver isn’t the worst way to go,” Ryuu sighs.
Atsushi crouches in front of him, hands careful on Ryuu’s leg as he clambers onto Atsushi’s back. It aches, but Ryuu holds with both his arms and hopes for the best.
“Use Rashomon to amplify the jump,” Atsushi tells him. “And leave me plenty of slack.”
“Slack…why?” Ryuu asks, but Atsushi is already gone under his hands, replaced with a tiger. “Oh.”
Atsushi’s muscles bunch, and that’s all the warning Ryuu gets before they take off into the sky.
The tiger can’t fly, but the jump is so powerful, especially with the added strength of Rashomon, that it feels like a near thing. They soar above the building they’d been sheltered behind, over the heads of their enemies, and by the time anyone thinks to attack, it’s already too late.
“East,” Ryuu shouts above the wind. With the new vantage point he can get a better idea of where Chuuya is. Atsushi can’t answer him, of course, but he obeys anyway, touching down and running towards the explosions. They’re almost to relative safety when a strike from the side sends them both sprawling.
An Ability user approaches them, hands crackling with something obviously dangerous. Ryuu doesn’t stop to think. He just attacks, Rashomon rushing the man in furious tendrils. He pulls back at the last minute, and when the dust clears, the man is unconscious and full of holes, but still breathing.
Ryuu is just turning to see if he needs to pull emergency first aid skills out of his ass when he gets an armful of re-humanized Atsushi and a pair of lips hitting his own like a punch. He doesn’t even have time to respond to the kiss before Atsushi shoves him back by the shoulders.
“Wait, shit!”
Atsushi regrets the kiss. Atsushi regrets him.
Ryuu’s hand twitches towards the phone in his pocket. He can leave this all behind and start a new life. In Iceland. He can use the Duolingo app Chuuya made him download to learn the language. He’ll herd sheep. He’ll change his name to Sven.
“I was supposed to ask for consent first!”
“What?” Ryuu – Sven – asks.
“I’m supposed to ask for consent before I kiss you!”
This doesn’t…feel like rejection. Sven – Ryuu – takes his thumb off the Duolingo app.
“You’ve been thinking about kissing me?” he asks.
“I was…I mean…” Atsushi flushes red. “For a while now? I never thought you’d want me to, but then you did, and…”
Leave it to Atsushi to charge right through all the hesitancy Ryuu’s been feeling. He always has been the kind to leap before he looks.
In a better world, they’d have time to let this play out like a shoujo manga, time for them to gaze into each other’s eyes, time to work up to a kiss much softer and slower, something a first kiss deserves to be.
But it’s not a better world, and they’re still not safe, but they’re close enough to allies that they can make a run for it.
“We have to get out of here,” Ryuu says. He can already hear enemies approaching. Atsushi lets go of his shoulders, and they both start running, Ryuu limping on his bad leg. “And Atsushi?”
“Buy me dinner first.”
Ryuu doesn’t watch Atsushi take that for the consent it is, but he knows the message is received when Atsushi reaches out to squeeze his hand as they run, letting it drop so they can move faster. They’ll probably have to talk this out when they’re safe, because Gin is right; they need to talk. But now they both know it’s not one-sided, and it’s as good a starting place as any.
In spite of the pain in his leg and his lungs, in spite of the danger they’re still in, Ryuu can’t help the grin that spreads across his face as he runs, Atsushi by his side.
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kingdomofkitten · 5 years
The Wedding: Part 7: The Build-Up
*it is finally the big day, as everyone is getting the wedding ready to go. With the two parties, they’re getting themselves dressed up*
Retsuko: *setting up her veil* ….I don’t know, it doesn’t look quite right. Looks a little crooked.
Tsunoda: Oh, NOW you’re worried about how good things look.
Retsuko: Hey, it’s different when it’s on you!
Rie: Honey, relax. You look great!
Hiroko: Yeah! Chill a bit, my bro will love ya no matter what!
Retsuko: ….well, yeah. That part I know for certain.
Harumi: So you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
Retsuko: Yeah….heh.
Riko: What’s up?
Retsuko: I don’t know. Just...something about Haida, and Ryuu...kinda makes me think about Ikari a little bit.
Hiroko: ...huh?
Retsuko: Er, nothing! I-I’ll chat with Haida about it later.
Harumi: Oh. Um, alright.
Retsuko: Yeah….um, what time is it?
Tsunoda: *checks phone* It is-*GASP!* We need to get a move on! We don’t have much time!
Retsuko: UH, a-alright!
Rie: Just put a little lipstick on, you look fine otherwise!
Retsuko: Uh, right! *gets lipstick on her mouth* ...I wonder if Haida’s stressing out as much.
Haida: *setting up his tie* ...so, how do I look?
Ryuu: Oof, you SURE this guy’s gonna be my brother-in-law, dad? *snickers*
Haida: H-hey!
Ryota: Ah, all in good fun!
Ookami: Being real, you look about as good as a groom could probably look.
Hisoka: You look great, son…*sniff*
Haida: Aw, dad, c’mon, not now!
Hisoka: S-sorry! Just...oh, my son’s about to get married, I feel like I need to shed a few tears!
Ryota: Don’t feel too bad, I’m probably going to be crying a ton giving my baby girl away...er, happy tears, rest assured.
Haida: Heh, thanks.
Ryota: ...er, listen, Haida. I know, I probably shouldn’t be one to talk about this, given...well, some of the stuff I’ve done, but...treat her well, okay? Treat her the way a good man treats his wife.
Haida: O-of course, sir! I will try to make sure I treat your daughter with the utmost respect and dignity!
Ryota: *chuckles* I don’t think she’ll care so much for that, I think she just wants to be loved!
Haida: Well, I will love her until the end of time.
Ryota: Wonderful.
Ryuu: ...I, uh, I wish you two all the best...brother.
Haida: Hehe, dude, you’re still uncomfortable? I thought you warmed up!
Ryuu: It’s all still a little much for me, I’m just trying to take it all in.
Haida: Ah. Well, maybe some time soon, you and I can hang out again, do some more brother-in-law bonding, huh?
Ryuu: ...alright. :)
Haida: Awesome!
Fenneko: *opens the door* Is the dum-dum ready to go, or do we need to wait another five hours?
Haida: Er, just about, Fenneko!
Fenneko: Alrighty. If you guys wanna go out to the lobby, I’ll make sure Haida didn’t forget anything. Spoilers, he probably did.
Ryota: Very well.
Hisoka: *pats Haida on the back* See you out there, sport!
Haida: Thanks, dad! *they leave, with he and Fenneko the only ones there* So, did I miss anything?
Fenneko: Let’s see...ah. *fixes his collar* There. Now you look something vaguely resembling presentable.
Haida: Hahahaha. *Fenneko goes over to check on herself in the mirror* ...say, can I ask you something?
Fenneko: I dunno, CAN you?
Haida: No, being serious here...why ARE you so hellbent on me and Retsuko being a thing? Like, you tried to help in the hospital, you were quick to help me figure out Retsuko wasn’t going out with someone, you even helped us try to calm down Ryuu. You just overall seemed to want us to be together. Even willing to pay for the wedding! Seemed kinda...weird, I dunno.
Fenneko: …….you….you really want to know?
Haida: ...what, is there something to it?
Fenneko: Erm...kinda…….look, what I’m about to tell you? It does NOT leave this room. Under any circumstances. Got it?
Haida: S-sure! No problem!
Fenneko: Okay. So…..when you and I first met…….I MIGHT had gotten a bit of a crush on ya?
Haida: ...what?
Fenneko: I should also emphasize HAD. It’s dead now. But yeah, for a brief time, you were actually the one thing that warmed up my cold, black heart.
Haida: ...h….how long did this happen?
Fenneko: Erm, not too terribly long. I think over time, I quickly started just seeing you as a good buddy, more than anything. Pretty sure the first time I saw Tsunoda as a hot piece of ass was the final nail on the coffin.
Haida: I...huh….so, how does that correlate to-
Fenneko: I’m getting there, you impatient Ingrid. :3
Haida: Right, sorry.
Fenneko: I kinda just happened to notice you crushing hard on Retsuko, and sort of figuring out stuff between you two, and...well, realized you two would actually be pretty badass together. So, I wanted to see you two happy together more than anything. Like, that’s kinda my high...in fact, it actually kinda reminded me of something you told me.
Haida: Yeah?
Fenneko: When you and Retsuko actually started getting real serious in the relationship, I remember you being just so awestruck by how much you genuinely loved her. Like, whenever we got the time, and the alcohol in our systems, you would just list off every single wonderful thing about her you could think of. And I remember this one day, this one fucking day, you said this thing that, at the time, I didn’t really get, but it soon sunk in. You said you were so in love with her, that even if you two were to break up, you wouldn’t even feel too bad, because you now cared more about her being happy, than her being with you.
Haida: ….you know, I...I do remember that.
Fenneko: Yeah. I guess I sorta realized that was kinda my motto for you two. Like, if somehow I wound up with you, that would be kinda cool, I guess. Hell, truthfully, I wouldn’t mind hookin’ up with Retsy. But if it had you two being happy and in love with each other, then quite frankly, I would be much more satisfied. To see those faces staring lovingly at each other, with your own little bundle of joy in your arms...that would bring me so much more joy than any 4chan member could ever do.
Haida: ...wow...well, uh...I must confess that after knowing you for as long as I have, I unfortunately don’t really have any romantic feelings for you.
Fenneko: “Unfortunately”? Dude, that’s a godsend. I don’t wanna waste all this money, just so you can flip-flop on Retsuko.
Haida: But...I do appreciate all the help you’ve given. Is there any way to repay you?
Fenneko: Just listen to Retsuko’s dad, and treat the girl right. That’s all.
Haida: Will do...so, uh, is there anyone that IS warming your heart at the moment?
Fenneko: Tsunoda, duh. ;3
Haida: Heh, I never thought you would ever say that!
Fenneko: Me neither. But yeah, she...I dunno, she’s still a bitch, and gets on my nerves, but...I don’t think I’ve ever felt so close to someone as her. Even when it was you, I don’t think it ever got this bad.
Haida: You’re starting to see how I felt with Retsuko! *chuckles* ...well, if you need any real help expressing yourself to her...I’ll try to help out whenever I can. To pay you back. :)
Fenneko: ...you...you mean it?
Haida: Yeah! What are friends for, right?
Fenneko: ….*hugs him* thanks, dude.
Haida: *hugs her back* No problem.
Fenneko: *breaks the hug, and starts making her way to the door* C’mon, let’s get you hitched already. You get to the aisle, I’ll check up on the bride.
Haida: Okay...ah, man, today’s going to be awesome. All these years, leading to my special day, with the girl of my dreams. ^_^ I just hope she says I do...but I guess even if she doesn’t, that’s okay, right? I mean, as long as she’s happy...then again, there’s Ikari, that would complicate things. How would he feel? Well, I guess he’s a baby, he probably wouldn’t care. Actually, if the wedding is off, would that break us up, or just keep us in the boyfriend-girlfriend stage? Or would we stay in the fiancée stage? Oh, whatever it is, I hope we don’t have to go through tha-
Fenneko: Dude, if you don’t get going, I will marry the damn bride myself.
Haida: Gah! Sorry! *follows her* ….wait, I thought you wanted Tsunoda?
Fenneko: Do I look like I care? :3 *closes the door* Besides, I don’t mind trying to do that, given I have the power to wed you two.
Haida: ….huh?
Fenneko: Oh, didn’t I tell you? I got ordained just for this occasion! *starts walking ahead of Haida*
Haida: *standing in the hallway* …….you got WHAT?!
Now, I hear the lot of you. “Jacob, you just posted Part 6! How the hell did you post Part 7 so fast?! You should be taking longer than System of a Down takes to release a new album, you lazy piece of shit! I bet you had your thumbs up your bumhole throughout the entire time you were supposed to be writing, considering what a slob you are!”
Firstly, uh, wow, a bit rude.
Secondly....IIIII kinda finished this one up way early? Yeah, I was trying to do a thing where I had some parts done beforehand, so I have a clearer idea of where I want the story to go....ended up not going with it fully, but it did allow me to finish this! So, now, I have one (well, technically two, there IS an epilogue) more chapter left! And it’s a BIG one! With paragraphs! Narration! And even a big bit of art that I plan to show at the end!
And I wanna get this done before either May 31, or June 14, when Season 2 comes out!
Somebody please kill me, for the love of God! :D
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askthedespairkids · 5 years
Chapter 2: Lost in Sacrificial Fate ~Daily Life, Part 2~
//Here it is! The second part and the conclusion to the daily life of chapter 2, hope you guys continue to enjoy this little series. Not much to say this time around so I’ll just let you read.
-Chapter 2 Daily Life, Preparations Begin!-
 “Alrighty everyone! Welcome to the first meeting of our amazingly awesome talent show! I’ve already written up a schedule and posted it around the campus, so make sure you read it when you get the chance!” Irunami-san announced.
 “The important thing right now is that we all divide up the workload. There’s a lot of set-up that’ll be important to the success of the talent show, and I expect everyone to take it seriously. There are three job groups we’re gonna focus on. Tech Crew, Costume & Props, and Special Effects.” Shinko-san pulled out a clipboard with a piece of paper stuck to it.
 “Listen up, the tech crew will consist of Graves, Okanaya, Kurohiko, Kurosaki, and Yokozawa. Costume and props will be Ram, Asano, Kurohiko, and Nagata. Special Effects will be Hachi, Ishikawa, Sly, Okanaya, and myself.” Shinko-san read the names off.
 “H-hold on, why am I in two groups?! And why was Irunami-san not included?!” Kurohiko-san complained.
 “I have to focus on my performance. I got a lot of super dangerous stuff lined up so if I don’t keep practicing, I’ll probably screw it up!” Irunami-san explained.
 “Plus, Okanaya-kun is also taking two roles. You shouldn’t complain so much.” Yokozawa-san said. “More importantly, would special effects usually come under the tech crew?”
 “Some things are gonna be very lighting-based. So, we decided to split up the lighting team from the special effects team, but I’ll go into detail with that group myself. Leave it to me!” Hachi-san gave a thumbs up.
 “Then for now let’s begin working on the show. Good luck to everyone, let’s do our best!” Irunami-san said.
 We all split into our groups and began working on our different tasks. Irunami-san stopped by to tell our group what we would need to make for the talent show. Asano-san and Ram-san both have experience with sewing so that certainly makes them the costume heads. Whilst Kurohiko-san and I were left with creating and gathering props.
 As we worked throughout the day, I managed to find myself enjoying this odd sense of unity among the group. Even though we all barely knew each other, we were working to one goal together. Hopefully we can continue to stay like this until we find a way to escape.
 -Chapter 2 Daily Life, Bonus: The secrets of the pool-
 “Haaaaah…” Amaterasu-san sighed deeply. Huh? It wasn’t like her to look so down…I wonder if something happened?
 “Amaterasu-san, are you okay? It’s not like you to look so down.” Or look anything other than bored. Amaterasu-san pouted a little before she spoke.
 “Toson-chan’s really been working the performers to their limits…I don’t know how much more of this I can take before I snap. I can’t just drop out the talent show though…I think I just need to find a way to relax.”
 “That might be hard. There isn’t much to do around here.” I murmured.
 “Yeah. That’s the big issue. I suppose there’s that swimming pool in the leisure building, but I dunno…”
 “What if you invited a bunch of other people to join you? You could go swimming as a group?” I suggested. Amaterasu-san stared at me for a few moments before nodding slightly.
 “Yeah okay. I’ll see you there then.”
 “H-huh? Me?”
 “Yeah. You came up with the idea, so you should be one of the people there. I’ll figure out who else to invite, so I’ll meet you there later.” Without listening to any reply, Amaterasu-san walked away. Geez, I just can’t get a word in when it matters most…
 “Nagata-san, you got invited too, huh…?” When I arrived at the pool, Kurohiko-san was already by the poolside, kicking his legs in the water. He was in his swimming trunks, and he kind of proved just how scrawny he actually is. Not that I can really say anything.
 “Yeah, I was the one who came up with the idea. How did you manage to get here first?” I asked. Kurohiko-san’s expression seemed to darken.
 “When Amaterasu-san gave me the invitation, I think I blacked out from shock. By the time I came around I was already changed and here. I don’t really know what happened in between then and now.” Geez, this guy is something else. “B-but it’s cool that I’m not the only guy here. Who else was invited, do you think?”
 “No clue. It’s hard to understand Amaterasu-san’s thought process. The only we’ll find out if seeing who’ll turn up.” I said, sitting down next to Kurohiko-san. The pool was kind of cold, but not so bad that anyone would recoil from the first touch.
 “Ah…I’m so nervous. D-do you think Amaterasu-san’s the type to wear a bikini? Or a one-piece?” Kurohiko-san asked, his face slightly flushed.
 “Does it matter…?” I raised an eyebrow.
 “N-no, I guess not. Amaterasu-san has the type of figure that allows her to look good in whatever, not to say the other girls have bad figures or anything, they all look really pretty but they’re all different kinds of pretty, y’know? Like how Ishikawa-san is very gothic in her look, but it suits her, y’know? That kind of vibe works for her-“
 Kurohiko-san finally stopped rambling when the door to one of the changing rooms opened up. “Uwah! I wasn’t the first one!” Graves-san whined. She was dressed in a pair of neon blue swimming shorts and a black baggy t-shirt, her hat still atop her head.
 “So, Graves-san was invited too, huh? I suppose Amaterasu-san is really hoping for a party.” Kurohiko-san laughed awkwardly.
 “When Ammy told me about the swimming thingy, I couldn’t help but get excited! I’ve never went swimming with people my age…well, outside of training, anyway.” Graves-san said. Man…being a secret agent must have seriously been tough.
 “Um, Graves-san…what’s with that outfit? Are you planning to swim in that?” I asked. Graves-san blinked and looked at her outfit.
 “Were you expecting a bikini? Are you a pervert, Ryuu? I just find this more comfortable to wear, it might be weird here but plenty of people wear this to swim in Canada.” Right. Graves-san isn’t Japanese. I don’t know how I keep forgetting that.
 “That’s not it. Never mind, it doesn’t matter.” I sighed. Arguing with Graves-san is probably a losing fight anyway. Quickly after, the door opened, this time it was the boy’s changing room.
 “Yo! Nice to see some others here!” Okanaya-san grinned.
 “S-seriously, what’s with that outfit?!” Kurohiko-san said with surprise. I have to admire Okanaya-san’s confidence to come here only wearing a dark blue speedo. This guy is full of surprises, I can’t believe it sometimes.
 “Eh? What’s wrong with it? It’s got speed in the name, and we’re racing today so I wanna go as fast as possible.” Racing? What? Is he seriously so simple? “Plus, you can’t say I don’t look good.”
 “Dude, you’re ripped as fuck!” Graves-san exclaimed. Yeah, it was true. Okanaya-san was pretty muscular, though his usual outfit made him look pretty average. No wonder he’s got confidence in his looks.
 “You know we haven’t been invited to race, right? It’s just, like…a pool party.” Kurohiko-san said. Okanaya-san frowned with disappointment. “Geez, you’re something else. You hear one thing and assume the other half.”
 “I-is there something wrong with that?! I’ll beat the crap outta you if you got a problem with me!” Okanaya-san cracked his knuckles.
 “H-hey now!” I calmed him down quickly before anything got out of hand. A few moments later, the door opened from the female changing room.
 “Oh, what a wonderful gathering. Amaterasu-sama has picked a rather interesting group for this event.” By the words alone it was obvious that Ishikawa-san had arrived. Though her outfit…a black bikini with a bow and ruffled skirt. I was a little taken aback with the difference between her usual gothic attire.
 “H-hey, Nagata-san…Ishikawa-san…she’s, um…her body is a lot different than I expected.” Kurohiko-san mumbled.
 “Oh? Do I appear odd in this outfit? It was the only swimming outfit that was in my size.” Ishikawa-san explained.
 “No, you look fine. He’s just being a dork.” Graves-san assured her.
 “Do not worry, Kurohiko-sama. You are a teenaged male, if you are embarrassed by girls in swimsuits, you are not alone. You should enjoy your life before the eternal slumber comes for you.” Ishikawa-san smiled.
 “Wh-why am I being called out like that?!” Kurohiko-san’s face flushed.
 “You make it way too easy, dude.” Okanaya-san snickered.
 “Oh, has the event started already?” We all looked over at Asano-san who was approaching us. Instead of being in a swimsuit though, she was in a pastel pink Lolita dress and was carrying a matching parasol.
 “Asano-sama? You do not plan on swimming?” Ishikawa-san frowned.
 “I am not allowed to get wet. Strict instructions from my parents that I cannot go against, I am afraid.” Asano-san explained. Seriously? Why did she even bother coming if that’s the case…? No, that’s a little harsh. “I will happily watch the rest of you though. I’m sure it will still be an enjoyable time.”
 “It’s a little hard to believe that, but if you say so.” Kurohiko-san sighed.
 “Is this everyone, aside from Amaterasu-sama?” Ishikawa-san asked. There was a good number here, so Amaterasu-san will probably appear soon.
 “Once she’s here, I’m gonna challenge her to a race! I’ll definitely beat Amaterasu!” Okanaya-san hit his knuckles together and grinned. “Nagata, you’ll race too, right?”
 “H-huh, me?!”
 “You could use the exercise, by the looks of it.” Gee, thanks. You shouldn’t be saying that with such a carefree smile.
 “Cool. Everyone’s here.” Amaterasu-san’s voice echoed into the room.
 “Ah, Amaterasu-san glad you’re he-GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! A-Amaterasu-san!?” Kurohiko-san’s face went beet red, not that I can blame him. Amaterasu-san was standing there with her usual neutral expression though she wasn’t wearing a swimsuit. In fact, she wasn’t wearing…anything. “C-cover up! Cover yourself up right now!” Kurohiko-san covered his eyes.
 “Ryuu, look away!” Graves-san suddenly turned and pushed me away, I felt my footing disappear and hearing the sound of a splash. Did Graves-san really need to push me in the pool?! “Crap, sorry about that!”
 “What’s the big deal?” Okanaya-san raised an eyebrow. “If I didn’t wanna go fast, I would’a came in the buff too.”
 “Th-that’s a completely separate issue in itself…” Kurohiko-san side-glared him.
 “Ah, are we all wearing swimsuits? Sorry, didn’t realise it was that kind of party.” Amaterasu-san said. Thank god for her hair being as long as it is.  “I’ll go find a swimsuit. I’m sure there’s one in the changing room somewhere.” Amaterasu-san turned and walked back into the changing rooms.
 “S-seriously…! Is anyone normal in this place?!” Kurohiko-san cried. “N-not to say deviation from the norm is bad, but, y’know-“
 “I’m just gonna stop you before you go any further.” Graves-san cut him off. When Amaterasu-san came back, now dressed for swimming, we all began to enjoy our time at the pool. Amaterasu-san and Okanaya-san had their swimming matches though Amaterasu-san would come out on top each time, much to Okanaya-san’s annoyance.
 Ishikawa-san and Asano-san sat on the bleachers at the side. Ishikawa-san said she didn’t want to risk her flesh peeling or something grotesque like that, but I think she just didn’t want Asano-san to be sitting by herself the whole time.
 Kurohiko-san mostly stayed on the pool’s perimeter acting almost like a lifeguard. Amaterasu-san was pretty rowdy in the pool, so he had to act like animal control for her. Though the bright atmosphere even made me smile and I even raced Okanaya-san once, though it’s obvious I lost.
 I forgot how much I actually loved swimming with friends.
 -Chapter 2 Daily Life, The Talent Show-
 After the days of work, we finally managed to finish off the preparations for the talent show. The lighting was set up and majority of the group was sat in the audience. Though because some of the stunts are a little dangerous, a first few rows were left empty. It was a little harder to see the stage, but it was fine overall.
 “Alrighty everybody! Welcome to the talent show!” Hachi-san announced. I looked around the audience and saw that not quite everyone was present yet. The performers were probably backstage getting ready, but Okanaya-san was missing too. Kurohiko-san too. “I just want to thank everybody for helping make this whole thing a reality, we couldn’t have done it without all of you! Without any further ado, let’s enjoy the show!”
 There were a few cheers from the audience.
 “Let’s kick this off with our talented death-defying duo! Yuuki Kurosaki, and Doi Kurohiko!” We clapped as Hachi-san skipped off stage. Kurosaki-san walked on stage first, a paled Kurohiko-san following hesitantly behind.
 “For our act, get ready for…” Yuuki produced a selection of different sized daggers, “my amazing knife-throwing skills!”
 “Wh-why am I still being forced into this?!” Kurohiko-san complained.
 “Hush now, if you die then they’ll all know I’m the killer so there’s nothing to worry about~!” Kurosaki-san clapped, pushing Kurohiko-san against a wooden board and position him to stand straight.
 “There’s a bigger issue than that!” Kurohiko-san said.
 Luckily for everybody, the knife throwing act went without any problems. Thank god. Kurosaki-san bowed and thanked the audience and carried off a wobbly Kurohiko-san. Poor guy is always getting dragged into this sort of stuff.
 Next on was Shinko-san who was showing off a short film he shot the past few days. It was about a young girl played by Ishikawa-san who was best friends with this girl, played by Asano-san. Her friend would go about killing other students in her school though at the end it’s revealed that Ishikawa-san’s character was actually the killer and she killed everyone who tried to break her fantasy world that she created Asano-san’s character in. Though the suspense made it hard for me stomach, yet I couldn’t turn away. Shinko-san really deserved his title, there’s no doubt in my mind.
 Next was Irunami-san’s routine. From the wings, fog started to fill the stage on both sides. A lot of fog, actually. I guess Irunami-san was gonna do a bit more than a typical hypnosis routine.
 “Man, it’s kinda hard to see.” Graves-san commented.
 “Herr Okanaya must’ve turned the fog machines on early.” Kurosaki-san sighed. He and Shinko-san had joined the audience after their sets were finished. So Okanaya-san is helping backstage? I was wondering where he was.
 “Hopefully it won’t throw off Irunami-kun.” Ram-san said with a frown. A few moments later, Irunami-san walked on stage and faced the audience.
 “Alrighty, let’s see what we’ve got! Hmm…okay, I guess I should start it off like this, shouldn’t I?” Irunami-san began talking to himself. Geez, is this guy even prepared? “Oh, I’ll start like that! Then I’ll need a volunteer…hmm…Shin-chan! You come here and help me out!”
 “Ehhh? Again?” Shinko-san growled, getting up from his seat.
 “Ah, where is he?” Irunami-san asked, probably trying to peer through the fog.
 “Yeah yeah! I’m right here, keep your head on!” Shinko-san made his way towards the stage.
 That’s when it happened.
 There was the sound of something snapping and before you could even blink, the lighting rig above the stage came crashing down onto the stage. It was so unexpected, Shinko-san fell back into his backside. We all stood up from the audience in shock. “H-holy shit, what the fuck?!” Shinko-san exclaimed. “Th-that c-could’ve hit me…!”
 “Hit you…?” Ishikawa-san repeated slowly, her expression became grave. The fog had been cleared a little because of the lighting rig falling, so the stage was slightly clearer. “I-Irunami-sama?!” Ishikawa-san ran towards the stage. When she called out his name, it all dawned on the rest of us.
 “Irunami-kun!” Hachi-san’s voice came from behind me, as they darted past me and towards the stage. Shouldn’t they have been backstage getting ready?! I couldn’t think straight right now, I just felt my legs move automatically as I ran up the steps to the stage. Standing in the wing I saw Okanaya-san staring at the stage, completely pale, his fists balled up at his side.
 Then I saw the scene. The world came to a sudden halt.
 As the fog continued to clear further, the body of Sadao Irunami, the Ultimate Hypnotist became visible to the rest of us. He was laying on his stomach, blood was sticky in his hair and matting it, a broken stage light cracked next to his body.
 “Wh…o-oh my god…” Yokozawa-san covered his mouth, looking ready to vomit. “H-how could this happen…? A-an accident…?” An accident? The lighting rig just fell without warning, was this really a freak accident?
 ~Ding Dong, Bing bong~
 The monitors turned on and displayed Monokuma sitting on his throne. “A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, a class trial shall be held! Better get investigating!” The monitors turned off.
 “The body discovery announcement…?” I murmured. If that’s the case…
 “Accident or not, if the body discovery announcement played then one of us is accountable for Irunami’s death.” Sly-san said, a piercing glare focused on Kurosaki-san. Kurosaki-san’s face was completely blank though.
 “Th…that can’t be right though…” Hachi-san spoke weakly. “Wh-why…? This is just a big trick. Part of the show…right? So, get up Irunami-kun…because there’s no way he could be dead.” Hachi-san gripped the sides of their head and let out a scream. “WHY IS IRUNAMI-KUN DEAD?!!”
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tooruhyung · 7 years
Adventures and philosophy >> a way too long post
So uhm this is gonna be effin long and a roller coaster of being a meme and very deep™ So probably just 'tldr' this and check the pics in the upcoming posts. Usually am deep af when on trainrides but yesterday... it was a little different. Maybe it's the sense of adventure that makes me this silly... But i was thinking how “Forgive me Father for I have sinned” and “Sorry Daddy I’ve been bad” should mean the same yet have wildly different connotations.... the English language is a joy! (And so is meme culture and the daddy kink) Also i blame Taemin's 'do it baby' for my wild™ thoughts... (Edit: worry not, today i was in fact very philosophical during planting. I realized that harvesting is a lot more enjoyable than planting seeds one by one by a tiny instrument... and it actually resonated in me like how i always extract joy from 'harvesting' and i forget to enjoy the way there. So after that i very much practiced the zen philosophy of chisoku anbun, accepting what we have and not submitting to new and new desires. So yeah, i study zen now too. but good news: yesterday I actually did exciting stuff. Besides picking carrots zucchini and diakon ofc. Which is extremely interesting too, of course! So i went to Kofu on my own. I checked out the castle and the statue of takeda shingen a super popular and powerful daimyo. Then i took the bus to do some quality hiking in shosenkyo gorge. And man my breath was taken away. First some easy routes alongside a river, dotted with souvenir shops and izakayas. Then after senga waterfall there's a ropeway to the 1058m peak. Naturally i went there, only to find myself at a 20 minute hiking route with the steepest narrowes rocky route. Tbh i loved it but feared for my life a tiny bit, i mean, me queen of not being clumsy and never tripping (sense the irony pls) hiking uphill alone, one bad step over some tree roots and basically noone would have known where i was. So yeah. But it was cool. (Not really cool as it was 33 degrees) anyways i reached a magnificent viewpoint to see Fujisan. In the other direction there were some shrines and a cute pine tree which said to be where the dragons from Fuji arrive. Well guess who is a nerd for dragons and mountain gods, dis bitch right here. So i threw some coins into the belly of the dragon tree for good luck! ;) My dragon nerd self also had a fucking wild dream where i met a mountain dragon called Ryuu (hyper fun fact: today I learned from Megumi-san that the reading for the kanji of dragon is ryuu, im not saying im psychic but i kind of am?!) who would follow me around on the fields like a guard. I'm assuming these dragons here are looking out for me. Also now I think besides space, dragons will be my biggest nerd-ass manias. So wow, wild, riteee?? 🐉 So anyways i got back home, again experiencing the lovely japanese hospitality. For one the lady in the tourist info box complimented my japanese, an old lady in a souvenir shop (where I definitely didn't buy a gemstone from because im not a nerd for those too....) randomly started to tell me how long my legs were (lowkey weird) and we had a small chat, then the guy in Nirasaki station who helped me find my bus, all super nice people ^^ And today I washed carrots around the break of dawn, and for about 3 hours we planted various seeds which resulted in the philosophical pondering described above. Im really effin tired now so i will just post the pics from yesterday's trip and prolly go and nap and read 'build a temple in me' by authoress because dragons and japanese folklore... i do highly recommend reading that piece tbh, I've already read it twice and it always touches stg in my soul. Hit 'build a temple in me ao3' in google and the first link should be it. (Its an iwaoi fanfiction but I'm positive it's genuinely amazing without knowing shit about haikyuu) Okay, bye! Also whoever read all of this: awww i love you guys too, appreciate your dedication to my crazy ramblings
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