#tlc fanfiction
impossiblesuitcase · 3 days
Hope In It
“The queen is dead! The queen is dead!”
Imperial Adviser Konn Torin’s hand paused mid-air from where it had been directing bodies to a bay of ships.
“The queen!” screeched the young woman, rushing into the crowd of diplomats. She was plainly dressed in a beige tunic—the rank of a servant, and Torin didn’t think he’d ever seen one of Luna’s maltreated servants acting of their own volition.
The clatter of Lunar aristocrats and frightened Earthen leaders filled the loading docks. Since the emperor had threatened to bomb the protective biodomes, the crush of people were practically clambering over one another to board the ships. They hadn’t heard any updates on the situation unfolding in the throne room since Kai had raced off to find Linh Cinder.
“What? What does she mean?” reverberated off the walls. People stopped on the ramps of the ships, watching on curiously.
“Queen Levana is dead! She was shot!” the servant choked out. Her cheeks were coated in tear tracks, her eyes manic. Torin wondered if this state of delirium had arisen from loyalty to the queen, or rather, disbelief that the tyrant could be truly dead.
“No!” cried an older man, whom Torin recognised as from one of the Lunar families. His age was only apparent from the startled slip into his natural, worn voice. Recomposing, he asserted, smooth and youthful, “This is just speculation!”
“Princess Selene shot her!” She circled aimlessly, recycling the news to every guest that would listen. “The queen was shot! She’s dead!”
A hundred murmurs repeated those words under their breath. The Lunars connected eyes in horror—and some—feigned sympathy. 
The Earthens barely held back raucous cheers.
Torin’s ears tingled. He was not a man wont to extreme emotional fluctuations, but this news almost stopped his heart. Could it be true?
Realisation swiftly cloaked him. Kai went in search of Linh-dàren. If the Princess did shoot Levana, what other blood might have been shed? 
He abandoned his position as sentinel and reached a fellow Commonwealth representative. “Ensure that everyone remains here until you receive an all-clear,” he instructed. “We cannot yet substantiate this claim. I will go and locate His Majesty.”
“We will wait for your return,” the man replied, bowing.
Torin shook his head as his mind paced two, three, ten steps ahead. Leaving this dock now could very well risk his own life. “I may not be able to. Lend me your portscreen and I will comm Representative Li with updates.” 
The man nodded and unclipped the device from his belt.
Taking it, Torin marched ahead, ignoring the whirlpool of sentiments trying to suck him back in. The cacophony was barely distinguishable, but laughter and crying and cheers spoke much of its meaning. Fury. Rejoicing. Anticipation.
The trek to the throne room was much shorter now than it had been an hour ago. The once packed hallways were now absent of officials, flashy nobles, servants, even guards. It was almost ludicrous to imagine that the coronation had been on that very same day when so much carnage and destruction had occured in such little time.
Fierce shouting grew louder as Torin neared the throne room. He began to run, turning the corner to a swarm of bodies blocking his path. Doctors and nurses wearing bloodied scrubs were huddled, shouting, “Pulse is weak! We need oxygen, stat!”
He came to hover nearby but could not identify the victim past the doctors’ tight shoulders. His own pulse faltered as it led him to the worst scenario. Where was Kai?
“He’s inside.”
He spun on his heels towards the magnificent mahogany doors. The voice was heavily accented—American—and weary. 
Torin composed himself. “Thorne-jūn,” 
Carswell Thorne had not struck Torin as a serious or even responsible man in the brief time they’d met. Yet the man in front of him now looked broken and old. He was covered in blood, his clothes ripped. 
“He?” Torin ventured to ask.
“Kai. He’s inside the throne room.” Carswell’s heavy eyes scrutinised Torin—flitting from his white dress shirt down to his dark pants. Pulling an arm from behind his back he revealed a black suit coat draped over his elbow. “I think this is yours.”
Indeed it was. Torin had lent it to Kai’s young friend Crescent, hoping to calm some of her hysteria. But if the small, frightened girl was not wearing it, where was she?
“I had no intention of reclaiming it,” Torin said, taking the jacket into his hands all the same when proffered to him. It was damp and left redness in the creases of his palm. “Where is Darnel-mei?”
“She was hurt,” Carswell said, voice barely audible and tinged with…shame?
He chose to not enquire further as to what this implied. As Carswell’s hazy gaze attached to the retreating backs of the doctors, Torin wondered if the victim was Crescent. And if Carswell Thorne was somehow responsible for what had befallen her.
Partly relieved but not yet satisfied, he straightened. “Is the emperor all right?”
“Dunno. They wouldn’t let him follow her.”
His brow furrowed. Kai did seem to care for Cress, but not enough, he thought, that he would abandon his search for Linh-dàren.
The two exchanged a nod. Carswell staggered away in the same direction as the doctors. He may be in need of a doctor himself, or at the very least, a glass of scotch.
Once the young lad was out of sight, Torin cast the jacket to the ground and thrust open the heavy doors.
A figure lay sprawled on the marble floor. Getting closer, Torin’s blood congealed. It was Kai. Blood pooled around him and over the throne near where he lay, dark like the black strokes of a Japanese ink painting. The stone of the backrest was cracked in the centre.
“Your Majesty!” he cried, racing over and halting just before crashing into Kai. He slid to his knees, examining his body with burgeoning dread. “Where is it?!”
Completely dazed, shock written over his face, Kai murmured, “What?”
He seized his hands into his own. “Where were you injured?” 
Appearing confused, he squinted blearily before following Torin’s gaze to his own torso. His white coronation outfit was bright red, his skin slick with blood.
“Oh,” Kai answered flatly. “Not me. I wasn’t…It’s Cinder’s.”
Torin pursed his lips. …Cinder’s?
Kai tried, weakly, to wipe it from his arms.
Blood. Cinder’s blood.
Torin shifted his hands to the boy’s forearms, pulling him to his feet. “Where is Linh-dàren now?” 
“They just took her.” Kai’s empty gaze drifted to the doors. Ah. It was not Crescent that he’d seen being carted away.
He recovered his sensibility rather remarkably. “Shall we follow them, Your Majesty?”
Kai rubbed at his eyes. Torin hadn’t seen the boy this shellshocked since the death of his mother. “No…I don’t know if Cinder…they wouldn’t let me follow her.”
He scoffed, guiding Kai to the entrance. “You are the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth and the King Consort of Luna. You can go where you please.”
Kai dully shook his head. “Was King Consort.”
As they reached the doors, he retrieved the black dress coat from the ground and draped it over Kai’s stained shoulders. “If Princess Selene survives—as she will—you very well may become King Consort again someday. We will not let mere doctors stop us.”
Slowly, a light filled the boy’s vacant eyes, as if waking up from a nightmare. Without notice, he took off.
Torin fell into step, trying to match Kai’s steady pace. But Kai had transformed, emboldened by the promise of again seeing his princess. Flickers of a rowdy ten-year-old and then a slouching fifteen-year-old returned to Torin; along with his reminders to walk orderly, like a prince should.
But this determination was nothing childish. This was the gait of a man in love.
Blood had dribbled on the marble floors like proverbial breadcrumbs for their quest. Streaks dragged through it, suggesting fast footsteps. Neither Torin nor Kai knew where the medical wing was located, yet the second they saw that crimson evidence, Kai began running.
Slow down, Torin wanted to call for both their sakes, because the emperor would overexpend himself, and Torin was not a young man. But such a request would be cruel to him now.
They were not the only ones running. Servants fled the hallways while others huddled in trios with nervous murmurings. Just as Torin was about to reach into his pocket for his inhaler, Kai skidded to a halt. A crosspath emerged—to the left, a lavish hallway of purple carpets, ancient moon sculptures and a grand piano at its end. The right, stale white walls, dim lights and no such frivolities. In between these two was a large reflectionless window, slightly ajar. Cries of battle and howling slipped through from below.
“Your Majesty, should we perhaps—”
Kai chose right and sprinted. This time, Torin could not keep up.
As he bumbled after him, he passed Carswell Thorne, standing at a distance from a different mob of doctors. They surrounded a gurney, and when Torin saw a gleam of a shimmering orange skirt, he now knew where Darnel-mei was. Slumped against the wall nearby was a disorientated red-headed girl, cradled in the arms of one of those ghastly wolf soldiers. Torin choked on his tongue but then recognised the particular shade of green in the beast’s eyes. This was Kai’s ally, whom he had met when they concealed the Rampion in their ship on the journey to Luna. He reproached his own thoughts for the snap-judgement, especially when the man held the girl as though she were the finest bloom in a garden.
Turning the corner, Torin found Kai beside a flashing red operating room sign, motionless as a nurse explained the imperativeness that he do not impede their recovery efforts.
Resigned, he bowed his head. “Do your best, please,” came his weak voice. He watched—jealously, Torin thought—as the nurse whisked behind the large double doors.
The port at his waist pinged, an unfamiliar chime that reminded him it was borrowed. He punched in the override access code, opening to a comm from an Eastern Commonwealth officer.
“Kai,” Torin called, gently. “Her Maje–Her Highness, Princess Levana has been confirmed as dead.”
Staring at the closed hospital doors, Kai nodded. “I know. I saw her.”
And then, the memory of the throne returned to Torin. Certainly Cinder hadn’t been seated there. But it too was tainted with blood, and that pool contained much more than a single body could have produced. He drafted the cracks in the seat in his mind, the point of impact small and precise.
Princess Selene shot her.
Her body must have been taken away before Torin had arrived. But not before Kai had seen it.
The raging battle below their feet niggled at his thoughts. Hesitating, he recommended, “I suggest we declare temporary control, until Her Majesty The Queen’s status is known.”
Another slight nod. “Tell them…as King Consort, or…whatever. Just direct them to stop the fighting.”
He bowed and turned. He would first comm the Eastern Commonwealth officials to handle the loading docks, then contact their own fleet of security to instate control. Perhaps they could reason with the Lunar guards to help as well. The wolf soldiers would be impossible to restrain, but if they could at least remove the thaumaturges…
He compelled his muscles to contract, to walk forward, unsuccessfully. His feet were solid beneath him, his conscience arguing.
Torin heard a shaky exhale.
He could not leave Kai.
He spun back around and covered the distance. “Kai.”
Kai’s gaze arrived, weakly, in that of his mentor’s. It was the little warning he received before Kai buried his eyes in his wrists, sobbing.
“I can’t…” he choked. “I can’t…”
Torin planted stabilising hands on his elbows as they trembled with his shuddering breaths. 
Anyone in New Beijing Palace could have attested to the fact that Konn Torin was not known for having a propensity for affection. But Kai, he realised bleakly, guiltily, had hardly hugged a body since the late emperor’s demise. That was unacceptable.
The distance discarded, his shoulder offered, Kai collapsed into him.
“It will be all right,” Torin promised into his hair. “She will be all right.”
Shouting chased them from the closed doors; elevated alarm from hard-wearing professionals that made Kai gasp. Torin covered the boy’s ears. He needn’t know what lay behind those doors. Because none of them knew. There were no protocol-issued, well-worn documents assuring that Selene would live. They could only rely on her demonstrated stubbornness and talent of living to spite all naysayers.
But Kai’s father had been determined. Kai’s mother had been stubborn. And they were both dead. Torin had lost two great friends but Kai had lost his parents. If he let this spread to his heart, he may never awaken from this grief-stricken stupor.
“Kai,” Torin breathed, “You must live.”
“...What?” Kai whispered, confused.
He pulled back, hardened eyes peeling away to reveal softness. “No matter what happens to her, you must live.”
Kai looked to the ceiling. “I know…my people…”
“No. You must live for her. And for yourself. Only then can you have the strength for your people.” He wiped the tears away with his sleeve. “She needs you right now.”
“I can’t do anything for her right now, Torin,” he argued miserably. 
Despite it all, Torin smiled. “Do you really believe that?”
Kai’s sharp inhales syncopated with the beeps and clangs from within. Torin had always answered his questions. ‘Towin, why can’t I play with Daddy in his meetings?’ ‘Torin, why do I have to go to the gala?’ ‘Torin, why is Mama sick?’’
This question, only Kai could answer.
As those eyes had managed every time before, they reached a horizon point somewhere over Torin’s shoulder, and the determination crystallised. Torin masked a sigh of relief. For a moment, he truly believed this time might be so severe that there could be no return.
Another embrace, this one Kai initiated and pulled away from resolved. “Call off the fighting and order the thaumaturges back into the palace. I’ll collect the Eathern leaders from the docks and have them organise the crowds. We need to remove the wounded from the battlefield.”
“Shall I divert medical resources to those groups?”
“Yes,” he ordered, turning on his heel and his feet moved in step with his thoughts.  “Repurpose as many rooms in the palaces as needed. Send”—he paused, briefly, slipped a look at the closed doors, and righted himself—“Send our own medical staff as well.”
Torin followed dutifully. “And…you’ll leave Linh-dàren?”
“This is what she needs me to do right now.”
In this moment, Torin was walking beside his dear friend Rikan. This boy, this emperor, galvanised for a new purpose. To prepare Luna for its queen. To carve out a space for Linh Cinder to fill. To aid her as a friend, an ally, a partner.
The closer they got to the docks, the louder the shouting became. Frantic servants and muddled aristocrats still cried the refrain: “The queen is dead!”
No. The queen would live, and Torin dared to hope in it.
Sometimes, Cress felt like she was getting the hang of this being around people thing. Sarcasm was becoming more obvious. Body language more telling. But then there would be a little quirk of human interactions that would demonstrate just how unaccustomed to everything she was. Today, she learnt about sneaking up on people.
Cress was halfway through closing the door to her suite when a voice purred, “What perfect timing.”
She gasped and flung around to the apparition.
“Captain!” she exclaimed, clutching her stomach. The jolt was not kind on her still-tender stab wound. 
Thorne grinned, all purple button-up and dimpled cheeks and bergamot cologne, materialised in the spot that was seconds-before empty. “Hey darlin’.”
Cress pried away her hand before he noticed it serving as an anchor and got that guilt-tinged frown. Any reminder of his (unwilling) role in her injury was a doleful experience for them both. Still, at least she could now walk without fearing her intestines would unravel.
“You scared me half to death.” She batted his shoulder.
A pleased look spread over his face. “Stealth is one of my greater qualities.”
She blinked at him. Repeatedly.
“Okay,” he relented, tone faltering. “Not necessarily.” He jutted a thumb at the door behind him. “But my room is just opposite.”
“So that gives you the right to near knock my soul out of my body?”
“I was simply coming out to say hello. I can’t believe that you’d accuse me of trying to catch a fright from you.” Thorne rested a hand on the door frame, pressing her back to the door as he craned his neck towards her. “I wouldn’t do that to my girl.”
His girl. Her heart began dancing an Irish jig for an entirely new reason. At least if she swooned from giddiness, he was in prime position to catch her. “Did you come to tell me something?” she murmured, unable to meet his eyes.
“Oh, you know,” he drawled. “I was checking out Cinder’s new place, all the bells and whistles. It’s not bad.”
“It isn’t bad,” she agreed. “It’s magnificent.”
“It’s no Rampion.” He retracted his hand from the doorframe to take hers. This time, she could look at him. “I stumbled into the gardens—nice, sure—but something was missing.”
“A waterslide?”
“Your hand in mine.” he corrected. He kissed that hand. “As long as you’re up to it, would do me the greatest honour and accompany me for a stroll?”
Her stomach throbbed. She shouldn’t walk for more than ten minutes at a time, and she’d already walked all the way to and from the dining hall for breakfast that morning. But her excitement rang louder than the ache.
“I know, it’s tough to think of an excuse not to go,” he said. “But I promise it’ll be fun. I even brought a token as a security deposit.” Reaching to his back pocket, Thorne procured a single rose, pink in its petals and tinged with brown at the base.
Cress pulled it into her fingers, awed. “It’s beautiful!” she cooed, burying her nose in the creation. “It’s a rose, right?”
He looked surprised, but only momentarily. “Indeed. You’ve probably never seen one before.”
“No.” She twirled it in her fingers, eyes fixed on the rich, fathomless colour. Oh, now she understood why roses were romance personified. She noticed that they were thornless, though she wouldn’t have minded if they weren’t. She happened to like Thornes a good deal. “Do they have more?” she asked, eyes gleaming.
“Hundreds, sweetheart.” He looked smug. His plan had succeeded beyond expectations. She was too happy to care.
“In that case, yes, of course.” She turned to the door, saying, “I'll just pull on a jacket,” when a knife twisted in her gut. She clutched her side, gasping as Thorne stole her shoulders into his hands.
“Cress! Are you okay?!” 
She gritted her teeth, hissing and attempting to take air into her lungs until the pain finally subsided. “I’m fine,” she said wanly.
He frowned. “No, no you’re not. You should’ve told me the pain was acting up.” He wrapped his arms around her sides supportively, sighing. “You need to lie down.”
“No!” she protested. “No, I want to come.”
He cast her a grim stare then pecked her cheek. “Tomorrow, okay?”
She scowled. Her injury was a poor wingwoman to her romantic life. “Okay,” she conceded, only slightly mollified.
“Here. I’ll help you get into bed.” Thorne pulled a hand away from her waist to push open the door.
Prickling erupted on her skin. She suddenly remembered what lay inside. “Oh, no, I’m fine. It’s not that bad—I can just—”
She barely cried a “wait!” before the door swung open and the evidence spilled out in a rich floral perfume.
Thorne walked them both inside, gaping at the garden on the centre table. A mammoth bouquet of lilies, peonies, gazanias and foliage reached almost up to the ceiling. He plucked the creamy white card from the base and read it aloud:
In hopes of a swift recovery. Best Wishes, Konn Torin.
Thorne hadn’t yet blinked. Cress just about felt his token wilt in her hand. “I still love your rose,” she assuaged.
Thorne lowered the card, staring dejectedly at his intimidated rose. “I need to up my boyfriend game.”
She laughed. Cress tucked the rose behind his ear, giggling at his quizzical look. She leaned up, thirty excruciating stitches be damned, and planted a firm kiss on his lips. She pulled away. “Let’s start with that date tomorrow.”
This one's for me and @hayleblackburn, maybe the only members of the Konn Torin fan club. We're a small but loyal pit crew 😔✊
@cindersassasin @hayleblackburn @spherical-empirical @salt-warrior @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @kaider-is-my-otp @slmkaider @luna-maximoff-22 @kaixiety @snozkat @mirrorballsss @skinwitch18 @bakergirl13 @wassupnye @linh-cindy @therealkaidertrash21
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salt-warrior · 9 months
I’m weeks late, but happy birthday, @cosmicnovaflare! Thanks for being my oldest and dearest tumblr friend. I hope you enjoy this fic, dedicated to you and all your ancientness<3
Wildest Dreams
Summary: Kai wakes up before Cinder, and she wonders what’s up with him. (WC: 1.3k)
Cinder awoke to the gentlest caress down her nose. In years past, a sensation of such a sort would have startled her—eyes open, body out of bed. But her head was filled with softest sleep, and she felt safe here, warm, as if all were right and good in the world.
She let out a soft hum, tilting her face upward as Kai’s fingers traced the curves of her cheeks, the line of her brow, the arch of her lips. She heard him laugh, a low sound so early in the morning. A smile claimed her face, and she opened her eyes to see Kai, propped up on one arm as he looked down upon her, hair clouding his eyes, the faintest blush decorating his cheeks.
“What are you doing awake so early?” Cinder asked, raising her chin to accept his kiss.
Kai rolled his eyes. “I can wake up before you.”
“You never do.”
“Now that’s just not true.”
Cinder propped herself up to look at him, eyes as level as they were mischievous. She poked him in the chest. “Name one time.”
“Oh, don’t you start.”
She laughed, then flopped back down on her pillow, pulling him toward her, his face pressing into the crook in her neck as he mumbled inaccurate words in his defense that only made Cinder laugh harder. Her fingers played with the ends of his hair, her spare arm creeping around him to hug him close.
“What?” Cinder asked when Kai mumbled something she couldn’t quite hear.
“I said I love hearing your laugh in the morning,” he said. “It’s the only thing that makes waking up worth it.”
Cinder felt her heart pinch, as it so often did where Kai was concerned. Once, she hadn’t been sure whether she was capable of love—whether she would ever have it in her life. Between Adri and Pearl and everyone else who regarded her as a monster because she was a cyborg, she hadn’t thought it possible that another person would want her. Would love her. Would be happy to wake up beside her in the morning. She didn’t think she would ever get over her own surprise. That she would get over how dearly she loved Kai.
Shifting, Kai pulled back, resting his face on her pillow, their faces only inches apart. The soft glow of the sun’s gentle haze bled through the window, shedding warmth and light on them both. Their hands, resting upon the bed’s cover, met and twined together. Kai brought the back of her hand up to his lips, then rested their joined fingers below his chin. She watched him all the while, until his eyes met hers, unmatched in understanding, and she wondered where she would be if not for him.
“Today’s our anniversary,” Kai said, voice quiet. “That’s why I woke before you. Although, let the record show that this is not the first time this has happened.”
Cinder blinked, her chest tightening. Her brain interface conjured the day’s date, and she shook her head, confused.
“Kai, our wedding was in—”
“I’m not talking about our wedding anniversary,” Kai cut in, rolling his eyes once again. Had her heart not been racing, Cinder would have told him—not for the first time—that if he continued to roll his eyes as much as he did, they might stay that way.
“Then what are you talking about?”
“The anniversary of the day we met. It’s been five years. Five years since I came to your booth in the marketplace. Little did I know I was about to meet the love of my life.”
Cinder scoffed. “If I remember correctly, you thought I was supposed to be an old man.”
“Once again, you were not what I was expecting,” Kai said dryly. “But if you had been an old man, I probably would have still fallen in love with you.”
“You were that desperate to get out of marrying Levana?”
“Definitely. But in your defense, I think you would make an attractive old man.”
“Gee, thanks,” Cinder said, struggling to maintain a straight face.
“But I’m glad you’re not an old man. To be clear,” Kai added. He blew a little puff of air at her face, scattering her bangs. She scowled at him. “I like you just the way you are.”
Cinder watched his face, that little piece inside of her that doubted herself—that piece that spoke in Adri and Pearl’s voices—waited for him to laugh. To say he didn’t mean it.
He did not laugh. Instead, he watched her intently, every action reassuring. His thumb rubbed the back of her hand. Her fingers squeezed his tighter.
“You’re my favorite part of every day,” Kai said, his voice completely sober. “I woke up this morning wondering where I would be if not for you. And I realized that I would likely be dead. My brain manipulated, my body and title used until Levana got what she wanted, before she killed me. A knife to the heart, the plague, my own hand turned enemy.” Cinder let go of his hand and pressed hers to his cheek, brushing hair and wetness from his eyes.
“I never thought I would have the opportunity to marry for love,” Kai continued. “I never thought I would be with someone that I even liked. In all my wildest dreams, I could have never imagined you. You saved me. You saved us all.”
“It’s not something I did alone.”
“But it’s something that no one else could have done,” Kai said. “Help or no help, no one could have stood in your place and united Earth and Luna. You did what both my father and I failed to do.”
“Kai . . .”
He smiled at her. “I’m grateful, that’s all. And proud. And so unbelievably happy.”
“Me too,” Cinder said. “Five years ago, the best I could hope for was my own emancipation. To run off to Europe with Iko. I never could have imagined you, or our friends, or intergalactic peace. It just—sometimes I worry that I’m going to wake up and discover that it was all just a dream.”
Kai shifted his face beneath her hand to kiss her palm, his own hand circling her wrist. “It’s not a dream,” he whispered. “My imagination definitely couldn’t have conjured finding Princess Selene at the marketplace. Or you escaping prison with an American convict. Or me being kidnapped on my wedding day. Or anything else that happened. It’s too crazy.”
“You’re right,” Cinder laughed. She wondered why, five years later, Kai was thinking of the first time they’d met. Not once in any of the other years of them knowing one another had either of them brought it up. There were always more pressing anniversaries to consume the mind in the middle of August. Rikan’s death. Peony’s. But perhaps time was allowing them to move forward—not to forget, but to make room. Maybe time—space, everything—let the light shine through, gave them the eyes to see the good that had happened with the bad.
Cinder would never not miss Peony, just as she knew that Kai would never not miss his father. That grief and pain would always be a part of them, but so would all the joy and peace that they brought one another.
She leaned forward, pressing her lips to Kai’s. It was a sweet, slow kiss, tangled with five years of knowing and loving one another. Of making it through everything, of proceeding in the world together.
“I’d do it all again,” Kai said when they broke apart. “Just to be here now with you.”
Cinder kissed the tip of his nose, a smile playing on her lips. “Me too.”
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wassupnye · 2 months
The best thing about Kaider AUs is that 99% of the time they’re just Kai head-over-heels crushing on Cinder, as per usual, and she’s the super chill and cool girl who he borderline embarrasses himself in front of
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@greenalmond @shellyseashell
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Left Eye
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justminawrites · 11 months
1 | 2 | TBC
Jacin woke with a splitting headache.
It didn’t take more than three seconds for his lunar guard training to kick in: Rope. Chair. Feet. Metal. Breathing. Cress. 
As his eyes adjusted to the complete lack of light in the room, Jacin flexed his wrists, which he found were tied behind his back with a length of plastic-resin cord– standard issue for lunar prisoners. 
He was sitting on a hard, uncomfortable metal surface, but from what he could tell everything around him was metal. The seat was metal, the ground under him was metal– either they were in a  shipping container, or a torture chamber. 
Jacin tried to ignore the pounding in his head, echoing like drum beats, like the military exercises he’d once been so eager to playact, when he was young and naïve enough to believe in his country. 
He’d noticed immediately that whoever had tied him up had taken his shoes, and tried his best to repress a shudder as the cold leached into his bare skin and crawled up his legs, leaving tiny goosebumps in its wake. 
Chair. Feet. Metal. And the last one was– 
“Cress,” Jacin called quietly, shifting his arms in an attempt to loosen his binds. 
She was cuffed to him, the two of them back to back, and still unconscious - he could feel her petite frame pressed against him, sharp shoulder blades digging into his spine, and tried his best to shake her awake.
“Cress,” he repeated urgently, wondering for a second if they’d drugged her harder than him for some reason.
“Uhn.. no Carol.. I can’t come in.. today.”
Jacin tried not to feel too relieved at the sound of her mumbling. This plan would go much slower if he was the only one awake to execute it. 
He twisted his hands a little, grabbing the closest thing he could reach (the skin of her forearm) and pinched. Hard. 
“Mm.. what– OW!” Cress shrieked, jolting from the pain, but he instantly shushed her.
“We don’t have much time,” He hissed as she took a second to take in her surroundings, “–if I’m right, they’ll start it up the moment we show signs of being conscious.”
“Start what?” She shot back, still emotionally stinging from the wound, “What’s going on?”
“Let me get out of these ties first.”
As Jacin worked to quietly slip out of the ropes, Cress swore (that was new), turning this way and that, making it difficult for him. 
“They took it!” She whisper-shouted in panic, “They took my shoes, they took everything– oh stars."
Jacin finally grabbed her hands to make her stop. 
“They must’ve searched us before they locked us in here,” He explained as patiently as he could,
“That’s probably why you’re missing your taser.”
“No you don’t understand, they took the– wait how’d you end up here?”
Jacin let go of her and continued to work his hands free. After a few seconds, he managed to get one of them loose and released a long, drawn out breath. 
“Drugged,” He said matter-of-factly, “Same as you. I managed to get the one hiding in the hover but there must’ve been a sniper in one of the opposite buildings.”
Cress stayed quiet for a few seconds and just when he thought she was about to apologise for involving him in all this, she huffed,
“I knew it! I knew this was a bigger deal than everyone said! Take that, Carol.”
Jacin’s jaw twitched. They really hadn’t been friends for a while.
The Cress he knew was so filled with doubt and uncertainty, even on her best day, that she spent half her time clinging to her boyfriend like he was some kind of social screen through which she could filter out any potential rejection.
It had been six long years since the lunar revolution, but everything about Cress seemed to have changed in the last 6 months - since he’d left Artemisia and she’d begun her new job as a member of the ISA (Information Security Analyst) Department of the Lunar Government.
Even in his wildest dreams, Jacin wouldn’t have pegged her for a patriot, much less a civil servant; Cress was the last person from their old crew he’d envision carrying a gun and reporting back to someone, and that included the Emperor. 
“No please, don’t thank me for singlehandedly orchestrating our rescue,” He replied wryly, freeing his other hand and stretching his cramped muscles, before turning around to untie hers.
“Huh, oh thanks, Jacin,” Cress said absent-mindedly, shifting around in the dark once he’d pulled away the rope.
“Sorry for getting you inv– oh, I knew it! It is gone!”
“Whatever it is, it can wait,” Jacin said, rising to his feet. 
The room was still completely dark, so he reached for the nearest wall and began to walk alongside it, gauging its perimeter. 
The wall was smooth, but with sharp corners, not disproving his shipping container theory, and the room was about as big as a lunar palace bathroom, or a medium-sized swimming pool. Once he’d paced the length twice, Jacin started to look for any telltale grooves or panels that might hint at there being a trapdoor.
“Find anything?” He nearly flinched as Cress’s soft whisper tickled his left ear. She’d gotten taller; another thing he didn’t recognise about her. 
“What’d they take?” He asked, instead of answering the question, “–besides your shoes.”
“My jacket, my weapons, and the USB I had on me, with all the details about the encryption glitch.”
Cress didn’t sound angry, just puzzled, as though she was trying to get into the headspace of the attacker who’d done this to them. He couldn’t see her face, but he imagined her wrinkling her nose in frustration and clamped down on the sudden urge to snort. Jacin would never admit it, even to himself, but he’d missed her.
“Isn’t it strange? Why would they take our shoes?” Cress wondered out loud, her voice moving from his left to his right, “Just to check for weapons?”
“Could be just to mess with our heads,” He shrugged, “Psychological torture.”
“Wow,” She whistled, “You haven’t changed one bit. How do you say the scariest things with a straight face?”
“You can’t see my face,” Jacin countered, still feeling up the wall, “I could be smiling.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile.”
“And you never will,” He promised, now knocking on the metal to check for hollow spots.
Jacin turned away just in time as a sharp spear of white light sliced through the darkness and shone right onto his face. He blinked away brown spots as the flashlight now pointed to the wall he’d been blindly examining, Cress on the tail end of it, holding what looked like a tube of lipstick.
“Lip-light!” She said helpfully, though he hadn’t bothered to ask. The unexpected brightness had only confirmed what he’d been afraid of.
“Nothing,” Jacin said flatly, a flicker of fear colouring his tone. The walls were as smooth as the floor; there was no way out.
Cress didn’t say anything as he sunk to the floor, his back to the wall and tried to focus on a solution. Maybe the perpetrators would attempt to contact with them through a built-in speaker. Or some kind of chute? But he knew that it’d be too late by then; they were goners if they waited for any kind of acknowledgement from the people who’d kidnapped them.
Jacin watched Cress wander around the room in no particular order, shining her lipstick-flashlight in each corner before finally coming to sit beside him. He hadn’t realised he’d shifted away until she shook her head in disbelief.
“Really, Jacin? I’m not contagious, y’know,” she huffed, hugging her knees to her chest.
“So those yoga pants were a deliberate decision then?” He couldn’t help himself.
“Ha. Ha.” She switched off the light, plunging them into darkness again, “I get it. You’re too cool to hang out with your nobody friends now.”
“I never said that.”
“Well, you sure act like it,” Cress sighed, her voice sounding strangely old, “Scarlet and Wolf ask about you all the time, even Iko wants to know why you never reply to her comms or her vidlink invites or the e-birthday-cards she sends every year.”
Jacin noticed she’d chosen to omit a certain space Captain from her list of well-wishers but refrained from asking why. It wasn’t his business, after all.
“Scarlet asks about me?” He said instead. 
He remembered the redheaded Earthen girl Winter had so impulsively befriended; the two had gotten off on the wrong foot, and it was impossible to imagine them tolerating one another, much less her actively being concerned for his well-being.
“You haven’t shown up for the last three anniversary dinners,” Cress listed off the top of her head.
“You never participate in our group vidlinks– even Cinder turns up and she’s a princess for star’s sake!– and, up until a few weeks ago you didn’t even set foot outside Artemisia.”
“This has nothing to do with Winter,” Jacin replied reflexively. Maybe he’d gotten used to the temperature, but the room seemed oddly humid now, something like sweat prickling the back of his neck.
She gasped like she’d caught him in the act, “And don’t get me started on that whole scandal with Princess Winter! I commed you so many times–“
“Cress,” He warned, “Drop it.” 
“It would’ve been nice to get a comm back y’know,” she pressed, “I was worried about you.”
His breath caught in his throat.
“I’m worried about you.”
Winter turned her big, doe-like eyes on him, closing the box he’d just given her. Blood and shame coloured his cheeks, and he was glad no one else was around to see them.
“Look at me.”
She took his pale, shaking hands in her own steady ones.
“Maybe we should take a break.”
He snapped awake like he’d been shot. 
Jacin was splayed out on the floor, blinking away a shorter blackout than what he was used to. Cress hovered over him, her cool fingers on his sweaty brow, the lip-light illuminating the grey, stony ceiling above them. 
He caught her wrists and pushed them away. Gently, he hoped, as her eyes flashed with hurt. 
“Please,” he said tightly, propping himself up, I just need some space. She pursed her lips but scooted back.
The air had gotten thicker, a humid soup bowl of sweat and the faint smell of burnt plastic, and both he and Cress were sweating now. He reached behind him, pressing one palm to the wall in confusion and felt it pulse with warmth. What?
“Was that normal?” Cress asked finally, looking over his shoulder, “Do you faint like that regularly?”
“I don’t faint,” He replied, absent-mindedly checking the ground beside him for where he’d tossed their ropes. 
“Jacin you just collapsed out of nowhere,” concern bled into her voice, “Are you seeing a doctor?”
“I’m fine, Cress.”
Jacin waved her away as his hands found the thick, white cords that’d been used to tie them up. Parts of the plastic-resin had melted into itself, softening and curling into useless putty, while the rest stayed firm.
“Pass me the light.” He said, his voice sharp. 
She handed over the lip-light, startled, and he rose quickly, now heading over to the metal bench they’d been tied to. Jacin turned the little flashlight to the ceiling right above it and swore. Loudly. He should’ve known. 
His sudden outburst drew Cress from her place on the floor and she looked up to the small panel illuminated by the light. A thin groove along the wall, nearly imperceptible if you weren’t looking for it specifically but big enough for a person to get out of if they managed to flip it open.
“Quick,” he said, handing her back the flashlight, “Get on my back.”
She hesitated for a few seconds before he grabbed her arm and placed the lip-light in her palm, closing her fist over it.
“Cress,” He tried not to tint his words with the bitter tang of fear that was already churning in his stomach.
“We need to go now. This whole place's about to become a sweatbox.”
Her eyes widened.
Jacin had suspected as much, the moment he’d woken from the drug-haze. Though he hadn’t been assigned to oversee the torture of criminals and political prisoners under Levana’s rule, he’d watched as those who were returned to the barracks covered in scars and grime, whispering amongst themselves about entire rooms undergoing severe renovations to accommodate the Queen’s insatiable appetite for large-scale persecution.
One of those rooms was this: made of volcanic rock and metal, the hot air released into the room would be trapped within its walls, ideal for inflicting severe dehydration, intense burns, or even death (based on their crimes), without the unnecessary need for human contact. The method was so impassive and guilt-free, Jacin would’ve commended Levana’s ingenuity, if he didn’t hate her with every fibre of his being.
The only problem was, he had no way of knowing wether their attackers intended on slowly wasting them away, or burning them to a crisp, but he didn’t want to stay and find out. 
“Alright,” Cress said finally, popping the lip-light between her teeth.
Jacin turned and crouched obediently, waiting for her to climb onto his back. 
A few awkward seconds later (she was heavier than he remembered too), Jacin climbed onto the metal bench, his bare feet bristling with discomfort - the chair was hotter than the floor - and waited for her to push open the grooved panel.
Cress’s arms barely reached the ceiling, her legs swinging from his shoulders, but she didn’t complain.
“‘ow’d you mow ao’out dis exshhit amyway?” She mumbled from above him, flashlight still in her mouth.
“Training.” He replied curtly, but continued when he felt her stiffen, “One of the guards got trapped in a sweatbox-room once and I helped get him out.”
Cress fell silent for a few minutes, and all he could hear was the sound of scraping as her hands struggled to find purchase on the metal.
“There’s some kind of weight on it,” She said out of breath, tucking the lip-light away, “I can’t push it open.”
“I think I need to stand.”
He paled. The metal under his feet had begun to sear.
“I don’t know if that’s–“
It was too late, she was already hosting herself up using both her hands and feet, as Jacin did his best to keep his balance without burning his foot off. The longest ten seconds of his life later, Cress was able to push open the creaky panel a fraction, her feet firmly plastered on his shoulders.
“See anything?” He called, wiping away the sweat that dripped into his eyes. 
“Like what?” She whispered back, trying to peek through the opening. He could think of a few things. Guns. Guards. Security cameras, depending on where they were.
“Anything.” He repeated instead.
Cress huffed and attempted to push the wall again, recoiling in shock from the heat. 
“It’s burning– Are you–“
“I’ll live,” he grit his teeth, “Any progress on that escape hatch?”
She shook her head instead of answering and proceeded to lean all her weight onto the panel instead. Jacin wondered if the hiss of flesh on metal was coming from above or below him.
The hatch creaked again, this time longer and more pronounced, and Cress let out another happy Aha! before struggling to pull herself up and out. 
He felt the weight on his shoulders disappear slowly, then all at once, and looked up to see that a portion of the wall was fully open, gaping out into the night sky. 
Jacin felt his throat tighten for the second time that day.
How long had it been since he’d seen the stars?
At one point in his life, the stars were the only things that’d kept him going. No, that wasn’t completely true: Winter had been the only thing that’d kept him going. 
He lived for her, he breathed for her. He’d died for her. Again and again. But now she was gone. Sitting somewhere far within the depths of the palace in Artemisia, smiling and laughing and loving someone else. Watching the stars with someone who wasn’t him.
“There’s a rope-ladder thing here,” Cress popped into frame, blotting out the stars with her curled blonde bangs, and Jacin caught himself just in time. The knife-twist in his heart had momentarily distracted him from his burning feet. 
“Just grab on, I’ll try to pull you up as far I can.”
A few seconds later, what looked like a climbing rope made out of interlocking metal links, dropped down from the opening. 
Jacin shook his head and grabbed onto the chain, clearing his thoughts. Enough. This wasn’t the time or place to sit and mope like a beaten dog. He’d have plenty of time for regret, once he was back in his apartment, alone, where he could spend the rest of his days blacking out.
The chain went taught as he began to climb and it was all he could do not to imagine Cress on the other side, pulling and pulling to keep him up. He grabbed ahold of the burning metal and hoisted himself onto the roof, sweat sizzling as it dripped off his arms, and collapsed on his side.
As he took gasping breaths, his burnt skin scalding under the cool night air; he felt the vibrations of the metal as Cress too flopped down beside him, the edges of her pixie cut tickling his cheek. 
For one brief beautiful moment, Jacin pretended it was Winter laying beside him instead. That it was Winter’s soft curls on his face, and her honeyed giggle that would echo into the dawn that drew close. 
Any second now he would turn to the side, and she would look up at him with her gold-flecked eyes and say I do. Of course I do, Jacin. I love you, with that sweet, lilting voice of hers and everything would be okay. She wouldn’t close the box, she wouldn’t take his hands, she wouldn’t say the dreaded words that left him so empty he’d nearly drank himself to death.
“Hey.. are.. okay..” 
Her voice trailed away as he closed his eyes, stars imprinted on the back of his eyelids. Any second now. 
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cinderskai · 1 year
a few words on Wolf after his new genetic modifications in Winter
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kiminicricket · 2 years
Masks Bonus Chapter
The following chapter is a bonus chapter I wrote of a story that my friend @moon-mirage is writing and I have been Beta-ing. It is the story of super-hero Thorne and Cress and their adventures with secret identities and superpowers, and it's so good, it inspired me to write for the first time in forever!
I think this was the most fun I have had writing a fic in a long time! And even more fun was being able to send it through to Moon Mirage for her reaction!
Hope you can take a moment to read and enjoy, and if you're feeling generous, leave a review, and be sure to check out Moon Mirage's fic, it's well worth the read!
He had to get back to her immediately. If he didn't- he refused to finish the thought. He sped back through the air as fast as he could go - faster than he had ever gone, even when running from Red, or the Mechanic. He promised himself that if he could just get to Cress in time, he was done with the stealing. He'd go full hero if he could just get to Cress in time. Hell he'd give up the gig altogether and go off to live on a farm in the country if it would keep her safe...
8 notes · View notes
princessselene126 · 2 years
Hey all! Long time, no see. I was on vacation the other week and got inspo to write finally. My little cousin--who's also into tlc--and I decided to work on our second gen fanfics together. So I gift you with about 3900 words of Peony and Apollo hiding their relationship from her family and failing miserably. I decided this fanfic officially makes me a comedic genius.
Second Gen Masterlist masterlist
Peony wouldn’t say that she and Apollo have been sneaking around, per say, but she’d definitely say they were trying to keep their blossoming relationship a secret from their families for as long as possible. Keeping things from the Thornes was easy. They weren’t even on the planet. Peony’s family on the other hand… was more difficult to keep things from. Her mother literally had a built in lie detector, could hear Peony from the other side of the palace when she wanted to, and was able to get secrets out of anyone by using her glamour--not that she’d ever used it on Peony or Yuki without permission. Her father was a brilliant political mind and read people’s body language in a split second. Then there were Iko and Yuki, both of whom were extremely nosey gossips. 
Though she didn’t try very often, keeping anything from her family was virtually impossible. And something as important as a relationship? Forget it. She should give up right now, tell them, and get it over with.
But she didn’t want to.
She wanted to keep something for herself just this once. Peony always had to do things for the good of her country or family. This time, she was allowed to hold onto her and Apollo’s relationship, to keep it to themselves, for as long as possible. 
Apollo didn’t have any objections to secrecy. He even seemed to like the idea. Something along the lines of “the second Iko finds out, everyone in our families, and weird pseudo-family will know too.”
So they agreed to keep it a secret. 
It wasn’t so hard at first. They were best friends who spent most of their free time together anyway. On the outside, it didn’t seem like they were spending more time together, like there was any change. 
It also helped that they’d always been physically affectionate with one another, hugging, snuggling, holding hands as they walked. In retrospect, they should have seen what was happening between them years ago. It didn’t matter though. What mattered is that they were together now. And happy. And no one suspected anything. 
However, it got harder to contain as more time went on.
A month into their relationship, they started getting careless about where in the palace they kissed each other. In the beginning, it would only be in her bedroom during times when she knew her parents, sibling, or aunt wouldn’t randomly walk in. Then she started kissing him in her bedroom at any time of day. Which, again, wasn’t too daring. The likelihood of her family walking in unannounced these days was extremely low. They respected each others’ privacy.
Things started changing a week after her parents’ anniversary ball. Peony danced the night away with Apollo. She was always polite and kind during these celebrations, but this time she looked more excited and upbeat, as if she was truly enjoying herself instead of playing the role of Crown Princess.
An hour before the ball was set to end, she took Apollo’s arm and pulled him out to the gardens. The air inside felt stifling and she needed to cool down. Hand-in-hand they walked through the flowers. It was dark out, but paper lanterns filled with flickering candles were strung up along the paths for people to see. There was another couple outside, but they were on the far end of the gardens. 
Peony steered them in the opposite direction until they were underneath an ancient peach tree. Grinning, she put her hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him backwards until his back was against the trunk.
Apollo raised an eyebrow at her, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. “What are you doing, Your Highness?”
“Shhh,” She shushed him, leaning in close. Normally they were the same height, but right now, with heels on, she was a few inches taller than him. Peony tilted her head down and gently pressed her lips against his. 
Apollo hummed, kissing her back for a few long moments before pulling away. 
Peony frowned, concerned. “What--”
“We want us to stay a secret, we’re kinda out in the open here, don’t you think?”
Okay, that was a reasonable response, but also, she’d thought this through. On the other hand, there was, admittedly, a little too much wine in her system. “The only other people out here are on the other side of the garden, the branches make it hard to see us, and I only want to kiss you. That’s not too scandalous.” 
He laughed softly, the sound music to Peony’s ears. “Princess,” he said. And she loved hearing him call her that. From anyone else, it sounded mandatory, like a title, because it was. But when Apollo called her princess, it was both a term of endearment and a show of respect. It made her heart flutter every time. “As much as I’d love to kiss you right now, I think you’ve had too much wine.”
Peony pouted.
“Don’t give me that look, you know I’m right.”
“And if you are?”
“Then I walk you to your bedroom, tuck you into bed, and go back to my room.”
“What if I want you to stay?”
Apollo blinked, staring at her for a few seconds. “No.”
“No, not like--” She rolled her eyes. “Not like that. I mean, just lay with me. It’s not like you haven’t fallen asleep in my room before.”
His cheeks flushed, and Peony could tell he felt stupid for assuming what she meant. She lifted her hand from his shoulder to his cheek, gently rubbing her thumb over his skin. There was no judgment in her eyes. “Please?”
“Yeah, okay.” He kissed her cheek and took her hands. “Let’s go.”
They made their way back through the gardens and into the ballroom. Finding her parents, Peony kissed them goodnight and told them she and Apollo were going to watch a movie. If she hadn’t been a little tipsy, she may have noticed the sly look on her father’s face. 
When they made it to her bedroom, Peony didn’t even bother changing out of her fancy dress or shoes. She flopped down onto her belly, burying her face in the fluffy pillows. She made sure there was enough room for Apollo on the other side of the bed. 
He chuckled, walking around to her side of bed. Leaning over he slipped her heels off and set them by her nightstand. 
“Thank you,” she mumbled into the pillow.
“You’re welcome.” He leaned over to kiss the back of her head before walking around to lay on the empty side after kicking off his own shoes. Apollo moved close, wrapping an arm around her back and pressing his face against her shoulder. 
Peony shifted slightly so she was on her side and face to face with Apollo. A small smile tugged at her lips. She moved one hand up to cup his cheek again. “I love you,” she whispered. 
Apollo beamed, nuzzling his nose against hers. “I love you too. So much.”
“I know.”
Ever since that night, they’d been getting more daring in their public displays of affection. Apollo waited for her when she got out of meetings. She’d immediately take his arm and they’d head to the gardens or get food. They snuck kisses here and there, anywhere in the palace now, as long as no one was around. But they didn’t always notice a maid walking down the halls, or the gardner peering at them from behind the chrysanthemums. 
Tonight was family dinner. Peony’s parents sat at the heads of the table, while Yuki and Aunt Iko sat on one side, and Peony and Apollo sat on the other. Iko didn’t eat at all since she was an android, but that never stopped her from joining them. 
Peony listened to everyone talk about their days, the drama in the Commonwealth, and the coming week’s schedule. While her parents were distracted, she slowly reached under the table to take Apollo’s hand. His expression remained impassive as he listened to the conversation, but his fingers twined with hers. He squeezed her hand three times, their silent “I love you.”
Peony smiled, but didn’t glance at him.
Yuki raised an eyebrow at her from across the table. “You alright there, sis?”
“You’re making a weird face.”
“Am not.”
“You’re smiling like a psychopath.”
Her smile turned into a glare, and she pulled her hand out of Apollo’s. “I am not.”
“Maybe not anymore, but you were.” Yuki rolled their eyes. “Are you sick or something? You don’t usually smile when mom and dad are bickering.”
Kai snorted. “We’re not bickering.”
“Oh, sorry,” Yuki corrected themself. “I meant flirting.”
Their parents simply smiled and shared a look with each other. It was a look full of so much love and adoration that it always made Peony feel like she wasn’t meant to be in the same room when they shared it. 
“You can go now, if we’re making you uncomfortable,” Cinder said.
“Don’t have to tell me twice!” Yuki said as they pushed out their chair and left the family dining room.
This time Peony rolled her eyes. “They’re so dramatic, but I think leaving before you two start making out is a good idea.” She pushed her chair out, stood, then held her hand out to Apollo. “You should get out of here too. It’s disgusting.”
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” Iko said. “I’ve walked in on them doing far worse.”
“Iko!” Cinder scolded.
“Gross gross gross,” Peony muttered as Apollo took her hand and let her pull him along. 
“Love you!” Kai called as the door slid shut behind them. 
Peony shuddered and grimaced as they walked down the hallway. Apollo squeezed her hand. “I don’t know why you’re surprised, they’re always like that.”
“Not surprised, so much as grossed out.”
“We could go do something gross.”
Peony laughed. “You know what? I like the sound of that. Come on.” She moved faster down the hall. They entered one of the elevators and headed down to the main level. Pulling him along, she took Apollo to the ballroom.
“What are we doing here?”
“We are stealing my parents’ make out spot.”
He laughed, “What?”
She pulled him underneath the grand staircase and pressed him against the marble wall--just like she’d done a few weeks ago with the peach tree. “Kiss me.”
“You could have just done it instead of requesting I do it, you know.” 
“Fine.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders and yanked him in for a kiss. It started somewhat sweet, gentle, almost tender, but turned more passionate as the seconds went on. Her fingers tangled into his hair, Apollo letting out a small gasp. His hands wandered down her hips, pulling her closer against his body. He turned them around so she was the one pressed against the wall. 
Peony squeaked and lightly smacked his chest. “Hey, not cool.”
“That was definitely cool,” he mumbled against her lips.
“Shut up, you know what I meant.”
He laughed and started trailing kisses down her jaw and neck. His lips brushed against her collarbone and Peony inhaled sharply. 
She pulled on his hair, bringing him back up to her lips.
Someone cleared their throat behind them, Peony and Apollo’s heads snapped toward the sound and they pushed each other away. Though Peony didn’t really move since her back was against the wall.
“Well, well, well,” Thorne said, hands on his hips, a wicked grin on his lips, and a mischievous glint in his eyes. “What do we have here?”
Both of their faces flushed bright red. Apollo blinked a few times, as if he didn’t comprehend what was happening, or, more likely, who was in front of them. “Dad?” he asked hesitantly.
Thorne huffed. “Wow. My own son doesn’t recognize me after not seeing me for over a year? I’m hurt.”
Peony looked back and forth between them. She slowly inched herself further away from Apollo, as if thinking that if she was further away from him, it wouldn’t appear like they weren’t just making out. She was an adult. She could kiss whoever she wanted, but still. This was weird. And Thorne was definitely going to tell everyone. 
“No, Dad, that’s not what I…” Apollo huffed in the exact same tone as his father. “What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming to New Beijing.” 
Peony hoped that the topic of conversation would also keep Thorne from talking about what he just saw. Her hopes were crushed when Thorne, once again, smiled wickedly. 
“I wanted to surprise you. Guess I surprised you more than I thought though. How long has this been going on?” He gestured between them, curious, but not judgemental. That was a good sign at least. “Oh oh oh! Does Cinder know? Please tell me I know before she does. That’s why you’re hiding in here right?”
“Oh my stars,” Peony muttered, hiding her face behind her hands to conceal her blush. 
“Dad,” Apollo warned. 
Thorne gasped. “She doesn’t! Can I be there when you tell her?”
“No!” Peony said at the same time. “And you’re going to keep this quiet,” she said in her best regal voice, hoping that Thorne would listen to her command like he occasionally listened to her parents when they used that same tone.
Again that proved too much to hope for. 
“Oh come on,” Thorne complained. “I changed your diapers, Peony, the least you can do is let me be in the room when you tell Cinder you’re dating my son.”
Apollo scowled and stepped between his father and Peony. “Are you trying to guilt trip my girlfriend right now?”
“Girlfriend?” Arti asked as they rounded the stairs, portscreen in their hand. They looked up a second later, glanced between their brother, father, and Peony. “Oh, I see. You finally asked her out then?”
Peony’s brow furrowed as she looked at Apollo. “Finally? Wait, how long have you--” 
“I’ll tell you later,” he promised.
That was good enough for right now. She knew he’d follow through once they had a chance to talk together alone. If that ever happened again. 
Arti looked back down at their portscreen as they started walking away. “Anyway, I’m out. Have fun with this. Let me know when Cinder strangles Dad!”
Thorne paused. “Wait, she’s not going to strangle me!”
“Uh huh.”
“... Right?” Thorne asked his child. When Arti didn’t answer him, he turned toward Apollo and Peony. “Your mom wouldn’t strangle me, right?”
“I think we should find out,” Peony said.
Apollo met her eyes, curious about what she meant. “You mean--”
“If you’re okay with it.”
He took a long breath and was silent for far too long. Peony started to worry. What if he wasn’t ready to tell them? She wouldn’t care. She didn’t mind waiting, but at the same time, the sneaking around was starting to weigh on her. She felt like they’d figured each other out enough by this point to let others know about their relationship. Granted, it helped that they had a head start in knowing each other for their entire lives. The point still stood though. 
Just as she was about to open her mouth and take it back, Apollo smiled. 
“Yeah,” He said. Apollo took her hand and squeezed it three times. “I’m ready.” He looked at his dad and gestured for him to follow them. “We’re going to tell them now if you still want to see Cinder’s reaction.”
“Oh, aces, yes!”
The way back to the family hall was long and entertaining, to say the least. Thorne wouldn’t shut up. No one was in the dining room, so they went to the lounge next. Before the doors even opened, Peony could hear two dozen people talking over each other. 
Sweat beaded on her brow as she looked over at Apollo. Everyone was there. Not just their parents and siblings, but Winter, Jacin, Scarlet, Wolf, and their kids too. They only planned on telling their own families. Were they ready to tell everyone else too?
“Dad,” Apollo said, “You didn’t mention that everyone was here.”
“Oh, didn’t I?” Thorne shrugged. “Sorry, kiddo, sorta slipped my mind when I caught you making out.”
Apollo ran a hand down his face. “Gee, thanks.”
Thorne pushed between them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. “If you want, I could take all the burden off you kids and tell them. All you gotta do is stand there and look pretty.”
Peony met Apollo’s eyes and shrugged. She didn’t mind that idea. It wasn’t terrible. If anything, it might be entertaining. “Why not?”
“Awesome! Let’s go kids.”
“Dad, we’re adults,” Apollo grumbled.
But he was ignored as Thorne pushed them through the door with a wide grin on his face. “Cinder!” Thorne called. 
Peony’s mother looked up from where she sat on one of the couches talking to Winter. Her expression was a mix of annoyance and curiosity. “What do you want, Cadet?”
Thorne glared at her for a split second, then looked across the room to Kai. He lifted the arm he had around Apollo and gestured the Emperor over as well. “You. Come here. I got some juicy deets.”
“No one says that anymore, Dad,” Arti muttered where they sat on the floor, still on their portscreen.
Peony mentally sighed. Maybe letting Thorne tell everyone wasn’t such a good idea. She could feel that the room was going to erupt into chaos soon.  Oh well. It was too late now. 
With no room left on the couch, Kai sat on Cinder’s lap and pressed a kiss against her forehead before looking at their crazy friend. “Alright,” Cinder said. “Spit it out then.”
Ever dramatic, Thorne started telling them about his “adventures” wandering around the palace looking for his son. His story was so captivating that the rest of the Rampion Crew and children--who were all adults by now--quieted down to listen. He’d yet to let go of Peony and Apollo, and it was likely that many could already tell the direction the story was going, if the expressions on the children’s faces were anything to go by. The “adults”--with the exception of Cinder, Cress, and Wolf, also looked like they knew what was going to happen.
Although no one had any doubts that most of this story was made up, Thorne finally made it to the important part. “Now,” Thorne continued, “most of us are aware of what an excellent dancer my son is.”
“Dad, can you not?”
“Shush, you said I could tell them.”
“Fine. Fine.”
Thorne carried on. “So I thought, hey, maybe he’s in the ballroom. I make my way there, down the beautiful grand staircase, but pause when I hear a sound. It wasn’t just any sound though. It was a moan, or maybe a gasp? Either way it was suspicious. Especially since I knew it couldn’t be our dear Emperor and Empress since they were already in this very room and not in their not-so-secret-secret-make-out-spot under the ballroom stairs. I decided to check anyway. There are hundreds of other people in the palace. Maybe some of them were using it as a make out spot!
“So I go down the rest of the stairs and round the corner. I’ll admit, it took me a second to recognize them, but I’ve known these two since the days they were born. I stood there for another second, shocked at what I was seeing! My son? And the Crown Princess of the Commonwealth? Making out under the stairs? It didn’t seem likely. Or even possible.”
Peony watched as her mother narrowed her eyes, she didn’t look like she believed what Thorne was saying. Peony couldn’t blame her. She didn’t even believe her feelings at first. 
“I put my hands on my hips and cleared my throat to get their attention. The second they turned around, their faces went bright red, and I knew I caught them red handed. Or well, each other, handed?” Thorne’s brow furrowed and he looked to his wife. “Honey, is that what you’d call it?”
“No,” Cress said, not missing a beat. “That’s not a phrase or term.”
“Whatever, my point still stands. These two are dating!”
The room was silent for another long couple moments… and then everyone started talking at once. All of the kids were laughing, smiling, or shouting “about time,” or “”finally,” or “took you long enough!” 
It was as chaotic as Peony expected. 
Iko jumped  up and down behind the couch, clapping her hands. “Ooooooh yes! That’s wonderful! Oh, you two will have such cute babies!”
“Whoa hold on a second!” Apollo said. “We are not having babies!” 
“Not any time soon,” Peony added. 
He flushed.
“Wait wait wait wait wait,” Cinder said, pushing Kai off her lap. He landed on the floor with an “oof!” Cinder didn’t pay him any mind as she stood and walked over to Peony, Apollo, and Thorne. She pointed a metal finger at Thorne and growled, “You!” 
Thorne made a show of looking around to make sure she was talking to him and not someone else. “Me?” he asked. 
“Yes! You!”
“What about me?”
“You encouraged this!”
“I most certainly did not! I mean, not that I wouldn’t. It’s really cute, don’t you think? And if they get married someday, we’ll officially be related!” 
Cinder looked like she was about to commit murder.
Kai, getting up off the floor, stood behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Darling, this has been coming for a while now. I mean they’ve been sneaking around for, what, the last two months?”
Peony’s jaw dropped. She had no idea her father knew. Yeah, he could read people very well, but she thought if he found out, he would’ve mentioned it to her--not go on pretending nothing was happening. Boy was she wrong.
She stuttered. “What, how did--when did you--”
“You went to a meeting with a hickie. Also I saw you making out in the garden a couple weeks ago.”
“You were inside then!” 
“You didn’t tell me?” Cinder asked Kai, aghast.
“I’m so confused,” Wolf muttered to no one in particular.
Peony met Apollo’s eyes as bickering and gossiping went on around them. Everyone was so engrossed in their own conversations that surely no one would notice if they left the room. She gave him a small smile and offered him a hand. 
Apollo took her hand and they left the room together. 
The sounds of their families talking echoed down the halls, but Peony didn't pay them any mind. She was glad they didn't have to keep their relationship a secret anymore. There'd be no more sneaking around, no more worrying that her family would walk in on them kissing. Not that she really worried much about that to begin with. She was 22, for stars' sake. She was allowed to kiss her boyfriend.
"So," Apollo said, interrupting her thoughts. "What now?"
"We go on a real date, and hope that our parents don't stalk us. Namely your dad."
He laughed, hand involuntarily tightening around hers. "That sounds perfect."
18 notes · View notes
jjungkookislife · 1 month
Tongue Like Candy Pt. 2 [Final]
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ღ pairing: yoongi x f. reader
ღ genre: angst with a happy ending, brother's best friend au, smut [18+]
ღ summary: The last person you expect to see at your college graduation is the man who broke your heart three years ago. Despite the heartache you both went through, you can't stay away from each other. Will your brother be the obstacle in your relationship with Yoongi, or will it work out this time?
ღ wc: 15.8k
ღ warnings: pet names (princess, baby, babe), virgin!reader, age gap, sexual thoughts, corruption kink, self-deprecation, jealousy, masturbation, alcohol mention/use, food mention, mention of jimin x f. reader, hair pulling, marking (hickeys, biting, scratching), dry humping, shared shower, shirt used as a mouth gag, choking, fingering (f. receiving), oral sex (f. giving and receiving), protected sex, first time
ღ Date: March 9, 2024
ღ read part one here
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And despite the ache in your heart that lingers and stings for the next three years, that’s exactly what happens.
It was just a one-time thing.
“Fucking finally!” you throw your cap in the air to the mix with everyone else’s not caring where yours landed before you push through the graduates to get a head start in leaving— ducking, and dodging professors on your quest to the door.
You had agreed to meet your family in the car, not wanting to spend an hour or more searching for them in the crowd of parents who are looking for their graduate as well. Nah, you had learned from high school.
“You should have tried out for track. I could barely keep up, princess.” You freeze, not wanting to turn around because you knew that voice anywhere and if you turned to face him, it would mean he was here for you and you’re not sure you could cope.
The last time you had seen him was well over three years ago. You had made it a point to avoid him at all costs, even turning down gatherings with your brother so you wouldn’t be bombarded by the events that had transpired on the night following your graduation party.
You couldn’t escape him, couldn’t run anywhere. With a deep breath, you turn around to face him for the first time, and it’s no shock when he takes your breath away.
“Yoongi.” his name rolls off your tongue easily, your heart hammering against your ribcage.
“Wow!” he exclaims, cheeks turning pink right after. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”
You wish you could respond, say thank you, say anything. You’re unable to, taken aback by his beauty. This man only gets more and more scrumptious with age, huh? The last time you’d seen him, his hair had been orange—a menace to society. Now, his hair was back to black and deliciously long; you couldn’t help but think he was hot as fuck with his natural hair color.
“Thank you,” you murmur, feeling overwhelmed. You look past him, seeing the doors open to let the parents out, and you know you’ll have a buffer in just a few minutes. 
“I hope it’s okay that I’m here. Your brother invited me, and I know we haven’t talked since…” Yoongi trails off, licking his lips. He runs his hand through his hair and you notice that he’s gotten much buffer since the last time you saw him, his suit jacket straining on his biceps. You remember what he’d felt like on top of you, cock rubbing against your wet cunt.
“Since you fucked my mouth,” you finish, instantly regretting it when his eyes widen and his jaw drops.
“Geez, princess. I wasn’t gonna be that crude about it,” Yoongi laughs, shaking his head. Good to know you hadn’t changed a bit since he stuffed his cock in your mouth, as you so politely reminded him.
“Yikes!” you grimace, smiling sheepishly after.
Yoongi laughs, throwing his head back. “You haven’t changed a bit, huh?”
“Not really,” you shrug. “Other than cutting my hair.”
“It’s cute,” Yoongi is quick to say.
“Thanks. And thanks for coming. You didn’t have to.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, princess. I’ve missed you,” he admits easily with a shrug, and your heart thumps extra heavily.
You’re unsure what demon possesses you, because you step forward, forgetting about all your conflicting feelings as you wrap your arms around his neck, lips pressed to his. It takes Yoongi by surprise, but his arms easily find their way around your waist, kissing you back just as eagerly.
Just like that, the chemistry between you sparks once again. Yoongi holds you tight in his embrace, lips moving in sync with yours as your fingers toy with his hair, just as soft as you remember. You want to drown in his essence, kiss him within an inch of his life as your body arouses feelings you haven’t experienced since that fateful day.
“I-” you start as you unwrap yourself from Yoongi, taking a step back to put some much-needed distance between you. 
“Hey, brat! Congrats!” Your brother cheers as he approaches you. He tugs you into a hug and you wonder if he witnessed your exchange with his best friend. 
“Hey! Thanks, I’m so happy to be done with school. I busted my ass to graduate a year early.” you smile as your parents join you. 
The five of you take pictures, soon joined by Jimin and Taehyung, who bring along their families. And like your high school graduation, there’s a party at your house tonight with all your friends and family invited. That includes Yoongi. 
Over the past three years, you’ve managed to avoid him completely, which was easy, considering your brother wasn’t in town too often. Plus, being a college student meant you spent a lot of your time on campus, so even if your brother was in for a (short) visit, you could use school as an excuse. 
Should you have talked to Yoongi? Sure. You probably could have found any of his socials if you tried, but it’s not like he was reaching out either. Your brother was more important than some romp in your room, of that you were sure. So why did it sting to know Yoongi wasn’t calling?
To make matters worse, the moment you step into your home, you’re left alone in the hallway with Yoongi. His gaze follows yours, staring at your bedroom door, his cheeks flushing as he looks away, only to lock eyes with you. 
So many thoughts run through Yoongi’s head, so many unspoken words he wishes he could have said, and yet, there’s nothing but silence. 
It’s in this silence that his thoughts stray, memories of that night seeping into the forefront of his mind.
The beating of his heart reverberates against his chest like a rhythmic drum, and the warmth that spreads through his veins is nearly too much, but the feel of your mouth on him easily combats that, yearning for more heat.
Your kisses are still a little awkward, but you mimic his movements easily, even brushing your tongue against his and taking a nip of his bottom lip. He notes the way you moan against him when he groans deep in his chest, arousal wetting your thighs. 
When you take his cock in your mouth, he says your name in a way that would embarrass him if he were with anyone else. He doesn’t think of himself as a Casanova, but every girl is a new experience, and when it’s with someone you have feelings for—whatever they may be—it’s out of this world. He doesn’t want his heart to get in the way of whatever this is because you’re batting your lashes and pouting when he doesn’t react right away to the languid movement of your hand on his length.
A pouty frown sits on your pretty lips, tongue peeking to lick at them as you wait for him to give you his undivided attention once again. You’re so pretty on your knees, drooling over his cock, the excitement of doing more evident on your face. 
By no means was this the best blowjob he's ever gotten, but what you lacked in skill you made up in enthusiasm. Besides, how could Yoongi ever compare you to anyone else when you were the only one who had his heart beating as rapidly as it was, new feelings arousing in him that he’d never felt before? You were incomparable.
“Make yourself at home,” your brother shouts from the top of the stairs, and you use that chance to run off to your bedroom, avoiding being in Yoongi’s presence for the time being. You know you won’t be able to avoid him for too long, but you just need a moment to catch your breath. 
Yoongi watches you run off, wincing when the bedroom door slams shut and he’s left alone. Sure, he’s been in your home since that night, but never with you still in it. There had always been some excuse when Yoongi came around, some paper, some midterm, some way to avoid him.
You were always in his thoughts, from the moment he woke until the moment he went to bed, sometimes with his hand wrapped around his hard cock, reminiscing about your lips. 
Day and night he tried to get his thoughts together, to piece every bit of himself into a picture, map out all his feelings, and decipher them before he made an even bigger mistake. 
Yoongi typed up what he wanted to say to you in his notes app, locked for his eyes only, but courage always failed him. Time and time again, he’d copy the words, all ingrained in his mind as he hovered over your Instagram, wishing he wasn’t such a sucker and could just send the damn message. Back and forth he went each day, thoughts growing darker and darker. 
You’re bothering her.
She doesn’t like you.
Leave her alone.
Despite those thoughts, Yoongi finds himself in front of your bedroom door, his fist raised to knock when the door opens, startling you and him.
“I-” he starts, looking at you as he licks his lips. Your gaze catches his lips, your hand reaching out for his shirt, tugging him into your bedroom before shutting the door after him.
“Yoongi,” you breathe his name, lips on his instantly as you push him onto your bed. Yoongi grips your waist, kissing you back as you settle over his lap.
This is wrong.
There’s so much left unsaid.
You need to leave.
His thoughts overwhelm him and he’s pulling away slowly, regretfully. He doesn’t miss the disappointed look that flashes across your face before you put your defenses back up. 
Yoongi watches you as you get off his lap and move across the room. You’re pacing back and forth, and he eyes you warily. Of course, he’d love to smother you in kisses and hold you in his arms. Take you to bed until his name is all you can say, but he can’t. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, and his eyes widen as he meets your gaze. “I shouldn’t have kissed you at graduation or now.”
“Princess,” he starts, but you cut him off. 
“I’m sure you have better things to do than be here with me. I won’t let this happen again. I'm sorry.”
“Princess, just let me talk to you. There’s nothing to apologize for unless you’re dating someone?” Yoongi’s words feel like a knife is in his throat as he says them, and he bites his lip as he awaits your answer. 
“No.” you shake your head. As if there could ever be anyone else when you’ve spent the last three years dreaming of seeing him again, of kissing him. 
Okay, there was that brief make-out session with Jimin that one time, but that was just for fun. Yoongi doesn’t have to know about that. 
“No?” Yoongi repeats, almost hopeful. He swallows thickly, running a hand through his hair, and he doesn’t miss the way your eyes follow the movement. He clenched his hands, veins prominent, and smirks when you nearly salivate over it. 
“Has there been anyone since?” It’s none of his business. He knows it’s none of his business, but fuck, he wants to know. He needs to know if anyone else has touched you like he did—if they’ve fallen for you as he had, and if they still think of you. 
“Yes,” you answer, and his world shakes. That’s not the answer he was expecting, but he knows it was bound to happen after all. 
“Oh,” his dejected sigh fills the space between you. 
“It didn’t mean anything. It’s stupid, so stupid,” you laugh as you grip your hair in your hands and squeeze. “But I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since and I thought kissing someone else would fix it but it didn’t. Nothing ever did, and it hurts, Yoongi. It hurts to know we couldn’t have been anything, and it hurts to know I was so easy to forget.” 
Yoongi stands. “Easy to forget?” 
You nod. 
“Easy to forget?” He repeats with a scoff. “If you’re so easy to forget, why have I been thinking about you every day since then? Why have I been hoping you’d call or message me, so I could see you again? You dodged every opportunity you could to see me and I thought that’s what you wanted, so I backed off. After all, I wasn’t trying to force my way into your life. But you are in no way easy to forget and if that’s what you think, then I haven’t done a good job of proving just how unforgettable you are, princess.”
You’re utterly stunned by his words. You blink, moving on autopilot as you grip him by the shirt, only hesitating for a split second before his hands grip your face. The heated stare he rewards you with leaves you breathless. The last time you’d seen him looking this intent, this serious, was that night in your bedroom and as those thoughts come to mind, you slam your lips on his.
Your lips are on his instantly, moving perfectly with his in a more practiced way than before. Yoongi bites back the jealousy he feels because you weren’t his and whoever taught you this was a figureless head in his mind. However, that does little to quell the jealousy that bubbles deep in his abdomen as his fingers grip your hair to hold you in place.
Yoongi allows you to lead after a beat, curious to see what else you’ve learned in his absence. His hands grab your hips, holding you to him as your tongue prods his lips apart when he makes no move to do so.
For a few moments, you allow yourself to forget all the pain and sorrow you went through. Kissing Yoongi feels just like the first time, but so much better. This time you’re not fumbling around, wondering if you’re doing it correctly or if it’s a massive failure. This time you kiss him with confidence, your fingers threading through his hair as you pull him close, teeth gently nipping on his bottom lip just to hear him groan, ending the kiss so he can press his forehead to yours. His gaze burns deep into your soul, and you wonder how you could have lived without this man for so long. Feelings you swear you buried away begin to rise to the surface, and as you keep your gaze locked on his, you realize just how fucked you are, because this time—this time—you know you won’t recover from the heartbreak again.
“Yoongi?!” You both step away from each other at the sound of your brother’s voice. Your heart is thundering in your chest and Yoongi echoes it. He runs a hand through his hair, looking in the mirror in your bedroom before he slowly opens your bedroom door. 
Your brother is at the top of the stairs, calling out to Yoongi again. 
“Coming!” Yoongi looks at you one last time, a frown on his lips. Would it always be like this?
“Go,” you mouth, and he nods. He hesitates, but Yoongi gets called again. 
He curses, “I’ll talk to you tonight, princess. Please wait up.”
You nod before urging him to go. Your brother’s footsteps are growing louder as he rounds the landing. 
“Dude, what took you so long?” Your brother asks, annoyed, as he finally looks up from his phone. “I need help getting the drinks in the cooler. Let’s go!”
“Sorry, I had to go to the bathroom.” Yoongi shrugs but follows your brother out of the house and to the car. 
You watch them go, shutting your bedroom door and leaning against it. Your lips still tingle from his kiss, and you hate yourself for feeling this way again. You had never really moved on from Yoongi or from that night. You had tried fooling yourself into believing you had, but seeing him again, kissing him, brought back all those feelings tenfold and you knew you were screwed. 
Fuck Min Yoongi.
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“Babe! Why are you hiding in here?” Taehyung asks as he steps into your bedroom hours later. You’d hidden for most of the night, which was unusual, seeing as it was a party to celebrate you.
“You know this party is for you, right?” Jimin asks as he follows Tae and shuts the door after himself. 
“It’s for you guys too,” you answer weakly as you lay back on your bed. You miss the look of concern exchanged between both your friends as they climb onto the bed. Jimin on your left and Taehyung on your right. 
“Okay, spill it,” Jimin demands as he turns to his side, resting his elbow on the bed and his head in his palm
“Yeah, and don’t even think about lying,” Taehyung states firmly, knowing his bull shit meter will catch it. 
“Yoongi kissed me,” you admit softly. 
Jimin raises a brow. “At your last graduation? We know that.”
“Is the party bringing back memories?” Taehyung asks curiously. 
“No. I mean, he kissed me. Today,” you emphasize. 
“Wait.” Jimin hops off your bed. “That bastard’s here?” 
Taehyung gets off the bed as well, heading to your bedroom door before you scramble to stop them. 
“Stop! Don’t go out there.” 
“He kisses you and then leaves you again? I’m rocking his shit up! He can’t do that to you again! We won’t allow it!” Jimin is fuming. Taehyung nods in agreement. You had been broken up about that night and not seeing Yoongi after. You wallowed in your sadness, wondering if you hadn’t been good enough or if he hated you. Your best plan of action was to avoid him at all costs, which you did successfully until today. 
Jimin and Taehyung had been around to pick up the pieces and glue them back together. They hated how this situation had affected you. They knew you couldn’t separate your actions from your feelings and, try as you might, your denials just proved empty. Because you did have feelings for Min Yoongi. You always had and your little diary proved it and it was cemented further that night. It may not have meant much to Yoongi, having been more experienced, but it meant something to you. 
Yoongi was the first and only one you had gone that far with. Sure, you had made out with Jimin once, but it didn’t compare to Yoongi. Don’t tell Jimin, though. 
“He wants to talk later,” you whisper. 
Taehyung clicks his tongue. “So he can leave for another 3 years? I don’t think so.”
“He’s right, babe. We can’t keep you from doing what you want. And we’ll support your decisions, but just tread lightly, okay? Don’t fall for his charms so easily,” Jimin warns before he’s wrapping you up in a hug. 
“You’re our baby.”
“I love you guys. Now go out and have fun. I’m gonna freshen up and meet you out there, okay?” You force a smile and they nod, kissing your cheek before stepping out of your bedroom. 
Jimin and Tae remain at your side for a while until you’re caught in a conversation with relatives, and you forget about Yoongi even being in attendance. You decide to enjoy yourself and worry about him tomorrow.
Or so you thought.
With an empty cup, you head to the kitchen for a refill. You’re quite surprised to see it’s vacant as you go to the counter to make a drink.
“Have you been avoiding me?” you curse when you hear his voice. Hands shaking with nerves, you slowly turn around to face Yoongi. 
He’s leaning against the entryway, a smug smile on his lips, but you know better. He’s putting on a cool facade for you, but his eyes betray him. Yoongi looks over his shoulder, making sure the coast is clear before stepping further into the kitchen.
“Nope.” you shrug, turning your attention to your drink. “Just busy.”
“Did you need something?” you ask, bringing your drink to your lips. Yoongi watches you intently before he takes the cup from your hands and sets it back on the counter. 
“I need you,” he whispers before his lips are on yours. Immediately, your hands grip his shirt to pull him closer, a whimper escaping you when he’s got you pressed to the counter and his hands grip your waist.
“Yoongi,” his name slips from your lips, forgetting for a moment that things were rocky between you. Why couldn’t you just forget and let live?
“Kiss me,” he pleads in a low, needy tone that makes your head spin.
So you kiss him.
Again, and again, and once more for good measure.
Yoongi moans your name softly, making your body burn with desire as your fingers tug on his hair. He curses, his cock twitching in his pants as his hands squeeze your waist. What he wouldn’t do to kiss you from head to toe, spend every moment from now until morning devouring you while you call out his name.
“Fuck,” he curses, licking his lips as you pant, trying to catch your breath. Yoongi grins, thankful he’s had the same effect on you as you did on him. 
There’s so much he’d like to say, so much he wishes he could tell you, but like always, he’ll have to wait as footsteps fill the hall. 
Yoongi steps away, busying himself by getting a drink while you open the fridge to hide your face. It would easily give you away.
“There you are! I swear you’re hiding from me tonight,” your brother jokes as he leans against the fridge, completely ignoring Yoongi as he chugs his drink.
“Just needed a drink. You know how Aunt May gets at parties,” you lie but your brother laughs. 
“Did she tell you the vacation story again?” he asks with a shake of his head.
“Yes, but she gave me a check, so I listened for once,” you giggle, showing him the check your aunt wrote for you. 
“Nice,” your brother hugs you. “I think everyone’s wrapping up, if you wanna go say bye.”
“I should do that,” you agreed quickly, going around your brother to leave.
“We’ll have lunch tomorrow! I’m staying the night until my apartment is ready!” he calls. You throw a thumbs up over your head to acknowledge him before scurrying away from Yoongi’s heated gaze.
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It’s almost an hour later before you’re back in your bedroom. You’ve taken a shower, put your pajama shorts on, and another oversized shirt you’ve stolen from the pile of Yoongi’s in your brother’s closet. You’ve managed to grow your collection while your brother’s been gone, and now nearly every shirt of Yoongi’s sits hidden in the last drawer of your dresser, just beneath your other pajamas.
When you get in bed, you’re not too surprised when there’s a light knock on your door. Nerves bubble up inside you as you get out of bed as quietly as possible. 
You know your parents have gone with your Aunt May for the night. She always has too many glasses of wine and your parents like to make sure she’s okay, often staying the night and having brunch in the morning. The only one home and upstairs in bed is your brother, his loud snores fill the home.
Slowly, you turn the doorknob, opening the door to see Yoongi.
“Hey,” he greets you in a whisper. You grip him by the shirt, tugging him into your bedroom. He stumbles over his feet before you shut the door to press him against it.
Yoongi grunts when his back meets the wood, cock twitching immediately as your lips press against his. Yoongi is caught off guard but his hands cup your face and before you know it, it’s you that’s pressed against the door.
“Yoongi,” you moan his name just like he remembers, cock throbbing in the confines of his jeans. He kisses you deeper, drinking you in as his tongue brushes yours. 
“Fuck, princess,” he groans as he kisses his way to your neck, teeth nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. His mark is left behind, soothed by his fiery tongue as he moves downward, hands gripping the shirt you’ve stolen from him. At this point, it’s all he ever wants to see you in.
With ease, Yoongi kisses you as he leads you to your bed. He drops when the back of his knees hits the mattress, taking you with him. You squeal in surprise, giggling when he kisses you to muffle your sounds.
“We need to be quiet,” he reminds you. You nod, licking your lips as you move to straddle him, lacing your fingers with his as you press his hands over his head, grinding down on him. Yoongi moans your name, eyes fluttering shut as he enjoys your hips moving together.
Fuck, he was supposed to be talking to you, not grinding on you.
“Baby,” he breathes, throwing his head back when you grind on him harder, biting back moans as you release his hands to grip your tits. Fuck, why was he stopping this?
“We need to talk,” he reminds you as you kiss his neck, teeth sinking into his skin and your tongue laving over it to soothe the sting. Fuck, his head is spinning. This is everything he’s been dreaming of and more.
“So talk,” you say as you grip his shirt, tugging it over his head. Yoongi is malleable beneath you, at your mercy as you have your way with him. He’s so lost in you, intoxicated by your scent, your lips, your hips.
Yoongi enjoys himself for a moment longer before he kisses your lips and gently pushes you off his lap. He cards a hand through his hair, a small smile on his lips. “Talk, princess.”
You bite your lip. “I’d rather kiss.”
Yoongi chuckles. “So would I.”
You grin, reaching for him again, and Yoongi allows you to steal one kiss before he scoots away.
“We need to talk, baby. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings between us. Not again. It hurt too much to be away from you for so long, and now that I have you in front of me, I realize just how much I missed you. How much I wish I had chased after you or at the very least, said something.” Yoongi clears his throat, he notes the way you’ve stiffened.
“I wanted to talk to you, Yoongi. Every time I tried, I thought of my brother. I thought of you not reaching out. I thought it was better this way,” you shrug, hiding your face in your hands.
“Princess,” Yoongi pulls you to his side. “I didn’t know you wanted me to. You avoided me after, and I was scared I had overstepped. I haven’t gone a day without thinking of you, of wishing I could have you in my arms just like this.”
You melt, kissing his cheek. “So, where do we go from here?”
“I want to be with you, princess. I want to take you out. I want to spoil the fuck out of you. I want you to be mine,” Yoongi admits as he caresses your face. You feel like you’re falling for him all over again, your heart thumping wildly in your chest as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“I’d love nothing more,” you smile widely, kissing his face again and again until he’s chuckling. His hands grip your waist, allowing you to kiss him as much as you want. You eventually kiss his lips, drowning in him until your back meets your bed, and he’s hovering over you.
“Yoongi,” his name rolls off your tongue in a heady tone that drives him insane, his hips grinding down on yours as you spread your legs for him, welcoming him in between. He hisses, cursing as his hair falls over his eyes and he huffs a breath as you brush it away, tugging at the roots to make him moan.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he teases with a smirk.
“Who says I won’t finish it?” you goad him and he licks his lips. 
“Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me, baby. I want you so bad.” he kisses you again, sucking on your bottom lip as your hands move down to his body, nails digging into his shoulders. 
His name escapes you as his lips suck on the sensitive skin of your throat. Your fingers tug at his hair, making him groan against you. You want him desperately, hoping you’ll get all of him tonight, but you both freeze when your brother's snoring stops and his footsteps echo upstairs. 
“Fuck, fuck,” Yoongi pulls away, a hand carding through his mused hair. He looks at you with wide eyes as he bites his lip. 
This is not how you wanted your brother to find out. 
You both stay still, not making a sound until you hear the footsteps again and minutes later when the toilet flushes. Moments later, the snores resume. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi chuckles nervously. His hands tremble as he looks at you. He bites his lip nervously, his hands going into his pockets. “I should go to the couch.”
You don’t say a word as he grabs his shirt and tugs it back on. You watch him awkwardly from your bed, biting your lip. Yoongi walks over to you, gently pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“Goodnight, princess.”
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Morning comes sooner than you’d like. Your brother’s loud music and off-key singing greet you the moment your eyes open. At least someone’s in a good mood, you think.
Groaning, you huff as you rub your eyes. You’re tired, having slept very little, thinking about every word exchanged with Yoongi. After deciding not to overthink, your mind filled with every kiss, every touch you exchanged and that led to your hand between your legs, softly moaning his name. You hated that he was just on the other side of your bedroom door, unable (and unwilling?) to do anything about it with your brother upstairs. But what did you expect? He’d run out of here the last time the two of you had been together, just like this. You couldn’t keep getting your hopes up. Three years ago you decided your brother was more important, so you’d write last night off as a one-time thing, again.
“Wake up!” Your brother shouts as he knocks on your bedroom door. You curse at him, groaning as you get out of bed. You hit your palm on the door in answer, enough for your brother to leave you alone while you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You look at your reflection, cringing when you see a small hickey on your neck. Damn Yoongi.
You head to your closet to change your shirt before opening your bedroom door and heading to the kitchen. 
Yoongi is at the stove with your brother, a spatula in his hand a second before he’s swatting your brother. “Don’t touch it!”
“It’s going to be burned!” your brother protests, but Yoongi swats his hand again and the two argue back and forth, only turning when you open the fridge door to grab the juice.
“Good morning,” Your brother grins. You grunt as Yoongi chuckles.
“Still not a morning person?” Yoongi laughs and you flip him off.
“Anyway,” your brother rolls his eyes. “I’m getting my apartment keys tomorrow so I can start moving in.”
“Congrats!” You exclaim as you take a seat on a stool. 
“Everything I own is in storage and Steph ordered a couch on Tuesday. Our bed will be there tomorrow afternoon, so I just need to move in with my stuff.” Your brother explains. 
“When do I get a tour?” You ask as you try your best to avoid looking at Yoongi. Your brother shrugs.
“You wouldn’t need a tour if you’d gone to Yoongi’s place that one time I invited you,” your brother laughs, turning to smack Yoongi on the shoulder.
“Yoongi’s place?” You choke out. 
“Yeah?” Your brother quirks his head. “Did I not mention it was in his building?”
“No,” you swallow thickly, reaching for your glass of juice to gulp it down. By the stove, Yoongi is gripping the spatula harder than necessary, the egg for gyeran bap sizzling on the pan. Perhaps he should have said something?
“Yoongi got me in with the landlord,” your brother grins. “I can’t wait to move in with Steph. It’s nice to be home after traveling so much. It’s exhausting.”
“When are you proposing?” You smile mischievously as your brother whips his head. He rubs the back of his neck and Yoongi smirks behind him. Your brother had met Steph on one of his trips home, they’d been together for almost three years now.
Your brother pats his pocket and out comes a small black velvet box. 
“Shut up!” You shout as you set your glass down on the counter with a thud. Yoongi chuckles as he turns the stove off and begins plating the food. 
“I had Yoongi help me pick it out,” your brother admits as he opens the box, and a gorgeous ring sits nestled in the middle. 
“Oh, she’s gonna flip!” You squeal as you jump up and down. Your brother laughs, shutting the box in case your excitement knocks the ring out of his hands. 
“I’m gonna wait until we’re settled in our apartment before proposing,” your brother explains as he thanks Yoongi with a nod when he places the food in front of the two of you. “So don’t go opening that big mouth of yours, brat!”
Offended, you place your hand on your chest. “Me?!”
“You’re easy to read,” Yoongi says with a shrug as he takes a bite of his food. “Plus, you’re not as quiet as you think.”
You stare at him, mouth agape as he meets your gaze, fiery and knowing. Perhaps he had heard you last night…
“See, he knows what I’m talking about,” your brother is oblivious as he eats his food. “I wanna tell Mom and Dad first and of course plan it out perfectly and that’s going to take a while.”
“We’ll help with whatever you need!” You exclaim and Yoongi laughs. 
“I’m being volunteered to help?”
“Yes!” You huff with a roll of your eyes. “Why wouldn’t you? You got plans?”
“Nope,” Yoongi chuckles before turning to your brother. “You know I’ll help with whatever you need. Just say the word.”
“Thanks, man,” your brother smiles brightly. “And of course, I’ll help with whatever you need when it’s your turn.”
You freeze, looking away from Yoongi to stare down at your plate. A short silence follows and Yoongi scrounges up a passing smile. 
“Uh, thanks.”
Your brother nods, groaning when his phone rings on the counter. He answers it immediately and is soon rushing off when he’s informed his apartment key is ready today if he wants it early, but he’s got an hour to pick it up before the landlord leaves for the day. 
“I’ll be back, maybe. Steph and I want to get some of her stuff in there today from her parents’ house so I might be back later. Mom and Dad are still with Aunt May so I’ll text you!” 
Your brother waves and before you can blink, you hear his car peeling out of the driveway, music blasting loud enough to rattle the windows. You’re sure your neighbors will be glad when he’s gone. 
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Silence fills your home after your brother’s gone. You wash the dishes and head to your room to change, finding Yoongi has done the same. 
Eyeing you hungrily, Yoongi takes in every bit of skin showing where your dress ends just above your knees. He smiles when he sees how flustered you’ve become, turning your head just to avoid his gaze but display the small mark he left last night. 
Biting his lip, he keeps himself from saying something explicit, offering you a compliment before asking about your plans. 
“I was going to head outside to clean up any mess left behind,” you shrug and Yoongi follows you toward your backyard. 
Most of it is clean but a few cups and plastic cutlery litter the ground. You’re thankful nothing nasty has fallen into the pool and you debate inviting Tae and Jimin over for a swim. 
“The party was fun last night,” Yoongi comments as he picks up a trash bag left sitting on a table. 
“Yeah, Jimin almost convinced my mom to do body shots off him,” you roll your eyes in annoyance, glad you were able to swoop in and escort your mother away. 
Yoongi’s laughter fills the air, his eyes closed as his head is thrown back. His hand rests on his stomach as it begins to ache. 
“I would have paid money to see that,” he says once he’s controlled his laughter but it still lingers in his words. 
“Yoon!” You whine, shoving him playfully. “That’s my mother.”
“She knows how to have a good time,” Yoongi smiles smugly and you huff. 
“Gonna get her to do body shots off of you at the next party then,” you grumble. 
Yoongi grins wolfishly and you shove him again. He cackles when you try a third time and miss his chest; his hand wraps around your wrist before he raises it to his lips to kiss your skin. 
“I’m kidding,” Yoongi says with a gummy smile that makes your heart flip in your chest. You could melt just looking at him. 
The late spring heat begins to get to you as you ignore him and finish cleaning up. He’s got a shit-eating grin the whole time, satisfied with himself for annoying you. It reminds him of the times you’d hang around him, always with a quip at the ready to shut him or your brother down. It’s good to know he can still get under your skin and take what he gives out just like he does with you. 
“Here,” you growl as you shove a cold water bottle into his hands once you’re done cleaning up the backyard. He thanks you, taking the lid off and squeezing it harder than necessary to splash you and himself in the process. 
“Min Yoongi!” You scream his name as you step back and start pulling at your sundress, thankful you’ve put on a bathing suit underneath it. 
“Whoops, sorry,” Yoongi shrugs as he sips his water and you snatch it from him to spray him with it. His shirt clings to his body and you stare with lustful eyes as Yoongi simply takes it off. 
“See something you like?” He asks cheekily as he steps closer to you but you’re left speechless and frozen in your spot. Your body is warm, from the heat or Yoongi—you’re unsure— as you do the first thing that comes to mind. 
A splash is heard as you jump into the pool. Yoongi is left flabbergasted in his spot before he joins you with a cannonball right beside you. 
“You’re insufferable,” You hiss as you wipe the water off your face. Yoongi swims closer to you until he’s but a hair's breadth away. 
“And yet you still like me, princess.”
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Laughter is the first thing your brother hears as he opens the front door. He’s in a hurry, having realized halfway to the landlord’s office that he’s forgotten his wallet. 
Normally, he wouldn’t worry about it but he was told to bring his ID to pick up his keys. So he turned around and rushed home taking a few yellow lights that may have been turning red by the time he crossed the intersection.
He knows exactly where to find his wallet (on the coffee table), having tossed it there before helping Yoongi cook, assuring himself he wouldn’t forget it if he had to go out, but alas here he is. 
The back door of his home is slightly ajar and he’s about to scold you when he hears you and Yoongi’s distinct laughter. He grabs his wallet off the coffee table and heads to the back door where he pauses. 
You and Yoongi are laughing, splashing each other with water, and climbing out of the pool just to cannonball back in. Your brother smiles, shaking his head as he notes how the two of you steal glances at each other. 
He may be overprotective but he wasn’t an idiot. He could see the way you looked at his best friend and it wasn’t until the past year that he noted the way Yoongi would look at you. Well, not you but pictures of you that your brother would show him whenever he was back in town. 
“She’s going on vacation with Jimin and Tae,” he remembers telling Yoongi the last time as he sat on Yoongi’s old gray couch. “They’re going to some beach resort.”
Yoongi had nearly ripped the phone out of his hand to see the pictures. Your smile is bright and wide in every photo. It all made sense then, the brightness in Yoongi’s eyes but sadness still lingered in the dark depths. Perhaps it wasn’t his place to stand between you if it meant the two of you could be happy. 
But nothing ever changed. 
You still avoided Yoongi at every chance and as hard as your brother tried to get the ball rolling, it didn’t. You were busy. Always so busy, too busy for him and too busy for Yoongi. 
Now stumbling into the both of you alone, he wonders if something was there, if it always was and he was just unaware.  
He feels like he’s intruding now. He’s gotten what he came for and he shuts the door when you squeal Yoongi’s name once again after he’s splashed you. He smiles to himself as he takes his leave. 
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“You’re so annoying!” You yell when the water hits your face once again. This time you were swimming laps and Yoongi was ahead of you, kicking his feet harder than necessary just to splash more water in your face and causing you to lose. 
Yoongi smirks when he reaches the end of the pool, waiting for you to arrive before he climbs out. 
“Thought you were the captain of the swim team,” Yoongi shrugs, a teasing smile on his lips as you finally reach him. 
You pull yourself out of the pool to sit beside him, glaring. 
“I was the towel girl! And only because Jimin was on the team,” you grumble, shoving him to the side when his smile grows wider. 
“Come on, Little Mermaid, let’s get you inside,” Yoongi rises to his feet, offering you his hand that you swat away. He rolls his eyes, picking up his shirt from the ground and your dress as you get up and join him. 
Yoongi leads you inside the house, puddles forming on the floor where you walk. 
“We’re making a mess,” you groan.
“We’ll clean it up,” he assures you. 
“Come on, it’ll be easier if we contain it to one floor,” you take Yoongi’s hand and he stumbles after you as you lead him to your bedroom, locking the door and leading him to your bathroom. 
Yoongi’s heart is racing. He bites his lip as he watches you turn the shower on. When you start to take off your swimsuit, he turns his back to you. 
“I can wait my turn in the room. I’ll just need a towel to dry off with,” he says nervously. 
“Get in, Yoongi,” you demand as you step into the shower, hot water enveloping your body and making you groan. 
Yoongi hesitates for a moment before you speak again. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen already.”
Yoongi’s face flushes with heat. He slowly takes his board shorts off and steps in with you. Your eyes are closed as you stay under the water and a shiver runs down his spine. 
Slowly, your eyes open and your hands reach for him. You smile softly when water soaks him, his hair sticking to his forehead as he smiles at you. 
You’re still unsure of where you stand, still cycling through your feelings, and knowing this path could lead you to happiness but also despair once again. You’re not sure you could overcome this heartbreak again but with Yoongi standing in front of you in silence, lost in those same thoughts, you kiss him to silence them. 
There’s no rush in your kiss, no urgency, nothing but soft lips and whimpered moans. Yoongi cups your face gently, delicately, almost afraid you’ll break if he lets go. Your hands rest on his shoulders, warm and wet underneath your palms as your lips part for him. A muffled moan leaves you, a groan soon after when your back meets the iciness of the wall behind you. 
Yoongi’s palm hits the wall with a soft slap. His fingers grip your chin to tilt your head upward, exposing more of your neck as his lips trail wet kisses downward.
“I’ve missed you,” Yoongi admits quietly against your skin. You’re positive his words weren’t meant for you to hear but you hold him tighter.
“I wanted to reach out,” you say with a shaky breath. “But he was so glad there was nothing between us. Every time I tried, I thought of him and closed myself off. I figured it would be easier to forget you but it never was.”
“Baby,” Yoongi’s tone is soft, his gaze blurry as tears fill your eyes and his. 
“I’m sorry,” you sniffle, shaking your head as he hugs you. You don’t want to let him go, not again. Your brother will have to understand, he’ll just have to, and if not…
“Don’t think about it right now, okay? We can talk to him together or I can do it alone. There’s no rush, princess. He’s not going anywhere,” Yoongi kisses the top of your head. 
Gently, he wipes your tears before he’s washing your hair. His fingers massage your scalp, humming as he goes. He helps you wash your body, no touch leading to more and you shyly return the favor in between kisses and serene smiles. 
Though you still feel apprehensive about moving forward, you trust that this time will be different. Maybe you’ve become an optimist or maybe you just want to fool yourself into thinking so. Whatever it may be, you hope you’re not left standing on your own in the end. 
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After your shower, you dry off in your bedroom. You’ve put one of Yoongi’s shirts on and he’s borrowed a pair of shorts you’d stolen from him. 
“I want those back,” you tell him as you get in bed with him beside you. 
“Aren’t you just a little thief,” he scoffs as he wraps around you to pull you close. Your head rests on his bare chest, your index finger tracing patterns on his skin. 
“It’s all I had,” you murmur, ignoring the ache in your throat from unshed tears. 
“I have more clothes at home for you to take,” he promises, rubbing your shoulder. 
“I’ll take a bag with me, then,” you sneer. He pinches your thigh playfully. 
“Swiper, no swiping!”
“Aw. Man!” You laugh, poking Yoongi in the ribs. He winces, sticking his tongue out at you before you’re both startled by his phone vibrating on your nightstand. 
Your brother’s name appears on the screen and you both freeze. Carefully, Yoongi untangles himself from you before answering the call, selecting speakerphone and placing his finger over his lips. 
“Hey, go home and grab an overnight bag. It’s my last night at home and I want to spend it with you and my sister.”
“I thought you and Steph were going to move her stuff in?” Yoongi asks.
“We got most of it but her parents want to take her to dinner. This is her first time moving out so it’s a big deal. Her siblings are a little upset, as well. She’s the first to move.” 
“That’s gotta be rough,” Yoongi states. He knows your parents were used to your brother coming and going so there was no big to do or celebration for him. 
“Yeah, but they’ll be able to visit often. We live a few blocks away from her parents home. Anyway, I’ll be another hour or so. I have to drop off Steph and then grab dinner for us. I’ll call when I’m close so you can help me bring the food in. I gotta go,” your brother doesn’t let Yoongi get another word in before he hangs up.
“Guess I’m staying the night,” Yoongi chuckles as you wrap your arms around him. 
“Good. I like it when you’re here,” you kiss his cheek before getting out of bed and putting on a pair of shorts. 
“Come on, let’s go to your place.”
“You just want to take more of my stuff,” Yoongi chuckles as he gets up and pops into your closet for a shirt. 
“I’ll see when we get there.” You smile, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before taking his hand to lead him out of your bedroom and out of your home. 
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“Don’t expect much,” Yoongi tells you as he unlocks his front door. “I wasn’t expecting guests.”
“Lemme in!” You pout, nearly stomping your foot on his unwelcome mat. The cat flipping you off totally sets off the mood. Yoongi didn’t like visitors much less those unannounced, so this was an enormous deal for him.
“I’m going! I’m going!” He exclaims as you slide your hands under his shirt, wanting to feel his body once again and knowing you’d end up making out on his doorstep if he didn’t let you in soon. 
With an exaggerated flair, Yoongi opens the door and allows you in. You nearly tackle him out of the way in your haste inside. 
Yoongi’s apartment is so him. The living room is large with an old gray couch, black cushions fluffed up, and sitting on top. His coffee table is small but littered with magazines and books half read and forgotten. 
On the wall opposite the couch sits a large TV mounted in line with the couch. The TV stand beneath it is simple, charcoal in color, and holds all of Yoongi’s consoles and a few board games. 
In the corner, a black guitar sits on its stand and Yoongi gives you a minute to browse his game collection.  
“I’m gonna pack a bag while you snoop,” he calls as he heads to his bedroom. 
“I’m not snooping!” You shout in response but his laughter is the only answer you get. 
However, you linger at his video games, several titles sounding familiar and you gasp when you see a binder tucked under one of the consoles. You open it, surprised to see old Pokémon cards followed by old Yu-Gi-Oh cards. You had your own set tucked in the back of your closet, collecting dust and holding precious memories of your past. 
You set the binder back in its place before going down the hallway toward Yoongi’s bedroom. 
The bedroom door is cracked and you push it open further. Yoongi looks up from his duffel bag sitting on the bed. His closet is open and he waves his hand toward it. 
“Pick a few things you like,” he simply says as he walks to his dresser to get a pair of socks and some underwear. You smile when you go through every shirt once and then twice, picking up a few you like. 
Yoongi chuckles when he sees your hands full. He takes them from you and folds them neatly to stuff on top of his other belongings. 
“Guess I’ll have to go shopping soon,” he muses as he sets the bag on his nightstand and reaches for you. 
“Come here.”
You do so, kissing his cheek to make him blush when he drops the two of you on his bed. 
You scoot further, getting comfy and staring up at the ceiling. You wonder how wonderful it would be to wake up just like this, wrapped in Yoongi’s embrace every morning. 
Yoongi scoots closer, his fingers lacing with yours. 
“Tell me everything I missed,” Yoongi whispers as he brings your hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your hand. 
“Where to begin?” You muse as you turn to face him. His gaze bores into yours and he looks so cute with his hair splayed out on his pillow and his soft pink lips turned upward in an encouraging smile. 
You collect your thoughts, soon telling him about everything he missed. The struggles of university, the little fights with friends, your new favorite foods, and ones you couldn’t stand the sight of. You talked of vacations and concerts, jobs you were considering applying for, and those you wanted to avoid, and Yoongi listened intently. He took mental notes, thought of date ideas based on your interests, and laughed when you did. 
“What about you?” You ask when you’re done. 
You laugh. “What were you up to?”
“Oh, you know, the usual,” Yoongi shrugs noncommittally and you poke his chest. With a laugh, he takes your finger and brings it to his mouth, teeth nipping your fingertip. 
A smile tugs at his lips when he releases you. Sighing, he looks up at the ceiling for a moment. “Parties, work, made a few new friends. Not a lot, honestly.”
You climb on his lap, straddling his hips. Yoongi’s hands go to your waist, sliding under your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin. 
“How many nights did you spend in bed thinking of me?” You ask boldly, heart racing in your chest. 
“All of them,” he answers honestly as his hand moves to cup your face, bringing you to his lips. 
A needy moan escapes you when his teeth tug on your bottom lip, his other hand moving down the curve of your back to grab a handful of your ass. 
“Always thought of you. Of seeing you again. Of holding you again, kissing you. There’s not a moment I didn’t think of you. Never knew if I could ever have you,” Yoongi admits. 
“Yoongi,” you say his name breathlessly, gripping his shirt to make sure he won’t disappear this time. 
Yoongi swallows thickly as he looks up at you. He sighs heavily, pushing your hair out of your face. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t try harder. I’m sorry I let you go so easily. I never want to make you feel like that again. That weekend meant something to me. I never want you to think that it didn’t.”
Softly, you caress his cheek. Your gaze is intense as you refuse to look away from him. His hands settle on your hips, more for him than for you, needing something to anchor him. 
“After you left, in the morning he came to my room happy I’d gotten over my crush on you,” you explain, batting away the tears that form. “I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Yoongi takes your hands in his, fingers laced as he squeezes tight. “We’ll tell him about us this time. He’ll understand now.”
“You think so?” You bite your lip as you ponder what your brother’s reaction will be. You haven’t talked much since he got back in town, his impending move taking up most of his time and now his soon-to-be-fiancée.
“He will. It won’t be like last time. I swear,” Yoongi’s tone is firm, already decided. 
“Okay,” you nod, curling into his side as he kisses the top of your head. 
Yoongi holds you for a few more minutes before the two of you leave his home. He treasures the last few minutes with you before he has to keep his hands to himself for the rest of the night. 
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“Who else is coming?” You ask when Yoongi and your brother set the bags of takeout on the table. 
“Just us?” Your brother responds, puzzled. “Why?”
You wave your hand at the bags and your brother shrugs. “I’m hungry. I'm a growing boy.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi huffs laughter. “Growing to be a pain in the butt.”
“I resent that! Now sit down and let’s eat!” Your brother grins as he hands out random bags to you and Yoongi to unpack while he grabs condiments out of the fridge and some cutlery from a drawer. 
“I don’t want to hear you groaning later when you can’t find the Tums,” you roll your eyes at your brother but he laughs. 
“You don’t have to worry about me,” he says as he points to a bag on the couch. It’s red and has a zipper, resembling a school supply bag but when you take a peek inside you cackle. 
“Laugh now, brat, that’s your future,” your brother scoffs.
You look at the contents of the bag again and giggle. It’s stuffed to the brim with over-the-counter medication, most of them for your brother’s tummy troubles; Imodium, Tums, Pepto, and Gas-x.
“Yoon,” you call as you set the pouch back down on the couch after zipping it back up. “I recommend you sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Hey!” Your brother exclaims. “I’m not that bad.”
You and Yoongi share a look before you turn to your affronted brother. “You are that bad.”
Cursing, your brother ignores the two of you as he takes a bite of his taco, drowning it in lime juice and hot sauce. 
He grumbles under his breath for most of the meal while you and Yoongi exchange glances.
Thirty minutes later, the three of you are piling onto the couch. You’ve got one end and Yoongi has the other. Your brother settles on the recliner as he watches the movie he picked out. His hand has been rubbing his stomach for a few moments and his bag of goodies (as he calls it) lays open at his side. 
“I bet the little sister did it,” he says as he rocks in the recliner before fishing a Tums out of his bag. 
“Dude,” Yoongi curses. “It just started.”
“It’s not like it’s a crime,” you shrug. You’ve already seen the movie before but your brother was intrigued and nothing else sounded like a good watch while in a food coma. Besides, you did enjoy the film anyway. 
“If I fall asleep, let me know if I’m right,” he yawns as he rubs his stomach one more time. 
It’s not long until he’s snoring in the chair, drowning out the movie, and leaving you and Yoongi to secretly hold hands under a couch cushion. 
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“He’s down for the count,” Yoongi whispers as he shuts and locks your door after getting your brother up to bed. 
“Are you sure?” You ask, panicked.
Yoongi nods. “He took some melatonin and knocked out.”
You hush Yoongi, pressing your finger to his lips. You wait a moment, ignoring the heat of his lips on your skin. You’re startled when your brother’s snore rattles the home.
“Told ya,” Yoongi chuckles. You move your finger off his lips, but Yoongi wraps his hand around your wrist to plant a kiss on the sensitive skin. You watch him with a heated gaze, licking your lips when his eyes lock on yours.
It’s not long until the both of you are over each other, kissing urgently on your way to your bed. Yoongi climbs on you as your hands grip his shirt, nearly tearing it off his body in your haste.
Chuckling, Yoongi removes his shirt and tosses it on the floor. You lie beneath him, your hands roaming across his broad chest, pulling him close to kiss him again. 
A growl escapes him. He ignores the throb of his cock when he realizes you’re wearing one of the shirts you stole from him. 
“Baby,” he rasps. His low voice sounds grave as he curses, grabbing your thighs in his hands and tugging you toward him. 
“Yoongi,” you gasp, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. 
Both of you freeze, hearts thudding obscenely loudly as you wait for the tell-tale snore that comes a moment later. 
Yoongi sighs in relief as he grips your panties and rips them down your thighs. He pockets them before you can protest.  He bunches your shirt and has you bite down on it. 
“Not a sound, baby. We can’t get caught,” he says as you nod, already drooling on the shirt.
Smirking, Yoongi palms his cock as he spreads your legs with his other hand. 
“Touch yourself for me, baby. Show me how you pleasure yourself when you think of me,” he instructs as he sits on the edge of the bed. 
You bite back a moan, shyly spreading your legs as he continues to palm his cock over his shorts. His chains shine in the light of your bedroom, and you wonder what they’d feel like dragging across your heated skin as he hovers above you, filling you full of his cock. 
“Yoongi,” you breathe as your eyes meet his, and your hand moves from your breast down to the apex of your thighs. Yoongi follows the movement, cursing when your fingers land on your clit. 
You’re slow with your movements, gently rubbing your clit in circles. Pleasure courses through you. You become aware of how wet you are when you move your hand lower. 
Yoongi licks his lips as he watches you, nearly growling when you spread your fingers and your arousal coats them both generously.
Without blinking, Yoongi strips until he’s bare. His tongue peeks from between his lips as he wraps his hand around his length. He’s slow with his strokes, eyes hooded and focused on your wet cunt. 
Cursing, Yoongi feels his heart flutter when his name tumbles from your lips. Your head lolls back as you arch, your fingers sliding in and out of you faster and faster. Your legs shake, gasps spilling from your lips as you look up to see Yoongi jerking off to you.
“Is this how you touched yourself while thinking of me?” He asks with a lustful look that sends tingles down your spine.
“Only thought of you,” you whisper. “Thought of your cock filling me up, making me cum, making me cream.”
“Fuck,” Yoongi groans deeply as he moves forward, his hand grabbing the nape of your neck as he pulls you into a kiss that makes your whole body tingle with pleasure. 
Soon, his fingers replace yours. His thumb rubs your clit as his lips smother your moans. Your hands wrap around his dick, moaning as you stroke him with your wet fingers. 
“Fuck, baby. Just like that,” he encourages as he rocks his hips.
His lips mark your neck in tiny constellations that you’ll smile about later on when he takes a photo of his hand wrapped around your throat and your hickeys peeking through.
“Focus on me, love.” Yoongi pouts as his thumb adds more pressure to your clit, and you whimper. Your eyes are wide, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as your legs tremble. 
A smirk appears on Yoongi’s face. “That’s it, baby. Tell me who’s making you feel this good.”
“You,” you answer in a gasp. “Yoongi!”
Yoongi kisses you, silencing you as you cum on his delicious fingers. You moan as his tongue meets yours, your fingers threaded in his hair as you soak the sheets beneath you.
Slowly, Yoongi removes his fingers, chuckling when you groan. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait for you to fuck me.” You giggle, catching him off guard. 
He puckers his lips in surprise, cheeks pink as he brings his fingers to his lips to suck clean.
“Think you can handle it, princess?” Yoongi goads.
You nod. “I’ve thought about it a lot.”
Yoongi curses, carding his fingers through his hair as he ignores the twitch of his cock. You notice, grinning as you wrap your hand around him once more. You move until Yoongi settles between your legs, his cock head pressed to your clit as you grind against him.
“Shit, babe. If you keep doing that, I might just cum,” Yoongi admits ruefully. 
You smile devilishly as you continue, moving forward to kiss Yoongi, biting his bottom lip and tugging at it just to make him growl. 
He’s at your mercy, moaning softly as you move faster. Fuck, you’re soaking his cock, drenching every inch, and the head keeps rubbing on your clit. He’d love nothing more than to have you wrapped around him, screaming his name for the whole block to hear, but he can’t. Not yet at least. 
For now, he’ll have to settle for this. Though you don’t make it easy on him as you moan his name and sink your teeth into his shoulder to muffle another scream of his name as your thighs quiver and you cum with his head between your lips. Yoongi chuckles, licking his lips as he wraps his hand over yours on his dick. His pace is faster as he looks at your wet cunt, biting back an earth-shattering moan of your name as he cums all over your pussy and clit. 
The warmth spreads along your skin as you fall back onto the pillows with a goofy grin. Yoongi smiles, kissing your lips quickly before he kisses down your body. 
He paused at your tit, taking the hard nipple into his mouth, teeth gently tugging it before releasing it and moving to the other. Your hand grips his hair, cursing when the drag of his chains leaves goosebumps in their wake as he kisses further down your body until he’s grabbing your thighs in each of his gorgeous hands. 
With ease, Yoongi places your legs over his broad shoulders as he settles between your thighs. His mouth waters at the sight of your pussy, arousal, and his cum mixed on your mound. 
Teasingly, he licks your clit first. Slowly circling it just to watch you twitch as your hand covers your mouth to keep quiet. Yoongi smirks to himself as he repeats the action, muffling his moan in your inner thigh as he gets the first taste of your mixed pleasure. 
Nothing could ever taste as wonderful.
Yoongi’s a menace with his tongue, more so than you could have ever imagined. Your fantasies are nothing but weak interpretations of reality. His tongue licks every bit of you, cleaning up your cum and his as if his life depends on it. 
It doesn’t take him long to get you to cum one more time. 
“Come on, princess,” he encourages with a sweet coo. “Just one more for me, darling. You can do it, right?”
“Yes,” you breathe as your eyes flutter shut, your lashes kissing your cheeks. 
“Mm,” Yoongi hums. “Maybe next time it’ll be my cock instead of my tongue and fingers.”
You whine, begging him to fuck you as his fingers curl inside you, slowly pumping in and out as his lips wrap around your clit. 
“Please,” you beg. “I want your cock. Need it.”
Yoongi laughs, smiling as he swirls his tongue around your clit one more time. 
“So needy. I can’t wait to fuck you, baby. Spread you open and have you wrapped around me. Stuff you full of my cock until you can’t help but scream my name,” Yoongi states as you lose yourself in your orgasm, muffling your moans with your hand. 
Yoongi curses, licking his lips as he eats you out through your pleasure. He only slows when you tug his hair twice.
A soft kiss is pressed to your temple as he lies beside you. You’re worn out, and a little sleepy. You don’t want him to leave, but you know your brother would punch him or worse if he found Yoongi in your bedroom or even suspected it.
You’re honestly surprised you can still hear him snoring upstairs. Unaware of all that’s taken place just a floor below. 
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” you whisper as you feel him pull the covers over the two of you. 
“I know, baby.” Yoongi sighs. “I’ll stay as long as I can. It won’t always be like this.”
“Promise?” You ask softly. 
“I promise,” he assures you with a kiss to your lips.
Yoongi holds you until he’s sure you’re asleep. He wonders what it would be like to stay in bed with you all night. To wake up to your beautiful smile each day. 
The ache that follows keeps him awake until he’s sneaking out of your bedroom door, fully clothed. 
When he’s on the couch in the living room, his thoughts cloud his mind preventing him from sleeping. 
He should just tell your brother. After all, you were all adults and he knew he wanted to pursue this. He hadn’t been with anyone since you and he didn’t want to be with anyone else. Of that he was sure. 
What if he lost you and his best friend, though? Would he be able to move on?
Yoongi sighs heavily as he closes his eyes and throws his arms over them. It looks like another sleepless night for him.
What a shock.
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The next morning is busy.
Your parents are back home for breakfast. Your mother and father make food for everyone before heading to your brother’s apartment to clean it despite your brother’s protests.
“It’s clean to the landlord’s standards, not mine,” your mother states as she heads out the door with her cleaning supplies and your father behind her.
Yoongi chuckles as he leans against the counter. “She did the same thing to my place with my mom.”
“I don’t know why I tried talking her out of it. Oh, well.” Your brother shakes his head as he gets a phone call from the movers. 
Yoongi, your father, and your brother have spent most of the morning moving your brother’s boxes to the garage. Anything he deemed fragile was piled up in his car. 
Since your brother mostly lived abroad, and he was getting new furniture with Steph, he wasn’t taking too much with him. Your job was to unpack with Steph, and Yoongi’s was to help your brother unload his car and make sure your mother didn’t go overboard in her cleaning.
Your brother should be moved in by the end of the night, which meant there was no real reason for Yoongi to hang out at your place without an excuse. Yoongi had texted you assurances very early in the morning and it’s not like your brother wouldn’t laze around at your parents’ place like before, just less so.
However, that meant his place would be off-limits as well if your brother showed up unexpectedly. It didn’t matter, Yoongi would figure it out.
He promised.
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Hours later, you’re finishing up at your brother’s place. Most of his items are unpacked with his help and Steph’s. Your mom has finished cleaning to her satisfaction and headed out with your father.
Your brother bought you all lunch, and now that you were done, there was nothing else to do but leave.
“I’ll take her home,” Yoongi offers. “I have some errands to run anyway.”
“You sure?” your brother asks as he throws the trash into the trashcan. 
“Yeah, gotta get a few things at the store,” Yoongi shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. You pull your phone out, asking Jimin to cover for you for a few hours in case your parents or brother ask.
[Jimin-bee]: whatcha gonna do?
[you]: talk
[Jimin-bee]: TALK ha! Let me know when you’re done and use condoms
You don’t reply.
“That’s fine,” you fake a yawn. “I’m tired anyway. You enjoy your first night here.”
Your brother nods, smiling as he pulls you into a hug. “Come over whenever.” 
“Sure,” you nod.
“But call first,” your brother laughs before he walks you to the door with Yoongi. You wave at Steph as you leave with Yoongi in tow. The both of you walk down the hall toward the stairs, waiting for the door to shut before Yoongi pulls you into the stairwell.
“Fuck,” you moan when your back meets the wall. Yoongi captures your lips with his. Yoongi’s hand rests on the wall right beside your head as he kisses you deeply. Your hands immediately grab fistfuls of his shirt as you kiss him back, moaning when his hips press against yours.
“You’re already hard,” you giggle as he kisses down your jaw to your neck.
“I like kissing you,” he murmurs against your skin.
“Yoongi,” you moan as he sucks on your neck, his hand going to your hip to pull you toward him. You melt under his touch, only remembering where you are when the door slams from the next floor and footsteps echo as they grow closer.
The both of you pull apart, adjusting your hair as you take Yoongi’s hand in yours and head up the stairs. His place was on the third floor, far, far away from your brother on the first floor.
You don’t make eye contact with the man who passes by you on the stairs. Yoongi smiles to himself, hiding it with his hair before he goes stoic and looks up.
“Good evening,” he says simply as you continue heading up the stairs.
“Evening,” the man responds as he takes the stairs down. 
It only takes a few more minutes before you’re in Yoongi’s apartment, pressed to the door as you kick your shoes off.
Yoongi grins as he takes his shirt off while you tug your top off. You’ve wanted him since you saw him this morning. It was hard to watch him lifting heavy boxes with his veins looking so prominent. The way he shook his long hair out of his eyes or when his hands pushed it back. Memories of last night hit you hard when you looked at his hands, remembering what his fingers felt like inside you. 
Every time he laughed, your heart fluttered, wishing more than anything you could reach for him and hold him. Just touch him without your brother or parents having a problem with you two. You doubt your parents would have anything negative to say if you and him started dating but your brother’s discontent and possible fury kept you from exposing the relationship at the moment. It wouldn’t be like this forever, though. You had hoped your brother could understand, he was older now, more mature, right?
“What are you thinking, baby?” Yoongi asks softly as he cups your face. His thumb strokes your cheek as he locks eyes with you. You lean into his touch.
“Just want everyone to know about us,” you admit in a whisper, apprehensive of his answer.
“I want that too,” you perk up at his response, eyes shining with hope. 
“You do?”
“Of course, baby. It won’t always be like this. Soon, we’ll let them all know that you’re my girl. Just a little longer,” he assures you as you lean in to kiss him, fingers laced in his long locks as he leads you to his bedroom after locking his front door.
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The next morning, you stir before you wake. Sleep clings to your eyes as you rub them, groaning when an alarm goes off.
“Ugh,” you grunt as you sit up, finally opening your eyes as Yoongi shuts the alarm off. 
“Sorry, babe. I have to work today,” he says as he kisses your cheek before getting out of bed. You grumble as you fall back onto the pillows. The shirt you took from Yoongi bunched at your hips, thighs smeared with your arousal from last night as he ate you out again and made you cum around his fingers twice.
“Don’t go,” you grumble as you roll over to face him. He chuckles as he looks over at you.
“I have to, baby. I asked for yesterday off because I knew your brother would want to hang out after graduation. Time to go make money.” Yoongi grabs his things and heads for the shower. “Wanna join?”
You kick the covers off you as you follow him into the bathroom, giggling when he opens the bathroom cabinet to show you toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, skincare, and lotions, all in bulk.
“I like to shop at the bulk stores,” he says shyly. “Easier to keep everything stocked when you work from home.”
“Cutie,” you smile, kissing his cheek before turning the shower on and stepping in. Yoongi follows you, kissing you when you’re both under the shower spray. You know this could easily turn to more if your hands wander too low and Yoongi has to clock in.
You take your time, feeling each other and sharing kisses until Yoongi gets out to grab your towel and wrap you in it before he wraps one around his waist. 
The two of you do your morning routines, and you smile to yourself when your toothbrush sits beside his own. 
Soon, you’re both dressed. Yoongi makes a pot of coffee, making it just the way you like it when a knock comes on the door.
Your eyes widen as Yoongi heads to the door, to look through the peephole.
“It’s your brother. Fuck,” he hisses.
You get out of your seat, run to the bedroom, and hide in the closet.
Yoongi looks over his shoulder to make sure you’re out of sight before he opens the door to let your brother in. He’s thankful he only had enough time to make your coffee before he came knocking. He’s not sure how he would have explained two mugs.
“Hey,” Yoongi greets him, as your brother lets himself in. “What’s up?”
“I texted you but you didn’t answer,” your brother explains as Yoongi shuts the door. 
“Sorry, I was in the shower. Just got out. I work soon,” Yoongi shrugs as he refrains from looking at the bedroom. He’s sure he’s thrown all the clothing in the hamper. He was gonna toss your clothing and his from yesterday into his washer while he worked, so you’d have something clean to go home in.
By the time he took you home, your parents should still be working, so nobody would know if you had spent the night elsewhere. 
At the moment, you were dressed in one of his shirts and sweatpants. You were going to lounge around his home until his workday ended and you had to go home for the night.
“Do you want to go get breakfast?” your brother asks Yoongi as he looks around the apartment. 
“Sorry, I can’t,” Yoongi says. “I’ve got to clock in a little earlier today.”
“Boo,” your brother laughs. 
You wish him away, wanting to leave the closet as soon as possible. Your heart is racing in your chest, and you almost wonder if they can hear it out in the living room.
“Oh, well,” your brother shrugs. “Maybe next time?”
“Yeah, sure,” Yoongi agrees as your brother walks toward the front door. He almost smiles in relief when they get to the door but your brother stops and turns on his heel at the last second.
Yoongi is confused as your brother heads for his bedroom.
“Dude!” Yoongi calls after him, palms sweating as he follows him as fast as he can, trying to keep from looking suspicious.
“My mom said our letterman jackets were in your closet. I’ll just check real quick,” Your brother explains as he beelines it for the closet. “Steph doesn’t believe I was on varsity.”
“I’ll check,” Yoongi says as he scans the room but doesn’t see you. He knows you ran into it and not the half bath in the hallway.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in. I just remembered. I figured since I was already here,” Your brother looks sheepish, and apologetic as he opens the closet doors anyway and Yoongi can feel sweat beading on his brow.
You were fucked.
Your brother pushes a few jackets out of the way in his search, stepping in a little further as you pull your feet toward you and cover your mouth and nose to silence your breathing as much as possible.
Your brother steps on your toe, and you bite back a scream as he moves his foot and moves more clothing out of the way.
“Damn, how many clothes do you need? You have three of these shirts in three colors,” your brother laughs as he pushes them out of the way and turns to look at Yoongi.
Yoongi shrugs. 
There’s no way he won’t find you, and all he can do is take a step back to give you room to crawl out when you’re discovered.
“Ah, I see it,” your brother grins as he pushes some more thick coats out of the way and grabs his jacket. In his haste, he drops the hanger onto the floor.
When he bends down to pick it up, he makes eye contact with you. Your hand is still over your mouth, eyes wide as you look at him.
Your brother says your full name as he steps back and you crawl out of the closet before getting to your feet.
You wave weakly. “Hi.”
“What the fuck are you doing here? Why aren’t you home? Why are you wearing his clothes?” Your brother’s mind is whirling. The last thing he expected was to see you here!
“Um, you see,” you bite your lip, unsure of what to say.
“She spent the night,” Yoongi states.
Your brother whirls around to look at Yoongi, brows furrowed.
“Because he’s my boyfriend now,” you say sheepishly, avoiding eye contact.
“I need to sit,” your brother pulls Yoongi’s desk chair toward him and sits. His jacket falls to his feet as he inhales and exhales a few times.
“Mind telling me what’s going on with my little sister, dude?” Your brother asks his best friend. He figured you two liked each other, but what was this spending the night shit? So soon? Without even telling him first? The fuck?
“We just started dating Sunday,” Yoongi explains as he sits on the edge of his bed, now that he’s twenty percent sure your brother wasn’t gonna punch him in the face. You go sit beside Yoongi, lacing your fingers together. Your brother doesn’t miss the gesture.
“And you didn’t think to tell me first?” your brother can’t help but sound hurt. He thought the three of you were better than to keep secrets.
“We wanted to, but look at how you’re reacting,” you sigh, squeezing Yoongi’s hand. You can barely focus with your heart thundering in your ears. Your hands grow clammy in Yoongi’s hold but he says nothing as your brother shakes his head.
Here it comes.
“I’m upset!” Your brother exclaims. “You kept this from me!”
“Because you told me last time that you were glad I didn’t like Yoongi anymore! I couldn’t lose you, so I didn’t see Yoongi again until you invited him to my graduation.”
Your brother places his palms over his face, his elbows resting on his knees as he exhales. He had said that. However, that was three years ago before he knew much about love. He always wondered why you never came around when Yoongi was there, but now everything was falling into place.
If he was honest with himself, he wasn’t upset over you guys. He knew it was inevitable after your years of crushing on Yoongi, and Yoongi didn’t help himself in recent years. Maybe he would have peeped it earlier if he had noted the way Yoongi looked at photos of you. There was always something more in his gaze.
“You still should have told me,” your brother looks up, making eye contact with Yoongi and then you. “Either of you.”
“We’re sorry,” Yoongi apologizes. “We should have but we’re still taking this slow. We don’t want to make any mistakes. I can’t lose her for another three years again. The last time hurt too much,” Yoongi looks at you before looking at your brother. “It hurt us both.”
“The last time?” your brother is puzzled. He rises from his chair with his jacket in his hands. “What last time? You mean this has happened before?”
“Um, we kissed at my last graduation,” you smile wryly. “Surprise?”
Your brother runs his hand over his face. Man, all he wanted was breakfast and now he had all this information he hadn’t asked for.
“You know what, don’t tell me anymore. You guys have my blessing or whatever, not that you need it. This is fine, just be careful. Don’t hide shit from me anymore,” Your brother shakes his head as he heads for the door.
You grin, hugging Yoongi before you walk your brother to the front door.
You throw your arms around your brother and hug him tightly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, brat. No more secrets,” he reminds you as he releases you and shakes his head one last time. He steps out of the apartment and pauses, “You both owe me breakfast.”
“Will do,” Yoongi grins as he drapes his arm over your shoulder to pull you close. Your brother smiles, seeing the two of you together wasn’t as weird as he thought it would be.
It was your happiness that mattered most of all, right?
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Three weeks later, you’re back in Yoongi’s apartment after a night out on the town. You had a wonderful dinner, followed by a romantic walk by the river.
You were eager to get back to his place, kissing him at every chance you got. He had his hand on your thigh the whole drive home, smirking when he’d catch you tracing the veins and his rings.
His hair was slicked back, his chains resting on his chest and his suit fit him perfectly. He had a certain confidence that had you wanting to lick him up and down in public. Yoongi wasn’t able to keep his eyes (or hands) off you in the black dress you wore. Your back was exposed with a low dip that ended right above your lower back. He loved feeling your skin beneath his palm as you walked until you were leading him to the car.
“Take me home,” you had whispered in his ear, biting the lobe before settling in the front seat. That alone was enough to get him to half-mast.
The past few weeks, you’ve taken it slow. You were kissing and making out almost every day. Sometimes he’d fuck you with his fingers or his tongue, and sometimes you’d suck him off but you never went all the way. 
You wanted to, tonight.
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Yoongi’s hands grip your hips as your back meets the front door of his apartment. You giggle as his lips trail kisses down your jaw to your neck as your hands palm his chest on their trek to his pants pockets to fish out his keys.
“Fuck,” he curses, his breath fanning across your neck as you cup his erection.
“Oops,” you giggle as you squeeze him one more time before taking the keys out of his pocket. You hand them to him as he tries his best to get the key in the lock, but misses twice as he refuses to stop marking your neck.
“The faster you get me inside, the faster you can feel me wrapped around your cock,” you whisper as his teeth nip your skin.
“Fuck, okay. Yeah,” Yoongi breathes as he cards a hand through his hair. His thoughts are running rampant as he gets the key in the lock and turns it. He pushes the door open, grabbing your hand as he pulls you in.
You smile, kissing him as he shuts the door and presses you against it. One of his hands cups your face, and the other locks the door as he deepens the kiss.
You kick your shoes off, grunting as you trip over them. Yoongi chuckles, easily stepping out of his shoes.
A shirt here, pants there, your dress in a pool of fabric outside Yoongi’s bedroom door, and soon you’re in nothing but panties on his bed as he climbs on top of you between your legs.
Yoongi cups your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin. His dark eyes meet yours as he presses his lips to yours. 
Warmth pools in your belly as your thighs wrap around his hips to pull him closer. Yoongi moans softly as his cock presses to your panty-clad cunt. He breathes your name, trailing kisses to your neck as your fingers thread in his inky locks.
“Yoongi,” his name rolls off your tongue in a tone so sweet, he can almost taste it when you moan again.
“That’s it, love. Let me hear those moans, don’t be shy,” He encourages as he moves downward and your hands move to his shoulders for a moment before he’s kissing one breast and groping the other.
Yoongi takes his time with you, kissing and caressing every inch of your body. His lips mark your skin, his teeth nibble gently just to listen to you sigh. Your hands grip the sheets, tugging on them as he teases you.
“Yoongi,” you breathe, nearly melting into a puddle when his tongue swirls around your nipple, sucking it just to make you gasp as his large hand grips your thigh.
“Yes?” he asks with a lopsided grin. “What is it, baby?”
“Please, stop teasing me,” you plead, biting your bottom lip as his lips kiss down your body until he’s settled between your thighs. 
Yoongi smirks, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your mound. “Who’s teasing?”
Chuckling, Yoongi kisses your thigh as his fingertip circles your clit once. 
He laughs, his gummy smile making you giggle. “I’ll stop teasing.”
“You promise?” you ask with a raised brow, but Yoongi doesn’t answer. Instead, he dips between your parted legs, his tongue licking your wet folds as your eyes flutter shut and you curse at the ceiling.
Yoongi doesn’t waste a second as he grabs handfuls of your thighs and pulls you closer. You squeal in surprise and laugh when he kisses your inner thigh. 
“Cutie,” he murmurs before he’s trailing kisses to the apex of your thighs. He’s slow and teasing with his tongue, listening closely to every gasp and moan that escapes your pretty lips. 
It’s not too long before your hand is gripping his thick hair, begging for more as he pushes two of his fingers inside you, curling them until you’re nearly screaming his name. 
“So fucking wet for me, princess,” Yoongi curses, licking his lips before going back to the task at hand. You curse, back arching and thighs trembling as blissful pleasure courses through your veins. 
“Yoongi! Baby!” You exclaim, thighs shaking as your breath grows ragged and your eyes squeeze shut. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi licks his lips as he watches you fall apart, pussy clenching around his fingers as his thumb rubs your clit and you cry out one last time before lying boneless on the bed. 
“Come here,” you demand when you catch your breath. 
Grinning, Yoongi kisses your clit one last time before moving beside you. 
You kiss him immediately, your hands cupping his face as he pulls you on top of him. Your legs go on either side of his hips as your wet cunt sits on his cock. 
“We should,” Yoongi kisses you. “Get a condom.”
You nod, kissing him again, your tongue meeting his as he reaches blindly on his nightstand. He chuckles, moving you off him for a moment to open the drawer, take a handful of condoms out, and set them on the nightstand within reach. 
“How many do you think we’ll need?” You ask with wide eyes.
Yoongi throws his head back and laughs, kissing your cheek when he calms down. 
“Hopefully all of them,” he smiles cheekily. “But let’s start with one for tonight.”
“Yes,” you agree as you kiss him again as Yoongi rips open the packet, tossing the wrapper on the nightstand. 
With ease, Yoongi is ready in seconds as he lies you down on the bed. He kisses you gently, his thumb stroking your cheek as he pulls away. 
His dark eyes lock on yours, and your heart flutters. 
“We can stop whenever you want to, princess. Just say the word, okay?”
“Yes,” you nod, kissing him deeply as he lines himself up at your entrance. 
You gasp when he pushes in, nails digging into his forearms as his face gets buried in your neck. 
“Fuck,” he curses as he gives you a moment to adjust. He kisses your neck, shoulders,, and cheek until you give him the go ahead to go further. 
Before too long, pleasure courses through you as you moan Yoongi’s name. 
“Fuck, love,” Yoongi nearly loses himself. You’re so warm and wet, tightening around him as he fucks into you again and again. He’s overcome with emotion as his eyes lock with yours. He never thought he’d get a second chance with you, not after he left so abruptly and there was no contact between you. He knows it’s probably too early in the relationship to say I love you, but he feels it in every fiber of his being. 
With every kiss, with every touch, with every sigh, he falls deeper and deeper in love and there’s nothing he would ever do to stop it.
You breathe his name, kissing him as he goes deeper and you fall, fall, fall into pleasure. 
This is better than you could have ever imagined. Better than all your daydreams and anything your imagination had conjured throughout the years. Love blooms in your chest as you grip his shoulder tights, your hands sliding down until your fingers lace with his. Pleasure courses through your veins, nearly consuming you.
“So big and thick,” you whisper, making Yoongi chuckle as he sucks on your neck. 
“I said that aloud didn’t I?” You feel the heat rise to your cheeks from embarrassment.
“You did,” Yoongi giggles as he kisses you again, his hips rocking into yours as your legs cling to his hips to pull him closer. 
“This is perfect,” you whisper as your body tingles and Yoongi’s fingers rub your clit. You shake, moaning as you meet each of Yoongi’s thrusts with your hips. 
“That’s it, baby. Cum for me,” Yoongi instructs, kissing you as you tighten around him and lose yourself to the pleasure. 
Yoongi follows soon after, moaning your name in between pants before he pulls out of you. He discards the used condom quickly before lying at your side. 
“You okay?” He asks gently as he pulls you into his arms. You smile brightly, nodding. 
“Perfect,” you respond as you kiss his bare chest. “Can we do it again?”
Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head incredulously. 
“As much as you’d like, princess.”
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, including Youtube. 
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salt-warrior · 11 months
Ok so basically Kai starts getting really bad headaches at one point not knowing why. (Like REALLY bad. Like makes him vomit bad) and he tries to just bear through whenever it happens and hide the pain, but sometimes he will be talking to torin or something and either have to stop talking or it gets hard for him to talk. Then one day it happens torin just pauses and goes “you know, your dad had migraines too.” Then Kai realizes what it is and goes to the doctor and also learns more about his dad
So I wrote half of this forever ago and then decided to finish tonight. Woohoo! I also took a lot of liberties with this prompt, but I like where it wound up, and I hope you do too:)
Summary: Kai feels like he's failing as an emperor. Torin reassures him. Set during Scarlet. (WC: 1.1k)
Kai pressed his palms to his eyes, trying his very best not to whimper. He had a two-hour digital conference meeting in less than ten minutes, but the idea of looking at a screen for even two seconds made him want to puke. His head was throbbing and his brain felt like a mess of knotted string and he just wanted to lie on the floor and cry.
“I can’t do it,” Kai whispered to himself. He pressed his forehead into his desk, wrapping his arms about his head. “I can’t do it. I can’t do it.” Tears began to slip from his eyes. His chest felt tight with misery. Somehow, his head hurt even more than before.
A knock sounded at his office door. Horror washed over Kai as he scrubbed at his eyes, but the pain within his head stole most of his anxiety away. What did it matter anymore? He was failing everything. He was failing with the search for Linh Cinder, he was failing to make peace with Queen Levana, he was failing to give his people safety. And yet, Kai still didn’t want people to know.
“Your Majesty?” Torin’s voice called through the door. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah,” Kai replied. “Yes, I mean. Everything is fine. I know I’m running late. I just . . . I just need a minute.” He balled his fists and pressed them to his eyes, trying to relieve the pain there. If only he could get rid of this pain. If only he could find a way to concentrate on something other than the gut-twisting, life-quenching pain he was feeling.
The door opened, and Torin stood silhouetted in the frame. He flicked on the light, but when Kai gasped, he shut them right off again. Quickly, he closed the door then moved to Kai’s side.
“Your Majesty,” he said, “what’s wrong?”
Kai looked at his advisor, barely managing the feat despite the darkness of the room. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to put on a brave face and tell Torin he had it under control. He wanted to be able to do everything on his own. He wanted to be his father.
He couldn’t be his father.
“My head,” Kai said. He pressed his palms to his eyes once again and tucked his knees up to his chest. “My head is killing me. I can barely think of anything other than the pain. And even if I could, looking at my port is agonizing. I don’t know why, but the light just . . . it hurts. And standing feels about as possible as winning this war right now.” He sucked in a breath, trying desperately not to cry again. “I can’t do it, Torin. I’m not my father. I’m a failure. The net is right. I’m too young and inexperienced. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m a failure, Torin. I am a failure.”
Torin pulled up a chair beside Kai, then rested his hands on Kai’s face. Then, without another word, he pulled Kai into a hug. A sob broke through Kai’s throat.
“You are not a failure,” Torin said. “You may not be your father, but you are not a failure. The Commonwealth needs you, Kai. I’m sorry that you were given a near impossible job—it is not what you deserve—but you are the only one who can do this.”
“But I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.” He patted Kai on the back and then sat back in his chair. Kai brushed his hands messily across his face. Torin watched him, a sad look in his eyes. “When’s the last time you slept?”
“I don’t know,” Kai said, rubbing his nose with a tissue. “Last night.”
“Not the last time you fell asleep. The last time you got more than a couple hours at a time. When was the last time you had a proper sleep?”
Kai laughed, though it was a mad sound. “Definitely not since before all of this.” Kai gestured at the desk, and while there was nothing there, Torin seemed to understand. “I don’t have time, Torin. People are dying every day of Letumosis, and if that’s not enough, now there are wolf-people from the moon attacking Earthens as well. We still haven’t found Cinder, and I’m not sure if we ever will. Levana is breathing down my neck for a marriage alliance. And I’m scared. There are billions of people looking to me to take care of them, and I don't know if I can do it.”
Torin leaned forward, elbows on his knees. Kai felt almost as he had as a child, looking up into Torin’s lined face, trying to understand why his father’s advisor was so serious, why his eyes always appeared exhausted. Now he was the one looking down upon his advisor, wishing for that seriousness—Torin’s wisdom—to bleed into his veins and pull him through this crisis.
“Your father was scared too.”
Kai scoffed, then coughed, choking on the excess phlegm in his throat. “Only at the end.”
“Always,” Torin corrected. “And his head hurt too. All the time.”
“No it did not.”
“Kaito,” Torin said, “your father was not a god. He was not a pillar of strength. He was just a man—like you. Life tore him down, and he chose to build himself back up. Over and over and over again. From the day he was born, he was destined to rule billions, and there wasn’t a day that went by in which that knowledge did not petrify him. Did not weigh upon him. Did not threaten to crush him.” Torin placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder. “In the end, his biggest regret was leaving you with that same burden. With the sleepless nights and headaches that feel like the end of the world. But he knew you could do it, and so do I.”
“But what if I fail?”
“Then this world never stood a chance.”
Kai let out a choked breath, then placed his hands over his face, wiping the moisture from his cheeks. Then, as if possessed by some strange, unintelligent demon, he laughed. “Stars, Torin,” he said, “how did we get here?”
“Now that is a question I cannot answer.”
Kai laughed even harder.
Torin stood, but the corner of his mouth quirked up. “I’ve had your meeting pushed back by half an hour. Close your eyes. Breathe. Build yourself back up. Would you like me to send Nainsi up with anything? Tea? Soup?”
“Tea would be lovely,” Kai said, leaning back in his chair. “Thank you, Torin.”
“Of course, your Majesty.” Torin gave him a slight bow. “I’ll send her with something for the pain in your head as well. It will only be temporary, but hopefully everything that’s happening will only be temporary.”
“May we all hope,” Kai said, closing his eyes and feeling strangely hopeful.
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wassupnye · 26 days
I’m glad we all agree that Kai is a superb gift-giver, so here are some of my thoughts:
♡ All his gifts are meaningful, no matter how big or small, and they always come attached with a card or letter of some sort
♡ He gives gifts to Torin and other workers around the palace to further show his appreciation and gratitude for their services. It warms their hearts
♡ Not only is he a good gift giver, he’s an ever better card writer- especially with all those language and talking skills that come with being emperor. He makes it a habit to write little love letters and notes for Cinder between work as a way to express his love for her while also steering away from constant technology with some good old/fashioned pen and paper. (+She keeps every single one of his letters and even scans his writing to save it and read in her head later)
♡ Kai knows that Cinder is not materialistic or totally into gifts, but he still gets her things anyway, even though he knows she already feels his love for her without presents. (He knows she still loves the gifts he gets her) Plus, he makes an effort to spoil her in different ways to make up for childhood
♡ On Cinder’s first night home after giving birth, Kai lets her sleep while he takes care of everything else and decorates their room with all the tons of flowers he made sure to get. That way she wakes up to the sweetest surprise on her first morning back
♡ When they have children, Kai’s the one who does most of the gift getting around holidays and they’re okay with that. Cinder will tend to buy more practical and useful things for their children while Kai will get the special things they especially wanted as well as stuff he thinks they’d love
Off topic, but he’s the type to remember little details 
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Wild's Wolf: Febuwhump Day 6 -- "You (They) Lied to Me."
Tw: Implied child abuse, medical whump, human experimentation.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Wild knew what was coming by now, when he heard the metallic chime that preceded the opening of that metal door. The hazy memory of rough hands and voices, fear and violation, and above all pain, pain, pain sent his heart racing.
Beeeeep! The door swung inwards with a slow fwoosh! 
Wild backed himself into the furthest corner of his hiding spot underneath the bed, nearly sick with anxiety, as he eyed the man that stepped inside. That in and of itself was odd—these strangers usually dealt with him in overwhelming groups, so that any defense he tried to mount against them was easily crushed. The man even looked different—he wore not the universal white coats common to all of his tormentors, but instead a beige turtleneck sweater and black leather jacket. He was a lot taller than his regular tormentors, too, and broader, though he still had those rounded ears that Wild was learning to hate. The door hissed shut behind him.
He must be worse than all of the others combined, Wild determined, if he was willing to step into the room alone. And he was already coming towards him. Wild raised his shoulders, bracing himself for another fight for his life, a fight he already knew he’d lose like all the ones before it.
The man’s tall boots stopped at the edge of the bed. Then he crouched, stooping down to peek under the bed, and his single eye met Wild’s two. His singular eye. His other had been gouged out, signified clearly by the neat scar that ran over the closed eyelid. Vibrant, blocky tattoos streaked harsh angles across his face, and more climbed the column of his neck and poked out from the hem of his long sleeves. He was obviously strong and battle-worn, and he was coming for Wild.
A shiver of fear ran through the kid. A feral growl left him, and he scrambled back further into the little cranny made by the bed, ready to kick for all that he was worth as he bared his teeth. Oh Hylia, he wasn’t escaping this, he thought faintly.
The man blinked his singular eye owlishly at the response, then bared his teeth back in a wolfish smile. “Hey there, kid,” he said lowly, maintaining an intentionally jovial tone. “What are you doing under there?”
The professor’s voice crackled through the speakers. Behind the one-way glass, the researchers turned up the sound, tuning in through their earpieces.
The kid, of course, gave no response. Those odd long ears of his pinned themselves back against his head similarly to those of a wary cat. Time could see, now, the stark bruises left by cruel hands blossoming underneath the pale skin of his wrists and arms, the deep bags hanging underneath his terrified eyes. The hospital gown he wore hung loosely over his skinny, shivering frame. They hadn’t been kind to him.
If that was true, they’d be here for a while. He might as well make himself comfortable while he tried to earn a bit of the boy’s trust. Time lowered himself to the tile floor and sat against the wall with a groan, which prompted the boy to growl, louder that time. “Oh don’t be dramatic, I’m not threatening you, I’m just old,” Time said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m sure you’ll be making all these sounds too, one day.”
Those long ears flicked forwards curiously. A bit of the defensiveness left the boy’s coiled up posture at his tone, and the snarl on his face faded into something softer. Then his shoulders raised as he seemed to remember himself, and he shifted back again, hugging his knees to his chest as he looked away. He warbled something that Time couldn’t even begin to decipher, though it sounded familiar—and those researchers were right, that was not a human language—but given the fearful edge to his young voice, he could translate with mild confidence all the same. Who are you? What are you going to do to me?
“I’m not going to hurt you, kid, don’t you worry,” Time said soothingly. He reached into his pocket. “In fact, I’ve got a little treat for you.”
Time withdrew the crinkly aluminum packet in his pocket, and out of that a jabber nut. They were disguised as regular candy—chocolate covered walnuts would be a good comparison—so believably so that they’d been okayed by the researchers without a second glance. He offered one to the kid.
The boy gazed at the candy sitting in the center of Time’s palm, reaching hesitantly out to take it, then flicked his eyes back up to Time’s face. Whatever he saw there made him go pale, and he moved back, resolutely turning away. Still, he snuck childish glances at the piece of candy, like the refusal hurt him. His stomach audibly rumbled in the cold, silent room.
“Oh come on, drama queen, it’s not poison or anything. I know you want it,” Time said with fond amusement. He popped the jabber nut into his mouth, and he made a show of chewing and swallowing in demonstration before he fished out another for the kid. “There, I ate one. Not poisonous, see?”
The kid frowned up at him, looking between the jabber nut and Time himself like he was trying to figure out whatever trick was hiding there. He put his hand forwards as if to take it, then drew it back to his chest, his face clouded with indecision.
“Go on, it’s okay, kid.” It was like feeding an untamed, flighty cat—like one of the ones Malon kept out in the barn, who even after months of progress could be sent scrambling with any sudden move—but Time was nothing if not patient. He kept an easy grin fixed to his face and the lines of his body intentionally open and non-threatening as he scooted a little closer, shoving the offered piece of candy forwards with a little inviting thrust. “It’s for you, you can take it.”
The boy seemed to have a sort of debate with himself as he eyed the candy in Time’s hand, his hands twitching at his sides. Finally, the boy's face screwed up, and he snatched the candy out of Time’s palm. He shoved himself back into the corner of the crawlspace just as quickly—knocking his head against the bedframe in the process, which made Time wince in sympathy—and hunched over the jabber nut, turning it over and over between his fingers. Time only just held back a laugh as he took a long deep sniffffffff of the treat, then darted his tongue out to sneak a taste of the chocolate coating. He jerked back from it with a delighted sound, his long ears waggling similarly to an excited puppy’s tail.
This… was odd, Time thought, eyeing those too-familiar ears, the ones he hadn’t seen in decades, maybe even lifetimes. The researchers had contacted him on the basis of getting his help in establishing communication with some feral child they’d discovered living in the forest. They’d spun a tale of a child raised completely divorced from any other human civilization before now, a golden opportunity for linguistic advancement in the study of him that Time just couldn’t pass up. But they’d mentioned nothing of the obvious otherworldliness about the kid, though the picture they’d sent him had spoken magnitudes, and once he arrived, they were talking about differences in species.
Details were being withheld from him intentionally, it seemed.
Finally, the kid put the chocolate in his mouth, biting down on the jabber nut inside with an obnoxiously exaggerated crunch! Time smiled to himself and tapped at his watch, timing out exactly minute.
Time didn’t even have to wait for that long for the boy to grow bolder. He edged forwards until he was nearly at the edge of the bed, holding his hand out in clear request.
“I’m sorry, you can’t have another one. It's not good to eat more than one at a time.” Time shook his head pointedly, then shot a glance back at the one-way window at the opposite side of the room. The researchers had said that he’d eaten nothing since they’d “gotten” him what seemed to be days ago, poor kid. “Maybe we can request some food for you, huh?”
The kid muttered something back darkly, his disappointment clear in his pout. Time glanced down at his watch. 15 seconds.
“Y’know, I wasn’t always a language professor. If you know what a professor is, I don’t know if you have ‘em where you’re from,” Time began conversationally. “Before that I was certified as a child speech therapist. Turned out to be a good thing when it came to my dissertation, because they’re really the best when it comes to the model of language learning. Y’know, one of my favorite projects, they have this dialect of ancient Mayan out in the really rural parts of Central America, way down south from here, and anyways my youngest went out with me that trip, his mother was a nervous wreck, but I told her that we just had to go, especially since they put us up in one of the nicest hotels down there…”
It was always funny to watch a jabber nut kick into effect. The boy uncrossed his arms, furrowing his brow and frowning as Time continued to prattle on—talking at length was one of his strengths, he knew, whether or not there was something worthy of being discussed. The boy scrubbed at his eyes and pressed his hands over his ears before lowering them again, his expression a perfect picture of bewilderment.
“Wha…?” the boy managed to get out, his eyes wide. “...you can…?”
“Magic,” Time whispered with a conspiratory wink—a blink, really—and a grin. The researchers watching would see nor hear any of their conversation—to their ears Time would continue to speak English, and the boy Hylian. He tapped away at his watch again, setting another timer for 10 minutes. “What’s your name, kid?”
The boy bit his lip until it blanched between his teeth, studying Time’s face as if trying to determine his trustworthiness from sight alone. “...I’m… I’m not supposed to tell my name to strangers,” he said at last, dragging his fingers along the grout lines of the tile floor. 
“My name’s Time Forrester. I have a wife, Malon, and a couple of kids of my own about your age,” Time answered. “We’re not strangers now, are we?”
The boy shrugged, shifting uncomfortably, but he finally offered up with a touch of shyness in return: “My… my name’s Wild.”
“Well, Wild, would you mind coming out here so that we can hold a real conversation?” Time said smoothly. “I don’t know about you, but my back’s getting all cramped, and there are two perfectly good chairs over there."
Wild shook his head, murmuring something about how they’d come back and hurt him that Time clearly wasn’t supposed to hear.
Time paused, chewing over that phrase. Then he spoke. “I know this is all confusing for you,” he said as diplomatically as he could manage. If he kept talking, he could almost pretend that his voice didn’t tremble. “I don’t know a lot, but I’ll do my best to answer any questions that you have, if you’ll answer mine in return, I promise. Is that all right?”
Wild nodded. And when Time stood, stretching out his aching back, then extended his hand down to him, Wild only hesitated for a second before he took it.
First Chapter >> Previous Chapter >> Next Chapter Coming Soon!
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thelaughtercafe · 2 months
Matters of the Heart
Tea Type: Milk Tea
Potential Triggers: Brief mentions of intentional verbal abuse, and a raised hand though no contact is made. A carriage accident takes place. Ciel is 21 at the start of this fic and ages as it continues!
Pairing: Ciel Phantomhive/F! Reader
Length: 1.1k+
Summary: This is an AU where the demon contract never happened, so Ciel simply grew up without his parents; cynical and detached from the world. He'd already chased Lizzie away long ago, and he intended to do the same to you. This was how it was meant to be. What he deserved.
His parents’ death had changed him. Everyone expected that, to some extent. But what they didn’t expect was the way Ciel grew cold and distant.
He shut down entirely; let no-one in. His engagement was called off with Lizzie after a few years of cruel words. He was always especially cruel to her.
She deserved someone better than a broken man such as him.
She was happily married now.
He had not attended, merely sending reassurance the Phantomhive name would continue their working relationship and support her and her family in whatever endeavors they needed.
What he didn’t expect to have to do…was be thrown into another engagement when he turned 21.
You were…different from Lizzie that way for sure. His cruelty didn’t make you burst into tears. Nor did you even flinch when he raised a hand to you. He never would’ve gone through with it, but most women fled with the fear of abuse.
You lived mirror existences as the date grew ever closer and one day when he was in a particularly sour mood…he snapped when you brought him tea.
“Why are you still here? Are you some kind of masochist, foolish girl!? I have done nothing but treat you badly and yet you refuse to leave and shower me in kindness I am not worthy of!”
Your smile dropped a moment and then it widened despite the sadness within it.
“…I stay for two reasons, Mr. Phantomhive. One, grief is a powerful emotion. One that can and will consume every part of your being like the vilest of diseases if you allow it to. You wish to never let anyone close. To never allow your heart to feel love again for fear of having that love turn to the agony of loss and grief. I am a patient woman. And I know this anger you show, this cruelty and bluster…is merely a facade. A mask you wear so you may feel safer with me at a distance. I have already been through my cycles of grief and decided I will allow my heart to love again, despite the pain that might ensue. But I can not make you do the same. You will come to your own conclusion when and if you are ready to.”
Ciel was…in shock. You’d never spoken this much, all but locking yourself away in the library and only offering him gentle kindnesses expected of a wife such as bringing him lunch when he forgot to eat and the like.
All he could say was.
“And the second?”
Your smile widened.
“Just as grief is powerful, so too is unflinching kindness and empathy.”
You turned on your heel and began to leave but paused at the door, voice lightly teasing.
“Thank you for the new shipment of books, Mr. Phantomhive.”
You slipped out to the sound of him shouting after you that it was only to keep you far away from him, but you knew if you looked back he’d be blushing.
He did not change all at once. Of course he didn’t. You did not expect him to.
There were still full days of silence. Full weeks even. There were days where he reminded you of a wounded animal, lashing out at every little thing in fear of how you may harm him.
But something quite miraculous happened when you had to meet with your parents, about 3 months after your explanation and a month before the wedding.
As you entered your parents’ estate, Ciel initiated physical contact, putting a hesitant barely-there arm around your waist. When he caught your shocked gaze and the blush on your cheeks he flushed himself and yet did not release you.
“…Don’t get any ideas women. It’s just to keep up appearances around my soon-to-be family-in-law. A mere formality.”
You beamed and quickly looked to the side to blink the burning in your eyes away.
He was healing, whether he realized it yet or not. Not only had he not cared for formality before.
That was also the first time he’d called your parents family.
The meeting went well, your mother gushing over how close you seemed to be and your father happy Ciel was well-versed in business and could keep up with him.
The drive home was not silent, but instead, Ciel led the conversation, talking about your parents and how ecstatic they were.
You were wed before he was fully finished healing but you weren’t worried. He had started and that was enough for you.
It happened rather suddenly. You’d both been out shopping, getting clothes and furniture and all sorts of things now that you would be moving in “so you couldn’t complain later”.
As you were crossing the street, a carriage came careening down it much too fast. Too fast for you to act.
Your husband did, pushing you out of the way with a cry of your name.
The ensuing crash was deafening but you cared not for anything save your husband, frantically kneeling over his body and sobbing as you heard people rushing to get medical attention and the police.
They showed up quickly once they heard the Phantomhive name. They tried to insist on you returning home to wait but you refused to be separated from your husband.
The ensuing days were…tough, to put it lightly. You cried enough tears to fill a lake at his bedside as you waited for him to wake. Your parents were out of the country on business so you were all alone.
The doctor had said he’d done all he could and it was up to Ciel if he lived or not.
You tightly held his hand and spoke to him.
“Please, don’t leave me. I know you must be ecstatic at the chance to see your parents again but I need you here Ciel. Please. We have such long lives ahead of us. I beg of you, don’t make a widow of me. I-I love you.”
You lowered your head to sob into the hands holding his and were startled at the feeling of someone rubbing your head before his familiar voice filled your ears.
“…You finally said it. You’ve been holding in your feelings all this time while I acted as the pinnacle of immaturity in a vain attempt to push you away.”
His blue eyes shone with remorse and genuine care.
“Will you forgive me, my love?”
You nodded breathlessly as you laughed and hugged him tightly.
He chuckled as you pulled away.
“I never want to lose anyone I care about again. And so I will fight to protect all that I do. I hope you will do the same for me.”
You laughed.
“Till death do us part, Ciel, I will ever remain at your side.”
He flushed and looked away with a huff, reaching out expectantly and smirking just slightly as you held his hand, though he pretended to be stoic as ever, clearing his throat.
“Yes, well, see to it you do.”
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justminawrites · 11 months
1 | 2 | TBC
Summary: Six years after the Lunar Revolution, everything has changed for Crescent Moon Darnel. Now a top notch Lunar government official, Cress spends her time sifting through Lunar databases identifying the millions of people who went missing during Levana's reign, when she comes across a glitch that holds the fate of the entire country in its code. With the help of former lunar guard (and current recluse) Jacin Clay, Cress races against time to uncover a dangerous plot that could change the increasingly volatile tensions between Earth and Luna forever.
Cress pressed the buzzer by the door for the fifteenth time and resisted the urge to swear into it.
Anyone who didn’t know better would assume that the occupants of the unit were merely out for the night, but she couldn’t be fooled that easily. She’d tracked down the IP address of his port-screen which had led her to this motel at the outskirts of the capital city, Artemisia, and remained unchanged for a week. 
He hadn’t left his unit in a week.
“UNIT NUMBER TWO-FOUR-TWO—” The automated voice was cold and unfeeling, as was the sudden breeze that swooped in out of nowhere and stung the back of her neck.
“Jacin— let me in!” She nearly squeaked into the built-in microphone by the buzzer, as another gust of wind ran right through her flimsy apparel. Today was not a good day for yoga pants.
“Crescent Moon Darnel” she repeated, “Here on official Government business”
“Jacin Clay, I swear to All the Stars I will break this—”
“It’s hard to take you seriously when you say things like Government business” 
Cress blinked and stepped back as the door beeped and slid outward to reveal a fraction of a scruffy blonde beard and one blue-gray eye that somehow managed to look both disapproving and exasperated at the same time. 
“What do you want, Cress?” 
She crossed her arms.
“A ‘Hello Cress, haven’t seen you in a while. Sorry for leaving you outside to freeze off your ass’ would be nice to hear.” 
“Hello Cress,” Jacin said through gritted teeth, “What do you want?” 
“Did you get my email about the job-“
“Yes, and I clearly stated in that email, that I don’t want it.”
“But the-“
“But we’ll be-“
“Just give me five-“
Cress pinched the bridge of her nose and released a breath to keep from losing her temper. If she’d known Jacin would be this uncooperative she probably would’ve been better off risking her luck alone. Or with the state approved guard she’d been so quick to refuse, Liam something…  Caine? Kinney? 
“If that’s all you wanted, then you should leave.”
Cress scrambled for a solution as the door began to slide shut once more.
“It’s about Princess Winter,” she blurted, and the beeping stopped. A long silence seemed to stretch between them and she had the strange urge to hold her breath. 
Everyone knew that the lunar princess and her bodyguard had broken up almost half a year ago; it was plastered across all the tabloids and net-zines, creating quite the scandal. Nobody knew why, of course, but Jacin quit working at the palace soon after. Cress had heard the news from one of the team members in her department and commed Jacin immediately. He never opened it.
“You said it wasn’t about Winter” Jacin said finally. She could hear the frown in his voice and realised she’d written herself into a corner; automatically reaching out to tug on a lock of her hair for comfort. 
The job had nothing to do with Princess Winter really, but she’d finally gotten the council to approve her solo mission under the condition that she be accompanied by a trained agent, i.e., former lunar guard Jacin Clay, who’d been missing for the past six months. So she’d chased him down with a single lead, stood outside his unit all evening and probably acquired some kind of new moon-frostbite in doing so and wasn’t about to give up without him at least hearing her out.
“Right,” she began as the door slid open a little farther, now revealing a faded white t shirt, “Yes, right, I did say that it wasn’t about Princess Winter in the email.. because I didn’t want.. it to.. um, get compromised?”
Not her best execution but it seemed to do the trick. The door slid open completely and Cress stepped into the unit, warmth flooding her from all sides and seeping right into her skin. She released a shudder as Jacin typed a few buttons on the touchpad by the doorframe which automatically lit up the room. 
Cress immediately wished it hadn’t. 
Calling the unit messy would be an understatement of massive proportions. She smelt the alcohol before she saw it. Rows and rows of reusable cans were scattered around the unit in a weirdly precise manner; some were stacked up against one another, some were carefully placed beside one another in a semicircular pattern, under and over the furniture and some were simply unopened. 
It was a controlled sort of chaos and she didn’t know wether or not to bring it up as Jacin walked past her and plopped down on the grey sofa. At least now Cress knew what he’d been doing all week.
Wisely, she chose not to bring up the room and simply sat down on the closest thing she could find— a coffee table adjacent to the sofa. Jacin winced as she accidentally displaced a can and rubbed his face irritatedly. Now that she could see him better in the light, it was clear that he hadn’t slept in a while. The bags under his eyes were rubbed raw, his eyelids were puffy and he was still in his boxers. 
Cress would’ve normally been embarrassed; he was so different from the polished, professional lunar guard she’d met a few years ago, but now she couldn’t bring herself to feel anything but pity. The breakup really did a number on him.
“Would you quit it.”
“Quit what?”
“Stop it. Stop looking at me like I’m some kind of charity case.” 
But still the same snarky Jacin. 
“I’m not!”
“Look, Cress, your face is an open book alright? Just cut it out. I’m completely fine.”
 Cress rolled her eyes. He did not look fine. He had never looked less fine in all the time she’d seen him and she’d seen him nearly die multiple times— but she pursed her lips and turned away. 
It’s not your business, It’s not your business, she repeated the words her therapist had her memorise, in her head. Jacin and you might’ve been friends once but a lot has changed now and it. is. not. your. business. 
“So,” she said out loud, “Cans huh?”
Jacin looked at her in disbelief. 
“If you ever need to talk,” she tried again much to Jacin’s chagrin, “I know someone that can—”
“The only thing I need to talk about is how this job has anything to do with Winter” he snapped. 
‘You idiot.’ Cress mentally scolded herself, Dr. Miriam would be disappointed in her. She really should’ve minded her own business.
“Well, it’s about that glitch I found in one of the databases regarding Lunar immigration—”
“I read the email Cress,” he sighed, “You think it’s some kind of encryption.”
“Exactly, and just last week one of the council members received a notification with the same base code as the glitch—“
“Wait— council members?” Jacin looked at her, surprised, “The Lunar Council’s behind all this?”
“Yes, but just the surface level stuff—” Cress opened her mouth to backtrack but his eyebrows narrowed immediately.
“Is that why you contacted me? Because you needed someone to advocate for the council again?”
Jacin’s relationship with the newly appointed Lunar Council was precarious on a good day, but after everything that happened at their last Annual General Meeting it had derailed into outright hostility. 
Cress chewed the inside of her cheek guiltily; she was partly to blame for that debacle, after all.
“Jacin, this wasn’t Nova’s call—“ 
But he wasn’t listening to her anymore– Jacin had risen to his feet and begun pacing around the room in brisk, controlled strides, keeping well within his can-stacked path. She watched him walk into the kitchen and walk back out, somehow not upsetting a single aluminium-alloy can from its position despite his animated monologue. 
“I knew it! I knew leaving the council to her was a bad move. Let me guess, she wants me to grovel at her feet again. I bet she would just love it if if I came crawling back—”
The ‘she’ in reference to Jacin’s tirade was, of course, the newly instated Lunar Head of the Biochemical Research Wing, Sybil Nova. Daughter of the late Sybil Mira (Head Thaumaturge and Cress’s personal tormentor), and having established a fairly positive reputation within the Lunar community for being a shell herself, Nova was, on paper, the perfect candidate for the job. 
Except for the fact that she opposed the existence of lunar guards. 
Jacin was on a roll.
“Whose stupid idea was it to nominate the daughter of Levana’s old lapdog as the face of the new Lunar Democracy anyway, they’re the real idiots here–”
“Public vote,” Cress chimed in, but he steamrolled right through her, talking to himself now.
“And why appoint ME of all people, with such a futile mission– oh, I know damn well why. She just wants me to come back empty handed so she can rub it in my face; ‘see this is why the lunar guard is so outdated.. now if we sent a mecCorp to do his job’–“
“IT WAS ME, ALRIGHT?!” Cress yelled finally, unable to take much more of his ranting.
She swallowed slowly, nails biting into her palms as she curled her fists.
“It was me. I asked for you to be assigned to the mission.”
Jacin sat back down. 
An awkward silence shuffled between them until Jacin finally leaned forward to try to meet her eyes. Cress’s gaze, however, was stubbornly affixed to the floor. 
“Cress..” He trailed away, unable to find the words.
“I know you’re still mad at me for what happened.”
“I’m not—“
“And,” she pressed on, “That’s fine if you are. I won’t apologise for what I did that day. But this could be bigger than the both of us.”
Jacin shook his head and looked up to his white-grey ceiling. 
“What are you doing, Cress.”
It almost felt like a rhetorical statement when he said it but Cress bristled all the same. 
She considered kicking one of the can dominoes out of pure spite but refrained after seeing Jacin’s expression.
“I’m trying to save my country, Jacin, our country— and I need your help.”
This finally got his attention.
 Jacin rose and helped her up; Cress took his hand confusedly but before she could say anything he’d already guided her to the door and slid it open. 
“Goodbye, Cress.” he said with a note of finality, and locked her out.
Cress debated punching the metal but decided that she wasn’t going to go back with both broken knuckles and a broken promise. They’d just have to settle for one. 
Sighing, she trudged back to her hover and pulled up the notifications on her portscreen. It read: 3 unopened comms. 
Wow. Three already? Carol must be in a bad mood if she sent her three comms within the hour, Cress frowned as she held out her arm, scanning her wrist to open the hover doors. Usually her stringent supervisor refused to go over one, extremely long vidlink that often involved public scolding for a rise in budget costs, even though Cress was sure that they were paying hourly and not per comm. She’d held her tongue anyway, she didn’t need to give Carol yet another reason to hate her.
The hover beeped and deducted 50 univs from her chip but before the doors could flick open, Cress felt something hard and cold press into the back of her head. She didn’t need to turn to know it was a gun. 
She slowly raised her arms in surrender. 
Stay calm, she thought to herself, you’ve been trained for this. But her heart was beating so loud that Cress might have completely missed what her assailant said if they had not punctured each word with a jab to her head. 
“Get. Down. Now.”
Cress obediently dropped to her knees. Unfortunately, the hover was shielding both her and her attacker from the windows of the apartment complex so even if someone had conveniently managed to look outside, they wouldn’t be able to see her.
“What—” She began.
“Be quiet.” 
Cress tried to steady her breathing and focus. 
This must be a robbery, and seeing as her attacker didn’t attempt to use any glamour, they were most likely a shell. The voice sounded muffled, so the attacker was probably wearing a mask— an escaped convict maybe? Someone who didn’t want to be immediately caught and handed in to the guard. Her fingers twitched; it would take all of four seconds to reach into her hover and pull out the standard-issue taser she’d left in the front seat. 
Cress knew she should’ve had it on her at all times, but she didn’t want Jacin to think she’d taser him into submission if he didn’t agree. 
The attacker seemed to be rummaging around for something behind her and swearing quietly, giving her enough time to discreetly flick her wrist. Nothing happened for one second, two and then the hover doors clicked open smoothly, opening outwards like insect wings, blinding the attacker for two infinitely precious seconds and Cress quickly lunged to the side just as the gunshot resounded all around her. 
“Shit— Shit!”
She rose quickly. Now that she had a clearer view of the perpetrator she was taken aback by how young they seemed to look. 
Big brown eyes were their only visible features, with both their hair and the lower half of their face, as Cress had guessed, concealed under a black hood and mask. They were clothed in an inconspicuous outfit, with pale, freckled arms jutting out of an oversized vest, grey pants and hiking boots. She ducked behind the hover again as another gunshot ripped through the night. 
Cress just had to reach into the hover for her weapon and it would all be over, but this kid was making it way more difficult than it needed to be. 
“Hey!” She called out, trying to distract the attacker, “You don’t want to do this.”
“Shut up, Ungifted.” The attacker spat.
Well, okay then. Cress scooted closer to the unlocked hover and blindly reached inside, mentally cursing her lack of foresight. She should’ve expected that someone would’ve recognised her, even though it’d been nearly six years since the Lunar Revolution. 
Their faces had been broadcast over and over like celebrities and there was even a time where she couldn’t walk to her hover without getting ambushed by paparazzi. This was probably some kind of ransom situation.
Her fingers closed around a hard, box like device just as the attacker turned and pointed the gun right between her eyes. 
Cress held her breath. She would’ve been scared if she hadn’t noticed the slight tremor in the attacker’s hand. Her hands had shook the same way when she’d first held a gun. 
“Get up.” 
She quickly scanned the area around her for a distraction but found nothing. She was facing the units directly now. Frowning she tried to discreetly pull the taser out but the attacker narrowed their eyes in suspicion and brought the gun closer. Just as she was about to consider conceding the taser in favour of a well-timed kick, the door to a unit slid open and the last person she’d expected to see walked out. 
Noticing the sudden shock in her eyes, her attacker turned quickly giving Cress enough time to pull her hand out of the hover and pull the trigger on the taser. Two thin silver wires shot out of the device and caught the attacker right in the neck, immobilising them and causing them to drop the gun. 
Cress quickly kicked it away as they crumpled to the ground, and it slid across the paved road, spinning and spinning until it came to rest at Jacin’s feet.
Cress waved at him awkwardly— he looked too shocked to wave back, before she pressed the trigger again and the wires reeled back into her weapon. 
A small part of her was grateful that he’d walked out at just the right time but an even smaller part of her was proud he’d seen her fight and win. It probably wouldn’t change his mind about the job but it would change his mind about her. See, she wanted to say, I’m not weak, I can take care of myself. 
“Cress! Move! ” 
She dropped the taser, alarmed and looked up to see Jacin clutching the gun tightly, pointing it right beside her head. 
“What—“ she began but never finished her sentence. 
The last thing Cress remembered was the sound of glass shattering as the hover door beside her exploded and feeling a tiny needle prick the back of her neck, before her world turned dark and she passed out.
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haras24 · 6 months
Reece Fic Masterlist
Hi everyone! For those who don't visit AO3 all that often, I thought I'd share the links to my fics here. Please be aware that all contain sexual content, so they are all rated Explicit.
The League of Gentlemen
Your Place or Mine (Benjamin/Olive)
A Twisted Seduction (Lisgoe/Female Reader)
I Find Solace in Your Spite (Pauline/Ross)
Living in the gap between past and future (Ollie)
Remote Working (Ross/Lisgoe)
Respite (Ross/Lisgoe)
Hot Desking (Pauline/Ross)
In Sound and Silence (Ross/Lisgoe, Ross/Pauline)
Doctors and Nurses (Doctor Flynn/Nurse Judy)
Inside No. 9
Absolution (Matthew Warren/Original Female Character)
To Slake His Thirst (SPC Varney/Original Female Character)
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