#tj: this could have been cute but it went for angst !
honeykngdom · 2 years
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 | 𝚎. 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 | 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘
Pairing: Embry Call x Original Character Summary: Join Ainsley and Embry as they embark on a journey where they are forced to question everything they thought they knew, and embrace the pain that is inevitable to avoid in love. An imprint story. Self-discovery. Angst and romance.Word Count: 6.5k Warnings: none, we get some 1:1 em & ains time and some beach soccer! A/N: Hello beautiful humans, here is part two! I hope this gives everyone some much needed Embry content and 1:1 quality time and rapport building. 10/10, these two are very cute and I'm super excited to take a spin with the imprinting concept! prev. chapter | next chapter
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The intricate weaves of the flames held my attention throughout the duration of the evening; every so often, the smoke would gravitate towards me and I would cover my eyes to keep them from burning. The only time I moved my eyes from the fire was to scan the crowd, admiring the way the light illuminated across the features of my extended family. When my gaze found its way to Embry, I’d linger a moment or two longer, watching the way the flames danced in his brown orbs before I looked away to keep the heat from rising in my cheeks. 
I found myself growing more uncomfortable as the night went on, trying to avoid making unnecessary conversation, not wanting to draw attention to myself. 
The numbers on my phone read 𝟷𝟷:𝟹𝟺𝙿𝙼. I felt the coldness seeping into my extremities, my breath swirling out in cloudy circles in the bitter air. I pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging my brother’s jacket around my frame tightly. I thought back to the warmth of the house earlier in the day, suddenly longing for it. Kim, Emily — even Claire — all seemed to be toasty warm alongside their respective campfire partners. Claire was only nine, and had yet to complain. 
I looked over at Jennie, who seemed so incredibly content and at home alongside her brother. I almost felt bad for wanting to leave so soon; I knew how much time like this meant to Jennie. Instead, I turned my attention to Travis, who was in the middle of talking about his program at Peninsula College. 
“So, what? You’re gonna be a cop like your dad?” Seth asked, twirling a strand of hair between his long fingers. 
Travis shrugged. “That wasn’t necessarily the plan. I was thinking more about security or corrections.” He grinned, rubbing his hands together between his knees. “Something a little more hands on.”
I rolled my eyes, sharing a knowing glance with Trent as he shook his head in slight disapproval. While the boys had always been the type to fight it out, Trent believed less that violence was a stable foundation to create a career from. Travis might have had a good heart, but we were aware that he was approaching it with the wrong mindset. We just didn’t know how to tell him. 
Seth pursed his lips, seeming to consider Travis’s answer in the same manner TJ had. He wanted to believe there was some positive reinforcement, but sometimes Travis was quite simply a jerk who wanted to be the biggest jerk with a legitimate reason. I loved my brother very much, but I couldn’t help but think he was looking forward to being a jerk for the rest of his life because he felt like he wouldn’t be able to accomplish much else. 
“I think it’s a great idea.” Leah quipped from her place beside Kim, her fingers gripping tightly onto the bottle in her hand. “Corrections is a really great area to get into, we could use better rehabilitation.” 
Travis seemed to appreciate her words, and raised his beer. “I’ll drink to that.” He laughed, tilting his head back as he took a few swigs. 
I went back to watching the fire, thought about moving my chair forward, thought about joining Sam and Emily  and their child on the other side to side on a log closer to the fire. But Embry rested so comfortably beside Sam, so I quickly dismissed the idea. After fifteen minutes, I mumbled something about needing to go home before my toes fell off. 
I shrugged out of Trenton’s jacket, handing it back to him despite his obvious interest in the conversation between the other guys. Jennie looked up at me as I was leaving, raising an eyebrow in silent question. 
“I’m going to head home.” I smiled sheepishly. “Did you two need a ride?” I asked, looking down at the empty bottles my parents had finished off and put away to the side. 
TJ shook his head. “Trent’s going to drive us back since Trav can’t.” I looked over to where Travis popped the cap off another bottle, his own collection growing around his feet. 
“Just get home safe, ‘kay?” I leaned down to wrap my arms around my mother, pressing a kiss to her cheek before I turned around to head back towards the side of the house where I parked and wrapped my arms around myself. 
Just as I was about to reach the porch, I heard Jennie calling out my name. “Ains, baby, wait a sec!” 
I turned around, trying not to let the slight annoyance surface to my features as I looked backwards towards where my mother stood gesturing to Embry, exchanging a few words before she looked over at me.
“Would you mind giving Embry a ride?” 
I froze in place for a moment, trying not to think about being in such a confined space with someone who, for the most part, made me feel about a thousand different things. It didn’t matter how good looking he was, it didn't matter how much I caught myself searching for his eyes all night. Embry was standing just beside my mother, watching and waiting patiently for me to give indication he had permission. 
I pressed my lips together, my eyes just barely fluttering shut before I nodded my head once. “Sure.”
One side of Embry’s mouth turned up in a large smile, causing my heart to flutter erratically in my chest. Damn it. I watched as he leaned over the fire to speak with Quil, their hands meeting briefly in a sort of goodbye bro-shake before he turned and jogged to where I stood, lips fully spread into a wide smile. 
“Thanks for the ride.” He said, slowing to a walk just beside me as I turned around the corner of Billy’s house. 
“Mhm,” I hummed, slipping my eyes away from him to watch the ground as we walked. “Were you even drinking? You only had like two —” I stopped myself, chewing on my inner cheek for a moment before I cleared my throat and continued, “I mean, it didn’t look like you were drinking all that much. Couldn't you drive yourself?” 
Embry raised a single brow and shook his head. “I work night shifts three times a week, so I don’t typically drink.” He looked down at my folded arms and bumped my hip as we walked. “I also don’t have a car — well, I do. I just prefer to use my feet as my main method of transportation. Speaking of driving,” he stopped me short of the Jeep, pulling his brows together as he breathed through his next words, “can I drive?” 
I blinked, staring up at him in astonishment for a moment. I had been asked for a ride home plenty of times; from the time I had received my license and purchased my beloved Jeep, girlfriends had asked her for rides numerous times. Never had anyone asked for a ride and to drive. “Uh — what?” 
“It’s not a sexist thing, I swear.” Embry started, holding his hands up. “I just prefer to do the driving.” 
I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest. “That definitely sounds like a sexist thing.” 
Embry pressed his palm into his forehead and let out a sigh, “I promise it isn’t — just, please?” He asked, dropping his hands at his sides, his eyes weary with a sort of pleading. When I didn’t move, he sighed again petulantly. “There was an accident a few years ago, a chick was driving, we got into an accident — wasn’t her fault or anything, I just feel more comfortable if I’m the one driving.” 
I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn’t exactly find the words. What was I supposed to say? Sorry about your luck, but I’m driving? I wasn’t that much of an asshole. My arms dropped and I held the keys out between my thumb and index finger. 
“You didn’t need to tell me all of that. I was gonna let you drive.” I lied, trying to shrug nonchalantly and offered a smile. “Are you sure you’re alright to get behind the wheel?”
“Scouts honour.” Embry snatched the keys from my fingers. I turned, moving quickly around to the passenger side of the vehicle, settling into the seat for the first time. It felt a little strange, watching Embry readjust the seat to fit his body — even when the seat went as far back as it could, he still looked too big. 
I smiled to myself, reaching forward to flip on the heat while Embry started the engine. My fingers pressed against the heater eagerly, body shivering slightly. “How aren’t you freezing?” I asked, a little harsher than I intended but perhaps that was because I was envious of the obvious fact he sat more comfortably in front of the fire. 
“You’re cold?” He asked, reaching with both hands to take mine. Embry rubbed his palms over my fingers, the warmth burning my skin in the most pleasant way. I watched his long fingers wrap around my hands, in awe of how the heat trailed through my veins, causing an immediate eruption of goosebumps to coat my skin. 
Instant warmth. 
“You’re not?” I asked in awe, slipping my hands away from his once I realized he had yet to let them go. 
Embry shrugged, pulling the gear shift into drive before he twisted the wheel and brought the Jeep into a steady roll forward. I looked outside of my window, watching the group around the fire laugh – my eyes momentarily paused on Trent and Leah before I moved my stare forward as the car pulled into the street. 
“Cold doesn’t really bother me all too much.” Embry said simply after a moment of consideration, shifting in the driver's seat for a moment before he awkwardly rested his left elbow against the window and leaned to the side, guiding the wheel with his right hand. 
“Everyone gets cold.” I argued spitefully, cursing myself when I inherently leaned forward into the heaters again. 
The man chuckled, rubbing his lips with his free hand, “Not everyone, honey.” 
I cut my eyes towards him, skewing my mouth into a sort of disdain before I laughed once, “Do not,” I started, shaking my head, “call me that ever again.”
Embry smiled again, this time more to himself. “Don’t like nicknames?” 
I looked at him, turning in my seat a little to get a better look at him. “Not much.” 
Even in the dark, with his face barely illuminated by the odd streetlight he looked content and at ease. I wasn’t completely sure how he managed to keep himself so put together, especially given his past. He is twenty-four, I thought to myself. It was something different. Trenton was twenty-five, but he didn’t hold anywhere near the same cautious and controlled face Embry did. Like at any moment, Embry could break or snap; like he needed to keep himself in line from saying or doing something that he wasn’t supposed to. His eyes appeared tired, despite the typically happy demeanour that I recalled in our youth. I wondered if he had slept. 
The next few minutes were silent, save for the quiet thrum of the bass in the music and the blast of the heaters. It wasn’t until we turned right past the resort that I realized we were driving towards my house. I leaned back in my seat, eyebrows pulled together as he pulled the Jeep up to the curb and cut the ignition, turning to me with a straight face. 
“What are you doing?” I asked.
Embry looked around for a moment, his brows mimicking mine. “I drove you home?” He asked, seeming as confused as I was. 
“You asked me for a ride home.” I clarified. 
“Then you asked to drive.” 
I braced my hands on the dashboard, my words coming out slowly. “What happened to getting you home?”
Embry snorted, pulling the handle on the door open as he slipped out of the car. I watched him walk over to my side leisurely in a few large steps, opening the door swiftly with a broad smile. “What?” He asked, his smile faltering just the slightest when he noticed I appeared unwilling to move. 
“I’m not sleeping with you.” I whispered, swinging my legs out of the car. 
He held up his hands again, raising his eyebrows high as he shook his head quickly. “Woah, I never — I didn’t drive you home to try to sleep with you.” 
I shot him a skeptical look, “Right. You drove me home, knowing no one would be here, just for the sake of driving me home?” I pressed, squinting my eyes at him. 
“Uh, yeah?” He asked, taking a step away from the door. “You literally live on the edge of town with nothing but forest for miles on end. Sue me for wanting to make sure you got home okay.” He replied, folding his arms across his chest. I could see his expression shift from genuine confusion to annoyance. Admittedly, he looked far more attractive with his face pulled together in frustration and anger. 
I stood my ground. “How did you even know where I lived?”
He laughed once. “You’re kidding, right?” Embry asked. When I didn’t respond, he shook his head. “It’s a small town. This is a newer development. Your mom is a nurse and your step-dad is a detective – it wasn't hard to put two and two together.” Embry waved to all of the newly renovated homes behind us. “That, and Travis said something during dinner.”
I squinted at him again. “You really didn’t come here to try to make a pass at me?” 
Embry licked his lips and shook his head again, the crease between his brows smoothing. “No. I didn’t.” His hand shot out to help me when I began to climb out of the vehicle, “I actually wanted to ask if you were doing anything tomorrow afternoon.”
He paused, confused that his question wasn’t already clear enough. “I was going to ask if you wanted to come play soccer?” When I looked at him like he had three heads, he shut the car door and turned to walk up my driveway. “Once a week we try to get together and do something together — Billy’s birthday was going to be the thing for the week, but I talked to Jacob about it and he thinks it would be a good idea —”
“Who is ‘we’?” I asked, wrapping my arms around my body. 
“The guys — Sam, Quil, Sam, Seth, tweedle dum and tweedle dee — plus some of the girls. Leah, Kim usually, Emily doesn’t like running around so much. And Rachel.” 
“And you play soccer?” I asked, more so for clarification that I hadn’t entirely misheard him.
He nodded, “Once a week.” He added. 
“And this was your idea?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
Embry froze for a moment, pressing his lips together. “Yeah. I don’t think we all exactly made the greatest impression earlier today,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I wanted to see you again, I just figured you’d be more comfortable if it were a group setting.” 
I blinked a few times, trying to get past the part where he had mentioned he had wanted to see me again. My heart fluttered again, warmth seeping over my cheeks. I appreciated that he was trying to accommodate me, but I wouldn’t let it be known that I wasn’t entirely sure I fit in with that crowd. 
“I think soccer would be great.” I smiled, turning to grab the keys from his hand. 
“Yeah?” He asked, another smile breaking across his face. 
I nodded, placing my hand on the doorknob. “I have to be home at a reasonable hour to do some school stuff, but I wouldn’t totally hate to kill some hours with you guys.” I watched as Embry smiled triumphantly, letting out a sigh when I twisted the knob and opened the door. “Now get home safely, it’s getting late.” 
Embry shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts and waited until the door shut behind me before he turned to talk down the street. I watched from behind the curtains until his figure disappeared into the darkness before I retired to my room, trying to suppress my smile as I dressed myself for bed and collapsed into the bedsheets. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The sound pierced through the silence of the early morning, jolting me from my sleep. I froze in place, wondering if it was worth rolling over to slap snooze on my alarm clock. My memory jogged back to the prior night, unsure of when I had eventually fallen asleep. After sliding into the comfort of my bed, I spent what felt like hours tossing and turning, butterflies erupting in my stomach every so often as a gentle reminder that in fifteen hours time I had the pleasure of gracing a tightly knit group with my presence. 
A group I previously felt incredibly left out of. 
A group I knew very well I didn’t belong to. 
Don’t be a pussy, I scolded myself, pushing up with my palms to flip onto my right side and bring my fingers down on the red button on the clock. The air silenced again, and I relaxed into the pillows, my eyes scanning over shadowed objects of my room as I pulled the white duvet to my chin, shivering against the cool breeze that drifted in through my window. While I previously contemplated rolling over to get another few hours of rest, I heaved a sigh and slipped my feet out from the covers, standing up with more effort than usual. I was sure I slept perfectly fine, but it felt like I hadn’t gotten a single wink.
I grabbed my towel off the back of my chair and made my way into the hall; the soft clatter of dishes and sizzle in a pan indicated that someone was in the kitchen cooking some sort of meal. I poked my head through the crack of Jennie’s bedroom door, smiling when I saw my mother laying on top of the blankets, still fully clothed with the exception of her shoes, which had very obviously been pried off of her feet. I shut the door quickly and made my way to the bathroom, turning the shower on full heat before I stripped down and ran my fingers through my hair in an effort to rid it of deep tangles. 
I took my time washing away the restless night; I focused on letting the pressure of the water massage into my shoulders and upper back, straining my neck to the side every so often to encourage the warmth to ease the tension. After what seemed like an eternity, I massaged my scalp with the lavender shampoo and lathered my ends in coconut conditioner, letting the moisturizer seep into my hair as I shaved and cleaned the remainder of my body. I hadn’t realized how hot the shower was until the air grew thick with humidity, and my skin turned bright red. I switched the dial back to cool, washing the remnants from my hair before I shut the water off completely and stepped out of the tub onto the towel just outside of shower. 
I was pulled from my autopilot trace when a loud fist banged on the opposite side of the door, followed by a muffled plea. Travis was awake, which meant Travis really needed to use the bathroom. I pulled my towel tightly around my frame, and twisted the lock on the knob. 
“Christ, Ains. You’ve been in there for forty fucking minutes.” Travis grumbled, arms folded across his bare chest with his lips pulled into a scowl. 
I tried to not laugh at the disarray of his hair, and instead stepped around him to jog back to my bedroom. Once I felt I was suitably dressed for the weather, I wandered into the kitchen in search of whatever leftovers had been made for the morning.
I hummed in a sort of delight when I recognized bacon and fresh coffee, pulling a small plate down from the cabinet. I picked my share off the pan on the stove, and slipped two slices of bread into the toaster for a sandwich. 
“Morning,” I jumped a little at the voice, turning around with my hand pressed to my chest. 
“Jesus, Trent.” I grumbled, moving towards the Keurig.
“So,” he started, tossing the paper onto the middle of the table, “Embry drove you home, huh?” 
I let my head fall back for a brief moment before I shot him a look and turned back to my coffee, “What about it?”
I was positive Trent shrugged. “You never let anyone drive that thing.” 
“First of all,” I spun around, placing a hand on my hip. “It’s not a thing , that is the love of my life. Secondly, he has a thing about girls driving.” 
Trenton’s face skewered up. “Sounds like a sexist thing.”
“It’s not a sexist thing.” I argued, slathering butter onto my toast. I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to defend Embry - I, too, had believed it to be slightly sexist. I had wanted to ask someone about the accident that Embry was referring to, but also didn’t want to pry when it was really none of my business. Seated in my usual place parallel to Trent, I stacked the bacon carefully in between my toast and took a few sips of my coffee before I started eating.
“Whatever,” Trent mused, leaning forward on his elbows, “just weird, that’s all.” 
I rolled my eyes, chewing slowly. The back door closed, followed by the sound of Iyah’s collar shaking as he trotted through the breezeway into the kitchen, his tongue lolled out to the side as he took his place at my feet. I smiled inwardly, lifting my chin to TJ when he entered the kitchen and picked another slice of bacon from the pan. 
“Morning, sunshine.” He smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to my wet hair. 
“How was your night?” I asked, returning my eyes back to my food. 
TJ nodded, “Much better than I expected, honestly.” He ran a tired hand over his face and leaned against the counter. “I was worried your Ma was going to have a hard time feeling at home after everything that’s happened in the last few years, especially with our absence, but it’s like no time has passed at all.”
Good. I remembered Jennie worrying inconsistently about whether or not she needed to walk on eggshells, if it were really even appropriate that the family went to the party at all. Each time, TJ had reminded her that it would be more rude for us to be in town and not show up, which was ultimately the reason why she had reminded us daily to not be late. 
“Billy seems to be doing better.” I noted, taking another sip of coffee. 
“Yeah, for a while Jennie made it sound like we needed to be prepared for the worst.” Trent added as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Jacob was giving him a hard time a few years ago, that’s all.” TJ dismissed, his brown eyes studying us carefully. “Are you working today?” He asked Trent, moving to pull another mug down from the cabinet. Trenton offered an ‘ mhm ’, pushing out of his seat with a groan before he quietly padded down the hall towards his room. “What about you? How’s the reading coming?” 
I looked up from my empty plate and shrugged, “So far so good. I have plans to go down to the beach with some people from yesterday.” 
My step-father turned to look at me with surprise, the corner of his mouth upturned in a grin. “Is that so?” 
I nodded slowly, turning in my chair to face him. “Embry said a few of them were going to be at the beach blowing off some steam, and that Jacob and Rachel would be there, so I figured it’d be a good way to catch up with them.” I shrugged. 
“I think it’s a great idea,” TJ smiled, mixing his creamer into the steaming beverage. “Just wear something thicker, it’s supposed to drop pretty low today.” 
I looked out of the window in the kitchen, pursing my lips in distaste before I slumped into my chair, defeated. “It’s like summer never even happens.” 
TJ laughed sourly, “Yeah. Makes me miss Canada.” 
I shot him a look, “As if that was any better. Victoria wasn’t exactly the warmest climate, either.” 
“Sure as hell beats this.” For once, I couldn’t disagree. 
Several hours of cleaning later, I was staring out of my window at the rolling clouds. It was less gloomy than the day prior, which gave me hope that the rain would let up long enough for me to enjoy my afternoon with Embry and the others. I had yet to tell anyone else in the house I had plans for the day, save for my mother and TJ, whom I had reminded an hour ago when they made an announcement they were heading into Forks for some groceries. From the corner of my eye, I could see a figure walking up my street just alongside the underbrush. 
I turned to grab the sweater off my bed, pulling it hastily over my head as I shoved my feet into a pair of shoes; I bolted through the kitchen and down the stairs to the living room, pulling the door open just as Embry had lifted his hand to knock on the wood. He wore nothing but a pair of cut offs, a thin black shirt and a gorgeous smile. I rocked back on my heels and shook my head at him, trying to offer him a look of disapproval. 
“How are you not cold?” 
“I told you: the cold doesn’t bother me.” 
I sighed and slapped my keys into Embry’s waiting hand. “Yeah, and I still call bullshit.” I replied in a low tone as I pulled the door shut behind me, shoving my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie as we walked to the Jeep. “It’s like forty-five degrees, there’s no way this isn’t bothering you.”
Embry opened my door and waited until I was seated and buckled in before he shut the door and jogged to his side. “Don’t worry about me.” Embry reassured me once he was seated next to me on the driver’s side. 
“You’re going to get sick.” I pointed out, turning to him with a stern face.
He laughed. “No, I’m not. I don’t get sick.” 
I felt my brows raise in challenge, “You know who else said they never got cold and didn’t get sick? Travis. You know what happened to that jackass?” 
“I have a feeling you’re gonna tell me.” Embry mused quietly, pulling the Jeep off the curb and onto the street.
“Pneumonia. You should be wearing a sweater, at the very least.” 
He shot me a look, carefully watching my face before he reached a hand across the console and grabbed my wrist for the third time in less than twenty-four hours. He was still warm; I locked my fingers around his hand, relishing in the heat that radiated through my palm and into my skin. It was almost as though the warmth washed over me in gentle waves, drawing out any unknown stresses I had. Suddenly, I no longer felt tired or sluggish; in fact, I felt like I could have run a marathon. 
“How are you this warm?” 
“Nice, isn’t it?” He asked, watching me slip my eyes shut and rest my head against the back of my seat. 
I nodded, carefully keeping my lips pressed together in fear I might overstep any boundaries. It was intoxicating, being trapped in such a small space with Embry. I didn’t typically spend time with my brother's friends, let alone do so without telling them about it — especially Trent. But Embry … he smelt like the forest after a rainy day, thick and heavy and wonderful. Paired with the warmth, I felt as though I were in my own personal heaven. 
Soon the vehicle was heated, gliding through the forested road with ease, offering a sort of peace I hadn’t realized I longed for. The tension in my neck released, all strain on my shoulders lifted with each passing moment and I found myself leaning into his warmth, still tightly gripping onto his hand. The pulsing of my heart paired with the burning on my skin was distracting my busy mind from the anxiety of spending an entire afternoon with Embry and his friends. 
When he pulled into a tiny makeshift parking lot, I tried not to let my disappointment show. 
“Sorry, honey, we’re gonna have to walk the rest of the way.” He said solemnly, trying not to smile when he noticed my brows pull in and my lip curl. “What?” 
“We discussed this. No nicknames.” 
He looked down at his hand. “Are you planning on giving that back?” He teased, letting out a chuckle once I released my grip on his arm and shoved my hands back into my hoodie. “C’mon, they’ve been here for a while.” 
I pulled my brows together in confusion, as I saw plenty of other vehicles in the area, but not a single person. I huffed, bracing myself for the cold breeze when Embry moved around the vehicle to open my door. “Why didn’t we come earlier?” 
“I work night shifts, remember? I don’t get to crash until like four, sometimes five.” Embry shrugged, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “I slept in until twelve, went to Em’s to steal some of her leftovers and then walked to your place.” 
“You say you stole Emily’s leftovers?”
Embry pushed his shoulders forward as a sort of shrug. “We all do. Sam’s is kinda our hangout space — well, not so much anymore since the baby, but I’m a special exception.” He beamed. 
I considered this, keeping my eyes on the ground as he moved over pieces of driftwood lying across the beach. “You’re all really close, aren’t you? Not just hanging out at Billy’s for a birthday close.”
“Everyday close .. pretty much.” He nodded, looking down at me with tight lips. There was something in that sentiment that seemed bittersweet. “We really all only have each other, I consider most of them my brothers.”
“Why?” I asked, cursing under my breath when the wind picked up and bit at my cheeks. 
Embry waited until I caught up to his side, helping me up over what appeared to be an entire tree trunk that had fallen over onto the dark sand. The beach on the opposite side was cleared, and was covered in neatly carved logs, blankets and the remainder of Embry’s friends. 
“Just how it goes sometimes. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Embry smiled, looking over to where the others ran around, torsos bare, legs easily slipping in between one another’s while trying to maneuver the tattered ball around on the sand. 
I suddenly felt very overdressed — even Emily only wore a thin long-sleeve on her arms. Still, I lifted my chin and followed Embry towards the group, all of whom looked up briefly to greet him as he led me towards the blankets. 
“Here,” he rummaged through one of the bags, pulling a gray knitted comforter from the bottom, “this one’s mine, you can use it.” My fingers eagerly reached out for the blanket, draping it around my shoulders as I shivered internally. I also tried not to stare as he slipped his shirt over his head.
“You’re all insane.” I grumbled, looking up at his towering frame. “And you’re going to get sick.” 
“I don’t get sick.” 
I rolled my eyes for what felt like the thousandth time in his presence. “Yeah, you don’t get cold, either.” I rallied, crouching down until I was close enough to the ground to fall back onto my bottom beside Seth. “He’s insane, right?” 
Seth was leaning back on his right hand, feeding himself a cheese string with the other; at the sound of my question, he looked up and blinked, swaying his head back and forth as he considered his words. “He just likes to show off.” 
“Fuck off.” Embry grumbled, tossing his shirt at the man beside me before he ran off towards the group, greeting Jared with a loud slap on the back. Both men grinned eagerly as the ball headed in their general direction. 
“You actually came.” Seth mused, pulling another cheese string out of the bag beside him. He offered it to me, which I bit into immediately. 
“I said I would.” I replied, looking past the hustling legs of the boys, watching the crisp waves of the ocean roll up onto the shore, the peaks of the waves higher than usual. “I’m really terrible at soccer, though.” 
“You can be on Jacob’s team, then.” Jared called from beside Paul. “They’re already pretty terrible, it’ll make you feel better about your lack of know-how.” 
I held my hand up, middle finger extended; Jared shared a quick look with Paul, the pair laughing lightheartedly. I watched as the ball came flying up, smashing into the side of Jared’s face, his smug grin disappearing entirely as he looked forward to Jacob. Seth and Kim cracked the gentle air with loud laughs, causing a small smile to break across my lips. My cousin’s hands flew up in a sort of ‘oops’ gesture, turning to Embry with a knowing smile. 
I spent the next hour watching Embry bend and twist his elegant body to keep the ball away from Jacob and another boy whom I later learned was named Brady. I couldn’t help but admire the way the muscles contracted under his darkened skin, rippling with each movement. I thought about the warmth his touch provided, and how in this moment he truly wasn’t bothered by the cold. How completely at ease he appeared. Without realizing, the smile that had formed on my lips remained as I spoke with Collin and Kim about the boys, frequently asking Emily questions about her cooking and how she managed to feed an entire family of approximately thirteen – plus her own.
“Alright, duckie, I’m tagging you in.” Embry breathed, slapping Kim on the knee as he fell onto his back in front of my crossed legs. “What, don't you like the blanket?”
I looked down to my lap; I had removed the blanket from my shoulders simply because the air had grown warmer. With all the laughing and talking, I now felt as though I were sweating under my layers. “I do, I just feel a little warmer.” 
Embry smiled, reaching into my lap to steal a slice of my orange. “Good.” 
He sat out of the next few rounds, asking me questions regarding my brothers and my courses. I answered all of them with an eagerness which he seemed to appreciate; I explained about how Jennie met TJ when I was three, and how it had been the most epic love I have ever seen. How I never grew up wanting something like Romeo and Juliet, or any sort of princess. I wanted something I could grow from, something that inspired me to become everything I was supposed to be. 
I talked about how I swore Travis and Trent could’ve been twins, what with their buzzed hair and heavily tattooed bodies. Trent might’ve been the eldest of us, but Travis was definitely the tallest. I talked about how Trent helped me rebuild the engine on the Jeep a few years ago as a summer project and how in that time I definitely learned to appreciate his company in more ways than just some step-brother that felt obligated to love me. We genuinely put aside the whole related-by-law aspect; we were family, blood or not. 
When I spoke about my schooling, I mentioned how I understood why Travis had picked corrections. Wanting to work with at-risk youth myself, I definitely felt like I had a lot in common with him, but also mentioned how I was certain he was getting into his career field for all of the wrong reasons. 
At some point, the rest of the guys had come up off the beach shore to lounge on the blankets. It wasn’t long before the air around me grew increasingly warmer, and I relaxed entirely. It was definitely a different feeling, a different atmosphere with my brothers absent. I assumed I would be viewed as their friend’s little sister, but instead I felt as though this were my rightful place. 
When the sun began to set behind the rocky tops of the island in the distance, Embry mentioned something about getting me home to finish my reading for the day. Begrudgingly, I said my goodbyes, pulling Jacob into a tight hug with a promise to visit his father again soon. Embry wrapped the blanket back over my shoulders as he led me away from the secluded area of the beach. Once back in the confinement of my Jeep, Embry started the vehicle and I automatically reached for the heater. Embry offered his hand this time, watching me as I hesitated for only a moment before I tightly gripped onto his fingers and hummed in satisfaction as the burning sensation traveled up my palms into my wrists. 
“I don’t know how you’re still warm, but I’m definitely not going to complain.” I murmured, letting my eyes fall shut as I rested against my seat comfortably. 
The ride away from the beach was mostly silent, save for the blast coming from the heaters. When we finally arrived back on my end of the reservation, he parked the car and spent a few minutes talking to me about how he'd promise to wear more clothing if I promised to come with him again for another afternoon of beach soccer. 
“Emily invited me over for breakfast.” I said simply, offering a small smile when I noticed his surprise.
Embry’s eyebrows were lifted high. “Really?” 
I nodded, tightening my grip on his hand, “So, let me know when you’re not working and we can go together. It’s not really breakfast if you don’t show up until twelve.” I added, watching him open his mouth and shut it, twice, very quickly. 
He laughed once and nodded. “I’ll have to get back to you on that, unfortunately.” Embry sighed, to which I pulled my phone from my back pocket and offered it to him. Once we swapped numbers, I tried to offer him back his blanket. “No, keep it. I don’t want to carry it home.” 
Once inside the warmth of my room, I rushed to the window; Embry was waiting diligently at the end of the driveway, looking up to where I stood before he cracked a smile and waved once, then walked backwards towards the street, and took off in a light jog. He disappeared behind the underbrush for the second day in a row. 
I collapsed onto my bed, still wrapped in his blanket.
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Asgardian ale
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Thor brought some Asgardian booze to the party. Surely, nothing can go wrong.
Warnings: a little bit of angst I guess, but mostly fluffy Bucky
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Last night, it was one of Tony Stark's notorious parties but only including the Avengers. Everyone was dragged there as it was mandatory, "team-building fun" as Tony liked to put it. Surprisingly enough Thor showed up and brought something with him that made the party all the more exciting: Asgardian ale.
You see, the two super soldiers were so enhanced that they could never get drunk and let loose, with human alcohol that is. It was truly a sight to behold. Pre-serum Steve had so many ill conditions that alcohol was off-limit and boy, did he enjoy the calm feeling of the booze. The always polite Captain America ran around the tower shouting nonsense, swearing while he tried to lift Thor's hammer and cutely but miserably flirting with Natasha (but given the unlikely situation, it made the assassin blush nonetheless)
You were laughing your ass off on the couch with Wanda when two strong arms draped around your shoulder making you look up.
"Hi Soldier" - you greeted your boyfriend who had an adorable cheeky grin on his face
"Hi, Beautiful" - he planted a sloppy kiss on your mouth that made all eyes wander from Steve towards the two of you
You see, Bucky never was a fan of PDA, rarely showing affection when the others were around. That was fine with you, you understood that he was a private person, and it made his love for you even more precious, knowing he would make it up when in your shared room alone. He was a big, sentimental, clingy, and handsy person and you wouldn't have it any other way. It was so sweet that you were the only one seeing this affectionate side of him... Up until last night.
"I miss youuuu" he purred in your ear, tone slightly slurred by the alcohol
"But I'm right here, Buck" - you cocked an eyebrow and smiled sweetly at him
"I miss your warmth" - he cornered the couch and sat down next to you, instantly wrapping his arms around you in a side hug, nuzzling your neck.
"Better?" - you asked in a whisper as you started stroking his hair, just the way he likes it
"Soooo much" - he purred again, closing his eyes and inhaling your scent - "You smell so gooood"
You chuckled lightly and yelped as you felt yourself being lifted. You landed on Bucky's lap, him pulling you flesh to him and tightly wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on one of your shoulders. You laid back and let yourself relax in your boyfriend's embrace, closing your eyes, and feeling utterly content. That is until a flash went off.
"Hey" - you exclaimed as you saw Sam holding his phone and showing the photo that he just took to everyone
"Oh, calm down Snowflake, it's not every day that we get to see Mr. Grumpy so kind and calm." - he shrugged his shoulders
"At least send it to me then." - you asked him, already knowing what your new phone wallpaper will be
You lightly turned your head to see Bucky's reaction, only to find him still in the same position, contently sitting with closed eyes and a little smile plastered on his face.
The rest of the night mostly contained talking and laughing as everyone gathered around you. During the late hours, slowly, everyone went back to their rooms. You haven't failed to see Steve following Nat out and to her room. You smiled to yourself then you tried to think about a way to get you and Bucky into a comfortable position to sleep. You assumed that he had fallen asleep a long time ago as he never said a word all night, nor did he move after snuggling up with you. You slowly loosened his arms around you.
"Wanna go to sleep, doll?" - he asked and you jumped a little bit on his lap - "Sorry to startle you" - he chuckled lightly and hugged you tightly again
"It's okay, I just thought you were asleep" - you turned halfway and smiled down lovingly at him
"Nope" - he popped the p in it - "Was just too comfortable to move or say anything" - Bucky smiled goofily up at you while your heart melted
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself" - you caressed one of his cheeks, basking in the feeling as he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch - "Are you feeling sleepy yet?"
"I could sleep" - he mumbled tiredly while picking you up bridal style and carrying you to your shared bedroom
He put you on the floor and kissed you sweetly. It was a gentle and loved filled kiss, not hungry, nor rushing, just full of passion. He pulled away and undressed you slowly, trailing little wet kisses on your skin as he exposed it. After you were only standing in your panties he walked to the closet, picked out one of his T-shirts, and pulled it over you. Bucky loved it when you wore his clothes, it was a sense of pride that you were his and his alone. You started to undress him too, focusing on his clothing but you knew his gaze never left you as he followed your every movement with an expression filled with adoration. You pulled out a drawer and picked out a fresh boxer for him and panties for you. You both changed and got under the covers, Bucky instantly nuzzling your stomach and wrapping his arms around you the best he could. You reflexively started to card your fingers through his luscious brown locks and felt him hum against your skin while planting a soft kiss on it.
"I love it so much when you are this affectionate" - you laid your head on the soft pillow
"I can't help it, you are so soft and warm, the best feeling ever" - he mumbled softly and you heard his breath even out
"Sweet dreams, my love" - you kissed the crown of his head gently and drifted to sleep yourself
A loud crash woke you up from your slumber. You turned around, wanting nothing more than to nuzzle into your boyfriend's warm body, but you found his spot empty and cold.
You yawned and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast for yourself. Steve was already there, making coffee for himself, his back to you.
"Well, well, I didn't know purple was on the new Captain America color palette" - you commented with an obvious smirk as you saw the not so little love bites around his neck"
"Thor should definitely not bring that ale on a party again" - he laughed nervously while turning around and sipping his coffee
"Ohhh, on the contrary, Stevie. I will personally ask him to do so if it makes you finally admit your feelings" - your smiled turned more soft - "How much do you remember?"
"Everything" - he face-palmed himself - "The strength of the alcohol was enough to set me loose but not enough to make me forget things or even to have a hangover"
With that, you took out your phone to check social media. The first pic that came up nearly made you drop the device. Before you could ask Steve about it, Sam came running into the room, screaming, while a very angry looking Bucky followed him with heavy steps.
"Take it down" - your boyfriend demanded with a growl, the authority in his voice making your legs week
"No way man, where is the fun in it, there are already thousands of view on it" - Sam retorted while trying to hide behind you, knowing Bucky would never hurt you
"Oh, no, you are not getting me into this" - you stepped away, but towards your love - "Sweatheart, what got you this mad?"
"Oh, why not ask Birdie here?" - he still threw daggers with his eyes towards Sam
You thought about the post with the caption "The big bad Winter Soldier is actually a big softie #BuckyBear" that Wilson made and uploaded.
"Is this about the picture from last night? Do you not like it?" - you asked softly
"Of course I do, you are on it" - he smiled lovingly at you, his voice softened - "But other people aren't supposed to see and like it" - he mumbled and pouted like an adorable child
"Oh, honey, but we look so good. We've been together for almost two years, it's only natural that we love being affectionate towards each other" - you put your hands on his cheeks, lightly caressing them
"So it wouldn't bother you if I hold your hand or kiss you in front of others?" - he asked shyly, avoiding eye contact
"Of course not. I would really love that. But I respect your choice of privacy if it's not okay with you." - you reassured him
He didn't answer verbally, just bent down and captured your lips in a passionate, deep kiss.
"Ewww, get a room" - Sam exclaimed loudly, making you break the kiss
"You cooked yourself a meal, now you're gonna eat it" - and with that, you went back kissing Bucky
From that moment on, Bucky always kept an arm around you and was never afraid to show his love for you. It turned out that he was a real sucker for PDA, knowing you loved his attention. You were also able to finally shower him with love anytime you wanted, to cuddle up to him and relax, and to go to long walks, holding hands. You two were never overdoing it though, but the team never minded it anyway. Everyone knew how happy and calm moments are so rare in the field of work you were doing, they were truly happy for you. Maybe Sam not so much, especially when Bucky randomly grabbed you and kissed you deeply whenever he walked in, pissing him off and reminding him that he never should invade your privacy again. Oh, and Bucky never admitted it, but he actually was grateful for Sam to take the photo that now served as his wallpaper too.
Author's note: I have a bunch of ideas of Bucky, so most probably I'm gonna post about him for a while. But also really wanna write something sweet for Tj Hammond. What are your thoughts? Have a lovely day ^^
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tbtssstuff · 4 years
Personnel || jhs
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Summary: Working at Hope World Inc. was enjoyable. Especially when the owner, Jung Hoseok, has his eye on you. After you hook up at the company party, Hoseok asks you to be his press girlfriend. What is a ‘press girlfriend’? You were soon to find out.
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Reader has such a thing for the way Hoseok smells, dirty talk, hair pulling, sir kink, manhandling, he smacks her in the face like once, oral (m receiving), face fucking, deep throating, Hoseok calls her a slut a lot, the reader is very obedient, loss of virginity with like 0 prep, very rough unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it y’all)
AN: This is like... my 3rd time writing smut??? Please enjoy?? 😅😅 I forgot while writing the smut scene that she was a virgin but even when I tried to re write it to fit it in it didn’t really work. I was so caught up in the smut I forgot a major plot point 🙃 yay me
-TJ/ TacoAdmin 🌮
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“Okay see THAT!” You point at the TV screen. “How is that sexy!?”
You and your roommate, Jungkook, were watching Fifty Shades of Grey for probably the umpteenth time. Anastasia was nibbling on the end of a pencil and Christian acted as if it was the sexiest thing on the planet. It wasn’t sexy. It was gross. Who bites pencils?
Jungkook sighed, running his fingers through his freshly dyed hair. “You don’t think a lot of things are sexy, Y/n, but trust me when I say that it IS sexy. Like when Tae-”
“AAHHHH!” You shout, covering your ears trying to block out your best friend talk about his sex life with his boyfriend. It was the last thing you wanted to hear.
Jungkook and Taehyung have been dating for as long as you can remember. Hell they were dating before you met Jungkook in college. Taehyung was apparently a transfer student to Jungkook’s high school and after a science experiment went wrong, they have been inseparable.
Not to say they weren’t cute! They were probably the cutest couple you had ever seen. Taehyung was a hairdresser for one of the best salons in Seoul while Jungkook was a tattoo artist. Jungkook got his hair dyed for free, which he did often hence why it was now cherry red, and Taehyung got free tattoos. Small ones though because he was scared of needles. Poor baby.
Once Jungkook was done laughing at your misfortune, he placed an inked hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay. You’ll get there one day, Virgin Mary.”
“Wow!” You smack his hand away, revealing when it looked like it actually hurt him a little, narrowing your eyes at him. “Way to bring up my 23 years of virginess!”
“I’m sorry!” Jungkook howled with laughter, showing that he was indeed not sorry.
Jungkook knew that you had never been able to find that one guy that made you feel something other than annoyance. The closest you got to finding one was Min Yoongi, your coworker, and Jung Hoseok, your boss at Hope World Inc.
Jung Hoseok was probably the best boss you have ever worked for. Not only was he very easy on the eyes, but he also made you feel very appreciated. Something other boss’ you worked for never did. It made the three years you’ve worked under him the best years of your life.
“Hey.” Jungkook snapped his fingers in front of your face. “You listening?”
“I asked if you were going to be home tomorrow night?”
You shrug, reaching for your phone, clicking it on to see what tomorrow was. Your heart dropped a little when you saw that it would be Friday the 20th. The company party was tomorrow.
Hope World Inc. had just gotten a huge contract and the CEO, aka Jung Hoseok himself, thought it would be a good idea to order as much food and alcohol that he could and throw a - mandated - company party.
“I will be here until maybe 6. Why? Special night with Tae?”
“Weren’t you the one that just tried to drown me out when I talked about my sex life?”
“What’s going on tomorrow night?”
Jungkook was always the curious bug. Always snooping through everything and anything he can. Annoying at times, but when he looks at you with those big doe eyes, how can you say no?
“Do you remember Mono Corp.?”
Jungkook nodded.
“Well Mr. Jung was able to sign the contract that merges the companies by the end of the year, so he decided to throw a company party to celebrate.”
“But you don’t like parties?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow at you. It was true that you didn’t like BIG parties, but you never said you didn’t hate them in general. It’s just if there is a choice of whether to go to a crowded room with people you didn’t know or stay home curled into a ball and catching up on Friends, you were going to choose staying home.
“It’s mandated.”
Jungkook nodded and just left it at that. There really was nothing else to say about it.
“What are you going to wear?”
Well nothing other than that.
“I don’t know. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” You reach for the popcorn and shove it in your mouth.
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It was too early in the morning to be looking at these spreadsheets. All the numbers seemed to jumble into one monster number. Jungkook unplugged your alarm in the middle of the night, he claims it was an accident, but you honestly think he likes to sabotage your schedule, so you thought you were running late and didn’t get any coffee. Turns out you were so early that you could have got coffee, but by the time you figured that out you were already at work and your favorite coffee shop was extremely far away.
Fucking thank you Jeon Jungkook. Prick.
Honestly it was good that you were here alone, otherwise you would feel so bad for the person that dared to invade your space right now.
“Oh you’re here early. Good.”
You looked up from your computer to see Jung Hoseok, coffee in one hand, bag in the other, coming into the main office.
God how was it even at 8 am he looked like he came from a vogue photoshoot? Not a strand of hair was out of place, his skin looked so smooth, he didn’t have any dark circles under his eyes, and even his navy blue Burberry suit didn’t have a single wrinkle. He was just perfect.
But even though there was a literal Adonis in front of you, all you saw was the liquid life in his hand.
From the smell of it it was a caramel frappuccino, with 2 shots of espresso, extra whipped cream, and chocolate shavings on top. Not your coffee of choice, but the smell of it just made your mouth water.
You could say you were a bit of a coffee snob, but that's neither here nor there.
Hoseok noticed the drool on your chin before you did. He knew you liked coffee, more than any normal human should, and from the look of desperation in your eyes he figured you hadn’t had your daily dose yet.
Well lucky for you he was an amazing boss.
“Do you… want some coffee?”
“What? No that’s your coffee.”
Hoseok smiles and places the coffee cup down on your desk. The smell was stronger now, even more mouth watering, but you realized it wasn’t the coffee you were now smelling. Whatever cologne Hoseok had decided to put on today smelled better then any coffee you have ever had.
The smell was so strong and smelled so good that all you wanted to do was bury your face in his neck. To kiss up his jaw to his ear, lick the silver hoop earring before you nibble on his ear.
“Don’t worry.” His voice broke you from your imagination and you saw him start towards his office.
“Drink up. I’ll just have someone bring me something later. Besides,” Hoseok stops at his office door, turning to look at you with a kind smile, “You look like you could use it way more than me.”
And with that he disappeared behind his door.
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“A frappuccino? Since when do you like cold coffee?”
“Yoongi! Good morning.” You smile at Yoongi who was making his way to his desk, two steaming hot coffees in hand. “Not dressed for work as usual I see.”
Min Yoongi was never the sort of man to wear a suit and tie, so how he got a job here was way beyond you, but here he was - ripped jeans and all - handing you your favorite coffee.
“You avoided my question, Y/n. The cold coffee. What gives? You always said it was inhumane to drink it cold. If you want coffee it has to be hot enough to scold your enemies.”
“Wha! No! I never said that!”
“You say it daily, once you told me it twice. So I ask again.” Yoongi leaned in close. “What. Gives?”
You roll your eyes, pushing his shoulder back. “I needed a life line and Mr. Jung was nice enough to give me his coffee. So why don’t you kindly fuck off and let me drink more caffeine?” Yoongi laughs at your forced smile, but backed off nonetheless.
“Mr. Jung huh? You two seem… close.”
“I wouldn’t say close, more of I was here early and he took pity on me.”
Yoongi nodded but you could see how tense his jaw was, something he did when he was upset about something. You didn’t know why he didn’t like Hoseok, but it was a fact known throughout the company.
“You know he is a nice guy.”
“Some people say broccoli is a nice vegetable, but that doesn’t mean everyone likes it.”
“What? How does that relate to Mr. Jung?”
Yoongi shrugs. “He makes money, which is green, and so is broccoli. There you go.”
“That makes no sense.”
“Not a lot of things do.”
Yoongi sipped his coffee and logged into his computer, effectively cutting off the weird ass conversation you were having.
You shake your head. He was probably the weirdest person you had ever met and you knew Jungkook. Though no matter how much Yoongi jabs at you, you knew he had you back in almost every situation, provided that you were actually right. He would call you out on you bullshit.
Min Yoongi was a great friend and you really wouldn’t trade your friendship for anything in the world.
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It was finally time for this company party and at first you were feeling alright to go, but now you were terrified as you tugged down your extremely short dress.
Something Jungkook insisted you wore. Just thinking about what took place just 40 minutes ago pissed you off.
You had come home tired and hungry, but knew you only had a short while before you had to prepare for the party. You quickly ate some leftover Chinese food and went to your room to get ready.
What did people wear to these kinds of functions? Every office party they threw was never mandated, which was why you were confused that this one was, so you just skipped them.
You skimmed through everything you had in your closet. Tight jeans, graphic tee shirts, pantsuits, but your fingers stopped at a party dress Taehyung had gotten you a few years back.
It was a white long sleeve dress that stopped at your upper thighs, the neckline plunged to meet the sash that was sewn into the dress. The reason you never wore this was that that neckline stopped just above your belly button so your breast would be on full display. Plus this was a dress that definitely required no bra so that just made it worse.
Taehyung had gotten it for you to wear to the opening of Jungkook’s tattoo shop, but it was way too fancy for that so you had opted for jeans and a shirt instead. He was so upset that you didn’t wear the dress he bought you and you had to promise him you would wear it someday.
Today was definitely not that day though.
Skipping over the dress, you pull out a tan pantsuit and a simple white plain shirt. ‘Work appropriate’ was really what you were going for. Jungkook had a different word for it.
“Oh my god please tell me you aren’t going to the party wearing that.”
You roll your eyes before going to the front door to get a pair of white sneakers. “Yes?? It’s a work party, Kook. Not a strip joint. I have no reason to dress up.”
“But there is no reason to look extra boring either. Please tell me you have something else. I beg you.”
“Nope, but keep begging. Looks good on you.” You wink and laugh as Jungkook’s face twists in disgust.
“Y/n you wouldn’t know how to dominate in the bedroom even if you tried. Even if you had the most submissive man in the would.”
“I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about our sex lives.”
“Well mine yes, but yours is nonexistent so it’s fi- Hey! That could have hit me!”
Jungkook had just dodged out of the way of his shoe you sent flying his way.
“Well then I’ll try to aim better next time.” You hiss.
“Touchy.” Jungkook slumped back onto the couch, accepting defeat and not wanting another shoe thrown at him.
Smiling triumphantly, you slip on your sneakers and open the door, but to only be blocked by Taehyung. By the looks of his raised fist, he had just gotten here. His pink and blond hair was tousled by the wind and he sported his usual Gucci everything. Taehyung always looked so good it was no wonder that he was the gayest man you had ever met in your life.
“Oh my god please tell me you aren’t going to the party wearing that.”
You scowl as Jungkook yells a ‘thank you’ from the living room. Jungkook jumped up from the couch and made his way over to the two of you. Smiling, he immediately places a kiss on Taehyung’s lips. You would be happy to see them so comfortable together if they both hadn’t just said the same thing about your outfit.
“Well just like I told your boyfriend here, yes I am. There is nothing wrong with this outfit! Now if you excuse me I’m going to be late.”
You tried to push past them, but Taehyung grabbed your shoulders, spinning you around and back into the house.
“Then you will just be late. I am not letting you out like that.”
And apparently you didn’t have much of a choice because not long after that Taehyung, with help from Jungkook, had you in that short white party dress with a silver choker around your neck, matching studded earring and necklace set, and a pair of silver heels. He had even taken your hair out of it’s ponytail, letting it fall down your shoulders before he curled it and did your makeup.
Honestly you looked stunning, but always being one to blend in with the crowd, it scared you. You really wanted to turn around and go home, consequences be damned, but you knew that Taekook would just send you back.
Taking a deep breath, you went into the Millennium Hilton where the party was being held, finally accepting - and grateful - that your friends made you dress up a little more since Hoseok had last minute decided to change the venue.
The Millennium Hilton hotel was just beautiful on the inside. Your heels clicked on the floor, which looked like it could be marble. Why did Hoseok decide to hold such a minor party in the fanciest place you had ever seen in your life? It seemed out of place to do so. Maybe closing this deal with Mono Corp. was more important than you realized.
You looked around the grand entrance, confused on where to go. All Hoseok told you was to be here instead of the corporate office. He really should have been more specific or you know not change the venue last second. Who does that? Jung Hoseok apparently.
“You look lost.” A deep voice said from right behind you.
You quickly turned around, losing your balance in the process (stupid fucking heels), but before hitting the floor and completely making a fool out of yourself, not that it could be even possible, a pair of hands found your waist, steadying you. Dark brown eyes met yours as you realized it was Hoseok who had caught you.
With him being so up close you could smell that damned cologne that he was wearing this morning; sandalwood mixed with a natural underlying smell that you assume was just Hoseok.
You vaguely wondered if he would smell just as manly fresh out of the shower. The water glistened down his chest, dripping closer and closer to his towel covered cock.
His fingers dug into your waist, slowly bringing you out of yet another Hoseok daydream, but quickly enough to catch his eyes trail down the open part of your dress. He seemed to appreciate the view by the way he bit his lip.
“Sorry.” You breathe. “I’m not used to heels.”
Hoseok chuckled, his fingers lightly moving to the small of your back, causing a shiver up your spine. “Then allow me to escort you.” You nod as he starts towards the grand ballroom.
It was quiet for a little while, which was almost unbearable, so you had to think of something to say. Anything! The weather? God that was so cliché. How good he looks in his suit? No way that would lead to a very different inappropriate conversation.
“So why the fancy party? It could have just been held at the office.”
Questioning his decisions. Great choice.
Hoseok grins, not offended in the least. “I know it was a last minute change, but I figured if I was going to make this party mandated might as well go big-“
“Or go home.” You finish. Hoseok’s grin grew, seemingly happy that you knew what he was thinking.
Hoseok opened a pair of double doors to reveal a gigantic ballroom. Crystal chandeliers hung all over the ceiling, giving off this almost unreal type feeling. Your co-workers were everywhere, wearing fancy dresses and tuxes, but they stopped when the doors opened.
All eyes were on you and Hoseok.
“They’re all staring.” You whisper.
“Yes.” He whispered back. “But they’re all staring at you.”
Before you could even get a response out, Hoseok released his light touch on you back, instantly making you miss his touch, and left to greet all of his guests.
You watched him leave, sad that he was going, but appreciative of how his ass looked in those pants.
Jung Hoseok always did something to you.
“Wipe the drool, y/n. It makes you look desperate.” Yoongi snapped from beside you, caused you to jump a little.
You flushed, checking your mouth for any drool (which there wasn’t, but whatever), before looking at Yoongi. Your eyes widen at the sight before you.
Yoongi’s dark brown hair was combed neatly to the side and he actually wore a suit and tie. Silver hoops hung from both his ears and silver rings adorn his fingers.
“You clean up nicely, Mr. Min.”
Yoongi scoffs and shakes his head, smiling nonetheless. “You can’t change the subject. You were drooling.”
“Was not.”
“You look beautiful.”
You expected him to continue bickering with you, but were thrown off by the complement. Yoongi wasn’t one to hand them out lightly which was why your heart clenched. Nothing else. Right?
“Thank you.”
You didn’t know what else to say other than that. Yoongi understood your awkwardness when it comes to compliments, secretly enjoying the way you got flustered. He extended his hand, taking yours in his and led you out to one of the tables.
“Shall we drink?” Yoongi handed you a glass of champagne. It wasn’t often that you drank, but this was a special occasion so you took the glass from his hand, throwing all caution to the wind.
After that first drink you started to loosen up a little. One turned into two and that quickly turned into four glasses. You were enjoying the dance floor with Yoongi, who by this point was almost as hammered as you, considering he found himself talking to the wall on occasions. He soon switched to just drinking water.
You swayed alone on the dance floor, eyes searching the crowd before they landed on Hoseok moving towards you.
His eyes were even darker than they usually were, they trailed down your figure causing you to flush. Hoseok was so blatantly checking you out and you were enjoying the attention.
“Enjoying the party?” He asked when he reached you, the smell of his cologne starting to over power you again.
All you could do was nod, paralyzed by his gaze and dazzling smile. “May I have this dance?”
While the sober part of you was screaming how inappropriate this was and how you should run the other way, the more intoxicated part of you that wanted to feel his hands on your body again was stronger.
Hoseok took your hand into his, placing his hand around your waist, and began dancing. His fingers burned your skin and the feel of him ignited a flame in your belly. Just being this close to him, no matter how inappropriate it may be and no matter how many people were staring at you, was intoxicating.
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you how stunning you look in that dress.” Hoseok whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. Something he didn’t miss.
He pulled you closer to his body, his half hard cock pressing into your stomach causing you to gasp lightly. “And seeing you with all that exposed skin, y/n. You don’t know what you do to me.”
God of the alcohol wasn’t already clouding your judgment than Hoseok’s words and sent was. You lick your lips, feeling the excitement of his eyes following it. “What do you mean, Sir?”
Hoseok groaned. “Why don’t you come with me and I’ll show you?”
“Yes sir.” You answer obediently.
Hoseok grabs your hand and quickly leads you out of the ballroom. He heads straight to the elevator, pushing the button. Soon the doors slid open and the two of you were hidden inside.
The moment they closed you were on him, unable to hold back the need to feel his lips on yours. At first it was just all tongue and teeth, but Hoseok soon took charge by placing his hands in your hair, tugging it back so you could look at his lust blown eyes.
They held a fire that you had never seen before and honestly it turned you on. Just thinking about what this man was going to do made you ooze arousal.
“We aren’t even out of the elevator yet.” Hoseok tsks. “Such a desperate little slut aren’t you?” His fingers grip your hair harder, the action starting to hurt a little.
“Please. Please I’m so sorry.” You whimper.
Hoseok smirks, releasing you as the door opens to a penthouse. You didn’t even stop to think about how he rented this room out so quickly. You didn’t want to think about if he had planned to take another woman up here tonight.
He walked over to the couch, turning when he realized you weren’t following him.
“Y/n. Do you want this?”
You nod, almost too afraid to make a sound, but Hoseok shook his head.
“I need to hear it baby girl. Do you want this?” He repeated.
“Then come here. Now.”
The tone in his voice had you obeying him immediately, rushing to his side. Hoseok loosened his tie before looking at you expectantly, smiling as you turn around, your wrist criss crossed behind your back.
It was like the two of you were in sync. Had been since the day you met, but now it was so intense yet comforting at the same time.
Hoseok ties the tie securely around your wrists, tugging them for good measure, before turning you around.
“On your knees.” He growled.
The wood floor was cold as you dropped to your knees before him. You press your thighs together, praying for some kind of relief, the throbbing of your pussy was too much for you as you whimper again.
“My little cock slut. Look at you, so willing to do anything I tell you. I bet your cunt is just soaking isn’t it.”
You didn’t say anything, only stared at him with wide and pleading eyes. Hoseok raises his hand only to bring it down harshly against your cheek, the force knocking you to the ground.
“I asked you a fucking question, slut.”
“Yes sir.” You whine, the ache in your cheek and the power he extrudes only intensifying your arousal.
“‘Yes sir’ what.” Hoseok hisses, bending down to grab you by your hair, yanking you up to meet his face, pulling a moan out of your throat.
“Yes sir, my cunt is soaked for you.”
Hoseok releases you before standing at full height and unzipping the fly on his suit, pulling down his pants and boxers just enough for his now fully hard cock to spring free. Precum leaked from the tip, your mouth just watering at the sight. You never before thought a dick could look this appetizing, but here you were just hoping he would allow you to suck him off.
Hoseok chuckled darkly at the hopeful look in your eyes, equally as excited at the thought of your pretty lips wrapped around him. “Go on then, slut. I’m sure you know what to do with a cock. I’ve heard all the stories about you.”
You wanted to question him about that, but right now you had a much bigger thing on your mind.
You got back up onto your knees, regaining some kind of balance before wrapping your hand around the base of Hoseok’s cock, loving the way he hissed at the sudden contact. He felt so hot and heavy in your hand.
You begin to pump one hand up and down his shaft, making sure to gather some of his precum to make your hand slide smoother and paying attention to certain things that made Hoseok’s face twist in pleasure.
Hoseok groaned the moment you leaned down and swirled your tongue on his sensitive tip, slowly pushing your head down to engulf his cock. The salty taste of him was something you found yourself growing addicted to.
Slowly you bobbed your head, your tongue tracing the vain on the underside of his cock. You got into a good rhythm, enjoying sucking Hoseok’s cock for all that it’s worth, but of course he had to show you that he was still the one in charge here.
Hoseok gripped your hair once more, one hand on each side of your hair, looking you straight in the eyes.
“Deep breaths, baby.”
Before you could even think to take said breath, Hoseok plunges his cock straight into the back of your throat, your face meeting his pelvis.
Uncomfortable at first, but after a few shallow thrusts and you relaxing your jaw, it got a bit more tolerable.
Hoseok grunts and groans as he continued to face fuck you to oblivion. He enjoyed watching the tears in your eyes and the spit bubbling at the corners of your mouth as you took his cock. His good little cock slut.
After a few thrusts, he felt himself getting close, his balls tightening in anticipation, but he wanted to come inside of your cunt not your mouth as tempting as it was.
Just as you were getting used to being a human flesh light the next thing you knew Hoseok had pulled you off his cock - thankfully allowing you to catch your breath, which the air burned your lungs from how hard you were trying to suck it in - and thrown over his shoulder, his hand pushing your already short dress up your ass and your lacy black panties down your legs.
You gasp as the sudden cold air from the room hit your hot cunt, a shiver running up your spine, but you didn’t know if that was because of the cold or all the possibilities of what was about to happen.
Hoseok tossed you onto the bed. Thankfully it was really soft, but the look he fixed you with was not.
“Strip.” He commanded and you were once again quick to obey him, taking everything off, starting with those damned heels and finally your dress, which luckily had a hidden zip in the front. You were extremely happy that this dress didn’t require a bra.
All while you were early stripping, Hoseok was as well. He had quickly taken off his entire suite along with his boxers. Now there was nothing stopping you from seeing him and all his glory.
You knew he was built well, but he usually wore bulkier suits so you couldn’t see the outline of his hard body.
You bit your lip, praying he would come and fuck you already.
Hoseok crawled onto the bed - a predator stalking its prey. His hungry eyes raking over your entire body, hands trailing up your legs until they were at your waist where he gripped them, pulling you closer to him.
You moan as his hard cock comes into contact with your pussy. You could just feel the head poking your entrance.
You wiggle your hips, trying to get him to just slip in already, desperate to feel him stretch your walls, but Hoseok digs his fingers into your hips causing you to whimper.
“Patience my little cock slut. You’ll get your reward for being so good.” He teasingly pushes his tip just in a little bit, enjoying the way you squirm and whine.
“Please sir! I've been good! You said so yourself! So please plea-“
Your words turn into a scream as Hoseok pushes into you, the pain was almost excruciating, but thankfully you were wet enough to help. You had forgotten to warn him that you were a virgin, so he had no way of knowing. You didn’t blame him, you blamed yourself and the alcohol.
Hoseok stilled while you adjusted to his size, but that was difficult for him because you were so tight and warm around him. He just wanted to ruin you. Pound you into the bed until you didn’t know anyone else’s name but his.
After a while all of that pain turned into euphoric pleasure. You squeezed your walls around Hoseok, pulling a hiss from his lips.
“Don’t test me baby.” He growls.
You moan, back arching into him. “Please Hoseok. Move. Fuck me!”
“With pleasure.” Hoseok smirks before gripping your hips harder and thrusting into you, you cry out at the feeling of him. Never in your life did you ever think you would experience this kind of pleasure before.
Hoseok repeatedly pounds into you, his own low grunts fueling your fire. You mewl and moan, raising your hips to meet each thrust. Soon the sound of skin against skin and your moans filled the room, Hoseok’s name seeming to be the only thing you could call out.
Hoseok lifted your hips at the perfect angle to that spot that just made you see stars. You moan loudly, encouraging him to hit there again and to not stop.
“Fuck baby girl, I’m close.” Hoseok groans, thrusting harder.
“M me too.” You moan, feeling the coil in your stomach tighten and tighten until it finally gave way, pushing you over the edge.
You scream Hoseok’s name, wrapping your arms around his shoulder, clawing into them as if they were the only thing grounding you to reality.
Hoseok hissed at the feeling of your nails scraping hair back and your cunt tightening around him, but he continued to thrust, helping you through your orgasm before succumbing to his own pleasure. He groans loudly as he cums, thick white ropes shooting inside of you, filling you up.
You both just stay like that for a little bit, all sweaty and panting. Hoseok eventually pulled out of you and you imminently missed the feel of him inside you, missing the feeling of being so full.
He flops down beside you on the bed, his eyes already starting to drop, slowly slipping into the sweet temptation of sleep. You chuckle watching him drift off, yourself not far behind him.
In the back of your head you had a nagging feeling something bad was going to happen, you had just slept with your boss, but that was a problem for tomorrow’s you. For now, sleep was calling your name and you followed it.
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Tag List: @sunshine-procrastinate​ @sugalarity​
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
I’ll give you my quick thoughts and then jump into Muffy because you already KNOW I am saving a whole section for them
Celia’s growth was amazing. I love that she went from being strict to being so carefree and trusting of Bex
Bex in that wedding dress 👏🏻 Bowie in that Tux 👌🏻 like they didn’t have to do that but they did 😭
The slow dance was SO CUTE OMG
I loved that all of them sang lady Gaga- the song was perfect for them but sad Garren wasn’t on stage with Sofia
However, they showed the ships singing together and whenever they showed Buffy they showed Marty so I was like 😩😭👏🏻 ya know
TJ playing the piano was all I could have asked for
I LOVED the scene when Cyrus and Buffy talked about “relationship woes” like wow. 😭😍 that hurt because the parrallels were so blatantly obvious but Terri made sure to take EQUAL time to explain their woes with each character.
I LOVED watching TJ just RIP into Kira. Boi 👏🏻 told 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 off. He literally called her out for bullying and asked her to stop (likkkeeee not only was it great bc he was protective boyfriend mode™️ but because he showed growth. He defended Cyrus for something he used to do). It was great and a no Kira redemption was the best way they could have done that and it was was beautiful. 💯
I loved that Jandi scene! I have said I am actually ok with Jandi, but they needed more maturity. Andi needed to find herself and Jonah needed to be ready for a relationship. In time and when Andi can handle conflict, I think they would make a good pairing. But WITH TIME, like they said. Until then, Jonah has the cute bracelet. I think that was such a valuable lesson for kids to not rush something, just because you like someone. Make sure you are actually ready because crushes aren’t all just about endgames (which will sound hypocritical considering what I write next lol) but that they are a LOT of work and you have to have your head on correct to make sure you can handle it. Just *chef’s kiss*
I know Muffy was around this time (sorry my thoughts are so scattered- I am writing this post watching it so not everything is in a congruent timeline) but I am going to come back to them like I said earlier. They have a special reserved™️ section in this post 😍👏🏻
I laughed so hard at TJ’s name but gave all my uwu’s I had left post Muffy (which weren’t many but I reserved some for Tyrus) to that cute little line from Cyrus about how he liked his name 😭
That 👏🏻 hand 👏🏻 hold 👏🏻
Like watching TJ’s shaky fingers get all close I COULDN’T BREATHE-
They really out here making all benches gay huh?
And you could see how SHY TJ was talking to Cyrus. It was so sweet how flirty and awkward he got. I loved it.
I’m sure their hands were v sweaty but that’s a point for another day lol
I thought the scene was handled well considering their limits and tried to keep my expectations low, but TBH I was pretty bummed they didn’t actually say the words that they liked each other. I wish there was more dialogue than vague questions ya know? Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
I was also really REALLY hoping for some canon Muffy and Tyrus scenes at the party and kept checking the time stamp during the last scene hoping they would show SOMETHING but they didn’t say anything. Even just a quick “Hey I’m dating this person now and I love them all my uwu’s” would have been fine but it was like that was completely forgotten
However I’ve seen a few Tumblr posts about someone working on making fic text posts with the GHC talking about their canon ships so I’ll take what I can get :)
The Andi Shack and Andi getting into SAVA didn’t surprise me, but it was sweet
I really liked the whole side by side photo thing they did
What did surprise me was Jonah saying he loved Andi 😭 like that was such a sweet sentiment and I was just like, “Alexa play I Cried by Jonah Beck” you know?
Kinda also dissapointed we heard nothing more about Jonah’s panic attack’s, the hole in the wall, and possible Kippen Siblings
REALLY REALLY want an Andi Mack movie- they made a Lizzie McGuire one after only two seasons so they could with AM to address any plot holes (BUT IF THEY DO IT THEY BETTER HAVE CANON MUFFY AND TYRUS JOIN SO HELP ME BC MIRANDA WAS GONE IN TLMM AND I WAS READY TO SHOW HANDS)
Also other side note: I got kinda frustrated with all of the dancing/singing scenes. Like they were cute but also felt like a lot of wasted screen time (much like 3x19 or the Jonah/Cyrus camping scenes) when other plots could have been addressed
And no speaking lines for Amber? At all? Like...? Even with the Jonah stuff? Or redemption paralleling TJ. IDK seemed a lil wack to me
Ok here’s the good stuff
Again, Alexa play “I Cried” by Jonah Beck BECAUSE OH MY GOSH THEY WERE MY EVERYTHING
Surprisingly didn’t cry as much as 3x14 but I think that’s because I was shaking so bad (seriously I looked like I just went through a terrifying haunted house and stayed overnight in it, my hand trembling so much)
I enjoyed writing my fics, but really really liked the way Terri handled this
I loved all of their scenes dancing together and it was funny because after Cyrus and Buffy talked, Buffy was like, “he doesn’t like me” but then Marty spent the ENTIRE night like RIGHT NEXT TO BUFFY. Not with the other girl. Literally physical space is not a real thing with them. Watch when they dance, or when they see CeCe in the Dino costume or any other time, Buffy and Marty are ONLY next to each other and Marty even moves closer to Buffy when they are all huddled around CeCe if you watch closely enough
The frog parallel? 😭👌🏻
Buffy addressing Marty instead of the other way around? 😭👌🏻
Marty “what’s going on?” 😭👌🏻
I loved when Marty called himself a dope 😂👏🏻 13/10 sweet boi
Also, watching Buffy get worked up because they can’t have a real conversation I’m 😭😭😭 you could see actual tears in her eyes and THEN GIRL WENT RUNNING OUTSIDE FOR SOME FRESH AIR
AND GUESS WHO CHASES AFTER HER- I’M—- UGHHHHHH I’m getting worked up thinking about it tbh
Marty tries the conversation again and she SAYS SHE LIKES HIM. NO HESItation what kind of ROMANCE—
And then it was literal poetic cinema when he said he NEVER STOPPED LIKING HER AFTER THAT AWKWARD PAUSE AND GRABBED HER HANDS
It was so SOft-
I got my Muffy kiss 💅🏻 I just. I. You guys don’t understand. I was shipping this WAY before anyone really got on board. I remember trying to look up Muffy fan videos after two episodes of them together because I already fell in love with them and there was one like barely edited thirty second video on YouTube. I tried to post something on here and like two people liked it. I LIKED THEM WHEN BASICALLY NO ONE ELSE DID AND SO I FEEL LIKE I AM ONE OF THE MOST DESERVING OF THIS SHIP BEING ENDGAME AND NO ONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS JUST LET ME LOVE THEM
MUFFY KISS (sorry needed to say it one more time for emphasis)
And then they walked away together with their arms around each other 😭 If you watch closely Buffy kinda tucks her head into his arm and I’ve seen fics of them doing this so it made me heart 💗💓💓 when they actually did
Please Terri Minksy, I beg of you, if you don’t get a S4 make a movie but it is REQUIRED BY LAW that Muffy and Tyrus are in the ENTIRE movie- being canon and cute. They don’t even need angst but I still want scenes with them together just being in love.
I will be spending the entire next week in complete denial that this show is over, while rewatching this episode ten times and reading every Muffy fic I can find. Thanks for coming to my Tedx talk.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
Pretend Boyfriends
This was a really cute request by @tyrus-is-everything . The prompt was TJ and Cyrus pretend to date to get Kira to back off TJ but then end up together at the end. I hope y"all like it. It was a fun story to do. There is minor fluffy angst.
"Ugh…" TJ throws his hands on his face before dramatically falling back on Cyrus' bed. The two of them are supposed to be studying for a math test but TJ is obviously distracted. Cyrus, sitting across the room in a chair by his desk ,looks at the other boy. He takes the opportunity to enjoy how cute the blonde is while TJ has is face covered.
After a moment of staring, he snaps out of it. He clears his throat causing the jock to sit up and look at him. "Something on your mind, Teej?"
"Its Kira, dude. She is so clingy. She is always texting me, always asking to hang out. I don't exactly mind her, like she is cool to play some pick up games at the park with but she wants to hang out all the time. She just texted me asking to go to the park with her. I told her I am studying but she keeps texting me. Do you think she could have a crush on me?"
Cyrus shifts uncomfortably in his seat at the last question. He tries to regain his composure. He knows he shouldn't feel jealous over the idea that someone else likes TJ, but he does. But who wouldn't like TJ? He is so sweet, and the best looking guy at school, a great athlete…
"Hello, earth to Cyrus?" TJ waves his hand. He must have noticed Cyrus zoning out. Cyrus snaps back into it, slightly blushing. "Oh sorry, I'm a little out of it. What were you saying?"
"Kira, Cy. Do you think she could like me?"
"I mean it is pretty obvious she does. But I also think that she thinks you like her back."
TJ's face distorts in confusion. "Why would she think that?"
"Well you do spend a lot of time together. She flirts with you all the time and you are just so oblivious to it that you don't say anything. You even gave her a piggyback ride."
"I told you Cyrus, she bet me I couldn't carry her."
Cyrus rolls his eyes. "Yea but typically if someone randomly jumps on your back, or you know, constantly wants to around you, they probably like you more than just a friend."
"God, I'm an idiot. I can't believe I missed all that." TJ returns his hands to his face. "I want to make it clear to her somehow that I am not interested in her that way!"
Cyrus jokingly suggests "You can always get a girlfriend so she gets the hint that you are taken."
TJ suddenly gets a huge smile on his face. "That's a great idea!" 
"TJ, I was joking. How do you expect to get a girl just to go along with pretending to be with you just to get Kira off your back. Wouldn't it be easier just to talk to her?"
"First of all, no. Talking to her always just leads back to us talking about her. It is impossible to have a real conversation with her. Secondly, who said it had to be a girl? As long as she thinks I'm taken the plan will work. In fact, it could be anyone." TJ gets a devious look on his face and smirks at Cyrus.
"Oh no. No way TJ." Cyrus puts up his hands.
"Why Cyrus? It would be perfect. You're my best friend  and the only one I can trust with this. Plus you wouldn't have to keep it up for long. After she gets the hint that I don't like her, we could "break up" because we realized we are better as friends or something. Please Cyrus?" TJ flashes those puppy dog eyes. If only he realized how much those eyes made Cyrus' heart melt.
Cyrus lets out a sigh. "Let's say I agree, where would we do this?
"Well I was thinking there is that winter festival tomorrow night, I know she will be there. We can go together like a pretend date?"
"Fine, I'll do it. I will be your pretend boyfriend." Cyrus gives a small smile.
"Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me!" TJ gets up and walks across the room. He throws his arms around Cyrus. He continues "Really, thank you." 
TJ's arms linger around Cyrus far longer than a random hug. Cyrus clears his throat again, seemingly shocking the other back to reality. TJ pulls away quickly.
"Sorry about that Cyrus, you know, just trying to rehearse what to do as your boyfriend." He gives a nervous laugh.
Cyrus, trying not to read too much into it, replies, "Yeah, rehearsing is good. Um we should get back to math."
"Yea, you're right. We should study." The other boy says, sounding equally as flustered. 
That night, neither boy could sleep. Both were thinking about that hug in Cyrus' bedroom and what laid ahead the following evening.
They decided to meet at TJ's house before heading to the festival. Cyrus is nervous as he walks to TJ's front door. He has been here so many times before but this time feels different. This time his heart feels like is was going to fly out his chest at any moment. He has to remind himself that this is pretend. Maybe the flowers were too much he thinks to himself. TJ only likes you as a friend he keeps saying in head.
On the other side of the door is an equally nervous boy. He has redone his hair at least 3 times. Amber, his big sister, is trying to calm him down. She smiles as she finishes fixing his hair, washing out some of the excess gel. Her brother hasn't admitted his crush on his best friend to anyone. But Amber can tell. She wants tonight to go well for him.
The doorbell rings, and TJ practically trips running down the steps to answer it. Before opening the door, he reminds himself to stay cool. Unfortunately, it takes everything in him not to go full heart eyes when he opens the door. There Cyrus was, cheeks pink from the cold air, standing in front of him with a bouquet of violets and white roses. He looked so cute. "Hey Underdog."
"Hey, not-so-scary-basketball-guy. I um brought you these, I figured it would help us stay in character if we play the part completely. You know, method acting." Cyrus says as a lame excuse. In reality, he thought the colors would look pretty with the contrast to TJ's bright green eyes. He hands them to the taller boy.
"I love them. These are great. Thank you, Cyrus." He gives a soft smile. "Let me put these in some water and we can go."
Soon enough they were making their way to the festival. When they walk through the gates, they see a massive ice rink full of people skating and having fun. There are stands with hot chocolate, and winter crafts for kids. Further back, people are sledding down a long hill. String lights fill the open air space with a warm glow. 
TJ looks over at Cyrus' face. He looks so happy and cute. His face is filled with pure joy, looking like a kid who has just walked into a winter wonderland. He takes this opportunity to slide his hand into Cyrus'. He expects some resistance but only feels the warmth of the other boy's hand squeezing back before intertwining their fingers. Cyrus says in a barely audible tone "Got to keep up the role right?" Before pointing somewhere with his eyes. TJ follows his line of direction to Kira, standing near a food tent staring at them. 
Cyrus speaks again. "I think she definitely sees us. You think she will get the hint?" 
"I hope so but we should keep this up for the rest of the night just in case." TJ says in a voice that almost sounds foreign. Cyrus swears that he almost sounds nervous even.
"Of course." Cyrus smiles. "Wanna go skating? It is one of the only athletic things I can do without completely embarrassing myself."
"Yeah, that sounds great." TJ responds as he starts to lead the brunette to the skate rental booth. As they step closer, they see some familiar faces. Buffy and Andi are standing in line waiting to rent their skates. Cyrus starts to internally panic as he and TJ get closer. He forgot to fill his friends in on this plan. What if they blow their cover? Cyrus pleads with whatever G-d is out there to stop his friends from noticing him. No such luck.
Buffy spots them right away. She calls over. "Cyrus, TJ over here." 
TJ, not realizing what could go wrong, happily pulls Cyrus to the others, still holding hands. 
"Hey, I didn't know you guys were coming." Andi says. "Cyrus said he had plans tonight." Her eyes shoot down to the boys' intertwined fingers. "Oh my god. Are you guys on a date?"
Neither boy answers, unsure what to do. Buffy smiles at them. "You guys are, aren't you? I am so excited for you! Finally, right?"
With those words Cyrus' heart drops. Buffy just unintentionally opened a can of worms he wanted to keep shut. TJ speaks next. "What do you mean by finally?"
"Well you know, Cyrus had such a crush on you for so long and literally anyone with eyes could see that you liked him just as much. I am just surprised you didn't do this sooner." She says nonchalantly as the group of kids get their skates. 
Cyrus quickly interjects "Well, um, we are going to go skate now. " He sounds anxious and even with the cold air around them, Cyrus feels clammy. He pulls TJ away from their friends, who look completely confused, and to the rink.
He keeps expecting TJ to call this whole plan off. He expects TJ to be freaked out. He expects him to regret ever becoming his friend. But when it comes to TJ Kippen, you should never expect one thing, because you will get something else. TJ seems to pretend like that entire conversation didn't even happen. He goes on with their fake date. He appears completely unfazed as he pulls Cyrus onto the ice. That is, of course, on the outside.
On the inside TJ was a bundle of nerves. Was Buffy right? Did Cyrus really like him in the same way he liked Cyrus? Could this be a thing? Could he really date the boy of his dreams? He was surprised that Cyrus could not hear his heart pounding. TJ really did not want to get his hopes up but he was struggling to keep them low. 
Neither boy spoke much as they skated laps around the rink. But they never let go of each other's hand, almost like they needed the connection. After a bit, they hear a skater coming up behind them. As the skater went around them, she came into view; Kira. She stops in front of them and gives almost a disgusted smile. "Hey TJ. Cyrus." The latter's name was spoken with much contempt.
"Oh hey Kira." TJ replies.
"So what is this? Are guys seriously a thing now?" The words leave her mouth like venom.
The taller boy speaks again. "As a matter of fact, we are." He smiles before removing his hand from Cyrus' only to throw it around Cyrus' waist pulling him closer.
Being this close to TJ makes it almost impossible to breathe. The air from his lungs felt like it was caught in his throat. All he can do is stand pathetically wrapped in TJ's arm, but he wasn't about to complain.
Kira's voice cuts through his thoughts, louder than before. People are beginning to stare. "I don't think whatever this is, is real. You expect me to believe that you would rather date this loser, over me. We compliment each other so well."
TJ's grip around Cyrus gets tighter as he snaps back. "Don't call him that! You don't know anything about him! He is the sweetest, smartest, cutest person I ever met. Anyone would be proud to be with him, I know I am." Cyrus' blushes, thankful that the cold could account for the pink filling his face. 
She smirks "Then kiss him."
"What?" TJ chokes out.
"If he really is your boyfriend, kiss him."
Cyrus looks up at TJ, not sure what to do next. TJ looks back at Cyrus to get permission with his eyes to kiss him. Cyrus nods softly. TJ's eyes flicker down to Cyrus' lips before leaning in and ...does nothing. He stops before meeting Cyrus' lips.
"I'm sorry. I can't. I'm sorry…" he says one more time to Cyrus before running away leaving Cyrus on the ice. Cyrus' heart sinks to the pit of his stomach.
Kira lets out a dry laugh. "I knew it. TJ could never really be into a guy like you." Her words felt like knives piercing him all over. As she skates away, he is left feeling like an idiot.
TJ had spoken all those nice things about him. He didn't freak out when Buffy revealed his crush crush on the athlete. He didn't deny what Buffy said about him liking Cyrus. Cyrus, for a moment, let himself believe that they could possibly be a thing. But it was obvious by how TJ reacted just now, that he was being delusional. TJ was just being polite.
He shoots TJ a short text.
I'm heading home.
He doesn't even get a reply.
Cyrus lays in bed, replaying the events from earlier that night. He keeps reliving that awful feeling he had watching TJ run away from him. He should of stuck to his gut. It was a terrible idea to do a fake date. He knew somehow he would get hurt. But he could never say no to TJ. But now he is left feeling more stupid, and humiliatedthan he has ever felt.
He is jarred from his thoughts when he hears a tap on his window. He is on the second floor so he is a little uneasy. Then there is a second tap.He turns on his bedside lamp. Another tap hits the window. Cyrus takes a deep breath and walks to the window. Looking outside he sees a figure sitting on the tree branch outside his room. It doesn't take him long to recognize the figure. He opens his window. "TJ?"
"Hey Cyrus, a little help here." He says reaching his hand out, asking to come into the room. Like it was established earlier, Cyrus can't say no to those green eyes. He grabs the other boy's hand and helps pull him inside. 
The boys face each other. Cyrus doesn't get why TJ is here. Hasn't he been humiliated enough today without the taller boy coming to remind him that he is an idiot with another unrequited crush?
In a hushed tone, as to not wake his parents, Cyrus asks "Do you have any idea what time it is? What are you doing here? Are you crazy? Look I get that it was dumb for me to think you could..." Cyrus is suddenly cut off by the other boys lips pressing against his. TJ's arma pulling Cyrus closer to him. It only last a few seconds before TJ pulls away but without removing his arms. Cyrus is in complete shock.
"What ...what was that for?" Cyrus can hardly push the words across his teeth.
"It's what I wanted to do earlier. I like you a lot Cyrus. I like you as way more than a friend. All those things I said earlier to Kira, I meant every single word.You are so sweet. You are so smart. And damn. You are so cute. When I am with you, you make me want to be a better person. You are always there to build me up, even when it feels like the world wants to tear me down. I don't want to be pretend boyfriends. I want you to be my real boyfriend. I just don't know what else to say. Just please tell me that you like me in the same way. Please." TJ looks like he is holding his breath waiting for a response.
Cyrus gives a small smile before reaching up and touching TJ's cheek. "I do. I do like you in the same way. I would love nothing more than being your real boyfriend. "
TJ let's out the air that moments ago was caught in his lungs. "Good." He laughs softly.
"But wait," Cyrus asks "If you liked me too, why did you run off today?"
"Because… because a minute ago, was my first kiss. I was so nervous in front of all those people. I didn't want to look stupid and I panicked." TJ turns his gaze away from Cyrus, almost ashamed to make eye contact.
"TJ, I get it. And I like this better anyways. Our relationship is on our terms, not Kira's. I can't believe I was your first kiss. You're  so, I mean look at you. You are so adorable. I'm surprised people weren't lining up to kiss you."
"Cyrus, until you, I didn't want to kiss anyone." He blushes and Cyrus takes note of every detail on TJ's face. 
"You mean that?"
"I've never meant anything more. So is it a yes to the boyfriend thing? Because I would like to try this kissing stuff again." He gives a cheesy grin at the shorter boy.
"Yea, it is a yes. But a las, you have to leave before my parents wake up. But The Spoon tomorrow for lunch?
"Definitely." TJ finally pulls off of Cyrus, making his way to the open window. 
"TJ wait." Cyrus says.
"What is it, muffin?"
Cyrus blushes at the new nickname before stepping closer and placing little kiss on TJ's cheek. "Night Teej."
With a small wave, TJ is gone out the window. 
Well neither of them are getting any sleep tonight. 
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tyrus prompt: museum field trip where cyrus gets on the bus to find that the only empty seat is next to tj. also whoever they sit next to is their partner/buddy for the day. you can make this as angsty (post 313, both hurting and not knowing how to deal but forced to by the situation, so close yet so far etc) or fluffy (closer to a date, maybe an au where this is the first time they get to know each other) as you want! either way, love the concept of field trip setting tyrus
“oh and muffy are also sitting together/partners, if you wanted both ships in the same prompt! those two as partners could be fun. competing to see who's faster to fill in the worksheet or whatever first, but ending up enjoying themselves at the different museum exhibits. how carefree they are could either contrast with angsty tyrus for more angst (wishing they could enjoy themselves like that too, like they used to) or make a fluff fic even fluffier, idk, good with either”
thank u for the prompt, enjoy!!
(word count: 1951)
“What do you mean you’re not gonna sit with me?” Cyrus whined as he and Buffy walked to the bus that would be taking them and the rest of their history class to the Shadyside Museum of History.
Buffy chuckled, knocking into his shoulder, “I mean, I’m not gonna sit with you. Marty already asked me to sit with him, and it’s been long enough ago now since he broke up with his girlfriend. I’m not screwing things up this time.”
Cyrus deadpanned, “Well, you have always been known for your determination, didn’t know why I expected this to be any different.”
Buffy rolled her eyes and stopped walking for a moment as she exclaimed, “Cyrus!”
“I’m sorry! You know I’m team Muffy and all, but I have no one else to sit with since Andi and Jonah aren’t in our class,” Cyrus complained, stopping with her.
“What about TJ?” Buffy questioned.
Cyrus squinted, “Well...”
Buffy smacked him on the shoulder. “You still haven’t talked to him? Why? You’re, like, the king of communication. Andi and I had to physically constrain you from talking to him during the whole gun thing.”
“Why do you want me to talk to him? You’ve never exactly been his biggest fan,” Cyrus asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
Buffy sighed, “Because, Cyrus, I’ve seen how important you are to each other. There’s gotta be a reason he ditched you for the literal devil.”
Cyrus raised one eyebrow, deadpanning yet again, “You mean Kira?”
“I said what I said. Now, come on, we’re gonna miss the bus,” Buffy said, grabbing Cyrus’ wrist and dragging him to the bus.
They made their way on the bus as the teacher was giving them instructions, droning on about, “...Whoever you sit next to will be your study buddy for the trip, and you are to stay with them at all times so we can keep track of you all easier...”
Buffy sat down almost immediately as Marty was in the front, which left Cyrus to look down the aisle on the bus to see the only spot left open. He walked down towards almost the back of the bus and sat down, and he turned his head to spot the one person he did not want to see, the one person he would have to be around the entire day.
Of course, Cyrus thought, of course the universe wants to play me again. Thanks a lot.
“Hey, Cyrus,” TJ mumbled, looking down, almost scared to talk to him, which surprised the smaller boy.
“Hey,” Cyrus breathed out. It was all he could manage, really.
“Looks like we’re partners for the day,” TJ added, now looking anywhere but Cyrus.
Cyrus just nodded slowly, not knowing what to say. He looked across the aisle just in time to notice Buffy taking a glance at the two of them, who quickly turned around as to not draw attention to herself. Yeah, that didn’t work. He pulled out his phone and texted her.
cy-guy: what are you doing?!
slayer: TALK TO HIM!!
slayer: it’ll be worse if you guys are just in silence the entire day, if you at least talk then it won’t be as awkward
cy-guy: i hate it when you’re right
slayer: you must hate it all the time then ;)
He turned off his phone and faced the other boy, who was looking out the window as the bus started to move. He swallowed his pride, if there was any there to begin with, and said, “So, what’ve you been up to lately?”
TJ’s head snapped to look at him as practically the speed of light. “Oh, uh, nothing really... basketball, you know.”
Before Cyrus could register what he was saying, he blurted out, “You been hanging out with Kira a lot?”
TJ blushed—figures, Cyrus thought—before he responded, “No, not really. ‘S not like I want to anyw— I mean, you know what, I should just stop talking.” He tried to laugh off what he said, but Cyrus had caught it.
Maybe not figures.
“Why wouldn’t you want to?” Cyrus questioned, trying to tread as lightly as he could. He wouldn’t push, but he couldn’t stop himself from adding, “You kinda did a costume together.”
TJ looked scared then. He tried to joke, “Asking a lot of questions today, aren’t we, Und—Cyrus?”
Cyrus just raised a patient eyebrow, waiting for him to answer.
TJ sighed, leaning his head back on the chair. “It’s just a lot to explain.”
Cyrus turned to face him entirely. “I’ve got the whole day to listen. If you want me to.”
Meanwhile, Marty and Buffy had quickly reassumed their usual bantering ways, as Marty had been reading her texts with Cyrus over her shoulder. “What’s going on with him, anyway?”
Buffy replied, “He’s just being unusually... quiet.”
Marty snorted. “‘S something you could never do,” he teased.
“Please, Mr. ‘I Ate a Live Frog’, you never know when to shut up,” Buffy teased back, nudging him on the shoulder.
“Only around cute girls, which you would know if you were around when I started talking to Rachel,” Marty joked.
Buffy made a pitiful face, “I am sorry about you guys— wait.”
Buffy had a look of incredulity now, as she continued, “You thought I was cute?”
Marty blushed and chuckled, “I thought that was kinda clear when I asked you out on the bridge. And you turned me down.”
Buffy’s mouth went into a straight line at that. “Right.”
They arrived at the museum soon after, splitting up to roam around and look at different exhibits. Marty and Buffy dashed ahead of the rest of the groups, obviously caught in some competition, again. TJ and Cyrus hung back from mostly everyone else, riddled with awkward silence. They took their time throughout the museum, and TJ would stare intently at every exhibit as Cyrus took the notes they required.
Eventually, though, Cyrus got sick of the quiet game and said, “Okay, I know you’re a history buff and all, but the history of oil in Shadyside cannot be that interesting.”
TJ continued reading the wall, dismissing him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“TJ,” Cyrus said calmly, placing his hand on TJ’s shoulder, and it was only then that he looked towards Cyrus. “You can talk to me.”
TJ sighed, looking up at the ceiling, “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just... don’t know how.”
“Then I’ll try my best to listen.”
TJ looked around the room then, noticing it was next to empty aside from two other pairs of students, and he dragged Cyrus to a bench next to the exit for the next exhibit. They sat down, a beat of silence following them.
“Kira and I had never talked before. She introduced herself right before you had come over to me that one time. The next day, she came up to me again while I was practicing alone and asked me if I wanted to do a costume with her,” TJ began explaining.
“And you said yes because she’s a pretty girl and you’d rather to a costume with your crush than your friend. I get it,” Cyrus said, trying to make sense of it all.
“Actually,” TJ took a moment, “I said no, because I was already doing a costume with you. I didn’t want to do a costume with her at all. She kept persisting, and I kept turning her down. Finally, she said, ‘You’d rather do a costume with Cyrus than with me? Have fun with that.’ It felt like she was implying that it was bad I’d rather do a costume with a boy than a girl, like it was a threat.”
Cyrus gulped. “Oh.”
TJ continued, “I was so ready to do the costume with you, I had the board shorts on and everything, but I couldn’t help thinking she was going to do something if I didn’t match with her, so I... took the coward’s way out.”
Cyrus furrowed his eyebrows, trying to comprehend what the taller boy was telling him. “Because you didn’t want it to look... gay.”
TJ crinkled his nose. “If that’s how you wanna look at it, yeah.”
Cyrus immediately grew defensive then. “What’s so bad with looking gay? Do you have a problem with gay people? Because if so, I’m just gonna lea—“
“I’d be a hypocrite if I did, Cyrus.”
Cyrus’ eyes widened. “What?”
TJ leaned forward, analyzing the floor as he rested his elbows on his knees. “I am... gay. I just didn’t want people to know yet,” he mumbled.
“Oh.” Cyrus put a comforting hand on TJ’s shoulder. “I’m glad that you trust me enough to tell me,” he said, giving him the warmest smile possible. “And, I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions about things.”
TJ looked up at him with soft eyes. He nearly whispered, “You have nothing to apologize for, Cyrus. This is all my fault, I should be the one apologizing.” He took Cyrus’ free hand in his. “I am so sorry, Cy. You have no idea.”
Cyrus dropped the hand that rested on TJ’s shoulder. “It’s okay, I get it, you got manipulated, which isn’t fair at all. You have nothing to worry about.” He paused, then added, “If it makes you feel any better, I know exactly how you feel.”
TJ’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he began stuttering, “I– you’re– wh– a-are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Cyrus smiled confidently, “I’m gay, too.” He’d come a long way, and he was proud of the fact that he could actually say that with confidence now. (As he should be.)
TJ just gave him one of his signature grins, a blush painting his cheeks. “Cool.”
Cyrus chuckled, “I’m getting a little deja vu.”
TJ furrowed his brows. “What?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“I told you I could answer all the questions first!” Buffy boasted to Marty, who simply laughed in defeat as they exited the museum.
“You always were the smart one, weren’t you?” Marty teased. “Just means I’m the more athletic one.”
Buffy elbowed his side. “Oh, you wish.”
They both walked in a comfortable silence for a few beats, blushes painting both of their faces.
That is, until Buffy mumbled, “You know, if you asked me out again, I wouldn’t turn you down this time.”
Marty turned to look at her overdramatically and shouted, “Oh, really?”
Buffy grinned, blushing even more. “Please don’t make a big deal out of this.”
Marty simply smirked, stopped, and took both of her hands, exclaiming, “The one and only, Buffy ‘The Slayer’ Driscoll, will you do me the honor of being my non-virtual girlfriend?”
Honestly, Buffy was just surprised no one was paying attention at that point, but she rolled her eyes and nodded in response.
Marty dropped her hands as they made their way back to the bus, muttering, “Took you long enough.”
Buffy scoffed, “Oh, don’t be so entitled.”
“You love me.”
Yeah, Cyrus and TJ has seen that whole thing as they were walking out of the museum, and they couldn’t help but laugh at the spectacle Marty had made. But, Buffy deserved it, she deserved to be happy, so Cyrus was happy for them. TJ was just grateful they wouldn’t have to watch the endless pining and banter anymore.
They plopped back down in their spots on the bus as TJ blurted out, “I’m really glad we made up. That was probably one of the worst weeks of my life.”
Cyrus took his hand, replying, “Me too.”
Cyrus didn’t care if Buffy was looking that time. TJ didn’t care if anyone was looking that time.
slayer: so, tj?
cy-guy: so, marty?
slayer: oh shut up
334 notes · View notes
seraph-novak · 5 years
Tyrus camping prompt! (Aka I slept outside recently and now I’m full hippie mode, obsessed with nature) TJ is a plant-freak and when they go hiking, he’s quick to name every plant he sees. He ends up having to give Cyrus a piggy-back ride halfway through the hike bc he’s exhausted. They go kayaking and swim in the river, then cuddle together in the tent at night. Also a part where Cyrus wakes up to find TJ making him breakfast over the campfire. (This is super fluffy, my angst days are over)
I don’t know anything about camping (especially in America) so I apologise for any inaccuracies… Even so, I really enjoyed writing this, so I hope you like it!
All feedback is very much appreciated ♥
As they made their way through the densely-packed forest, with the lush, summer grass brushing their ankles and the distant sunlight casting dappled shadows across the path ahead, Cyrus found himself wondering – not for the first time – why he’d agreed to come on this trip in the first place. With every rustle, crunch, and muffled squawk, his fear spread like a flood throughout his entire body, until it settled as a suffocating lump in the back of his throat. He screwed his eyes shut, breathed deeply through his nose, and struggled to remain at least slightly calm.
Somewhere behind them, a twig snapped, and the last of his composure burst out of him in the form of a strangled scream. He spun around, cold sweat springing to the surface of his neck, and stumbled backwards into TJ’s arms.
“What was that?” he cried, reaching blindly for his friend’s hand. When he felt the solid warmth of TJ’s palm pressed against his own, he relaxed a little. “I-I thought I heard something.”
TJ chuckled. “We’re in the forest, Underdog. You’re probably gonna hear a lot of things.”
“Do you think we’re being followed?”
“By a squirrel, maybe.”
“I’m being serious, Teej! I feel like we’re being watched…”
At the trembling note of fear in his voice, TJ turned him around and gently cupped his face in his hands, a reassuring smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“The forest is full of life,” he told him. “There are eyes everywhere. But it’s nothing to be afraid of, okay?”
Cyrus gulped. “A-Are you sure?”
“Look.” TJ took his hand and guided them both to the ground, crouching beside a patch of buttery-yellow flowers spotted amongst the leaves. “These are celandine poppies,” he said, touching Cyrus’ fingertips to the small, delicate petals. “They’re pretty, huh? Not scary at all.”
Cyrus tilted his head to the side, stubbornly searching for something intimidating about the yellow-studded foliage, but there was nothing. TJ was right.
“I guess they’re not scary,” he mumbled. “But I still heard something behind us!”
“You probably did,” TJ conceded with a shrug. “There’s a lot of animals around here, Cy. The forest is full of life, like I said.” He nodded at the poppies and softened his smile. “Just think of them like the flowers, okay? They’re not gonna hurt you.”
Cyrus scoffed. “Oh, yeah… Because bears are a lot like flowers.”
“We’re not gonna see any bears.”
“How do you know?”
“The only bears around here are black bears, and they’re just as scared of us as we are of them.” TJ knocked their shoulders together and offered him another placating smile. “The worst they might do is steal our food while we’re sleeping.”
“Not the food!” Cyrus gasped, a sickening churn of hunger making his stomach rumble.
TJ rolled his eyes fondly and reached into his rucksack, pulling out a couple of protein bars and handing them to Cyrus. “These should hold you over until we set up camp.”
“Which is when, by the way?”
“You can’t be tired already.”
“All this worrying is making me exhausted!” Cyrus whined. He accepted TJ’s outstretched hand and allowed himself to be pulled back to his feet, immediately swaying forward and slumping against TJ’s shoulder. With his cheek cushioned against the softness of TJ’s plaid jacket, he sighed. “Can’t we stop for a bit? My feet hurt…”
“It’s gonna be dark in a few hours,” TJ said, but Cyrus could hear the edge of reluctance in his voice.
“Just a few minutes,” he slurred. “I promise I won’t fall asleep.”
TJ snorted. “You’re drooling.”
“No, I’m not.”
“C’mon, Cy…”
After a moment of silent contemplation, TJ seemed to reach a decision. He tucked an arm under Cyrus’ legs and hauled him into the air, draping Cyrus’ sleep-laden arms over his shoulders and gripping the backs of his ankles for support. It was awkward, what with the bulky rucksack taking up most of the space on his back, but he somehow managed it.
“What are you doing?” Cyrus asked, his fatigue pushed aside by shock for a brief moment. “You can’t carry me the rest of the way! You’ll hurt yourself.”
TJ flicked him an amused glance over his shoulder. “I think you overestimate how heavy you are.”
“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or not…”
“I’ll be fine. Just… hold on.”
“Are you sure?”
“But –”
“The longer you keep arguing, the longer I’ll have to carry you.”
Cyrus snapped his mouth shut, the weariness slowly creeping back into his muscles as he melted against TJ’s back. When they started moving again, the rhythmic sound of TJ’s footsteps began lulling him to sleep, his eyelids drooping with the combined weight of exhaustion and contentment. He curled his fingers in the front of TJ’s shirt, now sticking to his chest with a thin sheen of sweat, and rested his head against TJ’s shoulder.
On the cusp of sleep, his lips twitched drowsily with a smile, the reason he agreed to come on this trip with TJ suddenly seeming so obvious.
When he finally stirred a few hours later, the warmth of TJ’s back was gone, replaced instead by the cool confinements of his sleeping bag. The dying sunlight filtering through the plastic roof of the tent coloured his surroundings with a blue tinge, and the sweltering heat had subsided somewhat, the door to the tent now flapping in a welcoming breeze.
Cyrus wiped his bleary eyes with the back of his arm as he stumbled out of the tent, almost stepping on the protein bars lying next to his sleeping bag in the process. Outside, two rocks had been angled around a nest of tinder – ready for a fire – in the middle of the clearing, and TJ’s rucksack was propped up against a nearby tree. At the sight of his belongings, Cyrus was overcome with a pang of affection for his friend, which quickly shifted into concern when he realised he was completely alone.
“TJ?” he called into the clearing, his eyes frantically scanning the edge of the trees surrounding their campsite. “TJ! If you’ve been eaten by a bear, I won’t be pleased!”
A familiar laugh emerged from behind him, followed by a face-devouring grin that never failed to make his stomach swoop.
“I haven’t been eaten,” TJ said, lifting his arms and doing a little spin as if to prove it. He’d stripped off his jacket and shirt and swapped his pants for a pair of shorts, and his hair was plastered in dark, sopping strands against his forehead. “There’s a river just over there. I went for a swim while you were sleeping.”
Cyrus tore his eyes away from TJ’s bare chest, his cheeks heating with a startled blush. “I… I-I wish you’d woken me up. I was worried.”
“Sorry, Underdog. You just looked so peaceful, you know? I didn’t wanna disturb you.”
“And you set up camp by yourself?”
“It was no biggy,” TJ said, waving off his worries as he combed through his rucksack and tossed an extra pair of shorts at Cyrus. He was smirking when he lifted his head again. “Besides… Your snoring was enough entertainment to keep me occupied.”
Cyrus slapped a hand over his heart, feigning insult. “I do not snore!”
“Okay. You just make pig-like noises in your sleep, then.”
“Very funny…”
“I thought it was cute.” As soon as the words left his mouth, TJ flushed all the way down to his bellybutton. “I… I mean… It was funny. But, like, in a cute way… Does that make sense?”
Cyrus bit his lip. “Yeah, it does… Thank you.”
“Oh. Um… You’re welcome, I guess.”
“How’s the river?” Cyrus asked, desperately searching for a way to move the conversation forward, before things became irreparably awkward.   
TJ shook out his sopping hair, sending droplets of water flying across the campsite, and beamed. “It’s awesome! You have to come for a swim with me, Cy.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“Oh, let me think… Leeches, frogs, big scary fish with sharp teeth… Am I leaving anything out?”
TJ huffed a laugh. “A few fish aren’t gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not willing to take that risk.”
“Not even for me?”
It was a sneaky move, but it worked. At the sight of TJ’s wide, pleading eyes and protruding bottom lip, Cyrus felt his resolve swiftly crumbling. He sucked in a breath, gathering the last few shreds of his defiance, then caved with a sigh. He quickly changed into TJ’s spare shorts, pulling the drawstrings as tightly as possible to accommodate for their staggering size difference, then followed a grinning TJ out of the clearing and towards the river, grumbling all the way.
“I better not drown,” he said, poking TJ firmly in the stomach. “Or get bitten by a radioactive fish and turn into a merman!”
TJ threw his head back with laughter. “I’ll protect you, Underdog.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
By the time they reached the river, the sunlight had softened slightly, the brilliant blue of the sky slowly turning a dusty purple as dusk began to fall. The river was a shimmering expanse of oily black that seemed to stretch on for miles, and Cyrus could imagine himself wading too far and losing himself beneath the eerily flat surface of water, dragged down by a slithery grip on his ankle…
“You’ll be fine,” TJ said, noticing the body-racking shudder running down his spine. He placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze. “I’ll be with you the whole time.”
“You ready to go in?”
Cyrus crossed his arms over his chest, his bare toes curling in the wet pebbles beneath his feet. “I… I’m not sure…”
“Here.” TJ held out his hand, eyebrows raised expectantly, and waited for Cyrus to take it. When he did, a jolt of electricity shot through his arm, burning off the afternoon chill in an instant. TJ’s thumb swept across his knuckles, and his stomach twisted into knots. “I won’t let go until you’re ready,” TJ murmured softly. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Cyrus said, and this time he meant it.
The first step came as a shock, the sun-kissed water much warmer than he’d expected as it lapped over his feet, but he quickly adjusted to the odd sensation. It was like walking through a knee-high bath in the middle of the forest, with mysterious shadows swimming between his legs and nipping at his toes –
“What was that?” he screamed, splashing a wave of water into the air as he dove behind TJ. The shadow gave an indignant flick of its tail and swam in the opposite direction.
TJ squeezed his hand. “Just a rainbow trout,” he said, pointing out another silvery fish in the near distance. “See the pink stripe across its body?”
“D-Do they eat human flesh?”
“Don’t worry,” TJ said, his words light with laughter, “unless you’re a giant insect, I think you’ll be fine.”
Cyrus allowed himself to breathe again. “Okay, good.”
“Still scared?”
“Yeah, but… Not as much.”
TJ smiled. “You’re doing great, Cy. You wanna go a little further out?”
“I promise I won’t let go, remember?”
With his eyes glued on the murky suggestion of his feet beneath the water, Cyrus slowly followed TJ through the river, his knees eventually slipping beneath the surface until the water was touching his waist.
“I can’t see my feet anymore,” he said, panic quickly rising in his throat as he squinted through the water.
TJ snaked an arm around his waist. “Can you feel them?”
“Well… Yeah, but –”
“Then they’re still there.” He gave Cyrus a wink. “You’re doing fine, Underdog.”
The pride in TJ’s eyes made him feel warm and fuzzy inside, even as the sun started to sink behind the trees bordering the river. He held onto that feeling as TJ led him further and further into the water, until his toes were no longer touching the ground. Every time he started to panic, TJ would point out another fish skimming the surface of the river and start listing off random facts about it, his hand only slipping from Cyrus’ grip when he was sure he was ready. But even then, he was always close by, his eyes never straying too far as they floated in the river side by side, their fingertips brushing beneath the water.
When the sun whispered its final goodbyes, and the moon slowly faded into sight, they reluctantly made their way back to camp. He wasn’t sure what gave him the confidence to do it – maybe it was the exhilaration still coursing through his veins, or the breathtaking smile on TJ’s face – but as they stumbled out of the water, Cyrus reached over and took TJ’s hand again.
“What’s wrong?” TJ asked, taking the gesture as a sign of fear.
Cyrus simply shrugged and smiled. “Nothing.”
“Is this okay?”
“Yes!” TJ cried. After a beat of silence, he blushed, surprised by his own eagerness, and lowered his voice. “I mean… yes. This is more than okay.”
Later, as they lay on their stomachs and watched the stars from the safety of their tent, Cyrus pushed the boundaries even further, resting his head on TJ’s shoulder and letting a dreamy sigh escape his lips. He fell asleep to the sound of TJ quietly mapping out the constellations above, his one hand tracing their glittering impressions on the endless, velvet sky, and the other carding soothing patterns through Cyrus’ hair.
Cyrus woke to the smell of pancakes hanging in the air. He was still lying on his stomach, with his one arm dangling outside the tent, and his face was smushed against TJ’s plaid jacket. He breathed in the familiar scent and smiled, his stomach fluttering at the mere thought of getting to spend the day with TJ again.
As expected, the other boy was standing over the campfire, quietly pushing the pancakes around in the pan. When he caught Cyrus watching him, he grinned.
“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.”
“You have to stop doing all the hard work while I’m asleep,” Cyrus said as he joined his friend by the fire, although he was secretly grateful for the chance to sleep in. “These look amazing, Teej.”
“They’re just pancakes… Nothing fancy.”
“They still look amazing.”
TJ flicked him a side-glance, his cheeks turning pink as their eyes met over the dancing flames. “Thanks,” he said. “I, uh… I didn’t wanna wake you up. You looked too cute. And not in a funny way, either, just… cute.” He licked his lips, a nervous laugh bubbling out of him. “Sorry. That was weird.”
Before he could talk himself out of it, Cyrus leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. TJ flinched at the unexpected gesture, dropping his spatula into the spitting oil and almost knocking the pan to the ground. Completely stunned, he slowly lifted his fingers to the ghost of Cyrus’ lips.
“What… What was that for?” he asked, swallowing thickly.
Cyrus shrugged. “It was my turn to take charge.”
“Oh.” A devious smile thawed the slack-jawed expression of shock on his face, and he playfully bumped their shoulders together. “So you’re in charge of the kisses, huh?”
“Well,” Cyrus said with a smirk, “feel free to take initiative now and again.”
“How about now?”
“Now’s good.”
And with that, TJ pulled him closer and pressed their lips together, the unmistakable curve of his smile lifting against Cyrus’ cheek. He tasted like protein bars and cheap coffee, but Cyrus would’ve happily sat there and kissed him forever, if their breakfast wasn’t slowly burning to a crisp right next to them.
“You better get that,” he whispered, wrinkling his nose at the acrid smell of smoke wafting through the air.
TJ leaned their foreheads together and groaned. “Stupid pancakes…”
“Hey! You take that back.”
“You’re such a dork,” TJ laughed.
“A cute dork?”
“The cutest.”
Cyrus ducked his head and grinned, his heart racing at his own boldness. A few days ago, the idea of TJ finding out about his crush had seemed like an end-of-the-world type of situation, and now he was shamelessly flirting with him next to a pan of burning pancakes without a care in the world. He felt like his life had been turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
“I’ll let you finish breakfast,” he said, forcing himself to let go of TJ and get to his feet. “Are we still going kayaking today?”
TJ quirked an eyebrow. “You want to?”
“Yeah… I think I can handle it.”
“Okay.” TJ nodded, a familiar shimmer of pride in his eyes. “Kayaking it is.”
As Cyrus watched his friend – boyfriend? – finishing breakfast on the opposite side of the campsite, he noticed a small patch of celandine poppies growing between his feet. He touched one of the delicate petals and smiled, his heart soaring as he glanced back at TJ. With the sun casting a perfect halo above his head, he looked beautiful, and Cyrus was overwhelmed by a sudden rush of complete and utter contentment.   
Maybe camping wasn’t too bad after all.
The End.
Thanks for reading!
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lgbtyrus · 5 years
this storm knocked out our wifi but I can finally post this! thank you @swingsetboys for organizing this!
happy valentines day Kate @homosexualearthworm!!! I was super excited when I saw that I got you because you’re one of the coolest people on this website! Writing this for you was fun even if I couldn’t figure out a plot to save my life. 
So have some large amounts of Tyrus, extremely bitter tarty exes, some angst, and sprinkles of bandi all set in an AU where they’re around 25ish, TJ is a librarian, and they live in a city.
Words: 4,526 
Pressed Flames
Putting in his bookmark that was just really a polaroid of him and his ex-boyfriend, TJ closed the book he was reading and looked up to see who the front bell had made noise for. The library in their city was barely busy, but there was always the soft vibration of whispers and the smell of pages that made it feel like a money-making lucid dream.
The man entering smiled at him before walking off again into the history book section for the third time that month. If he did the same thing he did last time, TJ was going to have to look up their library’s policy for checking out books. The main librarian was out for the month, and he had no way to contact her over “a man who checks out 15 books a week.” If the weekly limit wasn’t 15, TJ was sure he’d take more of them.
TJ surveyed the library. Two twin girls that were in middle school were sitting on the red bean bags by the teen lit section, an old couple were looking through history archives, and a mom and her two little kids were looking around. TJ smiled at the little kids who were on their best behavior, looking over at TJ in fear every time they said a word too loud. TJ would wave them off with a smile, and they’d go back to trailing behind their mom like little duckling.
The people in the library that day made TJ miss his hometown where his twin sister and mom were. The man who had a thing for checking out a million books a week, had a cute smile that reminded him of ex-boyfriend while still managing to trap TJ in a bubble that said, “Look at me only.”
TJ went back to his book, waiting for anyone to go up to him. Managing a library alone with a coworker here and there was surprisingly easy, so his freaking out about the main librarian leaving him alone for a month was in vain.
“Hey,” the man placed a stack of thick history books on the counter, startling an unsuspecting TJ to the point that his polaroid fell down to his feet.
“Hey,” TJ looking down at the floor, his ex’s smile taking over the photo before looking up at the man who was giving him the same smile.
“I’ll be back with more,” the man took a deep breath, placing his library card on the counter before walking away again.
“O-okay,” TJ nodded, the man already not being able to hear him. TJ bent down to pick up the polaroid and stuck it back into his book. He picked up the library card and for the first time, looking at the name.
Cyrus Goodman
He’d remember that. He started checking out the books, placing them in a neat pile before Cyrus came back with the rest to complete the 15. Cyrus quietly waited there, not saying a word to TJ like always. TJ felt like asking him what he was doing with so many textbook-like novels. None of them were even from the same era, but by the time he was done checking out the books, he still didn’t know how to ask a question.
TJ handed back the library card and told him, “Here ya’ go. Have a nice day.”
“Thank you,” Cyrus smiled, his eyes moving to the name tag pinned on his shirt, “TJ.”
“No problem,” TJ said, watching Cyrus take the large tower of books outside the library door. He turned over to look at the twin girls who were giggling, sinister smiles that reminded him of his twins glowing from across the room. They had been watching whatever spectacle that was the whole time. He simply rolled his eyes and went back to reading, the smallest of smiles resting on his lips.
Cyrus closed the passenger car door, leaning back in the seat as Buffy turned on the car.
“Did you talk to him?” she asked him.
“I just got his name,” Cyrus frowned, clicking his seatbelt. “I even purposely made two trips and left my library card with him, so he’d have a chance to look at my name.”
“Did he?”
“I don’t think so,” Cyrus sighed, leaning his cheek on the car seat, looking out the window to the old brick building, shadowed by the new complexes in the city. “You’d think that he’d ask me by now why I need all these books.”
“You’d the think the library would’ve called the cops on you by now,” Buffy laughed, pulling out of the parking space she technically wasn’t supposed to be in. “You officially have 45 books.”
Cyrus turned to look at one of his best friends, “Hey, I’m only doing this for you and Andi. Usually, I wouldn’t care if the library thought I was a weirdo checking out all these books at the same time, but you happen to want to start Operation Propose to Andi at the same time there’s a cute new librarian.”
“Gertrude Millers isn’t there anymore?” Buffy asked him.
“I haven’t seen her, but her photo is still up,” Cyrus said. “She’s probably just taking time off.”
“I should go in and try to check books out, too,” Buffy joked. “I doubt your librarian lover has seen the list of people who are banned.”
“First off, his name is TJ,” Cyrus told her, his nose burning red, “second of all-,”
“TJ Maxx?”
“Buffy,” Cyrus whined, making her giggle, “second of all, you’re going to have to do that without me. I’m not trying to get arrested for sneaking in a felon into the library.”
“You accidentally burn a section of the library and suddenly you’re a criminal,” Buffy smirked. “That happened like, 10 years ago.”
“9 years ago,” Cyrus corrected her, “but Gertrude has impeccable memory.”
“She’s going to outlive me and personally spit on my grave before they burry me,” Buffy joked, “you can count on it.”
“How did Andi fall in love with you again?”
“I’m really funny,” Buffy smirked. “Also, pretty romantic. Who else would’ve come up with this idea of pressed flowers?”
“Me,” Cyrus said, “only I’m never going to get married, so you can claim the idea as 100% yours.”
“I guess you did contribute,” Buffy smiled. “Anyways, who knows, that TJ guy could be your soulmate.”
“You’re only so optimistic because you already found yours.”
“Damn right I did.”
It was Friday again, and TJ was waiting for Cyrus to walk through the doors again.
He was reading a different book now, same bookmark. His twin sister would be heavily disappointed if she knew he still had that photo. He had burned everything from his ex with her before he moved out into the city to start going to school again. The polaroid was in a book he had left half read, and he didn’t discover it until he started unpacking. Amber had done most of the work when burning the things the first (and second, third, and fourth) time, and he couldn’t bring himself to throw it away. If Amber hadn’t blocked Marty for him on all of his social media accounts, blocked his number, and deleted his phone number that she knew he’d never remember again, TJ was really sure of the fact that he would’ve sent him a photo of the polaroid saying, “Look what I found :-),” on Snapchat.
TJ fumbled with the polaroid between his thumb and index finger as he read, blurring out the people in the library. One of his coworkers was walking around, fixing things on shelves, so he exactly set on people watching that day. He was just watching out for one person.
Then Cyrus came in, and gave TJ a wave, making his heart race in his chest. He felt like his leather jacket was rising up and setting down with every pound of his heart. TJ gave him a smile and quickly moved his eyes back down to his book as Cyrus disappeared into the science section of the library. He had already cleared out the big books from the history section, and TJ knew that his coworker was going to watch this average height man somehow carry a large stack of books in one trip.
After 20 minutes or so, there was a pile on the desk, and Cyrus’ voice asking, “Who are you reading?”
“Michael Nava,” TJ answered stiffly, setting his book open on the counter. “Can I see your library card?”
“Yeah,” Cyrus said slowly, carefully eyeing the open book as he took out his wallet from his jean pocket. He handed it to him, and TJ quickly began scanning the books.
“You like his Henry Rios stories I’m assuming,” Cyrus asked him, trying to make conversation.
“Did you sneak in an extra book?” TJ asked him, a smirk on his face.
“What?” Cyring furrowed a brow. “Why makes you think that I’m a criminal?”
“I mean,” TJ laughed, “you come in here every week and check out 15 big books, and you never make conversation. Luckily for me, the computer tells me when you’ve hit 15, so I don’t have to count.”
“I’m honestly just trying to make conversation with you,” Cyrus defended himself, a cheeky smile on his face. “Checking out all of these books is a long process.”
“Tell me about it,” TJ smiled, typing away on the computer. “But if you wanted to get extra books, I could override the system for you and get you an extra 10.” He had read the library guidelines. They were ancient and there was no limit to how many books Cyrus could have in total. Just fifteen a week with exceptions to scholars. Gertrude didn’t have to know.
“Maybe next week,” Cyrus said, getting his library card back, once again eyeing the open book. “I don’t think I can fit them all in my friend’s car.”
“See you next week then?” TJ asked.
Cyrus nodded and picked up the tall pile of books, “Next week.”
“He’s gay,” Cyrus said as he shut the door to Buffy’s car for the fourth time that month.
“Did he tell you?” Buffy raised a brow as she started the car again.
“He was reading a Michael Nava novel.”
“Not only that,” Cyrus sighed, leaning his head back, “he had a polaroid of his boyfriend as a bookmark. I can’t even get mad,” Cyrus groaned. “That’s super cute.”
“I want to see how he looks like,” Buffy said as she pulled out of the parking lot, Cyrus hurrying to put his seatbelt on.
“He’s cute,” Cyrus sighed, “like, really cute.”
“So I’ve heard,” Buffy laughed.
“He said he could get me an extra 10 books if I needed them.”
“So, he flirted with you?” Buffy raised her eyebrows.
“I hope not,” Cyrus said.
“Yeah you do.”              
“Buffy, please,” Cyrus turned to look at her, a frown set, “that would be really unethical and inappropriate considering he has a boyfriend.”
“Give him your number.”
“Stop it!”
“Ask him if that’s his boyfriend.”
TJ tapped his fingers on the counter impatiently. All he does is look forward to Friday’s now simply because Cyrus would go in to check out a ridiculous amount of books. He didn’t even know how he was going to return them all one day. He still didn’t know what they were for and as he rolled on his twin-sized mattress in his studio late at night, he fought over the idea of asking him.
Even if Cyrus wasn’t gay either, it would be nice to make some friend. He had made a few acquaintances in his classes, but a lot of the people were four or more years younger than him which made him feel a standoffish. He cursed Marty for making him want to move so far away from everything he loved- for holding him back.
“Hey, TJ,” Cyrus walked in, a big Ross bag at his side. “I’m going to take up the offer for the extra 10 books,” he said and disappeared right into the science section again. TJ felt like every time he blinked, he missed him. He looked around the rest of the library at that moment. The same twin girls were watching him carefully and there was a couple of high school boys looking through movie archives in the back. They had all taken a liking to TJ and always liked to fill him in with cheesy high school drama that reminded TJ a lot of his hometown. City kids were strange, too, he guessed.
Cyrus came by with the first few books and set his library card on the desk, “No book today?”
“My eyes and head have been hurting, so I’m waiting on my glasses to come in,” TJ admitted, scratching the back of his head with one hand as he reached over for the card.
“I have never seen you with glasses,” Cyrus commented, a smile on his face.
“Exactly why eyes and head have been hurting,” TJ laughed it off, starting to check out the first book. Cyrus simply let out a small chuckle before going back to retrieve more books.
He came back and set the remaining amount on the desk, TJ typing away on the computer, “This is last time bothering you with all these check outs.”
TJ stopped typing for a split second before continuing, gulping as he asked, “Why is that?”
“I have enough books,” Cyrus told him. “Finally.”
“I’ve never asked you,” TJ tried to sound as casual as he could, “why have you been checking out all these books?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Cyrus grinned, making TJ smile a little. “My best friend is proposing to our other best friend, and we all like pressing flowers here and there to sell phone cases and necklaces and stuff, so she’s going to fill this room full of pressed flowers and write ‘marry me’ out of them.”
“They’re gay,” Cyrus shrugged.
“Ah,” TJ nodded and somehow let the words slip out of his mouth, “same.”
Cyrus gave him a grin and asked him, “The guy in the polaroid. Is that your boyfriend?”
TJ’s eyes went wide open and he shook his head as quickly as he could, “Nope. Never.”
“Oh,” Cyrus shifted a little where he was standing.
“Anyways,” TJ did a fake yawn, “when is she proposing?”
“Valentine’s Day.”
“That’s in two months,” TJ said as he eyed the calendar in the corner.
“We know. We have to be extra prepared.”
“Also, did you really need this many books?” TJ asked him.
“Well I mostly listen to audio books, and my friend Buffy can’t take her and her future fiancée’s library down without her noticing. Obviously, we turned here,” Cyrus said. “Also, we’re going to need a lot and a lot of flowers.”
“Well,” TJ handed him back his library card. “Good luck.”
“Thank you,” Cyrus smiled at him. “Also,” Cyrus said as he started putting the books carefully in the bag, “I’ve been meaning to ask if you’re from around here?”
“I am not,” TJ shook his head. “I’m from a small town called Shadyside.”
“How’d a farm town kid end up in Oak City?” Cyrus asked him.
“School,” TJ said. “I’ve been putting it off for a while, and I finally decided to come to Heartland U.”
“Go pirates,” Cyrus smiled. “What’s your major?”
“Child development.”
“Nice,” Cyrus smiled. “If you want, I can give you my number, and we can hang out if you ever get lonely.” TJ couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He stood still for half a second before jumping back into reality.
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, looking around the desk for a sticky note and pen. “That’d be great.” He handed them to Cyrus who wrote down his number for him.
“Here you go,” Cyrus slid it back over to him. “See you later, TJ.”
“Bye, Cyrus,” he nodded softly at the other man. When Cyrus was out the door, TJ’s eyes immediately went to the source of background giggling. The twins were smiling, and he couldn’t help but smile back at them.
He took out his book from under the counter and without hesitation, threw Marty’s polaroid in the trash to replace is with Cyrus’ number.
They had been texting back and forth for a week, and TJ hadn’t felt so warm in such a long time. He finally got the motivation to build the frame for his bed and decorate his kitchen with random things from Marshall’s that Amber had bought him. It was a nice feeling to go home to study and sleep in a place that felt a little homier. Cyrus was planning on organizing a hangout soon so he could meet the rest of his friends.
Then a Tuesday night, at 2AM, TJ got a phone call. It was an unsaved number but seeing as he was still half asleep and his eyes couldn’t translate the numbers to his brain, he answered.
“Hello?” TJ yawned.
“TJ,” someone frantically said on the other line, “please don’t hang up! Please listen to me.”
“Marty?” TJ’s heart dropped, this time to his stomach, and it instead of butterflies, it created one of the most nauseating feelings he had felt in a very long time.
“Yeah, it’s me,” Marty choked, sounding as if he was about to cry. “TJ, I’m so sorry. God, I’m so sorry.” TJ felt like he was in a state of déjà vu. He had heard this before. He had heard this same sob story over four times.
“He’s going to keep using the same lines because they always work,” Amber told him as she burned the first love letters Marty gave him in a camp fire. “That’s why the next time you hear them, you have to stop listening, TJ. He doesn’t love you. He just needs you.”
“Marty,” TJ sat up in his bed, looking out at the window. It was pitch black and not even the moon could offer comfort as it hid away in the darkness of the city. “Save it.”
“Don’t you get tired, Marty?” TJ asked him, a deep frown on his face as the conversation aged him. “I did. We didn’t work out, Marty. It’s been taking me so long to get over you, and I think I finally am. Please just leave me alone.”
“8 years, TJ,” Marty reminded him, sobbing on the other line.
“We broke up 10 months ago, Marty,” TJ ran his hair through his fingers, pulling on the top of his scalp. “If you really love me, Marty,” TJ sighed, letting his hair go, “never call me again.”
TJ hung up the phone and laid back down, immediately rushing his hands to press on his eyes, trying to stop himself from crying over him again. He had a good four-month streak of not crying, but he guessed it’d be a good time to break it. He turned over on his stomach as his phone continued to ring, and he screamed into his pillow over and over, muffling out the sound as much as possible as he let the phone ring. He wished he could’ve recognized at least the area code number. He would’ve known. He knows he wouldn’t have answered.
The ringing stopped after who knows how long, and TJ didn’t even remember falling asleep. But when he finally felt a brief moment of peace, it got shattered as his phone started ringing again. Furiously, he sat up and answered the phone in a very brief and fuzzy moment.
“Can you stop fucking calling me before I block you for good?” TJ yelled at the other line. His chest was icy from how exhausted he felt, and he could feel the wetness brim the corner of his eyes.
“TJ?” Cyrus answered. TJ’s eyes landed on the rising sun outside the window, the pink skies decorating Oak City as he realized his mistake.
“Oh god, Cyrus, I’m so sorry,” TJ muttered, trying to remember how to form coherent sentences.
“No, I’m sorry,” Cyrus said, “it’s like, 5 in the morning and I woke you up.”
“Wait, what’s wrong?” TJ asked him, trying to shove all his memories of Marty to the back of his mind. Her wished Amber could’ve set those on fire, too.
“I was going to ask you for a huge favor, but I don’t think this is the time.”
“My ex called me at 2 in the morning, and it upset me,” TJ told him bluntly. “It’s nothing life changing. What can I do for you?”
“So, you’re TJ?” Buffy shook his hand as Cyrus finished setting down the last few books in his studio.
“The one and only,” TJ smiled, shaking her hand back.
“Look, I know we’re just strangers, but I really appreciate this a whole lot,” Buffy told him. “Andi has almost seen these books about twelve times, and our other option bailed on us.”
“Yeah, I don’t mind,” TJ told her, looking at the piles of books set neatly against the wall. “I like the old page smell.”
“You’re a real life saver,” Cyrus said to him, grinning widely. TJ felt his cheeks grow rosy and from the corner of his eyes, he knows Buffy smirked.
“I’m just hoping this gets me an invitation to the wedding, honestly,” TJ joked.
“Oh, you’re definitely coming,” Buffy smiled before checking her watch. “Cyrus I gotta get to work soon. We better leave now, so I can drop you off.”
“I’ll take a taxi,” Cyrus told her. “You’re already late, I know it.” Buffy smiled and said her goodbyes before rushing out the door and closing it behind her.
“I can take you,” TJ offered.
Cyrus turned to look at him and said, “No, it’s alright. You’ve already done so much. You should really go back to sleep.”
“I’m not going back to sleep after all that happened in this span of four hours,” TJ chuckled. “I’m wide awake for my 8AM. Let me take you,” he insisted.
“Fine,” Cyrus smiled.
“Coffee first?”
“So how long were you and your ex together?” Cyrus asked him as he sat across from him, stirring his coffee.
“8 years,” TJ said, staring down into his own drink. He looked up when he heard Cyrus gasp. “On and off, though. Like, a lot. Maybe there’s like two years’ worth of months that we were fighting somewhere in there. I’m over it. I’m way over it.”
“Is that why you came here to Oak City?” Cyrus asked him. “To get away?”
“Yeah,” TJ nodded. “I wasn’t doing anything back home besides small work here and there. Nothing important. Now here I am, helping secure a future gay wedding. My mom would be so proud of me.”
Cyrus laughed, “I bet. Buffy really appreciated that you’re keeping the books. Like, a lot. We tried both my place and another friend’s place but living in the same complex gets tricky.”
“I bet,” TJ smiled. “If her proposal is like this, I can’t wait to see the wedding.”
“Me, either.”
Cyrus knocked on TJ’s studio door on the night of February 14th, asking, “Hey, TJ? Are you home?” Cyrus didn’t bother calling before going over anymore. He knew TJ’s schedule by memory and showed up whenever he wanted, sometimes with Buffy and Andi (who didn’t question who a librarian had so many books), sometimes with more people, sometimes alone. They immediately adopted TJ into their friend group, and TJ felt like Oak City was his home now. Cyrus made everything better with his smile and intuitive knack for comedy. He definitely had a crush on him, and he didn’t know what to do with himself sometimes.
“Coming,” TJ rushed to open the door. He flashed a smile at the shorter man a smile and said, “Hey, Cy, come in.” Cyrus walked in and hastily handed TJ over a book and box of chocolates tied together with a ribbon.
“Happy Valentine’s day,” Cyrus said, TJ looking wide eyed at the blushing man.
“Cyrus,” TJ whispered setting down his present on the kitchen counter, “thank you.”
“I’m sorry if you think it’s weird,” Cyrus started apologizing, “I can totally take it back and pretend it never happened.” Without saying anything, TJ walked up to Cyrus and hugged him, wrapping both of his arms right around him. Cyrus stood still for a moment before hugging him back.
“Happy Valentine’s day,” TJ whispered. “You’ve done so much for me, honestly.”
Cyrus pulled away slightly and looked up at TJ, a smile on his face, “I’m really glad we chose to go to Little Red’s Library.”
“Why?” TJ gazed down at him, his eyes studying his features for the millionth time since they became friends. He’s never had him this close up, and he was sure Cyrus could heard his happy heart beat at that proximity.
“Because,” Cyrus smiled, making TJ’s breath hitch slightly, “I got to meet my favorite librarian.”
“I really want to kiss you right now,” TJ caught himself blurting out.
“Then do it,” Cyrus told him. TJ gave him a small grin before bending down to kiss Cyrus, moving one hand up to cup his face.
“Wow,” TJ whispered, placing another firm kiss on his lips, “I’m so glad I moved here.” Before Cyrus could kiss him again, his phone started ringing, and he frantically pulled away.
“Oh man, it’s Buffy,” Cyrus started jumping around excitedly. She had been in the process of proposing for the last few hours. TJ, Cyrus, and her worked on the proposal project for eight hours straight one weekend.
“Answer it!” TJ urged him. Cyrus answered the Facetime call and when they showed up, all they saw was Andi’s hand and a ring.
“I did it!” you could hear Buffy on the other line.
“Congratulations!” TJ told them, waving behind Cyrus.
“I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment for almost two decades,” Cyrus smiled, putting his hand over his heart, “I’m so happy for you two.”
“Thank you, Cyrus,” Buffy smiled, turning the camera to them.
“I can’t believe you all managed to keep this from me,” Andi laughed.
“Team work makes the dream work,” Cyrus winked. “Let me know when you guys start planning!”
“Probably next month,” Buffy shrugged, “I don’t know. What are you guys up to.” Both Cyrus and TJ instinctively bit their lip and Buffy raised a brow, smirking at Cyrus as TJ walked away from the camera’s view. “I think I got it. Happy Valentine’s day you two.”
“Happy Valentine’s day,” Cyrus smiled before hanging up. He put his phone away and looked over at TJ who was looking at the new Michael Nava book he had bought him. “Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” TJ nodded before walking over to him, and carefully pulling him in, “but I think I like you a lot more.”
“I know I like you a lot more,” Cyrus smiled before standing up on his tippy toes to kiss him once more.
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thymeandlemons-blog · 5 years
save the last dance for me (1/4)
TJ/Cyrus [fluff, light angst, miscommunication, school dances and cheesy songs]
Summary: With the school dance looming, TJ tries to keep his crush on Cyrus under wraps to avoid ruining their friendship. Jonah accidentally overhearing one of TJ's many lovesick rants makes that much easier said than done.
Read on AO3
TJ’s not worried.
Well, maybe he is slightly concerned.
The thing is, him and Cyrus have a routine. They meet up in front of the water fountain by the West hallway at exactly 12:03, stop by Cyrus’ locker to drop off his books, and head to the cafeteria to line up for lunch by 12:05.
And now, it’s 12:06, and Cyrus hasn’t shown up. Cyrus always shows up.
He’s nothing if not punctual, and if he’s going to be late for any reason, he texts TJ to give him a heads up. He sends him multiple texts actually, always far too apologetic, no matter how many times TJ assures him he doesn’t mind waiting.
Today, there have been no texts, and TJ has spent the past 3 minutes running through disaster scenarios in his head. What if something happened and Cyrus had to leave school? What if he was snacking during his designated 11 AM snacking window, and he ate something he didn’t know he was allergic to, and had to be rushed to the hospital? What if his biology class took a field trip and they went to the field behind the equipment shack that always has a ton of crickets, and while Cyrus loves most animals, he hates crickets, and he saw them and panicked and-
“Hey, TJ!”
TJ’s pretty sure he gives himself a mild concussion with the speed at which he whips around, but there he is.
He quickly runs his eyes over Cyrus; face - scar free and cute as always, arms - don’t seem to be scratched or bruised, legs - no cast in sight, eyes - brown and chocolatey and bright and warm, oh so warm, and-
“TJ?” Cyrus asks with a chuckle. TJ really needs to get better at this look-at-your-crush-without-getting-distracted-by-their-face-and-staring-blankly-at-them-for-several-seconds thing.
“Hey, sorry, I just... I just drifted off for a second” he admits, hoping his cheeks aren’t as red as they feel. “You worried me, is everything okay?”
Cyrus’ eyes light up as he starts walking towards his locker, TJ quickly following after him.
“I have the wildest story to tell you” he says, pausing for dramatic effect in his trademarked Cyrus Goodman way. “You know Ben Miller, right?”
All it takes is a nod for Cyrus to continue, handing over his books for TJ to hold while he opens his locker. As TJ is trying to balance Cyrus’ books, he sneaks a peak at the Tupperware container Mrs. Goodman always packs for the two of them. He’s pretty certain he sees lemon scones, TJ’s absolute favorite.
“Well, as it turns out, Ben hasn’t read any of the assigned books this year, and he has been paying Jenny Lemiski from 9th grade to write all of his papers. Can you hold this?” TJ hands him the books and takes the prized scones instead, watching Cyrus meticulously put his books back in their alphabetical order. “And this time, he was in a rush to catch the bus, so when he printed the essay, he also printed Jenny’s email about how she wants to up her price per page. He handed it to Mrs. Hussein just like that, e-mail included! Scandal.”
Closing his locker, Cyrus turns to TJ expecting a grand reaction. And to be fair, TJ’s not really surprised about Ben, and he has done far worse things in the past so he has no room to judge, but Cyrus looks so excited telling the story that TJ fashions his expression into a look of appropriate shock as they make their way to the cafeteria.
“No way! What did Mrs. Hussein do?”
“She suspended him! He can’t even attend the dance!”
The dance. TJ’s usually not one for dances, but TJ’s also usually not dealing with an enormous crush on the cutest boy in the world who is very much obsessed with school dances. He has been wanting to ask Cyrus about his plans ever since the theme was announced, he just couldn’t find a way to bring it up that didn’t make it pathetically obvious that TJ wants to go with Cyrus.
And he does. He really, really, really wants to go to the dance with Cyrus, but there are about a million reasons why that’s not a good idea. A million reasons why he can’t just ask Cyrus… As much as he wants to take the next step, he has been there before, and it didn’t end well. So instead of acting on it, his method of coping with his crush is talking to his sister for hours upon hours about how fluffy Cyrus’ hair looked on that one particular Tuesday they went to the mall.
Still, this might be his chance. Even if he can’t ask Cyrus on a date, he can ask him on a friend-date. A group hang? Being dance friends?
“So…” he starts, his voice coming out far too squeaky to be inconspicuous. “So,” he tries again, much steadier this time, “speaking of the dance… What are your plans? Are you going with Andi and Buffy?"
“Yes and no” says Cyrus, “Buffy asked Walker to be her date, but Andi and I are going to go together. Jonah might tag along if he can’t find a date, which, let’s be honest, he probably will. Do you… Do you have a date?”
“Don’t you think I would have told you if I had a date?” he asks with a smile. Cyrus should know by now that he’s the first person TJ goes to whenever something exciting happens in his life. Well, with the exception of crush-on-Cyrus-Goodman related developments, for obvious reasons.
He isn’t sure whether he’s imagining the blush on Cyrus’ cheeks, but his smile and the teasing spark in his eyes are definitely there.
“So no date?”
“No date.”
“Cool. That’s cool… Would you… Would you maybe want to go with me and Andi?”
TJ’s heart may or may not be beating out of his chest, but he needs to play this cool. “Wouldn’t Andi mind? I don’t want to bother her.”
“She wouldn’t mind” assures Cyrus with a smile, “it’ll be really fun. Please?”
“I guess I could turn down my many other admirers for you” he teases, laughing when he sees Cyrus scoff. “I’d love to… Thank you, for asking me.”
“It’s a date, then” says Cyrus, and TJ would probably find the way Cyrus’ eyes widen comical if only he could manage to breathe. “I mean, it’s... I- Not that… I just-“
“Is it going to be tots and fish sticks or tots and chicken fingers?”
It’s Betty, one of TJ’s three favorite lunch ladies, here to save the day. He looks away, pretending to weigh his lunch options as Cyrus orders, when in reality he’s just trying to calm his heartbeat.
It’s a date.
Clearly, Cyrus didn’t mean it the way it sounded, if the way he backtracked was any indication, but TJ probably would have reacted the same way if he had let something like that slip. What if Cyrus does feel the same way?
“TJ, for you?”
“Oh, just tots please” he orders, watching as Betty piles on extra tots on the plate, and sneaks a few chicken fingers in there. She has seen the remnants of Cyrus’ Tater Theater on their lunch trays, so she always gives TJ extra food for Cyrus to pick at.
He thanks Betty and turns around to follow Cyrus, smiling as he watches him stick his tongue out in concentration while looking for a table. How is TJ expected to survive lunch let alone the dance?
Cyrus finds an empty table and waves him over, TJ smiling as he makes his way there.
Date or not, TJ already knows the dance is going to be one of the best nights of his life.
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bumper-boi · 5 years
My Favorite Color Is You
Author’s Note: This is part two of the My Favorite Color Is You collaboration by myself and @httptyrus! Remember to check out Ella’s blog, she is so creative and amazing! This collaboration is based on the song Sober Up by AJR! Go give it a listen!
Word Count: 1150
Pairing(s): Tyrus
Genre(s): Mild Angst, Fluff
Trigger Warning(s): None? Notify me of any I missed?
Cyrus and Tj. Tj and Cyrus. You never hear one without the other.
They had been friends since second grade, when Tj had moved from the other side of town, into the house next to Cyrus’. They had instantly become friends.
Over the years, Tj had started to crush on Cyrus slightly, well, at first. Eventually, he was full blown in love with Cyrus Goodman. The thing is, Cyrus never knew. He always thought Tj was being friendly, and no matter how much he wanted Tj to like him that way, he didn’t want to get his hopes up. Though, that didn’t stop him from talking about Tj at every available moment.
“Tj is so cute. Today, he tried to teach me how to play basketball, and he got up close to me, and I could see little speckles of blue in his eyes. It was beautiful,” Cyrus said to his other friends, Andi and Buffy.
“Yeah Cyrus, we get it, you are in love with Kippen,” Buffy said, rolling her eyes.
“I heard my name,” Tj said, sitting down next to Cyrus, “Why are you talking about me?”
“No reason!” Cyrus quickly said.
“Okay,” Tj said, laughing.
At that laugh, Cyrus blushed, sighing slightly at Tj’s adorableness.
Andi and Buffy rolled their eyes, starting up a new conversation as to save Cyrus from Tj catching him staring.
Tj and Cyrus had been flirting for months, both too oblivious to notice it.
Cyrus was walking into his home from hanging out with Tj, when his dad and step-mom were sitting in the living room, seemingly waiting for him to return.
“Hey Cyrus, can you sit down?” His dad, Norman, asked. He did as he was told.
“What is this about?” Cyrus asked, anticipating the worst.
“Your father and I have decided that a change of pace would be good for us and you. We are moving to Arizona,” His step-mother, Sharon, said.
“What? No! I don’t want to move to Arizona! I want to stay here with all my friends! I want to stay here with my crush, T-“ He stopped himself before he could finish the sentence, worried that he had just outed himself to his parents, “Never mind, I will just go tell my friends I’m leaving.”
“YOU’RE WHAT?” Buffy screamed, not caring what the neighbors, or Cyrus’ eardrums, would think.
“I’m moving,” Cyrus said, holding back tears.
“No, this can’t be happening! What are you going to say to Tj? Have you already told him? Are you gonna tell him you like him?”
“No! I’m not going to tell him I like him! I’m just going to walk over to his house, say that I’m moving, and be done with it. Hopefully he won’t be too upset,” Cyrus said, trying to be optimistic.
When Tj heard the news, he was upset, to say the least.
“So you’re moving?” Tj said, voice cracking slightly.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to. My parents think it will be good for me,” Cyrus responded, upset, “I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” Tj said quietly.
Cyrus hugged Tj tightly, letting go a few moment later.
“Bye Tj,” Cyrus said. Then, he left.
It was the summer after junior year, only a few weeks until school was starting up again. Tj was sitting on his couch, looking at pictures of him and Cyrus from before he moved.
After Cyrus moved, Tj decided to become friends with Buffy, as a way to still hopefully keep in touch with Cyrus. Unfortunately, Buffy couldn’t reach him either. Neither could Andi, or Jonah, or anyone. Cyrus had completely gone off the face of the planet.
Tj was deep in thought when he heard a knock on the door. He wanted to go check it, but he didn’t have the heart to get up. The person on the other side of the door knocked harder, then Tj swore he could hear them apologize to the door.
He finally got up, and walked over to the door, opening it slowly, “Look, if your selling something, I’m not interes-“
“I’m not selling anything,” The person said.
The voice was familiar, so Tj’s head shot up, smiling wide when he saw who it was.
“Hey Teej,” Cyrus said, smiling, crying a little.
Tj pulled Cyrus inside, hugging him tightly.
“I missed you so much,” Tj said, burying his head in Cyrus’ neck.
“I missed you too.”
They pulled apart, and Tj led him over to the couch, “So, how are you back? Does anyone else know? I need answers Cyrus!”
“No, no one else knows yet, I wanted to tell you first. Luckily, you still live in the same house you have since you were five. I’m back because I told my parents I was gay, and they kicked me out. So, I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to get out of Arizona. And now I’m back,” Cyrus said, smiling.
“Oh Cyrus, I’m so sorry your parents did that.”
“It’s cool, I never would have gone to Arizona if I knew they were homophobes.”
“Anyway, I’m the first person you told? Why?” Tj asked, hopeful.
“Tj... I needed to get back to you. For the past 4 years, I was only thinking about how to get back to you. I-I love you Tj. I get it if you don’t feel the same way, I just needed you to kno-“
Tj pulled Cyrus into a kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck. Cyrus kissed back, holding Tj’s waist.
When they pulled apart, Tj said, “I love you too. And no matter how much I want you to myself right now, I’m sure Andi and Buffy would love to see you.”
“Oh yeah! Text them to meet you at The Spoon, but don’t tell them I’m back. On our way there, tell me about what I missed.”
“Cyrus! Before we leave, will you be my boyfriend?”
“I thought that was obvious, but yes Tj.”
Tj was sitting in the booth at The Spoon, waiting for Andi and Buffy. He sat so their backs would be to where Cyrus was going to pop out of.
They showed, and asked why he wanted to meet them here.
“What?” Andi and Buffy asked in unison.
Cyrus walked up behind them, “Hi I’m Cyrus. I’m going to be your server today!”
“I had a friend named Cyrus. He moved away though...” Buffy said, trailing off when she looked up to see Cyrus there, “CYRUS!”
Andi saw him too, squealing with excitement. They both shot up, hugging him tightly.
After that, he sat next to Tj, and caught up with Andi and Buffy.
Cyrus went to Grant that year. Everyone was so excited to have him back. Though, no one would ever be more excited than Tj, the boy with a ring and a plan to marry the love of his life.
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thisdayinfavrd · 5 years
August 14, 2009
I said I can undo a bra with my feet, she asked what my feet were doing later, I said probably running away from some angry topless lady.   @fireland (Joshua Allen) – 130
Dogs go to Doggie Heaven.  Hopefully, so will Michael Vick.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 89
I'm just going to put it out there now. If I die in the next 48 hours, my toxicology report isn't going to look good.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 87
My neighbor's dog creeps me out. Skinny, pale and shy, with an angst-ridden, falsetto bark. But she insists all Thom Yorkies are like that.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 83
The tooth fairy doesn't always come at night. Sometimes he wakes up in the A.M., remembers, and hauls ass to an ATM before his kid wakes up.   @CranberryPerson (N/A) – 75
Now if *I* was a cat-  Wait.  Am I a cat?  M-m-meow?  M-meow.  MEOW!  ... meow?  Nope. Not a cat.  Sorry.  What were we talking about?   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 74
I'm strongly opposed to government-run Death Panels. I believe the private sector can kill people much more efficiently.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 71
Missing tweet #3299129210   @nicedream (Unavailable) – 70
The Wife has been gone for so long, I just got a little excited opening a pita.   @tj (Fun Size Bytes) – 70
I just killed my to-do list. Am I supposed to eat its heart now? Or smear some of the ink on my face? This is all new to me.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 65
There's really no uncreepy way to tell someone that you just want to smell their face, just for a seco--DAMMIT STOP STRUGGLING LET IT HAPPEN   @gordonshumway (Jelisa Castrodale) – 63
4:21pm. Sipping Trader Joe's Jasmine tea and listening to "Deacon Blues," I modified an `.htaccess' file and became the world's whitest man.   @hotdogsladies (Merlin Mann) – 62
"That's how they do sex changes. Turn your innie into an outie." "An Audi?" "...what?" "They turn your vagina into a car?" "Nevermind."   @katefeetie (one katie please) – 61
If it ain't broke- you probably don't have kids.   @ruthakers (ruthakers) – 59
While playing Superhero vs. Badguy with my son, I realized he is a pussy and I can totally take him.   @roughdiction (RoughDiction) – 59
These boots were made for Walken. Christopher Walken. So don't tell him I have them, and if yoOH GOD HERE HE COMES.   @secretsquirrel (Ryan Bateman) – 56
A great man once said, "Hey dude, check out that chick's ass, so awesome," because great men say normal man quotes too.   @JephKelley (Jeff Kelley) – 54
How in the heck is 'sloth' even one of the Seven Deadly Sins because OMG THEY ARE SOO CUTE.   @jasonpermenter (Jason Permenter) – 54
This camping trip is totally going to boost my "butch factor". Plus today I went shopping and got THE SUPER CUTEST little kayaking outfit.   @blankslate (Alex) – 52
I went snorkeling so I could brag to my friends, but I'm having problems photoshopping the bathtub out of the pictures.   @GPappalardo (Soap Box Liberal) – 49
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Hello! The angst anon again and sorry for making u uncomfortable oops. But hey, how bout some fake/pretend relationship w lots of fluff?? Tyrus is gd but anything is fine :)))
You didn’t make me uncomfortable, I just wouldn’t know how to go about tackling something like a school shooting. It has such a gravity to it.
Anyway, yesss cute prompt. (Also I’m ignoring the fact that Josh said Cyrus can’t cook because I feel like he absolutely can and is super extra about it)
“I need a really really big favor,” Cyrus started, skipping a greeting, as soon as TJ picked up his facetime.
“Why hello to you too, Underdog,” TJ sat up in bed, readjusting his skewed glasses. “But shoot.”
“Oh no! I woke you up? I’m so sorry!” Cyrus exclaimed.
“No no it’s fine! I just fell asleep reading, but you’re worth waking up for,” TJ shamelessly flirted. “What do you need?”
“Brace yourself,” Cyrus warned, oblivious to TJ’s romantic intentions.
“I’m ready,” TJ chuckled.
“I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend,” Cyrus said quickly, bracing himself for TJ’s response. 
“Okay,” TJ shrugged.
Cyrus spent a few moments staring at TJ. His dark brown eyes met sparkling green, and for a moment all else was lost. Cyrus could feel his heart fluttering in his chest, and felt a newfound appreciation for his rib cage, for he was sure it was the only reason his heart was still within his body.
“Uh… What? I- I had reasons prepared. I was ready to beg and plead and- and you’re just. You’re just saying okay?” Cyrus stammered in disbelief.
“I mean, yeah. You seem like you just dug yourself into quite the hole, and you need me to take away the shovel,” TJ smiled at his own comparison, and Cyrus could have sworn he could feel himself falling more in love with the boy by the second. “So of course I’ll do it.”
“Anything for you, Underdog. On one condition,” TJ said, smiling coyly.
“Oh no. What’s the condition?” Cyrus asked nervously.
“It’s really not that bad, don’t worry! I just want to know the whole story as to why I’m doing this?”
“Ugh, fine.” Cyrus exaggerated. “I was basically ambushed today by all four of my parents. I went downstairs to find something for lunch, like a normal person, and I found not only my mom and step-father, but all FOUR of my parents. And boy let me tell you. You have no idea how awkward it is to walk into a room full of therapists, all talking over coffee, and then they just stop talking. It was so obvious they were talking about me, oh my god. Anyway, I walked in and all four of them just stared at me the entire time I made lunch- fajitas, by the way. I swear they didn’t even blink. It was terrifying, they were like porcelain dolls, just staring at me.”
“Cyrus, if you could move past the petrifying porcelain parents, I’d appreciate that,” TJ joked gently, smiling through his phone.
“Right. So I sat down at the head of the table, on the opposite end from them, and they just watched me eat for like a solid five minutes. And then finally my dad said something. But that was even worse because he flat out asked me if I have a girlfriend. I got flustered and didn’t say anything, so they assumed that was a yes.”
“Okay, but at this point couldn’t you still clarify that you don’t have a girlfriend, right? Not to mention the fact that I’m a guy?”
“Oh it gets worse. They started going through a list of every girl they’d ever seen or heard me interact with, and when I said no to all of them, they decided that then would be a good time to clarify whether or not I actually have a girlfriend. I said no, and they asked who I spend all of my time texting. At this point I was wildly uncomfortable and wanted to leave as soon as possible, so I told the truth, and told them I was texting you. Then, they asked if you were my boyfriend and I kinda had a moment of gay panic and said yes.”
“I see. But why can’t you tell them the truth now?” TJ asked, trying desperately to make sense of Cyrus’s story.
“Because I am still digging myself into this hole. They invited you to this party they’re throwing, and I said that you’d come,” Cyrus confessed.“And I also made up a whole backstory for our relationship, to avoid telling them I lied.”
“Ah okay. So, what’s the backstory?” TJ asked, sitting up further, and moving backwards to sit against the wall behind his bed.
“It’s nothing special, it’s basically just our actual backstory, except you won the one-on-one with Buffy and when I congratulated you, you kissed me. And then we went on our first date that Friday. Which makes our anniversary the 28th of the month.”
“That’s fair. I swear I just had a question to ask- Oh! When’s the party I’m going to? And what should I wear?” TJ asked, counting questions on his fingers.
“Okay I kind of underexaggerated there,” Cyrus confided. “It’s not a party, per se. It’s kind of a charity ball? It’s also very very soon. Tomorrow night at 6, in the ballroom at Hancher Hall. Formal attire.”
“The things I do for you, Underdog. I’ll ask Amber to help me find a suit, Lord knows I have no sense of style.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” he exclaimed, and TJ was sure Cyrus could have jumped through the screen to hug him if he tried hard enough.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Underdog,” TJ said fondly, hanging up the call.
TJ took a deep breath, standing outside Hancher Hall. He was wearing a dark green button down that brought out his eyes, a black suit jacket, and black pants. He’d lost his contacts that morning, so he was resorting to wearing his glasses. He finally stepped into the hall, and into the ballroom.
“TJ!” he heard a voice call from his left. TJ looked around, and his eyes settled on Cyrus and his parents.
TJ walked over to Cyrus and, remembering the role he was supposed to be playing, kissed him on the forehead in greeting, an arm wrapped around Cyrus’s waist.
“Hey, Underdog. You look great,” TJ said in reference to Cyrus’s dark blue suit, white button down, and black bowtie.
“Thank you! So do you, I’ve never seen you in a suit. It- well I was going to say it suits you but I am now seeing the fault in that particular phrasing. The point is, you look good in a suit, TJ. I like the green, it brings out your eyes.”
“Thanks, Underdog. Amber thought the green would be a good idea. She was right, as always,” TJ chuckled. “Oh God, don’t tell her I said that though. She’ll never let me forget it.”
“I won’t tell, I promise,” Cyrus held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll spare you from her wra-”
“Cyrus, are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend or not?” they were interrupted by Cyrus’s step-father, Todd, stepping forward to nudge his step-son, a glass of champagne in one hand.
“Oh! Yes,” Cyrus turned around to face all four of his parents, taking TJ’s hand and intertwining their fingers. “Mom, Dad. Step-mom, Step-dad. This is my boyfriend, TJ Kippen.”
“Hi, it’s great to finally meet you,” TJ smiled politely, extending the hand that wasn’t holding Cyrus’s to shake all four of their hands.
“How long have you been together?” Cyrus’s step-mom Sharon asked, shaking TJ’s hand with a smile.
“It’ll be four months on Tuesday, right TJ?” Cyrus interjected, realizing that TJ probably didn’t actually know that.
“Cyrus! Tuesday is the 27th, not the 28th, it’ll be four months on Wednesday,” Cyrus looked at him, astounded that he’d remembered. 
“Oh, you’re right! I could have sworn that today was the 26th. I’m sorry!” 
“Don’t worry about it, love,” TJ added the pet name at the last second. Cyrus’s phone started ringing at that moment, and he checked the screen.
“I’m sorry, this is Buffy. I’ll be right back,” Cyrus excused himself from the conversation, squeezing TJ’s hand as he left. TJ watched Cyrus step out of the ballroom, standing just in his line of sight as he held his phone to his ear, before turning back to the younger boy’s parents.
“So, do you play any sports, TJ?” Todd asked.
“Oh, yes. I’m the captain of the boys’ basketball team,” TJ stated, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“Do you intend to break my son’s heart?” Cyrus’s father asked, unaware of the fact that Cyrus had hung up the phone and was now within ear shot. TJ took a moment to recover from the initial shock of the moment, considering what to say.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Cyrus, having heard his response, wrapped his arms around TJ’s waist, rising onto his toes to rest his chin on TJ’s shoulder. “Ah! Why hello there, Underdog.”
“Hi,” he whispered. “Can I talk to you?”
“Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?” TJ turned around, concerned.
“Oh, yeah! Everything’s fine, I just wanted to talk to you?” TJ nodded, allowing Cyrus to lead him out of the ballroom, weaving through silk, satin, and velvet skirts.
“So, are you sure everything’s alright?” TJ asked when they got outside the room.
“Yeah, I just- Um. I have something to tell you,” TJ gave him an inquiring look, urging him to keep going. “So, um… I just. I don’t want to pretend we’re in a relationship anymore.”
“You don’t? Do you want me to pretend to break up with you? Or the other way around? Why?”
“No, TJ. It’s not like that. I just- I want to actually be with you, TJ. I don’t want this to just be for tonight. I want this to be real, TJ,” TJ was stunned into silence. “And I get it if you don’t want this, or if you don’t even want to be friends anymore, but I had to tell-”
“Cyrus! I’ve been flirting with you for literal weeks. I don’t want this to be fake either.”
“Really? Because you don’t have to-” Cyrus was cut off by TJ leaning down to kiss him. Cyrus wrapped his arms around TJ’s neck, standing on his toes to be closer to the other.
“Are you gonna break my heart, TJ?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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multimetaverse · 6 years
Andi Mack 2x23 Review
I was shocked at how pivotal Keep a Lid on It turned out to be! J*rus sunk and Juffy rose and a lot of other interesting stuff. Let’s dig into it.
Cyrus’ crush on Jonah was always going to end with him either moving on or getting turned down by straight boy Jonah and I’m glad they went with the former. It gives Cyrus more control over his own life and shows great character growth. He no longer idolizes Jonah but cherishes their close friendship.
I thought J*rus would end closer to the end of the season but in retrospect it’s clear that the show had to sink the ship sooner rather than later. It’s been 10 eps since their last solo scene and they’ve only had solo scenes in 6 out of 23 eps so far (including the space otters dinner in what was 1x13). Terri talks a big game about the importance of momentum and it’s clear that Cyrus’ story line was being stalled until his crush on Jonah ended. 
I noted last week that the show was reaching back to S1 with Cyrus in the vest and we also got Jonah calling Cyrus, Cy-Guy for the first time since S1 I believe as well as a callback to their hug at the space otters dinner.. It’s a very deliberate choice and allows the audience to see the growth and change in their relationship, Cyrus no longer worships Jonah and Jonah has largely dropped his smiley perfect image.
I know some people are still clinging to hope but guys J*rus is over. It was never going to happen, not on this show and not on this network. Hell Terri probably never even asked Disney if Jonah could be bi because she probably never intended him to be bi. Cyrus’ crush was always just a plot device to discover his sexuality. And if you don’t want to listen to the show, listen to Josh, he’s very bluntly told us that J*rus is a dead ship. Take time to heal and then hop aboard Cyrus’ real romantic ship: Tyrus.
I felt a sense of vindication as Juffy rose, I got a lot of scorn for predicting after the 2b promo that Jonah was going to be Buffy’s crush. And so many people told me that the yearbook wasn’t connected to the crush or that she didn’t actually have a crush or that her crush was on some irrelevant extra. But here we are and Juffy is thriving.
I had a moment of doubt last week after learning that Jandi survives past the art show but after seeing 2x23 I’m confident that Juffy is endgame. And yes I’ve seen the extended 2x24 promo and I don’t think that her crush is on Walker. Will she talk to Walker? Almost certainly but Jonah will also be there and I’m sure she’ll talk to him too. I have other reasons why I don’t think Wuffy is in the cards but first I want to talk more about Juffy in this episode.
I’ve been beating the drumbeat about Buffy’s impending crush since 2x15 and until tonight I thought it would be a disaster but I actually think that Juffy will work very well. Buffy knows exactly how to communicate directly with Jonah, something Andi never was able to. It also makes for a neat parallel with 2x22 where Tyrus communicated well while Jandi struggled as usual. And in this ep we also get to see Ham and Celia not communicating well.
When Jonah came over and he and Buffy had their  brief banter it immediately reminded me of that easy chemistry Muffy had. Obviously the show never planned for Juffy but they lucked out big time that the actors have great chemistry. It can’t be ignored how touched Buffy is that Jonah thought of the unburied time capsule and went to such lengths to get her jersey and get the whole team to sign the ball.
And who do they bring up right after talking about Jonah? Marty, Buffy’s old flame. Buffy and the audience get a final bit of closure and it helpfully reminds us that Buffy was sure that she didn’t have a crush on Marty but later this ep she is very sure that she now has a crush on someone. And when she tells Cyrus she has a crush she specifically mentions that it’s new.
Let’s assume for a moment that her crush actually is on Walker. Why would she not want Andi to know? Andi already kissed Jonah and chose him before she moved away. Sure it might be a little awkward at first but Jandi is now official and Andi only went on the one date with Walker so it’s not like she has any claim on him. Jandi, Tyrus, and Wuffy would be neat and tidy but where’s the drama, the angst, the passion? And why would she say that nothing is going to happen? As far as she knows Walker is single, there’s nothing stopping a confident driven woman like Buffy from pursuing Walker if she has a crush on him.
Andi Mack is a tween soap opera and it relies on its twists and turns. I just can’t see what pairing Buffy would Walker would achieve. They’ve had one scene together and they barely talked. Sure the portrait was nice but what kind of connection do they have? And why would Buffy suddenly develop a crush on Walker after learning about the nice things Jonah did for her? And if Wuffy happens that means that Jandi and Tyrus are endgame so why is there a need to pair Buffy with someone? Darius is great but wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper for the show to write him off and just have Buffy stay single?
Which brings me to the big structural reason why I believe Juffy is endgame. Buffy having a crush was a late addition to S2 only because Marty left. If Marty stays then Muffy would have been endgame but with him gone Buffy doesn’t have a partner. Cyrus was always going to end up with TJ so he’s taken care of which just leaves Andi and Jonah. Given how linked Jandi and J*rus have been since the very beginning I think J*rus sinking means that Jandi is doomed soon, even if they make it out of S2 still together. And of course Cyrus has the swing scenes with his endgame partner TJ just two eps before Andi meets her endgame partner Walker.
I think Terri’s original plan was for Muffy, Tyrus, and Wandi to be endgame while Jonah remained single in S3. This would have been a great twist, sinking the two original ships of the show and removing Jonah, who was explicitly introduced as a love interest, from the dating pool. This leaves 3/4ths of the kids in relationships which the show can mine for drama. But once Marty left, Buffy was left without and partner and suddenly you have half of the kids left single which is difficult for a tween oriented show to pull off. And of course Asher’s star has risen dramatically since S1 and Disney almost certainly wants their hottest star to remain a love interest.
Terri has spoken very negatively about Jandi in the past and I can’t imagine her making them endgame unless Disney forced her too. But paring Buffy with Jonah solves those problems: Terri still gets her big twist, half of the kids wont be left without partners, and Disney still gets to market Asher as a romantic lead. Whereas if Jandi is endgame there’s no need to give Buffy a crush as 3/4th’s of the kids will still have partners.
We don’t know when the writers knew for sure that Marty was never coming back but it must have been by the writing of ep 2x21 by the latest as that’s when they wrote that farewell letter from Marty. Not coincidentally it’s also the ep where we get Jonah’s ‘’Buffy likes me doesn’t she?’’ line and we see him spring into action and get Buffy the perfect gift, something he’s never been able to do for Andi.
And Jonah has had foreshadowy lines like that before. In 2x18 he asks if TJ are Cyrus are friends and later that same ep he asks if Bex and Bowie are getting married. We know that Cyrus and TJ will be more than friends and we know that Bex and Bowie will get married so why not Buffy having a crush on Jonah?
We also got Buffy referencing arm wrestling with Jonah which led to their only significant solo interaction back in A Good Hair Day. It reminded me of when Cyrus referenced meeting TJ at the swings when he and Buffy were comforting Jonah in 2x19. The show wanted us to think about the swing scene and what it meant and the show now wants us to think about the arm wrestling scene and what it meant. Juffy at least has some foundation but there’s nothing to support Wuffy.
My guess is that we’ll either get a half assed denial from Buffy next ep that she doesn’t like Jonah or it won’t be brought up directly but Cyrus will keep needling her. And Cyrus knows very well what having a crush on Jonah is like and would understand why Buffy doesn’t believe anything will happen or why she doesn’t want Andi to know. Next ep is also where we’ll get Buffy’s ‘’you two look so cute’’ line delivered to Jandi at the spoon. What did Cyrus do once he realized he liked Jonah? Hid it and became the world’s no 1 Jandi shipper. Perhaps we’ll see Buffy do the same.
One last reason I believe Jandi is doomed is because Andi didn’t make a new bracelet she took the old one from her memory box (ie from S1). But just like Cyrus’ vest wasn’t a magic totem neither will the bracelet be the totem that solves Jandi’s problems. 
I also thought it was a subtle nod to digging up the past and a little hint that we’ll be seeing Gabriel return from Bex’s past (and memory box) in the season finale.
I’m so glad that they didn’t mention the stupid 2 months timeskip. Someone must have realized what a disaster that would be.  And the excuse for Buffy moving back was a lot better than i thought it would be.
I wonder how Cyrus will come out in the future. He can’t say he has a crush on Jonah anymore but he at least has the swing that way reference to use with Tj, or TJ with him.
Not going to sugarcoat this; we just saw Ham have a midlife crisis and effectively decide to end his marriage and abandon his family. Of course he’ll be back and the show will pretend all is well but no man in his mid 50′s leaves his wife and family to go on a months long solo trip unless his marriage has collapsed. A lot of kids will be turning to their parents tonight asking if Ham leaving means he and Celia will be getting a divorce.
One thing I’ve been wondering all season is why haven’t we seen Cyrus in his vest friend shirt? At this point I think Disney forbade it because it would look too coupley. 
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tbtssstuff · 4 years
BTS reaction to you having an abusive boyfriend
AN: Please if you are ever in a position like this PLEASE get some help. This is in no way okay and you deserve better!
WARNINGS: The reader dies in each one, Murder, Abuse, Blood, A lot of ANGST, There is a mention suicide in this so please tread lightly
-TJ/ TacoAdmin 🌮
Jin had been watching from the sidelines as your boyfriend beat you for 2 years. You didn’t show any signs of leaving the bastard, claiming you loved him too much. It pained Jin so much to see you with more and more bruises up and down your arms, stomach, and sometimes a cut cheek.
But because he knew you wouldn’t leave your boyfriend, Jin became your safe space. The place that made you feel secure and protected, but your boyfriend didn’t like you spending that much time with him.
Slowly Jin started seeing you less and less.
You two would still text, but even that had come to a stop at some point. It had been 3 weeks since Jin last heard from you and he was beginning to worry, but he understood why.
Usually a few days was the longest that you hadn’t texted him, but when you did it really made Jin’s day. One day he confessed to you via text, spilling out all his emotions into one single text.
You never responded.
He knew he messed up and lost the greatest friend he’d ever had, but at the same time he wasn’t giving up without a fight. He loved you so much and you didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.
Jin grabbed his coat and keys and headed over to yours and your boyfriend’s apartment.
He banged on the door for a few minutes, begging to see you at least once, but he was met with silence. Not even your boyfriend came out to yell or punch him. After five minutes of nothing, Jin reached for the door knob.
It was unlocked.
He opened the door and went inside to find you, but what caught him off guard was the stench of the apartment. Jin almost threw up from it. Was this really how you lived?
He was more determined now than ever to save you from this hell hole. Jin walked further into the living room and froze, finally finding you, but he seemed to be too late.
You lay there on the carpet covered in dry blood, eyes wide and mouth open.
He rushed to your side and picked you up in his arms, crying his heart out now.
How? How could he let this happen to you? How long had you been like this?
You must have been in so much pain. Jin cried as he clutched you close to his chest, whispering ‘I’m sorry’ over and over.
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Namjoon has always been in love with you and you know this, but nothing ever happened between the two of you. You wanted to keep him around forever and if you two broke up you would lose him.
So you continued to date your current boyfriend, who you were with only for 4 months, and he continued to be your best friend.
Recently Namjoon had a feeling that your boyfriend had turned violent towards you, not just physically but verbally too. You not only had several burn marks on your arms and bruises all over your stomach, but the way you talked about yourself and self worth gave it all away.
He tried to confront you about it so he could help you, but you denied everything. Namjoon wasn’t going to give up though.
He was up late looking into legal actions he could take against your boyfriend when he got a call. It was the hospital.
Cautiously he answered the phone.
“Is this Kim Namjoon?”
“We have a (L/N) (Y/N) here and you are the first on their emergency contacts list.”
Namjoon’s heart dropped into his stomach and the doctor’s voice became background noise. He got Jin to drive him to the hospital as fast as he could, breaking some traffic laws in the process, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was you.
Everything became blurred and Namjoon can’t remember how he got there or how much time had passed, but there he was, standing in the hospital waiting room, his heart breaking into a million pieces, crying as Jin tried to comfort him.
Your boyfriend had taken things too far this time and it cost you your life.
You had died on the way to the hospital and he never got to say goodbye.
He never got to properly say that you were the love of his life.
You were gone.
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The sky was reflexively of Yoongi’s mood.
He had been so down in his depression that he couldn’t think about anything else. He hadn’t even been in his studio. All he could think about was how he could let you be with that asshole of a boyfriend and how it was his fault that you now lay 6 feet under the ground in a cemetery.
It had been 5 months since your passing and Yoongi regretted every day that he spent arguing with you over your boyfriend, about how he wasn’t good enough and that he knew he was abusing you, but you refused to either admit it or leave him out of fear.
The night of your death you had called Yoongi in a panic.
Your boyfriend had gotten super drunk, more than usual, and you were almost certain he was out to kill you or at least beat you till you couldn’t move for weeks. Yoongi called the police and then rushed to your apartment as fast as he could, but no matter how fast he was he was too late.
By the time he got there with the police, your boyfriend was standing over your dead body. Rage blinded Yoongi as he lunged at him and repeatedly punched him in the face, tears falling from his eyes.
It took 3 police men to pry Yoongi off and hold him back as the other 2 arrested your boyfriend.
He had to blink back tears as he entered the cemetery, your favorite flowers in hand. When he got to your grave, he set them down and ran his fingers over the cold stone.
Here lies (Y/N) (L/N) a wonderful friend and light of the world. Heaven has another angel. (Your birth year) - 2019
“Hey (Y/N)... I know it’s been a while, but I was scared to come see you. I didn’t want you seeing me like this.”
He took in a shaky breath before trying to continue.
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn’t there for you and I didn’t take you away from that. I claimed to love you, and I do with all my heart, but I couldn’t save you in the end. I’m so sorry (Y/N.)”
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You and Hoseok had been friends for only a few months, but that’s all it took for him to fall head over heels for you and you in turn. One problem though, you had a very crazy boyfriend, who threatened your life if you left and them his own.
You couldn’t be the reason he killed himself, you couldn't do that. So you stayed with him and listened to a lot of his demands.
Except one.
He forbid you from seeing Hoseok when he found you two getting a little too close for his comfort, but you could never stop seeing him. He was the only good thing in your life, the reason you actually wanted to get out of bed and away from the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, even if it was for only a few hours.
Just like today, you were curled up in Hoseok’s arms watching some movie he put on.
“(Y/N)?” You hummed and he pulled you closer.
“Why are you still with him?”
“Hobi,” you sat up to look at him properly, “you and I have been over this.”
“I know,but… It’s not your fault if something happens to him. I’ve seen the bruises, (Y/N), he’s been hitting you hasn’t he? You don’t deserve this! You are wonderful and funny and I love you more than anything in this world.”
You blushed at his confession. He was everything you wanted, the man you have always dreamed of, but the thought of your boyfriend killing himself over you leaving him wasn’t going away.
Hoseok seemed to know what was going on in your head because he ran his fingers gently up your arms, instantly relaxing you.
“I know a good facility that can take him and give him the help he needs. I would have to call them before you broke up with him and I would like to be with you.” He took your hand into his and kissed it. “Please say you’ll give us a chance.”
You smiled and nodded you head.
Hoseok sighed happily and leaned in to kiss you.
That was 2 years ago.
That was the last time he saw you alive.
After you went home to pack, your boyfriend came home early, catching you in the act of leaving him. You two had fought for a good while before he pulled out a gun and shot you in the chest, then himself in the head.
That day was supposed to be the start for you two was actually the end of your life entirely.
Hoseok still remembers how you made him laugh and smile, he remembered the way you smelled, and the way your lips felt against his. It was hard continuing on to appear happy, but he was still the sunshine of BTS and he wouldn’t let everyone down just because the light of his life was snuffed out forever.
He knew you wouldn’t want him to dwell on it and be happy, but there was only so much he could take.
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You and Jimin had been friends since you were kids. You supported him in everything he did so it was only natural for him to fall in love with you.
Was he ever going to tell you?
Maybe eventually once you break up with your boyfriend or sooner if he can’t take the feelings welling up inside him.
Jimin was just about done packing for their next tour when you knocked on the door. He smiled wide.
“(Y/N)!! You came to see me off!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his cute reaction. “Of course Chimmy chim! You can’t leave without saying bye to your best friend.”
He ran to you, almost knocking you over, and engulfed you in a tight hug. You hissed in pain and Jimin immediately let you go, worried painted all over his face. You quickly tried to come up with a believable excuse.
“I’m just super sore from working out yesterday, Jimin. No need to look at me like that.”
“I keep telling you not to push past your limits.”
You rolled your eyes at him and pointed to his bag, “Don’t you have to finish getting ready?”
Jimin remembered what he was doing before you came and quickly finished getting packed. You had gone with them to the airport, seeing Jimin to the very end.
“Now you have everything?”
“Are you sure?”
“YES! (Y/N) I promise I have everything. It’s not the first time we’ve been on tour.”
You laughed at him pouting. He hated when you acted like his parents, but you couldn’t help but worry about him sometimes.
“Okay okay! I’m going to miss you Chimmy.”
He smiled and lightly hugged you, trying to be cautious of your pain. “I’m going to miss you more, (Y/N). I’ll call you as soon as I can, promise. See you after the tour.”
You smiled. “We’ll go out and celebrate. Bye Jimin.”
And with that he had left with his band members.
3 weeks had passed and there was no word from you. Jimin texted a few times and called once or twice, but nothing. You must have been busy with work, he understood that, but he was starting to feel lonelier than before.
He did his best to shake off the thoughts of you and focus on his solo song for the night, which he did perfectly. Jimin was having the time of his life, dancing and singing for ARMY, but was unaware of the news Namjoon had just received.
Jimin ran off stage to get some water and prepare for the next part of the show, but before he even grabbed the bottle, Namjoon pulled him aside.
“Jimin…” Namjoon started.
“What’s wrong, Hyung?”
“There is no easy way to say this… I’m so sorry Jimin, but they just told me they found (Y/N) dead in their apartment. They were beaten pretty badly by whom the police think is their boyfriend, but he’s nowhere to be found.”
Jimin’s heart dropped and suddenly he couldn’t breath.
This couldn't be true.
You couldn’t be dead, not when you promised him to celebrate when he got back from tour.
He was going to finally tell you and steal you away from… Your boyfriend.
Jimin felt nauseous that the man he thought loved you had beaten you to death. The pain you felt the day he left made sense now. Jimin dropped to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he remembered how happy you looked as he got on the plane.
Had he known then what was going to happen, he wouldn’t have gone on tour.
He would have never left your side.
You would still be alive and in his arms.
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Taehyung had suspected your boyfriend was beating you, but you never came out and said anything about it. He knew he wasn’t going to get anything out of you so he was going to find out for himself.
Taehyung twirled the key to your apartment in between his fingers as he walked up the front steps. He was supposed to take you to the park so that he could confront you and comfort you at the same time. He unlocked the door and was surprised to hear screaming.
“YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” It was your boyfriend, followed by your shriek and the sound of skin hitting skin.
“I can’t help it!” You cried. “I love him! And you aren’t even half the man Taehyung is!”
Taehyung couldn’t believe his ears. You loved him back! But right now wasn’t the time for that. He could hear your boyfriend throwing stuff and you still screaming.
Taehyung rushed into the kitchen pushing your boyfriend away from you, grabbing the knife he was holding.
In a fit of fury and adrenaline, Taehyung drove the knife into your boyfriend's stomach, making him cry out and cough up some blood as he dropped to the floor. Once Taehyung knew he wasn’t moving he turned to you, only to be met with you barely breathing on the floor.
“NO!” He cried and rushed to your side, pulling you close.
“T tae.. y you came.”
“Shh shhh please, (Y/N), don’t speak. Save your energy.”
You smiled up at him. “You c came.”
Tears streamed down his cheeks and he nodded frantically. “Of course I came. I I love you (Y/N).”
“I l love you t too…” You drew your last breath and then you were gone.
Taehyung was left there clutching your dead body to his chest, covered in blood, screaming and praying to whoever was listening to bring you back, but nothing.
You were dead and he couldn’t save you in the end.
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Rain fell from the sky minutes before the ceremony happened. Jungkook had invited his band members and friends to come to the funeral of his best friend and the only person he ever loved.
Sure you and him hadn’t talked in a year, but always looked back on the times you had together very fondly. When he found out you had started dating someone, Jungkook started to distance himself.
Less likely of a chance for him to get hurt, but in doing so cost him… well.. You.
According to the obituary he had seen and the little bit he overheard from the police that had shown up to pay respects, it was a murder made to seem like a suicide. Apparently so many cuts, bruises, and burns covered your entire body.
The final blow was a shot to the head, which they deduced you couldn’t have done yourself.
Which meant someone else did and that someone was on the run. Jungkook wanted nothing more than to hunt down the bastard himself and bring him in, but for right now he was going to give the eulogy at your funeral.
Jungkook stepped up to the podium behind your casket, which was closed, and stared at your photo. He couldn’t help but cry his heart out as he spoke.
“(Y/N) was always a kind person. No matter where they went or who they came in contact with, everything was so much brighter. I remember my time with them in High School, we were always together, joined at the hip, actually.” Jungkook let out a shaky chuckle.
“Sadly, they and I drifted apart, but they were always in my heart,” he looked at the picture of you smiling back at him, tears falling even more now, “as my best friend in the entire world… and the only person I've ever loved. I’m so sorry I wasn't there for you, (Y/N).” 
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frisbee-camp · 5 years
Let Me Help
AO3 Link//Wattpad Link
Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 9 Unresolved 
"What do you mean you saw them kiss!?" Cyrus had practically yelled, Nala jumped. Andi and Buffy had told Cyrus that they saw Jonah with Walker the entire night, practically attached to the hip. "He's been avoiding us a lot lately," Andi frowned and bit her lip. Buffy nodded and added, "Plus, Marty said there were rumors that Walker was dating a boy." "But, Jonah?" Cyrus said, slumped, "Jonah Hercules Beck is straight..." "No one's straight Cy," Andi said as they pointed between themselves and Cyrus, "we would know." "Yea, but..." Cyrus trailed off. He had totally believed Jonah Beck™ was 100% straight. But now that he knew he was with Walker, he felt a sudden urge of jealousy. He was the complicated one, he was the gay one, not perfect and popular Jonah Beck. Cyrus grimaced, his cheeks felt hot. "Cyrus?" Buffy said, "are you alright? It's OK to be jealous." "Yeah Cy, we all know you liked Jonah, it was pretty obvious," Andi said smiling, "but now that means you can focus on TJ! Who has a total massive humungo crush on you!"  "Guys, I don't know why I said I liked him, I think it's because he defended me. It's because he defended me right? I mean no guy will ever like me," Cyrus said as his friends gave him shocked looks. "You've got to be kidding right! You've got the toughest guy in all of Jefferson basically in love with you and you don't even see it? You're all he sees Cyrus! D'you think he'd punch his longest friend over anyone? Don't be so oblivious," Buffy huffed, clearly over Cyrus' lack of self-esteem. After that, their conversation shifted to Buffy complaining about all of the girls that flirted with Marty and Andi complaining about never being able to see Amber because of her work schedule. Cyrus stayed silent for most of it, thinking back to when he woke up in his own sweater. Any other jock would have thought it was embarrassing or dorky, but TJ had kept it. His heart skipped a beat. Maybe he did like TJ? But, at the same time, he thought about how Jonah was going out with Walker, and that made his skin burn. It was worse than when Andi dated him, at least then he thought he had no chance, but now? Now that Jonah was, bi? pan? questioning? Whatever, Cyrus was still bitter. He envied Walker. What did he have that Cyrus didn't? Art skills? He could take a class. He's an artist! He'd won an award for his screenplay. Whatever, he thought, I'll just make Jonah jealous, we'll see how he feels then.  When his friends had left after telling him that their "relationship intervention" was over, Cyrus received a text from TJ.  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Hey Cy, hope you got home safe and everything, I'm sorry I punched Reed... Are we still cool? 😬 To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yes :0 thanks again,,,,,sry i was a mess lol. see you tomorrow?  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Of course :) See you at lunch? To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yup WOOP WOOp 💥 Cyrus couldn't help but frown at his own text message. Ugh, I'm such a dork. He immediately texted Buffy and Andi for help.  To GHC👩🏻👩🏾‍🦱🌈❣️: Cyrus 💕🕍✨: I think I just said I liked him because he defended me, so I'm overthinking it right? Like we're friends, so nothing will happen PLUS HES A HET!!1 ANDIII😽: cyrus stop overthinking everything, this happened with me and amber too remember???? BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: HE LIKES YOU DONT BE A DUMBBASSSSSS, THE ENTIRE SCHOOL KNOWSSSSSSSS LOOK AT THE VIDEO I DMD YOU ON IG GODDAMN  ANDIII😽: Buffyyyy we weren't supposed to show him that.... BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: he needs to know Cyrus was never into social media, he only went on to comment encouraging things on his friend's new posts. He even had his notifications off, but once he opened the underused app, his screen was filled with dm's, new followers, and comments. He quickly scrolled through most of them. Many of them asked if he was Dating TJ?! One said Hi cy i know u dont know me but ur like really brave another said idk who ur kidding, tj is straight lmaooo and another said hey is it true? His heart raced, he suddenly needed to stand up. Where would people get such an idea? Sure, people must have seen TJ fighting with Reed, but he didn't think people would connect that to him. TJ was respected, Cyrus wasn't, why would Tj's actions be caused by Cyrus? Cyrus opened Buffy's direct message, which had been pushed to the bottom of his feed by the time he went looking for it. It was a dark video, but Cyrus managed to catch an out of focus TJ and Reed standing in Iris' living room. He turned up the volume,  "-somewhere else!"  He heard Tj say, he looked disheveled and sweaty. "GOD, What is with you. Do you like him or something?" Cyrus gasped at the same time as the camera person. Is this the source Buffy and Andi were talking about? "So we were right, you do like him! And now you're choosing him over us?! We've been friends longer than you have with that loser-" Cyrus' eyebrows raised as he saw TJ's fist come in contact with Reed's face. The rest of the video was a blur of curse words and drunk teenagers chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"  Cyrus sat down on his bed, unable to comprehend what had just seen. Now he knew why he was getting so many notifications. He didn't know TJ could resort to violence like that. Hearing about a fight is much different than seeing that. But, he smiled. TJ had defended him, plus someone liked him! Him! Anxious, depressed, confused Cyrus Goodman who hated loud noises and sports. He felt light and airy, but most importantly he felt needed, more needed than ever. He had almost wanted to come out to his parents right then and there. They were all there, of course, sipping their wine about twenty feet away. He had quickly texted his friends a shocked cat gif and turned off his phone as he walked out of his room with newfound confidence.  "Hey Cy," one of his parents had called to him suspiciously, he didn't care which. TJ Kippen liked him and maybe he liked him back.  "Hello parentals," Cyrus said cheerily as he sat in an empty dining room seat, they were still having brunch, which had now turned into wine and ice cream. Cyrus picked at the leftover grapes and popped them into his mouth grinning.  "You look very happy today Cy, what did those girls do to you in there?" Norman joked. Cyrus shrugged and chucked uncomfortably.  "Whatever happened to that girlfriend of yours Cy? Ilene was her name?" a mom said. "No Sharron, it was Ivy," Todd said. "No, I'm pretty sure it's Isa," Leslie said. "Guys, you're all wrong. It's Iris. And we were never really together and I don't want to talk about this with my parents right now," Cyrus got up to leave, but one of his parents called out to him.  "Wait! Cy! Don't close us off so quickly. Just tell us, are there any new girls we should know about?" Shannon wiggled her eyebrows, Leslie nudged her side. Cyrus laughed a little too loud, "NO," he said, "no girls mom, never."  "Never?" Todd said, quizzically. Cyrus stopped. Did I just out myself through a joke? Am I really boo boo the fool?  "Cyrus?" His mom said, "do you want to tell us something we might already know? You know you can trust us." Cyrus thought about how his parents were trained in observing and analyzing. He knew that if he didn't answer, then they'd know he was hiding something if he answered too quickly they'd also know, and if he said anything at all they'd also know. He stood still instead, hoping that some being would impossibly teleport him to a different planet. Maybe Pluto? he thought Pluto is cute, and very far away from here.  "Cyrus?" His parents called again. Cyrus stared at the wall behind them, unable to speak. He gave one last chuckle and turned to walk a little too quickly to his room. He put on his headphones, played his playlist titled I'M A BIG FAT HOPELESS ROMANTIC and looked at the messages left on his phone. They ranged from encouraging Bitmojis to angry girls telling him to back off.  Oh my god, tomorrow is going to be hell. Cyrus spent the rest of the day nervously doing his homework in anticipation of tomorrow. Normally, he'd text TJ whenever he was nervous, but now that he was the reason for his anxiety, he stuck to his history notes. He had come out of his room only when he knew half of his parents were gone. Monday morning was relatively quiet, his parents had decided to not ask him about what had happened yesterday, which he was eternally grateful for. However, that was not the root of all of his worry.  Once he got to school, Cyrus immediately knew something was different. For the first time in his life, people his age noticed him. Everyone's eyes followed him down the hall, to and from his classes, and even during the peak hallway traffic. Thankfully, he had Buffy and Andi the entire day to protect him. Sure, they could protect him from direct attack, but he could still see kids whispering and pointing at him.  During lunch, Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus sat at their usual spot.  "Okay you guys, things are different now, be prepared." Buffy had warned them both. Cyrus felt uneasy, he knew something was about to happen, but he didn't know what. They had been discussing how to address Jonah's new boyfriend without being overbearing. They decided to not bring it up.  Just then, Marty and Amber walked up to the table and sat next to their respective partners, leaving Cyrus alone with his muffin for the millionth time. He thought about texting TJ, but he didn't know what to say to him.  "Cyrus!" Amber said, "I'm glad you're feeling better. TJ should be here soon."  Suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened and in came Jonah holding hands with Walker. Cyrus made a fist. They sat down a little too happily, Cyrus looked down at his tray. He felt tears pool in his eyes.  "Hello there," Buffy eyed them. Cyrus tentatively looked over at Jonah who seemed grounded. There was something different about him as if a light he didn't know existed had been turned on. He watched as Jonah talked to his friends, he didn't listen to what they were saying, he was too busy looking at how Jonah looked at Walker every so often just to smile at him. Cyrus wanted that. He wanted someone who understood him, someone who grounded him in reality, someone that didn't make him feel so lost.  "So," he heard Jonah say in his direction, "I heard that TJ likes you. I thought you guys were already together?" Cyrus thought he heard a twinge of jealousy in his voice, but it might have been his imagination.  Cyrus suddenly couldn't handle it anymore, from the stares to the questions, to gently coming out to his parents, it was too much. He silently stood up. His friends eyed him. "I need," Cyrus started but couldn't seem to verbalize his thoughts. What did he need? Something, he needed something. "Something," he said, before quietly packing his things and walking towards the cafeteria exit. Before he could exit, he saw TJ walk in. Cyrus saw the confidence oozing out of him, his stomach churned.  "Hey," TJ smiled at him, "Where are you headed? Lunch just started." "Oh, I was going to uh-" Cyrus looked up at Tj, Did his face get cuter? "I uh, was going to go sit with Andi and Buffy and them," he looked for an escape, but TJ was already turning him back around to join his friends.  "Come on then silly, they're the other way," TJ grinned. Cyrus hid behind TJ for most of the walk back to the table, the whispers they were getting were becoming unbearable, he wanted to cry. He couldn't make himself look his friends in the eyes when he sat back down. "Is this the something you needed?" Marty chuckled, Buffy jabbed him with her elbow. Cyrus fiddled with a broken spork as his friends continued talking about Jefferson gossip. Tj had inched himself closer to Cyrus, he let him. He hadn't noticed how different he felt with TJ around. How much easier living seemed to be. Before he knew it, he and TJ were shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg. He still couldn't bring himself to look at his friends, but they were used to his daily mini meltdowns. TJ started to laugh at something Walker had said, Cyrus grinned slightly He fits in so well. He saw Tj look down at him worried, he gently pried the spork out of his hands, it had started to draw blood. Cyrus hadn't noticed.    "What's wrong? Do you want to leave?" Tj softly asked him. Cyrus gave a small nod, his heart lurched. There were too many eyes on him.  Tj quickly packed away his things and gave his friends an excuse. Before walking away, Cyrus saw Jonah frown at them.  Cyrus didn't know where Tj was taking him, but he didn't really care. In the hallway, Cyrus thought he heard a noise. Once they rounded the corner, he saw Reed, Lester, and a couple other boys he didn't know. He gulped. TJ moved in front of him. "AYYYY look who it is!" Reed said, throwing his arms up.  "Leave me alone Reed," TJ said, trying to walk through.  "Bro, we're still bros. I forgive you for the other night. I know you were drunk and shit." Reed leaned in closer and said something to TJ that Cyrus couldn't hear, but made TJ look back at him.  "Dude, leave him alone," Lester said, pushing on Reed's shoulder.  "Hey, I just want to know what we're all thinking. So Teej, what is it? Are you still choosing this dork over your bros?" Reed said. The rest of the gang looked apprehensive, they didn't care enough to cause a scene. "Dude, just leave it," One boy said worried.  "Shut up," TJ said quietly, "Just shut up." Cyrus saw TJ ball his fists and tense up. Lester moved towards Tj, but Reed stopped him with his arm.  "Tell us," Reed said.  TJ stayed still. "Teej-" Reed had said before Cyrus heard bodies hit the floor. He closed his eyes. There was yelling, sneakers hitting the floor, and eventually, he heard the voices of teachers. Someone pushed him against the wall, someone else called his name, someone else touched his hair. He didn't want to open his eyes. 
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uniformbravo · 7 years
some stuff what happened this week
burned my mouth pretty bad on a little hostess cherry pie the other day ummm.. betrayed
speakin of hostess some ding dong commented on one of my left-handed drawing videos asking if i could “draw strate” kfkjdlsgkds
speakin of youtube i meant to get a video up today to finally break my over-a-month-long accidental hiatus but my arms dont work & i didnt finish the art on time (haha rip) but i am working on stuff! i got a little two-page spread im working on in my moleskine & im rly happy with it so far!! i just need to color it basically.... the video’ll probably be a voiceover bc i love embarrassing myself lol
this piano cover of the attack on titan s2 op has been literally constantly stuck in my head for the past few days, i’ve listened to it maybe like. 4 or 5 times tops. how can it be so solidly in there then. i’ll be sitting there focusing on something completely unrelated and then slowly realize that it’s been playing in the back of my head the whole time i. i really love this pianist you guys,
last night i was up until 2am reading my old stories i wrote in middle + high school but like... i wasn’t just reading them to myself i was reading them... out loud??? like i was alone in my room so no one was subjected to that second-hand embarrassment but yeah it was... weirdly fun (which is probs why it went on for 3 hrs Oops) u guys should try it sometime 
reading those stories tho made me realize that i used to write a Lot of self-indulgent shit and it was really fun??? it inspired me so im writing another rly self-indulgent scene from my ocs’ old story..... i hate writing...... im doing this so future me can reread it and go “...Nice” like i was doing last night reading those old stories kfgdkfl
i am.......... honestly being consumed by webcomics i read them all afternoon yesterday & then today too like!! midterms are this week!! i have a midterm in art history tomorrow!!! i havent studied at all!!! @ me wyd!!!!!!!!!! anyway i found some rly good ones today who wants recs: george and johnny is rly cute & also happens to have angsty character mmm my fave always raining here is great i just binge read the whole thing (it’s complete!!) & it has great characters & also some good angst too heyeyeehaeha (im on the hunt for angst ok................... if it’s not ur thing dw it’s maybe like. 35% angst. ok 40% ok 5) just watch out for a couple warnings (they’re mentioned in the site’s right margin) & also some kind of stereotypical gay jokes in the beginning (theres 1 slur too) but it gets better i promise. also that art improvement aaaaaaaaaay i rly wanna make like a big webcomic rec post w/ all my faves on it at some point bc they all deserve so much love but for now those are just the two i read today (yesterday i reread tj and amal which is always a good one there u go third bonus rec)
anyway FUCk i didnt mean to stay up until 1am boy it’s a good thing my early class is cancelled im gonna have to use the time to study for that midterm tomorrow Am I Right Boys hahaaahah hahah a a
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