#thought of the moment
dumblr · 1 year
I know I haven't seen you lately, but you're always on my mind.
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serenagaia · 5 months
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zippyzstuff · 2 months
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academia-cafe · 6 months
God how I yearn to be found, to just be looked at by someone. And I don't mean a quick scan. I yearn to have someone drink every little detail of my body; the three moles that form a triangle on my left cheek, the thickness of my eyebrows, the slight uni-brow that I'm oh-so insecure about but for some reason that makes them love it even more, the mole beneath my collarbone, the mole underneath my breast, the curve of my shoulders down to my fingertips, the way certain clothes fit me and just from observing, they can tell which ones I'm most comfortable in.
I want someone to look at me just as intently as I look at myself when I stare at my naked body in the mirror with eyes drowning with judgement.
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mannycalaveracafe · 1 year
thought of the moment
Okay, I was thinking about one thing, meanwhile I rewatching 'Wendell & Wild' I just notice the fact that the Belzer hair is basically dead, and duh that was obvious. But that is not my point. My point is the fact the hair are dying/dead because of stress!
Image you have a lot of kids, and then suddntley left and never come back, like even for a lot of times he never know here they have been 🥺
And after thinking about that I remain the part where Belzer wake up and the hair starts falling down and discover that Wendell and Wild run away, after that he just runs up to the surface. In fact, even when it's upstairs the hair falling more and more until make him bald!
Maybe for many its kinda obvious but for me it was a little bit shock, i start to thinkin about his giant ego that forces Wendell and Wild to cure his hair, but no. It because he was so much worried about his kids that cause him to be bald y.y.
BTW bald Belzer its just fine like hairy Belzer 💅✨🥺
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You remind me of the afternoon breeze of September. Something about you always soothes my soul.
Sabina Yesmin
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holykittydetective · 2 days
I woke up feeling so refreshed today. I slept after ages like a baby! 🥺🫠
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jmmeredith · 4 days
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I don’t know why I am drawn to factories. Especially at night when the lights are twinkling in the distance on the horizon. It’s just always made me wonder.
And then it dawned on me one day to contemplate,
How am I like a factory?
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raeraeray-blog · 2 months
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sheviolentlyher · 5 months
slowly running in neutral
oh my. oh my. why am I here? why am I not in bed? I don't know, I felt the need to come here and move my fingers. So, I'm here void, what's up?
Today I felt taken care of, I felt like an actual woman. I laugh or cringe when I say that. Ha.
Sometimes though? I get nervous that I will run out of things to say. Like there will be nothing left for me, but I'm realizing that it's okay to be idle.
I don't miss anything at this moment.
I'm not fighting any demons at the moment.
I'm turning my idle hands into creation at the moment.
I'm turning my idle mind into manifestation at the moment.
I'm inducing thought at the moment.
I become the moment.
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e-ski-mo · 8 months
You don't have to say anything. I just look at you and I know something is bothering you. I might even know exactly what a lot of times. But you still seem to surprise me at times. It's so adorable.
It's funny how much you know someone, their behaviour, the way they would react to a certain situation. At the same time, no matter how long it's been there's still something new you'd find about that person because we as humans are constantly changing, learning and adapting ourselves to new surroundings. So never give up on your partner because there's always something you still don't know about them.
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dumblr · 1 year
The answer is in how they treat you, not what they says.
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serenagaia · 5 months
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yourjadedmuse · 7 months
Journal Entry 1
This is for you, who's forced to outgrow it all
This is for you whose inner child needs constant tending; the little girl who has to learn how to parent herself at a very young age; the little kid who has to learn to cure his own wounds after tripping himself; the youngest sibling who has to learn to act like the eldest; the kid who's deprived off of her childhood privileges and pleasure; the youngster who learned to stand on his own because nobody else could do it for him. This is to you, who's successfully reached adulthood while silently carrying the hurt caused by the cruelty of reality whilst everybody's prioritizing their own; the one who has secretly cried for tremendous times simply because he has to learn and unlearn everything on his own without a healthy parent figure to guide him along.
You owe it to yourself to take it as your pride that you didn't contribute to other people's pain simply because the world has treated you unkindly. You owe it to yourself to continue nourishing your inner wounded child now that you have the opportunity to do so, without the expense of other people's happiness and well-being. You owe it to yourself to spoil yourself with all the beautiful, soft, kind things the world has deprived you of at such an early age without blaming what you once lacked to other people. You owe it to yourself to prioritize your own well-being without shutting down other people when it comes to aiding them face the same shortcomings you've once already struggled in the past. You owe it to yourself to continue living in a free-spirited and child-like manner without humoring and shaming the ones who are hardly trying the same and the contrary. You owe it to yourself to give him everything that you think he deserved and continuously deserve without robbing them off from other people. You owe it to yourself to select the proper environment that makes your soul more alive and peaceful without making other people feel bad about it.
You owe it to yourself to continuously live while healing your inner wounded child without holding a grudge to the world disguised as boundaries.
And while you already have 'now' to do all of these things, you owe it to yourself to continuously strive not to become all those ugly experiences to other people while doing so.
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deepjams4 · 8 months
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pensiericiechi · 8 months
La cosa bella di sognare è che a volte è come essere in una palestra di vita in cui ti vengono proposti degli scenari per allenarti nella vita reale.
Questa notte ho sognato di tornare con la mia ex. Sul momento mi sembrava strano, però l’avevo accettato. Eppure durante il sogno continuavo a chiedermi se fosse la cosa giusta e sentivo il pensiero intrusivo che mi diceva “è così che vuoi che vada a finire ?” Sentivo che era la cosa sbagliata.
E niente, nel sogno voleva farmi un bocchino ma mi sono svegliato :/
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