#though now i guess those lines are blurred lol
shreddedleopard · 8 months
I genuinely think William’s real name is actually still William, just with a different surname.
Hear me out.
#1 — irony.
Remember the omake where Bonde asks him and he’s got his ☺️ face ‘that’s a secret, heh heh heh.’
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Lol William is the biggest mischievous jokester going. This would be his exact reaction if people were asking like 👀 omg what is it?? And all along he’s like, lol will.i.am guys, chill. No-one cares about your first name, it’s your surname which means anything around here. You’ve all been barking up the wrong tree. Which brings me on to my second point ~
#2 — symbolism.
I cannot scream enough about how bloody genius it would be for William’s name to be, in fact, just William, but with a more common surname like ‘Smith.’ For the purposes of this discussion, let’s call him William Smith. As an orphan, he gets adopted into the family Moriarty, where there is in fact another William: Master William James Moriarty. Immediately, you have two boys of similar ages with the exact same first names, highlighting how, in fact, they should be equal if we’re looking at their basic information and identifiers. But what is it which sets them apart, and is the very message and theme running through the heart of Yuumori? Class inequality. And what dictated your social class at the time, so very unfairly? Your family lineage.
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The name of Moriarty is what gives Albert’s little brother his superior, privileged position in life, over William ‘Smith.’ And yet, they are both young boys, both Williams, both should have the same sort of start in life in the equal world our William wishes to create. But they do not; the moment they are given their surnames — the moment those are penned on the paper of their birth records following ‘William’, the chasm that divides these boys is immense and unfair.
#3 — interesting coincidences, hints and clues in the text.
• William loves Shakespeare — that’s part of his identity in the same way being a mathematician is. He quotes Shakespeare all the time, he grew up in a library and has all of the plays memorised. Shakespeare’s first name was also William. Additionally, Shakespeare’s birthday is believed to be April 23rd. William’s birthday is listed as April 1st — April Fool’s Day, and it has been confirmed that this is a fake birthday, so we don’t know his real one currently. (But my guess is it’s still in April).
• The Moriarty’s never call William by his name, pre-fire, but the children at his orphanage do, and they call him Will.
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At the Moriarty house, he is on the receiving end of more hate than Louis; they seem to despise him to the nth degree. I wonder if this might be because he shares a name with their precious William, and this irks them. They refuse to call him by his name because that doesn’t belong to him, filth from the streets, it belongs to their beloved son who can do no wrong.
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I can see a mother like Lady Moriarty refusing to call another boy by the name she gifted her son, especially when William reminds her that there is something she had in common with his own mother — someone who she would view as completely beneath her: they chose the same name. What a disgrace, to be associated or viewed as having a similar mind to a woman of such low standing!?
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We also see William only ever call William Moriarty with the title ‘master’ in front, as though he also feels the need to make the distinction. This could just be because he’s trying to be polite, though. I could honestly dissect the entire first chapter panel by panel and highlight how William being William is such a simple but perfect concept which highlights this noble family’s insecurities, discrimination and narrow mindedness. William Moriarty feels the need to constantly reaffirm his own identity in the presence of our William.
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Because … if they share full names now, with the adoption … the lines are blurring. What makes one William Moriarty superior to the other? A worrying thought indeed for this boy. (Answer: there is no difference, they’re both equally deserving of opportunities in life.)
It all makes such perfect sense and explains away the awkwardness of the writer having to avoid use of William’s name simply because ‘it needs to stay hidden to create the mystery.’ This gives the characters themselves reason within the text to avoid using it, which makes everything so much more authentic and real. It makes sense because it does, not because it has to for the plot.
• William promised not to steal anything. Twice, we see him reassuring and then reaffirming that he wouldn’t steal anything, and both times are in the presence of William Moriarty.
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If we want to take this statement in light of names, and toy with that lovely device foreshadowing, William having always shared the same first name would in fact mean that statement holds true — he did not steal William’s name; it was always his own to begin with, and Moriarty was a name given to him as part of his adoption, the same as it was given to Louis. He really didn’t steal anything, despite the fact that he was probably made to feel guilty or worthless every day because of the name he shared with William Moriarty.
This also means that William probably never actively deceived any of the townspeople, either; it really was just a case of mistaken identity which he manipulated for his own cause.
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The townspeople made the mistake, rather than William outright lying. William is, by trade, more of a master manipulator who turns situations to his advantage with his quick thinking, rather than straight up lying or deceiving people (see: The Merchant of London.)
• Sherlock saw his birth name but never mentions it. And still chooses to call him Liam. Yes, we might’ve had a conversation happen off screen. Yes, Sherlock might choose to do that because that name is sentimental and William has asked not to be called his true name for reasons unknown. But it would fit so beautifully if William really is his name, and Sherlock’s realisation that day when he read the birth records was that oh, so this — William ‘Smith’ — is Liam’s real name. Naturally, he would continue to call him Liam with no discussion needed, because it’s a shortened version of William.
• We have lots of characters who share the name William, but with different variations on the shortened version; another symbol of how people can be equal in some senses but also their identity can be individual to them also. William H Bonney is Billy the Kid, the mathematics genius William and Sherlock stumble upon in Durham is called Bill Hunt.
#4 — practicality and marketing.
People become attached to characters and their names, and there comes a certain point in a work where it’s very difficult to alter a character’s first name and still retain a fan base’s sense of identity for that character. Calling William say, Robert, from now on, or revealing that as his true name while we continue to see him referred to as William is all sorts of confusing, emotionally. Perhaps it’s just me. But the idea that I’ve been calling William the wrong name all along feels off and sad, whereas the knowledge that he’s at least been able to keep that part of himself consistent, when everything else has had to be an act, is actually really comforting and empowering.
I’d love to write another thought dump on why William being William all along is also, so very emotionally delicious when you explore the implications in the story; it’s heartbreaking and makes him an even more sympathetic character who I just wanna hug, so perhaps I’ll come back to this! Because re-reading those earlier chapters with this in mind really hurts so good.
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He stole nothing; he was always the true William, that at least is one thing that always belonged to him — it was only society and us that dictated there was one William worth knowing more — was more interesting and held more narrative power — than the other.
This is still William’s story.
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hordraomin · 10 months
Krita tutorial the way I know it.
Basics: What is where.
Specific advice on specific tools.
Basics: What is where.
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Upon opening the program this is what you're met with. First of all, must comment: The layout is HEAVILY editable so you can just drag menus anywhere you want, even leave them floating amidst the sheet you're drawing on.
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You can create custom art templates, I have two o'mine here as both have my signature background color.
As well, you can edit the custom document settings, as in what size you want it, what resolution, even the initial content of the image. As well you can create from clipboard: Just copy some image from your browser and Krita will recognize it (useful for making meme edits lol).
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Now, once you have your file, I will show you what is where.
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Brushes are easy to edit and there are tons of free bundles to download online. I myself only got one bundle, Jackpack (bit hard to find now due to original source being lost, it is still available but bit tricky to come by).
There. Are. Tons.
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Some of these are my custom brushes for calligraphy in neography, you might even guess which ones. You can edit existing brushes, make new ones from the ones you've edited without changing the original, and all sorts of stuff (more below in the third chapter).
There are numerous packages of brushes once you enter Krita, but only one/two are available when you first open it. To unlock them all, click here:
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And make sure all bundles are dark gray in color (example of both dark and light below).
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Now Tools Options: those will pop up depending on what tool you're using.
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Symmetry: Fun stuff. You can drag the lines depending on how you need them and then center them back to the center of the screen if needed.
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Gradients and Textures also have their tools options, you can play with those to get the feeling what they can do (more in third chapter).
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The Filters tab is useful too. Blurring, motion blurring, color mapping, artistic filters and all that: Quite fun.
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Krita allows you to customize your workspace freely. Floating menus, tabs, anything you want. It has quite many drivers at that-
To access the workspace templates, go to Window and choose Workspace.
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Krita allows for copy-pasting any image onto the sheet. Though, for me it sometimes crashes if I accidentally copy-paste text into it without choosing the Text tool first.
The software allows for both raster and vector work. It is basically Photoshop sharpened to be used by artists primarily.
There are some interesting mechanics regarding the Eraser (default bind E).
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You can use it with any brush, allowing for textured erasure/quick work. Good for sketching.
You can use it on gradients (given there's a transparent point on the gradient preset).
There's a Multibrush tool:
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People say Krita is good for animation but my brain can't wrap around it yet honestly @~@.
The keybinds:
B - Brush tool.
E - Erase tool option.
M - Mirror (useful for checking accuracy from a new angle).
Ctrl - Color pick (when used with brush or other color-using tools).
Shift+L.Mouse+drag - Changes the size of the brush by dragging left and right.
Ctrl+E - Merge layer with the one below.
Ctrl+G - Group selected layers.
Ctrl+A - Select whole sheet.
Ctrl+Shift+A - Deselect everything.
F - Bucket tool.
G - Gradient tool.
Ctrl+S - Save document.
Ctrl+Shift+S - Save As document.
Ctrl+N - New document.
Ctrl+O - Open document (will be seen in a new tab on top of the sheet).
Ctrl+C - Copy selected layer or selection.
Ctrl+X - Cut selected layer or selection.
Ctrl+V - Paste copied/cut layer or selection.
Q - Multibrush tool.
R.Mouse - Interesting thing: Opens up a quick selector for brushes and colors you've already used in the piece.
1 - Zoom 100%.
2 - Zoom to fit the piece vertically.
3 - Zoom to fit the piece horizontally.
4, 5, 6 - Turn 15 degrees (4 and 6) or undo the turning whatsoever (5).
Ctrl+I - Negative filter applied to layer.
Ctrl+U - Color editing on the layer.
Ctrl+Y - Soft proofing mode (for color mistakes and stuff like that, mostly annoying for me tbh).
Ctrl+T - Transform selection/layer.
Ctrl+R - Square select tool.
Ctrl+J - Lasso select tool.
Honestly you can just hover your mouse over tools and see their shortcut binds, as well. Or edit them in Settings.
Specific advice on specific tools.
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Brush editor is a great tool for making custom brushes, and it even has a sratchpad to test them out. Lots of settings, but no need to be afraid; Most of them you might never use on purpose.
Use Brush Smoothing for great and pretty lines in lining pieces or making calligraphy.
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The four icons to the right top are:
Mirror gradient.
Arrange by lightness value.
Arrange by color value.
Space the stops evenly.
Click the gradient to add a new stop. The three things to the left are:
Make the stop use Primary Color.
Make the stop use Secondary Color.
Make the stop use a fixed color.
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icabrth · 1 year
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sleep deprived
pairings: gustavo fring x fem!reader
summary: your boss noticed you’re overworking yourself and decides to do something about it.
a/n: gus got that email rizz
warnings: really messy lol
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You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t. Gus had you making ninety pounds worth of meth every week, and due to your partners’ sudden disappearance, you were stuck doing all the work by yourself. You sighed, thinking back to how you got into this position.
You were a just a broke college student, trying to pay off your loans when you you met Jesse. You knew each other back in high school, and now he was your dealer. The two of you became buddies and one day you walked in on him and Walt talking about somebody named Gustavo Fring, the owner of a fast food restaurant with an undercover drug business.
You needed money and you convinced them to let join in. Realizing that the “the more the merrier” shit you had pulled really was just that, shit. After they had taught you the recipe, you ended up doing everything, always.
Gus had put to lines under the deadlines, signifying that if you didn’t get this done in time — there’d be consequences. At the same time you had a lot of due college assignments, and skipping all your lectures. So you practically lived in the lab, sleeping and eating there, until you had no time for either of those things.
You were leaning against the counter with a hand on your jaw, steadying your face. Your eyes shut and light snores coming out of your mouth. As Gus inspected your face, he realized you’d never once look so peaceful as you did in that moment.
“I see you’re getting a lot of work done,” he commented, knowing it’d wake you. Gus needed to talk to you about this. He had cameras everywhere and had been paying very close attention to how much time you’d been spending at the lap. You had your laptop and school books there, a few snacks and amount less cups of coffee.
The sudden sound of his voice startled you as you woke up with a final snore. “Shit– I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t even notice I was, uh’falling asleep” your slurred, your words blurring together due to your grogginess. You looked up at him with lazy eyes.
Gus looked at you through his glasses, his expression as emotionless as usual. You thought you saw a glimpse of emotion in his eyes, though it was probably just your sleep deprivation making you see things. Gustavo Fring doesn’t care for anyone. Especially not some random meth cook who can’t even do her job right… right?
“You should get home and get some rest, ___. Your drowsiness is affecting your work performance.” Stated as a fact, though functioning more as an excuse.
“I can’t, sir! I’ve only made like, half of the meth I was supposed to and–“ you rambled on, but he interrupted you almost instantly. “Stop it, ___! You have done your part. Your partners’s neglect of their responsibilities is not your problem,” as he shushed you, his expression remained the same though his voice got notably more aggressive. “I’ll consider getting you new partners, you’ve mastered the arts of cooking now.” In that moment, you couldn’t be bothered by his comment on your friends; all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.
“Are you absolutely sure? I’ll get back to work as soon as I wake up, I promise!” You insisted, and he shook his head. “No, you’ll have the rest of the week off,” he said. “I value your effort but I cannot have your drowsiness affect my product.” Gus explained while putting a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder. You eyed the hand and as did he, though he didn’t let go before he you reluctantly agreed.
“Alright, I guess,” you sighed. He smiled professionally as he took out his notebook, scribbling something something. “Fantastic! Write down your email and we can discuss your work ethic further.” He demanded suggested, handing you a note and a pen. You smiled as you messily wrote down your email address and gave it back to him.
When you went to sleep that night all you could think about was your interaction earlier, and how this might’ve been his stiff attempt at flirting with you. Although you figured this could’ve easily been your head playing tricks on you agin.
When you woke up the next morning you noticed a gmail notification. Written bellow a [email protected] it read:
Hello, I hope you slept a worthwhile and woke up energetic and better. I suggest we meet up at my restaurant to further discuss our game plan.
Sincerely, Gustavo Fring.
Did Gustavo Fring just ask out out on a date?
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'Deja Vu' First Rections - Part 2
Part 2! Thoughts below the line. Part 1 HERE
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Taehyun is... looking at old memories? I guess? Looking at memories of Gyu? Since yellow is associated with Gyu in this MV...
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...and the next shot we get is Gyu crying the same odd magic that Taehyun did. I hope those are tears of regret for murdering Taehyun.
This is also the first shot we get of Gyu where he ISN'T glowing all MV - tying him as an opposite to Taehyun who was in the dark/grey all MV.
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... He's... trapped in the mirror? Probably not - it's probably more of a 'mirror leads to the magical world' thing. Interestingly, the tears in the mirror are BEHIND Taehyun's head - really showing how trippy all of this is. And suggesting a complete blurring between the real and magical worlds, which is also, fun fact, a motif in TXT's story.
Taehyun's office/room looks like it's from the 90s or something, so we have; Yeonjun in the 30s, Kai in the 40s-ish, Soobin in the 70s or something, Taehyun in the 90s-ish, and Beomgyu being the mandatory dead member for this MV.
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A bus - a symbol of transit, and also a way to get to Magic Island if needed. Also very reminiscent of the Eternity/Drama concept images, where Gyu was indeed the main character.
Also, he's in Yeonjun's world.
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Yet, inside the bus, he is in a magical world - as expected. And also asleep. As expected.
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Soobin, wtf are those shoes? If they're not supposed to be a stand-in for Gyu, I don't know what to say to you, man.
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Speaking of, we now get Gyu's tears falling in Soobin's room - or, magic bleeding into the real world, which it only seems able to do via suffering (ahem, CROWN, ahem).
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HE'S AWAKEEEEEEE. In a room that seems like a hospital or something - cold and no personality - and in a blue room, which means now we have Gyu, Soobin, Yeonjun, and Kai all associated with blue in this MV.
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But Gyu and Taehyun are still connected (as always) through the blue sky, and seem to be having some joint experience.
I mean, Gyu was in a sky with clouds.
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Is Gyu... the girl from Eternally who hugged Soobin....?
Also I only just realised that Kai is on a bridge thing, not a boat. My time/period judgement still stands, though.
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Well, we all know that gravity only goes funny when you start messing with time and magic, don't we, Yeonjun? Hmm, who burnt down Magic Island, Yeonjun? 'Tis all your fault, Yeonjun.
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Anyway, at least he gets to dance his feelings out in this pseudo dream world while he loses grip of whoever he was holding onto in that hand shot.
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TXT's storyline? More like sad-Yeonjuncore.
Colour has come back to his world, but I don't think he's happy about it.
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Anyway, Kai is running after Yeonjun now too. He's got his hands full looking after everyone.
And Yeonjun is still sad, and Gyu still glows.
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I just realised I've been assuming this is Gyu the whole time because of the hair extensions. Pretty sure it is him, but still.
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Doesn't that look nice and peaceful?
Anyway, somehow Yeonjun managed to do the impossible and bring Gyu back. Unsure why how or what is going on but it's a nice moment I guess, and probably a reversal - chances are, Gyu slipped from Yeonjun's hand before, and now Yeonjun has to fall so Gyu can save him.
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And now the colour is back and everyone is together and happy, right?
Yeah wait until the next album lol I bet.
And that's it for the MV! But we still have the lyrics, and before we have a look, let me just say that I am validated in my music opinions - I can see many people saying in the comments that this feels like a 2nd or 3rd gen song, and like a SHINee song. I'd also like to add Infinite to my original judgement.
Alright, time for -
The Lyrics.
Well, I'm a happy camper. There's a LOT, and I mean A LOT of references to Dream Chapter themes in these lyrics (A RETURN TO THE DREAM CHAPTER IS COMING EVERYONE BOW DOWN FOR THE QUEENS OF TXT ALBUMS).
For instance;
More code
Stars and starlight
Memories and friendship
Running to leave things behind
Beginnings vs the future - past vs present vs future
Rain vs fire
Togetherness and friendship
Becoming beautiful BY each other/sorrow becoming beautiful through togetherness
The desolate outside world
Yes, a lot of these things have appeared in later comebacks, but they were ALL cemented/introduced as concepts in THE DREAM CHAPTERRRRRRRRR!!!! YEAH.
So yeah, the song feels like it's entirely a reference to TDC. They even brought back Morse code to title one of their songs on this album.
Now, in this song Kai uses the word 'anomoia,' which is basically just a kind of nostalgia - for a place or time you've never known - aka, a Utopia, or some other dream-like, magical place. Very on-brand and fitting for both the DREAM chapter, and this song.
As I said, I am a happy camper. This is, as I predicted and hoped, a return to/reference to The Dream Chapter - in concept, in story, in music, in lyricism, and more.
I suppose you could say, it evokes Deja Vu of The Dream Chapter?
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trashlie · 1 year
hey, how are you doing? 💗 thanks for the link, that was a great read <3 and as usual, you make such great points! it does seem like yu jing's motivation is to stop yui before she harms any more people. i guess that makes sense, since that would also align (at least partly) with rand's goals. still, yu jing is not the type to sacrifice herself. she must have a way to protect herself somehow. given everything we know about the timeline of the story, we can assume the article won't take yui down completely but it WILL be impactful and yu jing will have to deal with the aftermath. and it's yui we're talking about, so i'm expecting the worst 😶 and yes nol's guilty plea changing her plans is very interesting and i have absolutely no clue why :/ there's so much we don't know about yu jing yet: her history with both the brothers, what rand did to help her, the details of her article… aah i can't wait to learn about all that.
what i also can't quite figure out yet is how alyssa plays into this. so she's exposed and her career is ruined. then what? does yui even need alyssa for something other than to control/torment nol? and helping a "problematic" (but also very talented) girl reach fame is probably the least evil thing yui has done, it happens in the entertainment industry all the time, so exposing that wouldn't do much damage to yui. i wouldn't even be surprised if yui immediately drops alyssa once she has no use for her anymore. but then… what would alyssa's role in the story be? idk it might be just me but i feel like there's still something missing here…
"her insistence on being there" that's the closest to what i had in mind, thank you! and i get what you mean. romance that is grand and untamed and consuming like a forest fire is beautiful in its own right. but for people like nolan and shinae, who have faced so much hardship and turbulence, a love that is soft and steady, that has a healing, illuminating glow feels much more monumental in a way. like a quiet, peaceful, comforting place in the middle of a raging storm. and yes i LOOOVE how they're so well-balanced in their mutual efforts and care and how they're naturally gravitate towards one another. and it's especially obvious when compared to alyssa, who only takes without giving back, or even kousuke, who so often disregards the perspective and needs of the other person. that's why i like re-reading the first half of the formal a lot, those dynamics really come to light <3
"all these little moments that could just as easily remain platonic, except they’re stirring something up" YES!!!! i'm glad we're on the same page on minhyuk and platonic gestures, yay! and btw if you ever write that post about shinae and nol, even though it would be a tangent, i'd actually be curious to know what you think dieter's role in all this is. personally i'm undecided if shinae is genuinely crushing on him because she's drawn to his peaceful, calm, drama-free lol nature and emotional maturity (and hands), or if she's only crushing on him because it's safe to explore the possibility of romance with him and he has reassured her that he genuinely likes her at a time when she was so suspicious about whether her friends even like her (she even questioned minhyuk for a moment 💔) (and the sexy hands might be some kind of projection idk). and if verbal reassurance is part of it, then well, we just had the mutual "you're special to me" confession...
RIGHT i wanted to bring up the girlfriend thing too. shinae has been so adamant about making sure things stay platonic, but now alyssa is basically out of the picture, and the lines she drew are getting blurred, so where does that leave her? tbh i'd be overwhelmed and even a little scared if i was her. everything is happening quite fast! she's been closed off for a long time, she met nol like 3 months ago, took a lot of time to warm up to him, they've established their friendship a couple of weeks ago, they've grown close so quickly, now suddenly there is all this, whatever this is? and i'm probably overanalyzing but i do find it interesting that, in the hospital room, she doesn't hug him back. she doesn't object or push him away either so she obviously doesn't mind, and this sort of inaction (?) does read to me like a physical reflection of what's going on with her internally. the feelings are sprouting, but she can't quite process what's happening, and doesn't know what to do with herself just yet. but she also doesn't dislike this so she is just kind of going with it. then again in the very last panel in 219 we can't see her other arm so maybe she IS embracing him this time. one of quim's little details to keep us wondering i guess 👀
and please i was DYING when shinae blurted out she thinks rand is hot in front of both his sons in front of NOL who is a physical carbon copy of rand except younger and orange like girl… LMAO. (and btw yes on that moment between kou and nol; there are a few rare moments where the brothers almost… get along? it's very refreshing but in a tragic way. like a glimpse into an alternate version of the story where all the toxic conditioning didn't happen 💔)
oh god this got sooo long again i apologize!! i will try to make my future asks more concise. for now, i'm leaving you with this quote i found that makes me think of nol and shinae, i'm sure you'll understand why and appreciate it as well: tumblr. com/slavicafire/714146132919500800 (can't link it properly on anon, hopefully this'll work)
alright. take care!! -lil anon 😼
Lil Anon!!!!!! <3
I was holding off on answer this for a little bit because frankly the last couple weeks were trash and I had noooo energy and didn't want to reply until I could do a good one! I'm glad I held off, though, because there's something I can respond to MUCH BETTER now! Of course, that means this has FP 222 spoilers, so hopefully you've read! (or at least you stop here if you haven't, haha!)
It's funny how a couple weeks ago, we were still trying to piece things together "it probably won't take Yui down completely" "is it worth it for Yujing to risk her career and life?" and episode 222 came in like a wrecking ball, oh my god! I said it in my commentary post, too, but I DID NOT anticipate how much this expose was covering! All along we've talked like this is about Yui and perhaps the Hiraharas in general, but it was largely centered on her. Now, we see it's so much bigger than we'd yet realized, that the nasty, gnarly roots go deeper.
I think it's also so much clearer now why Yujing is going after this story - what it means to her, and her quest for the truth. I imagine by the time she was in university, she already knew what she wanted to do, and was already pursuing that path, but I wonder how much what happened to Manli affected her future career? Or did it already exist before that? The school Sangchul attends that's mentioned in the article about the rampant sexual assault makes me wonder if it's the same school Nol attends, that Kousuke and Yujing attended. If that's the case, then Yujing probably knows of a number of girls she went to school with who were sexually assaulted and nothing came of it. Around half of the reports ended in an incident report when the victims couldn't be contacted or refused to speak about it - doesn't it sound like they were coerced into not speaking about their experiences, whether they were paid off or threatened.
So supposing Yujing went to a school with the elite uppercrust, the wealthy, the influential, the affluent, who committed these heinous acts and got away with it. She went to a school where she watched truth crumble beneath power and influence. Her friend was later in one of those same scary situations and it's very easy to assume that nothing came of it. That she, too, lives with the haunting nightmare of an experience out of control, that left her feeling unsafe. Suddenly it makes sense why Yujing is taking it on, it makes sense why she's willing to risk it all. Because now we see that the stakes are even higher than we thought before. This encompasses so much more than just Yui and the company. This is an attack on the Hiraharas and Kims, specifically, but also an attack on the affluent, those who use their privelege to prey on and hurt others for sport, those who get away with everything, because when it comes down to it, they are above the law. They control things. This is their world.
It's a much more risky expose than we'd really considered before, but it makes sense, why it's so important to her. Yujing is dedicated to digging up the the truth - the real truth, not just media play. She wants to reveal the dark and sinister underbelly of those who have money and influence. She wants to illuminate how many lives have been ruined, how many instances of depraved, deplorable behavior has gone unpunished.
I think this also gives insight into why Nol pleading guilty was such a benefit to her story. It didn't make sense at the time, but now that we are more aware of her angle, it's clearer. Nol is being charged for a crime he didn't commit, but one that Sangchul Kim did - Sangchul Kim whose own relative was removed from his role as CEO due to his own sexual misconduct allegations. She's airing the reality - that Nol was framed/charged for a crime he didn't commit. What did the investigation yield? There must have been one, right? I guess it never came to light because he pled guilty at the hearing? Either way, Nol pleading guilty can easily be seen as someone trying to minimize the damage. He knew that even if he pled innocent there was a likelihood that he'd still be charged as guilty and the sentencing would be worse. Although, maybe he wasn't even thinking of it that way. Maybe he simply just wanted to get away and jail was as good a way to do it. But even that is an angle to work with - that the Hiraharas were so unbearable, were so cruel, he was willing to plead guilty to someone else's crime to get away.
This might be where Alyssa comes into play, but I'm still a little leery of this part, and I'll try to get to that. But Shinae's story also reveals a similar scenario of a cruel act going unpunished. Alyssa walked away without any punishment and I imagine the girls who were part of that were never found out, because Shinae certainly didn't say anything and I'm sure Alyssa didn't, either. We know that I acknowledge Alyssa pushing Shinae was an accident, but the point still reasons that Shinae was being bullied and nothing came of it. Shinae got badly injured and it was just. Swept aside. Those teachers quit their jobs. And it seems very likely that Alyss'as parents paid off the school to keep quiet, to keep her out of trouble.
It's not fair, is it? Even though it was an accident, there was no closure for Shinae. Those girls went on living their lives and for all we know, they may never have even felt bad about it. And it's just yet another case of people with money or influence being able to pay people off, of never atoning for their behavior.
Yujing's story seems to be seeking out truth but also justice. She wants everyone to know how abhorrent they are. She wants to reveal the sinister inner circle of the affluent. Someone on reddit said they'd compared Yui and Gun Kim to Epstein and my god that's exactly what it is, and that's the story Yujing is risking it all for. She wants to air what they have been able to keep quiet.
But here's the thing about Alyssa and the yearbook. As far as we know, Nol has no indication that Yujing is working on this story. When he pled guilty, she mused that she was probably giving him too much credit, which sounds like she hasn't said anything to him about what she's working on. From his perspective, the interview she had with him had to do with his hearing, had to do with clearing his name, or at least offering something for the media besides trying to make him seem like a drug-touting rapist. So why did he give her that yearbook? Why did he steal it?
People suppose that maybe he saw something else in the yearbook but I don't think so? Quimchee is pretty good about how she draws the scenes and he didn't seem to really take notice or anything until he saw that math club photo with Shinae and Alyssa and pieced together their history. He didn't have a chance to go through it further because Shinae tried to take it back, so it feels like it must be about Alyssa. But I just don't get it? What does he stand to gain from taking the yearbook? Some people thought he was going to confront Alyssa but... I really don't think so. Is it possible he knows what Yujing is working on? I just... can't see how he'd know? I know he's perceptive and smart, but has he even seen anything enough to indicate it to her?
Was it more that he hoped that by giving her the yearbook she'd look through it and recognize Alyssa and look into it? Even that seems flimsy at best, so I'm still a little ??? about this. I'm sure there's something I'm missing, or just something that's yet to be revealed but I'm at a loss. Like, Shinae's story certainly plays right into what Yujing is writing about, but is that just a coincidence?
You bring up some really good points about Alyssa, too. It does feel like Yui's only use of her is to torment Nol, and that's not really working anymore now is, it it? He's only with her for their mutual benefit. At this point, if he wanted to end things for good, he could, because would he feel bad if she lost everything when she was no longer connected to him? Nol seems pretty done with her - he does not use light words when he talks about his resentment of how she acts and her admiration of Yui, and he's long-since given up on trying to sway her away. Does a part of him remember when they were really friends and he stays so she can have that? But I've also considered that maybe if he's "dating" Alyssa, she's the main target, the main one Yui tries to use against him? That feels flimsy, though, because Yui watches like a hawk and she is well aware of Shinae's affinity for Nol, and that he shares the same feelings, which is why he tried to keep that distance. But I don't know if staying with Alyssa is really protecting Shinae at all, so the questions remain.
Of course, like I said, I think Alyssa's involvement here may be more about her family, and the dirty hush money they may have paid. In that case, the hush money + Yui creating her career starts to look more questionable. But I think, and this is something that makes me feel sick if I think about too long, I worry there may be some... "sponsorship" involved. I desperately hope it's not the case, but I sometimes think about at the Kim formal when Alyssa danced with that old photographer man, because she needs to schmooze and she needs to appeal to the media. Have there been other scenarios where she's had to... rub elbows... with prominent media figures? Has she been forced into anything heinous as a "payment" for getting her name, her group out there? I REALLY hope not because no matter what Alyssa has done, that's too vile for me. But considering the material Yujing has collected, considering the number of cases of sexual misconduct that's been covered up (that's been ENABLED when you think about it), the idea of Yui taking a girl and pushing her into such disgusting situations doesn't seem at all outside the scope of what we're dealing with.
In an old curiouscat post, quimchee was asked which characters are virgins and which aren't, and for Alyssa she used the 😬 emoji. It just feels... hmmmm. Obviously at the time no one was thinking deeper about this and took it as maybe Alyssa has cheated on Nol but... I can't help but worry that this response is more because we'll see something far darker than people were thinking. I hope I'm wrong! But!
that's why i like re-reading the first half of the formal a lot, those dynamics really come to light <3
Oh my gosh, SAME!!!!! I honestly can't remember when I started feeling shippy feelings towards Nol and Shinae, but I think the formal really played a big role in at least creating that foundation. There was just something about the way Shinae found herself seeking security in him, and how he was able to anticipate her wants and needs when Kousuke was unable to, it was the hospital scene showing the way Shinae thinks of others when Alyssa puts herself first, and the way that quietly impacted Nol. It was just seeing the ways that they just suit each other and somewhere along the way it made me go "oh no" lol when I realized the shippy feelings were starting lol. I know I've said it before so it really doesn't need repeating but they just feature so much of what I enjoy in a good pairing, the way they meet those needs and compliment each other, the way Shinae learned friendship by emulating him and turns it around on him. I would love them regardless if there was never any romance, but I'm also a sucker for a pairing that grows out of friendship like this because in so many ways they are what the other one wants and needs.
But we all know what a sucker I am for parallels, so it was only natural I would start to feel so strongly about them lol, that I would delight in them getting these cute little moments together. You are so right that they both have just been through SO much they deserve so much soft, so much warmth. They've had enough stress and excitement lol they just deserve something healing. Clearly we are nowhere near that unfortunately, but I really hope that in time we'll get to see Shinae - and Dieter and Soushi! - become some kind of safe spaces for Nol. Romance is well and good, but more than anything I want to see Nol accept that they are a safe space for him. I just. I LIKE SEEING THEM HAPPY! I WANT TO SEE THEM COMFORTABLE! I know safe is a long way away for them, but god I want to see pockets of safe space, moments of safe space. I want to see them taking refuge in each other I want to see them becoming that pillar of support to each other! This is so far off tangent lol but I've just been thinking and talking about them so much today, and the development of their relationship, the roadbumps they still face, and I just! Want! Them to find safety and comfort in each other ;~; ROARS
i'd actually be curious to know what you think dieter's role in all this is.
GOD I do think about this a LOT and wonder about it. Like, it's impossible to like two different people at once, so I don't want to discount that it's very possible for her to be attracted to both in different ways, but it's also worth exploring because this is so very new to Shinae. She doesn't really seem to have had any experience with this and while it's easy for her to admit when she finds someone hot - like Rand LMAO - that doesn't mean you LIKE someone, you're ATTRACTED to them.
I think Dieter IS a safe space for her, both because he's such an unproblematic person who is very respectful of her boundaries and because he already likes her. This is something I struggled with a LOT when I was younger - how do you know when you like someone vs when you like that they like you? Shinae is very weak to Dieter's affection for her. The "date" at the amusement park revealed this, with the whole don't look at me like that lol. But I do think Shinae's crush has to do with safety, and why I think they could have been SUCH a wonderful pairing (and look if they date I do look forward to it! I may be a Stalkyoo shipper but I acknowledge the ways that Dieter could be a good relationship for her if that was what she wanted). A funny thing about Dieter and Nol is that both of them make her feel special in different ways, it's just that Dieter is actually more open about it. I think she seeks that comfort and safety because her own life has been so tumultuous and they last thing she wants is a tumultuous relationship. And right, he's been this stable pillar for her when she needs it. Everything about them is so fluffy and cute and warm! That's why I have no issue shipping them as well!
I do wonder where he fits into all of this because LMAO FIRST OFF my poor cinnamon roll is RIGHT THERE LMAO Would he ever have had the guts to dance with her like that? He's so aware of his "inadequacies" when compared to Nol (or rather, Yeonggi) who came off so personable and charming and has this easy chemistry with her, and we know he isn't blind, he's observant as hell and he sees it. Is he sleeping? Or is he awake confirming something he was aware of all along? I used to think that Shinae and Dieter would date first, and that maybe he'd go to school back home in Germany (because he's always homesick it just feels to me like he might do that) but I also didn't expect to see Shinae and Nol dancing around their feelings so soon so I have to rethink everything I thought lol. I thought Shinae might run away from her growing feelings towards Nol, especially because he has a girlfriend, but now she knows a. that relationship isn't really one and b. she is doing the exact opposite she has cleaved on to him.
And right, like you said, the I care about her confession is already out there. I was musing to.... someone... somewhere.... lol I've been talking about this a lot lately, aaahhhh! Here it is! That as much as Shinae is obviously more drawn to Nol now that he's not putting on his Yeonggi front, with all those sharp edges, the Nol he has presented to her unsoftened, I wonder how much of it also stems from what he said to Lil Buddy. Is it that his admission that she means just as much to him as he does to her has stirred something in her? Part of what she was struggling so much with was that lack of closure, and now she knows what was eating her up inside - is that part of why she reacts so shyly to his gaze? Because she knows, because they have shared something so vulnerable with each other, she has literally shared her scar with him!
And in that manner, how does this compare to or differ from how she reacts to Dieter's feelings? I think she is more drawn to Nol, but that could just because of the circumstances. I think, if given a choice, she'd want to pick something safe, but that doesn't mean it's where her heart would lean, right? I don't think Shinae is ready to process what she feels towards Nol, but if Dieter is awake, would there even be an opportunity for that? I've wondered if he would do something dumb, like date her even knowing her unprocessed feelings, but that feels rather dramatic for who he is, doesn't it? That feels like a very typical second lead cliche and I don't think that's the sort of thing quimchee would want to write.
Man, I really SHOULD write that post because I clearly have more to say about it than I thought lmao.
the feelings are sprouting, but she can't quite process what's happening, and doesn't know what to do with herself just yet.
Even before getting 222, I was already thinking that Shinae definitely didn't know how to respond at first. I think... like yes there's a lot of unprocessed feelings happening and this is the closest she's ever been with Nol, physically. I wonder if she'd still be like this if she didn't know that he doesn't have feelings for Alyssa, if she'd still be very caught up in all of this, because I don't think she's acknowledging the feelings at this point. If anything, I think there's more surprise about this, because he's always respected that line she drew. She was the one who tried holding his hands that time. When she tried to feel if he had a fever he batted her hand away. Now, suddenly, he's literally leaning on her. I think, too, it's the circumstances. He was the one who made her get up for the dance, but suddenly he's burying his head against her shoulder - she knows something is wrong, but she can only assume it's a result of his injury. Maybe she's already wondering if he was hiding something, like his pain (because I don't think she realized yet that it was his feelings he's hiding).
But yeah I think it's very much that they're in uncharted territory, it's all so new to her. I would lol really love to be in her head later, whenever she does find herself thinking about this. What IS running through her head? What does she think of her inability to hold his gaze, of the way she's flushing and getting so flustered? Is she going to chalk it up to the intensity? Is she going be able to face it? alfjkakfjkafjaf
I wonder lmao if she'll figure out the resemblance to Rand or not. Like, Idk that scene is eternally funny to me, Rand's carbon copy just there in front of her, spewing his drink all over her alfjkafkjafjkafj LMAO I... I wish we had more scenes between Nol and Kousuke like that but. Kousuke :/ never really allowed them huh lol. I get so sad thinking about what they could have been, had Kousuke not been manipulated, had he not been driven to compete for love and affection. :(
Tumblr did NOT want to show me that link btw and I am SAD! TUMBLR PLS LET PEOPLE SEND ME LINKS PROPERLY EVEN ON ANON I WANT TO SEEEEE ;A; But also haha as always no need to apologize for long messages! I... clearly... am not good at reigning myself in either LMAO but that's fine because I love these discussions!!!! Thank you for always giving me something interesting to think or talk about! <3
Edit to add that @amuraas was able to paste the link for me and ;~; Listen I am not kidding when I say this made me cry. It is so perfect, you are right! That absolutely sums up my own feelings about love lol but especially the love between Nol and Shinae. That he could see in her what she was unable to see herself, and just the same, she stays at his side even in this darkest of times to reflect back to him what he's unable to see past. It's absolutely beautiful! One of the things I talk about a lot re: Stalkyoo is the mirroring, and how they can see in each other what they're unable to see in themselves and god this quote just GETS THAT SO WELL. Love is someone who brings out the best in you, but it's also someone who can see the best when you're unable to and god I want to howl about this foreverrrrrrrr. Thank you for finding and sharing that! And thank you again to @amuraas for tracking it down for me when tumblr refused to!
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Hawks falling in love for a mysterious motorcycle chick! ((Who's also an underground pro hero cuz why not)) (She/her or they/them which one you're most comfortable with)
((Got this idea from that one episode from steven universe where Pearl has a crush on this pink haired girl who rides a motorcycle lmao))
Ooooo I like this one, nonnie! I was driving home from work yesterday and saw a mysterious biker guy, actually. So it’s pretty ironic that I saw this in my inbox today lol. Also thank you for being my first request 🥺
Content: Reader is supposed to be gender neutral for this, so they/them. I wrote this whole thing in class under my desk though, and it’s not proofread, so let me know if you find any she/her. :)
Warnings: Some profanity, mild violence.
Notes: The Kawasaki Ninja is my favorite bike, btw. I might get one when I get older. Tron was kind of an inspo for this, at least the motorcycle part.
Tumblr media
Keigo stood rigid on top of a building, his wings slightly curling around him from behind. The wind ruffled through his feathers and hair, and slightly obscured his jacket. Glancing over the city lights as they bore a contrast to the night sky, he tried to spot any kind of abnormal activity.
Somebody had been riding around at night, being quite loud and disruptive. The press didn’t know if they were friend or foe, and blurred pictures were the only thing Keigo could go off of. He at least knew they rode some kind of motorcycle, if Keigo had to guess, he’d say it was a Kawasaki Ninja.
The person was in an all-black leather jumpsuit made for riding, and a full helmet to cover their face. It was Keigo’s job to find out who they were, and if they intended to do harm or save.
Every single rev of a motorcycle in the area made him perk up, but none of them were the one he was looking for. His wings fell in defeat as another passed him, once again not the one he was looking for.
“Maybe they changed bikes and outfits…?” Keigo muttered to himself.
As soon as he said that though, the familiar figure and bike raced past him, and towards another cyclist. Keigo grinned and flipped his visor down over his eyes. “Bingo.”
Taking off after them in the air, Keigo kept close to their trail. Obviously they were following the other biker with a purpose, a dangerous, high-speed chase beginning.
The bikers raced through the city, weaving between multiple cars. Keigo grit his teeth together, glancing at the involuntary witnesses to this chase. The biker in front of the mysterious one seemed innocent enough, so Keigo had pretty much answered his own question.
He was about to swoop down and grab the mysterious biker when they made a sharp right turn, following the biker in front of them. Keigo growled to himself before following close behind. This was now a one-way street that they were in, two lanes now. The mysterious biker merged into the next lane, and began to lean towards the innocent biker.
The innocent biker freaked out and turned into an alleyway, stopping before he could hit a wall at the end. The mysterious biker trapped him in and got off their bike. Keigo then fired off several feather plums, making a line between the mysterious biker and the innocent one. He descended from the air, glare on the one he just caught.
“Mind telling me what’s going on, here?”
“This man just robbed a house. I was trying to stop him.” The mysterious biker growled under their mask.
“And you have evidence of this how?”
“Got a tip and hid around the area for a little while, then I saw him walk in with empty pockets, and leave with full ones.”
Keigo paused and glanced at the man behind them. He was shaking, and his pockets did look full…
“Sir, empty those pockets.”
“E-excuse me?!” The male biker screamed. “That bastard just chased me a good ten blocks and you have the audacity to even believe one word they say?!”
“Please, it’s just a precaution, sir. Just doing my job.” Keigo put his hands up in mock surrender.
The guy quickly glanced around for any form of exit. Thats when Keigo knew this man wasn’t exactly innocent like he thought. He ran and tried to jump onto a fire escape, but Keigo’s feather plums rose and pointed at the man.
“Sorry sir, but it seems I was wrong. You’re gonna have to come with me.” Keigo glared at the man, then down at the mysterious biker.
Except, they were gone.
“Wha-?! Dammit, how did I miss them leaving…? Fuck it, at least I got this guy…”
Keigo didn’t see them again for another week. Although, the press were happy to hear that this mysterious biker wasn’t a threat. Instead, now they praised them as some kind of “underground pro hero.”
However, he still got orders to keep an eye on them, and see if he could catch them again. He didn’t get very much information out of them the first time.
When they raced past his post, Keigo let a little smile slip before taking off after them. This was a different part of the city, so there would possibly be no small crime going on. Or, maybe none at all. He hadn’t received any word of anything going on, so he wondered what they could possibly be up to.
Keigo followed the biker until eventually they stopped at a bar. Parking in the back, they got off their bike while Keigo landed behind them.
“I knew you’d follow me.”
“Oh? How come?”
“Cause I know you’ve been tailing me for a while now.” The biker turned to look at the pro hero, helmet visor obscuring any view of their eyes. “Why?”
“Orders. Press wanted to know if you were friend or foe.”
“Oh, yeah, been seeing that shit all over my news feed lately. Honestly people just need to chill the fuck out.” The biker shrugged.
“Well now that they know you’re a friend, they’ll begin to calm down more.”
“Who said I was a friend?” The biker leaned slightly against their black bike.
Keigo narrowed his eyes through his own visor. The bikers shoulders bounced with laughter.
“I’m just kidding, don’t get your feathers ruffled.”
Keigo felt his heart tug at the bird pun.
“Besides, if I didn’t know you were following me, I would’ve just gone to the shitty bar down the street from my house. But, I’m nice, so I dragged you here.” The biker shrugged.
“I’m not sure if I can have drinks on the job.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can’t, Hawks. But you can at least have fun.”
His feathers shuddered at the way they said his hero name. “I have plenty of fun.”
“Sure. Being No. 2 hero leaves lots of room for fun, I bet.” The biker crossed their arms. “Well fine, if you wont go into the bar with me, then let me get your number.”
“Are you flirting with me?” Keigo asked.
“Maybe. It all depends on your response.”
“…I’d like to know what you look like first.”
“So you will give me your number?”
“Only if you take off your helmet.” Keigo narrowed his eyes.
The biker sighed and popped off their helmet. Shaking their head for their hair to reform, they opened up their eyes to give Hawks a narrowed stare.
Keigo thought their (color) eyes were stunning - they stopped him in his place. The biker gave him a small smile, which tugged at his heart.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing, I uh…what’s your name?”
“(Y/n).” They then held their hand out expectantly.
“What, you wanna handshake? You already know-“
“No!” (Y/n) laughed. “Your number.”
Keigo smiled and chuckled himself. “Right, right.”
Writing his number on a piece of paper and handing it to them, (Y/n) read it over before pocketing the paper.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with?” (Y/n) motioned to the bar behind them.
“Sorry champ. Not tonight. But hey, give me call, yeah?”
(Y/n) nodded. “Yeah.”
Keigo then flew off. He felt like he got enough information to satisfy him, but maybe not his agency. However, he knew that over time he’d gather the correct information. Just, for now, he was more focused on that call he was going to receive from the mysterious biker, (Y/n).
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quelsentiment · 1 year
3, 15, 17, 18 for the weird writing asks!!
Thanks Fee!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Okay, so I used to write on Google Docs for the longest time and then a few months I told myself that maybe it wasn't the best privacy-wise. So I've switched to using Open Office, which I think helps me focus better because having it on a separate window away from my web browser reduces the temptation to stop mid-sentence to check another tab, you know? But at the same time, this feels VERY cursed because my version doesn't have any kind of spelling check, plus my WIPs are now saved on my internal drive, and since I don't make backups of them that often, I live in fear or my laptop dying on me and making me lose weeks of progress
Oh also, there's basically no word count lololol
Am I gonna do anything about any of this though? No, we're raw-dogging life over here 😎
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I already answered this earlier but the short answer is I currently don't, but I don't judge people who do (unless it's a library book or something)
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I guess I'll talk about my fic for the Zouis Fest (although it might not even be part of it in the end, because I keep writing for the Dream Team fandom instead rip)
Anyway, I'm still not sure exactly what I'm doing with it. Like the main idea is that it's a Zayn-POV, canon-compliant(ish), present day fic where they run into each other in Hong Kong and are kinda forced to acknowledge what happened all those years ago, and figure out how to move forward. So like, lots of angst and feelings of betrayal and conflict and serious conversations because that's basically all I know how to (and all I want to) write lol
At the moment I'm not sure whether to keep it focused on their friendship or introduce some kind of romance aspect to it (toying with the idea that they had some kind FWB situation going while they were in the band). But since it's canon-compliant I'd feel kinda iffy doing that. I've never actually written canon-compliant before, and I have to admit that it scares me a bit, also because I've been extremely removed from the 1d fandom lately
Anyway one thing I'm sure about is that I want a scene to be inspired by the following verse from Blur's My Terracotta Heart:
And when we fly tomorrow over the Java seas And my younger maps will be there with me 'Cause they remind me of swimming out too far one day Then the coral was gone, but I didn't care anyway
Something about Zayn going too far to swim and Louis watching him almost drown but not realizing what's happening, as a metaphor for what went wrong between them
Yeah, that's pretty much all I can share at the moment. I should really get back to it
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
Zayn Malik is, without a doubt, the most beautiful person Louis has ever had the privilege to lay his eyes on. To the point that if he were to explain aesthetic attraction to someone, he’d probably say something like: “The feeling I get when I look at that gorgeous guy in my English 586 class.”
That's the opening line from Situations Like These, my aro/ace Zouis fic from the first Zouis fest.
It's one of those stories that really started out with just a scene rather than an idea/concept, which I think is the case for a lot of my fics actually. I mean, I did have a prompt for this fic, which was something like "they're both ace but don't tell the other for fear of driving him away", so it was pretty vague in terms of setting and everything else, really.
I remember coming up with that opening scene and the bits of dialogues at my grandparents' place right before getting on the road back home with my parents, and since I'd rather die than write in front of them, I just had to make sure to commit everything to my memory by repeating it all in my head throughout the day, until we were finally home and I could write it down. But that's something I do a lot, I think, just come up with stuff (typically dialogue) at inconvenient times and praying that I remember it by the time I can write it down 😬 And then of course when you actually settle in front of your computer, you feel like all your inspiration is gone
Anyway, I think this might be one of my favourite opening scenes I've written, I feel like it's pretty fun while setting the tone and dynamics for the whole fic
writing asks
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kil9 · 2 years
this whole time I guess I've just been assuming the "blonde" taemin is the victim/innocent taem, I guess the silver one looks more evil ? he's the one with the eyepatch and getting arrested and stuff, plus blonde taem has the most significant injury. (the photocards also have blonde taem in the innocent version and silver taem in the suspect version, which basically confirms we should read blonde taem as innocent) but it doesn't completely line up.....
silver taem is the one one we see actually singing, indicating the song is from his point of view (I know you're bad for me, you're a criminal who hurts me, I'm on a leash called you, etc) at least until the end where blonde taem is mouthing along. blonde taem is also the only one we see with a weapon in the whole video, the chainsaw.
the weapon thing I'm more inclined to brush off (they are both affecting each other, after all, the "innocent" one has blood on his own hands in the end) but the singing thing still stands out to me. there are a couple explanations for this I can think of. the first, and simplest, is that it's just intentionally confusing. which might be the most likely case, I think a big part of the concept in general is these two people bleeding into each other and blurring the line. but I think it could also be more interesting than that.
so my first thought was, yes, the silver taem is the criminal and blonde taem is innocent, but the lyrics themselves don't talk about the "criminal" in the literal sense. rather, the crime of "making" him act this way, and pushing the blame of his own actions onto blonde taem (common abuse tactic lol. I'm on a leash called you ie I act this was because you make me crazy, a criminal who hurts me ie it's your fault things are going bad. taemin loves an unhealthy dynamic for sure) this especially lines up in the 2nd verse, "the syndrome called you, you lure me in and shake me. behind your childlike innocent face, a frightening side of you gives me goosebumps." it's easy to read as the criminal luring this dangerous side out of an otherwise innocent guy. this would also line up with the fact that blonde taem starts singing along in the end, when he's become just as bad as him, somewhat accepting this blame, saying fuck it I'll start being bad too. (side note, the fact that "just me and you" is on this album makes me lose my MIND. and reading those lyrics as the criminal & innocent makes me scream)
and the other thing I've thought about is, maybe the blonde taemin is the criminal after all. after all, the two versions aren't called "innocent and criminal" they're called "innocent and suspect," and a suspect isn't always guilty. this, of course, gives the impression of blonde taem (criminal taem) flat out framing silver taem for everything he's done. when you watch the video from this angle, blonde taems innocent and quiet demeanor shifts to cold, and calculated. and while silver taem used to seem violent and unhinged, you now see a man in panic, feeling the effect the criminal has had on him, and finally losing his mind. of course blonde taem will have gotten some scratches, silver taem seems much more hot headed so there's sure to have been some pushback. this interpretation is really, really interesting to me lately, and almost comes across more sinister than the original.
but really, any way you look at it, this shift of blame comes into play. (you made me act like this it's your fault, vs you literally made me do this even though it was your idea, vs I didn't do anything why did you tell them that) and like I said before... i think it's intentionally confusing !! bleeding into each other, blurring the line, blame moving back and forth, I think it all plays into the same dynamic in the end. who is innocent or not, we'll never know, but it's just some fun stuff to think about :] hey, maybe they're not even different people, who's to say !
as he says in just me and you, "we just blend into one color. we are reborn. empty your heart so it gets filled with me." and I think that's the real spirit of criminal. happy 2nd anniversary !!
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fff777 · 4 months
Watched the next neo model lol (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Part 1
I'm guessing this is a spoof of the next top model franchise
Based on the intro: The guys who are here to be goofy: Taeyong, Haechan, Mark, Johnny, Jungwoo The guys who are serious only because their goofiness has limits: Jaehyun, Yuta, Taeil The guys who are only here to win: Doyoung
Now that they're actually doing their catwalk thing, the ONLY guy who's not going to be goofy about this is Doyoung lmao, what a square.
Ohh Jungwoo and Johnny are the MCs and that's why they're dressed all fancy. Figures.
Doyoung's been blessed
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Ohh, Doyoung's playing the arrogant one, so that's why he's all serious.
Both Yuta and Jaehyun said Johnny weren't that special either, maybe Doyoung, Yuta, and Jaehyun are supposed to be the frontrunners lol.
The "Coming up next" previews lol
Mark getting blurred because his pose was ???
All of the 'aside' voiceovers are really helping the immersion lol. Very reality TV of them. Though it's mostly the contestants shit talking each other.
Jungwoo's trying to be serious and giving a lecture but no one can take him seriously.
Johnny taking his role very seriously as a fashion mogul lol.
Doyoung and Taeyong rivals story line???
Johnny: I think I know why they were best friends, those weirdos
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Jungwoo and Taeyong under-the-table deal subplot?
Mark returns (from wherever he went) while singing
Jungwoo said Yuta's knees were sexy
Taeil is always so shy about this kinda stuff lol. He just kind of panics when he hears the theme for the pose. But he has such dad energy so anything he does makes the others laugh.
Theme is 'nervous bunny.' Taeil went with bunny, while Jaehyun went with nervous, in the 'hands up!' way.
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Rock, but make it sexy (theme here was a silent rock)
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So Haechan is the arrogant heavyweight lol
I forgot to mention this earlier but it made me laugh how they have the intros/outros for the fake commercial breaks.
Part 2
LOL they even have the 'collaboration challenge' part of the show :P
Johnny doing the squat
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Just. On the floor.
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Part 3
Oh there's a final mission. The first video didn't have a "Part 1" anywhere in the title so I had no idea this series was longer than one video. Instead we're getting three videos of them clowning.
Is it just me or is Jungwoo quite flexible? (while he was doing his weird poses lol) Or does it just look that way because he has long limbs lol.
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He wants to win so bad
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Kind of unfair that all of these guys look good with the random glasses they picked. Good looking people do have it easier ToT I struggle every time I need to get glasses.
Taeil with his big fur coat and low hat is a hit
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purplesurveys · 4 months
When was the last time someone admitted to having somewhat of an attraction to you? Few months ago when some dude in Malaysia hit on me and also tried to use this cheesy pickup line which was tbh adorable but I just wasn't looking for anything so I turned him down.
If people hit on you semi-often, what race tends to hit on you the most? Eh that never happens to me.
Have you ever had an experience with ghosts or angels? If you have, explain: No and I don't believe in either anyway, so...
How has the summer been treating you thus far? June was fantastic; I went on back-to-back overseas trips and it was incredibly refreshing to have a month where I spent more time off than at work. The rest of it is an autopilot blur because I spent the rest of it working, lol. I can barely remember what happened in July.
What was the last wedding you went to like? Any pictures you’d like to post? I haven't been to a wedding since my aunt and uncle's in 2007. None of my friends are married, and the people I know who have since gotten married I'm not even close with so I've never gotten invited to theirs.
Was yesterday an exhausting and busy day? It actually was my most exhausting day of the week. It left me so tired I don't even know how I managed to drive home lol, I just wanted to close my eyes and pass out the whole ride.
Have you ever choked on food before? Not on food but on liquids and my own spit in the past, yeah.
Do you ever make awkward eye contact with people at restaurants? I wouldn't call those instances awkward. Sometimes I just meet eyes with strangers and that's all there is to it. I just look away as quick as I can so that they don't think I'm staring.
How often do random numbers call your cell phone? I wanna say 2-3 times a month because we're apparently doing a crap job addressing the whole thing about scammers and them having a hold of literally everyone's numbers.
Can you just go with the flow, or do you like control? I like an overall structure, but it's nice to have a bit of freedom within that structure. That said I definitely am not nearly as anal as I used to be and enjoying going with the flow is probably the biggest change I've undertaken in the last three years.
Is your internet connection slow? It is and it has been SO SHITTY the last 2.5 weeks. Our internet service provider is shit shit shit shit SHIT. I've been going to the office for 2.5 weeks now because I can't stand the slow service lmao; they also keep saying they'll bring someone in to fix whatever the fuck problem is happening but they've been saying that for the last couple of weeks and no one ever comes.
Have you ever unblocked someone that you blocked before? Yep.
Do you like to eat fruit salad? No that sounds like the worst punishment ever.
Can you take naps, or does it make you feel horrible? I can, but I don't. My free time is very rare and I always see sleep as a waste of time, even though I know I shouldn't... but idk, I guess I've always been a "I'll sleep when I'm dead" kind of person.
Do you know anyone who can’t swallow pills? I don't think so! I mean I have my moments where the damn pill just won't go down and the water makes me nauseous already LOL, but for the most part it's not a cause for concern with me.
When was your last uneventful day? That would be last Friday and Saturday – I had a fever then and both days were entirely spent on the couch recovering. I didn't want to risk getting up and doing stuff and possibly making my fever even higher.
Does your ex have a reason to hate you? Yes.
What annoys you the most about people? This is speaking only on the side of Filipino culture but I hate the culture of aggressive bargaining and find it embarrassing. Like the seller you're haggling is making a lot less than you are; if she says a top is 700 just pay the damn 700 lol. I'm FOR SURE in the minority here but I just don't like the idea of pressuring people, especially because I know I would hate it if I'm being forced to lower down prices that I set hahaha.
Don’t you hate how cameras are almost everywhere in public now? I don't find it a problem and it actually makes me feel safer.
Has anyone slapped you across the face before? If so, why? Yeah. Fuck if I know. I haven't talked to him in like five years.
How long have you been on the computer today? I want to say a little over 6 hours.
Did you know that a large fry at McDonald’s contains 500 calories? No but tbh I don't care. I know what I'm signing up for whenever I eat fast food, lol.
Do you find it hard to truly trust people? I trust my friends; it's a question mark for everyone else. I want to remain guarded, especially with how unsafe or sketchy the outside can get.
Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your siginificant other? Less is always more fun, as long as it's the little things – like me liking wrestling and my SO not understanding it one bit. It's a mess waiting to unravel if you have nothing in common with the fundamental items, like religion or wanting to have kids.
Why do you think people care so much about looks? Doesn't it just simply boil down to society and media and what we think society and media tell us to do?
What do you do when there’s a question in a survey that you don’t want to answer? I just delete it altogether or give a noncommittal answer.
Do you hate the last guy/girl you had a thing with? I did. I'm just calm now.
Have you ever taken a survey so long it bored you? Yes.
How easy was it to get over the person you last dated? 7 months, to my own surprise.
Do you allow people to ask you questions? Sure.
Would you take a shot of heroin for a million dollars? No.
Why don’t you talk to your ex anymore? I don't need to and I don't want to.
0 notes
The Genocide Thing
CW: Suicide, Genocide
This morning I saw a meme posted by a cis ally about trans rights. It is… disturbing and disquieting to me. I don't know where it comes from. It is one of those perpetually re-edited memes, the sort of thing people who make the memes I see on purpose. Innumerable auto-applied "credits" on top of each other turning the letters into an eldritch blur. A swole gray man - you can tell he's cis. If he was transmasc he'd be either be covering those things up or have had top surgery to reduce them. He's standing pickup truck flying trans flags with a sign saying "TRUMP LOST LOL".
Memes are about recontextualization, about taking things and moving them into a different context, and most of the memes I see, I'm happy about this, but seeing the "was/were pronouns" joke in this context is…
The whole meme is dependent on inverting the logic of transphobia. You call me a snowflake? No, you're the snowflake! You tell me facts don't care about your feelings? Guess what, facts don't care about your feelings either!
The logic of transphobia is genocide. At this point it's really clear to most trans people. We don't have recourse to inverting transphobes' logic. Behind the Bastards, last Christmas, did an episode with Margaret Killjoy on Nakam, a group of Holocaust survivors who attempted to apply the Lex Talionis to the German people. You kill six million of us? We kill six million of you!
Of course it wasn't going to work. Not because of the logistical difficulties but because people can't live like that. Humans are capable of lots of things. Wonderful and horrible, lots of things. To maintain that level of cold rage, for that long? The people in Nakam couldn't do that. I can't do that. Certainly no ally, no matter how committed, is going to commit to that.
The only other option - the one I know is true - is that they don't understand. One of my girlfriends yesterday was talking about the Jewish American Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter's reaction to being told about the Holocaust. His response was to say "I cannot accept what you are saying." The person telling him said, "After all I've told you, you don't believe me?" Frankfurter responded, "I believe you. I cannot accept what you are saying." (This is a parable, not history. I haven't verified this.)
I have a lot of privilege, but I don't, in this case, have the sort of privilege Justice Frankfurter did. I see the refugees. I have spoken to some of the intended victims. The allies, by and large, just don't understand. This makes it hard for me to talk to them. What am I to say? Thanks, could you and your swole husband do us a solid and make this genocide's pronouns "was/were"?
The reason it's not our obligation to explain is because, in many, many cases, we don't have the power to do it. We go door to door talking to sealion after sealion. It's soul-killing. Our lives our on the line and people don't listen. That's why we need allies. They can do it because they have the distance, it's not their lives.
But they also have a choice, a choice we don't. The consequences of the choices they're making right now… well, the genocide will continue until the people with the power to do so take action to stop it. Doing that isn't free, for them. They'll pay a cost to do it. Until and unless they do that, we're the ones who pay the cost. That cost is measured in our lives.
It is hard to explain, sometimes, to liberals why I think they are worse than conservatives. They don't understand. They think they are our allies, our friends, and here is how I will put it. When one of us is murdered, a lot of cis people will acknowledge that. They will hold vigils and say strong words and if enough of us die over a long enough time, maybe they'll even take action to stop us from being killed. When one of us commits suicide, though? When one of us commits suicide, it is our fault. People trot out the suicide statistics as an argument against transition, as if those of us who don't transition don't kill ourselves.
People will sometimes talk about how transition is a choice, and this is true. Trans people know it is true. I had a choice: Transition, or suicide. I chose transition. I am far from the only trans person to have faced this choice. Not all of us chose the same way I did.
Conservatives look at trans people and they regard us as abominations against their god and they kill us. Liberals tend to look at us as, essentially, abortions - they want trans people to be safe, legal, and rare. In other words, they create conditions that make transition nearly impossible, and then when we take the other option, the one we prefer not to talk about, they blame us.
This is why I hate liberals and do not hate conservatives. Both ideologies lead to the same effective end - genocide. Liberalism just does a better job at covering up the genocide.
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maleficusbonum · 3 years
There are two types of people in this world:
Those that grew up knowing, full-well Anastasia (1997) was not a Disney movie
And those that cleary never paid attention to opening credits, so therefore thought it was a Disney movie
I believe u can tell which one I was
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vinnieswife · 3 years
Vinnie hacker x reader
Warnings: smut,dirty talk,daddy kink,choking kink idk lol
Words: 2178
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It's a stormy afternoon, clearly you just wanted to stay in bed, sleep or watch some series on your laptop, clearly those were not Vinnie's plans.
Let's be honest, Vinnie is a hyperactive person, he can't stop still for two seconds, and it's something you love but God, at the time of sex his endurance surprises you, he could give you 4 rounds in a row without stopping, with the same pushing force than the first round.
And there you were trapped in Vinnie's arms begging you for some action.
"Oh lord Vin it's 7 pm,you are unbelievable" you tell him laughing.
"Oh come on please, just one round, please"
"You are a liar, do you think I'm stupid ?, when you say -one round- you literally mean 3 rounds at least"
He suppress a laugh "come on I promise, just one"
“What I get if I accept your deal? Huh? "
"Cuddles and I promise that I will watch My Little Pony with you"
"That's a good deal" you smile.
Then he approached and placed himself on top of you, one hand on one side of your head and the other caressing your neck, then he cut the distance between your lips and his, biting slightly your lower lip, while your lips collided with each other he caressed with his tongue over your lower lip, asking for permission, to which you opened your mouth to allow his tongue to lightly caress yours. Vinnie is a great kisser, his kisses can make a thousand butterflies flutter in your stomach or that a bad day has a happy touch.
"Can I take this off?" He have ask referring to your (his) shirt. His kisses began to go down your jaw leaving small bites and bruises until they reached your neck, he sucked on your soft spot making you moan, and grab his curls, he smiled against your skin while continuing to leave marks on your neck and shoulder.
He bit into the gap where your neck and your shoulder come together to get a loud moan from you. Your skin lit up with every kiss planted on your skin, with every little touch that Vinnie's stomach had met your abdomen when he leaned further down.
His kisses descended further to your collarbone and the top of your breasts. "may l?" No matter how many times Vinnie had seen you naked, he would always ask you a thousand times.You nodded smiling, his hands traveled to your back, undoing the hook of your bra. Vinnie took off the piece of fabric from your body, observing your breasts and leaving a kiss between them.
His mouth traveled to one of your nipples, wrapping his mouth around it,his tongue moving in gentle circular movements around the bundle,while his hand twisted and pinched the other.
Out of nowhere Vinnie gently bit your nipple down making you moan at the sudden movement.He smirk against your skin leaving there a few kisses before keep going down.
He kisses your ribs, your sides and your abdomen stroking your hipbones. His strong (and hot lmao) hands stroke your thighs and slide down your shorts,also he remove your underwear with his teeth.
He start teasing your thighs biting on them lightly,making bruises and stroking them with his hands.Then he plants a kiss on your clit making you gasp at the sudden pleasure,his tongue explores your folds tasting you, you moan and tug on his hair making him groan sending vibrations though your pussy making you squirm. Long, satisfying wet stripes were dragged from your core to your clit, where he would suck and pull with his lips, leaving your legs shaking and toes curled.
Vinnie looked up and made eye contact with you, his dark gaze making you want to tug at his hair and release you for him right there. His eye contact was so seductive and commanding, it made the butterflies in your stomach flutter even more, and even more so when he thrust his tongue into your core, testing you in every way possible. He start to the tease your entrance with his tongue slipping it in and out in an agonizing slowly pace.
“Vinnie please...”you beg
“Please what love? Finish the sentence”he smirks,making eye contact with you,stopping his movements.
“Please I need more Vinnie”
“Oh love,that’s not my name,say it right”
“I’m sorry vi-daddy please”
“That’s better baby”
He kisses you clit,sucking harshly on it making you moan at the roughness,his finger run over your folds easy slipping in your entrance,he start pumping in and out at a fast pace,biting lightly at your clit every often.
“Can you take another one princess?”oh he can be a dick sometimes,and also a fucking dom in bed,but he’s never going to do something without asking if you are comfy with it.
“Yes I can,please”
He ads another’s finger pumping both in a faster pace than the one before,he just loves the sign of you begging under him,asking him for more and of course he’s gonna give it to you,he start massaging your clit with his tongue moving it side to side or just sucking on it.
"You're doing so well baby... I love you so much," he murmured into your folds, his tongue licking all your wetness.
"I love you too but ..." you breathed, unable to finish your sentence. I could hardly pull the words out of your mouth, your vision was starting to blur, white stars were burning in the corners of your eyes. With a few more pumps you come undone on his fingers moaning loudly,your hand flying to Vinnie’s hair tugging on it harshly making him moan,the vibrations giving you more pleasure even when you just come.“Taste sweet as always love, did I make you feel good princess?” He mumbles kissing your bruised thighs.
You nod with your head, not having the force to talk.He start moving upwards kissing your stomach,your ribs,your breasts stoping at your neck giving to them a couple os kisses.You grab his face with both of your hands,pulling him close to kiss him,you two just separate for air when the kiss started getting too passionate.
“Vin please...”
“What do you want love?, cmon tell me” he says looking at your eyes.
“I-I want-t you t-to...”
“Words Y/n stop mumbling things like a slut who doesn’t know what she want”he grabs you by your throat gripping it tightly
“I want you to fuck me hard”
“Beg for it then”oh god,now you know the game have just started.
“Vinn please,make me yours please” you start kissing his neck for a little push.
“Do you want me to fuck you dumb love?”
“Yes please,I will be good I promise”you lol at him with pleading eyes and he kiss you harshly,biting your lower lip making you moan loudly.
You broke away from the kiss for a brief moment, images from the night before flashing through his mind, leaving his mind wandering to think of you right now, or a few seconds in the future. "You under me, like last night." He returned his lips to yours, kissing you fervently, taking your breath away as you moaned into his mouth, giving him the green light that it was okay to move on.
"Moaning." Once again, his words mixed with your lips. His phrase sent chills down your spine.
"Screaming my name."
More butterflies churned in your stomach. He knew exactly how to get you where he wanted.
"Your hands ... Grabbing my hair, running them down my back."
His soft lips parted from your lips with a gasp, where he began to descend, moving from your chin to your neck, kissing the bruises left the night before.
"You ... You squirm with impatience while I would bother you."
His voice was warm, but soft and husky, and still dark in the evening . He invited you, asked you to indulge yourself more deeply and lose yourself in his touch, in his tempting mantle of entertainment.The front door of the house rattled shut, indicating that you and Vinnie were left alone "I guess that's my signal," he chuckled, pressing his lips against yours once more, kissing you feverishly."Your signal was when I kept begging you," you reminded him in the kiss, their words intertwined as he laced his lips with hers.
A playful smile appeared on his face, your lips pressed against his teeth as he gets closer to you, his chest now pressed against yours. "So needy, right?"
He wakes up to take off his sweatpants and his underwear, when he get completely naked you keep looking.
"Mmm-hmm," you confirmed, running your fingers through his hair, grabbing him so he could rush up and insert himself inside you.
“Vin please”
Vinnie's hungry kiss sped up when he finally heard your pleas. He lined up with you, his tip brushing against your folds sending an impatient impact through your torso until finally, he thrust into you, a loud moan came out of him and you moaned loudly into the kiss.
Slowly, Vinnie's pace began to pick up, filling you completely now each time, your back arched off the mattress. The kiss became hungrier and more necessary, Vinnie nibbled your bottom lip very gently as he grew hungrier for the connection that would fill the void between space and time, that would fill his void for more of you. . Another thought crossed his mind as he took your hands, placing them above your head, intertwining your fingers with his.He gently moved inside you, watching your face intently as he writhed in pleasure, he moved closer to your face and whispered into your lips.
"Open your eyes and look at me." He said softly, but you understood the order. You opened your eyes and found his eyes immediately, watching you intently as he rolled his hips towards you gently, slowly picking up his pace.
"That's princess. Are you okay?" He said kissing your neck, his hand reaching up and grabbing your chest, caressing it in his hand.
"Vin harder,please." You moan and, to his surprise, you met his every thrust, your hips brushing against his. He kissed you generously for your answer, and did what you asked by moving his hips faster, earning a moan from you; Your nails dug into his back harder. His slow, gentle impulses soon became fervent and needy, every time you let out a groan, he quickened the pace chasing your release, desperately wanting to see you wake up beneath him.
"Vin." You moaned: "I'm so close."
"Let it go, doll." He said taking his thumb towards your clit adding additional stimulation, you had to bite your lip to avoid screaming.
"Come for me precious, let me feel you come". You loved listening to his dirty talk while I pound into you, reaching your orgasm at an alarming rate.Vinnie covered your mouth with his hand, muffling your cry of pleasure but not by much. Vinnie's own orgasm followed immediately after yours when he held his hand over your mouth, desperately trying to muffle his own sounds of pleasure by biting his lip and he spilled himself deep inside you, his trusts coming to a stop,
Then he got hold of you and let you rest on him. Vinnie kissed the top of your head as both breaths slowly returned to normal.
"How are you doll?" He asked in his deep, husky voice for a deep love affair.
"In good right now but I'm completely sure that I'm not going to feel my legs tomorrow" You whispered against his chest, lavishing his chest with soft kisses. Vinnie leaned his head against the pillows enjoying your kisses immensely and knew for a fact that he was chaining you to this bed and keeping you here forever.
"Good night Y/n"
“Good night Vin”
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in-ky · 3 years
Hi! I’d love a story about Negan being a serial killer who only kills “bad people” (like in Dexter) and maybe he saves the reader from her ex who’s about to kill her and Negan can save her and takes her in because she’s a mess but she’s actually a killer herself (who kills rapists etc/ only the bad ones) and Negan and the reader start fighting and then get caught up in steamy hot sex 🥵 thank you!
Savior - Negan Killer AU
Warnings: Warnings: GORE + violence, smut, domestic abuse, swearing, dirty talk ig? idk how to tag this lol
A/N: hey! i struggled over this one for a while lol. ive only seen like. 3? episodes of dexter so. i really hope this meets your expectations! also forgive any mistakes its late, im tired, and i wanna get this up lol. also, is negan batman? maybe. 3.7k words
"Will, stop you're hurting me!" I hissed, grabbing at his wrist. He tugged me out of the bustling restaurant and into the dark street.
"I don't really give a shit," He snarled, throwing me into a secluded alleyway a few buildings down from the restaurant. Will had taken me out to a business dinner with his boss in hopes of showing me off and making a good impression. But things didn't quite go according to plan. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone!" He pushed me against the brick wall of the closed department store.
"What was I supposed to do?" I sneered, trying to wiggle away from him "He kept commenting on my body, saying how he wished he could take me home at the end of the night and do all kinds of 'unspeakable things to me'."
"You were just supposed to shut up and take it!" Will said, voice filled with rage "But no, you and your untamable fucking complex just couldn't handle a compliment. You threw your drink in his face! You're lucky he didn't fire me right then and there. You made me look like some pussy who can't control his whore."
"You're an asshole." I shouted, tears welling at the edges of my eyes. Will's face contorted further into a look of pure, unadulterated hatred.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" He seethed, clasping his hand tightly around my throat and constricting his fingers around my airway.
"I said you're an asshole who cares more about his dead-end career than his fucking girlfriend." I croaked. I hated him. I hated him so much. My vision clouded with the combination of disgust, loathing, and lack of oxygen, so I hit him where I knew it hurt. "There's a reason you needed me for arm candy tonight. It's 'cause you're a boring, piece-of-shit, lowlife who has no skill whatsoever. How does it feel knowing you need me to make something of yourself?" With that, he threw me to the ground by my throat. He wasted no time and pinned me to the cold concrete. His knees dug into my shoulders and his hand flew to his back pocket, whipping out the switchblade he carried as a precaution against mugging. My eyes widened as they caught a glint of the moonlight off the sharp knife. He brought the blade up to my throat and slapped me over the cheek harshly with his free hand.
"You better take back those words, bitch," He hissed, pressing the blade into the soft skin of my jugular "or they might just be your last." A dribble of blood ran down my neck with the pressure. Realization flashed through my mind. I could die right then. That could have been my last moment. Was I scared? No. Why wasn't I scared? Maybe it had to do with the shadowy figure that was slowly approaching us from the ally entrance.
There was plenty of time for me to warn Will that someone was coming. But I didn't. Instead, I stayed quiet and watched as the shadow figure pulled Will from my body with ease and tossed him to the side. Everything was kind of a blur. I was still oxygen starved and filled with a whirl-wind of emotion. I heard Will cry out in surprise and indignance. The shadow figure said nothing. It saw the switchblade with a steady line of my blood. It kicked Will in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Then it lifted up a baseball bat over its head and cracked it down over Will's skull. He continued to beat Will until he stopped squirming. The shadow figure paused and swung the bat over his shoulder. I had regained my breath and pushed myself to my elbows. The shadow noticed me moving and took a few heavy steps in my direction. I squirmed away slightly, instincts telling me to get away from the thing that had just pulverized my boyfriend. The shadow entered a stream of moonlight. It was a man. He had peppered hair and a blood-speckled face. He had dark brown eyes and a small smile perched on his lips.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He said. His voice was deep. I was partially surprised. He wasn't a bulky man. He was tall and had a broad frame, but his limbs were long and his body was lithe. He wore a leather jacket and his boots were slick with what I could only assume were Will's brains. I didn't want to look at his bat.
"W-Why did you do that?" I whispered. It was all I could muster.
"He was going to kill you." The man sounded confused, like I was supposed to know who he was and why he saved me.
"You don't know that." My voice was quiet. My eyes were glued to a spot behind the man, unblinking. He let out a throaty chuckle and dropped to a squat, leveling with me.
"Doll, he had a knife pressed to your throat," His words were gentle "Looked like he was gonna fuckin' kill you." He hesitantly reached out two fingers in the direction of my face. I didn't move. He was wearing leather gloves. The ridged fabric ran along my injuries. "Seems like he did some damage before I could step in. Damn. Sorry about that. Listen, I live a few streets down. If you want, I can get you cleaned up."
"Okay," I said softly. I let him help me up to my feet. He guided me along with one arm while holding his bat with the other. As we walked out of the alley I couldn't help but look down at Will, or what remained of him at least. His forehead was split in half, a pool of chunky blood bubbling on the ground. I clenched my jaw and forced myself to swallow the bile that had risen in my throat. And yet, I didn't feel sad. I didn't mourn him. Maybe it was shock, maybe it wasn't. "Thank you?" I murmured, though it was more of a question. The man and I stepped out onto the street and I was grateful there was no one around to see us leaving the scene of a very heinous-looking crime.
"No problem, doll," The man hummed, setting a brisk pace down the sidewalk. "The name's Negan, by the way." Cool. Negan: my Savior.
"So you're like Batman?" I asked Negan as he dabbed the blood away from my neck. He gave a short chuckle and tore away the sticky part of the band-aid.
"I guess you can say that," he mused, splaying the bandage over the cut the knife had left "but I specifically go for people that I know have hurt others. The baddies, if you will."
"Is that legal?" I tilted my head, crossing my ankles as they dangled over the bathroom counter. My palms were flat on the surface of Negan's marble sink top, fiddling with the wrappers of the medical supplies he had used to clean and bandage my small cuts and bruises.
"I haven't been caught," Negan shrugged "besides, it's less work for the police. They don't have to do any interrogation bullshit or anything. I usually catch people in the act, like tonight. Then I do my thing."
"Do you kill everyone?"
"Only the bad people," He reminded, tossing away a bloody tissue "only people who have hurt others. But, yes, usually the offender ends up on the business end of Lucille over there." He pointed out the door into the living room, where the still-bloody bat rested against a chair. I furrowed my brow.
"Well, doesn't that make you a bad guy?" I pressed. He tapped my knee and I dropped down to the tile floor, tucking my hair behind my ear and gathering some of the scraps.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you still kill people, right? Even if they're bad? So doesn't that still make you a killer?" Negan was quiet for a minute. "Let's put it this way," I continued "What would you do if you came across someone who was like you; someone who hurt the bad people. Would you still kill them. They're hurting people." Negan took a deep breath and let it out with a contemplative sigh, itching his bearded chin.
"I'm not sure," He mused "I've never really thought about it before. See, I don't consider myself a bad person per say. Yea, what I'm doing might be considered fucked up. But I'm doing it for the right reason. I'm protecting people by attacking their attackers. In the end, someone's saved." He brushed off his hands and led me out of the bathroom, flicking the light off. "Would you rather me not have saved you tonight?"
"No," I said immediately "thank you. Really, thank you. You saved my life. Will is...was...always a dick, but I never thought he'd actually hurt me. I guess that proves people can have a whole bunch of layers." Negan nodded and moved to the kitchen. He raised a bottle of whiskey as an offering. I shook my head but he poured himself a glass.
"I was just doing my job," Negan grinned sympathetically "I'm sorry your boyfriend was an asshole who tried to murder you." I shrugged, amusement in my eyes.
"Eh, it happens to everyone." I smiled as he let out another laugh. I felt as if I shouldn't be laughing, but at the same time, everyone has their own responses to almost getting stabbed to death in an alley. So I let myself have this moment. Besides, Negan was a good guy to be around. He made me feel safe, comfortable, secure. Everything I needed right now. "So, Negan, what do you do? Surely vigilante-ing can't pay well, and this apartment is really nice."
"I'm a retired baseball player," Negan said, sipping his whiskey and settling into one of the armchairs in the living room "Hence the bat."
"Were you any good?" I asked. He let out a loud scoff.
"Was I any good?" He mocked "Sweetheart, I have a whole damn trophy room. I was fucking amazing. I just got old."
"So you're rich with no real job, you kill bad guys, and you have a massive ego," I listed "You really are like Batman, aren't you?"
Negan let me stay on his couch that night. It was leather, like everything else that man seemed to own, but it was comfortable. I woke up to the smell of bacon filling the air. I groaned and rubbed my fists against my eyes, clearing them of sleep. I stretched my arms above my head in a yawn and rolled off the couch, stumbling into the kitchen. Negan was hunched over the bubbling pan, dodging pellets of grease as they shot up at him.
"Smells good!" I purred, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale.
"Good," He grumbled "You better fucking enjoy it because I've gotten burned at least three times." I laughed and walked up to him examining the small red patches that dotted his arms.
"You didn't have to make me breakfast you know."
"Yea, but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable," He sighed, turning off the stove and scooping the cooked bacon onto a paper towel. "Besides, I was craving some bacon when I woke up. I haven't had someone to share a meal with in a while."
"Well, if you want, you can come by my house for dinner." I offered, crunching down on a piece of bacon "I've been meaning to whip out the family alfredo recipe for a while, maybe a hot date would give me that incentive." I gave him a playful wink and he chuckled.
"Sure thing, doll," He hummed, putting the pan in the sink "I love me some fucking spaghetti. I'll see you around seven?"
"Sounds good."
I ran down the sidewalk, chest heaving. There was enough darkness to cover me, but I still kept my head down to prevent recognition. I held my hands close to my stomach, praying that the blood on my fingers wouldn't drip on the pavement and leave a trail. I had been on my way home from the store when I heard some commotion coming from an alley. My first instinct was to run, but then I heard the girl crying for help. Negan came to mind, what he did, how he helped people. I couldn't turn away. I marched down the alley and saw a greasy man pinning a woman to the wall of a building. Flashbacks of the night before hit me like a train. I looked on top of the alley dumpster  and saw a crowbar perched on one of the lids. I grabbed it and stormed up to the man, whacking him upside the head with the weapon. I kicked him to the side and brought the crowbar over my head before swinging it down. It connected with his face in a sickening 'thwack.' I thought of Will. I thought of what might of happened if Negan had never stopped him. I thought of all the times that bastard had gotten drunk and told me I was nothing. I let the rage bubble up and fuel my beating. By the time I was pulled back into the moment, my muscles were screaming, the woman was gone, and the man's face was unrecognizable. I tossed the crowbar into the dumpster and ran back home.
Dried blood is extremely hard to wash off. It sticks to your skin in flakes, creating a pattern of red veins crawling over your hands. Fuck. I scrubbed as hard as I could under the rushing water of the sink, pumping more and more soap into my hand. It was under my fingernails. It was stuck in my palm prints. Shit, did I leave fingerprints at the scene? Would they be coming for me? With a hiss, I rubbed even harder at my skin, small flecks of blood turning the sink water red.
Suddenly, my door opened.
"I'm ready for my s'getties!" Negan boomed with a wide smile. My head whipped around, looking at him with wide eyes. His grin faded and he crossed the room in record time, grabbing my wrists and turning the sink off. "Is this fucking blood?" He snarled, bringing my hands up to my face. I clenched my jaw and dropped my eyes to my feet. "Jesus, who's is it? Answer me!"
"I-I heard someone screaming on the way home," I said quietly, eyes still downcast "I thought I would help..." His jaw went slack and he let go of my hands, running his fingers through his hair.
"Jesus fuck, you can't just go around killing people!"
"Why not?" I snapped, eyes meeting his "You do it all the time? What's the difference? Why can't I help people?"
"Because it...Because you just can't!" Negan growled, shaking his head.
"Why are you so special?" I hissed back, drying my hands off on a towel before tossing it at him "It's not like you can get a permit for fucking murder. Why do you do it, anyways? Is it some perverted thing? Do you get off on saving people from attackers?"
"Watch yourself." Negan warned, eyes darkening.
"Pfft, or what?" I laughed, tossing my head back "What are you gonna do, kill me? I'm not afraid of you, Negan." As soon as the words left my mouth, he charged me. His hand flew to my throat, squeezing my airway lightly. His hips pressed me against the counter. I let out a small gasp when he shoved his face next to mine.
"Oh, but doll, you really fucking should be." He spat, curling his lip "I could snap your neck right here, right now." He gave a small squeeze to emphasize his words. I let out a strangled moan. We both froze. "Are you turned on right now?" He muttered, furrowing his brow. I licked my lips and squirmed in his grip, pressing my thighs together slightly in an effort to alleviate the warm pressure growing in my belly.
"No," I lied, voice weak. A sinister grin curled over the bottom half of his face and he licked his tongue over his teeth.
"And I'm the perv, huh?" He sucked on my earlobe and peppered kisses down my jawline "Sweetheart, tell me, do you want me to fuck that pretty little pussy of yours? Do you want me to make you cum harder than you ever have?" I whimpered at his dirty mouth. "Use your words, doll, or I'll leave right fucking now."
"Y-Yes!" I breathed as Negan's lips sucked on the sweet spot right beneath my ear.
"Yes, what, princess?"
"Yes, I want you to fuck me, please!" I groaned, clawing at his shirt. He let out a short chuckle, muttering something about how needy I was, but I didn't care. Right now, the only thought running through my head was that I needed Negan. I needed all of him. And damn me if I wasn't going to get it.
We clawed at each other's clothes like rabid animals. Once we were completely bare, Negan moved his kisses down my body. His large, calloused hands kneaded my breasts, twisting my nipples between his thumbs. My arms flew around his neck and I dragged my fingernails up his back. He shivered against my touch and slid his hands further down my body. They settled firmly on my hips as he captured my lips in a fervent kiss.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he grunted, pulling back for air. I looked at him. His tawny eyes were now black, pupils far beyond dilated with lust. Both of our lips were swollen and red from the intensity of our kisses. Negan's chest inflated and deflated quickly as his eyes roamed over my body. "You're so damn perfect." I smiled sheepishly and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, looking up at him through lidded eyes.
"You're not so bad yourself," I reached out my hand and used my pointer finger to draw a line from his collar bone down the center of his chest and through his navel, finally ending right over his pulsing cock. He sucked in a breath as my fingers closed around him. My thumb swept over the hot tip, gathering precum on the pad of my finger and rubbing it around.
"Shit," He hissed as I slowly pumped him "I'm not gonna fucking last if you keep doing that." He gently pried my hand away and took a step closer to me. I could feel his hardened length resting against the inside of my thigh. The thought of him being so close made a burst of heat rush down between my thighs. Negan took a long finger and ran it through my folds, collecting my wetness. I moaned as he teasingly dipped the first knuckle into me. He pulled back and let out a low whistle. "Damn, girl," he chuckled, raising his finger to my face "You're fucking dripping. Who's that for?" His slick-coated fingers glistened in the light of my apartment. I let out a deep groan as he slid them between his lips and sucked.
"You, Negan!" I whimpered, wrapping my legs around his waist "It's all for you." A wolfish grin spread over his features as he tugged me off him and pulled me down off the counter. He spun me around and pressed gently between my shoulder blades until my chest was flat against the cold surface.
"Then if you don't mind," Negan cooed, lining himself up with my entrance "I'm going to take what belongs to me." With that, he slowly pushed into me. I gasped at the stretch, balling my hands into fists as he continued to split me open.
"Fucking shit," he groaned once he bottomed out "you're tight as hell. I bet you've never had a dick as big as mine." He pulled out slightly and I let out a moan at the growing emptiness inside. The moan soon turned to a yelp when he brought down his hand against my ass. The smack was loud and he rubbed the red spot tenderly. "Have you?"
"N-No!" I gasped when he thrusted into me for the first time "Never. Fuck, you feel so good." Negan's thrusts sped up, his hips snapping against my ass in an obscene rhythm. Grunts and moans of pleasure slipped from both of our lips as he plowed unapologetically into me. I could feel every inch of him. He was hitting every spot, dragging against my walls in a sinfully perfect way.
"You're doing so good," He purred, kissing and biting my shoulder "So good for me. You're so perfect." I tossed my head back and he grabbed my chin, tilting my face towards him so he could give me another bruising kiss. I could only keep up for so long, though, and the white bliss of pleasure he was giving me soon became overwhelming. My jaw went slack and my head dropped against the cool tile of the counter in an attempt to ground myself in the moment. "I want you to cum, doll, cum around me. Wanna feel those walls squeeze me." His thrusts were starting to become sloppy and I could tell he was getting to his end. One of his fingers danced down my spine and found its way to my clit. He circled it with just enough pressure to get me to the edge that I was so willing to jump off. "Now." Negan growled. I obeyed, feeling the band in my lower abdomen snapping violently. We reached our releases simultaneously. My walls clenched around him, milking him of every drop. I screwed my eyes shut and screamed his name, holding in a large breath as the world around me spun. Negan eventually pulled himself out and collapsed on top of me. We both were breathing heavily, sweaty bodies entangled as well as we could over a counter. I swallowed, my throat dry from panting through my orgasm. When my eyes fluttered open, I could see Negan's thumb tracing circles over the love bites that were starting to darken on my shoulders.
"Are you going to kill me?" I rasped, running a hand through my wild hair "I guess I'm a bad person now." Negan chuckled, still out of breath.
"I think I'll make an exception," He mused, pressing a sweet kiss to the shell of my ear "I don't think I'm ready to let you go just yet."
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silkenstarlight · 3 years
blackbird's lullaby
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Summary: After a rough day, Bucky can’t sleep. Reader decides to help.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warning/s: a bit of angst in regards to Bucky’s past, but the end is fluffy and sweet :)
Word count: 2.1k
Author’s note: something possessed me to write this instead of working on my finals, so here, enjoy the fruits of my academic negligence lol
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Do not repost or translate! Reblogs and comments are welcome and encouraged :))
Bucky’s side of the bed was cold when you woke.
You sighed deeply, wrenched from the arms of a dream, rubbing the heavy, lulling tug of sleep from your eyes. You were half awake, toeing the line between the violent brightness of a dreamscape and the hazy, blurred shadows of your bedroom. The warmth of the blankets wrapped around your limbs and threatened to pull you under again, but before you could succumb to their soft, enticing tangle, a singular thought rose in your mind from the murky depths of sleep. At first, it was quiet, a hushed voice in your brain whispering to you that you were alone. But then, the concern gained traction, and it blared in your skull with a deep, unnerving clarity, a nagging insistence that made your eyes snap back open.
Where the hell was Bucky?
You sat up in bed and looked at the alarm clock on your nightstand. 2:46 AM.
You frowned, turning to face Bucky’s empty pillow, and reached a hand out, lightly tracing the crisp, untouched folds. The sheets on his side of the bed were still flat and pristinely tucked, his pillow perfectly fluffed. He hadn’t bothered to try to sleep.
You knew why.
You peeled back the blankets and shivered, met instantly with the deep chill of night air as you unfolded yourself from your fleece and goose-down cocoon.
Bucky preferred to keep the apartment cold. You obliged, of course, bundling up in endless sweaters and blankets as he opened the windows wide and turned the rotary fan on full blast. You never questioned him about it, never asked if you could dial up the thermostat just a few degrees. You knew that keeping the apartment cold helped him to avoid the dreaded space of sleep, helped him to outrun the ever-looming specter of his nightmarish past. And, whenever he did come to bed, he gave you all of the blankets, covering his body with just the thin cotton layer of a bedsheet.
You knew that he rarely fell into a deep, nourishing slumber, so you tried to help boost his energy in other ways. Big, steaming pots of the strongest coffee you could brew, a fridge stocked with healthy snacks, and daily morning walks around the neighborhood together. He quietly thanked you for your efforts, pressing sweet kisses to your forehead and leaving fresh flowers in the vase on the kitchen table every Sunday. But, even though he preferred to stay awake, whenever you rolled over in bed to snuggle into his side and found that his eyes were still wide open, a hard lump rose in your throat and a worried pit formed in your stomach.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed and put on your slippers, grabbing one of Bucky’s sweatshirts and shrugging it on as you padded out to the kitchen. You just wanted to check on him and make sure that he was okay.
When he had returned from his mission earlier in the evening, he had seemed a little off to you. Usually, he was quiet, preferring to listen to you as ranted about your stressful workday or gushed about the newest book you were reading. He never wanted to talk much about himself, silently refusing to drag the horrors of his work into your home. It was where he felt at ease-- the plush pillows, the diffused, ambient lighting, the cloying scent of vanilla candles-- it was all so you. He didn’t want to taint the safety and warmth he felt when he was surrounded by your essence with the cold uncertainty and lingering shame of his work. Even though his missions nowadays were usually unrelated to his past as a clandestine Hydra operation, and even though the two jobs differed vastly in motive, he sometimes felt the creeping prick of deja vu traveling up his neck. Follow this person. Disable that vehicle. Shoot this opponent.
All of the lights in the apartment were off, so as you approached the kitchen, you used the bright white glow of your phone screen as a flashlight. You didn’t want to go directly to the living room and make it too obvious that you were checking on him. He would just shake you off if you did, insist that you go back to bed. So, you reached into the cupboard above the sink and grabbed a glass, turning on the faucet and filling it as you peered over the countertop, trying to pick out Bucky’s rigid frame amongst the inky shadows of the living room. You turned off the faucet and brought the glass to your lips, swallowing a couple of small sips.
“It’s late. Shouldn’t you be asleep?” The sound of Bucky’s voice coming from the couch made you jump, the thick glass of your cup clacking against your teeth. You placed it in the sink and walked over to the couch.
Despite the low light, you could see that Bucky was still wearing the clothes he had on when he came home from his mission. Gray tee, leather jacket, dark jeans. He hadn’t even taken off his heavy black boots.
You stepped slowly towards him, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, fighting the urge to bury him in a hug and pepper him with kisses. Instead, you sat next to him, leaving a little space between your body and his. Now, you could see his clenched jaw, his jittery, tapping fingers, and the jumping vein in his neck that only pulsed when he was stressed. His gaze was fixed on some indeterminate point on the wall in front of him, as if he were lost in thought.
This wasn’t a normal sleepless night. Something was wrong.
“I… I guess that I should be asking you the same question,” you said softly, voice gravelly and low from sleep.
He didn’t respond, just took a sharp inhale that made it sound like he was staving off tears.
You couldn’t help it. It was like your body could sense his distress. Your hand jerked up to rest on his shoulder, a subconscious reaction to his apparent suffering. You let it stay there, though, stroking your thumb lightly along the cool leather of his jacket.
He stirred from his reverie and turned to look at you. It was so dark, the curtains shut tight, not a single ray of moonlight filtering into the room, but the blue of his eyes shone bright, glistening with the wet sparkle of unshed tears. Sadness swelled in your chest.
“You can tell me,” you said, voice barely above a whisper. “I’m here to listen.”
His gaze dropped from your face, silently weighing your words. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you enough to open up. The truth was that he didn’t trust himself to speak. If he started talking, he wouldn’t be able to stop. And then, his demons would be given a voice, and the doors to this vanilla-scented, blanket-swathed haven would be wrenched open to the darkness that waited for him beyond the threshold.
But he could also see the way that his silence affected you. You frowned more on the mornings after he didn’t come to bed. You talked and talked and talked, trying to fill his ears with noise to distract him from the numbing static in his skull. And you were constantly touching him in some way, whether twining your lithe fingers around his thumb or draping your body on top of his in a warm, crushing hug. It was as if you didn’t want to let him out of your sight.
So, he let out a long exhale and reached up, taking your hand from its perch on his arm and twining his fingers tightly with yours. He idly stroked your palm with his thumb and decided to tell you the truth.
“I… I had a bit of a setback tonight.” He felt like he was wrenching the words from his throat. He couldn’t look at you, a deep sense of shame settling into his bones, but he stared at your hand held in his and felt the creeping self-doubt hesitate just a little.
“What do you mean?”
He dragged his eyes up to yours, blinking nervously. “I, uh--” he inhaled sharply and felt tears prick at his eyes. “Someone used my trigger words tonight. And it worked.”
Silence lay heavy between you as you digested what he said, but you didn’t pull away, didn’t pry your hand from his. You simply held his gaze.
“How is that possible?” He had gone through years of extensive mental treatment in Wakanda, the emotional scars that he suffered after years of lost identity and unwilling servitude seemingly healed. But, now, it seemed that one of those scars had re-opened.
“Ayo said that it was unlikely, but that it could happen. Relapse is a part of the process.” His voice was pained.
You nodded slightly, assenting to Ayo’s expertise. But Bucky’s next sentence made you fall apart at the seams.
“I thought I was different, after all these years. But I guess I haven’t changed. I’m still him.” He spat the last word, his face creasing into an expression of disgust.
You didn’t hesitate. “Come here.”
You gently separated your hand from his and reached up to his shoulders, guiding him towards you in a tight embrace. You wrapped your arms behind his neck and he pressed his chin into the notch between your shoulder and neck. As you began tracing your fingertips along his jacket collar, his chest heaved in desperate inhales, slow tears tracking down his cheeks developing into full, wracking sobs.
“You’re safe. I won’t let you go.” You pressed your mouth against his temple in a soft, soothing kiss.
“You were never him.” Although your voice was barely a whisper, it spoke volumes, your words ringing clear and true in the quiet stillness. Bucky shuddered, squeezing you close. You moved one of your hands up to cradle the back of his head.
You stayed like that for a long time, until you saw the blue light of dawn trickle through the gap beneath the curtains, but you didn’t say anything, waiting for Bucky to say what he needed. When his breath finally stilled into a regular rhythm, no longer halting and ragged, you pulled back and took his face in your hands, staring deeply into his eyes.
“I’m so tired.” His voice was flat and broken, but when you wiped a stray tear from his cheek with your pinkie, a small, grateful smile formed on his face.
You nodded. “Well, I know what will help. Come here.” You pulled back, shifting down the couch, guiding him with you with your hand wrapped around his arm. When he had enough space to lie down, you stopped, settling into your seat. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether he could risk falling asleep in his current emotional state, but he sighed, knowing that he needed to rest. He laid back, resting his head on your lap, and looked up at you.
You carded your fingers through his short hair, brushing it back from his forehead. He melted into the gentle gesture, relaxing into the couch, into the warmth of your body.
And then, you began to sing.
You were quiet at first, as if trying out the thought of singing him a lullaby. Your voice was tentative, trying out the feeling of the different notes in your mouth.
“Blackbird singing in the dead of night,
Take these broken wings and learn to fly.
All your life,
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.”
You thought that your voice was nothing special, your untrained, warbling syllables rushing from your lips in a breathy exhale. But Bucky loved it. The way you let your words flow together, followed by a long, lilting end note and a pause to inhale-- it was sweet and soft and so very you.
“Blackbird singing in the dead of night,
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see.
All your life,
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.”
He could feel it already, the lull of an encroaching dream. His first instinct was to fight it, to blink the sleep from his eyes, but he let his lids shut, blocking out every sense except for the sound of your voice.
“Blackbird fly, blackbird fly,
Into the light of a dark black night.”
And, as he welcomed the embrace of sleep, your voice followed him, a glowing amber halo of warmth that pushed the dark away and lit his path into the space of dreams.
“All your life,
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.”
He dreamt of blackbirds and forehead kisses, of vanilla candles and forgiveness.
He dreamt of you.
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wackatoshi · 3 years
booty call
(time-skip) sakusa kiyoomi x reader
synopsis: (a lil alcohol, n.sfw themes obvs lol but nothing explicit) booty call or butt dial? sometimes, they can be one and the same.
horrible pick up lines, msby interactions, humour, sakusa’s a smooth texter... enjoy
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When was the last time you felt the touch of another human being? Too long — which is why you’re marinating at home like a sad old sponge, deprived of affection, dousing your loneliness with a drink.
You tilt your head back, letting the last few drops trickle down your throat, fingers wrapped around the neck of a cheap wine bottle. It sends a buzz through your body, a sensation that pales in comparison to the magic of hands on hands, the warmth of someone’s skin pressed against yours.
Your bleary gaze lands on the phone — phones? you swear there’s two of them — propped on the coffee table in front of you.
Before you can think twice, you’re reaching out for it, fingers tapping through your passcode in a blurred hurry.
Before you can think twice, you’re texting your designated booty call.
At least, you think you are.
Sakusa Kiyoomi’s spending a casual night in with his teammates. He’s sitting on Atsumu’s couch, leafing through a book, when someone’s phone starts to ping with a ricochet of notifications. For the most part, he ignores it (because it’s half-past-nine, so it certainly can’t be his), until Atsumu glides over to the counter to have a peek.
“Oi,” he calls, a brow hiking up his face. “Omi. Someone’s messaging you.”
Sakusa furrows his brows in disbelief. Instantly, another six deafening dings burst through, making his phone jolt on the counter like it’s been shocked.
Atsumu drops his head to peer down at the messages. All of a sudden, his face breaks out into a devilish smirk, triggering all of Sakusa’s fight or flight instincts. He abandons the book, leaps to his feet and snatches the phone from the table.
He takes a single glance, and immediately blanches. His notifications are polluted with a string of raunchy messages, all from an unknown number. Even as he’s punching in the passcode, they keep coming, one after the other, an inundation of thirsty pleas clogging up his phone.
Frantically, he pulls up the chat and skims up to the top of the twelve new messages, each text horrifying him more than the last.
YOU: hey boo 👻
YOU: hiiiiiii
YOU: ☺️☺️☺️ feelin some typa way....you down...? it’s me. going
YOU: timber
What the hell. Sakusa scrolls on, in spite of himself.
YOU: where r u
YOU: i wanna [redacted] your [redacted] until u [redacted] ☺️☺️☺️ wkieowkskwiwk yes i do ahohga
YOU: rearrange my Guts like a scrabble board. desecrate my temple. plunder my down UNDER
YOU: please
He attempts to form a response, but your messages are incessant.
YOU: call me galileo coz im gonna make u see stars tonight 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
YOU: name one thing wetter than the ocean
YOU: ;)
His face starts to burn. He’s not sure if it’s out of sheer embarrassment for your sake or something else entirely. He brushes the latter possibility away, because that would be absurd, he doesn’t even know what you look—
YOU: (Attachment)
Okay, well, the face certainly doesn’t match the messages. He hates that his knee-jerk reaction is that you’re cute, even if the photo’s a blurry selfie bedazzled by a glittery Snapchat filter. Squinted eyes, puckered lips, adorable cheeks. He wonders, for a second, if you’re being catfished, until—
YOU: (Video Attachment)
And there you are, in all your ratty boxer-shorts-and-tee-shirt glory, making sweet love to your dispassionate carpet. Sakusa stares in abject horror. God, you must be completely off your face to be compelled to send something like this. He can just make out the faint sound of Nicki Minaj in the background, spitting a volley of encouraging rap verses while you flop around on the floor like a freshly-caught salmon.
If there’s anything impressive, he thinks, dryly, it’s your lack of shame.
A voice beside his ear. One syllable, saturated in a knowing lilt.
With a start, Sakusa quickly switches his phone off, which only makes the whole situation look a hell of a lot more suspicious than it really is.
Atsumu, hovering close over Sakusa’s shoulder, can barely suppress his glee.
A tense moment passes between them. Sakusa stares him down, while his mind races, frantically searching for a way to disarm this ticking time bomb of a misunderstanding before it detonates into chaos.
Sakusa takes a deep breath.
“Sakusa’s got a booty call!”
Stunned silence descends upon the room. Heads turn, all movements frozen, and Sakusa can almost hear the rest of his team’s collective five-and-a-half brain cells lagging as they process the news. Before he can react, they’re all swarming around him like bees, buzzing with probing questions and teasing jibes.
“Who?” Bokuto demands, his eyes wide as an owl. “Who?”
Hinata’s over the moon.
“Congratulations!” he gushes, so sincerely Sakusa almost catches himself feeling bad. “I’m so happy for you! We all knew someone would come around, eventually!”
Sakusa frowns. “What do you mean—”
“Wait, really!” Inunaki exclaims, bounding over. “Show me!”
“Dude,” Atsumu laughs. “Do you even know what a booty call is?”
“Booty call?” he asks, his face crumpling with disappointment. “I thought you said beauty haul.”
“Enough,” Sakusa snaps, mildly panicking because his phone is vibrating yet again, much to everyone’s intrigue. “It’s not a booty call. Someone’s just got the wrong number.”
“Sure,” Atsumu sings. “Omi’s got a lover.”
“I don’t,” he bites again, and swats the wandering eyes away before checking the latest string of texts.
YOU: ;)))))((((()((((
YOU: coming? ha
YOU: get it
Sakusa starts typing his message.
SAKUSA: you’ve got the wrong number.
A pause. He hopes this is the end of it, until those three terrifying little dots bounce up on the bottom of his screen once again.
YOU: lmaoooo what
YOU: stop playiniwijek277383$:893&!:$3898 o nwmmaj
YOU: that was my butt btw
He scowls.
SAKUSA: you’re texting the wrong person...I don’t even know who you are.
You start to type again.
YOU: ...
YOU: ok thanos 😓
The easy solution would be to block you. But for some convoluted reason, Sakusa is not interested in easy tonight. 
SAKUSA: who are you??
YOU: (Liked Your Message)
YOU: i askjj myself the same think every day :&&’l
SAKUSA: I think you should go to sleep
YOU: without me? ;)))
He doesn’t even bother to point out your blunder. You’ve already made enough of a fool out of yourself in front of him, anyway.
SAKUSA: please stop
YOU: fine :(
YOU: ...
Sakusa waits.
(And waits.
And waits some more.)
A second passes, a minute passes, but the chat stays silent. And even though there’s not single peep from you or his phone for the remainder of the evening, Sakusa, for reasons far beyond him, keeps checking.
The next morning, you are nursing a terrible hangover.
A pounding headache behind your eyes, a discomfort over your hipbones — you shift the fabric of your shorts down and see a blossoming bruise on either side of your hips. Huh, did you actually end up getting some, only to forget the entire shebang?
Groggily, you reach across for your phone and open up your messages. One new text.
UNKNOWN: you there?
With a frown, you scroll up the conversation. As your hazy mind works to translate the text to words, the words to understanding, you almost scream with horror.
The picture. The video. The memories come flooding back to you. It plays for a fleeting second, and you catch all but a glimpse of your limp body smacking down on the floor with relentless force, before quickly scrolling away. But the harm is done, your mind is scarred.
Well, at least that explains the bruises.
Somehow, it only manages to get worse.
YOU: kiss
YOU: 💋*
YOU: soz typo
YOU: let’s make music coz i got a set of congas that go RATATATATATA
YOU: you must be poseidon because MY—
You stop there, pinching the bridge of your nose to allay the wave of humiliation drowning your dignity. The poor person on the other end. Their horrified responses are probably going to be branded into your mind forevermore.
Maybe you should just sweep this whole encounter under the rug.
Or maybe, you think, as your fingers tentatively start to type out a text, you should apologise.
YOU: hi. it’s me again. you were right, I had the wrong number. I’m so sorry
You’re about to launch your phone into the sun when it dings back with a response.
UNKNOWN: yeah, you’re good. not at flirting though
Oh? Your fingers fly across the screen before you can think.
YOU: really? but I kept you intrigued, didn’t I?
UNKNOWN: like a child at a circus
YOU: damn what kind of circus u taking ur kids to?
UNKNOWN: idk, the kind where people make complete clowns of themselves i guess
You swallow down a laugh.
UNKNOWN: what happened to you last night anyway? did you just pass out?
YOU: i did <3 thanks for ur concern
UNKNOWN: the price you pay for a free show
YOU: shut up omg
UNKNOWN: can’t lie, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look at a floor so lovingly before
Oh, they’re teasing. You fight off a smile from working its way across your face.
YOU: very funny. now can I just trust that u will delete all trace of this train-wreck from ur phone 🥺
UNKNOWN: of course.
YOU: if I see it going around...
UNKNOWN: I think if people wanted to see an earthworm so badly they’d just go outside
Shoot. Why are you blushing over a smiley face at ten o’clock in the morning? This is absurd. You need a coffee, stat.
YOU: sadly I can’t reverse the damage, but would a coffee suffice?
There’s a long delay, and you start to panic.
YOU: or I could just venmo the $ to you. either works!
UNKNOWN: are you asking me if I want to get coffee with you? when you don’t even know my name?
YOU: names are irrelevant now. u have seen too much :/
UNKNOWN: maybe, but not all.
Your face flushes. You pause, fingers hovering over the keys for a moment, contemplating a smooth riposte.
UNKNOWN: sorry I’m walking, can’t text
A wave of disappointment slumps over you.
UNKNOWN: facetime?
Okay okay okay okay okay okay.
You start to pace around your room, all too aware that you are still in pyjamas, your hair looks like a birds’ nest, and your voice sounds like you swallowed a brick the night before. It’s a disaster.
But so was last night, and yet this stranger still seems to be friendly.
YOU: sure
Your phone starts to vibrate, an unknown caller ID flashing across the screen. For a moment, you consider cancelling and blocking the number altogether, but the desire to put a face to the mystery behind the messages gets the better of you.
You accept the call.
His face pops into view — a masked man with black curls falling over his face like wisps of ivy, eyes dark as night, and two moles above his right brow, like the beginnings of a constellation. He raises a hand to shift down his mask.
You hitch a breath. This man looks like he could be a reincarnation of Adonis, sent into the world as evidence that all those legendary gods really did exist once upon a time, and that some of them looked like this.
“Hi,” you reply, reverent.
He’s so cool, so collected. He brushes a few locks of hair from his face — a casual move that sends your heart skipping beats faster than you skip songs.
“I’m Sakusa.”
“Hi, Sakusa,” you breathe.
His lips twitch, almost imperceptibly.
He looks so familiar, but you can’t quite figure it out between your splitting headache and the way his gaze keeps flickering from you back to wherever he’s walking. Actor? No, surely you’d remember. Singer? That would be plain unfair. Model? You wouldn’t put it past—
“So,” he starts, wryly. “About that coffee.”
“Yes,” you rush to agree. “Coffee. It’s very good. Do you? Coffee?”
He laughs, shortly.
“You’re not drunk again, are you?”
“No.” You feel it, though, what with this man’s voice bearing a timbre that is downright intoxicating. But one long look at those coffee-coloured eyes would be enough to keep you up all night. 
So you let him talk — he’s just like his texts, terse and concise, but isn’t brevity the soul of wit? He keeps you on your toes, with a dead-panned quip here and there, eliciting laughter out of your awful hangover. It turns out that you’re not even that far away from each other at all, a train station or two at most, which is some stroke of sheer luck. Sakusa starts to tell you about his favourite little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop that nobody seems to have discovered yet. 
“A coffee snob?” you tease.
He studies you, through the screen, and you almost feel the weight of his gaze as if he were right in front of you. He smiles, softly.
“I prefer to keep a low profile.”
And just before you hang up, with the details of a coffee shop date still fresh in your mind, you have the sense to ask for his full name.
“Kiyoomi,” he supplies. “Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
Rings a bell, doesn’t it? But when you tell him yours, he repeats it, and all you can think about is how your name has never sounded so wonderful before.
It’s not until you hang up, his name echoing in your memory, that you run a Google search for this man. Thousands of results. A plethora of pictures, teeming with irrefutable evidence of his good looks. 
And oh, God.
You lift your gaze from your phone to stare at your closet door, where your brand spanking new work uniform hangs off the hook, bearing the emblem of a gold-trim eagle that blinks back at you, eyes narrowed as if to say—
What the hell have you just done?
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