#this one looks so much better on mobile but whatcha gonna do
erineisenhour · 3 years
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"Her city, her gang, her family. The better thing to do now would be to walk away, walk away from anything that would distract her from what was important. But she couldn't. She...hoped. And hope was dangerous. Hope was the most vicious evil of them all, the thing that had managed to thrive in Pandora's box among misery, and disease, and sadness--and what could endure alongside others with such teeth if it didn't have ghastly claws of its own?"
-Chloe Gong, These Violent Delights
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Reactions (Bit 13)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3a | Bit 3b | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 6a | Bit 6b | Bit 6c | Bit 7 | Bit 8a | Bit 8b | Bit 9 | Bit 10 | Bit 11a | Bit 11b | Bit 12a | Bit 12b | Bit 13
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We’re getting there ever so slowly. We have some herding of brothers to get through first.
For @soniabigcheese​ who started this one :D
From that point onwards, it was all about family.
Virgil threw himself into looking after his brothers with the same vigour he looked after his ‘bird the five days previous.
There was guilt, so much guilt. He had put himself over his brothers, ignored them even and hid away nursing his own wounds.
Gordon yelled at him about it, but Virgil was focussed on Scott. He had never seen his big brother so down. It was almost as if his fire had been extinguished.
John refused to leave orbit, determined to deploy as much energy and equipment he could into fixing this mess. Virgil let him be. For now. He had plans to later climb up into orbit himself to check on his space brother. He had no doubt the astronaut was running himself into the ground.
Alan was recovering and for lack of a better description, reminded Virgil of a pissed off terrier. Angry as all hell and willing to take on the neighbourhood great dane.
There were words.
Emotional words.
Alan continued to snarl.
But his little brother was now mobile and buzzing around the house in a hover chair. Grandma was keeping an eye on him.
Grandma was keeping an eye on all of them.
Virgil got one hell of a talking to about looking after himself and received chicken soup as punishment. At least he thought it was chicken soup. The cucumber was confusing.
Kayo was simply gone. On the other side of the planet, most likely. Virgil didn’t know exactly where. The few times she contacted the Island, he grilled her on her health status and was ignored for the most part.
Virgil worried.
About all of them.
It hit Scott the hardest. The commander saw it simply. He saw it as failure.
This was their father’s dream and somehow it had all crashed and burned. Virgil regretted his absence in those first days more and more. If he had been there to support Scott...
But he wasn’t.
He cursed himself in every language he knew.
Gordon was almost as much a concern as Scott. The aquanaut was fuming. No sorrow, no fear, just anger. He spent most of his time in contact with various people and Virgil had the urge to ask John to monitor his fish brother’s communications in case he was planning a world coup of some kind.
But as the days wore on the picture of exactly what was happening did become clearer.
The scathing media continued. Jack reported in almost daily, apparently his entire practice had been mobilised across several attack fronts. They were winning several, but the battle appeared to be a long one.
One of the worst moments was when a hurricane hit the Bahamas and Florida. IR was refused deployment, no matter what angle John tried. The astronaut directed calls to emergency services as best he could, even called in a few Tracy favours from the Jacksonville plant of Tracy Industries, their machinery switching to emergency supplies and relief production to help the people in the beleaguered cities to the south, but even that received a rebuttal. The head of GDF communications cut into IR frequencies and demanded Thunderbird Five cease interference.
Virgil had never heard John so angry.
Scott was as cold as the Arctic. “Do as they ask.”
“Do as they ask!” Blue eyes like ice, Scott’s expression was stone.
So, theoretically, Five stood down.
Virgil was on the elevator within the half hour.
Eos pummelled him with questions all the way through the stratosphere and into space. John had stopped answering apparently, so she was looking for another Tracy to help.
Virgil stepped onto a silent Five.
“Where is he, Eos?”
“Communications hub. I honestly don’t understand, Virgil. Why would they do this? John is trying to help.”
Virgil’s lips thinned as he strode to the airlock that separated the gravity ring from the central hub. John had to know he was there, yet, there was no greeting, no acknowledgement.
Virgil drifted through the lock to find that Five had most certainly not shut down.
His brother floated in a sea of information. Aunt Val’s picture cruised past. Another document with the GDF logo at the top darted over Virgil’s head as his brother threw it across the room.
“Eos, I need the results from breach fifty-nine.”
“Not until you rest.” Eos’ voice was determined. “And now I have Virgil to help me look after you.”
Turquoise flickered in the engineer’s direction. “Virgil.” It was a greeting and a dare all rolled into one.
“What are you doing, John?”
His astronaut brother wove code with one hand while reaching for a document with the word ‘classified’ stamped across its header. “Exactly what you suspect I’m doing, no doubt.”
“John, I thought we had an agreement.”
“You thought you did. I’m only doing what needs to be done.” The coding hand finished something off and with a swipe sent it on its way.
It was replaced with a scroll of information, rapidly accumulating in a simulated pile.
John smiled thinly at it before turning to face his brother.
“What do you want, Virgil?”
If Virgil had been in a gravity affected situation, he would have taken a step back. As it was, he hadn’t gotten his space legs quite yet and was reduced to a half-strangled gasp.
John was ever so pale, his eyes little more than caverns, his usually perfect hair looked limp and straggly, hanging down over his face.
“Have you slept at all?!”
“I’m doing what needs to be done.” His brother returned to juggling information.
A beat and an incoming comm flashed up. “Johnny, Brandy says the orders have come down. The launch is set for next week. We should tell Scott.”
Virgil blinked.
A swipe of his hand and John answered. “No need, Gordon. You’ve just told Virgil.” A pause. “And don’t call me ‘Johnny’.”
The aquanaut startled as, no doubt, Virgil’s image appeared in his office alongside John. “Oh.” A shrug. “Hey, Virg. Whatcha doin’ up there?”
“What are you doing, Gordon?”
“What needs to be done.”
“And what exactly is that?”
“Saving International Rescue. After all, ‘saving’ is what we do, isn’t it, Virgil? We don’t sit on the side-lines while people die.” The aquanaut poked at something out of transmission range. “Johnny, you gonna brief our big brother or let him dob us into Scott and tackle both explosions at once?”
“Gordon…” John’s voice spoke of exhaustion. “I will handle this.”
“FAB. Sending you Brandy’s report.” Another document flashed up, this one with the WASP logo at the top.
Gordon’s hologram held his stare for a moment before blinking out.
“John?” Virgil put every bit of big brother he had into the name. He wasn’t Scott, but he hoped he was enough.
The astronaut sighed.
“General Strom has commissioned a new rescue force for the GDF.” John waved a hand and an array of aircraft and equipment appeared, floating in the recycled air. “They’ve called it ‘World Rescue’ and on the surface it appears legitimate. Brains is even impressed with some of the technology.”
Brains? Brains was in on this as well?
Virgil eyed the largest ship in the list. It was no Thunderbird Two, but it appeared formidable. “They don’t have our technology.”
John frowned. “No, they don’t…yet.”
Virgil mirrored his brother’s expression. “What?”
Another sigh and John flicked through a series of documents. “Lady Amelia traced the source of the equipment to a project initiated about the same time we lost Dad. It appears that even then, these people had their eyes on us.”
“But why? Running a rescue organisation is not a money-making exercise. We both know that from experience.”
“It is if you are the only one.”
A hand caught his shoulder and Virgil’s eyes widened. John was definitely tired if he was reaching out. “Even if they don’t charge for the service, the GDF will gain popularity. Our popularity, Virgil. We have a huge fan following. You know this.”
“But that is just for fun!”
“Virgil, popularity is the key. That list of our weaknesses is also a list of our strengths. The GDF’s popularity has been inversely proportional to ours. We’re stealing their thunder, literally. This has led to budget cuts and a drop in recruitment. They’ve lost money because of us.”
Virgil blinked.
“They want it back.” As Virgil continued to stare, John swallowed. “But that is only part of the equation.” John let go of Virgil’s shoulder. “The call for expressions of interest is a farce. They have a launch planned for the first fleet next week.”
“Next week?”
“To capitalise on our negative press. The world is calling for a replacement service and they are answering.”
“We’re being replaced.”
“By Jim Lucas and Robotics Industries. Eos has found connections between Lucas and Wainwright. Lucas went to college with her. Strond is the only part of this equation we haven’t been able to fully clarify. His is the position responsible for the project funding. Lady Amelia is working on it.” John’s shoulders dropped.
“You need sleep.”
“Virgil, this is important. Aunt Val is in the firing line because of us.” A frustrated sound. “Because of me.”
Virgil drew in a breath. He knew that their Aunt had turned a blind eye for them on several occasions, particularly where John’s fingers had poked into certain pies that perhaps they shouldn’t have. But John only did that to save lives. Aunt Val knew that. She was their support within the GDF and she took that position seriously.
Even Virgil knew enough to know that was why she had been removed from the picture.
Scott had been in contact. Had thrown Jack at her. Tracy money was doing its best to dig her out of the hole they had dug for her.
“She wouldn’t want you killing yourself over this.” Virgil kicked off the wall gently and caught his brother by his arm. “C’mon, John.”
“Virgil, get off me.” John wriggled in his grip.
The holographic display suddenly shut off, leaving the hub a bleak grey. “You’re not doing any more work, John. I have Five under control. Attend to your bodily needs.”
John pushed him away and Virgil let him. A turquoise glare hit him between the eyes.
“I can look after myself.” He glanced at the camera beside the airlock. “Just let me be. Both of you.”
“I tried that and look what happened.” The AI was defiant.
“Eos, turn the hub back on.”
“No! Listen to your brother, if you won’t listen to me. You need sleep and food. Your vitals are a mess.”
Virgil set himself. John could be as stubborn as the rest of them, and as slippery as an eel. “It can wait, John. You either sleep up here, or I drag you downstairs and you can deal with Scott.” Who was just as bad, but John didn’t need to know that.
“No, John. Food, then sleep. If Scott isn’t enough of a threat, I have a direct line to Grandma. Don’t think for one second that twenty-two thousand kilometres is enough to keep her out of your hair.”
Turquoise lit on fire. “Fine.”
Virgil wrapped an arm around his brother. “And after we will look at what we can do.”
John just grunted at him.
Virgil drew him closer and led him from the hub.
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funeral-clown · 3 years
For @demibuckybarnes. Happy Birthday!
Emmett sighed in a deep, happy breath. Then he did it again. Then, with a faint air of hedonism, one more time. Just to enjoy it. The sweet and heavy pull of air in and out unimpeded by anything else. Fresh air was always worth savoring, even so long after leaving home.
The stars swirled and twinkled above him like a bright canvas. He was laid back and glancing upwards, reclined on the roof of the food truck with one arm laying behind his head and the other resting comfortably on his gut. It had been a dull day, which the faint tugging on the back of his mind said was a reprieve. Something was building, to be sure. Probably be a run in with one of the others of the brood soon. Emmett sighed again, this time slightly less happily. But only slightly.
“Whatcha doin’, big guy?”
Ash’s head poked over the edge of the roof, grinning. His feet balanced precariously on the edge of the doorway as he crossed his arms on the roof for balance and nestled his chin in.
Emmett’s eyes slid from the stars to his driver, who under the street lights illuminating the parking lot they were spending the night in glowed in a star like fashion himself. His peroxide hair flew about his face like a cornet, or a halo, or some other sappy metaphor Emmett was privately embarrassed to consider.
“Y’r hair’s in y’r face again.”
Ash laughed.
“It does what it wants.”
Emmett nodded.
“ ‘S nice.”
Tired of being left out, Ash clambered up onto the roof himself, knees and elbows banging about in a comedic fashion. Half on top of Emmett, he grinned and nestled in closer.
Emmett huffed amiably, taking the arm from his stomach and wrapping it around the other man. Ash hummed happily and squirmed closer.
“We haven’t seen the others in a while, huh?”
Emmett, with some effort, shrugged.
“Was thinkin’ so myself. Might be a run in soon. Which ones ya figure?”
Ash hummed thoughtfully. He was always the better one when it came to guessing who might be coming. Or, more accurately, who they might be going to.
“Don’t know,” he said finally. Emmett nodded.
“Who ya want it to be?”
Ash’s teeth glittered in the dark.
“Who’d’ya think, babe?”
Emmett nodded again, slower, considering.
“Should probably set up something good tomorrow. Lotta meat and veggies and carbs. Maybe a stew.”
Ash raised an eyebrow.
“Cooking for us?”
Emmett stretched out a bit more before settling again.
“For her. Don’t think she gets enough nutrition, hanging around them all the time. Forget to feed her more than beer and junk.”
Ash propped himself up, excited.
“You think it’s really gonna be them?”
Emmett smiled.
“I think I’m gonna be ready if it is.”
Ash whooped loudly.
Martin stopped, physically, verbally, and the car. The Oh No Mobile whined in protest before quieting again to see what would happen. He sucked in a lungful of air through his teeth. The others froze and stared at him, waiting. Amanda looked up from her nails, a new streak of bright purple polish slashed down her knuckles.
She raised an eyebrow at Cross, who grinned at her in a manner that would make anyone else quite nervous, but nevertheless gave her comfort. Vogel jostled into her excitedly, like an eager puppy trying to make her smile. Despite herself, she did.
“We’re pullin’ over.”
Martin reached back and patted her knee, eyes meeting hers in the rear-view mirror.
“Good a place as any.”
Amanda shrugged, busting through the doors with the rest of the boys, yelling loudly and taking stock of the location. It seemed to be some sort of highway rest stop, scattered picnic tables and the odd pavilion scattered around a hill. A squat stone hutch with bathrooms was pressed against the edge of a corner. The few people in the park seemed faintly alarmed, in the tired manner of those who have been driving too long to particularly care about howling strangers yelling around. A young nervous looking couple edged towards their own vehicle, and a group of bleary eyed bikers looked up from their sandwiches in idle curiosity.
With great pomp, Martin sat himself on top of one of the wooden benches and glared around him. The others flocked to it, under a pine tree and on the edge of the encroaching woods. Gripps lit a blunt and handed it to Cross. Vogel climbed the tree. Amanda breathed in deeply. As much as she loved her boys, 5 people in one van could get a little crowded. Cross offered her a hit, only to be rebuffed.
“What’re we waitin’ for?”
Martin shrugged, laying back on the table lazily. He seemed uncharacteristically at ease. The low rumble of passing cars filled the artificial clearing. There was a squeal of resistance as a large van pulled in to the park. With a loud cry, Ash hopped out of the drivers’ seat and ran to tackle Amanda, who rose to greet him in turn.
“Ash! Holy shit, you’re here!”
“I’m here! YOU’RE here!”
“We’re here!”
“I think,” Emmett drawled as he made his way over, “We can all agree that we’re here.”
Ash gave his shoulder a friendly shrug.
“Don’t be an asshole, babe.”
Emmett tried to look appalled. He didn’t try very hard.
“You bring snacks?” Vogel called from the top of the tree.
“Depends. Snacks for who?”
“Me, dude!”
Emmett laughed.
“Nobody with us but us. But I got little, uh, whatchamacallits. Little. Fuckin. Petit fours.”
He blew a loud raspberry, but Gripps looked up in interest. Amanda came over to lean against Emmett, a small brush of contact, like a cat gently re-establishing friendship. He ruffled her hair.
“Got plenty eats for this one though. Needs more than fuckin knocked over McDonalds’.”
Amanda lit up like an electric fireplace.
“Fuck yes, dude! I’ve been WANTING something real!”
Emmett reddened slightly, pleased.
“ ‘S nothin’ much t’all. Plenty to get boxed up and take with.”
One of the bikers had begun to nonchalantly amble by, in the manner of the eternally nosy.
“Excuse me,” she called, “Are you some kinda. Food truck or something? Because I’ll not lie, we’re sick as dogs of road sandwiches.”
Emmett scratched at the side of his head, rumbling in his chest with unspoken musing.
“Yeah, alright. Y’all better like gumbo.”
Her eyes widened.
“I’ve been craving gumbo for weeks!”
“Yeah,” he muttered, “That sounds about right.”
Amanda ducked under his arm and wrapped an arm around his waist, then threw her other over Ash’s shoulders, walking them to the truck.
“I missed you, boys.”
“I missed you too! I mean this guy is GREAT but sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone who knows what Harry Potter is.”
Emmett looked over his shoulder back at Martin, who shrugged.
Ash rolled his eyes.
“I love these guys, they’re always a good time, but Amanda, you are my salvation. I love that you’ve taken the polish off the nail. VERY avant-garde.”
Amanda threw her head back and laughed. Emmett slipped her grasp and opened up the service window of the food truck.
“Open for business,” he called.
After everyone was fed and were laying out on the grass, Emmett sat next to Martin.
“Seen Bart lately?”
Martin shook his head.
“Seen English?”
Emmett hummed.
“Few months back. Sayin’ somethin’ bout. Atlantis?”
Martin scoffed.
“That sounds like him. How bout any of the others?”
Emmett lay back.
“Drift in and out. Thought I saw Priest for a hot second in Arizona.”
Martin grimaced, half a snarl caught in his throat on instinct.
“Only thought?”
“Only thought.”
Martin nodded.
“Told your boy yet?”
Emmett shook his head.
“Still safer not knowing.”
He frowned.
“Never gonna understand that. Not sharing. Told ours the second we got her.”
“How long till Blackwing got their hands on her?”
There was a telling pause.
“Besides,” Emmett continued with a forced levity, “If I didn’t share, I wouldn’t bring y’all treats.”
Meanwhile, Ash and Amanda were sitting in the grass doing a braid train with Cross and Gripps at the ends. Vogel had come down long enough to smear his face with chocolate, and was starting to build a fire in one of the camp grills. He eyed the weathered picnic tables in consideration. Amanda whistled for his attention, then pointed without judgement at the forest full of sticks. He sent a happy thumbs up.
“Good family reunion.”
“Ain’t bad.”
“Sorry your sister didn’t make this one.”
“Balances out. Her brother didn’t either.”
Martin’s laugh was a hoarse thing. Ash looked up to see what was causing it, then beamed when he saw Emmett talking to him.
“Stop moving,” Gripps whined. “You’re worse than Vogel. Gonna tangle your hair, dude!”
Still laughing, Ash settled down, glancing forward at what his own hands were doing to Amanda’s hair, tucking the strands of hair together. Ahead of her, Amanda wove a dozen tiny braids in Cross’s hair, sticking out around his head like a scarecrow’s straw.He idly pulled at the grass, braiding it himself. VOgel whined, bored and not wanting to be let out. Cross wordlessly handed him braided sticks of grass to burn.
Somewhere in the woods, a man and a woman were burying a body. Somewhere else, two men drove on searching for a beat up van, binoculars laying on the back seat. Somewhere even farther away, two men and a woman where running away from a giant demented fish man waving a trident. Somewhere else entirely, a man vaguely longed for a cup of tea.
The Universe was running smoothly. 
Emmett lie back in the grass, looking up at the oncoming twilight, and took in a deep breath. Smiling slightly, he closed his eyes and, with a faint air of hedonism, did so again slowly.
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marvel-ousnesss · 4 years
The pirate and the witch (part four)
Pairing: Harry Hook x daughter of narissa!reader
Summary: Y/N, an orphan vk who was taken to auradon at a young age, returns to her old home by request of the crown prince. However, things tend to go south at the Isle of the Lost.
Warning: Mild cursing, use of alcohol, sword fighting (no super detailed descriptions)
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Word count: 4460(ish)
A:/N: happy Christmas Eve eve!!!  Finally done with part four and turns out I ended up writing a plot that flows slower than intended (oops). I’m sorry for the wait but I’ve been sort of busy with holiday-related procrastination. Also…. I’m working on a request and a Bucky royal au which I’ll be posting soon. As always, lots and lots of love and thanks for reading ❤️ Pls tell me what you think.
(BTW… there’s a flashback at the end, it’s in italics.)
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE DISNEY DESCENDANTS CHARACTERS, THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN CHARACTERS NOR THE SANDERSON SISTERS. All credit goes to the creators, writers, and producers. Same with the HP charms, credit goes to J.K Rowling (for now, just present in the first parts).
part one        part two      part three      mobile masterlist
— Oi, lass, lass,— a familiar intone is heard when I open the window.
To my surprise, I spot Harry behind a trash container, with my cloak resting on his right shoulder.
When he sees my head peeking out of the second floor window, he pipes, — if you wanted to see me again, you should’ve just asked.
— Who says I wanted to see you, that was a hint for Gil to find.
He snickers at my words,— ya gaunnie come get yer manky cloak, or do I have to go up there?
—Shit, — I breathe — Just a second!
I close the window and look at Jay, who quirks a brow but doesn’t move from his spot on my desk. He began to explore my sketchbook app a few minutes ago, and seems to be completely immersed in it. Nevertheless, he puts the device down and chuckles, — This is you’re place, you know. Say the word and I’ll be out.
His words take me by surprise. Even if he’s been here for a few hours, I still can’t get completely used to the idea of such dangerous people, who are feared to death back home, being as decent and friendly as they have been during my stay here.
So, after a brief goodbye, he leaves and, after all of my Auradon-related stuff, I open the window once again.
— You already came all the way here, what’s a few steps up.
He’s about to make his way up the fire escape but, after a few steps toward it, he crosses his arms and says, — Yer right, I came to yer place, don’t I deserve a prize?
He’s such a flirt. After debating it with myself for a second, I make up my mind.
— Come here and get it, — I wink.
Without a second thought, he runs up the stairs outside the building and reaches my window in no time. What I’m I doing? No one was supposed to find out about this place, yet I’ve brought two vks here in just a day. I try to keep my cool as the pirate walks toward me, stopping about a foot away.
He smirks, —So, doll, ‘bout me prize.
I feel the heat in my cheeks when he takes a small step closer, placing a hand on the side of my waist.
—oh, right… that,——
Think fast, think fast….
I smile at him sweetly and kiss his right cheek, retrieving my cloak from his shoulder. — your welcome, — I smirk.
He laughs at my antics, — yer kidding? Don’t ya say that’s it! Glaickit of ya to think I’ll leave with just that.
—Who says you have to leave?— I utter the words while stepping back in order to sit on my bed.
His brows jump up and his ocean blue eyes shine with mischief and surprise. — What’d you suggest, doll.
— Staying here for a while but, now that I think of it, wouldn’t it be more fun to go out? The docks, maybe?
— Nah, depends on what you want to do. — his words keep coming out laced with an air of innuendo.
Not wanting to give up yet, I decide to play coy. — You know, the usual; take a walk, grab a bite, ‘keep the heid’, don’t you have to do rounds?
This time, it is a mix of mischief and excitement that floods him. — Yer right, can’t wait to see the faces of those wingnut vampires when ya scare the shit outta them!
— yeah… I’m thrilled.
Why did I suggest this, of all possible things to do? The question seems to be trapped in my mind. Ever since we left the apartment, Harry began to show a new side of himself, one that I had only seen in the papers I read beforehand.
He invited me to do his rounds with him, on the way to the docks and, needless to say, my magic resulted completely useless when it came to achieving the level of fear that Harry had in mind.
— Not so badass now? bastard, — he hisses, with a smirk on his face as his hook grabs some guy by the jacket. — whatcha gonna do?
The guy limits himself to whimper and let out some sort of cry. Given that the pirate has already grabbed everything that caught his eye, together with the designated amount of golden coins, the business there is dimmed as finished and we finally  begin walking to Ursula’s.
—So what ya think, see yourself doing this with me and the crew?— he asks.
—Not really, not one for all of the intimidating.
— Ain’t so sure ‘bout that, lassie. You’ve done pretty well for what I’ve seen. — it is kind of weird to hear such words coming from him; even more so when sincerity is all across his handsome features.
I snicker, — yeah, right; I can’t even get a fly to run away.
His chin lifts up and his chest comes forward subtly, — I’d help you with that, if you decided to join us. In fact, — he wiggles his brows with a smirk, — I’d train you.
— As tempting as that sounds, I’ll have to decline, Hook. Got better things to do:
I shouldn’t even think twice about declining but something about exploring my vk side a bit further than I’ve been able to doesn’t sound completely crazy. Maybe is the way he looks at me, or should I say through me, with his ocean eyes; or the way in which those same eyes shine when he’s about to wreak havoc? Don’t really know, and not sure if I really want to.
Guess I’ll just have to solve this problem in the way I do it best, ignoring my questions until they go away.
I begin to run and chant, — Race you to the docks!
Panting, I stop in front of Ursula’s and get inside. The place is packed with members of Uma’s crew, some of which seem to recognize me. They acknowledge me without hostility, still thankful for what I did for them the night of the party.
—Look, Uma, Y/N’s here! Bet she’s looking for Harry, — Beams Gil, the blond and tall guy who first broke the ice with me the night I met the crew.
Uma smirks and approaches me, — Look, witchy, not sure if you got the memo but one night stands are supposed to be just that, and last one night, nothing more.
— Thanks for the heads up, cap, but I’m actually here to grab a pint. — I sit down on a barstool.
— in that case, — she turns away, visibly relaxing, — Bonnie! A beer for bibbity bobbity bullshit over here!
When Uma is behind the bar again, Harry, who had been inside and contemplating the scene, approaches me.
— Sorry ‘bout that, Uma just knows me too well,— he ventures. — Ain’t good for the business to have every lady in the isle claiming to see me, now is it?
His cockiness is amusing as it is annoying. — Oh, of course — I ponder.— that would be completely tragic.
He chuckles at me and steals a sip from my still full beer. Honestly, I don’t even like beer that much; just ordered it to play the part. Go
— Yer different, though, — he claims, but I don’t believe a word.
— Do tell, why is that?
— You’re not as annoying. Actually, I kinda like having you ‘round, — he flirts.
— So you, Mr. use-‘em-‘n-dump-‘em, are claiming I’m special? — I gasp mockingly, — what an honor.
We both laugh a bit, share another sip of beer, and he continues.
He shrugs, — Yer also fast. Not enough, but fast; even if you were playing dirty.
—Oh, gods, aren’t you one to talk about that! — I accuse,— and, given the case that I did play dirty, how did I do it?
— Lookie here — he gesticulates, motioning himself. — Racing a hungover pirate ain’t fair, besides, I had too much clothes on.
I chuckle, part of me wishing I could wipe that smirk off his face. — You’re just a bad loser, I’m pretty sure you’re always hungover; and, as for your clothes, not sure how that’s related to me kicking your ass.
— How low do ya think of me, doll, ya think I’m a bad loser? — he fakes a gasp. — and, as for my clothes, —his tone is mocking, — can’t you just enjoy me charm and help me solve the problem? But, in case you wanted a serious answer for your question, nakedness makes me more aerodynamic.
— wouldn’t you like that, Captain cockiness.— my brow quirks up. — And seriously, aerodynamic? Yeah, right.
— Not as much as ya would, my little witch.
I scoff as my eyes drift over to the window. The day is warm despite the lack of sun, so I suggest, — I think I’m gonna go for a walk. Come with me?
The sound of the waves crashing against the docks is one that I’ve loved my whole life, back home, my dad and I go for boat rides often. However, here there’s a bunch of noise that accompanies the punches of water against wood and stones. The market is busy as we walk, but most of the catches turn out to be dead fish and trash that arrives from Auradon.
— I still don’t believe you, you know? It’s impossible for you to fit the grip of your hook inside your mouth; besides, how can I believe you if your too chickened up to prove it,— my arms cross expectantly.
Since we got out of Ursula’s, Harry’s been telling me a bunch of stories of his and Gil’s drunken deeds, and I may have also revealed a few of mine and Chad’s own disventures. For the last five minutes, he’s been trying to convince me that he’s capable of putting the whole base of his hook inside his mouth, but refuses to show me.
— Lass, ya’ll have to take me word for it. I’m still a few bottles of scotch away from doing that again.
—pff,— I playfully shove him sideways. — Yeah, right.
He places the tip of his hook on his chin, pretending to think, — you know, shouldn’t have spilled so much, now ya have lots of dirt on me.
—What am i gonna use it for? You know what, never mind. — I proclaim, — You, Harry James Hook, just made the worst mistake of your life. Now I’ll overthrow you and Uma, and take over the lost revenge. Buahahaha!
He laughs at me and counters, — seriously lass, some of these things, I’ve never told anyone before.
—relax Hook, you can trust me, — I smile, with the sincerity I can muster.
— Oh, okay then.
After the short moment of vulnerability, we fall into a void of uncomfortable silence. We continue to walk along the brick street next to the sea, and my hands seem to find a permanent place inside the pockets of my jacket. Harry softly whistles a melody with his eyes locked down, but looks up and smiles as we reach a familiar ship.
His frame stiffs for a moment as he inquires — You sure I can trust ya?
I hesitate, — Yes, of course.
— Then come on, you’re meeting someone. — he grins.
The ship seems to be isolated from the rest, yet it is full of crew members that work and bounce from one side of the deck to the other.
When we enter their sight, they stop to stare at us and pull out their swords.
One of them speaks with a threatening and raspy voice, — Not outsiders in the Black Pearl, Hook.  
— Relax, Y/N ain’t gonna start beef, Barbossa. — Harry assures, — where’s Jack at?
— Sure hope she does cause some trouble, we could always use some tasty ladies here in this humble ship. — the malice in his expression makes me shiver, not to mention the wicked grin coming from the monkey on his shoulder, so I move slightly behind Harry.
At this point, it’s evident that the younger pirate’s patience is becoming thinner. — She’s not here for that, now where’s Jack?
Barbossa’s pounding laugh comes laced with his response, — His chambers, drinking. Good luck getting him outta there.
So, shielding me from the Wolfish looks sent by some crew members, Harry drags me to what I assume is the entrance of the captain’s quarters.
He knocks three times and a groan is heard on the other side, right before the breaking of a bottle and an incoherent train of curse words.
The door opens to reveal a tanned middle aged man sporting wild dreadlocks and a bored expression. However, his facade changes as soon as he registers that Harry was the one who dared interrupt him.
—Powder Monkey! What brings you to this old man’s ship?— his arm flies over Harry’s shoulder and he drags him inside.
I follow closely behind. My eyes scan the wooden floor and walls, the scattered pieces of green glass that I’m sure recently fell down, and a table full of unopened bottles, surrounded by five stools.
— Just thought I’d come ‘n greet, so you pack of salty dogs wouldn’t forget ‘bout me.
— Nah, wouldn’t forget ‘bout my favorite boot cleaner, — he smiles, showcasing a few golden teeth, — now would I?  
Harry’s only response is to laugh as he opens a bottle of rum, — Also, wanted you to meet a, uhh, an acquaintance. Jack, Y/N; Y/N, this is Jack.
Acquaintance, seriously?
He turns my way, smirking and stretching out a dusty hand, — Well, let me say, m’lady, any friend of Jimbo here is a friend of mine. —After we shake hands, he sits down on the table, grabbing yet one more bottle, — Now tell me, what stupidity have you done to cross ways with this wonky piece of sea garbage?
I’m about to start, but Harry interjects, — She can’t tell you nothing without a dram.
— Only got rum, Hookey, who do ya think yer talking to, Turner?— he scoffs.
— Rum it is, then.
Awkwardly, I state, — Actually, I’m good as it is, gentlemen.
— You don’t drink? — This time, Sparrow breaks into laughter,— got a princess in your hands, Harry. But m’lady, — he turns toward me,— we all drink here, ‘s the code.
I chuckle, — Fine, but just a few drinks.
Thank god I have my boots on, I think to myself as I look at the floor. A fit of giggles scale my lips, followed by an almost unperceivable hiccup. It’s been a few hours since we arrived at the Pearl, and we’ve been drinking nonstop. At the beginning, it was only Jack and the two of us, but then Gil ended up here, together with maestre Gibbs.
I told them how I met Harry, but that’s the only truth that I’ve spilled. After all, knowing where I’m from would be enough motivation for these men to make me walk the plank and straight into the kraken’s nest. From then on, I’ve been mostly listening.
— So, then I was like ‘proceed,’ but they noticed I wasn’t white so the one with the fancy wig went all ‘it’s Jack Sparrow, it’s Jack sparrow!’ and I was like ‘nub-uh, I’m justice Smith.’ — Jack speaks  between laughs, with exaggerated esticulations, as he takes another sip of some cheap wine; the rum ran out like an hour ago.
— You saved my ass that day, Jack, I remember it like it happened this very morning, — Gibbs patted his friend’s shoulder.
Gil chimes in, — like that time you saved us from the Huns, we wouldn’t have lasted two seconds without you and Anamaria.
— I haven’t heard that one yet, — I voice, utterly curious.
— Well, — Jack announces, then yawns. — you’ll have to hear it another time, Y/N/N. I've got some business, you know? Gotta sleep for a few years now.
Being the ship’s captain, and the two young pirates’ mentor, no one’s hesitant to comply. We get up and say goodbye, then make our way outside.
All three of us are still fairly drunk, so I decide to take this chance to see if I can get them to open up.
— I still haven’t heard the story of you guys and the Huns.
— ‘S a long one, lass. — states Harry, placing an arm around my shoulder, to which I respond by loosely grabbing his wrist with my right hand, as to keep his arms from moving.
— Well, we’ve got time! — I yowel.
— You’re gonna love it, Y/N. — As we walk, Gil begins to explain, taking a sip of the bottle we grabbed from the Pearl.— We were like seven when that happened?
Harry and Gil walked silently, as they kept an eye on Shan Yu’s men. It was Harry’s first official mission as part of his father’s crew, or it was gonna be, and he had called Gil and Uma for help and support. Sadly, the young sea witch had been grounded that very morning, so she couldn’t be there with the two boys. To say that they had absolutely no idea what they were doing was a complete understatement. They were clueless.
So, they did what seemed rational at the moment: follow the enemies and wait for the perfect moment to attack. Or… at least that’s what Gil had heard his father say when he talked about hunting.
—Shh!! — scolded Harry, — you’re gonna make them see us, Gil!
The blond boy muttered a quick ‘sorry,’ and continued walking, this time avoiding collisions.
— Harry, they’re getting into a warehouse, we should wait out here. — Gil intoned, chocolate eyes shining with fear.
Harry immediately countered and, on the contrary to his friend’s, his blue orbs were  flooded with pride and determination. —No, this is my chance to prove father that I can be a real pirate. If we make it, he will train me.
We continue walking through the very same road that we took earlier today (yesterday, as midnight passed a few hours ago). Harry’s arm remains placed around me and mine has now found its way around his middle.
As he speaks, I feel the soft vibrations of Harry’s voice and the alcohol that pleasantly poisoned his breath; — so, we decided to ambush the Huns right there.
— We decided? You manipulated me into going, — Gil points out, giggling.
Harry sighs and grumbles, — Anyway, the point is we went inside and here we are; so, continue talking Gil. Before sunrise, if you can.
The two boys literally crossed a door that had no way back. They hid behind a few boxes of what they supposed were ingredients for Dim Sum, and carefully watched as the Hun soldiers opened a chest full of gold that they had stolen from the Jolly Roger.
— There it is, — Harry whispered in awe.
— It’s a lot of gold, — Gil quavered.
Back then, they were convinced that no one was aware of their presence, but a certain pirate lord who had his eyes on the very same prize had seen them from the start.
— Isn’t that Hook’s boy? — asked Anamaria.
She continued to press on the topic, — shouldn’t we take him? He’d be useful against his father; we could get some money out of him.
— And why the hell not, Jack?
The captain sighed, as he adjusted his position on the ceiling bar, — Jim doesn’t pose a threat at the moment and nothing he has seems to be worth it these days, the boy’s useless.
The Huns continued to speak in hushed tones, reason why none of the intruding parties were able to register what was happening.
The kids didn’t even have time to move when they felt the cold metal of swords against the back of their necks. With their hands raised in defeat, they stood up and faced Shan Yu’s soldiers.
—Your father didn’t even have the balls to come here himself?
— Maybe we could send him your fingers? Or maybe even your left hand? That way you’d get matching hooks.
The grown men spoke as they advanced on the two boys, making them head toward the wall of the building. When they had them cornered, both Huns raised their swords and both boys shielded their heads with their arms; but no harm came their way.
Instead, they saw the Huns fighting two other people, whom Harry recognized as members of the enemy pirate crew, the tripulation of the Black Pearl.
— So that’s why you went after the kids —chortled the man. — Your technique is worse than your fashion sense, and that’s saying something.
Both boys giggled at his words.
The man’s combat was sparkled with humor and witty comments, while the woman fought silently and with a stern expression, only groaning every few hits. Both of them had impeccable technique, and they seemed to be dancing in perfect coordination.
After what had seemed to be hours, the Huns ended up dead.
— I can’t believe I agreed to come with you in the first place, — hissed the woman, cleaning her left boot with the end of her puffy white sleeve.
— Come one, don’t tell me it wasn’t fun!
She ignored her companion and approached the boys, who had been contemplating their interaction.
— Hey, — she smiled, — I’m Ana, and that idiot over there is captain Jack Sparrow.
Harry stepped forward, — I’m quartermaster Harry Hook, and this is my friend Gil.
—Quartermaster? Harry, your father doesn’t even let you near the crew.
Harry glared at his friend and decided to explain to the two strangers, — well, I’m not exactly a quartermaster… yet! — he assured. — but I’m gonna be one, when my dad decides to train me.
It was the man’s turn to speak, and his voice came tinted with venom. — You mean Jim sent you here without training? Not even I would do that.
— My dad doesn’t think I have what it takes to be a pirate. I was gonna bring him his treasure back and show him I do have it, but I guess you’re gonna take it, right?
‘Not the puppy eyes, not those; anything but the puppy eyes!’ Jack pleaded to himself, but he ended up looking at the boy and giving in.
He groaned, and then spoke up. — We’ll all go back to the Pearl. There, well split the gold and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.
— Uma’s gonna love this, — grinned the boys in unison.
We arrived at the end of the road, so the three of us sat on the edge of the dock, feet dangling over the water.
— So, that’s basically it. — concludes Gil. — Jack taught us everything we know about being pirates. Then, he helped us get the Lost Revenge.
I take a drink, — And, you’re all still pretty close to him. That’s really cool.
Harry chuckles, — well, we kind of owe him everything we are.
I lift my head, which was resting on his shoulder, and glance at him. — That’s not true; he may have trained you, but I’m sure you all have become your own selves.
— Don’ be stupid, lass, he did it because it meant a future a alliance and an advantage, not because he has a teaching vocation.
I sigh, looking for adequate words to phrase what I want to say, — Then you guys owe him what you know about piracy, nothing more.
None of the two pirates said anything.
You know, — Gil sighed, — he’s been there for us more than our own parents. He even saved us from Hook’s crew once, when we were thirteen.
—Still, he did it because we’d signify power for him and not because he cared about us. — Harry takes a long swing of liquor.
I sigh, — Still, I think that, even if he didn’t care at the beginning, he’s fond of you guys now.
Harry’s about to object, but he thinks for a moment and mumbles, — he’s been around for quite a while, even for me sisters.
—I’m just pretty glad that we found him, — Gil hummed, — since I began training with him, my father has been going on about how proud he is that I’m big and strong, and how he hopes that I’ll get myself a nice lady.
— Funny, — Harry says with a tint of grief, — my dad stopped talking to me when the moment I stepped on the Pearl.
Once again, we fall into silence. I fall backwards and look at the cloudy sky, Gil and Harry soon follow and, once again, I find a spot right under the first mate’s arm.
— I’m kind of sleepy, guys.— Gil voices my thoughts, we should head back to the Revenge.
Without complaining, the three of us stand up and walk back to the ship. Instead of heading to their quarters, Harry and Gil lead me to a few hammocks that are placed on deck for those on night guard.
Harry takes off his boots and coat, sitting on one, —‘m sure Uma won’t mind if we use these for tonight.
—Yeah, no big deal, — Yawns Gil.
— Kay.
I’m already beginning to sober up, so sleep is beginning to hit me. Without a second thought, I lay down and wrap myself in my cloak. I drift off to sleep, and my head clears.
It only lasts a few hours, though. I wake up with nausea and my head pounding. Sitting up, decision which immediately regret, I look around for Harry and Gil but turns out I’m alone. I get up and rub my eyes, walking towards Frollo’s creperie, which is a few blocks away from Ursula’s.
I arrive and bark my order, like I’ve seen people do it around here. Then, with a huff, I sit down and quickly glance at my watch.
9:30 am… shit!
Tags: @criticizing-blogger​  @aspitefullittlebeing​  @treestarrrrrrrr​
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tetsuwan-atom · 3 years
Oni actually wondered how she was able to roam the streets of Lobarr so easily without attracting much attention, but he was glad she was able to still function and do things on her own. It was a whole world away indeed, in every single aspect, even on the outskirts, part of the greater Authrum. Even if, well, it was a bit of a trek from the capital to the abandoned asylum.
Of course he couldn't help but ring her to see how she was doing. Thanks to special stealth procedures, their calls could never be traced or detected. Another added bonus.
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"Hey babe, it's me." He remarked back, hearing her voice. A smile on his own face. Her voice made everything better, didn't it? "Whatcha doing? Everything alright?" Sounds like she's on her way to the store. "Why not, something we can share together." Even now he thought of doing things together, sharing things, they always did that, didn't they? "How about some of those chocolates you got for me one time? How about some of those?" Well, at least she had some money for that, a relief. Of course they would continue to talk, he never wanted to hang up. Why would he, it passed the time regardless.
Sounds like someone them bumped into her... and then... a scuffle? Sounds unrecognisable before he could hear something faintly, something like...shouting? From Violet?
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"Babe? Hey, what's going on? Babe? Violet? Y'there?"
Not good....
. . .
Of course he would put every resource available to find her. He ran the bloody X, they had to do what he said. It didn't matter that the 'muscle' girlfriend wasn't even here, they knew not to anger someone who was truly back in control. It wasn't like before, with the last girlfriend. They couldn’t pull that kind of stunt again.. lest they want to be the ones fed to the wolves themselves.
Vans, goons, they all roamed around at night. It was almost like a free for all for D-POL... only... they weren’t actually causing chaos.. no gunfire, no harassment, no violence (yet), they only searched and searched, scoured, every nook of the city (without being detected too much or traced) to find the abducted woman. Even Oni and the others were out looking, in their respective vehicles, save for Oni, who was out on foot. How many hours did they search? Who knows, he wasn’t counting.
Soon his mobile would ring again. Quickly did he fish it out to see who it was... oh, it’s Barringer. Better answer it. “Barringer man, what you got for me?”
“Not good, Boss. Haven’t found her but, we gots her phone here. I reckon she’s long pinched...”
Pinched? Kidnapped?
By who?
He knew nobody in Lobarr or Authrum who would even have an inkling as to who Violet was. It couldn’t be anyone here?
And Bladena... was that even possible? Surely that place was too primitive for people to travel dimensions.. surely... or was it? He didn’t know the place all too well... some people did some weird shit over there.. and it was filled with all sorts of crazy stuff, monsters, zealots... could he really discount it.
No, that would be a bad idea.
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“...Gather everyone and return to base, make sure you’re not followed. We’re gonna regroup and make our next move there...”
“Roger that, Boss. See ya soon.”
And with the phone hung up, did he look up, toward the night sky.
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“...Babe... who the fuck would take you away from me?”
2 notes · View notes
King Falls AM - Episode Eleven: Ringin’ Hell’s Doorbell
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Summary: October 1, 2015 - After an unexpected listener call-in, the boys find a cassette tape in the mail and listen live as an adventure unfolds from one of King Falls less-friendly hiking trails.
[podcast intro music]
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy Welcome back, everyone. The time is 4:44AM here at King Falls AM.
Ben It’s a slow night. You wanna do… weather and traffic?
Sammy It’s warmin’ up! And if there’s traffic at this ungodly hour, we got problems.
Ben *snickers* Got that right, Sammy! Uh, before we go back to the phones in a sec, I’ve got an email I’d like to read you. I think you’ll get a kick out of this. [definitely smirking]
Sammy Oh! Well, very cool. Alright, whatcha got?
Ben [eager] So, you know I wrote the producers of Mission Apparition, right?
Sammy … No. What are you talkin’ about?
Ben Yes you do. It’s that brain tumor of a show on Channel 13?
Sammy I-I- I know the show, Ben! I’m saying I didn’t know you wrote them.
Ben Dude. You’re gonna love it. I emailed trying to get them booked as guests so we could tear them apart. *snicker*
Sammy Well, I mean, they did keep the lights on a few weeks back, running an ad, of course. [not hopeful] So, please don’t tell me you got confrontational?
Ben If telling the truth about their staged scares counts as confrontational, then… [smug] I totally did.
Sammy Okay, so you accost a paid sponsor of King Falls AM; please continue…
Ben *excited laughter* Okay, let me read this to you. “Dear Sammy,”- [aside] sorry, you— left your station email up.
Sammy Uh-huh.
Ben “Dear Sammy, We at Mission Apparition are extremely sorry! you feel the show is “Overly Produced” and not “true to the nature of actual distressed spirits.” In actuality, Dan and Larry are two of the most highly trained professionals in this field. While we appreciate constructive criticism, name-calling just isn’t needed. If you have any real suggestions to make the show better, please let us know.”
Sammy Ben. [resigned] What did you call them?
Ben Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I wrote them back, and they’re going to be shooting a future episode- of the show- in King Falls.
Sammy No way!
Ben I said “we have many fine spectral establishments here.” The gauntlet was thrown down and they took the bait.
Sammy As much as I hate to say this, you’re gonna get to see the Mission Apparition guys in a real situation at least.
Ben Oh yeah. [stoked] I’m not sure which to offer up the old Slaughter House off Cottontail Hollow or the library.
Sammy I’m not gonna make a you’re-trying-to-impress-Emily comment here, because I know that that place is chock full of activity.
Ben Exactly.
Sammy But… [semi-muttered] You are trying to impress Emily.
Ben *deep breath* Whatevs. K-ca- Okay, get this though! After I told them I was co-host of a late-night AM talk show? they asked if I’d like to come on set so I can get an interview live.
Sammy Well, book it! Make it happen!
Ben Done and done.
Sammy But please stop using my email.
Ben No promises.
Sammy Alright folks, after that exciting announcement, we’re gonna open up the phone lines to you, our dear listeners. And, uh, Ben? You got a topic?
Ben *tsk* I absolutely do, but you can’t have it until a touch after the 5 o’clock hour, Sammy.
Sammy You heard the man, ladies and gents. It’s a bonafide free-for-all for the next ten minutes or so. Give us a call 424-279-3858.
Ben Or hit us up on twitter @kingfallsam
Sammy Lucky Line 1, you’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Line 1 [deep, nasally, almost bestial voice] Uh, yeah… *heavy breathing, smacking lips* Did you check the mail? Heh
Sammy [mildly sarcastic] Maybe once or twice in my lifetime, uh, do you have a topic? Or is this Ted Kaczynski[1] calling from prison?
Line 1 Uh… you’ll have a topic sooon… heh… [ominous click, dial tone]
Ben Yoouu know I should go take a look in our mail slot now, right?
Sammy [exasperated] Don’t.
Ben It’s a verbal triple-dog-dare! I’ll be right back.
Sammy *sighs* One day, it’s just gonna be a head. I just know it. Line 5, welcome to King Falls AM.
[ominous music]
Line 5 [voice is male, higher pitched, and very nervous] Oh, I got through! Sammy?! I- I need to speak with you in private. Please!
Sammy Iii’m gonna be a little bit sir- we just came back from break. But I’m happy to talk about whatever.
Line 5 We really can’t talk about this on the air. Ehh *nervous breathing* It’s about… wwel-I- *quick sigh* - I really don’t wanna say too much, but— I sent you a text message about, uh…ohh…a month or so back? We need to speak! It’s incredibly urgent!
Sammy Sir, I get a lot of texts over the course of a month.
Line 5 W-well- we can’t talk about this on the air.
Sammy Who am I speaking with?
Ben [returning] We have mail, Sammy!
Line 5 [almost whispered] I turned the power back on…
Ben Mr. Thompson?
Probably Mr. Thompson Err— no! [click, dial tone]
Sammy Hello? Sir?
Ben What was that about? [laughing slightly] I swear that dude sounded just like my old science professor.
Sammy Can you get a number on line 5, Ben?
Ben … Yeah! Yeah… uh, in a minute! Look at this!
Sammy *laugh* Is that a cassette tape?
Ben Yeah. No letter— just a tape. It’s labeled “D.D.” [eager] We should play this.
Sammy I hope it’s Duran Duran.
Ben I’ll just stick this in… heeere.
Sammy Uh, do you think we should listen to that first? I know you got a trigger finger on the dump, but…
Ben [smugly] You’re looking at the fastest finger in the tri-state.
Sammy You know, there’s a dirty joke there that, for our friendship, I’m just gonna cruise- right on past.
Ben Where’s the play button on this hunk’a junk? Merv, why do we have a cassette player in the studio?! It’s 2015.
Sammy I think you know why.
Ben [hands rubbing together] I’m excited! [sounds of tape being inserted in the player]
Sammy You better be payin’ attention. I don’t want to hear one –
Lance [heavy Australian accent, narrating like a documentary] “This is Lance McCord checking in. I’m about 5 kilometers off the Stealth Ridge Trail now. It’s heavily wooded and just getting thicker.”
[stop click]
Sammy Do you know this guy? “Lance”?
Ben Never heard of him. But if the “R” word was politically correct for broadcast? I’d totally use it for him right now. That trail is like the boonies within the boonies.
[play click]
Lance “So far so good. I was- I was a bit worried with all the tall tales surrounding the ‘Devil’s Doorstep.’ I guess that’s why I’m talking to you; tracing my steps. Nothing strange or out of the ordinary. I have noticed a lack of wildlife and birds, to be this far in the bush.”
[stop click]
Ben … There is no way.
Sammy “The Devils Doorstep”?
Ben Definitely the R-word— or has a death wish! Or both!
Sammy Where is this place?
Ben [reluctant] It’s north of King Falls. It’s a dark-ass set of woods. Obviously, this guy isn’t from around here because he’d know you don’t even talk about it, much less go there.
Sammy Ominous…
Ben And We Don’t joke about it.
Sammy [challenge accepted] It sounds so inviting, The Devil’s Doorstep. What kind of Welcome Mat do you think the Dark Lord picks out? Do you think he has a “NO SOLICITING” sign?
Ben Stop it. I know you laugh about stuff like this, but… Don’t.
[play click]
[eerie siren-like singing in bg]
Lance “Right, about 30 minutes from my last check in. My mobile has lost signal. It- looks like it’s just you and me, pal. I lost a little bit of, uh, time. I got turned around a few minutes back. All the paths are starting to look really similar, so, it’s hard to… [ominous chant-singing in bg. there’s static/rustling/indistinct whispers that fades in and out] Still no wildlife. I don’t know if any men or women have ever stepped where I’m stepping. I kind of like that.”
[stop click, siren song stops]
Sammy Did you hear something there?
Sammy I didn’t say singing. I said something.
Ben I didn’t hear anything!
[play click]
[static or whispers in bg]
Lance “It’s getting colder now. Darker. That or my- mind is playing the tiniest of tricks on me. Voices, singing— whispers. It’s, uh– it’s head games. [siren song begins] Nothing’s gonna stop me from making it to the gate.”
[stop click]
Ben I think that’s enough.
Sammy Ben, honestly. “Gate?” I’m not following here. You’re the expert, what’s he looking for? Or- or why’s he even looking for it?
Ben COMMERCIAL TIME! Let’s do this…
[“exciting” sports channel music]
Announcer [Mexican accent] Weekdays! 6 to 9 AM, Listen to the Hector el Chavo Show! The fastest growing show in the fastest growing demographic in the tri-state area! On King Falls Deportes! AM. Every week, Hector el Chavo discusses your favorite sports with your favorite players! Don’t miss out this week. Monday we talk to Big Pine Striker, Javier Rancor. Tuesday we’ll talk to Saddle Creek midfielder, Jorge Carpe-Gutierrez! And Friday we talk to King Falls Goalie Bubba “Super Gringo” Wallis! Tune in to Hector el Chavo Show, King Falls Deportes on 730AM. Your sports capital for goal!!!
[KFAM theme music]
Sammy And welcome back to King Falls AM that’s 660 on the radio dial. We’ve just been listening to a tape we received anonymously. Apparently, there’s a hiker out adventuring in—
Ben [desperately, voice breaking] LINE 8, you’re live.
Finn Ooh boy! Things are getting tense on that tape, y’know?!
Ben Forget the tape! Ha-how-how’re you doing, Finn? Is everything— still intact?
Finn Doin’ swell, just swell! [scratching sounds]
Ben You okay there, Finn?
Finn Oh sorry! Didn’t think you’d pick that up. I’ve just been scratchin something awful the past couple weeks. I got in some poison oak, or— something – I don’t know!
Sammy Glad to hear you’re doing well, after…
Finn *growling* [scratching continues]
Ben [apprehensively] … You got a travel buddy with you tonight, Finn?
Finn Oh, no. [horn in bg] Just got cut off going down the highway, here. [muttered] Lousy drivers… [almost shouting] we got three other lanes y’know! [distracted] Ahh! Look at the food billboards!
Sammy Okaaay. Um, what’s on your mind tonight buddy?
Finn Ah, just callin’ in to say hi… that sorta thing. Plus, this story? Wooweee, who is this guy? Have you talked about this place before? I don’t think I heard you mention it… Uhh, I don’t think…
Ben Because we don’t, Finn.
Finn Spoooky stuff, fellas!
Sammy Yeeaah… I don’t know if you were–
Finn *howls loudly*
Ben I- I’m sorry. Yyou gotta keep your pup- quiet.
Finn [confused] Pup? No doggy here! Just you two fellas- and mee, rolling down the rooaad.
Sammy You don’t have a dog with you, Finn?
Finn Couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m allergic. [scratching]
Ben Are… are you feeling okay? Did you ever get checked out after that night you hit that… were— dog?
Finn What?! I wouldn’t lay hands on a pooch! Are you feelin’ alright, Ben?
Sammy *laugh* He’s talkin’ about the dog you accidentally hit awhile back. Uh, y-you got out to check on it and the call dropped off?
Finn Uh… Naooo, wasn’t me. Y’know, I think I’d remember somethin’ like that! [honking in bg, sound of semi passing] Dammit all, I gotta go, boys. Can’t scratch, drive, and talk at the same time. Finish that tape, it’s givin’ me the willies!
Ben Stay awake and- stay safe, Finn… Make a doctor’s appointment!— maybe…
Sammy Or a vet…
Finn *chuckles* Oh, you two! I’ll catch you later. *loud howl*
[click, dial tone]
Sammy Now, Ben. You know- I love what you do on this show. I wouldn’t wanna do this with anybody-else… BUT. I’ve got a tiny issue with you cutting to unscheduled breaks during conversations.
Ben [innocently] Did that happen? I’m so sorry, I just… I’m so interested in—
Sammy In doing everything but playing that tape. You got us all interested now, man. You gotta follow through.
Ben Okay– [definitely not having fun] it was fun! but I think we should just forget about it.
Sammy Impossible.
Ben S-sit down, don’t—
[play click]
Lance [wind gusting] “There’s no doubt that something is, uh, keeping me away from the gate at this point. [siren song in bg] My- watch has just stopped working, so I don’t know what time it is. I can’t really see the sun from the thickest overhangs to tell… I checked my compass [sing-chanting in bg] to ensure I was… [rustling] WHAT THE?” [creepy sing-chanting intensifies]
Super Creepy Whisper Voice “TURRRN. BAAACK. NOOOW.”
Lance “My fu[bleep]ing compass- is literally spinning like a top! There’s EVIL in these woods! You can feel it- in the air! It’s palpable!”
[stop click]
Sammy Ben! Don’t be mad!
Ben [seriously upset] We shouldn’t be playing this! This isn’t a joke, man! This is a tape that probably needs to go to the proper authorities! I’m gonna google Missing Persons.
Sammy Look, I’m not against that. But let’s finish this up, and at the very least talk to me. Tell us a little bit about the woods.
Ben If- if I tell you, will you stop playing the damn tape?
Sammy Absolutely! Help fill these last minutes until your actual topic of discussion arrives.
Ben *heavy sigh* The path, Lance is on, is called Stealth Ridge. It’s about a five-mile round-trip hike up north in- Perdition Wood.
Sammy You guys really know how to name things here.
Ben *deep breath* Okay, supposedly— as in, “legend-has-it” kind of talk, way off the beaten path— I mean WAY off, as in nobody’s ever seen it— is what he’s looking for. A cave called… [reluctant] “The Devil’s Doorstep”
Sammy Uh-huh.
Ben [agitated] Put two and two together here- Sammy! It’s an entrance to the gates of hell! Many people have went out looking for it! None have ever found it— SOME never return.
Sammy [softly] Have you been up there, Ben?
Ben Once…
Sammy And?
Ben Are you serious?! HELL NO, I haven’t been! I’m not crazy like Crocodile Dundee[1] on that tape.
Sammy I mean, he’s gotta be okay, right? The tape made it here! [getting nervous] I-it could’ve been him who dropped it off in our mail and called tonight! Right?
Ben This was fun for a minute, now it’s just massively creepy. Let’s move— [play click] SAMMY!
Sammy Du- you’re looking at me! I didn’t push the button!
[siren song]
Lance “It is so cold. [wind gusting] I’ve des-scended a great deal from the initial crest- of the ridge it seems … I saw what appeared to be—”
Super Creepy Whisper Voice “LAASST. WAARRNING. MORRTALLL.”
[click of buttons being pressed on tape player]
[rustling/cracking in bg]
Lance “What the F[bleep] is that?!”
Sammy [sarcastically] Good job!
Ben Alright it won’t stop. Unplug it! I’m not kidding.
Sammy It is unplugged!
[creepy sing-chanting starts, chilling scream]
Lance *breathing hard* “It’s after me! … [calmer] Umm, I- I don’t know what that was. [song/chant continues in bg] I’m heading to the lip of this cove, here. I think I’m just gonna- wait it out- u-until morning. I’m wet, cold– I, uh, caught my jacket in the bush. I’m bleeding— Jesus… My, uh- my phone is missing. God dammit. It really is just you and— [rustling/cracking]
Super Creepy Not-Whisper Voice MEEE!!!
Lance “No! [impact noise] Help me!!” [sound of running, anguished scream from Lance]
[sing-chanting continues]
[KFAM outro music]
[1] Crocodile Dundee - Crocodile Dundee is a series of action comedy films centered around a crocodile hunter from the Australian Outback named Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee.
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boneshine · 5 years
Close Call
Pairing: Benjamin Clawhauser / Chief Bogo
Rating: M
Summary: Bogo confiscates Clawhauser’s phone in order to make him more productive at work. Established relationship. Post-Movie.
Warning: NSFW! Details under the cut!
Part Three/Five
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Warning: This is a NSFW story, although the adult content does not really begin until Part Five. That being said, this is still an M-rated story, so read at your own smut-loving risk.
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"You remember the rules, Clawhauser?"
"Ye-e-e-e-es," Clawhauser groaned out for the third time.
"Which were... ?"
The cheetah refrained from rolling his eyes. "To do my job without my phone for two complete work days, starting today. Without complaining!" he added tersely at Bogo's look.
"I wish we could have also agreed on this being done without attitude."
"Not likely." The cheetah had been in a bad mood since they drove in together, and it showed. He didn't bother to look at his superior and remained leaned over his desk, chin propped on his arms and staring at the landline phone, his only solace.
Rather than showing annoyance at his behavior, the buffalo chuckled, and his look softened. "Ben..."
Clawhauser's ears perked, though his expression did not. "What?"
A warm kiss was pressed against his cheek and the cheetah jolted and stared up at his chief in surprise. Public affection at work was not common.
"What... ?"
Bogo smiled. "Don't slump. It makes you look unapproachable."
Clawhauser glared and resumed his sullen position. "I'll be sure to write that down," he muttered.
"Good. I'll come and get you when your shift is up." A hoof carded itself affectionately down flattened ears in farewell and Bogo had the gall to wave at the feline as he strolled away. "Remember! No complaining!"
He mouthed his boyfriend's last words mockingly as his eyes roamed around his tiny workspace. He hadn't realized before how cramped it felt. Two days without his phone... How on earth could he pass the time?
I know HOW I would do it... I would be doing my daily blog-scrolling routines... Log in to my Rumblr account... Check e-mails... And texting my friends! Clawhauser suddenly dug his claws into the desk in a panic. Oh, no! My friends! They don't even know that I'm alive! I haven't texted them in hours! I'm as good as dead! My social life is flat-lining! He groaned and pressed his face against the counter. My boyfriend is so cruel!
Yes, his lover may have had a point that he relied too heavily on social media and technology in general and was trying to teach him to focus on real emergencies, but he just wanted to be mad!
Meanie-mean Bogo!
No! No, he couldn't just roll over and surrender in despair! Clawhauser huffed and shook his head. He would show him! He could do anything he wanted-- within reason of his job and the bet! And as there were no calls yet, he could... he could...
The thought hit him like a bolt. I'll clean my office! He eyed the messy piles of paper strewn about the desk, and winced at the hordes of sticky notes that lined his file cabinet and walls like a colorful disease that only grew from the first reminder. Ever since he could recall, he never found the time to clean (half of the notes were reminders to clean, actually.)
But now, thanks to his merciless chief, he had more time than he knew what to do with...
Determination set in and the feline cracked his paws and got to work.
It had felt like a blur of productivity, unexpected and almost magical in its unfamiliarity, and time ceased to exist until Clawhauser blinked and it was done.
It was... astonishing. Without a text or videos to distract him, he found that it was surprisingly easy to focus on any task he set out for himself. Who would have thought? He couldn’t let Bogo know how effective this torture was.
He felt quite proud as he admired his work.
It almost didn't look like his office. His files were organized in alphabetical order, his Inbox and Outbox were sorted and placed in the appropriate piles, his doughnuts had been eaten according to deliciousness (toughest job yet), and he even swept up all the crumbs he left as a result of his hard work.
There! The cheetah preened. It had taken all his focus and all of his snacks, but he did it. The workplace hadn't looked so clean in years!
That HAD to kill a few hours! Clawhauser beamed and looked at the clock behind him.
Thirty minutes had passed.
His spirit was crushed. "Oh, come ON!" he groaned and dropped his head on the table. An ache had settled itself unpleasantly in his brain, with an incessant tapping noise in his ears...
That turned out to be a paw viciously knocking against his workspace.
"... 'Scuse me... Ah said EX-CUSE me, young man!"
Clawhauser's head shot up and he turned to stare at the particularly cross face of an opossum standing before his desk.
"Can... I help you with something, ma’am?" He cautiously leaned over his desk. Trying to chat up coworkers was one thing, but unpleasant citizens were another matter entirely, and he could easily tell by the impatient way she was tapping her foot that she would be quite a handful. Public service. My absolute favorite and least favorite part of the job... he lamented.
"Yes, you can!" she drawled out. "You can help me by explainin' THIS ticket!"
A paper was shoved at the cheetah's face and he leaned back, eyes crossed to try and see it.
"I wasn't gone for more than five minutes an' I found this on my car! What, you officers got nothin' better ta do than ta bother me an' my boy while we're visitin' relatives?"
He winced internally. Oh, nooo. A ticket tantrum. Easily the worst thing to deal with in his job were those who were unhappy with parking tickets. They had nothing to lose because they spent all their energy complaining about a small piece of paper. Most of them had to be held in contempt by the end of the argument. They even had a special cell. Well, it would take a few minutes to file out the paperwork...
"Are you listenin' to me?!"
I hope someone's swept the cell.
The feline realized he had been lost in thought and he held up his hands in surrender. "Ma’am, I'm terribly sorry, but I don't have any authority on parking tickets. But I can direct you to someone--"
"Darn right, you can!"
His headache began to worsen. Clawhauser took a deep breath and kept his smile on as he pointed up several levels. "Chief Bogo actually assigns parking duties," he chirped out forcibly, "Why don't you speak to him directly? I'm sure that he isn't busy, and he will be oh-so delighted to address your problem! That's what we're here for at the ZPD! Listening to every complaint from very citizen, at any time of the day!" It wasn't as hard to keep the smile on his face now.
He didn't say anything about others complaining...
The opossum squinted up at the spiral that led to the chief's office and huffed in annoyance. "Fine! I'll give that police chief a piece o' my mind!" she hissed and began to stomp off.
Relief flooded Clawhauser, but realized that her son remained by his desk, idly thumbing his phone. "Ma’am, your son--"
"Watch him, will ya?"
"... Excuse me?"
The mother turned to eye him with a pinched frown, clicking her tongue. "He ain't no trouble since he got that dang game on his phone. He don't need ta hear what Mama's gonna say in there. Jus' keep an' eye on him 'til I get back."
"Well, I just-- I have to do my job and--"
"Yer job is helpin' with the public! So help! Ripley!" she barked. "You stay there an' don't get in trouble, ya hear?"
"A'right, Mama," the boy mumbled, still staring at his screen.
"Good boy. Mind the officer."
Clawhauser attempted to speak, but the opossum had scurried away before he could even form a retort. He glanced at the child nervously. His job didn't involve babysitting!
"So... Ripley... Rip," he began, "How has Zootopia been so far?"
The boy didn't look up. "S'good," he drawled.
The cheetah blinked at the flippant response. Had he looked up from his phone since they showed up? Is that how I look when I'm on my phone? he suddenly worried. It seemed like it would be tougher to keep the conversation going than he thought. "Anything exciting catch your eye?"
"... Any sights you're looking forward to seeing?"
The boy shrugged.
Clawhauser's lip twitched in annoyance. His eyes fell back on the phone. He tried a direct approach. "Whatcha playing there?"
The child stopped in surprise and stared at him. "Ain't it obvious? M' playin' the new PokeMan Stop game!"
"PokeMan Stop?"
"Wh... Yeah, PokeMan! Gotta git 'em all? PokeMan Stop? Ya can't stop once ya go?"
Times were changing so fast. He remembered playing the games on his GameBoar but the mobile app? How could he forget? It had spread across the globe with a ferocity he could not have anticipated. Everyone had tried it... Many officers on the force were often being scolded for playing it while on duty. He couldn't begin to list all of the jaywalkers and trespassers that had been taken into the station from searching for PokeMan at two in the morning.
"Hey!" Clawhauser looked down as he recalled the boy. "Ya ain't never played it?"
"Oh! Yes, I... I tried that a few times, but... heh," a sheepish expression overcame the cheetah's face, "WAY too much walking for my taste--"
Suddenly, the boy's phone vibrated, and he lifted his eyes to stare across the station.
"Wow!" he squeaked and pointed at the door that led down to the interrogation rooms. "There's a CharMan over there! Omigosh! I been lookin' for one o' those forever!" He bolted toward the door. "I bet it's a super-shiny one! Them's the best!"
"Whoa, whoa, kiddo! No! No!" Clawhauser somehow managed to launch in front of the boy and block the entrance. "I'm sorry, but that area is authorized just for officers!"
The opposum stared at him. "Wuzzat mean?"
"Eh... If you don't have a badge, you can't go in."
"Oh, I got lots of badges!" He grinned and showed the flashing virtual badges on the screen. "See? One fer water-types an' one fer walkin' all day an' one fer--"
A sigh escaped the feline. "I meant a REAL badge. Like this one." He pointed at his own.
The bright, excited expression on the child's face melted into disappointment. "Oh..." He glanced down at his phone, then forlornly at the door the cheetah blocked. "Well... if'n... if I can't go in there... I'll never find another CharMan..." Black, beady eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled at Clawhauser. "Hey! You work fer the ZPD! Yer able ta go in there, ain't ya?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Yeah!" The opossum vibrated with glee. "You can go in there an' catch it fer me! Please?"
Alarm bells rang in the feline's head. "Me? Go in there with... your phone... That's just... um... You know, normally, I would, I really would, but," Clawhauser stammered, trying to break it gently to the child, "I... There's this thing and... I can't, really... I'm not allowed to--"
"B-But it's a real rare one!" the boy exclaimed. His tiny ears drooped. "I never seen one where I live!"
Uuuuugh! No! Nooo! I can't stand to see a kid cry!
"I... guess one... teeny... tiny... super-fast... quick look wouldn't hurt," he managed out.
The child beamed and held his phone out. "Thanks, mister!"
Clawhauser forced a smile as he took the device. The cool press in his palm was long-missed and he felt his heartbeat quick as he looked at the screen. THis was too much temptation. What if Bogo found out--
No! He could do this! For the ZPD!
"So... just over here..." The cheetah opened the door and slipped inside, looking around. He could see it on the screen, a human figure that sat in the middle of the hall, a lit cigarette in its hand. The PokeMan scratched its scruffy beard and puffed out a cloud of smoke as it impassively watched the "trainer" approach.
"Char, man..." it drawled out.
Clawhauser tilted his head. Huh... I remember that one being very controversial when I was a cub.
"Git it! Git it!" Ripley cried from the doorway.
"Oh, right!" Clawhauser flicked his paw over the screen and watched as the PokeSphere bounced off and enveloped the smoky creature in light. A short, virtual chime of coughing indicated victory.
The child whooped, his small fist jerked up in the sky. "YEAH! Ya got 'im!"
"I did!"
"Thanks a bunch! Can I see?"
"W-Well, no, wait..." Clawhauser knew he was pushing his luck, but he had gone ten hours without his phone... "There might be another one over here somewhere. I should go take a quick peek! There's no harm in that!" His job was to serve others, after all.
"Wh-- huh?"
"Just being thorough, little guy! You can never tell where one can end up!" The cheetah smiled at walked out, the phone out of the child's reach as he began his 'search.' "Lots of areas that you can't enter. Can't stop once you go, right? I think I can start with the boiler room, and then the administration office..."
"Hey!" The opossum scurried after the officer. "B-But I didn't see none else!"
"Oh, I saw one! It was over here, by my desk! Yes, I can see it now..." Clawhauser held the screen up and pointed to the dark, shifting figure. "It's a large one! It... It obviously works out. The muscles on it are just-- Wow, graphics get better and better," he mumbled, "Helllllllo, where were you when I was playing all those years ago, handsome?"
"Watching you lose your bet," it drawled, suddenly out of the screen and looming over the cheetah.
The feline's fur exploded in fear. "AHH! CH... Chief Bogo!" he shrieked.
Bogo's narrowed eyes dug into his soul.
Think! Think! Oh, you're so-o-o-o dead! So very dead! Dead! Clawhauser managed to utter out a small, short, quivering laugh as he handed the phone back to the child. "AND that's how you play PokeMan Stop, little mister! Haha... Always h-happy to help... Tutorials and... whatnot..."
The buffalo shook his head.
"So-o-o... What's the occasion, my revered boss?" he chirped.
That made Bogo's glare return. "I had a pleasant chat with Delilah. She was a... delight," he bit out.
"Ripley!" The mother, noticeably happier, popped up behind him and strolled around to her son. "C'mon! I've said my piece! Let's go git some ice cream, yeah?"
"Awesome!" Ripley cheered and immediately followed her, turning to wave at the cheetah. "Bye, mister! Thanks fer catchin' tha' CharMan!"
Clawhauser waved weakly. "Hah... No problem, kiddo..."
The doors slid shut and the furry officer was left with a seething buffalo to contend with.
He thought he could go on the defensive, speaking first. "It wasn't what it looked like!"
"Don't give me that."
"But I really wasn't going to take it at first!" Clawhauser immediately defended. "I was on a solid foundation of NO, but he started to look really sad and he called me Mister, so it crumbled into a heap and I needed to help him--"
"I could see you were very keen on helping yourself to his phone."
"He asked me!"
"You went above and beyond, then. Even sent his mother to barrage me with rustic insults. Nice touch."
"Okay-y-y, how about this? Would you believe that I blacked out from boredom and I woke up with the phone in my hand and in my disoriented state--"
He winced. "I'm sorry."
It was a long stretch of silence, but the chief finally relaxed his pose and sighed. "I suppose that I can't really count that as the end of the bet," he rumbled, "I know you can't stand to see a sad child."
"Wh-- So... the bet's still going?" He didn't know if he could count it as luck.
"I'm afraid so." Bogo smirked and pat his lover's back to lead him back to his work station. He lifted him up with ease and plopped him down on the chair. "You still have five hours before your shift is over, Ben. And don't forget. I'll be watching."
Clawhauser's eyes grew and quivered in horror. "Don't make me hate that line! I've loved every other time you've said it!"
Four hours, 59 minutes, and 10 seconds later...
Bogo strolled down to his lover's work station, ready to take him home. He had kept his promise and checked up on the feline, usually peering out from his office above, but it seemed that his little phone-addict had learned his lesson. The cheetah had seemed able to keep himself away from any other civilian phones. Come to think of it, he hadn't really moved from his seat since he had left him...
And as he walked up to the feline slumped over in his chair, a computer manual placed on his face, it was clear why.
"Really?" he drawled as he approached his comatose lover. "That's all you've done since I've left?"
Silence answered him.
"I know you're not sleeping."
No answer.
"Ben, it's time to go."
"Your boyfriend isn't here-e-e-e," the pages of the book fluttered on his face, the voice warbling spookily, "You've killed him with your tyrannical rules. You're speaking to his ghost now. O-o-o-o..."
Torn between amusement and rolling his eyes, he snorted. "Ben--"
"The spirit is angry with you-u-u..."
"Ben, knock it off."
"He died from boredom... Poor soul just wanted his phone, you know, because it was such a slo-o-o-ow day at work. Whoo-o-ooo-ooo... Give his phone back for clo-o-osure and he will not ha-a-a-aunt you..."
The buffalo chuckled and lifted the book off his head, smirking at his lover's narrowed eyes. "I'll risk a haunting."
"Suit yourself."
"I have to admit, you did a fairly good job today," he praised the cheetah, reaching out to ruffle irritated, twitching ears. "You answered the phone promptly with no distraction."
"The two times that it rang," Clawhauser grunted.
"You managed to keep yourself from 'helping' that muskrat with his phone when he forgot it on your desk."
"Um, because it was ancient. Sliding keypad and giant buttons? I'm not THAT desperate."
"Nonetheless," Bogo pressed on, "I believe that our bet is working."
Clawhauser groaned. "Of course it worked! There was nothing else to focus on! Anyone can do their job if it's between that and being bored out of their mind the entire day!" he hissed. "And I was STILL bored!"
"But you DID do your job promptly," Bogo added not-so-helpfully.
His boyfriend turned and headed to the doors. "Let's just hurry up and leave so I can passive-aggressively ignore you on the ride home."
"You can sweet-talk all you want, but you still have one more day."
Clawhauser spun around, a whimper in his voice. "Vincent, I don't think I can take another day! I think I really can't! I heard text alerts around me come from thin air! My paws kept swiping on my desk!  When I close my eyes, I see furmojis! My ears are ringing, and the message says Call Waiting!"
"Ben, calm down."
Claws dug into his uniform and the buffalo stared down at the desperate face of his lover. "Have mercy, Chief! I'm just a cheetah!"
But Bogo was unconvinced. "One more day, Ben."
Clawhauser whined and pressed his face against his firm chest and received 'comforting' pats on his head in exchange for his whimpers.
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under-atomic-skies · 5 years
The Crooked Kind. Ch. 2
Let the River In
Summary:  Fiddleford is a student at Backupsmore University. He meets a stranger at a payphone and makes an unlikely friend who, unbeknownst to him, has a long, complicated relationship with his roommate. The pair become close and eventually, a romance buds between them. What could possibly go wrong? (Tags will be updated as fic is updated)
Warnings: none for this chapter
Word count: 3,991
Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 (HERE) || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
But now you��re drifting away
Now you’re floating along
And soon you’ll disappear
Stanley didn’t get that much sleep that night, more or less figuratively tossing and turning seeing as the front seat of the Stanleymobile didn’t leave much room for Stan to move around. His mind played through that prior evenings events over and over in his head, looking for any sort of excuse to not go to the cafe the next day.
It wasn’t like no one ever showed him kindness over the years. It just happened to be few and far in between. Old people tended to be the most generous. They’d hand him a few bucks with well wishes on their tongues, or sometimes would see him by his car, then come back a bit later with a warm meal for him.
However, these encounters made up just a small percentage of his interactions with others. Usually, they’d at least cast a harsh, disgusted look his way that he couldn’t help but compare to the looks his father (or even Stanford) would give him if only they could see him now. Shivering at the thought, he sighed and glanced out the window at the snow still drifting down from the sky. He couldn’t afford the gas to keep his car running all night, so it was downright freezing inside the Stanley mobile.
He sighed again. He couldn’t afford to pass up the chance for a free winter coat. Maybe that was all some cruel lie, that after meeting him at this coffee shop, the college student would return back to his friends, laughing at the joke he just played.
Yet a small voice in the back of his head nagged that the man didn’t seem capable of such things. Of course, appearances could be deceiving, and people could lie (Stan knew this better than anyone), but if Stanley was confident of one thing, it was of his ability to read people. The man seemed nothing but kind and generous. Hell, it was close to Christmas, maybe he had chosen for Stan to be his charity case.
That thought alone brought him little comfort. He never wanted to be anyone’s charity case, no matter how much he might need it.
‘Think of getting a coat and coffee this guy as stealing’, he told himself, ‘It’s for free so what’s the difference? It’s not like you can afford to pass an opportunity like this just because you’re nervous. What’s the worst he can do?’
Stanley mulled that thought over in his head. What could the guy do? He was so tiny, it wasn’t like he’d be able to actually fight him. The worst would be this was just one big joke with Stan as the punch liner. Considering how unlikely that was, Stan was willing to take that chance.
The next morning, he was up rather early considering he had been too cold and too busy wrangling his thoughts to get much sleep. The guy had said to meet him at the coffee shop in the afternoon, so Stan had several hours to blow before he needed to be there. That gave him just enough time to explore the town.
He couldn’t recall the name of the town, having driven past the old, dingy sign late at night. It hadn’t been his plan to stay this long considering he only needed to find a payphone and find a place to rest for the night, but it had been obvious this was a college town.
He always did fairly well in college towns. Or at least he did for a while, until he inevitably got chased out of town, or in some extreme cases, banned from the state. He still sold his silly little inventions like he did soon after he had gotten kicked out, but he realized there was a whole other untapped market in college towns, one that he wasn’t proud of but hey, money was money.
Seeing as he had enough gas in his tank to afford driving around rather than having to brave the frigid weather, he backed out of his parking spot and left the parking lot to coast through the town. Scanning the shops along the street, he was pleased for find that, like most college towns, there was a fair amount of bars lining the street. In the day hours, the bars had tables where patrons could eat and enjoy a drink at the bar, but Stan knew that by night, the bars would be a hotspot for college students itching to forget the stress of their studies by getting shit faced.
Mentally noting a few bars that looked rather populated, Stan planned to return that night.
When he had driven to the edge of the town where the shops were fewer in between, instead replaced by town houses, he pulled over, mulling what he would do next. He had only wasted about maybe fifteen minutes. He still had a lengthy amount of time until he had to go to the cafe.
Fingers rhythmically tapping along the steering wheel, he racked his brain. He supposed he could park the car and go into some of the bars and see if there was a bouncer he could make an arrangement with, but it was likely the bouncers were only there during the nights, so that was out. Glancing in his back seat, he noted the surplus amount of Stan Co. products that seemed to have made their home in his back seat. Stan Vacs, Total Shams, and Rip Offs were some of the more numerous. He’d been trying to clear out his inventory, so to say, for the past few years now, but as time stretched on, it got harder and harder as word of his shitty products got around.
But now he was several states further away from where he normally set up shop (metaphorically speaking). It was unlikely these people have heard of Stan Co., or any of his various alias’ that he had taken up over the years. Plus the weather was in his favour for once. People could sympathize with some poor bastard trying to make a living out in the cold winter weather. Deciding to stop in a gas station, he got the key for the bathroom and nubbed a razor from their small shelf of home supplies before closing himself in the dingy bathroom and locking the door.
Looking in the mirror caused him to wrinkle his nose at the sight of him. He quickly got to work shaving off the stubble he’d been accumulating and used water from the sink to wash his hair and face. There wasn’t much he could do about the bags hanging from his eyes, unfortunately. When he was content enough with his appearance, he flushed the toilet for good measure and returned to his car. He rooted through the trunk where he kept his good, professional looking clothes safely stored. Quickly changing into his suit, he straightened the bow tie in the drivers mirror before taking a deep breath, steeling himself to face the townsfolk.
He spent the better of the rest of the morning doing this. Most people slammed the door back in his face, and even more came up with some polite excuse to not buy his products, but he managed to get a few people to bite. He was walking back to his car when he glanced at the worn watch he had stolen years ago and cursed. He was going to be late!
He rushed back to his car and stuffed the rest of his inventions back into the back seat before quickly changing out of his suit and back into the same t-shirt and worn jacket he had worn last night. Tires screeching as he pressed down on the gas pedal, he whipped around and made his way back to the parking lot where he had spent the night.
He turned down the street in the opposite direction that he had seen the man take when he returned home and scanned the shop signs for a coffee shop. Sure enough, he found it a few shops down and walked in.
Scanning the people occupying tables, he quickly found the man’s mop of sandy blonde hair hunched over a textbook, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
He was stabbed with a brief feeling of endearment, as well as betrayal, recalling seeing that exact expression on his brother on many occasions throughout their school life. He pushed that idea from his head and forced himself to stride over to the man. Once he got close, he looked up and broke into a grin, one that confused Stan.
“There ya are!” he exclaimed, “I thought ya weren’t gonna show for a moment there, but I’m glad t’ see ya!”
“Heh, sorry about that.” Stan replied tentatively, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, “I got a bit lost on the way here. Still don’t really know the town all that well.”
He felt bad lying to this guy, but he just couldn’t help himself. The less this guy actually knew about him, the better.
“No worries. Come on, let’s get ya a drink t’ warm ya up.” The man motioned for him to follow him as he led him to the counter. He ordered a drink and pastry for himself and stepped aside so Stan could order something for himself.
He glanced at the chalkboard behind the barista, and decided on a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. Stan stepped back out of the way for the man to pay when the man gave him a confused look.
“Don’t ya want a pastry?” he asked, as if it were some unspoken rule to get a pastry with his coffee. Stan hesitated, but as his gaze lowered to the glass case full of delectable pastries, his mouth watered too much to say no.
“I’ll get a cinnamon bun.” he told the barista, shooting a timid but thankful glance towards the man’s way.
He only grinned back and handed a few bills over to the barista.
“So, whatcha in town for?” the man asked as the pair waited for the barista to retrieve their pastries from behind the class case.
“Oh, uh…” Stan mumbled, glad when the barista straightened back up, offering their pastries. They took it and moved to the side to wait for their coffees. “I’m a traveling salesman.”
“No way!” the man exclaimed, and Stan was sure that he wasn’t actually as excited as he led on, “So you must have traveled all over the country, huh?”
Stan laughed awkwardly, “Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that. I’ve been outside of the country as well.” This part wasn’t a lie, but if Stan knew anything, it helped to sprinkle a bit of truth into his lies.
“What did ya say your name was?” The man asked as the barista handed him his cup of coffee.
Hesitating, Stan replied, “Uh.. it’s Sam. Samuel Pence.”
The man grinned and set his coffee on the counter to offer a hand to Stan. “It’s a pleasure to meet ya Sam. The names Fiddleford McGucket.”
Stan reached a hand out to shake his, but his gaze snapped up when the man mentioned his own name. Fiddleford McGucket? Yeesh that was a mouthful. Unable to help himself, a bellowing laugh tumbled from his lips.
“That’s quite a mouthful you got there. I’m just gonna call ya Fidds, alright? There’s no way I’m going to remember all of that.”
Fiddleford laughed in good nature and nodded. “Alright Sam. Fidds it is then.” The barista finally came over with Stan’s coffee and the two of them sat back at the table Fiddleford had been occupying previously.
As he sat down at the table with his coffee in one hand, and cinnamon bun in the other, his stomach gave a loud rumble. He hadn’t realized quite how hungry he was until the food was right under his nose. With the voration of a wild animal, he devoured the cinnamon bun, relishing in the sweet taste of the cinnamon and icing. He had been so wrapped up, that he hadn’t noticed Fiddleford’s look of sympathy as he watched this strange man woof down his food.
Leaning back in his chair, a smile, a genuine smile, tugged at Stan’s lips, that when his gaze finally met Fiddlefords, the other man couldn’t help but mirror it back at him, any trace of sympathy gone.
“I respect a man that enjoys sweets,” He joked, “If ya liked that, you should really try some of my ma’s homemade cinnamon buns.” he replied fondly. His eyes briefly widened as if recalling something, “Speaking of which, how was your mother?”
Stan’s smile didn’t disappear, but that forced strain had returned, “Oh she’s good.” he replied almost too quickly. Sure, his mother was good, but when he was late to call her, she had fretted and worried over him, shooting question after question at him. Are you eating? Are you safe? Are you warm? Have you talked to Stanford? His ma always asked the same tirade of questions, and Stan always answered with the same response. Yes, ma. I’m safe, I’m warm. You know I haven’t talked to Stanford. His mother was a pathological liar by trade, and he knew she could tell when he was lying, but she never pushed the subject unless he was late to call her.
“Are ya going home for Christmas?” Fiddleford asked before raising his cup of coffee to his lips.
“Heh, about that,” he replied, “My family is Jewish so we don’t celebrate Christmas, but no, I’m not going home for the holidays.”
“Not going home for the holidays?” Fiddleford replied, shocked as if he couldn’t imagine why someone wouldn’t go home for the holidays. Someone like him probably had a perfect, Hallmark family.
Stan shrugged, “Eh, yeah. Too busy here, ya know? Gotta make a livin’ somehow.” he replied. As if to deter any other further comments, he added, “Plus I don’t really got any family besides her, and she already has plans for the holiday. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
Fiddleford opened his mouth as if to reply but closed it, probably thinking better of it. He took another sip of his coffee, so Stan mirrored him, feeling the warm liquid trickle down his throat and warm him.
“Well, I know ya don’t celebrate Christmas, but how about I bring ya some of my Ma’s famous cinnamon buns that I was tellin’ ya about?” he offered, grinning as if he wasn’t about to take no for an answer, “You’re going to be in town for a while, right?”
Stan bit his lip. He really hadn’t been planning on it. He was just planning on passing through until he got to a bigger city, one that was hopefully further down south where it was warmer. Then again, when was the last time someone had actually wanted him around? This guy seemed to genuinely enjoy having him around, and wasn’t treating him like some charity case (even if he was) he could feel good about when he had returned to the warmth of his home. Still, to stay in town just for one person was a big deal.
“Oh come on! Just stay a bit! I can show ya around town if that’s what you’re worried about.” He playfully pouted, giving Stan the most pitiful pair of puppy dog eyes he’d ever seen.
Dammit. Maybe this guy was a better conman than he was.
“Fine, fine, I’ll stay for a bit.” Stan agreed, heaving a dramatic sigh, “You’re the youngest kid, aren’t ya?
Fiddleford’s eyes widened and looked at Stan with a shocked expression, “Yes, I am! How’d ya know?” It was unsaid, but Stan knew he was thinking ‘Are ya a psychic?”
Stan laughed, thinking his Ma would be proud to hear some poor kid thinks he’s a psychic, “‘Cause youngest kids always know just what to say, and how much puppy dog eyes to give to get what they want.”
Fiddleford gave a laugh, “So you’re an older brother then, huh?”
Stan scoffed and shook his head, “No, no. I’m a middle child; even worse.” he said, genuinely laughing. Sure, Ford was only older by a couple minutes, but he wasn’t quite ready to bring up his twin quite yet.
The two shared in their quiet laughter. Briefly, Stan wondered how he could have possibly thought this man was going to make a joke out of him. It was still so early to say so, but it had been so long since he had a friend, and Stan forgot what it had been like to just enjoy someone’s company.
The two idly chatted for a bit, merely enjoying the company of one another. Stanley gradually relaxed around the other man’s company. His strained, salesman smile he usually wore around other people gave way to a genuine smile as the southerner cracked jokes. He was feeling freer than he had in a long time. The impending stress that usually sat upon his shoulders was momentarily forgotten in favor of simply enjoying the company of the other man.
Unfortunately, Fiddleford glanced at his watch and cursed– or well, it might have been a curse in the south. Where did this guy even come up with something like sugar honey iced tea?
“I’m so sorry, Sam, I have to go! I totally forgot I have a class in a few minutes.” He replied, hastily packing up his belongings into a bag that Stan hadn’t noticed was hanging off his chair.
He couldn’t help but feel disappointed, not that he showed this. “Is that why you were readin’ when I came in?” Stan asked, gesturing to the textbook that Fiddleford was packing up. The southerner nodded. “Yes, finals week is comin’ up, so I’ve been scuttlin’ around trying to get everythin’ done.”
Stan only nodded, taking a sip of his coffee as he watched the man finally pull something out of the bag. “Oh! Here’s that jacket I promised ya! Thank ya again for takin’ it off my hands!”
Stan reached out and took the jacket from him. It sure was a thick ass jacket. The southern man really must not be acclimated to the colder winters. Other than a slight scuff on the sleeve, it was practically spotless.
As if Fiddleford could read his mind, he added, “Sorry about the sleeve. I’m afraid one of my mares bit it.” he replied.
Wait what? Mares? “You have horses?” Stan asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Fiddleford chuckles, “Back at home, yes. My family has a bunch of farm animals. We do live on a farm after all.”
Damn, so this man really was a farm boy. He should have guessed. He might be small, but his hands had the appearance of someone who could handle hard work. Stan shrugged the coat on over his jacket, smiling at how well it fit despite appearing to be heavier than the twig of a man.
“Oh good! It fits just like a glove.” Fiddleford responded. He set his coffee cup down and reached out. Stan couldn’t help but flinch, not used to people reaching towards him unless they had ill intentions. However, as the man’s hands turned the coat collar down until it was laying neatly, he felt his cheeks redden.
To his relief, the man didn’t acknowledge his flinch. “There ya go. It looks mighty fine on ya, Sam.”
Stan’s cheeks reddened even more, if that were even possible. He rubbed the back of his neck, not used to such kind words. “Hey, how about I walk ya to class? It’s the least I can do for you considering everything you’ve done for me.”
Fiddleford didn’t even hesitate. In fact, he seemed excited, and when was the last time someone had been excited to be around Stan? “Alright. It’s in a buildin’ not too far from here.” he replied, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
Stan nodded and stood up, coffee cup in hand. He and Fiddleford exited the coffee shop and Stan fell into step beside Fiddleford as the southern man led him towards his class.
“So, what are ya studyin’ anyway?” Stan asked curiously.
His jaw dropped as the man responded, telling him that he was studying mechanical engineering.
“Ain’t that hard?” Stan asked. He didn’t know much about college. Hell, he hadn’t even graduated high school, but he wasn’t dumb enough to not know what was generally considered hard to even people who were smart.
Fiddleford laughed shyly. “I guess so,” he replied modestly, “I’ve got a bit of an advantage though. Growin’ up on the farm as a youngin’, I was always fixin’ or improvin’ on the farm equipment even from a young age. Not to mention I used to build all sorts of silly robots to prank my siblin’s.” He chuckled at fond memories, a distant look briefly clouding his bright blue eyes.
Stan scoffed, shaking his head at the man, “You know, I gotta hear some of these stories.” he replied, laughing. Having pulled plenty of pranks himself as a kid, he could relate to pranking siblings, only he hadn’t been smart enough to actually build an entire robot to do it for him.
By now, they were standing outside a fairly large building. Students with backpacks slung over their shoulders walked around them, each heading to their own destinations. Fiddleford stopped and turned to Stan, chuckles tumbling from his lips.
“Somethin’ tells me you have some stories on your own, so why don’t we swap some when I show ya around town?” Fiddleford asked. Damn, this guy was good. Yet somehow, the thought of seeing this strange yet kind man again gave Stan a fluttery feeling in his gut that he just told himself was him being happy to finally have someone that he could maybe call a friend.
“Yeah, ok,” he replied.
Fiddleford grinned and patted Stan’s shoulder amicably, “Great! Since I won’t have classes tomorrow seein’ as it’s a Saturday, how abouts your and me meetup by the cafe again, get some hot chocolate before we hit the town? How’s noon sound?”
Stan thought for a moment. Tomorrow at noon gave him plenty of time to hit the bars that night and be ready by the next afternoon. He nodded, “Noon tomorrow it is!”
Grin ever present, Fiddleford nodded. “It’s a date then! See ya then, Sam!” He turned away to head into a building, raising his hand to wave just as he had the night prior by the pay phone. Stan waved back and turned to walk back to his car.
He hadn’t gotten back to the coffee shop when Fiddleford’s words rang back in his head. ‘It’s a date’. He halted in the middle of the store front, quizzical look on his face. He couldn’t really mean— no, he scoffed to himself. It was just an expression. Fiddleford was just a kind southern man. Those people had all sorts of weird sayings for things. He found it hard to believe that someone like Fiddleford would even want to be friends with someone like him, let alone anything else.
Shrugging his jacket closer to him, grateful to finally have some defense against the cold winter air, he resumed his walk back to his car, pushing the thought from his head as he instead focused on his plans for that night. Luckily Fiddleford didn’t seem like the type to frequent bars; Stan didn’t want the man to know what he did to put food on the table, so to say. He couldn’t imagine he’d be too happy if he knew, and didn’t want him to know that he was not merely some simple yet troubled traveling salesman. He couldn’t imagine that Fiddleford would want him to stick around if he knew the truth about ‘Sam Pence’.
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post-itpenny · 5 years
Your gonna get the numbers cause x3 I can't remember all the words on mobile. I apologise But 7
Another long one, I’m not used to writing for Honey or Brie but I hope you like it. 
Fern Cakes
Honey and Brie sat on a park bench. They had gotten ice cream but that had been eaten, Brie tearing the wrapper that had been around her ice cream cone to pieces. Honey staring ahead at nothing in particular. Brie knew her sister had been trying not to cry, but under the angry scowl on her face there was sadness. Brie wanted to do something but wasn’t sure what. They watched a little group of ducks walk across the path towards the pond, a guy and his dog playing fetch with a frisbee, it was still quite cold but the early signs of spring were already beginning to appear. Bri suddenly sat up, she had an idea.
“Practice?” She asked with a hopeful smile. Honey had improved her hunting skills but was still developing a technique, and Brie was always happy to help her little sister practice.
Honey shrugged and hopped off the bench as the two wandered off to find a more quiet area of the park.
Under a tall group of trees Brie sat in the grass suggesting different animals for Honey to try and shift into, some scary, some cute, some rather silly. But Honey didn’t seem to have the heart for practice at the moment. Brie suggested a polka-dot cat and all Honey could seem to manage was a set of whiskers and a few blue spots on her arms.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to be, but I don’t think that’s it.”
The girls jumped and turned around in surprise. A tall woman with a red jacket tied around her waist stood before them. Behind her a much shorter woman with white hair came walking up with a small dog in her arms.
Honey growled and tried to make herself look as threatening as possible, but the first woman only laughed. “Is that it? Princess you have whiskers and blue dots all over you, what kind monster are you supposed to be?”
“A polka-dot kitty,” Brie helpfully answered.
The woman frowned, “polka-dots aren’t hard. Don’t think too much about it.” In a blink the woman was gone and in her place was a rather proud looking white cat who was covered in blue and red spots. Another blink and there was a clown with bug antenna and white fluff around her neck. The shorter woman smiled as red markings appeared on her own face and a big red bow in her hair. The girls recognizing her as the magician they had seen perform before.
“It’s the magic lady!” Brie gasped in delight, Honey seemed to perk up a little but was still on the defensive. “Why are you two here?”
The bug clown shrugged, “I’m checking in on my aunt.”
The other clown waved with a smile, “hi I’m the aunt and I’m walking my dog. Say hello Trouble.” The aunt instructed her puppy as she placed him on the ground. The little dog immediately bounded over to the girls, running circles around them trying to get their attention. Honey fought back a smile, the puppy was cute but she new better. Yes she had met these two before but she couldn’t just trust them, she had to look out for her sister. Brie on the other hand was allowing the small dog to licker her fingers which made her giggle.
“Look we’re not gonna hurt you Princess so just chill out.” The bug clown insisted. “We were seriously just taking the dog for a walk. But what in the heck are you trying to do that you can't even change into a cat?”
The other clown frowned and lightly smacked her arm. “Don’t be rude Juno. I seemed to recall a little bug crying because she could not turn into a hound.”
The clown known a Juno blushed slightly before flipping her hair off her shoulder with a huff. “You’re thinking of Vesp. I’m a natural at everything.”
The other clown rolled her eyes, “no I strictly recall a little butterfly crying ‘but auntie what if I never get better?!”
“You can’t even change your shape at all!”
“Oh I can, I just don’t need to.”
“Then how do you hunt?”
Both Juno and her aunt turned towards Honey at the sound of her question, the aunt smiled. “My shows of course. Sometimes after a performance I keep someone, they don’t even know they’ve died at that point I prefer it's a painless experience. Unless I’m in the mood for that flavor.”
Juno shrugged, “I shepherd around a target to a quiet place where I can eat. Make them see things they wish to chase after or run from. It’s like a game of chess. What do you do kid?”
At this Honey frowned, “my technique is way too difficult to expla-”
“You’re still learning then?” Juno cut her off with a smirk.
Honey growled and crossed her arms with a huff. Juno chuckled, “It’s no big deal, you just gotta find your flow. If it’s changing your shape however…. You’re lousy.”
Again Honey growled, before shifting into an elephant, a shape she had masted and was rather proud of, perfect to show off with.
Until Juno turned into a much larger woolly mammoth.
Soon it became a contest between the two, then strangely it turned into a lesson and as it turned out, Juno was a very patient teacher. Brie and the aunt clown, who introduced herself as Magpie, sat in the grass watching them. The puppy having curled up in Brie’s lap for a nap.
Eventually though the sun became rather low in the sky, “I suppose it’s time to call it a day.” Magpie observed, “Juno dear are you staying for tea?”
At the word “tea” both of the younger clowns perked up at which Magpie smiled. “You’re welcome to join us as well girls. Are you not with that mime though? Would he be worried if you stayed out too late?”
At this both girls seemed to deflate, a scowl coming back onto Honey’s face and a look of sadness on Brie’s. Magpie frowned, she didn’t need to ask to be able to guess what was bothering them. “Though if you wish,” Magpie began to add, “you’re quite welcome to stay over. I have a spare room you two can share.”
Honey glared at her, distrusting. “We’re fine thanks.”
Magpie smirked with a shrug, “I’m sure you are dear, suit yourselves then. Come on Juno I made fern cakes this morning to have with the tea.”
At this Honey looked up at Magpie in confusion, “whats a fern cake?”
A fern cake, as Honey and Brie learned, was a kind of tart. They looked like tiny pies filled with jam and icing on top. Little fern shapes drawn on with chocolate. Honey took pictures of the little pastries while Brie tried to sneak one to a begging Trouble who sat at her feet, luckily Magpie noticed and stopped her.
Eventually a surprised Maggie came home and learned the girls would be staying “just for tonight,” Honey firmly declared. Much latter on the girls went off to Magpie’s guestroom, Trouble firmly at Brie’s heels. Juno settled down at the kitchen table to flip through a magazine on “babysitting duty” as she put it while the others quietly left.
An hour later and Juno had finished her magazine and was now flipping through t.v. channels in a bored manor when Maggie and Magpie came home.
“I’m not going to forgive you for leaving me to watch a bunch of kids while you get to go kick some mime’s butt.” Juno declared as she flipped the television off.
Maggie frowned and flopped down on the sofa, “he wasn’t there. Place has been abandoned and completely trashed.”
Juno raised her eyebrows in surprise and turned to her aunt, the older clown had her arms crossed as she looked at the floor with a frown. “Something went through there after him, something big.”
“Big as in big in size or big in power?”
“Power,” Magpie answered before looking up. “Perhaps Pierre did actually care enough about the girls to make them leave before whatever it is came through. Perhaps he knew something was coming.”
Maggie hummed as she pondered in thought, “you know I’m not that great with scent but I swear whatever that thing was seemed…… I don’t know, familiar? Kind of? Maybe?”
Juno stood up with a streched and reached over to bop Maggie upside the head, “you’re just crazy is what it is. So Aunt Pie whatcha gonna do? Keep the kids?”
Magpie shook her head with a knowing smile, “they would be just fine on their own I’m sure. The girls just needed to know they have a place to come to where they are welcome. Whether they stay or not is for them to decide. Besides I don’t mind having a full house, you know how much I can’t stand things being quiet.”
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Episode 11: Ringing Hell’s Doorbell
Welcome back, everyone. The time is 4:44 AM here at King Falls AM. Ben:
It’s a slow night. You wanna do…weather and traffic? Sammy:
It’s warmin up…If there’s traffic at this ungodly hour, we got problems Ben:
[chuckles]Got that right, Sammy. But before we go back to the phones in a sec, I’ve got an email I’d like to read you. I think you’ll get a kick out of this. Sammy:
Oh! Well, very cool. Whatcha got? Ben:
So, you know I wrote the producers of Mission Apparition, right? Sammy:
No… what’re you talking about? Ben:
Yes you do. It’s that brain tumor of a show on channel 13? Sammy:
I know the show, Ben! I’m saying I didn’t know you wrote them. Ben:
Dude, you’re gonna love it. I emailed trying to get them booked as guests so we could tear them apart. Sammy:
Well, I mean, they did keep the lights on a few weeks back running an ad, of course. So, please don’t tell me you got confrontational? Ben:
If telling the truth about their staged show counts as confrontational, then…I totally did. Sammy:
Okay, so you accost a paid sponsor of King Falls AM, continue…
Alright, let me read this to you. “Dear Sammy,” sorry you left your station email up. Sammy:
Uh-huh. Ben:
“We at Mission Apparition are extremely sorry you feel the show is overly produced and not true to the nature of actual distressed spirits. In actuality, Dan and Larry are two of the most highly trained professionals in this field. While we appreciate constructive criticism, name calling just isn’t needed. If you have any real suggestions to make the show better, please let us know.” Sammy:
Ben. What did you call them? Ben:
Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I wrote them back and they’re going to be shooting a future episode of the show in King Falls. Sammy:
No way! Ben:
I said we have many fine spectral establishments here. The gauntlet was thrown down and they took the bait. Sammy:
As much as I hate to say this, you’re gonna get to see the Mission Apparition guys in a real situation at least. Ben:
Oh yeah. I’m not sure which to offer up: the old Slaughterhouse off Cottontail Hollow or the library. Sammy:
I’m not gonna make a you’re trying to impress Emily comment here, I know that place is full of activity. Ben:
BUT…. You are trying to impress Emily. Ben:
Whatevs. Okay, okay, get this though! After I told them I was co-host of a late-night AM talk show, they asked if I wanted to come on set so I could get an interview live. Sammy:
Well, book it! Make it happen! Ben:
Done and done. Sammy:
But please stop using my email. Ben:
No promises. Sammy:
Alright folks, after that exciting announcement, we’re gonna open up the phone lines to you, our dear listeners. And, uh, Ben? You got a topic? Ben:
I absolutely do, but you can’t have it until a touch after the 5 o’clock hour, Sammy. Sammy:
You heard the man, ladies and gents. It’s a bonafide free for all for the next ten minutes or so.  Give us a call 424-279-3858. Ben:
Or hit us up on twitter @kingfallsam Sammy:
Lucky Line 1, you’re live with Sammy and Ben. Mr.X:
Uh, yeah… [heavy breathing]  Did you check the mail? Sammy:
Maybe once or twice in my lifetime, uh, do you have a topic? Or is this Ted Kaczynski calling from prison? Mr.X:
Uh….you’ll have a topic soon…[hangs up] Ben:
You know I should go take a look in our mail slot now, right? Sammy:
Don’t Ben:
It’s a verbal triple dog dare. I’ll be right back. Sammy:
[sigh] One day, it’s gonna be a head… I just know it. Line 5 welcome to King Falls AM. Mr.Thompson:
Oh, I got through! Sammy?! I – I need to speak with you in private. Please! Sammy:
I’m gonna be a little bit sir. We just came back from break. But I’m happy to talk about whatever. Mr.Thompson:
We really can’t talk about this on the air. It’s about…I really don’t wanna say much. I sent you a text message about…oh…a month or so back? We need to speak. It’s incredibly urgent! Mr.Thompson:
Sir I get a lot of texts over the course of a month. Mr.Thompson:
Well, we can’t talk about this on the air. Sammy:
Who am I speaking with? Ben:
We got mail, Sammy! Mr.Thompson:
I turned the power back on…
Mr. Thompson? Mr. Thompson:
Err.. no! [hangs up] Sammy:
Hello? Sir? Ben:
What was that about? I swear that dude sounded just like my old science professor. Sammy:
Can you  get a number on line 5, Ben? Ben:
Uh, yeah, yeah, in a minute. Look at this! Sammy:
[laughs] Is that a cassette tape? Ben:
Yeah, no letter - just a tape. It’s labeled “D.D.” We should play this. Sammy:
I hope it’s Duran Duran. Ben:
I’ll just stick this in…here. Sammy:
Uh, do you think we should listen to this first? I know you got a trigger finger on the gun, but… Ben:
You’re looking at the fastest finger in the tri-state. Sammy:
You know, there’s a dirty joke there that, for our friendship, I’m just gonna cruise right on past. Ben:
Where’s the play button on this hunk of junk? Merv, why do we have a cassette player in the studio? It’s 2015. Sammy:
I think you know why. Ben:
I’m excited! Sammy:
You better be payin attention. I don’t want to hear one – Lance:
[Australian accent]This is Lance McCord checking in. I’m about 5 kilometers off the Stealth Ridge Trail now. It’s heavily wooded and getting thicker. Sammy:
Do you know this guy “Lance”? Ben:
Never heard of him. But if the “R” word was politically correct for broadcast, I’d probably be use it for him right now. That trail is like the boonies within the boonies. Lance: So far so good. I was- I was a bit worried with all the tall tales surrounding the ‘Devil’s Doorstep’ I guess that’s why I’m talking to you and tracing my steps. Nothing stranger or out of the ordinary. I have noticed the lack of wildlife and birds to be this far in the bush. Ben:
[stops tape] … There is no way. Sammy:
The Devil’s Doorstep? Ben:
Definitely the R word or has a death wish. Or both! Sammy:
Where is this place? Ben:
It’s north of King Falls. It’s a dark ass set of woods. Obviously, this guy isn’t from around here because he’d know you don’t even talk about it, much less go there.
Ominous… Ben:
AND we don’t joke about it. Sammy:
It sounds so inviting, The Devil’s Doorstep. What kind of Welcome mat do you think the Dark Lord picks out? Do you think he has a “NO SOLICITING” sign? Ben:
Stop it. I know you laugh about stuff like this, but…don’t. Lance:
Right, about 30 minutes from my last check in. My mobile has lost signal. Looks like it’s just you and me, pal. I lost a little of time I’ve been turned around a few minutes back. All the paths are starting to look really similar, so, it’s hard to…Still no wildlife. I don’t know if any men or women have ever stepped where I’m stepping. I kind of like that.
[singing in background] Sammy:
Did you hear something there? Ben:
I didn’t say singing. I said something. Ben:
I didn’t hear anything. Lance:
It’s getting colder our and darker. That and my mind is playing the tiniest of tricks on me. Voices, singing, whispers. It’s – it’s head games. Nothing’s gonna stop me from making it to the gate. Ben:
I think that’s enough.
Ben, honestly. Gate? I’m not following here. You’re the expert: what’s he looking for? Or… why’s he even looking for it? Ben:
Commercial time. Let’s do this… [ad]
Weekdays 6 to 9 AM listen to the Hector y Chavo show, the fast growing show in the fastest growing demographic in the tri-state area. On King Falls Deportes AM. Every week, Hector y Chavo discusses your favourite sports with your favourite players. Don’t miss out this week, Monday we talk to Big Pine striker Javier Rincon. Tuesday, we are talking to Grassy Creek midfielder Jorge Papi Gutierrez and Friday, we talk to King Falls goalie Bubba Super Gringo Wallace. Tune in to Hector y Chavo show on Kings Falls Deportes at 7:30 am. Your sports capital for gooooooooal.
He friggin hears it too
And welcome back to King Falls AM that’s 660 on the radio dial. We’ve just been listening to a tape we received anonymously. Apparently, there’s a hiker out adventuring in – Ben:
Line 8 – you’re live. Finn:
Oh boy! Things are getting tense on that tape! Ben:
Forget the tape! How- how’re you doing, Finn? Is everything still intact? Finn:
Doin’ swell, just well! [scratches skin] Ben:
You okay there, Finn? Finn:
Oh sorry! Wasn’t sure if you picked that up. I’ve just been scratchin something awful the past couple weeks. I got in some poison oak, or something – I don’t know! Sammy:
Glad to hear you’re doing well, after… Finn: [growls] Ben:
…. You got a travel buddy with you tonight, Finn? Finn:
Nah, nah – just got cut off going down the highway, here. Lousy drivers…we got three other lane you know! Ah! Look at the food billboards!
Um, what’s on your mind tonight buddy? Finn:
Just callin in to say hi… that sorta thing. Plus, this story? Wowee, who is this guy? Have you talked about this place before? I don’t think I heard you mention it. Uh, I think… Ben:
Because we don’t. Finn:
Spoooooky stuff, fellas. Sammy:
Yeah… I don’t know if you – Finn:
[howls] Ben:
Uh, I’m sorry. You gotta keep your pup quiet. Finn:
What? No doggy here. Just you two fellas, me… rolling down the road. Sammy:
You don’t have a dog with you, Finn? Finn:
Couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m allergic. [scratching] Ben:
Are… are you feeling okay? Did you ever get checked out after that night you hit that…weredog? Finn:
What? I wouldn't lay hands on a pooch! Are you feelin’ alright, Ben? Sammy:
He’s talkin about the dog you accidentally hit a while back. You got out to check on it and the call dropped off?
Uh…. No, wasn’t me. I think I’d remember somethin’ like that [horns honking in background] Dammit all, I gotta go, boys. Can’t scratch, talk, and drive all at the same time. Finish that tape, it’s givin me the willies! Ben:
Stay awake and stay safe, Finn. Make a doctor’s appointment, maybe…. Sammy:
Or a vet… Finn:
hah, you two. Catch you later. [howls] [hangs up]
Now Ben, you know I love what you do on the show. I wouldn’t wanna do this with anybody else….but, I’ve got a tiny issue with you cutting to unscheduled breaks during conversations. Ben:
Do that happen? I’m so sorry, I just… I’m so interested in – Sammy:
Doing anything but playing that tape. Got us all interested now, man. You gotta follow through. Ben:
Okay – it was fun, but I think we should just forget about it. Sammy:
Impossible. Ben:
S-sit down, don’t – Lance:
There’s no doubt that there’s something keeping me away from the gate at this point. My watch has just stopped working so I don’t know what time it is. I can’t really see the sun from the thicket, it’s hard to tell. I checked my compass to ensure I was… WHAT THE -[singing] Eerie voice:
My fu[sensor] compass is literally spinning like a top! There’s EVIL in these woods! You can feel it in the air! It’s palpable! Sammy:
Ben! Don’t be mad! Ben:
You shouldn’t be playing this! This isn’t a joke, man! This is a tape that probably needs to go to the proper authority! I’m gonna google Missing Persons Sammy:
Look, I’m not against that. But let’s finish this up, and at the very least talk to me. Tell us a little bit about the woods. Ben:
If- if I tell you, will you stop playing the damn tape? Sammy:
Absolutely. Help fill these last minutes until your actual topic of discussion arrives. Ben:
[sighs]The path Lance is on is called Stealth Ridge. It’s about a five mile round trip hike up north in Perdition Wood. Sammy:
You guys really know how to name things here. Ben:
Supposedly, as in, legend-has-it kind of talk, way off the beaten path – I mean way off, as in nobody’s ever seen it – is what he’s looking for. A cave called The Devil’s Doorstep
Uh-huh. Ben:
Put two and two together here, Sammy! It’s an entrance to the gates of hell! Many people went out looking for it, none have ever found it. Some never return.
Have you been up there, Ben? Ben:
Once… Sammy:
And?! Ben:
Are you serious?! Hell no, I haven’t been! I’m not crazy like Crocodile Dundee on that tape. Sammy:
I mean, he’s gotta be okay, right? The tape made it here! It could’ve been him who dropped it off in our mail and called tonight, right? Ben:
This was fun for a minute, now it’s just massively creepy, let’s move – [tape starts] SAMMY! Sammy:
Dude, you’re looking at me! I didn’t push the button! Lance:
It is so cold. I’ve descended a great deal from the initial crest of the ridge it seems. I saw what appeared to be – Eerie Voice:
TURN IT OFF!   Lance:
Sammy: Good Job!
Alright it won’t stop. Unplug it! I’m not kidding! Sammy:
It is unplugged! [scream from tape] Lance:
It’s after me! [singing in background] I – I don’t know what that was. I went in to look at this cove, here. I think I’m just gonna wait it out until morning. I’m wet, cold – I caught my jacket in the bush. I’m bleeding, Jesus. My- my phone is missing. God dammit. It really is just you and – Eerie Voice:
ME!!!!! Lance:
No! Help me!! [screaming] [singing]
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capnebula · 6 years
Winter Cherry - Part III
A/N: Firstly I want to apologise for this taking so long. School and Holiday stuff has been holding me up big time, and for a while I was kind of stuck on where to go with it. Also, I won't be able to link the past chapters for this until mid January due to mobile devices being a bitch. Hope you all enjoy it!
BLURB: It was always said that if you met a mutant with the opposite power as you, that person was your soulmate. Stan Uris, who steals life with his power, didn't believe in superstitions like that until he met Mike Hanlon, the boy who gives life.
PAIRINGS: Stanlon (main), Reddie (side), Benverly (side), Audra/Bill (side (p.s. Do they have a ship name?))
WARNINGS: main character with negative self image, references to parent death, (will update as needed)
His mother was a consistent breaker of mutant folklore, and though she told him much of it, she always reminded the boy that it was all just speculation and something of a children's story so they could believe in all good things. He remembered that the darkness was an invite to peace and safety from those who thought mutants should be dead or “controlled”, that each mutant was special and even if they had similar powers one person would have a different strength than the other, and that mutants met on accident were supposedly lifelong friends, but his mother had never once told him about one of the biggest tales in mutant superstitions. It was like all the stories where people were “meant to be”; the clichés that Stan always snorted at, though a lot of the time the stories were good in spite of the soulmate concept. It was the sound of his best friend’s voice that brought Stan back to earth. He was saying something about opposite powers, Eddie and himself, Bev and Ben. Stan hadn't caught all of it, and as such was rather confused. “So she thinks you and Mike are gonna be perfect for each other, too, which is fine and great and all but damn does Mrs. Denbrough run things along fast. It's like she's looking for good romance to gossip about with the other teachers,” Rich finished. “I'm sorry, what? I have honestly only managed to process the last two sentences you have said. Everything else is like white noise in my brain,” “Mutants. Opposite powers. Soulmates. Eds and I. Bev and Ben. You and Mike,” and then he was making kissy faces at his best friend as if to mimic what was going to happen. Stan paused for a moment. And then he laughed. He let out a howl of hysterical laughter, and continued laughing until he was tearing up. “You do know that shit is fake, right? Just like every other superstition mutants have. It's just for kids,” he choked out before laughing a moment more, finally starting to calm down. Everyone seemed to be thinking what the fuck at Stan’s behaviour towards this concept, because to them it was something that could easily be true. Had he been thinking properly, Stan would have probably thought the same thing of himself. He wouldn't have let anyone know it, but he was acting out of shock. Although he trusted his mother, he had always wondered if at least some of them were true. Maybe mutants you met unexpectedly were bound to become your best friend until the day you both died. Richie didn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon, after all. And the concept of soulmates was something he wanted desperately to believe in, but the idea of it being this boy who seemed nice enough and had a rather nice appearance (Stan couldn't lie to himself, honestly) the idea of them being soulmates was so utterly absurd he couldn't possibly believe it. “Stan. I know this sounds ridiculous coming from me, but calm the fuck down,” Richie blurted. Stan heaved a sigh. “You think I'm crazy for not believing it, don't you?” There was a silence, like a collective nod that no one wanted to make reality, as no one answered. “Thought so,” Stan muttered, “Well, to change the subject here, how about someone help me figure out where I'm supposed to be staying. I need to get my suitcase, as well. It was left in that main building,” Beverly stands up. “Your suitcase shouldn't be a problem. I'll go talk to Mrs. Denbrough about who your roommate will be and where that will be and let you know,” “Thanks, Bev,” Stan replied, trying out the nickname the girl had said to use. He rather liked saying something nice and short and simple. Though Richie was short for Richard, it was like the rare times he'd call the shapeshifter Rich. It was almost exhilarating to call people by nicknames. The redhead sashayed off after a planting a quick kiss on Ben’s forehead and waving to everyone, leaving the them alone with each other. Richie finally sat down, plopping crisscross next to Stan. “So, I see you all have met my best friend ever. Whatcha think of the guy?” Everyone's eyes spoke for them, all signalling Richie to be quiet. It was evident Stan could have made a better impression than he did, but he was grounded in what his mother told him all growing up. He would heed her words until his last breath; he had decided that when she passed on. “Can I ask something?” Georgie piped up, curious eyes looking directly at Stan. He nodded. “Why don't you believe in soulmates?” “I… I think it has to do with how I was raised. My mother married a non mutant. She told me she met her ‘soulmate’ and they never once got along, so I saw no reason to have to believe in them,” Stan explained. He wanted to provide a decent explanation while not giving too much information about himself, and he had gotten good at that over the years. The only hindering factor was Richie, of course, but he wasn't one to complain. Richie was a good friend, flaws and all. Beverly came flying backwards and almost crashed into the ground, somehow stopping herself before she hit the bottom. “Mrs. Denbrough says she'll show you later, but told me where it is if you wanna see now. Your stuff is already there. Ben, could you help me with the straps? Wings need to go,” she stated breathlessly but without a pause. Ben stood up to help Beverly out while Stan thought about what to do. As much as he wanted to try and make friends, he was already ready to be alone for a bit again. By the time Bev’ wings were back to looking like tattoos, he decided to at least check it out. “I want to at least have a general idea of where it is, so if you could show me that would be great,” Bev smiled. “Gotcha. Follow me then. See you losers later; gotta show the new kid where he’ll be staying,” Stan stood up and waved at everyone, then turned to follow Beverly, who was already walking away. They went out across the grass and to the main sidewalks, which weaved throughout the school grounds in a way that could only be described as labyrinthine. It was silent for some time until Beverly piped up. “So, Stan. Richie talks about you an awful lot, and I'm guessing based on what he's said that you two have known each other a long time. I'm not one to pry out backstories the first day I meet someone, but I just wanna fact check,” Stan scrunched his nose in thought before saying “Well, I met him when we were probably five or six, so it's been a good while, I'd say,” “Wow, that is a long time!” Stan nodded. He was glad they had put up with each other as long as they had. If they hadn't, Stan would be friendless and Richie would have been probably about ten times more annoying than he was today. They balanced each other out, after all, and if Richie’s life had never been put in peril by Stan neither of them would have taken life and death so seriously. “Stan, you're not very talkative. At all. I hate to be that stereotypical girl who is always talking, but I really feel like I need to fill in the bouts of silence,” Beverly admits. Stan looks towards the ground, feeling kind of bad. “Well, you can pick a topic and go from there. I can't promise I'll talk as much as, say, Richie, but I can certainly try to sustain a conversation,” “Hm… Okay. What kind of things do you find funny? Like not ‘this is stupid’ funny. Genuinely funny,” “You mean like my sense of humour? I don't really know how to explain it. No one understands my jokes and half the time it's just random words that sound funny to me that I end up laughing at for up to five minutes,” “Like what words?” Stan thought for a moment, then a word came to mind and his shoulders shook with silent, contained laughter. “Stan, what words? I see you laughing; you have to tell me now,” Bev pried. “Avocado,” he half-whispered before bursting into laughter that put his fake laughs to shame. Beverly actually joined in. She shared his sense of humour, Stan could tell. Her laugh wasn't even slightly forced; in fact it seemed more real than any laughter he had ever heard. “Okay, then we should get along just fine. You’ll get me,” she said after she evened out her breathing, “No one really gets me in that way, you know?” “Yeah. It kind of sucks until you find someone who gets it,” he agreed. Kindred spirits, to Stan, were one step towards feeling safe and at home wherever he was, and being able to see how Beverly acted one-on-one opened Stan’s eyes to a whole world of people similar to him. Perhaps no one else would understand his humour, but he didn't need that to know there were other people he could get along with. “Hey Beverly? I was wondering how it was you ended up here,” The redhead become very somber and stayed silent for a few minutes. “You have to be at least a level four friend to unlock my tragic backstory. Sorry,” she said as if trying to joke it away. Just like Richie. Heck, sometimes just like himself. Humour and satire and sarcasm had become less of a joke and more of a coping mechanism for the few people Stan knew, and Beverly could easily be added to the list. She forced a small smile and Stan frowned. “You don't have to tell me now. I was just curious,” “Alright. I'll tell you later, once we know each other a bit better,” she stated decidedly. They walked in silence for a short while longer. Upon the end of this time, they had reached a rather large two or three story house. Stan assumed it was one of the dormitory buildings. Beverly led him inside and up to the second floor. Down twisting halls all decorated and almost impossible to distinguish from one another, they came upon his room. “You’ll like your roommate, I'm sure. If I assume correctly, you already met him,” Beverly assured him as she opened the door. And she was right. He was in there, listening to music in his headphones and laying in his bed, reading. Stan figured his time at the school would be tolerable, now.
TAGS: @rhubarberous @alex-twy 
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italicwatches · 6 years
GAMERS! Episode 07
Last time sure happened.
Let’s see where things go from here. It’s GAMERS!, episode 07! Here we GO!
-We begin, with loading the game save for up to this point. Whoever’s playing this game is very irresponsible with their save data, you always cascade down the list, never lock into a single save file. That’s just too risky.
-But into the actual show! A bus, where some generic anime boys, so standardized you can’t see their eyes, watch. And they can see HIM, the fucker who managed to get Karen…And Keita is just trying to ignore them, even as he deals with the frustrations of people disconnecting on his mobile game and not actually playing…
-Opening! After PUBG, our next game reference is…It’s Super Mario Bros. You know Super Mario Bros. I did an entire writeup for the game’s historical relevance for Nintendo back in the lead to the Switch’s release as part of the 30 Days of Switchmas. Crazy successful, redefined the platformer genre after Nintendo themselves essentially invented it with Donkey Kong, was originally designed as the peak of a cartridge-based game with the Famicom Disk System rapidly coming up…None of this is news.
-DAY 07: Amano Keita and Karen’s best entertainment
-To the class! Where Keita is talking to Tasuku, and has decided to, and I quote, “stop indiscriminately blowing up normies”. Tasuku, who slept like shit, has no idea what he’s talking about but good for you, man. Also, people are all staring at Keita. Because of what Tasuku did, in part. But hey, hey. Tasuku had no idea it’d turn into a relationship! Of course, Keita thought Karen was more into stylish guys like Tasuku…
-And Tasuku is also dealing with the rocky state of his own relationship. Aguri’s been…Well, it’s been messy, since the guy she’s into is with Karen now. But, Aguri likes Tasuku, so Keita can only assume that Tasuku really was two-timing his girlfriend! This is horrible! No wonder he has no idea how to talk to Aguri about it!
-Which explains everything, including Karen accepting a confession from little old him! It’s all to try and build up a plausible deniability. …He needs to get out of this. His head is full of deep, weighty thoughts as he goes to the restroom. He doesn’t want to be part of breaking Aguri’s heart, she’s a sweet girl who deserves better. Maybe he’ll ask Karen to let him rescind his confession…
-And when he comes out, he runs into someone, almost literally! Oh, sorry, he wasn’t…Oh god it’s Karen. And then Karen has a freakout because the boy she’s super into, who is now her boyfriend, is heeeere…But oh dear, something seems wrong! Are you okay? You look pale…
-Um, er, he’s, um, he’s gotta get back to class he’ll talk to you later bye! And then he’s gone, leaving Karen confused…And as Keita starts to head back, everyone mumbling about him…That’s when Chiaki spots him and waves him over into an empty room! Oh lord what do you want, Chiaki? Can’t you see his day is going wrong as it is?
-Can’t You see why Karen stuck her neck out for you, you idiot?! Well, yes, of course he does…(Oh god one of you use your words) Good, good! But that was a crazy move, and should keep that pink-haired fiend from…What was that? Nothing nothing forget she said that part! Look the point is, they might be enemies, but she respects you enough to not want to see you hurt. And that Aguri girl was never gonna be your girlfriend.
-Well, yes. He knows that. Oh, good! You’re moving on really well, Keita!
-Cut to after class. Keita has a long string of furious emojis in his texts, and is across from Aguri, who is…Really not happy with him. Also she has a really crazy looking drink. But, but she’s sorry. She’s mostly not mad at you. She’s mad at Tasuku, who’s two-timing her. Keita tries to use his logic, because the only evidence that Aguri has is the guilty look Tasuku gave her, but why ELSE would a guy give such a look to his own girlfriend?! Huh?!
-…Okay you have him there. But uuuugh. Her life’s gone to hell ever since she met you! That’s…Harsh. But all those floozies hanging onto Tasuku only met him through you, ya damn enabler. Well, well, it was Tasuku who used him and egged him onto talking to…both of them…Keita quietly ‘realizes’ that he might have been used as a cover for all of Tasuku’s cheating. And now Aguri’s got to try to pull out of this nosedive and convince Keita that Tasuku really is his friend and not just using him from the start. But Keita’s gone into a deep depression.
-FOCUS DAMMIT! Karen accepted your confession! Whatcha gonna do about it, huh? He’s…He’s gonna tell her the full truth of what he knows, so they can break up honestly, and handle this maturely. (God you kids are the furthest thing from mature. The only way you could be less mature is if you were using mud to inoculate yourself against the terrible spread of cooties.)
-Well. Good for you. But how do YOU feel? And are you really gonna let someone else decide something that matters so much? …You’re right. He’s got to decide this himself! And then she realizes how fucking gross this drink is now that all the layers have mixed. She’s…She’s gonna go buy a new drink.
-New scene! Karen is up on the roof freaking out because Keita asked her to meet him here oh god what’s going to happen? Is this about their new relationship? Is it going to go sideways? Was that confession some kind of mistake? Is she about to be dumped, on the eve of her confused but delighted triumph?! No, FOCUS, girl! Don’t let him see you sweat…! But she’s terrified of how this could go…
-And then Keita arrives, and OH GOD PANIC! She doesn’t want to look at him and face the end…And so he finally just asks, if she hates him. No, never! Then, then why won’t she face him?
-W-Why don’t you?! …But he is. Y-You want to stop dating her, don’t you? She, she gets it, she’s seen how people around school are acting…You can take it back, she’ll, she’ll just…
-She’s not speaking from her heart. Deep breath. Be honest with herself…
-As Keita admits, he’s glad to hear she doesn’t hate him. He thought, with the way she’d been almost avoiding him…But…But he’s got to ask something difficult. Of course. Can they go on a date?
-And there it—Wait what? Wait what?! Karen is so shocked that when she turns around she’s in a fighting stance. Oh you adorable little dork, never change. So Keita says it doesn’t have to be right now, it can be whenever she’s free…And Karen is so confused that her world turns to crayon drawings. She doesn’t know how to parse this. She expected a rejection, and got confessed to. She expected a retraction, and got asked on a date. None of this was fitting her worst-case scenarios, or the Plan, either.
-Well…They’re, they’re in a relationship…Right? And just hearing that from Keita sends chills up Karen’s spine as she goes tomato red. As Keita panics a bit, and admits that yes, there will be hardships, and of course people are saying shit behind his back…And…And he knows he’s got no chance against a bishonen like Tasuku. He’s going to lose out in the end. But…But dammit, you don’t rage quit, you play the match until the end! He’s not giving up until it’s over!
-And oh, Karen just glows she’s blushing so bad. You could just put Karen in a dark room, repeat that line to her on a loop, and her blush would give enough light to read by. But she manages to catch herself, and try to act like the Magnificent Tendou Karen-san, as she accepts his offer as nobly and honorably as she can manage. As she also insists they do this in the right order, like a proper relationship! A-And they should disband, for today! Wow this managed to get weird, as Keita lets off a salute from her authoritative tone. but this isn’t what she had in mind and oh god this just got weird as she barely manages to get past him before she panics and flees to the stairs.
-Commercial break!
-And we’re back! It’s date time, and Keita and Karen are at the bowling alley, slash karaoke place, slash arcade, slash…well it’s a big entertainment center is the point. Karen dressed her best, Keita’s best is his usual outfit, and he’s kind of freaking out a bit as he tries to be all cool and make this work…Until finally she just tells him they can just goof off and have fun and not make this too crazy.
-So…I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.
-Keita fucking sucks at analog games. Karen beats him in ping pong, he manages to get a dart stuck in his thigh when they play darts, and he takes a cueball to the face though I think that might have been Karen’s fault, and he loses terribly at bowling. By the time they stop for lunch, Keita’s energy is drained, and Karen is at full power. But even with how draining this is, Keita is finding it really fun…And Karen has to keep herself from admitting how much being here with him is making it fun.
-As he looks over the map, seeing what else they could do today…There’s a pool. Swimsuits. NOPE DO NOT GO THERE. He immediately covers it with his hand, and oh, hmm, there’s basically just the arcade left…
-But she saw a huge pool on all the maps.
-…Oh. So you did. Well…Um…They could just go check it out for fun! Unless you don’t want to see her in a swimsuit? D-Don’t be ridiculous! But now she’s all blushy because he called her bluff and oh god this got nerve-racking. Keita’s low self-esteem comes out but Karen can only hear the parts where he doesn’t want to be at the pool with her and now he’s gotta pull up pull up.
-And that’s how he ends up at the pool in a rented pair of trunks, waiting for Karen to come out. He has truly betrayed all humanity. And then out she comes in a cutesy but revealing bikini and Keita’s brain just kinda…
-Poof. He feels like he just lost a precious life in a video game from the sheer impact of that outfit, and things get awkward again as she has to guide him into being at least mostly normal.
-When Karen spots a couple playing splashy games in the pool, and kind of wants to do it too. But some clear rules to keep it safe! It’s a turn-based water attack game, and whoever gets the other’s hair wet first wins! You’re…You’re ridiculous. And as soon as they’re in the water, this becomes legit serious competition, a war of water that looks like something out of Jojo and then Keita is splashed and down. VICTORY IS KAREN’S!
-And then they see the couple who are, you know, goofing off and having fun and just being silly. …Suddenly they feel like huge nerds. To the arcade, where they belong? To the arcade.
-But that’s when Keita and Karen spot…is that Chiaki? It is! Some guys are trying to harass her…And when she spots Keita, she races for him, needing someone she knows, enemy or not! She clings to him immediately because save her! Er, that is, she’s gonna, help, you…With…Give her a minute she’ll think of something good.
-The guys leave, though, not wanting to cause enough of a scene that they actually get noticed by someone who might do something about it…And trying to get a girl who’s here on a date would definitely cause a scene.
-There’s just one little problem.
-Keita’s here on a date with Karen, and she’s…really not liking seeing this blue-haired strumpet cling to her Keita. So you know, Chiaki, he’s KIIIIND of on a date, so…So you are, Keita! SO WHY DO YOU KEEP TUGGING HIS ARM INTO YOUR CLEAVAGE?!
-Okay, fair. She should not have interfered in a date from a fake relationship.
-Okay now Karen is more mad. Chiaki, what would you like your gravestone to say? I’m thinking…”With my last breath, I curse Keita”? Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?
-But soon everyone’s sitting down and talking and Chiaki has the good grace to apologize for all of that…But why’s she here on her own, anyways? She’s not! Her sister invited her aaaaand then ran off on her own. So she’s gotta find the kid…Well, they’re willing to help. And Chiaki realizes there is an honor in Keita, one she can respect!
-But, no, Karen will do all the helping. Keita, you don’t need to be looking for a cute little sister. Please go to the arcade and wait for her at once! YES MA’AM! AMANO KEITA, GOING FORTH! Jeez. Chiaki is a little scared now.
-Eventually, Karen arrives to the arcade, with a Chiaki whose sister apparently already went home. And as Karen goes to find a game to play, Chiaki pulls Keita aside and do you get why she’s here with you, you stupid idiot?! Do you understand the favor Karen is doing for you?! You need to do something for her! …You just want to join the games, don’t you. Sh-shut up.
-But Karen’s date-mind has been overtaken by her game-mind and YES THEY CAN PLAY BIG MULTIPLAYER STUFF INSTEAD OF 1v1 NOW COME ON CHIAKI
-And that’s how they end up playing totally-not-Mario-Kart. Where Keita spins out right at the start, but starts to learn the mechanics, holding close behind the others in third place…When he gets the mighty BOMB ROULETTE! It’s so exciting that even the children in the arcade are watching!
-The bomb roulette, the ultimate chance item…A flip of the coin. Either you explode…Or everyone else does. Will he dare to use such a risky item, especially on this track, so close to the finish? He…He lines up with them both, and SLAMS IT DOWN! And whatever way the bomb went, all three got caught in it.
-Karen is just silent until they get to the bus…When she finally just breaks down into the giggles at how ridiculous of a play that was! And that it still ended in him losing when he could have pulled a solid second or even first place if he hadn’t bothered…But she also sees something about Keita. He didn’t use it so he could win. He didn’t throw the match, either. He went for the interesting option. He did the crazy thing that would, win or lose, make for a good story, that would excite the kids watching them play…
-And she’s finding she likes that about him. That wild spark in him…While Keita, Keita respects how she always goes all-out with him. There’s never any going easy…And that’s what he likes about her. As now she’s all blushy and nervous…And he ends up asking if she got that new game Fire Tactics? Of course she did! She’s wanted to talk to someone about it! And so everything relaxes, as the two fall into a shared passion.
You know, these crazy kids might just make it all work out…
…I mean, if it weren’t for the other three people in their life. Between Chiaki, Aguri, and Tasuku, someone is gonna fuck it up. We’ll see who breaks the whole thing next time, in episode EIGHT of GAMERS! Wait for it!
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dixiechip · 6 years
Always - Part 5
*** Time jump
~~~ Flashback
[His POV]
             My arm shook violently causing me to jump awake. I ripped the hand away from my skin while my eyes adjusted to the light coming from the flashlight. It was just Ellie. My breathing calmed and heartrate slowed. I was worried we were under attack. “What the hell do you want?” I know my voice was stern and frustrated but I couldn’t help but be irritated with her.
             She started to say something but quit and shook her head. “Nevermind. It’s not a big deal. I’m sorry for upsetting you.” She took a step back from the bed I slept in and watched me for a second before turning around and leaving. She closed the door with a thud. What the fuck is wrong with her? Doesn’t she know better than to wake me like that?
             I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I laid back down and closed my eyes, but I couldn’t go back to sleep. Her eyes were filled with worry and sadness. I pushed her off and treated her rudely. I stood and walked towards the door. I didn’t have a flashlight, so I walked with my hand against the wall until I felt the knob of her door. I twisted the nob slowly and found her in bed crying. The flashlight still on and lighting up the room slightly. The dog laid at her feet, but provided no comfort.
             “Why ya cryin?” She turned to face me and shook her head.
             “It’s not important. I’m being stupid and childish.” I stood there in the doorway waiting for a real answer. She chewed at her lip and looked up at me expectantly. “Would you stay with me…?” I nodded and walked over to the bed. I pulled back the covers and climbed in. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and hid her face against my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She gripped onto the t-shirt I was wearing. I gently traced my fingers up and down her spine. This is exactly where I want to be. I want to sleep like this every night. I want her with me, always.
             Her body relaxed against mine and she fell asleep but I continued to gently run my fingers over the small of her back. The skin was exposed and felt soft under the touch of my calloused fingers. I couldn’t help but smile at the situation. The girl I love is wrapped in my arms and she wants me here.
[Her POV]
             “Would you stay with me…?” I knew it was a stupid question to ask but I hoped he would. I hated being alone and the storm outside only made it worse. He nodded his head and quickly moved some pillows so he would have room in the bed. He scooped me up in his arms and I laid across his chest. I pressed my face into his neck and inhaled his scent. I never wanted to move.
             My arms wrapped tightly around him. I knew he wasn’t one for physical affection but he seemed perfectly at ease with me touching him. He’s probably too tired to care. I intertwined my legs with his and gripped tightly to the fabric of his shirt. His arms held me tightly while his hand softly rubbed my back. I knew something was on his mind, but I didn’t ask. I felt my eyes get heavy and I started to doze off but not before feeling his lips against my forehead. “I love you, girl.” He whispered. I kept my eyes closed and my face expressionless.
             He thinks I’m asleep. I want to tell him but I know I can’t. He wouldn’t say those words to me if I were awake and I’m not gonna push him. My thoughts wandered but I was asleep quickly.
             Thunder boomed and pulled me from my sleep. I reached out to grab Daryl’s hand, but the bed was empty. I sat up and looked around. He put you to sleep and left. He didn’t really want to stay. I laid back down and pulled the covers over my head and tried to block out the noise. The thunder was relentless.
Something tugged at the blankets and then a voice murmured, “I’m right here, babe. Let me back in. It’s chilly.” I flipped open the blankets and Daryl settled back into his spot from earlier in the night. I took his hand and held it but he had other ideas. He pulled me into his muscular arms and held me closely. I could hear his heartbeat and every breath he took. The sounds were comforting.
“Where were you?”
He laughed a little but answered my question. “I needed a drink so I was downstairs.” I thought about his answer and his fingers made their way to my hair. He gently played with it and massaged my scalp. I relaxed into his hold and drifted off to sleep.
[His POV]
             The sun streamed in through the curtains. I opened my eyes and expected her to be there. I rolled over to grab her and pull her into me, but the space beside me was empty and cold. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. There was no sound in the house. I went and dressed in the other room before heading outside to her. She would have been a great sight to see first thing in the mornin.
A rustling came from behind the barn. I rested my hand on my knife as I rounded the corner but it was Ellie. She stepped out of an RV holding a trash bag and tossed it onto a pile of other trash bags. “Mornin, doll,” I called to her. She jumped when she heard the sound but she smiled at me. She’s not yours and you know it. You’ve never even made a move dumbass.
“D’ya wanna help me out?” Her voice was breathless and sweat beaded on her forehead. I nodded and followed her into the RV. We cleaned the entire thing, top to bottom. “I wanna get this thing ready to move. I want this to be a mobile storage unit. And if not this, then that,” she said while pointing to the eighteen-wheeler truck. “Dad was a trucker, and that thing stands against anything. It has a wrecker on it right now, so it can haul other vehicles. Or we can hook it up to the other trailer.” I watched her mouth as she spoke. I wanted to feel her lips on mine. I wanted to drag my lips across her entire body.
[Her POV]
             I don’t think he’s even listening to me. He’s just staring off into space. I chewed on my lip nervously. “Hey, uh, Daryl?” He looked up at me. “I jus wanted to thank ya for coming and staying with me last night. I know you’re not one for physical stuff and such so it won’t happen again but thank you.” He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.
             “Yur welcome. Now, how about you take a break and we eat sumthin? I’m starved.” I nodded and followed his lead back to the house. I didn’t eat much. I pushed the food around my plate and picked at it with my fork. I dumped it in the dog’s bowl and started washing up. The temperature raised outside and it was too hot to continue working. I laid out on the living room floor. The tile was cool against my legs. I opted for shorts this morning.
             The day passed slowly. Reading books did not make the time go by any faster. Daryl had been in and out of the house. When he finally settled in, it was nearly seven. I continued laying on the floor like I had for the past five hours. He sat on the couch beside me and looked down at me. “Whatcha doin on the floor, girl?” I shrugged my shoulders and continued to stare at the ceiling. I didn’t want to tell him that I was having an off day or that my depression was affecting me. “Ya know ya can tell me anythin right?”
             “I don’t like to talk about it.”
[His POV]
             I dropped the subject and moved to the floor to lay next to her. She gently took my hand in hers and we laid like that for a while. The sun set completely and the house was dark. I hadn’t started a fire tonight and she hadn’t turned on any lamps. She sighed deeply before pushing herself to get up. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Dare.” Her voice was soft and sleepy. I nodded in response and watched as she made her way up the stairs. Maybe I should offer to stay with her again. I slept better with her than without. I want to fall asleep with her.
             I followed her pursuit a few moments later but when I reached the top of the stairs, she had already turned out her bedroom light and closed her door. I solemnly walked back to the room I slept in and laid down.
             I tossed and turned for hours before getting up from the bed. I yanked on some pajama pants and walked down the hall. I opened her door. She was sleeping peacefully. I pulled the covers back and climbed in with her. She startled and jumped. I hushed her and calmed her down.
             “What are you doing in here, Dare?” she whispered.
             “Can’t sleep…need you…” I mumbled back while falling asleep with her in my arms.
             “Dare? Can I ask you sumthin?” I nodded yes. “What’s this gonna be? Are we sleeping together now? Are we together? What is this gonna be? I need to know the boundaries.”
             I thought on it for a minute. “We ain’t nothin you don’t wanna be. You set the boundaries and I’ll follow. You’re in charge, doll.” She turned to face me and she gently pressed her fingertips against my cheek. She stroked my hair with her other hand and closed her eyes. “I’m gonna do sumthin. I’m not sure how it’ll go cuz I’m not good with this stuff but I wanna try. Don’t move,” I told her. She froze in her place and watched me with curious eyes.
             I leaned in closer and placed one of my hands on her cheek and jaw and tangled the other in her hair. Her eyes fluttered closed and I eliminated the distance. My lips were against hers. Her lips were soft and full. I wanted more. I locked lips with her again and gently pushed my tongue against her bottom lip. She opened her mouth slightly and fought me for dominance in the kiss. I won and my tongue grazed against hers. I pulled back after a moment and caught my breath. Her breathing was jagged and her cheeks were heated. She hid her face in my neck and wrapped her frame around mine.
             Neither of us said anything but instead we enjoyed the moment. There’s no telling how many of these we will get. I held her close and wished to feel her lips again but I refused to push her. She fell asleep laying on my bare chest. Her legs were wrapped with mine. The warmth and comfort of her body put me to sleep. 
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Oct 30 Dancitron Movie Night - Dog Soldiers
Soundwave was in a holomatter avatar in his pre-flier frame with impressive tires. Prowl 1) could barely pay attention to anything else all night, and 2) still managed to figure out one of the movie’s major plot twists.
Today Tarantulas 7:41 pm *guess who's been invited over early - it's everyone's favorite science spider friend! he pops into dancitron ready to roll, not sure who'll be meeting him downstairs but not really minding. he's got a CLUB to DECORATE.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:44 pm Zori is the only one downstairs right now, sporting a tiny copy of Starscream's crown and purple cape. He's also got a miniature scepter held tightly in one claw and is waving it to and fro, humming to himself. He waves to Tarantulas - and then to the twins' choice of decor.
You know. Things like 'paper chains' made of old tire tread; honest to Primus trophies from some of Frenzy and Ravage's hunts in the Underworld; automated bits of (fake) injured or dying mechs 'phased' into the walls, courtesy of Bevel and Buzzsaw; creepy Unicron-purple lighting; energon cubes painted black to show off the glowing, anguished faces of popular multiversal Autobot and Decepticon officers carved into them...
#hi! #C: Tarantulas 7:49 pm *tarantulas snickers at the decor* Hello, Zori - just LOOK at this, lovely, lovely. How can I be of service? ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm He's being a brave, brave scorpion tonight. Soundwave said that bad things don't REALLY happen on this Earth holiday, and anyway, the spider isn't coming near. Yet.
#Rumble and Frenzy said #um #they want spiderwebs #please #and you could have some extra snacks #... #but not by me #okay? Tarantulas 7:55 pm Aww, how generous. *yes, tara's keeping his distance, he knows how skittish the scorp is around spiders. tara starts scoping out the room* It sounds like a perfectly suitable proposal. It'll take me a little while, but we have time, I believe. *tara always does shit last minute, he's good* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm #we do! #...so #um #um um #I am going to check snacks #yes
Nope. That's it. The bravery ran out. He's heading to the bar, where there are lots of things to hide behind. And he'll be there while Tarantulas works, up until others start trickling in. Tarantulas 7:59 pm *tarantulas does his best to shush his own snickering* Please do. *and he's off to work - sizing up to reach the ceiling with ease and delicately trailing silk around the room. there are a few quick but full spiderwebs here and there too by the time he's done* Tarantulas 8:02 pm *the fact that the silk shimmers and glints in the dim lighting is totally intentional, also. quite eerie, and also sticky to the touch* Swoop 8:04 pm *bounds in, painted head to toe in black, with his bright gold goggles on* Bird? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm *Rumble and Frenzy are the first to come dancing downstairs, already admiring Tarantulas' work. Frenzy touches a silk runner, gets some stuck to a finger, and makes a grossed out face while laughing.*
*If you think something's off about them, you're right. Frenzy is all blue with red and white feet. Tonight, he'll be Sonic. Rumble's gone all red with white accents, spiny finger joints, and green and yellow magnetic patches. Obviously, he's Knuckles.* //She ain't ready yet, heh. Whatcha got the goggles for?// Swoop 8:06 pm Bird said goggles. And BLACK! Her get, uhh, other stuff. ((i <3 this musical)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY i woulda dragged you to it saturday with us)) FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((IS SWOOPMUN WITHIN DRAGGING DISTANCE?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((YEAH)) FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((I DID NOT KNOW)) Swoop 8:07 pm ((aww how was it?)) FakeProwl 8:07 pm *appears; for a moment, his optics widen in obvious worry. Dead people and ripped treads, the glow of dark energon, what happened in—?* Swoop 8:08 pm ((Dude, this is possibly my favorite musical. I've seen student productions, but not a professional one.)) FakeProwl 8:08 pm *Oh. decorations. it's fake.* Bevel 8:08 pm ((it was really fun aside from a couple cringy stereotypes mostly left out of the movie FakeProwl 8:08 pm ((yeah, if you've seen student productions then you've probably seen the icky parts already)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *Where was the mun. Oh yes!*
//Ohh, the big - yeah, hold on. I think she got it with her.//
*Rumble nudges his brother.*
\\BIIIIIIIIIIRD\\ FakeProwl 8:10 pm ((other than that tho it was a lot of fun. the dentist SERIOUSLY hammed it up, he was a load of fun.)) Tarantulas 8:10 pm *across the room, tarantulas steps back from one last silken thread and crosses his arms, looking around* Hmm. Satisfactory. FakeProwl 8:11 pm *Looks around for Soundwave, can't find him, looks at Tarantulas instead. He's clearly involved.* What's all this? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *And in floats Laserbeak, all red, black, and gold, with a fake wide tail on. Those who remember the Civil War movie might recognize Falcon's drone, Redwing. She's got a big yellow beak mask in her feelers for Swoop.* Bevel 8:11 pm *trundles in transformed to look like Alphonse from FMA and stops to admire all the awesome work on the room* FakeProwl 8:12 pm *IS THAT ANOTHER LEAGUER* Swoop 8:12 pm *giggles and holds out his hands for the mask* You Bird all Dinobot colors! Tarantulas 8:12 pm Oh Prowl, didn't you know? It's /Halloween/. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *How much does Bevel know about FMA? There's a beige Chimera in feline mode walking downstairs. And there's a lot of long, brown wires on its head and back, presently serving as a creepy mane...* FakeProwl 8:12 pm *IT IS A TALLER-THAN-AVERAGE-HUMANS METAL PERSON, IT'S CLEARLY ANOTHER LEAGUER* Magnum Ace 8:13 pm ((on mobile. it kinda sucks FakeProwl 8:13 pm ... Oh, right. It HAS been a year, hasn't it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm {{Yes, yes! Me Bird best Dinobot, got costume present.}} *Holds out the beak. Chimera makes a beeline for Bevel and offers a big, doofy smile.* Swoop 8:13 pm You Bird have fire breath? Kehhehhehhh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm {{Boss say when Bird mad, Autobot audials burn~}} Swoop 8:14 pm KEHEHHHEHHH Him mean You Bird YELLING Bevel 8:14 pm Nina! *not sure if amused or horrified but she can recognize Chimera under the mane and kneel down to greet them* Tarantulas 8:15 pm (( NINA 💔 ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm <<Yes! Chimera is the Sad Monster.>> FakeProwl 8:15 pm ((nina is one of only three things i know about fma)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm <<Can Chimera sit with the Bevel?>> Magnum Ace 8:15 pm ((oh my god, snek no ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm ((SUFFER)) Tarantulas 8:15 pm (( is one of the other ones hughes Bevel 8:15 pm You make a very good Sad Monster. Yeah! We gotta stick together. *grins* Magnum Ace 8:15 pm ((EVIL Bevel 8:15 pm ((I like that we accidentally got two FMA costumes here FakeProwl 8:16 pm ((i don't remember the /name/ hughes, but if he's very sad then yes he's one of the ones i know about)) Tarantulas 8:16 pm (( VERY very sad Magnum Ace 8:16 pm ((he is Bevel 8:17 pm ((Bevel is the suit of armor kid https://i.pinimg.com/originals/28/96/14/289614067ed1c67319858376013f5ae2.png
FakeProwl 8:17 pm ((yes, that's why prowl thinks she's a leaguer)) Bevel 8:17 pm ((lol Prowl FakeProwl 8:17 pm ((because that's not a cybertronian)) ((and prowl apparently has no object permanence around bevel)) Bevel 8:17 pm ((Most bots don't, it's ok Magnum Ace 8:18 pm ((actual leaguer will show up when I get my com back ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((YAY)) Bevel 8:18 pm ((yay Tarantulas 8:18 pm *tarantulas is gonna stretch and strut over to prowl, putting his paws on prowl's shoulders from behind* Yes, the one day of the year I can simply be myself, hyeh. Gargantuan spider? No questions asked. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm *The slow drip of mechs down the stairs continues. This time, almost literally. Buzzsaw comes in splattered in fake human blood and globs of congealed paint made to look like gore.*
*Behold: the chainsaw in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.* Magnum Ace 8:19 pm ((did I mention rabbit on mobile sucks? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm ((it really does)) Magnum Ace 8:20 pm ((yuuup FakeProwl 8:20 pm *Right. If there's another leaguer here and it's possibly Prowl's fault, he'd better go over and deal with it.* FakeProwl 8:21 pm On the other hand, it means you're one of the only people here who isn't in costume. *Briefly squeezes hand over Tarantulas's paw.* I need to talk to one of the guests, I'll be right back. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Ravage is next. He doesn't seem to have anything different about him. At all.* Tarantulas 8:21 pm *snickers, allows prowl to go, with a mandible-bump kiss on his head* Bevel 8:22 pm *glances up when Ravage appears and...* Are you not wearing a costume tonight? Magnum Ace 8:22 pm ((poor prowl ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *He stares at Bevel and scoffs. Loud.*
=I am Bagheera. OBVIOUSLY.=
*Flops and turns his back on her.* FakeProwl 8:22 pm *Leans into the kiss, then heads over to what is /apparently/ a new leaguer.* Are you lost? Bevel 8:23 pm *...laughs* Sorry! You look awesome. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm =Mm.=
*That's better.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING)) Bevel 8:25 pm *sudden Prowl approaches! she used to bots not recognizing her so she takes the question pretty well* I do not think so. It is me, Bevel. I am just /wearing/ a costume. FakeProwl 8:25 pm ......... Right. Okay. Good. ... Very convincingly alien. Swoop 8:26 pm Me Swoop am COMEDIAN — Plague doctor Swoop for Halloween Me Swoop am COMEDIAN — Plague doctor Swoop for Halloween - Plague doctor Swoop for Halloween Bevel 8:26 pm *smiles happily* Thanks! Swoop 8:26 pm ((quick scribble)) ((of the borb)) Tarantulas 8:26 pm (( GOOD Bevel 8:26 pm ((creepy, i love it ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm ((that's GLORIOUS)) FakeProwl 8:27 pm ((oooo)) Swoop 8:27 pm ((babbe needs minimal edits when he is an actual twig borb)) *puts on his mask and looks up at Bird for a reaction* Tarantulas 8:28 pm *tarantulas is gonna take the opportunity to transform into literal spider mode. probably should PRETEND he's costuming it up* FakeProwl 8:28 pm *Goes over to take his usual seat. Unless Tarantulas has claimed it; in which case he'll scoot Tarantulas over.* Tarantulas 8:30 pm *nope, he's just nearby! tarantulas is gonna climb on top of prowl as soon as he sits though, like a mastiff trying to sit on a human's lap* Fuck You Rabbit 8:30 pm ((I will fucking kill rabbit)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((HERE ARE TONIGHT'S WARNINGS: Violence and gore, foul language, sexist language, faked animal cruelty, vomit)) FakeProwl 8:30 pm *It isn't working.* Shrink a little. Fuck You Rabbit 8:30 pm ((I STG I'm going murder it for holding me hostage until I created an account)) Fuck You Rabbit 8:31 pm ((sorry don't mind me just. ticked off at this stupid website that refuses to let me be a guest????? argh.)) Tarantulas 8:32 pm *some chittering* That's no fun. Hmph. *does it anyway, downgrades from mastiff to lapdog* Swoop 8:32 pm Bird bird *bounces on his toes* bird FakeProwl 8:32 pm *now prowl can hug better. isn't that an improvement?* Magnum Ace 8:32 pm ((here we go! I am on my com! Bevel 8:32 pm *will find a good place for her and Chimera to sit* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm *And the host is finally here. Someone only about 18 feet tall, very broad, and thickly armored is silently striding down the stairs and over to the couch where Prowl and Tarantulas are parked. Those who have seen Soundwave in the frame so helpfully dubbed "Hot Wheels" might recognize it... sort of. Tonight, it's in shades of black, grey, and red, supposedly for the holiday. And it looks every inch the gladiator he'll be telling most people he is tonight.* Fuck You Rabbit 8:33 pm *finally, the dragon arrives! she looks tired. she also has a cart, a legitimate CART, of goodies with her! they're individually wrapped in a glittering paper-like substance, and they're shaped like energon crystals! thin crunchy shell on the outside, sweet liquid center on the inside! she's also wearing the most hideously green, tacky dragon costume. the tags indicate that it's supposed to be for Earth dogs of some universe. the security device hanging off the tags indicate it was stolen.* Magnum Ace 8:34 pm -and don't mind him. He's had this happen enough times that he doesn't even pause this time- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[He apologizes for being late. There was a malfunction with one of the feeds. Help yourselves to fuel.]] Swoop 8:34 pm *can't stop touching the mask* Magnum Ace 8:34 pm -what does make him pause is the /decorations/ and everything else- FakeProwl 8:34 pm *glances at soundwave. double takes.* Swoop 8:34 pm *what is on his faceee???* *does not evne a little bit captuer the appropriate body language for a creepy plague doctor, even if he has the look* Tarantulas 8:35 pm *that voice - must be sw. but he thicc, wat* Fuck You Rabbit 8:35 pm *looks around, and kind of hesitantly drags the cart over with the rest of the treats* Hello everyone! FakeProwl 8:35 pm *you know those scenes in movies where the main character sees the love interest All Dolled Up for the first time, usually as said love interest is walking down the stairs so that the camera can slowly and lovingly pan up over their body?* *that's prowl's brain right now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *Laserbeak swoops over to... Swoop, and whirs approval of his scariness. Chimera settles on Bevel's lap and gets ready for a nap, not quite into horror.* Fuck You Rabbit 8:35 pm ((puff u dork)) FakeProwl 8:35 pm ((true)) Bevel 8:36 pm *yay lap cat... er, dog monster... thing* Magnum Ace 8:36 pm ....what...happened here? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *Rumble and Frenzy are all but scrambling over themselves to get to the dragon and the cart full of snacks.*
//Wait, so, ya... ya came as a weird you?//
\\...I KINDA LIKE IT.\\ Swoop 8:36 pm *flops backwards onto the sofa and giggles* You Bird ready for big fight ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm {{No, but him Boss is.}} =A holiday, Earthling.= Fuck You Rabbit 8:37 pm Isn't it tacky! *the dragon is DELIGHTED by her hideous costume* I thought it fit. Swoop 8:37 pm Boss? *sits up and looks for Soundwave* ...... oh! Him BIG now. Bevel 8:38 pm It is my birthday tomorrow too! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm {{Noooo, him short, haha.}} Swoop 8:38 pm BIG. *holds his hands out to his sides, clearly the word we are looking for is 'wide'* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[Then we will give you a gift tomorrow, Bevel.]] Magnum Ace 8:38 pm ...Oh. I didn't think you would...well, the decorations are really in the spirit of the holiday FakeProwl 8:38 pm ((that's a waste of a perfectly good k-9 unit.)) ((it takes over two years to train up a dog that can track people.)) Bevel 8:39 pm ((srsly ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm *Soundwave takes his usual seat next to Prowl.*
*...And, giving the tiniest glance over, causes one of his glowing red shoulder wheels to spin slowly.* //We like this holiday.// \\WHOLE THING FOR SCARIN'! HOW COOL IS THAT?\\ FakeProwl 8:40 pm *That wheel has ALL of Prowl's attention.* Tarantulas 8:40 pm *tara knows that wheel-spin was for prowl, but it absolutely caught his eye. and his other eye. and his other -* Magnum Ace 8:40 pm It is a fun holiday Fuck You Rabbit 8:40 pm I like the part where people give out treats, myself. *the dragon fluffs herself up proudly* But, of course I would. Swoop 8:40 pm *grabby hands at bird* Bevel 8:41 pm I like that everyone can be anything! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm {{That best part, snack.}} *Bird lets Swoop scoop her up* Swoop 8:41 pm *has a Bird* <3 Magnum Ace 8:41 pm -right, time to get off the floor- Bevel 8:41 pm *can't get snacks with lapful of Chimera hmmmm* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm {{You Swoop see others? Them got mech-cooties?}} Swoop 8:42 pm What cooties?? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm {{Germ! Virus! Nanoflea!}} Fuck You Rabbit 8:42 pm *well, snack is here, and set up, so the dragon will bring some over to Bevel and Chimera and settle herself down nearby* Swoop 8:42 pm Yah! Kehhehh. But them doing??? Tarantulas 8:42 pm *hhhmm. tarantulas... is going to leave prowl to it, escape the lap, and skitter off across the room toward the snacks* Magnum Ace 8:42 pm ((what would happen if you gave a leaguer energon?)) FakeProwl 8:43 pm ((you're the leaguer, you decide)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm *Chimera pats the dragon gently with one paw before resuming their power conservation mode* *Soundwave pings Tarantulas. Well done on the spider webs, there.* Bevel 8:43 pm Thanks! Tarantulas 8:43 pm *double ping back - kinda gives the impression of HEE HEE* Magnum Ace 8:43 pm ((heh Bevel 8:44 pm *appreciates snacks yay* Swoop 8:44 pm *tries to pat tara when he goes by* Magnum Ace 8:44 pm ((brb ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm {{Them do nothing, just gross. That all.}} Fuck You Rabbit 8:44 pm *the dragon pats back, and offers the treats to Bevel* You're welcome! *her paws are bandaged! and it looks like her face points are darker than normal under the tacky green dragon hood* Swoop 8:44 pm Gross gross *nods* FakeProwl 8:44 pm *Prowl doesn't notice Tarantulas leave. He might not have noticed the movie's started.* Swoop 8:44 pm You Bird not gross. Noo! You Bird BEST. Kehhehh. You go trick or treat. All treat! AND! All trick kehhehhhehh. Bevel 8:45 pm *accepts the snacks and asks quietly* Are your hands ok? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *Soundwave appears to still laugh the same way. It's more visible in this frame, but it's just as quiet. He stops spinning the wheel.* Tarantulas 8:45 pm *rears up at swoop on his back leggies if the plague doctor tries to pet him more* Swoop 8:45 pm *if swoop wasn't paying so much attention to Bird, he'd be yelling come at me bro at tara..... give him a minute* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm {{Us go trick others afterward, yes, yes! ... Heh heh, funny spider trick.}} FakeProwl 8:46 pm *oh no it's charming* Fuck You Rabbit 8:46 pm They'll be fine! Experiments in cybertronian cuisine have their dangers. But at least I was wearing safety goggles. Swoop 8:46 pm Funny spider trick?? *lost* Oh Spider *points at Tara* Tarantulas 8:46 pm *spider is already out of arm's reach, thank primus* Swoop 8:46 pm *throws a pillow* Bevel 8:47 pm You have to be really careful with energon, yeah. Tarantulas 8:47 pm *SPLAT. flat spider* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Rumble and Frenzy park themselves and giggle. This reminds them of missions with everyone all together, sorta.* Swoop 8:48 pm kehehhehhh Tarantulas 8:48 pm *pretty soon the spider's twice the size of the pillow and is giving swoop eight stink-eyes* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm [[Swoop. Don't be rude.]] Pause. [[Are you all right.]] Swoop 8:48 pm *chirps* : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm //Heh!// Tarantulas 8:49 pm Perfectly fine. I'm not so fragile that a PILLOW - hyehehe. *is giggling at movie, spiderwomen* Bevel 8:49 pm *giggles* Swoop 8:49 pm TWO pillow Fuck You Rabbit 8:49 pm *the dragon is giggling at Tara giggling about spiderwomen. a mobius laugh* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm @Prowl: (txt): Arm allowed behind Prowl? Magnum Ace 8:50 pm -and he's making an attempt to get into a chair- FakeProwl 8:50 pm @Soundwave «Please.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm //Hey, Magnum Ace! Or, uh. Is Mags okay?// FakeProwl 8:51 pm *Oh. Wait. Greeting/permission ping.* Swoop 8:51 pm Spider Spiderbot ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *Buzzsaw suddenly looks uncomfortable at the bit about exploding and being scooped up.* Magnum Ace 8:51 pm Ace is fine if you don't want to call me Magnum Bevel 8:52 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *It passes quickly. Soundwave nods to Prowl and drapes his arm around Prowl's shoulders, curling his claws tight. Good strong hands. Tiny squeeze of affection.* //Ace. C'mon up, you could sit with us.// FakeProwl 8:52 pm *Scoots RIGHT up against soundwave's side.* Swoop 8:53 pm *bats Bird* Bird, bird. Why them all blanks? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm {{It war game, not real fight. Practice.}} Swoop 8:53 pm Oh practice Practice fun : > Paint rounds more fun than blank Fuck You Rabbit 8:54 pm Unless you're expecting a date, dead animals being flung at you isn't a good sign. Swoop 8:54 pm then you SPLAT shoot brothers kehhehh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): Tarantulas returns? Swoop's pillow: new seat? @T: (txt): Prowl: shareable space. Magnum Ace 8:55 pm Thank you. -okay, going up with the others- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm //I'm with the dragon. Great sign if ya ARE expectin' dates though.// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm {{Them not paint. More fun if paint, Swoop right.}} FakeProwl 8:55 pm *For a moment strongly considers laying a hand on Soundwave's thigh. But no. Not with guests around. Laces his hands and keeps them in his own lap instead.* Swoop 8:56 pm Us get paint, kehhehhh, then practice fight! You Bird fast BUT Swoop am bomber kehhhhhh. Me Swoop fast TOO! Fuck You Rabbit 8:56 pm The bigger the dead animal, the better the date! Except some of the sea snakes. Those tend to not die. Tarantulas 8:57 pm @Soundwave: ::Physically shareable, maybe, but I do believe he's wholly mentally occupied at the moment. Hyeh.:: @Soundwave: ::Besides, I'm busy.:: *he's eating a snack bowl now* *like not actually tho* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm @T: (txt): Then request: personal. ... When finished. {{You Swoop need biiiiig paint.}} Swoop 8:58 pm Bucket ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm ((i remind you all that youtube videos are shit on LD/SD on rabbit and going to HD will let you see actual color and details)) Swoop 8:59 pm Spiderbot Spider Tarantulas 9:01 pm *turns away from snack bowl, grumpy* Yyyyes? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm @Prowl: [[He sees you approve of his costume. It was the fourth most frightening thing he could think of.]] Swoop 9:01 pm Where You Spiderbot costume go? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm \\SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TIME TO ME.\\ FakeProwl 9:01 pm @Soundwave «... Should have gone with one of the first three. I'm not finding myself particularly frightened.» Tarantulas 9:02 pm What do you mean? Hyeh. This IS my costume. Swoop 9:02 pm That You alt mode 😆 Tarantulas 9:03 pm Yes, but I'm quite the monster myself. No one ever said we couldn't come as we are - and I certainly fit the theme. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @Prowl: [[He doubts appearing as Unicron in this environment would have gone over well.]] Pause. [[And he supposes that makes sense. You /did/ like the idea of him having been a senator, when he first told you.]] Swoop 9:04 pm You not a monster. You a spider. Kehhehhhheh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm //How fraggin' fast was he runnin'!?// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm \\GUESS IT DON'T MATTER NO MORE. HEH.\\ Swoop 9:04 pm Her Carly say alt mode not costume. Her say Swoop can't can't CAN'T be pterodactyl for Halloween. Fuck You Rabbit 9:04 pm *the dragon blinks* Faster than he should have been, I think. Tarantulas 9:04 pm Well obviously Carly's a spoilsport. Bevel 9:04 pm Can humans run that fast? Swoop 9:04 pm And. And! Her Bird get *pats his mask* Her Bird get for Swoop :? *: > Nuh-uh! No. Carly not a spoilsport. Carly steal grenades. That not spoilsport thing! Kehhhehh. Magnum Ace 9:05 pm -yup he's mildly uncomfortable with the movie- Fuck You Rabbit 9:06 pm *unnerved expression* That. That is not how intestines should work. What is wrong with humans. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm {{You not say her Carly steal. Her arrested?}} FakeProwl 9:06 pm *... Supposes he can't deny that.* @Soundwave «Is that your costume, then? Senator S—er.» *WHAT HAD HIS NAME BEEN.* «... Ssssoundwaver? No. That's wrong. I know that's wrong.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm //Don't worry, li'l mech. It's fake scrap. Rubber or whatever.// FakeProwl 9:07 pm @Soundwave «SOUNDBANGER. ... No. I'm sorry.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *Another 'laugh'.* Swoop 9:07 pm No. Her Carly steal stuff from Autobot armory. Me Swoop not see. Me Swoop not there. But Me hear story! Her steal from armory and go swim down to Decepticon base - Nemesis - to blow hole in it. Salt water. FakeProwl 9:07 pm *... do that and you're just encouraging him to get it wrong.* Fuck You Rabbit 9:08 pm I'm sure it's fake. Just... you can't. Shouldn't. Whatever. *tries to pat her fur back down* Magnum Ace 9:08 pm !!! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm @Prowl: [[Soundblaster. And to you, yes. To them, his gladiator mode in 'scary' colors.]] <<Should not what?>> Big blinking grey eyes. Swoop 9:09 pm Spider SPider FakeProwl 9:09 pm @Soundwave «Soundblaster! These are "scary" colors?» Tarantulas 9:10 pm I have a name, you know, Swoop. Swoop 9:10 pm Spiderbot Fuck You Rabbit 9:10 pm *the dragon takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down* There's some-. Well. Don't worry about it. Just reminded of some old records I had to shelve when I was still fledging. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm @Prowl: [[To humans. Frenzy has told him that their decorations for this holiday are black, orange, and red.]] Swoop 9:11 pm You Spiderbot bring snack bowl - no no snack BOWLS - you bring snack bowls to Bird and Swoop : > FakeProwl 9:12 pm @Soundwave «Ah. Thematically appropriate.» Tarantulas 9:14 pm You're not convincing me very well. What do I get out of this? Swoop 9:14 pm Dunno Swoop 9:15 pm Me Swoop want goodies. And Bird eat AAAALLL the goodies forever ever ever. So. More goodies : > ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm {{Neheheh. Is good plan.}} Swoop 9:16 pm (( o m f g )) Fuck You Rabbit 9:16 pm ((bad dog)) Swoop 9:16 pm ((this dog)) *looks at tara and points at Bird* Her Bird say "good plan" ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm //Groooooss.// Tarantulas 9:16 pm Nope. *tarantulas is going back to his own bowl* Swoop 9:17 pm *blows raspberries at tara* Magnum Ace 9:19 pm -he's just going to watch the movie and cringe a bit- -not too fond of it- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *Frenzy nudges Ace with a fist. It's cool, little mech. They got your back.* Tarantulas 9:20 pm *can't physically blow raspberries back at swoop but he might've if he could* Swoop 9:20 pm *sets Bird on his crest and gets up to go get goodies* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *The twins scoot forward on their seat, looking forward to some good fighting.* Swoop 9:21 pm *grabs one free bowl (full for bird) and then makes a grab for Tara and his bowl* *MAXIMUM dinobot candy grab* Tarantulas 9:22 pm *swoop snatches/pulls a spider leg. WHUMPH. lorg spider flat on the ground* Swoop 9:22 pm *picks up tara under his arm and takes him along with the candy back to the sofa* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm [[SWOOP. PUT HIM DOWN.]] Swoop 9:23 pm Why? why? Fuck You Rabbit 9:23 pm *the dragon takes a moment to get up, stretch, and pace around bevel before settling back down. her fur is Maximum Poof.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[He is a living mech. Set him down.]] Magnum Ace 9:23 pm -leans with the nudge, blinking- Hmn? FakeProwl 9:23 pm ... Bridge time? Swoop 9:23 pm ????? *is so very confused what being alive has to do with being picked up* Tarantulas 9:24 pm If you bridge him, you bridge ME *hisses* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((fun fact: the sargeant's actor actually was drunk here and cooper's actor accidentally landed the punch and really knocked him out. that was an "oh god is he okay" rl check they kept in)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:24 pm ((holy shit)) FakeProwl 9:24 pm ((omg)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:24 pm ((that makes this like 100x better omfg thank you crow)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[You are not allowed to manhandle the guests. Set Tarantulas down. Or he will come separate you.]] Magnum Ace 9:24 pm ((awesome Tarantulas 9:25 pm *shrinks down and escapes* Swoop 9:25 pm *whines* It not MANHANDLE. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Or that.* Swoop 9:25 pm ??? Fuck You Rabbit 9:25 pm ((boi put that sword down before you chop your head off)) Swoop 9:25 pm *is down a spider but has two candy bowls and a bird, seems like a win* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm *Soundwave shakes his helm and stretches a feeler out to get another bowl for Tarantulas.* Tarantulas 9:26 pm *one of the bowls is mostly slurry tho. tara injected it with dissolving venom* *u don't wanna eat that, swoop* Swoop 9:26 pm *pours it on the floor* *still keeps the bowl* Magnum Ace 9:26 pm ...meant to ask. What are those? -and he's pointing at the snacks- Swoop 9:26 pm *a victory for dinobots everywhere* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Primus damn it, Swoop.*
*Soundwave bridges him out for bothering Tarantulas and making a mess.* Swoop 9:27 pm :V Fuck You Rabbit 9:27 pm I made the crystal-looking ones! I think they'll be tasty. You should eat them? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *And uses the feeler to get some cleaning supplies and clean while he sits.* Swoop 9:27 pm *takes the bowl with him* Tarantulas 9:27 pm You didn't need to do that, Soundwave. *minor hiss* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Laserbeak goes with Swoop. They can bother the Autobots there.* Swoop 9:28 pm *yayyyy!!* Magnum Ace 9:28 pm Are they safe? I mean, for me? Fuck You Rabbit 9:28 pm I... *the dragon looks over at Soundwave* I don't know? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm [[He has told Swoop not to damage the premises.]] [[...And he does not know if they are dangerous. What do you normally fuel on, Magnum Ace?]] Magnum Ace 9:29 pm ...Oil? FakeProwl 9:30 pm ... Right. *Points at screen* The family that's lived here for generations are the werewolves. That's why they're out of the house and that's why there's multiple when only one was expected. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *Nods to Prowl. Indeed.* Fuck You Rabbit 9:30 pm What I made are energon, and silver. Ironically, considering the topic! But, uh. Can you eat that? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[...Perhaps the scientist in the room would know better?]] Bevel 9:31 pm I know Cybertronians that drink oil. Magnum Ace 9:31 pm I don't know. I've never heard of energon FakeProwl 9:31 pm *Okay. That's enough paying attention to the movie for now. Caaasually looking at Soundwave and his tires again.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Takes to rubbing the back of Prowl's shoulder with his thumb. Now, now. He'll spin them later.* FakeProwl 9:32 pm *He doesn't have to spin them for them to be fascinating.* Tarantulas 9:32 pm Logical fallacy - just because he drinks oil as well doesn't mean he can drink energon. I highly doubt he'd stomach it well. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm (( i love the werewolf shooting back)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:33 pm The scientist has spoken. What sort of things are candy to you, Ace? FakeProwl 9:33 pm I thought energon was widely substitutable for many alien fuel sources? I don't know if that applies to Earth fuels, but... Magnum Ace 9:33 pm ...We really don't have many. Some softer metals Bevel 9:34 pm Sword! Tarantulas 9:34 pm ...Hm. Actually, go on and try some, will you, Magnum? FakeProwl 9:34 pm ((I like how seamlessly he switches to hammering the hand)) Tarantulas 9:34 pm A sip won't hurt. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm ((spoon is great)) Magnum Ace 9:35 pm Ah...well...okay? Tarantulas 9:35 pm Or a nibble, if you'd like. If you can consume soft metals, most of the snacks should be amenable. Magnum Ace 9:35 pm ((and yes, that was hilarious Bevel 9:36 pm ((the hammering the hand scene is one of my favorite bits Swoop 9:36 pm ((OH MY GOD)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:36 pm ((yeah he deserved that)) Magnum Ace 9:36 pm ((whooops FakeProwl 9:36 pm ((he brought it on himself)) Magnum Ace 9:36 pm ((yup Maybe one of the snacks? -he's kinda hoping there's enough metal in there to keep any danger to a minimum- Fuck You Rabbit 9:37 pm *the dragon gapes a grin and passes one of her creations over to Ace* I hope you like it! Tarantulas 9:38 pm *there's like a 50% chance it'll make him sick but magnum won't die at least* *somethin like that, heh* Bevel 9:39 pm My creator is a doctor. We can go to them if you react badly. Fuck You Rabbit 9:39 pm *tara you have to say that before convincing the dragon to help you science* Magnum Ace 9:39 pm Thank you...-stares at it for a moment. Has a feeling this is going to bite him in the butt later- -still breaks off a piece to try- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Soundwave is... iffy about this test, but if Magnum Ace is going to be coming here, he has to know. They'll have to be prepared in case he gets stuck some day.* Magnum Ace 9:41 pm -crunch. and then a hacking cough as it hits. no damage, but wow, he thinks he knows what an energy drink is now- Fuck You Rabbit 9:41 pm Was it good? Tarantulas 9:41 pm *good thing it's hard to tell when a spider's laughing* FakeProwl 9:42 pm ... Hold on. So, she--who was liaison to the spec ops team--told this team freely that there's multiple werewolves, and that they hunt together to take down single targets. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Yes?]] Magnum Ace 9:42 pm -one hand is covering his face, the other is flapping uselessly at the dragon- F-fine. It was...fine. I'm fine. FakeProwl 9:42 pm But when they found the one spec ops survivor, he said something about how "there was only supposed to be one." ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm *Still petting. Maybe digs his claw in to tease some.* [[He did.]] Bevel 9:43 pm ...Maybe she did not know then? FakeProwl 9:43 pm It's possible that, by that, he meant that they'd been attempting to peel off one f-from— *ooh, keep that up.* from the group to hunt it. Fuck You Rabbit 9:43 pm *the dragon twists around a bit to keep Ace within sight* Tell us if you start feeling weird. Or sick. FakeProwl 9:44 pm But it seems more probable to me that she gave false information to the spec ops team. Bevel 9:44 pm Why would she do that? FakeProwl 9:44 pm Where was she during the fight with the werewolves? Was she fighting them? I didn't notice her fighting them. *Admittedly, he WAS distracted.* Magnum Ace 9:44 pm I'll do that...not weird...more like a sudden surge of energy Fuck You Rabbit 9:45 pm It is called Energon. FakeProwl 9:45 pm She's one of only two houses in the area. The other house they're in is probably occupied by a family of werewolves. She might be friends or allies with them. Windchill 9:45 pm (( Aw man I thought this might be Dog Soldiers. Best. )) Magnum Ace 9:46 pm I figured. Just didn't figure it would hit quite so hard... Windchill 9:46 pm *Appears, takes note of the...decor, and creeps into a seat.* Tarantulas 9:47 pm *alright, tara's done with snacking and messing with aliens, he might as well come back to the couch* Windchill 9:47 pm *Raises eyebrows.* Bevel 9:47 pm Oh no. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *Soundwave nods to Windchill and then digs a second claw into Prowl's shoulder. A reward for guessing well.* Windchill 9:48 pm The wariest wolves... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm @Prowl: [[Sharp guessing. Nicely done.]] Magnum Ace 9:48 pm -he's sitting and putting his face in his knees, still feeling it- FakeProwl 9:49 pm @Soundwave «........ Was it?» *he's too distracted by the claws to tell if the movie confirmed his guess.° ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm to Tarantulas.* Tarantulas 9:49 pm (( i love debussy hhhh. this movie gains points (( also.... clair de... lune... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm @Prowl: [[It will be.]] *He'll let Prowl be for the moment now that Tarantulas is back. Arm still around shoulders, but no claws.* (( 😄 )) Windchill 9:50 pm *snorts.* Gotta hammer fast. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Rumble taps Ace.*
//...You gonna be okay?// Magnum Ace 9:51 pm Ask me again in ten minutes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm //...Okay.// Windchill 9:52 pm *Chin, meet hand.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm \\...NO OFFENSE, BUT THESE AIN'T WHAT HUMANS THINK'RE CUTE 'N FUZZY.\\ Tarantulas 9:53 pm *tara comes up the back of the couch, where to sit, where to sit* Magnum Ace 9:53 pm -he's hoping he'll be good in ten- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm \\THEY'RE KINDA... KILLER 'N SNARLY.\\ Chuckle. \\I MEAN, *I* LIKE 'EM. BUT, Y'KNOW.\\ *A feeler taps Prowl's leg. Down here will do.* \\OOOOOH.\\ Windchill 9:54 pm The werewolf is coming from inside the house. Fuck You Rabbit 9:54 pm Oh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm //Ha!// Windchill 9:54 pm Dead? No? Fuck You Rabbit 9:54 pm That's going to look lovely coming up. FakeProwl 9:54 pm *Twitches. Leg touches, now? In the middle of the movie?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *He wasn't thinking about that one. Do forgive him.* FakeProwl 9:55 pm *............ go on.* Windchill 9:56 pm Is she a werewolf too? Fuck You Rabbit 9:56 pm Why would they assume that werewolves- yep. Tarantulas 9:56 pm *hhhmm. into prowl's lap, methinks* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm *That's what he was tapping and hoping for. Tarantulas will get an idle feeler pet if he wants one.* Tarantulas 9:57 pm *yis pls* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //...Do ya think the dog's one?// FakeProwl 9:58 pm *twitches. Oh. Hi. Runs his fingers through Tarantulas's fuzz. A bit rougher than usual.* Windchill 9:58 pm ...Not the dog. I hope. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //...Do dogs turn into humans?// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //If they get bit, I mean.// Bevel 9:58 pm *giggles* Fuck You Rabbit 9:58 pm That would be funny! Windchill 9:59 pm Don't think so. Windchill 10:00 pm Ooooh, fire? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Soundwave carefully avoids looking at his deployers at that line. That may be part of command, but he'd rather avoid it from now on. If possible.* Windchill 10:00 pm It's a shame Swoop is missing it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[He was here earlier.]] Magnum Ace 10:00 pm -might be turtling a bit- -okay, a lot- Windchill 10:00 pm Man, his loss. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Pooooke.*
//...Yo, mech. Do ya need a medic?// Fuck You Rabbit 10:01 pm *looks over at Ace* You good? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm //Cause yer lookin' kinda... like slag.// Magnum Ace 10:01 pm Huh? No, just the topic Windchill 10:01 pm Gotta go fast. FakeProwl 10:01 pm *Sobers, for a moment. Yeah. That's command.* Tarantulas 10:01 pm *don't think tarantulas doesn't notice the roughness, heh. amusing* Magnum Ace 10:01 pm It's not one I like to think about Windchill 10:01 pm *Snorts* Beautiful. Fuck You Rabbit 10:02 pm *giggles* That's one way to do it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm \\RUN FASTER, MEATSACK!\\ Windchill 10:02 pm I didn't see any wary wolves in there. Uh huh. *Snorts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm ((never did like that speech)) FakeProwl 10:04 pm ((eugh)) ((The Real Threat Was Women All Along. nah. fuck that.)) Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ((sheesh Fuck You Rabbit 10:05 pm ((the real threat was bad writers)) Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ((couldn't have done anything better? FakeProwl 10:05 pm ((periods are scary and bitches be crazy. really? y'all had a solid werewolf movie until you pulled that rubbish out.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm ((i usually just fast forward about 30 seconds and pretend they ate her instead)) Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ((yup Tarantulas 10:05 pm (( ^^^ i like that better FakeProwl 10:05 pm ((same)) Windchill 10:06 pm He's dead. Magnum Ace 10:06 pm ((yup ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm ((HERE WE GO BEST BIT)) Windchill 10:06 pm Nice. Fuck You Rabbit 10:06 pm ((did he punch out a wearwolf)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm \\GET HIM!\\ FakeProwl 10:07 pm *Tiny nod of satisfaction. Called it.* Magnum Ace 10:07 pm -okay, he's better...now...what is going on now?- Windchill 10:08 pm *Trying to not cackle* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Frenzy salutes Spoon. An end he'd be proud of, himself.* Windchill 10:09 pm I could see his guts and everything. Bevel 10:09 pm *proud of Spoon for fighting until the very end, awesome human* Magnum Ace 10:09 pm . . . Windchill 10:10 pm *But will they find Narnia?* Fuck You Rabbit 10:10 pm *they found some bones! that's close* Magnum Ace 10:10 pm -he missed a bit, didn't he?- FakeProwl 10:11 pm ((did they fvcking)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm (( 😄 😄 😄 )) FakeProwl 10:11 pm ((did they name him spoon JUST so they could do that)) Magnum Ace 10:11 pm ((yuuuup Tarantulas 10:11 pm (( omfg FakeProwl 10:11 pm ((how dare)) Magnum Ace 10:11 pm ((wow Fuck You Rabbit 10:14 pm Oh. Windchill 10:14 pm I don't think humans are meant to transform. Fuck You Rabbit 10:14 pm I don't think he'd have managed to survive that close to an explosion either. Magnum Ace 10:14 pm -dead silence from him- Windchill 10:14 pm Ew. Ewwww. Fuck You Rabbit 10:15 pm That's bad. FakeProwl 10:15 pm ((NOT THE SQUEAKING OH MY GOD)) Windchill 10:15 pm Good dog. Fuck You Rabbit 10:16 pm Good dog! Tarantulas 10:16 pm (( fricken. wow Magnum Ace 10:17 pm ((pfff ((that was interesting Windchill 10:17 pm *Covers his mouth at that newspaper* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm \\...I GOTTA. I GOTTA FIGHT SOMETHIN'.\\ Magnum Ace 10:17 pm -marking that as another movie to not show his teammates or humans- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm \\BOSS. BOSS. SWEAR WE'LL CLEAN UP LATER CAN WE GO HUNTIN' PLEEEEEEEASE.\\ FakeProwl 10:18 pm ((i didn't see soon enough, what did the newspaper say)) Tarantulas 10:18 pm (( "werewolves ate my platoon" ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm (("Werewolves ate my platoon!" and then up in a bigger headline "ENGLAND 5 GERMANY 1")) Bevel 10:18 pm Fighting something sounds fun. Windchill 10:18 pm (( Yup. )) FakeProwl 10:18 pm ((omg)) Fuck You Rabbit 10:18 pm *the dragon shifts a bit* I think I'll stick to fighting dough. Much easier. Windchill 10:19 pm I'm not fighting because...I'm a weenie. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[He wants this taken down by tomorrow night. And you will not be late to your shifts.]]
//We won't! Swear!// Tarantulas 10:20 pm *tarantulas isn't saying this aloud but he's a tad inspired. as mad science goes* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[...Fine. Take Ravage.]] Bevel 10:20 pm *torn on her feelings about the movie but it did make her want to punch things so yay* Magnum Ace 10:20 pm -and a poke to the rest of the snack that was shoved at him. Debating if he should take it back home or not- Bevel 10:21 pm Can I go with? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[...Are you capable of defending yourself in the Underworld?]] Bevel 10:21 pm Sure! Windchill 10:22 pm ... Magnum Ace 10:22 pm -Underworld. Soundwave can't be serious- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[Notify your creator first. Do not stray from the group.]] *Soundwave is /deadly/ serious.* Bevel 10:22 pm ...Fine. Magnum Ace 10:23 pm -That is not comforting- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Contact Chimera if there is an emergency. The rest of us will come.]] Bevel 10:24 pm *oh right Chimera, she gently pats said bot to wake them so she can get up while simultaneously placing a private comm to her creator, multitasking is fun* Magnum Ace 10:25 pm -concerned look from him all the same- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *They're never really asleep, just in energy conserving mode. Chimera shakes out their fake wire mane - a few fall out, whoops - and hops off her lap.* //It'll be okay, Ace. We done this loadsa times. How d'you think we got all them decorations, heh?// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm *Light punch to the shoulder* *Very light. Doesn't wanna stab the poor guy with his Knuckles knuckles.* Bevel 10:27 pm *after making even more promises to call more bots if something happens, Bevel pings Soundwave with a transcript of the convo. she did the thing even tho she's an adult :|* Magnum Ace 10:27 pm -thank you for that, he'd rather not explain holes in his shoulder- You're sure you're going to be okay? Bevel 10:28 pm *checks the room for Tara really quickly* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm *She's an adult with a creator capable of making his life a minor level of hell. He'll take the convo transcript and nod.* Tarantulas 10:28 pm *tara's busy climbing off prowl's lap and doing his whole size/transform thingamajig* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm \\LISTEN. AIN'T NO GROUP SAFER 'N US THREE. 'CEPT MAYBE IF WHIRL WAS HERE.\\ Windchill 10:29 pm *Sighs.* Bevel 10:29 pm *then she'll play it safe and stay in Al mode while levering herself up from the floor, she can transform once they've left* Magnum Ace 10:29 pm -nods- I guess I'll have to take your word for it ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm //Maybe we'll bring ya somethin' back. Heh. C'mon, bro. Ravage, Bevel. Seeya later, Prowl - hey, 'n ya still gotta explain infinity. I ain't forgot.// Bevel 10:30 pm Night, Prowl! FakeProwl 10:30 pm ... Do I? *Huh. Hadn't thought it, y'know. Mattered.* *Nods to the people that wished him farewell.* Windchill 10:31 pm *Waves in a wide, slow, sweeping arc.* *Good bye brave adventurers.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Ravage gets up, does the cat stretch thing - round back, squish the front, stretch the little does, wiggle the claws. All right, he's ready. Off they all go, with Rumble shouting over his shoulder:*
//Yep.// Fuck You Rabbit 10:31 pm *the dragon stretches* I should go too. Goodnight, everyone! Thank you for having me! *and with that, she wanders out* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm [[Goodnight, dragon. Thank you for the fuel.]] Magnum Ace 10:32 pm -waves after them- Good night! Bevel 10:32 pm *will follow the twins and Ravage out* Magnum Ace 10:32 pm -and never got the dragon's name- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Soundwave pings Tarantulas curiously. He's transforming? Has he somewhere to go, then?* FakeProwl 10:34 pm *Only reluctantly lets go. He wasn't done clinging.* Tarantulas 10:36 pm *shakes a little to resettle his fluff* Hm? What is it? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[You moved.]] Windchill 10:37 pm *Stretches a little, just soaking in the atmosphere that reminds him too much of The Basement.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Tarantulas and Bevel contributed to the deployers' efforts.* Windchill 10:39 pm *He's just used to trash and corpses.* *That is, sadly, how it's reading to him.* Tarantulas 10:40 pm *visor smirk* I do that, yes. If you're asking why, I - hyeh. Just had an itch to. *basically he wasn't feelin being a pillow. leans on the couch, not leaving* Windchill 10:41 pm You could twerk to this. *But he won't, he'll spare you all.* FakeProwl 10:42 pm *... Will take his hands back. Laces them tightly in his lap again.* Magnum Ace 10:42 pm -and he's settling down where he is- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *Well, Soundwave finds trash and corpses unsettling when they're inside his home, so it's still something.*
[[Ah. Very well.]] *He'll let that feeler from earlier drift back down to Tarantulas' shoulder and rest there.* Tarantulas 10:43 pm ...Is there anything you CAN'T twerk to? Are there requirements for that? agooddistraction 10:43 pm why do humans like trees ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm *Looks down at Prowl's hands and up at Prowl's face. Casual knee nudge.* Windchill 10:43 pm Nah, but some things are better suited. In my opinion, anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm *Zori peeps an eyestalk over the bar to look at Wheeljack.*
#they are nice #...when did you get here agooddistraction 10:44 pm Zoriii Windchill 10:44 pm Trees are a plague. agooddistraction 10:44 pm I have no idea Magnum Ace 10:44 pm ...? -who is that?- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[The plague that isn't a tree.]] agooddistraction 10:44 pm I'm not a tree?? Magnum Ace 10:44 pm Trees aren't a plague ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[Not yet. Give the roots time to settle.]] Windchill 10:44 pm Are too, they're everywhere. Magnum Ace 10:45 pm No. They're a plant Windchill 10:45 pm Taking up space where I don't want them. A plague of plants! FakeProwl 10:45 pm *... Casual knee nudge back.* Windchill 10:45 pm Too much green, which is the worst colour. agooddistraction 10:45 pm You can' tfool me again Green is okay Magnum Ace 10:45 pm That is not how it works Windchill 10:46 pm Green is the worst colour, because it clashes with my pink. Red is a close second. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm [[Who's fooling you? He can hear them growing from here.]] Magnum Ace 10:46 pm And? agooddistraction 10:46 pm Prove it Windchill 10:46 pm And trees are green. They get in my way. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm *Soundwave plays wood and metal creaking.* agooddistraction 10:46 pm Fine Magnum Ace 10:46 pm The point being? agooddistraction 10:47 pm Then how come Bee doesn't feel 'em when he's got half a servo wedged in my plating Windchill 10:47 pm The point is there's too many of them. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm [[They're inside, obviously.]] Magnum Ace 10:47 pm Then move somewhere there are none? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm [[Either that, or Bumblebee is a plant creature himself.]] Windchill 10:47 pm *Irrationally robo-salty that trees take up more space than he does, or something.* Can't. Magnum Ace 10:48 pm Why? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm [[Earthlings have an entire documentary about plants replacing humans.]] [[He's certain there are Cybertronian versions.]] agooddistraction 10:48 pm Why would Bee be a plant Windchill 10:48 pm That's the plot of The Happening, too. Kinda. Not really. agooddistraction 10:48 pm what? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm [[To get closer to you and deposit seeds.]] Windchill 10:48 pm Anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Assigns himself a point for that bad joke.* agooddistraction 10:48 pm Sexy Windchill 10:49 pm I'm stranded on Earth, stuck with all of those trees. Tarantulas 10:49 pm *snrk. plant sex humor* *u get a point from tara* FakeProwl 10:49 pm *Didn't get it.* agooddistraction 10:49 pm Mom ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *Prowl needs to listen to Soundwave rattle about his plant some time. As soon as he gets more of them that aren't readily identifiable as stolen.* *Then he'll get it.* Magnum Ace 10:50 pm Wait. You're on Earth? Where? Windchill 10:50 pm On...a version of Earth. I can't tell you where. It's top secret. Tarantulas 10:50 pm *comes around the back of the couch. apparently tonight tarantulas has a thing for putting his paws on prowl's shoulders* Magnum Ace 10:51 pm A version...oh. Not the one I'm from then Windchill 10:51 pm I would say not. FakeProwl 10:51 pm *No no, he understands that plants grow from seeds. He doesn't know the OTHER definition of depositing seeds.* agooddistraction 10:51 pm Wait if Bee's pollinatin' me am I a flower? Windchill 10:51 pm No. You're pregnant. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm [[Isn't that what he's been trying to tell you.]] Magnum Ace 10:52 pm No, most likely not. You'd hate if, if you're so ready to call trees a plague agooddistraction 10:52 pm You didn't say I was a flower Windchill 10:52 pm You think your Earth has more trees than mine does? *PERISH THE THOUGHT* Magnum Ace 10:53 pm -shrugs- I have no frame of reference for that, so... agooddistraction 10:53 pm Alright, time to go get pollinated again Have fun, mom Windchill 10:54 pm I only like one tree. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm [[Try not to give details. And he is NOT your mother.]] Magnum Ace 10:54 pm One tree? agooddistraction 10:54 pm You're my mom and you wash my mouth out with cleanser every night and it's hot. Night. Windchill 10:54 pm One tree. It lives with me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Soundwave raises his free hand to his visor and rubs his helm. The tires on his back spin with irritation.* Windchill 10:55 pm I named it Trooper. FakeProwl 10:55 pm *Oh good, closing time. He's going to hope this does not apply to himself. Glances at Soundwave to check.* Windchill 10:55 pm *He loves his one stupid tree.* FakeProwl 10:55 pm *... gets distracted by the tires he can juuuust barely peek from this angle* Magnum Ace 10:55 pm -not commenting- Windchill 10:56 pm *Rolls his massive weight onto his feet, instead of his butt.* Tarantulas 10:56 pm *nice tires, but look at those Good Strong Hands tho* Windchill 10:56 pm You guys have fun fuckin'. I'm out. Magnum Ace 10:56 pm ....what ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm *Soundwave's vents STUTTER* FakeProwl 10:56 pm *Okay the Good Strong Hands are nice but the tires are— Prowl missed something, didn't he?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm *...He makes a note to have Buzzsaw remove that function.* *The avatar doesn't need to show surprise.* Tarantulas 10:57 pm I do hope you enjoy sexting your mate as well, or whatever you're doing these days Windchill 10:57 pm *Makes a sweeping, obviously Vosian bow. You're welcome.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[Windchill is being Windchill, Ace. Do not worry yourself.]] Magnum Ace 10:58 pm -oh, oh no. This feels like it's more of private conversations and he's turning as red as his armor- Tarantulas 10:58 pm *poor kiddo* Magnum Ace 10:58 pm -TOO LATE- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[But he does have to return the seats to where they belong soon.]] Windchill 10:58 pm *Windchill is being Windchill, AKA the resident loud pervert.* I might. You're missing out. FakeProwl 10:59 pm I can help... *vaguely gestures around.* Clean this up. Magnum Ace 10:59 pm -Magnum Ace is not used to these thiiiings- Windchill 11:00 pm *Boy you gon' learn.* Tarantulas 11:00 pm As you say. *snickers, albeit amiably. waves Chill off with a spider limb* Magnum Ace 11:00 pm I...I think...I think it's time for me to go home now FakeProwl 11:00 pm ... Or help bridge him home. Windchill 11:00 pm Good night, suckers. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[Help bridge him home, yes.]]
*He'll find other things for Prowl to do after that.*
[[Goodnight, Windchill.]] Windchill 11:00 pm *Finger guns, walks out backwards now that he's traumatized people. Mission complete.* Magnum Ace 11:01 pm That'd be nice...-thank you so much Windchill. He did not need that- Tarantulas 11:01 pm (( h-how old is magnum (( mentally, at least Magnum Ace 11:02 pm ((old enough, but they're not...they're kinda made to play sports. Period FakeProwl 11:02 pm Same coordinates as usual? Magnum Ace 11:02 pm ((this is kinda new territory Tarantulas 11:02 pm (( hmm! no one's given him the talk, heh Magnum Ace 11:02 pm Yeah. Same as before. Windchill 11:03 pm (( *WHEEZE* )) Magnum Ace 11:03 pm ((and Magnum's kinda a special case in itself FakeProwl 11:04 pm *Nods. Opens up a bridge for Magnum.* Magnum Ace 11:05 pm Thank you. Good night. -and he's going through, still a faint shade of red- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Shakes his helm.*
[[Not what he meant the new guest to know, but he supposes there is no more harm in it than when Whirl realized.]] Magnum Ace 11:07 pm ((dyyyying FakeProwl 11:07 pm He's an alien. I can't imagine what he'd do with the info. Magnum Ace 11:07 pm ((and I am out now that I'm done laughing ((thanks for the stream, g'night! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm ((night!)) [[Nothing, hopefully.]] FakeProwl 11:13 pm *Right. Everyone gone? Everyone except Tarantulas, anyway? Tarantulas can see, that's fine.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *Everyone except Tarantulas, yep.* Tarantulas 11:16 pm *yeppers, and he doesn't seem to be going much of anywhere* FakeProwl 11:17 pm *Prowl IMMEDIATELY swings around to straddle Soundwave's lap. ... And then realizes he maybe should have explained himself first.* If you actually would like me to clean I'd be happy to assist with that, but I /think/ it was mutually understood that that was a justification to stay late and do far less productive things. Tarantulas 11:20 pm *lets prowl's shoulders go, amused huff* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Soundwave starts slightly, unused to such direct action out of Prowl. Or the way the avatar's contact distribution feels different on this older, thicker frame he's 'borrowing' for the night. He's not actually sure what to do with his hands at first.*
[[It was. He cleaned Swoop's mess and the twins will clear all of this.]]
*He'll just. Where does he put them? Fine, they're going on Prowl's thighs.* FakeProwl 11:22 pm Good. ... I'd still like to help clean, though. *As long as he's already volunteered.* *... And as long as they're relatively alone, turns on the ambient noises he'd suppressed during the movie. Meaning immediate whooshing vents and revving engine.* Tarantulas 11:26 pm Personally I'm not that interested in cleaning, but I AM potentially interested in the unproductivity. If Prowl has room in his processor to spare, that is. *amused visor squint* FakeProwl 11:28 pm *Gives Tarantulas a considering look. Then Soundwave's wheels. Then Tarantulas. Then the wheels.* Tarantulas 11:28 pm You don't have to /choose/ between the two, silly. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[There'll need to be a new mess first.]]
*The whooshing and revving promptly calls forth similar sounds from Soundwave's avatar. If there is one thing Soundwave's good at doing with it, it's making sure it sounds like him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *He can see Prowl eyeing his wheels. Slooooooow spin and an inviting lean.* FakeProwl 11:31 pm *he is. gonna. rrrrrreach out to touch the tread.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Nice and deep, lots of paths to trace. The sort that mechs who do a lot of roaming along different kinds of rough terrain have. A little hint about what he did at times.* FakeProwl 11:34 pm *Plus it glows. He's gonna trace it.* Tarantulas 11:34 pm *tarantulas is a tad jealous, his were always street treads* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm *The revving stops being in bursts and drifts into becoming a dark, low rumble..*
*Well, you know. Not every secret is somewhere nice and clean. Especially if you're tracking down your fellow Senators' messes.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm *Soundwave's claws tick their way up Prowl's legs, moving over his hips and toward his sides. There are biolights here. These are his.* FakeProwl 11:38 pm ... Wouldn't have pegged you as the off-roading type. *Oh, yes, good. Shifts slightly to give him better access.* Tarantulas 11:38 pm *don't mind tarantulas if he comes around behind soundwave to examine his back for a while. new frame, new questions, new research* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:44 pm [[Most mechs wouldn't have thought he was a gladiator either. He's stuck his olfactory sensors in more than his share of unpleasant places. Mistakes are hard to make, otherwise.]]
*He's dancing around a hint there.*
*Soundwave leans more, letting Tarantulas toy with the thick plates and glowing wheels there.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *...While he's here he's just going to get his visor rubbing up against Prowl's helm. Like you do when you don't want to take your mask off in front of a spider who still has yet to see the whole thing.* FakeProwl 11:49 pm *Leans in to nuzzle Soundwave back.* Hmm. Did your own dirty work. *Kind of impressive for a senator. With his free hand, he starts tracing the bright biolights over Soundwave's chest.* Tarantulas 11:49 pm *tarantulas had no idea there was a hint there, but he's eating up the tidbits about soundwave's past in general. he hasn't heard much, so some of this is news. he'll be quiet and patient, pawing subtly at his back and slowly trailing claws between plating* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[Always.]] *Plates ripple and shift, making room for claws. He loves them on his back. Loves, loves, LOVES.* [[He has a mind to demonstrate.]] Tarantulas 11:52 pm *heh, tarantulas can take THIS hint. he'll keep on, certainly* FakeProwl 11:53 pm *Dryly.* It's not going to be the kind of demonstration you gave me last time, is it? *You tease.* Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *Injured! He'll let go long enough to splay a hand over his chest glass - which is conspicuously missing the Decepticon symbol, for the record. It's a fair shot though.*
[[He hopes not. We have more time tonight.]]
@Prowl: [[But different location privileges, if Tarantulas joins. The upstairs lounge, specifically. His deployers will remain busy elsewhere.]] FakeProwl 12:00 am *A split second of uncertainty as he processes Soundwave's gesture, wondering if it's actual offense or just humor; before smirking.* I hope not, too.
@Soundwave «Oh? Don't want to do anything in the sultry glow of knock-off Blood of Unicron?» ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *No actual offense. He would not be behaving in such a good mood if there were any.*
@Prowl: [[...No. No, he doesn't. He disliked that decoration choice from the start. But they had a theme.]] @Prowl: [[But he would rather return to the other subject.]]
*Places his hands back on Prowl, specifically where the shoulders are able to open up to reveal tires. Dig dig.* *Hint hint.* FakeProwl 12:04 am @Soundwave «That's fair.» *He lets out a rev as the fingers dig in, clicking open his shoulders to give Soundwave access and kissing lightly around the frame of Soundwave's visor.* FakeProwl 12:06 am *And then straightens up.* I recall trying to coordinate on a narrow couch being a little... restrictive, last time. We should relocate. Tarantulas 12:06 am *hums, hooks a claw on a thin wire beneath sw's plating, and tugs briefly before pulling back* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:08 am *Soundwave returns to revving a little bit. Listen to that smooth piece of pretending Prowl thought of that all on his own instead of going along with Soundwave's earlier comment. What a talented amica he has.*
[[As you wish.]] *Lets go of Prowl and - ohhhh, he barely felt that, but he knows what that was and the idea is working for him - and starts to rise.* [[Upstairs, then. Both of you.]] FakeProwl 12:10 am *Slides off the seat.* Yes, /sir./ *If Soundwave's going to get commanding, Prowl's going to respond accordingly.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *BIOLIGHT FLARE.* Tarantulas 12:11 am *chuckles, and follows prowl quietly, fluidly. tonight's the night to practice restraint, for tarantulas, he thinks - tough, but hopefully worth it* FakeProwl 12:11 am *Oooh. He's going to do that more often.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am *He hopes so. That was... it was. Tonight might not be the night for /Soundwave/ to practice restraint(s), but some other time...*
*Maybe Tarantulas too, once he figures out how to bind up someone who can mass shift that severely.*
*He'll track after them both, silently locking the front door to all but the hunting party and placing the staircase door on permission requirement. No accidental intrusions~*
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ᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴇʙ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴠᴇ -- Peter Parker fanfic (3/of many)
Part 1  Part 2
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"I chopped you some fruit" Thor offers me a plastic bag and he sees me eyeing it confused "I couldn't find a proper container a'right? you better enjoy this... I'm going away for some time"
"thank you" I nudge his bicep and offer him a smile
At the car, I curiously googled Spider-Man just to see if there was something new, not at all. Maybe is one of those called 'heroes' that one day just disappear.
"Whatcha doin'" Happy asks looking at me through the mirror
"googling news about the Spider-Man"
"oh yeah, I checked some yesterday... " he casually says
"mm nothing, but he looks like a modern Tarzan" he adds
"that's exactly what I'm thinking!" we laugh in sync and arrive at school "see you in some hours!"
Walk, walk, walk... Stares, stares, stares... This is how this year is going to be? When I finally open my locker, hundreds of photos fly all over, dragging everyone's attention to me, I lower myself trying to collect them all when a pair of hands pop beside helping me, I look up and it was Peter.
"what's all of this?" he curiously asks
"I really don't know.. I opened my locker and all of this pictures fell, they're not mine"
His hand grabs one picture and spin it around, the word "MURDERER"  written all over it. I quickly snatch it and scan the other pictures... they are all about the accident at Sokovia, really disturbing pictures...
"Whoever did this, is trying to make a point" I mutter cleaning the floor and standing up. Peter following me.
"yeah but they're not proving it, you are not a murderer," he says with a small smile
I give him a sympathetic smile and unconsciously squeeze his shoulder "has anyone told you that you dress like an old man?"
"mmm thanks? I mean if that's your thing okay.." he catches how I want to change the subject
"no!!" I slap his chest and a bubbly chuckle escapes his lips   "ready for economics?"
"oh! my books! my locker is at the other hallway"  he starts walking backwards and accidentally crashes into some girls "sorry! sorry! see you at the classroom"
At Economics, Peter and I fought to answer what the Teacher was asking so we were stealing each other turns, then we walk to Algebra. This year the school divides students into their respective levels. Lists were glued to the wall and I squint my eyes searching for my name, obviously, I wasn't in Basics nor Intermediate, I skim the advanced level but I'm not there
"I'm not in any class..." I frown looking at Peter
"yeah me neither" Peter peeks his head trying to find a teacher
"it's because here are the other ones, there's a new class that was opened for request" Morita walks behind us pasting a list besides the others
"request from who?" Peter asks confused
Morita glares at him "the Board Mr. Parker" he leaves and I read the list
The name of the class is Algebra P.R.O (Practice, Reenforce, and Optimization for future professionals) Jesus, who invented that name.
"guess we are Pro" I turn to Peter who's skimming the list
"oh, no..." he whispers
"what? you cheated on your exams?"  I snort
"No... Liz Toomes is there"  he says with a terrorized face
"yeah, she's smart?"  I point and see his face crumbling  "ohhhh I see, you like her Peter" I whisper at him
He then touches both of my shoulders looking down at me because he's taller "no one must know, please"
"of course not..."  I don't have anyone to tell, except Happy but he doesn't give a flying potato for high school gossip  "act cool, relax Peter"
All the class, Peter was avoiding contact with Liz, I look at her, she's pretty and smart, she's going to kick ass like me one day. In the end, I had Ethics, nothing important just Plato and Socrates, then I ate my lunch in my usual spot. At P.E. I'm a badass, Steve taught me some moves and how to run without breaking into pieces and also my daily exercise helps me.
"Aren't you tired, Tannie?!?!" Ned shouts in agony trying to do a crunch while Peter helps him
"a little but it feels good"  I mentally count 50 and I stop trying to soothe my breathing, I crawl to the mat they are working out  "let me tell you, Steve, I mean, Captain America helped me train" when I said it both of their faces change to the best scene I've ever seen
"You're the coolest chick ever!!!" Ned shouts even louder "okay cool no more crunches I'm going to sit right over there" he spins landing on the floor
"So umm... how is living with the Avengers,"  Peter asks while sitting on the floor  "I can totally see myself texting with Captain America"
"HA!" I snort too hard  "no way, he hates mobile phones trust me and he is waaaay behind pop culture, I'm just explaining to him who are the Kardashians, he thought it was a music genre"
Peter then starts laughing  "unbelievable but well... after all, you are Tony Stark's daughter"
I sigh "sometimes is the best thing, sometimes is a nightmare" With a grunt I stand up  "I'm heading to the changing lockers... see you at English!"
----------------Flashback at Stark's Expo 2010 (Iron Man 2)-----------
"Mommy where's Daddy?"  I scan the area but he's not there
"he's working baby, he's fine, he'll be with us sooner than we expect" she palms my back and walks faster to the entrance
"Are you coming with us?" A police officer asks my mom eyeing me as well
"No, I'm gonna stay until to park is clear" she nods and I let my eyes observe what I used to think it was the best Expo of all times
All I can see was people running, some people tearing up and a lot of fire
"Baby... are you sure you want to stay with me?" my mom questions me and I tighten my grip
"Yeah, we'll be okay mom" I smile at her and she sighs just waiting for my dad to appear
Little did I know that the robots spread throughout the expo will be exploding all around us...
What a tremendous feeling for a nine-year-old. The uncertainty of not knowing if my dad will survive and return safe and sound to me. The images of drones flying all over and people injured was part of the nightmare of being Tony Stark's daughter.
------------------end of Flashback-------------
"Listen, everyone! the class is not dismissed until I say so!"  the teacher exclaims but fails when everyone starts rushing out of the classroom
"see you at the club?" I ask Peter
"Yes! yesterday uh, I couldn't come because...I..." he pauses thinking of an excuse and I roll my eyes
"it's okay Peter I know why you didn't come" I naturally say and he abruptly stops staring at me
"what? like...how?He gnaws his bottom lip and his pupils dilate
"yeah... come on, it was the introduction to the club, we didn't do anything and it was so boring. I actually wanted to skip it too"
He longly sighs and scratches his neck  "Oh my God yeah! you already know my secret hehe"  He then starts walking and we enter to the classroom
The first hour we just made a huge list of materials we would need at this course, then we all put the benches in a middle circle and the presentation of previous works begin. And yes Morita was right, three people built Automathic back scratchers.
"thank you, Tyler!" Chung chrips  "well now...Tannie Stark please" everyone claps and I turn to Peter who is nodding at me
"okay well... Ummm I built it this in summer break- I say opening a bag and taking out the robot
-ohhhhhh-  everyone awes
"its name is EMMA... and it's for Emergency Machine. This is a medium size but my idea is to make it bigger because it's designed for yeah....emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and daily accidents. It includes a complete first aid kit inside this part of the belly and its operative system is built on a normal binary algorithm, my wish is that once I perfect it... there is at least one in every building of New York and then of all the country"
The claps emerge, mingling in loud cheering. I nod knowing I killed it.
"This is amazing Tannie! we weren't expecting less!" Taylor Chung claps walking to awkwardly palm my back
When the bell rang announcing that the second day was over, I quickly pick up my stuff and stroll to the exit
"hey! wait!"  Peter then approaches me "before you go, let me tell you that if I was rich I would totally invest in your emergency machines" He flashes a toothy smile, kinda cute...
I snort and offer my hand "A pleasure doing business with you Parker" I shake hands with him
"so I was thinking that we could uh... trade phone numbers just in case we need help with homework?"
"sure! just...don’t share it with others" I hand him my phone and I take his
"no! of course, no" he writes his number on my phone and I do the same on his "here, ready"
"cool, text you later I suppose..." I walk to the car while throwing my hone into my backpack but suddenly I crash with someone "Oh... sorry!"
"ha no sorry, I was a little confused and lost...this is a big school,"  A really tall guy with messy blonde hair and blue eyes purses his lips at me
I snort "I think you arrived a little bit later, classes finished for today"
"oh no! I'm here to turn in some papers, tomorrow I'll be early though"
A horn booms all over the street, I turn to look at the owner of the car... figure... it's Happy
"desperate much?" the boy mutters  "well I need to..."
"Yeah, sure! mmm I need to go as well, see you soon...?" I shyly wave goodbye at him and quickly enter the car
"since when you are so desperate Happy?" I huff
"since when you are so unpunctual Tannie?" he fires back making me stick my tongue out at him
"what if I alter this part?" I move the hologram of a new model of a robot I'm building
"let me recalibrate the function T"  FRIDAY says while I write down some notes  "the system is operating normally with a minus 5% of failure"
"really? that's great! let's make it minus 30% shall we?" I grin feeling the ambition and excitement rushing through my body
"I am a genius" I whisper to myself
"And I am the genius who created the genius" obviously, my dad says entering the lab  "did you check the fusils?"
"the code of chips and the binary set?"
"what about the part underneath the-"
"the fourth and sixth compartment of the first box of cables... yes dad I did" I sigh
"uuuhh you are on fire kid!" he happily claps  "here, a gift for you"  He hands me an empty carton box
"Oh my god, I wanted this, you know it's the last edition?!" I excitedly chirp
"very funny, but I wanted to tell you that next month we are moving"
"wait what? I thought that the others were uh the only ones moving...?"
"yep, we are taking our shi...I mean, our things and we are moving them to a new place where we are going to live"  he explains it as if I was dumb
"what about the tower? it's a clean energy-powered skyscraper dad" I move to table to turn the hologram off
"I know, I designed it... but the place we are moving to is better trust me... I'm surprised Steve hasn't told you about it..."
"where? Brooklyn?" I huff
"nope, a little far away up north but you'll love it! it's like our Disneyland T" he grabs my shoulder playfully shaking me
"okay dad...actually I don't care if we live in a small cabin or in a big mansion... as long as we are together" I warmly smile at him but he crunches his nose
"that's too corny T"  he walks to the door "there are more boxes at the entrance ok? bye bye"
My dad's interruption cut off my inspiration so I take some boxes and begin putting the things I use less and marking the boxes, it took me some hours and then I went to the kitchen and turn the TV on, it was my mom who was live on a press conference about Stark Industries, I make a quick dinner and I eat it silence until my phone rings, a message notification emerge.
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I lock my phone and prepare to sleep but before my room, I hear someone opening a door in the main hallway, I take a knife and prepare myself to attack when I spot it was only Vision.
"you scared me!" I touch my heart in a dramatic manner
"Sorry Miss Stark, not my intention" his British accent and the politeness makes me wrinkle my nose
I walk around the kitchen island  "please Vision, call me Tannie or just T"  
"very well, 'just T '"  he proudly smiles knowing he just joked with me "I'm just taking Wanda's boxes to the new place"
"oh sure, go on" From the corner of my eyes I see how he walks but stops seconds later
"you know, you should probably check the third box of the second box of cables at your robot, that'll give you a minus 45% of failure," he says and then walks away
I quickly blink and immediately go to the I+D floor where the lab is, I then spent 3 hours working and I remember sitting on the floor, closing my eyes and sleeping
A/N: hope you liked it! Also available in Wattpad! https://my.w.tt/sw2CZNdCv1 .
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fereality-indy · 7 years
Wendip Week 2017 Fake Relationship
Fake Relationship
June 12th, 2015 Pines Residence Piedmont, California
Dipper say with his back against his wall while his laptop rested on a laptray he bought for Just that reason. He’s animatedly talking to his red headed best friend over Yipe.
“I know you & Paz were planning were planning on coming down next week, but we’ve hit a snag. Mom and Dad found out that Mabel and Pacifica are more than just friends. So they’re saying it wouldn’t be fair to me to allow her girlfriend to come down if I’ll be all alone.” He said with a slight forlorn look.
Wendy’s demeanor didn’t seem to be that much better as she called back over the screen, “Boo. That sucks man. What’s up with that? Wait a minute, when did Mabs and Paz hook up?”
“Last one first,” Dipper replied as he shifted uncomfortably. He really tried to not think too much about Mabel’s romances after she had agreed to go on a date with Chutzpar’s visiting nephew last year. “From what Mabel told me it happened during the going away party last year. Remember when we went up to your spot to watch the evening sky. Well apparently Paz told Mabel she had one more gift for her and told her she wanted to give it to her in private. I had some suspicions when we left, they hugged almost twice as long at the bus than they used to do. But I found out for certain when I accidentally walked in on one of their Yipe conversations.”
Wendy was nearly cracking up over how uncomfortable Dipper looked. “Ah man, you didn’t walk in on them flashing each other did you?”
“No. No, nothing like that.” Dipper’s face cringed at the thought. “No they were just talking about missing each other and Mabel was going on about the kiss and the ones to come. Like I said I had my suspicions, Mabel Hadn’t asked a single guy out this school year and even turned down a couple who asked her.”
“Alright, enough about that” Wendy saId as she pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She was preparing for bed as they talked, she had an early and long day tomorrow as she promised Soos she would work doubles until she left for Piedmont. And now it may not happen. “What’s up with your mom not letting us come down?”
“Mom’s on a ‘Twins need to do everything together’ kick,” Dipper said as he got up and started to get ready himself. with the computer facing away from him, he changed into an A shirt and some flannel patterned sleep shorts. “since she says that we’re going to be split thanks to college in a couple years. So she doesn’t want me to feel left out when Mabcifica goes out on a date.”
Dipper checked himself to make sure he would be decent before he sat back down. “Heck the only way mom would let Paz come down to visit after we found out we wouldn’t be able to make it to Gravity Falls this year is cause I had a friend,” he pointed at Wendy, “who would also want to come down to visit.”
“So it’s not that she doesn’t want Mabel’s girlfriend to come down, she just doesn’t want you to be lonely while they’re doing relationship stuff?” Wendy asked as she began to think about situation.
“That’s about the gist of it.” Dipper said in reply.
Wendy sat there for a moment scratching her chin, before a smile creeped across her face. “Well then we just need to be dating.”
Dipper’s face dropped in shock, “W, w, wait what?”
Wendy snickered at his awkwardness. “Think about it man. All we’ll be doing is hanging like we had planned to do anyways, just your rents will think we’re a couple. It’s perfect. Unless you already have a girl you haven’t told me about.”
Dipper missed the brief flash of concern on Wendy’s face as she added that last bit. As he processed what Wendy was proposing, Dipper’s mind was creating and shooting down arguments as to why this could and couldn’t work. Finally he replied, “No, not girlfriend here. Still batting a negative one thousand.” And under his breath he added “Then again I’ve only asked out one girl.”
“Huh, what was that? ” Wendy asked with a slightly confused look on her face.
“Oh nothing. What about you? No boyfriends I have to worry about being jealous, is there?” Dipper asked, a little worried about the answer even though he had no right to be. She was just his best friend and that was all she ever would be.
“Nah man, free as a bird.” an replied trying to ignore the the voice in the back of her head that was telling her why she was still single.
“Really? I mean there’s no one smart enough to ask you out?” he asked incredulously.
“Oh, I had people asking me out. But they all seemed to act as if I was a trophy to be won and not a person.” Wendy responded with a shrug before she added under her breath, “Besides I have someone I’m waiting to ask me.”
“So, how are we going to do this?” Dipper asked
“We just…” and they spent the rest of the night working out all of the details for the plan
The following morning Dipper informed his family that he and Wendy were actually dating, the only reason that they hadn’t said anything before now was that they were worried about what people would say about the age difference.
Friday June 19th, 2015 Oakland International Airport
Dipper began to slowly pace around the little private terminal awaiting the arrival of his friends. Some how Pacifica had been able get them aboard the company jet for the trip. The company had taken an upturn after a couple of different instances in the the years following Weirdmageddon. The first being several designs (suggested at first and later commissioned) bt the now girlfriend of the owner’s daughter. And secondly there was a slow purchase of a controlling interest in the company but an anonymous purchaser who only operates through an attorney. Slowly the older yes men of Preston Northwest have been getting replaced on the board of directors. But that is a story for another day.
Finally the announcement that the flight had landed was made. According to plan Dipper stayed back slightly behind his parents and sister. He watched as the blonde heiress came into the terminal carrying a shoulder bag and pulling a suitcase almost as big as her five foot six inch frame. He wondered if she had packed to move here instead of just staying for a couple of weeks. She had barely set her bags down with she was glomped upon by Mabel.
He had barely had time to register that when he heard a loud thud and a blur of green and red rushed towards him. He heard her yell “Dude” as she hefted him up in a hug. Even at five foot eleven inches he was still short of her six foot three inch height but he was getting there. With her back towards his parents, he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek as part of their ruse. They were both blushing at the contact.
“Good to see you princess,” Dipper said as she placed him back on the ground.
“Princess?” Wendy asked with a bemused look on her face.
“Well you are the lumberjack princess of Roadkill County, Oregon.” He said as he pulled away. Then he whispered “Besides I figured a pet name wouldn’t hurt for the two weeks.”
“Alright my 'lil Dork’,” Wendy said with a wink and a smirk, cementing the pet name she was gonna use for him.
She then took his hand and turned to walk towards his family. They got there just as Mabel, who was bouncing with joy (and three shots of extra concentrated Mabel-juice), had finished introducing Pacifica to their parents.
“Mom, Dad, I’d like to introduce my girlfriend Wendy Corduroy.” Dipper said as presented Wendy to his parents.
“Pleased to meet you, sir.” Wendy said as she shook Mr. Pines offered hand before doing the same to Mrs. Pines. “Ma'am.”
“Please,” Mr Pines replied as he looked between the two visiting girls, “Like we told Pacifica here, call us Adam and Elaine.”
“The way the twins talk about the two of you,” Elaine Pines added without missing a beat, “we feel like we already know the two of you.”
Both girls smiled at such a warm reception.
“Well Dipper, my boy. Let’s get these ladies luggage on out to the car so we can get going.” Mr Pines said as he walked over to Pacifica’s bags. He got the shoulder bag with no problem but upon trying to get the rolling suitcase it almost pulled him off of his feet. Bracing it against his shoulder he finally got it going and headed to the door amidst giggling from Mabel, Pacifica, and even Elaine.
Meanwhile Dipper had made his way over to where Wendy had dropped her bags. He grabbed her two duffel bags but as he went to grab her rucksack He felt Wendy’s hand already on it.
“Look dude, I heard what your dad said and I know how much of a gentleman you are but sometimes a lady wants to carry her own stuff. Especially when it has my baby in it,” she said as she moved a flap enough that he saw the handle of her ax. Closing the flap she hefted the rucksack up onto her back and took hold of his closest hand, holding the duffel with him.
As they walked through the doors Wendy stopped at the sight that awaited them.
“Is that a WV Überkreuzung Microbus?” she asked as she stared majestically at it.
“Yep. It’s a Seventy-One. It’s dad’s pride and joy, after me and Mabel that is. He fell in love with the design after one was used in the old 'Whatcha doing, Lookie Loo?’ cartoon and when one came on the market a couple of years ago he snatched it up. Luckily mom was able to talk him out of giving it the paint job for the show.” Dipper said as he looked over at the joy on her face, “With all the seats in it’d fit ten or eleven. Almost everything is either stock or restored to original spects. Well except for adding the seatbelts and the engine. It’s a Grunkle Ford and McGuket special. We could drive from here to Denver and back on a single tank of gas. Ford is trying to talk Stan into putting one in the Stanley Mobil, but he doesn’t trust it.”
Wendy turned towards him as she released his hand. she grabbed him by the shoulders as she said, “Please tell me you’re gonna inherit it.”
With a smile and a chuckle he said “Maybe.” as he led her to back of the van and loaded the luggage before shutting the hatch.
They ended up eating at Madam Kee’s House All You Can Eat Buffet. Pacifica at sceptical at first but after talking in Mandarin with the owner.
Over the next couple of days Dipper showed Wendy around Piedmont, spent a day at a fun complex with Mabel and Pacifica playing minigolf and going go-carting, had a picnic lunch at the park (where he nearly got into a fight with Jimmy Riva until Wendy intervened), tried to sit through an episode of 'Rink Of Love’ (an anime Mabel and Pacifica both were fans of, Wendy and Dipper left to go for a walk half way through the episode), and tonight is bad movie night.
They were watching 'Hello Daddy, Where’s Mummy?’, and in keeping with the subterfuge Wendy was leaning into his shoulder while he had his arm around her. Mabel and Pacifica stayed through the first part of the movie, but lost interest in part due to the running commentary coming from them.
About twenty minutes or so after the others left Wendy leaned forward and grabbed her can of Mr Tubbs Root Beer. She then snuggled right back into the spot she left. As she got comfortable she sighed to herself, “I could get used to this.”
Without thinking Dipper kissd the top of her head. She turned slowly moved towards him.
“Wendy?” he questioned as he got lost in her forest green eyes.
“Dipper, don’t question it.” she said as she leaned forward and placed her lips upon his.
“What’s happening here?” Dipper asked as he was coming up for air after the kiss.
“Nothing that we apparently didn’t want to happen.” Wendy replied as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel as…” he started before she placed a finger on his lips.
“Don’t over think this dork. I want this and I want you. now shut up and kiss me.” Wendy said before he did just that.
After a couple of minutes of making up for lost time they heard a loud “Ahem.” They broke apart and looked at the direction the noise came from. Standing in the doorway was Mabel and Pacifica. Mabel looked ecstatic, while Pacifica seemed to have a look on her face that said 'finally’.
“Well it looks like they have stopped pretending,” Pacifica stated with a smirk as she watched the new couple pull apart.
“What do you mean pretending?” Dipper sputtered out, “We’ve been dating for as long as you two have.”
“Bro-bro, seriously. You’re not that good of an actor.” Mabel said as she lifted a hand up to stop him. “The only reason you were able to fool those outside of this household is because of how you two actually felt about each other.”
“Wait a minute Mabel.” Wendy said as she looked over at her two friends, “ You mean your parents know?”
“Oh course we do dear,” Elaine Pines replied as she walked up behind her daughter, “she came to me when she first put together this little matchmaking scheme. Though it surprised us all when Dipper came down last Saturday morning and told us you two were dating. Mabel was going to suggest that you two pretend to date so she could see her girlfriend. But you guys wanted to see each other so much that you came up with the idea on your own. That was when I first gave Mabel’s idea some credence.”
“So do I get to call it?” Mabel asked practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Well I’m willing to try it out if she is,” Dipper said as he looked at the beautiful woman in his arms, “So what do you say Wendy, would you like to try going out for real?”
“Of course man, I’ve just been waiting on you to ask.” Wendy said with a smirk as Dipper smiled.
“Squee,” Mabel squeed before with a fistpump she called out, “Match Made!”
“Alright Mabel, but do us a favor please. We just figured this all out, so please for now don’t tell anyone.” Wendy asked her new boyfriend’s sister.
“Ok.” Mabel said as she started to walk away.
“And that means Candy and Grenda too.” Dipper called after his sister.
“My girls need to know, bro-bro. Heh, that rhymes.” she called back.
“Mabel!” Dipper and Wendy yelled simultaneously.
“Alright I’ll keep quiet for now.” Mabel said as she headed away with Pacifica in tow.
“Well I’ll leave you two to your movie. Don’t do anything to make me regret leaving you two alone.” Elaine Pines said as she headed back towards the kitchen.
After they were alone Wendy looked deep into Dipper’s eyes and only saw love. “Why don’t we continue where we left off.”
And she leaned in for another kiss as the movie continued on.
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