#theyre still alive i am pretty sure hah
xxmgdreamsxx · 7 years
Lurk Much?
Hey guys this is my 1st imagine on tumblr. The reader is a batfam sis and dating Jason. Y/N is your name. 
It was about 10 at the manor and things were going pretty slow. You felt like being a hermit and had spent the last few hours holed up in your room and catching up on Archer while eating a variety of diabetes inducing junk food. You were stroking your food baby with one hand while the other reached out to grab the last Milano cookie. Fuck. The bag’s empty. “UUGGGHHHHH”, you groaned over-exaggerating the situation. Whining, you got up from your bed and trekked to the kitchen to grab more food necessities. After stuffing your face with the last slice of Alfred’s quiche you grabbed a new bag of milanos and started walking back to your room. That is, until you saw your boyfriend Jason in the hallway- looking through a slightly opened door with an amused look on his face. You rolled your eyes and called out to him as you walked towards him,       “Lurk much, Todd?”. Jason’s head snapped up to meet your face and he proceeded to immediately shush you “SHHHH!” You rolled your eyes again- “Ok Stalker McStalker what’s so interesting?” “SHHHH!!” he glared at you and wrapped his hand around your mouth while bringing you to face the crack in the door. “Ok dear god Jason I’ll be quiet” you whispered “what is i-” You said as you peered inside the room “Holy Shizzz!!” you excitedly whispered screamed as you saw what was happening. On the far side of the room was Bruce talking to, well flirting, with a woman, while pouring them both drinks. “Oh my god! I didn’t even know she was over! I haven’t seen Bruce do something about his love life in so long! The closest thing I’ve seen to him being on a date was when he awkwardly invited Selina to brunch after she nearly killed him, and that was five months ago!!” you gushed. Jason’s snickered at your immature excitedness and went back to watching the history that was being made in the room. You strained to hear what they were saying. “So Mr. Wayn-” “Oh just Bruce, please” “Mhmm Bruce, such a lovely name. Although not as lovely as the time i’m spending with you”. You and Jason were both losing it at this point. “OMG this is gooold, we need to be filming this” you told Jason. “Babe yess” Jason responded “fuck i don't have my phone- UUGHHH where’s Tim when you need him. I bet he has a freaking professional camera set and everything.” “What do I have?” Tim asked as he walked up to the two of you. “AAHH” you and Jason gasped and turned around. “Well speak of the nerdy devil” Jason retorted. “Hey!” Tim cried. “SHHHHHH!!!!!” you scolded them. “What’s going on?” Tim asked “What are you guys looking at?”. You and Jason both looked at each and  nodded before grabbing Tim’s arms and pulling him close to you. “Tim if you look, you’ll never be able to go back.” you said dramatically. Jason leaned in really close and whispered in a super serious tone “All of thou’s innocence shall crumble and thou shall become a MAN.” “ok guys what hell, your actually creeping me out here- Tim said. “Look.” you exclaimed and shoved Tim’s face through the door crack. “O my god.” Tim deadpanned. “I know right?!!” you giggled. Jason wrapped his arm around Tim’s shoulder “ See little bro? You should take some notes here and maybe you can actually talk to a girl for more than 2 minutes without fainting in the future”. “Hey!” “Yeah Jason that’s not nice, he talked to Steph for a good FIVE minutes before collapsing.” “In my defense I was severely dehydrated” Tim added. “Ok everyone shut up and watch” you scolded. You could see Bruce and his mystery date standing up near the fireplace and things were getting pretty heavy. “So Bruce what shall we do now?” “Well we could-  You could see Bruce responding and trying to look all manly and seductive while reaching his arm back to rest on the table, but.. he missed. His hand missed the table by an inch and he slipped. It was too much and you lost it. You shrieked “OH MAN HAHAHA”. You quickly realized what you had done but it was too late. Bruce’s head snapped up and his gaze met yours and the rest of his spying children. ‘shit!” Jason groaned. “oh my god” you fumbled “guys we gotta run” You screamed “RUN!!” The three of you took off and fucking sprinted as fast as you could. You could feel the energy coursing through you as you madly giggled and ran. As y’all were running you rambled“Oh my god guys maybe he didn’t see exactly who it was like i don't know hah guys i can't i just can't oh mY GOD FUCKING RUN! RUN!!” “Y/n”! Jason yelled at you through heavy pants “If Bruce couldn’t tell who it was he knows now because of yoUR SCREAMING!” “OH SHIT THAT’S RIGHT” you cried out. Still running, you continued “IM SORRY GUYS I JUST HAVE SO MUCH ADRENALINE RIGHT NOW LIKE I HAVEN’T FELT THIS ALIVE SINCE I ACCIDENTALLY DRANK TIM’S 5 HOUR ENERGY ESPRESSO SMOOTHIE!! AND I- that was the last thing you unintelligibly yelled, as you tripped and face planted on the floor. Jason and Tim hadn’t even noticed you fell behind until you cried out in your best old english accent “ My good lord help me! I have fallen!” Jason whipped his head back dramatically and ran towards you” My good lady, fear not! I am here to rescue thou!” He grabbed you bridal style and continued “Where to, fair maiden?” You put on a serious look “Hhmm, OOH I KNOW, TO THE KITCHEN GOOD SIR. WE MUST GATHER PROVISIONS TO LAST US A FORTNIGHT IF WE MUST HAVE TO HIDE FROM THE FEARSOME BAT.” By now you and Jason had caught up to the still running Tim and you yelled as you passed him “FAIR KNIGHT, WE MUST AWAY TO THE KITCHEN” Tim just followed y’all while muttering under his breath “these people have problems”. When you got there, the three of you grabbed all the food you could then barricaded yourselves in to the game room. “Ok” you said “We’ve locked the door so Bruce shouldn’t be able to get in even if he finds us”. “And I've found The Seed of Chucky” Jason said while holding up a dvd case “or well at least one of the Chucky movies. Dear lord knows which one it is. At this point they've made so many- like for fucks sake guys one sequel’s enough. “ OK Spielberg we get it. You hate sequels. Now shush and play the movie” you commanded. So there you guys were an hour later. Tim had turned off all the lights and you all had preceded to built a pillow fort that you were now snuggling in . All three of you were in a sugar coma induced state and were staring wide-eyed at the movie. “Bitch don’t go in” you told the person in the movie as they walked towards a door. The music was getting super suspenseful and you, Jason, and Tim were clinging on to each other not taking your eyes off from the screen. “she gonna die she's gonna die” Tim whispered meekly” The door was slowly being opened. The music was intense. Jason was clinging so tightly to your arm you thought it was gonna fall off. You could hear your heartbeat. The door creaked open. “Oh hey guys there you are!” “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH” you, Jason, and Tim screamed all at once. It. was. Dick. “ Sorry I scared you guys” Dick apologized. “ For the love of god man you gave me a heart attack” Jason glared at him “Also how the hell did you get in? I thought we locked the door?” “Well yeah that one but there’s another door right here” Dick said pointing behind him.  “Oh my god were fucking idiots” you said staring at the door. “So anyway guys, Bruce is looking for you. I’m not sure why.” “ Nope. Nopeity Nope Noooope” you said. “Guys seriously I’m sure whatever is going on he won’t be that mad” Dick remarked. “ HEY BRUCE THEYRE IN HE- Jason quickly spoke in a spookily calm tone “Grayson if you tell him were here , I swear on my already dead soul I will tell everyone about the bikini incident.” Dick’s eyes just went really wide and he gasped “You wouldn’t dare” “try me.” Jason retorted as he kept his glare focused on Dick. Dick just stared at him back for a second before slowly walking out the door and closing it behind him. “Oh yeah Bruce they're not in there” you could here Dick say in the hallway ten seconds later and then the footsteps retreated and all three of you let out a collective sigh of relief. Sleep took over you pretty soon and you all fell asleep cradled in each others arms. Of course you didn't escape the day of judgment, as early the next morning you eventually had to see Bruce and he gave you a long talk about spying on other people and that privacy is to be respected. The entire time Tim was just blushing like crazy and staring at his feet while you were focusing in on a very interesting spot on the wall. Jason of course was unfazed, and only opened his mouth to ask Bruce if he “got laid”. 
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lokimostly · 7 years
hey its me again can i get uhhhhhhhh vision/reader where the reader is actually just a helper in stark's labs (during civil war) and is watching everything while theyre away but remember cause like vision and scarlet witch are still there anyway he falls in love with her little nuances while she works etcetera but hes never felt like this before!!! so he has a hard time showing it. blease.
Wordless Songs
Vision x Reader
Summary: Vision stumbles across the reader and is entranced by her. You know. Mushy stuff. (Kidding.)  Word Count: 1804Warnings: none :)
A/N: I’ve never written Vision before so I have no idea if this is good or not… You can read and decide for me aah
Vision’s soft footsteps echoed against the walls of the empty hall as he stared out the tall windows. Stark’s New York facility felt like a ghost town with the Avengers gone, though not an unfriendly one. Afternoon sunlight streamed through the glass, lightning up the floating dust. He reached out, curious, to hold one of the flicks of dust, but it escaped his hand. He squinted slightly before continuing his aimless patrol.
amidst all the hubbub of the Sokovia Accords, Vision had been assigned to keep Wanda inside the building— not to her delight, of course. Apparently he wasn't desperately needed on Stark’s “team,” and had thus been reassigned for the moment. Vision didn't consider himself quite human enough yet to determine whether or not he preferred battle over babysitting. Although- as he waved a cluster of floating dust away from his face- Wanda had said he was acting “more human” every day. Maybe he'd have a stronger opinion on his puppy-guard role soon. He continued stepping lightly, contemplating the pros and cons, when a stranger’s voice down the hall stopped him in his tracks.
“Oh, the blue one is—? dude, c’mon. One of these cord colors is for system overrides. Don't tell me you forgot which.”
The voice - a woman’s voice, he quickly determined from the pitch - was coming from one of Stark’s open tech rooms. He frowned and levitated slightly so as to silence his footsteps.
“Stark, I know you’re busy. You make a great habit of telling me. I just need to know where the label goes.”
Her voice was easy to listen to, possessing a kind of light banter —even though he couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, Vision knew Stark’s interactions were almost always some form of playful sprat.
“Yes, I am working overtime. And you're paying for my phone bill if this conversation gets any longer.”
Should he investigate? Vision stood just short of seeing her through the glass door, thinking. Were he a computer, his choice would be simple- nobody but him and Wanda were supposed to be on the top floors. It would be a determination of potential threat.
But Vision wasn't a computer, he reminded himself. The stone in his forehead gave him what robotic technology could never possess. He had a conscious, a will, intuition… and maybe, he hoped, humanity. Still, a decision had to be made. He could leave the strange woman be. It didn't seem like—
She laughed.
—he felt his brain go dead for a moment, and he stopped levitating, dropping to the ground. Before he could process his response, she laughed again and continued to talk, but he didn't catch her words. His mind was stuck on a face he couldn't see, echoing a laugh that he'd never heard until now.
Of course Vision knew what laughing was. Barton made Natasha laugh all the time, and Tony’s mishaps made the rest of the team chuckle— that, or roll their eyes. Even though he’d never laughed himself, Vision was quite familiar with the concept. He'd witnessed it more times than he'd thought to count- but this laugh was ...odd. There was a nuance in her voice, he reasoned, something he couldn't make out. Vision frowned and shook his head slightly. For some reason, he wanted to hear it again.
“Finally. I should've timed how long it took you to dig the color code out of your phone. Did you— yeah, I just got the text. Thanks.”
You tapped the red icon on your phone screen and chuckled. “That man will be the death of me.” The call ended, and music on your phone resumed, calling you back to your work rhythm.  
You spun on the stool to where a mountainous pile of colored cords lay, waiting to be organized. A menial job, maybe, but a prerequisite to programming Stark’s new machines and, eventually, getting rid of the cords entirely. You tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear and got to work, tucking your knee up and humming absently to the music.
Vision couldn't stand it anymore. You'd stopped laughing, but he could still hear you making noise– he wasn't sure what to call it, he'd never bothered to find out–but he wanted to satiate his bewildering sense of curiosity.
He stepped into the room cautiously, not bothering to levitate and quiet his steps. You hummed to the music, murmuring under your breath as you strung cords in between your fingers and over your arm, completely lost in your work.
“Does it help you think?”
You shrieked, jolting in surprise, your hand going to your chest. Your bundle of loosely organized wires slipped out of your lap and his eyes widened in surprise. Without thinking, he flew forward, his hand extending and catching the wires in midair. He stayed there for a moment before turning his head and looking at you carefully, observing you for the first time.
You were breathtaking.
He felt his body- his body -respond to you as you exhaled, smoothed your hair back, and smiled. Your smile– he felt the heart in his chest malfunction and he shuddered a little. There was no other way to describe it; to him, for some reason, the same light he’d heard in your laugh was alive in your eyes.
“Well you scared me to death,” you said conversationally as you turned the music down on your phone, gathered the cords up, and glanced at him curiously; a piece of hair fell habitually into your face. Vision watched you tuck it back absently while puzzling over your statement.
“You seem alive enough,” he replied after a long moment. Cautious. Curious.
“Hm?” You looked up as you reach forward for a metal stand. “Oh. Hah-” you pulled the stand over and string wires on top of the horizontal bars “-it’s an expression. You’re…” you paused.
He watched you pull your sleeve and finished the sentence for you. “Not human?”
You chuckled, nodding. “Yeah. That.”
“I’m getting there.”
“Yay for progress?” You responded amiably, amused at this funny character who showed up in the lab. You knew who he was, of course; Stark asked about him over the phone. I didn’t figure I’d actually meet him, though. You hummed absently before grabbing another wad of cords, determined to find your rhythm.
“So… did you need something?”
Vision snapped out of his trance and opened his mouth in an ‘o.’ “Prior to catching you by surprise, I wanted to know if vocalizing with your mouth closed helped you think.”
“My what now?”
He felt a sort of rush of heat to his face - he didn’t have blood, but he knew humans blushed, maybe that’s what it was - and he stammered slightly.
“Singing. With - your mouth closed.”
Your eyes widened and hair fell in your face as you laughed. “Oh, humming.” You continued stringing cords and nodded. “It’s pretty subconscious. I do it by accident.”
Of course that’s what it was called. “Sorry,” he apologized quietly. “The name slipped my mind for a moment.”
You nodded in response, tucking your hair back. He watched your fingers move nimbly from your hair to the cords, then to your sleeve, pulling it down habitually. Little wrinkles in your face as you frowned in concentration, beginning to hum in spite of yourself.
Vision tilted his head in fascination before realizing it might be… well… impertinent. You watched in amusement out of the corner of your eye as he began wandering the room aimlessly, hands in his pockets, looking out the windows and catching a glance at you occasionally. You took the time to observe him in between your routine.
He moved smoothly, carefully, like he was afraid to tread in the wrong place. You had a feeling he could be utterly silent when he wanted to, but completely social, too. He’s obviously not fully accustomed to human behaviors, you reasoned, hair falling into your face for the umpteenth time. Stark had mentioned that he was an A.I. before … well, adopting a body. It made sense for him to ask about your humming, since running background programs on computer slowed them down, not helped them. You shrugged to yourself, glancing at him one last time and smirking before going back to your work.
Vision watched your fingers label and untangle wires, hanging them on your arms or the glorified coat rack. He stopped walking near your desk again as you put a pencil behind your ear. It slipped and fell into your lap, and you huffed quietly before putting it between your teeth, tucking your hair back. He smiled faintly at the mannerism. “You know lead is poisonous.”
“Huh? ‘M jush holin it.” You looked up and smiled, taking it out of your mouth. “Holding it. I don’t have enough hands. I won’t swallow it, don’t worry.”
“Here,” he offered, walking over and holding out his purple-blue hand. You shrugged and put it in his palm, your fingers ghosting the texture of his skin. You jerked back in surprise. It was warm. Like skin.
Your eyes flickered up to his and you studied them. How much of a human was he, exactly? Vision’s eyes stared back into yours and his brow twitched as he studied their colors, took in the marks and features of your face. You held his gaze for a moment longer before going back to your work, trying to ignore the sensation of warmth coming from his body so close to you.
It felt like eternity when you eventually finished stringing cords on the rack and attaching color labels. Finally you looked up to ask for the pencil, and your eyes met his so suddenly that your mouth opened in surprise.
He had been staring, unashamedly, and he didn't look away, but rather held you in his gaze like something … Wonderful.
You felt your cheeks grow hot as the annoyingly familiar piece of hair fell in your face once more.
Without hesitating, Vision reached down slowly, taking your hair between his fingers and tucking it back to its place. Your eyes widened and you pressed your lips together, smiling and pulling at your sleeve.
“If I didn't know better,” you admitted coyly as you stood up to leave, “I’d say you were flirting.”
“I've seen Stark do it, but I'm not quite sure how,” he admitted easily, and you laughed as you picked your coat up from its resting place on a stool. You stopped at the door and turned around with a smirk, thoroughly happy that you'd been humming that afternoon.
“Then I'll have to teach you sometime.”
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electronicneutrino · 7 years
good things pt. 6
no more exams in the rest of the week. for me
it’s all good as long as i pass french
not needing to get up early tomorrow
I can be home. Alone. Without my parents. 
Time to play really loud music and attempt to do stuff. 
finally. made the doctor’s appointment
managed to steal my health card from my mom. hopefully she doesn’t notice
have a decent excuse as to why i’m not gonna be home
in which my habit of overthinking everything is. kinda good
my friends are the best
they’re fun to be with. and talk to. and really smart. and cool. and the best basically. bless them
and I don’t even. Have to try to fit in or anything?? I’m comfortable around them?? ?
in which i also realize. yeah (almost) everyone i knew from middle school sucked as friends for me. boy am i glad to not be in the same school with them
also the last person to whom i willingly told my problems to and saying i booked a guidence appointment had the reaction of ‘that doesn’t make me feel better. since that means you’re still sad’
bitch did you really think you were the solution to my problems
in which i am salty about things that happened years ago
fight me
actually don’t I can’t fight
also my friends care for my safety??? which is also really cool
tbh my past friends didn’t know so. can’t blame them
despite hating life with a passion i still don’t feel like people completely hate me
it’s been at least a week of that??? which is super cool nice
and i’m. pretty sure. that point isn’t going to change. which is also good
don’t need to worry about university
I feel. not bad at least. A sort of happiness
(the sort of happiness where I’m really really trying to be happy. there exists better happinesses but. this is fine. it’s better than being upset. I’m laughing at stuff. Well at everything but. I’m laughing.)
pretty sure someone thought I was just a bit crazy today. whoops 
still alive
‘you better keep that promise’ 
I can eat cheese. And cheesecake. 
I have an idea of sorts for my english assignment
actually is screaming internally over that but it’s whatever
the fact that typing ‘screams’ kinda helps
the scr part looks like theyre screaming. ea sounds like a scream
I’ve many cat pictures
also average of slightly more than 0 cats in my life
it’s not 0. also the number will probably increase. in a couple of years
an imorphs??? I still love it?? 
also kn d and stuff but. read. a lot of. animorphs stuff today. hah. 
I’ve sweet drinks. Many sweet drinks
in which my sugar tolerance has also gone way up. Is that good? Who knows. 
I’m sure there’s more like colours. And math. But ehhhh do I want to type it out right now no
the lists are actually some length. When I make them. But when I do make them I manage to list some amount of things. 
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beatconductor-blog · 7 years
Today at 12:35 AM
beatconductor hey uh can i ask you a question
deadramchild yes y0u can
beatconductor oh hey hope im not distracting you from anything or whatever anyway does your dad hate me
deadramchild y0u are n0t
beatconductor or is he always like that or i just dont know how to deal with him like
deadramchild i d0nt think he d0es n0
beatconductor mr deuce and boxcars are pretty chill to be around i mean i have no doubt that they could wreck shit but theyre just yanno kinda buddy like
deadramchild well they are certainly easier t0 get al0ng with yes why exactly d0 y0u think he hates y0u?
beatconductor and then theres mr stabby stab slick whos a little inpredictable like he seems like the kinda guy that might stab you for saying the wrong word or just shrug it off depending on the mood but idk your dad is kind of something else no offense he just gives me the chills
deadramchild haha he d0es have that effect 0n pe0ple y0u are right ab0ut slick t00
beatconductor so is that not just me
deadramchild n0
beatconductor i mean its rare that my fear is stronger than my stupidity but just fuck dont tell him i told you that alright
deadramchild but im curi0us did he d0 s0methig that made y0u think he hates y0u?
beatconductor uh doesnt matter its more all the stuff he doesnt say
deadramchild yes it d0es l00k... he is n0t g0ing t0 actually hurt y0u he d0esnt hate y0u and he has n0 reas0n t0
beatconductor if you say so
deadramchild he kn0ws that y0u are 0n friendly terms with with deuce and b0xcars and friends with me and the 0thers he w0uldnt hurt y0u with0ut a damn g00d reas0n n0t physically that is but i cant deny that he is a danger0us man 0bvi0usly he is
beatconductor not physically
deadramchild he likes t0 play games
beatconductor you might think thats kind of reassuring but thats like the opposite of that id deal with a direct open threat on my life better than this
deadramchild 0h i kn0w that
beatconductor like shit man the about of times karkat told me hed stab me and i know he would
deadramchild but i want t0 be h0nest with y0u
beatconductor and were still bros ah damn it
deadramchild well let me try t0 explain a little better he enj0ys hmm... teasing pe0ple? he likes t0 get a reacti0n 0ut 0f y0u and at the same time he is testing y0u hes perfectly aware that y0u have relati0ns t0 the felt t00
beatconductor aw man of course he does i mean
deadramchild and while he d0esnt 0utright distrust y0u just f0r that (i mean his b0yfriends br0ther is a number) it still takes m0re t0 gain his n0t quite trust
beatconductor well im not expecting him to ever trust me just
deadramchild he d0esnt fully trust a l0t 0f pe0ple th0ugh
beatconductor yeah thats what i need in my life even more mind games
deadramchild im s0rry 0n0
beatconductor eh whatever
deadramchild i really am
beatconductor its not your fault dont apologize
deadramchild i d0nt want t0 sugarc0at things th0ugh
beatconductor so what should i just give him the reaction he wants or play it all stoic and aloof
deadramchild im n0t sure what reacti0n he wants?
beatconductor alright i can work with that
deadramchild i think any reacti0n that isnt betraying us in any way is a right 0ne is this ab0ut uhm what happened the 0ther night? what he said ab0ut y0ur little kitty friend?
beatconductor urgh yeah thats definitely the most recent and glaring one
deadramchild well that0ne was really just a win/win situati0n f0r him... he likes teasing her
beatconductor oh great
deadramchild and he kn0ws perfectly well that y0u tw0 are an item s0 it was the perfect 0ppurtunity f0r him t0 test y0ur l0yality
beatconductor i see well at least i didnt completely fuck that one up huh
deadramchild n0 the situati0n is c0mplicated the situati0n with her i mean i guess y0u sh0uld really ask her if y0u want any uhm details 0n what happened im n0t sure if he wants y0u t0 j0in us p0ssibly y0u are useful and we always need m0re pe0ple but regardless i think this is his way 0f tryin t0 sh0w y0u what happens when y0u ch00se the felt 0ver us n0w he may be my father but i cant actually read his mind s0 keep in mind that im 0nly guessing here t00
beatconductor wow ok message received i am now kinda let this get too much to me caught me off guard i guess
deadramchild i d0nt think s0mething like that can n0t get t0 y0u i kind 0f want t0 ap0l0gize f0r n0t being ar0und t0 help y0u but thats s0rt 0f silly isnt it? and we b0th kn0w y0u w0uldnt have accepted any help i c0uld have 0ffered anyways
beatconductor dunno considering who i work with i should know better
deadramchild mind y0u im n0t saying that t0 shame y0u its just a fact
beatconductor what oh yeah dont worry i mean there were people i just didnt want to hear any of that idk next time maybe
deadramchild i mean i kn0w y0ure a big b0y y0u can have y0ur mental breakd0wns all 0n y0ur 0wn i still wish i c0uld have helped but y0ure 0kay s0 thats all that matters i guess
beatconductor hah yeah thanks how do i politely tell everyone else that ive been doing this long enough to know me
deadramchild i d0nt kn0w "hell0 ive been a huge mess f0r 25 years n0w i kn0w the drill but thanks f0r caring"?
beatconductor damn thats spot on
deadramchild "s0rry i am currently n0t em0ti0nally capable t0 deal with y0u w0rrying 0n t0p 0f this leave a message after the beep?
beatconductor hah i mean basically thats it alright
deadramchild im sure they will understand 0r at least try t0 they cant help w0rrying th0ugh i w0uld be lying if i said im n0t w0rried but i trust y0u en0ugh that y0u will at least keep y0ur stupid ass alive and c0me t0 me when y0u are ready at least i h0pe s0 i mean y0u s0rt 0f did
beatconductor yeah idk considering im still alive after all maybe im secretly immortal or some shit
deadramchild id rather n0t have y0u test that the0ry y0u d0nt want me t0 yell at y0ur gh0st d0 y0u?
beatconductor im usually trying not to you know dying and being stuck as ghost is kinda the worst i can imagine but the thought of you yelling at my ghost butt kinda sweetens that but you can do that while im still alive so
deadramchild i didnt even yell at y0u s0 far ...n0 wait i did after y0u sh0wed me anime being stuck as a gh0st sure d0es s0und unpleasant i h0pe the actual afterlife is nice th0ugh
beatconductor no afterlife would be nicer i know some poor sap stuck all alone in some kinda eternal limbo i mean shit that sucks doesnt even have any demons and satans to torture him for his sins or something just his nest and my idiot ass dunno if its like that for everyone that ever dies i sure hope not
deadramchild maybe y0u are the dem0n t0rturing him that s0unds really weird are y0u sure y0u didnt just dream that
beatconductor oh yeah thank you well dunno id think so too but that means im kinda hallucinating chatting to him all day too and thats getting kinda awkward
deadramchild very awkward...
beatconductor so yyeah
deadramchild well i guess i cant judge
beatconductor im pretty sure hes real i hope so
deadramchild even if he is imaginary
beatconductor dont make me doubt myself here ok
deadramchild well it t00k a while t0 realize that im actually hearing the dead instead just being well insane
beatconductor well see i got over that phase much quicker
deadramchild thats g00d have fun with y0ur dead friend
beatconductor yeah thanks im trying he seems more pleasant than your average visitor i mean usually its me whos haunting him
deadramchild hes n0t just a v0ice either i assume s0 that already makes him better c0mpany
beatconductor yeah probably
deadramchild s0unds like y0u ike y0ur dead friend thats g00d
beatconductor yeah i mean dreams with him are pretty alright
deadramchild thats g00d perhaps y0u sh0uld sleep s0me m0re then
beatconductor you know im trying man i wish i could bug the hell out of my friends every night
deadramchild haha maybe y0u can dream visit me t00? y0u sh0uld try m0stly because im heading t0 bed n0w try t0 sleep s0me dave g00d night
beatconductor do you really want that believe me you dont want me on your sleep too im enough of a menace when awake but if i ever find out how to you can bet your ass im gonna haunt your dreams
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