#theyre pretty trees and are fun to trim
baby-prophet · 3 years
I love trimming trees and giving them lil tree hair cuts
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expfcultragreen · 4 years
Toronto lefty scenesters are pretty much just like Toronto punks (there's more than a little crossover), you got a bunch of people in their 30s who've been as it since they were 15 and now theyre 'the grown ups' but they still act like all the children around them because for the last 15 years they've just been doing drugs and hanging out with children, so they're either in the contingent of apathetic liberals who think dirtbags are fun and useful or theyre the contingent of uninformed shitty authoritarians (dirtbags) who don't actually understand anything about the history of the thing they claimed to have some sort of interest in or you know identity based around, and who invariably get offended when someone new shows up and disagrees with them about the nature of the scene they've completely misunderstood their own adherence to and place within {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{thereby keeping the scene trimmed neatly to "the same old faces" (who are 'known' to not be snitches so, dont worry about those scene secrets getting out and ruining your precious little life! who needs a networked community of more than 30 fulltime lefty organizers in canadas most major city anyway? Right? Thats why g20 and occupy went so great and werent demoralizing shitshows that scared away 99.999% of the working class people who saw them! Because things are so well organized by only the right people with the most cynically cryptoliberal and respectably proviolence/patriarchal praxis, that good praxis that will totally work someday to dismantle the masters house using his own tools.....and there was so much groundwork in place to orient from, too! I mean, i bet that at one point someone even brought up maybe doing more than 12 posters and a facebook event! And then didn't! Police brutality-trauma functionally take out your whole vanguard after one protest that changed nothing aside from getting the police permanently militarized in the gta? Whaaaat? Rape at occupy? Huhhhh? Haha its not like the same old debates about "why are there known rapists in the same space as their survivors and why are a bunch of guys with glasses getting so upset about asking the rapists to leave" come up every time more than a dozen people show up to a demo, or anything.....and its not like 20 of those 30 fulltime organizers are gatekeeping their coolpoints trees from 'the rabble' by refusing to signal boost their own movement, or anything) and precluding any new ideas or human vitality that might make everyone want to die less by easing their burden/sharing the load. (Wanting to die less sounds a lot like losing your excuse to go to work after a quick speedball in the parking lot, kind of like how 'more ppl than you know being in your political scene' sounds too much like risking your 6 main connecs getting boxed by suspiciously targetted drug related charges). But they don't actually want to push the rock to the top of the hill and stop forever, so they wont let you break it up and assign sherpas to help--they want everyone to watch them struggle around, halfway up the hill with a massive rock nearly about to crush them while they insist no one else could ever even survive getting to where they are because you have to be so ~smart and jaded and able to quote dead white guys to do it that everyone else in the world should just accept that we never could get there, and definitely couldnt run up that hill, shaming the sisyphean grandstanders for their costly-in-humans ineptitude. They will refuse all attempts to swell their ranks because no one else could possibly do it, let alone do it soooo well and soooooo effectively--thatd be why its important to make fun of every other possible praxis even when yours hasnt worked ever and is killing you and everyone you know. "Thats me in the corner, thats me in the spotlight."}}}}}}}}}}}}
You try telling a hardcore bro that punk music is for the gays, it's about as easy as telling a stalinist that being a leftist isn't about being more macho than the liberals
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