#they're actually in a haunted graveyard
esyra · 6 months
Haven't heard from family in days. I feel like it's time to accept they're gone. I know in my heart Palestine will, one day, be free, but it wasn't supposed to be like this.
We feared another Nakba, and it happened. 700,000 pushed out of their homes in 1948 to 1 million being forced to leave their homes in 2023.
We thought it couldn't get worse or more deadly than the Israeli invasion in 2014, and it happened. We lost 2,251 people in 50 days then. Now we're past 2,300 in one week.
What I heard most from my grandmother the first days it's that "this time is different". And I feel like a rock is crushing my heart in pieces because i've been hoping that speaking out, teaching people about the historical oppresion of Palestine would help but it's not helping. Nothing is changing.
I feel like I'm screaming into a void. There's some sympathy from people online, until I see content documenting Palestinian oppresion being flagged as 'hate speech' or check the comments of any updates on Gaza and it's: "blame it on hamas", "tell them to give up hamas", "the hamas asked for it". They're not even among civilians!!!!!
My heart feels full seeing the manifestations in favor of Palestine, then I see police forces breaking protests apart and remember that the people that can actually save Gaza don't care.
If there's nothing left to do but to watch the extermination of my people, then I'm going to beg for anyone reading this to please don't forget. Please.
Israel is hiding behind Judaism to commit genocide against Gaza. Netanyahu supported the Hamas militant group to prevent the establishment of the Palestine State, and now he's using them to justify his agenda of ethnic cleansing. He abandoned Israelis and left them to die because he cares more about seeing Gazans dead!
Every single person and institution supporting and financing Israel is complicit. I hope the deaths of every Palestinian haunts you for the rest of your lives and that you never find an ounce of forgiveness, for you do not deserve it.
Just as in the Iraq War, the US government is financing and cheering for the slaughter of millions of innocent Arab lives. The media is complicit by engaging in biased propaganda and other nuclear powers, such as the UK and Germany, are complicit too. You are fascists and war criminals and every drop of Palestinian blood is in your hands. I hope every single day, for the rest of your lives, you look in the mirror and see nothing but the blood you've helped spill.
This serves as yet another proof that not a single Western in a position of power, be it in the media or in government, sees Arabs as humans beings.
For decades, the US has comitted terrorism and crimes against humanity in the Middle East and has NEVER been held accountable. Over one million in Iraq; over 150,000 in Afghanistan; and now they'll turn Gaza into a graveyard. Punishing selected soldiers over the years does not erase the fact that the American military and its government validates their crimes during execution and are never punished for it.
Please never forget: Joe Biden is a genocidal terrorist, Rishi Sunak is a genocidal terrorist, the American Democrat Party and UK's Labour Party are led by genocidal terrorists, the European Union is led by genocidal terrorists, fuckass Walt Disney Company is led by genocidal terrorists; every celebrity that called for Palestinian death or stood by silently while ignoring our suffering is a genocidal terrorist.
May Allah protect the people in Palestine and grant the martyrs the highest level of Jannah. Wallah what keeps me here is knowing that the Akhirah is theirs. May Almighty Allah grant us imaan and Taqwa as high as the people of Gaza. Ameen.
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castielsprostate · 10 days
spn picnic episode where dean and cas are meant to go on a date but sam doesn't get the hint and tags along, asking jack rowena eileen and crowley to also come. crowley chose the location because it was a "super great spot" and "wouldn't be too crowded but would still be very hip and accessible" and they're picnicking in a graveyard! rowena also brings a date and she's called miranda and she's a normal human being :) the graveyard is incredibly haunted and jack gets possessed seven times, castiel gets buried alive, crowley gets crucified, dean is split into a million little dean particles, eileen is digging holes for funsies and sam gets murdered by a swarm of angry murder hornets that weren't actually possessed but just really didn't like him
rowena and miranda kiss as the sun goes down and they had a great first date!
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blood-injections · 7 months
The fabulous four were dusted years ago, but they still haunt the zones. Their names are spoken in reverence, like the Witch's, but sometimes in spite too, because nobody likes heroes anymore. To most zonedwellers, at this point martyrdom is nothing but suicide, an easy way out. You can say you died for your cause all you want but at the end of the day theres four less pawns on the board and if they were still here maybe they'd be overthrowing the king instead. It's different, running to Battery City instead of from it, many still think the faulous four were insane for it. Sure, they had a reason, but many argue it wasn't good enough. You don't just trade four lives for one like that, not in war. It's bad strategy. 
Whatever. In reality, most zonedwellers just don't care anymore, those legends are legends now, all thats left of them are their names, heavier in some places than others.
Like here, at the crash track, everyone knows of the Kobra Kid. His name is traded like a dietys among the racers, as if hes some god that can grant you luck in a race if you leave the right offering by the starting banner or whisper the right words under your breath. More than the rest of the fabulous four, Kobra Kid carved out a place for himself here, a trench of a legacy through zone four that everyone that races or watches them knows, the fastest 'joy to ever grace the tracks, they say, and even dead, the Kobra Kid remains such, standing tall as reigning champ in what remains, the records that no racers yet to beat. 
It seems that out of respect, no one even tries. It's become a superstition, that if you try to break one of Kobra's records, it's bad luck, like shattering a mirror or walking under a ladder, they say that on your next race you'll spin out or pop a tire or break a leg for real, that you'll be luckier than usual if you don't break your neck. 
Hardly anyone that hangs around the crash track anymore actually knew him, but everyone still knows his story, its whispered in the stands like gossip, killjoys discussing the kid that came along and grew up fast, watching races first, then one day showing up with his own bike he had saved up carbons for, then he made a name for himself quick, because the kid was a damn natural. He could race the track like an ospery flies, cutting through the sand with a grace unlike any other. Eventually he didn't just master the track, he became it. Older joys say you had to see him racing to believe it, the jumps he could make, the turns he could spin, the times he could set. They say that after he was ghosted with the fab four, the crash track, a place so full of life all day and night, was empty for a week. 
Barren. Nobody raced, crews didn't hang out, for a week there was no life, no music. It felt more like a graveyard. Some sat in the stands and watched the tumbleweeds blow across the track, waiting for a race that never started. It was a long moment of silence, and by the end of the week, apparently candles lined the track, the whole track, one big altar to the lost racer. 
Then, everyone came back, as if they had all unspokenly agreed to, and people raced again, seeing that red motorbike in the corner of their eye, keeping speed with them, they say, until a bend, then it will dissappear, and they know that if they turn to look, it will disappear too. Maybe its actually him, haunting the track, maybe its just a mirage, because he may be gone but the desert remembers, the crash track remembers. Nobody knows, but those older joys, the ones that knew Kobra, that raced with him, hardly any of them race anymore, they're fully able to, there’s just no fun in crossing the finish line and being neck to neck with a ghost.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
The platonic yans (plus reader) in a 👻Haunted Mansion🔮 au would certainly have their work cut out for them. So many happy (and unhappy) haunts, plus the one living member of the bunch, the reader, who would take the role of the groundskeeper. Just tidying up the gravesites, laying fresh flowers, cleaning tombstones, trimming back vines, and possibly exploring the mansion and crypts when the weather turns unfavorable and they're still on the clock...
They'd probably meet the ghost platonic yans around the graveyard, near their grave, doing their job. At first it would be quite the fright for the reader, seeing another person, especially one that looks so out of place, in a decrepit gravesite on the grounds of an old mansion in the middle of nowhere. Being timid and polite, the reader makes small talk, asking if they are from around the area, and if they are aware where they are... And as the small talk goes on, the platonic yan/s realize that the mansion has a newcomer, namely, one that's more lively than the rest of them...
Over the course of it all, the reader isn't sure if the person/s they are talking to is just a weird owner/guest of the mansion, or an actual ghost... When they find themself leaving in the early hours of the morning, when the mist shrouds the ground and the dawn has barely begun, that the name they were given sounded familiar... And so it goes, over their time working there, that they come to meet the many different platonic yanderes, never quite sure if they're just weird, or if there is more to them than what they say. But they would rather not know: Imagine finding out you just talked with a dead person. Who you have proof of talking to. Who, coincidently, you cleaned the grave of, and laid flowers for. Who also may have died an odd, terrifying death. Yep. The reader feels paranoid every time they go near the place, but what can they do? They only work there, and they can't make anyone leave. So they're stuck putting up with the strange going-ons of the manor...
And the ghosts really like this groundskeeper! They tend to stick to the outside, where they manage the graves and clean what they can, always being very polite whenever they show up to check on them... And, on the occasion they do come inside... they get to have them stay longer. They only dare come into the mansion when the weather is bad, so it feels like a guest visiting, or having a friend or nibling or child around... And they get to talk about their history, and the lives they lived at the mansion, while making sure their darling is warm by the fireplace and drinking some tea they made. It feels nice, for them, getting to have a regular visitor who is so nice to them...
They are aware their darling spooks rather easily, which gives them a slight chuckle... Their bby, who's afraid of anything that might be haunted, decided to work for an antique mansion, working in the graveyard, taking the night shift? They find that to be very amusing. They aren't mean about it, but they do tease their darling a little. And it does feel nice to have their bby's warmth clutching onto them when they hear a creak or clatter through the old halls...
They don't want to frighten their darling, and if that means keeping their little "secret", then so be it. Just don't leave them. They couldn't stand to lose their sweet, timid darling... They'd love it if they could keep their darling on the mansion grounds, but they'd rather not force an incident quite yet... After all, their bby will always hurry back, eventually...
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just-gay-thoughts · 1 year
The history of the sheet ghost
So this was brought on by a conversation I had in my Religion and Gender class when someone wondered where the sheet ghost eve came from, and my brain of course latched onto that and badda bing badda boom here we are. The simplest answer is probably the most obvious if you think about it, back in the wayday, people used to be buried in shrouds with many poorer people being buried in the sheets from their death bed. This of course translated to people dressing up in white sheets when they wanted to imitate the dead coming back to haunt the living. Over time the idea of a sheet ghost grew from being the natural representation, to synonymous with ghost even as the world moved towards coffin burials.
But there's also been some interesting stories regarding sheet ghosts through the years. In fact, at one point in 19th century Britain it could be dangerous to dress as a ghost. many would dress up as a ghost to frighten people, but others used the disguise as a mean to commit crimes and assault women. As a result there have been people who died, whether for being the ghost prankster in question, or unfortunatly having a work uniform all too similar to a ghostly disguise.
Some of the first reports of fake ghosts actually can be traced back to the Reformation as critics of Catholicism accused the church of faking ghosts to convert doubters. According to one account, a priest once fastened candles to a bunch of crabs and released them in a dark graveyard to imitate the lost wandering souls of purgatory.
Now don't be fooled, there were still gender roles in ghostly pranks, with women often mimicking poltergeists by knocking on doors, moving furniture, throwing rocks at windows (there have been several poltergeist cases where the either actual or thought to be actual situation was a board little girl). Most of the sheet wearing pranksters on the other hand were men who often times had less than pure intentions. To keep it a little more lighthearted, that's all the more I'll say about that particular bit of history, although my sources do talk about it in more detail if you're interested.
And my favorite bit of sheet ghost history, is Victorian spirit photography, which is a trend that kept going until the 1930s. Just look at these spooky pictures!
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And perhaps my favorite, from 1889:
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Look at them, they're bringing 110%!
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samandcolbypost · 6 months
Sam stop being stubborn and listen to Colby for once. DONT GO ALONE. 3 years ago taught you nothing? 😭
I don’t really think it’s accurate but at least the first part meats the first part is what I’m talking about.
“It's not that they are stubborn per se; it's that they won't listen to anyone who tells them what to do. Sagittarians are adventurous and open-minded, so they're willing to consider new ideas and learn from people. It's just these free-spirited individuals cannot be controlled or manipulated.”
Sam really needs to listen. It wasn’t fair for Colby because it was supposed to be both of yours big moment, but I don’t think it’s right to judge Sam especially because it was something he needed to find out too. He could’ve just woke up Colby and at least let him know, especially for safety since no one else was awake during that time and something could’ve happened. Colby was mad and he had every right to be, also because Sam casually mentioned it while they went to the basement. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But they communicated in a healthy way so that’s something at least. (I’m actually glad to see that because now we know what they do when they fight and it’s even more of a reason to love them) yea show us how it’s done! Some thing we all need to learn from.
Colby threw the tick down only to go back in and grab water. 💀
Okay everything I just wrote didn’t even save soo I’m going to have to try again. 🙃
I love this down to earth moment after what they were told about “were okay” moment.
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I hope Colby is okay going into the woods especially since they’ve been warned. We see him running at the end so I’m hoping that means he goes back to the house.. also hoping they have walkie talkies just in case.
We all know Colby is some kind connection because he feels energy sometimes, but can we talk about how twice Sam has done the Estes method he started shaking. I don’t know if it’s a connection per say, but it’s definitely weird. He felt like something was pushing him down, and the last time he felt he couldn’t even move. (I felt like Colby was still mad from the prior conversation because when he said “what were you doing” I was like 👀 I’m glad he realized to take him out of it at least, because I couldn’t even see him shaking on camera) I might be over analyzing why I think Colby said that too but anyways.
I don’t mind Larray and Bella. I don’t think it added anything to the video like some have said, but overall it wasn’t horrible.
I still am sticking to my box theory with Cody and Satori. I don’t think they’re horrible people but I also think they are lying up a storm. I feel somehow sound can be manipulated to sound closer and further away, and a lot of the sounds comes from Cody’s area..
Sam and Colby tried the method and it didn’t work except for what they heard at the very last moment. I kinda wished it worked for them but I figured. 😕
The camera equipment not working was kinda freaky I won’t lie. The fact it does this a lot even with their batteries being full. Also who or what was coming up the stairs?? I feel it could be the 4th tour guide or Zach, but how Colby responded on Twitter says otherwise. I guess the spirit just wanted to make an appearance in the video.
I’m rewatching clips as I do this to remember (which is how this got deleted to begin with 🤦🏻‍♀️). Anyways, someone just posted a clip and you can see something outside the window when Colby is standing by the window, either about to go into the well or when they finished the Estes method idk.
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Props for them staying in the rooms by themselves I could never. Especially when it’s a haunted house and knowing anything could happen.
I could never go to the graveyard like they both did, and Colby going in the next video. Hell no. I don’t do bugs, ghost, the dark, and especially when I am warned.
Dave being a Dave 🤪😡 I’m kinda scared of Dave but I hope it’s just messing with them.
I don’t know how spirits can travel through the water? I thought they can’t leave the house unless they died outside or something. So I’m not sure how the aquifer could let them travel.
Somewhat of an Ep 2 review because I didn’t do it
Believe: Josh getting touched because he wasn’t even moving, the scrapping noise, the door opening.
Not believe: Satori and Cody, the one small door opening on its own. Do the owners/caregivers just stay there or something? I can’t say anything about this house if they are just chilling in a random room while S&C investigate. I think they stay in a different house but I also don’t know for sure.
I’m on the fence about the noises again I wish I could know the truth.
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theprinceandthewitch · 11 months
... I knew I forgot to add something to the Lunter Iceberg post...
So... there is another detail that makes the wolf shirt even more sus. It's a line Camila says after we get the reveal Luz's school team is "Wolves: and Hunter reveals his wolf shirt. Its from Camila's dream sequence:
Adults: Ugh. So unhygienic. That girl must've been raised by wolves.
Camila: Hey! Wolves are actually great parents, and-
Camila's dream sequence comes right after the wolf shirt scene. So the wolf symbolism happens like this:
We get the reveal Luz's home team is named "Wolves"
Hunter reveals the wolf shirt he made to Gus and emphasizes how much he loves wolves
Camila's dream emphasizes wolves and ties her and Manny to the wolf symbolism.
So it's like... hmmm... interesting how Hunter, Luz and Camila [and by extension Manny] are associated with wolves to a bigger degree than Gus, Vee, Willow, and Amity are in this episode. Sure Gus, Vee, Amity, and Willow are part of "the pack" since they're color coded on his shirt, but the wolf behind Hunter's wolf isnt green...
Hunter obviously places Luz on the same level as himself... Hunter only wanted Luz to know Belos was still alive and only wanted Luz to help him keep everyone safe... Also jsyk the leaders of a wolf pack are always the mated pair - they the parents of the pack while the other members are their pups... So Luz and Hunter being presented on the same level - as leaders of the pack - is extremely sus...
... and then we get the Caleb/Evelyn = Lunter propaganda that isn't subtle in the slightest towards the end of Thanks to Them... Unrelated but we also get Hunter dying and coming back to life in the same Graveyard Manny is buried in...
Haunting, unbelievably haunting.
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hihii do you have ideas for writing the fab four as ghosts? also what do you think halloween would be like in the zones? i'm attempting to write fanfiction for like the first time ever and you're basically the killjoys fanfiction mutual so i'm coming to you lol
i am absolutely honored to be considered the killjoys fanfiction mutual!! sorry this took forever to get to ive been battling a headache all day 😅
the fab four as ghosts is an interesting concept that ive never really thought about before!!! i mean i wrote one fic once kind of abt party as a ghost but that wasnt really the main focus.. anyways, there's a tooooon of super cool ways to explore that concept just in how they died alone. like is this a post sing thing where they all died together saving the girl? if thats the case i could easily see them following her around over the years, using what limited connection to the physical world they have to influence minor things and keep her safe as she grows up alone in the desert. or maybe (bc im a sucker for ghosts who dont remember their mortal lives) they have no memory of the girl or each other but they all decide to stick together bc they're scared and confused and There and they just kind of wander around together until they stumble upon the girl and they feel this strange pull to Protect Her
or if it's not post sing and they've all died in different ways, maybe this is an au and they meet as ghosts and they become known as this phantom crew, legends that wander the zones and take out dracs in the dead of night, only to be seen by those already well aquatinted with death
as for individual behaviors, i think taking the name fun ghoul literally would be really fucking cool. im pretty sure the general consensus abt ghouls is that they haunt graveyards so maybe ghoul specifically hangs around grounds where lots of death occurs, like common grounds for bli ambushes and firefights and shit. it's absolutely br the most annoying ghost ever, going out of his way to spook people by doing alll the classic horror movie shit. that motherfucker is howling and making weird noises in the dead of night, he is levitating objects and moving shit that shouldn't move and flickering lights and just being a general menace to the living
i think party would take a LONG time to accept the fact that they're dead, if they ever even admit it to themself at all. i feel like they have this sort of bitter, jaded relationship with death and the witch and the whole concept of the afterlife, and admitting that they're a ghost would be admitting that all the shit they weren't sure if they believed in was real the while time. and too, depending on how they died, i could easily see them having a sort of bitter breakdown over the fact that they've just been allowed to die with no fanfare. they've literally given their life for this cause and now that theyre dead and nothings changed or is changing it feels like they lived their whole life for nothing, like they lived their whole life wrong almost.
jet and kobra im having less immediate thoughts on. out of all of them, though, i think jet would be the most likely to try and find a way back to life. idk if youve read ttid but uh. yeah. i see her a bit like that, where she refuses to accept that this is the end of her story and she tries whatever she can to make it continue
kobra as a ghost i think would change a lot depending on how he died. if it was something out if his control like illness or a bad run on the crash track i think hed be more "go with the flow it is what it is" about it. if he was killed though he would dedicate his afterlife to revenge, and maybe actually no matter how he died hed end up becoming vengeful after long enough bc hed star thinking about why he was even put under the circumstances to die in the desert and hed think about his hatred for bli... yeah actually no matter what i think hed become a vengeful spirit!! hed go and hun down whoever killed him and make them fucking suffer, and then hed go and do the same for every drac and ever crow, every exterminator he can get his hands on. his mortal life was horrible and he is going to spend his afterlife making sure the ones responsible for his suffering get what they fucking deserve
uhhhh this has turned out wayyy longer than i meant it to so im gonna make the Halloween in the zones part its own post and I'll tag you in that when its done!! i hope at least some part of this was helpful or inspiring in a way, cant wait to see what you end up writing :]
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dailydemonspotlight · 27 days
Would like to request Pisaca, my personal favorite underrated demon
Pisaca - Day 8 (Request!)
Race: Spirit/Haunt
Alignment: Dark-Chaos
March 28th, 2024
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Today's demon of the day, requested by @vinegar-on-main, is the man-eating demon of Hindu mythology, Pisaca!
These flesh devouring beasts are generally believed to have been created by Brahma, or alternatively, as the children of one of many deities, such as Daksa or Kashyapa and Krodhavasa, or even being created from the very concept of anger in Hinduism, known as Krodha. Wherever they originate from, though, Pisaca are generally seen as manifestations of evil itself, being living embodiments of anger and anguish.
Pisaca are typically depicted haunting cemeteries and cremation grounds in the dead of night, feasting on corpses and possessing the ability to change their appearance to whatever they wish. Typically, they will use this ability to lure humans away to their feasting grounds, only to make a gory feast of the poor man fooled by them.
Pisaca are seen as being on the same level as Rakshasa as well as other such demons of Hindu myth, and on top of their shapeshifting, they can freely possess a human at will- the human, now possessed, will suffer from insanity and physical ailments, and this was likely used to explain things like people suffering mental breakdowns- hence, a Mantra could drive a Pisaca away, maybe used to bring that person back to their senses.
These demons, on account of their shapeshifting ability, have no real agreed upon common form that can be referred to in their design outside of differing artworks, but of all things, the SMT demon design actually shares a lot of similarities with Pisaca, an enemy type in Dark Souls!
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The tendrils and snakelike bodies, as well as layered scales, give way to that idea in my head. I'm unsure as to if this is a coincidence or if Nakamura and Kaneko traded notes, so to speak, but regardless, it's very interesting.
I'm actually not sure as to where the factoid in SMT about dying in 9 months after seeing a Pisaca comes from- in Hindu myth, pishacha, the actual spelling of pisaca, are very vaguely defined outside of being spirits brought about by anger that eat corpses and hang out in graveyards.
The appearance of them in SMT is also somewhat inaccurate, though take this with a grain of salt, as I was only able to find this as a depiction of a pishacha.
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They are described as having bulging veins and red, swollen eyes, something which can be somewhat seen in the picture above, and are generally a lot more humanoid. Again, though, they will typically adopt the form of an animal or human, and depictions are scarce, given the relative obscurity of this demon.
However, I have really got to respect the uniqueness of the design in the Megami Tensei games- Kaneko clearly put a lot of work into making them uncanny and otherworldly while still having a recognizably 'Pisaca' appearance. Besides, they're just fun to use in the series, and definitely deserve a spotlight.
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safetyobstacles · 5 months
starting o segredo na floresta now, im either gonna finish this in a week or its gonna take months good luck me
update - i love joui
joui, its a little cloudy out, roll for sanity. joe, you stubbed your toe, roll sanity. joui did you just frown???????? roll a sanity test with disadvantage. that was cool joui, you gain 1 sanity. just kidding somewhere in the netherlands a child tripped and scraped their knee, you lose 10 sanity.
i think im going to put my updates under the cut instead of spamming posts B) beware of spoil
if cellbit takes liz or thiago from me ill never forgive him
this bar has to be its own paranormal entity, thiago would have died if the gun had a bullet in it and cristopher nearly got knifed to death in their first fight loll
EP 2
npc thiago about to be the most useless mf ever i swear if he dies to a stray ant or something ill cry just put him in a box for safe keeping
what would i do without the mental image of joui dropkicking every monster he sees
liz why are you finger painting with the ooze monsters remains and why did it give you 1 hp ?????? NEVERMIND
EP 3
RACCOON bro has 8 health but he sure is happy
faz um teste de sanidade
when i said thiago was gonna die to an ant i didnt actually mean kill him with giant spiders
cristopher no please dont climb a tree these are spiders they can climb nah bro cristopher is dead af im gonna miss him. bro cellbit just kill him already bros dead 2 hp
ep 4
at this rate luba doesnt even need to roll sanity we all know hes gonna fail anyways joui's having the worst two days of his life
jesus christ i just woke up i cant handle this shit cesar's punching a hole in my itty bitty heart bones
please stop talking about leticio's cacetinho
EP 5 how long is too long for a tumblr post btw
the starting soon screen replaced cris with arthur notlikethis
cellbit is far too happy about them going to this house i hate it i hate it
i would like for them to leave a casa now :))) they got gregório time to go :) DAMN JOUI JUST GOT STEAMROLLED BY THAT ZOMBIE ROLLED A 99 VS CELLS 1 jesus christ thiago LOL NO WAY GREGÓRIO IS DEAD AF bro was just taking a nap in the car and this is what he gets
that was horribly stressful its 3 am how am i supposed to sleep after that
to be fair, if i was rodolfo and liz didnt use the tazer, i would have just dragged gregório in front of arthur and killed him in right in front of his face soo...
luba i know youve been rolling absolute dog shit the last 5 episodes but this one really counts buddy brulio :(
most stressful hour of youtube ive ever sat through i cant believe they all lived
EP 7 im so glad they're going back to the house im so happy ive never wanted anything else this is great nothing could go wrong in this house nothing
7 episodes in and ive just now realised that he keeps talking about circles and spirals and those have significance with a certain element and now i want them to leave carpazinha go back home forget this ever happened
undressing with the homies in the haunted basement next to a dead old man
not thiago canonically talking to a bookshelf after complaining about joui's whispering to his shotgun
this whole graveyard scene has me in tears thiago staring at nothing while they try to get him to unmute, old guy on the phone, joui picking up the old lady i just laughed so hard i feel ill
the one time joui doesnt fail a roll he loses 6 SANITY?? 8 SANITY?????????????? SENHORA VOCE TA BEM????? YOU JUST CHOKED HER OUT JOUI WAIT SHES GONNA DIE??????????? SHES GOING TO DIE???????????? THE GASOLINE IN THE MOUTH??
grounded from the shotgun for 1 week
EP 8
Thiago's pants are still fucked up from last episode btw
about to have a tpk over alchohol poisoning
if cesar survives this campaign hes gonna put as many points possible into forgery
a caverna im goign fuckign crazy the god of tdeath pr spomething is in this cave theyre gonna walk inside trip on a pebble and get eaten by hundreds of tiny cave beetles
Victor is absolutely about to get his face eated by a spider and/or be swallowed by the cave
ok but santo berço looks kinda cool like i would live there
EP 9 he just (re?)released osnf merch but i refuse to be spoiled by absolutely anything ive done so well i will not be tainted by cesar's really cool green on black long sleeve
wait i love the gatekeeper its a shame this town is probably a hallucination and theyre all actually slowly dying in the middle of the forest GIANT COWS I LOVE THE GIANT COWS WITH REGULAR SIZED HEADS
buttery butter
thiago this is why you should have quit smoking
EP 10 so if thiago hadnt used the lighter would felps still be alive, probably just would have died later B)
bro joui has got to buy new dice this is crazy
this is gonna be the average 2 star motel experience BRO JUST DABBED ON CESAR liz is about to get bodied by the hallway ghosts this is just like a regular motel HUH UHHHHHHH
no joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy
mom i want to go home i dont want to stay in santo berço anymore jesus christ
EP 11 how am i supposed to just start the next episode after that i think the mental image of brulio beating arthurs skull in is burned into my brain space
sandwich sandwich
i love the giant cows so much i want one GIANT CHICKEN LAY GIANT EGG I LOVE THE GIANT CHICKEN intimidating the human sized pig
EP 12 still thinking about how cellbit thought new zealand was so close to europe, he was so sure of it that he was making me unsure of where i knew new zealand was
both times thiago was played by cellbit some horrific shit happened so with arthur being an npc this episode im prepared for the worst also this starting soon screen is fucking wicked
are you telling me joui's max sanity is now 12 bros been losing it for so long hes stuck like this joui is the "damn, you live like this?" meme
"that sounds like a book title" bro let the intrusive thought win
baby nidere
no way the cow has been suffering this whole time ill cry
theyre about to rp their way into an angry medieval mob when they get found with the body of the dead gatekeeper B) does santo berço have dungeons, bc if they do thats where theyll be sleeping tonight nvm the gatekeeper has demons inside him sorry joui HUh no way they killed the gatekeeper dude wtf
EP 13 chat's a bit excited to go in the cave guys if anyone reads this what am i supposed to do once i finish this season. what do you mean i just have to go onto desconjuração. what do you mean i have to leave this story behind. please let me keep all the characters in this one.
THE CAVE MAP IS COOOOOOL THE LIGHT MOVES WITH THE MINER everyone struggling to flip their characters 5 mins into the cave made me laugh so hard i had to pause to breathe
THE SUCC hes about to kill them all with the Succ out of spite thiago never mock one of cellbit's monsters again ARTHUR ZIUM
door door door door door door door door door door the gatekeeper is alive???
ih arthur nah dude let go of cesar :(((((((((((( gotta hand it to arthur hes survived two of these situations now get it, hand it to him, CAUSE HE LOST HIS FUCKING ARM WTF HIS ARM DETATCH LIKE A LEGO sorry i vote we still kill the gatekeeper just in case just to be safe
EP 14 did cellbit have a past traumatic experience with a vacuum is that why he created the Succ
agatha?????? bro agatha's life sucked big pp
every time cellbit says hes excited for something i grow more afraid
if they kill and eat the gatekeeper would he also taste delicious just wondering
i think i might know the reason why 12 sanity joui has a funky grey form but 55 sanity thiago doesnt, but maybe im crazy nevermind thiago had the funky grey within him this whole time wait does that mean hes gonna die if santo berço dies DAMN
joui just really wants to see thiago naked also hes just blatantly stealing arthur's knife he really is losing all his sanity that was possibly the most unconvincing "nada" ive ever heard
EP 15 before i start a new episode i always go to the vod on twitch and watch the memes first so i can go "hehe" for five minutes, and then go "oh no" for the next 4 hours
hypothetically, if joui managed to get the symbol on him before anyone noticed would he have just lost all 12 of his sanity and gone mad cuz that would have been crazy :,)
this is it cellbit is finally going to kill npc thiago joui is so very happy about his shotgun i thought maybe he was getting better but hes whispering to it again
alright whats up with cellbit and the outwards opening doors because i swear i have never seen a door that opens out instead of in, are all the doors like that in his home these doors are made to have creatures attack from inside ih i just checked like 3 times to make sure i was on the right episode lmaoooo
one buff woman vs all 3 equipe kelvin who will win (1 woman) crazy that equipe kelvin managed to accomplish what took our group 9 episodes to get to lool they even got the leticio cacetinho dlc, but they did skip the spider boss fight and the entire house level
EP 16 the joui, liz, and arthur cosplay look like theyre going to a nice dinner meanwhile thiago, kenan, and cesar just look homeless
idk if thiago's making it out of this one :,) maybe we just take thiago's weapons its not like he can do much to help anyways kenan wants to skin him listen brother i dont think thats gonna work im at the 52 min mark and cellbit is acting sus af the blacksmith is about to appear and stomp them all or something
joui would roll a 99 and nearly knife cesar and liz is trying so hard not to metagame her way to the explosive backpack loving how trigger happy joui is right now go on guys give him more explosives what the worst that could happen
is kenan also a wellspring do they have to kill him cuz thats gonna be kind of awkward and on that note since thiago has the symbol on him does that make him a wellspring too ill cry i will cry
damn that scene between joui, liz, and thiago was the best in the entire season
i would like to take this moment before they all get swallowed alive by some horrible sludge tentacle monster to proclaim my absolute hatred of Santo Berço. I know i said at the end of episode 8 that i thought it looked cool but im over it ive moved past that point in my life i hate Santo Berço
"the people are happy here!" says the blacksmith as he currently has 5 people forcefully locked up for decades that have gone mad with probably no way of ever regaining their sanity i just realised miguel and the old blacksmith fucked so hard they had a kid
final boss aboutta come crawling out of the meatball please stop trying to skin thiago the symbol isnt gonna come off
???????????????????? "kenan you have one last sane move before i take your character and throw him off a cliff"
post i made after i finished osnf (made like 3 days later because i was so so so so so so so so so so sad)
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peopleiveghosted · 9 months
anti-hero is not "overrated" it's actually just that good, an essay of sorts
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so. earlier today, i was talking to myself (as you do), and while pacing my sister's living room floor, my imaginary conversation partner had some Bad Opinions about taylor swift's "anti-hero". and i was so mad at myself for not being able to immediately put to words why this song deserves all its hype, is a lyrical masterpiece, and means a lot to me, that i immediately sat down and almost gave myself carpal tunnel while typing out this line-by-line analysis of its lyrics. nothing i say could ever be as eloquent or well-put as the lyrics themselves, but nevertheless, in case anyone needs to be validated in how much they love this song, or doesn't understand why this song is such a hit with so many people, here it is. here goes.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
bam. open with an absolute BANGER of a line. this line does one of the things that taylor does best, which is flipping a well-used and overly trite phrase on its head. how many times have i heard the phrase "older and wiser"? and how many times have people told me that those who are older don't actually have their lives together, don't actually know what they're doing any more than i do, and that they're just as lost no matter how much more "life experience" they have? this line also sets up the theme of feeling like you'll never learn, and continuing down a road to ruin because you don't know how to do anything else, which becomes very prevalent throughout the song
Midnights become my afternoons
line 2 continues along the same vein of flipping things on their head. older doesn't equal wiser, midnights are actually afternoons. the theme of the album comes in (things that keep her up at night). in plain words: she's wide awake at midnight
When my depression works the graveyard shift / All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
okay i really didn't want to say "cmon. it's self-explanatory." but CMON. IT'S SELF-EXPLANATORY. that's a fucking GENIUS LINE must i REALLY explain it? if i MUST, it's following the last line (about how she's wide awake in the middle of the night) to say that her depression is what's keeping her up, and when her depression keeps her up, the people she's "ghosted" (if you're not a native english speaker/are unfamiliar with the colloquial definition of this word, it means to avoid/ignore someone, often with no explanation. not replying to texts, ignoring them on social media, not answering their calls, blocking them, etc.) are like actual ghosts, haunting her, standing there and watching her with accusatory gazes in the middle of the night. aka she cant sleep because she's thinking about all the people she's hurt or cut off in the past.
I should not be left to my own devices / They come with prices and vices / I end up in crisis (Tale as old as time)
okay. quadruple rhyme? all right, taylor, i see you. spitting fire. continuing the story from the first verse, she's by herself (left to her own devices) and going down a late-night spiral, and when she's left to her own thoughts bad things happen. and i'd argue the second part of the line (they come with prices and vices) is ambiguous in who she hurts. the last part (I end up in crisis) implies she's the one hurting herself when she's left to her own thoughts, but "prices and vices" doesn't say who's paying the price (her or the people around her?) and when someone gives into their vices, they often hurt their loved ones too. this line is mainly about self-destructive tendencies, late-night spiraling, bad thoughts, the consequences of bad thoughts, but i'd also say that combined with the fact that it immediately follows "all of the people i've ghosted" this line is also about how she's self-aware of all the people she's hurt. and that's the source of her "crisis" (though, of course, it could be a nod to 'existential crisis' which has become a phrase that's well known amongst our generation). "Tale as old as time" --- she's not special. everyone has experienced this. but also, she's done this so many times, but she never learns (gotten older, but not wiser)
I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day, I'll watch as you're leaving / 'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time)
ANOTHER QUADRUPLE RHYME. here enters the elusive "you" she's addressing. they seem to be a partner, or at least someone very close to her. the idea of taylor "scheming" or being a mastermind/manipulator is one that's existed in media and is acknowledged/addressed throughout this album, but even within the context of just this song, it nods to the fact that she likes to overthink, is anxious and overplans, stays up all night. she's obsessive, and she thinks she'll end up alone because of it (meeeeeeeeeeeeee)
It's me, hi / I'm the problem, it's me
memeable. catchy. a very simple line, but that's what makes it such a gut-punch. the epitome of what someone who literally can't sleep at night because of things they've done or at least think they've done says to themselves
At teatime, everybody agrees
she's imagining everyone she knows over afternoon tea talking about how she's the problem and how they hate her. i have also done this. i think most people who are anxious, especially socially anxious, have wondered if everyone actually secretly hates them, and are just too polite to say so to their face.
I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
another "c'mon it's self-explanatory" line. my jaw literally dropped when i first heard this line. she'd rather blind herself, hurt herself by staring directly at the sun, than face her own reflection. she can't bear to look at herself. self-loathing at its peak
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
this can very easily be read as taylor talking to her fans: it must be so hard being my fan, when i'm the "anti-hero" aka someone who lacks all the traditionally heroic attributes. but in other words, outside the specific context of taylor and her fandom, this line can read as "i'm the opposite of everything people like or want to champion. it must be so much work, loving someone like me."
Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
"sexy baby" is meant to be an oxymoron here. she thinks everyone but her has found out how to be both "sexy" (mature, attractive, confident) and a "baby" (innocent, young, blameless). knowing taylor, it's likely specifically a nod to the stereotypically (but not necessarily exclusively!) female experience of having to be both sexy but not too sexy as to be a slut. you have to have it, but not flaunt it. you have to be physically mature (have that hourglass figure, tits and ass, etc., and be aware enough of it to know how to look good but not TOO good) but mentally pure (like a child, untouched by the world, not jaded, still full of wonder despite everything). i've heard people say this line makes them feel uncomfortable, because the idea of "sexy babies" is weird and off-putting to them, but that's kind of the point. it's an uncomfortable idea because it shouldn't exist and mixes two concepts (sexiness and babies) that people don't often put together, thereby showing how society puts an impossible, unnatural, and perverse double standard on people (particularly women).
And I'm a monster on the hill / Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city
she thinks she's the opposite of the idealized "sexy baby" expectation that, in this moment, she imagines everyone else has managed to achieve. she's just this big monster. "too big" to me clearly speaks to body image issues. and it might be easy to be like "it's taylor swift, what does she know about body image issues?" but that's like. kinda part of why this line hits? even taylor swift has these problems. and the image of something large and unsightly and inelegant, moving in such a way that's more like "lurching" and coming to destroy everything you love…and the fact that that's how she sees herself, at least in this moment? more self-loathing, obviously. that's the theme of the song
Pierced through the heart, but never killed
continuing the monster metaphor. she's the monster, so people attack her, and it hurts. it pierces her straight in the heart. but it never kills her. and in the movies, in this story, people always want the monster to die. the monster is the antagonist. so not only does she have to live through and suffer this pain, this pain that pierces her straight through the heart, she thinks no one wants her to live, that no one's on her side, that no one's cheering for her. she's attacked over and over, but she always gets back up, and that's a bad thing, because she's the monster. her efforts to keep going is to the detriment to everyone/everything around her, she's a blight just for existing.
Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism / Like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time)
triple rhyme! sorry for constantly pointing the obvious out, but it amazes me that not only does she manage to eloquently state these complex ideas in very few words, but she manages to rhyme at the same time. i'm so bad at rhyming, so this just blows my mind, even if here the last one is more of a slant rhyme. it's still close enough to work and be satisfying. the opening words are "did you hear" which again, refers to how she's imagining what everyone must be saying about her. and the covert narcissism that's actually altruism? like…i have this exact fear. "am i really altruistic/a good person? or am i only pretending to be a good person because i'm a narcissist who wants praise and attention, only doing it because it looks good to other people rather than out of any innate goodness (like a congressman just trying to win an election)?"
I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day, I'll watch as you're leaving / And life will lose all its meaning (For the last time)
she has a fear of losing that important person and having nothing left. and this time, she won't survive it. following the second verse, to me it also means that she won't get back up this time, it's the end of the line, the monster will finally be slain (and isn't that what everyone wants anyway?)
CHORUS 2 (repeat)
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money She thinks I left them in the will The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out "She's laughing up at us from Hell"
okay this part actually took me quite awhile to figure out. but once i got it, it absolutely destroyed me.
i (me, the person writing this analysis) have these things i call "fear fantasies." basically, if you think of a nightmare (a bad dream you have while sleeping) and a daydream (a happy thing you imagine while ur awake), then a "fear fantasy" is a nightmare/daydream where you're awake, but your mind just spirals into this nightmare of an overly-specific, self-punishing, weirdly gleefully masochistic imagining where something terrible happens to you or someone around you. i feel like a lot of people with anxiety will know exactly what i'm talking about. but if you're lucky enough to not count as one of those people, just know this: some people spin stories of worst-case scenarios in their head that are highly specific, highly unlikely, and very terrible for no decipherable reason other than perhaps self-torture and an inexplicable craving for suffering and self-punishment. it's irrational, hard to explain, and mostly, not under our control. it just happens.
that's what she's describing here, though she does describe it as a "dream" instead of a "daydream" so it's not an exact match with my "fear fantasies". basically, she has this dream, and it's a dream where she hypothesizes about something terrible happening. it's overly-dramatized, probably unrealistic, definitely a case of catastrophizing. in fact, in the music video, she plays it for laughs, like she's making fun of her own imagination. but in actuality, when she's imagining it in the middle of the night, or dreaming, it probably feels very real.
and what is that worst-case scenario?
the worst-case scenario isn't even that her family hates her so much they kill her because all they really want is her money. it's the idea that that's all that will be left of her legacy, which she didn't even bequeath to anyone, because she lived knowing she was unloved and hated. "what if, after everything i've achieved, it all amounts to nothing because i have no one to share it with? and what if that was my fault? what if, at the end of it all, i have nothing left in me but my spite, so i die hated by everybody while hoarding my money?" it's not just "what if i had a daughter-in-law that hated me" it's "i put no one in my will out of spite, because i hated them too, i was the problem, and maybe even, i deserved to be killed for being so horrible and petty, and so, my death is not a cause for grief, and my only revenge is their outrage." it's "my existence is one that's so loveless that all i can breed is hatred, amongst those closest to me and within myself." it's "i'm so profoundly lonely, and i can't think of a reason for why i'm so alone except that something must be very wrong with me, but i don't know what it is or if it's even possible to fix it, so i'm just going to lie here and imagine what the end of such an existence would look like: ugly, nothing but petty drama, inconsequential, ultimately forgettable, and full of hate, just like the rest of me."
and then the song begins to wind down with the breakdown of "it's me, hi, i'm the problem it's me" repeated over and over until she hisses "everybody agrees, everybody agrees" just to drive home that idea of literally everyone hating her, including herself.
and finally, the chorus one more time. ending with "it must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero" aka, as i said, "it must be so hard, to love me" (which is why no one does, not even myself)
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dbmars · 9 months
Bram Stoker's Hannibal Chapters 74, 75, and 76
We have, at last, reached THE MOMENT we've all been waiting for.
This moment:
I wrote all the way up to this moment and then slowly edited and released chapters just to make sure I covered everything I wanted to cover. Normally I just write a chapter, edit it, post it, move on. But I wanted to be extra careful that I didn't miss anything I wanted to include.
Chapter 74:
It's a Bottom Hanni chapter! Now, I know the top/bottom debate is always a thing, but I'm a firm believer in Bryan's designation that they switch. Normally I prefer to write bottom Will, but I also fully believe that Hannibal is a hedonist and would do anything that feels good, like getting railed by his mongoose. Also fun fact, being a vampire means you don't have to do much prep for anal because you don't eat food, and the immortal body can withstand plenty of abuse. So we do have some steamy bottom Hanni action in this chapter, as Will seems to search his lover's body for any evidence of... what exactly?
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(I found this on pinterest, if you know the creator lmk this is perfection -- it has actually MAJOR Iliya and Hannibal vibes more than Will and Han)
Oh hey little known fact: Lenore from the brothel? It's Molly Shannon's character, the woman who collected "Lost Boys." Now she collects lost sex workers to make her perfect family of high-class courtesans. I didn't delve too much into this side story because hey, news flash, THIS FIC IS REALLY FUCKING LONG. But now you know who I was envisioning:
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Chapter 75:
If you google Hetienne Park cowboy hat this is what you get:
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Howdy partner!
Hetienne Park as Beverly Katz as Quincey Morris!
Anyway, Jack Van Crawford asks everyone to continue to help him in his mysterious quest, which is about to take an even darker turn. They're headed back to the graveyard to prove once and for all to everyone involved that Alana is UnDead. The gang heads back to Highgate and runs into the "bloofer lady" that's been kidnapping children and biting their necks...
I made this just for y'all. It's my attempt at photo manip LOL I know I'm not that good at it.
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Now that they know Alana's undead, what's Jack Crawford's Scooby Gang to do?
Meanwhile, Hannibal and his wolf pack murder the zookeeper at the London Zoological gardens, who happens to be the Clark Ingram character. I didn't make him a serial killer in this AU, just a guy who likes to torture animals. I've always seen him as the anti-Peter Bernadone, who cares so deeply for every life large and small. So I thought it made sense to cast this motherfucker as the kind of guy who would beat caged wolves on the head with a wooden pole to make them compliant.
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Seriously, fuck this guy.
Fun behind the scenes facts: The London Zoological Gardens were established as a place for the scientific study of animals, and to move the menagerie of creatures out of the Tower of London where they'd been kept since the 1100s. The Tower of London is haunted by the ghost of a bear that had been kept there.
Here are some time period pics from the zoo. You can see, of course, why the wolves begged Hannibal to help them escape.
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All right, that's it for now! Here's a SMUTTY SIGN-OFF:
He has me pinned against the pillows and the headboard, my body rolling upward as he thrusts into me at an unrelenting pace, sweat gathering on his brow and dripping through his hair. His face is next to mine, buried against my cheek and the curve of my neck, panting and grunting in a lovely, beastial way. If I were human, I’d have to imagine this would hurt tremendously. It brings only the tiniest sensation of intimate pain, and I thoroughly enjoy it, whispering to him, encouraging him to let himself go. There is something desperate in the way he holds me so tightly, as if he could snap my bones; even after he comes, there is no break in his pace. Yet, the continuation seems more about spending something else besides his emission, and less about my pleasure. Grunting, he circles his hips, the slow grind teasing my inner rise, making me gasp. I touch myself, and he leans back, still rocking my body back and forth. Will puts his hand over mine, looking me in the eye, and a few strokes later I’ve tasted bliss, even as he keeps thrusting. 
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shift-shaping · 10 months
I'm reading about the people trapped in the Titan and like. This is heartbreaking, man. I understand people want to be upset because it's a wildly expensive trip, but saying anyone deserved this is morally bankrupt. And people likening it to "desecrating a grave site?" Fuck off. It's not desecrating a graveyard to walk through it, and that is effectively what these tours are designed to do.
Yeah, rich people do dumbass, dangerous shit that costs absurd amounts of money. But have the people blaming the passengers actually looked into this situation at all?
Why the fuck was OceanGate operating this vessel when experts had pointed out how dangerous it was five years ago?
The company's CEO, Stockton Rush, (which, side note, is one of the most egregious "rich guy" names I've ever heard, wow) took his passengers, one of whom is a nineteen-year-old and another of whom is one of the world's foremost experts on the Titanic, to a depth he'd been warned the vessel could fail at. The viewport was certified to 1300 meters --the Titanic wreck is at roughly 4000 meters.
Everything you read about OceanGate makes it clear that they were essentially running a goddamn submarine company like a tech startup. Rush complained about regulations, argued that red tape is stifling innovation in the industry, and refused to have OceanGate's craft certified.
Now he's put not just his own life, but the lives of four other people in danger at the worthless altar of "rapid innovation." Rest in piss, Rush Stockton. He still doesn't deserve to be tortured to death in a claustrophobic hell tube, but I hope the ghost of his negligence haunts every shithead tech bro for the rest of their lives.
And I hope the families of his victims, because that is what his passengers are regardless of their income level, sue his investors for every red cent they're worth.
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avocado-frog · 4 months
Anyways ghosts in my wip since I'm thinkin about them (@steh-lar-uh-nuhs since you asked to be tagged lol)
ghost post time:
(cw for a lot of death mention. parent death)
Dylan's magic was kinda vague in forget me not (book one not series) but the general gist was something along the lines of they can control dreams to a certain extent and can sense when somebody is going to die (foreshadowed elliot) (and leo apparently???) but also when I reread it, Dylan is actually BARELY in any of the chapters at all. They don't have a line until well after halfway through even though they showed up in like chapter six
SO dahlia (book two) has a lot more Dylan in it which is great stunning showstopping i love them. Unrelated but looking back the lack of Dylan was definitely why I didn't know what I was doing with characterizing them. <3 DYLAN <3
Before this becomes a dylan appreciation post, the stuff Dylan can do is more expanded on in Dahlia, and includes: -A sort of healing magic that Cass can't do, which is why Elliot is okay even without Cass -That healing magic is that they can handle more advanced injuries (elliot's stab wound, life threatening injuries) while Cass can only do sprains and cuts and bruises -Possession -Necromancy apparently -Possession is what Dylan says is why they could hypothetically raise the dead, if they could wake up Elliot. A post for another time
I've said that Elliot's dream world thing is based on Omori, and in Omori, Mari is like. may or may not be a ghost who is real but you'll never know because Sunny hallucinates often. Same thing for Elliot. Same mechanics
In forget me not Elliot claims to see his mother in the graveyard, right by where her grave would be. There's no realistic way for him to KNOW where that was, unless he is aware that that is where dead people go. So like Mari omori it's ambiguous whether Elliot was actually seeing her or if he was just hallucinating. And in the dream world, Olivia is noted by Dylan to have a scar across her neck, even though Elliot would not want any reminders of her death in what is supposed to be a safe area, hence why the reminders of his two Big Traumas are upstairs in separate rooms. And Olivia is the most sentient of the dream world characters aside from Lucas (who is btw dream world Leo) and Cass. Everyone else is scripted by Elliot. Olivia seems to be knowing what's going on
So what I'm saying is that dream world Olivia like headspace Mari MIGHT just be a ghost. hypothetically
Also in forget me not, I think that at one point Leo claims to feel a hand on her shoulder
ALSO ABOUT LEO: she gets her own little dream section in rosemary where she sees Olivia, despite having not known her
It's still left pretty ambiguous in what I have of rosemary so far. But Jaxon witnesses several deaths, Leo's, who isn't really dead, but he doesn't know that, Maria's, a woman who he accidentally got killed in chapter four and a boy who he sees the execution of. He sees all of them, as well as a boy who he doesn't know but who IS in fact his brother. Again, whether or not they're real is vague because Leo is not dead, but he does see one that he doesn't know
My OTHER dead character is Jasmine, Logan's sister who has Not made an appearance yet but she should be allowed to. She haunts Logan's character arc at the very least. Also maybe Dylan's
tldr if ghosts were real and canon, they are in people's dreams. Dylan and Elliot might be able to raise the dead but I'm not going to dwell on that because that is a whole other plot
This post was brought to you by me wondering how Olivia would interact with the other kids, and me being sad about her death again
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itsladykit · 6 months
Trick-or-Treater Anon is back for a final treat, please! 🎃
Underswap and/or Swapfell!Red brother's for Halloween ♡
(If you feel generous, some Twistfell too please!♡ )
Happy Spooperween 2023!!
Many candies for you and some skellies! 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍭 🍬 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍭 🍬 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍭 🍬 💀 ☠️💀 ☠️ 💀
Late, but every day is Halloween in my house, so--
The first year they're on the Surface, Blackberry would insist on trick-or-treating. Yes, he's an adult, but he never got to do this! He's small enough and acts young enough that most people responded well to him, but he was given the "Aren't you a little old for this?" treatment by some jerks. After that first year, I think he really falls in love with the holiday. I could see him really enjoying haunted houses, and even working as a scare actor.
Twist...not so much. He likes the cute side of things--kids in costumes, "spoopy" stuff--but he hates the scary shit. It agitates his LV and overall just isn't fun for him. His fear response definitely falls on the "fight" side of flight, fight, or freeze, so he tries to stay clear of things that trigger him like that. (He doesn't want to be the guy who punches an innocent scare actor, after all.) So, he usually stays home, passes out candy, and maybe watches a "cute" Halloween movie. I think he may have tried a haunted house for his bro's sake, but the whole time, he had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't real, no one was actually going to harm him. And it was nothing but miserable for him. So he didn't try that again.
Blue isn't as enthusiastic about Halloween as many of the others. (He's more of a Gyftmas guy, I think.) I do think he likes an excuse for a party, though. ^_^
And Swap is mostly interested in the pumpkin spice everything and the candy. And he's very fond of the costumery. He favors cute over scary, and he makes his brother a costume every year. (He eventually starts making one for himself once he works through his self esteem issues.) Overall, though, he's a pass out candy and chill kind of guy.
Razz is a grump. He doesn't do Halloween, and is overall disgusted by the whole thing. (Some of this is self-directed frustration because he's got a sweet-tooth he resents, and he's always upset that Halloween marks the start of the holiday season, where sweets are too plentiful.) If he passes out anything (unlikely), it's apples.
Slim loves the whole idea, but he's not sure how to engage with it. He's too shy to spearhead anything himself, but he does want to participate. He's down for just about anything his friend group will get up to, though. I could fully see him finding a local ghost hunting group and engaging in the real scary shit, though--visiting graveyards, breaking into haunted houses, and conducting seances. This boy is delighted rather than scared by Halloween gore; if he wants a thrill, he needs something a bit more intense. (We'll assume ghosts are real in this 'verse--see Napstablook--but any that remained on the Surface after the war aren't like the ones that went Underground.)
Thank you for the fun asks!! ^_^ They really made my night.
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kokomatdoroshi · 2 months
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wyd when an otherwise harmless confrontation with your gf's other gf becomes a bloody standoff incited by some fuckass walmart brand cthulhu freak and ultimately ends in your death ? 🤨
and wyd when you miraculously come back at the hands of some obscure entity that acts like they don't want anything from you but deep down you know that everything comes with a price; especially these crazy abilities you suddenly have? 🤔
Meet Zar!
Zahara "Zar" Hawthorne
pronouns: she/they
age: 18
dob: December 17th, 2005
death date: January 1st. 2023
resurrection date: January 8th, 2023
orientation: biromantic, aegosexual
general fc: amandla stenberg
starkid fc: tiffany williams
facts n things:
was That Girl™️: popular cheerleader, but nice enough to have a plug in every clique; in the top 10 of her class; had the perfect girlfriend, etc. etc. very sweet girl, just had the worst friends
was (and is) deeply strange by normie standards. hangs out in graveyards and develops parasocial relationship with some of the tombstones. has a serious fascination with life, death, anatomy, bugs, the supernatural, etc.
initially kept that shit to herself bc it's social suicide—total grounds for being a nerdy prude. dying changes ur outlook a bit, though. release ur inhibitions, feel the rain, etc, etc
can be very blunt and outspoken. despite being well meaning and friendly, she'll sometimes say things without thinking but they always apologize as soon as they realize she's stuck a foot in her mouth. all but abandoned her peppy sunshiney half after coming back. she's still in there, somewhere. but it'll take a lot for them to fully trust someone enough again
so, what happened?
their gf's other woman, who I'll name Lou for simplicity, got her to come out to the ol' Waylon place so they could "talk"
many things lead to many other things and an "intimidation" attempt turns into a murder attempt, with Lou being under the influence of Wiggly
ruh roh! snapped out of it, Lou is in a panic and decides to call the mutual gf for advice
mutual gf is the worst person ever, actually. instead of turning Lou in, she helps her cover things up and they dump Zar's body deep in the Witchwood Forest
but wait, there's more! Zar's not quite dead and eventually succumbs to a combination of their wounds and the freezing January night
but not before weakly calling out to somebody, anybody for help
seven days later and She Has Risen! with the help of a currently undetermined entity, but renewed life comes with a price and, in order to live, Zar must do their bidding
it's not all bad, though. they don't ask for things super often (but when they do, there's absolutely no objections. ever.) and have been super helpful in both Zar's revenge plot and honing her newly gained abilities. sometimes she uses her powers for good tho
anywayy, Zar dropped out of Hatchetfield High after being murdered—fair tbh. who needs a GED when you can work at the seedy occult store in town and also be an immortal witch of ambiguous moral standing 🤷🏽‍♀️
but tbh - at the end of the day, they're still just a 18 year old girl. imagine all the cringe 18 year old quirks and throw them into a vat of powerful murder gremlin soup. that's Zar
(after)life goals:
get revenge ✅
join smoke club ✅
resurrect the Victorian Dandy whose grave she hung around the most—they had a tryst in the afterlife and are saur in love 🔳
go on a tour of all the most haunted places in the world 🔳
see Gossip, Babymetal, and MCR in concert 🔳🔳🔳
Zahara and her story draw heavy influence from Jennifer's Body, Lisa Frankenstein, Poor Things, every other goth horror queen and a myriad of tropes I really enjoy. they're my manic murder goth girl, but she's so chill if you're cool 😌
Pre-Death Pinterest
After-Death Pinterest
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