#they were together for 1200 years and Chuck took him away and he still went groveling to him.
deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
The really did erase every single other romantic pairing from the finale to draw attention to the fact that Cas was missing.  Adam and Michael are the same actor, the writers went out of their way to add a line and have Michael inform the audience that Adam, his partner of 1200 years, was gone, that even he was alone. 
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memelover1024 · 3 years
Salvatore-Mikaelson Chapter 1
Tvd Series
Salvatore OFC-Mikaelson OFC
1200 Words
Then Part One
Third-person pov
It had been 4 months since Athena had met the Mikaelson's. She was now 4 months pregnant with twins. After Kol realized what she was he introduced her to his brothers. Klaus was hesitant about her and only kept her alive because of her condition and the fact that her powers could be useful to him. Elijah and Athena became fast friends; he understood her more than anyone else and for that he trusted her. Finn however was tried by her powers but came to love her for her personality. He loved how gentle she was and how she made him feel human after so many years a monster. he loved her. Athena sat in the living room of the Mikaelson manor. Finn had invited Stefan to come and train the young horses, but the real reason was to get Athena to come. Finn entered the room and noticed her staring at the fire and reading a book of poems Klaus had gifted her. He came up behind her and read over her shoulder.
"Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven, and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,--
And ever-changing, like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?.... Who is this?"
"Percy Shelley"
"Shelley? Didn't he write that horror book you like so much?"
"No, that was his wife, Mary"
"A woman wrote that book?"
"Are you surprised?"
"No...I .. Uh,... " He looked down at his hands, twiddling thumbs, cheeks redding.
"What?" you laughed at his shyness.
" I-" the sound of small heavy footsteps came running up. A moment later Stefan appeared tailed by Elijah.
"Sister, I've taught Fredrick to jump." Stefan was smiling ear to ear, at 12 Stefan small for his age and innocent, the weight of the world had not yet been placed on his shoulders. Athena wanted to protect her brother from that fate forever, but in 5 months she wouldn't be able to protect him anymore, for he won't be the only one who needs protecting.
"That's wonderful Stefan, would you like to show me?" she smiled at her brother.
"Perhaps later," Klaus said entering the room. "we have to discuss something." seeing the seriousness in his face she frowned.
"Stefan, why don't you find one of the servant boys and go play while the adults talk."
"Stefan. Please well be done in a minute," she spoke sternly but gently. Stefan nodded and gave Finn an inquisitive look; he turned on his heels and went outside. Athena turned to Klaus and with a look urged him to continue. He pulled a very old piece of paper from his jacket and set it in front of her on the table.
"A spell from our mother's grimoire.." he sighed, "the one that turned us immortal." Athena's eyes shot up to Klaus, shocked.
"You said only a witch as powerful as your mother could be able to replicate the spell," she said to him, confused about what he was insinuating.
" correct, but with your siphon powers if you are to channel us you should be able to have enough power to complete the spell." she considered it for a moment.
"Who would I be turning into an original?"
"You," Finn answered, she looked at him now very concerned.
"What do you mean me?"
"As a siphon, the only magic you have is what you get from other supernatural beings, as a supernatural being yourself you won't have to siphon-"
"I would be my own power source," she finished understanding what they expected of her. "I can't, I'm pregnant, I can't turn into a vampire!"
"Well you won't turn now," Klaus said as if it were obvious. "We would wait until after the twins were born."
"And then what would I do? You said you don't plan on staying long. And I can't leave my brothers."
"You said you wanted to be powerful enough to protect your children, being a vampire I'll make you powerful," Elijah said.
She turned to Finn, sadness in her eyes, "I can't," she told him in a whisper even though she knew the others could hear her.
He nodded in understanding, he wanted to be with her for eternity and he wanted to make her happy, but he still didn't feel comfortable with the idea of her being like him. To him, she could never be a monster, but that didn't mean he didn't want her to stay human.
"We'll find another way for you to use magic without being a vampire then," Klaus said. He didn't want to give up on the opportunity to have an original witch/vampire hybrid at his disposal. But he won't force her, he respected her too much. I'm the 4 months he'd known her she had become his sister, the only person he'd ever met besides his family that wasn't afraid of him because of what he was, and he wasn't going to hurt the person holding his older brother together, the person holding his whole family together.
As he spoke, Athena's eyes never left Finn's. Klaus nudged Elijah's arm and led him out of the room.
"Does your father know about the twins?" he asked her genuinely concerned about her father's reaction, she was unmarried and it was uncertain if her father even knew about her relationship with the twins' father, her twin.
She shook her head, "no, I'm going to wait till I can't hide it anymore."
"Well that's probably soon, you're already starting to show through your dress," he replied resting a hand on her thigh.
"I don't think I look that fat," she said laughing, he laughed too. At that moment their eyes met and they leaned closer to each other.
"You look beautiful," he said just before he closed the space between them, planting a gentle, but passionate kiss on her lips. They stayed there for a couple of seconds before they pulled away. Eyes never leaving each other Finn reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver ring on a string. Her eyes drifted to it, it was old, marks on the silver from where it had weathered. It wasn't a forged ring like the ones her father wore, the metal was coarse but soft and you could see where it was melted and cooled. It was beautiful. Finn noticed how she was admiring it and took her hand from her lap and placed the ring in it.
"It was my mother's, its magic. She made it for a spell to tell the genders of the children the women in the village were carrying."
She looked up at him and smiled, "this will tell me the genders of the twins?" he nodded
"Hold out your hands." she held out her and palms down. And he took her hand in his and flipped them over, they smiled at each other. Finn held the ring over her right hand and it swung in a circle.
"This one's a boy," he said and a giant grin grew on both their faces. "And.." he held the ring over the other hand. Same result. "Another boy!" they both laughed.
"I guess I have my work cut out for me then," she chucked, he took her hand in his.
"Don't worry, I'll help you," he said in a soft, loving tone. She smiled and kissed him again. And at that moment she knew, Damon might have been their biological father, but she wanted Finn to raise her sons with her.
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