#they see someone asian that's kind of pale and has black hair and are like 'you must be japanese!' 😭
imnotavamp1r3 ¡ 1 month
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♡ Tips for being emo/scene!!! ♡
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🎀 Become familiar with the music
I don't think that if you're emo or scene that you have to listen to every single band and genre under those labels, but I would recommend at least being familiar with as many bands as you can as those subcultures are music based. While fashion is still important, it won't matter how good your outfit looks if you don't engage in what is the most important part of the scene.
🎀 Check the kids' sections of thrift stores
If you're on the shorter or thinner side, then you should definitely check the kids sections in thrift stores because you can find things like cartoon merch that you wouldn't find in the adults section. This is especially helpful for if you're scene since most stores aren't going to carry super colourful clothes in the adults section.
🎀 Don't worry too much about not looking emo or scene enough
I'm fairly active on r/scene, and one of the most frequent kinds of posts I see are people asking 'Am I scene enough?' or 'Is this scene?' I think those posts really highlight an issue in many alternative communities, which is that people will focus more on looking like they belong in their subculture rather than dressing how they want. This is an issue because focusing solely on fitting into a style won't help you find your personal style, but rather discourage your individuality. The point of being alternative is to express who you are and be unique, not to look like everyone else, so when you put together an outfit you should always focus on how much you like it, not how emo it looks.
🎀 You don't have to be pale, skinny, white, ect. to be alternative
I see a lot of people ask if they're allowed to be emo or scene while being coloured or plus sized, and the answer is that anyone can be part of any subculture. Just because the most popular emo and scene influencers like Eugenia or Johnnie were pale and thin doesn't mean everyone has to look like them. During the Myspace era, there were also plenty of people with the style who were Asian, black, plus-sized, and more. Plus I'm half Asian and I'm obviously emo. Additionally, black emos do not have to straighten their hair. There is nothing wrong with embracing your natural hair and if someone calls you a poser for that, their opinion doesn't matter.
🎀 You don't have to spend a lot of money
Obviously if you have the money and you want to wear Demonia and Tripp, you can do that. But I've seen a lot of people say that they don't have enough money to dress alternative, and while that definitely does limit your options a lot, you can still get cute clothes by thrifting or shopping on second hand apps. Stores like Romwe, while not the most ethical way to buy your clothes, also have cute stuff that's on the cheaper side.
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That's it, byeeee!!! ˚。⋆୨୧˚♡
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noirineverysense ¡ 2 years
Racism in the whump community
I'm a tired black woman and I wanna talk about the kind of racism i see in the whump community. This isnt a callout, but a discussion and its an invite for white people to listen not talk over me.
Whump is when characters get hurt, this can be from fandom or with original characters, so I'll go into each of these starting with fandom.
Fandom racism is well documented, white people will actively ignore or hate on people of colour, especially black women, both the characters and the actors. Black, Latino and Asian characters are consistently hated or ignored, especially in whump. As someone who runs a poc whump blog, I have to make gifs (as someone who doesnt have the talent or energy to do that) for franchises like the fucking MCU, where characters like Sam Wilson or T'Challa, who have massive fanbases outside of tumblr/whumpblr, but here theyre irrelevant. Black stories and pain are irrelevant in whump.
Been in servers where people will talk about a whumpee by showing pictures of a group of people, no one has to mention theyre talking about the white man in the group, we all know ofc whumpees are white men. The poc in the shot are the background, even if theyre the main characters, to a white person eyes, they arent relevant, arent important.
And OC content isnt free from this either. Instead of ignoring people of colour, we are simply not present. And whump is derived from fandom so its clear that these are linked. You dont like it when we're there, and make worlds where we are not. And it's not about intention, maybe youre just worried about writing poc, maybe we just dont come to your mind at all. But the effect, the consequence, is more important on poc in the community than any of that.
And when you do write us, you feminise and fetishise asian men, you make black men hypermasculine or subject them to poilce brutality. You make black women the sassy best friend type, the black mama to serve white people. We're never the centre of the story.
And whiteness is glorified. In its pale innocence, in the beauty of blue eyes or brown hair. The whumpee was made to be white and for white people to project themselves on. Not for poc. This wasn't made for us.
Something that is so innocent, so obvious to a white person can be harmful to a person of colour and the problem isnt an individual, its a structure. Fandoms are structurally white, the whump community is structurally white. Places white people go to turn their brain off, to "escape" always mean that its a space where poc cant escape. Because you let the racism that is in you not get addressed, and where no one is addressing racism, it flourishes.
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songfell-ut ¡ 1 year
Secret Santa piece for
So hi there @littlestlilies I hear you like stuff with different stuff
Merry Fransmas :3
“Is it working yet?”
“Shhh! I’m trying to calibrate it. This is a highly scientific process.”
“…You’re just hitting it.”
“Shut up! It’s scientific hitting! Dad does it all the time!”
“……Now you’re biting it. Doesn’t it taste w—”
There’s a weird crackling sound, and the bedroom is suddenly lit by the muted glow of a device powering on. “Ta-da!” The little girl does a fist-pump in triumph, then pulls the blanket further over their heads. “Let’s see…”
But as she moves it closer, the device – a square tablet with no buttons – goes completely black again. “You broke it,” accuses her younger brother, who’s hiding under the covers beside her, squinting without his glasses. “This is dumb. Go put it back in the lab before Daddy finds out.”
“Don’t be such a baby. I—” A pixellated image suddenly flickers on, and she gives him a shove. “See? It works! Uncle Chara was telling the truth!”
The boy pouts. “Yeah, but he had that weird smile again.”
“Oh, shut up. Smiles are good. Look—”
The picture sharpens. It’s a messy living room with stairs in the background and someone curled up on the couch. Another figure walks into the frame from the right, and the children nearly bonk heads trying to get a closer look. “It’s Dad!” and “Daddy!” they whisper-yell at each other.
The monster onscreen does look almost exactly like their father: a squat skeleton with red eyelights and sharp teeth, one of which has been replaced with a golden fang. But the children’s expressions become more curious, almost doubtful, because this skeleton is a little…off. Their real dad doesn’t own any black jackets or sneakers, and while he can look pretty cranky sometimes, this guy just seems mean. Maybe…
But then the person on the couch sits up, and the skeleton’s face softens. There! That looks like their dad! It’s the same smile he gives them and their mom. Who’s this one smiling at? Someone thin, in a gray jumpsuit, with something hanging around their neck…
The skeleton suddenly frowns and points to his own neck. The person turns away to tuck something inside her jumpsuit, facing them just enough for the children to gasp and point in unison: “Mommy!”
A knock on the bedroom door makes them jump. The girl shoves the device under her pillow, her brother diving back into his own bed. “Kids? Are you okay?” When the door opens a crack, they’re both snuggled up in their blankets like sleeping angels. “Hm,” says their mom, and the door creaks shut.
Neither kid moves for the count of five. Then the boy pops up: “Did you see her eyes?!”
“I know!” his sister whispers back. “That was so cool! I wish mine were gold, too!”
“Mommy is perfect the way she is,” the boy says sternly.
“I said my eyes, dummy.” The girl sits up and retrieves the tablet, letting him clamber into bed next to her as she pokes the screen. “Next!”
The device works almost immediately this time, and the kids gape at another image of their mom, this one sitting outside under a tree. She also has golden eyes, but most of her hair is up in little Sailor Moon buns, the rest hanging down to her shoulders. Her dress is super pretty, some kind of Asian style with lacy bits at her throat, gold threads, and pale butterflies on a reddish-pink background, red-and-white rope around her waist… “Is she magic?” whispers the boy.
“I think so,” his sister breathes. “This. Is. SO! COOL! Where’s—”
They both stop as their dad drifts into view onscreen. And he does drift, because he’s got a big red collar with some sort of scribbly paper hanging off it, a gray kimono, and…no feet, just smoke.
The boy’s eyes grow enormous, and the girl pounds the bed in delight. “Omigosh, he’s a ghost! Ha ha! That’s awesome! Why can’t our real dad be a ghost?! He could teach us how to haunt people!”
“I don’t want to haunt people,” her brother complains. “How could you even touch anything?”
She gestures for him to shut up, searching along the side of the device for volume buttons—they can see the ghost dad yelling at their magic mom, and she’s smirking, but there’s no sound. The girl whacks the device again on the bedpost, much harder this time. “Come on, thing! I wanna hear!”
“Shhh!” Her brother grabs at her arm. “You’re gonna break it!”
Whack. “Am not!” Whack. “It’s!” Whack. “SCIENCE!” Wha—
They freeze as a footstep creaks outside the room. The door opens faster than before, but they’re both in bed with their eyes closed right in the nick of time. Their dad squints, grunts, and closes the door.
But there are no footsteps, and the children know to stay where they are till Daddy gives up and clumps back down the hall. Another few seconds, and the device comes out a third time. “Let’s find one with us in it,” she whispers, fiddling with the now-blank screen. “Aww, come on! Work, dang it!”
“I want to try!” Her brother almost grabs it. “It’s my turn now!”
“I’m the scientist here, so you don’t get a turn!” His sister evades his lunge and plants her elbow on his side, pinning him to the mattress as she continues smacking the screen at random. “Stupid thingy!”
The boy is furious, but she’s bigger, and he knows struggling won’t help. Instead, he goes limp until she’s distracted, then digs his fingers into her sides: she yelps, scrabbling to get away. “H-Hey! Stop! Ha ha! That’s not fair!”
“It is too! You’re bad at science! Let me do it!” Her brother flails at her, but she’s hunkered down over the device to protect it, her arms tucked in to prevent further tickling. “Gimme!”
In the ensuing scuffle, they roll this way and that, and eventually manage to hit the tablet hard enough to knock it onto the floor. They freeze as it makes a big thump and then another weird crackling noise…
The device flicks on once more. The children crawl out of bed to watch, fascinated, as the image slowly zooms in and pans over a big room with a long, long table full of books and papers and glass bottles. It looks like a cross between their parents’ lab and a witch’s den – complete with a little cauldron on the table – except there’s a lot of light, and no one is doing a crazy laugh like Daddy. But then the kids point excitedly, and a moment later, they give an awed “Whoooooa!”
They’ve spotted another version of their mother, who’s wearing another pretty dress; this one is dark purple with lots of white lace, like something out of a fantasy anime. Her hair is really short, and her eyes are a neat color, like the red wine Uncle Papyrus brings over and Uncle Chara keeps asking if they want to drink. (No. It tastes gross.) She’s got a hand on her big ol’ belly and is smiling way up at their dad, who they only recognize when he sits down next to her! “He’s HUGE!” the girl squeals. “How does he fit in the door?!”
“How does she kiss him?” the boy asks doubtfully, his nose wrinkled in fascination.
“Eww!” She thumps him with her pillow. “Who cares about that? I wanna see us! I bet we’re like eleven feet tall! And no one can tell us what to—”
“Elys. Arno.”
The children freeze. The voice isn’t coming from the door, or the hallway.
It’s coming from the tablet.
The screen flickers one last time, and they gape as the image of another skeleton pops up on a black background. “It is good to see you both again,” the stranger says, smiling, the slashes on his face scrunching up. “Even if it is far past your bedtime. May I ask how you are doing this?”
Elys is too shocked to speak. “Who are you?” whispers Arno.
“A good question.” The skeleton looks thoughtfully from the open-mouthed little girl to her solemn little-er brother. “Hmm. Fell. I’m glad to see you are both brushing your teeth properly.” He glances down; it’s almost like he can see the border of the actual screen he’s talking on. “Have your parents allowed you to play with this…thing?”
“Maybe,” Arno mutters, and the skeleton just sighs.
“Grandpa?” Elys’ little voice is a croak of disbelief. “I found a picture of you once. It fell out of an album, and Dad told me I didn’t see anything. Uncle Papyrus said you were just a bad memory.”
The skeleton winces, as though his feelings are hurt. “I understand. But I don’t look exactly like him, do I?” He smiles again. “Not as pointy?”
Elys blinks a few times, clearly doubtful. “Uh…no. So, you’re not our grandpa?”
“I am not. Merely an observer from one of the places you little scamps have been observing without permission.” The monster sighs. “I am going to tattle on you in approximately ten seconds. First, though, I will advise you not to listen to your Uncle Chara. He does not have your best interests at heart.”
“Really?” Elys scowls at the screen. “What do you know, mister?”
Arno looks thoughtful, then gets up. “Where are you going?” demands his sister.
“To not get in trouble.” The boy tucks himself into bed and turns over.
“Hey!” Elys pokes the screen, and he somehow dodges her finger. “Who are you?! Tell me—”
“Nine. Ten.” The skeleton winks at her, then takes a very deep breath…
And an earsplitting sound erupts from the tablet: “STUPID DOO-DOO BUTT!”
This time, when the door flies open, their parents find a highly experimental device sitting on the floor with a crack in the casing, their daughter covering her ears and their son buried under the covers. “Elys!” scolds their mom. “What on Earth are you doing?!”
“You too, Arno,” their dad snaps. “Yer not foolin’ anyone.” The boy doesn’t move, and Sans sighs impatiently. “If you really were asleep, you’d be sittin’ up now askin’ what the noise was. Getcher butt out of bed! I oughta—”
Gaster never knew exactly what befell the children after that; he had had to sever the connection before anything noticed him speaking across worlds. He wasn’t particularly worried, though. That world looked like an Underlab, judging by the style of their pajamas and the use of science instead of magic, and even the Fell variety thereof tended to make good parents. Their Chara was another story, but the children would figure out for themselves not to trust him. At least the experience had been a diversion from—
“Sans,” Frisk scolded, breaking Gaster out of his reverie. “I told you, I already watered those!”
“You watered ‘em this morning,” retorted her Sans, poking an entry in their log book. “See? We gotta do it every couple hours, remember?”
Frisk peered at the book, then pouted. “Not with the white barley. We decided to try watering them only twice a day. If you tell me I’m forgetting things one more time, so help me, I will—”
Gaster watched them a moment in slightly fond exasperation. He tried not to get attached to too many worlds, but this was…different. Those other children must be having quite a time with what little they had seen here, he thought wryly, getting up to settle the argument. If their father got the device working properly and tried spying on the High Priestess, he’d be in for a surprise, too.
…Hm. Better speak with Frisk about taking measures against any further incursions, especially before this child arrived next month. There would be no Elys or Arno here – they only occurred as a pair, never separately – but that was all right. He had so few truly unique experiences anymore that he was going to be watching very closely indeed.
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springtimesdaughter ¡ 4 months
What would Eros look like to Percy?
[the god of love Eros, like his mother Aphrodite, is an empathic werewolf, for each person he looks differently, personifying either his ideal of beauty, or being an ideal beautiful mixture of his platonically/and/or romantically loved people].
He is a tall, slender young man with a flexible physique who moves with the easy grace of an experienced fighter.
His hair is a cascade of indomitable blond curls, some strands gently falling on his cheeks and falling on his shoulders.
His skin is pale, with a large scattering of amber freckles instead of tan.
his handsome face, which always looks like he's deep in thought, has somewhat Asian graceful features, - a thin snub nose, rather pronounced high cheekbones, a slightly insular chin and thin aired lips, his thin eyebrows almost constantly converge together.
one thin crease constantly protrudes on his forehead, which gives him either an irritated or surprised look.
his smile is thin and light, only the corners of his lips are raised.
But the most expressive and lively thing about him is his eyes.
They are big, black, like the deepest night, not illuminated by either the stars or the moon, they sparkle from within with their intense frightening and mesmerizing fire at the same time attracting and repelling.
it is because of them, because they are the perfect mirror image of Ethan's eyes, that Percy cannot look Eros in the face without pain.
[By the way, I tried to make Eros a mix of Ethan, Annabeth and Rachel, because Percy platonically loves them, it's literally his sister and best friend].
So I'm going to be honest. I see Eros as only the God of romantic love because of the way that a lot of Greek myths read for him, as well as the general consensus for a lot of description websites and greek mythology books. So honestly I kind of see Eros as a counterpart to Aphrodite. In that way that they occupy very similar spaces but in very different ways. There are other greek cities that occupy the space of other forms of love and I would love to talk about how each of them would appear to PJO characters.
That being said I love the description you made.
What I find fascinating in any AU where Percy ends up with someone else other than Annabeth is the transition of appearances. The way that in my updated Love Amoungst War AU Percy still liked Annabeth but that would transition to a more best friend bond one forged through battle and war instead of romance, and how Percy falls in love with Ethan.
How if Percy came across either Eros or Aphrodite in that transitional period where he was starting to fall for Ethan and Annabeth was becoming more of just a best friend that would affect the appearance.
Percy was under the impression that Aphrodite didn't mean to run into Percy on that chilly January afternoon. Simply because she seemed as shocked to see him as he was to see her.
It was because of this that Percy internally sighed because at least he wasn't going to be sent on a quest halfway through the school year.
However he noticed that her hair was a much darker shade than it was the last time. It was brown or black.
Imagine though the pain Percy must have felt when he stood before the Olympian counsel after Kronos was defeated only to see features of the one he loves very much alive and not most likely splattered on the ground somewhere. Aphrodite who now has short hair mimicking a style Percy had only seen on Ethan once, but Percy love because it held personality often hidden under the Armour of being Kronos's right hand. He sees the eye shape and the eye color. Imagine him having to keep it together for the sake of everyone else in this moment. His boyfriend is dead, and the goddess of love has some of Ethan's features.
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i just wanna know your thoughts since i tend to overthink a lot when it comes to this show, especially the awful character writing. i think the writing has a lot of racist character writing when it comes to any poc within the show; kagami, for instance, with her entire personality and outfit. then there's alya and nino who are only there to be the main pairing's hype up (along with everyone else) and then demonization of poc (like lila, kagami, alya, and nino) or even the double standards
you have come to the right person because the show is extremely racist, and it's hiding all of this behind a facade of "girl power".
Kagami's a walking stereotype. She's strict and all-business with a 'dragon lady' mother (which is yet another stereotype), she's got this obsession with perfection and pleasing her mum and honour and all that stereotypical East-Asian behaviour. Her casual outfit is a school girl uniform, complete with her family's crest, for absolutely no reason. Kagami and her mum go to a movie opening in the middle of France and they wear kimonos.
It's absurd, exotifying, and blatantly racist. Like, idk about you mob, but I have never met a first generation immigrant from any part of Asia who wears traditional formal dress to a formal event. Cultural events, absolutely, but such a thing is few and far between.
Alya and Nino I cant even. Like Alya's skin is literally lightened as Rena Rouge, nevermind the fact that the only reason Alya and Nino exist in the first place is to prop up the white(passing) couple. They haven't had any true personality since S1 and since they got together, conveniently pairing off the only two black characters we regularly see, as well as the only boy of colour who's romantically interested in Marinette.
And like Marinette??? She's meant to be a good, desirable character so she is given largely white features or she's Chinese in ways "desirable" to white people. She's absurdly pale, has a teeny tiny, dainty nose, a teeny tiny dainty figure, a tiny squeaky little feminine voice and her hair is blue so we know she's still Chinese. She's got huge big blue eyes, with eyelashes so long they look like birds wings, a thin face, and a figure, while still absurdly thin (look at those arms), is "womanly".
Marinette doesn't have any features that white beauty standards would consider "ugly". She doesn't get to have a big wide nose, or narrow or angled eyes, or dark eyes, or plain dark hair, or like a more olive kind of skin tone, or a wide, round face, or the figure of a normal, healthy growing teenager. Marinette looks Chinese enough to look exotic, desirable, and somewhat racially ambiguous, without having any features a white audience would call ugly.
Then on the other end we have villainous female characters who do have more, basically ethnic looking features.
Chloe has a very round face and slanted, narrow eyes. Audrey also has the same round face and slanted, narrow eyes. Lila, whose ethnicity is frequently debated, also has a very round face, and narrow angled eyes. Kagami too, has a very round face and very, very angled, narrow eyes. Like, to a degree which doesn't even look realistic and seems more caricature-like than anything.
These characters are mostly villainous, or in Kagami's case, she's, at best, a character we're not meant to like a whole lot. And these features in their design are more or less used to signal to the audience that these female characters are bad. The exact same way Marinette's big, round eyes are meant to tell us she's a good character.
That? Extremely, extremely racist. Assigning villainous white girls a typically East Asian face and eye shape to signal they're bad? Fucked up behaviour.
Now, onto Lila. Because she is... a whole can of worms.
And, fandom speculation aside, Lila is treated by the show as white. I've lost track of the number of times someone has tried to tell me Italian is an ethnicity. It's a country. A nationality. The same way French is a nationality, the same way American is a nationality, and Canadian, and British, and Australian. There are African Italians, Indian Italians, Muslim Italians and, shocking, white Italians. There are Italians of colour, but being Italian does not make one a poc.
We don't actually know enough about Lila to decide whether she is or is not a POC. But given the show's track record, the fact Lila's mother is white, and the fact Lila isn't given the Kagami-treatment, and smothered in racialised stereotypes, it is safe to assume, until a possible time where Lila's dad is depicted as a moc, or it's revealed Lila was adopted from a family of colour, that Lila is white.
I've gotten some backlash for statements of the sort before, but I don't care about the concept art. I couldn't give a flying rat's tit whether Lila's concept art showed her as slightly tanner or if she had an eagle tattooed on her face. The fact is, the final decision is what we see in the show. Headcanon whatever you want, but until the show decides to acknowledge Lila as anything but white, she is white.
but yeah, to summarise: Miraculous Ladybug is full of racism and the fandom isn't much better.
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achtung-attitude ¡ 2 years
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A house in an idyllic suburban neighborhood. Green lawns, white picket fence, a vision of a postcard from the 1960s.
DOLLY through a dark hallway towards a room with a door slightly ajar. The house is dark and almost bare of any furnishings. Large cardboard boxes sit in a line along the wall to our right.
Two people, a man and a woman are sleeping in a double-bed. The room is as dark as the rest of the house, the window covered up by heavy curtains. Suddenly, the woman, SHANNON, bolts up in bed, gasping. She has clearly risen from a nightmare.
CLOSE-UP of Shannon in profile. We can only make out her figure in silhouette as the pale morning light strains through the curtains. Instead, we focus on her breathing, heavy and quick.
MID-CLOSE-UP. PULL BACK, facing Shannon head on as she calms. Her husband, KYLE, stirs next to her. We only hear his voice.
(half asleep)
What is it?
Nothing. Go back to sleep.
Kyle doesn’t stir any. We listen as Shannon’s breathing gradually calms. She runs her fingers through her hair before slipping out of bed.
From the doorway, we watch Shannon step groggily out of bed. She passes the camera as she steps out of the room. 
PAN to the STUDIO down the hall directly opposite the bedroom. The door is open, and we see a painter’s easel inside. 
We hear the sounds of running water. 
DOLLY into the BATHROOM. Shannon faces away from us. 
DOLLY IN as she leans over the sink, splashing water in her face.
CUT TO: Shannon’s POV as she raises her face. We see her Asian features reflected in the mirror, her tanned skin and dyed-blonde hair. She stares at herself, hunched over the porcelain sink with water dripping off her chin. After a beat, she blows into the mirror, fogging up the glass and obscuring her features.
Red and white tiles, a classic Americana design. The only furniture is a single bare dining table and two dining chairs. Shannon hands a cup of piping hot coffee to her husband. Kyle, a black man with tightly braided hair, yawns and accepts it gratefully. He is dressed only in a white vest and pajama pants.
What kind of dream was it?
Huh? Oh… I don’t know. I’m already forgetting it.
You seemed pretty rattled. You want to talk about it?
Uh… It was…
Shannon finishes her own cup of coffee and approaches the dining table. She takes several beats to carefully pull out a dining chair without making noise before sitting down. Kyle watches her patiently.
We… We were back in LA. Both of us, but… We weren’t us. It’s like we were different people… We were looking for something… Or someone… Ah, I can’t…
Kyle pats her hand gently.
Alright, alright. No big deal, forget about it. Instead… 
(he gesture to the house)
What do you think?
Shannon sighs happily, noticeably relaxing.
Oh, it’s… It’s more than I imagined. It’s my dream home.
You mean it?
Playfully, she rises from her seat and spins happily around the tiled kitchen. 
It’s like a castle from a fairy-tale. It’s perfect. I can see myself living my whole life here. 
Our whole life…
Our whole life.
Smiling, Kyle rises out of his seat and embraces Shannon, playfully weeping her off her feet to her delight. 
I’m glad…
He sets her down and stoops down to kiss her. Shannon leans up to meet his lips, but then…
CUT to Shannon’s POV: Now facing the window, Shannon sees something ahead of her.
Despite the brightness of the light outside, the figure is in complete silhouette, its features obscure. Only its long, unkempt black hair can be made out.
C/U on Shannon, suddenly sweating and starting to shake violently. Kyle notices immediately. His girlfriend mumbles incoherently, pointing at the window. He looks to where she’s pointing.
What is it? What? What are you seeing?
S-someone…! A-at the window…! Outside…!
Shannon and Kyle are inaudible from outside. We see Kyle attempt to calm Shannon down as she points frantically at the window. Eventually, he gets her to sit down in the dining chair and embrace her soothingly before walking out of view of the window.
After a beat of seeing only Shannon sitting in the chair alone, we hear the sound of a door opening. Kyle’s face suddenly enters the frame in CLOSE-UP, staring past us.
REVERSE SHOT: The well-groomed backyard is empty. No one is there except for Kyle. We hear his voice call out again…
…but nothing stirs.
CUT to Kyle C/U: Kyle purses his lips, shaking his head slightly. He glances behind him, checking on Shannon through the window, and softly sighs.
Shannon sits on the dining chair, handing her head. She holds her coffee cup in both hands, not drinking it. Staying on her, we hear the door open and Kyle approaching her. Abruptly, she raises her head before Kyle can speak.
There was no one there, was it?
CUT to Kyle, looking down at her awkwardly, his mouth open to speak.
No… No, no, there wasn’t.
Shannon hangs her head again. She shakes her head wearily, pressing her right hand to her forehead. Her dialogue overlaps with Kyle’s.
I’m sorry…
No, it’s not…
I’m sorry, I really thought…
It’s not your fault…
I thought if we moved, things would be different…
They will be, we just…
Maybe this… This was a mistake after all-
Kyle interrupts. Shannon shudders and stops talking. Kyle sighs and kneels down in front of her, gently taking her hands and directing her to look at him.
It was always going to be hard at first. Getting away from everything, starting a new life. It’ll take a while to move past everything, but we will make it. We just… take it little by little every day, right? OK?
Shannon sniffs, tearing up and she nods.
The couple look into each other’s eyes. They kiss quickly, then embrace.
We see them hold each other through the kitchen window. Eventually, Kyle breaks from the hug, stands over her and steps away, moving out of view. Shannon remains sitting and raises her head. Her posture is exhausted. She stares out of the window, staring directly at us.
We follow Shannon directly over her shoulder. Kyle, now dressed in business casual attire, gets into his car. He waves, and Shannon waves back. Her husband climbs into the car and pulls out of the driveway, reversing before peeling away. Shannon watches him drive away.
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marsgod ¡ 1 year
I saw your matchups and wanted a matchup as well, either bnha, obey me, or twisted wonderland please :D
Sexuality: I’m asexual and straight, I mainly use she/her pronouns but I don’t mind they/them
Personality- mbti: INFPI am very shy whenever I meet someone so the friends I have are the ones who talked to me first, they say I’m kind of like Mitsuri from demon slayer with my personality. I am usually polite and try not to stand out much. When I am really comfortable with someone, I tend to be chaotic, by that I mean weird but not in a bad way weird
Appearance- I’m short, like really short, like under 5ft short, I’m 4’10 :’) I have black hair that’s wavy and down to my neck but I colored the bottom is half of it is a ombré of pastel pink and blue. I have pale skin and blue eyes, round Asian eyes. I like the soft aesthetics, but mostly the Lolita aesthetic
Likes- I like to dance, specifically ballet and aerial dance , but I also have a interest in other hobbies like tarot cards or magic tricks. I like to do stuff that involves telling the future, but I just do it for fun and don’t really believe in it
Dislikes- people, mostly due to my social anxiety but I get really nervous around them, also when someone is generally rude or annoying. I also have this complex I think about forever being short and viewed as some sort of kid
My love language for giving is physical affection and words of affirmation, for receiving I never really thought about it so I’m fine with anything
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╰┈➤ I’d match you with…Epel Felmier!
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Enjoys it if you ask him to order for you (or do anything for you)
It makes him feel manly<3 quite literally puffs out his chest and pulls up his pants
Epel really likes how sweet you are, and gets kinda flustered when you hug him or compliment him on anything
if you notice him wearing anything you complimented the previous day way more often than normal, that’s why
Knows how to square dance, Vil has made everyone learn
Might join you in wearing lolita but only the masculine options
He knows not to take the tarot cards literally but you’ll see him purposely avoid whatever might “take him down the wrong path”
His love language is gift giving mostly<3
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“What do you mean? Of course I didn’t pet the black cat!.. Well, yeah I wanted to.”
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Part 3 Authenticity is never Easy
I used A BDSM party on 9/11/2020 to break free from the #subliminalmessages #Subliminals #subliminalconditioning #brainwashing that was coming through (not sure which were guilty just know some were and not sure who or if even the name brand and not just somebody inside those companies, it would be interesting to see which and who is/was responsible for the #dolling of my mind and #identity through #devices #drugs #stalking #stolenbelongings including my car key, #carsabotage #IdentityTheft #criminalrecord #drivingrecord #revokedlicense #illegally#insuranceclaim (s) #ForcedProximity #takencar [I purchased a car through CoPart in Blaine MN and was forced to give it back for a non working one without any legal right nor any compensation] , my location being known to people who could not have known let alone why I was running from Minnesota or those in it, propagation, combined mental health records and criminal records with identity graters/ grafters/frauded/ thefters, people coming after me as a confidential informant which I never was including Cartels, Cults, Religious peoples, politicians, singers,addicts or dealers,embezzlers like everything, people sending their stalkers after me, Ingratiators to military, law enforcements, security personnel, domestic violence networks, regular people, medical professionals, psychologists, paramilitary, psychotic women, feminist anarchists, politicians and their cronies and minions, etc. who claimed everything from me being a runaway voluntary Surrogate, to an escaped mental patient, a domestic abuser to women, a rogue sub who killed her master or mistress or both, a plagiarist of MY own work that had been plagiarized, a Terrorist, a Sex offender, a home invader, a top price whore to a 2 dollar crackhead whore, a slut who blackmails people, a rogue agent of some kind, a breeders prize heifer, a baby whore, a disease spreader, a druggie often meth head who will do anything for a fix, a pain pill or medicine junkie who is fukable, a nympho psychic who will give out information for oral, a 🤥 liar, someone’s loopy girlfriend- fiancé-wife who needed ____________[sorry haven’t even had a boyfriend since 2005 let alone a fiancé and have never been married NOT ever Imagination Relationship(s)], NONE of THESE FIT etc.)my #Vudu , #Netflix , #Roku , #Prime #xfinity and #apple #fitbit #vizio #building etc... Physical Descriptions run vastly apart purported as a person from either multiple countries or who has actually traveled to them past age 18 which I have not, a black, Asian, Hispanic, middle eastern, Native American, Indian, etc. I am Caucasian though I have a bit of Native that let’s me tan well naturally very pale pigment, ages 6 + and up I am 42+ years old, blue eyed brown eyed etc. I am Green hazel Natural, black hair to red hair I am long haired brunette or purple only, a nose piercing, two eyebrows pierced, a thorax piercing, upper ears pierced, a Monroe, tongue piercings I only gave double pierced ears lobes and one eyebrow on the left side, I have no leg tattoos, no lower top of the arms or wrists tattoos, only one on my neck centered in the back black only butterfly outline, one upon my inner left wrist a flower with the word hope above it over scars which a few are still visible around it, one upper left arm and one that is 3 pieces upon my chest, size 11 feet, 2x-3x mostly plus size not skinny or medium,medium to full lips, scar on right eyebrow where my old piercing grew out, please look at the pictures on here to figure out what look like.
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vicecityhq ¡ 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY HE REMINDS THEM OF: leather thigh high boots, the sound of hushed moans under red lights, and clicking of heels inside of an empty art museum . With a slight resemblance to  AHN HYEJIN ( HWASA ) of/the MAMAMOO.
Last Name, First Name: Kangjeon, Sena ALIAS: Absinthe Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Lightspawn (Mythological) Age: 29 Date of Birth: 04-11-1992 Gender: Cisfemale Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Species: Dragon-Blood (Asian) Occupation: Night Bloods Consiglere, Civilian job - Tattoo Artist/Art Curator Sexual Orientation: Straight/Curious
Skin Color: Tanned Eye color: Paled Turquoise ( reference ) Scars: faint lines around her wrists and ankles from when her step-father chained her up, faded with time. Piercings: up her ears and one in her nose. Tattoos: a black dragon up her hip ( reference ) , another in the middle of her back ( reference ), ‘Hyerim’ in Hangul behind her left ear, night bloods droplet on her rib, ‘duel-ssi’ tattoo on her middle finger matching with her cousin, ‘awaken the beast’ in hangul on the back of her neck following her spine. Hair color: the starkest and darkest black Abnormalities: Not really an ‘abnormality’ but she has knee length hair, sharpened canine teeth on top and bottom Horns/ wings/ etc: retractable horns on her forehead Transformed form: A long dragon with the blackest scales imaginable that shift with a turquoise iridescent, her mane onyx on the top of her head before fading into smoke and then pure white at the tail with glowing Aqua eyes ( reference )
RELIGIOUS BELIEF:  Absolutely none SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  / lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, Korean, Chinese SECRETS: She was indeed the one to send her family home up into a blaze, killing her entire family inside. SAVVIES: Art, Sketching, Tattooing
Powers & Abilities: Atmospheric Adaptation, Aura/Chi/Magic Manipulation, Aura Sight (the ability to see ones aura), Semi-Immortality, Elemental Breath (Smoke & Fire, can also be Ice for Asian Dragons), Supernatural Condition, Fear Masking, Wing Manifestation, Pyrokinesis, Smoke Manipulation, Ice Manipulation (Asian), Water Manipulation (Asian), Poison Manipulation.
Date of Birth: 05-31-1992
Date of Death:  
Crime Record: Assault and Battery, Petty Theft, Solicitation, on record. Off record - Assassinations, Kidnapping, Murder of her family.
tw: rape, gang rape, child abuse, allusion to murder
Trying to acclimate to a new life, in a new country, with even new civilians was something starkly abrasive. She’d remembered the island, the little castle right off of Jeju. The sight of pure white dragon’s flying in and out of view. It was usually Father or her Grandfather, and every now and then her Grandmother would take to the skies, smaller dragon’s of all colors trailing behind her for her safety.
She can’t remember much of it now, grey stone walls and dark tunnels, pretty yet decaying with the elding of them all. Nothing lasts forever and even Grandmother was hitting the cap in her age, but the Kangjeon Dragon’s tended to outlive those around them. It was fine then, life was settled like dust, and it took a lot more than notches in your belt or a flick of the wrist for it to all rise, when it did it was fire and brimstone, and someone’s bloodline was left wallowing in their extinction, but Kangjeon’s tended to stay on top.
They weren’t inherently ‘rich’, there was no ‘royalty’, maybe back in those times, but the castle was only what remained of their dynasty, centuries later and here it stood, the new generation of Kangjeon, and his children living in it...happily..at first.
Sena could remember when her father had gotten sick. Not even the most well known witches and alchemist could cure him, simply only make him comfortable with pills, medicines and elixirs, mostly so that his two loving pride and joys, didn’t watch him suffer as he coughed blood into pure white handkerchiefs. And even more so in the fear of his death, as Grandmother Kangjeon wasn’t elated with the eldest of his lineage being a woman, but Seungyeol was much too young to be the head of their clan, but it wasn’t just Sena’s gender that had those before them at such an abrupt stance on her inheritance, but rather, she was the first dragon of their clan in over two hundred years to be born with solid black scales, and the infamous blue flame. Black dragons  aren't inherently rare, they’re seen pretty often, but the birth of a black dragon in Kangjeon clan is on the sign of impending doom, there is a reason why you’re only used to the pure white, iridescent scales and grey to white manes as they float heavenly around the pillars of the castle that tended to kiss the sky. The last time a black dragon was born into the clan, it was the extinction of them all that threatened to sweep through their village. And Sena’s blue flames and cerulean eyes were only an added smudge on their legacy.
But her father never treated Sena that way, in fact he favored her, showing her the beauties of art and dance, both talents of which she’d gained from him. He would spend hours in his study working with the smudge at his feet, and simply ignoring the lingering family of his that could not rapid their heads around his daughter's impurity. He wouldn’t allow them to blame her mother, a dragon of just as high of a stature with beautiful white and blue scales, as she was chosen to guarantee the ‘pureness’ of the bloodline.
The patriarch of the Kangjeon’s clan on their little island had only little time to live, as his illness swept over him not long after Sena’s birth, and only lasted him until the fifth birthday of his unblemished son. Only for the hope of what was left of the Kangjeon legacy to die shortly after, of the same unknown illness his father had come down with.
It was then the clan could openly shun Sena and her mother, sending them off the island to Korea’s mainland with the close on their back and whatever her father had left them, it was there she’d met Sean Groskook, a traveling broker who fell for her ‘foreign’ charms and courted her until she finally agreed to marry him, and uproot their lives do west Texas.  What Sena thought would be a big suburban house on acres of land, Little House on the Prairie dream, was a living nightmare, not only for her but her mother as well.
Sean was a religious man, a man who ran his life by The Book, and for The Book. They were to eat together every night and pray together, to his god and his god only. As if Sena and her mother didn’t come from a world of myth and impracticalness, where the person next to you could be a god themselves. She couldn’t diminish herself to his world, the world of the man he claims is his maker and the maker to all, but if she refused to follow, he refused her regular parenting duties, food, shelter, clothing and on occasion subject her to violence unless she bowed down to his word and the word of the being he claimed to worship.
But Sena had grown up the black sludge of her family her entire life, she’d even become the odd one out in this family as well, Sean had his own children, boys from another marriage, and Sena’s mother had grown pregnant quickly with another son. She was cat-like eyes and long dark hair in a sea of hazel hues and blonde locks, her brother even being born with more of Sean’s features than her heritage. And being the only female child in the house she was diminished to exactly that.
She’d continued to rebel, lugging black-eyes and bruises to school, but a God-fearing man to the community could do no harm, and to them Sena was the problem, she’d gotten those injuries from a stupid fight or working on the farm, that’s all she did anyways, constantly getting in altercations and hoping someone would hear her cries for help.  But it wasn’t until Sean had caught Sena with a neighborhood girl, cuddled behind a hay bail as they watched the cows and horses graze. Nightly the trauma played through her mind, like scenes from a bad horror film. When she closed her eyes she could see him dragging her across their land by her long black locks, ones she’d grown proud of growing as they settled at her ankles at just fifteen years old. She’d remember the way she screamed for her mother, who only stood there and cried, the way he threw her in that God-forsaken closet like she was a heap of  trash and the way he used her body in the name of the ‘Lord.’
The way he forced her legs apart, ignored the slaps and clawing at his face and body and kicking and screaming, the way he prayed in her ear as if this is what his god would have wanted. She remembered thinking it was over, and the way those boys opened the door, with solemn looks on their faces, tears in the youngest ones eyes as they lined up, and one by one, defiled her, that wicked man standing over and praying for them as he watched, as they all watched.
It was all darkness after that, as if the lights went out, only to be illuminated by blue flames that turned an angry red as the house slowly caved in on itself, their screams for her silent now, as she held to the phone shaking, wishing her mother didn’t have to go with them.
It was years, in and out of police stations and court rooms, Sena found not guilty as according to them there was no evidence that she’d set the fire, and her battered and bruised body mingled with the blood caked on her thighs when they had found her, lead officers to not pry too much on what happened to her, and what needed to be done for her escape. The liberation of rusty police station scissors, leaving her long dark hair on the grimey tile as they whisked her away to testify.
She’d found solace in a cousin that had moved to states then, running thick as thieves and rebelling in the streets, she’d found happiness and drugs and men but ultimately the pain that America had left on her soul sent her back to her home. It was strip club to strip club to make money, things were hard when you were on your own, when your family finally turned against you, but it was meeting the one man that would show her life’s meaning, after she felt she’d lost her cousin to marriage and a peaceful life, that seemed...to turn it all around for Sena.
But letting go of that rebellion was hard, making it in a ‘pristine’ world when you’ve been tarnished was hard, and joining the Night Bloods, made that easier. They’d gotten her the apartment she dreamed of, and the tattoo shop she yearned for, they’d gotten her the connections to further her search for the art she found joy in but they also had earned her, being alone all over again. Sure now, a five year old beautiful girl ran around her apartment with all her lovely joy and laughter...but she’d lost the man that had given her life meaning, and she’s clinging desperately to him...and everything else she’s got left.
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
She picked at her chipped nail polish, rolling her eyes again. Sena was tired, so unbelievably tired and she’d had to relay this story over and over again until finally she landed herself here, the captain, social services and a psychiatrist sitting in front  of her.
Sena ran through the events again, in grooling detail, every touch, every prayer, every slap every time he pushed his disgusting c*ck into her and every time his sons followed suite.
“I told you guys, I don’t remember how the fire started, everyone was just screaming and my mom yelled for me to get out.” She lied, remembering how pretty the blue flames bloomed over her finger tips, how the walls dared her to touch them, how the sounds of their screams made her feel, absolutely nothing but triumph.
Trembling hands rand through her choppy new look that she’d given herself the other day in the restroom. Her case worker had promised to take her to get it shaped and evened out but she honestly hadn’t cared, she would shave it if she could.
“And why did it take you so long to report it or get help Sena, the house was practically bare bones when fire fighters got there.”
She shrugged, “I tried calling, the reception was bad or something, why do we have to keep talking about this?”
“Yes Sena we do...people died in that fire, your mother, your step father, four of your siblings died, we have to know how to get to the bottom of this and make sure no one is targeting you so we can protect you.”
“I can protect myself! I’ve been protecting myself my whole life! You guys weren’t trying to protect me when he beat me, when he left me without food! When they raped me. And now that their dead suddenly I need protecting? Fuck you guys. I don’t know how it started, and frankly I don’t care.”
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alwayshinee ¡ 3 years
“are you japanese?”
“but you look japanese”
yes, i know. i have gotten that many, many times.
“are you sure?”
i think i would know if i was japanese or not.
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thefloorisbalaclava ¡ 2 years
from total ignorance, since i'm new to tumblr. why is excluding people for making readers with names or oc? i know that for a long time those who write stories were people who had the privilege and wrote for other privileged people. is it worth saying at this point with hundreds of fanfic to choose from, that for making a story that has a defined character is excluding them? what do we do with the books that have defined characters? a thousand apologies, but i don't understand it.
i don't think it's fair to tell a person who is just writing a fanfic with his favorite character that he is excluding someone. there are people who don't write for others, who don't have intentions of that, but just want to post it
Well, first off, with books that we read...those characters are established and essentially OCs of that author. Of course, we are immersed in the story and right away we know we're going to be reading from someone else's perspective, not our own.
The problem comes when fandom tags something a reader insert when it clearly should be an OC. My post said THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH MAKING AN OC so I don't know where you got that I said making an OC is excluding people. If someone is writing from an OCs point of view then we know that. Essentially, it's like reading a novel.
My problem is with reader inserts that are clearly not for all readers or isn't tagged correctly to show what kind of reader it's for! Usually it is people of color who will tag their reader inserts properly (black!reader, latina!reader, asian!reader, and so forth). They are telling you right then and there that that reader insert will have characteristics pertaining to that group of people.
I get that there are people who write for themselves and not for others but THAT IS SOMETHING THAT NEEDS TO BE STATED AT THE BEGINNING OF A FIC. I've written plenty of fics for myself but I tell people "I wrote this for me but feel free to enjoy". If readers are told BEFORE reading the fic then they have the choice to read it or not!
I don't want to be reading a fic and find out "my" (the reader) name is Stacy or whatever. I don't want to read a fic where "I" (the reader) has long flowing hair and blushes pink. I don't want to read anything with a white-coded reader.
It IS exclusion even if it's not done purposely or with malice. People of color have a right to say what is excluding them and what isn't.
All I'm saying is that people need to be told BEFORE reading if there are certain factors that may feel excluding to them. We need to be told before if reader is gonna be turning red or pink.
In the end, this is all coming from me and what I decide what I will or will not read. I will not attack anyone, I won't go into anyone's inbox and harass them over it. Ever. But it is something to keep in mind.
If your "reader" is described so much that most people can't relate then that "reader" is better off being an OC. And, yes, I know that some people can brush it off and look past it but for some people, including myself, it hurts. It tells me that the author wrote it for readers who are most likely white. That's exclusion. If we're told off the bat that the reader will come across as white then okay. But imagine reading a reader insert and being immersed and suddenly seeing "you turned pink" or "your pale complexion".
If people are allowed to ask that we tag for f!readers or m!readers or gn!readers then I don't see a problem with wanting to be told if the fic isn't for readers of a certain race.
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annarendellsa ¡ 3 years
my heathers headcanons
it's the way i see them and draw them, you don't have to agree! this is based on both the musical and the movie
CW: mention of suic*de and e*ting disorders (bulimia) as well as various mental illnesses
Heather Duke
• heather duke is aromantic and yes its because she wears green, have you seen her socks in the off broadway musical? /hj
• more seriously, she IS aromantic but it took some time for her to figure out. she is allo but she doesn't label her sexuality, and she was always confused and frustrated to experience sexual attraction but never romantic attraction; she had a hard time accepting this part of herself.
• post heathers: maybe she discovers about non binary identities and asks her girlfriends to test out they/them pronouns on her? idk? aro-agender duke?
• she also struggles with empathy as she is naturally apathic
• and she's putting this image of a cold mean girl because she believes she can only be that given she's aro and ND
• post musical: she had no idea mcnamara actually tried to commit suic*de and when veronica tells her she breaks down in tears and spend a few days writing an apology letter to mcnamara
• post musical: mcnamara helps her to develop her compassion, knowing it's not her fault she's incapable of empathy. she didn't have to forgive her, but they did, and it really motivates duke to become a better person and be as nice as her
• post musical: she sees a doctor! she eventually recovers from her bulimia. veronica and mac are 100% supportive of her recovery, and very proud
• she gets bigger as part of her recovery and learns to embrace it
• duke is very pale with really dark and thick hair and eyebrows, soft features and quite a lot of body hair
• you know the bootleg where duke has blonde hair? when she's on the tv she speaks german and i vibe with german duke now
• duke Cannot say fuck and if someone is prude/innocent/idk it's her. the why are you pulling my dick was just to fluster veronica i think
Heather McNamara
• they use she/they pronouns!! just because. she still identifies as a girl though
• mac is autistic of course, it's like semi canon in the musical
• since she's very tall (movie) she stims while standing like being on the tip of her toes or rocking back and forth and the others can be quite annoyed because she moves a lot but they never snap at her
• post musical: veronica finds her stimming endearing and they know it's safe to stim around her, especially since veronica stims herself
• post musical: mac hums as a stim too and you can often find macnamawyer snuggling on the floor while humming in harmonies together
• she used to mask a LOT and it played a big part in her depression. she knows they had to stop themselves from stimming when she was a heather, she had been the weird kid in middle school but now that chandler took her under her wing, she has to pretend to be NT in order to stay in the lifeboat (😭)
• she's a lesbian!! of course she is
• she knows it since she is in middle school and has been """gal pals"""" with chandler since them but she still struggles with it she has comphet yk, but still less than chandler
• chanamara definitely practiced kissing together "to be ready when we'll have to kiss boys" 👀👀👀
• chandler always had a soft spot for mac and tried to hide it by being cruel to duke
• post musical: it took mac some time to understand that duke had nothing against her personally. she was chill with them until chandler died. from that moment she had to prove herself as the new queen bee and mac was a collateral victim
• duke definetely gave her trauma though and mac is in the process of trusting her again
• mac themselves is not a cinnamon roll just yet and she still has to make up for what they've done to others
• mcnamara has nicknames like mcNcheese or macaroni (veronica came up with those)
• they're also a vegetarian and she loves yellow food
• like she ever only eats yellow food actually (autistic thing). that girl is deficient! part of why she looks that fragile and thin
• also i see mcnamara as mixed race with golden/light brown skin and they have this type of curly curly hair but she straightens it all the time so it's only just wavy (once again, to blend in with the heathers)
• her natural hair colour is actually a dark strawberry blonde? her dad is irish and he's a redhead that's why (stole this from @cam-eats-candles hehe) but she dyes it so it's lighter
• post musical: she starts wearing her natural hair!! and goes with her mom to the afro hairdresser to start to get her curls done right (cornrows mac!!)
• their parents divorced (movie) and it's for the best. mac has daddy issues and only goes to her dad to get cute jewellery for their girlfriends 💖 (he doesn't just sell engagement rings. a lot of regular expensive rings, really)
• she's not a baby, she's not weak nor completely innocent and pure!! the girl is a head cheerleader, she's strong and flexible as hell.
Heather Chandler
• heather chandler is Also a lesbian BUT she is on the ace spectrum like demisexual? so yeah she's double disgusted when she "sleeps" with men
• as a queen bee she's also convinced that the only way to exist is through male validation :(
• chandler is taller than duke and veronica but shorter than mac
• chandler's skin is like rosy and it freckles very easily. i see her with the same cloudylike hair she has in the movie, dark blonde, with the red scrunchie only holding back some of her hair
• she is Buff and is genuinely into sports (lesbian jock like regina george)
• she has a sharp hourglass shape her shoulders are broad and her legs long and strong. she could lift veronica against a wall easily. and she did
Veronica Sawyer
• ADHD!! she's been diagnosed for a while but only became medicated post musical
• bisexual!! so bisexual!! without a preference. she's always been open and proud about it and her parents are supportive
• for me veronica is brown, with thick and dark hair and dark brown eyes, midsize, average height
Martha Dunnstock
• that's canon i know, but she's fat, and not the socially acceptable-hourglass kind of fat. big arms! big tummy! double chin! (i see fanart of her just being chubby quite often and it's ANNOYING like that's a big part of her character)
• she's perfectly healthy like this as are many fat people :))
• i also like the hc that her attempt at sewer slide made her permanently disabled and that she keeps using a wheelchair! because it happens, it's important to show it, and it gives me a lot of ideas for cute kindergarten girlfriends prompts 💓💓
• of course realistically being fat AND physically disabled in the 80's was and is not an easy thing to go through but it's in my head so
• she's also a tiny bit taller than veronica
• i don't hate the outfit she wears in the off broadway show, but I like her west end outfit better!! it's a lot more 80's inspired and i totally see her in kidcore/clowncore etc, even if pastels are cool too
• in the current west end version, martha is played by a black woman and she looks amazing! however I've been drawing and imagining martha as east/south east asian, for no reason really?? also idk kinda rubs me the wrong way that in the more official versions of heathers it's always duke that is black, or martha? not the others? hmm
• i'm not comfortable with hcs that exclusively babyfy her or patronise her like a bunny rabbit just bc she's a fat outcast who likes unicorns!! she's not just cute and giggly! martha can and does swear and she Fucks, like mcnamara
• big round glasses + big nose + long brown hair
• taking inspiration from the princess bride line but she's a huge movie nerd. yes she loves happy endings but she also loves horror movies, as long as they have a happy ending
• she never gets a makeover omg y'all just hate people with glasses and a childish aesthetic istg
• she takes this aesthetic further though and
• post musical and high school: she doesn't just wear baggy clothes anymore as she only did that to prevent more bullying. she develops an unique style with a lot of pink and glitter and she's awesome
ok this is getting long ill probably do more!! tell me what you think <3
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geekgirles ¡ 3 years
Considering Lies premieres tomorrow, I thought it would be best to upload this now.
And here is part 2 of my analysis on Kagami acting as a reflection of both Marinette and Adrien. This time I’ll be discussing how Kagami is a foil to Marinette and vice versa.
Part 1
Marinette & Kagami
It’s undeniable that these two have as many similarities as they do differences. In a way, they are both as alike as peas in a pod, as they are opposites from each other. And no, the irony of this duality is not lost on me.
Just like Kagami needs to be similar to Adrien for him to bond with her, she also needed to be similar to Ladybug, and by extension Marinette, for him to develop an interest in her. 
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Both of them are strong, confident, capable, and independent girls who will not hesitate to jump into action if the situation calls for it. Both are also kind and loving, and they care greatly for their friends and loved ones. And have many physical similarities as well. Both are of Asian descent, their hair as it’s pictured in the show is very similar, both have pale skin and freckles, the colour red is very present in both their colour palettes (the difference being that red and black are present in Kagami and Ryuuko’s colour palettes, while in Marinette’s case it’s only there as Ladybug)...
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Come on, don’t pretend you don’t remember that theory about Adrien thinking Kagami was Ladybug when the trailer for Riposte first came out.
But just as they have many things in common, they are also incredibly different on their approach to certain things. So different, in fact, that one’s weaknesses become the other’s strengths.
Now, what really tells Marinette and Kagami apart is their confidence as civilians. 
If we compare their “introductory” episodes, there is a clear contrast between the two. 
For this we’ll be counting Origins as Marinette’s debut. When the episode starts, Marinette’s demeanour is a stark contrast to the optimistic personality we’ve grown used to. From the moment her alarm woke her up to Sabine’s words of encouragement, Marinette was already defeated. Having spent four years in a row as Chloé’s punching bag had really taken its toll on her, and she believed that year would be no different. 
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Unlike the Marinette we were familiar with up until that point, who, not only confronted Chloé on a regular basis, but was also brave enough to sass her, the moment she made it clear she wanted the seats behind Nino, Marinette just went along with it and took what now are Chloé and Sabrina’s current seats. And she didn’t get any more confident until Alya spoke up and befriended her. 
At the same time, in both parts of the episode, it wasn’t until things were dire that Marinette got a grip of herself and accepted that she was Ladybug and it was her duty to protect everyone. And yet, she still needed Chat Noir’s support to finally become the superhero she is today. 
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Kagami, by contrast, showed a great level of confidence in Riposte. The only time she looked insecure was before getting akumatised, when we got a glimpse of her lonely life and the high expectations that were set on her. But other than that, she arrived at M. Argencourt’s class and immediately asked to face off against his best student. 
Kagami was well aware of her worth and talent as a fencer and was not going to settle for anything less than the proper chance to show off her skills. 
During her match with Adrien her strikes were fast and precise, her focus, unwavering, and her movements fluid but intense. So when the match came to an end she was anxious to see she had proven herself as the superior fencer, for she spent her whole life honing her skills to prove just that.
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Kagami takes great pride in her skills and who she is as a person. So it is to be expected that an exaggeration of that pride would be apparent as Riposte, where they turned into arrogance and a sense of superiority. 
Of course, another crucial aspect reflects on the relationship each has with Adrien. 
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As Kagami herself pointed out in Frozer, Marinette is incredibly insecure when it comes to Adrien. Because her crush usually manifests itself in her getting tongue-tied, bouts of clumsiness, and embarrassing herself in front of him, she is very reluctant to be honest about her feelings for him. Because all that only gives her more reasons to worry and fear she’ll be rejected. 
There’s also the fact that they don’t get to spend much time together. Marinette’s anxiety in Backwarder was fuelled by the fact that Kagami would get to spend a lot of time alone with Adrien in a memorable setting. Add to that all the fencing lessons Marinette knows they’ve had together, and the date she had no choice to witness, and it all becomes very painful to her. 
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In other words, Marinette knows that, logically speaking, Kagami has more chances to get together with Adrien than she does, which only makes it harder for her to admit her own feelings.
By contrast, Kagami knows her worth. She knows she’s talented, she shares lots of things with Adrien, they spend time together, and he even confided his insecurities in her. 
To her, being with Adrien just makes sense. Her whole life she’s been told to achieve her goals, no matter the obstacles; and her feelings for Adrien should be no different.
We’ve already mentioned Kagami is more reckless as Ryuuko than as a civilian when we compared her to Adrien. But it’s worth mentioning that the situation inverts itself when compared to Marinette. 
One of Marinette’s biggest flaws is her impulsivity. Being impulsive has led her to some terrible consequences, but while that trait sometimes transfers itself to her role as Ladybug (Bubbler, Volpina), most of the time Marinette’s civilian self is the one rushing into things, as opposed to Ladybug, who’s a master at strategising. 
I wholeheartedly believe that’s the writers’ way of “balancing things out.” Adrien, as himself, doesn’t make mistakes often. Furthermore, the few times he’s been the cause of someone’s akumatisation, he was never directly responsible for it. Some other factor played a role: like his fans getting in the way of Gorilla when he was looking for him, the fact that the decision of his match with Kagami fell upon Marinette, who had never before practiced the sport; his father’s need to cover his tracks… 
His biggest mistakes he makes as Chat Noir. Why? Because he doesn’t have to be the golden child, so he doesn’t have to be as cautious with his actions. To put it simply, Kagami’s the same. 
Meanwhile, Marinette is painfully aware of the heavy burden she carries on her shoulders as Ladybug. Her very first mission went wrong because she made a mistake and didn’t purify the akuma! So she’s learned to be focused and to take her job seriously. Because when she does make a mistake as Ladybug, it hits her hard.
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Just compare her usual demeanour to how she acted as Lady Noire! It’s the first time that I can think of that she was genuinely having fun while saving the day! She said so herself: “It’s a lot easier on the shoulders.”
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As Marinette, however, that’s usually when she gets to make mistakes. Since her parents aren’t controlling and she’s lived a normal life until the day she helped Master Fu out, her civilian self is usually when she can afford to be herself, make mistakes, and just be a normal girl. 
Her secret identity is where her freedom is. At least until she became the new guardian...
I know I haven’t talked a lot about Kagami, but that is because with the parallels between Adrien and Marinette it’s pretty much explained. 
Moving on: 
As I mentioned when I elaborated on this same aspect with Adrien and Kagami, Marinette has less trouble moving on from him than Kagami. 
I know this might seem a bit contradictory with the way she suffered over her unrequited crush on Adrien in the season 3 finale and the New York special, and it’s true. Marinette is hurting immensely over her feelings for Adrien. But she actually has less trouble than Kagami because she has at least tried to move on!
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Among the several factors that set Marinette apart from Adrien’s other suitors (beside the fact that she is the girl he’s in love with or that Chloé and Lila are actually antagonists) a crucial one is that Marinette always puts Adrien before herself. And if that means letting him go, so be it. 
Every time Adrien himself expresses a desire to be with somebody in front of Marinette she immediately tries to comply with his wishes and help him be with that other person, not once confessing how much that hurts her. She probably doesn’t say anything either because she doesn’t want Adrien to worry about her when he should be focusing on that other girl. 
Deep down, both Marinette and Kagami try to do what’s best for Adrien. 
But while Marinette thinks the best she can do is step aside and let him go (not knowing the best she could do is be honest with her feelings for him because that’s the only thing that’s keeping Adrien from realising his own feelings for her), Kagami believes she is what’s best for Adrien. 
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And because she believes they are meant to be, she keeps pushing and pursuing him even when it’s obvious they’re not on the same page. Adrien is comfortable around her on a platonic level, but the moment they try to go for the romantic route, he hesitates. Because deep down he knows he doesn’t care about Kagami the same way she cares about him, but he keeps trying to move on from Ladybug instead of being honest with himself and Kagami. 
Just like Kagami prefers to wait until he feels the same way about her before acknowledging that might never happen and letting him go. 
Which could play an important role in Lies...
That is the difference between Marinette and Kagami. While Marinette pulls herself away from Adrien, Kagami pushes forward.
Connection with Adrien:
This is where Kagami truly has the advantage over Marinette. She gets to share many more things with Adrien than her. 
Besides their very similar backgrounds, their own parents’ partnership allows for many instances where it can be just the two of them. Adrien is the only friend Tomoe fully approves of, while Gabriel only really encourages his son’s friendship with Kagami over his other friends because that will strengthen whatever deal he’s got going on with Tomoe. 
And so, Adrien and Kagami are together in fencing, they go to London together, they spend their time together at the premiere of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s movie, they get to sneak out together and have fun!
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Marinette, on the other hand… she doesn’t get to do any of that with Adrien. 
She only ever spends some time alone with him either because it’s an extracurricular activity (the gaming tournament, their fencing session in Riposte) or because they happen to stumble upon each other (Gorizilla). 
It was precisely that that got Marinette so down in Glaciator. Seeing how she was the only one that was alone when they were all supposed to do one of Paris’ most romantic activities together reminded her of just how far away from her Adrien actually is. And it’s precisely his unavailability that leads her to find some solace in Luka, who unlike Adrien is always there for her, because he can be there for her!
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The amount of time they spend together has brought Kagami and Adrien close, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Marinette.
Having said that, things are much more different when we analyse the way Adrien acts around the two…
Adrien’s relationship with them:
Despite Adrien’s similarities to Kagami and the many chances he has to be with her, it’s actually Marinette who’s higher up in his priority list and whom he’s more comfortable with.
Adrien cares for Kagami and is clearly doing his best to try to have a good relationship with her, but for better or worse it’s Marinette who always comes first. 
The best example of this would be Frozer. 
Adrien was trying his hardest to have a good date with Kagami and give her his full attention, and yet, the moment he saw Marinette fall or get out of the ice rink looking dejected, he immediately went to check on her. He ditched his date twice for Marinette’s sake. 
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Not only that, but there’s also his reaction to any of them getting hurt because of Lila. It was Lila hurting Marinette that pushed him over the edge enough to threaten to cut ties with her unless she undid what she’d done and get Marinette to come back to school.
Adrien was absolutely furious at Lila for hurting Marinette.
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Look how devastated he is on her behalf!
You might say it had to do with Adrien having warned her already in Oni-Chan. Which, true, was partly for Kagami’s sake since Lila’s lies had harmed her to the point of akumatisation. But there is a difference:
Even when Oni-Chan went to Adrien, he still believed Lila only wanted attention. It wasn’t until Ladybug almost got killed that he realised just how ruthless and monstrous Lila truly is. Not only that, but Adrien never mentioned Kagami being akumatised as a reason to keep his distance from Lila, he only said she had gotten Nathalie and Gorilla in trouble.
As true as that is, it’s not like Adrien couldn’t have brought Oni-Chan up. Sure, the true reason for him losing hope in Lila changing for the better was her trying to get rid of Ladybug even when they were trying to save her; it makes sense he wouldn’t bring that up. But Kagami? We’re talking about Miraculous Ladybug’s Paris. Where people get turned into superpowered villains every single day! It’s not like it wouldn’t have made sense if he’d said “Because of you, Kagami got akumatised.” And yet, despite trying to comfort Kagami after the whole ordeal, her akumatisation actually had very little to do with Adrien’s warning to Lila.
But when she went after Marinette… Oh, boy! Did the tables turn!
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Ladybug didn’t even have to be involved for Adrien to go “I’m about to ruin this girl’s whole career” on Lila! Adrien was ballistic because it was Marinette Lila was messing with, and he wasn’t having any of it.
That says a lot about who Adrien is closer to.
As I mentioned above, his bond with Kagami allows him to rebel against his father and his expectations on him a little, something he doesn’t do as freely with Marinette. Because if the two are together while Adrien runs away from Gabriel is usually a coincidence; with Kagami it’s all on purpose. 
And yet, Marinette is the one Adrien feels more comfortable with.
Aside from Ladybug (oh, sweet irony), Marinette is the character Adrien has opened up to the most. In Gamer he showed her a glimpse of his most insecure side, in Glaciator (as Chat Noir, sure, but it still counts) he confessed his feelings for Ladybug to her, in Gorizilla he talked about his mother to her, in Frozer he asked her for help regarding Kagami, and in the New York special it was her who he thought could work a miracle and get him to stay.
And don’t get me started on Adrien’s love language. 
As of The Puppeteer 2 and Oblivio it’s been established that while Marinette shows her love through actions (usually handmade gifts), Adrien shows his by being open about what he feels. But he doesn’t just talk about how he feels, he touches people to show just that. 
If Adrien’s close to you, he’ll show physical affection.
And we all know who he’s more touchy-feely than any other character in the show.
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Adrien is constantly looking for Marinette’s touch, while Kagami is usually the one to initiate physical contact.
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Adrien might be able to do things with Kagami he can’t do with anybody else, but Marinette is the one he’s closest to. 
Zodiac signs:
I already did an analysis on this back in the day, but I think what I discovered from it it’s important to point out since it’ll help understand and summarise the way Marinette and Kagami’s characters reflect each other’s better.
In the French dub of Ikari Gozen, instead of the Chinese Zodiac, they talked about their Western horoscope. Marinette said she was Leo and Kagami was Scorpio. Those signs are opposites. Leo is a fire sign while Scorpio is a water sign. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t compatible at all…
(Although, considering Leo is self-reliant, confident, has bravado, and is honest, while Scorpio relies more on strategies and wits, I’d say they got their signs mixed up a little).
Their compatibility per se is low, but there is a great attraction between the two, albeit hindered by their usual clashing. This is shown through the many things the two have in common, but since they used to assess the other without truly getting to know her and their own feelings for Adrien, there was a lot of friction between Kagami and Marinette. 
Both signs are jealous. However, while Leo is jealous due to pride, Scorpio’s jealousy comes from a desire to control. Both Kagami and Marinette have displayed jealousy issues. In Marinette’s case, it could be argued she felt jealous towards Chloé, Lila, and Kagami because she didn’t think they were actually good enough for Adrien or better than her. I mean, Chloé is an egotistical, sell-centred bully and as of Miracle Queen, a traitor. Lila is an unrepentant liar, a manipulator, and an enemy to Paris (even if only Ladybug and Chat Noir are aware of it, to some extent). And before she got to know Kagami, Marinette thought she was cold and rude (her brutally honest responses can be seen as this). 
Based on that, there’s no way any of them are better for Adrien than she is!
On the contrary, once she got to know Kagami her jealousy comes from the fact that, perhaps, Kagami is more suitable to be his girlfriend than she is. 
Kagami, on the other hand, could have displayed jealous behaviour over Adrien because, as her only friend, she felt threatened by him having a life and friends outside of her, who (until Ikari Gozen) only has her family, her responsibilities, and him.
Basically, these two being Leo and Scorpio explains their relationship pretty well. They have enough things in common and enough differences to attract each other and have a good friendship, but at the same time that can also stirr issues between the two. 
Final thoughts:
Despite Adrien and Kagami’s similarities, they still have many issues to solve before they can truly be sure if they want to be in a relationship or remain friends. Kagami is sure of what she wants, but that sometimes can clash with Adrien’s own feelings, making their relationship go through a rocky path. Adrien is making an effort to move on and be a good boyfriend to Kagami, but they are not in the same place in the relationship; Kagami is ready for more, while Adrien still has problems of his own to move on from.
This might come to a head in Lies. Truth came as a bit of a surprise to us because we actually expected Lukanette would break up because of Marinette’s feelings for Adrien, but that actually had very little to do with anything! Lukanette ended up breaking up because Marinette is very literally carrying the weight of the world over her shoulders. Her responsibilities as Ladybug are overlapping with, and eventually destroying, her civilian life. Lukanette broke up because of external reasons!
But if Adrigami were to break up in Lies, that would be, or at least should be, for internal reasons. Since Chat Noir wasn’t chosen as guardian of the miraculous, his responsibilities as a hero don’t tie him down nearly as much as they do Marinette (in the previous analysis we already discussed how they actually give him freedom), so it wouldn’t make sense if Kagami and him broke up because of it. 
It could have something to do with it, but I can actually picture Kagami pointing out Adrien is not as invested in the relationship as she is better. Maybe she could even point out his feelings for Marinette, which she had suspected of since Riposte. But having Adrien realise that in the second episode would be a tad soon, so I’m not getting my hopes up. 
The thing is, if Adrigami breaks up tomorrow, it would make sense if it actually were because of Adrien being more in love with Ladybug (Marinette) than with Kagami. Because the narrative has actually been pointing at something like that happening.
As for Marinette and Kagami, I just hope they remain good friends even after Adrigami breaks up. Because the two would be able to understand each other’s feelings better. As much as the girls want to help Marinette out, none of them really know how being in love with Adrien is really like. They don’t know what it is like to get their hopes up, thinking they’ll get to be alone with him, only for him to cancel or make some change in the plans. Kagami and Marinette do. 
More importantly, the way each feels regarding where they stand in their relationship with him foils the other’s and ultimately all depends on Adrien.
Marinette sabotages herself by not being honest with her feelings and hesitating, but it’s Adrien who seeks to get closer to her. Kagami is sure of herself and her feelings, but it’s Adrien’s hesitation that hinders the development of their relationship. 
Because those two misjudged Adrien and warmed up to him when he showed himself as an honest, caring boy. Kagami and Marinette fell in love with Adrien for his honesty and his good heart, when he literally tended a peace offering to them. And it’s precisely like that how they came to be friends.
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And it would be a pity if they lost each other because of a boy.
@miraculouslycool & @flightfoot​
105 notes ¡ View notes
escapewithbts ¡ 3 years
Secrets in a Foreign Language (Part Four) - Jungkook
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A few weeks later you entered Jungkook’s apartment with your heart feeling full. You had felt so lonely these beginning months in this new country of South Korea but seeing Jungkook every week had become a sort of comfort, especially now that you knew the feeling was mutual. Once you had gotten the awkwardness of questioning why the place was already clean whenever you got there, you used the time to just hang out with each other. You got along so unbelievably well and frequently had to remind yourself he was literally one of the most famous people in the world right now. It often blew your mind. Maybe it was because his face was all over the city, the tv, the grocery store, maybe because wherever you went you heard his singing voice in songs, or speaking voice in interviews, but the concept of fame was just something you had never thought about; the media giving celebrities an almost unrealistic and ethereal standard to look up to. But that was just it. Idols were people, too. Regular human beings, just like yourself. Jungkook was your living proof. And you really liked that about him.
He wasn’t in the living room nor the kitchen when you got there this time.
 “Kook?” you called out, using the nickname you had begun to refer to him by.
You went further into the home, down the hallway towards the bedrooms. As you got closer to the master and peered inside, you saw the adjoining bathroom door open and could hear the sound of the shower running.
Ah. So that’s where Jungkook was.
You retreated back into the living area, helped yourself to a bottle of water from the fridge and decided to sit on the couch while you waited for him to return.
And he did just that.
You were browsing Instagram on your phone when his voice startled you.
“Hey, (y/n)!”
You took a swig from the water bottle right as you looked up to respond to him, immediately choking on the liquid as you did so, for Jungkook had appeared in the room in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants, his glistening upper half on complete display.
You learned early on that one of Jungkook’s hobbies was working out, but damn you never thought you would be a witness to all the hard work he put in. The pictures of his abs on the internet were definitely not photoshopped, an eight pack clearly visible on his abdomen. Prominent pecs, and muscular upper arms, the right one covered by a whole sleeve of tattoos. Oh my god, the tattoos. Holy shit. You had seen some of them from the days where he wore short sleeves around you, but now they were all on display, and they were just as beautiful as you had imagined.
The pants he wore were sitting low, (dangerously low) on his narrow waist, deep chiseled v shaped muscles along his hips; you attempted not to think about where they ended.
Finally, you looked up at his face. His dark hair was still wet from the shower, it was pushed back from his forehead. He had a blush on his pale cheeks, but a smirk on his thin lips, clearly aware of how flustered you had become. You cleared your throat and looked away in embarrassment, suddenly feeling guilty for staring at your friend like he was a piece of meat. But he was just so damn attractive, and you were only human, and it had been so long since you had seen a man shirtless, let alone naked… oh god, no, you were not going to go there, not with Jungkook like this in the room with you. Focus, focus on anything else.
“How-how are you today?” you stuttered.
Jungkook strolled over to the kitchen island and grabbed an oversized black shirt that was laying on the back of the stool. Fortunately (or was it unfortunately?) for you, he pulled it up over his head and let it fall at his sides before shaking his damp and messy hair. Then he smiled at you and walked over to the large couch, taking a seat right next to you. The smell of a masculine body wash and fabric softener wafted into your nose, instantly making you want to curl into his side and rest against him. You swallowed hard, trying to shake those thoughts from your mind.
It was just because he smelled nice, right?
“I’m good. We shot an episode of Run! BTS this morning and we were running around a lot,” he chuckled to himself, “it was fun, but I felt gross after. Sorry for being in the shower when you were here.”
You shook your head.
“Don’t apologize. I’m glad you were. I wouldn’t want to hang out with you if you were stinky.”
You plugged you nose and made a grossed-out face at him and he laughed, running a hand through his hair.
“Well then hopefully I smell okay now.”
Ah if only he knew.
Jungkook grabbed the tv remote from the coffee table and handed it to you.
“You pick what we watch today.”
You shrugged and turned on the tv.
You didn’t immediately go to a streaming app, you wanted to see what kind of things were on live tv at the moment. You secretly loved watching shows with commercials because while they were on it gave you and Jungkook a chance to talk more.
As you scrolled through the channels you weren’t hopeful for anything exciting as it was 2pm on a Tuesday afternoon after all.  
But suddenly, something caught your attention. The mention of Jungkook’s name. You paused your channel changing for a second to listen.
It looked like a trashy show, much like TMZ in the United States, where random people seemed to think they had the right to gossip about celebrities.
 “…Jungkook of BTS and idol soloist Kim Cho-hee are still going strong it seems.” One of the reporters commented.
“Yes, did you see that picture of them cuddling close at the restaurant they frequent in Gangnam? Sources say they were there for hours!”
A picture of the two of them popped up on the screen, sitting close in a corner of a dimly lit restaurant booth.  
“I even heard they shared a kiss when he dropped her off at her place!”
With that you felt your stomach flip and your face get hot.
Uh oh.
Oh no.
Did you perhaps feel... jealous?
“You think they’ll get married? Be together forever?”
They all laughed.
“(y/n) …” Jungkook mumbled from next to you.
“… way too young, but only time will tell!”
“(y/n),” Jungkook repeated while shaking your shoulder gently, startling you out of your thoughts and snapping your attention away from the screen, “do you mind… um, changing it?”
You fiddled with the remote in your now sweaty hands.
“Oh, sorry, no, um, I’m sorry.”
You complied with his request and moved to the next channel, something about wild animals native to the continent of Asia.
There was silence from Jungkook, and you didn’t dare look at him, your heart pounding inside your chest. It felt awkward now, like the elephant that had been in the room throughout your whole friendship, or whatever this was, was now making an unavoidable appearance. You were debating in your head whether you should finally ask him about it all when he spoke up first.
  “We’ve never kissed,” he started quietly.
You ran a hand through your hair, realizing you did not want to hear about it after all. You wanted to stay in this state of naĂŻve bliss.
 “Jungkook…” you trailed off.
Plus, no matter how curious you were it still wasn’t your business.
He placed his hand on your arm surprisingly, making you look up into his worried looking eyes.
“Please, I really would like to talk to someone about it and since you-you already know it’s not real, and no one else really does- “
“Do your members?” you interrupted him.
He shook his head and looked down.
“No, they think it’s real.”
You took a deep breath, now even more shocked he had trusted you so easily with such seemingly confidential information those many weeks ago.
You closed your eyes tightly, the question you’ve been dying to ask on the tip of your tongue.
 “So can I ask... why? Why you’re in a fake relationship with her?”
He let out a sigh and looked down at the ground.
 “It’s complicated. Cho-hee has, um, she’s not known for being the kindest person, er, idol in the industry. She doesn’t have the best um, I’m not sure of the word in English…” he paused to pull out his phone’s translator app, “…repu-reputation is the word in English,” he sighed again, “So obviously as BTS, we’ve been very successful recently, and our managers are great at making sure our reputation stays good. So, her company contacted mine, her company has a lot more media influence in Asia, and asked if one of our members pretends to date her and help boost her reputation, they will help get BTS more attention in the Asia countries,” he paused and hesitantly peered up at you, “so… yeah, that’s basically the small explanation.”
You stared at him in both shock and confusion, so many follow up questions flooding your brain.
 “BTS doesn’t have enough media coverage in Asia?” was the first one to come out of your mouth.
“Well, not necessarily,” Jungkook replied, “but the K-pop competition is a lot bigger in countries like China and Japan because it has been around for so long here and there, unlike in areas like North America and Europe. You know, people in America or the UK or other non-Asian countries might instantly think of BTS when you say ‘K-pop’ these days, right? But here it can be different. Any other act could appear at any moment and take that spotlight, and Cho-hee’s company has more ties and relationships in Asia, more than our company HYBE, because they’ve been around a lot longer.”
You thought for a second before responding.
“So, you’re telling me… her company helps keep BTS relevant throughout Asia, in exchange for you pretending to date her in order to convince the media she’s a good person and keep her out of trouble?”
Your head was absolutely spinning at all this new information.
Jungkook nodded.
Your eyes went wide as you stared off into space in disbelief.
“Wow… I-I don’t know what to say…”
Jungkook buried his face in his hands and then ran them through his hair.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do it. She has that reputation for a reason. We get along fine, but she’s just so… controlling? Controlling is the word, yes? Sometimes I think she forgets we aren’t actually together.”
You frowned at him sympathetically.
“And what if,” he continued, biting his lip nervously, “what if I meet someone I do want to be with. What then? I can’t be with them?”
Your eyes met at that moment and you felt yourself catch your breath in your throat, you heart feeling like it did a somersault.
You looked away quickly.
“Yeah I don’t know. That certainly does makes things… complicated…”
Jungkook hummed in agreement.
There was a pause as you sighed.
“God I’m… really sorry, Kook, that you have to be a part of all this.”
There was a silence between you two. He just fiddled with his fingers in his lap.
Finally he said softly,
“Me, too. I’m sorry you have to be a part of it, too.”
You cocked your head in confusion.
 “What? Me? Because I know your relationship isn’t legitimate? You don’t have to worry about me, you know I won’t tell anyone about the two of you or- “
He cut you off.
 “Not just that,” he paused and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath.
You allowed yourself to take in his handsome face from this up close: his smooth skin, the mole on the bridge of his nose, the deep scar on his left cheek. He was just so exquisite; and when he opened his big brown eyes to meet yours, he looked more nervous than ever.
And when he began to speak you suddenly understood why.
 “It’s also because I… I like you, (y/n). I’m really… starting to like you. As more than a friend or-or someone I just hang out with one day a week,” his face turning red as he went on, “And if you don’t feel the same way I under-”
But before he could finish you placed one hand on the side of his neck and the other on his cheek as you leaned into him and pressed your lips against his in a tender kiss. He relaxed into you and wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you close, practically sitting you on his lap. You finally let his comforting scent completely engulf you, running your hands through his soft hair and nibbling on his bottom lip.
 Oh, yes.
This certainly made things very complicated indeed.
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floralovebot ¡ 3 years
I often don't make things for poc because I'm scared of whitewashing them. Can you link to the tutorials that show how to go about this or could you explain it yourself? I'm always too scared of making things with poc in them and I don't want to whitewash anyone so advice would be amazing!
hi! i guess i could share the things i know about it but i do want to clarify that i’m not an expert at editing! so, if you want really indepth help, it would probably be best to ask someone else!
as for tutorials, these are the ones that have personally helped me! this one by @fadenet (specifically pale/pastel gifs including characters with dark skin), this one by @blueshelp (specifically about east asian and southeast asian celebs), and this one by @kispesan (specifically about edits). this is a post with a ton of resources for gif making, including things about coloring and other anti-whitewashing tutorials (highly recommend!).
when it comes to what i do, it really depends on what i’m making! i’ve made a couple of edits specifically about unwhitewashing characters of color which you can find here for examples, but overall what i do really depends on the kind of edit i’m working with.
i’d also like to quickly say that i use photoshop! while the basic coloring will cross into other programs, some of the tools/names might be different.
lets use an edit of the character aisha from winx club as an example! in season 8 of winx club, the characters aisha and flora (both having dark skin) were whitewashed. the following pictures are a screenshot from the series, showing the whitewashing, and the same sc but edited to reflect her original skin tone and hair color.
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in this edit, i actually went in and recolored her skin using the brush tool (yes, it takes a hot minute to do, but you get faster the more you do it). the reason i do this for picture edits, is purely a personal preference. i like having the control of only editing the parts i want to edit and keeping the rest of the picture the same as before. personally, i don’t love using the selection tools so when i don’t need to,, well, i don’t.
if you have the time, patience, and ability to physically recolor still pictures, i’d definitely recommend it! it allows you to use the eyedropper tool on the original skin tone which makes for a much more accurate edit. taking advantage of the selection tools and paint bucket tool can make the process a lot quicker too!
now, lets use a different method, one that i personally use for things like videos and gifs (basically, anything moving)!
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these gifs come from the same season as the above example and as you can see, aisha is heavily whitewashed in the first one. now, this is where coloring becomes your best friend!
so, you have your gif ready for coloring, maybe you used a psd/filter or you did your own thing, regardless, the person in the gif is whitewashed and you want to fix it. so, what do you do? (now, obviously this is just one example. there are many others ways to do this!). what i do, is almost exclusively use the hue/saturation and the color selection layers (i will occasionally use the brightness and curves layers depending on the scene)!
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^^this little “guide” or whatever shows what you need to find for this tutorial.
the first thing you should do, is figure out which colors primarily make up the person’s skin tone. a good way to figure this out is by using a hue/saturation layer. click the hue/saturation, which will show a menu similar to the one in the picture, and go through each color and turn the saturation all the way down, so it says -100. don’t mess with the hue or lightness levels yet, just the saturation. this will show which colors make up the person’s skin tone! as an extreme example, if someone’s skin was green and you turned the saturation of greens all the way down, that person’s skin wouldn’t look green anymore, it’d look like someone put on a black and white filter specifically for the color green. just keep a close eye on what changes! now, this saturation change is just temporary! after you know which colors are in that person’s skin tone, you can just delete the hue/saturation layer. (you really only need to do this if you aren't used to coloring darker skin. once you get used to it, you likely won't need to, but it can still be a good reference point if you're lost on what to do)
so, after figuring out what colors you need to focus on, go to the selective colors layers, so you can edit just those colors! for our example here, aisha’s skin tone is mostly made up of reds and yellows while her hair is mostly reds and magentas. when i’m editing her skin tone and hair color, i only focus on those colors. in the selective color layer menu, you have four other colors to control; cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. although it would help, you don’t need to know everything about colors or color theory for this! just mess around with the colors sliders until you get something close to their original skin tone. you may need multiple layers of selective colors to get this right! don’t panic if it doesn’t happen right away, just keep going.
something i think is incredibly important during this step, is having a picture of that person/character open! that way you can actually go back and forth to see if what you’re doing is close. another tip, having another file open with a completely white background with a colored circle of that person’s base skin tone on it really helps. this way you can use the eyedropper and brush tools to see how close what you have in the edit is to the original (basically, use the eyedropper tool to select the skin tone in the edit and then use the brush tool to color it next to the circle of the original skin tone. this helps you see up close how similar they are!). here's an example!
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the first example is from the gif and the second is from the still picture edit! you'll notice that the gif example doesn't match up exactly because in that specific scene aisha was directly in sunlight, making her skin slightly brighter than usual, while the photo i used for reference has normal lighting. remember to pay attention to things like lighting and shadows!
now, at this point you might be thinking, “this tutorial only shows what to do for animated characters and i make edits with real people :(”. don’t worry! the second method still works! here’s an example using a real person, kim taehyung from the group bts.
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obviously, this isn’t perfect because i spent like. two minutes on it. so the skin is blotchy, the lips are too red, and the background changed. but the way i edited it is mostly the same as the gif example i used! the only difference being that i also used a color balance level to darken up the whole picture. however, besides that i did the exact same things as i did with the gifs of aisha above. if you're making edits with real people, then just do whatever you usually do to make sure it looks more realistic.
i hope all of this made sense? i’ve never done a tutorial before and basically all of what i’ve said has already been said! but here are some more tips for the road:
-when editing black people/characters, don’t make their skin red
-when editing indigenous people/characters, don’t make their skin red
-when editing east asian and southeast asian people/characters, don’t make their skin yellow
-pay attention to lighting! if a scene has darker lighting, skin will look darker than it is!
-on the flip side, if a character is right in front of a very bright light, their skin will look lighter
-don’t avoid the colors red and yellow, especially for people with tan/darker skin. those colors are always essential. they won’t look bad in your pastel edit.
-don’t be afraid to ask for help! if you have mutuals who make edits you can try asking them. or even making a separate post asking for help from any followers that edit! basically, if you truly don’t know what to do, either look it up or ask for help.
-do not just post the whitewashed edit/gif/art with the excuse that it’s, “just the filter” or “just the psd”. take responsibility for what you’ve created.
-if you’re using a filter/psd and you really can’t figure out how to unwhitewash someone.. use a different filter! ik you might really like the one you picked, but that doesn’t excuse racism. there are lots of filters/psds out there that don’t whitewash. use one.
i’m gonna be honest, unwhitewashing is really easy as long as you know how to work whatever program you’re using. and even if you just started, it’s still pretty simple! if you’re scared of making edits with poc because of whitewashing, learn how to not whitewash.
anyway i hope this helps? let me know if something doesn't make sense or needs more explaining! but i'd really recommend looking at the tutorials i linked as they're more in-depth and offer a lot of insight!
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annqbthchse ¡ 3 years
Agathas casting + Sofia Wylie
hi I just chugged 2 redbulls, ranted to my friend for like an hour about this because the amount of absolute disrespect and just plain racism i've seen about the casting infuriates me. so here are some of the comments i've seen and my opinion/reaction to them (this is literally just a passionate brain explosion done quite late at night -10pm-  and vv quickly so I apologise if some points are missing/worded weirdly!!)
“she isn’t how she looks in the books” || “i’m all for diversity but [🙄] why did they make the pale one a POC” || “it doesn’t make sense for agatha to be played by a black actress”
for those saying it doesn't make sense for agatha to be plated by a black women,,,  what are you talking about!!! IT ACTUALLY DOES THO???? if anything it makes more sense and adds more weight to her storyline and character arc! her entire arc is realising she has been beautiful ALL ALONG. its just her low self esteem and the impossibly and very eurocentric high beauty standards that's she's up against at the school for good & in Gavaldon keeping her down. having agatha being played by a WOC is perfect because that is something we unfortunatly have to face on a daily basis. it makes for a wider range of people to see agatha and her experiences and be able to relate to someone whose place in society mirrors their own. and isn’t that great??? SHOULDN’T WE WANT THAT????yes. we should.
as a WOC myself, when i found out the news I literally called my friend at like 8am to be like “HOLY SHIT :DDDD” its exciting!! i know that a lot of people loved agatha because they could relate to her and that's great! but you still have that!! book agatha isn’t going anywhere. she's still there! like i've said before, Sofia as agatha allows MORE people to be able to relate to her character. This is an amazing decision and these kind of changes in the adaptation should be welcomed and encouraged. i
and also you can’t just pick and choose what characters can/cannot be black. that literally makes 0 sense and isn’t how it works. having agatha - one of the films lead-  as a WOC is a big deal and suggesting that instead have the side characters have diverse actors infuriates me. why does it have to be a side character??? it makes as much sense for agatha to be black as it does any other side character and sofia is perfect!
ALso Soman (who first published SGE in 2013) probably just used whatever beauty standards at the time and ran with it. but hey, it's literally 2020 and if this year has taught us anything it's that times are changing! casting a diverse lead for a book that has a predominantly white cast reflects that change! its great! tbh before the casting news, i was very apprehensive about the movie because of some of the problematic themes and events that occur but this casting is the step in the right direction! it shows that at least on some level the people making the movie are all aware of its wrongdoings and adapting the movie to better fit and reflect a wider audience in 2020.which is what we all (or at least should) want!!
“She doesnt have straight black hair so she can’t possibly play agatha”
first of all her hair is gorgeous!!! and does it really matter that she wont have straight hair??? will you die if one fictional character doesn't have straight hair?? no. you won't. and she shouldn’t have to straighten, use relaxers or wear a wig to play the role. hollywood has a long standing history of making diverse (predominantly Black!!) actresses having to fit Eurocentric beauty standards LIKE having straight hair. and using relaxes can also be a really traumatising and degrading experience for black women and its unfair for people demand that she can only play agatha if she “fixes” her hair. and yea again it has some very racist undertones. but dudes this is HAIR we’re talking about people. it's such a stupid finicky detail to hyperfocus on that won’t even affect the plot or the movie in any big way. I for one would love to see Sofia play Agatha with her beautiful, gorgeous, natural hair!
we all have our different interpretations and visions of agatha and that's ok! but with that and the movie you have to be realistic. there is no way they could’ve casted the ‘perfect’ agatha. even if they did stick to her book descriptions. you can't please everyone and people will always have opinions and something to say about it
“I can’t see her as agatha because of her previous disney roles”
bruh it's called acting. and you know another famous actress known for the classic disney roles and is now an emmy award winning actress?? ZenDAYA. yea. stfu. we haven’t even seen them in their full costumes or anything, hell this is really the first big information that we’ve had! give it some time,,, lets see the rest of the cast, the costumes, the sets and THEN decide if “she's not my agatha” c’mon guys!! she's insanely talented (a triple threat at 16!!!) and criticising her casting of agatha based on one photo - which literally says nothing about her performance- does have some severe racist undertones no matter how many times you try to defend yourself using the classic “i’m not racist but-” excuse.  
The people who casted her are literal professionals. they do this for a LIVING and have been for ages. SO ofc they would’ve casted the perfect person for the role. these are the same people who casted Harry Potter. pls just have faith in the process. they don’t want the movie to be a flop any more than we do. they picked her for a reason and i'm sure that in time we will see the exact same reasons they do
“I wanted asian agatha so i’m very disappointed in this casting”
I get it, I do but honestly,, c’mon dude A WIN FOR ONE OF US IS A WIN FOR ALL!! all minorities are all severely underrepresented in hollywood rn and idk about y’all but i’m taking this as a massive win for all us POC regardless of whether she's black, brown or asian.
“Sofias too beautiful” || “Agatha's supposed to be ugly >:(”
Agatha has literally been “beautiful all along”. the problem isn’t that she's ugly, its just that she's had impossibly low self esteem and doesn't see herself that way because of the impossibly high (mostly eurocentric) beauty standards she's held against. and with the ugly casting??? you really want them to put out a casting call specifically calling for someone ugly?? what would that even entail?? dudes The Lord of the Rings TV show tried that shit here in NZ a lil bit ago and it did NOT go down well lmao. you can’t just cast an ‘ugly’ person. also ‘hollywood’ ugly is still hot (e.g She's all That ) so idk what you guys were expecting????
pls remember Sofia is literally 16 (!!!!), she's so young and must’ve been SO excited to have gotten this role!! and if we can see all these comments, she definitely can so just be kind. ok
Sofia is absolutely gorgeous and the perfect agatha and i’m very excited to see more of her ❤️
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