#they dont need More Inconvenience and Hassle over it
what is it with my brain that as soon as it hits a slight inconvenience it completely refuses to do the task im attempting
doing dishes feels bad, can only do it wearing the right gloves because also feel bad. theres something on the seat i wanted to sit on, can no longer sit there because i dont know where to move the thing to. the xbox needs to be plugged in to use so im just going to stare at it for half an hour instead.
as soon as theres one more step than expected it over-analyses everything then blanks out entirely and i end up sitting on the floor because theres just too much hassle existing in the physical world so im completely somewhere else
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mumuho · 5 years
I need you to kiss me - Kai (pt. 3)
Supernatural AU! In which you accidentally establish a link between you and Kai, causing him to become dependent on your kisses for survival.
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During the weekends you only meet up once. Kai usually stops by on Saturday on Sunday, depending on your schedule. It’s a bit of a hassle having to get ready and dressed on days when you really don’t want to go out but have to just to help him out. To make things less burdensome for you Kai offers to meet up at your place.
The arrangement between the two of you work out perfectly. Although the other tenants in your apartment complex have begun to notice the frequent appearance of the handsome young man. It seems as if he never stays more than a few minutes and they speculate about the nature of your relationship.
After three weeks of seeing Kai walking in and out of the building, most often wearing sunglasses, rumor begins to circulate.
He might be gang member! 
Drug dealer! 
What if he’s extorting the student? 
He’s wearing sunglasses to hide his identity!
On one Saturday afternoon as Kai once again steps inside the building he’s approached by the security guard. The guard interrogates him and only becomes more suspicious when Kai refuses to remove his sunglasses. Kai tries to convince the security guard that he isn’t participating in criminal activities and that he actually knows you.
After receiving the call from the reception you come down to the security guard’s office. Inwardly you’re panicking but outwardly you’re wearing a cross expression.
Kai doesn’t really understand why.
“Miss, the reason I called you down here is that there have been rumors about the relationship between the two of you. Normally it’s none of our business but there are rumors going around of criminal activities and I called you to hear if you could explain this.”
“I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience we’ve caused. First of all, he’s my boyfriend.”
It’s a good thing Kai’s wearing sunglasses, because it masks his surprised expression.
“We had a big fight a few weeks ago and ever since he’s been coming over here to apologize.”
Oh, so that’s why she was looking so mad.
“There’s really nothing shady going on, I’ve just not been very keen on speaking to him.”
Once back at your apartment the two of you let out a sigh of relief. 
“I guess, you better stay here for a while so they don’t get suspicious.”
And so, that is how Kai begins to spend more time at your place. 
One weekend in early December you go out of town and decide to meet up with Kai on Sunday afternoon. Usually when you meet up on Sundays, it’s normally before noon as Kai begins to feel a slight soreness and ache in his body if he goes longer without contact with you. It’s bearable, but rather inconvenient. 
By Sunday afternoon he steps into the building with his sunglasses on. His eyes now occupied by a blackness that covers half his eye. Outside there’s heavy snowfall and Kai leaves a trail of melted snow behind him as he walks up to your apartment.
There’s no answer when he rings the door bell. He presses the bell two more times before finally calling your cell.
“--ah, I’m outside your place, could you open?”
“Kai? You didn’t receive my text message?”
“What message?” He hears your curse on the other side of the phone. 
“I don’t know what the weather’s like back home but the snow’s falling like crazy. We had to stop because I couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of me. We’ll be back on the road as soon as the snowfall clears up a bit. Will you be fine?”
Kai nervously rubs his neck. Should he tell you about the other side effects of going no contact with you for too long? For fear of putting additional stress on you, on top of having to drive in such a conditions, Kai stays quiet.
“I know it’s inconvenient to have your eyes become black but please hold out for a while, okay?”
“When do you think you’ll be home?”
“We’re still a 2-hour drive away, I’ll text you once we’re back on the road.” 
“Kai!” You exclaim as you come out the elevator and spot him. Even from a distance it’s apparent he’s feeling unwell. He’s standing slightly hunched and when you come close you notice the perspiration. “Are you okay?” you ask, with worry in your voice “Did you come here despite feeling ill? You could’ve told me to come by your place instead!”
You unlock the door with lightening speed and usher him down onto the cushioned stool in your hallway. 
Without another word exchanged you grab his face and firmly plant your lips onto his. Kai’s hands find their way onto you, one tangled in your hair and the other gently placed against your cheek. 
For a long time you remain in that position, with your lips locked and the front door wide open for the world to see. You stay like that until Kai finally lets go of you. And it’s not because he’s feeling better but because he realizes he’s not.
You remove his sunglasses and only now see that his eyes look even worse than the first time you saw them like this. “Kai, your eyes, they’re not changing back.” It’s beginning to dawn on you that maybe there’s a connection between Kai’s physical state and his eyes.
“I figured.” His reply comes out as a weak whisper. Although he’s not perspiring as much it’s obvious Kai’s is still in pain. He leans back against the wall with his eyes closed. “Please call Sehun and tell him to come here immediately.”
“W-what, why?”
Calmly and quietly he says, “I’m not getting better and I need his help.” He doesn’t have the energy to elaborate any further and you don’t pester him either. 
Sehun’s quick to respond and while you wait for his arrival Kai only seems to get progressively worse. He lies on your bed, hair damp with sweat. You don’t know what to do other than put your lips to his because it seems to ease his pain at least.
The doorbell finally rings and Sehun comes barging in, throwing his shoes in the air as he does. 
He points at you and tells you to listen and do as he says as quickly as possible. “You need to digest half of this.” He holds up a bouquet of green herbs. “We need to cut it up and mix it with water. Follow me.”
He enters the kitchen with you in tow. “Cut this up and mix it with water, we’re going to make it into a paste.” 
You do as you’re told but Sehun doesn’t even bother grabbing a knife or a pair of scissors, he just starts tearing the herb with his bare hands. The two of you are back by Kai’s side in no time and you throw half the paste down and swallow it with one gulp before you’re even able to register the bitter taste. 
“Where’s his mark?” Sehun asks.
“Mark? What mark?”
“Kai, where’s the mark?” Sehun shakes his friend’s shoulders but doesn’t get anything other than unintelligible mumbling.
“There should be a physical mark on his body somewhere. We need to know exactly where the mark is in order to direct the energy.” He begins rolling up Kai’s sleeves and you do the same.
“What does the mark look like?”
“It’s just a circle. You’ll know it when you see it.”
The two of you scan Kai’s arms, his feet, neck and all the other easily accessible places. You’re only halfway through when you realize Sehun has been continuously asking you to check his side as well for the mark.
“Sehun, you can’t see the mark?”
“No. The mark is sacred. It’s not something an outsider is able to see.” 
Kai suddenly speaks up, startling the two of you. He places his hand on his left chest. “It’s here.”
Both you and Sehun immediately hover over him. “On your chest?” Sehun spares no time in waiting for Kai’s confirmation and cuts open his sweater in an instant. 
And there on Kai’s left chest you see it. Two circles, one contained within the other. “Is it supposed to look like scar tissue?” you ask. When Sehun had said “mark” you had imagined it to be more like a tattoo. 
Sehun gives you an affirmative answer and is quick to use what’s left of the paste to draw lines and shapes onto Kai’s upper body. 
“I’m done. Now, --ah, kiss the mark.”
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wynndygoon · 5 years
The Biology of My Bisharp characters
So, a few of you may be wondering just why i call Joan and Apollo Bisharps when they barely resemble a traditional bisharp design. To that i say, i made them unique and my own so that they are more recognizable, but lets take a look into the biology of a bisharp.
First off, why do my bisharps not have the sharp blades around their chest and stomach? Why don't they have the armor that is shown? Etc.
Lets imagine Joan as a newborn Pawniard to answer these questions. In my world, pokemon live in their own world, no humans or trainers. So, in order to make this world "my" world, I change the rules up a bit. Why, in this world, would it make sense for a Pawniard to have been born with full metal armor?
"What if it is fused onto the skin/ what if it is sort of an exoskeleton?" I hear you asking.
Fair enough, but that isnt how it is in my world. I would imagine that a pawniard, when newly born does not have any armor whatsoever, it does however, have all the blades, but more on that later.
In my world, a pawniard does no get any "armor" until they evolve/grow into a Bisharp. Once a Bisharp, they are tasked to go out and forge their own body armor to suit them and their internal blades the best.
So, in my world, bisharps are not born with their armor and it is not fused to them, it is just that, armor. They can take it off whenever they need to and put it on as they please, but most dont because of the inconvenience/hassle it is.
Now, the fun part. Joan and Apollo, along with every other bisharp, has blades on their bodies. We have seen Joan's wrist blades before and the blade on her helmet. The one on her helmet however is attached to the helmet and is not biological, same for every other bisharp.
You may be wondering then, "where are these other blades at?" And to that, ill say that they are inside their body.
See, bisharps are a steel type not because their akin is tough as steel, but it is both because of their armor and their skeleton.
A bisharps. skeleton is ounce for ounce, pound for pound 100× stronger than steel. Meaning they are very durable, strong, and dense as well. And with this steel skeleton, comes the dedining features of bisharps, modified osseous tissue.
In other words, their bones are not as hard as steel, their bones ARE steel. And when they are born, like anything else that is genetic, they will form blades in the abdomen and chest regions. From here on out, i will refer to this area as the trunk.
So, in the trunk of a bisharps body, this includes all of the bones in the shoulder, the chest, the spinal column, and the top of the pelvis. The blades can stem from any of the bones in that region.
Lets go back to Joan. Joan, and most other bisharps dont have blades around their stomach like bisharps do in the games. Every single bisharp can have different areas, shapes, sizes, and numbers of blades in their trunk.
Joan has 3 blades. 2 of which are her bottom, of floating ribs that are modified to swing up instead of around and the third is the entirety of her sternum.
The best way to imagine how and where her blades are when extended is this: the two floating ribs will extend out and over her breast on each side and the sternum blade comes right down the middle, between her breasts and curve outwards at the top, esssntially giving her an upside down hook.
And the blades dont have to be on the front of their bodies either. Apollo's blades are on his back, originating from his shoulder blades. When fully extended, they will extend out and down, come under his armpits and stick out like tusks or spears out in front of him.
Now that the intricacies of bisharp blades have been explained, how do they work?
Imagine the blades sort of like cat claws, they can be retracted at will by moving muscles and tendons near the blades.
"Okay, but if they are inside the body, how do they get outside the body?"
Well, they are blades, so...they cut their way out. But Bisharp bodies are designed for this, even though the skin will be sliced in order for the blades to extend, there are no muscles or nerves in the way of the blades to cause any damage or even for them to feel pain when they slice the skin.
Not only that, but the blades will excrete a liquid that speeds up and pretty much sutures the skin back to normal almost instantly whenever they get pulled back into the body. So a Bisharp can sit there and constantly extend and retracte their blades and not feel anything have scars or open wounds.
I will draw Joan in a traditional Bisharp armor that she designed with her blades extended sometime in the future.
Im Noma, and thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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OK so if romancing Pierre was an option what do you think the heart events would be like?? (Angrimator)
DEPENDING ON WHETHER WE’RE GOING FOR SINGLE FROM THE START OR RECENTLY DIVORCED, THINGS MIGHT BE DIFFERENT, a lot of different things could happen (OBVIOUSLY) and it’s hard for me not to vomit all my ideas into one soupy mess gghfhddh. Like the recently divorced stuff would probably be super fucking depressing, but sdv isn’t afraid to do that to people SO LETS JUMP INTO IT!
(I’m also trying to think how the divorce would occur, would the farmer have to be best friends with everyone involved maybe? Maybe not everyone but at least the Wizard. Yea, just the Wizard. It would be inconvenient and a hassle to have to get friendship points back, hmmmm but You Could. Like after the events of the divorce all ur hearts with pierre and Caroline drop bc you were involved with the wreckage of their marriage, Fuck You Farmer)
2 hearts Single from the start: You enter the store and Pierre is preaching his typical “Buy My Shit Please” spiel. It’s a little embarrassing
Divorced: Farmer enters the store and Pierre, kind of sadly, is like “how can I help u” and you get 2 options to choose from, 1 )“I came to check up on you after what happened” or 2) “just shopping”. The one you’re supposed to pick is the first one, but at first he gets defensive and says “you should really just mind your own business”, then sweat drop icon, and “thank you though….”
4 hearts Same for both: Pierre sucking at cooking. It’s cute, you guys laugh about it
6 hearts Same as the one in game but instead of the “your wife should know about this” option, it’s “you should be ashamed of yourself”
8 hearts Single from the start: Joja Fear / a little bit more in depth about how he feels the need for success but nothing ever fulfills him. He thanks you for your business (an option box could happen here and your options could be “joja sucks I’ll always buy local”, “I’ll support you and maybe one day you’ll reach your goal”, “joja’s too big to compete with, I’d give up”, “that’s kind of greedy”. I THINK U KNOW WHICH ARE THE POSITIVE ONES AND THE NEGATIVE ONES)
Divorced: He thanks you for being there for him through the separation and appreciates your loyalty (he doesn’t specify if he means store-wise or You Know 😉) (options menu could maybe include “I’m sorry you went through that”, “you weren’t really there for her”, “at least it’s over and done with now”, “fuck her, what a bitch” [[NOTE: I DEF DONT THINK THAT OF CAROLINE IM JUST. EXPLORING OPTIONS HDHDHHD]])
10 hearts I’M GOING TO BE COMPLETELY HONEST, I DONT KNOW HOW TO TACKLE THIS ONEHe takes you to a boxing match perhaps? Then he spills the beans? I DO KNOW, HOWEVER, that in the divorced au, he would say something like he never expected to fall for someone ever again
I REALLY HOPE THESE MEET YOUR STANDARDS, AS THE LEADER OF THE PIERRE LOVERS I NEED TO BE ON TOP OF MY GAME AND MAKE SURE THINGS ARE GUCCI FOR THE FELLOW FANSthere are so many other simple scenarios I could think oooooof, I think my biggest issue in writing these was progressing in the relationship, especially in the divorced au because things are already deep and in there anyway, so it’s a little hard to build up from something that’s already really big. I HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE Anyway if u want different ones or if u want more depth in some I could totally do that too jfjfjdjd THANK YOU FOR YHE ASK SO MUCH, I owe you my fuckin. Kidney
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HOW TO ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF A PLUMBER. -Call the plumber after lunch on friday or before a bank holiday weekend. Christmas Eve is best. - Hassle him to fit you in. New baby, poorly or elderly family member etc. - Estimate the time and ease of the job. (They like that) explain that it is only a five minute job that you could do yourself if “only you had the time.” - Negotiate the smallest, most inconvenient window of booking opportunity. “I have to go to the gym” or some other far more important engagement than your blocked toilet or broken boiler, will smooth this over. - Ask for a fixed price. (Even if its a burst pipe or blocked drain) When the plumber refuses to be nailed down, some jovial comment like “I should have been a plumber”will keep the negotiation nice and light. - Tell him that you will run it by your wife and call back in five. - Call ten other plumbers who are too busy and then phone back two hours later expecting the same time slot. If he does actually answer the phone again and arrives, be sure to be in the shower, still on the way home from work or hide in the Kitchen pretending you dont know he is there, despite twitching the curtains every five minutes and muttering to yourself that “he’s late” even though you are only ten minutes into the 4 hour time slot arranged. - Show him the job which does not vaguely resemble what you described over the phone. - Ask him to move his van. Someone needs to get their car out and clearly cant wait the “five minutes” the job will take. - Show him where the problem is. Explain how you cant find the key to the side gate and he will have to lug his equipment all the way around. - Now is probably a good time to point out that the problem appeared on Monday last week but you thought “it had cured itself”. - Embark on a tedious, long winded story dropping names of people he could not give a toss about, and every completely unrelated event leading to this moment in time, starting from when you moved in 18 years ago. - Share your half cocked theory on what is going on. (“Air in the pipes” perhaps?) Needs bleeding maybe? - Apologise for the 20 years of piss-cheese build up on and around your toile https://www.instagram.com/p/CDoNKjFp9c3/?igshid=1596ysp2fu0f6
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Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
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"Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance: Driving Parents Car?
I have Insurance With State Farm on my vehicle. Currently it is being repaired and I have no car. I need to drive a car to get to work and school. They have State Farm also, but on a different policy. Both Insurance policies say Uninsured motorist on the card. I live in North Carolina (insurance is required) Could I drive my parents car? If I get pulled over what will happen?""
Liability insurance for small pizza delivery business?
Do I need any kind of special liability insurance for a small pizza delivery business? My delivery drivers will drive their own insured cars not company owned vehicles.
What is the best insurance company to work for?
I'm 19 and i have also thought getting into sales would be exciting. there is other reason but doesn't really matter. Anyway I'm hoping that there is a good Insurance company that has a good training program and allows entry level people to work hard and succeed. A company that wants people to succeed. So far every agent i have talked to has said their business is the one to be in so i just want some not so bias opinions. seems like all the insurance companies just want to get UN knowing teens ( like myself ) in and work them for 6 months to a year and suck them dry of all the money they have. i understand that you have to work and its not just six figures in the first year.
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
""After buying a car, can you immediately drive it, without switching insurance?""
Or do you need to buy the car, go to the insurance company, switch it over, go back to the dealership, then get the car? I live in AR if that is relevant.""
Where do I find health insurance for low income families?
My children are on state funded health insurance, but my husband and I are uninsured. He is a full-time student and I work 2 part-time jobs. Neither of my jobs offer me health insurance because the companies are small. I've looked into student health insurance, but it's REALLY expensive. Doesn't Obamacare allow for insurance options for low-income families? Or do we have to wait until he graduates and gets a job to be able to get health insurance???""
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
Insurance on a 1275 gt mini for a 17 year old?
My friend has just passed his driving test and I'm trying to help him get a car and insurance sorted. He's determined to get an old 1275 gt mini. I can see why though. I've been getting insurance quotes and they're all coming back at over 5,000 every time. I must be doing something wrong. I'm just wondering if any of yous could help me and give me an idea of what it would cost for a 17 year old male who's just passed his test on a 1275 gt? Thanks.""
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
Instead of buying auto insurance is there a way to just have a savings account just for $coverages?
So all US states require all cars on the road to have insurance ... since insurance is just dollars put asside for release in the event of emergencies or other pre-determined event ... why cant I just put $100,000 into a bank account and call it my auto liability account and have my car insured with the state under my name providing that I don't touch those funds?""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
Do you have to have sr-22 insurance on a motorcycle if you need it on a car?
there was a judgment entered that i have to have sr-22 for 3 years b/c of a car accident that my insurnce company would cover me on. i now want to buy a motorcycle and need to know if i need sr-22 for the bike. i have non owners sr-22 from the courts judgment
""Insurance price for dui, speeding and driving w/o license?
big predicament i got myself into... now i would like an estimate if u know how much insurance would be with these convictions. my previous premium for my 2006 car was approx. 800 for 6 months... thats with clean record... now how much u think it would be now? if im going to do this legitimate i know im gonna have to pay an arm and 2 legs...crap.. any suggestions at all would be very helpful...
How much is Ferrari insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old for a 308 Ferrari that is worth $20,000""
Did you get your insurance from an agent or a wholesaler?
is it possible to get your private insurance from a wholesaler? is it cheaper?
""In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.?""
In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.""
How much does the insurance pay for inconvenience fees?
I was in a wreck the other day and it was the person's fault who hit me. My car is totaled. She was fine and all i had was a cut and i went to the ER and they did xrays and they took out a piece of glass. Her insurance company is pretty good they already have me a rental car and they are buying me a new car and they are even giving me cash for maintenance costs and stuff I've done to my car in the past 6 months and then they said that they are paying inconvenience fees for having to go to the hospital. They have already paid for the xrays and the bills for the hospital so why are they giving me more money for this 'inconvenience fee' and how much will it be? Thanks
""Car Accident, Cheep car, did not go through insurance.?""
Me and my friend were going home. I was being an idiot and tried drifting. I over steered and ended up on top of 2 stumps. The axel broke and the car was not drivable. The cost was only 500 dollars. It was not worth fixing it. I asked him and he said he was fine but his back was little soar. The next day i gave him a call and he said that he will not go to the doctor and that the back will fine, its just a little soar. 2 days after he went to the doctor and told that he got into a car accident. Why in the hell a best friend would do that?... They asked for the insurance information. The medical insurance would not pay for it, thats what he said. The bill came in 2 weeks later for 1700 dollars. What should i do?""
I'd like a bigger bike but what will the insurance cost me?
I'm looking to trade in my 125cc for a bigger bike, most likely a 600cc, but I'm wondering what the insurance will be considering I have 3 points on my license for speeding. I'm looking to get it for my 18th, and it will be restricted to 33bhp. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure of what the insurance will be? And what bike should I get?""
""For each car you own, you need car insurance for each one, right? How much do they usually charge?""
I don't own a car, so I don't know.""
Can I get Classic Car insurance?
I'm 16 and have been looking at a lot of classic cars (specifically a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach 1) and ran into a bit of a dilemma... My dad is a car dealer, owning his own used dealership, so he has insurance that covers all the cars, rather than just one. But, you have to be 18 to be under that policy, so I can't be on it, and I've heard that unless you're under you parents policy, you can't have classic car insurance until you're 25. But, I heard that you can get liability only (Which is my state's minimum coverage), so I was wondering if that was true. Would I be able to get just liability on a classic car? Or should I just cut out all the complicated stuff and get a modern car?""
A guy crashed into my today and totaled my car-how much will his insurance pay towards a new car?
My car was worth about $8000, give or take (that's what the officer told me). It was completely paid off. How much will the other guy's insurance pay towards a new car, or should I ask for a check? Which will be the better deal?""
Insurance for my full bike test?
I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
Does anyone know anything about Metlife Life Insurance Policy's?
I am trying to claim a life insurance policy on my dad who passed a month ago.I was the beneficiary but Met life is hassling me and says that it was never on file.He paid forty years on a 10k payout and now they say the company he worked for told them there was no beneficiary when I am told by that company he worked for that I am most definitely am on the policy.My dad changed it over two years ago after my mom died who they also said was never on the policy!!! The woman said they will not except any papers from that company now as to confirming this due to it already being filed. They want me to get a paper notarized saying that i'm trying to get it but yet first want to know all my siblings names and their ssn so that it will be divided up or paid out to unpaid credit cards.Has this happened to anyone before? I cannot pay funeral expenses I have 7 greedy siblings who didnt help me one day in the last 3years of taking care of my elderly parents! If my mom was still alive and this happened to her OMG Why even get an INS policy if they treat you like this??
""Has anyone heard of this company Affordable Health & Benefits, LLC.?""
I'm looking to get health, dental, and vision insurance. I looked online at a couple sites and found this one. It looks really good but I'm a little worried it might be a scam ...show more""
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Where can i get cheap fire & theft only car insurance.?
My car is currently off road at my parents place in their locked garage. All the insurance companies i have tried don't do just fire & theft which is what i need until i can drive again. Please help as i have had no insurance for a week already but i don't want to risk it.
Could someone please explain health insurance to me?
Difference between PPO HMO DRG Private insurance, and deductibles I read it in my textbook but all these terms I'm not very familiar with so no matter how much I re-read the paragraphs I'm still a bit confused... I might sound stupid but oh well! Clarify for me please! Thanks for all who answer""
Should I be put on my moms car insurance?
should I be put under my mothers insurance, or should i take care of my car insurance my self? Im 18""
Don't want to renew Virgin car insurance but having problems contacting them?
I recieved a renewal car insurance quote from Virgin which is really high. I have shopped around and decided to buy my insurance elsewhere. The only problem is Virgin automatically renew my car insurance for me unless I tell them not to. The only method that they give to contact them is a phone number. I have been on call waiting for 20 minuted now and still not managed to get through to them. Does anyone know of another way of contacting them as I am worried that my call will never get answered and I will be forced to keep my insurance with them?
Backed my car into a car parked in the fire lane of a parking lot. what is likely to happen to my insurance?
He wasn't moving, but I didn't see him because he was parked where there weren't supposed any cars behind me, in the fire lane. Its probably my fault cause I was moving... Just wondering what to expect with my insurance rate, etc.""
Insurance companies that run driving history?
I'm trying to get quote on new insurance and I know Esurance runs your driving history to give you your quote. What other insurance companies do this? I don't know mine or my fiance's whole driving history for the last 5 years and it would be a lot less of a headache if they ran the report.
""Do i need car insurance 2 do my drivers test even thought is not my car, is my brother car? (califronia)?
i want to take my drivers test using my brothers car. the car has insurance. i just want to know do i show his car insurance or do i need 2 get insurance on my name to use his car and take the drivers test.thanks
Getting car insurance on the spot?
I am looking for my first car at the moment and I have a question about insurance. Let's say I go to look at a car that I've found on the internet and I decide to buy it right there...how do I go about getting insurance right away? I live in the UK btw
Auto insurance required when buy new car???
I live in california and recently went to the dealer bought a brand new car, and the saleman told me that I need to buy the insurance for my new car right at the dealer otherwise he can not let me drive that car home from the dealer eventhough I have full insurance coverage on my old car(current car)? He ask me to get the insurance coverage that they offer for 30 days? Is this right or it is a scam to get more money from me? Is it true that for everyone who buy new car to get the insurace coverage before they can drive it home even if you have full coverage insrurace on your old car? Thanks""
""Does anyone know how much it would cost to own a lamborghini that is 2 years old (2006)? insurance, maint..?""
Does anyone know how much it would cost to own a lamborghini that is 2 years old (2006)? insurance, maint..?""
How much might health insurance cost per year for a healthy 22-year-old?
Need to start buying my own health insurance, because I have some health concerns that i need taken care of ASAP. But overall, I am a healthy person.""
Sports car with low insurance cost?
i'm 16 and i'm going to get a car when i'm 18. i'm saving up more money so i can get a good car. i take cars very seriously. i was thinking of getting a 1990-1996 miata or a car like that. i want a want a good looking car that has rwd and manual transmission.
What are some safe ways to invest other than whole life insurance?
I understand now that term life insurance is the way to go, and then open up a Roth IRA. We are going to meet with our financial adviser and I would like to do more research, hence ...show more""
Is it possible for me to get an insurance quote below 2000 for any possible car?
im 22..i've tried old and new cars for quotes... cars valued from 500 to 35,000... but the minimum possible quotes i get is around 2100.. and been given a quote of 7000 for a 2.0l bmw 3 series worth around 5000 itself... I know its not going to be 30 a month for such a young in experienced driver.. but 400 a month for a tiny car??!!... i have no one to help me ... how do i find out if car insurance is just a joke or is it possible to get some sensible quotes? how do normal people get sensible car insurance for the first time? or are they just born with 10 years of NCB ?""
First time car buyer...getting car insurance.?
i am about to buy my first car and of course i will be getting car insurance. i won't be getting on anyone else's policy. what should i expect when getting insurance? do i have to pay a bunch of money up front?
How much of your pay check would you take out for Health insurance?
this is my first job that offers health benefits. I am new to this and having problems deciding if i need to get it or not. My company is offering both HMO and PPO for about the same price. Both cost around 70 per check, but i only make around 850. That is almost 10%. Should i shop around or should i just go ahead and get it or not have insurance at all. I dont even like going to the doctors but i would like to have health insurance just in case. My deductible for ppo is 500. I dont even know what that means. any advice would be helpful. thank you""
Insurance E-bike?
I live in california and I would like to know if I need an insurance for my e-bike if I hit someone or something. If you could post the web page you found it on that would be nice. Thanks
Health insurance?
affordable health insurance in Houston
What is a good (cheap!) health insurance?
i'm a college student so i have no money but i need health insurance so i can get my birthcontrol pills every month. whats a good company?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
No car insurance and got into an accident.?
I recently got in a car accident with no insurance. I rear ended someone and totalled his old car. The police came and made a police report and did not question me on wether I had insurace or not. If I bought Insurance right after that, can i use it to file a claim for what happened? If the other guy would cooperate and say we crashed at a later time would that work?""
Received ticket for failure to report accident if found guilty will this make my insurance pay out void?
Was in one vehicle accident car written off insurance paid Still have court for failure to report accident need to know if found guilty will I have to pay the insurance company back
Insurance wants to total my car?
So recently an 18 wheeler ran into the back of my car damaging the whole trunk and the force of the truck pushed my car into a post scraping the side of my car. The insurance guy came and just got a call back saying that they want to total my car and pay for it. The car is a black 2002 jetta 1.8 turbo from a small local dealer and has 140,000 miles. Im currently still paying it off and the car cost me $6000. Here is my concern, they haven't told me how much they plan to give me for my jetta but i went on craigslist and the average cost for a 2002 jetta 1.8t is around what i paid from $5000-$6000, will the insurance give me that amount because bluebook says my car is worth at most around $3400 in excelent condition and at retail value according to bluebook is around $4500. All I'm concern with is either my car is restore to the point before the accident or if they get me enough money to buy a new jetta of equal or greater quality. Restoring my car car i guess is not and option which I'm ok with but what if the amount they give me is not enough to go buy a new jetta from a small local dealer will they give me more money or how does this whole process work because I've never been in this situation.""
How much is insurance for a bmw z3?
I'm a male 16 yr old , just got a 1999 bmw z3 convertible. 30,000 miles for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what would insurance be? My record is clean (of coarse) and straight A's. ...show more""
People who need affordable health or dental benefits?
I work as a health benefits specialist and we offer extremely affordable rates on health and dental plans. Anyone have any good ideas on where I can leave flyers or business cards of ...show more
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Drink driving & car insurance?
Does anyone know of any car insurance dealers that are kind(er) to drink drivers? All my qoutes are high and I just don't have the money to be forking out on car insurance. I have just bought my first flat and have a baby on the way...I wish they could see that circumstances have changed!!!
Pay as you drive insurance..?
What company's offers pay as you drive insurance? And is it any good? Or do you know any cheap insurance schemes or company's?
How long does it take to get a check from renters insurance?
Lightning just struck and destroyed all of my electronics, other than the TV :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, Computer, Printer, And a few other things. How long will I have to be without entertainment? I don't have cable or satellite so this sucks.""
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
I would like to change my car on my exsiting car insurance policy? Help?
I have had my insurance policy on a peugeot 207 1.4 8v insurance group 3 since last december and would now like to change it to either a bmw 116i ig 10 or a bmw 120i ig 13. My policy cost 3500 how much will it increase by on either of these cars? Thank you.
Do I need to have insurance to drive my parent's cars?
The cars have insurance but I don't. Do I need it!?
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl?
I am learning to drive and have my provisional. I want to get a car and have looked at many and the insurance is 3000 or more. I don't mind what first car I get but it has to have 5 doors. Can anyone suggest any cars which have cheap insurance. Thanks in advance
How do college students pay for car insurance ?
I have always been curious since it cost so much.
Auto Insurance help?
My parents have 3 cars, and I'm getting my drivers license soon. when I called the insurance company, they said that I must be registered as a primary driver instead of occasional driver on one of the 3 cars (which makes the insurance cost a lot more). Is that true or are they bsing?""
Health insurance ?
Whats a good and affordable health insurance in nashville tennessee
Recommended auto insurance in us?
Specifically NJ. have some points. Any help on which would be cheapest?
Going on my dads car insurance...question?
My dad has Triple A auto insurance ..I do not live with him I am on my own in my own house, I never ask my family for help. But right now my tabs are expired and since I am only 20 I cannot afford auto insurance..they want me to put 300 down just for no fault and I think its ridiculous, Right now I dont have 300 dollars either so I asked my dad if he could help me out temporarily and put me on his car insurance ..i have a 98 cavalier so it shouldnt be that bad. its been 2 weeks and he keeps saying hes talking to the agent after tomorrow I can no longer drive my car because my tabs say march and april is comming up, I told him I would pay whatever costs to add me on it and whatever he needed a month. I was just wondering if they charge extra to add me on his insurance and my car or is he just making it up because I dont think It should take that long...like I said I am living on my own have never lived with my dad because he was in jail for a long time, moved out when i was 18 and can't get help from my mom or him,,I cant even ask to borrow money from them yet I can loan my dad 200 dollars. Feel like its so wrong, I think im doing pretty good being 20 years old working full time owning a house my own car that I bought myself and going to school...and Im having my first child.""
Car Insurance for Teens?
What can we expect for a 16 year old to pay on a monthly base if he has his OWN insurance (as in not co-insured with the parents). This would be in Texas. I am pretty sure that there is a great difference. Just trying to familarize myself with the whole deal and trying to figure a ballpark amount. Any tips you might have are very much welcome. Thanks!!!
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
""If someone hits your car and you don't have insurance but you weren't driving it, will they still pay?""
If someone hits your car and you don't have insurance but you weren't driving it, will they still pay?""
Dodge charger car insurance?
How much of a difference in car insurance would there be between my 1998 Honda Accord and a 2007 Dodge Charger? Im a 17 year old male. Please dont answer unless u know wat ur talking about.
Which is a reputable life insurance company to get whole life insurance without a physical exam.?
Can you name a few companies where I can take out a life insurance policy against myself, my husband without take a lenthly physical exam.""
Can I buy health insurance for just my child?
We make to much to be covered through state based insurances (CHPlus or Family Health plus) however we don't make enough to buy family insurance if we would like eat each day. So ...show more
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
Where can i find affordable birth control?
i'm currently on my last perscribed month of the pill estrostep. my health insurance has been cancelled because i just can't afford it, we just bought a house and we're on a very tight budget. in order to get another perscription, i need to have a gyn appointment for an exam, but a visit is $200 without insurance, then another $50 a month for the perscription. any ideas?""
""What is the cheapest auto insurance company in the province of New Brunswick, Canada? HELP!?
I have a new car - 2007 Nissan Versa
""Where is the cheapest place to get auto insurance in st. petersburg, FL 33701?""
Haven't had insurance in awhile, just bought a new/used truck. Just need the basics. Live in st. pete area code 33701.""
Will a no turn on red ticket increase my insurance rate?
Got a ticket for no turn on red . To be fair, I saw the sign and ignored it. There was absolutely no traffic and I didn't feel like waiting. Officer set a trap and nab'ed me. I didn't make up a story to him. He gave me a $100 ticket and didn't give me any points on my license. I'm 20, been driving for 3, almost 4, years and have a flawless record. What are the chances my insurance, which is Allstate, will increase. I have no plans on fighting this ticket, will plead guilty and pay the fine.""
Where can i get 24 hour car insurance cover?
Next weekend we have to take our baby to London for injections and my partner only has a van..(ive been in the back today -wasnt nice) so he'll be borrowing my mums car so we can get there.. Where can i get a day cover for him? He's 19
How much would it be for insurance on two vehicles if one was a classic?
I am buying a car soon, and i am getting two one is going to be a 1990 GMC Sierra z71 stepside, and the other one is going to be and older car from a 1970-1973, do any of you have a clue how much it would cost a month or would i have to go to an insurance company to do that""
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Allstate auto insurance/full coverage - rental car?
Does anyone know if Allstate will cover me in a rental car? I have a full coverage policy on my car at the moment. Just wondering if I travel and rent a car would I still be covered?
Cheapest Way for an international student to Drive a car with an international License?
I will be staying in the UK for 1 year and need a car cuz I will be driving around 50 miles a day. I looked to buy a cheap car but the insurance is around 6000 to 8000 a year cuz i am young and driving with an international license. The cheapest thing I found was renting a car for 13-14  a day. Is there anyway I can drive cheaper in the UK? If renting is the only choice, what is the cheapest renting diesel car can I get in Birmingham?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
What is best health insurance for a 43 yrs old male single ?
not to expensive health insurance .
How do I get car insurance over the weekend?
I just bought a car and I have 3 days to get insurance on it, how can I get insurance over the weekend? Is there a place to get insurance online? or even possibly temporary insurance?""
Car insurance and reliability?
what would be cheaper on insurance and what vehicle would be a better investment, because I want to keep the next vehicle I get for a LONG time . . . dodge challenger srt8 or a toyota tacoma with a TRD sport package""
How can I price/estimate what my car insurance payment will be if I don't currently have a car?
I live in New Jersey. I haven't EVER had my own car insurance although when I was in high school I was on my parents' insurance. I am a 28 year old female. Thanks all!!!
Insurance agents in Chennai?
if you know any insurance agents in Chennai help me?
Who sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Who sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I am looking for health insurance?
I run a small nonprofit with a staff of 3. We are looking for affordable health insurance.
How can i get auto insurance? Complicated story.?
Ok so i currently DRIVE a 2005 Mazda 3. When I originally moved to Florida 3 years ago, My good friend, who I moved to florida to live with, so graciously loaned out the car for me. My credit was and still is horrible, so at the time the loan was put solely under his name. Thus, the car is registered in his name. Three months ago, My friend moved to california with his Fiancee and I moved back to where i grew up in pennsylvania. Well long story short, I'm moving back to florida to get in state residency for college. While i was up in PA, Geico cancelled my insurance cause i was out of state for too long i guess. I had insurance with them under a family plan with my friend when we lived together in Florida. So basically the car is registered in Florida, the owner(my friend) lives in California, My credit is to crappy to change the loan into my name or even have me as a cosigner, and I need to somehow get insurance back so i can drive my car back down to florida next month when I move back. Any suggestions at all as to how i can get Insurance, while still having my friend as the only person on the loan/car registration? Again the car is still licensed and registered in florida, where i'm moving. ANY HELP AT ALL IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!""
I just got my permit... do i need insurance?
I just got my learners permit and my dad thinks that he has to add me to the insurance (geico) but a lot of people say I don't need my own insurance.
Is an Acura TSX or an Acura TL good for a teenager?
my dad is looking for cars to get me and i was looking online and i found a 2007 tsx and a tl.. i like how they look.. the brand new ones, to me, are really ugly and plus the brand new ones are more expensive... im pretty sure my parents are okay with the prices of these but i was just wondering what u thought.. and im 16 by the way""
How much does health insurance cost on average per person?
How much does health insurance cost on average per person?
Would insurance on a 79 Buick Skyhawk be expensive?
My husband and I found one extremely cheap, and I desperately need a car. Our worry is the monthly insurance rate. Would the age make it cheaper, or is it so old that it would begin to go back up?""
Please suggest cheap health insurance for couples.?
Which insurance company offers the most affordable health plan for couples?
Auto insurance wrong information!!?
Relatively, I am a new resident in the USA, I have been here for 18 months only, and I am trying to get a car insurance. The problem is the insurance companies give a huge discount for those who got licensed in the USA or Canada at age 16, but they do not consider other countries. For this reason I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get the state minimum requirements for auto insurance. In fact I have been licensed in my country since 1998.. I wonder what's the influence if I choose to answer yes when the insurance company agent asks me whether I got licensed at age 16 or not in the USA or Canada? Because technically I am already licensed at that age but not here!!""
What coverage to get for car insurance for my son with ' L'?
what coverage to get for my car insurance , my son jest got his L. so what insurance coverage do i need to add to my car if i want him to drive it whit me , because I'm afraid if a crash happen. I live in british consulate vancouver ( ICBC ) this is the web site of the company (http://icbc.com/) so please help me .""
What is the best dental insurance I can buy?
What is the best dental insurance I can buy?
Who insures a teenage driver when the parents are divorced?
We are getting ready to add my stepson to our auto insurance. He does not have a car yet, but when he does get one it will be in his father's name. His mother as far as I know has no auto insurance. She drives a car that belongs to her parents and I assume they insure it. This is the living situation and what is in place legally at this time. The mother is the primary custodian of the child. However, he resides at our house 85% of the time. My husband has educational gaurdianship so that he can attend school in our district. I have researched this and what I have found is that the parent who has primary custody is the one who adds the child to insurance. Then I also read that the parent with whom the child resides the majority of time carries the child on the insurance. I am just trying to prepare and educate myself before having to deal with the ex-wife. Money is not the issue as the child will be required to work and pay for his own insurance (our house rule). Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this?""
Auto insurance cost?
I can't really get a quote from a car insurance web site. (It's a long story) I don't really know much about auto insurance at all. How much do you think my insurance would be? I'm a 20 year old female. I haven't ever had a ticket. The car I am potentially buying is a 2009 jeep grand Cherokee. that's $30,000 to $35,000. I would have a $20,000 loan. (my father would be co signing) since I have a loan I'd have to get full coverage. Any one got any idea of how much my rates would be?""
""I got a problem, my daughter just got her drivers license and because I could get cheaper insurance with?""
another company, I switched insurance companies. Needless to say yesterday when she was backing out of our car port she hit the carport pole and scratched my car pretty bad and knocked some trim off. The scratch bothers me the most because it's long and down to the metal and paint is chipping off. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this with out filing a claim?""
""New driver, teen car insurance?""
does anyone know about how much the average teen's car insurance is? im 17 and looking for a car, i have $1750 in my bank account... about how much would car insurance cost me? and how much do i have to pay upfront? i know its sometimes cheaper if you have good grades, and i have straight a's. can anyone help me? thanks!""
Car insurance for my car?
I'm looking for cheap full coverage for my car , I only need comp and collision for my car , that is all I need. Any advice or help would be appreciated , I live in Texas""
Will a DUI in MA 5 years ago affect my insurance rates in CA?
I was arrested for DUI in January 2008. This was my first and only DUI charge. I am planning to move to California later this year and I was wondering if this conviction will still affect my rates? I read something about the interstate driver's compact and about how Mass. is not a member so it might not share driving history with another state especially since so much time has passed and I have kept a clean record since then. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
Rosepine Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70659
0 notes
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
"How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance company offering me a check to settle? What should I do?
I was in a car accident, where the other driver was 100% at fault. We both have the same insurance. They reimbursed me fully for my car, reimbursed my employer for health expenses (I assume) and I didn't get hurt too bad min the accident besides some whiplash and scrapes on my hand. Today, I get a call and an offer of a $250 check for the inconvenience of being in an accident. It sounds kinda fishy, I thought this case was closed long ago, so I told her to send the offer, in writing, describing the details of this inconvenience check. What exactly is going on here and why would they feel the need to randomly cut me a check? Something doesn't add up.""
How can i get birth control for cheap without insurance or medical card!?
so i'm 20 years old turning 21 in about a couple months in Illinois and i just recently became sexually active like three months ago... i'm worried about pregnancy so i was thinking about the pill but i dont have medical insurance and no medical card to pay for it.. does anyone know how much the first exam is and how much the pill is!? Or where i can go get help paying for these things?!
How should I get car insurance?
Let me explain my situation. I am an adult who has not had a drivers license before and I am wanting to take the test next week to get it. In order to take the test, I must prove that I have car insurance. I have called a couple place to get car insurance and they have told me that I need a driver license in order to get for them to insure me. I have tried to look up quotes online as well, but they also expect me to have a license in order to get a quite? I have no family that will put me on their insurance. Secondary question, how much does liability insurance go for?""
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc?
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc? As my beetle was quoted 1100 insurance for 17 year old driver as first car, but when i asked for a quote for a smaller engine it said, 1700 for a 1300cc engine!? Thanks""
Can a 17 yr old get there own dental insurance?
Can a 17 yr old get there own dental insurance?
Why would young people refuse to sign up for inexpensive health insurance?
Don't they know they will soon be older people in need of affordable health care? Or that community rated affordable insurance depends on a high rate of participation? Why would they want to subvert a system they will soon depend on?
Average insurance rate for a 2002 MR2 Toyota Spyder for a 21 year old?
What do you think will be the average rate and how does this compare to insurance rates of a normal car like a Toyota Corolla and sports cars like a Mustang?
Shouldn't I try to claim all I can on car insurance?
Someone didn't quit stop on time and hit me a little in the rear. This guy was in his early 20's and when I asked for insurance he said he doesn't have it with him and that he is driving his grandmothers car. I asked him for his phone number in case there is a problem. My car just has a few marks from this but bodywork is expensive and it wouldn't surprise me if it wouldn't cost $300.Since my car is 12 years old I may not get the work done.Usually insurance companies tell you to get an estimate and mail a check to you. The driver that hit me said he is sorry but I think he hopes he doesn't owe me anything for this. Shouldn't people try to claim any amount of damage through insurance even if it is minor?
Are VW Beetles cheap or expensive to insure?
I've been looking into getting a car (I'm 25, female and it will be my first car) and I'm really loving VW Beetles. I'm leaning more towards getting an old one (say around 1970), maybe the convertible version, if I can find one. Either I would restore it myself or buy it already restored... it depends what I can find. On one hand it would be fun to restore it myself and I'd learn a lot, but on the other hand it could become quite costly. I'm just wondering whether or not they are cheap or expensive to insure? I'm thinking they would be fairly cheap? The reason the beetle appeals to me is it's very cute and also they get great gas mileage. I only really drive to and from work, which is about 20 - 30 mins each way. I don't drive long distances. Any info you can give me about beetles, I appreciate it :-) Thank you! (I want a red one!)""
How does multiple car discount work on insurance? ?
Ok so I have an sr22 and my friend said I could add a car for a discount, so I added my moms car. I only have liability. So does my moms car have liability too? Sorry the insurance guy didn't explain it all that well.""
How can you add an illegal alien to your car insurance? Where?
I have a girlfriend who happens to be an illegal alien. I am a legal U.S. citizen living in California. She owns a car (under someone elses name) and the time is coming when she will have to go to the DMW and reregister it. She wants to transfer the ownership to me but still drive it herself, which I will have no problem with as long as she agrees to pay all costs associated with using the vehicle (an agreement I will get in writing). However, she dosn't want to give her information to any insurance companies because shes afraid the Feds will find her out and deport her back to Mexico. Is their any way I can buy an insurance policy for my new car and add her to the coverage without giving the insurance company her name and and other information? Say, some policy that covers me and any other driver that happens to use the vehicle? If so, what company should I sign up with?""
""Does car insurance go down when you move to a different state, if so how do i lower mine? (see details)?""
I used to live in LA and my car insurance was 46.00. Well, I went to progressive and did a quote with my new address which is in TX and my car insurance quote is for 26.00. How do i go about getting these new rates since I no longer live in Louisiana.""
Can I still drive a car without insurance?
i have my license but i don't have insurance in the car
Do I still have to pay car insurance if....?
This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm sixteen, so please just answer... I've had my permit since last September. I've practiced, but my parents won't let me get my license because they can't afford the car insurance. We only have one car anyway. Well, say I were to register a motor vehicle, such as a 50cc moped, which only requires a basic license to use. Would I still have to pay car insurance for my family car if I don't drive it, AND a moped? Or can I stick to paying the motor bike insurance instead? I'm sorry, it's such a stupid question, but I don't know much more about car insurance other than the fact that we can't afford it. Thank you. (:""
What happens when the car has insurance but the driver isn't in the insurance and hits another car?
Will the insurance still pay? It seems as they do not want to.
What is the cheapest/best car insurance and car for a newly licensed driver in MA?
What would be the best and cheapest type of car and car insurance to get for someone who just received their license?
IVE GOT A LOT OF FRIENDS WHO PUT NON-SMOKER ON THERE INSURANCE AND THEY DO SMOKE TOBBACCO, so my question is how do they get away with it. when you smoke and you go and get a physical and they do blood work dont the doctor see your a smoker and then he or she tells your insurance company that your smoking. HOW DO YOU GET AWAY WITH INSURANCE FRAUD LIKE THAT... i just cant understand how does this work they have done it for years they say that the doctor never tells on them. if someone will give mea ligitiame awnser on how they get away with this i will give you 5 stars i need explanations not short awnsers""
High insurance rates for old luxury cars?
I'm looking to buy my first car and have my eyes and this cheap old BMW (1997-2002 don't know the exact year). Would the insurance cost me more than it would for other car brands like Toyota or Honda from similar years?
How to become an insurance agent in california?
How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks!
Car insurance for students at uni?
Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?""
How do you put someone on your insurance policy?
I have been insured for 3 years. My bf wants to get a car but with no no claims bonus he is getting quotes in excess of 3000 on the most basic insurance. I've tried to get quotes online to have him on my insurance but driving seperate cars and it seems I can't do this online. Do you have to actually phone them up? I'd prefer to do it online as it's less hassle.
Whats a guess from the different cost on insurance between a bike and a car?
would it be something like bike - $100 month car - $200-$300 month
Is there an affordable health insurance plan for someone who doesn't make a lot of money?
I'm 23 and I work 2 jobs. I go to school part time. After I pay all my bills I don't have much money left.
Insurance and pregnancy...
I am planning to get pregnant in March, 2009. After working things out with my husband, it seems like the best time for us Anyway, my insurance policy will finish in August and I'll have to get new insurance (I won't be able to continue with my current insurance policy for reasons beyond the scope of this question). Will this cause me problems with the new insurance company (I still don't know what insurance I am going to purchase)? Will the NOT cover my pregnancy and delivery and consider it a pre-existing condition? What's your advice? We really don't want to postpone pregnancy any more and now is not the best time for us""
Who need health insurance?
Do a part time job need a health insurance?
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!
Car Insurance questions (teenager)?
I am a teenager, and i live on my own. I pay my own bills and everything and i need to find the CHEAPEST car insurance possible. Can you help me out? Liability.... Yes, i know its cheaper with my parents, but my mom took me off of her insurance, and i need to find one fast.""
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
Can someone else drive my car if i have cancel my insurance cover?
I am going on holiday for 5 months and thinking of cancelling my car insurance. My car is taxed until next year and wondering if my brother can drive my car if I have cancelled my car insurace? (he has his own insurance for his car), does he has to add my car reg on his insurance? Please HELP...""
Does Car Insurance Still Go Down On Parent's Insurance?
Basically i am going on my parent's insurance but as a named driver only. I know the risks of it and was wondering what will happen when i turn 25 Will my insurance still go down or will i have to pay a full insurance due to only being a named driver ?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California?
I've been trying lots of new ideas for marketing my insurance business. I do flyers, internet advertising and more. What made you chose your insurance agent? What sorts of things are important to you, (other than price)? What sort of promotions would you be interested in seeing?""
Whats the best insurance company in the u.s.?
i don't have insurance and i really want to do gymnastics (i'm 13) but i guess we have too much money to be able to have kids connection and so i just need a affordable insurance company i can talk to my mom about :) thanks!
Will insurance points carry over to another company?
I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?""
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
How to get cheap dodgy insurance?
how can i get cheap insurance that doesnt actually cover me but then im legally insured
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
I was wonder in how much it would be to insure a motorcycle in mass? I know there's a lot of factors to what the price will be. I just want a rough estimate. Thank you
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Hi. 18 months ago me and my hubby went bankrupt (long story) and we have had our new car insurance quote from the company we have been with for 12 years. It jumped from 37 to 60 and we were pretty outraged and so have been shopping around. We were told by someone we know that any new insurance companies would do a credit check and that we may be refused insurance or may get pretty high premiums. As I said, we have been with our insurance company for 12 years and have paid on time every month by direct debit for the car insurance and for the home contents and pet one too. So as your premium is affected by your credit score, does this mean we should have let our insurance company know we went bankrupt, when we did back in Nov 2010? Or does it not count as we were already with them? i don't seriously see why we should've HAD to tell them, but I am not a bit worried. I don't want to make a claim and find that they refuse it because we didn't tell them of the bankruptcy!""
""I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?
My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at ...show more
How much will insurance go up?
I'm 20 living in NJ. Been driving for about 2 years and under my parents insurance policy. I have no points on my license other than the ones that you start out with.I've gotten 2 tickets before but neither of them were point tickets and neither of them went to insurance. This ticket I just received was for speeding (over by 9 MPH). About how much will my monthly insurance rate increase by?
Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?
how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Costco auto insurance?
a friend of mine the other day told me that she pays 90 dollars on her car insurance and she is 16 years old. I just wanted to know if there is a catch because it sounds too good to be true.
Getting a Permit in TX increases insurance rate?
hi. is anyone here from texas? i just want to know if insurance companies in TX really do increase your insurance rate once they are notified that your son or daughter has a permit to drive. AS if living here isnt already hard enough, lets top it off with this surprise.""
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
""If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?""
If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?""
Car modifications and insurance?
I was wondering which modification to a car can increase the price of car insurance, could something as small as alloys affect it? And if you have already had the car for a while then make modifications do you have to tell the insurance company?""
Cheap NY auto insurance ?
hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks""
""My daughter got into an accident in my car, is she insured even if she is not listed on my car insurance?""
My daughter just got into an accident and totaled my car. This is in Michigan and she is not listed on the insurance. She spends most of the week at her fiance's house (who drives her to work, school, so forth) and comes home for the weekends and rarely uses our cars (once or twice every month or more). Now my insurance is saying they can not cover her because she does not live at home, even though she never really moved out and her permanent address is at home, even when she went away to college. She is under absolutely everything for us, but they are trying to tell her to work with her fiance's car insurance for medical coverage. I never saw a reason to put her on our car insurance because she doesn't use the cars and I don't think it's fair to put it under her fiance's insurance because he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Any suggestions on how to go about this situation would be really appreciated!""
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Can i use my car insurance to drive my dads car?
i got fully comp insurance on my car, does my insurance cover me to drive my dads car?""
Car insurance cover needed?
I need to get car insurance. I am a 23 year old guy. Anybody recommend good cover which will not leave a hole in my bank balance?
Hi there, I expect to buy my bike for next march of 2012. I am Going to buy a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The problem is that I am only 18 years old and my insurance quotes are roughly $1000 a month. Is there any way I can go around this problem or lower the insurance?""
Is serenity insurance a ligitimate company?
Cheap auto insurance
""Why did 4,000,000 people lose their current insurance, when only 27,000 signed up for insurance under ACA?""
The facts are that only just under 27,000 people signed up for insurance under Obama's new law aka Obamacare. This is so darn ridiculous. Have ya heard about this?""
How much is car insurance for an rx8 in nyc?
I work for EMS n im gonna pay around 16 cash for a 05 rx8 with 30 k miles on it. how much would car insurance b a month ?
Is there such a thing as mental heath insurance or at least a carrier that is better than others...?
i'm self employed and considering blue cross/shield and kaiser but can't really find a cost difference between them. i'm in california, physically very healthy but feeling the need for therapy, but can hardly afford it. i have no health insurance at all so a plan that covered everything, but was especially generous on mental health would be great.""
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
What are some good insurance companies?
I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?""
""I'm moving to another state. How long do i have to get proof of insurance, new drivers license, etc?""
How long do i have to complete the entire process of getting new proof of car insurance, attaining a new drivers license, registering my vehicle, and getting new license plates? I have looked on the dmv website and i am more confused now then before checking the website. The website claims you have 60 days to get your new drivers license but, you have 30 days to have your vehicle registered. This cannot make any sense because in order to have your vehicle registered you must have a valid drivers license in that state (at least for the state i'm moving to). Can someone shed some light on this topic and how long on average an individual has to complete this entire process? thanks!""
Least expensive sport cars to insure?
I'm 16 got my license yesterday and I'm shopping for car's. My car budget is $8000 I'm looking at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I know it's not cheap to insurance the car but my question is what sport cars are the least expensive to insurance I'm aware their pricey""
Affordable Motorcycle for college student?
I own a car already, and I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle as an option to take. What models are usually affordable for a 18 year old college student?""
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
Which insurance company or agent offers the cheapest auto insurance policies in Miami?
Which insurance company or agent offers the cheapest auto insurance policies in Miami?
What do they test for when getting Life Insurance?
I wanted to get a life insurance policy for my family and myself. They want to take blood and a urine sample. What are they looking for? Drugs, nicotine, disease???? What's the deal?""
Can I get Insurance I am the only employee at my office Group of One?
I live in California and work for a Doctor's office but it is only part time. I have been working for a little over three years and my boss said I can look into the option of getting health insurance however all the companies I look at only want to insure groups of people can my employer get me health coverage even though I am the only one on the plan. Curious in California
Will car insurance price drop in 2013?
I went to a local insurance company, called NFU Mutual - I was advised to wait till next year because its likely prices will drop a bit, young drivers pay a lot and was also told that women's insurance will be as much as men, there wont be a difference anymore whether you female or not. Is this true? I'm 21 and the cheapest I have been able to find was at 1.400 per year, or 1.500 per year paying monthly - on a Peugeot 106 Zest 2, 1.1 with quotemehappy.com Thank you!!""
Insurance in college?
My mom tells me that you have to go to college directly after high school in order to stay on your parents' insurance plan or you get taken off and have to work full-time to get insurance. However, my question is if you get a job after high school and get insurance for yourself and then decide to go back to school a year later can you get back on their plan.""
How much will a suzuki vitara jlx 1999 cost for a 17 year old to insure in the UK?
Hi there i am 16, almost 17 and i own a suzuki vitara, it has previously been used as a field car but sailed through its MOT... i am looking to use this as my first road car. I can't seem to find anything at all on the internet without having to make an account.. someone please help, I simply need to know how much it will cost me to insure in the UK as my first car at 17 years old. it has no modifications, a 1.6 petrol engine, convertible and a jlx model.. someone please help if you can?""
What does Obama mean by affordable health insurance?How can it be affordable for everyone?
What does Obama mean by affordable health insurance?How can it be affordable for everyone?
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
""Can I register my car in my name but have insurance in my husband's, in Florida?""
I live in Florida, I'm 24years old. So you know my insurance would be sky high. I was wondering if I could register my car in my name but have the insurance in my husband's?""
What does car insurance cost?
I'm 16 almost 17 about to get my license in a small town in Indiana. I get all As except for maybe one B a semester. I went to drivers ed. I will get a 2001 silver volkswagon ...show more
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!
Do you have to have a care to have car insurance?
I am not ready to purchase a car, however I figured if I started paying car insurance now, when I am ready to purchase a car I wont have to pay so much to start the policy. Is this true?""
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance quote for a brand new VESPA?
I'm 20 years old and looking into buying a vespa to use in Toronto! Looking for the cheapest insurance possible!
Can a tourist in california could get a health insurance in this state?
i'm a tourist here and 2 months pregnant i'm planning to give birth here in california.
Can a car insurance company raise your rates for an accident that wasn't your fault?
OK, I recently switched car insurance companies because the quote they gave me over the phone was lower than what I was paying before. I told them honestly about all the tickets I had in the past 5 years. But in the mail today, I find that they are charging me an extra $20 per month because of an accident that WASN'T MY FAULT. I was rear-ended and not cited. Is this legal?""
How much does your teen's (19 y.o.) car insurance cost?
My dad's been footing the bill for my car insurance the past few years. Now that I've been driving for a while and got an internship, he wants me to pay. I'm not complaining, but I'm just want to compare how much you pay for your insurance (if you're a teen) or how much you pay for your teen. Also, I've not been involved in any accidents at all.. and no tickets as well, including parking tickets. For three vehicles and a travel trailer, my portion of the insurance is about 55% of the entire bill with a brand new car on the list.""
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
What wold be the cheapest and best insurance?
I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
Hey people, i am 17 in april and i have been looking into buying a 1983 mini mayfair with 13 alloys and arches....and thats it... onlly a 998cc, not the fastest of cars but guess what quoted over 1,300 Whats the F%$*& point, any body know ov any good car insurers that i may get a quote from? cheers.... Kyle""
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
Car Insurance(state farm) hit & run accused of hitting a object?
i was driving on the freeway tunnel(day time) when i noticed the guy driving on my left-side merging into my lane and struck my right fender,so when i get to the end of the tunnel to wait for him the guy simply drives off.I then call my ins and claim a hit & run etc. i gave them the details they say they'll fix it.3 months later i come to find out that they are claiming it's my fault that i hit a object or a guard rail or wall how can i go about this and fight it.the rep that help wasn't any helpful at all she said she re email a letter stated it was my fault and how to fight it. any help will b appreciated !!! i also i asked the lady if i can show pics of a cars that have been into collision with object i even told her it would be pics of my car(not actually my car) but u know what i mean she said they only go off what they see""
Can I add a person to my insurance if i dont own the car?
Okay, my live in boyfriend just got a car and is leasing it through an auto dealer, and making payments. The car is in his name. I would like to know if he can be added to my insurance policy? Does the car have to be in my name to be on my insurance policy?""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old for a 2000 toyota corolla.?
I just got my g1 and I'm planning on buying a used car. Can someone tell me what car a beginner could start off with. But it must be cheap; budget around $1000-$3000. And if you can please tell me the price of the insurance.
Roughly how much will my insurance cost for a new mid-level sports car?
In California. Clean driving record. Car would be financed in the $30k - $40k range. I imagine I would want full coverage. Would it be substantially less if the car were a year or two old rather than new? Thanks! I have always had used cars in the past with just liability insurance.
""What, if anything, is in the ObamaCare bill that will keep insurance premiums at an affordable level?""
We are going to be FORCED to pay for this thing, but what if we can't afford it - I can't afford insurance now.""
Can i put insurance on a old mobile home ?
I have a 84' model mobile home but i paid to have it remodeled so it's very nice on the inside. Well i want to rent it out so i want to put insurance on it in case a fire or etc. happens to it while it's being rented out . But can i put insurance on a mobile home that old ? and can i put as much as i want or does the insurance only cover how much it's worth ?
Average docter visit cost in oradell nj w/o insurance?
does anyone know average docter visit cost in oradell nj w/o insurance?
How can i get cheaper car insurance there must be a way!?
Hi i really can't afford much and i do want a cheaper car insurance quote for my car.But i don't know much about how to get my car insurance quote down is there any tips or ways that you can tell me because its expensive and i am not even a classed as a young driver so it should be cheap!
Best dental insurance to get when needing restorative work?
in all honesty, i have terrible anxiety even when i think about going to the dentist. due to this, i have neglected my teeth and now i'm paying for it. i'm tired of worrying about my smile and just need to know the best insurance to help get me the smile i want.""
Will having motorcycle insurance for a few years help lower auto insurance in the long run?
Will having motorcycle insurance for a few years help lower auto insurance in the long run?
Named non owner insurance- Florida?
It is possible to get a named non owner car insurance in Florida with damage and collision? We usually rent cars in Florida, and we pay a lot of money for CDW and liability, we are looking this kind of solution.""
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car?
I had my brother listed as a driver on my insurance policy and he is moving so will no longer be using my car. The insurance company is requiring that I show proof of insurance before removing him from the policy. They are telling me there is no other way to remove him from the policy due to a DUI charge. Is it even possible to get car insurance without a car? What should I do?
""How much would insurance be on a $39,000 Lexus LS 460 car?""
Im probably gonna buy my dream car that cost $39,000 but its valued at $43,000. Its a 2007 Lexus LS 460 and i want to know how much full coverage insurance would be? I have a good driving record with no accidents and just need a basic idea. Thanks!!""
Would a chevy impala ss cost more for insurance than a normal impala and how much more would it cost aproximat?
Would a chevy impala ss cost more for insurance than a normal impala and how much more would it cost aproximat?
Getting a rental car without having car insurance and with no credit?
I have a car but it is not registered to anyone and no one drives it. It is just in my parents driveway for now till I decide what to do with it. But I am going on a trip I am 24 and will be 25 in April and am going on a trip to another state and since no one uses my car and it is not registered to anyone I have no car insurance and I also have no credit card or credit history. So since I am looking to get a rental car on my trip when I get to the other state could I still get a rental car? How would that work? Can't I just buy their rental insurance? Can you even get a rental car with no credit history or credit card? Hows all that work? Help is appreciated.
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!
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Hunter Hoover
Gelnda Jones
 1.      Spriggs establishes the importance of the topic by telling us how far back she relates with it. She starts off by talking about how her family has made this issue known to her since she was four years old, and since then she has been interested in It.
2.      Some of the counter arguments she addresses is “we should buy food from the region which it grows best” Spriggs does agree with this but her point she I trying to make is that we should try our best to by our food locally. This not only helps local farm owners but the economy as well.
3.      I found Spriggs 2nd paragraph on page 154 to be effective. This paragraph talks about the fuel consumption to transport farmed goods from location, to location. She says most produce is shipped 1500 miles before it sold. She states that 80 percent of strawberries grown are in California and are shipped all over, but this doesn’t mean we only have to buy from California because these products are produced in other states as well.
4.      On page 154 there are images of semi trucks hauling. This image goes back to question 3 about how I talked about how far produce travels before it is sold, and about how much fuel is wasted taking produce from one place and shipping it all across the country.
   Buying Local
 There are many reasons as to why it is important, and also beneficial to the economy to buy local. Produce is bought and sold everyday, but do we really know who we are buying it from? I think it is important to support local farms when you can, but I also don’t think it is necessary to research the food you buy.
I think whether you buy local or not, doesn’t have to be a “one or the other” situation. I think if you have the opportunity to buy from a local seller by all means do so, that is a great thing. I think that in some instances it may be more of a hassle to go out of your way and buy locally, this may be because you need to buy groceries and buying local may mean you have to drive across town in order to buy just a few local products, which does not make sense to me.
By purchasing locally grown food you’ll be strengthening your community by investing your food dollar close to home (Local Harvest , n.d.)If you have local products in your store by all means make an effort to buy them because you know where they have come from, and you know they are fresh. Another benefit of local companies is since you know where the food cam from you also know that no money went into gas and oil for transportation.
The New York times had an article called “Don’t Buy Local” in this article they state: The local label says little or nothing about a products actual environmental friendliness. A Resident of Sacramento, for instance can take comfort in buying “local” rice but its still likely to be rice grown in a heavily irrigated desert (New York Times , 2007).I thought this was a interesting little piece which really made me think about buying “local”. Does it always make sense to buy local? What if there is more harm in trying to grow local products them there is if you were to have it transported across the country.
I think in General you should buy local if you can. We can generally agree that buying local helps out small farmers and family owned companies. We know for the most part local foods aren’t transported across the country, which uses natural resources. I think there are circumstances where its not worth it to buy local as well. If buying local is too expensive, it forces you to shop at multiple store and things which make it inconvenient. I support the main cause behind buying local and I think you should try your best to help out local businesses as well.  
“Find good food, close to you.” Local Harvest, www.localharvest.org.au/why-is-local-important/.
Conniff, Richard. “Don't Buy Local!” The New York Times, The New York Times, 13 June 2007, conniff.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/06/13/dont-buy-local/.
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i dont know why im making this post. i need to get things out i guess. people arent going to read this or care that im doing something that’s not within their fandom interests. there’s no artwork. no fan fiction. no joke. just myself and some...demons. so ill keep this under a “read more” because im going to be writing quite a bit and i dont want to cause frustration or be a distraction to anyone.
for the first time in my life i’m greatly considering calling one of those suicide hotlines i reblog so much. it’s so weird to me that i myself, HH, am reblogging the hotline list over and over to help other people but not once ever consider doing it as well. in my life ive attempted suicide quite a few times. ive drank a spray bottle of cleaner because of how badly i DIDN'T want to go back to the same awful school for 7th grade (6th grade was a NIGHTMARE). ive nearly thrown myself off bridges, walked into traffic hoping someone would hit me, ive tried suffocating myself and smashing myself against concrete walls. ANYTHING to finish this horror that’s my life.
but it never works. i’m still here. stuck in place since i was 6 years old. after my last attempt i just stopped. i turned everything about myself off. i didnt smile (and if i did it was a mask). i was never happy. i just didn't feel anything till the past few years. i found YouTube. i met my online friends. i discovered myself. i stumbled into and felt loved by the furry fandom. i felt happy again but it just didnt last. i keep shutting down and getting pulled deeper and deeper into this numbing feeling.
now i’m sitting here deep into this awful feeling for the 2nd or 3rd day in a row. i got music and people talking to me but i dont know if i want that or just blissful silence. something has happened and it’s making things difficult. i just feel...off. like something’s wrong and im starting to figure out what it is.
im an inconvenience. im a nuisance. im a problem that no one is able to deal with because they dont want to hurt my feelings. my feelings have been broken. suck it up and tell me. im not wanted or needed. im no help to anyone. not even to myself. im a waste of time and space and money and LIFE. that’s all i am.
im slow and broken and annoying. i can try all i want to do better but it just isn't enough. it wont work. i have all these ideas and dreams and ambitions. no one cares. i can rant all i want about them. no one cares. now i dont care. i used to care about so much. i cared about wildfires in California. i cared about people going hungry in a war stricken country. i cared about the cruel treatments homeless people were getting in cities.
now i just dont feel it. what do i care about. animals. creatures who, like me, have no voice to speak out. no way of telling others how they truly feel. who are treated like a hassle or an inconvenience. i cant understand anything from humans. i never could. but an animal’s simple and easy to understand.
ive gone off focus. ill keep one of the hotlines close just in case things get worse. it’s likely that i wont need to call them or that i just wont call them entirely. i hate phone calls. i feel awful but i cant do anything else to get it to stop. it’d be better if i wasn't here.
im sorry to of interrupted your day to read this. im sorry.
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Parenting Reflection
Being a parent was a more fulfilling experience than I was expecting. I thought that it would just be a huge pain and inconvenience. It was in fact a hassle at times but it turned out there were also positive sides to it. The amount of effort it took to make sure the baby was always fed and being taken care of was surprising, I didn’t think I would need to be so on top of it every day. It made me appreciate my own parents for raising me because these babies don't even cry or poop. I also didn’t expect how nerve racking it was to leave your child with anyone else besides you. I was very cautious about who got to watch my baby and constantly checked in when I was away. I babysit all the time and this is something that I always thought parents over reacted about but now I better understand how important it is to a parent to make sure their child is in safe hands. I also realized why my parents are so interested in where I am and who I'm with. It is not about wanting to know what I'm doing but it is about them needing to know I am and will be okay.
I learned a lot of valuable information on child development this week. As a child, I never really understood how many choices and decisions my parents made for me that affected my life. I always thought I was just a normal kid growing up but we have learned how everyone's experiences are different. I learned that not all children develop the same or at the same rate and that is something that is important to remember because no kid is the same and you have to consider that. This will be very helpful for me when I am babysitting because the kids that I babysit are all under the age of 10 and still growing. I will now remember that not all kids respond the same or understand the same things. Especially the younger ones, even though they can talk that doesn't mean they understand as much as we do. Another valuable lesson I learned was how important personal connection are to infants and toddlers development. I never knew how influential contact and caring for a child lead them to build a connection with their parents or other individuals. I can also use this when I am babysitting younger children in order to build a bond with them. This will make it easier for them to trust and listen to me. On top of that, I can use all of the information I learned for the future whenever I have kids of my own.
I feel like this flour baby was like a real child for a few reasons. First of all, we had to make sure the baby was fed every three hours for the first year of its life. This was something that parents actually have to build into their schedule. You no longer are living on your schedule, you are living on the baby's. Another realistic aspect of this project was that we had to take very good care of it and keep it protected to avoid damaging it. This is the same when you have actual babies, you are very careful with and protective of them to make sure nothing happens to your child. This project also contained a few unrealistic parts too. For example, the baby never cried, this is a huge difference because real babies cry all the time, which makes things harder. Real life babies also got to the bathroom which our flour babies did not do. We never had to change their diapers or clean any poop. 
After this experience I feel as if I cant somewhat relate to how a teen mom feels. Obviously our project was a lot faster and simpler than the real thing but I can understand the basics. What I finally understood was why so many kids who have babies at young ages dont finish school. The reality is babies are expensive and some people need to work full time in order to support their families. And even if they dont need to work, if they cannot bring their baby to school and have no form of alternative care, you would have no choice but to stay home. I feel bad for the people who have to go through this without support and after this week I want to be able to help anyone who I see going through this as a teen.
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