#theres no skill required on my end for that. so i always laugh because im actually a very bad dog trainer!!! im on cheat mode!
argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Episode 23 - The worst album in the world rated highly by Kurt (Cobain) and (Frank) Zappa.
K: Hi this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. Hows it going recently?
J: I've just had my wisdom tooth out, I'm still quite swollen.
T, K: Oh yeh, you are!
J: Its really tough getting your wisdom teeth out at 52 years old.
K: Its quite late to have it done, right?
J: Yeh, Im doing it late. What about you, Kaoru?
K: I don't have any left.
J: All four?
K: Yeh.
J: You had this hell already taken out?
K: Oh, it was awful with me! 
J: When you had them out?
K: When I first had one of the bottom ones removed, it took about an hour and a half.
J: One hour...thats awful.
K: It was growing like this (*places fist horizontally against vertical palm)
J: Ahh, if its not growing like this..(*indicates vertical growth angle with hands). This type (*horizontal) hurts.
K: Then in the end, the anesthetic wore off. I had been given anesthetic, but it wore off.
J: Eughh!
K: Then after the tooth was out, my head hurt, my whole face hurt for about two weeks..I couldn't eat anything..It was hell.
J: You didn't have live shows did you?
K: No, not at all.
J: So, you had it done in your time off? Ahh, that sounds so painful. What about you, Tasai?
T: I still have mine.
J: Oh, you have them?
T: But after hearing this, I don't want to have them out anymore.
J: Hahaha
K: Are yours like this? (*growing horizontally?)
T: No, I think they are pretty straight.
K: Well, in that case, you don't really need to have them out.
T: Yeh, but yours sounds like it was painful, Kaoru.
J: For a hour and a half...that must hurt.
K: Yeh
J: Mine was out in ten mins, and Im still this swollen. I still have my lower left one remaining, Im gonna have to get that one out too...(*Kaoru smiles) Look at him! That face! Seriously!
Um, about Hanshin...
K: Hahaha
J: Didn't you say they would win by a mile, Kaoru?
T: He did.
K: They are...in last place by a mile. (*On screen note: 'The rank at the time of filming').
T: But they did win before now, so..
J: They did win before now?? He said they were gonna win by a mile!
K: Well, at the moment they've had two consecutive wins..then yesterday was raining, so that fell through, but..I think they are onto a good winning style now.
J: I see. From now on...
K: Mm, they finally got to the starting line.
J: Hahaha.
T: Starting with five in debt, right? haha.
J: This won't make them lose heart.
K: Well, cause they've only just started.
J,T: Well, yeh.
K: Everyone has ups and downs.
J: Thats true. Still, Hanshin are strong in the summer, aren't they?
T: Thats when they get consecutive wins, right?
K: Well, I mean, its always like this, last year was the same, but in the last month or so, they suddenly get good, its like 'Weren't you losing?' As soon as you realise, its like 'Eh?!, How'd you get that good already?'...kinda.
J: How come they can never get off to a good start?
K: Hmm, probably a lack of coordination, haha.
J: Hahaha.
T: Yeah, but at the start thier pitcher did catch corona and stuff, so they couldn't practice properly from the beginning.
K: Thats only an excuse.
J: Well, its tough, as expected. But, you know, I have zero interest in pro baseball, but this year..
T: You're watching it a lot!
J:...whether or not we'll have this event depends on it, so im putting my all into showing support. Still, it may be empty support, everytime I check the results I'm like, 'Whaaat?'
K: Oh, theres still a lot more to come.
J: Like, what was with those words you said with big subtitles, 'win by a mile'?
K: That was my desire. At the time this is broadcast, they'll be doing well.
J: I see
T: Right.
K: This will be broadcast in how many days? (*Works it out) Ah, maybe not by then.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Your attitude gets weaker and weaker.
K: Ok, lets have today's story please.
T: Ok, well this has been creating a bit of a buzz at Tokyo Sports, a really terrible band has been discovered to be in a list of Kurt Cobain's (of Nirvana) Top 50 albums. People who are into music might know this already, but the band is 'The Shaggs'. They are really terrible. I've also had a listen to them on Youtube, and you could say they sound like beginners, but I did think...Huh? Hang on a sec.
J: Hahaha. Like 'whats going on here?' 
T: Yeah. But somehow ???*1, and since this has come out in the news, its become quite a talking point.
J: I see.
T: Like people are saying, 'In reality, they're really good', or 'On no, they really are bad', and stuff. Joe, do you know of them?
J: I do, yeh. I've played them on the radio before, and whenever I do, there is a big response. When people hear this novice-like performance, they really respond. There must be something more to this. The sound quality of the recording is quite high, so whenever I play it, people think 'Woah, this is so interesting! ...'. What do you think of it, Kaoru? Have you listened to it?
K: Yeh, I have. Well, I mean, its a type of expression, right? I doesn't matter whether they are skilled or not. I thought it was interesting. It leaves a lasting impression .
J: Conversely, right?
K: ???*2
J: But if you had to say if they were skilled or not, you would say not, right?
K: Well, if they are seriously trying, then they are bad.
J, T: Hahah
J: If this is thier best, then they're bad?
K: Yeh, cause this is thier recorded sound. In that case, they're bad. But someone other than the performers has actually recorded this, and said, 'yes, lets go with this'.
J: Yes
T: I see
J: No one tried fix it.
K: Yeh, they didn't try to do a re-take or anything. They wanted to make the record.
J: This is the completed version, right?
K: Yeh, so maybe it was meant to be like this *3
T: So, if you look into this story a bit more, by the time of thier second album, their performance technique had improved a bit, and conversely, they lost their uniqueness. It erased what was special about them.
J: Ahhh, thats tough. But growing up in the 80s, back then all the pop idols were really untalented, weren't they?
T: Haha
J: But they made a lasting impression. Its not really a case of whether or not they were skilled. But, on the other hand...who was that guy?... *sings* 'Watashi no ohaka no mae ni...'...Akiyama something-or-other (*On screen text: Akikawa Masafumi*), I played some of his  more rocky stuff on my show, but it didn't resonate because he's just too good.
T: Ehh.
J: The songs require a certain kind of atmosphere.. and singing really well like..(*imitates a tenor's voice*), it didn't work at all. It was interesting.
T: Yeh, so there's something more to it, other than just skill.
J: I think so.
K: Well, it also comes down to who it is making the songs.
J: Yeh, that may have something to do with it.
T: I see
K: I mean, I don't know if these people (The Shaggs) wrote the songs themselves, but the songs are unique precisely because this band is playing them. This is how they do it.
J: But surely, if the songs were played properly, they wouldn't be that impressive, right?
K: Right! Haha.
J: Thier uniqueness comes from thier lack of skill.
T: Joe, can you understand how Kurt Cobain and Frank Zappa would appreciate this kinda thing?
J: I think so yeh. Like, Kurt Cobain, even in his appearance, he was grungy, like, appearing in public wearing pajamas and stuff. And in the 80s, slightly before his time, there was also that computerised music, like ???*4. Frank Zappa was also mentioned, and he was an artist with really experimental aspects, so I guess they would like this kinda of thing, the type of thing where there nothing else like it. I can really understand that.
K: Yeh, people who know nothing about music might listen to some super technical and progressive music, and then listen to this, and they might think they sound the same. One of them might sound a bit off, but the other might sound way off to some people. They might just look at them the same.
J: Ah, that may be, yeh. Well, to put it simply...its not your average music, is it?
T: Yeh.
J: Its quite interesting. Its like you said Kaoru, if the progressive stuff is too advanced, it will be written off, and in this case, this band may be regarded in a similar way for doing nothing special. Still, is it possible? Whenever novices like me do Karaoke, you have to do something, don't you? Like, impersonating the singer, or getting a bit excited..if you don't, it would be a  kinda chilly performance. So, with this band doing nothing like that...are they not cooperating or something?
T: Well, its hard.
J: Maybe they are professionals *laughing*
Kami: Its interesting how thier Dad forced them into it, right?
J: Oh yeh.
Kami: Its like, why does he know this stuff. They were forced..Didn't they say that in an interview or something? Thats quite interesting.
T: So, from what I've heard, thier Dad was on a mission to strike it rich, in a kind of swindler fashion.
J: Oh, that was it.
K: Ah, I see.
T: And made his daughters...
Kami: Ah, he was an imposter?
J: He tried to be
Kami: So he was witness to the recording and gave it the OK then?
T: Hmm, probably.
J: He was after something.
Kami: They had no money to record, so he just said, 'yeh, this'll do', kinda.
K: The Dad didn't have any talent either.
J, T: Hahaha
K: Or maybe he did?
J: Which is it?!
K: I don't know.
J: Right...But even if it was a ramen shop or something, if it said, 'The Worlds Worst Ramen', you'd want to try it just once, right? Its maybe the same kind of pattern.
K: But it does stay in your head, this band.
J: It does, surprisingly.
Kami: When you listen to it, there is some kind of message, right?
T: I see.
J: Well, Punk had to contend with a lack of skill, didn't it?..in that respect. 70s punk didn't use very complicated chords at all. But when it became more advanced, it kinda faded out.
K: Yeh, people from that generation ????  *5 There's quite a difference, isn't there?
J: There is, there is. What is that all about? Its like, why all the irregularity? Well, they are seeking something different, for sure...Well, we are getting carried away, but if you search for this band, you'll find it. If you search for 'The Shaggs', you'll be able to find them. The name of the album is 'Philosophy of the World'.
K: Ok, let's finish here. Please subscribe.
J: Yes, please do.
K: Thank you very much.
T: Thank you.
*1, 2, 4 Couldn't catch
*3 Could't catch explicitly, but I think thats what he means
*5 I can hear what he's saying, but I just couldn't put together what he means. Feedback always welcome btw!
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