#the leather bound angel (ava)
Since Makowka's piccrew updated, I decided to re-do some old shoots of the kids!
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Part two coming in a sec!
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hannahindie · 7 years
Not What She Seems-Chapter 3: The One Where Sam Is Right
**Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters, although if I did, that would be pretty sweet. This is rated M for language, violence, and sexual situations, both consensual and not. The non-consensual will not be very graphic, but the rest will be eventual smut and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. If any of that offends you, this might not be for you. I really have enjoyed creating Sebastian, and I hope that you guys enjoy it too…even if he is a grade A jerk. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Description: Sam and Dean finally see what carnage is being left behind and Sam makes a realization that Dean is not happy about. Sebastian lets his temper show, and Ava finds out more about Ben.
Dean had been quiet the entire drive. They’d barely spoken while they packed the car, and when Sam noticed the smell of alcohol on him first thing in the morning, Dean was quick to tell him to sit and spin on it before Sam even said anything. So, they’d spent the three hour drive to Wichita in silence. Sam had spent the time combing through reports to see if there were any patterns he’d missed the night before. The car slowed to a stop and Sam looked up to see they had arrived at the coroner’s office. Sam dug around in the glove box, pulled out two sets of credentials, and tossed one to Dean.
“FBI?” Sam nodded.
“Yea, Agent Tyler, sure are.” He paused. “Are you okay?” Dean rolled his eyes and popped a couple of aspirin and chased them with a mint.
“I’m peachy keen, brother. Let’s get this over with.” He strode off towards the building and Sam had to jog to catch up.
“Fine…right,” Sam muttered and Dean stopped short.
“You got something to say, Dr. Phil?” he snapped.
“What is your problem? We have taken cases with way less information and you’ve been fine. Hell, you’re the one that usually insists on it. Why are you being such an ass about this?” The muscles in Dean’s jaw clenched as he tried to keep from tearing into Sam.
"Sam, I am tired. We have gone non-stop since the trials and the angels falling. Why does it always have to be us? Fun fact, it doesn't need to be. Yet here we are, chasing after some sick bastard that just kills for the hell of it. So can we just go in here, get this over with, and go home?" Sam looked like he wanted to argue but instead he shoved past Dean and into the building.
“You must be Agent Perry, ” the coroner said as he shook Sam’s hand and turned to Dean. “And Agent Tyler?” Dean nodded. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, boys. I’m Dr. Jim Meade. This one is a doozy. Could use all the help I can get.”
“Well, we sure hope we can help. We don’t want to step on any toes, but six bodies is a bit of a body count to ignore.” Dr. Meade nodded.
“We have a decent department here, agents. They’re good at what they do. But this…this has been hard for even the most tenured officers. It’s been…brutal.” Dean cleared his throat.
“Have you ever seen a murder like these before? Could they be related to anything, a cold case or something?” Meade shook his head.
“No, sir, nothing like this. We’ve had our fair share of violence, mostly gang related, but even the one-offs can’t compare to these last six. I’ve never seen anything like it.” His voice broke and Sam glanced at Dean. The coroner cleared his throat and walked over to one of the slabs. A sheet covered it, and Sam tensed, knowing that if the seasoned coroner had a hard time dealing with it, it wasn’t going to be pleasant. He swept the sheet back and Sam heard Dean groan. The brothers had seen a lot of violence, their own friends torn apart, blown up and tortured, not to mention what they’d been through and had to do. But nothing prepared them for what they saw. This wasn’t a monster randomly tearing into someone, or a ghost looking for revenge. The injuries to this man were deliberate. He had obviously been beaten; both eyes were swollen almost completely shut, his lips were both split, and the right side of his face was a rainbow of black, blue, and purple.
But it was more than that. The man had practically been filleted. And not just random strokes, but expertly made cuts that caused the most damage while drawing out the torture. Large strips of flesh were missing, exposing the muscle and nerves beneath. Deep cuts covered the flesh that hadn’t been removed and were deep enough to strike bone. He had been split open from sternum to belly button. Sam leaned forward to look at the wound.
“Was there anything missing?” Meade pulled the skin back further and Dean had to look away.
“Nothing is missing, but take a closer look. What do you see?” Sam stared for a moment, brows knitted in concentration. Meade gave Sam a grim smile when he looked back up at him, a mixture of confusion and horror on his face.
“Really? Did the killer do this?” The older man nodded. “Dean, you need to look at this.” Dean looked at Sam sharply at Sam’s casual use of his real first name.
“I don’t think I need to, it seems like you have it under control-” Sam nudged him forward, interrupting him.
“Look.” Dean sighed and looked down. He wasn’t well versed in anatomy, but he’d seen enough to be dangerous. Despite the roiling, uneasy feeling of his stomach threatening to rebel against him, he stared, trying to spot what was wrong with the gruesome scene in front of him.
“Isn’t the appendix supposed to be on the right side?”
“That’s not all. Every single organ is exactly where it is supposed to be, but on the opposite side. All the cuts were made with surgical precision and missed every major artery. Even the pieces that were flayed were down with an extremely sharp scalpel, and then were cauterized before he moved to the next section.” Dean looked up in surprise.
“You mean to tell me he was alive when this was happening? The entire time?”
“Yes, for a majority of it. I’m not sure how he managed to keep him alive while he switched the organs, but all signs point to him being so. Although it’s my professional opinion that he didn’t last long after that. The throat being slit seems to be an afterthought. I think Benjamin here eventually went into shock, and the suspect got bored.” Dean snorted.
“Oh, sure, get bored and slit someone’s throat. Jesus.” Sam gestured to a group of markings near his throat.
“Are those bite marks?” Meade sighed.
“Son, I honestly…I don’t know. I’m inclined to say yes, but I’ve never seen anything like it. That’s what is going on the report, it’s the only thing it could be.” Sam and Dean exchanged looks.
“What about the girls? Were they tortured like this guy?” He shook his head.
“Not quite. Don’t get me wrong, they went through it. They’d been beaten, cut up, bitten. Each one seemed to get worse. The flaying and the organ swap were missing on all the women, but the last two girls were sexually assaulted, probably multiple times. Mr. Taylor had been bound, but more like to a chair or something upright a majority of the time. There was some rope burn and bruising around his torso and wrists. All five girls appeared to have been shackled to something while lying down. Their wrists and ankles were deeply bruised, but I believe he is using something soft, like leather cuffs.” He threw the sheet back over the body. “Like I said, you have your work cut out for you.” Sam smiled gently and Dean had to hold back a grin. He could always tell when Sam was getting ready to turn on the charm, those patented puppy dog eyes that almost always got him what he wanted.
“Dr. Meade, we need to get all the files you have for these cases, is there any way you could help us with that right now? We have some other interviews to conduct.” He nodded.
“Sure thing, son. It’s going to take awhile, there’s a lot.” Sam smiled in earnest now.
“That’s not a problem, sir.” Meade left the brothers, and before the door could even fully close behind him, Sam had flipped the sheet back again and was looking closely at the bite marks on Ben’s neck. Dean made a face.
“Dude, how? How are you not ralphing all over him? That’s disgusting.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Someone had to do it, and since you’re being such a bitch about it, I thought I might try,.” He covered the body back up. “Well, they look like vamp bites, but I don’t think they are. And you aren’t going to like what I think it is.”
“You’d better say human, Sammy.” Sam shook his head.
“I’d love to, but no.” Dean narrowed his eyes.
“I’m getting real sick of you making me guess. What the hell is it?”
“I think it might be a vetala.”
“Rise and shine, Ava! It’s time to get some food in you!” Ava had to practically force her eyelids open. They were gritty and dry from crying, and all she wanted was to go back to sleep. Sebastian had laid the tray across her lap. On it sat a glass of orange juice, a bowl of oatmeal, and a small vase with a single lily in it. He smiled. “It’s not much, but I thought we should take it slow. You haven’t eaten in days.” He helped her sit up and placed a pillow behind her. “I hope you like oatmeal. I added honey and cinnamon…one of my favorites.” He settled in next to her and picked up a spoon. “May I?” Ava nodded weakly, sickened by the thought of him feeding her but so hungry that she forced herself not to care. He carefully spooned oatmeal into her mouth. Ava had to admit that it was delicious. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Delicious, isn’t it? It’s been…passed down, you could say,. Simple, but very tasty. He held the orange juice to her mouth and she grimaced as the citrus hit her throat. "Whoa, slow down.” He sat the glass on the tray. “Maybe we should have stuck with water. He smiled and tucked a rogue strand of hair behind her ear.
"What happened to Ben?” Ava looked at Sebastian and he looked away, absently swirling the spoon in the oatmeal. “What happened? Sebastian sighed.
"You don’t really want to talk about that right now, do you? I thought we’d have a nice breakfast, talk a little bit before…” He trailed off.
“Before what? Why am I here and what did you do to Benjamin?” Sebastian looked at her for a moment, dark eyes narrowed. He slammed the spoon on the tray and shoved it off the bed and into the floor. Everything scattered as it hit the stone floor, glass shards and food going everywhere.
“You are determined to ruin this wonderful day I had planned, aren’t you?” he snapped. “Fine. If telling you will get it out of your system, then I guess we will just have to go out of order. But don’t blame me if you’re too upset to enjoy the rest of the day.” He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and to Ava’s surprise, it looked familiar.
“Is that-”
“Ben’s? Yes, I ran out of storage on mine. I’m a sucker for those Candy Crush games and selfies.” He unlocked it and began scrolling through pictures. “I adore this one.” He flipped the phone to face her and she bit back a sob. It was a picture of her and Ben on a recent hiking trip. Ben had taken it, his long arms the only way they’d both be in the picture. Ava was smiling at the camera, eyes squeezed shut as she laughed at something he said, her long blonde hair blown back by the wind. He wasn’t looking at the camera, but at Ava. His eyes shone as he watched her laugh, and Ava remembered never having felt so loved. “That’s happiness. I bet most people don’t appreciate that enough.” He turned the phone back and flipped through more pictures. “I wonder, did you appreciate it, Ava?” He smiled. “Here we go!” He turned the phone around and Ava immediately closed her eyes. Sebastian gripped her face tightly. “I will not ask more than once. Look.” Ava slowly opened her eyes, and the scene that greeted her was far worse than she could have anticipated. Ben was tied to a chair in their kitchen, just like in her dream, but was far more bloody and beaten. His head hung against his chest, and his arms, which had been tied when she had seen him, hung limply by his sides. They were covered in blood and she could tell that he’d been cut up badly. It was hard to tell if he was still alive in the photo, but for his sake, she hoped that he hadn’t been. She shook her head.
“But why? Why do that to him?” Sebastian began scrolling through pictures again.
“Well first, he hit me. Of course, he really didn’t do much damage, but it was annoying. And also it was just rude. Second, I wanted you. And boy, let me tell you, he did not like that. I even told him that we could share, but that didn’t seem to interest him either.” His face lit up. “I forgot about this one!” He turned it to her one last time. Ava felt as if she would be sick. Ben was laid out on a table, his midsection bare and bloody. Sebastian stood behind him, holding his head up by the hair, smiling his cold style, holding a scalpel and giving a thumbs up. He had taken a selfie with Ben as he laid there dead or dying. “Selfies, I told you! I can’t get enough of them. I guess technically it’s not, it was on a timer…you know what, that doesn’t really matter.” He shoved the phone back into his pocket.
“I think I’m going to be sick, ” Ava muttered. She leaned over the bed and retched, the meager breakfast she’d had leaving just as quickly as she’d eaten it. Her shoulder ached as she leaned as far as her binding would allow, nothing but bile left to ride herself of. Sebastian looked at her with a combination of confusion and disgust.
“See, I knew that could have waited. I forget your kind have that unfortunate…function.” He grimaced. “Very unpleasant.” Ava leaned back and fought to catch her breath. She glared at Sebastian,.
“What did you expect? You killed…no…tortured and killed the one person that meant anything to me, and then showed me-” Her head snapped to her right as he slapped her, hard. She looked at Sebastian with wide, wet eyes. He sighed.
“I’m sorry, Ava. It’s just…that’s negative talk. I supposed you don’t realize it yet, but I’ll mean something to you soon, too. More than you know. Maybe even more than Ben. I’ll explain soon, I promise.” He ran his fingers gently over the red mark his slap had left. “This will be worth it. You’ll see.” He leaned in and kissed her, much more gently than before, and sighed. “Now,” he said as he bent to pick up the discarded tray and pieces of glass, “I’m going to get you some supplies. Ava hated to ask, but he was looking at her expectantly and her face was still stinging from the last slap.
"What supplies?” He grinned.
“Drawing supplies, of course! I’d like for you to draw my portrait. If you’re very good and you do that, I may let you have a little more freedom. I’m sure that this room is getting a bit boring, isn’t it?” She nodded. “That settles it then. Behave yourself, and maybe we’ll have ourselves a little field trip.” She had already begun thinking of ways to use it to her advantage when he paused and looked back at her. “I’d be careful how much plotting you do while I’m gone. It’s going to be much easier to care for a child if you still have all of your limbs.” With that, he quietly left, and Ava stared after him with eyes wide, wondering what he meant.
@wheresthekillswitch @sassyspn67 @trexrambling
Chapter 4: The One Where Dean Is Taken By Surprise
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Halloween Costumes (2021)
AVA - Dracula
MIMI - Shrek
FINN - A knight
SAL - Snow White
MAHOGANY - Fred from the mystery gang
PASCAL - Oogie Boogie (Nightmare before christmas)
WULF: Sexy nurse
EDITH: Sexy doctor
LACE: A postman
DAE: A zombie
MORDE: A sculpture
PEACH: Princess Peach
ADONAI: A skeleton
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Memes! Part t h r e e
@awkward-snake-girl / @blind-mutant
Red: Does violence have to be the last resort. Can't it be like third
Samuel: You call it a "heinous violation of legal and ethical rules" I call it "creative problem-solving"
Rhys: You call yourself evil but you can't even stand up without getting dizzy
Rhys, talking about Sal: Stop messaging my bf bud
Mahogany: our boyfriend
Mattie: Do you have a self care routine?
Pascal: "Keep going bitch!" Said to myself in different accents
Morde, with Abby balls deep in him: Demons are usually depicated as red to indicate that they are heavily seasoned with paprika and chili pepper, like a chorizo
Finn: If I am sensitive. Why I gotta stop being sensitive? Why can't you just be a little nicer?
Pascal: Feeling cute today. Might commit acts of hubris.
Mattie: Why don't you plant some lavender and when it blooms you can squeeze a leaf or two between your fingers and the smell will calm you down. How about you do that. Bitch.
Rick: Well I don't want to be silly anymore. I want to engage in hoaxes and schemes now
Pascal: Any other unsettling promotions you'd like to share with the class?
Red: Could you be any more annoying
Rhys: Easily
Sal: Sorry for saying that you're "such an idiot" I'm actually "in love with you"
Iris: It's not the most ethical move in the world, but in a pinch you can hand off a cursed object to basically any baby
Ava: Witches in old fairy tales had the idea. Living alone, unmarried, in the middle of the woods, and if a hero stumbled across their cottage theyre like "maybe I'll give you a magical token to help you out. Maybe I'll fuck up your entire life. Depends."
Dae: I am not going to unleash my bitterness on you because I am trying to become a better person. Have a nice day
Rhys: what were you originally going to say bitch omg
Lace: Why did my last two braincells have to be a sad one and a stupid one
Finn: You should have never doxxed the rabbit community
Sal: I'm glad we only live once cuz I cannot do this shit again
Rhys: As your goth husband I will adorn you with cursed artifacts and then die mysteriously leaving you to be the most feared widow/er in the village
Edith: Some of you are simply not cut out to be the resident mean gay person. And that's okay, because I am. And I will be mean. And gay
Samuel: God complex this, victim complex that...I have an underground complex, it's where I perform my evil and fucked up experiments
Skaar, living by the sword: Haha! Fuck yeah! Yes!
Skaar, dying by the sword: well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
Mahogany: I don't think my boyfriend, the 12 foot Halloween skeleton from Home Depot, would be too pleased to hear about this
Mattie: check in on your nemesis! Make sure they're doing poorly in these times!
Hulk: The hardest I've ever laughed was when I saw my dad cry. It was my moment of realization that I'm better than him.
Ava: Knifehack
Ava: Just stab the problem
Sal: What is wrong with you
Rhys: I will try to be brief (1/456)
Mimi: One of the only downsides of actions is consequences. But it's a big downside.
Samuel: I've done nothing wrong. Except for all the atrocities. Besides that I'm innocent.
Jen: After a thorough medical assessment, the doctors have described me as "a lot. Just like a lot to deal with."
Lace: Necomancer that doesn't know they're a necromancer and thinks they're just a really good emt
Pascal: Y'all ever want a pretty girl to just...boss you around a little bit
Rhys: sorry I'm bisexual and easily distracted
Mordecai: Whenever I say "we" I am referring to both myself and the mental illness
Mattie: Date a girl who is a home and an adventure all at once
Rick: Date a girl who doubles as a haunted house
Pascal: wlw what is your wisdom
Mimi: World hard and cold...tiddy warm and soft
Edith: girl hot
Mattie: Watch Naurto
Sal: No I'm not flirting I was only bothering my gay friends in a homoerotic way
Mattie: You can be positive and break a bottle over someone's head though. Multiplicity of identity
Edith: I wish men would stop having opinions about women. Honest to gog shut the hell up
Wulf: tell your girl she's hot or I will
Mattie @ Samson: I'm gonna be honest I hate you and so do my friends
Rhys: I am dying to see you topless
Dae: Then die
Sal: Money isn't real so don't worry about paying for stuff. Just take things for free. Nobody can stop you
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Wing verse for babbies pt 1
Ava - Chimney swift. I was considering bat wings but I kinda wanted to go full bird for this. They're really neat birds that often get confused with bats due to the way they live inside attics and chimneys. They also have neat sharp wings that fit her really well! Ava keeps her wings tucked in mostly, which is rather odd but not that many comment on it when she gives a cold glare. She's a real fast flier though and often struggles with taking care of her wings.
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Mimi - Rose breasted cockatoo. Idk they just seem like really cute birds and they're rather flashy, along with having the normal behavior of other cockatoos. Mimi's rather pleased of her wings and often dyes her feathers with green and blue dye for her wrestling shows though and I imagine that coming from Wakanda means that Mimi has blue dye lines or something in her wings? Similar to how people from Wakanda have those tattoos in their lips.
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Finn - Goose. The funniest thing since I imagine people would be constantly surprised at Finn having one of the angriest birds but he has cute darker wings that kinda...spread out and touch others a fair amount since they're rather large and Finn often doesn't even think twice before he stretches out his wings to brush them against people. He likes giving one of his feathers as a gift to people.
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Pascal - Mourning dove. How could I NOT pick a bird linked to religion and with "mourning" in its name??? Pascal often just tells people he's a regular dove or a pigeon, those are normal, right? Yeah. He spends every day worried that some sort of bird eating spider genes will kick in and he ends up eating himself or worse, somebody else. Zuko keeps kneading his wings and pulling feathers out but Pascal doesn't have the heart to stop him.
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Sal - Mixture of a Costa'a hummingbird and a barn owl! Sal's wings are...a little odd in the sense that one moment they're purple and the next they completely shift to brown, as well as the very wing texture itself. You can guess which wings Sal likes more and he feels often that the owl ones are just...stupid, especially since owls are regarded as smart birds and Sal knows for a fact that he ain't that. He takes care of his wings almost obsessively after spending so long rocky situation and those two years of messy plumage still make him feel sick. Hardly let's anyone touch his wings after Cecil ripped some feathers out.
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Mahogany - Skua. A bird that lives around the artic and has been known to pray on other birds and are rather predatory. I would have given them swan wings otherwise and tbh maybe they have double wings and those are the other sets!! I think Mahogany would have enormous wings and probably gets mistaken for Mothman when they finally leave the Town. I think Mahogany really shows humans what they used to be like in evolutionary terms, seeing as they were born past the 18th century. Mega fauna birb cat and yet they act like a common pigeon.
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Memes! Part one
@awkward-snake-girl / @blind-mutant
Rhys: What if I were evil and ran towards you at very high speeds
Jen: My arms are strong, I would catch you and hug you
Lace: brb gotta go darken my clothes and strike a dramatic pose
Samuel: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking
Rick: Every text is a risky text when you're a dumbass who can't use words right
Mahogany: I mean I guess I could try dressing as an actual member of society, instead of a disheveled, hungover swamp witch, but the question is why
Finn: I don't want all this complicated stuff I just want to love and be loved and maybe a hug
Samuel: Oh, so when other people to outside it's "good for their health" and "highly recommended", it's only when I do that it's a "containment breach" and a "high level threat to public safety and security", huh???
Mattie: Sometimes u gotta be like "okay" and leave that shit alone
Rhys: Good morning I regret to inform everyone it is in fact another fucking day
Skaar: I wish I was a flower they are pretty and don't do anything
Pascal: Yeah can I get uhhhh some fuckin physical affection
Rhys: I am evil and bi. I commune with the rats. I have 17 knives. I don't have horns yet but I'm working on it.
Rick: No offense but do I look like I understand anything
Finn: Y'all wish your only responsibility was taking care of a small vegetable garden
Jen: You ever wake up from a dream like "damn I guess I'm not coping with THAT as well as I thought I was"
Dae: I say no worries a lot for someone who worries 101% of the time
Samuel: yes I'm trying to kill you LOL stop being so immature about it
Skaar: Bro stop looking so flirty I'm trying to fight you with my sword right now
Sal: I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But, they also met me.
Hulk: I'm the sexiest bitch in this secret government containment facility
Mimi: Outfits that say I'm cute but there's something wrong with me
Betty: Birdwatching goes both ways
Samuel: A new study indicates that it's too late. Beyond hope, the study finds. Who even cares, the study suggests. (Heaving sobs), the stufy concludes.
Lace: If you love something set it free. If it returns, borrows into your ribs, devours your heart and becomes your new heart, it was meant to be.
Skaar: If I could swing a really big sword it wouldn't even matter if anyone loved me or not
Abby: Hello everyone I'm proud to announce that I've finally been accused of blasphemy
Mattie: I'm a simple girl. I read a book. I find a lowkey traumatised dumbass who hides their feelings with sarcasm and humor. I adopt them.
Pascal: God still hasn't smited me for my hubris, so my work is unfinished
Red: A motherfucker could use an embrace
Adonai: Reinvent yourself. You'll need to get some human bones and skin and organs, which can be expensive. But the results will amaze you
Rick: My phone corrected yet to yetis because I talk about abominable snowmen more than the inevitable
Mattie: Can you go to bed
Rhys: Sorry I told you about my truama do you still think I'm hot
Mattie: Why not fall in love?
Sal: I got shit to do
Ava: I'm saving my brain for special occasions. If I use it every day it'll get dirty
Jen: With all due respect, which is none
Samuel: Good morning god has let me live another day and I'm about to make it everybody's probablem
Mimi: Um hi, my friend wants to know if you think I'm hot
Lace: Not gonna lie I'm pretty uncomfortable all the time
Rhys: What's on your cute little mind?
Samuel: Death
Hulk: Once I come out of my cage and start doing just fine it's over for u hoes
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Latest picrew on the block!
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I played with yes as dumb bitch??? I absolutely am cursed with headcanon ideas of this shit help
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U know what I do love the idea that Ava gains some spring weight after it comes and she starts to bulk up on bugs and flowers. Time to investigate a corpse while eating their flowers
Finn just,,,baby sprouting a full beard by November with pure white hair since he's got that coat colour change as well as bulking up too with that winter weight babeeyyy
And tbh I'm fifty fifty on Sal cause he's a warm babee but like,,,bees sleep in the winter so?? Do I leave him??? Make him a sleepy little man until March??? Accidentally sleeps entire days and wakes up disjointed??? Idk man
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Found a new piccrew I hadn't done before so....!!
Really love Ava's one, though I wish I picked the fluffy ears but it got her hair down perfectly
Wish I got Mimi's proper eyes done but she looks p fine I think
Finn!! Love his one. It's got the ears and everything and he looks like such a sweet boy
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Okayaay!! BNA au!! Pt 1
Ava - Yeah, Bat Beastman. I think if the show proves to us later on that more people thatn the main characters can be turned into Beastmen, then I'd say yeah, Ava was turned into one. But for the sake of not taking away any of the main plotline, we're gonna stick with the idea that all the kids are originally Beastmen lmao. But yeah! Works similarly as a detective and often sneaks off to human lands in order to solve cases better and has a wide distrust to humans for this fact that a lot of her cases resort back to human crimes. Roommates with Finn and its thr funniest shit because they're polar opposites and he keeps walking in on her drinking "blood", but is actually strawberry and watermelon smoothies. The blood goes worth DINNER Finn. Don't faint again. Please.
Mimi - Thoguht a while but....Otter girl! Idk how a mantis shrimp would work as a Beastman tbh. Actually is a big show performer and sticks to guarding the ocean bay in order to protect the city better. A lot of her work comes through into festivals though and Mimi often spends her time lazing around the pool and has rather popular online presence since I imagine aquatic Beastmen often are more admired than land or Sky ones. Less...aware of how humans would take her, but that's alright! She's more than happy to help introduce new people to the city and only maybe SOMETIMES gets into brawls on the street. Not as good girl as I'm writing out but buff as fuck and u want her to crush you I know.
Finn - Honestly??? Can't decide. Yeah sure, the automatic one is "rabbit", but Rodent made a good comment once about Finn and cheetahs and I love the irony,,,but also god I'm also thinking about deer boy?? Choices choices...anyway, Finn rooms with Ava and it isn't good for his heart if it wasn't for the fact that she's....ridiculously supportive and has p much been there for any situation. Like his main, Finn works at a bakery and is well known for his Beastman decorations. Goes to the same gym as Mimi and Wulf so he's got some big ass muscle under his fat ;)
Sal - Had the BEST idea. Couldn't decide between a poodle or sheep...Poodle and Sheep hybrid??? Sal as a result is....horribly fooofy and absolutely has the worst floppiest ears growing up and is horribly embarrassed. Good part is that...Perigee stays in this verse! Where she gonna go in a whole city lmao. Sal and her have a p good relationship and it really wasn't uncommon for Perigee to pad along, tail wagging and carrying two lappies's in a baby sling and crying the third in her mouth. Giles.....still strick and can be intimidating when big sheep man glares at the way his son has decorated his own horns. Has a horribly embarrassing laugh of a whine and "baa" and he hates and MAMA WHY DOES HE KEEP GETYING SUITORS IT ISN'T FAIR. Wants to see a human SO BAD.
Pascal - Big golden retriever! Like....big enough he gets confused with a bear cause of all the muscle pudge. Stays close with Cassandra and lives with her and her own guide dog, Troy...who absolutely has puppies with Korra later on (headcanons about those as well :;) anyway big man works at a shelter for animals as usual and has a horrible habit of getting into trouble from wanting to help people too much. Helps out with festivals a lot which...gives Mimi heart attacks because more than once Pascal has almost gotten himself killed cause I'm slowly turning him into a himbo. Often nicknamed Funshine bear by Andra when they find out about care bears and both are well known for scremaing like Huskies across the street to each other.
Mahogany - Like Sal, hybrid of a wolf and a goat. Which....results in a very awkard looking baby that bleats at every emotion. Oh and they're on and off partners with Sal cause u know I find it so funny on the differences of a wolf and goat baby dating a poodle and sheep baby skskks. Mahogany is a full time model who met Sal doing some part time modelling but they're a ditzy baby who often wanders away from gigs and often wanders to buy stuff for their multiple siblings and Grama. Easily wooed for the fact that a lot of Beastmen tend to be more scared off by their large horns and sharp teeth rather than the fact that they have a big tail that wags and big eyes that show so much love! Usually this is when they run off to Sal and cry to their tiny 4'9 beau. Thembo and still upset over the fact that they were deemed "not right looking" for advertising to the human lands. But never fear! There's still time and Mahogany will be adored!
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@awkward-snake-girl /// Continued
This whole “ball” reeked of suspicion. At least to Ava it did. After all, why would two fairly obvious non-humans be invited to it? Half of the people here were either baseline humans or seemed to have hidden away their powers. At least one or two might have had horns or a tail, but that could have just been the “aesthetic” of fetishizing powers. 
Mattie didn’t seem to grasp that it might have been odd, or she might have and was more suited to ignore what was going on in favour of being delighted with her dress. Ava could see why. It was a very pretty dress and very sparkly to the point where wearing it in the day would have made the bat-woman’s eyes sting from all of the bright sparkling. She smelled sweeter than usual, an artificial sent that allowed Ava to know it was perfume rather than the usual soaps Mattie might have used.  
In turn, Ava supposed she was the opposite. Suits were more her taste, but a party like this required easy movement as well as fitting in to a degree. She was glad that she had complied as every woman here was in a dress and Ava would have stood out - more so beyond her ears and wings. While Mattie was bright in a ballgown that glittered, Ava had gone for something more her style in a sleek black dress with a cut down the middle of her chest and up the side of her thighs, revealing pale thighs and a pale chest but hiding the knives and gun she had hidden away. Red jewels were found in the end of the dip and collected around her hips while silver armbands and a think silver necklace was put together with black heels and rings on her fingers. 
Ava’s hair was even more swept back than usual, showing her less-than-human details of large twitching ears and white on red eyes alongside dusky black and red makeup. Not to mention the large black fur coat she had to help with the cold and to hide parts of her wings. 
Her ears picked up at fruit, but that wasn’t all she had on her mind tonight. “Mattie, does it...seem odd to you? How no one else here seems to be the same as us?” Ava whispered, leaning down to the shorter woman and after a moment, her ear flicks in thought. “Where did you say you got this invite again?”
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New piccrewww!!! I really love it!! Ava looks cute as always (especially in this one) and holy fuuuck I LOVE giving my beefy girl a cute shirt, makeup AND cute clip ons. Finn I wasn't TOO into but...its growing on me and Pascal looks like a gay vampire so that's great and Mahogany,,,so cute with their fish shirt and earrings and their lil goat eyes...
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My little bio sheets! Wanted to have a face claim reference and an art reference for them in their bios (which I'm still sorting out) so these are the first two with their signatures!
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Daemon verse for the kids!! Redid some stuff and got new ones for new muses!!
Ava: Musteloid - Kinkajou called Ambrose. Ava knows she can split apart from her daemon but it isn't like they enjoy doing such things. Mostly her and Bo cling to each other and even then, he often snarls at the slightest comment made to Ava...which doesn't help when you take in her appearance and her occupation of PI. Still, Ava tries to not snort too loudly when her daemon screams "cunt" very loudly in a British accent.
Mimi: Perching bird - Cardinal called Jimi. Like....Jimmy but Jimi. She's so fucking bad at naming. Jimi is fully aware of this and sighs raggedly every day but for the most part happily flutters around Mimi, doing displays during her fights and perching on her when they relax. Jimi enjoys packing around Mimi's scales to make sure they keep clean as well as fluttering around her head when Mimi flirts terribly. Of course, someone needs to be ready for pecking some eyes out...or to drop a gift that shows their care and affection.
Finn: Deer - Pudu called Wisteria. She's sweet on the outside and satan on the inside. Finn is...pleasantly unaware of the fact that Wisty has got some hell of a mouth on her. She knows Finn is soft and sees the best in people, which is why it falls to her to see that only said best are the ones who can be near Finn. Especially since Wisteria carries a lot of guilt about not being able to help Finn through most of his childhood when he was being bullied.
Pascal: Owl - Little owl called Mazgin. Maz is a sweet girl who is more open about the shit she and Pascal have time through. It was bad and Maz misses Cassandra and Laurel more than anything too, but Maz takes it upon herself to know that things aren't the same as they used to be, hm Pascal??? Don't you think that honesty is better than trying to push people away in the name of fate??? She can see the future too and by god she's going to enforce feelings and love upon her sweet boy.
Mahogany: Caprine - Domestic Goat called Plum. Plum doesn't mind being a he or she and Mahogany is happy to adhere by that. The only goat who won't ever be eaten, Plum knows that Mahogany was hurt severely when they lost everything and Plum shares their own fair share of burn scars across their body. But they aren't put out and are more than happy to help keep Mahogany safe and that included learning how to read and being aware of most things. Probably the smartest daemon around easily, which levels out Mahogany's empty head.
Sal: Primate - Capuchin called Dulce. She has the same cracks as Sal but unlike Sal, tells people to fuck off if they keep on staring. Alien monkey!! Sal uh. Wasn't aware that most primate daemons didn't have eyes running down the side of their bodies, or oversized hands. Or four ands at all. But ah well, Dulce is his girl and the only one Sal will always be happy to mush over. Very particular about who goes near her since Sal remembers Cecil and the way she grabbed Dulce before Sal killed her.
Wulf: Domestic dog - Golden retriever/ Equine - Fjord called Auđr. I saw in a fic that Asgardian daemons have a locked range of forms and I was like 👀. But yeah! Auđr's form definitely stands out, whether she's in her six legged horse form or her horned and two headed canine form. But she's a mother hen through and through so it isn't uncommon to see Auđr following people around and constantly checking over them to see if they're okay. Uh...just don't get too upset when a giant golden man ans a giant golden horse/dog come running towards you for a cuddle.
Edith: Antelope - Duiker/ Raptor - Eagle called Hildr. Like Wulf, Edith's girl often catches eyes with the fact that she's the size of a small gazebo in her eagle form and the six legs in her duiker form. But Edith adores Hildr and is always happy to carry her aprund, which is useful since Hildr is big on being able to relax when she is not needed. She claims it's all in "a final rest" before she is called to battle. Edith always snorts behind Hildr's back because she knows her companion just enjoys a realm that she can nap in.
Dae: Domestic dog - St Bernard called Remy. Remy has deep diamonds etched along his body and larger than most St Bernards but he's still a big gentle boy for Dae and anyone that is nice to Dae. Silent most of the time but goes ape shit the moment anyone speaks bad to Dae. On the inside. Protective as fuck over Peach's and Morde's Daemons....anyone else's daemon really. Big oof is that Remy is quite used to being touched without Dae's permission so...good luck when he brushes against people Dae remotely likes and has the general freedom to do.
Morde: Flightless bird - Chicken called Monet. Monet has matching diamonds running through her but she doesn't mind it as she can still run and pluck the eyes out of anyone who goes near them. Often enjoys being carried by Morde and more than once Monet will just...sit on top or Mordecai to keep him still while she naps. Morde wants to argue over the fact that she doesn't NEED to sleep but they both know its just so she can get the joy of sitting on Mordecai and he can't do anything about it.
Doe: Primate - Colobus called Bach. What's more disturbing than a shape shifter who doesn't cafe about who holds their daemon is a daemon that can shapeshift even through adulthood. A colobus is Bach's main form but it doesn't stop them from laughing happily when Doe shifts into the same species and they run around to play. Despite that, Bach is actually aware of most things and serves to be helpful by acting as Doe's memory and keeping them relaxed when they get overwhelmed by sensations and missions. But just because Bach remembers most things doesn't mean that they'll share secrets.
Lace: Eulipotyphla - Shrew called Snickershrewdle, real name Perseus. Of course Lace wants to keep his demon's name a secret too, what person would take a small daemon with a name like that? Snicker knows this too and thus he wears the stupid name proudly to keep Lace settled that he will in no chance intimidate anyone. Even it Snicker kinda reveals in being so small and knowing that he too can become any other form of daemon. But Lace screamed the last time he woke up to a bear in his bed so Perseus sighs and sticks with the form that Lace adores. Brat.
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Did the babes who are the best at piccrew sksks
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