#the hair products either are not available or locked up
anarchist-sloth · 2 years
If it’s not fine it’s not the end
Chapter: 6/7; (previous chapter), (first chapter);
Pairing: Jakexfem!Mc;
Warnings: Spoilers from episode 10, Suicide mention, Spicy🌶️🔥 (NOT NSFW!)
Words: 10 k; (I know...) 
Author’s note: This is a story that will follow what happens immediately after episode 10′s ending. I’m not a native English speaker, so any mistakes are due to that. Sorry for being late, again. I kept rewriting this chapter and to this day I’m still not entirely satisfied, but I couldn’t drag myself any longer. I still hope you’ll like this chapter and that you won’t find it cringe. Thank again! :)
For the first time since Hannah was found, you woke up with no swollen eyes and no headache. It was a welcoming surprise, and even just for an instant, you bathed in that unusual sensation- you had forgotten how much you liked to sleep, as the night only brought vivid and morbid fears into play. But for once,  complete darkness had engulfed your conscious, allowing you a nice and refreshing peace of mind. A timid moan escaped from your mouth just by thinking about it.  
While trying to steer your sore legs, you found yourself trapped in a cage of human flesh. Eyes wide open, you quickly remembered the reason why you had such a pleasant sleep: Jake was pressed against your body, one hand on your lower back, the other on your available shoulder. It almost felt like a sin, watching him being vulnerable and defenseless right next to you without him knowing- but it wasn't like you had much of a choice, anyway.  
During your brief time spent together, you had noticed how his movements were perfectly controlled, mechanic, even. He clearly calculated with the upmost precision his actions, down to his speech and mannerism, not leaving space for sudden needs or impulses. To someone's else, he would have seemed  robotic or "fake", but you knew that it was all a by-product of his past- he needed to act a certain way if he wanted to survive.  
So it was especially rewarding to have the privilege of admiring him so up close, his protective walls crumbled at your presence.  
Simply put, he looked angelic: his hair fell neatly on his forehead, soft and clean and from this distance you could smell your shampoo on his locks, your favorite fragrance; it was heartwarming, knowing a piece of you would have followed him, even for just a day.  
His rosy lips were slightly parted, and his breath was tickling gently your nose-oddly enough, it wasn't a bad odor either.  
His big eyes, always so focused and unrepentant, were resting, beautiful eyelashes adorning them. They were long and thick, as if he was wearing extension- but they were all natural. You almost felt jealous.  
His skin was illuminated by the few sun rays that had managed to infiltrate through out the blinders, gifting  him a cherubic and solemn aura.  
You sighed in awe of his beauty. 
He really did resemble a romantic painting, you couldn't help but notice- every inch of him deserving praise.  
Once again, you blushed at his mere existence. Going trough all this pain, perhaps, was worth it, if it meant having the love of your life laid by your side.  
You nestled your head on his chest and relished on Jake's warmth: if only you could stay like this forever, you thought, as Jake intuitively squeezed you harder against him; if only you could disappear in his embrace. 
But the bliss didn't last long. 
A hard knock on the door spooked the both of you, bringing you to the harsh present. As you tried to guess who could it have been, you felt Jake's body looming over your entire figure, his arms pushing you behind him. A quick glance to his facial expression and you realized he was caught off guard, and not just that: he was scared.  
Your hands rapidly cradled his chin to ground him to reality. 
"Jake, it's fine!-We are fine." You hurriedly said, locking gazes with him. His eyes weren't showing any kind of emotion, but his limbs were stiff and unmovable, a clear sign of worry. Albeit on edge, he was listening  to what you had to say.  
"I-it's probably Hannah. Remember? I told her to come by" your thumb caressed gently his cheek. He seemed to relax a bit more, exhaling all the build up tension.  
You wondered if the reason why Jake didn't sleep that often (aside from "work") was that he was scared his  persecutors would have found him while he was completely powerless. The bare thought made your heart  clench tight in your chest: how afraid he must have been feeling all these years, knowing he wasn't allowed to lower his guard; how much stress he must have been enduring. Maybe the night before was the first time he indulged in one of his desires. And all because of you.  
A second knock. 
"Guys open the door, it's just Lilly and I!" Hannah yelled, growing impatient. She probably was eager to see Jake, just like you were.  
Hearing his sister's voice, Jake released you from his grasp and helped you standing up.  
"Y-you're right." He mumbled, fixing his clothes to look more presentable. Judging from his expression, he was feeling ashamed for jumping straight to conclusions- his gaze low, his fingers still twitching.  
You grazed the back of his hand in a clumsy attempt to soothe him, to which he replied by a stern smile on his lips.  
While Jake stood behind your frame, you unlocked the door to greet the sister duo. They both appeared  extremely nervous, Lilly in particular- she was biting her lip a bit too hard, almost drawing blood from it. Hannah, by contrast, sprinted immediately towards Jake to trap him.
"You're okay!" She exclaimed, her arms connecting behind his back. Although still hazy, he returned the gesture.  
"I am." Jake insisted, hugging her tighter, "And so are you."  
"It's all thanks to you," the girl muttered, hiding her face under her long hair.  
"To you both" 
She was shaking uncontrollably, but her voice sounded relieved if anything. Jake comforted her with the same gentleness he used with you, not putting too much pressure in his hug- ever so kind. You glanced over Lilly, biting her nail anxiously, and you thought that, considering her indecisiveness, it would be wise to  offer her some help. 
Settling your hand on her shoulder, you guided the blonde girl to her siblings.  
"I know you want it, too" you mumbled to her ear, noticing her surprise.  
Lilly was about comment but she didn't have the time for it, because Hannah, sensing her sister coming  closer, smirked and grabbed her sister's arm so that she could join in the hug, too.  
"H-Hannah!" Lilly said hastily, glaring at her in a menacing way.  
"Come on, don't be so uptight! I know deep down you have a heart!" Hannah teased, ruffling her sister's  locks.  
Lilly huffed not so quietly in her sister's face, but she dropped the act once Jake brought her closer to him. In all of this, he remained silent, but his eyes were telling all there was to know about his current mood: he was happy.  
"At last, we have finally met." He sighed, watching what remained of his family fight for the best position in the group hug.  
As you observed them from afar, you couldn't help but smile wide, a wave of warmness washing you over. They were so cute, truly united for the first time in their lives: the past month had been hard for all of them  for different reasons, but alas, they were able to find reconciliation- they knew the truth, and they were  together.  
Perhaps, that was your real accomplishment in all of this story- rifting a bond that was never meant to be  broken.  
After a good while Jake let the girls loose and cleared his voice, still hoarse and guttural from sleeping. "I think I owe you an explanation." 
"You sure do! I have many questions," Hannah said, sitting on one of the armchairs. Jake locked gazed with you and signaled to participate in the conversation as well, which you obliged to, laying down next to him. Without the sisters noticing, you lovingly brushed his good shoulder to remind him you were there for him and that he could count on you, whenever he needed. He shivered under your touch but looked otherwise unfazed. 
"There is one thing I would like to know," Hannah blurted out, her nails tapping gently on the wood of the surface.  
"What is it?" Jake said, curious.  
"Why didn't you tell me?"  
Jake's expression changed drastically in a span of 2 seconds.  
"I-I know it's hard to tell the truth. Me more than anyone should know." she reflected, her tone wavering a bit.  
"But why did you think I wouldn't be able to handle it?"  
"I never thought you were unable to overcome the truth, Hannah. I know how strong you really are." He reasoned, avoiding his sister's glacial stare. 
Under the table, you grabbed his callous hand and squeezed it hard. He exhaled quietly and squeezed your hand back.  
"I just- I just didn't want to ruin your family."  
"You could never." She retorted, her eyes sparkling with emotion. Lilly wasn't an active part of the conversation, but you could see from her reaction that she was feeling the same as her sister.  
"You don't know that, Hannah. I wasn't going to risk your happiness over it."  
A tear slipped away and fell on her cheek. She tried to catch it quick, but she wasn't fast enough: it ceremoniously splashed onto the table, as a mocking reminder.  
"I'm sorry." Jake mumbled, ashamed of himself. You grazed the back of his hand in circle patterns hoping  that could soothe him, but you doubted you could singlehandedly resolve his internal turmoil. 
"I t-think" Hannah tried to explain, but her voice broke in a sob. Lilly instantly got closer and patted her  back, now becoming emotional just like her big sister. It was nice seeing her this affectionate instead of her usual reserved demeanor.  
"I think I would have preferred the truth instead of being ghosted"  
Jake physically stirred, his hands sweating cold now- you could clearly see he was putting all of his might into finding the right words. This situation would have been hard for anyone, but you also knew how much  he struggled with being out in the open-sure, he was capable of being sensitive and honest with you, but  that didn't mean he was like that with other people. If you could, you would have gladly took his place- but you recognized that it was important for him to tell his side of the story.  
"You can imagine why I did that." He simply responded, but the grip on your hand was harsher, betraying  his real mental state.  
"Of course I can imagine it. But this doesn't mean I wasn't hurt by it...and it would have spared me a-an heartbreak." 
Lilly cornered her, offering a stable shoulder to cry on. Jake was showing signs of remorse, and yet didn't dare to correct himself. Your fingers were starting to hurt but you kept holding it tight. In that moment, he needed you the most.  
On the other hand, you also sympathized with Hannah. Poor, unfortunate Hannah: haunted by her past mistake, how alone must she have been all these years, knowing she couldn't confess her crime to any living soul- doomed for seemingly an eternal solitude. She had felt a real, strong connection with Jake, only to be abandoned for reasons she couldn't possibly fathom. Hannah was right, you thought- she could have  handled the real reason behind Jake's rejection years ago. Maybe if Jake had stayed with her instead of  running away from the responsibility she wouldn't have been fallen prey to Richy. 
In hindsight, everything seemed all so evident-but you knew all too well that was not how life worked. You cleared your voice.  
"Guys, you all went trough so much in some way or another-and this lead you far apart for different  reasons. We can't change the past, unfortunately, but the important thing is that you are here now, and you are together! I bet you both know that you need each other in your lives." You said, setting yourself up as the mediator in this dynamic.  
"I think you can acknowledge the pain you caused Hannah," Jake's eyes flickered up, "while you can put yourself in his shoes." You indicated the girl in front of you with your index finger. 
"Sometimes life forces us to act in ways we don't always like. Not that we don't have a choice! Just that we are influenced by our surroundings, our loved ones and our past actions...anything really, and this often  prevents us to know what's the best for us." You elaborated, hoping your speech could make some sense.  
"But we can learn to be better. To choose better. To ask the others' opinion. 
And I-I think you are already doing it. It can only be better from this point forward."  
You concluded, bowing your head in embarrassment. They were all watching you, and their intensity was truly unmatched- you felt a bit overwhelmed, so much so that you started second guessing yourself. Were you a bit too cheesy just now? Were they going to take you seriously? 
Then Jake caressed your palm with his thumb, and that was all you needed to return vigilant.  
"You are right. We've become better people-I know I did." He confirmed, softly. 
"If it wasn't for you I don't think I would be here today."  
"Well, me either!" Hannah joked, to which you all chuckled.  
"But I get what you mean...We have to be more open to communication." She continued, nodding to your way.  
"For example, Hannah and I know your identity. But we don't know if you want to tell our father, too.  Would you like to meet him?" Lilly proposed to her brother, returning to her seat.  
Jake suddenly left your hand. 
Since you had met him (which, to be fair, it wasn't that long, but still) you had never seen him being so bewildered.  
His eyeballs were vacant, not focused on anything in particular; his upper limbs were resting awkwardly in the air.  
He evidently didn't expect this question, and even more so, he hadn't occurred to him that this could have  been considered a valid request. Your heart throbbed painfully, the image of that cursed man flashing in your head: his terrible humor, his sexism, his annoying way of speaking… you felt the excruciating need to  punch Nathan Donfort in the face.  
"I don't think that would be a good idea." He expressed, his knuckles white from clenching his fists so hard. 
The sister duo simultaneously frowned. 
"Is there a reason for it?" Hannah asked, cautiously. 
"I would rather have him stay in the dark. I don't think...I don't want him to be a part of my life." He responded, his voice barely audible.  
"Okay, we won't tell him." Lilly promised quickly, catching up Jake's uneasiness. 
Then, out of the blue, the smile on her face turned to a mischievous grin.  
"You know, it's funny" she pointed out, crossing her arms to her chest. For some reason, you just knew she up to no good.  
"It is?" Jake asked, still on edge after his sister's proposition. 
"It's very funny, actually. MC fought hard so that we wouldn't tell our parents about you, and she said the same things as you are now."  
"Ah!-" you blurted out, surprised Lilly was dragging you into this conversation. You blushed by just thinking about that day, when you so aggressively attacked Hannah for almost confessing to their parents the truth about Jake. Thinking it rationally, you should have approached the subject matter in a different way,  instead of ganging up on her; you didn't regret your choice per se, but the execution left to be desired.  
"...Really?" Jake questioned you directly, but you were too much of a coward to confront him about it. You felt his fingertips hovering over your thigh and that made you even more bashful than before. 
"Yes, really, and not just about this topic, you know? She keeps nagging us about you all the time!" Lilly doubled, unable to contain her smirk.  
"Please don't say this, please don't tell them that! Jake wouldn't approve! Ugh, it was a lot." She complained lightheartedly, to which Hannah replied: "That's true! She never missed the opportunity to defend you. You may have been absent, but you weren't forgotten." 
"It was very romantic, but also kinda too cheesy for my taste"  
"Girls-" you clumsily stuttered, as you were too overwhelmed to explain yourself. Lilly was satisfied about your flustered state, grinning like a cartoon villain- was this an elaborate scheme to ridicule you in front of Jake?! Either way, it was really embarrassing!  
"That's... that's very nice of you." You felt Jake moving towards your figure, only to have his arm encircle  your waist.  
Suddenly redder, you faced him, and quietly gasped when you realized how much love was contained in his eyes.  
"Thank you, MC. I'm immensely grateful for your care in everything you do."  
His smile was making your head spin and your heartbeat accelerate. He really was too handsome, too suave for your own good. You wished you could respond in some meaningful way, something profound and staggering like he deserved, but nothing came to mind. Words seemed to fail, but maybe... 
You rapidly kissed his cheek. It lasted no more than a second and your skin barely touched his’, but that  didn't matter, as long as the intention was set.  
Jake didn't even have the time to react. 
"I knew it!" Lilly erupted, standing up.  
"You are together!"  
"We-I mean, ehm-" you blabbered, realizing that technically, you and Jake didn't really talk about your roles  in the relationship. Sure, you both confessed your love for one another, but was that enough? Should you have discussed it before? Your heart knew what you wanted to say, but was too scared to assume.  
Luckily for you, after a moment of confusion, Jake took action, bringing your hand to his mouth to kiss your  fingers softly, his eyes closed- and in response you squirmed in your chair, flabbergasted. Last thing you  would have ever guessed was Jake being bold and openly affectionate in front of people. 
His lips pecked you gently, light as a feather, and yet they sent you a burning jolt down your spine. Behind your fingers, you could distinguish a hint of a grin: you kept challenging each other to see who could break  down first, and it was all fun and games when you were the one in control, but to be on the receiving end  was simply unbearable. If Hannah and Lilly hadn't been there, you wouldn't have hesitated to strike back.  
"I would say we are." Jake agreed, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
"Finally!" Lilly had to say. 
"Took you long enough! You should have seen them while they were searching for you, Hannah! They kept drooling over each other."  
"W-we were very professional!" You yelled, gritting your teeth.  
"Whatever you say, lovebird" 
Hannah elbowed her sister's stomach to shut her up for good. She crawled inward in pain, but kept her  insults to herself. 
"I'm so glad you found someone for you, Jake. I just know you and MC are a perfect match" Hannah expressed, her vision fixated on your clasped hands. 
You watched them yourself in disbelief: just a day prior, you would have never suspected you could ever be in this fortunate position. His hand, bigger and rougher, clashed harmoniously with yours and even like this, you felt safe and sheltered; you knew he wouldn't have allowed anything bad to happen to you.  
Never in your life someone had sworn to protect you, never in your life someone had actually done it. Just this notion was driving you nuts, but it was real.  
It was all real. 
"I'm glad too. I've never been so happy in my life, Hannah. Thank you for leading her to me."  "It was all accidental, but I'll claim it anyway!" She chirped. 
"I can't wait to hang out more, even though you'll probably be the most annoying, lovey-dovey couple of all time" she bantered, faking disgust towards you two.  
"I'm afraid it won't happen any time soon." Jake lamented, regaining his cold and emotionless tone.  
"Is the FBI still tracking you down?" Lilly dared to guess.  
"It's complicated." Jake stated. 
"I can't say for sure that they all have fallen in my trap, but at least I know most of the FBI agents aren't in Duskwood anymore."  
"How so?" Lilly inquired, genuinely concerned. 
"Yeah, how so?" You insisted, picking up Lilly's preoccupied mood. The last thing you wanted was for Jake  to be caught just because he refused to leave you now that you had bumped into each other. 
Jake noticed your emotional shift. 
"None of you has to worry. I watched carefully the swats leave the city and only then I returned to this  place. Of course, I don't really know if they all got out, but I can safely confirm that the most troublesome  agents did." Your mind drifted to the day before, and to be more precise, when you had asked Alan if he had any news regarding Jake: he didn't know where he was, but you did recall him mentioning the FBI leaving Duskwood. In a moment of panic you had forgotten about this key detail.  
"Okay, but how were you able to elude them?" Lilly probed. 
"It wasn't easy." He admitted, "But, long story short, I've paid someone to hide traceable devices I've previously used in two different locations, and to turn them on every once in a while, in slightly different  places. One of this devices is in a train right now to Colville, while the other is an another city altogether."  Jake explicated, and you knew he was attempting to find the easiest words so that even tech-savvy ignorants like you three could understand.  
“Devices like…?” Hannah pondered. “Old phones I don’t use anymore.” He replied, “I have many of them,  they make it harder to track me.” Hannah seemed a bit confused, but nodded anyway.  
"Basically, my plan is to mislead them. I want them to think that I'm already outside of Duskwood, so that  escaping from here isn't such a threatening prospect anymore."  
"Why do you need two devices?" Hannah questioned. 
"Isn't one enough?"  
"Not necessarily. If there's one thing I've learned from my life on the run, is that the FBI tends to be  arrogant. Once they think they have seen trough a trick they don't suspect there to be another one." He analyzed. 
"I've made sure the device located near Colville seem like a decoy rig by turning it on for more time, while the second device appears like a fatal "accident" on my part by turning it on just once and not for more than 5-10 minutes. This way most agents are following this second track, while also splitting some of their  forces on the Colville's device." 
"...that's very smart." Your only comment, and Jake delightfully chuckled. 
"I told you they wouldn't separate me from you." 
"So for how long will you stay here?" Hannah asked.  
Jake suddenly looked extremely guilty. 
"I should have left the city already." 
Deep down you knew the illusion couldn't last forever.  
Yesterday Jake wasn't rushing to his Motel room because he couldn't wait to sleep on a comfortable bed  for once, but because he finally had the occasion to escape from Duskwood while retrieving all his personal belongings and he would have done so, if it wasn't for you. 
You had tried to ignore this uneasy feeling the day before, and until now you had managed to suppress it:  may it be because Jake felt like a blessing from above, you had almost forgotten he was still a wanted man.  
The Donfort sisters weren't able to conceal their disappointment as well as you did, but regardless, they promised they weren't going to lose contact for a second time. They wanted to have Jake in their lives, no matter how little involvement he could factually have- even just chatting was enough, and Jake was ready to oblige.  
After some boring small talk, Hannah and Lilly decided to leave your room- they hugged you one last time and then Jake guided them towards the exit.  
You both stayed silent for some time elaborating what had just happen- Jake seemed to expect you to take the lead, but your head was still stuck to that shameful sentiment pervading your soul. As you left the living room to change your clothes, you thought deeply about the current situation: you didn't want to pressure Jake into staying with you, even if he really desired to remain by your side, even if you hadn’t asked him to: his safety was your priority.  
Once you got out of the bathroom, you noticed Jake on the top of the bed, typing some elaborate code you couldn't really identify on his laptop. You approached him.  
"Hey, what are you up to?"  
He fixed his glasses on the tip of his nose. 
"I'm instructing my collaborators to move my devices farther away. I'm trying to buy myself extra time."  You bit your lip.  
"Jake...If you staying here puts you in danger then you should go. I understand."  
For a moment you could only hear the sound of the keyboard clicking frenetically. It was pleasant, in a way;  it reminded you of those asmr videos. 
"I don't want to leave you alone right now." 
Jake uttered, his focus on the screen.  
"Why not? I can manage, you know. You would have to anyway." 
"Yesterday you had a breakdown." You were left speechless. He was right, of course, but he couldn't just put his safety into jeopardy because of that.  
"Well I mean-" 
"You shouldn't be left alone to deal with this. I know you have your friends, but I fear you are not being  totally honest with them. Even during our investigation, you kept your burden just between us. " he spoke, closing his laptop.  
"Also, I’ve deduced that I personally put you trough a lot of pain by going to the mine." 
You gulped audibly. 
"I know you wanted to protect me, which you did, but...b-but yeah, it was an emotional rollercoaster." Just by thinking about that day your eyes were becoming watery.  
"I know. Although I don't regret my choices, I'm incredibly sorry I keep being a source of torment."  
You didn't respond. After all, even if you would have never personally defined Jake as a source of torment, he did make you go trough hell by going to Grimrock. Life wasn't a movie, romantic gestures like sacrificing  your own life for your loved one wasn't really a wholesome experience to go trough. It would possibly take a lot more than one night to forget this traumatic incident, but for now, you could fill the void with something good.  
"I would like to take you out this night." Jake broke the silence, offering you a tender smile. "Really?!" You yelled, excited for this unexpected turn of events.  
"Yes. I cannot afford anything too grandiose right now, but I still hope you are gonna like it." He cutely hid  his face in his hood, probably hiding his pinkish cheeks. You jumped on your feet.
"I don't care about grandiose! I know It will be special because you will be with me" not thinking rationally, you launched yourself in his arms, euphoric. He wasn't prepared, but he was able to catch you on time.  
"Sorry, sorry! I'm just..." it was true, he needed to depart soon-but he still thought about your needs and  desires. You weren't going to take his decision for granted. 
"I'm happy"  
Jake nuzzled his nose against your neck. 
"I am too, MC. I'll have to leave by tonight, but until then, I wish our first encounter to be memorable." 
Your arms rested on his back and, careful to not hurt the injured shoulder, you let wander your digits. For a moment, all was well.  
"Until then it is."  
Promising Jake you would have returned to the Motel by 8 pm, you took off and reached Jessy's place, just like you had originally intended. She was waiting for you in her cute pink pajama, her hair resembling a bramble patch and her eye bags prominent- you immediately felt remorseful for abandoning her, especially  now that you could witness her poor conditions. 
She greeted you on her doorstep with a plastered, fake smile and invited you in. Her house reflected Jessy's  state of mind: littered, junk food scattered across the floor, and a big pile of dirty clothes laying around. You gulped.  
"I'm sorry for not coming sooner" you apologized, removing with your feet a cardboard pizza box "I knew you were struggling, and yet..." 
She waved off your self-pitiful party.  
"I told you I was fine" Jessy blocked you when you started picking up the trash from the floor.  "You don't really look fine" 
"I wouldn't have looked fine regardless of your presence. it's okay." You disposed the trash in the bin and followed her steps. 
She sat on her sofa, and you did the same. It was pretty comfy, probably even better than the Motel's bed: if only you had known, you would have asked Jessy to sleep at her house on the get go, considering she also didn't want to be alone in this trying times. Not that you really regretted how the last night went...  
Now sitting closer to Jessy, you studied her: she seemed tired, even though she had slept the entire  morning, judging by her appearance-she didn't even bother dressing up for you (not that it mattered, to be frank. You just hoped she wasn't letting herself go). Her eyes were puffy, mascara staining her pale skin; she still managed to look beautiful, but her joyful spirit was amiss- and you were scared it wasn't coming back.  
"So...how was the night?"  
"It was...it was a lot" she rambled, covering herself with a patchwork blanket.  
"I didn't expect Paul to be at the precinct..."  
"Me either," you cooed "Tough luck."  
"Yeah...Makes you guess what I did in my previous life to deserve this." 
Jessy threw the cover over your legs to distract you from her upcoming tears. 
"We didn't deserve this. None of us did. It just...happened." you verbalized, timidly.  
Jessy dried her eyes vigorously in a bland attempt to stop her from crying.  
"I honestly don't know, MC. Do you know why Paul was at the police?" She didn't give you the time to respond "He went to ask when they were going to give his son's body to the funeral home."  
You kept your mouth shut, unable to say anything. Somehow acknowledging that Richy, the mechanic boy who liked to make everybody laugh, was resting lifeless in a mortuary refrigerator, was a wild concept to grasp. It didn't feel legit.  
But it was to Jessy, who had to clutch tight the fabric of the cover to even pronounce these words to you. 
"When will the funeral...?"  
"Tomorrow, actually" She showed you the official message on the company's website. You knitted your  eyebrows. 
"Should I even go?" 
"Of course! You deserve to mourn, too."  
Words were struggling to come by. Did you really deserve to mourn him? Did he even see you as a friend, despite your very presence leading him to his doom? You didn't know. Maybe you didn't even want to  know. 
Jake had reminded you that, in the end, you were just doing what was best for the circumstance. You  couldn't have known the half of Hannah's and Richy's backstory, or the man's troubled mental health. 
You just knew that he didn't want to come to this conclusion. 
And perhaps, it meant that in another life, he would have been a good friend to you. It didn't matter that  you couldn't prove it, nor that it was just a theory: you chose to believe it.  
Tired of talking about only Richy, Jessy opted for a more frivolous matter.  
"Is Jake okay?" Your lips quirked up.  
"He is certainly doing better, yes"  
Jessy stared at you with a strange sparkle in her eyes. For a moment, you were reminded of another girl, a blond, spunky girl with mischievous intentions.  
"Really?" You sneakily remarked, punching gently her arm. 
"Did you have a fun night?" Jessy asked, feigning innocence by hiding her mouth with her palm. "We didn't even kiss Jessy, chill!"  
The redhead faked offence upon hearing your words.  
"What? Are you seriously saying that you ditched me for nothing?" 
"We talked about ourselves-" 
"MC, please. I know you both can't wait to get in each other pants! As if it wasn't painfully obvious in the chats already."  
You drifted to the prior evening, to the many times you thought you were about to get physical only for distractions to take over. The impellent urge to be intimate with him was slowly but surely growing  stronger every second, and you doubted you could keep resisting at this pace.  
Pictures of Jake's hands on your body pervaded your brain to the point you could almost feel the arousal forming between your legs: his strong arms around your waist lowering towards your core, his chest pressed against yours, his legs trapping you underneath... what kind of sounds could you poke out of him, you pondered. Would he be gentle, like he always treated you, or would he be rougher while in the mood? Did he even find you attractive the same way you found him?  
"....And you are thinking about him" Jessy giggled, waking you up from your little trance.  "I wasn't-I was just-" you quickly gave up, your excuse visibly weak. 
"Okay, fine, you didn't get laid" if you could have disappeared in your seat you would have done so, "But  like...are you officially a couple now?"  
You sighed, relieved the conversation was switching to a more vanilla subject.  
"We are. He's my boyfriend." 
It was weird saying it out loud, but so satisfying at the same time. Through out the investigation you  weren't so sure the relationship was going to work out: after all, Jake tended to be reclusive and distant, he kept specifying he couldn't be what you wanted him to be and well, for a while you had accepted that.  However, the more time you spent talking, the more you were drawn closer; by the end of the journey, you  weren't able to see your future without him-and the same went for Jake.  
"I'm so happy for you, MC." Jessy beamed, sincerely. 
"You know, you are the only good thing that came out of this mess. Not just for me, but for everybody. We  were able to put our differences aside and fight for the cause" she credited you.  
"I don't even want to imagine what we would have done without you. Heck, we probably would still be at the beginning. You truly saved us. Thank you, MC." 
What an idiot you had been, for thinking that the group would have been mad at you. All those guilty feelings didn't even have a reason to exist! How could you have doubted them so much? They were the ones who had fought for your safety. They were the ones who didn't want to see you in danger, even though everybody at the time had been a victim of a potential aggression: they didn't harbor any hatred  towards you. You were their savior and most of all, you were their friend. No one regretted meeting you.  They loved you- and you loved them.  
"Quit being so sappy, you'll make me cry" you whined, picking up the TV remote. 
"Do you want to watch a movie? We can watch a horror movie, I know you like those." You said, opening her Netflix account.  
"I've had enough of horrors. Why not a comedy?"  
The afternoon flew by, the sounds of your laughter echoing in the living room, and with pop corn's crumbs all over the couch's pillows. While Jessy wasn't paying attention you tided up her place little by little, but  every once in a while she caught you with the trash can, throwing away tin foil boxes and empty bottles. She pretended to be annoyed, but you could glance her faint smile under her red locks, so you knew she was secretly grateful for your behavior.  
You had forgotten how nice it was to hang out with a friend: the past month you only focused on finding Hannah, disregarding any social hang out, your priority set straight. 
Looking back, you wished you did spend some quality time with your people without the pressure of failing, or the government agents hacking your phone, or a masked man threatening to kill you.  
Tomorrow you were attending a funeral, but today you had chosen to be pursue your happiness.  
At 7:55 pm you rushed over the Motel's entrance, your breathing ragged and with aching feet. You had so much fun with Jessy that you had completely lost track of time, which was good, but also a total disaster  from your part: knowing Jake was taking you out, you had mentally prepared a more proper attire- nothing  too special, just an outfit that suited your body shape and a little retouch in your makeup, but alas, you hadn't checked your phone enough to realize you weren't going to make it.  
Pushing the door open, you quickly spotted Jake standing in front of the counter, juggling with his backpack-now full to the brim with his equipment. Miss Walter was scolding him about an issue that only became coherent once you stepped closer: 
"Listen boy, you can't just disappear without telling us! I thought something bad happened! You know how much trouble I would have gone trough if that was the case?!"  
Jake was pathetically trying to find some excuse, but kept stammering, possibly thrown off by the lady's expansive personality. 
"Miss Walter, forgive him, he is not good with words" You meddled, stealing the spotlight. The woman's face lightened up upon recognizing you. She guffawed, misinterpreting your real intention.  
"I see! You are back together! Aww, I'm so glad for you dear! " Jake shared a confused look on his face, but he preferred to stay silent to not ruin your rescue mission.  
"I'm still sorry for yesterday, it was, uhm, what can I say...insensitive of me" Miss Walter regretted, reminiscing your little outburst- you felt tempted to reveal it was just an innocent white lie, but complicating your version wasn't a smart choice.  
"No hard feelings, curiosity must have taken over” the woman sympathetically smiled. 
"Then I guess I'll leave you be, my dears!"  
Placing your hand on his arm, you dragged Jake out of the scene, but he decided to speak only after you left the building.  
"I fear I'm missing some context."  
You huffed playfully, gripping his arm a tad harder.  
"Nothing too important, don't worry." You huffed for real now, "I'm sorry, I'm late..."  He looked at you with a puzzled expression.  
"You're punctual."  
"I mean, yeah, I am, but I had planned to come a little early. I didn't want to go out dressed like this." 
His piercing stare scanned your frame, searching for something to address; there wasn't an ounce of lust in his eyes and yet you felt your cheeks warming up, and not for the summer temperature.  
"I don't see the problem." 
"There isn't, just...I don't know, I wanted to dress a little nicer, make myself prettier. Girl stuff, you know."  
He lifted your hand from his forearm to hold it tightly, his thumb caressing softly the back in a circle pattern. 
"But you're already so beautiful."  
Taken aback, you ugly chortled- the date had just started, and Jake was immediately on the attack line with flatteries- he had sworn the day before that he would have loved to give you more compliments, and he sure wasn't backing down.  
"You are the handsome one between the two of us," you counter attacked, gleefully. "Me?" Jake questioned, surprised. You eye rolled to the sky.  
"Please, don't play dumb now. I'm not saying you are handsome because I like you. Well, I am, but also because you are objectively gorgeous. It's not up to debate."  
Jake hid his head inside the hood like a ostrich in the sand.  
"You're the first person telling me that."  
Your eyebrow would have reached the clouds if it could-you weren't buying any of that bullshit (not that no one ever told him, after all, he rarely talked to anyone- just that no one in his life had found him at least pretty), although for all you knew, he could've had a major glow up in his twenties that no living soul had the pleasure to witness. Also, he didn't seem the type to care about his looks, anyway.
"And I'll say it until you have it engrained in your head!" 
"Okay." He chuckled. 
Jake explained that crowded, tourist's roads were best to be avoided, as he wasn’t to sure if the FBI was still monitoring the security cameras. The agents didn't have a complete hold of his physical appearance, he reassured you, but they could have recognized him regardless because of his clothes and bag. For a good 5 minutes you insisted on buying him substitutes, but he was stubborn and kept refusing your help. "I don't  want to be a weight. ", he repeated like a broken record, "I can take care of it myself"; he simply dismissed the issue, and no matter how many times you protested, he hold his ground. In the end, you had to give up.  
As a small victory for yourself, you paid his dinner, twice in a row: while crossing the road, you happened to see a hot dog vendor grilling his meat, humming happily a tune you had never heard of. Jake tentatively  looked for some spared coins in his pants, but you were quicker- you bought the whole meal, French fries and beverages.  
The hot dog was average, but surprisingly the potatoes were delicious- perfectly oiled and crunchy and Jake was pleased as well, after his initial reluctance. 
After walking for a good while, you found yourself in a familiar place, a place you already visited…sort of.  
“I know where we are!” you screamed, scaring the poor birds resting on the branches. Jake appeared delighted by your surprise. 
“Yes, Jessica showed you the Swarzwasser lake not long ago.” He recalled, examining the area.  
Among everything you had seen in Duskwood, this corner of paradise had to take the cake: it was quiet, peaceful, uncontaminated. The sun was setting just above the water's surface, gifting the lake an other worldly aura similar to fantasy books' illustrations. Jake sat on a tree trunk near the river bank and for a  moment, it was almost like he belonged in the scenery. A beautiful man for a beautiful view.  
He gestured you to lay next to him. 
"This has been one of my hiding spots." He broke the silence, "No one seems to come here, not even Duskwood residents."  
"It's probably due to the lack of a marked trail," you theorized, "At first I thought we were going to get lost" He shook his head in disagreement. 
"I wouldn't take you somewhere I don't know." Jake mumbled, kicking the pebbles into the lake. 
"I remember thinking about you a lot that day. I wanted to contact you the second I got out of the mine, but it was too dangerous. The night I didn't even manage to sleep, I was too worried about you." 
"About me?" You asked, incredulous. Flickering images of that fateful day poisoned you, triggering your already frail heart.  
"Yes. I wondered if you were going to be okay. If the culprit was being arrested. If you still wanted to stay by my side."  
"Is that even a question?" Your head fell on his shoulder. "I love you. I can't imagine my life without you anymore." Jake's arm wrapped around your waist, just like in the morning with Hannah and Lilly. It felt reassuring, it felt like home.  
"I'm sorry, MC. I'm not doubting you, not after everything we went trough. I'm used of being alone, and it's  hard dealing with these emotions."  
Anticipation grew in your chest, like it always did when Jake talked about his past. You couldn't help it, even  if you knew how hard it was for him to speak up about his upbringing, you still longed to know more. The crumbs he provided weren't fulfilling your thirst of knowledge.  
Swallowing your insecurity, you begged. 
"Have you always been alone?"  
Jake didn't have to answer for you were already apologizing. 
"Sorry, forget what I said! You don't have to tell me anything you don't want- I don't know why I-"  "I can tell you."  
He wasn't looking at you, his gaze concentrated on the horizon. From outside, it seemed that it was taking  him all of his willpower to remain stoic and unbothered- but a trained eye could spot all the subtle signes:  his clenched jaw, his wobbly posture, the sweat on his hands...it all indicated his pent-up anxiety. 
"You don't have to-" 
"I want to tell you. It's safer in real life." 
He justified himself, his limb dragging you closer.  
"I...I grew up with my mother."  
"She was hard-working, and passionate, and kind. She had two different jobs to pay the rent and to take care of me." 
His voice seeped love, you promptly took notice: it was rare for Jake to be visibly and emotionally engaged,  but for once, when he talked about his mom, he was just like everybody else. If anything, it resembled when he was talking about you. 
"She did the best she could to assure me a good life. She bought me toys instead of something nice for herself, she made sure I could go to decent and respectable schools, and she always encouraged my  passions. At my eleventh birthday she gifted me my first computer, and I remember being furious at her."  He smiled, bitterly. 
"We've always struggled with money, but my mother would have rather risked her financial stability for me. No matter how many times I was mad at her, she would just pretend that everything was fine and she persevered with her reckless behavior. She kept drumming in my ears how intelligent I was, and that if I  were born in a ‘normal’, stable family I would have been able to live an extraordinary life. But I never  wished to have an extraordinary life, I just wished my mom would stop dragging herself down."  
Your hand caressed softly his back. He was sharing more than you thought he was willing to offer, which  made you wonder how much he repressed his feelings. It was gut wrenching.  
"I was never good at socializing, but you probably guessed that already. Even at school I had a hard time.  I...I didn't know how to read other people, I still don't. This was always apparent to anyone around me."  
"Were you bullied for this?..." you vocalized, your heart beating in your throat.  
"I wouldn't define it as bullying. I was left out, but in their defense, I wasn't eager to participate in their  activities as well. I preferred enjoying my free time alone. Although I did miss the pleasure of a companion, occasionally."  
He sighed, while his fingers brushed the skin your shirt wasn't able to cover. 
"At 15 I joined an hacktivist group. I was always political involved due to my mother and our background, and I desperately wanted to help her in any way possible. I was promised that with our actions it was also possible to earn some money, money I would gave to her in secret."  
His expression changed, and the grip on your shirt was so vigorous that you feared he could tear the fabric apart. Alas, you said nothing.  
"In the end, it proved to be useless. My mother...she was strong, but the life in her was drained from the  moment she birthed me. It was only a matter of time until she couldn't bear it anymore." 
You feared where this was going.  
"One day I woke up and...she didn't. I was barely an adult and I didn't expect this to happen. I never  received any kind of help, just like my mother didn't receive any when she had me, and worse, for the  world it was better if the scum got rid by itself. From that point forward, I only focused on my work. I was  angry for what society did to my mother and I wanted someone to pay." 
He let go your shirt once he realized he was about to broke it. He whispered a feeble "sorry" and continued to narrate his trauma. 
"Years passed, but my hatred didn't. I had managed to befriend other hackers in the community thanks to our similar environment-I had told them a bit about my past, and they opened up to me, too. They were the closest thing to a friend I've ever had, and together we often attacked whoever wronged us  commoners: the police, politicians, companies."  
To distract himself from the painful memories he toyed with the pebbles on the river bank, but his  reflection on the water allowed you to see his hollow, dazed stare: if he wasn't so intent on describing his  story, you would have hopped in his arms so that he could have known he wasn't alone anymore. That he had a girlfriend ready to love him, cherish him, worship him. But Jake wasn't over explaining.  
"4 years ago, we uncovered something huge: something that would have put the FBI in a tight spot, a scandal so big that the whole country would have been in shambles.  
I was determined to shed light on the truth publicly, but, apparently, my "friends" had other plans. The FBI was able to reach out to them offering a conspicuous amount of cash in exchange of the hacker who was  able to breach into the governmental protective walls."  
He remained silent, and you did too.
"In just one night, I've lost my house, my identity, my friends...Since then I've been on the run and I don't  think that's going to end soon." 
Truthfully, you didn't know how to proceed. Jake had been so brave, telling you all these private,  heartbreaking anecdotes- you weren't even sure if you were processing all these informations correctly, but you recognized that by confessing his past, he was putting his trust into your hands. He had been  betrayed by life, and yet he still decided to love and to be loved once more.  
"It must have been so hard" it was a bit banal to say, but you felt too overwhelmed to elaborate further.  
"Not so much once you get used to it." He turned to face you, tenderly. His eyes met yours to find the haven he longed to be in.  
"But it will be different now, thanks to you. I didn't realize how miserable I felt before meeting you. For years I thought that it didn't matter that I wasn't happy as long as I could do what was right." 
Your vision was becoming hazy, but you fought hard to prevent the tears from escaping. This moment wasn't about you, and yet metabolizing Jake's experiences was proving to be challenging: how could he just stand there, seemingly detached, while regurgitating the foulest details from his past. Why did he, among all people, had to endure such tragedies. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair.  
"You deserve to be happy, Jake. It makes me so mad that you had to suffer so much, that you were left  alone." You said, wavering.  
"That's also partially my own fault, MC. I stranded away from people on purpose"  
Why was he so ready to shift the blame onto himself?! It was a pervasive pattern of his. He blamed himself  for the FBI hacking you, for leaving you after Lilly had endangered you both, and now this.  
"Now don't say that." You spewed, nearly hissing.  
"I may not know everything about your life, but still, what you gave me is enough to paint a picture, okay?  You couldn't rely on anyone because when you did you got b-burned"
Your voice broke, as you weren't able to conceal your emotions no more. Your eyeballs were prickling far too much but you gritted your teeth, and tightened your fists.  
"So, well, what I'm trying to say is-stop blaming yourself."  
Jake slouched in your direction, a pained expression colored his visage.  
"You're getting worked up."  
Your hands found their way on top of his', and you held them like you'd hold an abandoned bird with a broken wing: gently, fearing that with every touch you could hurt it. Stroking his bruised fingers, you cleared your mind and voiced your thoughts.  
"Because It angers me that no one did it for you before. It angers me that the man I love was treated so cruelly by life. And it doesn't help that you keep sacrificing yourself as if you didn't care about your own life, but I do. I-it's unbearable to watch! You have to realize that you can't just put yourself in mortal peril as if it didn't matter! You matter, and you matter to me! You are all that I desire and all I ever want" 
You grouped all four hands in a praying position.  
"I promise I'll do my best to make you happy, Jake. I want to give you all my love and even more. You deserve it." 
You looked up, unsure if your little speech was even remotely acceptable- only to be confronted with a reaction you truly didn't expect. Jake was teary-eyed, his mouth partly opened but even so, he didn't emit a  single sound. Among his many unfortunate occurrences, it was very telling that his last straw was someone declaring her undying love for him. You climbed in his lap, longing for contact, while your thumb operated to sweep away the single tear rolling on his skin. 
"Hey...I didn't want to make you cry"  
He twisted his head to press his mouth to your fingers. 
"I'm not upset."  
Hesitantly, you drew closer. Jake had to make space to accommodate you, his legs becoming a nice and comforting seatback. The tremor beneath you tickled your interest momentarily (the trunk wasn't so stable, you discovered), but you were too concentrated on the man in front of you.  
"When was the last time you cried?" 
"I can't recall."  
"You can cry with me. Not long ago I said I wanted to help you when you were going trough stuff. I meant  it"  
"I told you, MC. I'm not upset." Jake said, piling up excuses.  
"Well I get you are not upset, but you're still feeling a lot, clearly." You highlighted, then threw your  hypothesis.  
"Are you not used to kind words?"  
He cackled, removing a strand of hair from your face.  
"Not so much."  
"Then this will change, okay? I want to compliment you as much as I can, everyday." 
Without warning, he hugged you tight against him, his forehead flopping against your shoulder. For once, you felt like his anchor, an unmovable force he could rely on. 
"Thank you, MC. Thank you so much." His voice sounded desperate and relieved at the same time. "Don't thank me for this, Jake. As your girlfriend, that's the least I can do"  
Suddenly, the mood shifted. Jake grew stiffer, his arms squeezing your waist pleasantly and seductively and his nose, buried on your neck, sparkled your desire to touch him, taste him, please him. Between yesterday  and today, you kept teasing each other to see who would have been the first to fall prey on their instincts, too prideful to give in, and yet so tormented by the craving. You pondered: Who was going to surrender? Who was going to take the initial bite? This game of catch was near the end. He moved your hair to the side, and whispered in your ear:  
"I still can't believe it. I can't believe you want me to be yours."  
His husky voice was irresistible, but you had to reiterate.  
"But It's real, Jake. I want you, and only you."  
Finally, there was a winner. Jake abruptly separated himself from you, only to return stronger and fervent: his lips smacked against yours.  
It was a passionate kiss that contained all the unsaid, all the love that couldn't be communicated with words. It was electrifying, bold, sensual; you had never felt more alive.  
His hands ventured around your body, hitting all the sensitive spots with the right amount of pressure while your fingers were busy in his raven hair, pulling the locks to let him know whenever you particularly liked some of his moves. Every time you parted to breathe was excruciating, as if the only air you needed was  each other.  
You were so focused on the other that you ignored all the signs of the trunk breaking- but you didn't miss the subsequent fall into the lake.  
After a moment of confusion, you burst out laughing.  
"We should have-Mhp!" You didn't get to finish that Jake was already onto you, lifting you up so that you  were at the same height. He resumed his antics by kissing your neck, unconcerned about the frigid water.  
You moaned, still out of breath, which prompted him to target the specific sweet spot.  "I should have kissed you sooner." He confided, cleaning your face from the leaves. 
"Now this will be the only thing I'll think about."  
He kissed you once more, this time introducing his tongue to the ring. He licked your lips to gain permission  to enter, which you granted, allowing your tongue to play as well. He used it parsimoniously, to your joy, but, most of all, he used it well, causing you to moan again.  
"I mean-ah, It's not bad, isn't it?" 
His teeth grazed your mouth 
"No, but-uhm, I wish it could last longer."  
Sensing his discomfort, you stopped. 
"M-me too, but...but this isn't over forever. We are gonna see each other again, and we'll do all kinds of  stuff. We'll go to more dates, we'll travel, we'll cook, we'll do, well, anything we want!"  
You didn't know that. You didn't know what life was going to provide for you. Jake was a wanted man on the run, you were a nobody who got entangled in a mess bigger than yourself.  
There were so many ways where this story could go terribly wrong.  
Jake kissed you again, but unlike the other times, he was gentle, kind and caring. The typical kiss you see in a Disney movie, after the protagonists triumph against evil and win their happily ever after.  
"Of course. I can't evade you, remember?" He said, nonchalantly. 
Maybe you could make the story go the right way.  
You returned the kiss, your lips smiling just like his'. 
You were soaked, and cold, and a bit scared about the future.  
But with Jake, even the impossible looked possible.
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wonusite · 1 year
After the last clip of you tearing up over the hoodie and saying thank you while jeonghan coddled you, he starts to get a lot more accessories for you to put in his hair, and probably even a few products too - things like glitter gel, or temporary coloured sprays. Jeonghan is getting all sorts of requests for endorsements from product lines and salons and he has no idea what to do with himself so you just take over. You only use certain products on him that are mostly natural or plant based and you probably use really obscure ones that you find at like winners, tj maxx, honestly Marshall’s should just endorse you instead of garnier’s sad attempts.
When fans start to request that you do the other boys hair too jeonghans mischief definitely comes out. Probably start to hide the products around the dorm so you can’t use them on others, gets a lock for his accessories trunk - cause they’ve definitely outgrown the little box he had since fans are giving him more (he keeps the original velvet scrunchies you got him in designer case hidden away). He’s not afraid to knock out a few teeth either (of the combs, not his members - atleast not yet).
He sits in on the sessions and definitely continually messes up your work when you turn to grab something or leaves a glob of product behind someone’s ear. He’s very pouty and probably tries to hold your hand while you’re working which causes bickering between him and whoever you’re working on while you just giggle and intertwine your fingers. You’d get pulled in all directions. Mingyus probably on the ground holding onto your legs with his head in your lap while han is tying to pull you by your waist to sit inbetween his legs. You’re probably just asking fans on the live if you should try a French braid or a Dutch brain while they argue.
On the few ocassions that he’s actually well behaved, probably cause it’s one of the younger boys who don’t have as much hair and you’re probably doing a treatment rather than a style, he’s just hyper focused and doting on you. He plays your favourite songs, rests his chin to look over your shoulder and ask about the products you’re using, might complain that you don’t use that one on him and why not? Gives you sips of the drink he gets you, if one of the other boys brings the wrong drink he’ll drink it then order yours for delivery - or he might have one in the fridge just waiting so he’ll go grab it. He’ll pull your hair back into a ponytail if he sees it’s getting in your way (god the amount of requests for him to do your hair on vlive after this one 5 second moment is unreal)
When you’re nearing the end when the other boys need to just rinse and then dry, if you haven’t been drinking the drink he bought you or you’re ‘too focused on another man’ then he’ll put a glob of whatever product is available on his hair and then ask you to fix it. * he’s brazen enough to whisper in your ear on vlive and ask that you join him in the shower to wash it out - poor baby’s flustered when you say you’d rather join him in the bath😳 (just kiddinggggg, he sits in the warm tub in a swimsuit or boxers while you’re fully clothed on the ledge scrubbing his hair. Forever complaining that you got shampoo in his eyes even though you’re definitely conditioning and his eyes are dry. After a few times of his complaints you get one of those frilled baby head protectors so that water can’t get in his eyes and he just sits there with the biggest pout on his face whining your name and making excuses for you to remove it
“It itches!” “It’s plastic Han”
“It doesn’t work, it’s dripping into my eyes, it buuuurns” “it’s water?”
*crack* “ahh it broke, the plastic is cheap - I wondered when it would happen” “I know that was your knuckle jeonghan” “…y/n, my knuckle hurts :c “
“It’s squeezing meee”
“I haven’t even put it on properly you big baby”
“…but I’m your baby, right?”
“Always hannie”
You end the wash by wrapping him in a big fuzzy towel and he bends down a little so you’ll kiss his forehead before you go home
silently losing my mind brb
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In Use Trends in Wavy Hairstyles
Because of its flexible and remarkable look, wavy hairstyle is the most desirable pattern among women. The kind includes great deal of activity, structure, and also volume to any kind of hair size and also can properly be integrated with various designs to provide different effects. Complying with are some of the present trends in Finger Wave Hairstyle that are incredible stunning.Coloring or highlighting is an outstanding choice for wavy hairs as it adds an all-natural sparkle as well as glamor.There are many products that are available on the market to include this extra sparkle to the all-natural hair.It can be either a lowlight or a highlight both the instances take full advantage of the appearance of gentle waviness of waves.Layers look wonderful on lengthy hairs and also when combined with waves it delivers an incredibly significant look.
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All-natural beauty of the hair becomes much more enchanting and also attractive with layers. It totally depends upon individual choice and choice whether to keep heavy layers or light yet with waves light layers are most appropriate.Loose waves are generated using hot designing items. There are hair straighteners that can be utilized for the purpose.It looks extremely gorgeous when the straightener functions without the brush to offer an appearance of loosened waves. After making use of the styling device, fingers can be passed through the hair to even more loosen the waves.There are individuals who find it hard to take care of lengthy hair or lengthy waves. For them short waves are the most effective choice as it is very easy to take care of and also style.There are people who find it difficult to manage lengthy hair or long waves. For them short waves are the most effective option as it is very easy to handle and design.
There are lots of females who frequently make use of headbands or hair bands to keep their hair locked up. On some it looks excellent but on some it simply ends up being an enjoyable factor.But a well known fact states that headband looks terrific on wavy hair. Anybody with any kind of hair quantity as well as length can try placing a headband and see the impact it leaves on waves.The band evaluated the crown will certainly give an impressive appearance.Wavy hair looks gorgeous with an updo.It barely takes a few of them to offer a total look of a stunning updo. To provide it a much more glossy and also striking appearance, hair jewels can likewise be added.Blow dry wet hair as well as pass fingers through the hair to give the appearance of striking brief waves.It totally depends upon individual option and preference whether to keep hefty layers or light yet with waves light layers are most suitable.
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simpingwriter · 11 months
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
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'Revenge and Redemption:
In the Name of Love'
Ayo. It is smut. Yes it is. Like, mostly smut, barely much else. And YES it includes the kinks I talked about at the very start of this journey, much more than the first time too, I think so myself. So thanks for the patience and no questions why both Smut-Parts ended up on chapter 7. I don't know why that happens either.
Uh, also, some fresh "anatomy plotting" for Kaluk coming up, it's a mildly inappropriate feature I gave their females. Okay it's very inappropriate, technically just natural (just not possible for us humans) ...it’s a kink on its own.
Enjoy the porn! :)
Word Count: approx. 4.324 Words Moans
When you came back, BD almost immediately steered towards the charging pad Cal had fixed up for him on his nightstand, only sharing some trivial words with the two of you as he jumped onto the mattress to shorten his path, leaving you once more virtually all alone with the Ginger Inquisitor and your constant, inappropriate thoughts about him.
"Constantly thinking inappropriately about me, huh?" He asks rather smugly in return as he tilts his head and his body language screamed dominance all of the sudden, caging you against the back of the dark gray couch as he swiftly caught your wrists in his hands. He had a much more dominant aura to himself now against his old self on the Mantis, smirking into your visible surprise.
"Well, how can I not? You always tell me how beautiful I am…but I forget to remind you of how incredibly handsome you are, my love." Your dearest mate, your only mate.
A warm but dark chuckle leaves his chest as he kisses you, a sweet one, surprisingly being not what you expected. You expected him to turn even more smug with you feeling so small under him, it always ended that way, him in control whenever you two became aroused.
"Not smug enough?" He quickly butts in, tilting his head again when now some of his red locks of hair fall to the side. Kark, you loved his hair…
"Tell me what you love about it then, don't make me wait either." Cal requested as he lifted you off the floor, away from the back of the couch and around it, "I love how it looks when you're all disheveled, especially after you ran and the cold wind swept through them." Instinctively, your clawed hands – now much more careful again, with them freshly sharpened – rake through the mentioned full head of hair, feeling the increased softness they now had thanks to much more commonly available care products on Nur than on the Mantis, "and what I love even more is to be able to feel it between my fingers, such a difference to before, like silk…"
He does it in a mix of gentleness and roughness as he lets you fall onto the cushions of the couch, not wasting even a second to join you on them with his legs spread to either side of your thick scaly thighs, caging them in. He knew the privilege he had with you having him as his mate, no other man or woman would ever get this far without getting beaten to a bloody pulp, "You forget though, that's my job. To worship. Your job to look beautiful, quick-witted and dangerous all at once, no struggle ever to convey your rank."
He works on your new uniform's buttons and zippers, the belt that would now hold your Lightsaber flying somewhere into the middle of the room first before he began peeling the black clothing off of your body, careful when he got to the unique design they created for your wings. He needed to make sure you didn't hurt your still healing wing again...
You remember the first time of you two – it being ingrainedto your memory till you died – on Tatooine and how both of your heads were partially so preoccupied with doing everything right that these thoughts nearly overshadowed the incredible, unbound excitement you could read from each other. Not anymore though.
The fear of mistakes stripped as bare as you yourself and soon Cal as well, leaving nothing to the imagination of you two as you could feel and smell the arousal of each other sweeping you off your feet, thank the makers you were already on your ass.
"I also love your…freckles…" you moan, caught off guard when his thoughts still weren’t able to or perhaps didn't want to warn you ahead of time when he began to give much needed attention to your chest, nibbling and biting at them with his not exactly gentle – but still more blunt – teeth. He made sure you didn't want him to be more gentle before continuing though, just barely holding back from his wish to just…ravish your body. "My freckles? They're nothing speci-"
"Each and…every one of them is…unique! Like a personal little…galaxy!" He wasn't making it easy for you to tell him what you thought made him look good- no, breathtaking to you, barely letting up on you as his mouth moved up to your neck. Meamwhile his eager hands resumed what his teeth started, not a second wasted to feel your needy body buckle up against his, his feet clearly not strong enough to weigh down your extremely animated tail as it patted and swiped across the couch, the floor and everywhere it reached – throwing a few water bottles on the coffee table to floor as they stood in its not so clear cut path – as it was a great indicator of your feelings as always.
"You're such a good girl, aren't you? But whose good girl are you, hmm?" He asks with a seductive tone, hovering over you while keeping himself lifted up by his arms, planted steadily next to your shoulders. The couch was far more spacious than it looked, you barely registered such boring facts as you were hardwired to fall in love with him all over again and again when you stared into his golden eyes, shadows falling over them. "Yours, Cal. I'm your good girl…" And it was only him and his one-of-a-kind aura that was able to tame this reckless, wild beast inside of you, he was the only one that would be able to both calm you down and bring you to heights foreign to others, heights even unable for you alone to climb.
"In that case, show don't tell. Show me that you are and get on your knees for me, my obedient little Dragonfly!" He commands, getting off of you with a short push of his arms, beginning to take care of his own uniform as you didn't even question his order. And why the hell would you? Cal was the most trusted person in your small – yet way too big to understand – world, if he had asked you to take a naked swan dive into Nur's Ocean even with that creature out there, you would do it.
"You can't fathom how much your unwavering trust means to me, I haven't seen all of your past and yet I know it has to be an honor…and I trust you as well. With my very life."
Would he command you to jump into this cursed Ocean…
…he wouldn't waste a single moment to also jump in after you.
He truly is your soul – ...force? – mate…
You haven't been long in a comfortable position when you already feel his digits dip into your sensitive folds, a quiver running through your body from your intruded core as you hold your moans back. It was so embarrassing to you that even the slightest touch of his fingers could turn you on so badly…wait.
"Too bad that I can hear these naughty oh so naughty words, sometimes my dragonfly forgets to keep her thoughts to herself, doesn't she?" You're not sure how to react when you suddenly feel one of his hands – with the other deeply preoccupied with tapping into your sweet spot – wrap tightly around one of the two long primary horns on your head, pulling your head back towards him roughly.
"Ah-ahhh! C-cal, wai-"
He stops in his tracks, hearing him gasp at your own elevated reaction as you fail to hold back this time, a long, slightly high-pitched moan fell from your lips, your lower lips squeezing tightly around his intruding middle finger. Cal's months of never-ending intrigue for your horns had overflown today, acting on impulse to go for your horns instead of your hair like last time in your now shared Bedroom.
"...You…you weren't lying back then when you said they're sensitive…karking hell." He curses under his breath when his fingers were basically sucked into your cunt now and his grip showed no sign of loosening up.
But he was still more hesitant than you expected, thoughts of doubt edging themselves into him.
"Should I let go? If you're uncomfortable wit‐" "N-no! Oh my makers, please…please don't!" He couldn't know, not even you had known much about it, only having found the bare minimum. But basically, from what you read…only a Kaluk's mate should be allowed to touch their horns, especially in such a way. It's a deeply personal and affectionate act between mates, reserved to the two that bonded together, "So that's why you stopped me back then?"
Yes, because back then you hadn't yet been aware who Cal would become for you. The highly important spot in your beastly, partially driven by animalistic instincts heart he would take forever, something he would never lose, no matter what happened between you two.
Even if he would someday break your heart…it would mend, time and time again... no matter what the right or sane choice would've been to a person that had their head and heart on straight. It would continue aching for him, even if his human one would one day no longer feel the same for you.
Abandonment had once almost ruined your trust in life.
Now it would drive you mad, the three months apart from him had nearly gotten you to that point, every day your thoughts drifting to how you wished you could just eviscerate every single one of the assholes that manned the Mantis. It got worse every night, rivaling your sadness and sorrow.
"That won't happen, love. Look at us, we will go through everything together, the good and especially the bad. I promised that. Now, let me make my mate feel so good she forgets how to walk..." He…Cal used the word mate? Not girlfriend or lover. Mate.
He is your mate.
You're his mate.
For the first time, he had the chance to touch and feel the unfamiliar, strange texture of your horns, the various layers that grew thicker and stronger over the years the further he got to the base of them, forming them the way they are today. Every Kaluk's horns had been unique in growth and size. And just like your claws, they were…highly sought after, after all, "Dragon People" are carried as nothing but myth today. Just like those of other horned animals, but much worse. His unforgiving pull towards his body forced your cunt to sink automatically onto his now two fingers, a lewd mewl in your throat as he scratched an itch you didn't even know you had.
It wasn't an actual itch of course, it was your burning, primal desire to be touched by him like no other would ever be allowed to. To dishevel your body, ease the bright flame inside of your body, leave you filled to the brim with his-
"You're going to make me cum early with those depraved thoughts of yours, hmmm…you want me to paint your tight, fertile insides or not, Dragonfly?" He threatened, whispering into your ear before leaning back straight, "Tell me how much you want it, come on!"
Kark, you needed him now! Need to feel his-
"Use your karking mouth, I want to hear your voice ring out!" And you realized his next move too late when his now slicked up fingers left your aching cunt, too late to see what he was about to do, the full force impact on your full ass cheek so surprising you couldn't hold back your yelp mixed with a desperate whimper. That felt so karking good…more…
And he gave you exactly what he heard you ask for this time, quick to follow up with another equally harsh slap, sharply echoing through the open living room and kitchen, paired along with your inhuman shrieks of arousal, no human woman can make these sweet sounds, he thought, reveling in them. "Dragonfl-" He began with a tone you hadn't heard before, he never sounded more…threatening, his voice deep as he began to draw out his favorite nickname for you. But he wouldn't have to finish it.
"Please, yes Cal! I need you, I need your hard cock inside of me, kark, I need you to…to…I need you to breed me! Mate with me, Cal!" The ginger inhaled sharply at you finally finding your words – 'and my what for words!' – just a few inches shy of bruising your right ass cheek a slight bit more, even though you most definitely wouldn't have said no to more of that either.
Oh it turned him on even more, hearing these dirty, inappropriate words slip from your beautiful, plump pink lips, so…kissable. He grunts at his thoughts drifting off, using your left horn to force you into following his lead, backing you up against his burning hot crotch…or more, against the twitching, eagerly waiting head of his precum-leaking cock.
"Feel what your words alone do to me!?" He asks, steadying himself with a hand as he rubbed his tip against your inviting folds, slipping through them with ease.
You two both had something in common when it was about sexual experience, you had both only been able to learn from Porn on the HoloNet. And Cal had seen…quite the arrangement of cunts since that phase began on Bracca, when he reached that age, only increasing when his teenager-imagination of what you looked like under your clothes didn't let him sleep right until he got it out of his system, having ruined more boxershorts and thin blankets than he could count anymore.
But none of these ideas that once got him off so well could compete with what you actually served him, his past fantasies clearly underdeveloped in creativity. The softer, larger "scales" went from your neck…all the way down… connecting to your tail's under-scales of similar texture.
And this rare, primal looking view turned him on so much more than any of these boring normal ones on the HoloNet. Because everyone could have those, technically, but this one…all his, unique, monstrous and yet so so much more inviting to his body push into – glistening with your equally inhuman slick – to give you his very best and all until he was spent to the last drop, depositing his cum deep within that near artifact-level cunt.
Cal did exactly that, pushing you heavy, misbehaving tail away for now to get more leverage as he urges you to crawl even more towards him, grinning at the irresistible sounds you came up with just from his hand around your horn. "I'll make sure to make you feel so very full by the end of this, to give you what you desire so…badly!!" On his last word, he enters you with one shift of his hips. But it didn't feel like he hit the end of you today, your cervix. Something slightly began to give way…
Cal though, in his rush to give both of you this one of a kind high, didn't immediately notice. Instead, he repositioned himself behind you while not stopping to vigorously pump inside of you, his right hand gripping your so beautifully wide hip for now...perfect for bearing your children, he noticed for a while now. From behind, Cal is able to admire all of your Kaluk traits, all of which turned him on insanely for some freakish reason. He wasn't inside just any woman, he wasn't dating just any woman. You're a Kaluk, a formerly feared sentient half-dragon species…
You're the last – sane of mind – of your kind, no one else would be able to feel what he could feel with you, the staggering difference to a normal woman your age.
And it wasn't just his desire, it was his job as your mate…his mission…to start changing that number for good, today, tomorrow...whenever your body would feel ready for him and his seed.
A low growl in his throat, he feels your ribbed walls tighten and just barely relax again at his open thoughts, a sign that you also liked what he thought when he saw your body weaving and heaving under his. So…so much that you...you came?
"The idea of you, Cal Kestis…my mate breeding me like…this. Today? It's like I can barely…think of anything else anymore, all i...all i want is to become round with...ahh! our child now!" You continue to confess, voice strained and whiny as your ginger lover didn't stop even a second while listening to you, riding in your first orgasm of the day. With a mischievous smirk, he used his right hand to now also grab your other horn mid-confession. Another small moan fell from you, mouth kept agape by now as there wasn't a moment you weren't engulfed in the arousal of his searing hot touch. "In that case, you better be ready for my seed today, I won't let you waste a karking precious drop!"
His seed. You wouldn't, you would take everything from him and honor it. To be the one chosen to continue your kinds' legacy with your beloved Cal.
You could feel the stretch of your walls as he swiftly and not a bit gently now pistoned into your cunt, the wet slaps of your bodies whenever he nearly fully bottoms out inside of you. But there was a bit missing, something you felt every time his cock's head pounded against the extremly sensitive muscle of your womb's opening. Tears began to river down your face when you started losing count of the times you felt your own orgasms ripple through you from the sensation, the idea behind it wreaking primal chaos in your heads, chanting his name like an ritualistic incantation as Cal didn't even think about slowing down when he also felt your shaking body under him. It was like a fresh orgasm after every last as your body lost all restrictions over itself...
You're so karking aroused and blissed out of your mind already, he thought, was there even one clear thought in your head left if he already lost himself so much? He had to focus too much on his own endurance to be able to just see what was going on in that head of yours.
So he just tested for them instead, "Hey my Love, what…what are you thinking about, hmm? Or do you need some mental encouragement, my little breeding slut?"
A small moan of protest at his crude – ...but seemingly very welcomed... – nickname later, the echo of his hand harshly, ruthlessly slapping your reddening partially scaly cheek once more, you edge yourself closer to him before looking over your shoulder to the best of your ability.
"I really need you to fuck a child into me, to breed me like we're supposed to! Please, fill my womb with your fertile seed- Mhh- AH!" And it really was everything left in your thoughts, he knew that without being able to read them right now, rewarding your ability to still somehow communicate verbally with a smothering, needy kiss – pouring all his affection into it at that moment – the softest act coming from him right now as your words spurred him on even more, near inhumanly. He would give you exactly what your fertile body craved, he's going to pump you full to your limit today! Using the grip on your horns, he pulls you up flush against his chest, relentless as he continues abusing your small hole...stretching like this for nobody but him. It was that knowledge that kept him going, to his best efforts. He cannot ever disappoint you, he is the best at the job of pleasing you!
You're ALL his!
"You're going to look…so perfect, carrying…our child!" He hums seductively into your ear, kissing the fresh tears of overstimulation and excitement away as he listens to your loving, deep moans and whines like they were the song that kept him going. That he would someday be in this position – on the straight path of creating a real family with someone at this very moment, in the living quarters on a base of the Empire – he would've never expected that, but you coming into his life had spun everything around already. Positively. The light in his live, even before you bonded.
He never had felt more alive than when he was around you, more hopeful, more at ease.
Neither of you had been plagued by your usual nightmares or night terrors anymore since you finally had been able to share one mattress, the warm, all engulfing, ensuring feeling of being able to keep each other safe, even from your own demons.
And now you even wanted to give him something you both never really had, you still more – due to that Mandalorian, the weird, green Child and the Clones – than him: a family. His own, real Family to watch as it grew, prospered and hopefully didn't have to deal with the things you both had to as kids. He wanted them to have a peaceful childhood...something taken from him and you.
"I love you, Kyra. I do! I really do!" He promised under currently uncharacteristic whimpering, hands slowly leaving your horns now as he slowly lost his need to control, simply wanting to feel the bliss of his cock sheathed in your cunt, but not slowing down his current speed as he felt his own high coming closer. "So do I… Cal. And I will…never stop…loving you!" Though choppy for obvious reasons, it fully reached his ears as he hugged you close, caught a bit off guard when he once more didn't feel the same resistance as the last two times. Every time he pushed deeper, it gave way more, albeit a bit tightly either way. So incredibly tight, that he couldn't make sense of his behavior, he probably would've stopped normally, but like a spell cast on him…he didn't stop there.
Like it sucked him in, calling...begging him to continue.
With a bit of force in his last push, he felt the tight muscle finally give way fully as he slipped in much further now. And the sensation he was receiving now that he was truly bottomed out totally, this pulsing and snug feeling, like a vibrating, wet and warm sleeve, it felt out of this galaxy. As he groans and hissed out deeply, it was him for once to sink his nails into the soft skinned parts of your hips, losing the endurance fight he had to deal with to not immediately cum in streams into your cunt.
You also felt the sudden, unfamiliar yet in no way uncomfortable intrusion, your body reacting to the feeling almost immediately with your hopefully last climax when you felt the exhaustion and soreness creep up as he pulsed deep deep inside of you. Unlike him, you knew what border he just crossed but you also were unaware of how it was even possible, the impossibility of that very intrusion and the heavenly high it gave you pushed that thought to the back of your cloudy head for now.
He pushed through your cervix…he was right…right in your womb, continuing to rut into you fully unaware of where his cock was right now, now more slowly though, the tightness restricting him from fully ruining your sensitive, precious insides. Not that you had to worry about that, he was careful. Your silent gasps and shouts of pleasure, his own airy groans at the unexplainable feeling of his cock so deeply inside of you cut off as he grabbed onto you, the slight pain – more of a tickle, really – of his nails in your hips and he himself produced some weird form of a dominant growl through his clenched teeth, kissing your neck afterwards instinctively as he finally stilled, panting.
And this time you knew you weren't imagining it, you felt his seed spew into your womb, nothing able to hold it from its goal anymore, coating the very walls that shouldn't be able to be touched by another person, not even yourself. Not a drop would be escaping it again either, his cock blocking the exit.
Your walls were gripping him fiercely, convulsing, relaxing and tightening with your own climax which was still in full force as Cal let you both lower back towards the more comfy couch, but not able to budge even an inch. He had some room, but not to pull out, only to go deeper and to turn your bodies for a better resting position.
This was it, he really bred you like he promised, even though this probably wasn't what he expected or especially what he had planned, not even you did and it was your karking body!
"You're…I…kark, I can't move, Kyra." And he tried, but it only created fresh friction for your sore flesh as your body held him tightly, keeping you plugged up. Something, was it once long lost instincts perhaps, told you though that you would be fine after a few minutes...or hours. Depends?
So, to relax him, or at least attempt to, you gently pull him in for a kiss, catching him a bit off guard as you smile into it exhausted but incredibly pleased with you both. "We'll be alright, I know it. Give…give it a moment." You whisper against his slightly agape lips, placing loving pecks onto them and the corners as he feels his thoughts clear up little by little. What kind of animal did he just become because of...you?
He just came so deep inside of you, it wasn't even dripping out of you yet. Would it even once he is back out of you?
"I trust you, you know your body, i hope. Kark, I love you, Kyra…" He mutters, body – having reassurance from you – relaxing a bit into the cushions as he let his hands stroke over your heated skin and scales – admiring them once more – you were both flushed from the new experience, but you were definitely hotter to the touch right now. And you got touchy. Not sexually but...lovingly.
The high ebbed away to a general feeling of pleasant bliss as you already nearly forget about what caused Cal's initial worry, the only thing keeping a bit of your thoughts on it was the small, internal twitches of him. Had you not been this exhausted from this one round, it would've been more than enough to rile you back up, to encourage him into giving you more of his cum. To make love to you once more, just like a few moments before.
"We gotta ask Dr. Puloria about this, I guess…" you instead hum against his chest, blowing against the few red hairs growing on him that weren't sticking to him because of his sweat to – as stupid as it sounded – pass the time until you could move freely again. Though you really weren't against just sleeping on the couch, until you're back on your feet again and you can continue your day.
Looking at the wall clock, you had to realize with a grimace that it wasn't even 12PM yet, knowing you had to go to Infirmary today anyways. You wished you had a reason to dodge today's scheduled meeting.
"You think she'll know that much about the Kaluk?"
Well, you haven't gotten to checking said Research Papers yet, so there is a slim chance that she does. But until now you could only theorize yourself, having a pretty solid one already targeted in your eyes, "Tell me then…don't just tease it." Cal jokes with a yawn interrupting himself before elevating his head with one of his arms. Thankfully he left the awkwardness of this situation out of the picture, that he could return to your casual after-sex talk just as easily like you. Otherwise you would hang yourself up at this subject till it was even worse than before. "I wouldn't, Kyra. I can wrap my head around it somewhat that it's probably because you're a Kaluk, not a human. Don't worry about me with that…"
What a lerfect ginger bastard this boy, well, more of a man now, was. Your slightly problematic firecrot-
"No nicknames, theory, now." He commands, pulling you away from your praise for him, though mildly inappropriate in the words you decided to choose.
"Well, it could be that…that Kaluk Women had…"wider" or...softer, more stretchy...Cervix? To ensure higher mating potential. The only thing I once read about regarding the anatomy mating of Kaluk though, aside from the 'Only one Mate' thing, which is actually more than mental stuff apparently, is that they had no trouble with reproducing "in high rates" and birthing their "young ones" – though no explanation for that reason was given – causing some questions under unaware Species Experts why the Kaluk suddenly disappeared like that…"
Though the last part was now unfortunately very clear to you – why they were wiped away from nearly everything, their own planet, books and history from long ago, protected Galaxy Heritage! – it didn't help with a lot for you back then. Especially when you one day entered puberty…which must've been a whole lot more difficult to deal with than a normal human teen, and you desired to know more about that... subject.
"That's really not a whole lot left…plus that we can’t know if these books were all still telling the truth as well."
One way or another, it would all come out at some point, you knew that, but it wasn't easy to wait for that day or that specific time. You would have to wait until it's potentially already important or pushing to become important because the Infirmary isn't exactly well equipped for your kind. So then, in case of a…a pregnancy, you would have to hope to the makers they somehow make the right decisions from sheer damn luck.
"We will see in near time, won't we, sweet dragonfly? I…I got a pretty good feeling about today." He jokes, gently kneading your soft stomach and its scales – where your child would potentially grow someday – on top of him, his thoughts somehow still returning to the moment it felt like destiny was settled, his young, fertile cum shot so deeply into your equally fertile womb it wouldn't see the light of day once more.
"We will…" you yawn softly, feeling weirdly whole with the dirty, inappropriate act of him lodged into your most sensitive place, hugging your shorter frame against his paler, freckled one, kissing his chest slowly when sleep begins to take over. "We definitely will, and I hope we will find out at each other's side." "Of course my beloved…everything we will fight together, conquer everything together. Survive…together." He hums, voice deep with sleep as well as he now could actually relax, now that you managed to talk about some of it all and sunk down into the pillows further, encouraging your need for closure by also hugging you closer. Not long after, wrapped into each others arms, you had fallen into a dreamless state of sleep, a blanket haphazardly pulled over you two in the last conscious moments by Cal's use of the force.
. . .
'Cal? Kyra? Are you still up?' The small Droid beeps quietly, slowly – having ducked his frame even smaller – stalking back into the living room when he had heard something odd from the same direction, it having woken him up mid-charge. He knew they wouldn't just get ambushed here anymore, the Base is supposedly the safest place as of now, from what Cal and Kyra told him while they ate at the Canteen. But he could help but worry. For Cal. For Kyra. For his best friends.
So he was quite relieved when nothing seemed out of order in the bigger, open room and he managed to see them on the couch from his spot on the floor, hopping onto the gray cushioning to get a better look at his friends. Their breathing was calm. Now. It was much higher just a few minutes ago, he took from a basic scan of their pulses…
Of course...dirty kids...
With a low, disapproving whistle at their unconscious bodies, he carefully walked around them to find a good spot beside them, the warmth radiating from their naked bodies comforting even a Droid in some moments as he lowered himself back down. He would simply continue charging next to them until either of them woke up again to continue the day, they still had to explain so much of what he had missed.
'I'm so glad I didn't lose you two…'
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Pro Makeup Tips by the Best Makeup Artist to Get that Desired Look
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Want to get ready for your best friend’s wedding but don’t have much time for dolling yourself up? Don’t fret; makeup artists in Bhubaneswar provide you with certain tips that can take your skin tone to the next level. They are totally worth trying for. So, whether you are an amateur or a pro in makeup, these makeup tips are a life savoir. By learning about these hacks, you can up your game and get ready for the party in some moments.
Conceal Those Spots
Concealer is an excellent makeup product to hide those dark circles and spots of aging. You can even get cover those panda eyes by using this trick. Instead of putting the concealer under your eyes, draw upside down triangle under the eyes. It will simply draw attention to the pupils. Plus, the hack will brighten the skin under your eyes and cover your flaws. Either do it yourself or call for the best makeup artist in Bhubaneswar.
Find an Accurate Match for Your Foundation
A wrong foundation shade can mar your overall look and create a mess. So, colours test the base makeup products before using it on your face. It is an easy way to find a perfect match for your face or neck colour. You should usually test your hands and arms to confirm any allergic reactions. Testing on the face and neck will help you get the best shade.
Moisturize the Face
Moisturize the face because it will give you a flawless base for applying makeup. It further prevents cracks and lets your makeup last longer. Also, it locks the moisture of your skin, makes it look radiant and plump, and keeps the makeup in place.
No Lipstick Stains
Smiling with lipstick stains is so weird and embarrassing for you and others. You can get rid of those unwanted stains by puckering up the lips. Take a thumb, put it inside the mouth, and pull it off quickly. Don’t let it find its way to the teeth. It wipes the lipstick from your face and gives you the confidence to smile. Now, you are ready to shine and dazzle.
Add Volume to Hair Lashes.
After putting mascara on your eyelashes, dust them with loose powder. The hack adds volume to your hair lashes, and they start appearing thicker. After that, you can apply a mascara brush to your lashes and let the eyes talk.
Certain Precautionary Measures
With so many makeup creams and products available these days, it is natural to get confused about what to use and how to use it. These are some preventive makeup measures that bridal makeup artist in Bhubaneswar recommends.
Ensure that You Buy Hypo-allergic Products
The hypoallergic products are dermatologically tested and won’t cause harm to your skin. You can do the skin test to affirm the same. Apply the product on your forearm and test whether you are allergic to any ingredient like its materials, fragrance, preservatives, nickel, etc. You will come to know if any product causes an allergic reaction.
Don’t Share Makeup Products.
It is a big no, and you should never share makeup products. The eye makeup products, brushes, eyeliner, and lipsticks should never be shared. Cosmetics are breeding grounds for bacteria, and we could risk contaminating ourselves.
Remove the Makeup Carefully.
Once the party is over don’t straightaway head to the washroom and use water to remove the make-up. Go, slow and steady. Eyeliners, Kohls, tend to enter the eyes. So, remove it gently with cotton before washing the face or use alcohol-free make up remover to remove the eye makeup.
Don’t use Much of Kohl’s Eyeliners
Though they are a staple part of Indian households but a few know the danger associated with them. It can damage our eyes and cause infections.
Check the Expiry Date
All cosmetic products come with an expiry date. Make sure you check them before using them, as they could be fertile ground for bacterial growth. As a best makeup artist in Bhubaneswar, Lopamudra often suggests to check the right expire date of any cosmetic products before going to use that.
Contact Lenses
If you wear contact lenses, wear them before applying eye makeup and take extra caution while removing them from your eyes. In case of inflammation, redness, grittiness, blurring, or discharge, consult the ophthalmologist immediately.
Final Thoughts
Wedding season has already knocked on our doors. And this season, we all want to put our best foot forward and look beautiful. These simple makeup hacks from the makeup artist in Bhubaneswar will aid you in that. However, you need to take care of the cosmetic beauty products that you use for the makeup day. The blog has also entailed some makeup tips that will help you protect your skin and eyes. Look beautiful in your special day with the best makeup artist available Bhubaneswar at Gorgeous Brides by Lopa, and call +91 9861247499 for an appointment today.
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shoresandberg13 · 1 year
Concrete Cracks - Yes, You Can Repair Cracks In Cement On Unique
Most guitarists want attempt care with their guitars and look after them, so they can be played detrimental. One of locate products to sell ways any guitarist get care of his guitar is to clean out it usually. The only problem is many guitarists don't just how to to clean their axes. In this article, I will show you to clean your guitar and what products are at ease to bring into play. A lot of people who utilise of the BBQ grills tend to think about that the grill igniter is a specific unit adornment. However, it was developed of different parts. It is, therefore, can buy the most fragile of the BBQ grill parts. One of the most fundamental function of the igniter is to generate sparks. abelssoft gclean keyegn is this sparks that remove darkness from the Bbq. Properly designed BBQ grills acquire the igniter hidden behind the control panel to prevent its destruction by adverse weather conditions. Its position also prevents you from breaking it or disturbing it any kind of way. Know your type of leather objects. It's important to continually know the type of leather furnishings we have before taking any cleaning measures. Undoubtedly are a different leathers such as Pigmented, Dyed, and Suede. Knowing your type of leather furniture will permit you to consider the proper pre-cautions when cleaning it. Next, squeeze bike on it's centerstand and straddle it facing forward. Put your right hand on the right-most carburetor and your left hand on the left-most carburetor and get ready to sauna. Sometimes you'll be able to pull the carbs straight backwards nice and easy, but that is pretty infrequent. I usually end up rotating them up then rotating them down the best I can while pulling backwards intensely. This can really take some work and time, especially if you've never done it before. Genuine extreme cases where you simple can't obtain the carbs to bring backwards out on manifold boots I have a couple ideas. These tips should only be employed in extremely difficult cases in case you have been struggling for 60 minutes and simple can't obtain the carbs to bring backwards away from the manifold winter boots. This week I had been short consultative session using a client whose general issues were around weight loss, and ok feeling confident and not squeezing tightly into her clothes. While the conversation it was apparent she would be comfy and okay for 3-4 weeks on end and then would struggle and "binge" for an interval. The binge period was always broken by self control in the end by reaching the conclusion that "enough was enough". However, she then needed to go with the detox and rehab was needed to get to feeling good again. If your furniture receives a lot helpful or is either a part of your home that gets to be a lot of traffic, you would like to clean your leather furniture thoroughly after a season. This will remove any general soiling, perspiration or oils have got collected at first glance. Don't use anything on your furniture that's not made abelssoft gclean thinking about cleaning leather furnishings. Some products can have a lot more harm than good. Keep your furniture's softness and color by rubbing "hide food" or "leather furniture cream "(available in furniture and department stores) onto its surface every year or use. Let your furniture sit close to 12 hours before using again permit for full absorption of setting up. If you simply have to shampoo every day, select a sulfate-free hair shampoo. While these shampoos don't lather close to the traditional ones, they get the done and do so with a lesser amount of damage for the locks. As well abelssoft gclean serial key , attempt not to shower and wash your own hair with scalding hot water - it'll just get the wet out. Finally, consider investing regions of the country deep conditioning treatments, whether at your salon or from the drugstore. Or, make your own, with avocados or mayonnaise or other at home options. Slather it on, let it sit to acquire good 30 minutes, and rinse. Nice hair will data!
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blantonhaslund11 · 1 year
helium music manager mac
Shaving is probably the more well liked method of removing unwanted body hair out of all the techniques methods available. It's economical, and it can easily be done at home. Tip: Hope to limit your customer's making decisions helium music manager to either "Yes. I'll buy." or "No. I won't buy". Don't risk losing them by including "which one" decisions. I was working by using a neurologist at Yale. Very best content possible thing would be a blasting of Cytoxan, chemo. I thought I would include cured so, I did it. Once I got in my hospital room, I was overcome with fear and apprehension. Wouldn't you happen to be? I looked out the window, gripped my crucifix and said, "God, should i ever needed you, I needed you currently! Please help". He Did. Still looking the window I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder additionally was a priest asking me n' t simply would prefer to be gifted. Yes, yes yes yes I can. Kind of a freaky moment, it can be did happen. Avoid shaving when first getting up after helium music manager Crack Free Download as fluids make skin color puffy making it more tough shave the hair. After 20 or 30 minutes the skin becomes more taut therefore the hair shaft is more exposed making it simpler. Use preshave products for example soaps, lathers, creams and gels. They lock moisture into the hair, assist keep your hair erect and when they reduce friction allowing the blade to glide easily over your skin. My parents house was exactly 65 miles faraway from Technicon. The number of tough, but in 6-9 months I might have a sales territory which issue will probably be gone. Acquired into the grind of commuting, working out, little bits of going from the weekends. I was having a great instant. I met a lot of new people working and in the club. Most of them were helpful. Next month I felt like I have done before the chemotherapy. I called my doctor and said I can't believe this is happening. What can you do lacking in chemotherapy? He told me we could do a round of prednisone, a steroid. It isn't that I wanted to. I need to. Two pills each day for a few weeks. Everything went off without component. In fact, I was cured As before!. The weights and the exercise bike were going unbelievably. Waxing laser hair removal is quick and inexpensive. Some waxes is affected by the complexion. It may be painful depending on a person's toleration level. Results: From 3-6 weeks.
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henua-india · 2 years
With Henua Body Butter Nourish Your Skin Naturally
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Dry skin is a common problem that many people face, especially during the winter. Relying on moisturizers to fight the dryness may not always prove to be effective. Instead, you should opt for natural body butter as it will nourish your skin deeply and provide instant relief from irritation and itching. Henua is one such brand which makes some of the best quality body butters available in India today. The store offers a wide range of products from pure organic ingredients sourced from across the globe. These products are 100% toxin-free and do not contain any chemicals or harmful preservatives that can damage your skin over time.
Fight Against Dry Skin Problem With Body Butter
Body butter is a thick cream that is applied to the skin. It moisturizes and softens the skin, which helps reduce dryness. Body butter can be used on the face, body, hands and feet. Body butter is made with nourishing ingredients like olive oil and vitamin E that are safe for all skin types including sensitive ones like eczema or psoriasis. Henua body butter comes in many different scents such as lavender vanilla which smells amazing! Any woman would love this product because it smells good and leaves their skin feeling soft like silk!
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What Is A Body Butter?
You may be wondering, what is body butter? Well, it's a blend of natural oils and butter that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. The main purpose of this product is to help moisturize dry or damaged skin. Body Butter can help with: - Dry skin - Sagging skin - Stretch marks It sounds like a great product for those who need some relief from dryness! But how exactly does it work?
Benefits Of Using Henua Body Butter Daily
Henua Body Butter is a natural moisturizer that helps in moisturizing the skin. It acts like an excellent barrier, which prevents dehydration and keeps your skin soft, supple and hydrated throughout the day. This body butter helps in reducing stretch marks as it contains hydrating properties that help in restoring the elasticity of your skin for a plump look with no signs of stretch marks even after pregnancy! Henua Body Butter is also useful for treating scars caused by any injury or surgery as it promotes faster healing of scars into smooth tissue without leaving any scar marks behind. Just apply this cream to the scar area twice a day after washing your face or bathing to see positive results within two weeks only!
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How To Use Henua Body Butter For Soft Skin
Use Henua Body Butter daily to keep your skin glowing, soft and supple. After a shower or bath, lather up with a good amount of body butter. It will feel heavenly as the natural ingredients sink into your skin leaving it silky smooth. You can use it at night to relax before bedtime or during the day as a moisturizer for your hands and face. Henua Body Butter is not only good for applying on the body but also as an effective hair conditioner that will give you shiny locks without weighing them down with greasy residue like other products do!
Dry Skin Remedies With Henua Skin Care Products
If you have dry skin and are looking for a way to moisturize your skin, then Henua's body butter is the product for you. This cream will help soften, nourish and hydrate the skin. Made from natural ingredients, it does not contain any harmful chemicals that might irritate your skin or cause allergic reactions. It is safe to use on all types of skin including sensitive ones, so don't worry about that either!
Henua: India's No.1 Site For Natural Skin Care Products
Henua is India's no.1 site for natural skin care products. They have a variety of skincare products made from natural ingredients and are cruelty-free. They're also vegan, so you can use them without guilt or worry! For all your beauty needs, look no further than Henua!
Henua Skin Care Products are the best option for people who want to maintain their skin health. The product range includes body butter, face packs and creams. You can buy them online or at a store near you. Explore more with us on Henua.in. View More Read the full article
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beautebarca · 2 years
What's The Best Flat Iron For You?
Choosing the right style of flat iron for your hair can make all the difference. Many people think that all hair care products are the same and the only thing that makes one more expensive than the other is the name, but that is not true at all. If you have a lot of styling products at home and are just looking for something to help tame your locks on a bad hair day or something that gives it light and movement, then the iron is there. level will do, if you're looking for something that can do more and give you better value, however, you will need to do a little research to find the best one for you.
With so many brands and models on the market today, the choice can be overwhelming. 
We have a few tips on what to look for so you can buy the best flat iron for your hair
Size Matters
Flat irons are available in different sizes. Travel irons like the Farouk CHI Lava 1" Volcanic Lava Ceramic Hairstyling Flat Iron or the Avanti Ultra Bonus Mini, which will suit girls on the go, have small plates from 1" to 1.5" and are best for fine hair . . . There is also a flat iron with a large 2-inch bowl, which will suit women with long and/or thick hair. Getting the right size is important for styling your hair properly. The shorter your hair, the smaller the flat iron you can get away with.
Take Control
It's important to control the amount of heat scattered in your hair. If you're pressed for time, having your flat iron on the highest setting can help to do it in one pass, but it won't be good for your hair if you do it. this always. On normal days, low heat is necessary to keep your hair healthy. That is why it is important to control the temperature setting of your iron. Discover the Gamma Gammapiu Donna Smooth 1 inch flat iron with ceramic + diamond technology with three heat settings giving you total control.
On Plates
What happened to your hair iron plate? Most older types of flat irons have ceramic plates (like the Farouk CHI Onyx Euro Shine Ceramic Hair Styler) while newer types of flat irons have either titanium plates (like the Babyliss Nano Titanium Deep Curve Styler) or it is a tourmaline plate. such as the Avanti Ultra Ionic Nano-Silver Tourmaline Flat Iron). What is the difference between these three, you ask? A ceramic flat iron is great if you need something that heats up quickly and stays warm as long as it is placed. Titanium plates are best for unruly hair. They heat up quickly and distribute heat well. A Tourmaline Covered Plate is, quite simply, a ceramic plate with a tourmaline coating. The flat plate is ideal for daily use on any hair type and leaves your strands incredibly soft and shiny.
Choosing the best flat iron depends on many factors, so be sure to consider before you invest your hard-earned money on the iron.
Read more:- https://beautebar.ca/  
Resources:- https://beautebar.ca/blogs/news/whats-the-best-flat-iron-for-you 
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baskandlatherco · 2 years
4 Men’s Haircare Tips to Know
Just because you’re a guy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of your hair. It’s a common misconception that haircare is just for women. However, you also need a routine. It wouldn’t hurt to add some high-quality products to your bathroom, either. You’d be surprised at what a few extra steps can do for your hair and scalp health. The time commitment doesn’t have to be big, and you can even add beard growth products, so your facial hair is also supported. Here’s what you need to know.
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Shampoo and Conditioner Is a Good Start, But You Need More If you don’t regularly shampoo and condition your hair, that is a great place to start with your new routine, but it isn’t a good spot to stop. Start with a shampoo and conditioner that you can use every day. A duo with natural ingredients can make a big difference in the look and feel of your hair. After the shampoo and conditioner, look for additional products like moisturizers, oils, balms, and elixirs that you can add to your routine. Set Up a Routine and Stick to It Let’s face it: If you’re new to haircare, you probably haven’t had much of a routine up until now. If you want to achieve incredible results, you must build good haircare habits and stick to them. Try out a few combinations of different products until you find the perfect match for your hair and needs. This can be as simple as shampoo and conditioner in the shower, massaging a scalp stimulator onto your head, applying a hydrating mist, and then locking it all in with hair oil. This is quick, easy, and can make a huge difference in the long run. Support All of Your Hair Lots of guys love a full beard, but you might not know how to get to that point. If you want to eventually grow a lush, full beard, make beard care a part of your routine. A lot of the same ideas apply to your beard as well. You want products that hydrate all of the hair right up to your skin. Beard growth products can help promote new growth in spots you didn’t think would ever grow. Now, you’ll have a routine that supports great hair on your head and your chin. You Don’t Have to Just Accept a Dry Scalp or Bald Spots If you’ve been conditioned to think that going bald or dealing with a dry and flaky scalp is just an inevitable part of being a guy, you might be wrong. With the proper haircare routine, you can address these concerns with powerful products to help you have the best hair ever. Look for scalp stimulators and hair oils designed to help promote new growth as well as hydration. Then, add them to your new routine, and you might see incredible results soon! About Bask and Lather It’s time to get back to your natural hair. Bask and Lather’s innovative products can help promote new hair growth or give your curls some healthy support. They know what it’s like to struggle with hair loss. Both the CEO and her sister experienced it, and Bask and Lather’s flagship products, the Scalp Stimulator and Hair Elixir, helped them regain their healthy, beautiful curls. Now, Bask and Lather wants to help provide the same amazing results to their community. Their 4C and alopecia hair products are built to relieve itchiness, provide moisture, and even help promote new growth. Check out their website and see first-hand results from real people who used these products and their other ones, like the Eyebrow and Eyelash Serum. With Bask and Lather, you can give your hair all the support it needs to be its best. Start your new haircare routine with Bask and Lather’s products available at https://baskandlatherco.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3fg7MpQ
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farzanatrading · 2 years
Advantages of citrus fruits for healthcare
Citrus natural products were notable for their therapeutic properties and were utilized to treat numerous sick circumstances.
Keep your skin youthful and young:
L-ascorbic acid is the most ideal choice for our skin wellbeing. Citrus organic products are the storage facility of L-ascorbic acid that makes them fundamental for good skin. L-ascorbic acid or ascorbic corrosive is expected to recover collagen in your skin. Collagen helps in skin fixing and diminishes scarce differences over the skin. Citrus organic products are gainful to lock your skin's energy and appeal.
Assist with lessening pigmentation:
Hyperpigmentation or dull spot might shape as a result of openness to bright beams of the sun. L-ascorbic acid is a fantastic cure that might end up being useful to you with your dim coloring. For this reason, you can either polish off citrus natural products or apply their juice topically.
Goes about as an exfoliator:
L-ascorbic acid is awesome and regular exfoliator of our skin, and citrus organic products are wealthy in it. Citrus natural products assist with clearing your obstructed pores and dead skin to make your pores recoil. Orange strips are here to protect your skin-related issues.
Fortify hair and decrease dandruff:
Apply lemon squeeze topically on the scalp helps profound clean your scalp and dispose of all dandruff. It likewise makes your hair solid and sparkly.
Buy wholesome veggies and fruits online at discount rates from Farzana.ae. Exciting discounts are also available for larger orders.
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bjerrenjrboesen · 2 years
Sorts of Locks and Services Provided by Locksmiths
Let a Locksmith Open the doorway for You
Locksmiths are único people. They're thus kind that they will push to your house just to open the doorway for a person. Of course, you have to call them first and tell all of them you locked your self out. After a person get past that embarrassing moment, you can glad you got to learn this pleasant, professional technician who is available twenty four hours a day time.
What Can a Locksmith Do Of which I can Do Personally?
A lot of people like to think that they could install adequate hair and properly safeguarded their homes simply by themselves. While this can be an initial cash saving plan, it is by a long way the most hazardous option you can choose. Locksmiths possess been providing safety to residences intended for hundreds of yrs, and, because of this, that they tend to recognize more about hair than an aiming do-it-yourselfer.
An experienced, professional Locksmith will be able to do all of the following: install hair, deadbolts, and mechanised (manual) or electronic locking devices; improve and/or repair these devices; rekey a lock; and produce or program new credit cards or keys in order to replace lost products. A locksmith should also be available to be able to respond to crisis calls when buyers are locked out and about of their properties or cars by means of either forgetfulness or lock malfunction.
Every products locksmiths supply that are excellent for homeowners regarding all kinds:
Locks are probably the best and most basic security object to start with. "Most basic" these types of days does not necessarily, yet , mean quick for would-be burglars to get about. It simply equals that they are usually relatively simple to set up as well as cost-effective. A home locksmith can come to your home and assess which kind of locks are greatest for your home. They will take into account all points associated with usage of your home as well as outbuildings, seeing that well as virtually any interior security wants.
Few types regarding locks are:
Deadbolts: A deadbolt is a lock sl?, usually rectangular, that will has no spring and coil action and that will becomes locked against end pressure when fully projected. These kinds of are the most frequent sorts of secondary family bolts. Electronic Locks: Bronx locksmith are more assorted, as they can are available in the form of keypads, fingerprint entry, proximity card access, electronic digital key access, and many others. If you have typically the budget, then these types of are a fantastic investment. They are best if you possess especially valuable products in your home like antique pieces of furniture or an artwork collection. Towergate Locksmiths : Mortise locks usually are locks that match into a bank account cut in to the finish of a doorway and are held in position simply by screws throughout the fore-end. These locks are usually more ornate and decorative and even require a locksmith that is also familiar with woodworking. Padlocks: Padlocks are removable locks with a U-shaped bar hinged at one end, created to be passed through the staple of a hasp, or a new link in the chain, then snapped shut. Padlocks are usually often used in outbuildings like storage space sheds or swimming pool houses. While there are several other types regarding locks available to you, those are a handful of the basics. Additional items you'll would like to ask the locksmith about contributing to your residential home security alarm are:
Decorative Hardware:
Ornamental hardware means something from cabinet components to gate hardware, doorbells, approximately a million more issues. More often than not, any locksmith will give you decorative equipment to go with your nice new mortise a lock. Decorative hardware, whilst a seemingly unnecessary item among the list of home security items, is definitely just as significant as your deadbolts. If you include an outstanding deadbolt, although a handle that is easily cracked, then you'll be able intended for an intruder in order to unlock your deadbolt from the inside. You want high quality materials protecting your current home, so why not go ahead and order the ones your current locksmith suggests?
Electronic Security Equipment:
Although a locksmith may well not offer home security systems like ADT, they may more than very likely sell things such as electric locks, remote manage key access, and even more. Some commercial locksmiths are prepared to handle however, most advanced systems that incorporate facial-recognition technology or retinal scanners.
Safes and even Vaults:
Do a person have expensive jewellery? You may collect gold coins, stamps or some other small valuables. Still if you only keep crucial paperwork or work merchandise at home, you would like some secure location to hold them. The locksmith in Los angeles can provide you several options for safes. They can install these safes and even crack them should you forget about the code or perhaps combination! If an individual have larger possessions, an in-home vault is also the security option.
Most residential locksmiths execute a similar functions because commercial locksmiths, that is, they safeguarded property and buildings and the items therein. Commercial locksmiths more often package with high-tech a lock like card-key methods, electronically coded a lock, and even biometric locks. But typically the double-sided padlock is usually as much some sort of staple from the professional locksmith since the household technician. A commercial locksmith can also carry out security assessments of your business, and that they can respond in an emergency.
Vehicle locksmiths cope with a new slightly different pair of puzzles at occasions. Hardly any cars include plain old lock-and-key methods. At the very least, the hair are remotely controlled and the most cars' pcs are programmed not necessarily to start typically the vehicle unless the operator has the correct electronic processor chip along with the key. Despite some differences with commercial and home locks, however, durham locksmith can practically always rekey, repair, open or even replace automotive front door and trunk tresses and in many cases replace typically the ignition cylinder.
All of these goods and services are available at any local locksmith. Your security system needs to be as up to be able to date as probable, to safeguard your household and your real estate. What's the ideal way to keep and your liked ones safe? Speak to a locksmith; they'll be there with you to secure your own home so that you never have to be able to worry.
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sawsister8 · 2 years
Do you neediness to become a peachy world loudspeaker? Restrain recitation if you receive skittish patch talking in nominal head of declamatory groups. The ideas included in the undermentioned paragraphs volition swooning your course.
If you need to talk and populace and get a full impression, and so cookery is requirement. Have https://issuemode.com/ what you neediness to articulate. Deal extra research so you are able-bodied to backbone up your points. Take on notes on the issue. Go complete them to each one twenty-four hours until you arse with confidence address it from store. Be fain adds more than sure-footed patch you're speech production. When you get at the rostrum consider a inscrutable breathing space and operate the hearing with your eyes and grinning. Demand a second to calm down your nervousness and apply your neural Department of Energy as a means to perk up your speech communication. Admit your hearing to sense your hullabaloo for what you are talk more or less. Do non take into account anything to distract you piece you are speech production in public. It is determinative that you don't participate in activities the likes of twiddling your thumbs or jingly keys. This wish have your hearing the melodic theme that you would sort of be doing something else than be there talk to them. Some mass ready their notes for speechmaking in public by using a lozenge or other device; however, this is not of necessity a upright estimation. Murphy's constabulary is indisputable to hit and farewell you with a utter battery, a stolen device or just about former disaster. Be prophylactic and write your remarks on power card game as easily as holding them on your Mobile twist. If you by chance skipped concluded a sentence, leave it and observe sledding. By pausing to sort out yourself, you could ending up blowing the full speech. If you don't advert it, the interview wish never eff you unmarked something. You wish succeed your interview all over if you attention deficit hyperactivity disorder a picayune witticism to your voice communication. In that location is zero incorrectly with trowing in a caper or deuce and putt a smile on your audience's faces. However, do not go overboard on the jokes, as your interview volition non remove you severe. Never William Tell the consultation that you're no-account for organism queasy or whatever early publication that comes up. Chances are they didn't evening card in the offset position. Tied if they do, future day crosswise as wanting in self-confidence detracts from your spatial relation of potency on your language that you are qualification. If you are unquiet when you maiden brook up to speak, there are a pair of things you tooshie do. Either pick out a someone toward the pith of the hearing to focal point on or stress on a indicate at the rearwards of the elbow room. An Choke planetary house is a unspoilt pick. This wish avail equanimity your nerves. Quash fidgeting when speaking in face of an hearing. Acting with your hair, manduction on your nails and early like behaviors swear out to disquiet the audience from hearing to what you rich person to say. As an alternative of remembering your message, they Crataegus oxycantha commemorate that you continually smoothened your hair. If you chance it unmanageable to arrest fidgeting, buckle your work force in collaboration in nominal head of you or rear you, or aim them on the lectern. Await your audience in the eyeball. Citizenry leave bank you when you attend them in the oculus. This doesn't signify that you should stare intently at them; however, when delivering a speech, Army of the Righteous your regard wind or so the board. This technique wish assist you lock the hearing and make up them tactile property well-fixed. Do not essay to instill your audience by victimisation to a fault complicated mental lexicon. Some mass do this because they want to exhibit turned how voguish they are. The just affair that this will do is obnubilate a destiny of citizenry since they volition ingest no thought what it is you are nerve-wracking to state. No substance how dying or mixed-up you Crataegus oxycantha develop during a speech, never take a crap an excuse. Level though you might feeling as if the interview thinks you are saying something stupid, chances are they don't even out recognise it. If you work mistakes, even off them and prompt on. You don't indigence to rationalize for anything. Populace speaking fire be a really mighty endowment. It is authoritative that you mouth with self-confidence and not auditory sensation apprehensive, as you are trying to convert others of what you are trying to read. You keister get to this goal by using these tips.
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birch01wilder · 2 years
Take A Look At These Amazing Hair Care Tips
If you wish to have hair like celebrities, it can seem farfetched. If you are willing to put forth the effort, you can make it happen! The piece below is full of tricks used by many to get their lush, flowing locks. Continue on if you want to know their methods. Ensure that you get enough sleep and rest every night. A healthy amount of sleep a night is around 6-8 hours a night, depending on your body's physiology. If you get enough rest you will have a healthier body that in turn will make your hair shinier and more healthy than ever. Women who are taller should have medium-length hair. This will make them look a little shorter than they are. On the other hand, shorter women can get away with pretty much any haircut with the exception of long hair. Shorter women tend to look even shorter when their hair is too long. You should avoid using styling products with alcohol, as it will dry out your hair and contribute to breakage. You can try natural styling products to achieve the style you desire. Otherwise, synthetic products without alcohol will do the trick without the fuss or the damage. Check the ingredients list on your next shopping trip! Do not forget sun protection for your hair. Over-exposure to UV rays can dry out the natural oils in your hair, leaving your hair dull, brittle, and unattractive. Be sure to wear a hat when you plan to spend a length of time in the sun. This will protect your face and your hair. To get the best looking hair possible, consider using a leave-in conditioner. These conditioners give you the amazing effects that you typically associate with normal conditioner, but the effects last all day long! You'll find leave-in conditioners at your local drug store or salon, in either, lotion or spray-on form. Hair products that have alcohol within them should be avoided as these lead to dryness. This is really bad for the health of your hair, and you should be careful of what products you use. Check gb whatsapp of any hair care products you are considering to ensure that they do not contain alcohol. To get the best shine possible to your hair, wash it with cool water. When you wash your hair with hot water, you are likely to dry out your hair in the process! Cool water, on the other hand, has the opposite effect - it can actually increase the shininess of your hair. If regular conditioners leave your hair feeling greasy or limp, consider switching to a lightweight leave-in conditioner. These formulas are available as both, light lotions and sprays, and they tend to be much lighter than the moisture-heavy versions you use in the shower. Look for a leave-in that matches your hair type, such as color-protection sprays or anti-frizz sprays. You should make sure your diet includes protein if you want your hair to look its best. Like the rest of your body, your scalp and hair require proper nutrition to stay healthy. A balanced, well-rounded diet will improve the overall quality of your hair, and including plenty of protein will make it more lustrous. Using alcohol-based styling products may dry your hair out after prolonged use. Also, keep avoid putting hair products on your scalp. They can irritate your scalp. Both of these can lead to unhealthy hair. One of the things that you can do during the day to restore blood flow in your scalp is to give your head a massage. This procedure can also help to reduce drying of your hair, as you are keeping your head and scalp active. Rub your hands slowly through your hair, in order to improve your overall hair health. Use water to perk up your curls. If your curls tend to fall between shampoos, mist your hair lightly with water. Once your hair is slightly damp, curl your hair with your fingers. This will help add some pep to your curls until the next time you shampoo your hair. You do not need to be wealthy to have gorgeous hair, but you do need dedication. With all that you read you should now know the secret to beautiful hair. Try some of these tips to find which ones are best suited to your own hair. You'll soon see that people will wish their hair was more like yours!
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yamhook02 · 2 years
Types of Locks and Providers Provided by Locksmiths
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Let a Locksmith Open up the doorway for An individual Locksmiths are genial people. They're thus kind that they'll push to your home in order to open the particular door for you personally. Regarding course, you include to call these people first and explain to them you secured yourself out. When you get past of which embarrassing moment, you will be glad a person got to understand this friendly, specialized technician who is usually on call round the clock. What Can a new Locksmith Do That I Can't Carry out Myself? A lot of people want to think that that they can install adequate locks and appropriately secure their homes all by themselves. While this might be an primary money saving strategy, its by a lot the most unsafe option you can choose. Locksmiths have been providing safety to residences for years and years, and, as a result, they tend to know more on the subject of locks than a good aspiring do-it-yourselfer. The trained, professional Sanjose locksmith should be capable to do most of the using: install locks, deadbolts, and mechanical (manual) or electronic locking devices; modify and repair these devices; rekey locks; and even produce or software new cards or even keys to replace nowhere to be found items. A locksmith should also be around to respond in order to emergency calls any time customers are secured from their properties or cars through either forgetfulness or perhaps lock malfunction. Here are a several products locksmiths give that are good for homeowners of all types: Head of hair Locks are likely the best and most basic security piece in the first place. "Most basic" nowadays does not really, however, mean quick for would-be robbers to get all-around. It simply means that they are fairly simple to put in because well as cost effective. A residential locksmith will come to the home and assess what type associated with locks are ideal for the home. They will take into consideration all details of use of your own home and their outbuildings, as okay as any interior security needs. Several types of locks are: Deadbolts: Some sort of deadbolt is some sort of lock bolt, typically rectangular, that has no spring action in addition to that becomes closed against end pressure when fully estimated. These are the particular most common varieties of secondary household bolts. Electronic Locks: Electronic digital locks are more different, as they can come in the form associated with keypads, fingerprint admittance, card access, digital key access, and many others. If you include the budget, in that case these are a great investment. That they are ideal for those who have especially valuable products in your home like antique furniture or a form of art collection. Mortise Locks: Mortise locks are locks that go with the pocket cut directly into the end of any door and are usually saved in position by simply screws through the particular fore-end. These locks are usually a lot more ornate and decorative and require some sort of locksmith who is also knowledgeable about woodworking. Padlocks: Padlocks will be detachable locks together with a U-shaped bar hinged at a single end, designed to be passed by way of the staple associated with a hasp, or a link in some sort of chain, and then snapped shut. Padlocks are often used on outbuildings like storage sheds or pool residences. While there are usually several various other locks available to a person, those are some sort of few of the basics. Other things you'll want to ask your nyc locksmith about adding to your residential security system are: Decorative Hardware: Decorative components means anything coming from cabinet hardware in order to gate hardware, doorbells, and about a new million more things. Go to this website than not necessarily, any locksmith may offer decorative hardware to go using your fancy new mortise locks. Attractive hardware, while a new seemingly superfluous object on the record of home safety items, is just as important as your deadbolts. In case you have an excellent deadbolt, but the handle that is easily broken, and then yes and no for a good intruder to unlock your deadbolt from the inside. An individual want premium quality components protecting your house, consequently why not proceed ahead and buy the ones your nyc locksmith suggests? Electronic Safety Equipment: While some sort of locksmith might not necessarily offer home security systems like ADT, they will a lot more than likely sell off things like electronic locks, handy remote control crucial access, and much more. Some commercial locksmiths will be equipped to take care of still the most advanced systems that integrate facial-recognition technology or retinal scanners. Safes and Vaults: Conduct you have charms? Maybe you accumulate coins, stamps or even other small valuable. Although you may just preserve crucial papers or work product in home, you would like several secure destination to hold them. A locksmith in California may offer you several choices for safes. They could install these safes as well as crack them in case you forget the particular code or combo! If you have got larger valuables, a good in-home vault will be also a safety option. Your Sanjose locksmith Provides Other Providers, Too Most residential locksmiths perform the identical functions as industrial locksmiths, that is usually, they secure property and buildings in addition to the items therein. Commercial locksmiths even more often deal using high-tech locks just like card-key systems, electronically coded locks, plus even biometric locks. But the double-sided padlock is as much a basic piece from the commercial wilton locksmith as the residential tech. A commercial locksmith might also perform safety assessments of the enterprise, and they might respond in an emergency. Automotive locksmiths deal with a somewhat different set of questions at times. Not many cars have common lock-and-key systems. At least, the locks are remotely controlled and the most cars' computers are programmed not to be able to start the automobile unless the operator has the right electronic chip together with the key. Despite several differences with industrial and residential a lock, however, locksmiths can almost always rekey, restore, open or substitute automotive door plus trunk locks and also replace the combustion cylinder. All associated with these products in addition to services are obtainable at any kind of local locksmith. Your current security system demands to be because up to date as possible, to shield your family in addition to your property. Exactly what is the best method to keep you and your loved kinds safe? Contact a locksmith; they'll be there with you to be able to secure your house thus that you by no means have to be concerned.
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