#the cause of my AVM is stress
sammy8d257 · 1 year
I read somewhere that you like to draw king sleep deprived, this is gonna delve more into headcanon territory but has king ever passed out from sleep deprivation?
If so, Has he ever gotten seriously hurt because of it?
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Anon you read correctly. I do enjoy making characters sleep deprived because I am often sleep deprived. alskdlgjslkjdgs
It started out as a headcanon that both Purple and King suffer from sleep deprivation due to spending all their time in the Nether. (This was before AvM 30 released, so everyone was under the assumption that King and Purple had more history than canon gave us)
And now it's evolved to where I think King has trouble sleeping due to insomnia caused by stress, anxiety, and general awful mental state after losing Gold.
I think during his time looking for a way to destroy Minecraft, King has probably pulled a lot of All-Nighters, and as a result, has probably crashed hard. I bet a lot of the time he's done that, he probably passed out on the floor by his desk.
Has this ever caused him to get seriously hurt? I mean, aside from the long term effects of sleep deprivation and general unwellness, maybe a few bruises from when he passes out. I bet he's gotten some nasty bumps on the head from his crashes.
Actually, one of my headcanons is that King moved his bed out of his room (since we see a bed off to the side in AvM 30) so that
A) he can more easily get back to work after waking up and
B) Every time he feels on the verge of crashing, he can fall on his bed rather than on the floor
Post AvM 30, I still think King struggles with sleep. Old habits die hard and unfortunately for him, it's developed into chronic insomnia. I'd like to think eventually, he'll be able to treat it and finally lose those eye bags. But for the things I've got planned? He's gonna keep them
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littleonixel · 2 years
I'm new here and I want to know about ur au
can I have a lil info?
have a nice day :3
You also have a nice day/night ^^
And my au(and I'll include ships bc there kinda part of my au -3-)? Well sure
•Purple has a negative side of them, I call them corrupt, kinda like a voice, it was caused by his trauma as a kid, and that "voice" pretty reminds them of that quote on quote negative past, and yeah sure he does have happy memories, but Corrupt doesn't really like them, he likes to torture purple with it (sorry Purp)
(the voices were also inspired by @whumpydaydreams 'fanfiction)
•Purple is the type of guy who gets in to fights easily, and has anger issues, but their also a caring person when it comes to friends (Color gang, Mt, hallow heads? Maybe, not sure yet -.-")
•Is a anthophile, which means they like flowers, Alot. And that's why my purple likes hanging out with Blue so much, they also came up with flower nicknames for the color gang and Mt.
•Purple hobbies mostly are reading, planting w/ blue, and probably sleeping (purple is also a tired person due to being a workaholic, Headcanon bc of/from working for Mango)
Second coming:
•As you all know, Second is our tired little bean, but also angry when disturbed in their beauty sleep lol
•Second was kinda aware that they have powers, but not fully; second discovered his powers due to his stress, so during stressing out he suddenly blew out his powers, Of course they were shock, but didn't think anything about, bc he didn't care, he was stress okay?
(fun fact, there's still a hole in their wall after that incident)
•Second met chosen in a dream, that's it, I Know I'm weird
•Their hobbies include, building? Slightly, mostly judges them, fighting and ✨SLEEP✨
•Blue, your average stick, has their own little interested, Everyone adores blue, some just don't like that nether wart eating habit
•As some of you AvM fans know that blue is the CG's best cook/hj, even when blue enjoys farming they do still like cooking, it was an interest after farming, he wanted to make something with it, so thus he become the Cg chef lol
•Even some of you make green closer to purple, Blue and purple are much more closer in my au, since both of them share the same interest and purple doesn't mind blue's nether wart eating habit
•Blue's hobbies are farming, cooking, and playing music, and maybe making dru- I mean potions-
•Mm, yes Green, one of our best Cg singers, he does like discovering things and disturb some sticks in their sleep(mostly Second lmao)
•Even if Green loves the disturbing the other sticks in their sleep, he also sings lullaby to the others when having nightmares, getting lack of sleep, ECT.
•Sometimes Green and Purple sing together, one the ppl in the fandom called them sympathy duo which I think is cute -w-
•Forgot to mention Green's other talent! Building, yup. Basically one of the best builders in the Cg group :3
•Green's hobbies are singing and making music, especially building
•Red of course love animals, mostly pigs and chickens, quite an animal lover if you ask me ^-^
•Red is also vegetarian, he doesn't really eat meat, but does eat dairy, the only reason why he doesn't eat meat is because they feel bad of killing animals =3="
•I also like to image whenever Reuben from Minecraft story mode, idk why I just thought it was funny
•Red's hobbies are just literally taking care of animals
•Yellow is the scientist of the group, they really like to create to things, from redstone to potions (not just blue)
•He is also one of the sticks who has been staying up all night, to do research, of course which is a result of burnout
•Although yellow is really smart, he can also be a good at times, mostly around red, he does this whenever the sticks feel sad
•Yellow's hobbies are redstone and potions
Secondpurp- Second liked hanging around with Purple, and of course grew on them, soon Purple also caught feeling with Tsc, and second confessed and now they're dating ^-^<3
McDonald's: Red was and always will be a flirt, and for yellow, they of course went with sometimes sees it as a joke, but sooner or later both started to have a crush on each other, and now they're dating B)
Bamboo: Green fell in love first with blue, it was probably because of their kind nature, a caring and kind stick, the more they hung out the they grew on each other, so few months later Green confessed:')
I know this was few days ago, sorry busy with school, but hope you found this informative, and I'll probably do another part for the other sticks ^w^<3
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time to say …
((Goodbye cuz im not sure if this is a real Hiatus or might come back even Mod is healthy again huhu;; Becoz Mod have Brain Avm and need a lot of rest in the time being since…. most of the time im asleep and can only use my laptop, phone and pen tab in a minimum hours & for my freelance work only;;, it is a very drastic change for me and in my routine. so now i decided for good to quit askblogging to lessen my exposure infront of laptop and check updates here every single time haha.. tbh i’ve been thinking about it for a long time but i cant just let go easily since i made good friends here but no worries we can still contact each other.. just dm me in my insta or tumblr ( ; 3;) it was a lot of fun hanging out with you guys and to be here being a display of  shenanigans with the twins;;; Goodbye and Thank you!
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sidpah · 5 years
I’m too late, ‘cause I’ve already given it all away… I would have you see a different man than the one who types in a foreign land touched by the meddling hands of a dozen different peoples, not looking to trade their culture’s wisdom but to strip the land of all that was of value… I’m as exhausted as these trampled streets, these thrashed jungles infested with foreign soldiers protecting their investments of ruby mines and narcotic crops… These filthy marketplaces mirroring the worst of the west… I feel this land’s pain, sweaty, asshole on fire from weapons-grade curry… Feet bare and stained black from disintegrating sandal felt smelling vaguely of stale vinegar…
One worn mala on left wrist strung from a seed whose name I’m too tired to recall... Night steals precious chemicals of communication… Ramakrishna? Ramirez? Rudraksha! Seeds are homage to a rival deity, Shiva. But he can’t be my rival because I’m a loner, no member of a team. I have no church, no faith, no dogmatic practice…
There are no gods left in Sidpah… they’ve all been driven into the sea… In their place is an amorphous web of beliefs constantly respun to create fresh, deceptively vibrant yet undeniably asymmetrical patterns… Sneezing. Spittle web strung from this bulldog face.
This is not how I would have you envision me. Not ten pounds overweight. Or twenty. Not greasy-scalped and hairy-shouldered. Not in boxers three days worn. Not with fresh semen dripping down inside of chaffed leg. Not delirious or deliriously lonely. Not a fermented berry of a man… Not wrung like a wrong number or my hands on a too-hot, two-handjob sleepless night of grey panel torture and anxiety whispers from the dark hollow faces cursing my room... There’s hardly a man to be seen. Sure, there’re fingers and hormones and tree sprouts of white matter, but this vacancy is my truest fingerprint…
Maybe I’m a long way from knowing anything of value – Maybe all these garish visions are only detours – Mara’s little tricks to keep me from realizing that he doesn’t even exist – From realizing how content I could remain, entwined in vines running tree cloud to packed sod – Kusa grass and prayers are sustenance – Filled with admiration for the holy, I feel lazy and defective. Unable to live up to my own nobility –
Body’s a common machine with subtly varied proclivities – This unit spins on tales of letters and adjectives – faulty electronics, broken strings, healed strangers expecting repetitious miracles… It refuses to sit on cushion for more than a few minutes of banal torture –
Who can I lie to but myself? I’m a bear born in the year of the horse who would rather be a bird cutting the sky over a tropical island free and clear. A bachelor, tried, tested and confirmed – Allow yourself to be there – The backs of my hands look offensively large and rough under this light. They’ll sink like a stone. Shatter a keyboard or a cheekbone. Split a vein down the middle. Play an ugly one-stringed melody. Too rarely thumb bodhi seed mala and chant for purity. Too rarely fold into mudra for health or circulation of prana. Never stroke her cheek, or twist knots in her auric hair, or slip surreptitiously beneath silk blouse... They’re always rough sand mortar and burlap, unwieldy bricks in a room of June bugs. And they are but one-twentieth of the whole… Our best features are sometimes the most ungainly –
Nothing can make you feel more self-conscious than an unsolicited portrait. Well here is my self-portrait whether I like it or not: My bones have turned russet from sweat and oil.  Tanned skin is painted to walls in gobs of brown and red…  Tribal tattoos – Whose tribe are they?  Hoary old stalactites…  I’m all moles and telengiectasia – Red spots threaten bloodletting – Black dots threaten melanoma – Porous brown bones contemplate fractures deprived of nutrients or forced upon by physical labor – Brain lies in wait for AVM to seize its chance – Colon responds same spastic way to grease, parasite or imaginary humiliation – Eyes grow longer causing me to see things closer and closer – Hair follicles poisoned by drugs, recreationally pharmaceutical, or maybe genetics, give up their will to push – Gums infected ruby red rather than healthy coral, so says dentist. Veins are thick with stony plaque – Torso (most dangerous place) thick with roll of collected fat – Heart overworked and underpaid – Adrenal glands jacked up, depleted, now wilted and suffering, unable to respond with proper chemical dialogue – Convenient codified diagrams of peptide sound – Sinuses full and swollen shut, fine steroid mist unable to penetrate packed cavity – Lungs full of soot and yellow phlegm –
Every cell now thriving, still dying – Skin losing elasticity – Will losing control over mind – Erection still works, though one testicle aches like it’s being tapped continually by a tiny spoon – Mandible muscles tight, jaw crunches clicks, teeth grind with stress or over-taught concentration watching repetitions of breath – Blood cells becoming ineffectual against infection – Antibodies awaiting a battle they will eventually lose – Thus far, all wars have been successfully fought – winning streaks can’t last forever – And still I manage to sit and laugh – this trivial life away –
I’m a fictional beast, leaden of feet and shaggy of back. Reptilian face and beady squint eyes size up each flickering movement for a taste of prey I pray never to taste. A pitiful mirror painted on fat chest reflects the vulgarities of the external world, ignoring the vulgar black tain of my own soul...
Disbelief in my own soul reflects the myopia of others that I live to destroy, condemning them to feel equally base – And I grin knowingly, all the while knowing nothing...
Fixating on microscopic sensation of flesh, the intangible workings of my own conscious thoughts… I dwell until they are their own universes, fashioning civilizations of bigotry, torture and carcinogens. I can see clearly with distaste every vile behavior yet reenact, reenact, justify and reenact them all until I swoon from degradation, frustration, stupidity and self-pity...
I can never be a martyr because I lack a cause. Mild disinterest, no more acerbic than a warm glass of soymilk. I’m neither political nor spiritual. Not even secular because I don’t believe in distinctions. I’m a realist who finds all phenomena to be thoroughly unreal... I will leave nearly all stones unturned and all books unread. The meager knowledge accumulated in my lifetime just so many dusty trinkets in a collapsing display case. One leg bound to give out and destroy the few items of relative value buried within... Whose gain? Whose loss? I’m a beggar for salvation. But I’m too proud to take a teacher’s charity... Lift my head to the warm eclipse of Sunrays, devastating in their splendor… And degraded I sigh, sheepishly grin, and turn away where my mind fondles something or someone else, distracting itself from the fact that I will never be attractive to society…
I’m a rare beast. I know what I want and also why I shouldn’t want it. It doesn’t curtail the cravings, but it makes me feel guilty and ridiculous for desiring them in light of this knowledge… Like lusting for a hammer when you have to drive a screw into the wall. Like lusting for a screwdriver when you have no walls or screws. I’m an unfortified mess…
What is a mess? These parts are not this man. There’s no man, but a mash of aggregates held in six-foot net – And these parts are not eternal. They are already replaced! Even this outer shell replaced every twenty-eight days! These transient parts are not even these parts! They are particles of energy with no essence to be ashamed of!
My atoms are shinier than your atoms! My electrons are faster than your electrons! My protons look better in a bikini! My neutrons have reached higher states of meditative bliss!
My anger is crimson and molten as your anger. My love as passionate and fleeting as your love, and my wisdom as deep and true as your wisdom. It’s only our learning, stilted and prejudiced that keeps us from knowing this. That keeps me from knowing that I am not these emotions. I am not these colors, melanin, blood, bile, iron…
I am not this face or hands or organs, not this beard, or these callused soles. I am not a brain running strings of 0s and 1s. I am not recollections of old escapades, not every movie watched or novel read with this body placed in role of protagonist – I am not a list of preferreds, a list of don’t-likes, a list of aspirations, a list of disappointments to be avenged, or sulked upon each day to keep their memories alive – flowers on their headstones… I am not the photograph friends, family, acquaintances carry in their tattered wallets – The image they try to bind me to expecting a scripted response to their own erratic behaviors… Unaware that they are not they as much as I am not I. And I am not an I – I am a We, I am an Us, I am a No! I am a Bah! I am infinitely manageable, malleable, fallible…
My mistakes are empty as all the things I ever got right and then wished like hell I hadn’t... All the battles I ever thought I won. All the dreams I ever woke from disappointed to be awake... Cravings repressed until the cauldron boiled over, and I binged night and day until the urges were sated –(Mara kicked back with a cigar and a smug grin…) All the technology I bought then broke, couldn’t find a use for, discarded or lost on dusty shelves in a cluttered basement – All those times I was inches from death, and relieved, died anyway, unbeknownst to this pathological brain – It can’t comprehend that I’ve already perished, that I’m eternally here, already in my final and only and everlasting incarnation as a sublime manifestation of life eternally creating itself – But if it can’t comprehend it, how was it thought, considered, written, embraced, known? I am more than any of us will ever understand. And maybe this is all there is to know –
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beckysblog2 · 2 years
Brain AVM
1986 was a busy year for me. I was 16, newly married, and had a new baby. In October of 86 I had my first gran mal seizure. I died that night. No, I did not see any white light. I had to be resuscitated twice that night. I woke up in the recovery area of the ER. The nurse went through the normal questions asked after losing consciousness. I was cleared to go home but was told to follow up with my primary the next day. Through my short life, I had suffered migraines. Horrible painful migraines. The kind that suck the life out of you. My parents chalked them up to hereditary as each of them also suffered migraines. After visiting with my primary, he referred me to a Neurologist. My primary and neurologist had me do many tests. CTscan, EEG, angiogram, which picked up the AVM in my brain. The seizure was due to the AVM bleed. I was told I was born with it. As I got older, it got bigger. Stress from being in school still, being married, having a baby, and working a part time job caused the bleed. My options were have brain surgery and live or don't have brain surgery and have another seizure like the first and it will kill you next time. Option one it was. I still had a 50/50 chance on the operating table. In January of 1987 I went to the hospital for the brain surgery. I was under the knife for 17 hours. Before going to the hospital I had blood drawn from me just in case I needed blood. 4 pints is what I gave them. 4 pints is what I needed during the surgery. Waking up, I was groggy and sore. I don't really remember the two weeks of staying in the hospital. I remember the scar and staples from ear to ear though. I was pretty dazed and confused for those two weeks. The Neurosurgeon did do a second angiogram and a spinal tap. Both of those I can say really hurt. You would think living with an AVM in my brain this long I'd be an old hat at. Still learning new things daily. Especially since I now have 4 more AVMs in my brain right behind the first one that was resected. Nothing can be done to those though. I still have seizures, occasionally, headaches daily, migraines at least twice a month that put me out for 2-3 days at a time. I'm nauseous, tired, and can't get out of bed. Always feel like the worst mom and wife in the world when I get them. I have been told my neurologist I cannot lift anything above 20 lbs, no hard exercising, keep my blood pressure down, as any of those would make an AVM rupture. I tell people today, I had brain surgery, what is your excuse?
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fgipr · 5 years
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Calif Institute of Neuroscience Says “Distress” not Stress Responsible for Stroke
(Latest Info About Nation’s 5th Leading Cause of Death Revealed In Time For Nat’l Stress Awareness Month in April)
Stress is a part of most peoples’ daily lives and has been linked in a wide variety of medical conditions including stroke, which is the fifth leading cause of death and a major cause of disability in the U.S.  According to the medical team at the California Institute of Neuroscience in Westlake Village, it’s actually “distress” not merely stress that is the culprit.  In recognition of National Stress Awareness Month, the team explain the distinction between stress and distress and offer lifesaving tips to cope with the symptoms. “Most of us deal with stress on a daily basis but it’s when it rises to the level of distress that we should become concerned,” said brain surgeon Martin Mortazavi, M.D. the institute’s medical director and founder.  “When we are under stress, we emit a hormone called cortisol that increases our blood pressure.   When we are distressed — that is when our stress level is unrelenting and at high intensity — our chances of stroke are 4 times more likely to occur.  This is because these hormones lead to high blood pressure, which is the leading cause of stroke as well as such stroke risk factors as diabetes, atherosclerosis and heart disease.” A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery or the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel in the brain. Among the symptoms: •          Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg especially on one side of the body •          Sudden confusion or trouble speaking or understanding speech •          Sudden vision problems in one or both eyes •          Sudden difficulty walking or dizziness, loss of balance or problems with coordination •          Severe headache with no known cause Neurosurgeon, Ha Son Nguyen, M.D., also on staff at the California Institute of Neuroscience says the public should be more proactive so that they don’t fall victim to stroke. “So many of our patients could have avoided their predicament by adhering to a healthier lifestyle,” said Nguyen.  “By stopping smoking, exercising (even light exercise), and cutting out greasy & fatty foods, sweets and processed items, you substantially increase your odds of stroke” Fellow institute medical team member, Stroke Neurologist, M. Asif Taqi, M.D., says, “Three of the most common causes of distress stem from financial worry, workplace issues and difficult personal relationships.  I advise my patients to seek help in dealing with these life challenges by putting a plan together to problem solve and even securing professional assistance, if it comes to that.” California Institute of Neuroscience has earned a stellar reputation in the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment and post-surgical aspects of arange of disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and cerebrovascular system. The team, who are experts at treating aneurysms, AVM, skull base tumors such as pituitary tumors, acoustic neuromas, and meningiomas, trigeminal neuralgia, and any other medical condition related to the brain and spine, employ the safest and latest technology to give patients a new lease on life. Among the areas of specialty: neurology, neurosurgery, psychology, psychiatry, cranial maxillofacial plastic surgery, spine/peripheral neurosurgery and neuro-ophthalmology. These comprehensive services offer the patient a holistic approach to care not commonly found in typical neurosurgical practices. Visit cineuro.org or call (805) 795-7656.
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Game of Thrones Emilia Clarke reveals she survived two brain aneurysms
Emilia Clarke has revealed that she suffered and survived two brain aneurysms while filming Game Of Thrones. 
The actress, 32, who plays ‘Mother of Dragons’ Daenerys Targaryen, shared in a candid interview with the The New Yorker that she had her first aneurysm in 2011. 
She said: ‘Just when all my childhood dreams seemed to have come true, I nearly lost my mind and then my life. I’ve never told this story publicly, but now it’s time.’
Scary: Emilia Clarke has revealed that she suffered and survived two brain aneurysms while filming Game Of Thrones
Emilia then explained that she had just finished filming the first season of the HBO fantasy series when she had her initial brain aneurysm while working out with a trainer. 
Fearing for her life, the star admitted she repeatedly told herself that this would not be the end, as she tried to keep a sense of herself by reciting her lines from Game of Thrones. 
Emilia, who was just 24 at the time, was quickly sent for an MRI where they diagnosed her with a subarachnoid haemorrhage.
This type of hemorrhage is a life-threatening form of stroke, which is caused by bleeding around the brain and a third of patients die immediately or soon after suffering one.
Health: The actress, 32, who plays ‘Mother of Dragons’ Daenerys Targaryen, shared in a candid interview with the The New Yorker that she had her first aneurysm in 2011 (pictured in character in GoT series one) 
She said: ‘Just when all my childhood dreams seemed to have come true, I nearly lost my mind and then my life. I’ve never told this story publicly, but now it’s time’
Emilia said: ‘In my worst moments, I wanted to pull the plug. I asked the medical staff to let me die. My job—my entire dream of what my life would be—centred on language, on communication. Without that, I was lost.’
Emilia said that she was told that she had another, smaller, aneurysm on the other side of her brain while in hospital recovering which could burst at any time, however it may also just lie dormant.
Before she was thrown back into filming, Emilia had to endure a press tour for the first season of the show and said she remembers feeling like she could die at any moment and made it through interviews by sipping on morphine. 
Terrifying: Emilia then explained that she had just finished filming the first season of the HBO fantasy series when she had her initial brain aneurysm while working out with a trainer (pictured with Kit Harington (Jon Snow) during filming for Game Of Thrones)
Pushing on: She revealed that she had been undertaking exercise to relieve the stress of her newfound fame but soon started to feel a ‘bad headache’ and fatigue’, yet she forced herself to continue the gruelling workout (pictured at the Oscars in February 2019)
After struggling through filming for season two and pushing herself to complete season three, Emilia took a role as Holly Golightly on Broadway.  
While in New York, Emilia went for a one of her regular brain scans and medics discovered that it had doubled in size and wanted to operate to avoid any complications.
Despite being promised a simple operation, Emilia said she awoke screeching in agony following the failed operation and doctors had to operate again in order to improve her chance of survival. 
Something’s wrong: However, when Emilia got into the plank position she felt as though ‘an elastic band were squeezing her brain’ she then ran to the changing room where she became ‘violently, voluminously ill’
She said while spending another month in hospital she sometimes lost hope and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, adding that she felt like a shadow of her former self.
The Me Before You actress said that she now struggles recalling those dark times because her mind has tried to block them out, but she does remember being convinced she would die, and that her story would get out.
A reporter asked her about her operation six weeks after the surgery, when the National Enquirer ran a small story, but Emilia was quick to deny the allegation. 
Fearful: Fearing for her life, the star admitted she said to herself ‘I will not be paralysed’ as she tried to keep her ‘memory alive’ by reciting her lines from Game of Thrones (pictured in 2013 around the time of her second operation)
However Emilia said she now feels like the time is right to speak out, and acknowledges that she is one of the fortunate few with an excellent level of care.
Several weeks after the surgery Emilia attended Comic-Con where she suffered an intense headache, and once again she resigned herself to the fact that her time had come after claiming to have cheated death.
However she was met by her publicist who told her a reporter from MTV was waiting to chat to her, and rather than running from the situation, Emilia joked that she thought if she was going to die, she’d do it live on television. 
Worrying: Emilia, who was just 24 at the time, added that a woman next to her in the stall put her in the recovery position as an ‘unconsciousness settled over her’ as she was wheeled into hospital
Emilia now claims she is feeling well again and alongside finally speaking out about her experiences she has decided to launch a charity called SameYou, which aims to provide treatment for people recovering from brain injuries and stroke.
She added that she feels incredibly lucky to have wrapped the final season of Game Of Thrones and been able to see how the story ended. 
Emilia, who rarely gave her health a thought and was consumed by her desire to be an actress, grew up in Oxford with her businesswoman mother and sound designer father who worked hard to put her through private school. 
She said that although she doesn’t have a strong sense of when she actually decided to become an actress she can recall being entranced by a performance of Show Boat when she was just three years old with her father, who passed in July 2016.   
Emilia was named Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive in 2015 – and turned down the role of Anastasia Steele in 2015’s scandalous film Fifty Shades of Grey.
The actress shot to fame in 2011 after she replaced Tamzin Merchant as the platinum-haired Targaryen princess Daenerys Targaryen on Game Of Thrones.
Her character has since undergone some dramatic plotlines – including an arranged marriage to Dothraki chieftain Khal Drogo, played by Jason Momoa, and the tense Liberation of Slaver’s Bay.
No regret: Emilia was handed more sex scenes than any other character in season one of the popular television series
She was last seen in a scandalous scene with Jon Snow, played by Kit Harrington, in the final episode of season seven.
Many of Emilia’s scenes have seen her strip off on camera, but she recently revealed that she doesn’t regret her choices – as the fantasy series gears up to air its final episodes next month.  
Stepping into her role as Daenerys, Emilia was handed more sex scenes than any other character in season one of the popular television series.
But despite her image now being featured on porn sites, Emilia told The Sun there is ‘not one part of the show I would go back and redo’.
In the nude: Despite her image now being featured on porn websites, Emilia, said there is ‘not one part of the show I would go back and redo’
She told the publication: ‘People ask me the nudity question all the time. But the short answer is no, I would never change anything. You had to see those sex scenes, as they couldn’t just be explained.’ 
But the Mother of Dragons, who is now said to be worth a massive £9.7 million ($13 million), did receive some backlash for the raunchy scenes.
Feminist critics hit out at Emilia for one particular moment in season six of the show where Daenerys’ clothes were burned off as she emerged from a fire.
But the actress said she was trying to portray her character as ‘strong’ and ’empowered’ in the controversial scene.
‘I just wanted to come out and do an empowered scene that wasn’t sexual — it was naked, but it was strong,’ she said.
‘I get a lot of c**p for having done nude scenes and sex scenes. That, in itself, is so anti-feminist. Women hating on other women is just the problem. That’s upsetting.’
Emilia confessed that she worried she would become ‘pigeonholed’ in one particular role after appearing nude in the epic drama.
Emilia said: ‘People ask me the nudity question all the time. But the short answer is no, I would never change anything…’
Emilia was named Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive in 2015 – and turned down the role of Anastasia Steele in 2015’s scandalous film Fifty Shades of Grey. 
The actress shot to fame in 2011 after she replaced Tamzin Merchant as the platinum-haired Targaryen princess.
Her character has since undergone some dramatic plotlines – including an arranged marriage to Dothraki chieftain Khal Drogo, played by Jason Momoa, and the tense Liberation of Slaver’s Bay.
She was last seen in a scandalous scene with Jon Snow, played by Kit Harrington, in the final episode of season seven.
Emilia’s comments come just a month ahead of the premiere of the eighth and final series of Game of Thrones on April 14. 
The end: Emilia’s comments come just a month before the premiere of the eighth and final series on April 14 (Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke pictured in Game of Thrones)
A subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the brain. 
Five to 10 percent of strokes are caused by SAH. They most typically occur in older people.  
It can be caused by a head injury or a ruptured aneurysm.
A third of patients survive and recover, a third survive with disability, and a third do not survive.
Aneurysm: a balloon-like bulge or weakening of an artery wall that ruptures, releasing blood into the subarachnoid space around the brain.
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM): an abnormal tangle of arteries and veins with no capillaries in between. The weakened blood vessels can rupture and bleed.
Traumatic brain injury: during the impact of an accident, the brain crashes back and forth inside the skull tearing blood vessels.
sudden onset of a severe headache (often described as ‘the worst headache of my life’)
nausea and vomiting
stiff neck
sensitivity to light (photophobia)
blurred or double vision
loss of consciousness
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thekirstenkhaye · 5 years
Thank you, 2018. NEXT!
Ari, I’m sorry. Just trying to be punny there.
Peace y’all! Hope that didn’t get to shoo you away from reading this entry. Bear with me, please. I just really suck when it comes to my intros. Now let’s move on, eh? NAKA MOVE ON NGA AKO EH, kayo pa kaya?
Kirsten, ENOUGH.
K, let’s do this 😊
This entry will be full-packed of stories, facts and reflections from how this year had been. You know why? Well, I may not have been updating that much on my social media accounts anymore of all the things that have had happened this past year, but I swear to G! This year has probably been the MOST EVENTFUL year that I’ve had thus far. Of course, when I suffered from that ruptured AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) in my brain and tried to recover from it on the years 2013-2014 will never be irreplaceable on being a major turning point in my life. However, if we’ll talk about on actually living life, 2018 has been one heck of a kind of roller coaster ride, living life to the fullest and a fckload of growing up.
So, let’s start. Shall we?
Honestly, I got side-tracked for a couple hours, in this exact part while writing. Yeah, shoot my short attention span and all over the place mind. But you’ll see why I had to do them first. I mean, that if you are actually here reading this and you know, thought of browsing and reading more of what is in this blog. Because I assure you, just clicking on those words up there in the header, you’ll see more. And yes, I’m shamelessly plugging now and wasting more of your time just to read more of my nonsense blabs because I did update everything that you can read here that are just extra. Hihi. I’m so sorry. But I hope you liked what you’ve read if you actually spent some time reading one or two more entries from this blog other than this one.
Now, let’s truly begin.
First of all, I guess, as how I always start my entries.. You’re here now in my somewhat personal space, my outlet, my blog, welcome to Lifenigma!
It has been awhile yet again since I last posted a decent entry. If I’m not mistaken, it has been 4 long months. And to be honest, even though it has been that long already, some things are still as complicated as how they were. Although, let me emphasize with “some”, eh? Because for the last couple months, there is at least one thing that have cleared in my life. You wanna know what?
Well, have you ever asked yourself what the Amighty has been thinking why on the name of Him you are alive and has to live your frigging life? SAME. I know. Especially in times when you just don’t know what to do with your life. Yes, I have asked the same question maybe more than a thousand times that He probably got tired of it already and now just showed me how I could determine the answer to my never ending query.
It wasn’t easy, I must say. It took me awhile to figure it out. And then one day, you know, I realized, damn, this is me. This is my purpose. This is the reason why I’m not laying stone cold dead 9 feet under. I found it and my passion for it has what kept me driven to wake up every single day with a very optimistic mind, heart and soul.
So you know what? There may be things that are very complicated until this moment I’m typing this entry out, but by just thinking of this purpose of mine in this world, I’m full, I’m complete and I’m sure that I’ll get by no matter what. All these complicated things that are bugging me are just bonuses of accepting to live the life He still gave me a chance to live, one more time. I mean, this may not be the last time that He’ll let me, but who knows right?This might be the last one, too, already but I don’t mind anymore. Because I know by now that I got to live it with a purpose, and not just surviving it for my own benefit.
You’re probably itching to know now what on earth is this girl has been talking about, aren’t you? Well, if you are my friend or even just an acquaintance from somewhere now that I’ve been visiting to, you would know somehow. You’ll probably have a guess that is probably right anyway. But if you’re not and are just here because you saw my tweet or post somewhere about this and got curious so you clicked on it and tried reading, then let me tell a brief story first.
Hi, Hello! This girl’s name is Kirsten but usually, people call me “Kaye” now. It’s actually just K like the letter because that’s from my nickname before which was ‘KL’ but somewhere along the way of my life, some people in it were lazy enough to not include L in calling me hence it ended up with K. But I’m too extra to just stuck myself with a one letter name so I created my own name that most people actually thought now that it’s my real second name, so yeah. Anyways, enough about my name. That’s actually not the story that I want you to know. But at least now you know, right? Hihi. Okay, moving on.
I think let’s just cut this story short. I’m 23 now so it has been how many years now? LOL, do the math, man. But yeah, when I was 17, it was summer, April 9th of 2013 if I can remember it correctly. It was around noon, we were taking a break from arranging the decorations in the garden of our client where her son’s going to have his party. We were having our lunch, talking about stuff that I couldn’t really remember anymore. Then I went for a glass of ice cold coke, took a sip and the next thing I know is there was this electricity-like that went from my head straight out to my left arm that it felt like it’s going to get removed from my body on how strong the current that went throught it was. When I got my consciousness back, I was already in the ICU with my head feeling like they’re going to break open and all I could think of was “Why isn’t there a priest here, yet? Am I not going to die already?” But somehow, I survived one whole week aching in the ICU with tubes attached to my groin, my mouth, my nose, my arm, my hand. Somehow, I just woke up one day, the nurses were already rolling me up to a Recovery Room. And in the Recovery Room was when I figured I could not move anything on the left part of my body anymore. It was when I talked, my saliva would just drip uncontrollably on the side of my mouth. It was when I wanted to scratch my arm where my IV was taped on, but I couldn’t even lift my left arm. It was when I wanted to pee, only to realize that there was a catheter in my you-know-where. It was when I got hungry and asked for a food and they gave me a blended shit and fed me through an NGT (Nasogastric Tube). It was when for the first time in a very long time, I had to be bathe by other people. And all I had to do was go with all of it because it was the situation that I had to deal with.
Okay, story time is over.
Was it sad? Was it depressing? Well, that was only my vague memories in the hospital, ladies and gentleman. But everything that happened clearly in my head after that fate I had to get through, well, let’s just not talk about it. 2013-2014 were the years that I had to deal with all of that. One takeaway from those years? Depression isn’t just a phase. It’s something that you will just learn to live with. Ever wonder why I need this blog? It doesn’t really do much to me just like how usual bloggers out there right now are benefiting from it. No, I don’t have this for things like that. I tried though, I won’t deny that. But I realized, no, this is not that. This is my outlet. This is where I can breathe all the bottled up thoughts and feelings that I have to let go of somehow because I wouldn’t ever get to do that with anyone in person.
Now, again, Kirsten, get to the point, yeah? What is this purpose of yours that you have found? LOL. Okay, folks! Relax. Hihi. Here you go.
It’s pretty obvious, I guess. Especially to those people who have an idea of what I have been doing this past year. Yes, I have been volunteering with stuff that has something to do with the sector of Persons with Disabilities. I have been since 2017. However, I guess, 2017 was more on like empowering myself first as a person with disability that has accepted her new given life as a cause of having an acquired disability. In 2018 though, I began to start seeing the potential in me of becoming a leader. The potential that somehow, some other people had seen first than seeing it myself first. And in this year, I have embraced that. It was tiring. It was even nerve-wracking at some point. It actually came to a point also that it overwhelmed me somehow. But you know what? While all of those were what I was feeling, I’m still willing to do everything just for something that it needs for it to be done. And that’s how I found it, my purpose. That in the same way I got myself empowered despite my disability, I want to help other people with disabilities too to see the silver lining of their situation. It’s not going to be easy, I know that. I’ve seen it for a year now. But I know, one day, if not all, at least there will be more PWDs out there that wouldn’t be afraid to get out anymore because they know they are also part of the society, that they matter. And somehow, I hope, one day, the community would be more disability inclusive already and not see and treat them as an outlier.
And you know, just as simple as knowing that I’ve got to acknowledge them, that’s enough for me. Because, you know, sometimes, people just need to feel that there’s a person that sees him/her and would be willing to listen of what he/she is going to say. Sometimes some people just want to share something that happened to them and all you have to do is listen, and you know sometimes that already means a lot to somebody.
Anyways, I’m not exaggerating here, okay? I’m not even trying to put myself on the pedestal of being an effin good samaritan. Cause well, let me tell you, almost all my co-leaders actually know how much of a bitch I can be when I’m out of it with being an angel. LMAO. You get my point there already, I guess, yeah?
You’re probably wondering now why I’m stressing that topic so much in this entry when this is a year-ender one. It’s simple, I think. It’s just that I’m very thankful that at the end of this very rocky year that I’ve had in 2018, I got to end it with this very meaningful turn of events. It’s very simple, if you would think of it. It’s just one thing. But I guess it’s just that meaningful and powerful that it let me look over all the not-so-nice things that have happened to me this year. Frankly, I can’t even feel the pain from them hard times anymore. I haven’t forgotten them and I don’t think I’d ever will, but you know, it’s not that much of a big deal to me anymore.
I know and I’m sure of it that one of these days, I will have to face them  ̶  you know, family matters, my lovelife and I should probably include here my work too. But as I said up there, these are all just bonuses to me already. I’ll deal with them in time. But for now, wherever those other things are at in this life of mine, I’m just glad that they are there making me this strong woman that I am now.
My dear 2018, with all the pain and disappointments you brought me, I still thank you. So please, tara na sa NEXT! Hehe. Just kiddin, not really that in a hurry. Not much but I don’t think anyone has a choice now anyway but be ready for another year, yeah?
I hope you all have reflected on the things 2018 had brought you, may they be good or not so good. You still have time to do it. 2019 is just around the corner now. And as most people say, NEW YEAR, NEW ME! Can be. But always remember, It’s just another day to live by. Just keep on going. And bear this in mind, you don’t have to be a brand new you, you just have to make sure that you are here willing to be better than you were earlier.
 Vivre la vie au maximum, folks! Bonne Année!
PS: I know I didn’t talk about some other stuff that you might be expecting I would talk about. I will. I will, okay? Just saving it for a different entry, just so I’d be motivated to use my laptop and start writing my thoughts out again, than bottling them up and just forcing myself to not mind them that much because it would just be too much. So, just STAY TUNED, I guess. And do come back again, if you’re a new visitor. Have a happy New Year! 😊
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