#the analogy doesn't stand though because the therizinosaur fossil known for the absurd claws is considered slow and lumbering
godslush · 3 years
I remember catching ridicule as a kid for continuing to call Slash Man a dinosaur after X4 came out, because older fandom peers were like "psshaw, sure he lives in dinosaur park but he's clearly a lion because of Slash Beastleo" and the level of "well akshully" may have contributed to me losing some of my enthusiasm for the fandom.
Jokes' on them (and me) , because Slash Man's R&F/M&B CD data says he loves fruits and vegetables (which woulda thrown kid me for a loop), which has me convinced that he could be a small Therizinosaur.
Just look at Wily and tell me he's not a hyper nerdlord who would know some slightly more obscure fossils, I dare you.
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