#that feng min is not me btw i was spectating
eggbeam · 3 years
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these screenshots are so funny to me
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“My play style is to immediately tunnel people the moment they get unHooked to ensure I get at least 1 Kill, but if someone has Decisive Strike then they’re toxic asshole!” Just say you’re not good at the game and go.
So Jake led this Michael on a 5 Gen Chase and finally got downed after the last Gen popped. Michael then camps the Hook and takes up a position sort of out of the way but the red stain gives his position away so it was kind of pointless. I have Borrowed Time so I crouch around the corner. This is near an open door. He got Hooked right around the corner, in a corner that should be able to give Michael the ability to see every direction. But Michael forgot to check all sides so he only faced one direction and stayed that way. So I slipped behind Michael close enough to touch his ass, moved around the other side of the Hook, and then unHooked Jake when Michael turned away. He goes Tier 3 instantly but BT activated and we all were able to Sprint Burst right out the Exit! It was great!
Got rescued off the Hook and the camping Leatherface downs me immediately. Then decides to pick me up. After wasting 2 Gens Chasing me and 2 Gens camping me mind you. And Ace, who had just saved me, got a Flishlight Blind so I can go free. And what does this pansy ass lil bitch of Killer do? Rage-quit. So you can play toxic and shit but someone does something even somewhat toxic in return and it’s the end of the world for you. Are there any Leatherface mains who can handle getting outplayed(because they made dumb decisions) for a whole second or am I just unlucky with the ones I get stuck playing against? Dude decided to pick me up face to face with the Flashlight guy! Instead of downing Ace first, he had to tunnel someone and because of his own fuck up, I got to go free. As if he wouldn’t have been able to swing his chainsaw and down both of us seconds later. ffs
I got stuck with an swf group that abandoned me even after my Injured ass Rescued all three of them from their Hooks in order. I’m getting Chased and each one of them gets Healed up fine, and then they Escape one by one with still 1 Gen left. I got Killed after never being Hooked all match cuz of that. The one sent me a message saying ‘sry bro but it was u or us and we chose us’. And what do you know, I got the same swf team in my next round! I didn’t save any of them. I brought my own Key so when the last dude and I were left, I left him on the Hook while I went to find the Hatch. I then teabagged over it so he’d see my aura, and left him. I then replied to that person from before by saying, ‘sry bruh, it was y’all or me and I chose me’. They never replied. I am a salty bitch.
Got an Oni on the saloon map. I ended up paired up with a 3-man swf group and we all did pretty good tbh. I was being Chased on one side of the map while he had his Demon Dash active, and avoided the attacks by quickly jumping into Lockers. I then led him to the opposite side of the map and ran him around the rock formations and pallets over by the scaffold. He got one basic attack in, which allowed me to power him up over and over. 2 people were on the scaffold doing the Gen up there and they got to watch as I looped this dude long enough for him to go through 2 more power-ups and land no hits. 2 Gens were done in this time. I finally get downed, and he collects enough blood for another Dash, so he goes for the 2 on the scaffold and leaves me there. I have Unbreakable. I’m almost completely Recovered when Steve and Yui come to Heal me up good. After the game I got a message from one of them telling me I got the ‘spicy jukes’! XD
I look up as the match begins to load, long enough to see the names of the people in the lobby. Redhead Meg, Feng Min with a bun and dress, and blond Kate in her original getup. The names were Charlie, Good, and Morning. If in proper order it would be Good Morning Charlie. This swf group were Charlie’s Angels and I died laughing!
The game was updated with a new patch today and there’s a problem with the Med-Kits. All of them. I first noticed with the brown one that only has 16 Charges. 16 is the standard amount necessary to Heal 1 Health State of any survivor if you aren’t affected by any Perks that affect the Healing action. I was using it, and even got 3 Great Skill Checks while doing so, and it only Healed me about 97% of the way. I actually needed someone else to finish Healing me. So I tried out all the other Med-Kits, using add-ons for additional Charges if necessary. If the Med-Kit has 32 Charges, which should = 2 Health States worth of Healing, I would get 1 Health state, and 97% of another Health State. Even with successful Skill Checks. idk wtf it means but it only started after the patch because I played DbD until 5 AM yesterday and started it up again about 12 hours later.
A Blight that I managed to trick. I did the open the door a little then hide while he runs by. By the time he came back I was just finished opening the door and getting out. I had a Daily Ritual to perform 3 Hook Rescues as Jane which is the only reason I played her at all.
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He Chased me around the map twice and finally got me downed. Meg Sabotaged the Hook he took me to, and took a Hit, which let me wiggle off. Seconds later he rage-quit.
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Today was the day for fucking corn maps out the ass and I hated every minute of it.
Twitch dude spectated me running the Nurse around while I had on No Mither! So I clipped it! [1] [2] I’m actually really proud!
I had a Challenge to avoid 5 basic attacks from a nearby Killer and used Dead Hard and somehow this Michael kept falling for it enough for me to finish the Challenge in one match.
Faced a Hag who was silent af. I need to take notes or some shit. Silent traps + teleporting to any trap of my choosing seems to be the best build because I keep getting dry-fucked without the decency of a lube by those add-ons.
btw I got so many Hags today and idk why!!!!! All of them different people too! Why was she the choice today?
New Ghost Face ended up memeing when we had 1 Gen left cuz he wasn’t doing very well. He had a single Tier 1 Perk and that was it. But he was funny.
Pig ended up letting us go in the end. She was hilarious! I gave her my Med-Kit at the end, even though it was my last med-Kit and those seem to come up in my Bloodwebs sparingly.
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This dumbass Deathslinger downed me, the last guy, nodded over my body like he did something cool, and then went to close the Hatch. However, I had found a Purple Key in the shack and knew I could get to it. So I watched what direction he went in while using Unbreakable and the second I got off the ground I was perfectly Healed up cuz he closed the Hatch! And instead of staying by the Hatch, he went to check the doors! So I went to the shack, where the Hatch happened to be, got the Key from the Basement, and left. I swapped out a good Med-Kit but it was worth it to punish the Killer for dumb decisions.
So I decided to change my Blendette’s cosmetics back to the most basic, original outfit she has, with no charms attached, so I’d look like a newb. I then loaded into a lobby with all P3 Survivors. The Survivors and the Killer, left the lobby immediately! So I waited like 10 seconds and a new Killer loaded in, and then a few more seconds after that, the same 3 Survivors(apparently swf) all loaded into the lobby again! They decided to stay this time. The game was great! Specifically, I followed Pyramid Head down into the Basement and then proceeded to unHook everyone with my Borrowed Time while he was leaving, and we all managed to Escape!
Did it again! Got a Trapper with Iridescent add-ons, who didn’t trap his Hex Totem well enough. I crouched around it and he came upon me while I was doing it, but I guess he assumed I popped the trap? Anyway, he walked into his own trap before he could hit me, while the Totem broke at the same time. I then walked around him and ran off. problem is, maybe his sensitivity is shit or something cuz he turned all the way around in place after getting himself out of the trap, and then got trapped again! In the endgame, I only got a door half open before he got a hit in, so I ran toward the person on the Hook and got downed under them. Killer left me there instead of trying to get a Kill. I planned to use my Unbreakable to get up and then get Kate. Bill comes up and gets her instead and the Trapper Chases them toward the other door. I Unbreakable as planned, use my Syringe, and then Sprint Burst toward the same door. I get Healed up just as I reach the door and slip out right behind the Killer’s back! All cuz he thought the newb wouldn’t have any good Perks and would get left behind.
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And again, against a Pumpkinhead Nurse! Another Escape! Even when someone killed themselves on the Hook in the early game! We just rotated distracting her and I even got to use Unbreakable because Dwight tried to Flashlight save me and the Killer got annoyed and dropped me. I then did the Gen next to me once I got up, which was what got us out. Beautiful!
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It’s just Feng Min and I left in the match. 3 Gens to go. I did the first two by myself btw. I’ve finally been Hooked. Feng Min is legit a few meters away from me and the Oni had gone to check the other side of the map for her. She doesn’t make an effort to save me once. She just circles my Hook so she won’t get crows. I realize by Hook Stage 2, what she’s doing. She knows I have a Key. Even if the Killer closes the Hatch, she could re-open it. Well, joke’s on her, I always equip a Weaved Ring add-on so if I die, the Key comes with me! So I held out my entire 2nd Hook Stage, died, and then spectated to see her crouching around the foot of the Hook, looking for my key! The Oni got her.
Got some great, instant revenge. I end up with swf teammates so I knew they wouldn’t help me. I was right. #1 fucks me over so I get Hooked, but then she gets downed seconds later and is Hooked too. #2 comes running from my left. Her friend is Hooked to my right. She doesn’t even stop. She runs right by the front of my Hook, to go and get her friend. She saves her, but gets downed in return. #3 comes by now and takes a Hit so #1 can Escape. I’m in Hook Stage 2 now and have a sliver of life left. #1 gets me off the Hook and I run far away and Heal myself and then Blendette for the remaining bit of the match. I did a whole Gen by myself already, and broke 3 Totems before being Hooked. They can handle each other since that was obviously their plan from the start. #1 dies soon. #3 follows after. #2 gets Hooked and I’m on the other side of the map. I know where the Hatch is, but I’m petty. I pretend like I’m dodging the Killer and then Sprint Burst toward her. I then go right by her and arc all the way back around the map and teabag on the Hatch until she dies. Of course she was pissed and had something to say which involved me not being a ‘team player’ and how rude it was for me to let her die so I could get Hatch. “u left me on the hook fr 2 mins. ur the reason i almost died. dont talk bout playin fr the team.” Her friends said nothing to me and she went silent after that bit.
I managed to get a perfect 32K pt game with my Spirit! First Killer game of the day!
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So I’m doing a Gen, looking out for the Killer since I didn’t know who it was yet and don’t know what to expect. I look to my left, nothing. I look to my right, nothing. I look back to my left to find a pasty white face up against mine! I panicked and dropped my controller because a crouching, dark figure with a pasty white face meant “Ghost Face”. It took a few seconds for me to realize that it was a Jeff with a particular cosmetic on. He deliberately did that shit to scare me. Fucking Jeffs.
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