#that all of us have something so capable of such effortless creation within us
syn0vial · 3 years
the fact that lucid dreaming is a skillset we as humans can just like, develop and exercise like any other is WILD to me (pun intended). i was having trouble falling asleep last night, so i just like... induced sleep paralysis and wriggled into a lucid dream. spent the whole time flying around, giving myself sparkly insect wings, and riding a pegasus bc why the hell not. the fact that my brain can spontaneously generate a hyper-realistic simulated reality that i'm then free to hang out in for a bit blows my mind. the fact that i can remember the mundane steps it took to get to this point (learning to induce sleep paralysis, to transition from sleep paralysis to dreaming, developing dream recall, getting consistent enough at lucid dreaming to practice flying, etc) blows my mind. even after years of practice, it still feels like some crazy fantasy novel shit and i can't believe it's just something we can do.
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redantsunderneath · 3 years
On Analysis Part 1 - Hermeneutics and Configurative reading (the “what” part)
“Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol. And then he said that he was reading Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's. Leaving aside the fact that A Simple Heart and A Christmas Carol were stories, not books, there was something revelatory about the taste of this bookish young pharmacist, who ... clearly and inarguably preferred minor works to major ones. He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pecouchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers. What a sad paradox, thought Amalfitano. Now even bookish pharmacists are afraid to take on the great, imperfect, torrential works, books that blaze a path into the unknown. They choose the perfect exercises of the great masters. Or what amounts to the same thing: they want to watch the great masters spar, but they have no interest in real combat, when the great masters struggle against that something, that something that terrifies us all, that something that cows us and spurs us on, amid blood and mortal wounds and stench.” ― Roberto Bolano, 2666
Much of the background for this post in particular comes from Paul Fry’s Yale lecture course about the theory of literature.  This is a great starting course for interpretation and textual analysis and, yes, film and TV shows are text.
In futzing around with this stuff, what am I doing?  Less charitably, what do I think I’m even trying to do, here? Many feel that applying theory to art and entertainment is as pretentious as the kind of art or entertainment that encourages it. It’s understandable.  Many examples of analysis are garbage and even people capable of good work get going in the wrong direction due to fixations or prejudices they aren’t even aware of and get swept away by the mudslide of enthusiasm into the pit of overreach. That’s part of the process. But this stuff has an actual philosophical grounding, so let’s start by looking at the stories history of trying to figure out “texts.”
Ideas about the purpose of art, what it means to be an author, and how it is best to create go back to the beginning of philosophy but (outside of some notable examples) there is precious little consideration of the reception of art and certainly not a feeling that it was a legitimate field of study until more recently. The Greeks figured the mind would just know how to grok it because what it was getting at was automatically universal and understanding was effortless to the tune mind. But the idea that textual analysis should be taken seriously began with the literal texts of the Torah (Rabbinical scholarship) and then the Bible, but mostly in closed circles.
Hermeneutics as we know it began as a discipline with the Protestant Reformation since the Bible was now available to be read.  Sooooo, have you read it? It’s not the most obvious or coherent text.  Reading it makes several things clear about it: 1. It is messy and self contradictory; 2. A literal reading is not possible for an honest mind and isn’t advisable in any event; 3. It is extremely powerful and mysterious in a way that makes you want to understand, your reach exceeding your grasp. This is like what I wrote about Inland Empire - it captures something in a messy, unresolvable package that probably can’t be contained in something clear and smooth. This interpretive science spread to law and philosophy for reasons similar to it’s roots in text based religion - there was an imperative to understand what was meant by words.
Hans-Georg Gadamer is the first to explicitly bring to bear a theory of how we approach works.  He was a student of Martin Heidegger, who saw the engagement with “the thing itself” as a cyclic process that was constructive of meaning, where we strive to learn from encounters and use that to inform our next encounter.  Gadamer applied this specifically to how we read a text (for him, this means philosophical text) and process it.  Specifically he strove to, by virtue of repeated reading and rumination which is informed by prior readings (on large and small scales, even going back and forth in a sentence), “align the horizons” of the author and the reader.  The goal of this process is to arrive at (external to the text) truth, which was for him the goal of the enterprise of writing and reading to begin with.  This is necessary because the author and reader both carry different preconceptions to the enterprise (really all material and cultural influences on thinking) that must be resolved.
ED Hirsch had a lifelong feud with Gadamer over this, whipping out Emanuel Kant to deny that his method was ethically sound.  He believed that to engage in this activity otherizes and instrumentalizes the author and robs them of them being a person saying something that has their meaning, whether it is true or false.  We need to get what they are laying down so we can judge the ideas as to whether they are correct or not.  It may be this is because he wasn’t that sympathetic a reader - he’s kind of a piece of work - and maybe his thheory was an excuse to act like John McLaughlin.  He goes on to have a hell of a career fucking up the US school system
But it’s Wolfgang Iser that comes in with the one neat trick which removes (or at least makes irrelevant) the knowability problem, circumvents the otherizing problem, and makes everything applicable to any text (e.g. art, literature) by bringing in phenomenology, specifically Edmund Husserl’s “constitution” of the world by consciousness. It makes perfect sense to bring phenomenology into interpretive theory as phenomenology had a head start as a field and is concerned with something homologous - we only have access to our experience of <the world/the text> and need to grapple with how we derive <reality/meaning> from it.  Husserl said we constitute reality from the world using our sensory/cognitive apparatus, influenced by many contingencies (experiential, cultural, sensorial, etc) but that’s what reality is and It doesn’t exist to us unbracketed. Iser said we configure meaning from the text using our sensory/cognitive apparatus, influenced by many contingencies (experiential, cultural, sensorial, etc) but that’s what meaning is and It doesn’t exist to us unbracketed.  Reality and meaning are constructed on these contingencies, and intersubjective agreement is not assured.
To Iser, we create a virtual space (his phrase) where we operate processes on the text to generate a model what the text is saying, and this process has many inputs based on our dataset external to the text (not all of which is good data) as well as built in filters and mapping legends based on our deeper preconceptions (which may be misconceptions or “good enough” approximations).  Most if this goes on without any effort whatsoever, like the identification of a dog on the street.  But some of it is a learned process - watch an adult who has never read comics try to read one.  These inputs, filters, and routers can animate an idea of the author in the construct, informing our understanding based on all sorts of data we happen to know and assumptions about how certain things work.
This is reader response theory, that meaning is generated in the mind by interaction with the text and not by the text, though Stanley Fish didn’t accent the “in the mind part” and name the phenomenon until years later. Note that Gadamer is largely prescriptive and Hirsch is entirely prescriptive while Iser is predominantly descriptive.  He’s saying “this is how you were doing it all along,” but by being aware of the process, we can gain function.
For those keeping score:   1. Gadamer, after Heidegger’s cyclic process at constructing an understanding of the thing itself, centers on a point between the author and reader and prioritizes universal truth. 2. Hirsch, after Kant’s ethical stand on non instrumentalization, centers on hearing what the author is saying and prioritizes the judging the ideas. 3. Iser, after Husserl’s constituted reality, centers on configuring a multi-input sense of the text within a virtual (mental) space and prioritizes meaning.
Everything after basically comes out of Iser and is mostly restatement with focusing/excluding of elements.  The 20th century mindset, from the logical positivists to Bohr’s view that looking for reality underlying the wave form was pointless, had a serious case of God (real meaning, ground reality) is dead.  W.K. Wimsatt and M. C. Beardsley’s intentional fallacy, an attempt to caution interpreters to steer clear of considering what the god-author meant, begat death of the author which attempted to take the author entirely out of the equation - it was less likely you’d ever understand the if you focused on that!  To me, this is corrective to trends at the time and not good praxis -  it excludes natural patterns of reading in which the author is configured, rejects potentially pertinent data, and limits some things one can get out of the text.
Meanwhile formalism/new criticism (these will be discussed later in a how section) focused on just what was going on in the text with as few inputs as possible, psychoanalytics and historicism looked to interrogate the inputs/filters to the sense making process, postmodernism/deconstruction attacked those inputs/filters making process questioning whether meaning was not just contingent but a complete illusion, and critical studies became obsessed with specific strands of oppression and hegemony as foundational filters that screw up the inputs.   But the general Iser model seems to be the grandfather of everything after.  
Reader intersubjectivity is an area of concern.  In the best world, the creation of art is in part an attempt to find the universal within the specific, something that resonates and speaks to people.  A very formative series of David Milch lectures (to me at least) proffer that if you find a scene, idea, whatever, that is very compelling to you, your job is to figure out what in it is “fanciful” (an association specific to you) and how to find and bring out the universal elements. But people’s experiences are different and there be many ideas of what a piece of art means without there being a dominant one. So the building of models within each mind leaves a lot to consider as the final filtered input is never quite the same. There is a lot of hair on this dog (genres engender text expectations that an author can subvert by confusing the filter, conflicting input can serve a purpose, the form of a guided experience can be a kind of meaning, on and on ad nauseum)
The ultimate question, you might ask, is why we need to do this at all.  I mean, I understood Snow White perfectly fine as a kid.  There’s no “gap” that needs to be leaped.  The meaning of the movie is evident enough on some level without vivisecting it.  The Long answer to what we gain from looking under Snow’s skirt is the next episode.  The short is: 1. You are doing it anyway.  That Snow White thing, you were doing thhat to Snow White you just weren’t conscious of the process.
2. It’s fun. The process only puts a tool of enjoyment in your arsenal.  You don’t have to use it all the time.
3. You’ll see stuff you like in new ways.  The way Star Wars works is really interesting!
4. It may give dimensions to movies that are flawed or bad, and you might wind up liking them.  Again, more to love.
5. It is sometimes necessary to get to a full (or any) appreciation of some complicated works as the most frustrating and resistant stuff to engage with is sometimes the most incredible. 
6. It reinforces your involvement in something you like.  It makes you more connected and more hungry, like any good exercise.
7. You can become more aware of what those preconceptions and biases are, which might give you insights in other areas of your life.
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lilflowerpot · 4 years
Sorry if this is *spoilers* for later chapters, but would LB Lotor be capable of performing alchemy? One of the things that annoyed me about VLD was that despite his passion for studying it, Lotor failed to gain the knowledge of Oriande and never actually did any alchemy, and was instead reliant on Allura to help finish Sincline. I know that maybe he can’t due to his Galra half, but with his mother having been a skilled alchemist, I feel like he might have inherited some sort of adeptness at it.
I’m going to kind of talk around the topic, because to answer you directly really would result in a whole slew of spoilers for later in the narrative.
So Altean Alchemy as a whole will definitely play a role in the future (and it’s one of those things I’ve dropped little hints at already) because I found the Oriande storyline really interesting, and it explained a lot with regards to the actual construction of Voltron, and later Sincline. Obviously within the lore of Little Blade, you already know that their sentience wasn’t manufactured but rather acquired due to the trans-reality ore both were crafted from being essentially infused with the ethereal consciousnesses that exist within Sa (the gap between dimensions); my point being, Altean Alchemy didn’t give Voltron “life”, which raises the question of what it did do, and why it was necessary to Voltron’s construction. My take on this, is that while the Lions’ sentience is organic, as fragments of the same being they do not deal well with being forced into separate physical forms, and so Altean Alchemy was necessary for them to be allowed to physically transform and combine (lest they go mad, like another couple of Sa’s victims we know).
I initially touched upon this during the Pidge & Lotor conversation in chapter 8:
“The Secrets of Oriande: Alchemy and its Roots.” She raises her eyes from the cover, ignorant to how she has just risen in Lotor’s estimation by her effortless comprehension of the written Altean cursive. “What’s a book on Altean voodoo got to do with the Lions?”
“This Altean voodoo, was fundamental to Voltron’s creation,” it’s also the one piece of the puzzle Lotor himself is yet to solve - the one facet of knowledge that evades him, and therefore prevents his ships from ever truly becoming Voltron’s equal.
and also:
“That’s impossible,” Pidge interjects, reminding Lotor that she’s still with them, “Coran told us about the original Paladins. The void creatures were corrupt. Dangerous. Alfor wanted to use Voltron to keep them out of our universe.”
“True,” Lotor concedes, “but is Voltron not dangerous? You have to combat like with like, after all, and the creatures found beyond the Rift were not so much evil as they were insatiable. Without physical form to contain them, their hunger cannot be quelled, and even then the corporeal body must be an adequate container, lest my father be the result.”
Lotor recognises that he can’t complete Sincline without sufficient knowledge and understanding of Altean Alchemy, which he does not yet have, so it’s definitely something he’s intent on seeking out: if he doesn’t, Kra, Li, and Ept will forever remain separate (it’s not about being physically one at all times, it’s about forging the connection that allows this, because without it they’ll become unstable… unhinged), and that does not bode well for anyone. As you’ve said, Honerva was a skilled alchemist, and genetically speaking Lotor has the capacity to become so, but as to whether he does or not…?
In other words, while I can’t give you a definitive answer one way or another, this is an important narrative thread that I’ve considered in great detail, and it does play out differently to canon.
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faronmckenzie · 6 years
7 Steps to Manifestation
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1. VISION - have an idea, image, dream, wish, picture of what you say you want. Having some initial concept or vision.
2. DESIRE - this goes hand in hand with the idea of excitement. The things that you see that you say you want must be accompanied by a strong energy, emotion. That energizes the vision. Pumps energy into it. Emotion = Energy in Motion. Strong, intense all consuming desire for the Manifestation of that reality.
3. BELIEF - you must know, explore, examine within yourself that you have the belief that it is POSSIBLE to manifest this thing. That you DESERVE this thing. Your beliefs are going to allow this thing to be possible. So get in touch with the idea of what you do believe, and find out what you would prefer to believe. Find out where the beliefs you had came from, why you insist (or have insisted) on maintaining them, why they have worked for you, why you are motivated to believe those definitions and determine in your imagination new definitions that are more representative of what you really desire. And then KNOW that those new beliefs are in effect, and that’s the 4th step…
4. ACCEPTANCE - you must totally accept yourself and the new belief as true, without question, without a shadow of a doubt. Just as you accepted the old belief. The first 4 steps are what you call, in effect, the
SET-UP. The last 3 are; Once you have the vision, the desire, the belief + accepted it totally, then you need…
5. The INTENTION - You must intend to manifest it. You can want something but not neccessarily intend it - with your will, with your focus to manifest it. It must be a conscious CHOICE. Not an effort, but a focus. This is also known as your conscious commandment of your reality. After that…
6. ACTION - you must act like you’re already in the state of that reality you want. You must BEHAVE as if the reality already exist in the present. You must do the things you would do in the way you would do them as if the reality already existed for you. You must GROUND all the vision, desire etc. in the actions that you do. So that your BEHAVIOR and YOUR BODY LANGUAGE are different than they used to be, and representative of the reality that you are now focused on. Rather than of the reality you no longer prefer. Because your body language is really telling what you believe you are capable of. And what you really believe exists for you at present. After you have build up that intense cloud of vision, that intense emotional desire, that crystal clear belief, after you have totally accepted that this is true for you, after you have focused your intention and have your actions to reflect it, you…
7. Absolutely, totally DETACH from any outcome at all. Allowance is the last step, you have to LET IT GO. Utterly, utterly!!UNCONDITIONALLY. That’s the power of paradox. You’re using the power of the paradox of the existence of creation. The dark and the light, both sides of the polarity. You have to have, in order to manifest anything, an absolute intensity of what you want - with absolutely NO EXPECTATION that it has to manifest at all. That’s the BALANCE STATE you need to be in for the manifestation to be EFFORTLESS. You have to let it go.
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astromaven · 2 years
1. VISION - have an idea, image, dream, wish, picture of what you say you want. Having some initial concept or vision.
2. DESIRE - this goes hand in hand with the idea of excitement. The things that you see that you say you want must be accompanied by a strong energy, emotion. That energizes the vision. Pumps energy into it. Emotion = Energy in Motion. Strong, intense all consuming desire for the Manifestation of that reality.
3. BELIEF - you must know, explore, examine within yourself that you have the belief that it is POSSIBLE to manifest this thing. That you DESERVE this thing. Your beliefs are going to allow this thing to be possible. So get in touch with the idea of what you do believe, and find out what you would prefer to believe. Find out where the beliefs you had came from, why you insist (or have insisted) on maintaining them, why they have worked for you, why you are motivated to believe those definitions and determine in your imagination new definitions that are more representative of what you really desire. And then KNOW that those new beliefs are in effect, and that’s the 4th step…
4. ACCEPTANCE - you must totally accept yourself and the new belief as true, without question, without a shadow of a doubt. Just as you accepted the old belief. The first 4 steps are what you call, in effect, the
SET-UP. The last 3 are; Once you have the vision, the desire, the belief + accepted it totally, then you need…
5. The INTENTION - You must intend to manifest it. You can want something but not neccessarily intend it - with your will, with your focus to manifest it. It must be a conscious CHOICE. Not an effort, but a focus. This is also known as your conscious commandment of your reality. After that…
6. ACTION - you must act like you’re already in the state of that reality you want. You must BEHAVE as if the reality already exist in the present. You must do the things you would do in the way you would do them as if the reality already existed for you. You must GROUND all the vision, desire etc. in the actions that you do. So that your BEHAVIOR and YOUR BODY LANGUAGE are different than they used to be, and representative of the reality that you are now focused on. Rather than of the reality you no longer prefer. Because your body language is really telling what you believe you are capable of. And what you really believe exists for you at present. After you have build up that intense cloud of vision, that intense emotional desire, that crystal clear belief, after you have totally accepted that this is true for you, after you have focused your intention and have your actions to reflect it, you…
7. Absolutely, totally DETACH from any outcome at all. Allowance is the last step, you have to LET IT GO. Utterly, utterly!!UNCONDITIONALLY. That’s the power of paradox. You’re using the power of the paradox of the existence of creation. The dark and the light, both sides of the polarity. You have to have, in order to manifest anything, an absolute intensity of what you want - with absolutely NO EXPECTATION that it has to manifest at all. That’s the BALANCE STATE you need to be in for the manifestation to be EFFORTLESS. You have to let it go.
0 notes
drabbledays · 6 years
Silly: Chapter 2
No specific prompt was used in the creation of this chapter. It was more of a flow of ideas which (hopefully) links to the upcoming prompt/chapters. I was greatly encouraged by the response and feedback I’d received from chapter 1. And it really got me motivated and excited to continue :) All in all, Happy Reading! 
“Botan!” his sister cried again as she descended to assess the injured ferry girl. Hiei couldn’t comprehend the emotions within him as he digested the sight of the bloodied woman now lying limp at his sister’s feet. Something within him began to stir as he approached the attacker with his rage fueled flame on his right hand. Perhaps it was the idea that he allowed such a threat to come so close to his sister. Or maybe it was the disturbing absence of the reaper’s voice. The vagabond turned, seemingly unsurprised by Hiei’s presence and fired at him. Hiei didn’t even care to dodge as one particular bullet successfully made contact with his left shoulder. Perhaps it was pride, but truthfully he merely seek to instill more fear once his opponent realizes how powerless his prized weapon is against him.
 Hiei raised his arm, ready to unleash the pent up frustration upon the unfortunate vagabond through his demon flames. Sure, perhaps it was a little too much. But honestly, he could do with some overkill right now. Everything was progressing as it should. That is, right before he felt his demon energy silently drain from his body and eventually extinguishing along with his flames. It was like having air being sucked out of your soul. Subtle, yet surely, a part of him was gone. He stared at his empty hand, that mere seconds ago held a fire that would kill his enemies in an instant, but now it had never been so bare. Even more so as the tattoo of his greatest gain began to dissipate into the cold air around him.
 He afforded a quick glance at his sister who has been quick to tend to the injured ferry girl, yet showing more of a struggle than what would be considered normal.
 Something’s wrong. thought Hiei as he peered at the vagabond who was trying hard to contain his amusement.
 “Did you really think I’d come here unprepared?” said the stranger mockingly. “To think the Tarukane clan would be capable of developing such a beauty.” he continued as he reloaded his cursed revolver.
That wretched bastard. They were back for Yukina.  
 “Hiei,” Yukina called, “my powers aren’t working on Botan.”
 “Of course, these bullets were made to nullify your demon powers.” added the vagabond, with his weapon aimed back at Hiei. “None of your healing nonsense is going to work on the girl now. All you can do now is watch her die.” he fired, but only in vain as Hiei dodge and deflected it in an almost effortless manner. His demon energy may be impaired but he had retain enough of his speed and reflex to do this much.  
 “You’re a fool to believe that you’ll be spared from my sword.” said Hiei as he charged towards the man in question, skillfully slicing the dreaded weapon into pieces. The vagabond fled instinctively, also at disbelief that his relatively well thought out plan would backfire and leave him in danger. Hiei ran after him, and was about to strike his finishing blow when he heard, just barely, the ferry girl stir and mutter,
 Silly ferry girl.
 He thought to himself as he dropped the back of his hilt against the side of the vagabond’s neck, instantly knocking him unconscious. Yet, sparing him his life. The ferry girl must have wanted to stop him from killing this pathetic human. Probably to spare him from the consequences that would befall him from Spirit World. It’s a wonder how she can be so ignorant of her injuries and muster the strength to get that across to him. It’s a greater wonder that Hiei understood it and complied. It must have been all those hours of involuntarily observing her on all those visits. Maybe.
 He returned his sword to his scabbard and proceeded to unceremoniously lug the unconscious stranger into the nearby temple basement. He’d have some serious explaining to do once he wakes up. He’d love to force some answers out of him before knocking him out. But there were more pressing matters to attend to.
 “Hiei,” called Yukina, “help me take Botan inside.”
 He could feel her light and short wheeze as her body struggles for air. He noticed her eyes gradually dimming, almost fully absent of it’s usual spark. Her organs are probably messed up from the gun shots as well. And simply, she lost a lot of blood. Holding the ferry girl in his arms, he could no longer neglect that twisting feeling from before. Why does she willingly place herself in danger for Yukina’s sake? Why did she call out to him despite being in such a state? Why is she being so foolish.
 “Botan saved me.” he heard his sister whisper. “But… why can’t I do the same for her?” she continued. Something in Hiei died seeing the worry and that faint trace of self hate in Yukina’s words. She’s going to blame herself for everything. But Hiei wasn’t going to let that happen.
 “I know how you can save her.”
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multipandadom-blog · 6 years
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Points to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant
Working with a virtual assistant can shave hrs from the workweek, but knowing which tasks to delegate could be tricky, no matter if you happen to be commencing or increasing a small business. Most virtual assistants are contract or freelance employees who do their jobs from household and focus on administrative tasks which are very similar to those of an executive assistant or secretary. Sites that specialize in contract workers, this kind of as odesk.com and elance.com, have 1000's of listings for virtual assistants.
Using the amount of virtual assistants are expanding, their skills now runs the gamut, producing it a lot easier to seek out someone that fits your organization, says Jaleh Bisharat, vice president of marketing and advertising at oDesk.com, which can be based mostly in Redwood City, Calif. In 2012, oDesk had 25,000 postings for virtual assistant jobs, in contrast to about 2,500 in 2008.
Entrepreneurs can use virtual assistants for every little thing from generating vendor or customer support calls to sending out thank you cards to prospective customers. It is crucial to construct trust, just while you would which has a everlasting worker. "They turn into a workforce member who just happens to perform remotely," Bisharat says. Not positive the place to start out? 
How do I become a virtual assistant? I worked like a virtual assistant and I have employed my personal virtual assistants likewise. Right here are my suggestions to obtain started.
1. Come to a decision in the event you will operate as an independent contractor or an worker Independent contractors are self-employed and run their very own enterprises. For the other hand, some VAs prefer to perform for an established organization that matches VAs and clients.
The best way to Develop into A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Updated February one, 2018
Numerous many years in the past I wished to enhance our family’s cash flow, but I did not want a typical work. I had responsibilities I couldn’t immediately drop or hand off to someone else so versatility, producing my personal hrs and working from house were essential. Also, I didn’t have a large budget for new gear or elaborate coaching. I became a virtual assistant. It turned out to be an ideal runway for a full-time on-line career.
How you can turn into a virtual assistant.
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What on earth is a virtual assistant? A virtual assistant (VA) delivers solutions to men and women, organizations or firms, nevertheless they deliver the results on the net in place of going into an office.
It is a great work-at-home chance and 1 from the most cost-effective approaches of earning profits on the web simply because it is merely a matter of charging other folks for any ability you presently have.
Staying a VA (virtual assistant) is good mainly because you just charge to get a skill you already have. CLICK TO TWEET What do virtual assistants do? The internet has produced it attainable to complete a broad variety of points remotely, or, “virtually.”
A lot of people hear “virtual assistance” and feel only of administrative duties like typing and answering emails. However the selection of tasks VAs do is way more broad.
There are numerous providers you'll be able to offer pretty much. Right here can be a partial checklist:
E-mail management Calendar management Travel arrangement Writing Ghostwriting Graphic style and design / creation Internet layout / advancement Studying Editing Tutoring Audio / video / photograph editing Consulting / counseling / coaching Bookkeeping Copywriting Promoting / Promotion Social media management Undertaking management Customer support Transcription Programming App improvement Data entry Visioneering (folks send you images of their room/house/yard and you also provide ideas for improvement) Something else you'll be able to do devoid of obtaining for being inside the same bodily place as your consumer Simply how much do virtual assistants make? It is dependent upon your talent degree as well as the form of support you supply.
Tasks like data entry may possibly fetch $10-$15 an hour, but if you've got a specialized ability or skills, you may make $100 dollars an hour or more.
Most VAs set their own charges, so that you are in control. This is often an additional motive many people are making the leap into virtual support.
How do I develop into a virtual assistant? I worked as being a virtual assistant and I've employed my own virtual assistants as well. Right here are my recommendations to get started off.
one. Come to a decision if you will operate as an independent contractor or an worker Independent contractors are self-employed and run their particular businesses. Around the other hand, some VAs want to operate for an established enterprise that matches VAs and clients.
Independent contractor vs. worker Not confident if you want to operate for on your own or possibly a business? Right here are the advantages and disadvantages for every:
Pros of currently being an independent contractor
You function for oneself, which means you contact each of the shots. You set your individual pricing, you decide on your personal clientele, you may be your very own boss. Your operate hours are set wholly by you. Any revenue you make goes right to you, in place of being funneled through your employer who keeps a percentage. Cons of becoming an independent contractor
Working and being liable for your very own business. Like developing any small business, this choice will take quite a lot of time, energy and hustle. The accountability rests thoroughly in your shoulders. Finding your individual consumers. This can be troublesome, especially in the beginning before you have satisfied clientele who can advise your providers. Here while in the U.S., you're responsible to withhold and spend your own personal revenue taxes, like Social Safety, Medicare, and so forth. Pros of getting an worker
You may be only accountable for your function at the agreed upon times. It’s a fantastic scenario for anyone who want to clock in and clock out without the need of having to fear regarding the business otherwise. Customers are ordinarily matched with you by your employer, or, provide a platform wherever it’s effortless to connect with new consumers. No need to have to search out all of your clientele your self. You have a built-in support technique. A lot of corporations supply assets, equipment, community and assistance for their VAs. Cons of staying an worker
You should solution to an employer. This may possibly imply you could have recommendations to comply with. You may have less flexible hrs depending to the clientele your employer matches you with. Your spend is generally established for you. You could possibly favor staying an independent contractor if:
You like networking and hustle. You are an entrepreneur at heart. You like obtaining total handle. You dislike currently being an worker. You really don't will need quite a bit of revenue suitable away (within the event it requires a though to construct up your consumer list). You could favor becoming an employee if:
You choose currently being ready to clock in and clock out. You’d rather another person locate clients and inform you when and in which to demonstrate up. You like clear boundaries so get the job done doesn’t spill above into other elements of the existence. You will need revenue ideal away and really don't have or vitality to “pound the pavement” or setting up a enterprise. What about commencing at a VA organization then moving out on my very own? This is certainly attainable, however it will be difficult. There are legal and ethical challenges to take into account.
Most VA organizations include clauses inside their legal contracts prohibiting you from taking their clientele with you should you make a decision to depart. For instance, you can expect to really need to agree to not get in touch with any of their clientele for any specified time frame. Put simply, in the event you get the job done for any VA enterprise and therefore are matched that has a consumer, you can’t leave that company and motivate your client to retain the services of you on your own.
Having said that, if you ever choose to depart a company and start your very own VA business enterprise as an independent contractor, and uncover your very own customers, this may be an alternative.
2. Obtain a web-site This is certainly very important for independent contractors. Individuals want for being capable to locate you, so a presence within the net is essential. It gives you a even more qualified look, a chance to highlight a number of your techniques and a chance to make clear your approach.
Use my step-by-step manual to create a web site, or maybe a blog if you need to on a regular basis include content articles. (Note that the post title is “How to start a Blog” however the exact same actions get the job done to begin an internet site with this one particular modest tweak).
Independent contractors: a must-have An employed VA: optional (but not a terrible strategy in situation you wish to venture out by yourself later)
Be valuable As you interact on social media and network with other VAs, be very cautious not to run into as spammy. Mass emails or “cold” emails to those that do not know you happen to be hardly ever profitable.
I understand the need to make an earnings, but take the time to offer practical information to start with. This may well can be found in the kind of seriously practical articles written in your weblog, or it might come in the kind of genuinely useful (and respectful) recommendations to an individual you meet on-line.
In my situation, I casually provided some suggestions to a buddy on Twitter and it turned out for being the commence of the operating connection that lasted rather a whereas. Exactly where can I do the job as being a VA? If operating as an independent contractor and finding your personal consumers is just not your point, take into account functioning for any enterprise that matches VAs with customers. For some VAs, the aid in discovering consumers is well worth sharing the earnings.
Providers to take into account are Belay Solutions (formerly eaHelp) and Upwork. I’ve personally hired VAs from the two. Belay is usually a more elite service with quite thorough employing and matching processes. Upwork is known as a bigger platform and much easier to join, but you will be competing with additional VAs to the exact same jobs.
Some other suppliers to take into consideration are Priority VA or Fancy Hands. I really do not have personalized encounter with either, but have heard good important things about them.
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10 Best Video Marketing Tools Every Business Owners Should Know
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Video is now an essential part of marketing, especially when grabbing your viewer's attention. After all, Videos are responsible for almost 90% of the overall custom eCommerce website traffic.
By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic. That's a notable number, but what it says is that video is the future of online marketing.
Video content is great for social media marketing, lead generation, onboarding, and attracting more website traffic. But as great as video marketing is, it's even more important to pick the right video marketing tool to create your content. With so many new apps and tools on the block, it can be hard for the right fit for your video marketing needs.
Today, we're going to go through the ten best video marketing tools every business owner should know if they plan to master video marketing.
Video Marketing Tool #1: Canva
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Best For: This tool is a do-it-yourself marketer's favorite. Canva is an online editor, graphic tool, and now a video marketing tool that helps you create videos without the technical skills or hiring a professional.
You can create videos for multiple online platforms
Limitless templates and modern designs
Multiple design elements and tools
Easy to use and great for beginners
Great customer support and quick resolution
Seamless marketing app integrations
This app allows you to create teams to work on one or multiple projects all at once
You have to upgrade to access professional tools.
Only Canva Pro users have access to some basic graphic designing features like alpha transparency for PGN images.
Mobile version is not as flexible as the desktop version.
There's a learning curve first-time users have to overcome.
Free Account Available
Pro Account: $12.95
Enterprise: $30.00
Video Marketing Tool #2: TubeBuddy
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Best For: Tube Buddy is one of the top YouTube management and analyzing tools. Some of the most popular YouTubers use Tube Buddy tools. It helps with video SEO, promotion, and publishing.
Each plan comes with a thumbnail generation so that you can create thumbnails without a third-party app.
Easily schedule your videos and post, all in one place.
Easily monitor your videos across social media platforms (Reddit, Pinterest, and Twitter).
Find keywords that will help improve your video's SEO.
Real-life competitor analysis
Use video A/B testing features to see what your videos' elements hinder or help increase views and subscribers.
Tube Buddy comes with a supportive and engaging community for YouTubers.
You'll have to upgrade to get access to advanced features and tools.
You'll need multiple Tube Buddy accounts if you have multiple channels.
Pro Plan: $9/month
Star Plan: $19/month
Legend Plan: $49/month
TubeBuddy Enterprise: Contact their sales team for details
Video Marketing Tool #3: VidIQ
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Best For: This video marketing tool gives you insight into YouTube analytics to help you build a loyal audience of consumers. Vid IQ helps you to use data to create a strategy to keep you on track.
This tool is easy to install and use within minutes.
Get access to real-time data with every video along with keyword research to improve your next video.
This tool comes with a Chrome and Firefox extension.
Comes with a desktop and mobile version so you can analyze your videos on the go.
The desktop version is far better than the mobile version.
Only one user per account. There doesn't seem to be the option to add a team.
Basic Plan: Free
Pro Plan: $7.50/month
Boost Plan: $39/month
Boost+ Plan: $415/month
Video Marketing Tool #4: Vidyard
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Best For: Vidyard is a video marketing tool for professionals who want to create an expert recording with their screen or webcam for live presentations or videos. Vidyard has built-in video analytics so you can track video engagement, learn more about your audience, and turn views into results.
Vidyard allows you to create videos for lead generation, employee training, and corporate communications.
It's a built-in analytics tool that helps you to measure the performance of your video marketing.
This app comes with video hosting capabilities.
Easily share the videos you create on social networking sites.
This app integrates with over 40+ marketing software tools.
You can only create videos with your screen recording and webcam.
Learning curve of using the platform can be hard for new users.
Limited video editing tools. If you want something more advanced, you'll need to use third-party software.
Free Account Available
Pro Plan: $15/month
Teams Plan: $300/month
Business Plan: $1250/month
Video Marketing Tool #5: Animoto
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Best For: Similar to Filmora and Canva, Animoto allows you to create videos from scratch, edit recorded videos, and upload videos to fit your online or social media platforms. Animoto is a trusted online editor used by marketers, vloggers, or photographers who want to make videos.
Create slideshow videos to showcase your work or portfolio.
Use their built-in storyboard templates to plan and execute your videos with ease.
Access unlimited text, fonts, colors, stock images, music, and design elements.
Use their drag-and-drop video maker to edit your video in minutes.
Select industry-specific templates to make videos that suit your needs and niche.
You have to upgrade to remove the Animoto logo or add your logo as a watermark on the video.
Interface is a bit clunky and not as flexible as other video editors.
Free Account Available
Professional Plan: $15/month
Teams Plan: $39/month
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Video Marketing Tool #6: Filmora
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Best For: Filmora is one of the top-rated and awarded video marketing and creation tools. It has more advanced editing and design features when compared to other online video tools. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, this tool works perfectly for you.
This has a simple but multi-functional video editing interface that helps users create interactive videos.
Video templates are made for social media or online platforms.
This tool can work on Windows and Mac and is available on Android and iOS with the name "FilmoraGo."
Comes with over 400+ different transition effects for your video.
Unless you plan to upgrade, you won't have access to the majority of the video editing and exporting features.
Limited audio effects or editing options for videos.
Keyframes not only in the Pro version.
Color grading tool is limited. No color wheel, curve, or waveform is available for use.
Pricing: The Mac version of Filmora costs $44.99 per year or $59.99 for outright purchase, while the newer Windows version is $39.99 and also $59.99 outright
Video Marketing Tool #7: Magisto
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Best For: Magisto is another top-ranking video editing tool that should be on your radar. This tool helps small business owners who can't afford an expert for daily video marketing tasks.
The user interface allows you to upload, sort easily, and edit videos without going through a huge learning curve. *Multiple options for themes, music, styles, and video transitions. *Easy to use video templates and designs, so you don't have to create videos from scratch. *Magisto allows you to host, download, and share all without leaving the platform.
There's a time limit on videos. Videos can't be longer than 10 minutes.
Magisto has no mobile versions of this app, so you'll have to use your desktop.
Premium Plan: $4.99/ month
Professional Plan: $9.99/month
Business Plan: $34.99/ month
Video Marketing Tool #8: Biteable
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Best For: Biteable is a professional video marketing app that helps users make stunning videos to sell more products or craft video ads.
Easily access tools to create professional animations and videos.
Great drag and drop features to create engaging and polished videos.
Seamlessly edit scenes, adding in graphics and templates.
Each account gets access to a limitless stock library for audio tracks.
Comes with customization tools to make your branded videos.
Biteable updates regularly, and this might add some lagging or bugs along the way.
There's no option for square format Instagram videos.
You can't download videos created using the free plan.
Limited access to tools unless you've upgraded.
Free Account Available
Plus Plan: $19/month
Ultimate Plan: $49/month
Video Marketing Tool #9: WeVideo
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Best For: Ranked as one of the top 10 Video Editing Software products. It's a multi-platform video editor that offers an uninterrupted editing experience that allows you to edit in multiple video, audio, image, and graphic formats. It also provides many features that enable the effortless creation of stunning movies in just minutes.
Instantly publish your edits to YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media channels.
Create high-quality videos (up to 4K resolution) to show off your video in the best light.
Edit your videos on your desktop or mobile without restriction.
The tool also offers built-in images, graphics, audio, and video; and also provides a green screen feature.
Easily create videos with their easy to use interface.
You can only render or download your videos in 1080p unless you've upgraded to their business plan.
You can only publish videos for a total of 5 minutes per month using the free account.
Pro Plan: $4.99/month
Unlimited Plan: $6.39/month
Professional Plan: $12.59/month
Business Plan: $29.99/month
Video Marketing Tool #10: Shakr
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Best For: Shakr is a top tier video marketing tool that helps you create professional-grade advertisements in second for your brand promotions. This tool offers around 1000 video designs to choose from for your brand.
Choose from hundreds of video designs created by top motion graphic experts.
It's made for agencies or start-ups that want to invest in a video marketing tool for their design or marketing team.
Videos are made with social media and online advertising in mind.
You don't need to have professional video training. It's easy to use interface makes you a quick learner.
Custom prices and tools are given based on your video marketing requirements.
Con's: The cost may be too high for some entrepreneurs or individuals
Start Plan: $200/month
Scale Plan: Custom Pricing
Beyond Plan: Custom Pricing
The Rundown
Video marketing is constantly changing with new updates, tools, and platforms. If you're not careful, you might just be left behind. At Wishpond, we know how powerful video marketing can be for your advertising purposes. After all, it's one of the ways we help our customers to generate leads and sales.
Whether you're a B2B or B2C company, you're going to use marketing at some point. Instead of stumbling around waiting for the best next thing, I've compiled a list of our best video marketing guides to help you learn, grow, and execute the best video marketing strategy for your brand:
Video Marketing Guides:
10 Amazing B2C Video Marketing Tips You Have to Try
5 Ways to Attract More Customers with Ecommerce Video Marketing
16 Mind-Blowing B2B Video Marketing Tips to Increase Sales
16 Best Paid & Free Social Media Video Maker Apps for Marketers
4 Mind-Blowing Ways to Promote Your App with Video Content
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Cloud-computing - A Win For Every One
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Cloud computing is a sort of computing at which applications, resources and information are handled in a digital environment. The expression cloud computing systems, specifically the employment of this word"cloud", it supposed to reflect the character and architecture of cloud computing computing. Cloud computing calls for virtual hosted environments, allowing users to attach into the professional services being hosted online.
Google Apps can be really a superb instance of cloudcomputing as organizations to no more require the demand for installed wordprocessing applications, inhouse email servers, even multiple IT employees and a lot more cost saving edges. Google Apps allows businesses to get into most of the services including email, internet site hosting, calendar, record editing/creation and considerably more directly through an internet browser. Microsoft also has entered the cloudcomputing world by incorporating its present computer software like Word and prognosis with internet storage and effortless access.
Many hosting organizations and a good few online retailers are starting to give hosting services that are cloud. Rackspace, an online hosting company, has started to offer cloud hosting services for customers who want to own cloud software within an environment regulated by these. Amazon.com is additionally offering cloud hosting services because of the large infrastructure and online bandwidth capacities. Most cloud hosting services businesses offer you easy installation and production of all cloud hosting using simple user interfaces. Most cloud hosting businesses have daily usage pricing rather than flat rate pricing. Users only pick up the bill for the quantity of processing, storage and bandwidth they utilize. This pricing strategy rewards both cloud hosting organizations and endusers.
There are three Chief variants of Cloudcomputing:
IaaS (infrastructure-as something ): The demand for high priced equipment is out sourced. Rather than businesses purchasing high priced equipment including servers, hard disks and media equipment, they'd alternatively be utilized within the Cloud and managed by means of a cloud calculating company. The company entity would make use of the digital equipment to get an expense usage basis. A tiny company selling cloud software to organizations uses PaaS into"server" the cloud software and then also have them run away of their cloud servers rather than having them run away of servers that are in-house. The organization selling the software pays for the professional services predicated on a processor/bandwidth foundation. This permits small organizations to buy a-la-carte certification for software they can use rarely. Rather than buying 1-5 permits a corporation can as an alternative just pay once the computer software is currently used and removing the limits how many machines that the applications can be set up on. IaaS, Infrastructure as something, is now the most frequently used cloud support. Organizations can completely get rid of the dependence on costly network equipment, costly bandwidth to encourage their network, high priced network storage equipment along with a whole lot more. A business only pays what they use against the cloud infrastructure hence eliminating the funds dropped because of absence of use internally media equipmentand bandwidth, etc.. Since IaaS increases more popularity along with more cloud hosting hosting organizations emerge, costs could possibly drop much more because of over supply and elevated cloud hosting contest. PaaS, Platform as something, is next to IaaS concerning fame and user adoption. A tiny company selling cloud software or cloud solutions doesn't need to host the software but may alternatively have them hosted everywhere. Platform as something conserves the company attempting to sell the applications/services as costly network equipment, bandwidth and also the importance of additional IT employees are alternatively out sourced to an cloud hosting company. This permits cloud application businesses and perhaps even tiny programmers the capability to put in the cloud software marketplace with no necessity for appreciable startup capital. PaaS has got the potential to over take IaaS concerning consumer adoption and total use.
It's a winwin for both users and the applications businesses. Consumers cut costs as heavily priced applications permits are no more mandatory on account of the simple fact that individuals are paying as soon as the computer software is employed. The need to have to obtain applications in majority will be removed and every consumers' applications demands are habit satisfied dependent on usage. Additionally, this is a triumph for cloud computer software organizations since it'll draw more consumers as a result of customized pricing version. Consumers that couldn't pay the high price tag of majority computer software permits will then have the ability to get based entirely on their applications usage requirements. SaaS has got the potential to fully revolutionize the computer software business and might even suppress software piracy.
The personalized character of cloud computing computing is the thing that makes it a well known and newly adopted online technology. It can revolutionize the manner social and regular computing is conducted. It's an excellent winwin situation for both the cloud organizations and consumers.
Possible Fact
Additionally, there are downsides to cloudcomputing, specifically in online storage and client software. A company that uses cloud calculating to sponsor its email, record editing, calendars as well as other software can be closed down if your cloud hosting hosting company undergoes downtime. This particular disadvantage was that the case in February 24th, 2009, when Google Apps in addition to G-mail were down for many hours. The down-time additionally hypothesized when Google could return thus can every other contains. Confidence in cloudcomputing may possibly have already been hindered next particular down-time even though Google has promised it doesn't happen . Google Apps services over 1 million businesses across the globe and could be the pioneer in cloud computing calculating software.
Security can be a possible disadvantage to computing. Businesses which are ready to embrace the power to host their own services onto the cloud could be loath to do this before security of cloud computing computing was greatly proven and thoroughly analyzed. Huge businesses might think about the further expenses of inhouse system hosting outweigh the possible security risks related to hosting. A security violation between the companys' cloud storage has the possibility of disaster. When cloud computing systems may show that its security is a lot superior than any at-home hosting that will allow it to develop and over take the proportion of businesses which have in house IT infrastructures.
Cloudcomputing remains in its infancy and it is predicted to develop and reevaluate the method of routine computing. A lot of assume that cloudcomputing will one day takeover now's desktop computing altogether. Until extreme software are developed for use within the cloud, even background computing will continue the basic of normal computing. Cloud-computing invention is rapid so that since brand new cloud technologies emerge people will begin to embrace cloud.
Current browser technologies aren't current with cloud computing computing capacities, particularly in the mobile computing universe. Until browser tech evolves to suit the capacities of cloud computing computing, cloud computing systems will continue being a comparatively straightforward system of computing.
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This system could try taking some time to grasp, dedicated and now not taking part in you've gotten inform you it a couple of times will absolutely have mastered an convenient method of cooking. Chicken may be additionally roasted in the crock pot or baked in a casserole, there may be nonetheless nothing juicier and more flavorful than a fowl roasted the old-customary method your market oven.
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I found out that Libby's Spaghetti & Meatballs In Tomato Sauce has many huge meatballs of their product. Has been a pleasant discovery. The spaghetti noodles are al all long and weighty. There may be quite somewhat of tomato sauce on this dish, might be just a little excellent deal and i spotted how the sauce did overpower diet plan noodles. There have been is perfect for microwave cook ing and that's how I selected to prepare it. I simplest to be capable to empty the contents belonging to the can right into a microwave nontoxic bowl, duvet and cook on high for a couple of moments. This dish smelled excellent. It looked exceptional! I did stir it earlier than serving.
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K'uro Leliel (REDUX)
Thank you so much for reviewing this guy the first time around. I did feel like I gave a little too little context to the universe as well as make him seem to overpowered while also failing to actually leave room to develop. I tried to make him less of “all-powerful Bethesda protag” and more like “Pretty Good still, but receiving consequences” I’ve tried to rectify that. Again, thank you, you guys are great.
Read the rest under the cut. ~Cori
The Teamverse follows the story of various four-person teams called Teams (creative, yes.) The first few were born out of necessity and chance, but by K'uro’s part of the story, the Teams have consolidated and become a proper organization dedicated to fighting any unscheduled trouble in the multiverse. Teams can consist of a cowboy grandma, two Pokemon and a Mobian (Part I), a human, a dubious moraled candy monarch, a Dwemer Neopet, and the literal personification of heroism itself (Part II), or in the case of K'uro’s part (Part III), a cat vampire, a demon Pokemon, a bee child, and Death itself. While there are minor teams for minor problems, the Teams proper are meant for handling really big issues, like say, a rampaging god of destruction. Or Satan.
K’uro is a brown-furred Khajiit, with black stripes and pale yellow eyes. He has black pupils and rather prominent fangs as a result of his vampirism. His standard outfit consists of a black leather cuirass over a puffy blood-red tunic, with evil-looking steel pauldrons and matching knee/elbow pads and matching red pants. Think if Dio Brando wore a mixture of his Phantom Blood clothes with his stupid yellow/green jumpsuit. He has a waist/shoulder utility belt filled exclusively with various types of blood vials that he drinks for pleasure and also to not die from being in the sun, due to the fact that hoods don’t exactly alleviate his weaknesses. His shoes and gloves share a pointy, almost claw-like design, and are the same dull black iron color as his cuirass. On the various belts on his boots and his utility belts are various hidden throwing knives of various designs, implying that he simply takes normal kitchen knives and sharpens them in his spare time. He does not wear a hood because hoods and shade to him are absolutely useless, though he sometimes wears a fancy little steel tiara that he adamantly refers to as “The Blood Diadem” despite it being made by an actual child blacksmith as a present for saving Riverwood. He keeps it for sentimental value
K’uro Leliel is a hedonistic but otherwise lovingly passionate pansexual Khajiit Vampire Lord with a propensity for bad decisions preceding extreme capability. Behind his reckless and party-animal exterior lies a deceptively well-educated individual thanks to his scholarly childhood.  K’uro is rather charismatic and seductive, though these are mostly for fleeting flings and bribery. When he truly, genuinely loves an individua, he proves to be a passionate and genuine lover who heartily accepts the idea of a poly relationship. He has a tendency to get involved in people’s business, generally to coax the prospect of a quest and maybe a reward. This is sometimes (commonly) interpreted as an insult. K’uro is not a heavily religious man, despite having sold his soul to no less than 18 deities and demons, but otherwise believes in the idea of Talos worship. (Note: All of these deals became null and void the second he stepped into the Teambase, which turns into a problem when he eventually has to go back home, even momentarily.) He acts before he thinks more often than not, but is quick at assessing a situation. Despite his tendency to get into bad situations in the pursuit of fortune, he displays a considerable capability and confidence not otherwise seen elsewhere.
K’uro, as both a Vampire Lord and the Dovahkiin, is an extremely powerful individual. He has mastery over a wide variety of Shouts (most commonly Whirlwind Sprint, Slow Time, Unrelenting Force, and Drain Vitality), in addition to a variant of Vampire Blood Magic. Said variant utilizes a form of half-transformation, allowing K’uro to maintain his Khajiit form without fully becoming the monstrous form normally seen by a Vampire, though while in this state he does take on some of the form’s ghoulish features to a lesser degree. The form of Vampire Lord grants K’uro a powerful offensive blast of life-draining energy, the ability to raise moderately powerful corpses, short-range teleportation via turning into bats, increased strength, and the ability to turn his hands into monstrous claws. He can also channel blood not only from his mouth but also his claws. Apart from the Thu’um and the powers granted unto him by his vampiric nature, K’uro is secretly one of the top masters of Alteration magic in the greater Skyrim area. While the status seems rather dull given that Alteration is not as flashy as Destruction or Illusion, and most people in Skyrim don’t use magic any so there’s not much competition aside from maybe Tolfdir, K’uro’s creative uses of its techniques would rival the most flashiest of Destruction infernos. Whether it be effortless telekinesis, stopping time within an radius, constant levitation, or even the creation of steamroller-sized stones from thin air. He manages to hide his status as an Alteration wizard due to how often he uses it as a mundane utility that no one cares to question, or otherwise passes off as standard Vampire Lord powers. In the daytime his powers are halved, he loses his natural healing factor, and is extremely susceptible to fire magic. He also can’t be healed by most means aside from drinking blood. This part is actually more tied to his internal clock than actually being in the sun, and is relative to the world he currently is in. As such, K’uro is naturally weaker after traveling to a different Universe for about 30 minutes as his brain adapts to the location’s time system.
K’uro Leliel, birthname J’akuro Levathahrel, was born in 4E 173 in the province of Elsweyr as the only child of a family of well-respected scholars. His parents were well respected members of the Mournhold Museum Memorial Archeologist Guild in the city of Blacklight, and as such frequently traveled back and forth between the Elsweyr and Morrowind. It was during one of these excursions to Blacklight that he met Vivian Mandragora, and the two formed a strong, almost filial bond of friendship.
 As a child he displayed a knack for melee combat paired with an unstoppable drive below his lazy and hedonistic exterior. From his youth he noticed that many of the Nordic artifacts his parents often researched seemed to be calling out to something within him, though he much preferred the history of Skyrim’s vampires over Nordic legend. This fascination for vampires came to a head when, while poring over a tome detailing the legend of the Volkihar Vampire Clan, came face to face with a vampire thief sent by the Volkihar clan to retrieve said tome, as it detailed several theories regarding the Prophecy of the Sun. The thief was unnerved by both the lack of fear in the young J’akuro’s eyes and the kitten’s bizarre eagerness to be turned and to learn from the thief. The thief invited the young J’akuro to the Volkihar Clan, which was more of a ploy to escape the premises than an actual promises. Even though he saw the remains of a familiar vampire outside in the market the next morning, J’akuro took the invitation to heart, and pledged to find a way to live in Skyrim to make good on the offer.
 His plan involved getting into the College of Winterhold, and lucky for him his family had a sizable collection of books on magical research. Thalmor law in Elsweyr forbade the practice of Conjuration without a license, and while his Illusion and Destruction mastery was nothing to sneer at, his real forte was in the art of Alteration. His prodigious skill in Alteration was enough to convince his parents to send him to the illustrious College at the age of 27. On arrival in Windhelm, J’akuro paid his carriage driver to take him to Solitude, planning to travel from there to Castle Volkihar. The carriage was accosted by a small-time bandit somewhere by Helgen, and in J’akuro’s pursuit of the horse thief he was became accidentally involved in the capture of Ulfric Stormcloak by the Imperial Legion. As he was not on the list for execution in Helgen, the cat created a new name, K’uro Leliel, derived from the Akaviri word for night and the ancient Imperial name for Nocturnal. Hadvar just called him “Prisoner.” Following Alduin’s attack on Helgen and K’uro’s quick escape, he discovered he was Dragonborn while doing work for the Jarl of Whiterun. He soon found himself caught up in an adventure that he figured would be higher priority than becoming a Vampire.
 During his long and admittedly drawn out quest to defeat Alduin, he found himself reunited with his old friend Vivian while in Solitude. He learned about the struggling Dragonborn Gallery, a project managed by his family’s old friend Auryen Morellus, and how Vivian was having trouble finding artifacts to populate the empty museum. Feeling a bit of nostalgia from both meeting his friend and how the museum reminded him of home, K’uro made a deal with the Museum as Dragonborn to donate any artifacts he found during his quests, which turned out to be quite a lot. Following the defeat of Alduin, K’uro was hailed as a hero throughout Skyrim (i.e. a few backpats from some bards and Tamriel’s version of a goddamn ticker tape parade), though it was after leaving Sovngarde that he was reminded of his original purpose of even coming to Skyrim in the first place. By that time Vivian had left K’uro to recover a priceless artifact in Elsweyr, so he was able to covertly travel to Solitude and make good on the empty promise of that vampire thief from his childhood.
The Story Coming In
Sometime after assuming the position of Head Vampire by killing Harkon (granted, the man did betray K’uro first), K’uro was visited by the mysterious Dragon Mask, who thrust upon him an Elder Scroll before jumping out the nearest window. The Scroll (Team) foretold of a prophecy from another universe, detailing how K’uro and three other people, represented by a skull, a bee, and a sword, would band together to prevent the rise of a great evil surrounding a specific birth. Soon he finds himself at the Throat of the World once again, though the Time Wound looked different this time. It was a Tear (note, not a Rift, meaning someone opened it up specifically for him) leading to the Teambase. Always up for a new challenge, K’uro packed up a few Blood Potions and throwing knives before jumping in.
Washing up on the beach of the Teambase, K’uro discovered two things. One, his powers were dampened while in the realm. Two, he was in a new world of possibly hundreds of variably powered individuals, thus equalizing his former god-like power. All of this he learned when he attempted to forcefully “convince” the resident security officer Mappy to tell him where the hell he ended up, only to find the rather flabby and loafsome mouse easily parrying his attacks and incapacitating the vampire. It being almost constantly sunny on the Boardwalk didn’t help. Passing out on the beach, K’uro finds himself awakening to his new boss, a pink princess made out of candy. Willing to help the cat vampire in exchange for watching over the mysterious time traveler who washed up before him, PB gave K’uro a Team Communicator, knowing that his powers could be useful beyond simple fieldwork, and also because she knew that she should not leave this irresponsible casanova do anything without careful supervision.
K’uro’s adventures with the time-traveler, an amnesiac Gallade named Muramasa (simply shortened to Murray because Muramasa is a mouthful), are catalogued in the story’s third Part, set 5 years after Part 2, where the Teams are actually established as a proper organization. During these escapades, mostly focusing on stopping the multiversal threat of Nataraja, Lord of the Dance , he becomes smitten with Part I protagonist Sammy Masamune, who himself is much more infatuated with his childhood best friend Melanie. Firm in his distaste for needless love triangles, K’uro decides to win the affections of Sammy by impressing both Sammy and Melanie. He (tries) to achieve this by using some of his divine favors, specifically that of Dibella, the god of femininity, mistakenly believing her to be god of fertility (which may or may not be true in some circles, but here he’s speaking to Nord Dibella, who is most definitely not fertility). This is especially stupid considering that he had another favor from the actual god of family and fertility, Mara. This reckless wish bargaining is an attempt to help Sammy and Melanie bear a child, after learning from Teambase gossip of their infertility due to Egg Groups.
The wish goes wrong, naturally. Dibella was more than willing to exchange her boon of attraction upon K’uro (which he didn’t really need to begin with) for a wish, though as Gods in the TES universe are “people” in their own right, she may have gotten some things wrong. Okay, many things wrong. Nord Dibella had no idea how to start a pregnancy, much less a non-human one, and even much less a non-human one from outside her domain. Still, she made good on her offer to the one who saved her Sybil long ago and technically granted the couple pregnancy. PB, knowing that
Pokemon lay eggs and thus don’t have live pregnancies.
Sammy, as a Samurott and a mammal type thing, and Melanie, as a Leavanny and bug/plant thing, would logically have no way of breeding ever unless something was up.
K’uro is not as good as hiding secrets as he thinks he is, and also the communicator has a camera on it.
-promptly caught on to K’uro’s shenanigans, and with the help of resident diviner Ed the Undying, deduced that said pregnancy would manage to kill both the child and its parents, as well as release the demon bound to Melanie at birth, thus destroying the Teambase. Of course, thiss information had to be kept under wraps for fear of panic, and thus K’uro and Murray’s mission changed from stopping Nataraja first to fixing the huge problem K’uro managed to start by not checking who he has favors from.
So I’m going to keep this critique shorter. Most of the things I brought up in K’uro’s last submission have not been addressed, and I’m disappointed about that.
Under his appearance section, instead of giving me more details on K’uro’s actual appearance, you’ve just described more of his clothing to me. That’s really not helpful in understanding or visualizing your character. Clothing can be changed. Body type, facial features, fur patterns, the things that actually make K’uro unique, are still missing.
You haven’t changed anything about K’uro’s personality section, so my comments about that still stand. His desire to win Sammy’s affection and his want to help Sammy and Melanie start a family is something to work towards, for sure, but I’m surprised that K’uro doesn’t want anything more at the moment.
I stand by what I said earlier that K’uro has too much going on. Whether his powers in this story are stunted or not, that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve still created him to be the best at everything he’s attempted to do. He’s still the chosen one, he’s still the best vampire and the best magician, and he’s still winning favors from deities left and right. You said those deals became null and void, but how is that the case when he calls in a favor from one of those deities later in the story? How can K’uro trade a boon that he’s forfeited by leaving his universe behind? K’uro still doesn’t seem to have any room for conflict or growth based on what you’ve given him. His current story feels like an epilogue that has no relation to his ‘real’ character arc and does nothing to tie up the loose ends that have been left behind–because you’ve given him no loose ends. ~Cori
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