#thank you als i love ur moths
What are ur general opinions abt the other Batman rogues besides jervis? :)
I’m just postin my opinion based on like comic rogues. and my own personal headcanon. Not in any particular order
Batman Rogues:
Joker: hate this bitch. every version of this bitch. gotham and lego excluded.
Harley Quinn: Absolute queen. Best rogue besides form Jervis. She’s the greatest I live Harley sm….
Riddler: he’s just a funky fresh guy. probably says radical unironically. love that for him
Scarecrow: he was actually the first thing I posted about before I became a Jervis fan. he’s a spooky boy in my heart. and my fears.
Two-Face: he… certainly exists. i’ve never been a big fan. so this ain’t really surprising.
Penguin: gayboy.
Catwoman: ik she’s not technically a rogue but I’m putting her in here anyways. she’s so cool, I love her. I want her to absolute maim me. then i’d say thank you.
Poison Ivy: hwucjejbtiwnrncofbr women….. I love women so much… I love ivy so much….
Firefly: so underrated, deserves more attention
Killer Moth: same as above
Mr Freeze: he’s cool…. wait….
Killer Croc: I legitimately had nightmares about him as a kid. so I’ve had a weird grudge against him. pretty cool otherwise
Bane: I don’t know much about bane honestly.
Ra al Ghul: eh
Black Mask: eh. Never been a big fan.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 24 April 1832: SH:7/ML/E/15/0058
8 10
- finis morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 58° on my dress[in]g tab[le] at 8 10/.. - ver[y] lit[tle] poky r[oo]m b[u]t slept pret[ty] well and feel the bet[ter] for it - br[eak]f[a]st at 9 3/4 - wr[ote] a lit[tle] no[te] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] for Miss H- [Hobart] to gi[ve] on h[e]r arriv[a]l to say I w[oul]d dine w[i]th h[e]r tomor[row] - w[e]nt out at 10 55/.. (alone - too early for Miss H- [Hobart] to venture out in the so m[u]ch cold[e]r sharp[e]r air th[a]n that of Hast[in]gs) - walk[e]d all r[ou]nd the place - to Calvary park - none admitt[e]d b[u]t by a tick[e]t fr[om] the propriet[o]r who nev[e]r refuses it to respectab[le] visit[an]ts - nice place to walk in - sev[era]l neat look[in]g h[ou]ses there - on[l]y 2 of th[e]m to let - then walk[e]d r[ou]nd and g[o]t int[o] the park n[ea]r the houses - w[e]nt int[o] the ch[ur]ch - ver[y] new and neat plain goth[i]c - serv[i]ce at the ti[me] - w[e]nt in for a min[ute] or 2 - w[e]nt int[o] Sharp’s gr[ea]t Tunbridge ware shop n[ea]r Mount Ephraim (on the Lond[on] r[oa]d) the gr[ea]t court end high airy situat[io]n chosen by all who can get there - In the h[ei]ght of the seas[o]n (July Aug[u]st and Sept[embe]r) apart[men]ts are at a guin[ea] a bed per week (i.e. lits de maître) serv[an]ts beds includ[e]d - b[u]t at oth[e]r ti[me]s and ev[e]n May and June a 12 guin[ea] apart[men]t to be h[a]d for 3 or 4 guin[ea]s - gr[ea]t deal of good comp[an]y co[me] for the east[e]r holidays - a fortn[i]ght or 3 weeks that the houses of parliam[en]t do n[o]t sit - bought a playing card case for Miss H- [Hobart] who dad [did] give me a purse got yesterday at Hastings and a little Tunbridge ruler got last night on our arrival -  she said it was the first thing I had given her since the Denouement (that is the offer and acceptance) - It rain[e]d a lit[tle] - walk[e]d b[a]ck al[on]g the fine op[e]n com[mo]n that seems a contin[uan]ce of M[oun]t Ephraim, and intersect[e]d in all direct[io]ns w[i]th walks br[ou]ght me d[o]wn in front of our hot[e]l - then exam[ine]d the Sussex hot[e]l a new, clean, large handso[me] look[in]g h[ou]se - then met Miss H- [Hobart] in the Pantiles now call[e]d parade and took 2 or 3 turns togeth[e]r there and I tast[e]d the spring a ver[y] weak chalybeate at the near end of the parade - s[ai]d I w[a]s qui[te] charm[e]d w[i]th the pl[a]ce and jok[e]d ab[ou]t return[in]g or liv[in]g there or near - It is really one of the prett[ie]st nicest wat[erin]g places I ev[e]r saw - I sh[oul]d ha[ve] no object[io]n to being there w[i]th L[ad]y G- [Gordon] if go[in]g to Fr[an]ce just now is n[o]t qui[te] practicab[le] on acc[oun]t of cholera - our bill at the Roy[a]l Kentish hot[e]l n[o]t sm[all] consid[erin]g our hav[in]g no wine, and our mod[era]te din[ner] and sm[all] r[oo]ms = 40/2. for our 2 selves and my 2 servants - c[oul]d n[o]t surely ha[ve] been dear[e]r at the Sussex, c[oul]d we ha[ve] been tak[e]n in there - Off at 1 40/.. - pret[ty] dri[ve] (5 m[ile]s) to Tunbridge - beaut[iful] dri[ve] fr[om] T- [Tunbridge] to Sevenoaks (pron[nounce]d Senoks [Se..?] ŏks) and ver[y] pret[ty] to the top of Madame’s court hill ab[ou]t 1/2 way bet[ween] 7 oaks and Bromely and fr[om] all along w[hi]ch a fine look d[o]wn (left) on the rich wood[e]d valley bel[ow] - n[o]t so pret[ty] b[u]t still pret[ty] fr[om] this long hill to Bromley a nice lit[tle] vil[lage] or town en[ou]gh - th[e]n beg[a]n to shew of nearness to Lond[on] by crowds of peop[le] and carr[ia]ges - Miss H- [Hobart] s[ai]d it w[a]s Greenwich fair w[hi]ch w[oul]d ma[ke] so[me] diff[eren]ce - at Whitehall at 6 1/2 - L[ad]y S- [Stuart] w[oul]d ha[ve] me go in for a min[ute] or 2, and th[e]refo[re] I d[i]d oth[er]wise it h[a]d been plann[e]d bet[ween] Miss H- [Hobart] and me n[o]t to do so - 10 min[ute]s th[e]re and alight[e]d at 29 Albermale st[ree]t at 6 50/.. - ord[ere]d tea immed[iatel]y, b[u]t h[a]d to wait for it an h[ou]r - amus[e]d mys[elf] w[i]th read[in]g the 2 last Globes - L[ad]y S- [Stuart] look[in]g ver[y] well, and all kind[ne]ss, h[a]d told me how b[a]d the chol[er]a w[a]s in Paris - I sh[oul]d be mad to go th[e]re now - she has ten times more heart than Miss H- [Hobart] and was all kindness wanted me after all to stay dinner offered me her carriage tomorrow  thought she might have or sorry she had not taken me into Whitehall somehow I could scarce keep up at all Miss H- [Hobart] followed me out saying she hoped I should not go and take on so ‘com[e] give me one good kiss?’ I did and so we parted we had not had much conversation in the carriage  but what we had was well enough tho’ the least thing would have made her crossish but I avoided all this  talking of congratulations ssaid she had not had mine except that I had said I was glad  she said ‘oh I know you are both glad and sorry’  she had laughed and said  shall we turn and go back to Hastings  yes ssaid I directly if you will then I joked and said I ought not to have said that but something different  she said she should not have liked it if I had   true thought I she loves the attention and attachment of others  however little she herself may return either  but after all the work I have somehow made at parting and I could not help it yet still she thinks me desolate about her than I am my remembrance of her will soon pass over to what is comfortable  I could not have lived happily with her and the being without will soon cease to pother  I have really been very comfortable all this evening - I ha[ve] a ver[y] nice
handso[me] apart[men]t and am ver[y] comf[orta]ble I fear it will be expensive but I must do as well as I can  I only wish to see Lady Gordon and know my fate with her   till then I must be in doubt wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today and h[a]d just done it at 10 10/.. - how forlorn and solitary I might feel but thank God I do not   if I had but a little money I should do  I only fear getting rather beyond myself  Mrs. Hawkins is ill - a chill she g[o]t the oth[e]r day - I hope n[o]t any deg[ree] of chol[er]a w[hi]ch is b[a]d en[ou]gh here - L[or]d Durham’s moth[e]r is just dead of it - well! if I h[a]d made my will to my mind, I feel as if I c[oul]d say in calm[ne]ss, God’s will be done! I ha[ve] liv[e]d long en[ou]gh to be content[e]d to be call[e]d hence whenev[e]r it may be the good pleas[u]re of that provid[en]ce w[hi]ch ordereth all th[in]gs wisely - I h[a]d made up my  mind to go out early in the morn[in]g, and do all my jobs - th[e]re is so[me]th[in]g brok[e]n ab[ou]t the rumble of the carr[ia]ge that I can[no]t ha[ve] it tomor[row] I h[a]d best  perh[aps] sit at ho[me] and be busy ab[ou]t my will - How quiet and tranquil I feel! If I live, may it be for good! If I die soon, how m[u]ch mis[er]y I n[o]t escape! a lit[tle] r[ai]n at Tunbridge wells and a lit[tle] en route at 1st and for so[me]ti[me] aft[er]w[ar]ds - qui[te] fair latter[l]y, b[u]t thickish and foggy ov[e]r Lond[on] and too thick for  good view all the way - F[ahrenheit] 61° now at 10 20/.. in my salon - ca[me] to my r[oo]m at 11 1/2 -
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luisneer · 6 years
selected tweets 2016-17
These are tweets from my first @luisneer twitter account. Recently I made a new twitter account with the same username, after having deleted my account and having been without twitter for several months. These tweets are from August 2016 to March 2017, which was most of my first year of college at Shepherd University, in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. I don't go to Shepherd anymore; I transferred to West Virginia University, in Morgantown, WV, after my second semester. My tweets from late March 2017 to [July or August] 2017, when I deleted my twitter, were not archived. 
I'm creating this blog post so the world will have access to some of my tweets from the deleted @luisneer, in case they have any merit as literature. I'm still not sure if I will continue to use twitter in 2018/the future. Usually when I use twitter I feel like I'm actually wanting to be doing something else, but I don't know what; or wanting to be using "another app" that doesn't exist. Twitter generally seems bad for me. Questions about my tweets August 2016-March 2017 can be directed at [email protected]. Thank you
   morgantown has ~48 vape shops
 **morgantown has ~480 vape shops
 siri has werner herzog-like inflections
 considering changing outfits when i take several walks in one day (so nobody thinks im a serial killer, stalker, spy, alien)
 think i remember ~5% of things i said today
 imagined vague connection btwn 'vitamin d' and 'reptar'
 felt distinctly that i was a monkey or chimpanzee while crouching in the corner of my dorm room eating peanuts out of a jar
 just thought (as a request to my mom) 'fax me my skateboard...'
 looked at toilet in bathroom stall with expression of 'utter terror' for what felt like ~15 seconds while it flushed
 listening to bright eyes with headphones at house show
 feel that the toothpaste i use is advancing decay of my teeth
 feel 100% certain that i could train myself to use telepathy to operate my phone during classes
 enjoying the sensation of my right leg 'falling asleep' during psychology class (left foot is also 'asleep')
 felt 'sociopathic' after eye contact w library worker who watched me pick up & pocket a pair of apple headphones someone had left on a chair
 left stolen apple headphones on gray bench across the street from my dorm
 repeatedly placed/removed sunglasses while walking in hallway
 strong desire to remove all positive patterns from my life and perpetuate/embrace all negative ones
 feel that my laptop 'knows' which parts of its screen im looking at
 in winchester, VA
 thought of my own music as having 'no compelling audible elements'
 thought of myself as being legally named 'the fuck up', then couldnt remember my actual name
 successfully, i feel, duplicated 'sociopath facial expression' during eye contact with arch-nemesis in stairwell
 ive taken 13800mg ibuprofen since i got to college
 feel compelled to ask my 9 yr old brother for advice re 'college-level' personal issues
 feel smart after sitting on couch in painting studio + reading art magazines for 2 hours
 persistent notion that 100% of students at my college personally hate me
 psychology professor muttered something like 'scary snake... endocrine system...'
 feeling heavily drugged/sedated in psych class
 psych professor seems obsessed with/terrified by snakes
 imagined kanye smoking crystal meth and tweeting something like 'please help me... cant feel mouth... need help'
 saw a moth at open mic, thought about god
 experiencing difficulty trying to smile
 enjoying using numerous cliches ('the case is closed', 'taking a step back', 'harsh realities') in an essay
 intrigued by conversation i had 9 hrs ago w/ 2 boys who countered my tone (calm, eloquent) exactly by being loud and rude in a friendly way
 felt simultaneously really cute and really lonely while giggling with my mouth closed in french class
 imagined kanye inventing the word 'compactualize' and using it in a sentence during a televised interview
 enjoyed 8-sentence john updike bio in norton lit anthology
 perceived person standing outside bathroom stall occupied by me could 'sense', via something like echolocation, that i was/am depressed
 spoke to french professor in what felt like a distinct persona/alternate luis neer called 'marge simpson voice' luis neer
 feel confidently that the public debut of 'marge simpson voice' luis neer was a success
 feel that 'marge simpson voice' luis neer is the culmination of an unconscious process that initiated in my mind maybe 3-5 years ago
 i want to identify/analyze additional alternate luis neers
 i dont like videos
 i came to college and got weirder, better at writing, more arrogant, more defeated, more sensible
 simultaneously feel that i should run 3 miles and that, at this moment, i would be incapable of running any distance
 feel urged to draw new attention to my 'marge simpson voice' tweets
 huge power outage at shepherd lol
 realized theres no such thing as a 'nation'
 remembered ive blown off obligations to several people, not just one person, so my irresponsibility doesnt 'have a focus', felt comforted
 feel that my follower count is 'crystallized' / will never increase or decrease ever again
 struggled to convert 'stick-and-poke' to past tense during conversation in line at sheetz
 feel it would be pleasurable to take a donut + bottle of coca-cola from this sheetz via armed robbery
 crossed busy road, felt really surprised i didnt get hit by a car, also i wasnt wearing glasses, was walking to sheetz, bought an icee
 laughed alone in my dorm thinking that i should print out a picture of barack obama to put on my wall
 drank from separate glasses containing soymilk, coffee, iced coffee, apple juice, cranberry juice, water, sprite for dinner/breakfas
 just thought 'from adorno to zizek' sans context while shitting
 opened gmail, emailed my father, closed gmail, opened gmail again, viewed email to my father, forwarded it to myself
 'camcorder' would be a good band name
 i thought arnold palmer had already died
 willem dafoe doesnt make me uncomfortable
 i want to stop being mean
 i hate bfs but i want to be someones bf
 wishing i was in a car with friends and no cellular service
 tangled up in myself and others
 twin peaks is depicted as a small town but its population is greater than that of every city in west virginia including the state capital
 eating shark
 thought of my own intelligence as 'frightening'
 thought while walking to class that ginger ale should be made public domain
 had the stitches on my chin removed today, touched the scar tissue for the first time
 i miss being in therapy
 i love carpet
 i love carpet !!
 just thought about my own tweets and lol'd
 mood lately very fragile
 this is what i get for staying up til 5 am
 all night i've felt a wave of dread swelling up, now it's really hitting me
 sound of laughter in public still frightening + unnerving
 my instinct for when to unfriend people on facebook has adapted so that i unfriend people over statuses that make me feel no emotions at all
 fuck, im feeling so much terror
 gucci mane was born 3 days before conor oberst
 the other day i mentioned that i was a poet and this vape guy interrupted me to say "and you didnt know it" and i went fucking nuclear
 interacted with mailman who was picking up mail as i was trying to mail chapbooks, he didnt notice at first that i was talking to him
 what if old people have secrets
 my dad is making me root for a football team but im in pain emotionally
 i feel guilty in general
 thought of my poem "portrait of a nation without any people" as the "lead single" for my full length; it appeared in potluck 14 months ago
 im close friends with satan rn
 feel like travis scott never intended for people to spell his name with a $
 from now on every time i get honey on something ill list the thing in this thread
 coffee cup exterior
 pajama pants
 thought that my elderly geography prof. moves by "shuffling"
 feeling shorter, broader
 the only part of the new bright eyes box set i want is the booklet
 is there a booklet? i know there are nvr b4 sn photos
 the song "lime tree" came to conor oberst in a dream
 i like citing things in MLA
 i write essays by pretending im werner herzog
 doesnt seem to be getting later
 lit professor gave my project (sequence of 6 sonnets) a C, i wish she would have gotten me expelled, shelley + ginsberg both were expelled
 heard someone in another room ask "where's wal-mart?" as if wal-mart were a person whose location could change
 i think i just swallowed a filling while eating popcorn, i am very scared, please help
 crazy how things get worse
 there are people on my floor having tons of fun and im upset
 bit my mattress while sitting in the chair next to my bed
 weird that chance the rapper only has 2.4 million followers when he's sort of one of the most famous artists in the world rn
 also weird that donald trump has made 34,000 tweets, seems like an incredibly large number
 the strangeness of yesterday was, for me, augmented by people on the internet talking about a tv show that ive never seen or heard about
 the sunlight is obscene
 im so upset about the sun being so bright im afraid to go outside
 im glad im the only poet who likes trailer park boys
 i slept in a blanket fort under my bed and havent left it all day
 yr = your ur = you're
 my favorite things are pdfs
 now that ive adapted my living space to allow me to never leave my blanket fort i feel like my roommate, omar, exists in a parallel universe
 i hear him but i never see him
 i love latte art, i drink many lattes
 thought that twitter "isn't worth it" in an upset tone while drinking mtn dew
 felt pleasant considering uniqueness of all parent-offspring relationships
 went through my closet + made sure all shirts and jackets were zipped/buttoned
 my blanket is generating flashes of light from static electricity
 record store guy became visibly sick of me several months ago; feel a little guilty every time i enter his store to spend money
 i prefer EPs
 felt "out of control" walking downhill listening to dead kennedys with headphones
 writing an essay is difficult because idk how much relevant information other people have already considered / moved on from
 have been wanting to write at least one poem inside my blanket fort but i don't think it's going to happen, i don't know why
 the internet isn't big enough
 usually when i think "i dont understand the uproar about [event]" i realize there is no "uproar"
 "uproar" is media's way of manipulating the public spotlight and distracting people from important tasks
 feeling helpless + melancholy after dying 15 times and killing 2 stormtroopers in star wars battlefront
 the only way to attain conor oberst-level emo hair is to lay in bed and sob for hours
 i'm sad
 my mom was confused when i told her my first book comes out today
 was luis neer in odd future
 thought "sometimes i just want to end it and start all over" in an exasperated tone re my goodreads account
 becoming increasingly convinced it would be best for me personally to take myself extremely seriously/never joke about myself
 thinking that my tweets would seem terrible if i were a senator/governor/other politician
 imagined doomsday device for future @starwars movies: the "death train," a normal train that exists in space and destroys planets
 how does anyone do it
 in science fiction movies, spacecraft usually look like shopping malls
 everyone in the world is high except me
 feel like i want to have poems published immediately
 having delusions of grandeur
 im sitting on my record player
 my most-used word in 2016 was "bleak"
 prepared and ate garbanzo beans w a lot of rosemart at 2:00 AM
 my brother has a friend over and is being mean to the friend
 all i want for christmas is to never cheer up, ever
 watching eyes wide shut and hugging duckuc
 my nose feels like it's going to bleed
 im sad because every bf looks like me
 getting better at eating ice cream by punching it with my tongue
 the internet is too freaky...
 i think 2017 will be a year of realizing things
 im watching the angry birds movie
 the angry birds movie is so shitty... why was it made...
 ive never had a new years kiss
   im weird
 eating medicinal ice cream
 im not going to do any drugs in 2017
 made a medicinal phone call
 i want to drink some blood
 i dreamed that roger ebert wrote a negative review of life after ppl and called it "liner notes"
 years dont kill people
 feel inexplicably/explicably really scared about the future of my poetry career
 i've felt stoned since i was a baby
 downloading google earth
 made eye contact in starbucks with possible luis neer incarnation from ~50 years in future; bon jovi "dead or alive" played through speakers
 realised that at some point in the future i will become extremely interested in watching football
 i recommend reading poems extremely slowly while touching the text with your middle finger/index finger
 experiencing cognitive dissonance
 used phonetic clues to correctly predict meaning of & use the word "tandem" while discoursing with myself internally
 i miss steel pedal guitar sounds on conor oberst songs
 my previous incarnation "college luis neer" has evolved to become "high school luis neer-like luis neer in college setting"
 thought "man, i got to stop caring what people think about me" in an emphatic tone that seemed confusing/interesting
 beyonce is cool i think
 i want to re-read "v for vendetta" and to not tweet about it
 remembered that i own a pinata
 i will be at awp
 how could i make twitter a better place
 i saw 4 people wearing yeezys in dc this weekend
 feeling increasingly self-conscious about how much i use the phrase "in the world" or refer to "the world" in poems
 felt robot-like while attaching detachable headphones cord to my headphones while wearing the headphones
 watching shepherd univ lacrosse team practice from "safety of" student center
 i invented releasing two chapbooks in one day
 im dumber than me
 reasoned mentally that im more likely to produce accurate drawings of myself because "i basically look like a bird, so i just draw a bird"
 i want to have a "fake tweet" (e.g. a simple phrase) to tweet repeatedly every time i feel urged to tweet an uninformed/unimportant opinion
 my fake tweet for the foreseeable future will be "i dropped my textbook in the stairwell". when i tweet this it means i have an opinion
 i dropped my textbook in the stairwell
 does anyone remember the chapter of "the hobbit" where bilbo avoids starvation by ingesting peanut butter, honey, cherry nyquil, and water
 sensed that all my college friends just simultaneously shifted from having vague/non-serious negative feelings about me to hating me
 resulting from continuous building of irrepressible/inevitable conjecture in the friends' conscious thoughts
 eating chicken and squash
 i click on 100% of poetry links tweeted by poets i follow
 when i was writing Waves i was obsessed with waves (e.g. energy waves, frequencies) and used the word "waves" at least ~10 times every day
 i dropped my textbook in the stairwell
 white nike swooshes on shoes of boy in library look vibrant/magical
 terrified of being cool
 walked to library really slowly while listening to noise music through big headphones
 i was really, really yung when i started publishing and i'm still really yung
 2 chainz always looks like he's walking in an airport
 i have 5 twitters
 i didnt know what bill paxton looked like, i was thinking RIP gene hackman
 why doesnt anyone blog about me
 thesis statements arent real
 thinking about my book
 i deleted both my tumblrs by accident
 sad about my tumblr
 my name is all over the internet
 im a lizard
 someday there'll be no more ppl
 a lot of conor oberst song titles have parentheses
 feeling sad about the actions of my clone, who passed away
 idk how to use venmo or what it is
 present-day tumblr is like the end of the never ending story where atreyu is talking with the rock biter and the nothing is swirling around
 when someone, anyone, is upset with me im afraid im going to be assassinated
 the views-era apple music ads that depict drake working hard in the studio have really affected and inspired me
 on tumblr i have 4 followers
 almost all of my tweets seem unimportant
 feel that if someone told me that one of my tweets made them upset i would just apologize and delete it
 ground control to commander venus
 i like my new tumblr
 i would be wearing a cardigan rn but i dont have one
 feel that i will continue to generate bright eyes-related content throughout my life
 is everything ok
 i look like michael moore
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.22
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21| 22
woke up feeling super drained and out of it this morning. thought maybe writing would help, but nothing was working, so we're here.
shoutout to @sunlitshowers​ because we looked up flavors of capri sun for an answer on my deh ask blog and she found so many great capri sun flavors and ads. it was amazing
i dont know whats happening here anymore but enjoy
nino: yo check out how many flavors of fucking caprisun there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capri_Sun#Flavors
ladybugfan2020: rip me apparently there was an akuma attack last night????? and i missed it??? oh it was on the other side of the city w/e then i got pics its chill whats this link nino?? caprisun?? holy SHIT i need 2 try alL OF THESE tag yourself im…….. monster alarm i am monster alarm
ladybugfan2020 has changed their nickname to monster alarm
nino has changed their nickname to mystic dragon
mystic dragon: what do you think mystic dragon tastes like
monster alarm: something fucking awesome
adrien: I have so many questions
mystic dragon: click the link my dude join us in this knowledge
adrien: What the hell??? Who thought that the world needed THAT MANY flavors of Capri Sun???
monster alarm: me this is amazing im living i love it hey marsh think u can pull some strings so we can get every single of caprisun ever
adrien: No offense but I don’t think my dad would be thrilled with buying Um 43 different flavors of Capri Sun
mystic dragon: did you just count those
monster alarm: MORE than 43 thats definitely MORE
adrien: Only 43 flavors are for sale! We don’t even live in the right country for some of these
monster alarm: come on rich boy!!!!! also,, nickanme
adrien: Fine fine
adrien has changed their nickname to multivitamin
mystic dragon: boy
monster alarm: why do i like you
PM between multivitamin and marinette
multivitamin: Hey Mari Guess what If we were a Capri Sun flavored, we’d be power team
8:02 in out damned spot
mystic dragon: has anyone talked to mari today????
monster alarm: not me
multivitamin: Nope
mystic dragon: do you think shes awake?
monster alarm: uh oh
monster alarm has renamed this conversation to “orange wake up mari!!!”.
mystic dragon: oh yeah thatll DEFINITELY work al good job
monster alarm: what am i supposed to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! i already tried calling she didnt pick up
multivitamin: I’ve got her
monster alarm: wait really??
multivitamin: Yeah sorry we might’ve called at the same time
monster alarm: cool see u nerds at school
mystic dragon: i feel so loved
PM between multivitamin and marinette
multivitamin: Mari Mari Mari are you going to wake up I know we had a really really late night last night I just want to make sure you get to school I’m gonna show up on your balcony don’t freak out I mean you aren’t going to see this if you’re asleep so you’ll probably freak out anyway Ok I’m just going to apologize now If you punt me to the other side of the country I totally understand
8:17 in orange wake up mari!!!
mystic dragon: mari!!!
monster alarm: soooo many things babe get here so we can explain
multivitamin: Get here faster Mari, I think Alya is going to explode
marinette: Fuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk Allso I hate ALL OF YOU WE ALL HAVE M NAMES THIS SUCK S
monster alarm: i can fix this change ur nickname to elfentrank fairy drink
marinette: excuse me??????
monster alarm: just do it!!!!!!!!!!
mystic dragon: bruh
marinette: FINE FINE!!
marinette has changed their nickname to elfentrank fairy drink
elfentrank fairy drink: Are you happy???/
monster alarm: i am DELIGHTED
mystic dragon: hell yeah girl
multivitamin: Did you all know this chat is exhausting
monster alarm: MARI GET TO CLASS
elfentrank fairy drink: IM GOING
elfentrank fairy drink: Ok Nino Why the fuck were you on the caprisun wiki page at 3 in the morning
mystic dragon: what else are you supposed to do at 3 in the monring?????
monster alarm: thats teh most valid point u could make
elfentrank fairy drink: Remind me how to leave this sky pe group And this friendship
mystic dragon: wow
monster alarm: </3
PM between multivitamin and elfentrank fairy drink
elfentrank fairy drink: We are not calling ourselves power team
multivitamin: Dammit You going to bed soon??
elfentrank fairy drink: It is??? Only 15:25??????
multivitamin: Yeah but you fell asleep during lunch
elfentrank fairy drink: Its fine its fine Im getting used to the no sleep thing for sure You got the same amount of sleep that I did!! Less!!!!!!
multivitamin: I took a nap after school before my shoot It was great It was on the floor
elfentrank fairy drink: Your life is a mess
multivitamin: So is yours bug You were sleeping on your desk chair when I showed up this mornin g
elfentrank fairy drink: LiSTEN We got back at lik e 4 I hate so many thing s Hawk Moth is top of the list Hes not the entier list because I also hate like Homework and stuff BUt hes at the TOP
multivitamin: Go to bed Mari
multivitamin: Well for one thing they aren’t real And we are And I feel like a lot of superheroes have problems balancing but Al knows more about superheroes than I do
multivitamin: Hannah Montana had lots of money and also? Wasn’t fighting evil
elfentrank fairy drink: You dont know that
multivitamin: Ok that’s true
elfentrank fairy drink: Im literally Drowning in work I cant sleep I willl neve r be able to sleep again OH my go d
multivitamin: You ok buggy?
elfentrank fairy drink: No No?? I dont think so Ahhhhhhhh help IM so tired and I have all this physics whcih what hte fuck and Im literally going to break hawk mtohs face?
multivitamin: That’s relatable
elfentrank fairy drink: You NEVER breakdown about this how is that fair??
multivitamin: I mean I do Like all the time
elfentrank fairy drink: ??? Why dont  you tell m e?
multivitamin: Because I don’t like bothering people with my problems I have Plagg though and I’m used to dealing with things on my own
elfentrank fairy drink: Thats bullshit??? Im oyour friend and partner youre supposed to t ell m e this stuff
multivitamin: Ok Ok I will If you promise to go to sleep
elfentrank fairy drink: HA
multivitamin: I’m coming over We can talk about emotions because sleep deprived and exhausted is the best time to do that And we can nap I’ll try to help with physics but no promises because I wasn’t payinga ttention today
elfentrank fairy drink: Pfff Ive never paid attention to anything ayn whreer FUck typin g But thanks
multivitamin: Of course <3 Be there soon
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nyx-sebastian · 6 years
Hi there , my name is nyx. . My whole life I knew I was different than the people around me. Even my parents. I noticed early on that my ears and eyes weren't like the humans in my village , but I figured if it was important my parents would have told me. When I was 14 my father got killed by a band of orcs who didn't feel like paying my father for their ale . And then when I was 16 on my mothers death bed she gave me a letter and told me not to open it till she had passed. A few days after she passed leaving me all alone with only my dog Ryder. When I read the letter I was shocked but not surprised. It read " my dearest daughter Nyx, me and your father wondered if or when we should tell u this . Especially when we noticed that you saw you weren't like the other children here. But I suppose us not telling u was our selfish way of keeping u all to ourselves. Me and your father got married quiet young and were so in love, but the gods can be cruel , and I was destined never to have a child. We coped with this fact but it ate at us everyday. One day a young slave girl came down from the castle with the tiniest baby in her arms, she stoped at the tavern crying . I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they wanted to take her baby away and kill her. She wanted to find her baby a family . It was a sign from the heavens, I told her I would take the child and raise it as my own. The young girl was so relieved and happy. I offered her a place to rest and eat , and in the morning she was gone . All she left was a note saying thank you for talking my precious baby Nyx. And from that day on we loved you and raised like our own. But here in my death bed I realized that I its only fair for me to tell u the truth. You weren't our blood , but you were our child. Do what you will with this information, if u must find ur birth parents we won't hold it against you. We just want u to be happy. I love you and your father loves you my sweet child , Nyx." The tears ran down my face as I read my mothers letter , it wasn't a surprise that I wasn't their child but it still threw me. These people that have loved me for as long as I can remover weren't my birth parents. Who was I ? What was I? Was my birth Mom still alive? What about my father ? Who was he ? I had so many question and no one to answer them.
So I packed up and head to find answer to who I was or what I was. I didn't have much money , but Ryder was a great hunting dog and I knew my way around a long bow. My father had taught me when I was young, I always thought he wished I was a boy.
Anyways me and Ryder went on our way. Hunting when we needed food , stealing when we needed money . It was an okay life . But Ryder wasn't a young pup anymore , and the hunting and tracking took a toll on him and he passed away after a few months of searching. Mourning I went to a tavern and started drinking . The tavern was called the laughing goat. It was in the middle of the dessert, it was older but not in ruins quiet yet. I notice a wall with posters on it. On poster in particular caught my eye, it was written in silk with purple tassels hanging down. And it read " experience adventures wanted , see way kun for details "
"Adventurers huh?" I thought to myself "what could it be? " I looked around but I couldn't tell who way kun was. I saw a big armored man, looking at the poster puzzled and frustration radiating off of him. His amor was silver with gold detailing and a gold cross on his chest. Strapped to his back was a giant war hammer. In the back of the tavern I saw a hooded guy in the corner watching me. His midnight blue hood was pulled all the way over his face so I couldn’t make out much of his face. He was cover from head to toe in black leather. And a...cross bow or Pisol strapped to his waist . and finally I saw an old frail looking man. He seem to be of asain decent, he had white grey hair and a cream tunic on. Something drew me to this man , and before I could comprehend what I was doing I was walking over to him .
“Hello there young lady” the old man said .
“Hello” I replied “are you way kun?”
He smiles and his wrinkles deepen “ why, yes I am , but is it only you?”
I nod
“Well we need two , no one more adventure “ he replied as he turns and looks at the hooded guy “it’s not polite to ease drop young man” he says as he smacks him over the head with a staff.the staff was made out of wood which looked like two piece wrapped together .
“Ouch, what the hell old man” the guy said glaring at way kun
“ if you don’t want to get smacked , don’t ease drop , now both of u sit . I see our final memeber coming right now.” I sat at way kun request , looking over my shoulder to see the armored man thumping his way to us . He stood behind me and the hooded guy with his arms crossed and said simply “ what’s the adventure ?”
“Now now no need to rush, let me introduce you to your final team memeber” he said and called out “weather” over his shoulder. From the am arch way behind him a large white fluffy creature appeared . It looked like a Snow White moth that was about 8 feet tall and soap it one of its four hands. Following her was a very pretty women , who was about 30. She had light brown hair slender and busty. The one named weather floated along and bowed her head. “Are these the new people “ she asked enthusiastically as the busty lady went behind way kun and kissed him on the cheek smiling at the band of misfits in front of her.
“ yes weather this is ...well actually idk their name , you three what are your names “ way kun looked at us. Before I could answer I heard a deep simple voice answer from behind me .
“Kharem Abdul”
I looked over to my left waiting to see if the hooded guy would answer but he sat there silent with his arms crossed over his chest looking uninterested.So I went “nyx” I answered shyly as we all turned our attention to the guy at my side . When he said nothing after 5 minuets way kun spoke up “ either say ur name or leave”
Reluctantly he responded with “ Orion”
“See now was that so hard? This is weather “ he motion to the moth person “ and this is my wife Lysa” he motion to the busty women behind him. “ now that introduction have been delt with let’s get on to the adventure “.
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