#thai coconut salmon and prawn curry
magazynkulinarny · 3 years
Tajskie curry z łososiem i krewetkami w mleczku kokosowym
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Szybkie i wyjątkowo smaczne danie. Doskonałe na tą nieprzewidywalną kwietniową pogodę. Zastąpi lampkę wina, tabliczkę czekolady, czy kawałek ciasta. Utuli, ogrzeje i zaspokoi.
W mojej wersji grzyby słomkowe zastąpiłam shiitake, przynależące bardziej do kuchni chińskiej lub japońskiej, ale akurat takie miałam w domu. Można też użyć popularnych zarówno w Tajlandii, jak i u nas boczniaków. Ewentualnie coraz bardziej dostępnych w sklepach enoki (pol. płomiennica zimowa).
Dzięki łososiowi, krewetkom i groszkowi śnieżnemu currry jest sycące, ale jeśli ktoś ma ochotę wzbogacić je ryżem, proszę uprzejmie. Tradycyjnie, po ugotowaniu ryżu, wkłada się porcję każdemu do curry lub podaje w osobnej miseczce.
Zrobienie tego posiłku zajmuje nie więcej niż 30-40 minut, tym bardziej warto się z nim zaprzyjaźnić.
Dla amatorów tajskich smaków pozycja obowiązkowa.
400 g fileta z łososia 400 g mrożonych krewetek 250 g groszku śnieżnego 6 grzybów shiitake (lub słomkowych, boczniaków) duży (jak kciuk) kawałek imbiru 5 ząbków czosnku trawa cytrynowa 2 łyżki suszonych krewetek 2 łyżki orzechów ziemnych 5 szalotek 5 liści limonki kaffir (u mnie suszone) 2 łyżki cukru 3-4 łyżki sosu rybnego łyżeczka galangalu w proszku łyżka kolendry w proszku łyżka curry w proszku łyżka pasty z tamaryndowca łyżka Sambal Oelek (lub tajskiej czerwonej pasty chili) 2 szklanki bulionu warzywnego lub drobiowego 800 ml mleka kokosowego sok z limonki sól do smaku
Dodatkowo pęczek świeżej kolendry 3 czerwone papryczki chilli ryż jaśminowy (opcjonalnie)
Rozmrozić krewetki.
Namoczyć grzyby w ciepłej wodzie. Jeśli mamy świeże boczniaki, pokroić je w paski, jeśli enoki, odciąć końcówki. Słomkowe znam tylko suszone lub z puszki, jeśli je kupicie, to suszone namoczcie, a puszkowe odcedźcie na sicie.
Szalotki obrać i pokroić w cieniutkie plasterki.
Imbir i czosnek obrać. Odciąć górną, zieloną część trawy cytrynowej (zachować do bulionu). Wszystko pokroić z grubsza i wrzucić do blendera wraz z suszonymi krewetkami i orzechami ziemnymi. Zmiksować na pastę. Jeśli będzie zbyt gęsta, dodać trochę wody.
W garnku o szerokim dnie dobrze rozgrzać chlust oleju z orzechów ziemnych (lub kokosowego, albo rzepakowego). Włożyć rybę skórą do dołu i smażyć ją kilka minut, aż skóra się przysmaży. Odwrócić filet łopatką i ponownie smażyć, tym razem krócej - ok. 2 minuty. Rybę wyjąć i odłożyć na duży talerz.
Do garnka wrzucić krewetki (niezależnie od tego czy są w pancerzach, czy tylko z ogonem). Obsmażyć je krótko z dwóch stron i wyłożyć na talerz.
Teraz do garnka dodać przygotowaną pastę i szalotki. Delikatnie podsmażyć na niezbyt dużym ogniu, mieszając często, aby się nie przypaliły. Gdy lekko ściemnieją dodać cukier, pastę z  tamaryndowca, Sambal Oelek, sos rybny, galangal, kolendrę w proszku, curry, zieloną część trawy cytrynowej (tylko do aromatyzowania) i liście limonki. Mieszać przez 1-2 minuty. Jeśli masa jest zbyt sucha, dodać odrobinę oleju (tego, którego używaliśmy wcześniej).
Wlać bulion, mleczko kokosowe, drewnianą szpatułką zdrapać wszystkie smaki z dna naczynia i doprowadzić do wrzenia. Zmniejszyć ogień do małego i włożyć oddzielone i skóry kawałki ryby, krewetki, pokrojone w paski grzyby i strąki groszku. Gotować ok. 5 minut (tylko tyle, aby groszek lekko zmiękł). Po wyłączeniu gazu doprawić sokiem z limonki, solą i wymieszać.
Nakładać do misek, obsypawszy siekanym chili oraz kolendrą. Można wzbogacić wcześniej ugotowanym ryżem jaśminowym.
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ditzyblog · 3 years
Keto/Paleo Seafood Risotto (lactose and gluten free)
Made this for lunch with fridge leftovers. So quick, easy and tasty. Heat two tablespoons olive oil in a pan (or one and one of butter for keto) Add a chopped garlic clove and cook for a minute or two. Add tablespoon Thai Green Curry sauce and 1/2 cup coconut milk and stir in. Add cup of prawns, 2 cups cauliflower rice snd some smoked salmon pieces. Cook got 2 – 4 minutes until the rice is…
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travelswithagourmet · 3 years
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Our last dinner party of 2020. Time to say goodbye to this unbelievable year and look forward to the next one. • Asian appetizers: corn cakes and cucumber relish, mini spring rolls and sweet chili sauce served with pink peppercorn gin tonics. • Grilled prawn satay with green papaya salad, miso-marinated salmon with togarashi lime and roasted cherry tomatoes, Thai red curry of beef tenderloin with baby vegetables (aubergines, carrots, young corn and long beans), jasmine rice with crispy shallots, served with a Cloudy Bay Sauvignon blanc and a La Motte Cabernet Franc and Merlot. • Dessert was lime coconut crème brûlée and grilled pineapple followed by espressos. • #TravelswithaGourmet #TWAGDubai #TWAGdinnerparty #FoodieDubai #worldsgreatesthomecooks #TWAGhome https://www.instagram.com/p/CJcEDNQnYxV/?igshid=1kgfpumz3v757
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blog-aanchal1234421 · 3 years
Most Popular Asian Cuisine and Dishes
We can characterize Cuisine as a way of cooking and convention-related with a particular culture. Asia is the most significant landmass on the planet covers numerous societies and foods. For example, East Asian, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian Cuisine, Central Asian, and South Asian are some of the major categories of Asian Cuisine. Keeping aside all the differences, every Cuisine mentioned here have a bunch of similarities too. For starters in similarities are some of the primary ingredients that you use in all of these types of Asian food. Rice, sesame seeds, ginger, Soy, Garlic, dried onions, red chillies, and Tofu are some prevalent ingredients used in Asian food.
Rice is a crucial part of Asian food, and there are so many different varieties of the same. For example, Basmati Rice is a popular type used in Chinese and other South Asian foods. On the other hand, short-grain rice is more common in places like Korea and Japan. Besides, the concept of curries is prevalent in South Asia, and also in a few other parts of the continent. A typical Asian curry is a yoghurt based broth with vegetables, meat, and a host of other ingredients.
In this post, we will find some interesting details about Asian cuisine menu and pan Asian food.
Pan Asian Food- Let’s Check out Some Details.
People are becoming more health-conscious with time, and a variety of diets are making their way into the fitness and healthcare industry. However, it is usually tough to find foods that are healthy as well as tasty. In this context, it is essential to mention that unlike what a lot of people assume about Asian Cuisine, it is very healthy and delicious too.
Moreover, pan Asian cuisine is considered as one of the most beneficial types worldwide.
There are so many options when you are choosing Asian food because there are several superfoods included in the menu. The best thing is that Asian cuisine recipes prefer fresh ingredients to processed ones always. Moreover, the cooking methods such as steaming, grilling, fermenting, and stewing ensure the retention of nutrition and food value of all the ingredients. If you love to travel and eat, then Asian countries will attract you the most. Moreover, there are always arrays of live-grill stalls selling delicious satays, grills, and salads on the streets.
For example, if we go to Thailand and taste their authentic street food, you will be mesmerized. There are lines of stalls dishing out authentic Thai curries and meat stews. Apart from the street food, ordinary fermented stuff such as kimchi, yoghurt, miso, kombucha, and more help in better digestion. Such foods are great for the overall health, and especially for the gut functioning. The fact that fermentation uses bacteria turns these stuff into excellent probiotics that are good in a lot of ways.
Southeast Asian Cuisine marks a tradition of using only fresh ingredients for the best nutrition and delicious food. For example, various herbs, mints, basil, kaffir lime, and coriander are some new ingredients that are high on medicinal value as well as add freshness to any food. Moreover, leafy vegetables, sprouts, and healthy meats are common when you are eating Thai, Cambodian, Chinese, and Vietnamese cuisines. The same places also use vegetables such as raw papaya, cabbage, sesame, broccoli, ginseng, bok choi, galangal, green chillies, coconut, turmeric, onions, garlic, ginger, and more.
Every category of Cuisine is very different and therefore carries uniqueness across its flavours and looks. Besides, it is the same reasons why the list of benefits in the case of every Cuisine is so different. For example, Indian, Malaysian, Arabian, and Sri-Lankan cuisine use a variety of spices to enhance the flavour of their authentic curries. Now, such herbs are capable of fighting problems such as inflammation, and also restricts damage to the cells and tissues. Different spices also help to control fluctuation in blood sugar levels. Last but not least, they improve memory power and brain functioning.
On the other hand, Korean and Japanese cuisines mark a unique style of eating. For example, sashimi, sukiyaki, sushi, teppanyaki, yakitori, and more are some of the usual types of dishes in these cultures. All of these categories of food mark the use of low-carb and raw ingredients such as salmon, prawns, tuna, vegetables, and more. As a result, these cuisines are taking over the likes of the younger generation very fast. Apart from being low on carbs, these foods contain adequate amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils. So, these are all excellent fats and therefore bring along several health benefits. They control a person’s cholesterol levels, overall inflammation, heart problems, and more. Moreover, such foods are capable of keeping a person’s blood pressure under control.
As you understand that the several health benefits of choosing Asian food over others are making it more widespread. Besides, the health-conscious people always like to consume fresh ingredients that are delicious and flavoursome, and there is nothing better than this Cuisine. In the next section, let us look at some of the best Asian recipes. So, the next time you are visiting a restaurant, you can either choose these from the menu or try to make these at home.
List of The Best Asian Dishes of All Times
So, here we are finally at the most delicious stop of the journey, and of course, everyone is hungry. Therefore, we are presenting a host of delicious dishes that are the pride of Asian Cuisine. Let’s not keep our hearts waiting any longer and check out the names below. The recipes of all of these are readily available on the internet too.
Bbq Chicken
There are so many types of BBQ chicken, but the Asian variety is addictive. The char siu marination along with a touch of honey, soy, and spruce makes it more delectable.
Vietnamese Dumplings
Well, dumplings, in general, are Asian, but the Vietnamese ones are a little more special. First of all, it will shun all your basic dumpling ideas because most Vietnamese dumplings look like spring rolls. Moreover, the filling is full of rich Asian flavour that melts in the mouth.
Khao Suey
This Burmese delicacy is like a warm hug in a bowl. The steaming broth rich with freshness, spice, and flavours is delicious. It is nothing but comfort food on a gloomy day. Moreover, the condiments, including the onions, garlic, and peanuts, make it more amazing.
Chicken in Choice of Sauce
Chicken is a favourite of the majority irrespective of which part of the world you are in. Moreover, the delightful sauces in Asian Cuisine create a different stir all together. The spices look similar but are so separate from each other. For example, chilli chicken, hoisin chicken, schezwan chicken, and more are some of the most popular types of saucy Asian chicken dishes.
Japanese Tempura
What can be better than something fried on a rainy day? Here we have the Japanese variety o0f fritters or Tempura. These are vegetables, meat or seafood lightly coated in batter and deep-fried. Oh Yum! Already.
So, here is a brief guide about Asian food, although the more you read about it is still not enough.
Asam Laksa
Let’s travel to Indonesia now, and check out this very delicious fishy noodle soup. When it comes to the Indonesian-Peranakan cuisine, the Asam Laksa is a delicacy. It is like a blend of the Malay and Chinese cuisines. This soup consists of fish, of course, shreds of cucumber, red chilli paste, pineapple, onions, daunkesum, torch ginger, and more. The side dishes are mostly prawn paste and rice noodles. While for some people it may be a little uncomfortable to eat the dish because of the pungency, it is surely not the case for the locals.
Indonesian Satay
Indonesia is the land of satays, and these meat skewers are some of the most flavorful dishes that you will ever find. The side dishes to these are fish cakes, rice, and peanut sauce. Some people say that it is the national street food of Indonesia, and is massively celebrated. You will find satays everywhere you go in the country, and well they are quite addictive. Indonesian curry paste is majorly used in a lot of dishes.
Fish Ambulthiyal
When you are considering an island in the Indian Ocean, of course, seafood and fish play quite an important role here. So, the fish ambulthiyal or the sour fish curry is a very popular curry that you will get in almost all places of Sri Lanka. In this curry, usually, any firm and large fish such as tuna is used in the form of cubes. The other important ingredients that go into this curry are Sri Lankan curry paste, black pepper, curry leaves, cinnamon, pandan leaves, garlic, and turmeric.
Pad Thai
Of course, this is like a complementary addition to any Asian food list like this one. It is simply fried noodles in a typical Thai style with several condiments. The thin noodles with crunchy bean sprouts, eggs, meat, onions, fish sauce, peanuts, Thai green curry paste, sugar, and more. The spicy and pungent flavour of this noodle dish an undoubtedly wakes you up from deep sleep with the hot smoke!
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Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise Meridian
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Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise Meridian
Experience Bangkok full moon LOY KRATHONG Night by Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise Meridian. The Delightful Colours of the River, Loi Krathong Festival in Bangkok Thailand. Celebrate Loy Krathong Night onboard Meridian Cruise  including as Krathong for floating (LOY) per person, buffet dinner and entertainment by live-band and traditional dance show with enjoy to see sparkling firework over sky of Chao phraya river.
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Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise by Meridian Cruise
Tour Code: BKKLOY:01 Destination: Bangkok Start City: Bangkok End City: Bangkok Tour Type: Joint Tour Cruise Capacity : 500 Persons Type of Dinner Menu :  Thai -International Buffet & Seafood Check in time: 18.00 Pm. Cruising time: 20.00 Pm. Cruise Pier Drop-Off: ICONSIAM Pier Cruise Departure : Loy Krathong Night on Saturday 31 October 2020 Chao Phraya River Tourist Attractions Icon Siam The Holy Rosary Church Santa Cruz Church Wat Kalayanamit Woramahawiharn Temple of Dawn Wat Arun Grand Palace The emerald Buddha Temple Rama 8 Bridge River Hotel 5-Star Asiatique the riverfront Cruise Itinerary 17.30 Pm: Check in cruise 's counter at ICONSIAM (Please check in early time, on Loy krathong day in Bangkok is very traffic jam) 20.00 Pm: Cruise drop for pick up clients at ICONSIAM pier, then enjoy  the splendid worldwide buffet which created from our Head Chef and we can assure that each bites could be delicious. Besides, we provide you the very unique Thai Traditional Show and certainly one of the satisfactory Filipino band so one can serve you with the music from ’80 to now. Great views to see scenery night of Chao Phraya river, the most important river of Thailand. 21.30 Pm. Floating the Krathong to the Chao Praya river 22.00 Pm. Arrive the ICONSIAM pier. Have a good night. Meridian Cruise Bangkok The Meridian Cruise Chao Phraya Special Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise in Bangkok,Thailand. Meridian Cruise will bring you to absorb the sensation and the happiness with our luxury designed cruise. You could experience the very Best SERVICE and wonderful delicious dinner as they are cooked by means of the Micheline Star Chef. Enjoy your dinner with the first-class scenery of the Chao Phraya River, the records river of Thailand. Along the way, you will revel in along with your happiness with our exceptional Filipino Singer and the Thai Classical Show. We are waiting so one can sail with us at “Meridian Cruise”  Thai -International & Seafood Buffet Dinner Menu Appetizer & Salad Salad Bar Corner Fresh Fruit Salad Caesar Salad Fresh Noodle Spring Rolls Deep-fried Crab Meat Rolls Papaya Salad With Salty Crab Papaya Salad With Salty Eggs Salmon, Crab Stick Octopus Sashimi Sushi River Prawns Nz Mussel On Ice Cold Cut Soup Mushroom Cream Soup Spicy River Prawns Soup Main Dishes Beef Stew Sauteed Nz Mussel With Garlic And Butter Spaghetti With Olive Dry Chili And Garlic Grilled Chicken Deep Fried Shrimp Cake Stir Fried Squid With Black Pepper Deep-fried Fish With Chives Sauteed Mixed Vegetable Green Curry With Fish Balls Fried Rice Noodle Thai Style With Prawns Fried Rice With Garlic Steamed Rice Carving Station Roasted Pork Roasted Beef Desert Chocolate Fondue Banana In Coconut Milk Assorted Cake Chocolate Mousse Panna Cotta Cream Brulee Assorted Thai Dessert Seasonal Of Fresh Fruit Remarks; Menu is subject to change as appropriate Loy Krathong Festival Thailand Loi Krathong or Loy Krathong is a Siamese pageant celebrated yearly during the Kingdom of Thailand and in close by nations with widespread southwestern Thai cultures. Loy Krathong, that is mean "to float a flower basket," and springs from the way of life of creating Krathong or buoyant, embellished baskets, that are then floated on a river. Thai people use the Krathong to thank the Goddess of Water, the Hindu Goddess Ganga (river in Northern India), Phra Mae Khongkha.
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Loy Krathong This Year is Saturday 31 October 2020 Dress Code Free style
Price/Person Adult : 1500฿ Child : 1100฿
* Child rate 3-9 year only Tour Price included; Welcome Drink Thai-International Buffet & Seafood Thai dance, Live Music Band Krathong for floating Cruise trip along the Chaophraya river Tour excludes Personal expense How to use this tour? After confirmed we will get TOUR VOUCHER & Pier Map details about check in point to you by mail for guarantee booking Please present either a printed or show on your mobile to Meridian Cruise Counter ICON SIAM  (Suksiam Zone, on the G floor) TOUR VOUCHER is valid only on the tour date and time specified After check in already, please arrive at the pier, and waiting for at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time
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Booking here >> Read the full article
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5minuteswithjoni · 4 years
Do you find meal planning taxing? I know I do. Thinking up meals for the week ahead. Ensuring variety and to keep things interesting.
To give you some meal ideas I’ve come up with a six week meal plan. You can pick and choose what you fancy or follow the weeks that work for you. I’ll post links to good recipes on here too. Enjoy.
NB if you have kids who are fussy like mine, they may not eat everything on here. Just go with what works for you and don’t stress if the kids don’t like the food.
If you find these helpful I’ll be happy to send you these in note form for you to add to your phone, just send me a message on Facebook.
Here goes:
Week 1
Monday: Chicken fajitas with sour cream & guacamole 🌯🍗🥑
Tuesday: Cuban chorizo & prawn linguine 🍝
Wednesday: Swedish meatballs, mash & greens with creamy sauce and red jelly 🧆
Thursday: Lentil soup & sour dough. 🍲🍞
Friday: Salmon, greens & crushed new potatoes 🍣🥔
Saturday: Steaks, potato dauphinois & green beans (Macaroni cheese for kids) 🥩
Sunday: Mary Contini Lasagne. 🍲
Week 2
Monday: Chicken chasseur & red wine ju with mash & greens 🍗🧅🥬🍷
Tuesday: Prawn stir fry with prawn crackers
Wednesday: Slow cooked chilli con carne & wedges with sour cream & chive dip 🍲
Thursday: Chicken spinach & mushroom pesto spaghetti 🍝
Friday: Pitta Pizzas, salad & coleslaw 🍕
Saturday: Sausage ragu with rigatoni pasta
Sunday: Pork meatballs in sweet soy sauce with broccoli and rice 🧆
Week 3
Monday: Cajun chicken & mediterranean vegetables 🍗🍆🍅
Tuesday: Sea bass with watercress & crushed new potatoes. 🥔🍲
Wednesday: Beef and red wine casserole followed by watermelon. 🥩🍷🍉
Thursday: Sausages, mash & peas 🍲
Friday: Thai green curry and jasmine rice 🥘
Saturday: Beef mince tacos & salad 🌮
Sunday: Easy Spanish chicken & roast potatoes. 🍗🥔
Week 4
Monday: Sweet chilli pork stir fry & udon noodles 🥬🍜
Tuesday: Scrambled egg & bacon on toast.🥚🍞
Wednesday: Toad in the hole with cauliflower cheese and peas. 🧀
Thursday Tricolour taglielle with rocket, tomatoes, feta & capers 🍝
Friday: Chicken korma curry & poppadums.
Saturday: Burgers with cheese, tomato & lettuce 🍔
Sunday: Mexican grilled chicken & salad 🍗🥑🌽
Week 5
Monday: Fusilli carbonara with streaky bacon lardons 🍝🥓
Tuesday: Lemon chicken & green beans with coconut rice
Thursday: Piri piri chicken with broccoli & sweet potatoe wedges 🍗🌶🍠
Friday: Pulled pork burritos with gem lettuce, avocado & tomatoe 🌯🥗
Saturday: Tomato pasta bake 🥫
Sunday: Roast beef, cauliflower cheese, Yorkshire puddings, carrots, rosemary roast potatoes. Chocolate tart & creme fraiche. 🥩🥔🧄🥮
Week 6
Monday: Chimichurri chicken with broccoli & mash. 🍗🥦🥔
Tuesday: Steamed fish & pak choi parcels with sticky rice 🥬🍱
Wednesday: Chicken, spinach & mushroom pesto spaghetti 🍗🍝
Thursday: Thai beef stir fry 🥩 🍝
Friday: Steak, potato wedges & green beans 🥩🥔
Saturday: Crispy chicken burgers with coleslaw & french fries
Sunday: Roast garlic & herb chicken and roasted root veg. 🍗🧄🥕🍠🧅
Week 7
Monday: Tiger Prawn tagliatelle 🍝
Tuesday: Chicken breasts stuffed with green olives and goats cheese and roasted cubes
Wednesday: Oregano lamb steaks sand giant cous cous (Goujons for kids) 🥩
Thursday: Pea and sweet potatoe korma 🥘
Friday: Steak, wedges and chimichurri sauce
Saturday: Tomatoes pasta bake 🥫
Sunday: Roasted herb chicken with tomato & mozzerella & fusilli salad with honey dressing 🍗🥗
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thehungrykat1 · 5 years
Marriott Manila Holds The Philippine Sustainability Month 2019
Sustainability is the key word when it comes to protecting Mother Earth and our natural resources. We should not wait for the time when our wasteful actions have depleted the Earth’s resources, a burden our children will have to shoulder in the future. This is why Marriott Manila continues to spearhead its sustainability programs with the launch of a new activity in partnership with some of the top hotels, restaurants, suppliers, and leaders in the industry.
The opening of The Philippine Sustainability Month 2019 was held last August 27, 2019 at the Marriott Grand Ballroom in Resorts World Manila. Similar to its previous program called The Philippines Sustainable Seafood Week, this a month-long series of events that is more encompassing as it not just tackles the dwindling seafood catch all around the world, it also promotes other sustainable projects that will help the keep the Earth alive and healthy.
Marriott Manila invited members of the media to join the launch of the Philippine Sustainable Month 2019. I was happy to see Ms. Hope Velasco (right), Marketing Communications Manager for Sheraton Manila who also used to be part of Marriott Manila. I also enjoyed the cocktails with Ms. Tina Villa and her husband who are my usual dining companions here at Marriott.
The Philippine Sustainability Movement has curated a month-long series of events organized by Pristine Solutions and Services Inc., and Peterson and Control Union with topics focusing on Global and Philippine sustainable supply chains highlighting sustainable seafood, organic and integrated farming, seaweed products, food waste reduction, plastic reducing solutions, sustainable tourism, energy and water management, GHG monitoring and carbon footprint among others. Leading the launch was Chef Meik Brammer (right), Executive Chef of Marriott Manila who had made the five-star hotel one of the best premium dining spots in the country. 
Aside from using sustainable seafood practices and sources for the hotel’s dining establishments, Marriott Manila has also replaced its single-use plastic water bottles inside the guest rooms with refillable glass bottles. This has resulted in replacing all of these plastic trash which usually ends up in our oceans.
The top hotels, restaurants, and food establishments displayed some of their sustainable dishes and programs during the event. Makati Shangri-La Hotel’s program was called Rooted in Nature and they featured a Butter Lettuce Salad using fresh fruits and vegetables. 
They also offered guests servings of their Tomato Soup and a Ceviche from Aba Pardes. The Fish Acqua Pazza was also a highlight as this simple Italian dish uses poached fish in light broth.
Alaska Prime Seafood was one of the participating suppliers and their shrimps and lobsters were some of the most popular dishes at the event. 
The Maine Style Lobster and Shrimp Roll came with juicy chunks of lobster inside lightly toasted buns, while the Spicy Lobster Shrimp Gambas was a heavenly dish served on top of white rice.
New World Makati proudly presented their fresh Crystal Bay oysters which are brackish-water species that are self-sustaining and do not need additional feeds. They also had some Torched Oysters as well as Oyster Shooters inside small glass bottles.
Ducasse Education in Enderun Colleges brought some of their student chefs to display their wares.
Some of their dishes included the Lightly Cured Salmon with Buckwheat Blinis and Crispy Skin and the Tuna Curry Puff with spiced tamarind sauce.
Hilton Manila is also promoting its mission to cut their environmental footprint in half by 2030. The Mapo Shrimp with Soy Custard was a unique item you can find on their table.
Another was the Sustainable Tuna with mango and avocado puree, balsamic and shallots. They also had the Sustainable Shrimp with mango salsa from Luntian Farms.
The Center for Culinary Arts (CCA) offered their Salmon Mousse on adial crackers garnished with lemon rind, bell peppers, and squid ink tuile.
CCA had several other outstanding dishes like the Breaded Shrimps with Marie Rose Sauce using shrimps from the mangroves of Vietnam. This is placed on top of a home-made malunggay pandesal. The Gambas with Black Pandesal Bites was enhanced using activated charcoal which gives its black color. Lastly, the Shrimp Bisque Cappuccino is a warm broth with the comforting flavors of shrimp.
Sheraton Manila, one of the newest hotels in Resorts World Manila, offered several plant-based items like the Plant-Based Beef Goulash, Plant-Based Chili Con Carne, and Plant-Based Pork Belly. I tried these meat-substitutes for myself and they really do taste like the original dishes.
They also offered the Stevia Keto Cheesecake for a sweet dessert. Sheraton Manila Hotel is also launching their Green Meetings Program to further help the environment. Plastic bottles will also be replaced with water pitchers in guest rooms, while they will be using organic produce from their very own Sheraton Farms.
Some of other delicious seafood dishes I saw were the Thai Scented Prawn with pomelo and coconut salsa; the Cucumber Spaghetti with oyster beignet and caviar; and the Oyster Gelato with citrus caviar and pumpernickles soil.
Discovery Hospitality, composed of the some of my favorite hotels around the country like Discovery Shores Boracay, Discovery Country Suites, and Discovery Primea, featured several interesting items like the Spiced Seared Tuna Tacos with onions, tomatoes, chili and salsa rojo. Their Vegan Ube Cheesecake is made with an almond crust, coconut shavings. They also had a Beyond Burger Sliders with truffle buns, vegan-wasabi mayo, caramelized onions and mushrooms.
I would like to congratulate Michelle Garcia, Cluster Director for Marketing Communications for Marriott Hotel Manila, and the entire Marriott Manila team for a successful launch of The Philippine Sustainability Month 2019. Let’s all do our small part in maintaining the health of our planet, because it’s definitely the only one we’ve got. Visit their website at www.philippinesustainabilitymonth.com to find out more about the other events and schedules lined up for the month.
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vatarna · 7 years
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!!!! I went to Paste for lunch today. Gorgeous, creative food based on recipes served at the royal court from the 1800s and 1900s. I might have enjoyed it more than Nahm tbh!
So! We had:
Bale fruit, pandan leaf and elderflower soda. Those colours. Gosh!
Abalone toast. I just. This was so good. This was so. Good!!!!!!! I’m not usually into abalone but this worked. If you guys have ever had Thai prawn toast, it was basically that but 100x more satisfying.
Watermelon, ground salmon with crispy shallots and roasted galangal powder. My mother makes a version of this using tiny sugared fish that you eat with watermelon. It’s a dish that has the perfect balance of salty and sweet, with complementary textures. Big fan!
Steamed silken tofu, mint, coriander and crispy shallots with chilli, soy and ginger dressing. Love that creaaaamy tofu, and the accompaniments made it a refreshing dish!
Chanthaburi province noodles with gulf of Thailand blue sea crab, curry paste, fresh coconut milk and dried scallop floss. Beautifully savoury. They used sugar banana flowers in this as well - apparently you can only use the flowers from sugar bananas because they’re the only ones with the right flavour! 
Smoky southern yellow curry with gulf of Thailand red spanner crab, hummingbird flowers, Thai samphire and turmeric. This was intense and rich and DAMN!! 
Crispy skin free range sous-vide duck rubbed with northern Thai ‘makhwaen’ pepper, drizzled with fresh som-jid (citrus like orange) and star anise sauce. HOLY SHIT. That citrus sauce. Perfection. 
Lemongrass and white turmeric panna cotta with som saa (bitter orange) and Chiang Mai strawberry ice cream, and fresh mango, berries and dragonfruit. Yes. YES?!
Chocolate rum truffles with passionfruit flowers! So rich. So dreamy.
Nan province pumpkin and wild honey pudding with young coconut sorbet, passionfruit cookie crumble, roasted pear and passion fruit foam. That pumpkin pudding hoooooly
;-; This restaurant was so utterly lovely in every way. Really glad I was lucky enough to be able to come here!
11 notes · View notes
tastyerrands · 7 years
Where to eat in Dublin
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If you are visiting Dublin, or even living there, I have compiled in this post a list of my favorite places to eat there. I tried to include a variety of cuisines, so whatever your taste is, you could still find a spot for you. I won’t call it “Top Dublin Restaurants” or “The best restaurants in Dublin”, as I didn’t have the chance to try every single restaurant I wished to try there. But after nearly 6 weeks spent in this beautiful city, I can say that these places are my favorite so far, and they offer delicious food at convenient prices.
So get your taste buds ready for a journey around my favorite eateries.
Orchid Restaurant
Cuisine: Chinese
Address: 120 Pembroke Rd, Dublin 4
Website: http://www.orchidd4.com
Be aware: It closes on Mondays
Recommended: Organic Salmon lavished in spicy Thai red curry with a hint of coconut
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Zaragoza Dublin Restaurant
Cuisine: Spanish
Address: 18 William St S, Dublin Southside, Dublin 2
Website: http://zaragozadublin.com/
Be aware: It needs reservation on busy nights (Fridays and Weekends)
Recommended: Seafood Cassoulet
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Marco Pierre White Steakhouse and Grill
Cuisine: Steakhouse
Address: 51 Dawson St, Dublin 2
Website: http://marcopierrewhite.ie/  
Be aware: A bit more expensive than other restaurants in this list, but totally worth it
Recommended: Fillet of Beef Wellington, creamed spinach, fondant potato, mushroom duxelle
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Roly’s Bistrot
Cuisine: International
Address: 7 Ballsbridge Terrace, Dublin 4
Website: http://rolysbistro.ie/  
Be aware: Some items are not available during lunch
Recommended: Goats Cheese And Roast Vegetable Tart, Tomato and Basil Relish, Rocket Salad
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Banyi Japanese Dining
Cuisine: Japanese
Address: 3-4 Bedford Row, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Website: http://www.banyijapanesedining.com/
Recommended: Salmon avocado cream cheese rolls
Be aware: The maki pieces are huge, so you could get full quickly
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Ravi’s Kitchen
Cuisine: Indian
Address: 174, Pembroke Rd, Dublin 4
Website: http://ravis.orderyoyo.com/  
Recommended: Chicken Murgh Korma
Be aware: It can be veryyy spicy! So make sure to ask when ordering
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Hugo’s Restaurant
Cuisine: Irish and French
Address: 6 Merrion Row, Dublin 2
Website: https://www.hugos.ie/  
Recommended: Check the catch of the day
Be aware: Service is very slow, so don’t go if you are short on time
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Queen of Tarts
Cuisine: Bakery
Address: Cow's Ln, Dame St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Website: http://www.queenoftarts.ie/  
Recommended: Chocolate Pear and Almond tart
Be aware: It closes at 7 pm
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Bellucci's Italian Restaurant & Cocktail Bar
Cuisine: Italian
Address: 22-30 Merrion Rd, Dublin 4
Website: http://www.bellucci.ie/  
Recommended: Mesclun Salad with Grilled Prawns, Seasonal Fruit, Chilli & Asparagus
Be aware: Some items are only available for dinner
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Juniors Deli and Cafe
Cuisine: Italian Influenced
Address: 2 Bath Avenue, Dublin 4, Ireland, Dublin
Website: https://www.juniors.ie/deli-and-cafe.php
Recommended: Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich
Be aware: It can get very crowded at lunchtime
I bet you’re hungry now! For more delicious food in Dublin and other places I visit, I invite you to follow my Instagram account TastyErrands and get my latest recommendations.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The London Delivery & Takeaway Directory (1) added to Google Docs
The London Delivery & Takeaway Directory (1) .lst-kix_list_1-3 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-4 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-0{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-7 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-5 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-6 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-3{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-0 > li:before{content:"● "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-4{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-8 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-1{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-2{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-7{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-1 > li:before{content:"○ "}.lst-kix_list_1-2 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-8{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-5{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-6{list-style-type:none}
Whilst we’ve been busy organising our sock drawer and questioning the merits of sell-by dates, many of London’s restaurants have been busy developing new collection and/or delivery options. We thought it would be important to keep track of them, because even though you can’t eat at restaurants, you can still support them by ordering their food. This directory is organised by north, south, east, and west, with links to delivery platforms so that you can easily order too. Plus, we’ll be updating this guide daily with more spots across London. Got a restaurant tip? Email us at [email protected].
If you’re looking for delivery or collection options to suit a specific mood, read our guide to London’s Delivery And Collection Options For Every Situation. And if your home bar (cupboard) is in serious need of a re-stock, we’ve got The Alcohol Delivery Guide too.
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north Namaaste Kitchen ££££ 64 Parkway
Butter chicken, lamb chops, and king prawn biryani. Those are just some of the things you can get delivered from Namaaste Kitchen in Camden. Order directly from their website or give them a buzz on 020 485 5977.
Lyon's ££££ 1 Park Road
Whilst isolation has driven you to calling fish fingers lightly-crumbed cod digits, seafood specialist spot Lyon’s have started delivering for the first time. Click here to get a crispy softshell crab burger or a very casual whole chargrilled plaice with seaweed butter delivered straight to your door.
Cannons Fish and Chips ££££ 6 Park Road
There are few things more reliably satisfying than a freshly battered fish with a big portion of chips, but if you prefer yours grilled, with a side of halloumi, Cannons in Crouch End can take care of that too. Click here to order.
Bufala Di Londra ££££ 18 Topsfield Parade
Bufala di Londra in Crouch End are delivering a variety of pizzas, including a yellow tomato sauce margherita. They’ll also send you a platter of cured meat, beer, and wine if you ask for it. Order here.
Coffee Circus ££££ 136, Crouch Hill
Order hot coffee drinks, cold coffee drinks, tea, salads, cooked breakfasts, and a variety of things on toast from Coffee Circus in Crouch End. Delivery available here.
Dunn's Bakery ££££ 6 The Broadway
A big selection of breads, bakewell tarts, lemon drizzle cakes, doughnuts, and flapjacks are available for local delivery from Crouch End landmark, Dunns. Place orders directly from their website here.
Saki ££££ 33 Broadway Parade
A selection of sushi, sashimi, hot dishes, and bento boxes are available from Saki in Crouch End. They also deliver beer, sake, and plum wine. Order here.
Sacro Cuore ££££ Crouch End Hill
Neopolitan pizzas and salads are being delivered all day every day from Sacro Cuore in Crouch End. Order here.
Bottle Apostle ££££ 49 Park Road
Bottle Apostle is a pretty serious wine shop in Crouch End. They always have a solid stock of wines you want to drink, and knowledgable staff on hand to give you the advice you need. Head here to order a small selection of their wines for immediate delivery, or check out their online shop for a more elaborate order.
Diyarbakır Restaurant ££££ 69 Grand Parade, Green Lanes
Diyarbakir serves classic Turkish and Middle Eastern dishes from a couple of locations on Green Lanes. Order their lahmacen, pide, hot and cold mezze, and manti, as well as other specialities from the oven and charcoal grill here and here.
Quartieri £ £ £ £ Pizza ,  Italian  in  Kilburn ££££ 300 Kilburn High Rd 8.4 /10
You’re definitely going to want to get involved in the spicy La Diavolo pizza from Quartieri. To get their excellent Naples-style pizza delivered click here.
Top Cuvée ££££ 177B Blackstock Rd
Highbury wine bar and restaurant Top Cuvée have done a full quarantine re-brand and are now Shop Cuvée, your one-stop spot for everything from a £50 home feast involving fresh tagliatelle, to natural wine survival kits, to batched negronis.
Franks Canteen ££££ 86 Highbury Park
Good news, brunch isn’t cancelled. Highbury spot Frank’s Canteen has got your bacon sarnie, coffee, and pastry needs covered. If you happen to live nearby you can swing by for their collection menu, otherwise call 020 7354 4830 or order here.
Farang £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Highbury ££££ 72 Highbury Park 7.6 /10
Ever eaten a whole seabass on your sofa? You’re about to. Thai spot Farang in Highbury are now doing ready meals, fresh fish, and alcohol to take away. Ring 020 7226 1609 to book your collection time and place an order - you can find the menu here.
Yard Sale Pizza ££££ 54 Blackstock Rd
Yard Sale’s 18-inch pizzas will feed you for lunch, dinner, and the next day’s breakfast. Or if you’re doing this whole quarantine eating thing right, one prolonged afternoon snack. You can order directly from their website.
Provisions £ £ £ £ Wine Bar  in  Highbury ,  Islington ££££ 167 Holloway Road Not
Does brie count as an essential provision? Absolutely. According to us, so is natural wine and 18-month aged comte. Holloway’s Provisions is delivering all of the above straight to your front door. Get your cheese on here.
Zia Lucia ££££ 157 Holloway Rd
Zia Lucia by numbers: six types of pizza, 48-hour slow fermented dough, and 157 Holloway Road is their address. For their handcrafted, wood-fired pizzas click here.
The Compton Arms £ £ £ £ British ,  Pub  in  Islington ££££ 4 Compton Avenue 8.0 /10
We once described The Compton Arms’ cheeseburger as ‘an outstanding piece of beefy, buttery craftsmanship’. We weren’t wrong. For the first time you can now eat it at home by sliding into Four Legs’ DMs.
Sutton and Sons ££££ 356 Essex Rd
In the mood for fish and chips? Or something vegan that doesn’t resemble cardboard? Old School chippie Sutton And Sons have both covered with their classic menu and their surprisingly long vegan menu. Order from here.
Tanakatsu £ £ £ £ Japanese  in  Islington ££££ 10 Wakley Street Not
Tanakatsu is a simple diner in Angel that specialises in, plot twist, katsu. You’ll also find their teriyaki dishes, sushi, and gyoza available for delivery here.
1251 ££££ 107 Upper Street
1251 on Upper Street is usually a small plates, casual fine dining situation. Now they’re delivering. Welcome to 2020. Their menu is changing all the time, but buttermilk jerk chicken with scotch bonnet jam and other options are all available here.
The Cheese Bar £ £ £ £ American ,  Sandwiches  in  Camden ££££ Unit 93 North Yard Not
The Cheese Bar might be how you just refer to your mouth now, but it’s also a cheese-mad Camden spot that have kicked off a new delivery menu. Their new range called Mac Daddy has things like a triple cheese fondue, or for their classic range of cheese and survival kits, hit up their website.
Latteria £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Islington ££££ 56 - 58 Essex Road Not
All-day Italian diner and deli, Latteria, are delivering everything from hot tagliatelle al ragu to fresh pasta and groceries to cook at home. For your full meal needs hit them up here, otherwise head to their website to order from their long, long list of groceries.
Baan Thai £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Kentish Town ££££ 18 Not
Fancy a big, comforting bowl of tom yum? Of course you do. Order directly from their website to get involved in pad thai, Singapore laksa, and much more.
The Abbey Tavern ££££ 124 Kentish Town Rd
Nanny Bills at The Abbey Tavern is an evening-only Kentish Town delivery spot doing what we’d refer to as a Serious Burger Situation. We’re talking double patties, smoked bacon, mustard glaze, and a whole lot of gravy. Find all of the above here.
Moi Moi Island ££££ 81 Kentish Town Rd
Camden’s Moi Moi Island is home to jerk chicken, lamb curry, dutty fries, and sweet adobo wings. Get it delivered so that your kitchen can be home to them too. You can also order directly from them by calling 020 7267 7769.
Beer + Burger £ £ £ £ Burgers  in  Kings Cross ££££ 1a Arthouse, 1 York Way 7.1 /10
A classic case of ‘does what it says on the tin’ this place is all about affordable, tasty burgers and craft beer. Live in King’s Cross or around Willesden Green? You can hit up their click and collect options, otherwise order here.
The Coal Office ££££ 4-10 Bagley Walk Arches
The Coal Office in King’s Cross have launched a Fresh Food Hub. What does that mean? It means you can follow their Instagram to find out which recipe they’ll be making tomorrow and pre-order it today by emailing [email protected]. Or if you’re feeling a little wild you can also get the ingredients delivered and follow the recipe yourself.
Café Lemon ££££ 118 West Green Road
Cafe Lemon in Seven Sisters serves an eclectic menu. Basically, you can get everything from a full English to arancini to a wild alaskan salmon burger. They also have plenty of vegan options, which you can order from here or here.
Uncle John's Bakery ££££ 76 West Green Rd
This little Ghanian bakery in Seven Sisters is lowkey serving some of the best bread in London. Whether you’re after coconut cake, savoury chin chin, or their classic sweet bread - you can get it all here.
Spice Deli ££££ 11 Goldhurst Terrace
Spice Deli has an NW6 postcode and plenty of turmeric yoghurt, vegetable fritters, and chicken stew for you to eat. Find them here or here.
Morso ££££ 130 Boundary Road
You can order ingredients, or ready-cooked meals from this homemade pasta restaurant off Abbey Road. Check out their menu and order here.
Rubedo £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Stoke Newington ££££ 35 Stoke Newington Church Street 8.3 /10
020 7254 0364 is the number you should be dialling for excellent Italian dishes delivered around Stoke Newington. Expect dishes like burrata with blood orange and confit duck leg with white beans and wild garlic. Heads up: there’s plenty of wine too and the daily menu is on their Instagram.
The Clarence Tavern ££££ 102 Stoke Newington Church St
This Stoke Newington spot is from the people behind The Canton Arms and The Anchor and Hope. They’re now delivering family meals like chicken pie and duck cassoulet for three, as well as wine and beer. Order here before 6pm for next day delivery.
But First Coffee £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Harringay ,  Stroud Green ££££ 43 Quernmore Rd
But First Coffee is not only the motto that gets us through every Monday morning, it’s also a tiny spot next to Harringay station. Swing by Quernmore Road to pick up Ozone coffee and waffles to go.
Pizzeria Pappagone ££££ 131 Stroud Green Rd
Pappagone is a huge, always-mobbed Italian restaurant on Stroud Green Road. In between making regular good-will pizza deliveries to staff at the Whittington Hospital in Highgate, they’re continuing to churn out huge quantities of pizzas and mains like fritto misto and tagliatta di manzo for customers in the local area. Order here and here.
E. Mono ££££ 13 Stroud Green Road
E Mono are delivering shawarma, shish, kofte, and a selection of vegetarian wraps from their takeaway shop next to Finsbury Park bus station. Order here or here.
Granny's Caribbean Takeaway ££££ 16 Charter Court Stroud Green road
Get patties, jerk chicken, curry goat, callalloo, and other Caribbean favourites from local favourite, Granny’s on Stroud Green Road. Order directly from their website and here or here.
The Chippy ££££ 123 Stroud Green Road
The Chippy in Stroud Green will offer to fry a fish of your choice in batter or matzo meal. They’ll even grill it if you prefer it that way. Obviously, they also do chips. Order here.
La Saporita ££££ 174 Tollington Park
La Saporita doesn’t just make a wide variety of pizzas. You can also get pasta, salads, risotto and a whole bunch of antipasti delivered to your door every evening if you live near Stroud Green Road. Order here.
True Craft £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Tottenham ££££ 68 West Green Rd 8.0 /10
True Craft is a big hearted South Tottenham hangout serving beer and pizza to friendly crowds of locals. They’ve now made their sourdoughs available for delivery, so you can enjoy their best pizza, Bang! Pepper, at home, along with a huge variety of craft beer. Order here.
Makimayo ££££ 75 West Green Road
Our go-to order at Tottenham’s Makimayo is their huge serving of katsu curry for just over a tenner. You can check out their whole menu of Korean classics here and place your order.
East West ££££ 135 Fortess Rd
Italian pizza. Big Indian flavours. That’s the concept at this casual Tufnell Park spot. So if you’re into the sound of a masala margherita or a butter chicken pizza, order here.
east Black Bear Burger ££££
Calling all fans of alliteration and aged beef patties, Black Bear Burger are still delivering from their Canary Wharf branch. Find everything from their classic blue cheese burger to garlic parmesan fries here.
Tas Firin ££££ 160 Bethnal Green Road
Pides, grilled lamb, kofte, and homemade falafel. Those are just some of the things you can order from this Turkish restaurant on Bethnal Green Road.
Hai Ha ££££ 206 Mare St
Hai Café makes comforting northern Vietnamese-style phở, and now you can eat it in the comfort of your own home. See the full menu and order from here.
Lucky And Joy £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Clapton ,  Hackney ££££ 95 Lower Clapton Road 8.0 /10
Clapton’s favourite neon-filled Chinese restaurant is doing new rice bowls, collection, and local deliveries. Check out the menu here and order by texting or calling 07488 965 966. Also, it’s 50% off if you’re an NHS worker.
Yard Sale Pizza £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Clapton ,  Hackney ££££ 105 Lower Clapton Rd 8.0 /10
Yard Sale’s 18-inch pizzas will feed you for lunch, dinner, and the next day’s breakfast. Or, if you’re doing this whole quarantine eating thing right, one prolonged afternoon snack. You can order directly from their website.
Krapow £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Clapton ,  Hackney ££££ 62 Chatsworth Rd Not
Krapow makes spicy, satisfying Thai food and it’s delivering all around east London. There are curries, Thai fried squid, alongside gluten free and vegan stuff too. See the menu and order here, or order for collection here.
Snackbar £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Sandwiches ,  Brunch  in  Dalston ££££ 20 Dalston Lane 8.0 /10
Dalston café and workspace Snackbar is making weekly-changing rice bowls and toasties for collection or local delivery. Think kaarage chicken and pickles, kimcheese toasties, and other bits and bobs. Order here.
Hash E8 £ £ £ £ Diner  in  Dalston ££££ 170 Dalston Lane Not
Hackney brunch legends Hash E8 are still doing their thing every day via the wonders of technology and two wheeled vehicles. Get your eggs benedict, pancakes, or French toast orders in here.
BunBunBun Vietnamese Food ££££ 134B Kingsland Rd
You can still get Hoxton and Dalston Vietnamese spot BunBunBun’s excellent vermicelli noodle salads delivered straight to you, alongside bahn mi, noodle soups, and more. Order here.
The Dusty Knuckle Bakery £ £ £ £ Sandwiches  in  Dalston ££££ Abbot St Car Park Not
The Dusty Knuckle is one of London’s best bakeries. Their loaves, pastries, and sandwiches are available for collection and delivery from April 14th.
House Of MoMo ££££ 52 Boleyn Rd
10 steamed Nepalese dumplings for £9 is a pretty good deal, and that’s what you should get from House of Momo in Dalston. Plus some fried ones too. Order from here.
Oren ££££ 89 Shacklewell Lane
The Mediterranean food at Oren is made for sharing and the same goes for their to-go menu. There’s challah bread, dips, pickles, koftas, salads, and a whole spiced roast chicken with rice too. Organise delivery or collection here.
Beer + Burger £ £ £ £ Burgers  in  Hackney ££££ 464 Kingsland Rd Not
Alternatively, all you ever need is a beer and a burger. Get yours here from Beer + Burger on Kingsland Road. Don’t miss their dipping gravy.
Saravana Bhavan £ £ £ £ Indian ,  Vegetarian  in  East Ham ££££ 300 High Street North 7.6 /10
The biggest South Indian chain in the world is delivering their vegetarian food from their East Ham branch. Order dosa, chana, paneer and more here.
Flour And Flowers ££££ 8 Hackney Road
Put that sad family pack of Kitkats away because this Hackney bakery are delivering their white chocolate choux, vegan banana loaf, and a whole lot of other sweet treats across Hackney and London. You’ll need to give them 24 hours notice, but slide on into their DMs or give them a call on 07477462072 to order. By the way, they also do sandwiches and quiche.
The Laughing Heart £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Wine Bar  in  Hackney ££££ 277 Hackney Road Not
Hackney wine bar The Laughing Heart has opened an online shop delivering set meals, focaccia, guanciale, frozen dumplings, wine, napkins, single wine glasses and, if you ask nicely, probably a sommelier too. Choose delivery or collection here.
OMBRA ££££ 1 Vyner St
Ombra’s brand new takeaway menu is a real mood. It’s split into Antipasti & Provisions - think prosciutto cotto - Fresh Pasta To Cook At Home, Dessert, and Stay Hydrate Buy Vino. All of which we can definitely get behind and you can too here.
Pidgin Experimental  in  Hackney 52 Wilton Way Not
If you think fancy-ish fine dining food can’t travel, then think again. Homing Pidgin is the three-course meal collection service from Pidgin in Hackney. The menu changes daily as in £25 a head. Book in advance here.
Casa Fofó £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Vegetarian  in  Hackney ££££ 158 Sandringham Road 8.1 /10
Casa Fofò is offering a small menu of freshly baked bread, charcuterie, cheese, pastries, and wine for collection of local delivery around E8. Email [email protected] or text 07526 850 369 for details.
Pophams Hackney £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Hackney ££££ 197 Richmond Road 8.2 /10
If you’re after handmade pasta or buttery pastries, then Pophams is where you want to order from. The popularity of this Hackney bakery means that things go fast. Check their Instagram bio for the link to pre-order.
Pollo Feliz ££££ 13-23 Westgate St
The Mexican grilled chicken specialists are delivering their second-to-none pork fat, goose fat, and vegan tortillas in packets of 10, along with their homemade chilli oil. DM them or text 07479 478 722 with your order. It’s free delivery for Hackney and surrounding areas.
Mio Yatai £ £ £ £ Japanese  in  Hackney ££££ 129a Pritchard's Road Not
We’re pretty into Mio Yatai’s ramen and you can get it delivered from here, here, or here. Want something else to go with it? We like their yakitori and kaarage too.
Hill & Szrok £ £ £ £ Steaks  in  Hackney ,  Haggerston ££££ 60 Broadway Market 7.7 /10
Hackney butchers and restaurant Hill and Szrok are delivering homemade charcuterie, stock, butter, and ramen sets around NE London. Call 020 7254 8805 to order.
Pavilion Cafe £ £ £ £ Sri Lankan ,  Cafe/Bakery  in  Bow ££££ Victoria Park
Pavilion Bakery is selling essential items for click and collect from their Broadway Market and Columbia Road shops. They’re doing three loaves of sourdough for a tenner, pastries, eggs, coffee, and that kind of thing. Click and collect from here.
White Post Cafe ££££ Schwartz Wharf, 92 White Post Ln
Pie, mash, gravy - what more could you want? If the answer is peas, then Pieminister at the White Post Café in Hackney Wick has them too. Get your pastry fix here.
Randy's Wing Bar ££££ 28 East Bay Lane
Randy sounds like the sort of person who washes his teeth with Coors Lite, but he’s also the sort of person who’s delivering his many-sauced chicken wings from Hackney Wick (along with burgers, fries, and more). Order from here.
Singburi £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Leytonstone ££££ 593 High Rd Leytonstone Not
Leytonstone’s best-known Thai restaurant is still open for collection. Check their Instagram to see the current specials board. Call 0208 281 4801 to order.
01 Adana £ £ £ £ Turkish  in  Stoke Newington ££££ 25-27 Green Lanes Not
If, like us, 75% of your life’s sustenance has come in the form of a lahmacun, then keep things going by ordering from 01 Adana on Newington Green via this link. There are Turkish soups, stews, charcoal grilled bits, and more.
Trattoria N16 £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Highbury ££££ 44-45 Newington Green Not
Trattoria N16 are delivering pizzas and wine all around northeast London and, really, that’s all you need in any situation. Order from here.
Butchies £ £ £ £ Burgers ,  Sandwiches  in  Shoreditch ££££ 22 Rivington Street Not
Butchies makes fried chicken burgers with names like ‘Jenny from the Block’ or ‘El Diablo’. Whether their buttermilk fried chicken looks like J-Lo or looks satanic, we don’t know, but it tastes good. Get them here or here.
Kêu Banh Mi Deli ££££ 332 Old St
Bahn mi go-to Keu is open for delivery and collection from its Shoreditch location. Check this link or call 020 7739 1164.
Burro e Salvia £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Shoreditch ££££ 52 Redchurch St 8.3 /10
Shoreditch’s best pasta restaurant is doing delivery and collection for cook-at-home ravioli, tortelloni, cappelletti, homemade sauces, tiramisu, and more. Make your choice here or here.
Casa Do Frango ££££ 2 King John Court
London loves piri-piri chicken and you can still get Casa Do Frango’s to your door. There are plenty of fish and vegetarian options as well. Order from their Shoreditch location here.
Cocotte ££££ 8 Hoxton Square
Farm-to-table rotisserie restaurant Cocotte, is now delivering its free range chickens, soups, and salads. Order from their Shoreditch spot here.
Halo Burger ££££ 105 Great Eastern St
Halo offers no less than six vegan burger varieties, from smoky BBQ to crispy katsu, plus nuggets, fries, and ice cream to finish it off. If you want some or all of that, then click here or here.
Atis £ £ £ £ Shoreditch ££££ 145 City Road 7.2 /10
We’ve got a real soft spot for Atis. Mostly because this Shoreditch spot’s salads make us feel like proper grown-ups. Get them delivered from here or here, and get a round of the banana bread whilst you’re at it.
Burger & Beyond ££££ 147 High St
A burger’s a burger right? Well, actually wrong. There are burgers and then there Burger and Beyond burgers - try saying that three times faster. Order directly from here.
Townsend ££££ 77-82 Whitechapel High St
Townsend, a British restaurant inside the Whitechapel Gallery, is making a whole load of set meals, produce, and wine as well. A three-course set menu for two with a bottle of wine is £40. If that sounds good, then order for delivery or collection here.
south HOB ~ Heart Of Balham ££££ 113 Balham High Rd
Heart Of Balham is a Mediterranean café delivering things like moroccan pancakes, shakshuka, and chicken taouk delivered straight to your door.
Macellaio RC ££££ 124 Northcote Road
The Italian beef specialists are offering delivery from their Battersea branch. So if you’re in the mood for rib-eye or ravioli, check out their menu and call 0203 848 4800.
Abd El Wahab ££££ Unit 15a Parkfield Industrial Estate
Abd El Wahab is delivering labneh, medames, and other Lebanese specialties from its kitchen in Battersea. Order all day from here.
Kaosarn £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Brixton ££££ Brixton Village 7.5 /10
Satay, larb, pad-se-ew, and other Thai classics are being delivered from Kaosarn’s locations in Tooting, Battersea, and Brixton.
Zia Lucia ££££
Pizza, pizza, pizza - that’s what Zia Lucia do. Including a Nutella one for dessert. Click this to order from their Battersea kitchen.
Darby's £ £ £ £ Seafood ,  British  in  Vauxhall ££££ 3 Viaduct Gardens Road Not
This Irish-influenced restaurant and bakery in Nine Elms are selling meat, cook at home meals, and alcohol to collect. You can find the changing menu on their Instagram.
Neat Burger ££££
Plant-based burger spot Neat is delivering its American style vegan food in Battersea. You can order their burgers and shakes here.
Black Bear Burger ££££
Brixton burger joint Black Bear Burger is delivering its aged beef, fried chicken, and vegan patty burgers from its Brixton location. Look at the full menu here.
Other Side Fried £ £ £ £ Burgers  in  Brixton ££££ Pop brixton, 49 Brixton station road 7.8 /10
Fried chicken sandwiches are available from Brixton and Peckham branches, and also through Natta.
Negril £ £ £ £ Caribbean  in  Brixton ££££ 132 Brixton Hill 7.3 /10
If you want homely Caribbean food then head to Negril’s website. The Brixton spot has a Google Play app too.
Nanban £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Ramen  in  Brixton ££££ 426 Coldharbour Lane 7.3 /10
Little Nanban - the new delivery service - is available here. Expect kaarage curry and other Japanese-influenced bits.
Bird ££££ 34-36 Electric Avenue
Fried chicken and waffle joint, Bird, are delivering fried chicken in all its forms from their spot in Brixton. Order here
Fladda Fish & Chips £ £ £ £ British  in  Camberwell ££££ 55 Camberwell Church St 7.2 /10
Craving crunchy batter and vinegar-y chips around Camberwell? Order from Fladda here. Plus, there’s a good value fish bites and chips deal for just over a fiver.
Falafel And Shawarma £ £ £ £ Mediterranean  in  Camberwell ££££ 27 Camberwell Church St Not
Camberwell’s best value wrap and mezze box spot is available for delivery, get it here.
Lumberjack £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Camberwell ££££ 70 Camberwell Church Street
If you live within 0.5 miles of Camberwell’s Lumberjack Cafe, well, we’re jealous. This great little neighbourhood coffee spot is not only delivering their standard menu of sandwiches and baked goods, they’re also doing groceries, and you have the option to buy a meal for an NHS worker. All the intel here.
33 Abbeville Road ££££
This British restaurant in Clapham has turned into a grocery store. You can find what's in stock on their Instagram and call them on 0208 673 0977 to order for collection. You can also get your groceries delivered if you spend over £20.
Koi Ramen Bar ££££ 19 Sayer St
Order from Koi Ramen if you’re after a big old bowl of warm. There are tofu options on top of the usual miso and tonkotsu ones. Order from Elephant and Castle here, and Brixton here.
Palmyra ££££ 277 Sandycombe Rd
Lebanese restaurant, Palmyra, is delivering things like falafel, shish taouk, and moussaka in and around Kew. Check out their full menu and order here.
Casa do Frango £ £ £ £ Portuguese  in  Southwark ££££ 32 Southwark St Not
London loves piri-piri chicken and you can still get Casa Do Frango’s to your door. There are plenty of fish and vegetarian options as well. Order from their London Bridge location here.
Kin+Deum ££££ 2 Crucifix Lane
This Bangkok-influenced Thai spot in London Bridge is open every day from 4pm-10:30pm for collection and delivery. Order here and here, or call 0207 357 7995.
Lupins ££££ 66 Union Street
British restaurant Lupins is doing home delivery on salads and mains made for two or more people. Order chicken cacciatore or a tuna niçoise salad from 0203 908 5888 or email [email protected]. The full menu is here, minimum order is £60.
The Great British Cheesecake Company ££££ Unit 1b Windermere Ave
The last time you tried to make a cheesecake it didn’t go too well. We’re not saying give up, we’re just letting you know that The Great British Cheesecake Company are delivering their creamy cheesecakes all over SW19. Get yours by the slice here.
Made of Dough ££££ 182 Bellenden Road
This Neapolitan pizza spot in Peckham is open for delivery from 4pm-9pm every day of the week. Order here.
Mr Bao £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Peckham ££££ 293 Rye Ln 8.1 /10
Son to its Tooting father, this Peckham Taiwanese spot is offering a frozen dumpling delivery service within two miles of SE15. Email [email protected] with your details and order amount.
Saravanaa Bhavan ££££ 254 Upper Tooting Road
The biggest South Indian chain in the world is delivering vegetarian food from their Tooting branch. Order dosa, chana, paneer and more here.
Juliet's ££££ 110 Mitcham Road
Brunch isn’t just for weekends when Juliet’s in Tooting is offering delivery or collection 9am-3pm daily. Get your sourdough waffles, grilled pumpkin bread, and more here.
Two Hundred Rye Lane £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Peckham ££££ 200 Rye Lane
Okay, pay attention because this is slightly complicated. This cool and casual Peckham spot are now delivering a whole lot of chicken wonders under Peckham Wingz, as well as veggie burgers, batched cocktails, and a brunch bap situation direct from their website.
Sushi Shop ££££ 28 Hill Street
Sushi Shop in Richmond has sashimi, maki, and poke bowls that you can order to your home.
Richmond Hill Bakery ££££ 56 Friars Stile Rd
This bakery in Richmond is delivering croissants, cakes, sandwiches, and hot drinks during the day. You can order here until 3.45pm.
Pokaï ££££ 28 Hill Street
Salmon teriyaki, spicy tuna, and prawn green curry are only three of the poke bowls you can get at Pokaï in Richmond. You can order them, along with beer and sake, here.
Thai Elephant ££££ 1 Wakefield Rd.
If you live in and around Richmond, you can get Thai Elephant's beef massaman curry, tamarind duck, and sizzling scallops delivered straight to your door. Order here.
Gelateria Danieli ££££ 16 Brewers Ln
Gelateria Danieli are delivering ice cream by the tub. You can get 500ml or 1000ml of flavours like stracciatella, pistachio, and mango here.
Daddy Bao £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Tooting ££££ 113 Mitcham Road 8.4 /10
Tooting’s always-busy Taiwanese spot is offering a frozen dumpling delivery service within two miles of SW17. Email [email protected] with your details and order amount.
Dawat Restaurant & Take Away ££££ 200 Upper Tooting Road
South Asian restaurant, Dawat, is delivering its Tandoori and Mughal dishes around Tooting. You can order their mixed grills, tandoori king prawn curries, and aloo kheema here or here.
Habaneros ££££
Habaneros in Tooting are delivering American-style burgers, chicken, and shakes - order here if you live nearby.
Lahore Karahi ££££ 1 Tooting High St
You can order Lahore specialties from this curry house in Tooting. Order here or here.
The Orange Buffalo ££££
Buffalo wings, Korean-style wings, and ‘woof woof’ hot wings are just three of the things you can order from The Orange Buffalo in Tooting. They’re also delivering fried chicken burgers, vegan wings, and cheesy buffalo fries.
Yori ££££ 86 The Broadway
Korean BBQ restaurant Yori is offering 30% off collections, but they do delivery too. So you can get jap chae, KFC, bibimbap, and more straight to your door. Go here to order.
Cafe Mori ££££
Cafe Mori in Wimbledon is delivering Japanese udon, desserts, and bubble tea. Check out their menu and order here.
Oki Sushi London ££££ 10 The Broadway, Wimbledon
You can get poke bowls, bibimbap, sushi sets, and noodles from this spot in Wimbledon. Order them here.
Aya Lebanese Cuisine ££££ 195 – 197 Merton Road
This Lebanese spot on Merton High Street is delivering falafel, shish taouk, and shawarma wraps. Check out the full menu and order here or here.
WEST Normah's ££££ 23-25 Queensway Market
You can now get yellow chicken curry, laksa, and nasi goreng prawn delivered to your home from this Malaysian spot in Queensway. Order here or call 07788 600435.
Abd El Wahab £ £ £ £ Middle Eastern  in  Chelsea ,  Victoria ££££ 1-3 Pont Street Not
Abd El Wahab is delivering labneh, kebbeh, and other Lebanese specialties from its restaurant in Belgravia. Order all-day from here.
New Culture Revolution, SW3 £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Chelsea ££££ 305 Kings Road, Not
You don’t often see the words ‘casual’ and ‘King’s Road’ in the same sentence, but Chelsea’s New Culture Revolution is totally lowkey. Hit this link to order from their huge menu of Chinese classics.
The Sea, The Sea ££££ 174 Pavilion Road
Nothing says ‘living my best quarantine’ like eating a whole lobster. This serious seafood restaurant in Chelsea is now selling fresh fish online, as well as a select menu of some of their menu headliners.
La Mia Mamma £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Chelsea ££££ 257 King’s Road 8.1 /10
La Mia Mamma has a special place in our hearts. And now that they’re sending out Mamma’s Survival Kits, they have our whole hearts. The kit includes wine, pasta dough, pizza dough, sauces, a sense of hope, and so much more. You can get a survival kit here.
Sticks'n'Sushi ££££ 113 King's Road
You can now order sushi and grilled meat and fish from Sticks’n’Sushi’s King’s Road restaurant. You can order to collect from their website or get it delivered.
Colette ££££ 315 Fulham Road
Chelsea deli, Colette, has launched a delivery service for those living in SW7 and SW10. You can get things like beef fillet carpaccio, agnolotti, and slow cooked lamb neck. Check out their website for the full menu and to order.
Yamal Alsham ££££ 5 The Boulevard, Imperial Wharf
Lebanese and Syrian restaurant, Yamal Alsham, is delivering its mezze, pastries, and skewers all over SW. Check out their full menu and order here, here or here.
marhaba express ££££
Marhaba Express are delivering Lebanese pastries, grilled skewers, and knafeh around Fulham. You can order here or here.
Zia Lucia ££££ 61 Blythe Rd
What can you get from Zia Lucia in Hammersmith? Some very reasonably priced pizza. How can you get it? Order here. You’re welcome.
Melabes £ £ £ £ Mediterranean  in  Kensington ££££ 221 Kensington High Street Not
Kensington spot Melabes are delivering their excellent Mediterranean small plates. You can order their creamy hummus, harira soup, and lamb chops here.
Dozo Sushi £ £ £ £ Sushi  in  Kensington ££££ 68 Old Brompton Rd Not
You can get sashimi, nigiri, tempura, and signature maki rolls delivered from this Kensington sushi spot straight to your door. Order here.
Daylesford Organic £ £ £ £ British  in  Chelsea ,  Kensington ££££ 76-82 Sloane Avenue 7.6 /10
Daylesford Organic Farmshops are delivering groceries, fresh meat and fish, and meals locally. Email [email protected] or find the phone number for your local shop here.
Sumosan Twiga ££££ 165 Sloane St
Sumosan Twiga is a high-end restaurant in Knightsbridge serving Japanese and Italian food. You can now order their maki rolls, tacos, and pasta straight to your door.
Zuma ££££ 5 Raphael St
This Japanese Izakaya restaurant in Knightsbridge is now delivering its maki rolls, robata meat, and black cod. You can order here.
Gogi £ £ £ £ Korean  in  Little Venice ,  Paddington ££££ 451 Edgware Rd Not
Gogi is a restaurant best described by the flame emoji. This Korean BBQ restaurant in Little Venice serves fried udon, spicy soups, some dolsot bibimbaps we’re really into, and plenty more here.
Tokyo Pizza £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Maida Vale ££££ 47 Maida Vale Not
If pizza has turned into your number one food group and you’re about ready to ghost your usual margherita, listen up. Tokyo Pizza in Maida Vale are delivering their creative Japanese pizzas, including our personal favourite, The Wagyu.
Saporitalia £ £ £ £ Pizza ,  Italian  in  Notting Hill ££££ 222 Portobello Rd 7.9 /10
A classic old school Italian, Farina is much more straightforward than that puzzle you’ve been attempting for approximately 4000 hours. Get their Neopolitan-style pizzas and simple pasta dishes delivered from Notting Hill.
Taquería £ £ £ £ Mexican  in  Notting Hill ££££ 139-144 Westbourne Grove 7.5 /10
Some very wise people once said that you should never miss the fish tacos at Taqueria. Yes, those wise people were us. Eat some of London’s best tacos by placing an order from this Notting Hill spot. And yes, you do need to order the batched margarita whilst you’re at it.
Eggslut ££££ 185 Portobello Road
Instead of starting your day by checking the news and having a prolonged weep in the shower, have a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich and some fresh cold brew instead. Hit this link to get Eggslut delivered from Notting Hill.
Cocotte ££££ 95 Westbourne Gr
Farm-to-table rotisserie restaurant, Cocotte, is now delivering its free range chickens, soups, and salads. Order from their Notting Hill spot here and their Parsons Green branch here.
Beer + Burger ££££ 71 Palace Gardens Terrace
Beer + Burger in Notting Hill is delivering uncomplicated comfort food. You can order their burgers, chips and gravy, and beer here.
Esarn Kheaw £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Shepherds Bush ££££ 314 Uxbridge Rd. 7.6 /10
Esarn Kheaw have been serving Thai food to the people of Shepherd’s Bush since before Kendall Jenner was born. You can place an order here and here.
Yashin Sushi £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Sushi  in  Kensington ££££ 1A Argyll Rd. 8.5 /10
Mixed sushi sets, spicy tuna rolls, and salmon ikura donburi. Those are just some of the dishes you can now collect from this high-end Japanese restaurant in South Kensington. You can find their takeaway menu on their Instagram and call 020 7938 1536 to order.
Big Ferdnand ££££ 39 Thurloe Place
South Kensington burger restaurant, Big Fernand, is delivering its French-style burgers. Get your raclette burger fix here.
Macellaio ££££ 84 Old Brompton Rd
The Italian beef specialists are offering delivery from their South Kensington branch. So if you’re in the mood for rib-eye, rump, or even fillet, check out their menu and call 020 7589 5834.
Prairie Fire ££££ Wood Lane Arches
Kansas City-style barbecue restaurant in Wood Lane Arches is delivering its beef brisket, pulled pork, and craft beers to all of Central London. Call 07504521183 to order.
central Pham Sushi £ £ £ £ Japanese  in  City ££££ Heron, 5 Moor Lane Not
Pham is a Japanese restaurant near Barbican delivering their sashimi, nigiri, rolls, and hot bits all over. Order from here.
Hare & Tortoise ££££ Unit 11-13, The Brunswick
Japanese spot Hare and Tortoise has an excellent chicken katsu curry which you can now order - as well as ramen, gyoza, and tempura - from here.
The Fryer's Delight £ £ £ £ British  in  Bloomsbury ££££ 19 Theobalds Rd 7.2 /10
The only menu items that don’t end with ‘and chips’ at The Fryer’s Delight in Bloomsbury are the drinks. You can get their fish, pie, sausages, and chicken (all with chips obviously) here.
Macellaio ££££ 38-40 Exmouth Market
The Italian beef specialists are offering delivery from their Clerkenwell branch. So if you’re in the mood for rib-eye, T-bone, or even fillet, check out their menu and call 020 3696 8220.
Dragonfly ££££ 71 Compton St
You can get spring rolls, pho, and vermicelli noodles from Dragonfly Cafe in Clerkenwell delivered straight to your home.
Tohbang £ £ £ £ Korean  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 164 Clerkenwell Rd Not
This Korean restaurant in Clerkenwell has bulgogi, crispy dumplings, and Korean BBQ, which you can now order here.
St. John Bar And Restaurant £ £ £ £ British  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 26 St John St 9.3 /10
We might not be able to get St John’s terrine or roast bone marrow delivered to us, but at least we can order their house wines here. You can order mixed cases, single bottles, or a bag in box.
Dose Espresso £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Farringdon ££££ 70 Long Ln
Dose is a little coffee shop near The Barbican, which is now delivering coffee beans, coffee papers, and anything else you might need to make coffee. DM them on their Instagram to order.
Hammer & Tongs ££££ 171 Farringdon Road
You can get piri piri chicken burgers, honey lamb, and pork ribs from this South African barbecue spot in Farringdon. You can order here or here.
The Lebanese Bakery ££££ Drury House
The Lebanese Bakery in Covent Garden is delivering its Lebanese flatbread, baked eggs, and labneh locally. You can place your order here or here.
Al Dente ££££
If your home attempt at cacio e pepe was more cheese massacre than Italian delicacy, order from Al Dente. This handmade pasta specialist make all of their pasta fresh and you can get everything from seafood linguine to ravioli here.
Monty's Deli £ £ £ £ Deli  in  Covent Garden ££££ 35 Earlham St Not
Monty’s Deli makes some of our favourite pastrami and salt beef in London, and they’re now delivering their meat and bagels nationwide. You can order from here.
Old Chang Kee ££££ 56 Goodge Street
Singaporean curry puff experts, Old Chang Kee are now delivering their puffs, as well as frozen meals including their curries and rendang. You can order by DMing them on Instagram.
Crudo Cevicheria £ £ £ £ Seafood ,  Peruvian  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 35 Riding House Street Not
This little spot in Fitzrovia is serving some inexpensive, fresh ceviche. You can choose from their signature bowls or build your own here.
Passyunk Avenue ££££ 80 Cleveland St
Passyunk Avenue in Fitzrovia has an excellent Philly cheesesteak, which you can now get delivered, along with jumbo buffalo wings, and tater tots.
Yalla Yalla £ £ £ £ Middle Eastern  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 12 Winsley St. Not
This Lebanese spot in Fitzrovia has a long menu of classics like falafel, moussaka, and tahini. Order here.
Tongue & Brisket £ £ £ £ Deli ,  British  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ,  Holborn ££££ 24-26 Leather Ln Not
In the mood for a salt beef sandwich but don’t have the patience or oven space? Don’t worry, you can collect excellent salt beef sandwiches as well as other sarnie classics from their Leather Lane restaurant. Order here.
Daylesford Organic ££££ 6-8 Blandford Street
Daylesford Organic Farmshops are delivering groceries, fresh meat and fish, and meals locally. Email [email protected] or call your local shop.
L’antica Pizzeria Da Michele ££££ 199 Baker St
L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele is an Italian spot in Marylebone where you can get arancino, pizzas, and tiramisu delivered to your door.
Neat Burger ££££ 4 Princes Street
Mayfair plant-based burger spot is delivering its American style vegan food. Order their burgers and shakes here.
Murger Hanhan £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Mayfair ££££ Sackville St 7.8 /10
This Chinese spot in Mayfair has some excellent biang biang noodles that you can order in. But don’t stop there. You’re going to want to get the pork murger and steamed rice noodles as well. Order here.
Hide £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Mayfair ££££ 85 Piccadilly 8.7 /10
Mayfair fine dining spot, Hide, is delivering some of their exceptional menu headliners to your home. Including their soft shell crab tempura, 50-day-aged short horn beef rib, and truffled eggs. Order here if you’re within a 2.5 mile radius.
Masgouf ££££ 5-6 William St
This Iraqi restaurant behind Edgware Road serves some great mezze, fatoush, and an excellent sea bass main. You can order here or here.
Ranoush ££££ 43 Edgware Rd
Ranoush on the Edgware Road is delivering its Lebanese food straight to your door. Order their fattoush, mezze, and shawarmas here.
L'ETO Caffè ££££ 155 Wardour St
L’Etto Cafe are now delivering cakes from their online shop. You can buy anything from their signature dulce de leche, to a whole honey cake.
Yori ££££ 15 Catherine Street
Yori is a Korean restaurant near Piccadilly Circus where you can get everything from jeon, to hot stone bibimbap, to Korean BBQ. They currently have 25% off the entire menu which you can get delivered to your home here.
Patty & Bun £ £ £ £ Burgers  in  Soho ££££ 18 Old Compton St 7.5 /10
Patty & Bun have teamed up with butcher H.G Walter to create Lockdown DIY Patty Kits meaning you can make your own Patty & Bun burgers at home. Click here to order yours.
Rasa Sayang £ £ £ £ Malaysian  in  Chinatown ££££ 5 Macclesfield St Not
Rasa Sayang is delivering its Singaporean and Malaysian food from Chinatown. You can get wantons, laksa, and sambal prawns here.
Dominique Ansel Bakery £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Victoria ££££ 17-21 Elizabeth St 7.8 /10
Dominique Ansel Bakery in Victoria has an online shop where you can order cronuts, DKA sets, and pasta hampers. You can even buy whole cakes.
Nonna Tonda ££££ 191 Victoria St
Nonna Tonda are delivering their hand-made pasta across London. Each kit has fresh pasta, sauce, and grated parmesan for two. Order from their website.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/london/guides/the-london-neighbourhood-delivery-takeaway-directory Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created April 3, 2020 at 11:01PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
0 notes
foodgemsg · 5 years
https://ift.tt/2TsOtZR Read on our visit to Top 20 Sydney Must Eat in 2018 by FoodGem
Aqua S
Escaped to a nice chilly ice cream shop to beat the heat! Featuring the new Honey Lavender x Sea Salt Twist – irresistibly savoury and sweet combination.
Aqua S
Address: Regent Place Shopping Centre 27/501 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Black Star Pastry
The Signature Strawberry Watermelon Cake comes with layers of almond dacquoise, rose-scented cream, watermelon, strawberries and beautified with pistachios and dried rose petals. Refreshing cake after a shopping day!
Black Star Pastry
Address: Level 2/500 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
The Bucket List
Spend your holiday in another country will be incomplete if you don’t visit the beach. Hear the surf and feel the heat of the afternoon sun on the soft and fine sands. Or simply hopped onto nearby cafe for a quick lunch. Thick, moist and flaky NZ hake fillet in thinly beer battered and crispy fries tartare with a glass of icy cold beer. can’t be any better to kickstart the weekend.
The Bucket List at Bondi Beach
Address: Bondi Pavilion, Shop 1, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Sydney NSW 2026
Fish at The Rocks
The elegant barramundi is de-boned, baked and stuffed with diced prawn and vegetables. The barramundi had a mildly sweet taste with a delicate texture. Added a twist of Thai red coconut curry sauce and served with a bowl of steamed rice.
Whole baked barramundi at AUD38.
Fish at the Rocks
Address: 29 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Gelateria Gondola
Handmade gelato is hard to go wrong. Must try their rich and nutty pistachio gelato.
Gelateria Gondola
Address: 2/77 Archer St, Chatswood NSW 2067
4 Pines Beer
Found this gem before heading to the beach! Must try their freshly brewed beer with this messy burger.
4 Pines Beer
Barefoot Coffee
A cup of hot coffee may well be the best way to start the day. Recommended by a Sydney foodie. Indeed quality cup of coffee.
Barefoot Coffee Traders
18 Whistler St, Manly NSW 2095, Australia
Value for money Japanese food. A good alternative if you wish to give Sydney Fish Market a miss!
Address: Basement Level, 12-14 O’Connell Street, CBD, Sydney, NSW
Messina Gelato
There are plenty of Messina outlets in Sydney. My favourite outlet remains at Rosebery (HQ). The gelato is smoother and melts fast than others. My top choices are honeycomb (new flavour) and pistachio (standard flavour).
Gelato Messina Rosebery
58 Mentmore Ave, Rosebery NSW 2018
MO Cafe
Perfect fried potato hash browns with poached eggs and salad. Hidden gem!
MO Cafe
Address: 2/200 Goulburn Street, Surry Hills, Sydney
Oh! Matcha
The matcha soft serve has a smooth and creamy with an intense matcha flavour. To balance off, have some nice chewing mochi balls.
Oh! Matcha
Address: Regent Place or World Square
Potting Shed
Dark and savoury house sauce that infuses the ground brisket with tons of flavours. The big slab of beef is topped with pickles, onions and melted cheese. Not forgetting the generous serving of crispy fries. They are strategically placed on a shovel (instead of the usual plate) making the burger look as appetising as possible.
The Potting Shed
Address: 41/43 Bourke Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
Quay Restaurant
The best dessert – Snow Egg, a poached meringue egg.
There is no ala carte menu and you had to order a 3-digit set meal. The food menu is not as impressive as this dessert.
Quay Restaurant
Address: Overseas Passenger Terminal, The Rocks NSW 2000, Australia
We were here for sashimi and found another gem here! Must try the beef wagyu skewer with caramelised shallots in BBQ teriyaki sauce. The smoky meat was very tender with tasty burnt ends. It’s so addictive that one skewer is not enough.
Address: Level G, The Darling The Star/80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia
Sydney Fish Market
Can’t say no to live sea urchin, sweet scampi and meaty lobster.
Nicholas Seafood Traders
Address: Shop 6, Waterfront Arcade, Bank Street Sydney Fish Market, Pyrmont, NSW 2009, Australia
Featuring the famous confit of Tasmania ocean trout. Ocean trout might look like salmon, but it has a taste all its own. It has an excellent firm texture and the flavour was subtle. A mix of salad of witlof and apple adds refreshing interest and seasoning that adds savoury interest.
Tetsuya’s Restaurant
Address: 529 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000
The Rocks Cafe
Char-grilled crocodile patty with watercress, tomato, roasted garlic aioli and served on brioche with crispy fries. It might be one of the most unusual burgers but tasted similar to what we usually eat. The crocodile patty was very lean, tasted like chicken breast to me. It was well-marinated and flavourful, there isn’t any unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Crocodile burger at AUD26.
If you have seen my previous post on Crocodile Burger, we’ve also tried Kangaroo Burger. Char-grilled kangaroo patty with rocket leaves, tomato, red onion, cheese, beetroot relish and roasted garlic aioli. The kangaroo patty had a tough texture with an unfamiliar taste. Unfortunately, the beetroot relish did not help to mask the gamey smell which I cannot stand it. This is gonna be the first and the last time for kangaroo burger.
Kangaroo burger at AUD24.
The Rocks Cafe
Address: 99 George St, The Rocks NSW 2000
Two Good Eggs Cafe
Love the fresh avocado spread on sourdough with poached eggs, hollandaise, spinach and choice of bacon, ham or mushroom. A very generous serving of delicious bacon, juicy mushroom and the fun moment of slicing into the egg and seeing the river of golden yolk flow.
Two Good Eggs Cafe
Address: 144/148 Goulburn St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Hydro Majestic
Served in the Majestic Wintergarden and Eastern High Tea overlooking the spectacular views of the Megalong Valley can’t get any better.
The Hydro Majestic Hotel
Address: 52-88 Great Western Highway Medlow Bath, NSW 2780
Silk’s Brassie
“Please resolve any disputes over dessert-sharing amicably + fairly” written on the menu. And I understand this statement after the first mouthful. There are eight choices of dessert to choose from. Medjool date shortcrust tart with fig syrup, Chantilly cream, pistachio ice cream. I am amazed by the taste after the first spoon. The Medjool was very soft and sweet and the smooth salty pistachio ice cream in every bite giving your mouth a taste of dessert heaven. Even my boyfriend who is an avowed date hater has been convinced by it.
This is part of a course meal.
Silk’s Brasserie
Address: 128 Leura Mall, Leura NSW 2780
The post Top 20 Sydney Must Eat in 2018 appeared first on foodgem: Food & Travel.
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knightstable-blog1 · 5 years
Lunch Specials
 Salmon and prawn fishcakes deep fried and served with dressed salad, chips and a homemade tartare sauce. £6.95
Beef Enchiladas, spicy beef chilli wrapped up in flour tortillas and oven baked with white sauce and Cheese, served with salad and chips. £10.95
Panang steak and shrimp curry, a spicy curry with lemongrass, ginger, almonds and coconut served with side bowl of steamed rice. £11.95
Plump Greenland prawns dressed with a Thai style mayonnaise on mixed salad with crisp poppudom. £8.95
Spinach feta and potato frittata oven baked and topped with melting cheddar cheese, served with dresses salad and chips. £7.95
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yewtongue8-blog · 5 years
Trip To Somewhere: Cape Panwa, Thailand
It's time for our annual migration to warmer climates and this year it's a stay in the Southern part of Phuket at Cape Panwa. It's a feast of food with a stay in a signature suite, dinner in an original Sino Portuguese mansion and a cooking class.
Cape Panwa is located on the South East side of Phuket and it takes around an hour to reach there from the airport. A 1am Sydney time arrival in Phuket is a bit discombobulating but Cape Panwa staff graciously speed us through the process and we are whisked off to our suite.
Our suite E304 is a signature corner suite and it's enormous. It starts with a lounge area and a guest bathroom. There's a welcome fruit bowl on the table and a comfortable day bed to lie back in.
The main bedroom has two beds together that makes the bed absolutely gigantic. The bed is on the firm side and there are large pillows and smaller ones and I end up ordering some smaller pillows from the pillow menu. There's a work desk as well as a dressing table and mirror.
The bathroom is an ensuite with a spa tub and a separate shower. There are two sinks, gorgeous smelling toiletries by Thai brand Erb and there is also a skylight in the bathroom.
The spacious wrap around balcony is hidden behind the curtains. Outside there is a jacuzzi tub and a lounge.
I fall asleep after a long hot shower and wake up at 7am. The sun peeks through the edges of the curtains and I pull them back. "Wow," I say out loud waking Mr NQN with my exclamations and the beam of sunlight that floodlights the suite.
Blinking several times I wonder if the colours of the Andaman sea outside are real or just a figment of my imagination. A small boat makes its way across the lightly rippling water, a solo traveller in the morning.
Breakfast is served from 6:30-10:30am every day. The hotel has 205 rooms and suites although the main eating areas and accommodation are within easy walking distance.
We take a seat in a basket chair and help ourselves to a selection of food. There is a fresh waffle and omelette station as well as freshly cut fruit and a range of cheese, charcuterie, hot Asian foods and Western breakfast offerings.
As we will be here for five nights, I try to limit myself but end up getting a lot. My favourite is the pork congee with plenty of ginger, spring onion and chilli fish sauce.
Mr NQN feasts on the fruit platter, yogurt and pastries while I go back for seconds of the congee. There are a few things that change every day and on other days I try some crispy coconut cakes, waffles, some fried dough sticks with pandan custard and sweetened condensed milk. There's always a hot Asian chicken dish as well as noodles and fried and steamed rice.
I also discover the soft bacon (which is still crispy) and make myself a sandwich with a brie, edam and cheddar cheeses, a fried egg, plenty of bacon and Tabasco tomato sauce-delicious!
It's time to explore the resort in the daylight so we head towards the beach. Access to the beach is via two ways: via the steps or you can take the little tram that goes up and down to the beach. Here there is the Bamboo Bar and lots of lounge chairs to relax on.
Main resort pool
It's Mr NQN's birthday so we spend the rest of the day doing things that he wants to do. Namely lying on lounge chairs on the beach-I busy my time reading a book and researching where to eat while he reads and goes for a swim in the ocean.
Come 1:30pm it's time for lunch so we go to Bamboo Bar the hotel's main beach bar, just behind where we are sitting and take a seat. It's time for celebratory cocktails that pack a nice alcoholic punch with Thai fruit juice sweetness.
Som Tum Salad 120THB
The menu is made up of a range of Thai and Western dishes from burgers, fries, pizzas, pastas, curries and salads. We go for Thai food although a part of me would love to sink my teeth into a burger (but a Thai style one). My order is the Som Tum Salad which appealed to me in this weather but also because it comes with sticky rice which is just about my favourite rice ever. Although we were warned against ordering it spicy it isn't spicy at all so we have to get some chillies to add to it and then it's spicy and fresh.
Prawn Red Curry 240THB
We both really enjoyed the red curry with prawns with half a dozen prawns and a sweet, creamy coconut base. I eat this with the sticky rice from the som tum rather than the jasmine rice given.
Paprika Twister Fries 130THB
The twister fries are dusted with paprika salt and come with a chipotle ketchup and sour cream. I also ordered a little side of the truffle mayo which I preferred to dip these into. I think some sweet chilli sauce would have been good with the sour cream rather than two types of ketchup.
We can't go past the cake cabinet especially since I insist Mr NQN has a cake on his birthday. I choose the fruitiest number they have: a vanilla cheesecake topped with glistening sour cherries. And for good measure, a bowl of vanilla gelato.
For dinner, Panwa House located by the beach is one of Cape Panwa's restaurants housed in a beautiful Sino Portuguese mansion. There is outdoor seating as well as indoor and we take a seat outside and order a couple of cocktails.
Service is a little inexperienced which is a surprise because this is their special occasion restaurant and there is a bit of confusion when ordering food. There is a touch of chaos as the monsoon weather drenches everyone and most of us have to be moved inside.
Top Secret Jam 280THB and Tipsy Monkey 240THB
We order a Tipsy Monkey cocktail which is supposed to come in a coconut but doesn't. Nevertheless it is a nice cocktail with pandan flavours, Cape Panwa's own green tea liqueur and Malibu rum to it. The Top Secret Jam cocktail is made with lychees, watermelon and Cointreau.
Crab meat spring rolls 190THB
We start with crab spring rolls with a very sweet, syrupy plum sauce as well as pickled vegetables. The spring rolls are crunchy and freshly fried and I ask for some chillies to counter the very sweet sauce.
We also order one tasting platter set menu for 1480THB (there is also a daily set menu which makes for a lot of choice along with a full a la carte menu). The first course is a choice of fruit salad or glass noodle salad with vegetables and we go for the latter which is good albeit a bit difficult to eat with a fork.
Rock Lobster With Sweet and Sour Chilli Sauce 450THB
For the other choice went for the lobster served as two halves with a tangy sweet and sour tamarind and onion sauce. The lobster tail meat is removed from the tail and stir fried and then put back in. The presentation is striking and I enjoy this with some sticky rice.
There are two set menus available, a Bangkok one with perhaps more familiar items like tom yum soup and fish cakes but we decided to go for the Southern platter as we like the cuisine so much as it's spicy and punchy. There are five little bowls of delicious little morsels. My favourites are the stir-fried crab with curry powder which is like a mild crab curry, a fried tiger prawn with tamarind sauce (like the lobster above) and the deep-fried fish fillet with lemongrass and kaffir lime leaf.
There is also a sour soup with a salmon fillet and young coconut shoots which is comforting and a salad platter with smoked shrimps (a Phuket specialty) with spicy shrimp paste and crudites like baby corn, fried eggplant and herbs. There's a lot of food-perhaps enough for two here as it also comes with rice. There is also a choice of soft drink with this menu (although we had to ask for it, it wasn't offered to us) and we go for the longan drink which is syrupy sweet.
Mini dumplings in coconut cream
It's time for dessert and I knew exactly what I wanted as it's one of my favourite desserts. It's on the set menu and it's a simple dessert of mini mochi rice flour dumplings in sweet coconut cream. I could eat this every night and it's pure comfort food.
Ice Cream Kati Song Kreung 140THB
I've had this dessert in Koh Samui and adored it. It's a scoop of coconut ice cream served with syrupy palm seeds, sweet sticky rice, poached sweet potato and crunchy peanuts. I add the mix ins to the ice cream and it's a bit crunchy, soft, creamy and sweet at the same time.
The rain has let up so we make a quick dash up to the tram and to our suite!
Cooking Classes
Cape Panwa also offers a 2 day cooking class over Fridays and Saturdays. For the first day you get an intro to the classics of Thai cuisine like Tom Yum Goong, Green Curry and Thai beef salad as well as a sheaf of 30 recipes. And for the second day you get to choose which dishes you would like to make. Plus you get to take home your own apron and chef's hat as well as feasting on everything that you've cooked.
Chef Kan is in charge of the hands on cooking class. We make most of it ourselves but all the measuring is done for us which makes the class easy and fast. We start with the Thai beef salad and then move into the tom yum goong. He gives us tips like always crush kaffir lime leaves before you add them to a recipe if you use them whole.
He also explains that there are two types of tom yum goong: a clear and a creamy. The creamy one has two additional ingredients added to it-a smoked chilli paste and some evaporated milk. He asks us to try the clear first and then he mixes up a creamy version which he then asks us to try. The spicier, creamy version is both of our favourites so we go for that one.
The last item we are making is a sweet green chicken curry. They use chicken breast in the cooking class although Chef Kan tells us that they usually make it with chicken thigh or chicken wings on the bone. There are two types of eggplant in it-the white or crispy eggplant as well as tiny pea eggplants.
White or crispy eggplant
He explains that the white eggplant can be eaten fresh, like an apple or used in crudites or dipped in a spiced salt mixture. The green curry is delicious (and there's also a recipe for the green curry paste). We sit down and feast everything that we've made.
Phuket Old Town
One night we also head out to the Sunday Walking Markets which is a busy attraction in Phuket's Old Town. It's crowded, hectic but replete with eating opportunities.
Getting to Phuket's Old Town isn't cheap for Thai standards, it's around $20AUD/500THB each way. It isn't easy to hail taxis (there's a real shortage of metered taxis) so do take up the offer for a return ride.
Around Cape Panwa Resort
One of the main things about resorts in Phuket is that you tend to stay at your resort. Transport around Phuket is expensive, said to be the most expensive in Thailand and controlled by various interests to ensure that to travel anywhere at a distance, will cost you around $50AUD return.
Because of this, resorts outside of Old Town and Patong tend to have shopping and dining areas within easy walking distance that offer hotel guests an alternative to hotel dining and entertainment. Cape Panwa has one at the bottom of the steep hill and a shuttle bus operates up and down every 15-20 minutes.
There's a small supermarket as well as a Cafe Kantary that sells coffee and tea as well as bakery items, sandwiches, pizza and cakes. There are also massage places dotted along the hill and we sit back and unkink from the flight, muscles happily relaxing as we submit to the pressure from the therapists while we wonder what they talk about with each other as they massage us.
Afterwards we buy some snacks and fruit from the street vendors including 10 sweet tiny pineapples and a kilo of longans for 100THB or $4AUD each. Mangosteens are pricier at around $12AUD a kilo but it's so inexpensive compared to what they cost in Australia.
Come later that night, the street vendors will come out around 5pm and set up and sell hot, smoking food. We buy som tum from a vendor who is the most popular stall on the pier. Even with 10 orders she makes each serve of som tum individually adding each ingredient painstakingly.
Many of the vendors are lovely Muslim women who are friendly and welcoming. We try some wonderful congee with fish and chicken added to it along with a range of spices and peppers. We are invited to take a seat along the boardwalk and tuck our feet under a small table and eat. The food is delicious and the warm humidity tempered by the seabreeze.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you tend to eat at the hotel or go out to eat? Have you ever visited Phuket? And do you do cooking classes while on holidays?
NQN and Mr NQN stayed as guests of Cape Panwa but all opinions remain her own and meals outside the hotel were independently paid for.
Cape Panwa
27, 27/2, Mu 8, Sakdidej Road, Wichit, Mueang Phuket, Phuket 83000, Thailand s capepanwa.com/
Source: http://www.notquitenigella.com/2018/09/21/cape-panwa-phuket-review/
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Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise Meridian
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Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise Meridian
Experience Bangkok full moon LOY KRATHONG Night by Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise Meridian. The Delightful Colours of the River, Loi Krathong Festival in Bangkok Thailand. Celebrate Loy Krathong Night onboard Meridian Cruise  including as Krathong for floating (LOY) per person, buffet dinner and entertainment by live-band and traditional dance show with enjoy to see sparkling firework over sky of Chao phraya river.
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Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise by Meridian Cruise
Tour Code: BKKLOY:01 Destination: Bangkok Start City: Bangkok End City: Bangkok Tour Type: Joint Tour Cruise Capacity : 500 Persons Type of Dinner Menu :  Thai -International Buffet & Seafood Check in time: 18.00 Pm. Cruising time: 20.00 Pm. Cruise Pier Drop-Off: ICONSIAM Pier Cruise Departure : Loy Krathong Night on Saturday 31 October 2020 Chao Phraya River Tourist Attractions Icon Siam The Holy Rosary Church Santa Cruz Church Wat Kalayanamit Woramahawiharn Temple of Dawn Wat Arun Grand Palace The emerald Buddha Temple Rama 8 Bridge River Hotel 5-Star Asiatique the riverfront Cruise Itinerary 17.30 Pm: Check in cruise 's counter at ICONSIAM (Please check in early time, on Loy krathong day in Bangkok is very traffic jam) 20.00 Pm: Cruise drop for pick up clients at ICONSIAM pier, then enjoy  the splendid worldwide buffet which created from our Head Chef and we can assure that each bites could be delicious. Besides, we provide you the very unique Thai Traditional Show and certainly one of the satisfactory Filipino band so one can serve you with the music from ’80 to now. Great views to see scenery night of Chao Phraya river, the most important river of Thailand. 21.30 Pm. Floating the Krathong to the Chao Praya river 22.00 Pm. Arrive the ICONSIAM pier. Have a good night. Meridian Cruise Bangkok The Meridian Cruise Chao Phraya Special Loy Krathong Dinner Cruise in Bangkok,Thailand. Meridian Cruise will bring you to absorb the sensation and the happiness with our luxury designed cruise. You could experience the very Best SERVICE and wonderful delicious dinner as they are cooked by means of the Micheline Star Chef. Enjoy your dinner with the first-class scenery of the Chao Phraya River, the records river of Thailand. Along the way, you will revel in along with your happiness with our exceptional Filipino Singer and the Thai Classical Show. We are waiting so one can sail with us at “Meridian Cruise”  Thai -International & Seafood Buffet Dinner Menu Appetizer & Salad Salad Bar Corner Fresh Fruit Salad Caesar Salad Fresh Noodle Spring Rolls Deep-fried Crab Meat Rolls Papaya Salad With Salty Crab Papaya Salad With Salty Eggs Salmon, Crab Stick Octopus Sashimi Sushi River Prawns Nz Mussel On Ice Cold Cut Soup Mushroom Cream Soup Spicy River Prawns Soup Main Dishes Beef Stew Sauteed Nz Mussel With Garlic And Butter Spaghetti With Olive Dry Chili And Garlic Grilled Chicken Deep Fried Shrimp Cake Stir Fried Squid With Black Pepper Deep-fried Fish With Chives Sauteed Mixed Vegetable Green Curry With Fish Balls Fried Rice Noodle Thai Style With Prawns Fried Rice With Garlic Steamed Rice Carving Station Roasted Pork Roasted Beef Desert Chocolate Fondue Banana In Coconut Milk Assorted Cake Chocolate Mousse Panna Cotta Cream Brulee Assorted Thai Dessert Seasonal Of Fresh Fruit Remarks; Menu is subject to change as appropriate Loy Krathong Festival Thailand Loi Krathong or Loy Krathong is a Siamese pageant celebrated yearly during the Kingdom of Thailand and in close by nations with widespread southwestern Thai cultures. Loy Krathong, that is mean "to float a flower basket," and springs from the way of life of creating Krathong or buoyant, embellished baskets, that are then floated on a river. Thai people use the Krathong to thank the Goddess of Water, the Hindu Goddess Ganga (river in Northern India), Phra Mae Khongkha.
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Loy Krathong This Year is Saturday 31 October 2020 Dress Code Free style
Price/Person Adult : 1500฿ Child : 1100฿
* Child rate 3-9 year only Tour Price included; Welcome Drink Thai-International Buffet & Seafood Thai dance, Live Music Band Krathong for floating Cruise trip along the Chaophraya river Tour excludes Personal expense How to use this tour? After confirmed we will get TOUR VOUCHER & Pier Map details about check in point to you by mail for guarantee booking Please present either a printed or show on your mobile to Meridian Cruise Counter ICON SIAM  (Suksiam Zone, on the G floor) TOUR VOUCHER is valid only on the tour date and time specified After check in already, please arrive at the pier, and waiting for at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time
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Booking here >> Read the full article
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