#tess watches master and commander
rat-father · 3 years
More Mouse whump 🤭 I really enjoy writing about them
It's interesting to write about a blind whumpee, there's just more mystery to what's going on, especially since Mouse can't rely on hearing either
I also gained like 8 followers since I first posted about them so I'm guessing you guys are liking them as well!
Tagging; @whump-it @castielamigos-whump-side-blog
-- tw; pet whump, blind and hard of hearing whumpee, vampire whumper, passing out, gunshot wound, blood mention, fighting --
Mouse rocked their legs back and forth, letting their feet hover over the grass. They enjoyed the warmth of the sun hitting their skin and the presence of their master reading his book next to them. They imagined the birds chirping around them, with their beautiful melodies, a bit upset that they couldn’t hear it. One of the cats that wandered around the castle jumped on their lap, surprising them.
“That’s Tess, Muyn’s cat. She’s been meowing at you but you didn’t hear.” Alvuny chuckled.
He grabbed Mouse’s hand and guided it to Tess’ head so they could pet her. Her fur felt soft, making them smile. They continued to calmly pet her, letting her curl up on their legs. They felt around to try and imagine what she looks like, pointy ears, a tiny nose and a fluffy tail. Alvuny reached out and put his hand under their chin, turning their head towards him.
“Open.” He commanded.
Mouse opened their mouth, letting him put a piece food in their mouth. They happily chewed on it, grateful to get fed by their owner. He started to praise them, when a loud bang and the sounds of screams cut him off. The cat quickly jumped off their lap, running away. Alvuny cursed under his breath, hastily grabbing Mouse’s wrists and dragging them inside. They stumbled after him in an attempt to keep up with his fast paced. He moved through the halls of the castles swiftly, with Mouse occasionally bumping against things. They could vaguely hear screaming coming from outside, mixed in with what sounded like gunshots.
A stinging pain spread through Mouse’s leg, making them wince. Alvuny shoved them inside a room with him, slamming the door closed and locking it. They felt dizzy and tired from all the running. They felt around for a wall and slowly sat down, feeling something slowly drip down their leg. He grabbed their ankle and pulled it towards him, making them yell in pain.
“Shh,” He hissed. “When the fuck did this happen?”
Alvuny pushed his finger on their leg, watching tears roll down their face as they tried not to scream. It was silent for a moment, only shots from outside audible to them. Something got wrapped around their leg tightly, which they assumed was some sort of cloth.
“What’s happening?” Mouse reluctantly asked.
“You got shot, and you’re bleeding everywhere.” He patted their knee. “I can’t have you die on me so soon. I’ll take you to the doctor later, too risky to go now.”
They tensed up at the words. Did he mean Dr.Oats? They didn’t want to go back to him! They trembled, trying to contain their tears. Mouse yelped, feeling their owner wrap his arms around them. They leaned into the touch, resting their head against him.
“You’re going to be okay. Just be nice and quiet, alright?”
They nodded. A sharp pain in their neck made them whimper. Slowly they started to feel lightheaded, everything fading away. Alvuny licked the two newly formed holes in their neck, humming softly to their passed out pet.
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laannie0803 · 3 years
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Dalton Greyjoy, conocido como el Kraken Rojo, fue el Señor de las Islas del Hierro, Lord Reaper de Pyke y jefe de la Casa Greyjoy durante los últimos días de Viserys I Targaryen y luego la Danza de los Dragones. Se le considera un gran héroe de los hijos del hierro de las Islas del Hierro.
Dalton era un hombre osado y sanguinario. Fue amado por sus hombres pero no por sus esposas, ya que se cansó rápidamente de las mujeres.
Dalton, hijo salvaje del heredero de Pyke, remaba a los cinco años y despegaba a los diez, navegando con su tío para saquear las ciudades piratas de las islas Basilisk. A los catorce, Dalton había navegado hasta Old Ghis, luchó en una docena de acciones y reclamó cuatro esposas de sal.
Dalton reclamó una espada larga de acero valyrio, a la que llamó Nightfall, de un corsario muerto. Mientras luchaba en los Stepstones como un velero, Dalton, de quince años, vengó a su tío después de presenciar su muerte. Debido a que Dalton salió de la pelea empapado en sangre por una docena de heridas, los hombres comenzaron a llamarlo el Kraken Rojo. Más tarde, en el mismo año, Dalton regresó a las Islas del Hierro para reclamar la Silla Seastone después de enterarse de la muerte de su padre. Inmediatamente comenzó a construir barcos, forjar espadas y entrenar cazas, citando que "la tormenta se acerca" como la razón.
La Danza de los Dragones comenzó después de la muerte del Rey Viserys I Targaryen en 129 d. C., cuando Dalton tenía dieciséis años. Se dice que el Kraken Rojo se rió después de enterarse del estallido de la guerra.
Los verdes de Aegon II Targaryen le ofrecieron a Dalton el puesto de capitán de barcos y el almirantazgo para reemplazar a Ser Tyland Lannister, quien había sido nombrado maestro de monedas, si Dalton traía sus barcos alrededor de Westeros para luchar contra Lord Corlys Velaryon, la Serpiente Marina. En lugar de aceptar la oferta, Dalton esperó a ver qué podían ofrecer los negros. En el consejo negro, el príncipe Daemon Targaryen sugirió apelar a la sed de sangre de Dalton para ponerlo del lado de Rhaenyra Targaryen. En lugar de pedirle que navegara a Blackwater Bay, Rhaenyra solo le pidió a Dalton que atacara a sus enemigos.
El Kraken Rojo eligió el negro sobre el verde, y decidió atacar las cercanas tierras del oeste, vulnerables con Lord Jason Lannister haciendo campaña en las tierras de los ríos. La esposa de Jason, Lady Johanna, bloqueó las puertas de Casterly Rock pero no pudo proteger el resto del oeste. Dalton quemó la flota de la Casa Lannister y saqueó Lannisport, llevándose oro, cereales y mercancías comerciales. Cientos de mujeres y niñas fueron tomadas como esposas de sal, incluida la amante favorita de Jason y sus hijas naturales. Dalton lideró la captura de Kayce, y después de la caída de Faircastle y Fair Isle reclamó a cuatro de las hijas de Lord Farman como esposas de sal, dando la quinta, la "hogareña", a su hermano Veron. Lord Jason murió en la batalla de Red Fork en 130 d. C.
Durante la mayor parte de dos años, el Kraken Rojo gobernó el Mar del Atardecer como los reyes nacidos del hierro de antaño, aunque no reclamó el título de Rey de las Islas del Hierro. Ser Tyland Lannister y la regencia de Aegon III ordenaron a Dalton que detuviera sus incursiones, pero el Kraken Rojo los ignoró. Cuando Lady Johanna Lannister comenzó a construir una nueva flota en nombre de su hijo, Lord Loreon Lannister, los hombres de hierro de Dalton quemaron sus astilleros y secuestraron a otras cien mujeres.
Dalton nunca tomó una esposa rockera, aunque tenía veintidós esposas saladas y se jactaba de tener cien. Cuando Dalton se enteró del espectáculo de ganado del Día de la Doncella, consideró enviar a una de sus hermanas como candidata para convertirse en la segunda esposa del rey Aegon III Targaryen. Después de que sus occidentales defendieran a Kayce y mataran al tío favorito de Dalton, Johanna envió una flota irregular para invadir discretamente Fair Isle. Sin embargo, los hombres de hierro tendieron una emboscada a estos hombres del oeste, y Dalton envió las cabezas de Lord Prester, Lord Tarbeck y Ser Erwin Lannister a Johanna en Casterly Rock.
Después de que Lord Alyn Velaryon derrotara a la flota Braavosi en Stepstones durante la Guerra de las Hijas, Lord Unwin Peake intentó deshacerse de Alyn Oakenfist enviándolo a poner fin a la insurrección de Dalton. Dalton respondió reuniendo cientos de barcos largos en Fair Isle y las costas de las tierras occidentales. El Kraken Rojo tenía la intención de conquistar las Islas Escudo y Driftmark y saquear Oldtown y Sunspear.
Mientras dormía en el dormitorio de Lord Farman en Faircastle en 133 d.C., Dalton murió cuando una de sus esposas de sal, la niña Tess, le cortó el cuello con su propia daga antes de arrojarse al mar. Como el Kraken Rojo nunca había tomado una esposa rockera, sus herederos eran dos jóvenes hijos de sal en Pyke, Toron y Rodrik. Dalton también tenía tres hermanas y varios primos ambiciosos. Toron tenía solo cinco años, y pocas horas después de la muerte del Kraken Rojo, estalló una sangrienta lucha por la sucesión entre los nacidos del hierro. Cientos de hombres de hierro murieron cuando Fair Isle se rebeló. Faircastle resistió por un tiempo, pero el castillo cayó después de que Gunthor Goodbrother mató a Alester Wynch mientras luchaba por otra de las esposas de sal de Dalton, Lysa Farman. Habiendo llegado para encontrar a Dalton ya muerto, Alyn Puño de Roble dejó un tercio de su flota con los hombres del oeste un y regresó a casa para las tierras de la corona.
En 134 d. C, la viuda de Lord Jason Lannister, Johanna Lannister, vengó las incursiones de Dalton haciendo que sus hombres de armas navegaran hacia las Islas del Hierro con la flota de Ser Leo Costayne, el almirante de la Cuenca. Entre los nacidos de hierro muertos se encontraban dos de las hermanas de Dalton y nueve de sus primos. Su hijo menor, Rodrik, fue tomado cautivo, castrado y convertido en el nuevo tonto de Casterly Rock.
La espada de Dalton, Nightfall, finalmente pasó a la Casa Harlaw. La vida del Kraken Rojo está incluida en Sea Demons: A History of the Children of the Drowned God of the Isles del Archimaestro Mancaster.
Dalton Greyjoy, known as the Red Kraken, was Lord of the Iron Islands, Lord Reaper of Pyke, and head of House Greyjoy during the final days of Viserys I Targaryen and then the Dance of the Dragons. He is regarded as a great hero of the ironborn of the Iron Islands.
Dalton was a daring and bloodthirsty man. He was loved by his men but not by his wives, as he tired of women quickly.
The wild young son of the heir to Pyke, Dalton rowed at age five and reaved at ten, sailing with his uncle to plunder the pirate towns of the Basilisk Isles. By fourteen, Dalton had sailed as far as Old Ghis, fought in a dozen actions, and claimed four salt wives.
Dalton claimed a Valyrian steel longsword, which he named Nightfall, off a dead corsair. While fighting in the Stepstones as a sellsail, the fifteen-year-old Dalton avenged his uncle after watching his death. Because Dalton emerged from the fight drenched in blood from a dozen wounds, men began calling him the Red Kraken. Later in the same year, Dalton returned to the Iron Islands to claim the Seastone Chair after hearing of his father's death. Immediately he began to build longships, forge swords, and train fighters, citing that "the storm is coming" as the reason.
The Dance of the Dragons began after the death of King Viserys I Targaryen in 129 AC when Dalton was sixteen. The Red Kraken is said to have laughed after hearing of the outbreak of war.
The greens of Aegon II Targaryen offered Dalton the position of master of ships and the admiralty to replace Ser Tyland Lannister, who had been made master of coin, if Dalton would bring his ships around Westeros to battle Lord Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake. Instead of leaping to the offer, Dalton waited to see what the blacks had to offer. On the black council, Prince Daemon Targaryen suggested appealing to Dalton's bloodlust to bring him on the side of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Instead of asking him to sail to Blackwater Bay, Rhaenyra only asked for Dalton to attack her enemies.
The Red Kraken chose black over green, deciding to attack the nearby westerlands, vulnerable with Lord Jason Lannister campaigning in the riverlands. Jason's wife, Lady Johanna, barred the gates of Casterly Rock but was unable to protect the rest of the west. Dalton burned the fleet of House Lannister and sacked Lannisport, carrying off gold, grain, and trade goods. Hundreds of women and girls were taken as salt wives, including the favorite mistress of Jason and their natural daughters. Dalton led the capture of Kayce, and after the fall of Faircastle and Fair Isle he claimed four of Lord Farman's daughters as salt wives, giving the fifth, the "homely one", to his brother Veron. Lord Jason was killed in the Battle of the Red Fork in 130 AC.
For the better part of two years, the Red Kraken ruled the Sunset Sea like the ironborn kings of old, although he did not claim the title King of the Iron Islands. Ser Tyland Lannister and the regency of Aegon III commanded Dalton to cease his raiding, but the Red Kraken ignored them. When Lady Johanna Lannister began building a new fleet on behalf of her son, Lord Loreon Lannister, Dalton's ironmen burned her shipyards and abducted another hundred women.
Dalton never took a rock wife, although he had twenty-two salt wives and boasted of having a hundred. When Dalton heard of the Maiden's Day Cattle Show, he considered sending one of his sisters as a candidate to become King Aegon III Targaryen's second bride. After her westermen defended Kayce and slew Dalton's favorite uncle, Johanna sent a ragtag fleet to discretely invade Fair Isle. The ironmen ambushed these westermen, however, and Dalton sent the heads of Lord Prester, Lord Tarbeck, and Ser Erwin Lannister to Johanna at Casterly Rock.
After Lord Alyn Velaryon defeated the Braavosi fleet in the Stepstones during the Daughters' War, Lord Unwin Peake attempted to rid himself of Alyn Oakenfist by sending him to end Dalton's insurrection. Dalton responded by gathering hundred of longships to Fair Isle and the coasts of the westerlands. The Red Kraken intended to conquer the Shield Islands and Driftmark and sack Oldtown and Sunspear.
While sleeping in Lord Farman's bedchamber at Faircastle in 133 AC, Dalton was killed when one of his salt wives, the girl Tess, cut his throat with his own dagger before throwing herself into the sea. As the Red Kraken had never taken a rock wife, his heirs were two young salt sons at Pyke, Toron and Rodrik. Dalton also had three sisters and several ambitious cousins. Toron was only five years old, and within hours of the Red Kraken's death a bloody struggle for succession broke out among the ironborn. Hundreds of ironmen were killed as Fair Isle rose in rebellion. Faircastle held out for a time, but the castle fell after Gunthor Goodbrother slew Alester Wynch while fighting for another of Dalton's salt wives, Lysa Farman. Having arrived to find Dalton already dead, Alyn Oakenfist left a third of his fleet with the westermen and returned home for the crownlands.
In 134 AC Lord Jason Lannister's widow, Johanna Lannister, avenged Dalton's raids by having her men-at-arms sail to the Iron Islands with the fleet of Ser Leo Costayne, the lord admiral of the Reach. Among the ironborn slain were two of Dalton's sisters and nine of his cousins. His younger son, Rodrik, was taken captive, gelded, and made into Casterly Rock's new fool.
Dalton's sword, Nightfall, eventually passed to House Harlaw. The Red Kraken's life is included in Archmaester Mancaster's Sea Demons: A History of the Children of the Drowned God of the Isles.
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starlightcleric · 3 years
Catch Up
Tagged by @orime-stories and @serenbach86. Thanks!
Three Ships:
Every time I do this I try to come up with different ships, so let’s try.
Main Character/Glory from Shadowrun: Dragonfall
October/Tybalt from the October Daye series
Sophie/Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle
Last songs listened to:
Not entirely sure? In general recently I’ve been listening to Gaslighter by The Chicks and a lot of Shania Twain.
Currently watching:
Nothing. I really don’t watch TV anymore and my attempts to get into, like, Critical Role or even podcasts have been fruitless.
Currently reading:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Game Mastery Guide (1E)
Master and Commander by Patrick O’Brian
Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
The Once and Future King by T.H. White
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini
And I haven’t started reading it yet, but Mexican Gothic by Sylvia Moreno-Garcia is in my queue. Just think maybe I should finish some of my in progress books first :P
How’s it going:
My attention span is absolutely shot and it’s making it hard to do things. I have the worst acid reflux I’ve had since high school, and my husband posits it’s due to stress. At the same time I have absolutely been worse. My mental health in 2019 was really that bad. I miss seeing my friends in person and I miss board games and D&D with real dice, but I’m thankful for Discord hangouts and roll20. I read more books in 2020 than I have ever since I started tracking my reading on Goodreads.
I am thankful for my husband and my cats during this time of quarantine so I’m not alone. My husband is not doing well, although he’s finally talking to a mental health specialist so I’m hopeful he can get some help now. I have a friend who is quite sick and so far the doctors are having trouble determining what’s wrong and how to treat it.
I haven’t been enjoying my job, but we just hired someone to take over a large chunk of what I had been doing, so maybe I will work on things that I enjoy more this year. I’ve had the past two weeks off which has been much needed, but now I’m ready to get back to doing things and have more structure in my day.
So in general it’s been crappy, but maybe some things will get better.
I will open tag this, if anyone else wants to talk about how it’s going <3
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moiralovestowrite · 3 years
A Titan’s Gamble Chapter 5
The curiosity from Ryan had not ceased as the group flew to the Tower. The anger had dissolved into something else entirely.  A thought rang through the Titan’s head as he began to connect the dots. Ages ago, at least a solid hundred years, a warning was issued. A monster born from the Darkness had come, it was hiding somewhere and the Vanguard had sent out every Guardian they could to find it. Ryan had been one of them, searching every planet he could hoping to find this dark creature. But it wasn’t some animal, no. It was a human. It was HER! After months of searching, sleepless nights and anger being taken out on his fellow guardian’s, Ryan had given up. How had he not realized it was a person, not a creature? Drifter glared at Ryan, watching as the Titan figured everything out. The man was more than ready to take the Young Wolf out if he had to. Sure, the fate of the universe and hell, his own life rested on the Titan’s shoulders but nothing was going to hurt his second in command, not on his watch. Moira was completely unbothered however. She had proven that she wasn’t a threat. She helped Ryan out and risked her own life for him, would he really turn on her now after what they had been through with the Rider? She didn’t think the man would, not with his kind of ethics. The Drifter’s hand was firmly on his hand cannon tucked into his belt. His protective form stood between the Titan and Moira as they finally arrived at the Tower. “What the-” Drifter’s voice was soft as his eyes gazed upon the gruesome view. Flame’s spewed from the top of the Tower, growing higher and higher as ships burst forth, attempting to get away, escape. People were pushing each other out of the way, attempting to reach some sort of safe haven from whatever was chasing them. Exo parts laid scattered upon the ground while blood splattered next to them. The group couldn’t believe what they were seeing. No. This couldn’t be real. “Holy Shit.” Moira breathed out. Her mind was scrambling for answers as she turned to look at her boss, the man who she thought knew everything. Drifter was speechless for the first time in his life. Ryan had already made his way for the airlock. This was his City, his damn home and if anyone thought they could destroy it, they would have to answer to him. Drifter looked at Moira, worry in his eyes. The two needed to get down there and fast. If something got his machines, who knew what kind of trouble it could cause? Moira returned his look and gently placed a hand upon his chest. “Let’s go.” She whispered before the two turned and ran for the airlock after Ryan.
The Tower’s heat was almost unbearable from the roaring fire. Blood had been splattered all over the walls and screaming echoed through the rooms. It was almost as bad as when the Cabal attacked. Specs of Darkness were floating through the air as the Tower’s flags burnt to a crisp. Ghosts were flying all over the place, trying to help their guardians and protect the people. Hunter’s and Warlock’s corpses littered the ground while Titan’s were nowhere to be seen. Ryan’s feet could barely keep him up as he gazed upon the horrid scene in front of him. What had happened?! Dammit, why did he leave the tower?! “RYAN!” Shaxx cried out, running towards the City’s hero. “Thank the Traveler you’re here! We need to evacuate the citizens!” Without even bothering to think, the Titan nodded, following Shaxx’s lead. The two ran through the buildings and the Last City grabbing every lightless civilian they could. Tess, one of the Awoken who ran the Eververse stand, was shaking as she carefully helped the two bring children to the evacuation point at the lower part of the Tower. “What happened?!” Ryan yelled out as he reached the hanger, helping people one by one onto the evacuation ship. “Zavala. He’s gone-gone mad.” Shaxx’s heart hurt as he spoke, getting the last child upon the ship before turning to meet the Titan’s gaze. “We need every Guardian out of here now, he has this device. A weapon! He shot the Titan’s with it, It’s almost like they’ve been Taken! He attempted to use it on Ikora but it only cut through her body, He claims she has to use hers on the Warlock’s so that no one else will be lost, it doesn’t make sense! The man is spewing nonsense!” Ryan’s eyes widened as he took in Shaxx’s words, this was all a bad dream, it had to be! A weapon that could take Guardian’s? Drifter was the only man who would know about this kind of thing, he had to find him. Holliday quickly climbed onto the ship and looked at the two Titan’s. The blonde prayed that they had a plan, any kind of plan. Zavala meant the world to Holliday, if she lost him...no, they would figure it out. She just had to believe. “Ya’ll need to hurry! I’m taking them to the farm! Ya better be there or I’ll be pissed!” The woman stated before the ships dock closed and it took off towards salvation.
Moira was shoving everything into large black garbage bags, chucking them onto the transporter in the middle of Drifter’s room. The Tower was filled with screams and blood, she needed to get everything out NOW! The Drifter had told her he needed to search Zavala’s office, he had an idea of what happened but he had to be completely sure. As she practically threw everything onto the transport pad, beaming it upon the Derelict, she heard the sounds of stomping feet making it her way. The woman’s body tensed as she held her breath and placed herself in the dark corner of the room. She just needed to get the bank out of there and they would be home free. Her eye’s widened as she saw what was making the noise. It was Titan’s! Their eyes were all pitch black and their movement’s were almost Taken like. She could practically taste the Darkness leeching off of their bodies. Her hands slapped over her mouth as she attempted to not make a noise, praying that the zombie like creature’s hadn’t seen her. But it was too late for that. They were like blood hounds. Two large male Titan’s stepped into the room, their eyes locking on Moira’s form. Their mouths didn’t move and their eyes remained unblinking. She quickly began to raise her fist in hopes that she could freeze them in place and run but the Titan’s were strangely faster than ever before. One of the men grabbed her by the wrist’s shoving her form into the metal bookshelf causing her to cry out in pain. Her eyes watered before she began kicking her feet and screaming. “LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD!” She cried out, attempting to wiggle out of her captures hands. Suddenly the Titan let go of one of her wrist’s and slammed it upon her neck, beginning to choke the woman. Moira’s eyes widened as she attempted to break away, gasping for air as the Titan squeezed her neck like a squeaky toy. Suddenly a loud gun blast echoed through the room and both Titan’s fell to the ground in a matter of seconds. Blood dripped from between their eyes but strangely no Ghost’s came to their rescue. Moira’s form dropped as she covered her neck, coughing and gasping as she took in as much air as she could. Drifter’s blue eyes were hard and cold as he glared down at the dead creatures on the floor. “B-Boss!” Moira cried out as Drifter placed his hands on the woman’s waist, helping her to her feet. “The bank...” She breathed, attempting to gesture to the machine. Drifter nodded, checking the woman over before he rushed over to the bank, beginning to unscrew it from the floor. “They’re like zombies, what are they?” The woman asked, beginning to dismantled the top of the machine. “It ain’t looking good kid, I got no sweet clue how big blue got his damn hands on it but we gotta hurry! Go get that Titan, Ryan!” Moira’s brown eyes looked at her boss with fear. “I can’t leave you!” She cried out, dropping to Drifter’s side as she gazed upon her hero. “You gotta, this all rides on you kid, if ya can’t help him, we can kiss all of this goodbye.” The brunette swallowed hard and nodded. She had to do it didn’t she. With a deep breath, Moira grabbed onto Drifter’s face and turned the man’s head to face hers. “Please! Be safe.” The woman begged before she smashed her lips against her bosses. Drifter’s eyes filled with joy, panic, confusion, happiness. So many emotion’s hit him all at once but it vanished quickly. Moira ripped her form away from the man and ran out of the room, searching for the Titan. Drifter could only watch as the only thing he loved left. If he couldn’t pull this off they were all as good as dead. Still, Drifter had been waiting for this moment for over a hundred years. The two had always seemed to play chicken, unable to tell the other how they felt. If one attempted, something would always get in the way. This was the best kiss he had ever had. A smile grew on the rouge’s lips as a new kind of determination filled his body. It was go time.
“SHAXX!” Ryan’s pained voice screamed through the air as the master of the Crucible fell to the ground, shaking and twitching. “There you are Ryan.” Zavala had cornered the two. In the Vanguard’s hand was a weapon bleeding with Darkness, you could hear it whispering your deepest darkest thoughts and secrets to you. Suddenly Shaxx’s body halted movement. It was clear the man was fighting whatever was trying to take over his form but he couldn’t stop it. It was like every little bit of who Shaxx was had leaked out and vanished. The awoken’s lips curled into a smile as he watched Shaxx slowly begin to stand up like a monster, his movements were not his own. “S-Shaxx?” Ryan called out to his friend once more, praying for a response but the man was silent for the first time in his life. “Will you join me Ryan? Or do I have to shoot you as well.” The Vanguard’s voice was twisted and grey, completely corrupted with Darkness. Suddenly a giant ice staff rammed it’s way through the Vanguard’s stomach causing Zavala to throw up blood all over Ryan’s form. Shaking, the Vanguard dropped to the floor. Shaxx turned, ready to attack whatever had hurt Zavala but was quickly encased in ice. “RYAN!” Moira cried out, grabbing the hurt Titan by the hand. She pulled Ryan to his feet and began to drag him back to the Drifter’s room in the tower. “We Have To Go!” She cried, as Ryan’s eyes stared blankly ahead. He couldn’t wrap his brain around what was happening, it was all going so fast. What was that gun, why did it have the word “Titan” carved into it and why did Zavala have another one on his belt with the word “Warlock”? “Come ON!” Moira screamed, causing Ryan to snap out of it and run. “Ryan!” Zavala called out, struggling to his feet.
The two reached the Drifter just in time, the man had just finished dismantling the machine and had propped it on the transporter. “Get on!” Drifter shouted, grabbing the two by the arms and pulling them along side him on the pad. “We gotta get out of here, where were the people being taken?!” Drifter looked Ryan in the eye, demanding locations faster than Ryan could think. “The EDZ, The farm!” With a nod Drifter hit a button on the pad. Zavala’s form appeared in the doorway, his weapon pointed straight at Ryan’s stomach. “NO!” The Vanguard cried out as he fired a bullet. The black darkness shot through Ryan’s form. “RYAN!” Moira screamed, grabbing onto the Titan as Drifter gripped onto Ryan’s arm. “SHIT!” The older man snarled as The transport fired and the group vanished.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Sunrise over Darkness (1/1)
Summary: It’s strange enough venturing back into the Cosmodrome with everything that’s happened since Bauble found him, but going back with Ryan is just -
“Oh, there’s another cluster,” Ryan says, and Gavin twists around to see him harvesting spinmetal leaves. “Just a few more and I’ll have enough.”
It’s very, very odd.
Notes: Prompt fill for @demoncowedgar who wanted something in a Destiny AU. :D?
Follows No Place for the Living.
(Read on AO3)
It’s strange enough venturing back into the Cosmodrome with everything that’s happened since Bauble found him, but going back with Ryan is just -
“Oh, there’s another cluster,” Ryan says, and Gavin twists around to see him harvesting spinmetal leaves. “Just a few more and I’ll have enough.”
It’s very, very odd.
The Cosmodrome is as eerie as it’s ever been, cries from distant Fallen patrols echoing oddly off the high metal walls and rock walls. Lingering echoes of the SIVA crisis that has Gavin watching where he sets his feet far more closely than he normally would.
Commander Zavala hasn’t officially lifted the quarantine on the Cosmodrome, but he also hasn’t said anything about Guardians slipping in here on Banshee’s latest quest either. (For Banshee’s sake or the link to Cayde-6, it’s anyone’s guess.)
The change of heart may be for Banshee’s sake and the link to Cayde-6, or perhaps there are other more urgent matters weighing on his mind with recent events. Things that make disciplining errant Guardians breaking quarantine pale in comparison. (Commander Zavala isn’t pleased about Guardians running around the Cosmodrome again recklessly as ever, but he hasn’t spoken out on it either.)
Gavin sighs as he finds a comfortable spot on a rocky outcropping that gives him good line of sight as Ryan searches for more spinmetal. Something to do with one of Rasputin's WARSATs clipping his jumpship on a mission to Mars a week back.
There’s a glimmer of light by his shoulder and he smiles as he sees Bauble hover into view.
“It’s odd, isn’t it,” she says, voice pitched low. “You’d think a Titan would be a bit more...reticent to set foot here with the quarantine.”
Gavin hums, sniper rifle leaning against his shoulder. It’s natural for respective classes to look to their Vanguard mentors for leadership first with the way things are organized in the City rather than with the Vanguard as a whole, but few of them are blindly loyal anymore.
Too much upheaval in such a short time, things that weren’t quite secrets as just...not spoken of coming to light time and time again. More than enough to have Guardians question whether or not the Vanguard is infallible, especially with Cayde’s death.
(Funny how it’s the Hunter Vanguard mentorship that changes hands so often, while the Titans and Warlocks stand solid and steady. Maybe there is some truth to the jokes and friendly jabs every Guardian’s heard at least once.)
“You’d think,” Gavin murmurs, smiling as Ryan has an argument – no sorry, as he’s been informed the two of them engage in <i>debates</i>, not arguments – with Reggie.
Flailing hands and wide gestures and Reggie’s shell flaring out with little spins and flourishes either mocking him or unconsciously mimicking him, difficult to tell.
“Looks like arguing to me,” Bauble grumbles, and Gavin doesn’t laugh at the way he can feel her watching him, no.
No reason to get into a debate themselves, after all.
Movement behind Ryan and Reggie and Gavin’s reaching for his sniper rifle, easy as anything as Bauble flickers out of sight.
Ryan and Reggie give no sign of having noticed they’re not alone as their debate continues, and Gavin huffs a laugh echoed by Bauble’s through the speakers of his helmet as he scans the area.
A Marauder, two, creeping up on the shiny pair of idiots in the shadow of an old building. Cloaking tech glitching on them every now and then and Gavin almost feels bad about it as he takes aim.
And then Reggie blinks out of view as Ryan snaps around, hand cannon pointed unerringly at the Marauder Gavin’s not aiming for.
“Wait,” Ryan says, and Gavin holds his fire as requested.
There’s a standoff as the Marauders drop their cloak, no need for it now they’ve been seen. Guardians versus Fallen and even a year ago it would have ended predictably, but now?
Ryan cocks his head, just so and the Marauders share a look, chittering to each other before they lower their weapons and take a step back.
Look back to him and gesture at the harvested spinmetal growth, hunched low to the ground and ready to run.
Ryan lowers his hand cannon, tilts his head the other way and gestures towards the Mothyards. More spinmetal to be found there and the Guardians roaming the Cosmodrome at the moment seen content to explore The Divide rather than venture this far out.
The Marauder closest to him stands a little straighter and says something to Ryan he must be able to understand because he holsters his hand cannon. The Marauder regards him for a long moment before it taps the second Marauder on its pauldron and they set off towards the Mothyards, reactivating their cloaking technology when they’re nearly out of sight.
“Hmm,” Bauble says, reappearing in another glimmer of light over Gavin’s shoulder. “Interesting.”
Things are changing out here, and Gavin hopes it’s for the better.
Ryan turns to look up at Gavin and Bauble and tips the two of them a jaunty little salute and offers a cheeky, “Thanks!”
Gavin snorts as he settles back into a comfortable slouch as Reggie reappears and launches into a lecture about Ryan being a reckless fool of a Titan, although it sounds less stern than fondly exasperated.
Ryan nods along in the right places, makes these little noises like yes, yes, and you’re absolutely right and ooh, more spinmetal! as Reggie floats along behind still lecturing for all he’s worth.
Gavin leaves Ryan to negotiate terms with Amanda in the hangar and heads to the Tower courtyard which is bustling with activity as always. Guardians bartering materials for goods and showing off new bits of armor or weapons.
Ghosts flitting about catching up on gossip and trading bits of information on enemy patrols that haven’t been updated on the Vanguard networks yet.
Bauble gets sidetracked in conversation with a Warlock’s Ghost near Master Rahool’s booth, and he shakes his head as he visits Tess at the Eververse counter to see what the handful of engrams he picked up in the Cosmodrome hold for him. (An armor ornament or two, pretty new Sparrow for a race somewhere and other items he trades in for Bright Dust.)
It’s a lovely day, warm and sunny with birds calling to each other as they flock about the banners and whatnot about the Tower.
He should stop by Geoff and Jack’s quarters later, spend some time catching up with them as it’s been a while since he’s been back to the Tower for more than a pit stop. Spend some glimmer around the Tower vendors for more than the essentials, take some time to enjoy the chance to let his guard down.
A voice calling his name has Gavin look over to see a pair of Titans approaching. Battle-scarred armor and a look in their eyes that means trouble in Gavin’s immediate future.
He gives serious thought to bolting for it, given the last time he ran into these two. The impromptu race through the Glacial Drift on Mars that ended with the Titans going over a cliff – which by the way, wasn't his fault. (Heavy Titan armor and improperly calibrated engines and honestly, honestly, any Sparrow racer worth their salt would know better.)
“Well, well, well,” Michael says, hand landing heavily on Gavin’s shoulder. “Lookit who we got here, Jeremy.”
Jeremy grins, and like the menace he is, cracks his knuckles.
“Aw, now,” Gavin says, cheerful grin and laughter building up as he spots Ryan and Reggie headed towards them. “No need to be like that, Lads.”
They’re ridiculous is what they are. Playing the big, scary heavies like Gavin owes them glimmer or caught them up in a bad deal over parts or something similar. Armor adding to the image because Titans and those pauldrons of theirs that seem to get bigger every time Gavin turns around.
Michael snorts. “Aw, no need to be like that, Lads,” he says, doing a terrible job of mimicking Gavin’s accent. “You owe us a rematch, asshole.”
Jeremy nods, smacking his fist in his hand like that’s any kind of threat from him.
“What he said,” he says in the least threatening way possible because Gavin can hear him trying not to laugh, break character and ruin this little farce of theirs.
Big, bad Titans picking on the poor little Hunter and really.
“Is there a problem?” Ryan asks, nice and mild and taking his cue from Gavin instead of cracking Michael and Jeremy’s heads together the way he looked like he wanted to when he first spotted the three of them.
Michael blinks, sharing a look with Jeremy before they two of the leave off bullying Gavin and turn to face him.
Another little standoff, only this time it’s a trio of Titans and Gavin rolls his eyes as Bauble floats over and makes that quiet little humming noise she does when she’s studying Guardians in their natural habitat.
Still puzzling out their eccentricities and other such things as though she expects to wholly understand them one day.
“Fascinating,” she murmurs as the three idiots before them forget they were sizing each other up in case a brawl broke out and start discussing their armor, because of course they do.
“Titans,” Gavin sighs, and decides he might as well grab a bowl of ramen in the bazaar while they’re having a chat for old time’s sake.
“Interesting friends you have,” Ryan says, plonking himself down on a stool beside Gavin. “I think they challenged me to a race on Mars?”
Gavin chokes on his drink, winces as Ryan chooses to be helpful by pounding him on the back and forgetting he’s still in armor.
“Oh?” he says, and wonders if he’ll get grief from the others if he warns Ryan to calibrate his Sparrow  if he takes them up on it. Glances over to see Ryan with this adorably confused smile on his face and decides the poor bastard will need the advantage. “Might want to mention it to Amanda before you go.”
She’ll know what to do.
“Hmm,” Ryan says, casting Gavin a look, like he knows there’s something Gavin’s not saying. “It has been a while since I’ve brought it in.”
Gavin’s sure Reggie does his best to keep Ryan’s Sparrow up to spec, but there’s only so much a Ghost can do when it comes to these things.
That, and Amanda’s a genius when it comes to Sparrows and jumpships, knows how to pull the best possibly performance from them without sacrificing efficiency. All these little tips and tricks she’s picked up over the years no one, not even the most skilled Ghost can hope to emulate.
“Any recommendations?” Ryan asks, skimming through the menu. “I don’t think I’ve been here before.”
Gavin shrugs. He’s not a connoisseur, but this little ramen shop is one of the most popular ones around. There’s a framed picture of Cayde in a spot of honor, and Gavin’s got an expired coupon stashed away in his vault because Guardians carry an odd sort of sentimentality with them, don’t they.
Claim they have no time for it, but small things catch them up time and again. Little rituals they’re not aware of, habits they form without realizing.
“Can’t go wrong with the spicy ramen,” he says, and laughs at the look Ryan gives him, leaning in to explain the joke that isn’t a joke, because Hunters.
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alitheamateur · 5 years
A Taste of Home- Chapter 8
Warnings: Dirty talk. Phone sex. Language. Angst.
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True to his word, Chris called. He called once he’d landed and so courteously obliged you with one text every other day, or so. You’d baited him with the glorious bright idea that the two of you could goes rounds with the “friends with benefits” gag like it was freshman year of college, or something. So, who you were to even begin to pout about his less than romantic behavior?
He wasn’t a bad man, in the least. Chris didn’t have a cruel, purposely hateful or rude bone in his body, unless the necessity for behavior as such presented itself. You knew he wasn’t treating you cold just for pointless giggles, he was simply... obeying what he was sure you had agreed to only a week earlier.
Now, back home to the safe, familiar corners of Boston, you settled back into your schedule at the coffee shop with your parents. The editorial was due for print next month, and Tess assuredly told you that more work would indeed be coming your way, after your excellent impression in Malibu. But, until then, you’d need a paycheck somehow, so pouring lattes it was.
One Thursday, later in the afternoon when most normal individuals avoid caffeine, the shop was a weary ghost town. There’d be a light rush around 5 p.m. when the night shift crew made their round, but for the most part, all was silent. Until the rambunctious, raspy screech of one Scott Evans paraded himself through the entryway. He was handsome, like his brother, and as equally bombastic. Being the pridefully excellent judge of character he was, Scott had always kept a giggling eye on the way you pined after his older brother, but never saying an open word about your secret crush to anyone. Only occasionally, he’d shake his head, or hold back at laugh at your staring, or girlish blushes toward Chris.
He was leading Dodger by the leash at his side, the pup calmly sniffing around the display counters & hunting for some sort of crumb.
“Don’t look so happy to see me, Millie. For God sakes.” He coolly lashed with a sarcastic smile, leaning forward to kiss your cheek over the counter.
“How could I not be thrilled to see my very favorite Evans spawn?” You bat your caky, day-old lashes at him.
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“That’s not what a little birdy told me....”
Mortification made over your face, pupils explosive with the horrified, shit-eating grin forming across his smug face. Chris has spilled the beans...
Big mouth bastard & his shameless brotherly bond.
“Don’t start with me, Scott Evans, or I swear I’ll-“
“You’ll what?! Roll around in the Malibu sand with me like you did Chris? No thanks, angel. However gorgeous, you know you aren’t my type.”
You smashed your hot forehead to the coolness of the freshly cleaned granite countertop near the cash register. A fight was useless with this one. He’d only tease, and tease the more defenses you put up.
“Relax, Amelia. You know there’s no judgment here! I’m happy you finally got a taste of what all your teenage dreams were made of...” Scott suppressed a wailing laugh momentarily, before turning loose into a full-on fit of hysterics.
“What the hell do you want? My pride can’t take any more of your jokes today.”
“I’m watching this guy at my place while Chris is gone, but I’m heading out on a red eye tonight. Chris said you and Dodge hit it off, so he was wondering if you could go by his place tonight & settle Dodgy here in? I’ll be back Saturday night, so I just need to you check in on him tonight, and tomorrow evening.”
You worked haphazardly whipping together Scott’s predictable to-go order, scrunching your face at his suggestions.
“I’d really owe you. As would my dreamy older brother, too....”
As if that was supposed to convince you. It didn’t convince you, did it?...
Dodger whimpered on the other side of the counter, lunging on his back legs to see what you were doing running around fitfully in circles. His big ol’ brown eyes were no match for your objections. They had almost half the convincing power that the blue ones belonging to his owner did.
“Fine. Alright, alright. But, only for him. It’s got nothing to do with you asshole brothers, you hear me?” Your weak intimidation only made Scott laugh all the more.
Slinging the sweet pup a treat from the doggy jar on the shelf, and stealing a swig of Scott’s beverage before handing it over, the pair of them glided to the exit.
“Thank you! Have I told you that you’re my favorite blonde? Well, my favorite blonde barista. Or fashion blogger, or whatever you’re doing these days?” He winked & the glass door sealed behind him.
You picked up the key he’d left behind on the counter, eyeballing it hard. A faint part of your heart had once daydreamed about being giving a key to his home, but certainly not in this regard...
When closing time rolled around, you flicked off each switch around the shop, turning the sign opposite of “open” and your phone dinged inside the pocket of your cardigan.
C: Call when you get to my place. I’ll give you the rundown on bub’s nighttime routine. And thank you, Mills :)
You remembered every turn towards the quiet seclusion of his cabin home despite only visiting once. Much had changed since your last time here, and yet so much seemed slightly the same in all the wrong ways.
Dodger was panting & galloping clumsily over the hardwood floors when you entered, sniffing & drooling under your feet. It took you a handful of seconds to locate where in the world the light for the foyer was, playing roulette with the dozen switches on the walls.
“Let’s call your dad, big guy. I bet your hungry.”
The phone barely competed two rings before Chris picked up.
“Hey, you. Make it safe?”
“All in one piece, yep! But, something tells me if I don’t feed this animal, I may not survive much longer.”
Chris laughed. That laugh that would’ve seemed like you’d just told the funniest joke in the world.
“Right. Head towards the kitchen, & his jar of food is on the bottom shelf of the pantry. You’ll see it as soon as you open the door. He gets two scoops, and just check his water if you don’t mind, too.”
Following his thorough instruction, you served Dodger his dinner, seeing that his bowl of water was fresh, then walked him out back for a bathroom break before bed. Chris chatted with you on the line, small talking about his day on set, and the amazing desert he snuck at dinner going against his trainers’ orders.
“I think I’ve got it all taken care of. Anything else you need me to do before I head home?”
You heard his bed creak a bit in the background as if he was flopping around to get comfortable.
“Check my bedroom for Dodge’s lion. The little baby won’t sleep without it.”
He giggled at the amusement of you turning wrong corners & blindly navigating his hallways in search of the master-bedroom. You’d never been farther than the kitchen, after all.
His bedroom was warm with welcome, and the walls climbing with an unstifled, comforting feeling of home, even without his presence. Your senses heightened, tickling on end, with the many traces of him strewn around the room. A half-emptied bottle of water by his bedside lamp, a photo of his entire family framed from a premiere red carpet next to it. A tainted, overly worn pair of blue sneakers discarded beside his dresser, and one of his leather jackets haphazardly folded on the arm of a lounge chair. Dodger’s precious lion lay at the foot of Chris’ lush California king right where he said it would be.
“The lion is patiently waited in your bed for Dodger. Shall I tuck the two of them in before I lock up?”
He was eerily silently. Dangerously so.
“Sit on my bed, Amelia.” What was it about the way he said your proper name? It made you want to cower sheepishly, like it was some form of scolding. Yet, it was still so unbelievably… dark, and compellingly delicious.
You boosted with a teeny jump, sitting yourself on the very edge of his bed, perplexed. Smelling the scent of him locked into the covers.
“It’s a dream, isn’t it? And people wonder why I’m such a hermit sometimes. Lay down for a minute and see for yourself, I insist.” You could almost hear that dopey, toothy smile curve all the way up to his ears.
“What’s your game here, Evans? I need some sleep at some point tonight, ya’ know?”
“I bet you look fuckin’ heavenly laying yourself across my pillow, Millie. Is your hair down? Wild, and curly?”
A surge flickered at the center below the waistband of your jeans.
Chris hummed. It was a growl, more so. Rotten, and sinful, and wretched with sexual intent.
“And I bet, since it was warmer today in Boston, according to my mom, you’re wearing one of those thin, slinky little shirts you love that barely, barely hide what’s under your lace bra…”
Images of him sucking, and rolling what’s under that indeed lace bra hung up in your throat, threatening to choke the life out of you.
“I’d really love to see what’s under there, Millie. Kick your shoes off, and lay back, sweetheart.”
Without question, you obeyed his every command like a sheep to the slaughter, your nipples hardening as they caught up to the arousal his luscious voice had prompted.
“Tell me, Mills. Do you wish I was there with you? In my bed, right now?”
You’d never believed in the schemes of hypnosis. Obviously, because there was “no way your mind was weak enough to be manipulated by something as such.”
End quote.
But his snaky smooth, rumbling, throaty accent on the other end of the phone brainwashed you.   
High fives all around for Amelia Calvert’s ability to play coy, and hard to get.
“And, would you let me touch you? I really, really want- no, need, to touch you, beautiful.”
You wouldn’t just let him touch you. In fact, you’d beg mercilessly for him to take your every body part into his veined hands.
“Are you asking to go to 2nd base with me, Christopher Evans?”
And so, it began. The sexual, meaningless, no-strings relationship that you had so very, very foolishly advised. It felt like some form of cruel punishment, but you’d hold up your end of the bargain, however empty, used, and desperately pathetic it made you feel. And then, you’d allow yourself to crumble in pain later.
“I’m asking to run the whole fuckin’ field with you, Amelia. But, I’d settle for 2nd base.” Chris answered without a stutter of second guess.
“I’m thinking about your hands on me right now, too. Tugging through my hair as I kiss you. Hard. Do you know where I’d put my hands, baby?”
There were a few guesses, but, what fun would it be the fill in the blanks? However much you hated the arrangement, the hot spot between your legs was thumping with anticipation.
“Nnn-no. Where would you put them?”
“I’d have to begin with a squeeze to those round, screamingly perky tits, first and foremost. Then, I’d pet all the way down, counting your ribs slowly, whispering the numbers in your ear as I went downward…. Do you know what I would do next, Mil?”
In some sort of blood pumping, sex-crazed trance, you had wriggled loose the button of your jeans and the seems of your panties stretched as your hand fiddled inside them.
“Tell me.”
He was whispering moans now. Carps of a yearning, feverish nature scratched through the speaker of your phone, and you wanted to cry in ecstasy knowing he was undoubtably shirtless, and his straining muscles sweating and sticking to the sheets of his bed.
“I’d tuck my hand inside your pants, too eager to worry with pulling down your zipper, and touch your softest spot. I bet it would be warm, too. And wet for me, Millie. Is it wet for me?”
Surprised that he couldn’t hear the sloshing, water-like sounds coming from your side of the line as you slid between your folds, you answered.
“Definitely. Unbelievably.”
“I wanna feel it, Millie. Taste it on my lips for days after you’ve left me.”
His bed where you lay squeaked when your back arched in an imaginative fit, ruminating thoughts of the texture of his tongue.
“Touch yourself like I would touch you. Arch your back just as your finger skims over your fucking greedy clit.”
“Are you…? Are you touching yourself, too? Touching like I would touch?”
“How would you touch me, Amelia. Talk to me, gorgeous. Tell me how you want me to touch myself.”
Your building trembles captured you, and truly the idea of him touching his hardness didn’t quench your whines. You wanted to touch him. You wanted to take the plush of him into the palms of your hands. But with the distance of another time zone, this night, you’d resolve with him thinking thoughts of you as he relieved himself.
“Squeeze yourself, Chris. Hard with both hands at first,” your voice quaked and broke with the spasms inside your belly. “Then, go so slow from top to bottom. So slow it almost makes you angry.”
Your hand fisted in his feather pillow beneath your head, hair matted from twisting & writhing with impending orgasm. Chris was silent for a moment. Well, silent from words. His continual mewls desperately crying in your ear, you swore your name was mixed into the soundtrack of his unwinding.  
“Pull off your pants, Millie. I want you to spill out onto my sheets so I can lie in your come when I get home and into my bed. I wanna smell your sweetness.”
Your finger attempted to cramp, unable to keep up with the swirling fast circles you spun around your bulb. With jeans pooled around your ankles, your heels dug in to sturdy yourself.
“I’m so- I’m close, Chris. I feel like I’m going to fucking explode.”
“I’m with you, baby. Your voice alone is making me crazy hard. You sound so fucking desperate for me, and I swear, I’m losing it.”
All went black, and the vision behind your sealed lids was like a rippling kaleidoscope of fiery reds, and white-hot clouds of a volcano. The wet release of your orgasmic liquid tickled out of your entrance, sliding down your legs and curving below you off the curve of your rear cheeks.
As if your squeal was his switch, a glutenous, muffled yell scratched from Chris’ chest indicating his own eruption.
You didn’t know what to say when the clouds of orgasm had passed over. The moment felt strange, being your first sexual exchange with him, and suddenly a shyness caught your tongue.
“Mil, you still here?”
“Yes.” Was all you could muster.
“Are you okay? I mean, what’s going on? That was okay, right…?”
“Of course, Chris. It was, phenomenal. Was it for you?”
Sure, the twinges of your southern lips felt phenomenal. But, lets evaluate your heart right now. 
“Sweetheart, the mess I’ve got spilled out onto my belly right now speaks for itself.”
Oh, you blushed. Dodger looked up at you from standing at the side of the bed, recognizing the voice of his dad now that he’s tenor was back to its’ normal octave.
“It’s a bit late. Why don’t you sleep there tonight? Dodger would love the company, anyways. You’d have the whole place to yourself.”
The idea didn’t sound completely absurd. And truthfully, after such a raunchy, cheap exchange with him, you liked the intimacy of him wanting you to stay in his home while he was away, no matter what the motive may be.
“Earth to Amelia. Talk to me. Get out of your head, worry wort.” He shook you to reality.
“Just tonight. Only because it’s late, and it seems to be storming out.”
“Dresser by the closet door. Top left drawer.”
He laughed. “Just get up and go to the drawer, Ameila.”
You pulled your legs loose from your pants, knowing you’d have to clean yourself up before sleeping. You opened the specific drawer to find it stocked with square folded t-shirts. The enclosed space full of cotton immediately smelled of him.
“You’ll need something to sleep in, I’m assuming. So, take your pick. And help yourself to my shower. There’s some weird minty shit that my sister left the last time she stayed over, you can use it so you don’t have to use my soap.”
Your chest wanted to heave out a giddy, girly squeak. It appeared from his thought-out suggestions, that he had pre-planned you sleeping over when asking you to check in on his pup.
“Hotel Evans, huh? You better hope you don’t have any Brigham’s in your freezer…” It was the ice cream you’d both grown up on being Bostonians, and Chris could eat it by the gallon.
“Help yourself to whatever, buddy! What’s mine is yours, of course.”
You felt that sick, putrid, sour taste of cheap slithering up your throat again. He smacked you, unintentionally, with a punitive dose of reality. You were only his friend. He couldn’t do anything more right now. No chances of a term other than buddy being exchanged between the likes of whatever this was. And suddenly, the welcomed invitation to his bed no longer appealed.
“Thanks… buddy. Steer me in the direction of your guest room, and I’ll let you get to sleep yourself.”
“Don’t start with that shit, Mil. Sleep in my bed. You’ll definitely be more comfortable there. And Dodger keep a close eye on you, too. No arguments!” He scoffed.
More comfortable? Oh, but you wouldn’t be. The stanch fragrance of his cologne would suffocate you all night, you just knew it. Yet, there was still no other place you’d rather be than tucked into the indention on his side of the bed.
“Fine, fine. Have it your way! Good night, Evans. Get your beauty rest. Your ugly mug needs it.”
“Night, Mils. Make sure you activate the alarm before you go to sleep. I’ll call you bright and early to check in.”
You’d turned your back, and Dodge was already nestling and settling into the spot on the mattress next to where you’re sure Chris slept, his stuffed lion close by.
“Oh! And Millie?”
“Dream of me. After the noises I heard from your pretty mouth tonight, I know I won’t be able to think of anything else.” 
Tags: @miidailyinspiration @eap1935 @littleluna98 @mollybegood-blog
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Board of trustees framed to turn out 5G Innovation
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ISLAMABAD: The Federal Ministry of Federal Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication Wednesday framed a board of trustees to give a guide to turning out 5G innovation in Pakistan.
As per a freebee gave by the service, the '5G Pakistan Plan Committee' would build up an essential arrangement and guide to present the most recent innovation in Pakistan by figuring working gatherings for improvement of 5G range administration telecom foundation and audit of telecom guidelines including wellbeing security and 5G applications and use cases.
The advisory group will include individuals from its Ministry, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) Prime Minister's SRIU (Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit), PM's Task power on IT, and delegates from telecom the scholarly world, versatile cell administrators, and telecom merchants.
Zong said 5G would bring significant and long haul changes to Pakistan's economic transformation, social advancement, and individuals' job improvement in the future. "It is normal that 5G will affect medicinal services, horticulture, and instruction."
Prior, Zong, China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak), effectively directed preliminaries of its 5G remote system — the principal 5G preliminary in Pakistan.
NASA finds Earth-sized planet in 'Goldilocks zone'
 NASA said Monday that its planet tracker satellite TESS had found an Earth-sized world inside the tenable scope of its star, which could permit the nearness of flowing water. 
Named "TOI 700 d", the planet is generally near-Earth — just 100 light-years away, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory declared during the yearly American Astronomical Society meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.
"The TES was planned to detect Earth-sized planets close to stars clearly, and this was carried forward," said Paul Hertz, head of NASA's astronomy division.
At first, TES rated the stars incorrectly, which meant that the planets were more prominent and more moving than them. Be that as it may, some early astronomers, including secondary school educator Alton Spencer - who work with the TESS group - recognized the error.
Emily Gilbert, a former University of Chicago student, said, "When we corrected star parameters, the planets' steps dropped, and we realized that the distances were about the size of the Earth and the actionable zone. Was. "
Spitzer Space Telescope later confirmed this disclosure.
Surprisingly, other comparable planets have been found by the earlier Kepler space telescope. However, this is the core found by TES, which was rolled out in 2018.
The TES maintains a balance in an area of ​​the sky to distinguish whether objects - planets - move before the stars, causing a small drop in the brightness of the stars. It allows TES to establish its proximity to the world, its size, and its scope.
Star TOI 700 is very low, which is 40% of our sun size and half of the sweaters.
TESS found three planets in the circle called TOI 700 b, c, and d. Only the "D" is reportedly in the usable zone, not too far from the star nor too far, where the temperature allows it to get closer to the flowing water.
It is about 20 to 20 percent larger than the Earth and surrounds its star in 37 days. "D" receives 86% of the vitality that the Earth receives from the sun.
It is not yet clear what D is made of. Experts have developed models based on the size and configuration of the star, to anticipate the air management and surface temperature of the D.
In one production, NASA explained, the planet was "canvassed into the sea with a thick, carbon dioxide command climate as researchers speculate that Mars surrounded it in its youth."
Like the case of the moon and the Earth, the planet is tilted with stars, which means that one side is always facing the edge. This synchronous turn implied that, in another model, one side of the planet was always canvassed in mists.
A third reenactment anticipated an all-land world, where winds stream from the planet's clouded side to its light one.
Many stargazers will watch the planet with different instruments, to get new information that may coordinate one of NASA's models.
Man-made consciousness tantamount to specialists at bosom malignant growth analysis
A PC program can recognize bosom malignant growth from routine sweeps with more prominent exactness than human specialists, analysts said in what they trusted could demonstrate a leap forward in the battle against the worldwide executioner.
Bosom disease is one of the most widely recognized malignant growths in ladies, with in excess of 2,000,000 new judgments a year ago alone.
Normal screening is imperative in recognizing the most punctual indications of the ailment in patients who show no undeniable manifestations.
In Britain, ladies more than 50 are encouraged to get a mammogram like clockwork, the consequences of which are investigated by two free specialists.
Yet, translating the sweeps can leave space for mistake, and a little level of all mammograms either return a bogus positive — misdiagnosing a solid patient as having malignancy — or bogus negative — missing the malady as it spreads.
Presently specialists at Google Health have prepared a man-made reasoning (AI) model to identify malignant growth in bosom checks from a huge number of ladies in Britain and the United States.
The pictures had just been checked on by specialists, all things considered, however dissimilar to in a clinical setting, the machine had no patient history to advise its conclusions.
Understand more: Intel makes chip to control quantum PCs
The group found that their AI model could foresee bosom malignant growth from the outputs with a comparable precision level to master radiographers.
Further, the AI demonstrated a decrease in the extent of situations where malignant growth was inaccurately recognized — 5.7 percent in the US and 1.2 percent in Britain, individually.
It additionally decreased the level of missed determinations by 9.4 percent among US patients and by 2.7 percent in Britain.
"The previous you recognize a bosom malignant growth the better it is for the patient," Dominic King, UK lead at Google Health, told AFP.
In Britain all mammograms are surveyed by two radiologists, a vital yet work escalated process. The group at Google Health likewise led tests contrasting the PC's choice and that of the main human sweep peruser.
"We consider this innovation such that supports and empowers a specialist, or a patient at last, to get the best result from whatever diagnostics they've had." PC 'second feeling'
In the event that the two analyses concurred, the case was set apart as settled. Just with grating results was the machine at that point requested to contrast and the second peruser's choice. Understand more: China correctional facilities researcher who quality altered infants
The investigation by King and his group, distributed in Nature, indicated that utilizing AI to confirm the principal human master analyst's finding could set aside to 88 percent of the remaining task at hand for the subsequent clinician." Discover me a nation where you can discover a medical caretaker or specialist that isn't occupied," said King.
"There's the open door for this innovation to help the current brilliant assistance of the (human) commentators." Ken Young, a specialist who oversees mammogram assortment for Cancer Research UK, added to the examination.
He said it was exceptional for its utilization of genuine conclusion situations from almost 30,000 sweeps.
"We have an example that is illustrative of the considerable number of ladies that may come through bosom screening," he said. "It incorporates simple cases, troublesome cases and everything in the middle."
The group said further research was required yet they trusted that the innovation would one be able to day go about as a "second sentiment" for malignant growth analyze.
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klaradox · 6 years
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Dalton Greyjoy - The Red Kraken
This image will be part of my upcoming Iron Islands map.
Dalton Greyjoy, known as the Red Kraken, was Lord of the Iron Islands, Lord Reaper of Pyke, and head of House Greyjoy during the final days of Viserys I Targaryen and then the Dance of the Dragons. He is regarded as a great hero of the ironborn of the Iron Islands.
Dalton was a daring and bloodthirsty man. He was loved by his men but not by his wives, as he tired of women quickly. Despite his youth, Dalton was shrewd.
The wild young son of the heir to Pyke, Dalton rowed at age five and reaved at ten, sailing with his uncle to plunder the pirate towns of the Basilisk Isles. By fourteen, Dalton had sailed as far as Old Ghis, fought in a dozen actions, and claimed four salt wives.
Dalton claimed a Valyrian steel longsword, which he named Nightfall, off a dead corsair. While fighting in the Stepstones as a sellsail, the fifteen-year-old Dalton avenged his uncle after watching his death. Because Dalton emerged from the fight drenched in blood from a dozen wounds, men began calling him the Red Kraken. Later in the same year, Dalton returned to the Iron Islands to claim the Seastone Chair after hearing of his father's death. Immediately he began to build longships, forge swords, and train fighters, citing that "the storm is coming" as the reason.
The Dance of the Dragons began after the death of King Viserys I Targaryen in 129 AC when Dalton was sixteen. The Red Kraken is said to have laughed after hearing of the outbreak of war.
The greens of Aegon II Targaryen offered Dalton the position of master of ships and the admiralty to replace Ser Tyland Lannister, who had been made master of coin, if Dalton would bring his ships around Westeros to battle Lord Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake. Instead of leaping to the offer, Dalton waited to see what the blacks had to offer.
On the black council, Prince Daemon Targaryen suggested appealing to Dalton's bloodlust to bring him on the side of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Instead of asking him to sail to Blackwater Bay, Rhaenyra only asked for Dalton to attack her enemies.
The Red Kraken chose black over green, deciding to attack the nearby westerlands, vulnerable with Lord Jason Lannister campaigning in the riverlands. His wife, Lady Johanna, barred the gates of Casterly Rock but was unable to protect the rest of the west. Dalton burned the fleet of House Lannister and sacked Lannisport, carrying off gold, grain, and trade goods. Hundreds of women and girls were taken as salt wives, including the favorite mistress of Jason and their natural daughters. Dalton led the capture of Kayce, and after the fall of Fair Isle Dalton claimed four of Lord Farman's daughters as salt wives, giving the fifth, the "homely one", to his brother Veron. Lord Jason was killed in the Battle of the Red Fork in 130 AC.
For the better part of two years, the Red Kraken ruled the Sunset Sea like the driftwood kings of antiquity. The regency of Aegon III commanded Dalton to cease his raiding, but the Red Kraken ignored them. Death
While sleeping in Lord Farman's bedchamber at Faircastle, Dalton was killed when the girl Tess cut his throat with his own dagger before throwing herself into the sea. As the Red Kraken had never taken a rock wife, his closest heirs were his young salt sons, and within hours a bloody struggle for succession broke out among the ironborn.
In 134 AC Jason Lannister's widow, Johanna Lannister, avenged Dalton's raids by having her men-at-arms sail to the Iron Islands with the fleet of Ser Leo Costayne, the lord admiral of the Reach. One of Dalton's salt sons was taken captive, gelded, and made into Casterly Rock's new fool.
ARTIST'S NOTE: This image shows Dalton and Tess on a ship, in front of a burning (?) castle. It combines several aspects of Dalton's life in one scene: the sea, raiding, Nightfall and his final demise - a woman.
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Ali & Tess
Ali: Ro just left Ali: She said she was going Home so keep a watchful eye out please Tess: What about you? Ali: I've got obs every hour, I'm good Ali: Reckon we'll be fit for discharge tomorrow morning Tess: I don't like you being there on your own all night Ali: I'm fine, there's a wardful, party central like Ali: You gotta look after the others Ali: Might need to commandeer the big room until Singapore Ali: I'll think of a way to make bunking in with Tom worthwhile for Rock and him Tess: You know what I mean, kiddo Tess: The others are fine and your da's sorting out the rooms as we speak Tess: No worries Ali: Good Ali: Good stuff Ali: I'm sorry Mum Tess: I know you are Tess: He's the one that needs to be. More than you Ali: Wasn't exactly part of his master plan, I'm sure Ali: we know its all on me, you were right before Ali: I was being selfish and chicken shit and not only did it mess up Ro like you said Ali: but it really fucked me over too Ali: Boo hoo Tess: He doesn't have one, it's half his trouble Tess: I didn't wanna be right Tess: Rarely do in truth Tess: I've got Ro, you watch out for yourself and the little bab Tess: We can switch whenever Ali: I don't know about that, clearly I've fucked something up royally for him Ali: I should've known better, been better Ali: It wasn't meant to happen Ali: what kind of life is she going to have Ali: and the others too Tess: He did that himself. You didn't get pregnant on your own Tess: You did know better that's why you made him put something on the end of it Tess: And you will be better too, 'cause that girl needs you to be Tess: She's got a family that loves her, she could do worse Tess: They all could Ali: We used protection Ali: why has this happened, mum? its not fucking fair Ali: yeah but she has someone who resents her existence too and i can't stop it Ali: and what if rio and junie lose caleb and all that family for good Ali: because of me and this stupid mistake Tess: I know, baby but life ain't never been fair to none of us. All we can do is try and balance up it up so the shitty end of the stick isn't the heaviest Tess: You can do that Tess: As for the others, say what you want about Caleb, and I have, but he loves the bones of them kids Tess: He won't leave them even if he leaves you Ali: Yeah Ali: You're right Ali: Again Ali: Take it whilst you can 'cos I won't be saying it once I'm out this hormonal state Tess: I've got a while yet then Tess: But yeah Ali: I just feel like the worst person in the world Ali: not only for what I did and what I didn't say Ali: but because, as much as I love her with everything I have Ali: I still can't help but regret her...being her, being his Ali: Don't tell anyone but I thought you might understand because of Ronnie Tess: You ain't though, you're not even the first person to make this mistake Tess: I won't tell anyone because I do understand Tess: Love can be enough, more than, but when it isn't, fucking hell Tess: Not a regret I wanted for you. Or me. Like Ali: I know but Ali: it feels wrong to even call it a mistake, like I'm putting that on her when Drew's already throwing enough negative energy her way Ali: I don't want her to feel it, any of it, ever Ali: but it WAS a mistake...and IS, I can't change it Ali: even with love Ali: how am I ever going to sit there and act like she was planned and wanted and that I loved Drew when I didn't Ali: at least you loved Ronnie's Dad Tess: I was a kid Tess: I didn't know what love was Tess: Not until her Tess: Don't lie to her. You don't need to be as blunt as that about it 'course but don't give him credit he isn't due, she won't thank you for it Tess: You can't change things for yourself but you can change how it'll be for her, make plans about and for her Tess: Tell her you love her and she's wanted, 'cause when you look back on this later, whatever happens, as long as you keep her you won't wanna change it for the world, none of the good memories Tess: Give her them Ali: But I'm just a kid too Ali: and I really love him, Mum Ali: I know Ali: its going to be so hard Tess: I know, and I'm not trying to make you grow up faster than you already are but it was different for me Tess: I didn't use protection 'cause nobody told me about it Tess: I wanted a family 'cause I didn't have one, no love, not proper like Tess: I had my head in the clouds and up my own arse Tess: You have so much more about you, Ali Tess: Not only the IQ Tess: And he's different too, whatever brush I tried to tar him with, he ain't Ronnie's da Tess: It'll be hard and you'll do it anyway, both of you, whatever happens Ali: That makes sense Ali: It wasn't all your fault either Ali: you know that, right? Ali: Thanks Ali: Got to, I know that, of course Ali: I just feel like all I've been doing is apologising and rightly so but I'm dying here too Tess: Yeah it was Tess: I wasn't young enough to pull that shit of not owning none of it Tess: There's a lot of shit I could've done different, should've too Tess: Let yourself feel it. You're not gonna get nothing else done 'til you do and when Caleb shows his face, which he will, you need to be ready for it Ali: Yeah but not all of it Ali: You gave me the talk, like, can't put you on my shit list like your Dad Ali: I don't know how I'm going to tell him Ali: but I did manage to tell Ro so, I know I can Ali: but fuck Tess: Yeah and you heard me, that time, you used protection Tess: That'd be the least of what my da is on my shit list for but whatever Tess: It'll just happen, same as this Tess: You can handle it and he'll have to Ali: Well no but if we're keeping score..lol Ali: He shouldn't have to though Ali: She shouldn't have Ali: ugh its so fucked Tess: None of you should have to but you are Tess: If I could take it on instead I would Ali: Gotta get my big girl pants on Ali: not that I wanna have any material touching down there yet Ali: gonna nick a few of these fashionable backless numbers Tess: Take what you can get, my love Tess: How'd the little 'un find it, not too stressy, yeah? Ali: Yeah, she's sound, hilariously Ali: No drama of that variety, unlike the last time Tess: Have a few more and they'll be falling out Ali: Probably not, eh? Ali: Shame Ali: Fancied breaking your record Tess: Don't even joke Tess: I've only got so many hands, ta Tess: And a doting nan rep to keep up Ali: I'm not Ali: that's the real tragedy, never mind you stocking up on bribe sweeties Tess: There's still a load of time Tess: You're not 20 yet Ali: Not if I'm about to be dumped Ali: I don't want them with anyone else like Tess: You don't know what'll happen Tess: Look at me, didn't expect to meet your da and have you lot Tess: And you can't speak for Caleb 'til he's had a word himself Ali: Yeah but Ali: c'mon Ma Ali: think we both know what's gonna happen Ali: Can hardly blame him either Tess: We've both been wrong before Ali: Never! Tess: Whatever you say Tess: Ain't gonna kneecap you rn Ali: Much obliged Ali: but seriously Ali: I'll leave you to toddler wrangling Rio now Ali: hahahaha Tess: Your son's the one Tess: He misses ya Tess: Fussy bugger Ali: Bless him Ali: Be Home soon Ali: swear I'm not milking being waited on hand n foot like Tess: If you didn't you wouldn't have a home to come back to Tess: Casually disowned for being a tit Ali: Ha Ali: Odlly not in the mood, got things to do Ali: You can tell the others as much as you see fit Ali: I'll fill 'em all in when I see them Tess: Fair enough Tess: See you tomorrow like Tess: Look after yourself you pair Ali: Will do Ali: not gonna ditch your precious grandbaby and dash like Ali: TTFN
0 notes
nh935 · 4 years
The Adventures of Solaire IX: The Archive Ship i
The Incredible Yet Accurate Adventures of the Dread Pirate Captain Solaire Ravenheart Otherwise known as… The Adventures of Solaire
Part IX: The Archive Ship i
There is a common phrase amongst the people of the Zyrgian Federation: “to burn one’s ships.” Its origins date back close to a century ago, when the explorer Hattan DeMassi set sail for the mythical Jungle of Bones, a land notorious for the hostility of the environment and the violence of the flora and the fauna located there. Hattan was hoping to map the entirety of the island and receive the generous reward of one million gold pieces promised to the first explorer to accomplish such a task. And being an ambitious individual, the first act Hattan did upon landing and unpacking his supplies was to burn his ships, sending a clear message to his men: if you want to go home, we will have to master and subjugate this land.
Had Hattan’s expedition been successful, the phrase “to burn one’s ships” might have meant “to courageously propel yourself into danger and thus secure success,” but as the only survivors of Hattan’s crew picked off of a homemade raft were his journal of the events, a coconut decorated like a face, and a suspiciously well-fed housecat, the phrase “to burn one’s ships” instead means “to idiotically destroy your means of retreat, thereby dooming yourself.”
However, when most people say “to burn your ships,” they don’t literally mean “set fire to your sailing vessels.” Then again, most people aren’t Solaire.
“You wanted to see us, sir?” Tomo asked.
Wiess turned around to face the group. Once again, they were located in Wiess’ interrogation chamber, that small cramped room lined with a long mirror, each member responding to their “employer’s” presence in their accustomed manners: Austin and Tomo standing to attention, Willaby and Skyler glancing nervously at each other, and Solaire twirling a dagger around his fingers with all the enthusiasm of a man reading the dictionary.
“Yes,” Wiess replied. “Ze second piece of my armor has been located. It’s on an automated schip approximately 50 miles away. I vill supply a small fessel, bearinks, and compass. You climb aboard and retriefe it.”
“What is it?” Willaby asked.
“A chesht piece, similar in style to the gauntlet.”
“Is it defended?” Skyler questioned.
“Undoubtedly. As to how, I am not schure. Zis construction vas made by my rifal. It’s design is unknown to me.” Weiss turned to Solaire.
Solaire yawned.
Weiss frowned. “Vell, if zere are no more queshtions, shoo!” He waved at the group, prompting them to file out of the door. “Come back vith my armor or don’t come back at all!”
Once the gathered adventurers had left, Weiss smiled and looked over to Winthrop, standing behind him and ready for order. “Vinthrop, I vill be in my quarters shtudyink zat exoshkeleton from ze top deck. I’m gifink you temporary command.”
Winthrop shifted from one foot to the other. “Permission to speak frankly, sir?”
Weiss raised an eyebrow. “Granted.”
“I don’t agree with how lenient you are being with Solaire and the others.”
“Yes sir. Since he’s been here, you have treated Solaire special, separated from the normal disciplinary measure of the crew. There was no punishment for threatening the others, none for damaging the ship while escaping back to it, none for his chosen method of capturing the poisoner, and even none for the intentional damage done to the top deck when subduing the attacker.” Winthrop’s shoulders sagged slightly, as if a long-standing weight was being lifted from his shoulders. “Giving him this much freedom is sure to have repercussions.”
“Repercussions?” Weiss replied. “Solaire’s repercussions hafe allowed us to sell a mermaid for one million gold. And ze exosuit…” Weiss stopped. “Exosuit, I like zat… anyvay, ze exosuit he brought down contains an enticink new engine, one that runs on raw Elysium! Once I referse its engineerink, we can power ze Emperor for a zousand years vith one rock.”
Winthrop shook his head. “I won’t deny that his short term results are excellent, but there are long term consequences to think about. The attacker’s confidence was no doubt partly fueled by the fiasco Solaire caused on his first day here. And the guests have been complaining about the delays caused. If we don’t rein him in soon…”
“Shhhh!” Weiss placed an index finger on Winthrop’s lips. “Please, Vinthrop, hov many times hafe you doubted me?”
“Several,” he admitted.
“And hov many times vas I vrong?”
“Zen hafe a little faith. Besides…” Weiss’ eyes twinkled a bit, “once ve hafe all zat armor, ve von’t need ze Emperor, or ze guests, or anythink at all. Ve vill hafe eferythink ve vill efer need.”
“All right sir,” Winthrop said, the doubt in his eyes still visible.
“THAT’S supposed to be a sailing vessel?” Solaire shouted.
The vessel in question was a small wooden dinghy, no more than twenty feet wide, with a rough canvas cloth acting as a sail, two splintered oars attached to the side, and a warped piece of wood serving as the handle for the rudder control. The boat was attached to the side of the Emperor with a long rope and the act of the larger monstrosity tugging the smaller object was reminiscent of the way a child might drag a rolling toy.
“Yes,” Tomo answered.
Solaire rolled his eyes. “There is no way that we will be able to catch another boat in that piece of garbage.”
“On the contrary,” Tomo replied, “we will most likely be just able to catch that boat. Wiess has an exceptional ability when it comes to making judgement calls on speed and bearings, and each time he furnishes us with a boat, it is his aim to provide one that will just barely be able to get us there and back, with no opportunity for escape or detour.”
“His generosity knows no bounds,” Solaire muttered. He grabbed the side of the railing, swung himself over it, and latched into the carved ladder steps in the side, descending the rungs two at a time.
Skyler and Tomo followed, each repeating Solaire’s steps, albeit slower. Within a minute, all three men had boarded the vessel.
Willaby looked down the side. “Er…”
Austin sighed and scooped up the man with one arm and slung him over his shoulder like a strongman carrying a barrel. Then he used his free hand to help descend the steps until he managed to shakily step into the boat, causing it to rock for several seconds before it calmed down.
“Right,” Solaire shouted, “who here has sailed a boat besides me?”
Everyone returned an empty stare.
“Typical.” Solaire untied the line from the vessel, jammed the sail into a new direction, and moved back to the rudder controls. “Compass” Austin handed the requested object to Solaire. He opened it and stared at the spinning dial. “What bearing?”
Tomo removed a paper from inside of his armor. “176⁰ South by South East.”
Eyes still glued to the compass, Solaire twisted the rudder and forced it to bolt off away from the Emperor, rising and falling over the wake of its larger counterpart and spraying foamy, salty water over the occupants inside with each crash. As he did, he moved the rudder handle this way and that until the majority of the waves had been sailed over, then held it steady as it glided over the relative smoothness of the sea.
“How far away is it?” Solaire asked, breaking the silence of the empty air.
“Unknown,” Tomo answered, “but this bearing should bring us on a direct collision course with it. We will be able to see it coming.”
Solaire hmphed and sat down in the bottom of the boat, hand still glued to the rudder.
Skyler glanced at him. “So… you’re pretty good at sailing, huh?”
“Runs in the family,” Solaire responded.
“The Ravenhearts?” Skyler continued.
“You don’t talk about them much.”
“No I don’t,” Solaire confirmed.
An uncomfortable silence settled into the boat, broken only by the lapping of waves against the side of the wood.
Skyler sat down next to Solaire. “You know, my parents…”
“Stop,” Solaire commanded.
The silence resumed.
“Fine. Willaby,” Skyler turned to the baker-turned-sorcerer. “Where are you from?”
“Hm? Oh! Killkenny, in Dinas,” Willaby answered. “Small little city on the Southern edge.”
“And you had a bakery?”
“Yeah, burned down.” Willaby’s face soured, then turned thoughtful. “You know, it is a little odd that Tess was asking if we had insurance for…”
“Heads up!” Austin shouted, pointing into the sea.
About sixty feet away, nestled in the deep blue waves, was a strange copper colored creation. I say creation because that is the most accurate noun that can be attached to such an object, because while it may have been called a ship, and functioned like a ship, it resembled a ship much the same way the stain on your boots resembles the ant that stain formerly was; that is to say, not at all.
The object was perhaps fifty feet long, thirty feet wide, and twenty feet tall, made out of that ruddy orange that can only be achieved with copper. Set in the back was a large paddlewheel, similar to a windmill, but rotating into the water. On top were two holes about the size of a man’s fist. The water underneath it churned like it was boiling, and it was rectangularly shaped.
That was about it.
There were no windows, no doors, or any protruding shape of any kind. It contained no markings or decorations. The large rectangle shape held no deviations; there were no protrusions where the walls jutted off to form cabins or rooms, just smooth metal tapered off to sharp points. The metal itself even contained a lack of welds and rivets; it looked like a giant box, or perhaps a metal coffin floating in the waves.
All five men watched it with wide eyes.
“What is that thing?” Skyler asked.
“Slow moving and fortified.” Solaire slammed the rudder to the side and cut across the backend of the ship, moving it up to the left side until the dingy and the object were nearly side-by-side.
A long metal tube slid out of one of the holes. “ATTENTION: YOU ARE APPROACHING DEFENDED CARGO. PLEASE LEAVE.”
Willaby moaned. “It’s a construct.”
“Of some kind, yes,” Tomo agreed.
Solaire moved the dinghy into the ship. The wooden vessel gave a soft crunch and bounced off.
Solaire did it again.
A short but thick metal tube slid out of the other one and continued to rise until the slightly thinner rod holding it in place cleared the metal, allowing the tube to swing free and aim at the boat, thus changing its identity from a tube…
...to a cannon.
An explosion of fire and smoke sounded not more than fifteen feet away from the party’s vessel, issuing a loud BOOM! and causing the sea around them to blast forth a gigantic wave and a spray of water, showering everyone and making the vessel rock.
“Cut the sails!” Solaire screamed.
Everyone looked at each other.
Solaire sighed. “Really?”
The cannon adjusted a sight inch downwards and Solaire slammed the rudder the other way, zooming away as another combustion-splash appeared where the boat had been just seconds before.
“You are the worst sailors in existence!” Solaire spat.
“I am no sailor, I am a samurai,” Tomo explained.
“Grunzen,” Austin continued.
“Er… mercenary?” Skyler tried.
“Baker!” Willlaby said.
“All useless now!” Solaire shot back, twisting the rudder to cut close to the ship as another BOOM! reported that the group had just been narrowly missed by another cannonball. “Right, we’re going to get a crash course!”
“A literal one?” Willaby said with a bit whimper.
Solaire shoved the man towards where he had been sitting and grabbed his hand, forcing him to clutch the rudder. “Port!” he shouted, pointing left, then pointing right. “Starboard! Move it where I tell you.”
Willaby nodded and looked back at the wooden handle with fear, like he was grabbing a live snake and not a rudder control.
“Skyler!” Solaire shouted, moving over to the weathered sail and grabbing a small string hanging next to it, “You see this rope?”
“Uh, yeah?” he replied.
Solaire tugged the rope all the way down, causing the sail to move all the way up. “Cut sail!” He let the rope down and allowed the sail to drop a bit, stopping every fourth of the way down. “Quarter! Half! Three Quarters! Full!”
“I know how fractions work!” Skyler spat back, grabbing the string from Solaire’s hand.
“Wonderful. Do it. You two!” Solaire pointed to Austin and Tomo.
“Yes?” Austin asked.
Another BOOM! followed by a whizzz sounded overhead, flying over the crouched heads of the men on board.
Solaire shot back up. “Port! Full sails!”
Skyler let go and Willaby shoved the rudder left, causing the boat to turn so sharp it began looping into a circle. As it did, Tomo began to fall backwards, saved last second by the massive hand of Austin heaving him back up.
The splash of a cannonball sounded far forward as the metal ship began to pull ahead.
“Not so blasted hard!” Solaire yelled. “Three inches AT MOST!”
“G-g-got it,” Willaby answered, the cold sea water he was soaked in causing him to shake.
“Straighten us out.” Withdrawing his cutlass, Solaire stood on the front of the ship as it began to gain ground once again. “And… QUARTER NOW!”
Skyler moved the string only an inch, causing the dinghy to continue to speed forward, right towards the paddlewheel. Solaire swore and front kicked the spinning contraption, forcing the boat to scooch backwards “CUT! CUT!”
Skyler tugged it all the way up, causing the boat to stop and the target to pull away again, a distant splash sounding far behind.
“FRACTIONS!” Solaire screamed.
“I KNOW!” Skyler screamed back.
“THEN DO IT!” Solaire turned back. “Gods damn… alright, Full sails! Starboard!”
The dingy began to speed up again, now drifting slightly to the left.
“YOUR OTHER STARBOARD!” Solaire shouted.
“Whoops.” Willaby moved the handle again and the boat corrected to the right.
“Hold, hold…” Solaire turned to Austin. “You!”
Austin looked up from where he was huddled over, hands over his head. “Yes?”
“Stand up. When we get close, smack that cannon barrel down.”
“Punch it so hard it points straight down!” Solaire rolled his eyes and re-readied the cutlass.
Austin nodded and stood, rolling his shoulders back.
The dingy sped on, close to the paddle wheels.
The dingy cut speed, following an inch away from the turning wheels and staying there.
The cannon began to point at the group.
Willaby fidgeted. “Er…”
“Hold straight!” Solaire insisted.
It did.
Solaire raised his sword. “Ready…”
Austin raised clasped his fists together and held them over his head.
The cannon began to hisssss….
Austin swung downwards right onto the cannon barrel. It issued a sharp CRACK and hung limply downwards a second before it exploded right into the back of the ship.
Once it had, the entire back half combusted in a red cloud of fire and metal. The force pushed out with a much higher wave than just the impact of the cannonball, BAMing once, twice, three times, each one followed with a new fire ball.
“Gods and demons!” Skyler exclaimed, pulling the string all the way up.
Solaire’s eye immediately darted back. He swung the cutlass and cut the string, unfurling the sail and making the boat speed back up.
Towards the burning wreckage.
Skyler looked at the sails, then to Solaire in horror. “What did…”
“Hit the deck!” Solaire shouted, diving for the floor.
Everyone followed his lead as the back half of the dingy collided with the metal object, issuing a loud crunching SCRUNCH as the smaller wooden vessel inserted itself into the larger, causing it to splinter and crack until the mast finally snapped off and the two were now stuck together as a horrible abomination against sailing itself.
Soliare stood up, looking around the copper corridors wreathed in flame.
Skyler scrambled to his feet. “WHAT THE HELL, SOLAIRE?”
“We needed a way in,” the noble explained, calmy stepping off the boat as if it wasn’t burning and/or sinking. “The turning wheel was powered, so I figured there was a fuel source of some kind, perfect for a controlled explosion.”
“Of course. If it wasn’t, we’d be dead.”
“He has a point,” Tomo said, stepping into the metal vessel.
“Don’t you dare!” Skyler warned him.
“I feel sick,” Willaby moaned, flopping off board and onto the metal ship.
Austin climbed up and over the sides, looking around the chaos around them. “Our return trip is busted. The boat we’re currently on is sinking. And on fire. We don’t have the armor, or know where it is, or know what’s inside here, and we have no way to fix any of these problems.”
“Then chop chop,” Solaire called back, running down the hallway in front of him. “Burning ships and all that.”
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
Q&A: ‘VH1’s Beauty Bar’ Breakout Star Thalia Almodovar
Thalia Almodovar, is the breakout star from VH1 Beauty Bar, a new reality show that follows an eclectic group of hairstylists and makeup artists from the Inwood, Manhattan hotspot House Of Dolls By Henry.
Thalia’s led a private life until now.  It all changed last month when VH1 released the first trailer of VH1 Beauty Bar.
According to VH1, Thalia is the center of attention who commands the beauty scene with her looks and makeup expertise. The show also stars Kevin, who is known for his flamboyant makeover magic that has significantly grown his social media following and clientele; master colorist Vee is a former bottle girl who hopes to one day own a salon; Notik is the resident barber who constantly draws in new clients to stay ahead of the game. New to the salon are hairstylists Princess, who is determined to prove herself as a top “weave-ologist,” and her best friend Rell, the shop’s loctician (dreadlock specialist). Owner Henry runs a tight ship as he manages the salon and day-to-day operations alongside his business partner Tess.
“We give our clients an experience no other salon in the city can and we party while doing it.  It doesn’t get better than that.   Thalia admits she likely comes off as the villain on VH1 Beauty Bar, but sees no problem in it.  “I grew up watching Spanish soap operas and the villain always has the most fun,” she laughs.  “Honestly, though, I’m a sweetheart once you get to know me.”
It was a pleasure to sit down with Latina Thalia for this exclusive Hotspots interview:
How young were you when you first realized you were born into the wrong body, and how did you process it?
I was probably say at the age of 5, is when I realized there was something different. I felt like I was on the wrong line at the gym. I should have been on the girl’s line.
When did you start wearing girl clothing?
I was always very feminine and girly, so I was never macho. I remember being very young and wanting to wear unisex or feminine clothes.
When did you start transitioning?
At 20 right after high school. I met someone that led me on this journey and she helped me get to my goals.
How has your family and friends accepted the process?
Friends have been really good and my father has been amazing. My mom comes from a really religious background and she doesn’t approve. I don’t find her actions to be ok, but I have to deal with it.
When and how did you get into make-up and become a make-up artist?
When I graduated high school I writ into performing arts school for acting. It was all a competition, and I didn’t like that. I always liked to paint and draw, so I decided Make up may be something I like, so I went to make up school, and I immediately took to it and I started working for Lancôme, Mac, etc. I met a guy who got me work at fashion week and editorial projects, etc, and my career took off.
How did the show Beauty Bar come about?
A friend of mine is a producer, and she knows one of the talent agents from VH1. They had the idea of the show and the salon they were originally interested in closed. My friend introduced us and the rest is history.
As the Break Out Star of Beauty Bar:
Have you started to get recognized on the street yet?
When I go out on the weekend, I am getting recognized a lot and getting a lot of positive feedback.
How has your life changed?
I am super busy now, not only with more make up orbs, but I am a public figure and I have gotten back into acting and am getting jobs.
Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?
That I am a really good cook. I also know how to put carpet down on a floor.
What’s ahead for Thalia?
Honestly I wish I knew, but I would love to get even more acting gig..
For more information on Thalia, follow her on Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat@DashingThalia.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/04/04/qa-vh1s-beauty-bar-breakout-star-thalia-almodovar/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/04/q-vh1s-beauty-bar-breakout-star-thalia.html
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demitgibbs · 6 years
VH1’s ‘Beauty Bar’ Premiers Wednesday Nights
On the heels of VH1’s industry leading ten consecutive quarters of YoY ratings growth (P18-49) – the best streak across broadcast and cable – comes “VH1 Beauty Bar” premiering Wednesday, February 28 at 10PM ET/PT.
The series will serve as a companion to VH1’s hit franchise “Black Ink Crew” also airing Wednesday nights.
From Truly Original, “VH1 Beauty Bar” follows an eclectic group of hairstylists and makeup artists from the Inwood, Manhattan hotspot HOUSE OF DOLLS BY HENRY. Frequented by New York’s elite, the  full-service salon is known to locals as the go-to glam pregame spot with can’t-miss makeovers and uptown flavor. “VH1 Beauty Bar” centers on a group of dynamic stylists working in tight quarters filled with extraordinary talent and even bigger personalities. This season, the group will be forced to confront their differences in order to move forward and belong to something bigger than themselves. With everything on the line, will ego prevent them from catering to their devoted clientele and will the pressure to succeed prevent their success in the beauty industry? Tune in on Wednesday, February 28 at 10PM ET/PT to see it all unfold.
The “VH1 Beauty Bar” cast includes:
Thalia is the center of attention who commands the beauty scene with her looks and makeup expertise. Using his own face as a canvas, Kevin is known for his flamboyant makeover magic that has significantly grown his social media following and clientele. Master colorist Vee is a former bottle girl who hopes to one day own a salon. Notik is the resident barber who constantly draws in new clients to stay ahead of the game. New to the salon are hairstylists Princess, who is determined to prove herself as a top “weave-ologist,” and her best friend Rell, the shop’s loctician (dreadlock specialist). Owner Henry runs a tight ship as he manages the salon and day-to-day operations alongside his business partner Tess.
Be part of our glam squad by liking VH1’s Beauty Bar on Facebook. Stay up-to-date on the show on Twitter and Instagram by following @VH1 and use #VH1BeautyBar to join the conversation.
“VH1 Beauty Bar” is produced by Truly Original with Steven Weinstock, Glenda Hersh, Lauren Eskelin, Stephen Mintz, Michael Meinecke, Rahel Tennione and, for Crybaby Media, Danny Passman serving as executive producers. Nina L. Diaz, Lily Neumeyer, Liz Fine, and Daniel Blau Rogge are executive producers for VH1.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/02/21/vh1s-beauty-bar-premiers-wednesday-nights/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/171165908225
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
VH1’s ‘Beauty Bar’ Premiers Wednesday Nights
On the heels of VH1’s industry leading ten consecutive quarters of YoY ratings growth (P18-49) – the best streak across broadcast and cable – comes “VH1 Beauty Bar” premiering Wednesday, February 28 at 10PM ET/PT.
The series will serve as a companion to VH1’s hit franchise “Black Ink Crew” also airing Wednesday nights.
From Truly Original, “VH1 Beauty Bar” follows an eclectic group of hairstylists and makeup artists from the Inwood, Manhattan hotspot HOUSE OF DOLLS BY HENRY. Frequented by New York’s elite, the  full-service salon is known to locals as the go-to glam pregame spot with can’t-miss makeovers and uptown flavor. “VH1 Beauty Bar” centers on a group of dynamic stylists working in tight quarters filled with extraordinary talent and even bigger personalities. This season, the group will be forced to confront their differences in order to move forward and belong to something bigger than themselves. With everything on the line, will ego prevent them from catering to their devoted clientele and will the pressure to succeed prevent their success in the beauty industry? Tune in on Wednesday, February 28 at 10PM ET/PT to see it all unfold.
The “VH1 Beauty Bar” cast includes:
Thalia is the center of attention who commands the beauty scene with her looks and makeup expertise. Using his own face as a canvas, Kevin is known for his flamboyant makeover magic that has significantly grown his social media following and clientele. Master colorist Vee is a former bottle girl who hopes to one day own a salon. Notik is the resident barber who constantly draws in new clients to stay ahead of the game. New to the salon are hairstylists Princess, who is determined to prove herself as a top “weave-ologist,” and her best friend Rell, the shop’s loctician (dreadlock specialist). Owner Henry runs a tight ship as he manages the salon and day-to-day operations alongside his business partner Tess.
Be part of our glam squad by liking VH1’s Beauty Bar on Facebook. Stay up-to-date on the show on Twitter and Instagram by following @VH1 and use #VH1BeautyBar to join the conversation.
“VH1 Beauty Bar” is produced by Truly Original with Steven Weinstock, Glenda Hersh, Lauren Eskelin, Stephen Mintz, Michael Meinecke, Rahel Tennione and, for Crybaby Media, Danny Passman serving as executive producers. Nina L. Diaz, Lily Neumeyer, Liz Fine, and Daniel Blau Rogge are executive producers for VH1.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/02/21/vh1s-beauty-bar-premiers-wednesday-nights/
0 notes
pcwpolwrestling · 7 years
McGill Throws Prof. McCarthy, Prog. Alliance, Am Patriots Out of Arena: 3/24 PCW House Show Report
Dawn McGill Throws Professor McCarthy, the Progressive Alliance, and the American Patriots Out of the Arena
Chaos at the outset. Professor McCarthy and his Flock (Green World Order: PeaceNick, GreenPete, ‘Extreme Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee, ‘Radishing’ Rick Rube, and Peta from PETA, The Young Jerks: Zenk Cryger, James Idahola, and Anna, Codee Pink, and Emily S. List) and twenty five paid pro-…er…twenty five protesters have commandeered the Les Miserable section of seats at ringside purchased by ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay, Heartland Champion Charlie Blackwell, and PCW Champion William Daniels Bryan.
McCarthy’s group refuses to allow the fans to sit down in the seats and things escalate quickly. The paid protesters and the fans start shoving each other. That brings down the Les Miserables themselves. McAvay, Blackwell, Bryan, Ken Worth-American Trucker, and ‘No Frills’ Chris Escondido run down to the ring and a brawl breaks out. The numbers game is too much though and the GWO/Young Jerks beat them down. That brings down the PCW Security.
As Security tries to separate the fans from the protesters and the GWO/Young Jerks from the Les Miserables, the Progressive Alliance wrestlers all walk down to the ring led by Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, and others. Schumer offers the Progressive Alliance’s unequivocal, one hundred percent support of Professor McCarthy and threaten to filibuster any attempt to remove them.
Meanwhile, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the American Patriots remain in their locker room. Kirk Walstreit holds up an old Halloween mask of Ronald Reagan and continually asks questions of the mask as if it’s some sort of mystic magic 8 ball. The American Patriots are divided on how to respond so they don’t do anything.
A couple PCW officials go to ringside and try to reason with Schumer. Then out of nowhere, two men dressed in all black, with black masks over their heads (presumably the same two who attacked PCW Champion William Daniels Bryan last week), ran down to the ring and attacked the officials lying them out. The two men then roll into the ring and take the microphone.
To a chorus of boos, they announce themselves as the Deep State and proclaim that they are the true power behind PCW- not PCW CEO Donald Trump…not PCW Owner Dawn McGill.
Deep State: “Regardless of who claims to be in control of PCW and running the day by day business, the Deep State is supreme and we will wipe out anyone who dares oppose us.”
More boos. The American Patriots stay in their locker room. The GWO and Young Jerks continue to pummel the Les Miserables. The paid protesters aggressively keep the fans from taking their seats. And the show was now ten minutes late in starting.
Finally, PCW Owner Dawn McGill strode out to the stage. Strangely enough, she didn’t look angry.
Dawn McGill: “Okay. You’ve made your point. Now, let’s allow our fans to sit down, let’s clear out the ringside area, and let’s get the show underway.”
Schumer takes the lead and says they’re not going anywhere and will filibuster all night long if that’s what it takes.
Professor McCarthy then speaks up.
Professor McCarthy: “I don’t think you understand, Miss McGill, so let me spell it out for you. You refused to remove Charlie Blackwell from commentating on the PCW show and allow him to use his platform as the alleged Heartland champion to spew forth. Tonight, we are shouting him down and we are shouting you down and all the unenlightened, ignorant people inside this arena who need us tell them what to think, what to believe, what to say.”
Professor McCarthy then told the fans ‘let this be a lesson that if you are unenlightened, especially those in ‘flyover country,’ red states and, counties all across the nation who aren’t as worldly as they are, either you throw their support towards those are intellectually superior- like them…they will be shouted down.
Dawn McGill: “Okay. I tried to play nice.”
She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. Suddenly, an endless line of police officers appeared and streamed down to the ring from every section of the arena.
Dawn McGill: “It’s clear that you have no respect whatsoever for our PCW fans. So, you can all have the rest of the night off. Officers…”
It’s chaos for the next few minutes as Professor McCarthy and his Flock are forcibly removed from ringside. Elizabeth Warren attempts to persist but she is led to the back. Chuck Schumer tries to filibuster and he’s taken back stage. Al Franken tries to make a couple crappy jokes and gets an armed escort to the back.
And then Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell lead American Patriots’s Kirk Walstreit, Texas Jack, Starz N. Stripes, and Magnum P.O.’d out and start taunting the Progressive Alliance. McGill immediately stops them.
Dawn McGill: “No, no. NO! You guys sat on your ass back in the dressing room while our fans were being disrespected. You can turn right back around and leave. You’re off tonight as well.”
Ryan protests but McGill points them to the back. After ringside is finally cleared, Dawn apologizes to the fans for what happened and for the delay in getting the show underway. She explains that the show will have to be revised with the ejection of both the Progressive Alliance and American Patriots for the night but promises to give the fans the show they want to see.
There was a ten bell salute to Jan Ross- former WWE announcer Jim Ross’s wife- who passed away earlier in the week due to a tragic accident.
The crowd popped when the Beer Bellied Softball Playing Ninja walked to the ring to their theme song (sung to the tune of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song):“Beer bellied softball playing ninja Beer bellied softball playing ninja Beer bellied softball playing ninja Heroes with a six pack- of beer SOFTBALL POWER!”
Their opponents- nerdy duck call decoy fabricators and master’s students The Dork Dynasty.
The Beer Bellied Softball Playing Ninja: Stan, Tiny, and Hank w/April O’Neale defeat The Dork Dynasty: Sheldon Robertson, Leonard Robertson, and (for one night only) Howard Robertson @ 20:01-Everyone had a chance to shine here. Even Howard Robertson (and his robotic arm) got a few shots in.
‘The Perpetual Hungry’ Couch Potato ambled to the ring and was greeted with a shower of Hostess Twinkees from the crowd a la the tradition of throwing streamers into the ring.  CP spent the first couple minutes scooping up the Twinkies.
Then Dick Van Damn came out to the reggae version of Pantera’s ‘Walk.’
E.J. Flack was next. He got on the microphone and said forget about ‘rowing the boat,’ sometimes in life, you have to face the big monster thingy. Sometimes in life, you have to take on something that’s bigger than you even if its huge tusks can shred you to bits in seconds…even if its jagged teeth can tear through you like a hot knife through warm butter. Sometimes when you’re climbing life’s mountain and come up against insurmountable odds, you have to…
Flack worked real hard to whip up his charges and get them battle ready. Would it work?
A-Bomb and H-Bomb defeat Couch Potato and Dick Van Damn w/Manager E. J. Flack @ 1:15 –No. Next.
It’s 1946 in the Scottish Highlands.
On the hill of Craigh na Dun, British nurse Blaire Rendell hears the tell-tale buzzing sound as she approaches the standing stones. This makes her very happy.
Blaire Rendell (Scottish accent): Soon, I’ll be back with my true love Jamie and I will be truly happy once again in eighteen century Scotland.
Blaire goes to the standing stones where the buzzing sound gets louder and louder. Soon she faints and falls to the ground. When she wakes up…
Blaire Rendell: JAMIE! JAMIE? JAM-AHHGH!
Voice (Canadian dialect): It’s about time you got here, eh?
…Blaire becomes aware that she’s on stage with Jack Fraiser.
Blaire Rendell: Son of a bitch. Not again.
Blaire looks disgusted by the whole situation.
Blaire Rendell: Oh…whatever. I need something to drink.
Fraiser reaches into his bag and hands her a Molson. Blaire rips the can out of his hand, opens it up, and chugs it.
Jack Fraiser with his Oootlander Blaire Rendell defeated Millennial Man w/Manager E.J. Flack @ 1:05-So, the good news is that the Millennial Man lasted more than a minute in his single’s match for the first time. The bad news is that the only reason he lasted that long was because Fraiser and Rendell got into a huge row before the match. There was more excitement watching Fraiser and Rendell argue with each other than in the entire match with Millennial Man.
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann SpeaksTo make the evening even worse, ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann made his way to the ring for a little ‘heart to heart’ talk with PCW.
Mr. McMann: “Dawn, I get it. You put your heart and soul into something and you don’t want to admit that it’s not working. Dawn, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have to say- this whole political wrestling thing is not working. Your ratings are tanking. Fans haven’t exactly rushed through the turnstiles- no matter how many tickets your ex-husband Ray McAvay buys and then gives away to fill the arena up. I know this much- people are tired of politics. No, let me rephrase that- people are fed up with politics.  I also know this- people love sports and people want to be entertained. More so, people want…that’s right…sports entertainment. Dawn, I know it’s hard to admit when your wrong and I know it’s hard to admit the truth…the cold, hard truth. But it’s possible. Why?”
The crowd gasps when ‘Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ Tessa Martin, Mr. McMann’s arch enemy in PCW going all the way back to 2006, walks downs to the ring wearing a flimsy t-shirt with ‘ASSIMILATED’ across the front of it. Tess climbs into the ring and much to the dismay of most of the crowd stands side by side with the Sports Entertainment Genius.
Then on the video screen, a match appears from 2008.
REPLAY: 5/19/08 PCW EXTREME POLITICAL TV MATCH #2 “Sports Entertainment Genius” MR. McMANN vs. “PCW Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl” TESSA MARTIN of the 3 Amigas w/Daisy Cutter-Bomb and Tequila SheilaMr. McMann smiles at Tessa. Tessa’s glare could bore through steel.
McMann: “Hey. You’re not still upset about the fact that I stalked you and later had you hypnotized on the old BCEW Cable show to make you do a striptease, are you?”
She raises her eyebrows at him.
McMann: “I’m just here to let bygones be bygones. Let’s just shake hands and start all over, okay?” Mr. McMann extends his hand. Tessa kicks him in the balls. Daisy Cutter-Bomb then tosses Tessa the oversized pizza box and she blasts Mr. McMann in the kisser with it.
Suave: “Nope. Guess not.”
She puts her foot on McMann’s chest and gets the pin.
WINNER: ‘PCW Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl’ TESSA MARTIN
Tessa turns and leaves Mr. McMann unconscious in the middle of the ring.
Suave: “Well, if that’s not a feel good moment, I don’t know what one is.”
Mr. McMann: “That’s right. Tessa Martin, once the heart and soul of the PCW women’s division, has finally seen the light and joined me. And if that’s not a feel good moment, I sure as hell don’t know what one either. Dawn, Tess has seen the errors of her ways…it’s time you see the error of yours too.”
McGill finally came out and told McMann that part of life is not giving up when times are bleak and things are going your way.
Dawn McGill: “I’m finding that the most important thing in life is not accepting failure but getting back up again and again and staring it down.”
McGill then stunned the PCW fans on hand by announcing the SEC’s opponent for tonight- PCW Hall of Famers The Drunken Luchadors: Dan and Don Martini. The Drunken Luchadors come out with their distinctive pre-match warm up, consisting of shotgunning down a bottle of Jack Daniels and breaking the bottle over their head.
Tess stays at ringside to watch with the SEC.
The Drunken Luchadors: Dan and Don Martini defeat A.J. Alabama and Stevie ‘War’ Eagles w/’Extreme Pizza Delivery Girl‘ Tessa Martin and ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann (Sports Entertainment Corporation) via DQ at 18:50-the crowd was red hot for PCW legends Dan and Don Martini. Midway through the match, Tess tosses in a couple of chairs and Alabama and Eagles each place one in front of a Martini. They attempt to finish off the Drunken Luchadors with a killer baseball slide drop kick! But both Martini brothers fall off the turnbuckle, flipping the chair up in the air into the face of both SEC members.
Finally, McMann directs Gator Bates, Butch Fullmer, and Tessa herself into the ring to cause of DQ and save the SEC the embarrassment of losing a match to a team who haven’t wrestled competitively in several years.
Next up…
*Spooky music begins followed by a funky beat*
(sung to ‘Ghostbusters’)If there’s something grazing In your neighborhood Who you gonna call (Goatbusters) If you see a herd And it don’t look good Who you gonna call (Goatbusters)
I ain’t afraid of no Goat I ain’t afraid of no Goat
If you’re seeing horns Running through your yard Who can you call (Goatbusters) If you have a goat Sleeping in your bed Oh, who you gonna call (Goatbusters)
I ain’t afraid of no Goat I ain’t afraid of no Goat
Who you gonna call (Goatbusters) If you’re all alone Pick up the phone And call (Goatbusters)
I ain’t afraid of no Goat I hear it likes the girls I ain’t afraid of no Goat Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Who you gonna call (Goatbusters) If you’ve had a dose Of a freaky Goat Maybe you’d better call (Goatbusters)
Let me tell you something Bustin’ makes me feel good
I ain’t afraid of no Goat I ain’t afraid of no Goat
Average Joe and Brad Company defeat The Goatbusters: Ray Scantz and Peter Jenkman with Ergon @ 11:20-Average Joe in the ring and hits charging corner uppercuts. Scantz fires back and then Jenkman climbed in and tried to Cross the Stream but Average Joe fought back. Half nelson suplex connects by Average Joe for a close 2. He sets Scantz up top and cracks him in the jaw with an overhand right. Company tags in. Company with a head butt. Company with the back kick and then a big boot. He finishes Scantz off with a hammerlock DDT and that’s all.
Ken Worth-American Trucker and ‘No Frills’ Chris Escondido (Les Miserables) vs. Bi-Partisan Dream Team: Blue Dog D (Progressive Alliance) and RINO-The Wonk Machine (American Patriots)- 15 minute time limit draw – …Blue Dog D sent to the floor. RINO isolated. Worth and Escondido double team and score a near fall. Worth missed a cannonball and RINO made the hot tag to Blue Dog D who ran wild and sent Escondido to the floor and hit Worth with the Electric Chair facebuster for 2. Blue Dog D sent Worth out of the ring and then missed a cannonball to the floor. Time ran out before the wrestlers could get back in. Entertaining match.
The crowd went nuts when…
A man dressed in an expensive suit and bow-tie walks to the ring and climbs in. he motions for Kimber Marshall to take a temporary powder while he’s been given the honor and privilege of introducing a living deity. The announcer guy then hushes the crowd.
Announcer Guy (in a voice not unlike Michael Buffer): Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you the almost universally-worshipped king of the sun gods of all creation. He commands the chariot that rode across the sky during the day. He is the great, fiery globe in the sky, a welcome, nurturing presence to honor the season. He is the inspiration for those who would throw virgins into the gaping maw of a volcano – perhaps an Icelandic volcano – even though such shenanigans haven’t been acceptable since the 1950s. And just for your reference, he is, for 32 years in a row, proven to be one of UC San Diego‘s most enduring traditions in the Sun God festival- an all-day music festival celebrated by more than 20,000 students, alumni and friends. But that’s not important.
The lights turn off and a small spotlight illuminates the stage. First out, a group of Arizona State sorority sisters walk out taking selfies of themselves on their cell phones and then texting them onto their twitter accounts. Next, two men follow carrying a golden sedan chair holding a six foot seven inch, two hundred and eighty pound man dressed in long flowing robes to the ring. Rah’s minions Bob Nye- Foot Fetish Guy, former children’s show host Happy Mango, former pro wrestler Baron Von Munchke- master of the claw hold, and some guy dressed as Captain Obvious follow.
Announcer Guy: Either way, you should thank your lucky stars and kiss his royal ass for gracing you with his presence here tonight. I give to you…the Sunshine God…RAAAAAAAAH!
The procession winds its way to the ring. The camera pans over to the sorority sisters. They continue to make obnoxious faces, like the duck face expression among others, and take multiple selfies. The procession stops at the ring steps and Rah climbs out of his golden sedan chair. He takes in the acclamation from the crowd and climbs into the ring.
Tanaka came out next, rolling his eyes at Rah’s antics.
“Do You Hear the People Sing?” from the Les Miserables Musical plays and ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay and Charlie Blackwell lead the Les Miserables to the ring.
MAIN EVENT: Rah! and Yamamoto Tanaka defeat ‘Red Solo Plastic Cup’ Ray McAvay and Heartland Champion Charlie Blackwell @ 14:29-Tanaka did the heavy work. Rah got in a few fun moments. McAvay whacked Rah with the Big Bertha Driver and Blackwell had Tanaka in the Katahajime but the Japanese SuperDestroyer grabbed the bottom rope to break the hold. In the end, Tanaka hit the SuperDestroyer on McAvay to gain the win.
Tonight’s TV TapingPCW tapes the next Extreme Political TV tonight in Queens, New York.   It will be interesting to see what transpires when Professor McCarthy, the Progressive Alliance, and the American Patriots are allowed back into the building.
The Progressive Alliance are doubling down on their ‘fight back’ to Donald Trump’s ascension to PCW CEO and blood war against the American Patriots and Professor McCarthy has upped the ante in his crusade to rid PCW of political incorrectness.
The American Patriots are in flux and divided. They couldn’t come to any consensus in Poughkeepsie on how to respond to the Progressive Alliance attack. Paul Ryan couldn’t rally the troops to come out and come to the PCW fans defense. Kirk Walstreit is more interested in asking random questions to an old Ronald Reagan mask than he seems to be challenging for the PCW title.
How will all of this mix together? We’ll find out on the next edition of PCW Extreme Political TV.
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