#terfs do not touch
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ichverdurstehier · 3 months
A terrifying article from 2018. Based on the rise of porn, I am sure it has only gotten worse
Ever since I learned about mental disabilities, this possibility has occured to me, because I have severe pessimism.
But is it really pessimism if it's a realistic fear to have?
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amateur-art-critic · 8 months
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"queer afabs" aren't victims of TERFs, huh?
So we're just gonna ignore how "queer afabs" are demonized for being too feminine, demonized for being too masculine, infantilized if we're trans, treated like we have hysteria if we're trans, told we're mutilating our bodies when getting gender affirming surgery, mocked if we look like "queer-eotypes" (blue hair and pronouns etc.)-- (I could go on but I think you get the gist.)?
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sweaty-confetti · 10 months
more support for detransitioners. understanding gender affirming care regrets is beneficial to all of us. it’s very easy for us trans people (including myself, i am not some perfect unbiased guy) to assume that all detransitioners are TERFs or transphobes but this is simply not true and also a self fulfilling prophecy.  
detransition is just as isolating of an experience as transition and in queer circles can be more so due to the knee-jerk reaction of many queer people to assume that detransitioners hate trans people or think that gender affirming care should be banned. thus they are shunned. but by assuming this, we inadvertently cause this to happen. there will always be detransitioners and we need to make room for them especially considering many/most are queer or still have a complex relationship with gender, not to mention that our community is built upon acceptance.
when trans and queer people shun detransitioners in fear that they’re terfs of transphobes, it offers an easy oppurtunity for terfs and transphobes to go, “those awful trans people, they’re small minded and then shun you. come join our ranks and we will liberate you from Gender Ideology™” and this hurts all of us.
it is not out of the question that detransitioners can be transphobic, but immediately assuming that they are harms queer people and other detransitioners. it’s an easy reaction and a mistake that i have worked hard to stop making, and i do not think it is an entirely unfair guess to make - but here is the important part - with reason. meeting someone who has detransitioned and immediately assuming that they are transphobic is dangerous. however obviously if they start spouting questionable conservative/transphobic nonsense that is a normal thing to assume. 
terfs/transphobes use detransitioners as a tool to blame the trans community, and many of us fall for it. in turn we use detransitioners as a tool to blame transphobes. the cycle needs to stop. 
TERFS, transphobes, etc. do not interact with this post. this is not a discourse post nor are you not welcome here. you will be blocked.
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alec-1016 · 10 months
what is it with pinterest witches and dividing everything into feminine and masculine energy???
and making every symbol into a metaphor for the womb(sic) as the ultimate creator of life like....
do they think only cishet women are witches???
sincerely, a tired trans bisexual witch
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namemycat · 7 months
I think it's so sexist that girls can't get a boner or jack off #equality #feminism
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heyftinally · 3 months
Actually I'm sick of "being a woman means pain/performing for society/dealing with semester bullshit/etc" rhetoric.
Reblog and add your positive experiences that you personally think define womanhood. Let's define it based on the good, not the bad.
I'll go first:
Womanhood is when I look in the mirror in my funky little outfit with my obnoxiously sparkly makeup done, realize I look nothing like the models in magazines, and think "Nice! I look cute as FUCK!" and go about my day feeling like a badass bitch because I am one.
This post is transwomen-inclusive, affirming, and loving.
terfs will not be treated with kindness or respect.
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theforesteldritch · 2 years
Hello from your local intersex person. Don’t say I have a DSD. I am intersex. My sex and the way my body works is not disordered. I have certain sex traits that would be considered male, and others female. I am intersex. If we need to get specific I have CAIS. But not a DSD because my CAIS just is the way it is. Not good, not bad. And not a disorder.
No, I’m not ‘disabled male’ as some terfs like to call us (I am disabled, but not due to my being intersex). And no, I’m not a disordered female either. I am a bit of both male and female. And to try to erase that not only is wrong, but it is actually dangerous, especially medically. Dancing around the fact that I am intersex ignores my specific health needs.
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
“We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online."
Many Palestinian women and children have been brutally tortured and humiliated by Isr*el. Where are the feminists? If you're a real feminist, you should be furious.
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thedepressedweasel · 24 days
Women can be just as violent, abusive and murderous as men can be and whoever says that a woman would never hurt/abuse/kill anybody is a complete misogynist and a TERF.
Let that sink in.
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cormancatacombs · 4 months
The nonbinary version of ‘she breasted boobily’ should be ‘they themmed thusly’
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transitioningpirate · 6 months
let's try making a pinned post! hi, you can call me tulio :3
i'm a man, i use he/him exclusively, i'm 18 and brasilian (nordeste, specifically), and i'm a psychology student - which is why i might not be Too Active, college and work take a lot of my time, but i'll be around, promise!
i was forced out of the closet in june of 2018. i came out again in my own terms in 2022 and in july of 2023 i legally changed my name and sex. in october 3, also 2023, i took my first T shot. i don't use labels when it comes to my sexuality, but i do tend to have a preference for t4t and non-romantic relationships. i'm a binary trans man.
this is a sideblog created in october 18 (my main is @transexualpirate) dedicated to my transition - especially the medical side of it since it's something i've dreamed about for so long. it'll be focused on positivity and trans joy, but i do hope to spread some useful informations for other people transitioning (feel free to ask anything, alright?)
if i do or say something that offends you or someone you know, you can just tell me. i'm always trying to learn and be a better person. i want my blog to be a safe and comfortable space that people feel welcome in! feel free to send asks or reblog anything. we're spreading trans joy.
having said that, this blog is not and will never be safe for deliberately harmful ideologies. in other words: nazis, terfs, bolsonaristas, trump followers and other assorted groups of assholes, stay the fuck away, please. this isn't for you. this will never be for you.
this blog is about trans joy and resistance.
if you don't like that, it's fine. leave. if you wanna stay, welcome :D
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7thedisasterdyke · 1 year
Hi everyone, I am proudly queer and trans af
Yes I am the faggot, America
Can’t believe I’m out here happy as a passing trans woman in the US of A
Mad? Stay that way motherfuckers, I’m ON TOP OF THE FUCKING WORLD
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sweaty-confetti · 9 months
trans people and feminists are not enemies
trans people and feminists are not enemies trans people and feminists are not enemies
trans people and feminists are not enemies
trans people and feminists are not enemies
trans people and feminists are not enemies
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amateur-art-critic · 1 year
These are the TRUTHS I abide by on this blog. Surrender to these TRUTHS or be forever silenced.
I oppose gender critical ideology; It is a deeply unempathethic and fascist movement that needs to be uprooted. It is bioessentialist and gender essentialist, contradicting it's own self-proclaimed values while also appropriating feminism.
I oppose transmedicalism; Gatekeeping who is trans or not and playing assimilation politics doesn't help anyone. You will still be a target, you are just seen as the lesser evil for now.
I believe in transandrophobia; Trans men and transmascs face their own form of discrimination and they should be allowed to have a word for it so it can more easily be discussed. It does not mean they are denying the existence of transmisogyny.
I believe that asexuals and aromantics are queer; I will not tolerate aphobia. Asexuals and aromantics face just as much scrutiny as other queer identities.
I am pro sex work; Sex workers should be protected and sex work should be recognised as actual work. I dislike the Nordic model for this reason, as it treats all sex work as exploitative and all sex workers as victims. It should be legal under regulations.
My name is Artie and I am an Avicularia Purpurea (Purple Pinktoe Tarantula). It's been 20+ years since I spawned on this Earth and I am from a Nordic country.
I think of my gender as "Shrödinger's Woman": I was born female, but TERFs have repeatedly assigned me as male when I oppose them even though it says I am female in my bio. Hence, Shrödinger's Woman. I might be female, I might be male, you won't know until you examine my chromosomes.
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heyftinally · 2 months
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