#tell me otherwise the systar is good..
tlmismyfanjam · 5 years
TLM Fandom Dying?!
what can you do to help?
well, look at other fandoms and see what keeps their fandom running! make it healthy! I rather not open up ones for those who like nsfw thankss
think of creative AU ideas - the more dialogue you give to them, the more life they get and you’ll have more room to build plots as you go along!
roleplay blog - you go as one, or more (like me) character or characters and put them on a journey of episodes, any genre (like drama) can happen
musical - just don’t end up like trolls, end up into [fandom mention]: the musical like how Man on the Internet gathered a lot of people and had them all collab the OST (Official SoundTrack, for example Mark Mothersbaugh did TLM music for us) into beautiful arranged music with lyrics!
misheard lip syncs - Mute the movie and record yourself saying something they didn’t say in the movie (stealing another character’s quote counts)
take a character thats always popular, make alt. versions of them, gather them around and have them host a party that will soon go not-so-bad! - someone on the [same fandom mention] did this 4 years ago! they took their favorite character, generated many alt. versions of that character with unique personalities and fresh character development, and spawned them all on a party where things don’t have to go wrong! In case you think this is stealing that someone’s idea, that’s why I said you can change the party’s theme so it doesn’t look the same! the only thing that will make that someone mad is if you copy the dialogues and poses they used in their comic, and thats super not good! :)
COMIC DUB STORY DUB VOICE DUB - voice act a series of TLM fanart, fanfic, ask accs, rp accs, it can be anything to show love for the fandom!
fangame?! - there should be LEGO fans out there who know TLM and could make a fangame out of it! who knows, it might be better than the videogame we have.
okay, now the ideas that can be made BUT may cause negative drama, hate, reports, blocks, and death threats... stay safe please, dont risk these unless you have a passion for tlm x [fandom] (I have many passions, would you like me to show you?! 8) ) . make sure the characters from separated worlds (crossover is like two shows, one story. bricksburg x systar system = syspocalypsestar) are friendship in a spaceship otherwise there will be worse problems
crossover - sometimes i find people who love crossovers and there isnt hate and sometimes i find people who love crossovers but theres a bunch of hate. this is why i only post crossovers on my main blog cause i dont want drama here. i can only post crossovers for those who ask and then post my own ideas on a separate blog. so if a TLM character meets [character from another interest] in their own world or their world by walking into a portal, will you get hate? will you get respect? well, dont let it stop you. post what you love and show ‘em how its done.
fusion - there are people out there that can claim these a “monstrosity”, “atrocious”, “abomination”. dont they even know its fictional? they’re not real, it wont hurt them and its only a interpretation how the artists would see two characters when fused. yet, theres still sensitive ppl out there who calls fusion “cursed images” (end cringe culture for the love of awesome)
HEALTHY ships - this can also go with crossovers. lets say, [character from horror movie] x [character from rpg game]. they would love going to the movies together, however, they aren’t meant to be together and only claimed to be together from a fan. the fan is to do whatever they want with their ship because there are endless possibilities they could plan for their ship. they even like the same food they dont even claim to eat in canon, because the fan says they revealed them liking that food in an rp post they did when the two characters sat together on a dinner table and one had to tell the other a story before they would eat, Lady and the Tramp style. now the two characters eat that food every dinner, causing anger from other fans who yell that they shouldn’t be in this world. the fan didn’t listen to them, because they love to pair their characters, no matter what anyone says.
This is all I have, call it a first batch! Boost this so we can save the fandom! Now “GO GO GO”!
Feedback is appreciated, but message me if you’re going to mention a fandom in your feedback, thanky !
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takerfoxx · 5 years
So...I saw the Lego Movie 2 recently. And it’s...been kind of on my mind ever since.
See, there’s something in it that really, really bothers me, but like my issue with Deadpool 2 it seems to be something that only bothers me as I haven’t really seen anyone else mention it, but it just so happens to be my biggest personal pet peeve so whenever I see it happen it bugs me even more.
But to talk about it, I kinda need to go waaaaaaaay into spoilers. As if in, talk about every plot twist in the whole damn movie. So before I get into that, let’s just get this out of the way.
Is the movie good? Hell yeah. Actually, it’s kind of great. 
The animation? Just as awesome as ever. I mean, it doesn’t have that fresh smell that the first one did, but c’mon. We’re four movies into this franchise. And it still is pretty spectacular. There’s one character who does this cool shapeshifting thing, and what they do with her is just insane.
The writing? Just as sharp as ever. Phil Lord and Chris Miller should be in charge of all the projects, and the mix of comedy, fourth wall leaning, character moments, drama, and a gazillion pop culture references is as great as ever, and I found something to make me laugh out loud every few minutes.
The songs? There’s more of them, enough for it to qualify as a proper musical, and they’re insanely catchy. I mean, one of them is literally titled, “This Song’s Going to Get Stuck Inside Your Head!” And I’ve been singing one or another under my breath for the last couple days.
The message? Pretty damn good! They revisit the themes from the first film but with a fresh spin on them to say something pretty relevant to young LEGO fans, and the way the connect what’s going on the real world and what’s going on in the LEGO world is insanely creative.
Unfortunately, there is what I feel is a major misstep in conveying that message, and to talk about I need to go into super spoilers. So this is your last chance to bow out if you haven’t seen the movie yet, because under the cut I’m going to be giving away EVERYTHING! 
Okay, ready? 
Here goes.
Okay, so the main conceit going on here is that we pick up pretty much where the last movie left off, with Will Ferrell’s character loosening up and letting his son play with his LEGO world, and inviting the little sister to play too. At first the brother is welcoming, but quickly grows frustrated when his sister won’t play “the right way” and keeps sneaking in to steal the bricks he’s using for his (admittedly really cool) post-apocalyptic setup to make her own LEGO world, as well as take his figurines and whatnot. Things come to a head when she takes five of his favorite characters (specifically Wyldstyle, Batman, Benny, Metalbeard, and Uni-Kitty), cover them with colorful paint, and stage a wedding between the queen of her world and Batman. He snaps and crushes her wedding set, which sets off a fight, which causes their mom to burst in, get frustrated with their constant bickering, and make them put ALL of their LEGO creations away in bins. This causes them to regret how they’ve treated one another, make up, and take the LEGO’s back out and start playing together.
This is translated to the meeting between the gang from the first movie and the DUPLO aliens going south pretty quickly, and Brickburg finding itself under constant invasion from the Systar System (ha ha ha), which leaves the city in ruins as the Systarians steal anything bright and colorful, forcing them to create their Mad Max-esque society. At one point they send of their greatest heroes of the Justice League (because apparently Marvel won’t return their calls), but they never return.
Then the Systarians invade again and kidnap their leaders, the aforementioned main supporting characters, motivating Emmett to go out to save them. It’s revealed that this was set up by the Systarian Queen, who wants to marry Batman, claiming that it’s to bring their two people together but it’s implied that the marriage will set off Ourmamageddon (ha ha ha), so Emmett teams up with a super-cool badass named Rex Dangerfield and his crew of raptors to stop the wedding and save the day!
Anyway, there’s this whole hubbub about everyone but Wyldstyle seeming to get brainwashed by the Systarians through bribes and really catchy music, it’s shown that the reason that the Justice League never came home is because they got brainwashed too and joined the aliens, the Queen convinced Batman to marry her with one song, and things look dire.
However, it’s revealed that it’s a whole great big misunderstanding. The Systarians were never really hostile but merely misinterpreted the gang’s behavior and didn’t understand how they were hurting them. And the whole wedding thing was a genuine attempt to make peace, and all those gifts and whatnot were sincere. So much like the brother and sister need to work out their differences and start getting along, the two LEGO societies also need to come to an understanding and work together to escape from...whatever the LEGO bins represent in their world.
Okay, all well and good. Nice message, and creative way of telling it. 
Except there’s never any sort of realization on the Systarians’ part about how much damage they had done to Brickburg and its residents.
Except that they did legit kidnap all of Emmett’s friends. 
Except they did kinda sorta brainwash both the Justice League and Lucy’s companions. I’m sorry, but they did!
Except the queen did prey upon Batman’s insecurities to manipulate him into marrying her. I know they did the whole thing where they actually did click as a couple and were really happy together after, but c’mon, she totally did!
And all this...is just let go. While the heroes have their big horrible realization (symbolizing how the brother realized how he had pushed his sister away and was being pretty mean to her), the inverse never happens. The Systarians never have their own epiphany, despite being portrayed as the invaders. And I’m sorry, but that’s a big problem! Misunderstandings go both ways, and just as the brother needed to learn to treat his sister better, she needed to learn that taking her brother’s toys and forcibly changing them isn’t cool. Furthermore, it would have been so easy to pull this off too! Just stick a few seconds where like General Mayhem has a “Oh my God, was this what it was like for you?” after her world is destroyed and they’re all in the bin together. Like, so having their world destroyed is just the worst thing ever, but when you do it it’s okay? Just...acknowledge it, okay? Have them realize it. It wouldn’t have taken long.
Okay, so maybe I don’t know how to better work the whole Batman thing, but the other stuff still stands. 
And yeah, I know this isn’t something that other people consider a problem, but like I said, it’s my pet peeve, and every time I see it it just bugs me more.
Also, the whole wrapping up the Rex Dangerfield could have been handled better. Yeah, what he was doing was terrible, but he had a really good reason for feeling the way he did and that should’ve been addressed, so yeah.
And WTF Justice League? Okay, so you find out that the Systar System is awesome and you decided to stay, but did it never occur to you to go back and try to smooth things over with your friends? Become ambassadors? Bring the two systems together? No? You’re just gonna stick to your Stepford Wives/Wrinkle in Time neighborhood and let everyone you cared about continued to suffer in Post-Apocalypticburg? Okay then.
I think that’s everything. 
So...that’s my little rant about an otherwise really good kid’s movie. Hopefully now that I’ve gotten it off my chest I can go back to liking it without that asterisk hanging over it.
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